Cloddio pwll Dig a pond The Co-operative in partnership with Wildlife Trusts Wales The Co-operative mewn partneriaeth gyda Ymddiriedolaethau Natur Cymru The Co-operative in partnership with Wildlife Trusts Wales

Cynllun / Design: POLAR 10 Cloddio pwll In Wales, …Beth i’w wneud What to doChoose a pond liner There are many different sorts of pond liner - plastic, fibre glass, clay and concrete,

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Page 1: Cynllun / Design: POLAR 10 Cloddio pwll In Wales, …Beth i’w wneud What to doChoose a pond liner There are many different sorts of pond liner - plastic, fibre glass, clay and concrete,

Cloddio pwll Dig a pond

The Co-operative in partnership with Wildlife Trusts Wales



/ Des



R 10

www.wtwales.org/welshwildlifeheroesThe Co-operative mewn partneriaeth gyda Ymddiriedolaethau Natur Cymru

The Co-operative in partnership with Wildlife Trusts Wales

The Co-operative mewn partneriaeth gyda Ymddiriedolaethau Natur Cymru The Co-operative in partnership with Wildlife Trusts Wales

In Wales, all branches of The Co-operative donate the single-use carrier bag charge to Wildlife Trusts Wales to run the Welsh Wildlife Heroes campaign which is all about attracting wildlife to your garden, park or community spaces.

Visit www.wtwales.org/welshwildlifeheroes for more information.

If you’d like to do more, you can become a member of your local Wildlife Trust (Brecknock, Gwent, Montgomeryshire, North Wales, Radnorshire, and South and West Wales) and help protect wildlife forthe future.

Visit: www.wtwales.org for more information.

Yng Nghymru, mae pob cangen o The Co-operative yn cyfrannu’r arian sy’n cael ei dalu iddynt am fagiau siopa untro i Ymddiriedolaethau Natur Cymru er mwyn rhedeg ymgyrch Arwyr Bywyd Gwyllt Cymru sydd yn gofyn i chi wneud rhywbeth i atynnu bywyd gwyllt i’ch gardd, parc neu ardal cymunedol.

Ewch i: www.wtwales.org/welshwildlifeheroes i gael rhagor o wybodaeth.

Os hoffech chi wneud mwy, gallwch ddod yn aelod o’ch Ymddiriedolaeth Natur lleol (Brycheiniog, Gwent, Sir Drefaldwyn, Gogledd Cymru, Sir Faesyfed, a De a Gorllewin Cymru) a helpu gwarchod naturar gyfer y dyfodol.

Ewch i: www.wtwales.org am ragor o wybodaeth.

Page 2: Cynllun / Design: POLAR 10 Cloddio pwll In Wales, …Beth i’w wneud What to doChoose a pond liner There are many different sorts of pond liner - plastic, fibre glass, clay and concrete,

Cloddio pwll Dig a pond

The Co-operative in partnership with Wildlife Trusts Wales



/ Des



R 10

www.wtwales.org/welshwildlifeheroesThe Co-operative mewn partneriaeth gyda Ymddiriedolaethau Natur Cymru

The Co-operative in partnership with Wildlife Trusts Wales

The Co-operative mewn partneriaeth gyda Ymddiriedolaethau Natur Cymru The Co-operative in partnership with Wildlife Trusts Wales

In Wales, all branches of The Co-operative donate the single-use carrier bag charge to Wildlife Trusts Wales to run the Welsh Wildlife Heroes campaign which is all about attracting wildlife to your garden, park or community spaces.

Visit www.wtwales.org/welshwildlifeheroes for more information.

If you’d like to do more, you can become a member of your local Wildlife Trust (Brecknock, Gwent, Montgomeryshire, North Wales, Radnorshire, and South and West Wales) and help protect wildlife forthe future.

Visit: www.wtwales.org for more information.

Yng Nghymru, mae pob cangen o The Co-operative yn cyfrannu’r arian sy’n cael ei dalu iddynt am fagiau siopa untro i Ymddiriedolaethau Natur Cymru er mwyn rhedeg ymgyrch Arwyr Bywyd Gwyllt Cymru sydd yn gofyn i chi wneud rhywbeth i atynnu bywyd gwyllt i’ch gardd, parc neu ardal cymunedol.

Ewch i: www.wtwales.org/welshwildlifeheroes i gael rhagor o wybodaeth.

Os hoffech chi wneud mwy, gallwch ddod yn aelod o’ch Ymddiriedolaeth Natur lleol (Brycheiniog, Gwent, Sir Drefaldwyn, Gogledd Cymru, Sir Faesyfed, a De a Gorllewin Cymru) a helpu gwarchod naturar gyfer y dyfodol.

Ewch i: www.wtwales.org am ragor o wybodaeth.

Page 3: Cynllun / Design: POLAR 10 Cloddio pwll In Wales, …Beth i’w wneud What to doChoose a pond liner There are many different sorts of pond liner - plastic, fibre glass, clay and concrete,

What to doBeth i’w wneud Choose a pond liner There are many different sorts of pond liner - plastic, fibre glass, clay and concrete, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. Overall, we would recommend a liner made of butyl rubber, which is durable, flexible, moderately cheap and easy to work with. The size of butyl liner you will need for your pond can by calculated as: Width + (2 x max depth) x Length + (2 x max depth)

Mark out your pond on the ground with a rope or hosepipe first.

Get digging Dig the hole, ensuring the sides are level with a spirit level on a plank spanning the pond. Dig an extra 25cm depth to accommodate the liner ’under-cushion’ (see below) and height of the flagstones at the pond edge. Finally, dig a trench around the perimeter of the pond for the overhanging pond liner to drop into. If you are building an accompanying bog area, also dig out a saucer shaped depression 60cm deep on the appropriate side of the pond.

Line the pond Remove any sharp stones or other objects and put down a 5cm+ layer of sand, old carpet or newspapers (or try loft insulation material!) as an ’under cushion’ for the liner. Unroll the butyl liner over the top with the over hanging edges falling into the trench. Any extra excess liner can be snipped off with scissors.

Add substrateSand is excellent because it is sterile and will not harbour any undesirable seeds or microbes. Spread a thin layer over the bottom of the pond. If using over-hanging liner, punch some holes 20cm apart in the bottom of the bog, then cover over with rocks and fill in the bog area with soil.

Fill with water If possible, use collected rainwater to fill your pond; for most people however, filling with a hose is usually the most practical method. To stop the sand substrate dispersing, rest the nozzle on a plastic bag to absorb some of the energy. Back fill the trench with soil and as the pond is filling, place turf, soil or flagstones over the exposed liner at the pond edges as butyl liner degrades in sunlight.

Ewch i http://www.wtwales.org/welshwildlifeheroes i gael rhagor o wybodaeth Visit www.wtwales.org/welshwildlifeheroes for more information







If you used tap water to fill your pond, in the early stages the water may turn a vivid green colour. Do not worry - this is because tap water is full of nutrients and the colour will fade. For this reason it is best to wait a week or two before planting any pond plants.

A successful pond needs sloping sides to ensure hedgehogs do not get caught in the pond and drown, and a deep centre, two feet at least, in order that your pond life can survive in winter.

Mae planhigion pwll yn bwysig, i ddod ag ocsigen, i hidlo’r dwr ac i alluogi i larfa eu dringo ar eu ffordd i’w bywyd newydd. Maent yn gallu edrych yn drawiadol hefyd - mae ein planhigion pwll brodorol yn ychwanegiadau hardd iawn at yr ardd.

Rhaid osgoi planhigion anfrodorol oherwydd mae gennym amrywiaeth mor wych o blanhigion Prydeinig ac, o ran eu natur, mae planhigion pwll yn dda am wasgaru ac ymledu i diriogaeth arall. Mae planhigion gwlybdir anfrodorol fel Briweg Awstralia (Crassula helmsii) a Phlu Parot (Myriophyllum aquaticum) yn ddwy enghraifft o blanhigion ymledol gall cymryd dros pwll felly dylid osgoi rhain.

Mae creu cors yn ogystal â’ch pwll, neu yn ei le, yn creu mwy o gynefin i fywyd gwyllt. Mae posib gwneud hyn drwy gloddio ryw ddwy fodfedd o bridd, suddo leinin pwll anhydraidd iddo, gwneud ychydig o dyllau yn hwn gyda fforc ac wedyn ei lenwi’n ôl gyda phridd. Mae hyn yn ymestyn y dewis o blanhigion ac, yn y diwedd, mae pontio graddol yn digwydd rhwng y pwll a’r ardd sych. Mae hefyd yn creu coridor i amffibiaid a phryfed.

Pond plants are important to bring in oxygen, filter the water and allow larvae to climb up on their way into their new lives. They can also be stunning to look at – our native pond plants are really beautiful additions to the garden.

Avoid non-native plants as we have such a wonderful variety of British plants and by their nature pond plants are good at spreading and invading out into other territory. Non-native wetland plants such as Australian Stonecrop (Crassula helmsii) and Parrotfeather (Myriophyllum aquaticum) are two invasive species that take over a pond so should be avoided at all coats.

Creating a bog as well as or instead of your pond creates even more habitat for wildlife. You can achieve this by digging out about two inches of soil, sinking non permeable pond lining, puncturing this slightly with a fork and then back filling it with soil. This extends the choice of plants and you end up with a gentle transition between pond and dry garden. It also creates a corridor for amphibians and insects.

Gofalu am eich pwll Mae dail wedi syrthio a llystyfiant marw’n gallu ymgasglu ar waelod y pwll ond mae rhywfaint o sylwedd organig marw’n ddefnyddiol fel swbstrad i blanhigion eraill. Mae’n syniad da dadwaddodi’r pwll bob pum mlynedd a’r amser gorau i wneud hyn ydi yn yr hydref, cyn i fywyd gwyllt a mân drychfilod fynd i aeafgysgu ar ôl i’r planhigion orffen blodeuo. Rhaid gadael y cynnwys sydd wedi’i dynnu o’r pwll ar ei ymyl am ychydig ddyddiau, fel bod y mân drychfilod yn cael dianc yn ôl i’r pwll.

Mae’n bwysig peidio â gadael i’r pwll rewi drosto’n llwyr yn y gaeaf ac mae’n rhaid darparu rhywfaint o ddwr agored fel bod ocsigen yn gallu cyrraedd y pwll. Un ffordd hawdd o wneud hyn yw drwy osod pêl i arnofio ar wyneb y pwll, ac wedyn ei symud, neu roi padell boeth ar wyneb y pwll (ei thynnu cyn i’r rhew doddi’n llwyr). Nid ydym yn argymell defnyddio morthwyl na dwr berwedig, oherwydd mae hyn yn gallu creu tonfeddi sioc neu ferwi bywyd gwyllt.

Yn yr haf, efallai y bydd rhaid ychwanegu dwr at y pwll mewn tywydd poeth. Dwr glaw sydd orau os oes gennych chi gawg dwr, ac mae’n well llenwi gyda rhyw ychydig o ddwr bob hyn a hyn yn hytrach na llawer o ddwr ar un tro. Os oes gennych chi gors gerllaw, y bydd rhaid dyfrio hon yn ystod yr haf hefyd.

Looking after your pondFallen leaves and dead vegetation can gather at the bottom of the pond, although some dead organic matter is useful as a substrate for other plants. De-silting can be carried out every five years and the best time to do this is in autumn before wildlife and minibeasts go into hibernation and after plants have finished flowering. Leave dredging on the edge of the pond for a few days so that minibeasts can escape back into the pond.

It is important that the pond does not become completely frozen in the winter and it is necessary to provide some open water so that oxygen can diffuse into the pond. An easy way is to float a ball on the pond that can be removed. Or rest a hot pan on the surface (remove before the ice melts completely). Using hammers and boiling water is not recommended, as this sets up shock waves or boils wildlife.

In summer the pond may need to be topped up during hot weather. Rainwater is preferable if you have a water butt and it is better to refill little and often rather than in one go. If you have an adjacent bog area, this will also need watering in summer.

Dewis leinin ar gyfer y pwll Mae sawl gwahanol fath o leinin pwll ar gael - plastig, ffibr, gwydr, clai a choncrid, pob un gyda’i fanteision a’i anfanteision ei hun. Yn gyffredinol, byddem yn argymell leinin o rwber butyl, sy’n wydn, yn hyblyg, yn gymharol rad ac yn hawdd gweithio ag ef. Rhaid cyfrif maint y leinin butyl rydych ei angen ar gyfer eich pwll fel hyn: Lled + (2 x uchafswm y dyfnder) x Hyd + (2 x uchafswm y dyfnder)

Marciwch eich pwll ar y ddaear gyda rhaff neu bibell ddwr i ddechrau.

Dechrau cloddio Cloddiwch y twll gan wneud yn siwr bod yr ochrau’n lefel, gan ddefnyddio lefel wirod ar styllen ar draws y pwll. Cloddiwch 25cm o ddyfnder ychwanegol ar gyfer ‘is-glustog’ (gweler isod) y leinin ac uchder y cerrig llorio wrth ymyl y pwll. Yn olaf, cloddiwch ffos o amgylch y pwll, i’r leinin sydd dros ben fynd iddi. Os ydych yn creu cors wrth ymyl y pwll, cloddiwch soser 60cm o ddyfnder ar yr ochr briodol i’r pwll.

Rhoi leinin yn y pwll Tynnwch unrhyw gerrig miniog neu wrthrychau eraill o’r pwll a gosodwch haen 5cm+ o dywod, hen garped neu bapur newydd (neu rhowch gynnig ar ddeunydd inswleiddio croglofft!) fel ‘is-glustog’ i’r leinin. Dadroliwch y leinin butyl dros y top gyda’r ochrau sydd dros ben yn syrthio i’r ffos. Gellir torri unrhyw leinin gormodol gyda siswrn.

Ychwanegu swbstrad Mae tywod yn rhagorol gan ei fod yn steryllu ac ni fydd yn cynnwys unrhyw hadau neu ficrobau nad ydych eu heisiau. Taenwch haen denau dros waelod y pwll. Os ydych chi’n defnyddio leinin sy’n hongian drosodd, torrwch dyllau ryw 20cm oddi wrth ei gilydd yng ngwaelod y gors, ac wedyn eu gorchuddio gyda llestri pridd a llenwi’r gors gyda phridd.

Llenwi gyda dwrOs yn bosib, defnyddiwch ddwr glaw sydd wedi’i gasglu i lenwi eich pwll. Er hynny, llenwi’r pwll gyda dwr o bibell fydd y dull mwyaf ymarferol i’r rhan fwyaf o bobl. I atal y swbstrad tywod rhag gwasgaru, rhowch y blaen ar fag plastig i amsugno rhywfaint o’r egni. Llenwch y ffos gyda phridd ac wrth i’r pwll lenwi, rhowch dyweirch, pridd a cherrig llorio dros y leinin sydd yn y golwg wrth ymyl y pwll, gan fod leinin butyl yn difetha yng ngolau’r haul.

Arhoswch ...

Os ydych chi wedi defnyddio dwr tap i lenwi eich pwll, fe all y dwr droi’n wyrdd llachar i ddechrau. Peidiwch â phoeni - y rheswm am hyn ydi am fod dwr tap yn llawn maethynnau a bydd y lliw’n diflannu’n raddol. Felly, mae’n well aros wythnos neu ddwy cyn plannu unrhyw blanhigion yn y pwll.

Mae pwll llwyddiannus angen ymylon serth rhag i ddraenogod gael eu dal yn y pwll a boddi. Hefyd, canol dwfn, dwy droedfedd o leiaf, er mwyn i fywyd y pwll fedru goroesi yn y gaeaf.