1 CURRICULUM VITAE Date personale Nume: POPESCU Prenume: ELVIRA Data nașterii: 20 aprilie 1981 E-mail: [email protected] Pagina web: http://software.ucv.ro/~epopescu Studii Sep. 1996 Iun. 2000: studii liceale la Colegiul Național "Carol I" (profil matematică-fizică, bilingv engleză), Craiova (Diplomă de Bacalaureat) Oct. 2000 Iun. 2005: studii universitare la Facultatea de Automatică, Calculatoare și Electronică, Universitatea din Craiova (Diplomă de Inginer, profilul: Ingineria Sistemelor și Calculatoarelor, specializarea: Calculatoare - în limba engleză, direcția de aprofundare: Software) Diplomă de Excelență acordată de Senatul Universității din Craiova pentru rezultate deosebite obținute în timpul studiilor (media generală 10) și absolvirea ca șefă de promoție Certificat de absolvire a Departamentului pentru Pregătirea Personalului Didactic Oct. 2005 Iun. 2007: studii de master la Facultatea de Automatică, Calculatoare și Electronică, Universitatea din Craiova (Diplomă de Master, profilul: Ingineria Sistemelor și Calculatoarelor, specializarea: Inginerie Software) Oct. 2005 Nov. 2008: studii doctorale în cotutelă - Universitatea din Craiova și Université de Technologie de Compiègne, Franța (Diplomă de Doctor conferită de Universitatea din Craiova - ianuarie 2009 și respectiv Université de Technologie de Compiègne martie 2009) Școli de vară / workshopuri EIAH 2007 a 5-a Școală Tematică în domeniul e-learning (“5ème École Thématique du CNRS sur les EIAH - Personnalisation des EIAH”), 7-12 iul. 2007, Saint Quentin sur Isère, Franța Linux Power User Workshop, organizat de IBM România, 2-6 nov. 2009, Craiova Technical English Program Workshop, organizat de IEEE Educational Activities, 2-4 oct. 2009, Sankt Petersburg, Rusia LASI 2013 - Learning Analytics Summer Institute, 1-5 iul. 2013, Stanford University, SUA Experiență profesională Oct. 2005 feb. 2008 Preparator la Universitatea din Craiova, Facultatea de Automatică, Calculatoare și Electronică, Catedra de Inginerie Software Mar. 2008 sep. 2009 Asistent la Universitatea din Craiova, Facultatea de Automatică, Calculatoare și Electronică, Catedra de Inginerie Software Oct. 2009 sep. 2013 Șef de lucrări la Universitatea din Craiova, Facultatea de Automatică, Calculatoare și Electronică, Departamentul de Calculatoare și Tehnologia Informației Oct. 2013 - prezent Conferențiar la Universitatea din Craiova, Facultatea de Automatică, Calculatoare și Electronică, Departamentul de Calculatoare și Tehnologia Informației În această perioadă am susținut cursuri (și aplicații) la următoarele discipline: Web applications' design / Proiectarea aplicațiilor Web Tehnologii multimedia în e-learning

CURRICULUM VITAE - Universitatea din Craiova · Linux Power User Workshop, ... precum și activități de laborator/proiect/seminar la următoarele ... (14th IEEE International Conference

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Page 1: CURRICULUM VITAE - Universitatea din Craiova · Linux Power User Workshop, ... precum și activități de laborator/proiect/seminar la următoarele ... (14th IEEE International Conference



Date personale


Prenume: ELVIRA

Data nașterii: 20 aprilie 1981

E-mail: [email protected]

Pagina web: http://software.ucv.ro/~epopescu


Sep. 1996 – Iun. 2000: studii liceale la Colegiul Național "Carol I" (profil matematică-fizică, bilingv

engleză), Craiova (Diplomă de Bacalaureat)

Oct. 2000 – Iun. 2005: studii universitare la Facultatea de Automatică, Calculatoare și Electronică,

Universitatea din Craiova (Diplomă de Inginer, profilul: Ingineria Sistemelor și Calculatoarelor,

specializarea: Calculatoare - în limba engleză, direcția de aprofundare: Software)

Diplomă de Excelență acordată de Senatul Universității din Craiova pentru rezultate

deosebite obținute în timpul studiilor (media generală 10) și absolvirea ca șefă de


Certificat de absolvire a Departamentului pentru Pregătirea Personalului Didactic

Oct. 2005 – Iun. 2007: studii de master la Facultatea de Automatică, Calculatoare și Electronică,

Universitatea din Craiova (Diplomă de Master, profilul: Ingineria Sistemelor și Calculatoarelor,

specializarea: Inginerie Software)

Oct. 2005 – Nov. 2008: studii doctorale în cotutelă - Universitatea din Craiova și Université de

Technologie de Compiègne, Franța (Diplomă de Doctor conferită de Universitatea din Craiova -

ianuarie 2009 și respectiv Université de Technologie de Compiègne – martie 2009)

Școli de vară / workshopuri

EIAH 2007 – a 5-a Școală Tematică în domeniul e-learning (“5ème École Thématique du CNRS sur

les EIAH - Personnalisation des EIAH”), 7-12 iul. 2007, Saint Quentin sur Isère, Franța

Linux Power User Workshop, organizat de IBM România, 2-6 nov. 2009, Craiova

Technical English Program Workshop, organizat de IEEE Educational Activities, 2-4 oct. 2009, Sankt

Petersburg, Rusia

LASI 2013 - Learning Analytics Summer Institute, 1-5 iul. 2013, Stanford University, SUA

Experiență profesională

Oct. 2005 – feb. 2008 – Preparator la Universitatea din Craiova, Facultatea de Automatică,

Calculatoare și Electronică, Catedra de Inginerie Software

Mar. 2008 – sep. 2009 – Asistent la Universitatea din Craiova, Facultatea de Automatică, Calculatoare

și Electronică, Catedra de Inginerie Software

Oct. 2009 – sep. 2013 – Șef de lucrări la Universitatea din Craiova, Facultatea de Automatică,

Calculatoare și Electronică, Departamentul de Calculatoare și Tehnologia Informației

Oct. 2013 - prezent – Conferențiar la Universitatea din Craiova, Facultatea de Automatică,

Calculatoare și Electronică, Departamentul de Calculatoare și Tehnologia Informației

În această perioadă am susținut cursuri (și aplicații) la următoarele discipline:

Web applications' design / Proiectarea aplicațiilor Web

Tehnologii multimedia în e-learning

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Knowledge and semantics-based systems / Semantic systems

Social Interaction and Collaboration Systems

Tehnologii pentru servicii Web / Ingineria aplicațiilor Web

Didactica specialității

precum și activități de laborator/proiect/seminar la următoarele discipline:

Inteligență artificială / Artificial intelligence

Dezvoltarea aplicațiilor distribuite în rețele / Distributed network application development

Comerț electronic / Electronic commerce

Medii de programare vizuală / Visual programming environments

Publicații - conform listei de lucrări atașate:

1 teză de doctorat

2 cărți de autor publicate în edituri naționale

4 capitole în cărți publicate în edituri internaționale

9 cărți editate publicate în edituri internaționale

14 articole publicate în reviste de specialitate

71 articole publicate în volume ale conferințelor internaționale de specialitate

Au fost identificate peste 800 de citări ale acestor lucrări, conform Google Scholar

(https://scholar.google.ro/citations?hl=en&user=SRNOnuMAAAAJ) (h-index: 15).

Prezentări invitate

Fostering Collaborative Learning with Social Media Tools, 5th Hellenic Scientific Conference

«Integrating ICT in Education» - ETPE 2017, 21-23 apr. 2017, Atena, Grecia

Peer Evaluation Approaches in a Social Learning Environment, workshop PRASAE - ICWL & SETE

2016, 26-29 oct. 2016, Roma, Italia

Participare panel Initiatives of e-learning in the era of big data: opportunities, challenges and future

directions, ICWL 2017 (16th International Conference on Web-based Learning), 20-22 sep. 2017,

Cape Town, Africa de Sud

Granturi de cercetare

Director de proiect

Platformă pentru învăţare colaborativă bazată pe instrumente social media: aspecte de analiză a

datelor, grant CNCS - UEFISCDI tip TE, cod PN-II-RU-TE-2014-4-2604, durata: 2 ani (oct. 2015 -

sep. 2017)

Studiul, proiectarea și implementarea unui sistem web adaptiv inteligent pentru e-learning, grant

CNCSIS TD 167/2007, durata: 2 ani (2007-2008)

Tehnologii și instrumente Web 2.0 pentru învățare colaborativă, grant de cercetare avansată acordat

de Universitatea din Craiova, nr. 15C/2014, durata: 1 an (2014)

Membru în echipa de cercetare

Early Mastery. 21th century literacy - Learn2Code & Code2Learn. How to playfully motivate school

kids to master computer programming, program Erasmus+, cod: 2014-1-ES01-KA201-004462,

durata: 2014-2016, director grant: Xavier Cufí

A Web-based E-Training Platform for Extended Human Motion Investigation in Orthopedics

(ORTHO-eMAN), LLP - Leonardo da Vinci - Transfer of Innovation, 2011-1-RO1-LEO05-15321,

durata: 2 ani (2012-2013), director proiect: Dorin Popescu

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C-Facile, UNIT grant (Université Thématique Numérique Ingénierie et Technologie, Franta), cod

2008-01, nr. 281/24.04.2009, durata: 1 an (2009), director grant: Jean-Paul Boufflet (Université de

Technologie de Compiègne, Franța) (responsabil grant pentru Universitatea din Craiova)

AlgoBank, UNIT grant (Université Thématique Numérique Ingénierie et Technologie, France), cod

2008-02, nr. 282/24.04.2009, durata: 1 an (2009), director grant: Philippe Trigano (Université de

Technologie de Compiègne, Franța)

eDalgo - eDidactique de l'Algorithmique. Support interactif de cours pour l'apprentissage autonome

de l'algorithmique et de la programmation, Proiect de cooperare științifică interuniversitară, ref.

6316PS635, finanțat de AUF (l'Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie), durata: 2 ani (2006-2007),

responsabil proiect: Costin Bădică

Tehnici de data mining utilizate în sistemele web inteligente de e-learning, grant de cercetare avansată

acordat de Universitatea din Craiova, nr. 16C/2014, durata: 1 an (2014), director grant: Anca


SCIPA: Servicii software semantice de Colaborare și Interoperabilitate pentru realizarea Proceselor

Adaptive de business - Parteneriate în domeniile prioritare, programul 4, cod 12118, durata: 3 ani

(2008-2011), director partener UCV: Costin Bădică

Stabilitate și oscilații în dinamica sistemelor om-mașină, grant IDEI 95/01.10.2007, durata: 2 ani

(2007 – 2008), director grant: Vladimir Răsvan

Sisteme de recomandare Web adaptive care utilizează cunoștințe reprezentate prin programe logice,

grant CNCSIS AT 102/2007, durata: 1 an (2007), director grant: Mircea Preda.

Dezvoltarea de instrumente software pentru proiectarea microcircuitelor analogice, grant CNCSIS A,

cod 602, durata: 2 ani (2007 – 2008), director grant: Milena Doicaru

Sistem de analiză şi calcul a semnalelor din reţele electrice poluate şi comandă a filtrelor active

pentru compensarea armonicilor - SACSCFA, Contract de Excelenţă CEEX 4049/2006, contractor

ICMET Craiova, durata: 3 ani (2006–2008), director proiect: Ana Iacob

Prevenirea cuplajelor pilot-elicopter (om-maşină) în manevre critice la bordul navelor şi

platformelor marine - ELICOMNAV, Contract de Excelenţă CEEX, modulul I, nr. 449/06.11.2006,

contractor SC STRAERO S.A. Bucureşti, subcontract Universitatea din Craiova nr. 259/26.07.2006,

durata: 3 ani (2006–2008), responsabil proiect (Universitatea din Craiova): Dan Popescu

Instalație de filtrare-compensare armonici pentru stațiile de foraj petrolier, contract RELANSIN nr.

2122/11.10.2004, contractor ICMET, durata: 2 ani (2005-2006), responsabil științific: Dan Popescu

HIPERPROC: Tehnici hipermedia pentru reprezentarea bazată pe cunoștințe a proceselor

organizaționale, grant CNCSIS tip A nr. 94/2005, durata: 3 ani (2005-2007), director grant: Costin


Alte proiecte/granturi

Instruirea profesorilor de informatică pe tehnologia .Net, proiect POSDRU 87/1.3/S/62426, 2011-

2013, cofinanțat din Fondul Social European, prin Programul Operațional Sectorial Dezvoltarea

Resurselor Umane 2007 – 2013 (responsabil cu implementarea partener UCV)

Practica ta pentru educația viitorului, proiect POSDRU 60/2.1/S/33675, 2010-2012, cofinanțat din

Fondul Social European, prin Programul Operațional Sectorial Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane 2007 –

2013 (expert pe termen scurt: supervizor de practică)

Proiect de mobilitate a cercetătorilor, CNCSIS tip MC, cod 83/2008 – susținere financiară a

participării la conferința IEEE SAINT 2008.


Bursă de cercetare postdoctorală în cadrul contractului POSDRU/89/1.5/S/61968, proiect strategic ID

61968 (2009), cofinanțat din Fondul Social European, prin Programul Operațional Sectorial

Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane 2007 – 2013 (2010-2013)

Bursă de cercetare științifică pentru tineri doctoranzi tip BD, finanțată de CNCSIS (2006 – 2008)

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Bursă de cercetare la Laboratorul HEUDIASYC, Universitatea de Tehnologie din Compiègne, Franța,

finanțată de AUF (Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie) în cadrul proiectului eDalgo (martie –

mai 2007)

Bursă de cercetare la Laboratorul HEUDIASYC, Universitatea de Tehnologie din Compiègne, Franța,

finanțată de MEdC prin ONBSS (martie – mai 2006)

Bursă Erasmus/Socrates la Laboratorul HEUDIASYC, Universitatea de Tehnologie din Compiègne,

Franța (martie – mai 2005)

Bursă de performanță pentru rezultate deosebite în timpul studiilor de master, acordată de

Universitatea din Craiova (2005/2006, 2006/2007)

Bursă de performanță pentru rezultate deosebite în timpul studiilor universitare, acordată de

Universitatea din Craiova (2002/2003, 2003/2004, 2004/2005)

Premii și distincții

Premiul pentru cea mai bună lucrare ("Best Paper Award ") la conferința internațională ICWL 2015,

Guangzhou, China, 5-8 nov. 2015 (E. Popescu, Z. Kubincova, M. Homola, Blogging Activities in

Higher Education: Comparing Learning Scenarios in Multiple Course Experiences, Proceedings

ICWL 2015, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 9142, Springer, ISBN: 978-3-319-25514-9, pp.

197-207, 2015)

Premiul pentru cea mai bună lucrare ("Outstanding Short Paper Award") la conferința internațională

IEEE ICALT 2013, Beijing, China, 15-18 iul. 2013 (C. Giovannella, E. Popescu, F. Scaccia, A PCA

Study of Student Performance Indicators in a Web 2.0-based Learning Environment, Proceedings

ICALT 2013, IEEE Computer Society Press, ISBN: 978-0-7695-5009-1/13, pp. 33-35, 2013)

Premiul pentru cea mai bună lucrare ("Best Poster Award") la conferința internațională IEEE Eurocon

2007 (E. Popescu, P. Trigano, C. Badica, Adaptive Educational Hypermedia Systems: A Focus on

Learning Styles, Proceedings EUROCON 2007, pp. 2473-2478, IEEE Press, ISBN: 1-4244-0813-X,


Diplomă de Onoare acordată de Universitatea din Craiova pentru rezultatele deosebite obținute în

activitatea de cercetare științifică pe parcursul anului 2014 (Gala Excelenței în Cercetare, editia I)

Diplomă de Onoare conferită de Senatul Universității pentru activitatea didactică și științifică

desfășurată în cadrul Universității din Craiova (cu ocazia aniversării a 60 de ani de învățământ

superior la Craiova – oct. 2007)

Certificat de apreciere pentru organizarea conferinței ICSLE 2015 (2nd International Conference on

Smart Learning Environments), 23-25 sep. 2015, Sinaia, România

Diplomă de Excelență pentru organizarea conferinței ICWL 2012 (11th International Conference on

Web-based Learning), 2-4 sep. 2012, Sinaia, România

Premierea rezultatelor cercetării - articole ISI (cod PN-III-P1-1.1-PRECISI-2017-13831, oct. 2017)

Premierea rezultatelor cercetării - articole ISI (cod PN-II-RU-PRECISI-2014-8-6583, dec. 2014)

Premierea rezultatelor cercetarii - articole ISI (cod CNCSIS 792/oct. 2010)

Premierea rezultatelor cercetarii - articole ISI (cod CNCSIS 43/iun. 2007)

Apartenența la societăți științifice sau profesionale

IEEE TCLT (Technical Committee on Learning Technology) - membru în comitetul executiv (Co-

Chair of Adaptive and Personalized Technology-Enhanced Learning SIG) din 2016

International Association of Smart Learning Environments (IASLE) – membru în comitetul executiv

din 2013

IEEE (Computer Society, Education Society, Women in Engineering Society) – membru din 2006

ACM (Association for Computing Machinery) – membru din 2008

ASLERD (Association for Smart Learning Ecosystems and Regional Development) - membru din


EATEL (European Association of Technology-Enhanced Learning) - membru din 2017

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SRAIT (Societatea Română de Automatică și Informatică Tehnică) – membru din 2005

RoCHI (Grupul român de interes în interacţiunea om-calculator - SIGCHI România) – membru din


Activități de expertizare / evaluare a cercetării ştiinţifice

Expert evaluator pentru Research Executive Agency (European Commission)

WP 2014-2015 - H2020-ICT-2015, topic 20: Technologies for better human learning and teaching

WP 2016-2017 - H2020-ICT-2016-1, topic 22: Technologies for learning and skills

Activități de îndrumare și supervizare a studenților

Coordonarea a peste 60 de lucrări de licență și disertație

Membru în comisii de doctorat

Membru în comisia de susținere a tezei cu titlul "Peer Review and Peer Assessment in Higher

Computer Science Education", doctorand: Veronika Dropčová, Universitatea Comenius din

Bratislava, Slovacia, august 2015

Membru în comisia de susținere a tezei cu titlul "Personalized Recommendation Based on

Collaborative Tagging Techniques for an e-Learning System", doctorand: Aleksandra Klasnja-

Milicev, Universitatea din Novi Sad, Serbia, mai 2013

Co-supervizor extern într-o comisie de master la School of Computing & Information Systems,

Athabasca University, Canada (2014-2016)

Doctoral Consortium mentor la ICALT 2014 (14th IEEE International Conference on Advanced

Learning Technologies, Atena, Grecia, 7-9 iul. 2014)

Doctoral Consortium program committee member la ICWL 2016 (15th International Conference on

Web-based Learning) și ICALT 2017 (17th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning


Responsabil / promotor contracte bilaterale Erasmus pentru mobilitatea studenților și a cadrelor

didactice, cu următoarele universități:

Universitatea Sapienza din Roma, Italia

Universitatea din Pireu, Grecia

Universitatea din Nicosia, Cipru

Universitatea Comenius din Bratislava, Slovacia

School of Pedagogical & Technological Education, Atena, Grecia

Activități editoriale

Membru în colectivul de redacție pentru 6 reviste internaționale

International Journal of Learning Technology (IJLT), Inderscience, ISSN: 1477-8386

International Journal of Distance Education Technologies (IJDET), IGI Global, ISSN: 1539-3100

International Journal of Information Systems and Social Change (IJISSC), IGI Global, ISSN: 1941-


Interaction Design and Architecture Journal (IxD&A), ISSN: 1826-9745

IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, ISSN: 1745-1361

Bulletin of the IEEE Technical Committee on Learning Technology, ISSN: 2306-0212

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Editare numere speciale de revistă (Guest editor)

Special issue on "Social Media for Learning", IEEE MultiMedia, ISSN: 1070-986X, vol. 23 (1), 2016

(guest editors: Qing Li, Rynson W.H. Lau & Elvira Popescu)

Special issue on "Advances in Technology-Enhanced Learning", ComSIS Journal, vol. 11, issue 1,

2014 (guest editors: Elvira Popescu, Qing Li, Ralf Klamma, Marcus Specht & Howard Leung)

Special issue on "Social and Personalized Learning in Web-based Environments", International

Journal of Information Systems and Social Change, IGI Global, ISSN: 1941-868X, vol. 2(1), 2011

(guest editors: Elvira Popescu & Sabine Graf)

Organizare manifestări științifice

Conference Chair

ICSLE 2015 (2nd International Conference on Smart Learning Environments), Sinaia, România, 23-

25 sep. 2015

ICWL 2012 (11th International Conference on Web-based Learning), Sinaia, România, 2-4 sep. 2012

Program Committee Chair

ICWL 2017 (16th International Conference on Web-based Learning), Cape Town, Africa de Sud, 20-

22 sep. 2017

ICSLE 2016 (3rd International Conference on Smart Learning Environments), Tunis, Tunisia, 28-30

sep. 2016

ICWL 2014 (13th International Conference on Web-based Learning), Tallinn, Estonia, 14-17 aug.


ICWL 2011 (10th International Conference on Web-based Learning), Hong Kong, 8-10 dec. 2011

Track Chair

ICALT 2017 (17th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies), Timișoara,

România, 3-7 iul. 2017 (Track 2. Adaptive and Personalised Technology-Enhanced Learning)

ICALT 2016 (16th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies), Austin,

Texas, SUA, 25-28 iul. 2016 (Track 2. Adaptive and Personalised Technology-Enhanced Learning)

ICALT 2015 (15th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies), Hualien,

Taiwan, 6-9 iul. 2015 (Track 2. Adaptive and Personalised Technology-Enhanced Learning)

ICALT 2014 (14th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies), Atena,

Grecia, 7-9 iul. 2014 (Track 2. Adaptive and Personalised Technology-Enhanced Learning)

Workshop Organizer & PC Chair

SPeL 2017 (10th International Workshop on Social and Personal Computing for Web-Supported

Learning Communities) – organizat în cadrul conferinţei ICWL 2017, Cape Town, Africa de Sud, 20-

22 sep. 2017

SPeL 2016 (9th International Workshop on Social and Personal Computing for Web-Supported

Learning Communities) - organizat în cadrul conferinței ICWL 2016, Roma, Italia, 26-29 oct. 2016

SPeL 2015 (8th International Workshop on Social and Personal Computing for Web-Supported

Learning Communities) - organizat în cadrul conferinţei ICSLE 2015, Sinaia, România, 23-25 sep.


SPeL 2014 (7th International Workshop on Social and Personal Computing for Web-Supported

Learning Communities) – organizat în cadrul conferinţei ICWL 2014, Tallinn, Estonia, 14-17 aug.


SPeL 2013 (6th International Workshop on Social and Personal Computing for Web-Supported

Learning Communities) - organizat în cadrul conferinţei ICSTCC 2013, Sinaia, România, 11-13 oct.


Smart City Learning Workshop 2013 – organizat în cadrul conferinţei ICALT 2013, Beijing, China,

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15-18 iul. 2013

DULP & SPeL 2012 (3rd Workshop on Design Centered and Personalized Learning in Liquid and

Ubiquitous Learning Places & 5th International Workshop on Social and Personal Computing for

Web-Supported Learning Communities) - organizat în cadrul conferinţei ICALT 2012, Roma, Italia,

4-6 iul. 2012

SPeL 2011 (4th International Workshop on Social and Personal Computing for Web-Supported

Learning Communities) – organizat în cadrul conferinţei ICWL 2011, Hong Kong, 8-10 dec. 2011

SPeL 2010 (3rd International Workshop on Social and Personal Computing for Web-Supported

Learning Communities) – organizat în cadrul conferinţei DEXA 2010, Bilbao, Spania, 30 aug. – 3

sep. 2010

SPeL 2009 (2nd International Workshop on Social and Personal Computing for Web-Supported

Learning Communities) – organizat în cadrul conferinţei WI/IAT 2009, Milano, Italia, 15-18 sep.


SPeL 2008 (1st International Workshop on Social and Personal Computing for Web-Supported

Learning Communities) – organizat în cadrul conferinţei SAINT 2008, Turku, Finlanda, 28 iul. – 1

aug. 2008

Membru în Steering Committee

International Conference on Web-based Learning (ICWL) – din 2012

Membru în comitete de organizare la 15 conferințe internaționale

21st International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing (ICSTCC 2017), 19-21 oct.

2017, Sinaia, România

18th International Carpathian Control Conference (ICCC 2017), 28-31 mai 2017, Sinaia, România

20th International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing (ICSTCC 2016), 13-15 oct.

2016, Sinaia, România

14th International Conference on Web-based Learning (ICWL 2015), 5-8 nov. 2015, Guangzhou,

China (Publicity Co-Chair)

17th International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing (ICSTCC 2013), 11-13 oct.

2013, Sinaia, România (Workshop Chair)

12th International Conference on Web-based Learning (ICWL 2013), 6-9 oct. 2013, Kenting, Taiwan

(Publicity Co-Chair)

2nd International Conference on Web Intelligence, Mining and Semantics (WIMS 2012), 13-15 iun.

2012, Craiova, România

16th International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing (ICSTCC 2012), 12-14 oct.

2012, Sinaia, România

15th International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing (ICSTCC 2011), 14-16 oct.

2011, Sinaia, România

5th International Symposium on Intelligent Distributed Computing (IDC 2011), 5-7 oct. 2011, Delft,


4th International Symposium on Intelligent Distributed Computing (IDC 2010), 16-18 sep. 2010,

Tangier, Maroc (Advertising Chair)

14th International Conference on System Theory and Control (ICSTC 2010), 17-19 oct. 2010, Sinaia,


3rd International Symposium on Intelligent Distributed Computing (IDC'2009), 12-14 oct. 2009, Ayia

Napa, Cipru

8th IFAC Workshop on Time Delay Systems (TDS 2009), 1-3 sep. 2009, Sinaia, România

9th International Carpathian Control Conference (ICCC’2008), 25-28 mai 2008, Sinaia, România

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Session Chair la peste 25 de conferințe internaționale

12th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning (EC-TEL 2017)

17th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT 2017)

16th International Conference on Web-based Learning (ICWL 2017)

15th International Conference on Web-based Learning (ICWL 2016)

16th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT 2016)

19th International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing (ICSTCC 2015)

2nd International Conference on Smart Learning Environments (ICSLE 2015)

13th International Conference on Web-based Learning (ICWL 2014)

14th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT 2014)

18th International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing (ICSTCC 2014)

12th International Conference on Web-based Learning (ICWL 2013)

17th International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing (ICSTCC 2013)

12th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT 2012)

16th International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing (ICSTCC 2012)

11th International Conference on Web-based Learning (ICWL 2012)

10th International Conference on Web-based Learning (ICWL 2011)

15th International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing (ICSTCC 2011)

SPeL 2010 Workshop at DEXA 2010

9th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT 2009)

8th International Conference on Web-based Learning (ICWL 2009)

3rd International Symposium on Intelligent Distributed Computing (IDC'2009)

SPeL 2009 Workshop at W/IAT 2009

7th International Conference on Web-based Learning (ICWL 2008)

SPeL 2008 Workshop at SAINT 2008

International Carpathian Control Conference (ICCC’2008)

7th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT 2007)

Activități de recenzare și participare la comitete de program

Membru în comitete de program la peste 120 de conferințe și workshopuri internaționale

IMCL 2017 (11th International Conference on Interactive Mobile Communication Technologies and


ICCE 2017 (25th International Conference on Computers in Education)

WIMS 2017 (7th ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence, Mining and Semantics)

CRIWG 2017 (23th International Conference on Collaboration and Technology)

CSEDU 2017 (9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education)

ITHET 2017 (16th International Conference on Information Technology Based Higher Education and


ACIIDS 2017 (9th Asian Conference on Intelligent Information and Database Systems)

MIS4TEL 2017 (7th International Conference in Methodologies and Intelligent Systems for

Technology Enhanced Learn

SEEL-17 (4th KES International Conference on Smart Education and E-Learning)

INISTA 2017 (International Symposium on INnovations in Intelligent SysTems and Applications)

ES 2017 (15th International Conference on e-Society)

BCI 2017 (8th Balkan Conference in Informatics)

ICCC 2017 (18th International Carpathian Control Conference)

SLERD 2017 (2nd International Conference on Smart Learning Ecosystems and Regional


WGSEE'17 (1st Workshop on Gamification Software for Education and Enterprises)

IEETeL 2017 (8th International Workshop on Interactive Environments and Emerging Technologies

for eLearning)

Page 9: CURRICULUM VITAE - Universitatea din Craiova · Linux Power User Workshop, ... precum și activități de laborator/proiect/seminar la următoarele ... (14th IEEE International Conference


PIGL 2017 (Special Track on Personalisation in Immersive and Game-Based Learning Environments

at iLRN 2017)

TELIQOL 2017 (2nd Workshop on Technology-enhanced Learning to Improve Quality of Life)

PALE 2017 (7th International Workshop on Personalization Approaches in Learning Environments)

ARTEL 2017 (7th Workshop on Awareness and Reflection in Technology Enhanced Learning)

ICWL 2016 (15th International Conference on Web-based Learning)

ICCE 2016 (24th International Conference on Computers in Education)

INISTA 2016 (International Symposium on INnovations in Intelligent SysTems and Applications)

SLERD 2016 (1st International Conference on Smart Learning Ecosystems and Regional


SGAMES 2016 (6th EAI International Conference on Serious Games, Interaction and Simulation)

SEEL-16 (3rd KES International Conference on Smart Education and E-Learning)

MIS4TEL 2016 (International Conference in Methodologies and Intelligent Systems for Technology

Enhanced Learning)

CSEDU 2016 (8th International Conference on Computer Supported Education)

WIMS 2016 (6th International Conference on Web Intelligence, Mining and Semantics)

ACIIDS 2016 (8th Asian Conference on Intelligent Information and Database Systems)

ES 2016 (14th International Conference on e-Society)

ILE 2016 (ACM SAC 2016 - Track on Intelligent, Interactive and Innovative Learning Environments)

ARTEL2016 (6th Workshop on Awareness and Reflection in Technology Enhanced Learning)

CSPRED 2016 (International Workshop on Computer-Supported Peer Review in Education)

PALE 2016 (6th International Workshop on Personalization Approaches in Learning Environments)

ITS-Bridges 2016 (Workshop on Building ITS Bridges Across Frontiers)

TELIQOL 2016 (Workshop on Technology-enhanced Learning to Improve Quality of Life)

PRASAE 2016 (3rd International Workshop on Peer-Review, Peer-Assessment, and Self-Assessment

in Education)

ICWL 2015 (14th International Conference on Web-based Learning)

ICCE 2015 (23nd International Conference on Computers in Education)

EC-TEL 2015 (10th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning)

CSEDU 2015 (7th International Conference on Computer Supported Education)

SGAMES 2015 (5th International Conference on Serious Games, Interaction and Simulation)

ES 2015 (13th International Conference on e-Society)

ACIIDS 2015 (7th Asian Conference on Intelligent Information and Database Systems)

BCI2015 (7th Balkan Conference in Informatics)

WIMS 2015 (5th International Conference on Web Intelligence, Mining and Semantics)

SEEL-15 (KES International Conference on Smart Education and e-Learning)

IILE 2015 (ACM SAC 2015 Track on Intelligent, Interactive and Innovative Learning Environments)

EuroSymposium'2015 (8th SIGSAND/PLAIS EuroSymposium on Systems Analysis and Design)

PALE 2015 (5th International Workshop on Personalization Approaches in Learning Environments)

PRASAE 2015 (2nd International Workshop on Peer-Review, Peer-Assessment, and Self-Assessment

in Education)

STUMS 2015 (2nd International Workshop on Semantic Technologies in Ubiquitous, Massive and

Smart Learning)

MIS4TEL 2015 (2nd International Workshop on Methodologies and Intelligent Systems for

Technology Enhanced Learning)

WoTEL 2015 (Workshop on Technology Enhanced Learning)

IEETeL 2015 (6th International Workshop on Interactive Environments and Emerging Technologies

for eLearning)

TELIQOL 2015 (1st International Workshop on Technology-enhanced Learning to Improve Quality

of Life)

LC 2015 (International Workshop on Learning in the Cloud)

SLET 2015 (International Workshop on Critical and participatory development of people centered

Page 10: CURRICULUM VITAE - Universitatea din Craiova · Linux Power User Workshop, ... precum și activități de laborator/proiect/seminar la următoarele ... (14th IEEE International Conference


smart learning ecosystems and territories)

ARTEL 2015 (5th Workshop on Awareness and Reflection in Technology Enhanced Learning)

SLE @ EC-TEL 2015 (International Workshop on Smart Learning Ecosystems in Smart Regions and


OBIE2015 (2nd International Workshop on Open Badges in Education)

ICCE 2014 (22nd International Conference on Computers in Education)

ICSLE 2014 (International Conference on Smart Learning Environments)

ITS 2014 (5th International Conference on Internet Technologies & Society)

WIMS 2014 (4th International Conference on Web Intelligence, Mining and Semantics)

ICSTCC 2014 (18th International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing)

CSEDU 2014 (6th International Conference on Computer Supported Education)

ACIIDS 2014 (6th Asian Conference on Intelligent Information and Database Systems)

e-Society 2014

IILE 2014 (ACM SAC Track on Intelligent, Interactive and Innovative Learning environments)

PRASAE 2014 (1st International Workshop on Peer-Review, Peer-Assessment, and Self-Assessment

in Education)

FeT 2014 (1st International Workshop on The Future of e-Textbooks)

PALE 2014 (4th International Workshop on Personalization Approaches in Learning Environments)

LTEC 2014 (3rd International Workshop on Learning Technology for Education in Cloud)

WebET 2014 (Workshop on Web-based Education Technologies)

Mis4TEL 2014 (Methodologies and Intelligent Systems for Technology Enhanced Learning


SCL 2014 (Workshop on Smart City Learning: opportunities and challenges)

ICALT 2013 (13th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies)

ICCE 2013 (21st International Conference on Computers in Education)

ICWL 2013 (12th International Conference on Web-based Learning)

ICEBE 2013 (10th IEEE International Conference on e-Business Engineering)

BCI 2013 (6th Balkan Conference in Informatics)

e-Society 2013

CSEDU 2013 (5th International Conference on Computer Supported Education)

WIMS 2013 (3rd International Conference on Web Intelligence, Mining and Semantics)

ITS 2013 (International Conference on Internet Technologies & Society)

CIT 2013 (13th IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology)

Special Session on Smart Learning Environments (SS-SLE) at SouthCHI 2013

CCSTED 2013 Workshop

IWASCL-2013 Workshop at INCoS-2013

IRS 2013 (Special Session on Intelligent Recommended Systems at ACIIDS 2013)

ebTEL 2013 (2nd International Workshop on evidence-based Technology Enhanced Learning)

ebuTEL 2013 (3rd International Workshop on Evidence Based and User centered Technology

Enhanced Learning)

International Workshop on Smart Learning Environments @ SITIS 2013

ICALT 2012 (12th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies)

SAINT 2012 (12th International Symposium on Applications and the Internet)

BCI 2012 (5th Balkan Conference in Informatics)

CSEDU 2012 (4th International Conference on Computer Supported Education)

WIMS 2012 (International Conference on Web Intelligence, Mining and Semantics)

ITS 2012 (International Conference on Internet Technologies & Society)

ICEBE 2012 (2012 IEEE International Conference on e-Business Engineering)

IADIS e-Society 2012

SCiLearn Workshop at ICWL 2012

CCSTED Workshop at ICWL 2012

E3FPLE 2011 (Intl. Workshop on Evaluating Educative Experiences of Flexible and Personal

Page 11: CURRICULUM VITAE - Universitatea din Craiova · Linux Power User Workshop, ... precum și activități de laborator/proiect/seminar la următoarele ... (14th IEEE International Conference


Learning Environments)

STIX 2011 (Special Session on Software Technologies for Intelligent Collaborative Systems)

ITS 2011 (Intl. Conf. on Internet Technologies & Society)

ICALT 2011 (11th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies)

CSEDU 2011 (3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education)

SAINT 2011 (International Symposium on Applications and the Internet)

IADIS e-Society 2011

CIT-11 (11th IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology)

DULP@ICALT 2011 (International Workshop on Design Centered and Personalized Learning in

Liquid and Ubiquitous Learning Places)

SoDaMin 2011 (1st International Workshop on Social Data Mining for Human Behaviour Analysis)

HCIeLS 2011 (International workshop on Human-Computer Interaction and eLearning Systems)

ICWL 2010 (9th International Conference on Web-based Learning)

EL-A'10 (International Symposium on E-Learning - Applications)

SAINT 2010 (International Symposium on Applications and the Internet)

IADIS e-Society 2010

ECOM&EGOV'10 (10th International Multidisciplinary Conference on e-Commerce and e-


DULP@ICALT2010 (International Workshop on Design Centered and Personalized Learning in

Liquid and Ubiquitous Learning Places)

MTDL 2010 (Second ACM International Workshop on Multimedia Technologies for Distance


UXFUL 2010 (International Workshop on Enabling User Experience with future Interactive Learning


SAINT 2009 (International Symposium on Applications and the Internet)

IADIS e-Society 2009

APULS 2008 (International Workshop on Adaptivity and Personalization in Ubiquitous Learning


CIAWES 2008 (International Workshop on Cognitive Aspects in Intelligent and Adaptive Web-based

Educational Systems)

Recenzor la peste 50 de reviste, cărți și conferințe internaționale

Computer Science and Information Systems Journal (ComSIS)

Computers & Education

Educational Technology and Society Journal

IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies

IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems

IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing

Journal of Computer Assisted Learning

Learning and Individual Differences Journal

International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education

Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education

International HETL Review

International Journal of Distance Education Technologies

International Journal of Web Based Communities

Computer Languages, Systems & Structures

Computer Communications

American Educational Research Journal

Pervasive and Mobile Computing

World Wide Web Journal

ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology

Information Sciences Journal

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Journal of Universal Computer Science

Smart Learning Environments Journal

Romanian Journal of Human - Computer Interaction

New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia

Informatica (Special Issue on “E-Service Intelligence”, 2010)

International Journal of Engineering Education (Special Issue on "Applications of Engineering

Education Research", 2009)

International Journal of Artificial Intelligence (IJAI, 2009)

International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (IJSEKE, 2008)

e-Learning Paradigms and Applications - Agent-based Approach (Springer, 2014)

Technological and Social Environments for Interactive Learning (Informing Science Press, 2013)

Intelligent and Adaptive Learning Systems: Technology Enhanced Support for Learners and Teachers

(IGI Global, 2011)

Cognitive and Emotional Processes in Web-Based Education: Integrating Human Factors and

Personalization (Advances in Web-Based Learning Book Series, IGI Global, 2009)

SIGCSE 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 (ACM Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education

Technical Symposium)

RoCHI 2016, 2017 (International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction)

eLSE 2015 (International Conference on eLearning and Software for Education)

ICCC 2015 (16th International Carpathian Control Conference)

ICALT 2010 (IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies)

InSITE 2010, 2011 (Informing Science & IT Education)

ICSTCC 2010, 2011, 2013, 2017 (International Conference on System Theory, Control and


The Second International Conference on the Applications of Digital Information and Web

Technologies (ICADIWT 2009)

The First International Conference on Networked Digital Technologies (NDT 2009)

38th Annual Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE 2008)

International Conference on Intelligent Computing (ICIC 2007, 2008, 2009)

2nd East European Workshop on Rule-Based Applications (RuleApps’2008)

IEEE Africon 2007

10.10.2017 Conf. dr. ing. Elvira Popescu