Day 1 Day 2 Day 4 Day 6 Day 3 · Hotel: 4★ Santo or similar (B/L/D) Day 7 台北 原居地 Taipei Home City 早餐後送往機場,乘坐客機返回原居地。 (早) After breakfast,

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Page 1: Day 1 Day 2 Day 4 Day 6 Day 3 · Hotel: 4★ Santo or similar (B/L/D) Day 7 台北 原居地 Taipei Home City 早餐後送往機場,乘坐客機返回原居地。 (早) After breakfast,
Page 2: Day 1 Day 2 Day 4 Day 6 Day 3 · Hotel: 4★ Santo or similar (B/L/D) Day 7 台北 原居地 Taipei Home City 早餐後送往機場,乘坐客機返回原居地。 (早) After breakfast,

[ p.2 ]

Day 2台北 ~ 忠烈祠 ~ 故宮博物館 ~ 貔貅展覽館Taipei ~ Martyr's Shrine ~ National Palace Museum ~ Pi Xiu Center是日抵達後前往忠烈祠並欣賞特別閱兵禮及故宮博物館及貔貅展覽館。晚餐於當地餐廳。酒店:4★ 三德或同級 (晚)Upon arrival in Taipei, visit Martyr’s Shrine for a guard, ceremony the National Palace Museum and Pi Xiu Center. Dinner at local restaurant. Hotel: 4★ Santo or similar (D)

Day 1原居地 台北 Home City Taipei由原居地出發飛往台北。Depart from home city to the Taipei.

Day 3台北 ~ 台中 ~ 日月潭 ~ 文武廟 ~ 孔雀園 ~ 乘船遊湖【船資已含】~ 酋長之家Taipei ~ Taichung ~ Sun Moon Lake ~ Wen Wu Temple ~ Peacock Garden ~ Boat ride ~ Mao Wan Yeh’s House早餐後前往台中。午餐後抵達台灣第一大湖泊日月潭-以菱形的日潭與其西細長狐形之月潭構成而得名。並參訪文武廟、孔雀園、乘船遊湖、酋長之家等,遊畢返,晚餐享用中華料理。酒店:4★ 映涵或同級 (早、午、晚) After breakfast, transfer to Taicheung. After lunch visit Sun Moon Lake, Wen Wu Temple, and Peacock Garden. Enjoy the boat ride

Day 4日月潭 ~ 台南 ~ 赤崁樓 ~ 安平古堡 ~ 安平樹屋 ~ 高雄 ~ 六合夜市 Sun Moon Lake ~ Tainan ~ Chihkan House ~ Fort Zeelandia ~ Anping Tree House ~ Kaohsiung ~ Liou He Night market 早餐後驅車前往台南。午餐後前往位於台南市赤嵌街與民族路交叉口上的赤嵌樓,原為荷蘭人所建。早期的漢人稱荷蘭人為紅毛,所以這座城樓也叫做紅毛樓。接著前往台灣地區最古老的城堡-安平古堡,更可見威武的鄭成功像。繼續前往安平樹屋。此為老榕樹氣根自然而然自損壞的屋頂垂下攀附生根,形成「樹以牆為幹、屋以葉為瓦」的特殊景觀。遊畢後,前往高雄。晚餐於當地餐廳。餐後前往高雄的「六合夜市」以多樣化的小吃聞名,是頗具知名度的熱門景點。酒店:4★ 西悠或同級 (早、午、晚)After breakfast, drive to Tainan. After lunch, transfer to the Chihkan house and Fort Zeelandia. Continue to Anping Tree House. Finally to Kaohsiung for dinner. Evening visit the city's "Liuhe night market" for local snacks..Hotel: 4★ CU or similar (B/L/D)

Day 5美麗島捷運站 ~ 墾丁 ~ 福安宮 ~ 恆春古城 ~ 船帆石 ~ 龍磐公園 ~ 台東 Beautiful Island Station(Dome Light) ~ Kenting ~ Fu Palace ~ Hengchun Ancient

Day 6台東 ~ 花蓮 ~ 太魯閣峽谷 ~ 大理石廠 返台北 Taidong ~ Hualien ~ Taroko National Park ~ Marble Factory Taipei 早餐後搭乘專車前往花蓮。午餐後,遊玩太魯閣國家公園各風景點。太魯閣係原住民語,意為〝美麗〞。以岩脈廣大理石峭壁、深谷、曲溪著名。此外有長春祠、燕子口、九曲洞及天祥風景區等。後參觀大理石工廠及其展示中心。搭乘火車返回台北。晚餐於火車上享用便當。 酒店:4★ 三德或同級 (早、午、晚)After breakfast, coach to Hualien. After meal transfer to Taroko National Park. Taroko, meaning "beautiful." Afterward, visit the marble factory and its Exhibition Center. Then take train to return to Taipei. Dinner on the train. Hotel: 4★ Santo or similar (B/L/D)

Day 7台北 原居地Taipei Home City 早餐後送往機場,乘坐客機返回原居地。 (早) After breakfast, transfer to airport for your homebound flight. (B)

at the lake. Later continue to visit Man Wan Yeh’s House. Dinner at the local restaurant. Hotel: 4★ Einhan Resort or similar (B/L/D)

City ~ Chuanfan Rock ~ Long Pan Park ~ Taitung 早餐後前往遊覽<美麗島捷運站>。車站內部之公共藝術作品“光之穹頂”,乃由義大利藝術家水仙大師(Narcissus Quagliata)親手打造,以祈禱為主題象徵。抵達墾丁,午餐後前往福安宮,堪稱全台灣省最大的土地公廟。接著前往四個城門都保留很完整的恆春古城。之後前往墾丁重要地標之一的船帆石及龍磐公園,其最著名的旭日東昇與關山夕照齊名。遊畢回到台東晚餐。 酒店:4★ 統茂或同級 (早、午、晚)After breakfast, tour of the "beautiful island MRT". Works of public art within the station's "Dome of Light" are supplied by Italian artist Narcissus Masters (Narcissus Quagliata). After lunch at Kenting, continue to Fu Palace known as the largest land in Taiwan Province Hengchun city, Chuanfan Rock and Sand Pan Park. Afterward back to Taitung to dinner. Hotel: 4★ Toong Mao Resort or similar (B/L/D)






7天台灣環島假期7- day Taiwan Delight Tour


Page 3: Day 1 Day 2 Day 4 Day 6 Day 3 · Hotel: 4★ Santo or similar (B/L/D) Day 7 台北 原居地 Taipei Home City 早餐後送往機場,乘坐客機返回原居地。 (早) After breakfast,

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Day 2高雄 ~ 夢時代購物中心Dream Mall ~ 左營春秋閣 ~ 龍虎塔 ~ 孔子廟 ~ 蓮池潭 ~ 乘船夜遊愛河 ~ 85大樓觀景台(包入場)Kaohsiung ~ Dream Mall ~ Zuoying Spring and Autumn Pavilions ~ Dragon & Tiger Pagodas ~ Confucius Temple ~ Lotus Pond Lake ~ Boat Ride in Love River ~ Observatory of Tuntex Sky Tower抵達後,前往全台灣最大商場,夢時代購物中心Dream Mall。頂樓設有Hello Kitty摩天輪,稱之為“高雄之眼”。後往左營春秋閣、龍虎塔、孔子廟、蓮池潭等。後乘船遊歷愛河及重本安排乘高速電梯登上85大樓觀景台(包入場)飽覽醉人夜景。晚餐品嘗高雄著名的東坡醉月江南美食。住宿:5★金典或同級 (晚)Upon arrival in Kaohsiung, proceed to the biggest shopping mall in Taiwan, Dream Mall. Visit the lovely Giant Hello Kitty Ferris Wheel, known as the “Eye of Kaohsiung.” Afterwards, continue to the Zuoying Spring, Autumn Temple, Dragon Tiger Pagodas, Confucius Temple, and Lotus Pond Lake. Afternoon, you will take a boat ride along the Love River and enjoy the beautiful view. Finally to Observatory of Tuntex Sky Tower. Dinner at local restaurant. Hotel: 5★ Splendor or similar (D)

Day 1原居地 高雄 Home City Kaohsiung由原居地出發飛往高雄。 Depart from home city to the Kaohsiung.

Day 3高雄 ~ 珍珠繁殖中心 ~ 佛光山 ~ 日月潭 Kaohs i u ng ~ Pea r l Cen t e r ~ Mt . Fokuangshan ~ Sun Moon Lake早餐後前往珍珠繁殖中心,了解珍珠繁殖之過程。遊畢後,前往由星雲法師帶領弟子披荊斬棘,一沙一石、一磚一瓦歷經艱辛所建設起來的台灣第一大佛寺 -佛光山。午餐享用養生素食宴。及後前往台灣第一大湖泊日月潭、日月潭以菱形的日潭與其西細長弧形之月潭構成而得名。餘下時間,盡享酒店內設施。住宿:5★ 雲品日式溫泉或同級 (早、午、晚) After breakfast, visit the Pearl Center to understand how pearl is

Day 4日月潭 ~ 山地特產店 ~ 公益路美食主題街 ~ 台中 ~ 高鐵前往台北 ~ 台北伍角船板 Sun Moon Lake ~ Local Souvenir Store ~ Food Street ~ Taichung ~ High Speed Train to Taipei ~ Wu Jiao Chuan Ban 早餐後暢遊日月潭及當地山地特產店。後前往有台灣中心之稱的台中。午餐於無為草堂,此人文茶館是經營”茶”的專家, 各位將親身體驗如何選擇-泡適合自己口味、心情的茶。餐後乘坐高鐵子彈火車前往台北。晚餐品嘗當地以結合自然素材為原則來創造的飯店-台北伍角船板。 住宿:5★ 君悅或同級 (早、午、晚)After breakfast, visit the Sun Moon Lake and stop at stalls selling products. Coach to Taichung for lunch at local Restaurant which specializes in Tea Making. Aterward take the newly built high speed train to Taipei for overnight Dinner at at the Wu Jiao Chuan Ban, famous for its unique appearance, to create a special experience for customers. Hotel: 5★ Grand Hyatt or similar (B/L/D)

Day 5忠烈祠 ~ 故宮博物館 ~ 貔貅展覽館 ~ 鼎泰豐美食 ~ 九份 ~ 台北101購物中心 ~ 士林夜市Martyr's Shrine ~ National Palace Museum ~ Pi Xiu Center ~ Chiufen ~ Taipei 101 Shopping Center ~ Shilin Night Market早餐後前往忠烈祠並欣賞閱兵禮。後遊覽故宮博物館及貔貅展覽館。午餐將帶領各位品嚐正宗鼎泰豐美食。其後開往充滿韻味的九份, 此鎮座落於山坡地並且保留日治時代的舊式建築。後前往擁有堪稱台灣最高的大樓,開滿了世界名牌、地道精品商店、主題餐廳、百貨超市等,絕對是搜購手信的集中地- 台北101購物中心。晚上暢遊著名的士林夜市,您可以自費品嘗各種地道台灣小吃,滋味無窮。 住宿:5★ 君悅或同級 (早、午)


processed. Later to Mt. Fo Guang (Temple) which was established in 1967. After Lunch transfer to Sun Moon Lake Fenisia Hotel to enjoy all kind of SPA and hot spring facilities. Sun Moon Lake is a beautiful alpine lake.Hotel: 5★ Fleur de Chine or similar (B/L/D)

After breakfast, visit Martyr’s Shrine for a guard ceremony, the National Palace Museum and Pi Xiu Center. Lunch at Din Tai Fung for its special dumplings. Afterwards, proceed to Chiu fen and Taipei 101 Shopping Center for shopping. At night, you can try all kinds of famous authentic Taiwanese street food at Shi lin Night Market.Hotel: 5★ Grand Hyatt or similar (B/L)


Day 6台北 花蓮 ~ 竹筒飯風味餐 ~ 太魯閣峽谷 Taipei Hualien ~ Bamboo Tube Rice Lunch ~ Taroko National Park早餐後搭乘機往花蓮。抵達後享用竹筒飯風味餐。餐後搭車遊玩太魯閣國家公園各風景點。太魯閣係原住民語,意為〝美麗〞。此峽谷響譽國際,為世界自然奇景之一。以岩脈廣大理石峭壁、深谷、曲溪著名。此外有長春祠、燕子口、九曲洞及天祥風景區。晚餐於酒店內。 住宿:5★ 遠來或同級 (早、午、晚) After breakfast depart for Hualien. After arrival at Hualien proceed for Bamboo-tube rice lunch by plane. After meal areas of Taroko National Park. Dinner at the hotel.Hotel: 5★ Farglory or similar (B/L/D)

Day 8台北 原居地Taipei Home City早餐後送往機場,乘坐客機返回原居地。 (早) After breakfast, transfer to airport for your homebound flight. (B)

Day 7太魯閣 ~ 大理石工廠 ~ 野生靈芝、鹿茸等山產中心 台北Taroko ~ Marble Factory & Show Room ~ Wild Lingzhi & Velvet shop centerTaipei早餐後自由活動。稍後參觀大理石工廠及其展示中心。午餐品嚐迴轉自助火鍋。繼後前往著名野生靈芝、鹿茸等山產中心。午後乘飛機返回台北。送回酒店後,自由活動。晚餐自理。住宿:5★ 華國或同級 (早、午)After breakfast, you may enjoy the hotel’s facility. Then visit Marbel Factory & its Showroom. Rotary self-help Hot pot for Lunch. Proceed to Wild Lingzhi and Velvet shopping Center. Afterward, fly back to Taipei. Free at leisure and dinner on your own expenses.Hotel: 5★ Imperial or similar (B/L)

Day 6台北 原居地 Taipei Home City早餐後送往機場,乘坐客機返回原居地。 (早)After breakfast, transfer to airport for your homebound flight. (B)

繼續前往花蓮參加8天團之團友,行程如下: For 8 days tour continued to Hualien, please see itinerary below:


6/8天寶島深度遊6/8 day Taiwan Panoramic Tour


Page 4: Day 1 Day 2 Day 4 Day 6 Day 3 · Hotel: 4★ Santo or similar (B/L/D) Day 7 台北 原居地 Taipei Home City 早餐後送往機場,乘坐客機返回原居地。 (早) After breakfast,

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Day 2台北 ~ 途經瑞芳 ~ 九份 ~ 野柳國家奇石公園 ~ 士林夜市Taipei ~ Chiufen ~ Yehliu ~ Shilin Night Market是日抵達台北國際機場,由專人於機場迎接後開始台北美味小吃之旅途經瑞芳,前往九份及野柳國家奇石公園。遊畢,返回台北市。晚餐於當地餐廳品嘗地道台式料理。 酒店:4★ Santos 或同級 (晚)Upon arrival, we will visit Yehliu, Chiufen and Shilin Night market before checking in at hotel for rest. Dinner at local restaurant. Hotel: 4★ Santos or similar (D)

Day 1原居地 台北 Home City Taipei由原居地出發飛往台北。Depart from home city to Taipei.

Day 3民主紀念館(中正紀念堂) ~ 總統府 ~ 珍珠養殖推廣中心 ~ 六福村主題公園(笑傲飛鷹、阿拉伯魔宮、蘇丹王大冒險、野生動物園)

Day 4故宮博物館 ~ 山地傳統民族特產推廣中心 ~ 深坑豆腐街 ~ 天祿藝術中心 ~ 陽明山天籟溫泉會館 ~ 台北101購物中心 ~ 西門町 National Palace Museum ~ Cultural Center ~ Shenkeng Tofu Street ~ Yangmingshan Tienlai ~ Taipei 101 Mall ~ Shimenting 早餐後參觀故宮博物館及山地傳統民族特產推廣中心。後暢遊深受愛吃人士歡迎的深坑豆腐街。參觀天祿藝術中心後,前往著名的陽明山天籟溫泉會館泡溫泉享受一番。及後再往台北101購物中心及西門町瘋狂購物一番。酒店:4★ Santos或同級 (早、晚)

Day 5台北忠烈祠 ~ 中國茶道研究中心 ~ 自由活動 原居地或免費前往香港及各亞洲城市 Taipei Martyr's Shrine ~ Chinese Tea Center ~ Free at Leisure Home city or FREE fly to HKG or other Asian cities 早餐後前往忠烈祠及中國茶道研究中心後自由活動。遊畢後,乘專車前往機場,乘搭豪華客機飛往其他亞洲城市繼續您的旅程。 (餐)After breakfast, transfer to Martyr’s Shrine and Chinese Tea Center. Then, free at leisure to explore this fascination city until transfer to airport for flight departure. (B)

Chiang Kai Shek Memorial Hal l ~ Presidential Building ~ Pearl Center ~ LeoFoo Village Theme Park早餐後前往中正紀念堂,後途徑總統府前往珍珠養殖推廣中心了解珍珠的養殖過程。遊畢後前往老幼咸宜的六福村主題公園盡情玩樂。 酒店:4★ Santos 或同級 (早、晚) Af ter the breakfast, visit Chiang Kai-Shek Memorial Hall. Afterwards, pass by Presidential Building for the Pearl Center to learn about how to breed Pearl. Then, go to LeoFoo Village Theme Park for an afternoon conclusion. Hotel: 4★ Santos or similar (B/D)

After breakfast, visit the National Palace Museum and Cultural center. Then, experience Shenkeng Tofu Street. Enjoy a relaxing hot spring bath at Yangmingshan Tienlai. Do some shopping before concluding your day at Taipei 101 Mall and Shimenting.Hotel: 4★ Santos or similar (B/D)





PASSPORTS AND VISAS :Passengers are responsible for all visas, entry, health and other requirements and any documents required by laws, regulations, orders and/or requirements of countries visited. All passengers travelling abroad require a Passport, valid for 6 months beyond the conclusion of their trip, and with appropriate visas. Multiple-entry visas are required for some countries. It is the responsibility of each passenger to have a valid Passport and necessary visas, as well as to comply with entry, health or other requirements of the countries visited. The Operator and/or its agents are not responsible for passport, visa requirements, entry, health or other requirements of the countries visited or for any loss sustained by passengers for failing to comply with laws, regulations, orders and/or requirements of countries visited.

RESERVATION AND PAYMENT :A deposit $300 per person is required to reserve space. The balance is due 45 days prior to departure. (Passenger who wishes to enjoy the special Early Bird Discount must pay the full tour fare upon registration). Charming Holidays reserves the right to cancel the reservation should payments not be received within the above-specified periods, and all payment previously made will not be refunded under this circumstance. Only cash, bank draft or certified cheque will be accepted. For any payment made within 14 working days prior tour departure, personal cheque will not be accepted.

CANCELLATION PENALTIES :Notice of cancellation must be made in writing to Charming Holidays and the following scale of cancellation fees will be applied: A. Over 45 days prior to departure, C$300 per person. B. 31-45 days prior to departure, C$800 per person.C. 21-30 days prior to departure, 50% of total price.D. 8-20 days prior to departure, 75% of total price.E. Within 7 days prior to departure or withdrawal from a tour, will regard forfeiting the tour on own, no tour fee will be refunded.

TOUR PRICES :Tour prices are quoted in local currencies and based on costs of airfares, hotel rates, transportation charges, admission fees, and exchange rates at time of press and are subject to change without notice. Should any of these cost changes, Charming Holidays reserves the right to adjust the tour prices before departure. Nevertheless, this does not apply to passengers with full payment at time of adjustment. If the tour price increases more than 10 percent, you have the right to cancel but our liability will be limited to the refund of the paid amount.

PRICE INCLUDES:Round trip economy class air ticket is included for those air+land tours.Hotel accommodation with private bathroom as outlined in the itinerary or comparable.

All hotel and airport transfers, air-conditioned luxury coach and other specified types of transportation as outlined in the itinerary.Meals provided are indicated as (B) for Breakfast, (L) for Lunch and (D) for Dinner as outlined in the itinerary.Sightseeing as outlined in the itinerary.Professional tour guide.Porterage for one piece of baggage per person.

PRICE DOES NOT INCLUDE :Air ticket for those land tours only, airport and departure taxes, fuel surcharge, all other taxes as outlined in the itinerary, meals and admission fees for unpaid members or other than specified, visa fees, excess baggage charges, comprehensive group insurance, alcoholic beverages, gratuities and items of a personal nature.

INSURANCE :We strongly recommend you to purchase on ‘All Inclusive Insurance Protection Plan’ provided by our insurance company. Premium varies depending on tour price and age level (additional coverage details for upgrade are under separate page).

BAGGAGE :Baggage allowance in domestic continent is restricted to 20Kg (44Lbs.), and one carry-on baggage with dimensions not exceeding 22”x14”x9” per person. On International flights, economy class baggage allowance of up to 2 suitcases with each dimensions not exceeding 29”x20”x10”. However, porterage for only one piece of baggage is included. All baggage and personal belongings are at all times at the passenger’s own risk. The carriers, hotels and other suppliers who provide services on tour are independent contractors; as such, their security policies will be respected. Charming Holidays will not be liable for any damages or injuries claimed.

HEALTH :Normally, vaccinations are no longer required unless you travel from or via an infected area. In many places, medical attention for emergency situations is available although not as easily accessible as it is at home. Minor medication or prescription drugs should also be carried with you.

RESPONSIBILITY(Important, please read this carefully.):Charming Holidays constantly strives to improve tour itineraries and features. If such improvements can be made, or unforeseen circumstances which is beyond our control, Charming Holidays reserves the right to make changes – such as to vary itineraries, to substitute hotels, to cancel or re-schedule our departures as deemed to be appropriate. Furthermore tour price will be adjusted according to the extension of abridgement of travel period. Passengers shall not use this as an excuse for an objection. Charming Holidays Shall be responsible to the passenger for supplying the services and accommodations described in this brochure, except where such services cannot be supplied or the itinerary used is changed due to delays or other causes of whatever kind or nature beyond the control of Charming Holidays. In such circumstances, Charming Holidays will do its best to

supply comparable services, accommodations and itineraries and there shall be no refund in this connection. Passengers are responsible to observe the laws, regulations, orders and/or requirements of countries visited. Charming Holidays assumes no responsibility for any passenger rejected to enter the countries visited. In such circumstances, there shall be no refund for the unused portion of the tour. Charming Holidays is pleased to accept requests of individual arrivals or departures for independent travelers, however, Charming Holidays will not be responsible for any loss sustained by passengers for any missed portion of tour or hotel accommodation caused by traffic delay or delay in any nature. Charming Holidays reserves the right to refuse to carry anyone whose conduct deemed incompatible with the interests of the tour group. Accordingly, we are not responsible for passenger’s conduct after the completion of the tour. Should any passenger be asked to leave the tour, the balance of the tour fee will not be refunded.

Your reservation with us for the attached package in this brochure confirms that you have read, understood and agreed to each and all of the above conditions and limits on responsibility.

Your Travel Agent

LAX CST # 2002833-40ONT wholesale #04273843 BC wholesale #2668

General Information Terms & Conditions

5- day Taiwan City Breaks逢星期1、3出發

Page 5: Day 1 Day 2 Day 4 Day 6 Day 3 · Hotel: 4★ Santo or similar (B/L/D) Day 7 台北 原居地 Taipei Home City 早餐後送往機場,乘坐客機返回原居地。 (早) After breakfast,

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