Baggrunden for Københavns kommunes opgørelse af udviklingen i forsyningsmængden i Danmark i perioden 1988 – 2013. Hvad har vi gjort ? 198 8 198 9 199 0 199 1 199 2 199 3 199 4 199 5 199 6 199 7 199 8 199 9 200 0 200 1 200 2 200 3 200 4 200 5 200 6 200 7 200 8 200 9 201 0 201 1 201 2 201 3 0 50000 100000 150000 200000 250000 EEE-forsyning og økonomisk aktivitet DK, 1990-2013 Forsyning Danmark Bruttoværditilvækst faste priser forsyning i tons *Forsyningskurven er jævnet i år 2006

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Baggrunden for Københavns kommunes opgørelse af udviklingen i forsyningsmængden i Danmark i perioden 1988 – 2013. Hvad har vi gjort ?




















EEE-forsyning og økonomisk aktivitet DK, 1990-2013

Forsyning Danmark

Bruttoværditilvækst faste priserforsyning i tons

*Forsyningskurven er jævnet i år 2006

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Ovenstående kurve viser Københavns kommunes bud på udviklingen i den danske forsyning med elektroniske og elektriske produkter.

Forsyningen er defineret som dansk produktion plus import fratrukket eksport bestående af både dansk produktion og reeksport.

Kurven viser en udvikling i forsyningen fra godt 50.000 tons/år omkring 1990 ujævnt stigende til over 200.000 tons i 2007 med et fald til omkring 150.000 i 2010.

Udviklingen er i et vist omfang koblet til den generelle økonomiske udvikling i Danmark – dog som det ses langtfra i nogen lineær forstand.1

Den årlige forsyning inden for de forskellige produkttyper danner i kombination med affaldsprofiler baseret på opholdstider for de enkelte produktkategorier(se andetsteds) udgangspunkt for opgørelserne af hvor store mængder WEEE, der kan forventes i henholdsvis hele Danmark og Københavns kommune i hvert af årene i perioden 2015 – 2019.

Opgørelsen af forventede affaldsmængder er på sin side vigtig for at kunne opstille kvantificerede mål på området, som det er forudsat i EU WEEE Direktivet.

Bag kurven ligger en række antagelser og beregningsforudsætninger, som kort skal gennemgås her.


Varegrupperne er afgrænset i ovennævnte direktiv; det drejer sig om:

1. Store husholdningsapparater 2. Små husholdningsapparater 3. It- og teleudstyr 4. Forbrugerudstyr og fotovoltaiske paneler 5. Belysningsudstyr 6. Elektrisk og elektronisk værktøj (undtagen stationære industrielle værktøjer i stor skala) 7. Legetøj og fritids- og sportsudstyr 8. Medicinsk udstyr (undtagen alle implanterede og inficerede produkter) 9. Overvågnings- og reguleringsinstrumenter 10. Salgsautomater

Hver af disse grupper er yderligere splittet op i underkategorier, se bilag1.

Underkategorierne korresponderer med en række varenumre i det såkaldte Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System (HS), som fremgår af bilag2.

1 Bruttoværditilvæksten er for overskuelighedens skyld skaleret ned med en faktor 10. Bilag 6 viser udviklingen i det rigtige prisniveau.

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Sammenhængen er beskrevet af United Nations University (UNU), Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability:

The central classification for e-waste are the so-called UNU-KEYS. The UNU-KEYS groups electronic products into homogeneous groups of average weight, market behaviour, and environmental relevance. UNU-KEYS has been developed as a backbone of data gathering and calculations. The international standardized Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System, also known as the Harmonized System (HS) or tariff nomenclature, is globally used to classify traded products, including electronics. UNU-KEYS can be be linked to the HS codes, as well to other and relevant applicable legislation.

Se nærmere i dette link


Disse varenumre er internationalt anvendte. Hvis man sammenligner de detaljerede varekategoribeskrivelser i bilag1 med disse ses det, at der er tale om samme størrelser.

Københavns kommune har bedt Danmarks Statistik om at gennemføre en tidsserieopgørelse på det anførte varenummerplan for import, produktion og eksport så langt tilbage, som det har kunnet lade sig gøre.


Vi modtog ultimo januar 2015 fra Danmarks Statistik den tabel, hvoraf en enkelt side er vist i bilag3 for at give et indtryk.

Denne tabel omfatter opgørelser af import og eksport i kg og kr på det nævnte varenummerplan i perioden 1988 til og med 2013 samt opgørelser af Industriens Varesalg for perioden 1995-2013.

Se for en nærmere beskrivelse Danmarks Statistiks dokumentation af materialet i bilag4.

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Bearbejdede data

De bearbejdede data omfatter udenrigshandel, dansk produktion og forsyning i perioden 1988 – 2013. Et eksempel fremgår af bilag5.

Da Industriens Varesalg kun er opgjort i antal og værdi har vi omregnet til vægt på baggrund af enhedsvægte i visse (de fleste) tilfælde på et niveau svarende til 55 varegrupper og fra de tilsvarende udenrigshandelstal i andre. Kilderne til enhedsvægtene er ‘WEEE recast: from 4kg to 65%: the compliance consequences’, der findes som pdf på www.

Industriens varesalg i perioden 1988-1995 er opgjort ved simpel extrapolation på baggrund af udviklingen i 1995-2013.

Begge dele indebærer visse usikkerheder.

Forsyningen er fremstillet på det overordnede kategori niveau , men det er muligt at opgøre den på det mere detaljerede niveau, hvis det skulle være nødvendigt.

I nogle få tilfælde, hvor eksporten har oversteget import plus produktion er forsyningen opgjort som lig med den danske produktion.

En enkelt kategori (7. Toys Leisure and Sports Equipment) har i perioden undergået drastiske omlægninger som følge af Danmarks Statistiks ’ændring i vores praksis for diskretion inden for udenrigshandel ’.

På baggrund af den åbenlyse misvisning, der ville blive et resultat af uden videre at lægge data for det pågældende nummer til grund, har vi som alternativ taget DPA’s tal for perioden 2007-2013 og tilbageskrevet dem til 1988.

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Bilag 1

EUROPA-PARLAMENTETS OG RÅDETS DIREKTIV 2012/19/EU af 4. juli 2012 om affald af elektrisk og elektronisk udstyr (WEEE) (bilag 1 og 2)


Kategorier af EEE, der er omfattet af dette direktiv i overgangsperioden, som omhandlet i artikel 2, stk. 1, litra a)

1. Store husholdningsapparater 2. Små husholdningsapparater 3. It- og teleudstyr 4. Forbrugerudstyr og fotovoltaiske paneler 5. Belysningsudstyr 6. Elektrisk og elektronisk værktøj (undtagen stationære industrielle værktøjer i stor skala) 7. Legetøj og fritids- og sportsudstyr 8. Medicinsk udstyr (undtagen alle implanterede og inficerede produkter) 9. Overvågnings- og reguleringsinstrumenter 10. Salgsautomater

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Vejledende liste over EEE, som henhører under kategorierne i bilag I

1. STORE HUSHOLDNINGSAPPARATER Store kølemøbler Køleskabe Fryseudstyr Andre store apparater til køling, opbevaring og lagring af fødevarer Vaskemaskiner Tørretumblere Opvaskemaskiner Kogeapparater Elkomfurer Elkogeplader Mikrobølgeovne Andre store apparater til madlavning og anden behandling af fødevarer Elektrisk varmeapparatur Elradiatorer Andre store apparater til opvarmning af lokaler, senge og siddemøbler Elventilatorer Klimaanlæg Andet blæser-, udsugnings- og klimaudstyr

2. SMÅ HUSHOLDNINGSAPPARATER Støvsugere Tæppefejemaskiner Andre rengøringsapparater Apparater til syning, strikning, vævning og anden forarbejdning til tekstiler Strygejern og andre apparater til strygning, rulning og anden behandling af beklædning Brødristere Frituregryder Kværne, kaffemaskiner og udstyr til åbning eller forsegling af beholdere eller pakker Elektriske kniveDA Hårklipningsapparater, hårtørrere, tandbørstningsapparater, barbermaskiner, massageapparater og andre apparater til kropspleje Ure, armbåndsure og udstyr til måling, angivelse eller registrering af tid Vægte


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Centraliseret databehandling Mainframes Minicomputere Printerenheder Pc'er Pc'er (herunder CPU, mus, skærm og tastatur) Bærbare (laptop) computere (herunder CPU, mus, skærm og tastatur) Note-book-computere Note-pad-computere Printere Kopieringsudstyr Elektriske og elektroniske skrivemaskiner Lommeregnere og bordregnemaskiner og andre produkter og andet udstyr til elektronisk indsamling, lagring, behandling, præsentation eller kommunikation af information Brugerterminaler og -systemer Telefaxapparater Telexapparater Telefoner Mønttelefoner Trådløse telefoner Mobiltelefoner Telefonsvarere og andre produkter eller andet udstyr til transmission af lyd, billeder eller anden information ved hjælp af telekommunikation

4. FORBRUGERUDSTYR OG FOTOVOLTAISKE PANELER Radioapparater Tv-apparater VideokameraerVideobåndoptagere Hi-fi-båndoptagere Forstærkere Musikinstrumenter og andre produkter eller andet udstyr til optagelse eller gengivelse af lyd eller billeder, herunder signaler eller anden teknologi til formidling af lyd og billeder på anden måde end ved telekommunikation Fotovoltaiske paneler

5. BELYSNINGSUDSTYR Lysarmaturer, til lysstofrør/lavenergipærer (med undtagelse af lysarmaturer i husholdninger) Lysstofrør

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Kompakt-lysstofpærer (lavenergipærer) Udladningspærer, herunder tryknatriumpærer og halogenpærer Lavtryksnatriumpærer Anden belysning eller andet udstyr til spredning eller regulering af lys (med undtagelse af glødepærer)

6. ELEKTRISK OG ELEKTRONISK VÆRKTØJ (UNDTAGEN STATIONÆRE INDUSTRIELLE VÆRKTØJER I STOR SKALA) Boremaskiner Save Symaskiner Udstyr til drejning, fræsning, slibning, formaling, savning, skæring, klipning, boring, hulning, stansning, foldning, bøjning eller lignende forarbejdning af træ, metal og andre materialer Værktøj til nitning, sømning eller skruning eller fjernelse af nitter, søm, skruer eller lignende brug Værktøj til svejsning, lodning eller anden brug Udstyr til sprøjtning, fordeling, spredning eller anden behandling af flydende eller luftformige stoffer med andre midler Værktøj til græsslåning eller andre haveaktiviteter

7. LEGETØJ OG FRITIDS- OG SPORTSUDSTYR Elektriske tog og racerbaner Håndholdte spillekonsoller Videospil Computere til cykling, dykning, løb, roning osv. Sportsudstyr med elektriske eller elektroniske komponenter Enarmede tyveknægte 8. MEDICINSK UDSTYR (UNDTAGEN ALLE IMPLANTEREDE OG INFICEREDE PRODUKTER) Strålebehandlingsudstyr Kardiologisk udstyrDialyseudstyr Lungeventilatorer Nuklearmedicinsk udstyr Laboratorieudstyr til in vitro-diagnostik Analyseudstyr Fryseudstyr Fertiliseringsprøver Andre apparater til påvisning, forebyggelse, kontrol, behandling og lindring af sygdomme, skader eller handicap


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Termostater Måle-, veje- eller justeringsapparater til husholdninger eller som laboratorieudstyr Andre overvågnings- og reguleringsinstrumenter, der anvendes i industrianlæg (f.eks. i kontroltavler)

10. AUTOMATISKE DISPENSERE Automater til varme drikke Automater til varme eller kolde flasker eller dåser Automater til faste produkter Pengeautomater Alle apparater, som automatisk leverer alle slags produkter

DA 24.7.2012 Den Europæiske Unions Tidende L 197/57

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Bilag 2 EEE-varegrupper og HS-koder

UNU-KEY UNU Key Description HS HS Description

0101 Professional Heating & Ventilation (excl. cooling equipment) 845110 Dry-cleaning machines

0101 Professional Heating & Ventilation (excl. cooling equipment) 845130 Ironing machines and presses including fusing presses

0102 Dishwashers 842211 Dish washing machines (domestic)

0103 Kitchen (f.i. large furnaces, ovens, cooking equipment) 851660 Electric cooking, grilling & roasting equipment nes

0104 Washing Machines (incl. combined dryers) 845011 Automatic washing machines, of a dry capacity < 10 kg

0104 Washing Machines (incl. combined dryers) 845012 Washing machines nes, capacity <10 kg, built-in drier

0104 Washing Machines (incl. combined dryers) 845019 Household/laundry-type washing machines <10 kg, nes

0104 Washing Machines (incl. combined dryers) 845020Household or laundry-type washing machines, cap >10kg

0105 Dryers (wash dryers, centrifuges) 842112 Clothes-dryers, centrifugal

0105 Dryers (wash dryers, centrifuges) 845121 Drying machines, capacity <10 kg, except washer-drier

0105 Dryers (wash dryers, centrifuges) 845129 Drying machines, nes

0106Household Heating & Ventilation (f.i. hoods, ventilators, space heaters) 841460 Ventilating hoods having a maximum width < 120 cm

0106Household Heating & Ventilation (f.i. hoods, ventilators, space heaters) 851621 Electric storage heating radiators

0106Household Heating & Ventilation (f.i. hoods, ventilators, space heaters) 851629 Electric space heating nes and soil heating apparatus

0108 Fridges (incl. combi-fridges) 841821 Refrigerators, household compression type

0108 Fridges (incl. combi-fridges) 841822 Refrigerators, household absorption type, electric

0108 Fridges (incl. combi-fridges) 841829 Refrigerators, household type, including non-elecctri

0109 Freezers 841830 Freezers of the chest type, < 800 litre capacity

0109 Freezers 841840 Freezers of the upright type, < 900 litre capacity

0111 Air Conditioners (household installed and portable) 841510 Air conditioners window/wall types, self-contained

0111 Air Conditioners (household installed and portable) 841581 Air conditioners nes with reverse cycle refrigeration

0111 Air Conditioners (household installed and portable) 841582 Air conditioners nes, with refrigerating unit

0112 Other Cooling (f.i. dehumidifiers, heat pump dryers) 841861Compression refrigeration equipment with heat exchang

0113 Professional Cooling (f.i. large airconditioners, cooling displays) 841583 Air conditioners nes, without refrigerating unit

0113 Professional Cooling (f.i. large airconditioners, cooling displays) 841850 Refrigerator/freezer chests/cabinets/showcases

0113 Professional Cooling (f.i. large airconditioners, cooling displays) 841869 Refrigerating or freezing equipment nes

0114 Microwaves (incl. combined, excl. grills) 851650 Microwave ovens

0201Other Small Household (f.i. small ventilators, irons, clocks, adapters) 630110 Electric blankets of textile material

0201Other Small Household (f.i. small ventilators, irons, clocks, adapters) 841451 Table, window, ceiling fans, electric motor <125 watts

0201Other Small Household (f.i. small ventilators, irons, clocks, adapters) 842310 Personal weighing machines, baby & household scales

0201Other Small Household (f.i. small ventilators, irons, clocks, adapters) 845210 Household type sewing machines

0201Other Small Household (f.i. small ventilators, irons, clocks, adapters) 850930 Domestic kitchen waste disposers

0201Other Small Household (f.i. small ventilators, irons, clocks, adapters) 850980 Domestic appliances, with electric motor, nes

0201Other Small Household (f.i. small ventilators, irons, clocks, adapters) 851640 Electric smoothing irons

0201Other Small Household (f.i. small ventilators, irons, clocks, adapters) 910111 Wrist-watch, precious metal, battery, with hands

0201 Other Small Household (f.i. small ventilators, irons, clocks, 910112 Wrist-watch, precious metal, battery, opto/electric

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0201Other Small Household (f.i. small ventilators, irons, clocks, adapters) 910119 Wrist-watch, precious metal, battery, other

0201Other Small Household (f.i. small ventilators, irons, clocks, adapters) 910191 Pocket-watch, precious-metal case, battery

0201Other Small Household (f.i. small ventilators, irons, clocks, adapters) 910211 Wrist-watch, base-metal case, battery, with hands

0201Other Small Household (f.i. small ventilators, irons, clocks, adapters) 910212 Wrist-watch, base-metal case, battery, opto/electric

0201Other Small Household (f.i. small ventilators, irons, clocks, adapters) 910219 Wrist-watch, base-metal case, battery, other

0201Other Small Household (f.i. small ventilators, irons, clocks, adapters) 910291 Pocket-watch, base-metal case, battery

0201Other Small Household (f.i. small ventilators, irons, clocks, adapters) 910310 Clocks with watch movements, battery (except vehicle)

0201Other Small Household (f.i. small ventilators, irons, clocks, adapters) 910390 Clocks with watch movements, nes (except vehicle)

0201Other Small Household (f.i. small ventilators, irons, clocks, adapters) 910511 Alarm clocks, battery or mains powered

0201Other Small Household (f.i. small ventilators, irons, clocks, adapters) 910521 Wall clocks, battery or mains powered

0201Other Small Household (f.i. small ventilators, irons, clocks, adapters) 910591 Clocks, nes, battery or mains powered

0201Other Small Household (f.i. small ventilators, irons, clocks, adapters) 910700 Time switches

0201Other Small Household (f.i. small ventilators, irons, clocks, adapters) 910811

Assembled battery watch movement, mechanical display

0201Other Small Household (f.i. small ventilators, irons, clocks, adapters) 910812

Assembled battery watch movement,opto-electric displa

0201Other Small Household (f.i. small ventilators, irons, clocks, adapters) 910819 Assembled battery watch movement, nes

0201Other Small Household (f.i. small ventilators, irons, clocks, adapters) 910820

Watch movements, complete and assembled, auto-winding

0201Other Small Household (f.i. small ventilators, irons, clocks, adapters) 910890

Watch movements, complete & assembled (excl. electrically operated), other ...

0201Other Small Household (f.i. small ventilators, irons, clocks, adapters) 910911

Clock movements, complete and assembled, battery/alar

0201Other Small Household (f.i. small ventilators, irons, clocks, adapters) 910919

Clock movements, complete and assembled, battery nes

0202 Food (f.i. toaster, grills, food processing, frying pans) 850940 Domestic food grinders, mixers, juice extractors

0202 Food (f.i. toaster, grills, food processing, frying pans) 851672 Electric toasters, domestic

0202 Food (f.i. toaster, grills, food processing, frying pans) 851679 Electro-thermic appliances, domestic, nes

0203 Hot Water (f.i. coffee, tea, water cookers) 851610 Electric instant, storage and immersion water heaters

0203 Hot Water (f.i. coffee, tea, water cookers) 851671 Electric coffee or tea makers, domestic

0204 Vacuum Cleaners (excl. professional) 850811

Vacuum cleaners, with self-contained electric motor, Of a power not > 1,500 W & having a dust bag/other receptacle capacity not > 20 l

0204 Vacuum Cleaners (excl. professional) 850819Vacuum cleaners, with self-contained electric motor, other than of 8508.11

0204 Vacuum Cleaners (excl. professional) 850860Other vacuum cleaners,not with self-contained electric motor

0204 Vacuum Cleaners (excl. professional) 850910 Domestic vacuum cleaners

0205 Personal Care (f.i. tooth brushes, hair dryers, razors) 851010 Shavers, with self-contained electric motor

0205 Personal Care (f.i. tooth brushes, hair dryers, razors) 851020 Hair clippers, with self-contained electric motor

0205 Personal Care (f.i. tooth brushes, hair dryers, razors) 851030 Hair-removing appl w/sel

0205 Personal Care (f.i. tooth brushes, hair dryers, razors) 851631 Electric hair dryers

0205 Personal Care (f.i. tooth brushes, hair dryers, razors) 851632 Electro-thermic hairdressing apparatus, nes

0205 Personal Care (f.i. tooth brushes, hair dryers, razors) 851633 Electro-thermic hand drying apparatus

0301Small IT (f.i. routers, mice, keyboards, external drives & accessoires) 846900

Typewriters other than printers of heading 84.43; word-processing machines.

0301 Small IT (f.i. routers, mice, keyboards, external drives & 846911 Word-processing machines

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0301Small IT (f.i. routers, mice, keyboards, external drives & accessoires) 846912 Automatic typewriters

0301Small IT (f.i. routers, mice, keyboards, external drives & accessoires) 846920 Typewriters,electric,nes

0301Small IT (f.i. routers, mice, keyboards, external drives & accessoires) 846930 Typewriters,non-electric

0301Small IT (f.i. routers, mice, keyboards, external drives & accessoires) 847010 Electronic calculators operable with internal power

0301Small IT (f.i. routers, mice, keyboards, external drives & accessoires) 847021 Electronic calculators, printing, external power

0301Small IT (f.i. routers, mice, keyboards, external drives & accessoires) 847029 Electronic calculators, non-printing, external power

0301Small IT (f.i. routers, mice, keyboards, external drives & accessoires) 847110 Analogue or hybrid computers

0301Small IT (f.i. routers, mice, keyboards, external drives & accessoires) 847170 Storage units

0301Small IT (f.i. routers, mice, keyboards, external drives & accessoires) 847180 Units of auto data proce

0301Small IT (f.i. routers, mice, keyboards, external drives & accessoires) 847190 Automatic data processin

0301Small IT (f.i. routers, mice, keyboards, external drives & accessoires) 854389 Electrical machines and

0302 Desktop PCs (excl. monitors, accessoires) 847141 Dig auto data proc w/cpu

0302 Desktop PCs (excl. monitors, accessoires) 847149 Dig auto data proc units

0302 Desktop PCs (excl. monitors, accessoires) 847150 Digital process units wh

0303 Laptops (incl. tablets) 847130 Portable digital data pr

0304 Printers (f.i. scanners, multifunctionals, faxes) 844331

Machines which perform two/more of the functions of printing, copying/facsimile transmission, capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine/to a network

0304 Printers (f.i. scanners, multifunctionals, faxes) 844332

Other printers, copying machines & facsimile machines, whether/not combined , exclud the ones which perform two/more of the functions of printing, copying/facsimile transmission; capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine/to a network

0304 Printers (f.i. scanners, multifunctionals, faxes) 851721 Facsimiles machines

0304 Printers (f.i. scanners, multifunctionals, faxes) 851722 Teleprinters

0305 Telecom (f.i. (cordless) phones, answering machines) 851711 Line telephone sets,cord

0305 Telecom (f.i. (cordless) phones, answering machines) 851718

Other telephone sets, incl. telephones for cellular networks/for other wireless networks, other than 8517.11 & 8517.12

0305 Telecom (f.i. (cordless) phones, answering machines) 851719 Telephone sets, nes

0305 Telecom (f.i. (cordless) phones, answering machines) 851730 Telephonic or telegraphic switching apparatus

0305 Telecom (f.i. (cordless) phones, answering machines) 851750 Apparatus for carrier-cu

0305 Telecom (f.i. (cordless) phones, answering machines) 851769

Other apparatus for transmission/reception of voice, images/other data, incl. apparatus for communication in a wired/wireless network (such as a local/wide area network) , other than 8517.61 & 8517.62

0305 Telecom (f.i. (cordless) phones, answering machines) 851780 Elect apparatus for line

0305 Telecom (f.i. (cordless) phones, answering machines) 852020 Telephone answering machines

0305 Telecom (f.i. (cordless) phones, answering machines) 852790 Radio reception apparatus nes

0305 Telecom (f.i. (cordless) phones, answering machines) 903040 Gain, /distortion and crosstalk meters, etc

0306 Mobile Phones (incl. smartphones, pagers) 851712

Telephones for cellular networks/for other wireless networks, other than Line telephone sets with cordless handsets

0306 Mobile Phones (incl. smartphones, pagers) 851761

Base stations for transmission/reception of voice, images/other data, incl. apparatus for communication in a wired/wireless network (such as a local/wide area network)

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0306 Mobile Phones (incl. smartphones, pagers) 851950 Telephone answering machines

0306 Mobile Phones (incl. smartphones, pagers) 852520 Transmit-receive apparatus for radio, TV, etc.

0307 Professional IT (f.i. servers, routers, data storage, copiers) 844312 Sheet fed, office offset printers, sheet < 22x36 cm

0307 Professional IT (f.i. servers, routers, data storage, copiers) 844339Other printers, copying machines & facsimile machines, whether/not combined , excl. 8443.31 & 8443.32

0307 Professional IT (f.i. servers, routers, data storage, copiers) 847040 Accounting machines

0307 Professional IT (f.i. servers, routers, data storage, copiers) 847050 Cash registers

0307 Professional IT (f.i. servers, routers, data storage, copiers) 847090 Postage franking, ticket-issuing machines, etc

0307 Professional IT (f.i. servers, routers, data storage, copiers) 900911 Electrostatic photo-copyers, direct process

0307 Professional IT (f.i. servers, routers, data storage, copiers) 900912 Electrostatic photo-copyers, indirect process

0307 Professional IT (f.i. servers, routers, data storage, copiers) 900921 Photo-copying equipment with an optical system, nes

0307 Professional IT (f.i. servers, routers, data storage, copiers) 900922 Contact type photo-copying apparatus,nes

0307 Professional IT (f.i. servers, routers, data storage, copiers) 900930 Thermo-copying apparatus

0308 Cathode Ray Tube Monitors 852821 Color video monitors

0308 Cathode Ray Tube Monitors 852822 B & w video monitors

0308 Cathode Ray Tube Monitors 852841

Cathode-ray tube monitors , of a kind solely/principally used in an automatic data processing system of heading 84.71

0308 Cathode Ray Tube Monitors 852849

Other cathode-ray tube monitors , not of a kind solely/principally used in an automatic data processing system of heading 84.71

0309 Flat Display Panel Monitors (LCD, LED) 852851Other monitors, of a kind solely/principally used in an automatic data processing system of heading 84.71

0309 Flat Display Panel Monitors (LCD, LED) 852859Other monitors, not of a kind solely/principally used in an automatic data processing system of heading 84.71

0309 Flat Display Panel Monitors (LCD, LED) 853120 Indicator panels incorporating electronic displays

0401 Small Consumer Electronics (f.i. headphones, remote controls) 851810 Microphones and stands thereof

0401 Small Consumer Electronics (f.i. headphones, remote controls) 851830 Headphones, earphones, combinations

0402 Portable Audio & Video (f.i. MP3, e-readers, car navigation) 852712 Pocket-size radio-casset

0402 Portable Audio & Video (f.i. MP3, e-readers, car navigation) 852713 Radio apparatus w/sound

0402 Portable Audio & Video (f.i. MP3, e-readers, car navigation) 852719 Radio receivers, portable, non-recording

0402 Portable Audio & Video (f.i. MP3, e-readers, car navigation) 852731 Radio-telephony receiver, with sound reproduce/record

0402 Portable Audio & Video (f.i. MP3, e-readers, car navigation) 852732 Radio-telephony etc receivers, nes

0402 Portable Audio & Video (f.i. MP3, e-readers, car navigation) 852739 Radio-broadcast receivers nes

0402 Portable Audio & Video (f.i. MP3, e-readers, car navigation) 852791

Other reception apparatus for radio-broadcasting, combined with sound recording/reproducing apparatus.

0402 Portable Audio & Video (f.i. MP3, e-readers, car navigation) 852792

Other reception apparatus for radio-broadcasting, not combined with sound recording/reproducing apparatus but combined with a clock.

0402 Portable Audio & Video (f.i. MP3, e-readers, car navigation) 852799Other reception apparatus for radio-broadcasting, excl. 8527.91 & 8527.92

0403 Music Instruments, Radio, HiFi (incl. audio sets) 847210 Office duplicating machines

0403 Music Instruments, Radio, HiFi (incl. audio sets) 847230 Machinery for processing mail of all kinds

0403 Music Instruments, Radio, HiFi (incl. audio sets) 847290 Office machines, nes

0403 Music Instruments, Radio, HiFi (incl. audio sets) 851762

Machines for the reception, conversion & transmission/regeneration of voice, images/other data, incl. switching & routing apparatus

0403 Music Instruments, Radio, HiFi (incl. audio sets) 851840 Audio-frequency electric amplifiers

0403 Music Instruments, Radio, HiFi (incl. audio sets) 851850 Electric sound amplifier sets

0403 Music Instruments, Radio, HiFi (incl. audio sets) 851910 Coin or disc-operated record-players

0403 Music Instruments, Radio, HiFi (incl. audio sets) 851920 Apparatus operated by coins, banknotes, bank cards,

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tokens/by other means of payment

0403 Music Instruments, Radio, HiFi (incl. audio sets) 851921 Record-players without built-in loudspeaker, nes

0403 Music Instruments, Radio, HiFi (incl. audio sets) 851929 Record-players with loudspeakers, nes

0403 Music Instruments, Radio, HiFi (incl. audio sets) 851930 Turntables (record-decks)

0403 Music Instruments, Radio, HiFi (incl. audio sets) 851931 Turntables with automatic record changing mechanism

0403 Music Instruments, Radio, HiFi (incl. audio sets) 851939 Turntables, without record changers

0403 Music Instruments, Radio, HiFi (incl. audio sets) 851940 Transcribing machines

0403 Music Instruments, Radio, HiFi (incl. audio sets) 851981

Other sound recording/reproducing apparatus, using magnetic, optical/semiconductor media, other than 8519.20, 8519.30, 8519.50

0403 Music Instruments, Radio, HiFi (incl. audio sets) 851989Other sound recording/reproducing apparatus, other n.e.s. in Ch. 85.19

0403 Music Instruments, Radio, HiFi (incl. audio sets) 851992 Pocket-size cassette-pla

0403 Music Instruments, Radio, HiFi (incl. audio sets) 851993 Sound repr app, cassette

0403 Music Instruments, Radio, HiFi (incl. audio sets) 851999 Sound reproducing apparatus, non-recording, nes

0403 Music Instruments, Radio, HiFi (incl. audio sets) 852010 Dictating machine requiring external power source

0403 Music Instruments, Radio, HiFi (incl. audio sets) 852032 Magnetic tape rec digita

0403 Music Instruments, Radio, HiFi (incl. audio sets) 852033 Magnetic tape rec casset

0403 Music Instruments, Radio, HiFi (incl. audio sets) 852039 Non-cassette audio tape recorders, sound reproducing

0403 Music Instruments, Radio, HiFi (incl. audio sets) 852090Audio recording equipment without sound reproduction

0403 Music Instruments, Radio, HiFi (incl. audio sets) 852721 Radio receivers, external power,sound reproduce/recor

0403 Music Instruments, Radio, HiFi (incl. audio sets) 852729 Radio receivers, external power, not sound reproducer

0404 Video (f.i. Video recorders, DVD, Blue Ray, set-top boxes) 852110 Video recording/reproducing apparatus, magnetic tape

0404 Video (f.i. Video recorders, DVD, Blue Ray, set-top boxes) 852190Video record/reproduction apparatus not magnetic tape

0404 Video (f.i. Video recorders, DVD, Blue Ray, set-top boxes) 852530 Television cameras

0404 Video (f.i. Video recorders, DVD, Blue Ray, set-top boxes) 852560

Transmission apparatus for radio-broadcasting/televison incorporating reception apparatus

0404 Video (f.i. Video recorders, DVD, Blue Ray, set-top boxes) 852830 Video projectors

0404 Video (f.i. Video recorders, DVD, Blue Ray, set-top boxes) 852861Projectors, Of a kind solely/principally used in an automatic data processing system of heading 84.71

0404 Video (f.i. Video recorders, DVD, Blue Ray, set-top boxes) 852869Projectors, not of a kind solely/principally used in an automatic data processing system of heading 84.71

0404 Video (f.i. Video recorders, DVD, Blue Ray, set-top boxes) 852871Reception apparatus for televison, Not designed to incorporate a video display/screen

0404 Video (f.i. Video recorders, DVD, Blue Ray, set-top boxes) 900661 Photographic discharge lamp flashlight apparatus

0404 Video (f.i. Video recorders, DVD, Blue Ray, set-top boxes) 900669 Photographic flashlight apparatus, nes

0404 Video (f.i. Video recorders, DVD, Blue Ray, set-top boxes) 900711 Cinematographic cameras for film <16mm wide

0404 Video (f.i. Video recorders, DVD, Blue Ray, set-top boxes) 900719 Cinematographic cameras for film >16mm wide

0404 Video (f.i. Video recorders, DVD, Blue Ray, set-top boxes) 900720 Cinematographic projecto

0404 Video (f.i. Video recorders, DVD, Blue Ray, set-top boxes) 900810 Slide projectors

0404 Video (f.i. Video recorders, DVD, Blue Ray, set-top boxes) 900830 Image projectors, except slide/microform

0404 Video (f.i. Video recorders, DVD, Blue Ray, set-top boxes) 900840 Photographic enlargers and reducers, other than cine

0404 Video (f.i. Video recorders, DVD, Blue Ray, set-top boxes) 901010 Equipment for automatic development of photo film

0404 Video (f.i. Video recorders, DVD, Blue Ray, set-top boxes) 901050 App & equip for ph labor

0404 Video (f.i. Video recorders, DVD, Blue Ray, set-top boxes) 901060 Projection screens

0404 Video (f.i. Video recorders, DVD, Blue Ray, set-top boxes) 903130 Profile projectors, nes

0404 Video (f.i. Video recorders, DVD, Blue Ray, set-top boxes) 903149 Optical instruments and

0405 Speakers 851821 Single loudspeakers, mounted in enclosure

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0405 Speakers 851822 Multiple loudspeakers, mounted in single enclosure

0406 Cameras (f.i. camcorders, foto & digital still cameras) 852540 Still image video camara

0406 Cameras (f.i. camcorders, foto & digital still cameras) 852580 Television cameras, digital cameras & video camera recorders

0407 Cathode Ray Tube TVs 852812 Color television receive

0407 Cathode Ray Tube TVs 852813 B & W television receive

0407 Cathode Ray Tube TVs 852873

Other reception apparatus for television, whether/not incorporating radio-broadcast receivers/sound/video recording/reproducing apparatus, black & white/other monochrome.

0408 Flat Display Panel TVs (LCD, LED, Plasma) 852872

Other colour reception apparatus for television, whether/not incorporating radio-broadcast receivers/sound/video recording/reproducing apparatus,

0501 Lamps (f.i. pocket, christmas, excl. LED & incandescent) 851310 Portable battery and magneto-electric lamps

0503 Straight Tube Fluorescent Lamps 853941 Arc-lamps

0503 Straight Tube Fluorescent Lamps 853949 Ultra-violet or infra-re

0504Special Lamps (f.i. professional mercury, high & low pressure sodium) 853931 Fluorescent lamps, hot cathode

0504Special Lamps (f.i. professional mercury, high & low pressure sodium) 853932 Mercury or sodium vapour

0504Special Lamps (f.i. professional mercury, high & low pressure sodium) 853939 Discharge lamps, other than ultra-violet lamps, nes

0506 Household Luminaires (incl. household incandescent fittings) 851210 Lighting/signalling equipment as used on bicycles

0506 Household Luminaires (incl. household incandescent fittings) 940510 Chandeliers, other electric ceiling or wall lights

0506 Household Luminaires (incl. household incandescent fittings) 940520 Electric table, desk, bedside and floor lamps

0506 Household Luminaires (incl. household incandescent fittings) 940530 Lighting sets of a kind used for Christmas trees

0507 Professional Luminaires (offices, public space, industry) 940540 Electric lamps, lighting fittings, nes

0601Household Tools (f.i. drills, saws, high pressure cleaners, lawn mowers) 846721

Drills of all kinds, for working in the hand, with self-contained elec. mot ...

0601Household Tools (f.i. drills, saws, high pressure cleaners, lawn mowers) 846722

Saws for working in the hand, with self-contained elec. motor

0601Household Tools (f.i. drills, saws, high pressure cleaners, lawn mowers) 846729

Tools for working in the hand, with self-contained elec. motor (excl. drill ...

0601Household Tools (f.i. drills, saws, high pressure cleaners, lawn mowers) 850810 Drills, hand-held, with self-contained electric motor

0601Household Tools (f.i. drills, saws, high pressure cleaners, lawn mowers) 850820 Saws, hand-held, with self-contained electric motor

0601Household Tools (f.i. drills, saws, high pressure cleaners, lawn mowers) 850880 Tools, hand-held, with electric motor, not drills/saw

0601Household Tools (f.i. drills, saws, high pressure cleaners, lawn mowers) 850920 Domestic floor polishers

0601Household Tools (f.i. drills, saws, high pressure cleaners, lawn mowers) 851511 Electric soldering irons and guns

0601Household Tools (f.i. drills, saws, high pressure cleaners, lawn mowers) 851519 Electric brazing, soldering machines and apparatus ne

0601Household Tools (f.i. drills, saws, high pressure cleaners, lawn mowers) 851521 Electric resistance welding equipment, automatic

0601Household Tools (f.i. drills, saws, high pressure cleaners, lawn mowers) 851529 Electric resistance welding equipment, non-automatic

0601Household Tools (f.i. drills, saws, high pressure cleaners, lawn mowers) 851531 Automatic electric plasma, other arc welding equipmen

0602 Professional Tools (f.i. for welding, soldering, milling) 843311 Mowers, powered, lawn, with horizontal cutting device

0602 Professional Tools (f.i. for welding, soldering, milling) 843319 Mowers, powered, lawn, nes

0701Toys (f.i. car racing sets, electric trains, music toys, biking computers) 950300

Tricycles, scooters, pedal cars & similar wheeled toys; dolls' carriages; dolls; other toys; reduced-size (

0701Toys (f.i. car racing sets, electric trains, music toys, biking computers) 950310 Electric trains, train sets, etc

0701Toys (f.i. car racing sets, electric trains, music toys, biking computers) 950350 Toy musical instruments, apparatus

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0701Toys (f.i. car racing sets, electric trains, music toys, biking computers) 950490 Articles for funfair, table and parlour games, nes

0702 Game Consoles 950410 Video games used with a television receiver

0703 Leisure (f.i. large exercise, sports equipment) 920710 Keyboard instruments electrical/requiring amplifier

0703 Leisure (f.i. large exercise, sports equipment) 920790 Musical instruments nes, electric/requiring amplifier

0801 Household Medical (f.i. thermometers, blood pressure meters) 902140 Hearing aids, except parts and accessories

0802 Professional Medical (f.i. hospital, dentist, diagnostics) 901811 Electro-cardiographs

0802 Professional Medical (f.i. hospital, dentist, diagnostics) 901812 Ultrasonic scanning appr

0802 Professional Medical (f.i. hospital, dentist, diagnostics) 901813 Magnetic resonance imagi

0802 Professional Medical (f.i. hospital, dentist, diagnostics) 901814 Scintigraphic apparatus

0802 Professional Medical (f.i. hospital, dentist, diagnostics) 901819 Electro-diagnostic apparatus, nes

0802 Professional Medical (f.i. hospital, dentist, diagnostics) 901841 Dental drill engines

0901Household Monitoring & Control (alarm, heat, smoke, excl. screens) 853110 Burglar or fire alarms and similar apparatus

0901Household Monitoring & Control (alarm, heat, smoke, excl. screens) 853180 Electric sound or visual signalling apparatus, nes

0901Household Monitoring & Control (alarm, heat, smoke, excl. screens) 854340 Electric fence energiser

0901Household Monitoring & Control (alarm, heat, smoke, excl. screens) 854370

Other machines & apparatus for electrical machines & apparatus, other than than machines & apparatus for electroplating/ electrolysis/electrophoresis/signal generators/particle accelerators.

0901Household Monitoring & Control (alarm, heat, smoke, excl. screens) 901730 Micrometers, callipers and gauges

0901Household Monitoring & Control (alarm, heat, smoke, excl. screens) 902410 Machines for testing mechanical properties of metals

0901Household Monitoring & Control (alarm, heat, smoke, excl. screens) 902480 Machines for testing mechanical properties nes

0901Household Monitoring & Control (alarm, heat, smoke, excl. screens) 902519 Thermometers, except liquid filled

0901Household Monitoring & Control (alarm, heat, smoke, excl. screens) 902580

Hydrometer, pyrometer, hygrometer, alone or combined

0901Household Monitoring & Control (alarm, heat, smoke, excl. screens) 902610 Equipment to measure or check liquid flow or level

0901Household Monitoring & Control (alarm, heat, smoke, excl. screens) 902620 Equipment to measure or check pressure

0901Household Monitoring & Control (alarm, heat, smoke, excl. screens) 902680 Equipment to measure, check gas/liquid properties nes

0901Household Monitoring & Control (alarm, heat, smoke, excl. screens) 902710 Gas/smoke analysis apparatus

0901Household Monitoring & Control (alarm, heat, smoke, excl. screens) 902780 Equipment for physical or chemical analysis, nes

0901Household Monitoring & Control (alarm, heat, smoke, excl. screens) 903020 Cathode-ray oscilloscopes, oscillographs

0901Household Monitoring & Control (alarm, heat, smoke, excl. screens) 903033

Other instruments & apparatus, for measuring/checking voltage, current, resistance/power, without a recording device, other than 9030.31 & 9030.32,

0901Household Monitoring & Control (alarm, heat, smoke, excl. screens) 903039 Ammeters, voltmeters, ohm meters, etc, non-recording

0901Household Monitoring & Control (alarm, heat, smoke, excl. screens) 903089 Electrical measurement instruments nes

0901Household Monitoring & Control (alarm, heat, smoke, excl. screens) 903180 Measuring or checking equipment, nes

0901Household Monitoring & Control (alarm, heat, smoke, excl. screens) 903210 Thermostats

0902 Professional Monitoring & Control (f.i. laboratory, control panels) 901510 Rangefinders

0902 Professional Monitoring & Control (f.i. laboratory, control panels) 901520 Theodolites and tacheometers

0902 Professional Monitoring & Control (f.i. laboratory, control panels) 901530 Surveying levels

0902 Professional Monitoring & Control (f.i. laboratory, control panels) 901540 Photogrammetrical surveying instruments, appliances

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0902 Professional Monitoring & Control (f.i. laboratory, control panels) 901580 Surveying, etc instruments nes

1001 Non Cooled Dispensers (f.i. for vending, hot drinks, tickets, money) 847629 Autom bev-vendng mach ne

1001 Non Cooled Dispensers (f.i. for vending, hot drinks, tickets, money) 847689 Automatic vending mach n

1002 Cooled Dispensers (f.i. for vending, cold drinks) 847621 Aut bev-vend m heat/refr

1002 Cooled Dispensers (f.i. for vending, cold drinks) 847681 Autom vendng mach h/refr

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Bilag 3 Uddrag af tabel fra Danmarks Statistik


01 Import 02 Eksport 01 Import

Vægt Værdi Vægt Værdi VægtHS Description

Ironing machines and presses including fusing presses . . . . .Dry-cleaning machines 37.034 2.710.180 13.432 1.838.891 45.224Ironing machines and presses including fusing presses 173.714 12.538.015 58.156 4.999.588 171.861

Dish washing machines (domestic) 2.804.398123.325.47

6 153.668 9.121.750 2.755.231

Electric cooking, grilling & roasting equipment nes . . . . .

Electric cooking, grilling & roasting equipment nes 3.023.780153.532.14

9 2.235.876 89.090.961 3.883.882Automatic washing machines, of a dry capacity < 10 kg


333.718.526 405.258 26.016.183


Washing machines nes, capacity <10 kg, built-in drier 264.392 10.891.435 959 63.197 19.042Household/laundry-type washing machines <10 kg, nes 359.439 11.262.886 27.366 1.990.970 46.588Household or laundry-type washing machines, cap >10kg 443.431 30.749.344 204.962 14.109.592 359.805

Clothes-dryers, centrifugal . . . . .Drying machines, capacity <10 kg, except washer-drier . . . . .Drying machines, nes . . . . .Clothes-dryers, centrifugal 201.299 12.505.720 93.275 8.307.716 142.816Drying machines, capacity <10 kg, except washer-drier 2.238.757

100.391.771 948.950 58.770.220 1.723.356

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Drying machines, nes 185.071 13.247.512 657.695 34.299.284 85.193

Ventilating hoods having a maximum width < 120 cm . . . . .Electric storage heating radiators . . . . .Electric space heating nes and soil heating apparatus . . . . .Ventilating hoods having a maximum width < 120 cm 796.151 44.567.562 148.286 12.603.748 848.407Electric storage heating radiators 10.522 582.325 916 126.901 500Electric space heating nes and soil heating apparatus 929.276 58.901.341 137.597 14.540.221 719.975Refrigerators, household compression type . . . . .

Refrigerators, household compression type 3.814.994111.985.26

5 3.597.511121.333.77

8 3.474.104Refrigerators, household absorption type, electric 418.713 20.569.193 5.309 307.054 455.564Refrigerators, household type, including non-elecctri 52.569 2.646.063 15.399 889.972 66.537Freezers of the chest type, < 800 litre capacity . . . . .Freezers of the upright type, < 900 litre capacity . . . . .

Freezers of the chest type, < 800 litre capacity 175.338 6.233.12633.692.45


9 168.681

Freezers of the upright type, < 900 litre capacity 616.561 21.197.496 3.867.950129.347.98

7 515.981

Air conditioners window/wall types, self-contained . . . . .Air conditioners nes with reverse cycle refrigeration . . . . .Air conditioners nes, with refrigerating unit . . . . .Air conditioners window/wall types, self-contained 69.088 6.395.762 314.821 29.487.153 121.465Air conditioners nes with reverse cycle refrigeration 131.776 12.589.210 961.335 58.902.970 104.986Air conditioners nes, with refrigerating unit 396.556 31.768.376 169.270 10.104.906 369.614Compression refrigeration equipment with heat exchang . . . . .Compression refrigeration equipment with heat exchang 158.090 13.121.275 122.645 10.205.406 173.758

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Bilag 4 Danmarks Statistiks dokumentation af opgaven


Journalnummer/CRM nummer

2015:0004 / ORD-17534-Q0H3W1




KMK / Kaaber, Katja Marie

Databearbejdning af





Til udarbejdelsen af opgaven er benyttet udenrigshandelsdata fra 1988-2013 (viw_statdat_hemm_1988- viw_statdat_hemm_2013)

Der kan læses mere om udenrigshandel med vare i følgende link:


Special udtræk fra konjuktur statistikken på industriens salg af varer 1995-2013.

Der kan læses mere om industriens salg af vare med vare i følgende link:


Data fra udenrigshandel og Konjunktur statistikken sammenkøres på den 6 cifret varekode.

Fra udenrigshandel er udtrykket import og eksport værdi af varene, samt antal kilo. Bemærk i importen indgår således alle importerede varer, herunder også varer, der er bestemt til senere genudførsel eller faktisk bliver genudført. Eksporten omfatter tilsvarende alle varer, uanset om varerne er fremstillet i Danmark, eller om de tidligere er importeret (genudførsel). Statistikkens måleenheder er værdien i kroner, nettovægten i kilo samt for mange varekoder en supplerende mængdeenhed (fx liter, stk. eller kvadratmeter), fordelt på varekoder og lande.

Anvendte registre


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Industriens varesalgs data indsamles hvert kvartal fra alle industrivirksomheder (inkl. virksomheder i råstofindvinding) med mindst 10 ansatte, hvilket svarer til cirka 3000 enheder. De indberettede data kvalitetssikres, bl.a. ved at sammenholde med tidligere indberettede data og med andre kilder. Herefter aggregeres data for varegrupper. Hvorfra der udtaget de ønskede varekoder til kunden.

Industriensvaresalg opgører som salget af egne varer, dvs. varer som er indvundet, fremstillet, videreforarbejdet eller samlet af den indberettende virksomhed. Egne varer er også varer, som virksomheden har fået fremstillet i lønarbejde hos en anden virksomhed. Handelsvarer er ikke omfatttet. Salgsværdier indsamles og offentliggøres i 1000 kr. i Statistikbanken. Mængder offentliggøres i måleenheder tilpasset de forskellige varekoder.

Der er til opgaven her benyttes den mængde og salgværdi der er indberettiget, samt enhed for denne mængde (enhederne er angivet ved vægt eller stk). Der findes ikke mængde angivelse ved alle observationer, da Danmarks Statistik ikke har modtaget disse indberetninger.

Der er muligt for kunden at estimere en vægt på industrien salg af vare, ved at sammenligne værdier med udenrigshandel og vægt angivelse. Såfremt vare både produceres i Danmark og bort eksporteres fra Danmark.

Der laves en undersøgelse af elektronik vare, som er defineret af kunden som følgende:845110,845130,842211,851660,845011,845012,845019,845020,842112,845121,845129,841460,851621,851629,841821,841822,841829,841830,841840,841510,841581,841582,841861,841583,841850,841869,851650,630110,841451,842310,845210,850930,850980,851640,910111,910112,910119,910191,910211,910212,910219,910291,910310,910390,910511,910521,910591,910700,910811,910812,910819,910820,910890,910911,910919,850940,851672,851679,851610,851671,850811,850819,850860,850910,851010,851020,851030,851631,851632,851633,846900,846911,846912,846920,846930,847010,847021,847029,847110,847170,847180,847190,854389,847141,847149,847150,847130,844331,844332,851721,851722,851711,851718,851719,851730,851750,851769,851780,852020,852790,903040,851712,851761,851950,852520,844312,844339,847040,847050,847090,900911,900912,900921,900922,900930,852821,852822,852841,852849,852851,852859,853120,851810,851830,852712,852713,852719,852731,852732,852739,852791,852792,852799,847210,847230,847290,851762,851840,851850,851910,851920,851921,851929,851930,851931,851939,851940,851981,851989,851992,851993,851999,852010,852032,852033,852039,852090,852721,852729,852110,852190,852530,852560,852830,852861,852869,852871,900661,900669,900711,900719,900720,900810,900830,900840,901010,901050,901060,903130,903149,851821,851822,852540,852580,852812,852813,852873,852872,851310,853941,853949,853931,853932,853939,851210,940510,940520,940530,940540,846721,846722,846729,850810,850820,850880,850920,851511,851519,851521,851529,851531,843311,843319,950300,950310,950350,950490,950410,920710,920790,902140,901811,9018


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Datakontrol og kommentarer

Data stemmer overens med de offentliggjorde tal. Det informeres dog om at virksomheder selv indberetter på koderne, der kan derfor forekomme en usikkerhed omkring kvaliteten af data. Kvaliteten af data er specielt ringere i de første år af register udarbejdelsen.

Der kan forekomme databrud, da der kun indberettes på officielt oprette koder, dvs. at nyere opfindelse som endnu ikke har modtaget egen kode enten indberettes på ligne produkt nummer eller i restkategori for alle vare, vare indberette på ligne produkter der indgår i statistikken er derfor med taget, mens vare indberette under restkategorien falder ud af data.

Varekoder diskretioneres ved at lade de relevante dataceller være tomme i de offentliggjorte tabeller. Der er cirka 100 varekoder, der diskretioneres på foranledning af indberetterne. Diskretionering bevilges, hvis en indberetter har anmodet om det og samtidig har en dominerende markedsandel. Alle diskretioneringer på varekoder gennemgås en gang årligt for om betingelserne stadig er opfyldt.

Mere information

Data er leveret som: Excel via E-post

Hvis du har spørgsmål i forbindelse med denne serviceopgave, er du velkommen til at kontakte Kaaber, Katja Marie på e-post [email protected] eller på tlf.: 3917 3369




Yderlig information


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Danmarks Statistiks Kundecenter www.dst.dk/kundecenter udfører statistik- og analyseopgaver mod betaling og er den centrale indgang til servicemedarbejdere i Danmarks Statistik. Hent information eller rådgivning i forbindelse med skræddersyede opgaver ved henvendelse til Kundecenter på tlf.: 39 17 35 44 eller e-post [email protected]

Statistikbanken www.statistikbanken.dk indeholder gratis detaljeret officiel statistik, som beskriver det danske samfund. Danmarks Statistiks produktion dækker over ca. 250 emneområder eller produkter. Disse produkter er organiseret i 17 emnegrupper. Hvert statistikprodukt er beskrevet i varedeklarationer. Find mere information på www.dst.dk/varedeklarationer

Generel information

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Bilag 5 Uddrag af bearbejdet tabel

903020 Cathode-ray oscilloscopes, oscillographs

18.705 17.411 1.294

903033 Other instruments & apparatus, for measuring/checking voltage, current, resistance/power, without a recording device, other than 903031 & 903032,


903039 Ammeters, voltmeters, ohm meters, etc, non-recording

64.115 27.877 36.238

903089 Electrical measurement instruments nes

61.997 49.107 12.890

903180 Measuring or checking equipment, nes

294.032 -508.357 802.389

903210 Thermostats 268.265 189.724 78.541902 Professional

Monitoring & Control (fi laboratory, control panels)

901510 Rangefinders 0

901530 Surveying levels


901580 Surveying, etc instruments nes


901510 Rangefinders 3.178 1.017 2.161901520 Theodolites

and tacheometers

5.635 4.918 717

901530 Surveying levels

27.991 23.443 4.548

901540 Photogrammetrical surveying instruments,

7.273 6.722 551

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appliances901580 Surveying,

etc instruments nes

202.039 50.032 152.007

9 Monitoring and Control Instruments total -42 1001 Non Cooled

Dispensers (fi for vending, hot drinks, tickets, money)

847689 Automatic vending mach n

847629 Autom bev-vendng mach ne 0847689 Automatic vending mach n 0

1002 Cooled Dispensers (fi for vending, cold drinks)

847621 Aut bev-vend m heat/refr 0

847681 Autom vendng mach h/refr 0847621 Aut bev-vend m heat/refr 0847681 Autom vendng mach h/refr 0

10 Automatic Dispensers total -

WEEE Net Imports -31.800

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Bilag 6






















Bruttoværditilvækst DK, 2005 mkr