@t ffil' B2 DExam mintafeladatok

Dexam mintafeladatok B2

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Page 1: Dexam mintafeladatok B2






Page 2: Dexam mintafeladatok B2

DExam mintafeladatok


Hum6n- 6s re6lmodul feladatsorok angol nyelvb6l

CD mel16klettel 6s megold6kulccsal

Debreceni Egyetem ldegennyelvi Kozpont

DExam Vizsgakdzpont



Page 3: Dexam mintafeladatok B2

Szerkesztett6k: Kov6cs Magdolna 6s Vad Kdlmenn6

Anyanyelvi lektor: Ceorge Seel

O Debreceni Egyetem, 2009

Jelen kiadveny a Debreceni Egyetem szellemi tulajdona, Bdrminemri sokszorosi6s vagytovdbbi felhaszn;ilis kiz.irdlag a Felet6s kiad6 irdsbeli enged6ty6vel lehets6ges.

lsBN 978-963-473-l 33-7

Felel6s kiad6: Dr. F6sris Leszl6 rektorCim: 4010 Debrecen, Egyetem t6r I .

E-mailt [email protected]

Honlap: www.unideb.hu

Nyomta 6s kdtdtter Alfdldi Nyomda Zrr.4027 Debrecen, E6szdrm6nyi it 6.

Felel6s vezet6 Cydrgy G€za vez6rigazgat6

Page 4: Dexam mintafeladatok B2


1. A DEXAM vlzscA sAJATossAGAr.' """ ""'5

2.BEsztDfRrfs.. " """"' 13

3.BEsztDKfszsfc """"""23

4. irorr szdvnc fnrfsr fs 1vnr,vIsMERDT....... .......... " " "" 35

5. ip,isr<r6szsfc... """""""49

6. MDGoLD6KULCSoK....................... " " " "53

7. ABour DEXAM """ "'61

Page 5: Dexam mintafeladatok B2

Kedves Vizsgrizdk!

Az allamilag elismert DExam vizsga a KER (Kdzijs Eur6pai Referenciakeret) ajAnlesait kdvetegynyelvii angol nyelwizsga, mely a kommunikativ cdlok megval6sitdsdhoz sziiksdges nyelvtud6liiltaldnos 6s a vizsgez6k drdekl6ddsdnek mcgfelel6 tdmaktlrdkben mdri.

A DExam vizsgarendszer szintjei kiivetik az Eur6pa Tanfcs dltal elfogadott KER szinteket.

Jelen kiadvrinyunk a DExam kdzdpfokLi (82) nyelwizsg6t mutatja be. A kiadvAny kdt rdszbdell.

Az els6 rdsz riszletezi a DExam vizsgarendszer f6 saj6toss6g6t, a humiin_ vagy reiilmoduikijzdtti vrilasztdsi lehct6sdget; majd dtrekintdst nyijt a DExam kdzdpfokrt (B2) nyelwizsgafeldpitdsdr6l, feladattipusai16l ds a vizsgiz6i teljesitmdny drtdkeldsdr6l.

A mdsodik risz a DExam kdzdpfoki (82) nyelvvizsga ndgy vizsgardszdnek Beszidirtes,Beszidklszsig, irott sziiveg artese is nyelvismeret, iraskdszslg teljes feladatsoriit ta1almazza. Avizsgrira jelentkez6knek mrir a jelentkezdsi lapon meg kell jeldlnitik, hogy hum6n_ vagy re6lmodulfeladatso.al kivdnnak vizsgiizni. A vizsga sor6n modult v6rtani nem lehet. A m6sodik r€szbe'kdzreadott humdn- ds reiilmodul feladatsorcL az adott modul feladatai melett tartalmaznak r-kdzds' dltaliinos tdmaju feladatot is. A kdzds feladatot/feladatokat kiadv6nyunk egyszer kdzri,ugyanigy a Beszidtrtls kdz6s feladatiinak hanganyaga is egyszer szerepel a CD_n.

A feladatokat ds a hozzrijuk taitozd angol nyelvii utasit6sokat abban a form6ban adjuk kahogyan azt a vizsgdz6k az ,,dles" vizsgfn is kdzhez kapjrik.

A kiadv6ny vdgdn talalhat6 megold6kulcsok ds mintamegold6sok segitik a i.elkdsziildsr.

Page 6: Dexam mintafeladatok B2


l. 1, Humfnmodul vagy re6lmodul k0ziitti vilasztasi lehet6s6g

A DExam olyan dltaliinos nyelwizsga, amely a diAkok kdzdpiskolisok, egyetemistiik ds a mar

dolgoz6 nyelvtanul6k nyelvhasznalati ig6nyeit termdszetes hum6n- vagy rerildrdekl6ddsiik

messzemen6 hgyelembevdtel6vel eldgiti ki. A DExam vizsgarendszer sajetoss.iga a humiin- vagy

realmodul kdzotti velasztasi lehet6sdg.

A modulfeladatok a vizsgdz6k sziikebb vagy tagabb 6rdekl6d6si vagy szaktediletdhez kijt6dnek, de

a trrgyi tudist nem mdrik, laikusok sziimdra ir6dott tudom6nyos ismerette{eszt6 szdvegeken

alapulnak. A tdrsadalomtudomanyok ds a miivdszetek irant 6rdekl6d6k nyelvtudasukat 6ltal6nos ds

hum6n tematik6jf feladatokon mutathatj6k meg, mig a termdszettudomiiny ds a technika iriint

drdekl6d6knek a re6lmodul vdlasztis6val lesz nagyobb esdly0k angol nyelvi ismereteik bizonyit6sdra

a DExam vizsgarendszerben.

Az 6ltalenos tdm6jf 6s a modulfeladatok ar6nya a DExam kijzdpfokti (B2) nyelwizsga egyes

vizsgadszeiben eltdr6l

c a Beszlcldrtis vizsgardsz feladatsora 3 feladatb6l rill, ds ebb6l kett6 modulfeladat:

c a B eszddkdszstg vizsgardsz 3 feladatb6l rill, ds ebbiil egy, a kisel6ad6s a modulfeladat;

. az irott sztjveg irftse As nyelvismelel vizsgardsz feladatsora 3 irott sztiveg dftdsdt

ds 1 nyelvismeretet mdr6 feladatb6l dll, ezek kdztil kett6 modulfoladat;

. az iraskdszsdgtizsgardsz mindkdt feladata dltal.inos tdm6jir' Itt nincs modulfeladat

A modulfeladatok hely€t ds ar6ny6t az alfibbi tlbli,zat foglalja iissze. A modulfeladatokat sziirke

szin jeliili:

A modulfeladatok nem feladattipushoz ktjt6dnek, egy-egy vizsgadsz feladatsoriiban a fenti

arenyok megtartasaval m6s-m6s feladat lehet a modulfeladat.

Az 6ltal6nos szdvegek t6meja az Atlal1nos tdmakiiriikben megieldlt t6makdrdk valamelyikdbe

sorolhat6 be. a humiinmodul feladatok t6rsadalomtudomdnyi (ircdalomtudomdny, nyelv6szet' ndprajz,

tiiftdnelem, szociol6gia stb.) vagy mi.ivdszeti tdmrijirak; a redlmodul feladatokd pedig a

temdszettudom6nyok (biol6gia, kdmia, csillagdszat, fizika, informatika stb.) vagy a technika

tdmakcidbe tartoz6.

A feladatsorok modulfeladatait az alabbi piktogramok jeliilik:

Feladatok szima


irott sziiveg dfi6se 6s nyelvismeret

sa r>iti ,,.0,^,,0r. * reatmoctut

Page 7: Dexam mintafeladatok B2

1.2. Altalinos t6makdriik

A DExam vizsgarendszer 6ltal6nos tematikAjdt a szintek egymesba €piilii tdmakdrei alkotjak !hogy egy adott szint tdmeja taftalmazz az

^lal/.a lev6 szinten sziikebben vagy konkretabl

meghatArozott tdmdt, pl.: Alapfok (Bl) szinten a v6sdrlds a,,boltok, piac", Kiizdpfok (82) szinte

,,vds6rldsi szokisok", Fels<ifok (Cl) szinten a,,v6s6rl{si szok6sok 6talakul6sa" a v6sdrl6s tdmakii

szembeni kdvetelmdnyek v6ltoais6t mutatja.

Alapfok (Bl) Ktiz6pfok (B2) Felsaifok (Cl)

Csabd 6s rokons6g Csalid (tipikus szerepek,probl6rnik)

Csal6d (munkamegosztas 6s

szerepek, gyermeknevelds,genenici6s probl€mak)

Badtok, osztalyt6Nak Bar6tok, oszLilytercak, ismerdsiik(kiils6, bels6 jellemz6s)

A barits6g szerepe

Mindennapos tev6kenys€gek;mindennapi dlet

Lak6hely (otthon, hdzimunka) Lak6hely (falun, v6rosban) Lak6shelyzet (t6mogatAsok,otthontalans6g)

Tanul6s (tandrgyak,nyelvtanules)

lskolarendszer, toviiLbblanulas KoBzerii tud6s (nyehtudesfontoss6ga)

Foglalkozes (helyszin,m!nkavCgz€s)

Munkahely (f€ladatkdrijk,munkalirsak, elbskeresis)

Munkav6llal6s (szellemi 6s

fi zikai munka, 6tk6pz6s,munkandlki.iliseg)

Szabadid6 (olvasas, mozi,szinhfu, TV, intemet)

Szabadid6 (hobbik, programok,6lninyek, vesz€lyek);

Nyaralas (kdsziiltid€s, ritkitzben)

Nyaral{si szokasok; turizmus,utazas

Etkezds (Ctelek) Etkez€s (kiil6nfele dtrendek.)

Vesarles (boltok, piac) V:iserbs (visa esi szokesok) A vesArlrsi szokasok etalakulasa

Szolgaltalisok igdnybevdtele(szelloda, 6tterem, posta)

Szol g6ltatdsok ig€nybev€tele(pdnzv6ltAs, aut6szerviz ds egydbj avittat,sok)

Szolgeltalisok 6talakul6sa

Kdzlekedds (tttmegkdzlekeddsieszkdzitk, ritbaigazids)

Katzlekedis (tdrnegkdzleked6s) A kdzleked€s probl6mei(rithel6zat, kdzlekedesi nodl)

Sport (kedvelt tevdkenys6gek) Sport (ndpszer,t spoitok)

Egdszsdg (b€tegsigek) Egdszsdges €letm6d (betegsegek,orvosn6l)

Eg6szsdgiigyi elbtas (szocielisell6t6s, szenvedilybetegek,fogyatekkal 6l6k)

Kdrnyezetiink (id6jrres,dvszakok, 6llat- €s n6vdn,'vileg)

Kdrnyezetvddelem Kdmyezetszennyezds

K6zbiztonsAg (biinoz6s,

fegyvertartes); teft onzmus

Magyarorszig g zdasigi,politikai rendszere, kultirdja

A cdlnyelvi orszigok kultun{ja

Page 8: Dexam mintafeladatok B2

1.3. A vizsga fel6pit6se

A DExam vizsgarendszer komplex tudiist m€rii vizsga, mely sz6beli ds irrisbeli rdszvizsg6kb6l till

Sz6beli vizsga rdszei:

. Beszlddrtts

c Besz&lkdszslg

ir6sbeli vizsga r6szei:

. irott szaiveg irlise As hyelvismeret

c iruskdszsdg.

A vizsgen kiilitn6ll6 nyelvtani teszt nincs. A nyelvismeret mdrdse cgyrdszt az irott sziiveg drtdsevel

egyiitl titftdnik, mesrdszt pedig a Beszdd- 6s irdskiszsdg vizsgar6szek drtdkel€si szempondai kdzittt



/izsgardsz Id6 Maimdlisvizsgapont

Beszdddrtds Hozz6rendel6s 30-35 perc 25


Tdbbsztirds feleleNelasztes (3 lehetdsdqb6l)

Besz6dkdszs€g Kiseliiad6s l8-21 perc 25

Tdrsals6s a vizssiiztatoval

Beszelsetds a vizse6z6terssal

A sz6beli vizsga akkor sikeres, ha a.tizsgia6 a megszerezhet6 50 pontbdl minimum 30 pontot

(60%-ot) eldr igy, hogy n,ind a Beszdd1rtus, mlnd a Beszidkt\zsig vizsgar€szben legaldbb l0 pontot

(40Yo-ot) szercz.

irdsbeli viMZYizsgardsz Feladattipus td6 Maxindlis


irott szdveg drtdse ds

nyelvismeretRiivid vdlaszt igdnylti k6rddsek 75 perc 25

Mondatrdszlet visszahelvezdse szdveebe

Isaz,/hamis 6llitds

Hi6nyos szdveg kieg€szitdsesz6kdszletb6l/4 vdlaszlehetiis6sb6l

lniskdszsdg Levdl 90 p€rc 25


Az ir6sbeli vizsga akkor sikeres, ha a vizsgiz6 az el€rhetd 50 pontb6l minimum 30 pontot (60%-ot)

szergz (.gy, hogy mind az iratkiszsdg, mind az irott sziveg e Ase ds nyelvishetet vizsgardszben l0pontot (40%-ot) vagy azt meghalado eredm€nyt 6r el.

Page 9: Dexam mintafeladatok B2

l. 4. Vizsgar6szek * kiivetelmdnyek, feladattipusok, 6rt6kelds

Az egyes vizsgardszek kitvetelmdnyei a minim,lisan elvfttt6l (B2_), a maximflisan elvikdvetelmdnyeki g (B2+) terjednek.

Minden vizsgardszre dw6nyes, hogy a sz6t6rhaszn6lat nincs megengedve.

1.4.1. Besz6d6rt6s


B2+t A \izsg6zo meg tud drteni kdznyelvi ejtdsben rdgzitett hangfelvdteleket 6ltal6nos 6s tlszakte.iiletdhez tartoz6 tdmiikban. 6rti mind a taftalmat, mind a besz6l6 ndzeteit ds attitrimegbirk6zrk a kis.e u ajos lelr erelekl<el js.

B2-t A \izsgt\zo meg tudja drteni a legtdbb nidi6s dokumentummrisoft ds egy6b felvertkdzvetitett hanganyagot kiiznyeivi kiejtis ds norm6l beszddtempd esetdn.

Fe ladattipus ok

A vizsg6z6 a hanganyagokat hangsz6r6n kereszti.il hallja. A vizsgiiz6 a feladatokhoz angol njutasitdsokat kap, amelyek szerepelnek a feladatlapon, 6s elhangzanak a hangfelvdtelrdl is.A hangfelvdteleken brit 6s amerikai angol beszdl6k szerepelnek.

A vizsgafeiadatsor 3 ktiltjnbitz6 hanganyagb6l lill, amelyekhez 3 kiiltinb6z6 tipusf f€kapcsolddik:

l. hozz6rcndelds,

2. kiegdszitds,

3. tdbbszdrds felelcrv6lasztas (3 lehet6sdgb6l).

A 3 feladatb6l 2 modulfeladat, I pedig 6ltal6nos tdm.ijri.

tndkeb:A feladatokban minden kirdds helyes megvdlaszol6sa 1 pontot dr.

1.4.2. Besz6dk6szs69


B2+. A vlzsgiE6 altalanos ds szaktediletdhez kapcsol6d6 tdmak szdles kdrdben folydkonya!hatdkonyal tud kommunikalni andlkiil, hogy dsaevehet6en korl6tozni ke]lene mondanivaldVilrgos, szisztematikusan kifejtett el6adast tud tartani, a fontos goldolatokat kiemeli, ds megfeldrvekkel tAmasztja al6: sziiksdg esetdn el tud t€mi az el6re elkdszitett szijvegt6l.

B2-: A vrzsgiLz6 6ltal6nos ds szakteriilet€hez kapcsol6d6 tdm'kbal hat.konyan, a kommunik{(zavar6 nyelvhaszn6lati hib.ik ndlkiir tud rdszt venni a tiirsargiisban. vilagos, er6re elkdszitett er6adtud tartani, drveket hoz fel egy bizonyos ndzet mellett vagy ellen, 6s kifejti a kiil6nbdz6 lehet6sdlel5nyeir e. hdrrd n) a it.


Page 10: Dexam mintafeladatok B2


A DExam Besddkiszsdg vizsga p6ros vizsga, azaz egyszerre 2 vizsgez6 van jelen, akik 2

vizsgiztalo cl6tt tcszik Ie a vizsgrit. A vizsgriz6k a jelentkezdsi lapon m€gjeldlhetik azt a

vizsgez6tArsat, akivel egytitt kivennak vizsgrzni. Ha valaki a tdrs megnevez6se n6lkiil jelentkezik a

vizsg6ra, a Vizsgakdzpont szamit6gdpes rendszere automatikusan vizsgdz6tiirsat sorsol hozzd.

A vizsga bemutatkozdssal indul, de cz nem szemit be a vizsgaeredm6nybe. A vizsga 3 feladata

kdziil az els6 kettiit egydnilcg, a harmadikat pedig parban kell megoldani:

L kisel6adAs.

2. tdrsalgiis a vizsgiiztat6val,

3. besz6lgetds a vizsgez6trirssal.

Az clsri feladat tinrill6 kisel<iadis. A vizsgrizo kdt rtivid, modulvdlasztdsrinak megfelel<i tudomdnyos

ismerettedeszt6 jellegii szdveget kapi rdvid mdrlegelds ut.in viilaszthat, melyik szitveg tdm6j6t

rdszesiti eltlnyben. Ezutdn a kivelasztott szriveghez mcgkapja a kdrdist, amelyre 3-4 percben kifejti

vdlaszAt. A szdveg funkci6ja a t6ma felvetdse, gondolatdbresztds a kisel6adrshoz. A kisel6adishoz l0perc felk6sziil€si idii 6ll rendelkezdsre.

A m6sodik feladat t6rsalgiis a vizsgdztat6val. Ez kdt ktiliinbdzd 6ltal6nos tdmAt €rint,

A harmadik feladatban a vizsgdz6k egymdssal tiirsalognak, egy adott jelensdg, szokes stb. eldnyeit

ds hetrenyait vitatjak meg sajat elldspontjuk mellett drvelve.


A vizsg6zd pontsziima a hiirom feladatban ny.ijtott itsszteljesitmdnye alapjdn sziiletik. Az drtdkelds


. kommunikativhatdkonysag,

. sz6kincs ds stilus-

. nyelvtan ds kohercncia,

. beszddfolyamatossag ds fonotikai jellemz6k.

1.4.3. irott sziiveg 6rt6se 6s nyelvismeret


B2+, A vizs$Az6 eltalanos t€mejt 'jjsagcikkekb6l

€s szdlesebb szakteriiletdhez kapcsol6d6

tudomanyos-ismeretterjeszt6 iresokb6l gyorsan is pontosan ki tudja sziimi az informAciot,

gondolatokat 6s vdlemdnyeket, kipes a sziiksdges rdszletek megdrtdsdre.

Tudatosan haszn6lja a nyelvtani szerkezeteket. Kdpes a nyelvtani ds lexikai szerkezetek

hasznilatdra iisszeteft sz<ivegekben is-

B2-| A \tzsg6z6 gyorsan 6t tud olvasni hosszabb, dsszetett szijvegeket, Altal6nos tim6jftljsrigcikkeket es szdlesebb szakteriiletdhez kapcsol6d6 tudomanyos-ismeretterjeszt6 irdsokat, ds

megtal6lja bcnniik a ldnyeges rdszleteket.

Kdpes a nyelvtani szerkezetek megfelel<i kontextusftigg6 haszn6latiira.

Page 11: Dexam mintafeladatok B2


A vizsgafeladatsor 4 kiildnbtizii tdmaji szdvegb6l rill. Ezekhez 4 kiil6nbdz6 tipusi f(kapcsol6dik:

1. rdvid v6laszt igdnyl6 kdrd6sek,

2. mondatrdszletvisszahelyezdse sziivegbe,

3. igaz,rhamis rillitds,

4. hi6nyos szdveg kieg6szit€se sz6k6szletb6l/4 velaszlehet6sdgb6l.

A ndgy feladatb6l az elsii 3 az irott szdveg dftdsdt, a 4. pedig a nyelvismeretet md

nyelvismeretet m€r6 k6t feladattipus Hiinyos szdveg kiegdszitise szdkiszletb1l vagy a Hitszij|eg kiegdszitise 4 valaszlehettisdgb'l - kdztl a Vizsgakiizpont haterczzn fiel, hogy melyikbele egy adott vizsgaid6szak feladatsor6ba.

A 4 feladatb6l 2 modulfeladat, 2 pedig altalinos t6m6ju.


A feladatokban minden kdrdds helyes megv6laszoliisa I pontot dr.

1.4.4, irdsk6szs6g


B2+: A vizsg6z6 hatdkonyan tud reag6lni hirdetdsre, hivatalos ds magdnlev6lre.

6rdekl6ddsi kdrdvel kapcsolatosan szamos tdmakdrben kdpes fogalmaz6st imi, amelyben k

drveldsdt, rdszletes leirAst ad, kifejezi dzelmeit stb. val6siigos vagy kdpzelt esemdnye


B2-: A vizsg6z6 ldnyegre ttirden tud reagdlni hirdetdsre, hivatalos ds mag.inlevdhe.

Erdekl6ddsi kdrdvel kapcsoiatos tdmakiiriikben kdpes fogalmazast imi, amelyben kifejti dr,,el

t6bb6-kevdsbd rdszletes leinist ad val6sdgos vagy kdpzelt esemdnyekriil, tdrtdn6sek61.


A feladatsor mindig k6t k0l6nbdzti miifajt kdpvisel6 feladatb6l All, ahol az egyik mindig ler

m6sik pedig fogalmaz6s. Egy adott vizsga kdt konkdt feladat6t a Vizsgaktizpont jeldli ki.

1 levdl. mag6nlevdl,baretie-mail

r.tgy. hivatalos levdve-mail (pA1y6zati, drdekl6d6, panaszlevdl),

2. fogalmazris (elbeszdl6, leir6, vdlemdnykifejt6).

Mindkdt feladat tdmAja dltalinos.

Az ir6smiivek elkdszitdsdt irdnyit6 szempontok segitik, melyeket tetsz6leges sonendbei

terjedelemben, a miifaj jellemz6inek figyelembevdteldvel kell kifejtenie a vizsgii6nak.


Page 12: Dexam mintafeladatok B2

Mindkdt feladat sz6sz6mterj€delme 120-150 sz6 kdzittti.

pontlevorxis nem biint€ti.


A feladatok drtdkeldse az al6bbi 4 szempont alapjdn tdrtdnik:

. feladat teljesltese,

r koherencia ds kohdzi6,

. sz6kincs,

. nyelvtan.

A fels6 sz6sz6mhatrir tull6pdsdt


Page 13: Dexam mintafeladatok B2

2. Bnszf,nf,nrfs

FHuro*roou" F*.*roo*FELADATTiPUS

l. Ilozzdrendelds

2. Kieg6sdt6s

3. TdbbszdrdsfeleletY6laszt6s

Radio programmes:The wry begi ning ofspaceexploratioh

CD tnck 2

Dying trade of the SaharacD track 3

A war novelCD track 4

Black Sea treasulesCD track 5

Radio programmes:Myths vs, facts obout llh cennryAmerican history

CD track I


Page 14: Dexam mintafeladatok B2



Thcre arc 2l questions in this paper. you are given about 30 minutcs to answcr thcm.Throughout the tcst you should \\,ritc in ink. you may writc all your answcN on thc tlshcet but yo'must transfer your anslvers to the separate answer shcct. At the cnd ofltest you will be givcn 5 minutes to do this. you may not correct your ans\vcrs on tanswer shect.

After the tcst you should hand in both the task shcet and your answer sheet.


Page 15: Dexam mintafeladatok B2

t Part IRadio programmes

You are going to hear parts of different radio programmes. First youwill have I minute to study the task below. Then you will hear the texttwice. Between the two listenings you will have 30 seconds to thinkabout the answers. While listening, match the programmes (l-5) totheir main topic (B-C) by writing the appropiatc lctter in the box al'ter

each progmmne. Thcre is one example fr-,'t at the beginning. There isONf, extra topic that you do not need to use. Affer the second listcning,you will have I minutc to finalise your answers on thc task sheet.

Staft studying the task no$.


0 A







A M),lhs vs..facs aboul 17th cenluty American histotr

R ahildren behave accordina to their sex

e Differcnt wavs of celebrating Thanksgiving

D Statistical data about women's rolcs

E Free time activities with pcople ofthe same sex

F Spofts events as parts ofThanksgiving celebrations

G Recent steps against sex discimination


Page 16: Dexam mintafeladatok B2

F,*,Radio programmes

You are going to hear parts of different radio prog'ammes. First youwill have I minute to study the task below. Then you will hear the texttwice, Between the two listenings you will have 30 seconds to thinkabout the answers. While listening, match the programmes (l-5) totheir main topic (B-G) by writing the appropriate letter in the box aftereach programme. There is one example fr-,4, at the beginning. There isONE exba topic that you do not need to use. After the second listening,you will have I minute to finalise your answers on the task sheet.Start studying the task now.


0 A




The very beginning ol space exploration

The most likely theory for life in the unrverse

Old CD recordings need to be remixed

NASA plans to revisit the Moon

Recent discoveries ofthe Mafiian surface


Page 17: Dexam mintafeladatok B2

Pzrt 2

Dving trade of the Sahara

You are going to hear a text about the salf trade of the Sahara. First you will have I minute tostudy the task below. Then you will hear the text twice. Between the two listenings you will have30 seconds to think about the answers. Whilc listcning, complete thc notcs (l-9) in a maximum ofFOUR words. There is one example (r) at the beginning. Aftcr the second listening, you will have1 minute to finalise your answers on the task sheet.

Start studying the task now.


rr'ake a 150 mile iournev (0J- Every ueek

they set out on theirjourney.


VALUE Salt was called the (2) ofthe Sahara.

LOCAL GIJIDF,. a(n) (3.) man

. was from a shepherding family grazing (4) and goats


WORDScamel, sand, thirsty, (s)



no road

sleeping (6)

CAMELS can carrv watcr for (7) travcllers.


. have no houses, no liesh water, no medicines

. live without utilitics such as (8) or telephonc

. slaves in fhe Middle Ages

. desperados in our time

(9) in the 20th century


Page 18: Dexam mintafeladatok B2


You are going to hear a text about a war novel by scott rorow. First you wi have I mi[i."^::11

,l:^,::1-o:,"n . Then 1ou \ i hear rhe re\r rwice. Ber\ een,r,"'* ii,i.n,ng. 1ou,nave JU seconds to think abour vour answers. While listening, decide which answer Icompletes each sentence (l-7) and circle its letter (A, B or C). Tfi"r"-i. on"""u-pf" fOl nbeginning. After the second iisrening you will have i rninuie ;'fi;;i;.;';;'an,.v"., on

Stafi studying the task now.

A war novel

A became a lawyer

B wrote hisfrst book

0 In the early 1970's Scoft Ton ow

@ coutdn'tfinrt a pubtisher

I Today Scott Torrow works

A shocking

B realistic

C bizane

A mainly as a lawyer

B only as a w ter

C as a lawyer and writer

2 ln his best legal thrillers tho main character is

A always

B never

C mrely

J The aurhor's latesr nor el lakes place

A at the beginning

B in the middle

C in the last months

4 The novel includes a

of World War tl.

a lawyer.


section about a concentration camp.

Page 19: Dexam mintafeladatok B2

5 The personality ofthe main character, Dubin and the author's father is

the same.

A exactly

B somewhat

C not at all

The war diaries of the author's father were kept

A neat and tidy

B in an old suitcase in the cellar

C in a box among his wartime stuff

7 The mother the novelist to use his fath€r's lette$.







Page 20: Dexam mintafeladatok B2

Part 3

Black Sea treasures

You are going to hear an interview with a scientist. First you will have I minute to str

task below. Then you will hear the text twice. Between the two listenings you will Iseconds to think about your answers. While listening, decide which answer best completsentence (1-7) and circle its letter (A, B or C). There is one example (r) at the beginninlthe second listening you will have I minute to finalise your answers on the task sheet.Start studying the task now.

0 Filsl lhe reporlel asks the scienlist

A about the seas he has explored

B about a mystical shipwreck he is goi g to explore

',. Q why he keeps going back to Turktl'

ln the Black Sea

A the chemistry of its water preserves old ships

B we can find lots of sailing ships

C cxplorers tJ to protect the environment

2 The scientist

A has written a book about a mythical figure

B has a new theory about myths

C thinks that there must be some truth in mvths

The ancient ship at the bottom ofthe sea was

A discovered by Greek scientists

B found in good condition

C brought up to the surface

4 The Greeks

A wanted to get food from the sea

B were afraid to go to the bottom layers

C became rich by fishing


Page 21: Dexam mintafeladatok B2

5 The repofter asks ifextinction _ .

A goes back to 2000 BC

B is paft ofa natwal process

C is the negative result ofhis last expedition

6 According to the scientist dramatic changes



A are rare these days

B are sometimes vory violent

C may do much harm to people

7 In his last cxpedition they found that deep water sites were



A used as a trash can

B destroyed by pollution

C safe from air pollution


Page 22: Dexam mintafeladatok B2

3. Bnszfoxnszsfc

A vizsgia6

Non-stop quizzes fot TV viewelsvagy

Dis covered : Stonehenge Vil lage

B vizsgirzo

The big iss e: Latinvagy

Hatry Potter theme park planned


SH,rvaNvomrr. F*urroou.FF,I,ADATTIPUS

l. Kisel6adis

2. Trrsalgis a


3. Besz6lget6s a


l tdma:

2. tdma:

A vrzsgirzo

Ice Age Britainvagy

Lost in lranslation

B vrzsglLz6

Farev,ell to the Jloppy diskvagy

Cleter ravens prove they're no birdbruins


Is it a good idea to do shopping i a big supermarket?


Page 23: Dexam mintafeladatok B2

Part I


{Jtext l

I-:i9..,n':,:1,.,.0"r, q u i z programs and r hcn preparetretow. ustng thc texl as a staning poinl. you can

a 3-4 minute talk in answer to the questi(use ideas from the text but

bur yo, u," nor a r o*ed toiilllG--iH ;;i i ;"";l ffi rili"i l?ffi 1:


Why do you think quiz programs are so poputar with viewers?

Non-stop quizzes for TV viewers

When lTy launches un entirc channe! le.ticated to.quizzes next nlonth, it will be entenng a crowde(l maftetlor'iall-in" prugranning u.hn h hus grown rapi,lh in rhe pusr y:,ir.

Playing along at home has always been an option with television quiz shows. Now, however, thereare channels entirely devoted to live contesrs wi,h v;.*,-."numbers or send tcxr m".""r",," ".,"jlJll::".';T;:: :ffj ;:.:"l',:ffiTr::::::1;::on digital satellite in the UK. while a number ofother channels now include similar programming inparts of their schedules.

ITVI, for example, devotes four hou

stakes are orten hish, wirh thousands ;;il::::,:f:Jfi^ il i"lr1#r,,1Jil1"J;Jiiincredibly easy, giving the impression that the money is well wirhin the viewer,s grasp. There is noguarantee, however, that callers will get as far as speaking to the presenter, despite paying as muchas f 1.50 per minute to take part.

Page 24: Dexam mintafeladatok B2

Part 1


Text 2

Read this text about a prehistodc village and then preparc a 3-4 minute talk in answer to the

question below, using the text as a starting poinl @quote sentences or sive a summarv ofthe article. During the talk you may use the notes you have

made but you axe not allowed to read thern out. You will have 10 minutes to prepare.


Would you visit this village if it was open to the public? Why (notx

Discovered: Stonehenge Village

The people who built Stonehenge in southem England thousands of years ago had wild parties,

eating barbecued pigs and smashing up pottery before throwing their dead relatives into the ver.

This is according to recent work by archaeologists - history experts who investigate how human

beings lived in the past.

Archaeologists digging near Stonehenge on Salisbury Plain last year discovered a large

prehistoric village where they think the builders ofthe mysterious stone circle used to live

The village was shown to be about 4,600 years old, the same age as Stonehenge and as old as the

plramids in Egypt, The village is less than 2 miles (3.2 kilometres) ftom Stonehenge and lies inside

a massive manmade circular earthwork, or "henge," known as Dufiington Walls.

Remains found at the site included jewellery, stone arowheads, tools made of deer antl€rs, and

huge amounts of animal bones and broken pottery.


Page 25: Dexam mintafeladatok B2

Part t


J Text I

thc tcxt as a starting point.

lsllMll-dlbSillglg Durin gallowcd to read them out. You will

Read this texl about Latin and then preparc a 3-,1 rrinute talk in answer to the qucstion belo{


m the text but do not ouote sentencesthc talk you may use lhc notes you have madc but you

have l0 nlinutes to preparc.


Is learning l,atin and reading classical literature outdated today?

Why (not)?

Thc big issue: Latin

Will Hutton mistakcnly sounds the imrninent death kncll lbr classical subjccts in

minorily of 'doughty privale schools.'

In the admittedly sclcctivc statc school rvhere lleach thc subject is thriving.

2002-2007, l2J sludcnts havc taken, or will take, CCSE Latin. ln a similar period,

8l students did so

Tlrcre arc now l6 students taking Latin in thc sixth foflr. Thcrc wero lE last year.

\\,orks ofexttaordinary writcN such as Ilonrer, Sophocles. Euripidcs, Virgil, Horace and

captivate evcn a young audience because ol thcia enduring treatmcnt ol themes all too rc

war, krve, flicndship, the family, angcr,jealousy, tragcdy, suffering, and our shared h

In the cphcmeral, celebrity-obsesscd socicty in which we live. there is perhaps more t

nced li)r thc lirneless, univcrsal qualitics that l-atin olfcrs in abundance.

(lver the

liom I


Page 26: Dexam mintafeladatok B2



Text 2

Read this text about a theme park and then preparc a 3-4 minute talk in answer to the questionbelow, using the text as a starting point. You can use ideas from the text but do not quotesentences or sive a summarv ofthe article. During the talk you may usc the notes you have madebut you are not allowed to read them out. You will have l0 minutes to prcparc.


Would you like to visit such a park? Why (not)?

Harry Potter theme park plannedA theme park inspired by thc advenlures ofschoolb<ry wizanl Hary Potler is to ope intheUS.

The Wizarding World Of Harry Potter will open at thc Universal Orlando Resort, in Florida, in

2009. Harry Potter author JK Rowling said: "Thc plans I've seen look incredibly cxciting, and I

don't think fans of the books or films will be disappointed." The park will featurc rides, shops and

attractions bascd on Harry Potter locatjons like Hogwarts and llogsmeade.

Oscar-winning production desjgner Stua( Craig, who has worked on thc Harry Potter films, is

leading thc creative design lbr the park to ensurc it rcmains faithful to JK Rowling's vision. "Our

primary goal is to make sure this expeience is an authentic extcnsion of Harry Potter's world as it is

portrayed in the books and films," hc said.


Page 27: Dexam mintafeladatok B2

Part I


St"*,,Read this lcxt about gbbal warming and then prcpare a 3-4 minute talk in ans\\cr 1() the qbclow, usiDg lhc tcxl as a starting point. you can use ideas from the text but do noilglltqnces or sivg a suFmary of the article. DLrring the trlk yuu -ay usc theffi-, n^--but you arc not allowed to rcad theln out. you will hive l0 miiutes to prcpare.


Are you afraid of thc effects of global warming? Wh-r'- (not)?

lce Age Britain

Britain was oncc covcrcd by glacicrs that wcrc almosr 2 kilomcters thick. Amnzingl)..

glacicrs only rcttcatcd 8000 years ago liom Scolland and ldry's landscape can tcll us

icy times.

But there arc clues that Britain was not always cold thcrc \ere warmer intcrglacial

when the hippopotamus was one ofthc most common animals in Enaland!

But will glacicrs ever return to Britain or rvill global warrring permancntly disrupt

nafural swings fiom ice agc to warl) periods,/ Thc latesl research suggcsts thal hu

climatc changc will be a tcntporary phenomenon tbr a couplc of centurics that may onlynext cold phasc. But thc big question fbr us is if humans and wildlil.c call survrve a

exccssivc rvanring.


Page 28: Dexam mintafeladatok B2

Part 1


Sr"'tzRead this text about a new gadget a.nd then prepare a 3-4 minute talk in answer to the question

below, using the text as a starting point. You can use ideas from the lext but do not quote

seniences oi eive a summarv ofthe articte. Du.itu the talk you may use the notes you have made

but yoo -" not ullo*ed to read them out You will havc l0 minutes to prepare


As a tourist, would you use such gadgets? Why (not)?

Lost in translation

Is modem technology ready to replace thc old-fashioned guidebook? Pas encore' says Robert


Imagine a holiday where you speak the language perfectly, never get lost, can calculate cunency

conversions without any mental aithmetic' and have a friendly guide mutmuring fascinating

historical trivia in your ear. A distant dteam? Not iftechnology has its way


city guides produced w ith Lonely Planet, as ttel1 as TalkMan' a ptogram that uses "super-advanced'

ultra-futuristic voice-recognition technology" to tum your muttered English into word-pedect

German, Spanish or what have You.

Even those without a PSP caa hop on the tavel-tech bandwagon: a whole range of sites offer

text or voice guides that can be downloaded to iPods and other MP3 players'


Page 29: Dexam mintafeladatok B2

Part I


Sr"rtrRead this iext about iloppy disks and then prepare a J-4 minute talk in answcr to the

role in such 1990s thrillers is The Net uith Sandra Bullock. and thc James Bond hit

below. using the text as a stafting point. You can use ideas t hut do nol

sentences or give a summarv of thc article. During the lalk you may use the noles you halo

but you arc not allowed to read thcm out. You will have 10 minutes to prepare.


Do you still use floppy disks, audio cassettes, etc.?

Why (not)?

Fare\Yell to the floppy disk

Aftcr 36 years ol'whirring and clunking. the floppy disk is about to join the video player,

dcck and film camem on thc tcchnology scmpheap.

Thc Hertfordshire-based PC World, Britain's largest computer retail chain, plans to stop

the 3%in (B.9cm) piece ol plastjc when stocks run out. Tlrc floppy, appearing first in l97l t0

back-up of rccords and dala in an easy-to store fonnat, tvas oncc a vital accessory. It $on a

replacing thc rolc played by microfilm in 1960s spy films.

ln 1998 alonc about two billion werc sold, but they could hold only about

data. Memory cards, \\'riteable CD/DVDS and mcmory sticks can stotc up to

1.44 megab)t€s

I ,000 times


Page 30: Dexam mintafeladatok B2

Part 1



I{ead this lcxt about animal intelligcncc and thcn prepare a J-4 minute talk in answer to the questionbelow. using thc tcxt as a starting point. You can usc idcas liom the text but do not quotcsentcnccs or gire a summary of thc article. During the talk you may usc the notes you have maclcbut you arc not allowed to read thcnl out. You will have l0 minutcs to prcparc it.


Which animals do you think are intelligent, and why?

Clever ravens prove they're no birdbrains

Scicntists have revealed an uncxpcctcd candidate lbr the title of thc world's sccond snrarlesl

crcaturc: the ralen. llesearchcrs say a bird brain is no longcr a sign ol stupidity. and could be a sign

of surprjsing intelligencc.

In the latest issuc of Jaierlf;.r ,lnericdn, Bernd Hcirrrich of Vcrmont University reveals

cxpcliments thal showcd that some o1'the tbilities ol ravcns 'surpass those ol'grext apes.'

In one. ravens wcrc allowed to sit on perches fftrm rvhich picccs ol'lneat dangled fr-om a string. To

get a treat, a ravcn had to pLrll up some of thc string. placc a loop on the perch and hold it u,ith a

cla\\,. and thcn pull up another section of string and hold that loop on the perch- Only try rcpcating

this process could a raven reach the end olthc string and get the tasty morsel.

'l found ravcns could perfbrrr this conrplcx scquence o1-actions straight awav,' Ilcinrich said.


Page 31: Dexam mintafeladatok B2

P^rt 2



o What do you think ofvegetarian diets?

. Why do you think fast food restaurunts arc popular rvith young people?


. Do you think that a woma.n must be able !o cook? Why (notx

. Why are slimming diets unsuccessful in most cases?



. What makes a job athactive?

. What do you think about working from home?


. Which would you Fefer wo*ing full-time or working part-time?

o How would you look for a job?


Page 32: Dexam mintafeladatok B2

Part 3


Agree or disagree with your partner's ideas, and finally try to rcach an agreement Tall( about at

loast 2 things you see written on your card You can also add your own idea'





Anything else?


Page 33: Dexam mintafeladatok B2

Part 3


Agrcc or disagree

least 2 things you

uith your paatner's idcas, and

sce written on your card. you

finally try to reach an

can also add your own

agreemcnt. Talk abon






Arything eisc?


Page 34: Dexam mintafeladatok B2

4. inorr szovrc fnrfsn fs Nvnr,vrsMERET

F"u"A"roou. F*.urroou'FELADATTiPUS

l. Ratvid vilaszt ig6nyl6k6rd6s€k

2. Mondatrdszletvisszahelyez6se szdvegbe

3. Igaz / hamis 6llit6s

4. Hi{nyos sziivegkieg6szit6se sz6k€szletbdl

Ghost dance

London leatls world by scrapping bus fares for under- I 6s

Cooking chemistry

Please Sir! I'm ofi sick next vreek to go to Alton Towers

Samuel Clemens /Mark Twain


Page 35: Dexam mintafeladatok B2



There are 35 questions in this paper and you are given 75 minutes to answer them-

You may write all your arswefi on the task sheet. But before the end ofthe test you must

transfer them to the sepamte answer sheet. After the test you should hand in both the task

sheet and your answer sheet.

Throughout the test you should w te in ink.


Page 36: Dexam mintafeladatok B2

Part I

Read the following tcxt. Answer the questions (1-9) after the tcxt in amaximum ofF|VE words on the lines that follow thc qucstions-Contractions like ./or'l rrr'l, etc. count as ONE word. There is an example(r) at the beginning.

London leads world by scrapping bus fares lbr under-l6s

Children aged under 16 are to be givcn frcc travel on London's buses in a groundbrcaking !70m


Ken Livingstone, the capital's mayor, yesterday announced that liee bus travel curently

available for under I ls will be extended from Septcmber L k will be the first scheme of its kind

in thc world.

Thc initiative will cost Transpod lor London f,50m a ycar in lost fares and up to ,20m to pay

for thc cxtra buses.

It is seen as a way ofencouraging the young to usc public transport and helping those on low

incomcs. lhc rchenre is e\pecled to add 50gJoume)5 a ycar ro lhc pre.enl 250nt

Thosc claiming free travel will need an Oyster smaficard, but thc mayor said those misbehaving

or abusing the system would lose the concession. Mr Livingstone said technology will allow the

easier identification of those who engage in bad behavjour. London's bus police force, the

Tnnsport Opcrational Command, is being expanded too.

The schemc will bc cxtcnded further next year to under l8s in full-time education.

Abolition of thc child fare .structure will mean higher payments for tourists and children from

outside the capital, who will be required to pay the adult fare.

The move gained a cool rcccption from Conservatives in the capital, who accused the mayor of

extravagance. They also pointed out that Mr Livingstone's transport commissioner, Bob Kiley,

dislikes such re\enue-scpprng lrec larcs.

But Mr Livingstone said the measure enjoys wide support. "It is a gift by London to the

younger generation so they can get out and about and -cxplore

this city," he said. "lt is a privilcgc

and ifthere is antisocial behaviour we reseNe the right to cancel it immediately. Anyone carrying

a knife or engaged in the{l will lose the card.

"This uill continue London's move away from car journeys. It should also cut congestion,

pollution and accidcnts by reducing the school run."

Kate Grccn, hcad of the Child Povefty Action Group said: "This is a radical step. Low-income

lamilies typically spcnd a much greater proporlion oftheir income on transpoft and this move will

directly benefit many of thcm."


Page 37: Dexam mintafeladatok B2

0 Whal age are the (hiklren nho ttill he ubla b ust: the nav sfste in Lt)n'lou?

T-t::;s!aa4!L!!'J!rl Ja

I What is unique about the ne$ plan internalionally l

2 How rvill thc nerv systcnl afl'ect thc London transpon company l

3 What does the new systcrn want young pcople to do?

4 What will young pcoplc whoNanttotravel frechavetohavcwiththeml

5 What will happcn ifchildren chcat the system or behavc badly on thc bus?

6 Who will hclp thc London transpon company cnforcc the tulesl

7 who has criticised Lonclon's Mayor bccause ol the cxtravagance ofthc schcrnc!

IJ Why is thc new system Soing to be uscl'ul for childrcn'f


Page 38: Dexam mintafeladatok B2

oJpu.,zl{cad tlre fbllo\i|g tcxt. pul1s of sontc scnlcnces havc bccn rcnrovecl liomlh.

,r(\l ( huL'\' th( nn.l .r,irJt,lc n.lt r.r,nr rirc li.r ( \-JJ ,r.,..; -;; i;,

rrr rnr tf\1. l,rr.ti t. 0\I l \ l R \ Jr.tfl lhJt \,,1r .J,, n,,r nced r,, rr:.... \,t r Le\(\ t .lt\$(t\ r ttr..r,rps. Th(.r( i.:rn..\. pJ(.t/,ij:rt tl,t hccintj rf

Snmuel Clemens/Nf ark Trvain

As his literallrc proridcs insigrrr into thc past. the cvents ofhis pe*oner rif.c lirrtrrer demonstratehis rolc as an cvewitltcss to history. I)uring his Iifetime, Salm $.atchcd a young trnltcd Stntese\olvc 1'r'(nn a naliotj (0) L toonc ofintcoational power. Ile crpcrienced the country.s vaslgro\th and change f'rom \\'csrward cxfansion to inclustriaiization, rhc end of sra\erv.adr'ancemcnls in tcchnology. bie govctumcnt anLl lirrcign wars. Ancl along thc way hc ollcn hadsorllcthing 1() sllv.

Sanrucl Clcmcns .was born on Nor,entber 30. Ill5 in Floricla. Missouri. the sixth of seve.chilcircn. At rhe agc ol fbur. Sarr anil his larrily movecl io rhe small lionlier towr of Hannibal.(l) N.Jissorri at the tinc. \l,r\ r j.rirly ncr stale (it had grincci sratchood in lg20) andcompriscd perr ofthc colrnrrv's *estcrn b.r-clcr- 11 was arso a sravc state. sam's rathef o\\ncd oneshvc and his unclc o*,necl ser,.cral. [n fict. il \\as on his unclc.s t]lrm thel SaIn spent ntan]bortoocl sLrntntcrs (2) ,lislening to tall tales and the slavc spirituels that hc r.ould eniovthroughout his Iif'e.

In It.17. \\hcn Sam \\.s Il. his f-alhcr dicd. Shortlv thcrcallerthe liiih grade. (3) . Ilis.iob was to arrangc thc typc j'crr

lre lcli school, har ing conrpleted

cach of the newspapcr's sk)rics.allou irg Sam to rctd thc nc\\.s ol-thc \\,orlLl (4)

Al lll. SiII hcadcd easl to N-clv york Cit), and philadelphiir whcre hc w.orkcd on scverrldifl ercr)t nc$.spapcrs (5) . By 11J57. he hitd rclut.ned homc h enrbark on a nc\\, career as ari'erbo.rr piloton the r\,lississippi Ri'cr. with the oulb.cirl( ol.thc (,ivil warin rE6r.ho$e'c-rtrallic along the river came to a halt. as did Sarrr.s pilol career. Inspircd b),thc lrmcs, Snm ioincda voiuntccr (lonf'cderate unit callcd thc Marion Itangcrs. (6)

In search ol a ne\\,career. Satr) hcadcd wcsl in.luiy 01. lt6l. al thc in\jlatlon ol.his brothcr.o.on, (7) . Lureci by rhe in|cclio.s hope o|srriking it rich in Neracra.s sirr,er rusrr. Senrtravcllcd rcross the opcn lioltticr liorn Missouri to Ncvada by stagecoach. ,\long the journcy Samencountcred Naiivc Atllerican tribcs li)r thc lirst tinre (8) . .I.hcse

c\,cnts u,oukl lintl a rvavinto his short storics and books. particularll, Ilourhing Jt.


Page 39: Dexam mintafeladatok B2

A' to work as a printer's apprcntice for a local newspaper

B torn dpart by i ternalconflicts

C while completing his work

f Playing in the slave quarters

E who had just been appointed Secretary of thc Nevada Tenitory

F Misso\rri, on thc banks ofMississippi River

g and founcl some succcss at writing anicles

/ as well as a variety ofunique characters, mishaps and disappointments

I though he was working hard in the cotton fields

J but hc quit afterjust two wccks


Page 40: Dexam mintafeladatok B2

s,*,,Read the following text. Parts of some scntences have been removed from

it'" t"rt. Choot" tft'" .ost suitable part from tho list (A-J) for each gap (l-8)

in thc text. thcre is ONE EXTRA part that you do not need to use Write

your answers in thc gaps. Thcrc is an example (0) at the beginning'

Cooking chemistry

Certain foods are better suited to particular methods Roasting meatlover an open fire f'l-q-'

Gently simmerling vegetables for short periods of time keeps them crisp' colourful' and nutritious'

Steaming soft fish flesh preserves its delicate texture, flavour and succulence'

When food is heated, it undergoes three main changes in appearance' shucture and llavour' This

is duc to lhc chemical rcaclions ( l )- '

Differcnt methods of cooking generatc different rcactions' as they happen at a variety of

tcmperalurcs. They may introducc a new ingredicnt, such as watei or oil These factors' togcther

with the intcmal make-up ofthc food, govem how the chcmical reaction will transform it (2)

ll/hy does cookecl.food go btown?

All foods - meat, fish, and vegetables - (3)- This is known as the 'Maillard Reaction' lt

generates the characteristic colour and aroma offoods cooked over a Jlam€' in the qve_n' or in oil'

The Maillard reaction-was discovered in l9l2 by the French chemist Louis Camille Maillard lt

happens when sugar moleculqs and amino acid! (a chcmical found in proteins) are heated together'

The reaction produces (4)- responsible for thc brown colour' smell and taste ofcookcd meat'

But not all cookcd food gocs brown. when you boil something in water, the temperature ofthe

footl ncver excecds the (5)-. So it docsn'1 get ho1 enough for the Maillard Reaction to happen'

Howevcr, deep-fried food does go brown because oil boils at over 154'C'

A vo i)i ng s o gg,, ve ge r a b I e s

When plants, like vegctables or rice. are ntune"f into boiling water' their structure chang€s

(6)-, to soft, wilted, or mushY

All living things are made up of millions ofcetls, but plant cells differ greatly from animal cells'

Firstly, they contain a substance called cellulose in their cell walls' (7)- But when their cells

are heated up, cellulose softens and thc plant starts to wilt'

The vegctable ccll walls eventually collapse opening up their structure and (8)- For most

vegetablcs, this happens within l0 minutes ofheating at 98'C'


Page 41: Dexam mintafeladatok B2









boiling point ofwater (100'C)

releasin-g water and air

intefls ijies ils flavour

laboratory instruments

into the cooked dish

brown at temperatures above 154'C

from crisp and firm,

which makes the plant rigid

going on inside the food

abunch of highly fl avoured molecules


Page 42: Dexam mintafeladatok B2

Part 3



fi)llo\\ing tcxt. Then read thc scntences (l-tl) bclow and dccidc iftrue or lalse. N4ark thc slrtenrcnls truc ('I ) or thlse (l ) in thc boxesscntenccs. Thcre is alr cxrmplc (r/,1) at thc bcginnirg.

Plcasc Sir! I'm olt sick next rvcek to go to Alton l owers

llundrccls of thous:rnds ol parcnts arc risking hciiy tincs by taking thcil children out ol school

takc ad\ antagc of chcapcr holidays or enjoy day tdps becausc i1 is 'more convenicnl'. according

net rescarch.

Many of those who go on shom breaks or one-dity oulings tell teachers thcir childrcn are ill.

leeling the lie is juslilicd bccausc drcir $'ork patterns makc it dilficult ibi thcir liurilics to spencl

limc togelhcr.

'Ihe study o1 1000 parents Visiting rraior thcnrc parks tluring tern tinle lbund that childrcn in:l

out of l0 irnrilies questioncd Nerc pliryins lrtlant. organiscrs at Flamingo l-and, North Yorkshirc.

and l)lcasurc lslancl. l-ast l-incolnshirc. cillculated uf to,l5(r.0(X) childlon cach yenr rriss a dir)'ol

school to visit attrirctions. Many mofc niss \\ln)lc \\ccks \\'hcn their lalnilies take advanlagc ol

chcapcl holidays.

Neil lrchnd. a spokcsn n li)r the thcnrc plrks. saicl hc di(l not condone what pirrcnts wcrc doing

bu1 undorsl(rcd \\hy: Wc're nol sLrrpr'ised thirl parents trrke thcir childrcn out ol school to conte to

lhe par-ks. A lot ol parcnts work weekcnds or shilis so c0rr only nranage to spcnd the day logcthcr

xs 0 t'anrily by taking thcir kids out ol-school frrr thc chy. lle said nlost oflhe parcnts had tolti

teaclrrr. their . hrld lrr,l :rn trJtret \1,'m.rcll , r' J \ inrr.

othcrs said it \as sad lhat larcrts \\'cre forcc(l to lic. Marg ret lvlorissey, of lhe National

( onledcration oi'Parent lcachcr Associrti,,nr. s.rrd: lt rs s l bceausc rl rs lcaching children lo Iic

and dangerous becausc childr'cn oticn find it hard to kcep a sccret. nlthough it is \lrong ol thc

parcnts. thc real laull lics wilh the syslcnl lhal pushcs lhcnr inlo bcing devious.'

Morisscy said rrony parcnts lound il dimcull k) tukc timc ofl in the school holidays. Shc said it

was an issuc David Blunkott had synpalhisecl with ls shadow cducation sccrctary bctbre t.ahour

took power in 1997: 'tjnfortunaltely tho n1(rneot hc bccamc Secrctary ol State all ofthose llelings

lbr us \\cnt out ofthe $indo\\'and they set c\cn stiJnqcr targcfs to slop us doing it. Children can ba

in school from li)ur to nincteen therc musl bc a lilnc othcr than the holidays \\tcn lhev arc ablc t0

!u it\\ a\ '

Somc parcrlls argucd lhal children gainecl frorn going abroad. Sarah Ashby. liom llridport.

l)ollsct, rcccnlly took hcr scvcn-ycar-old dauShlcr .lulictle out ol' school lbr lwo wccks to visit

Australia. 'l don t agrec with lilkirrg childrcn out unncccssrLrily.'she said. 'But on thc othcr hand thc


Page 43: Dexam mintafeladatok B2

oppoftunity to take hcr to Australia when shc w.rs studying thc country at school was too good to

miss. She learned so nruch. I think there is a.tacit realisation that parents can't alq'ays take timc off

in school holiclays because oftheir circumstanccl.'

Ashby said she was forccd to take the holiday in term time bocause it was thc only time thc

people thcy u'ore visiting werc frce. Bul she adtnjtted it was also ll,500 cheaper to travel.


"o, Un Orn,rh"rl ,1re| toke lheir chil.lre on holiday dr[ing ternl T 0

Most parents inform lhe teachcrs about why 1l!eir child misqgs school.

Nearly halfofthe children in the survey had askcd their school forpcrmission to leavc.


3The cost olholjdays is the most importar t faclor detennining when

children arc taken out ofschool3

4Childrcn often have an upset stomach or qvirus when the parents take them

to theme parks.4

5 It is often a problcm for chiLdren ifthcy have io lie. 5

6Margaret Moriscy thinks that parcnts are forced to put mor4l preqlurc on

their children to lie.6

1According to Margaret Morrisey David Blunkctt's attitude to truancy has

always been c01]si!1ent.7

8Some parcnts argue that l ps can be an exlersion ofa child's educational



Page 44: Dexam mintafeladatok B2

fr"u.,.Read the following text. Choose the best word from thc list (A-M) for each gap(1-10) in the text. and writc its letter ir the gap. There are TWO EXTRA wordsthat you do not need to use. Thcrc is an example (r) at the beginning.

The Ghost Dance

Religious Cuh

By the 1880's thc U.S. govemment had managed to confinc almost all of the lndians on

reservations which coosisted ofpoor quality land. Rations and supplies that fr, , _ been

guaranteed to thcm by the treaties were also ofpoor quality and often times, they didn't arrivc.

By 1890 conditions were (1) _ bad on thc rcservations nationwide, that the situation

was ripc for a major mo\rement to se among thc Indians. This movement found (2)

origin in a Paiute medicine man named Wovoka, who in 1887, had a vision where hc mct God.

Wovoka was told that he must teach his pcoplc that they must love (3) _ othcr, live in

pcacc with the white people. and must work hard and no1 lie or (4) . Wovoka was

givcn a dance by God that had to (5) perlbrmed for five consccutive days. This

involved the men holding hands in a (6) and shuffling slowly to the left while singing

spccial songs about how Nativc Amcrican life (7) be restored to its former order and

balance. Wovoka claimcd that pcrfornling this dance would also result (8) the return

ofthe bullalo and prcparc thc Indians for their salvation.

News about Wovovka's teachings (9) _ to other Nativc American tribes. The most

enthLrsidstic supportcrs ofthis new cult were the Sioux. Soon, rcpresentatives liom tribes aLI

(10) _*_ thc nation came to Nevada to mcct with Wovoka and leam to dance the Ghost

Dancc and to sing Chost Dance songs.


{ would

y' tn"i'


Page 45: Dexam mintafeladatok B2

ntclrcs ln

but ilso ll

.\,\v)i}) Prri J

I{eild tbo lollo\\ in1] te\l. ('hoose the bcsl word liorn the Iist 1A-Nt)lbr cuch gap (l-10) in thc lcxt- and $'ritc its letlcr in the gap. 'fhere

afc l\\O E\'l R,\ \'ords lhal )ou do llot nccd to ttsc Thcrc is an

cxlnrplc (0) al llro bcginning.

\ile cr0codile

I hc Nilc crocodile is onc ol lhc lalrllc:'1ofall lhc \'"orld's crocodilcs Alncarlysi\

1i.-n!th. ilnd *,cithing 700 kg. it is a (i/,1) D frc(Lrtor ol'troth ltrirnals rrrrtl pcoplc.

crrinu parenl. 1hc rrord clocodile' rneilns 'liArd ol thc \ilc'

lhc croco(lilc (l) in Nrit lirr' ;xcy such lls \\ildcbtosl. gizcllcs ilnd /cbrN t() ct)lllc lo

the \\rtcr's cdgc. ll then scircs the prcy rnd uses (2) sllulg tecth lo drag it tlndsr$atcr

,rn(l .ir,,\\n rl lhc clt,t,,(lrltsja\\: (lon'l allo\\ il to chc\\. (-1) it sinDll lcrrls chunks

I rr,,rn thc car.rrss lnd tios rls hcatl hirck to swirllow the loocl. Nile croc(xlilcs irtc (4) 1o

| *,,, .'.,n"nt .,t I ,,tu' 1t",1tt. trtn relrr but thc rtunrbcr u:c(l 1o Ine nltrch highcr'*hcn rhere

I ,,.'. ',u,r".,,,..ul,1.. "bn,,t

I t r'*'"titt' rsr c\\ill..nl nrrrllr'rs llrc l.'rrrJlc 'ii':' rh"l' rr(itr rlrc shi'( rrr(l It)'

I h"trr..', l5 .rnLl l(rlr cr!\ \hrth.hc eorers lrith sand and gulrrds lit thrcc monlhs. lhe se\ ol'

| ,l'" r,,u't* i\ cnlrel) (o) t)n thc tcrrpcraturc rlithin thc ncsl (7) lhc cggs itrc read)

I ro h.rLelr. tlrc b.rb\ crocodrlct rnakc rr chirping noi\c rnd thc linralc digs thcm trp rrntl hclps

I ',', - ,,, ,*u," sl,. th.rr currr.. thl't)t in hcr nn)ulll to Ihc \illor and looks (l'i) thenl i()l

L*,, 'n,,'"


I ,u, rn.rrnnr.rlt. eri',:oJilss (.rnnot control thcir bo(l\ lc pcratLrrc inrcnralll antl nrusl

L,uU "tn., \\ \\ lo \\.rlm trD,,r'ct ,l (lo\\'n A cr-ocotlile spcntls lhc l)lorllinq basking on shorc

I 1,, *.,nrl l,".tf- tf,.n ir sli(lc: rntu thc rf:rter to prolccl itsell li(nn the (l{J) sun. oPcnine its

I n,,,u,tr ,n e rr rrle t.rsulu.rll',\\ hcrl 1() cscape. l\ile crocochlcs can ertn tllgbuno\\s to a\oi(l


L l]:ll.-"t. 'e, dilc\ l,!,k trngainl]' orr land. thcv can sprint nt l0 miles per hoLrr' irs lesr irs it

II [i .,,,. T. ,u. llliu". M unrikc

lB(l(ncrrd(rrlrr.i"rr.(I , (r,,

I lo rr,,yyyy Eq" l, 'n."*n, I


!KC lics


Page 46: Dexam mintafeladatok B2

s. inAsxfszsf,c

1. Lev6l (6rdekl6d6)

2. Fogalm&zis (leir6)


Yolu teers needed

Arcny JA os Dorm - Yout second home


Page 47: Dexam mintafeladatok B2


In this booklet you u'ill llnd two writing tasks, both ol\\hich you rrust complcte_ Ifyou doonly one task, your exam rvill not bc mar-kecl.

You havc 90 rninutcs to do the tasks and you can dccidc how much time to spcnd on eachonc. Howevcr. you should remembcr thal each task carics cqual points.

Thc rninimunl length ofwords is a recluirenrcnt, while thc maximum lclglh is intcndecl as aguidc. You should count the numbci of words you havc written in cac-h rask. Rcnemberto writc this numbct-in thc boxes provided The follorving words colrnt as one word: zl)/,,/,p.nt-, hhk-eted, etc.

You may want to write down your idcas on the blank sheets provided, but please remcnlberto \\lite your llnal vcrsion on thc lined ansrvcr sheets.

Write clcarly in pcn, not pencil.

You lnay not usc a dictionary.


Page 48: Dexam mintafeladatok B2

Part I

You are looking for a summerjob while you are studying at college. You read the following

advertisement in the Sunday Telegraph.


Proiect 1cejlol, is a new initiative just launchedby Endangeted

ii, t|."'i ),"r,,,oi i, ;t nn*ational orsanisation dedicated to helpingI

animals. \\ e are looking lor-pElligal . adventurous rolunleers to

spenltime in the North ofNorway studying and monitoring rare

animals and birds. The organisation will provide trainilg, - .1

accommodation and some travel expenses. Krowledge ofEnglish is

essenrial. ComDuter skitls an ad\ anlage

--i--'Cont(ct En.lallgered Ani als Actio on020 8946 5728 (


[email protected]


l+aw w^ohawd, whew?


'wv,ot --.

VLwd,? ,,trocessin"qz, '-/

Write an e-mail / letter of inquiry of between 120 and 150 words to the organisation Ask about

ALL the points you have underlined with the help of the bubbles Do not write any dates or

addresses. Finish your letter as appropdate but do not write your name undemeath'

No-be" of .roo.ds: f-_ l

Dear Sir/Madam,


Page 49: Dexam mintafeladatok B2

Part 2

You are a student co otdirlatot i\ Arany Jdnos Domitory. Since the Dorm accommodates forcign

students as well, it is necessary to provide them with general infomation about life there.

At the beginning of the school year, you decide to summarise what everybody should know about

the Dorm. In your composition descdbe its:

. location

. basic facilities

. genenl nrles

. ploglammes

Write between I 2G150 words.

Number ofwords: f---l

Anny Jdnos Dotm -!ou second home


Page 50: Dexam mintafeladatok B2

6. Mncolooxul-csoK


Part I

* oud,o o.orru-ln es. Myths rs. facts about llt' century American history

0 2 3 4 5

A E c B D F

F *uo,o oro*ru-rn es: The rery beginning ofspace exploration

Part 3

* o *,, no,n,

0 I 2 3 1 5


PLrt2 Dying trade ol the Sahara

i I 450-nile Jo rnev

between November and February

while gold

Arabic speaking / Arabic /Arab

6 I under the stars

electricity / (cooking) fuel

political prisoners

0 I ) .l 4 5 6 '7

C C c c c

S r/r.k s"o z""o"rr",

0 1 3 4 5 6 7

C c B B B


Page 51: Dexam mintafeladatok B2


Part I

F *udto O.o*.u-,o cs. Myths vs..facts about l71h centut7 American history

When we talk about the first Thanksgiving and the pilgrims, very often wc use the plrase'thereafter', in terms of saying 'on the Mayflower', as if that's the very beginning, and manypeople associate the first Thanksgiving with the very beginning ofthis nation and yet it was byno means tho first settlement in America in 1620. not even the first British settlement inAmerica; Jamestown preceded by some l3 years.

Well, in the first paft of the twentieth century I was amMed by this statistic: that the averagemiddle class American working man would very often spend up to four hours a week in thecompany ofother men at his lodge, whether he was a mason, or a moose, or an elk or an cagle,he workcd all day with other men, and then when he had a chance, in hjs free time, he went rightback to that group, except now not to work but to fratemise.

The first Thanksgiving was a three day fcast, a kind of festival that didn't have a set meal;people ate when they wcre hungry, food was cooking all the time, it was punctuatcd by all sortsof games and revelry; it wasn't a pafticularly pious event. lf it had been a fast instead of a fcastit would have, but it didn't have that kind of piety or religious flavour. What ve see emergingVictorian timcs is a set meal that includes family gathered together and friends and communitymembers gathered at one pafticular table; particular prescribed meal featuring turkey at itscentrc,

Hc described a study in which boys and girls were given a variety of toys to play with. Thcywere frcc to choose whatever toy they wanted. The boys tendcd to prefer Lego's plasticconstruction blocks and toy cars and trucks. These were young children, but perhaps they hadbeen socially conditioncd to choose what they thought were gender appropriate toys

Ten years ago this week the United Nations celebrated a landmark conferencc on women inBcijing, China. That historic UN meeting produced a wide-ranging blueprint for action toimprovc women's lives worldwide. The conference also produced some sombre statistics, suchas the fact that half the l'amilies in the world are supported by women and the fact that millionsofwomen earning lcss than a dollar a day still manage to educate their children.

That became a huge social event and would continue to grow. Certain teams would play eachothcr traditionally on Thanksgiving, and by the 1930s the emergence ofthe professional footballleague, the NFL, we see the Lions begin to stage a Thanksgiving Day game in Detroit, and onradio that tradition continues.

( -)i

.s' R"dio p.og.",na et Th( ve rv hcg t a n i n g oJ .p11, t er pt o ra t i o n

0 It was fifty years ago that the Sovict Union launched Sputnik l. lt was the world's first aftificialsatellite. The tiny aluminium sphere with four whiskerlike antennas scnt the 'beep, beep, beep'signals that worc picked up by ham radio operators around the planet.

1 The original tapes stafled to come apart; thc magnetic coating separating from the backing,naking them sticky. It's a process known to those in thc trade as 'sticky tape' or'sticky shedsyrdrome', and the remedy is drastic. The tapes have to be baked in an oven. Aftenvards thcrecording can be played, but only once because the process makes it brittle.


Page 52: Dexam mintafeladatok B2

Ifyou find life and it's DNA based you don't know whether we are descendents of it or they'redescendents from us, or, whcther DNA is some fundamental feature oflife, no mattcr where youlind it in the universe. It'd be morc fun if the life on Mars had some completely other kind ofbasis fbr chcmistry, but it's probably not likely, because carbon is an extremely fertile elementon the pcriodic tablc. If you want the most fertile chemistry on which to experiment with life,carbon-based chcmistry is your choice.

The CD itself is onc layer of chemicals on top of another that interacts with light and heat andmoisture like an old 78 does. Eventually that CD will not be playable and eventually our CDplayers will not be around. The value of making electronic files that you can put on a server isthat you can upgrade continually.

Does a river run through it? in this case 'it' being Mars. Three years ago the US sent two smallrobots to the surface of the Red Planet. They'rc called Spirit and Opportunity and they've beenroving ever since, under thc watchful eye of an orbiting NASA satellite. Recently the intrepidexplorers made a serics of tantalising discoveries. High rcsolution images of gullies and anumber ofscdiment samples suggest flowing water on the planet.

Part of the next generation system that will carry hunans into space after the Shuttle fleet isretired in a few years. The Aries rocket and the Orion crew capsulc that it will blast into spaceare part of the US Space Agency's Constellation programme aimed at sending astronauts backto thc Moon and then to Mars. The target date for a Moon landing is 2020, almost 50 years sincethe last Apollo astronauts visited the Moon.

Part2 Dying trcde ol the Sahara

I've always been fascinated by the Sahara, so when I heard that camel caravans still make the 450-mile joumey from the Taudeni salt mines to Timbuktr.r, I decided to go and see if this was true.What I found thcre was the stuffofdreams. Every weck between November and February, caravansof up to 50 camels set out fiom Timbuktu on the monthlong round trip. Each camel brings backfour hugc slabs of salt, the so-called 'white gold of the Sahara'. A thousand years ago Sahara saltwas literally worth its weight in gold, so the dcposits at Taudeni in what's now nodhem Mali, musthavc been quite a find.In Timbuktu I started looking for a guide and some camels of my own. This proved quite easy.Timbuktu is that sort of place, and soon I signed up with Ubatna, an Arabic speaking Moor, whowas the proud owner of three good looking beasts. Ubatna was from one of the nomadic familieswho grazed sheep and goats on the spiky desert grass around Timbuktu. Wrapped in his desertrobes and turban, scanning the horizon, and puffing on his cow bone pipe, he looked the perfectLawrence ofArabia. I couldn't speak Arabic, but as the trip progressed, he taught me all the words Inccd to understand, like 'camel, 'sand', 'thirsty' and 'keep walking'. There was no road, wejusthcaded due North. Fodder for the camels was always a problem, and sometimes we'd keep goinglong into the night looking for it, finally stopping to cook rice on camel dung camp fires, and sleepunder the stars. On the other hand, water was never a worry. As everyone knows, a camel cansurvive for a month without water, and I found that it can also carry up to 80 litres for ils humancompanions, either in leather pouches, nicely traditional, but leaky, or in more water-tight innertubes from old car tyres. After three weeks we arrived at Taudeni and I was utterly shocked. Thiscommunity of 120 men, one of the remotest on earth, had no houses. no fresh water, no medicines,no eleclricity, no telephone, not even any cooking fuel, apart from camel dung. At this time ofyear,daytime temperatures are in the upper thirties Celsius, In summer they can reach 50, that's morethan a 120 degrees Fahrenheit. lt's a posting from Hell. But amazingly I found the salt minelsfriendly and happy to talk. In medieval times, they'd have been slaves, then in the 1960's they werepolitical prisoners, now they are mostly self-employed desperadoes, just trying to pay offdebts.


Page 53: Dexam mintafeladatok B2

5 o*",,",.,- ... but first Scott Torow. whosc attempts to get published in the early seventies left him so

dishcanened hc took a law degrce instead. lronically, it was a book detailing his cxperiencesas a youngsler at Harvard Law School that paved the way for a lucrative and lauded writingcareer and hc's combined both jobs evcr since. To date he's written six bestsellers, the mostfamous of which, 'Presumed Innocent', was also a Hollywood hit for Harrison Ford.Tonow's high quality legal thrillers all take advantage ofhis dayjob, by featuring a lawyerat the heart ofthe action.The latest, 'Ordinary Heroes' is no exception in that respect, but it's arresting tale of twoAmericans playing cat-and-mouse in the closing months of World War [I takes him into ne$territory. The story centres on a military lawyer David Dubin, and Robcrt Martin, the warhero he's under orders to detaih. It's a story that offers not odly a page-turning adventure,but addresses important questions about the impact ofwar on the human soul, our dcspcratedctermination to cling to life at all costs, and the tlue nature ofheroism. The book contains a

horritic description of a concentration camp, which we also discuss during the interview.Scott Toffow wrote the book using his own father's war diaries, and I asked him first howmuch ofhis father there is in David Dubin.

- you knov it s an odd thing because certainly the hiqh poihls of David Dubin's -*arexperience dre verv sinilar to the high points of Darid Torrow's, but at a character Dd|idDubin is a very dif/brent nan lhan my JAher. My father y,as kind of a boisterous, macho,somewhat chaotic personality. Dubin is a very bultoned-up, proper young man whose maingoal for hinself is lo be, you know, thoroughly Americanised, and Americanised as agcntlemctn. I don't think ny.falher ever envisioned himsefas a member oflhe upper class.

- How did you stumblc on his diaries?- You know I kind of lmew that they werc there. My Mom had kept all of my fbther's war

memorabilia in a disorganised mess in a large cardboard box. And as a boy I had seensome of the more dramatic pieces, you know a German MauseL lhe palches of an SSOfficer...

- Oh how exciting lbr a little boy!- yolt knoi,, dnd lhen the very horrible pholographs thal ny.fhther had taken in Dachau, very

shortly alier lhe liberdlion. I knew there were letters there, and eventually I asked mymother vrould she hind if I read theh. M)t htother's been wry generous throughout, becauseshe doesn't agree vith ererything I've said and concluded, but she gave me Jiee access tolhose lellers.

- War has a very dramatic effect on Dubin, by the end ofthe book he's a changed man in notnecessarily very good ways...

Blctck Sea lreasutes

Dr. Robeft Ballard lbund the Titanic. PT Boat 109 and the Bismarck, to name a fcw on hislong list of underwater finds. This week, the oceanogmpher and sclf-described "underseacxplorer" is leading an expedition to the Black Sea to hunt for shipwrecks as old as 1000B.C. I met with Dr. Ballard in his office at the Mystic Aquarium's Institute for Explorationin Connecticut rccently, and askcd him why, when there's so much ocean to explore, he

keeps returning to the waters offofTurkey's nofihem coast.Well, it's because the Black Sea, due to its urique chemistry, has the best-preserved an.ientships in the world. And we want lo fnd them and explore them, because lhere, \,e feel.because of their high slate of preservalion, we can learn m<tre ahout our ancient histotylhan \re could any olher wa!-


Page 54: Dexam mintafeladatok B2

The Black Sea is where the m)'thical figure, Jason' traveled in search ofthe Golden Fleece

;;;il";;;"dy theoriz;d that, v;u know, m)'th and leg€nd are' in a wav' perhaps like

rumors, probably based on some truth--i"t,- t-)i t"tli"r" ,n, most of lhese legends that are carried on through oral hisloies' lhat

".rw i"t, in* t"rg, musr bi such a powe{ul story that it probably

-is' -in sone way' based

)onn fo"t. w" do"know that rhe Greeks cime into rhe Blick Sea ln fact' we just Jbund a

6rii "lip n^ tni" n"llenic Period in the bottom of the Black ,Seat

wlll-Presened' So we

irii ,n"l in" Greeks came in there, and they came in lhere for food' -because the upper

I*e,"o{theBlacksea,ahhoughthebo'tomlayersaredead,theupperlTyersafeyelyfich';i'; ;";i ;;V;;. ;r; ;"j ^oi"

to than arouid the Greek states in the Aeseak And so the

Grelks ieit in thereforJish but rheyalsowent in therefor gold

ioiution-of fon, in"vour tast Bhct Sea expedition you found things like mollusk shells

;;ii.n;il',;40; ii., no* ""tln"t.

Andi'm woniering, is extinction' to-vou' part of a

"ri'.?r""r"r"i -ot

Ll,. ^ many of us seem to see it, the result of something negative'

somethin; toxic, something necrotic?

W" hor"-r""n dro^otic cionges occurring lo lhe Eatth lhro gh nalural Jorces' some very

violenl. And thdt's iust the way il is. We cah't do t uch aboul lhat'

;;ll,;;;,h*" i;;s then, i'm wondering, as an undersea.archaeologist and explorer' have

uou "een

cin.ia""abt" degradation? or are you se€ing that things are' maybe'-okay?

'riii.-i'i"* )i" intir'ician ships we fouid .e'e io'e'"d in trash',lo{s of garbage bags'';i;',;;; ;; "'; ;';;;"2 No,,it,"otiv rhere wasn't anv damase.beins done to them' but

l,;t t*i if"tir" i""Zn ancient ship ioveted in trash' Bw I cerlainly have hot see major'd.i-dot'io,

ofd""p.oler siles. Buisomelimes whal you see isn't what's there'


Page 55: Dexam mintafeladatok B2

IRorr szOvEG fRTfsE 6s NyELvrsMERJr

Part I Lorulon leads world by scrapping bus Jares for under- 16s

They are und*/below 16. / Llndel 16.

First scheme ofits kind. / It's the first. / It will be the fimL / It leads the world.They will lose money. / It will cost money. / They'll pay f,70m more.

To use public tlansport. / To explorc the city. / To get out mor.e. -An Oyster smaltcard. / A caxd. / A smartcad.

They will / would lose the concession / card.

London's bus police force. / The Transport Operational Command.

(The) Conser,/atives.

They can explore London / the

Low-incorne families.

P^tt 2

* So-r"l Ct"*"n, /Mark Twain

0 2 3 4 5 6 '7 8

B F D c G J E H

F cooking chenxh,

P^tt 4

* nr"n 0,,..

S ril" "rr"rd;1"

0 2 3 4 5 6 '7 8

C I E F' J G H B

Part 3 Please Sir! I'm off sick neit week to go to Alto,1 Towers

0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

T F F' F F T T F' T

0 I 2 3 4 5 6 ,18 9 10

D H F c J B M E I G

0 I 2 3 4 5 6 '7 8 9 10

D G F K I, H B J M I


Page 56: Dexam mintafeladatok B2


Part 1

MintamegoldisNumber of words: f1-61

Dear Sir/Madam,

Yokr ad,vedtse'/'Le^t fo( voLt ^Leers

Lw the s;lt^'daV TeLegraPh seewad reaLLU LtAterestLr^4. I ah4

v,//L{vq to Uou beoawe I wal Ld al?reci'tta the oha^Le ta +ewd the suv,wvter Lw gour se^/rce, bul I

har/e soue qwes(to^s.

FL\st, abo',;t the \'tayk, Ltself, whatkiwd af ao y'L{'es \fiLl we be Lwvalved iw ex^otl\? ca Ldwe

get L^to d,a^,geyo&s sitva(to^s? | aw a"sa !/o',.AeyL' 4 how w"ttch t wl we v/Lll be slewdLv.4 Lw

Norr'l]at,, awd \thew exacLL'L, si^ae I wLll have ta ret .r& hawl bt! the A||g'(st uanLPe(Lod,.

JlAew I have sav^t o(esLLa^E 'Lw oaw4olLaw wLth the aooawv,,'odaLLaw. I avw sTeoLaLLU Lrr'j:ersted.

Lwthetupe awd Laoa owof ot.r aocotuv,'-od,altawthere. F Lytherv',"are, I watid Itkt ta Qv\ov/ Lf v^,ta

baslo av'awLedqe of evqlkh \^.LLL q,.&lLfA Me for wo(PLwg v'tLlh a teav'L 4 LvterwatLD'\'aL


FL' alLU, t v.tovLd ndt to ask i,f MU exleyie^x,e Lw word Trooxsirn'g wvLl be ewough for the1ob, or

whethey I wLlL ^.eed

ta kse d.her softNare tao.

t LaoP, forNard, ta UotLY rqLU

Ydtrs faLthfulltlj,

PLrt 2


Number ofwords: @

Aruny trdnos Dotm - your second houe

Ara"4rJ )Awos Dortu:tloru k sitvated, Lw a Peaoefvtl ewvLroww''ewt, ivst It/o PLLowetres fro& the oiLt4

ce'r'lre a' l wi,fhLw walpi^4 d,ktawe of the v\zarest tn^," stoP.

It ffieys exoeLLe^L accowuodati.ow Lw oov,tfottable si''/,OLe stwdu-bedroo&s wtLth shared

bathyoows. RtsLde'/,ts ak,o have ooobLr/'g facLLLULes Lw welr-eql i+led, kkohe/"s aM have aooess to

LatLwdyA roows, a -|r' raovw, a fLtwess yoDw and, tewwLs oo*rts.we tyI lo create a (Ler"dLA attua+here here, where sooLal llfe Ls Lv,qoka^I. TheYefore, we ?rt ow

oatr'/,ettg'Lw orq ^2w

halL ever! w\t'tth, a^A ot'Lv olubs also offer v,tawe eve^*:s.

ftovtever, stvde^Ls are requLred to cov*\Lt4 wtth the rkLes awd YegLlLaliot .s 4 r.he d,orL, e.g.

si',Le i.t i.s a ^o^-swaal4'g

doynr'-, svwokLv.g Ls aLlowed owLtd'tw d'Ellwated areas a\.tsLde the


we &Ae ?fld,e Lw VMt di^.g a Wv{l,ot ho'/,!e awag frow- hotv.t , blt Lf Aov \.^/awt ta see forUov6elf, Uow areweloov,',e La paA us a y'LsLt ow owr qew dag.


Page 57: Dexam mintafeladatok B2

DExam is a general monolingual Englishprofi ciency examination designed

at the University of Debrecen, Hungary

because it issues a language certificate recognized by the Hungarian State

because it is communicative and tests your langrage proficiency with lifelike tasks

because it takes individual intelests into account

because it is examinee-friendly

. traoslation tasks

o grammar t€sts

. unnecessarv stess

@Yow language proficiency is tested though tasks relevant to your interest and background knowledge.

A choica between the Arts and Science module is offered at the exam.

(Iy'9o combined exam

o oral exam

o witten exam

Exam pa ne

/=i-;-=\q'DTC-). combined exam to be taken on one day

. oral exam to be taken on one day

The Speaking test is a paired €xam where you can seleat your exam partner.i




Page 58: Dexam mintafeladatok B2

DExam intermediate (82) exam

The lntermediate (82) exam consists ofan oral and a written exam part. The two parts assess the fourlanguage skills and the use ofEnglish

Oral exam

I Lisrening test

ll Speaking test

Written exam

III Reading ard Use ofEnglish test

IV Writing test

The requirements of the DExam intermediate (B2) exam conform to the 82 language proficiency levelspecified in the Common European Framework ofReference (CEF).


Exam component Tqsk tvoe Durution Score

Listening test Matching 30-35 mns 25Completion

Multiple Choice

Speaking test Talk l8-23 mns 25Interview

Conversation between two candidates

Reading and Use ofEnglish test

Short-answer questions 75 mns 25Matching claus€s to text

True/False staiements

BaDkcd gap-filliq / Multiple choice gap-


lejiii'i==.=.a:t:i?::i-=.. 90 rnns 25


The total score ofthe oral exam is calculated by adding the scores ofthe Listening test and the Speakingtest.

The total score of the written exam is calculated by adding the scores of the writing test and theReading and Use ofEnglish test.

The oral or written exam will be j'dged successful on condition that candidates fulfil sixty percenr (30scores) ofthe attrainable total score by achieving or surpassing a minimum of forty percent in each test.

Page 59: Dexam mintafeladatok B2






ldqcrorr*, Esru,.,n


Esem6nyek ld6*

DExamTteli tanfolyamok (sz6beli €s ir6sbeli) janu6r

DExam H€tv69ik tavaszi tanfolyamok (sz6bell, 6s komplex) mercius - eprilis

DExamT nyeti |3nfolyamok (sz6bell 6s irrisbeli) augusztus

DEram Hitvdgdk 6szi tanfolyamok (sz6beli, ir6sbeli 6s komplex) szeptember - okt6ber

*A pontositott 6ves DExam naptar az e1626 6v december6t6l olvashat6 honlapunkon:



Page 60: Dexam mintafeladatok B2



KOZ€PFoK (82)

A kdnyvet az 6llamilag elismert egynyelv( angol DExam vizsgarendszerkriz6pfokti (B2) vizsgajera k€szU16knek ajiinljuk. Az itt talalhat6 feladat-tipusok €s modulfeladatok megisme16s6vel sikeresebben teljesithetik a

DExam nyelwizsga kdvetelm6nyeit.

A DExam vizsga legf6bb sajetossega a modulvilasztisi lehet6s6g. A

modulfeladatok a vizsgAz6k sz(kebb vagy t6gabb 6rdeklSd6si vagy

szakteriilet6hez kdt6dnek, de tiirgyi tudist nem m6rnek. A humanmodult a

tersadalomtudominyok €s a m(v€szetek irent 6rdekl6d6knek, a re6lmodult aterm6szettudomenyok 6s a technika iriint 6rdekl6d6knek ajenljuk.

A k6nw a n6gy vizsgar€sz - Besz€dirtds, Reszddkdszsdg, frott sztiveg drtise6s nyelvismeret, hiisk4szsdg - teljes humin- €s re6lmodul feladatsorAt

tartalmazza, igy a k6z6pfokri (B2) DExam vizsgira k6sziil6k 6rdekl6d6siiknekmegfelel6 feladatsorral p16bavizsgit is tehetnek.



4032 Debrecen, Koml6ssy [t 56.

E- ma i l : [email protected]

Tel: (52', 532-740(s2) sr 2-900 i 2303r

Honlap: www.dexam.hu