Cognitive Buildings: New Technologies to Make Tall Buildings Smarter Derek Fu, Technology Business Development Executive, IBM

CTBUH 2016 Session 6E IBM - Cognitive Buildings: New

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Cognitive Buildings:

New Technologies to MakeTall Buildings Smarter

Derek Fu,Technology Business Development Executive, IBM

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IBM Watson Internet of Thingshttp://ibm.com/internet-of-things/iot-industry/iot-buildings/

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10 ways that cognition isshaping the future of smartbuildings

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IBM Watson Internet of Thingshttp://ibm.com/internet-of-things/iot-industry/iot-buildings/

© Council on Tall Buildings

and Urban Habitat

Page 3: CTBUH 2016 Session 6E IBM - Cognitive Buildings: New

of the total cost of a building over it’s lifespan.*

For building owners,operations represent71%

Source: The Builder’s Association, Total Cost of Ownership

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IBM Watson Internet of Thingshttp://ibm.com/internet-of-things/iot-industry/iot-buildings/

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1/3of all commercial building space

goes unused.*

Yet, approximately

Source: The Economy of Things: Extracting new value from the Internet of Things

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IBM Watson Internet of Thingshttp://ibm.com/internet-of-things/iot-industry/iot-buildings/

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Technology is driving change in the waypeople use buildings.

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IBM Watson Internet of Thingshttp://ibm.com/internet-of-things/iot-industry/iot-buildings/

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What if your buildings couldflexibly adapt to that change?

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IBM Watson Internet of Thingshttp://ibm.com/internet-of-things/iot-industry/iot-buildings/

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The Internet of Things, powered bycognitive computing, can help youtap new sources of data to solve amultitude of business challenges.

Here are 10 ideas to get you started.

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Learn from energy use patterns andrecommend ways to improve energymanagement.

Reduce CO2 emissions, conserveelectricity and save money by onlyusing building systems when needed.

#1 - Energy Use

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#2 - Security and Safety

Use video and image analytics at access controlpoints to improve tenant safety. Quickly identifywho should be admitted to a building or spotunusual behavior and prevent security threats.

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IBM Watson Internet of Thingshttp://ibm.com/internet-of-things/iot-industry/iot-buildings/

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#3 - Space Optimization

Analyze patterns in peoplemovement with data fedfrom presence sensors toimprove space utilization.

Redesign your retail displaysbased on optimal trafficpatterns.

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#4 - Personalization

Directly interact with buildingsystems through voice commands.

Get directions to a meeting room,adjust the temperature in youroffice, or find out what’s beingserved in the cafeteria.

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Use text analytics toquickly compare andanalyze lease termsacross a portfolio ofbuildings.

#5 - Lease Management

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#6 - Building Maintenance

Run diagnostics on sensor data frombuilding systems through a naturallanguage interface.

Through voice commands, send alerts tomaintenance so you can intervene beforesystems go down or supplies run out.

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IBM Watson Internet of Thingshttp://ibm.com/internet-of-things/iot-industry/iot-buildings/

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#7 - Construction Mgt

Increase the sophistication ofyour building informationmodeling. Cognitivecapabilities understand whendesign conflicts arise andproactively makerecommendations for how toresolve them.

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#8 - New Leasing Models

Digitally manage and share realestate assets and monetize in new ways.For example, rent office space by the hour or pricedynamically based on demand and utilization.

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#9 - Health and Well-BeingUnderstand how changes in ambientlighting affect the behavior and wellbeing of building occupants.

Adjust light levels and hues to maximizeworker productivity or help hospitalpatients heal faster.

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IBM Watson Internet of Thingshttp://ibm.com/internet-of-things/iot-industry/iot-buildings/

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Share data across a portfolioof buildings, which can

proactively learn from andadopt the best practices of

other buildings in theirecosystem.

#10 - Inter-BuildingCommunication

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IBM Watson Internet of Thingshttp://ibm.com/internet-of-things/iot-industry/iot-buildings/

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Data from buildings, combined with traffic,weather and utility data, can be used to learnfrom and predict patterns in cities, such as trafficjams or energy shortages.

Cognitive IoT has the potential to transform howwe think about buildings, cities -- and beyond.

It takes an ecosystem.

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IBM Watson Internet of Thingshttp://ibm.com/internet-of-things/iot-industry/iot-buildings/

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How can you unlock the fullpotential of your buildings?

Visit ibm.com/internet-of-things/iot-industry/iot-buildings/ to learn more.

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IBM Watson Internet of Thingshttp://ibm.com/internet-of-things/iot-industry/iot-buildings/

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IBM Watson Internet of Thingshttp://ibm.com/internet-of-things/iot-industry/iot-buildings/

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