DG Book 1 Presentation

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  • 8/13/2019 DG Book 1 Presentation


    Book it right & pack it tight

    Revised guidebooks to the IMDG Code operational rules

    for preparing dangerous goods for carriage by sea

  • 8/13/2019 DG Book 1 Presentation


    Book 1: Shippers & Forwarders

    Book 2: Shipping lines and freight

    booking agencies

    Book 3: Consolidatorsmanagers

    and supervisors

    Book 4: Fork lift operators

    and cargo handlers

  • 8/13/2019 DG Book 1 Presentation


    Subjects covered in this presentation

    Purpose & content of the Guidebooks

    Classification of dangerous goods

    Creation of Shippers Declaration

    Packaging & labelling

    Limited quantities, mixed loads, aerosols & security

    IMDG Code training

    Provision of information to shipping line Summary & source of further information

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    1 - Purpose & content of the Guidebooks

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    What is in the Guidebooks?

    Clear guidance on what you must do to comply

    with the IMDG Code

    Explanation of your legal duties

    Practical examples

    Sample documents



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    Format of the guidebooks

    The Guidebooks all have a Part A & Part B:

    Part A identifies the key operational dutieswhat you

    must do and how to do it

    Part B is a common reference section explaining

    requirements of the IMDG Code

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    What is the purpose of the Guidebooks?

    1. To provide practical operational guidance to the

    complex requirements of the IMDG Code

    2. To provide a quick reference to the relevantIMDG Code text

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    A fundamental question: What are dangerous goods?

    Answer: Substances or articles that may:

    kill or injure people damage ships or transport equipment

    damage cargo

    damage the environment (marine pollutants)

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    Are there rules for shipping

    dangerous goods by sea?

    YESthere are strict rules for shippers,

    container packers and shipping lines

    The rules are contained in the

    International Maritime

    Dangerous Goods Code

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    Failure to comply withdangerous goods rules causessevere maritime incidents .


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    . and heavy losses

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    Known as the IMDG Code

    A complete instruction

    manual for documentation,

    packaging and carriage of

    dangerous goods by sea

    The International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code

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    What is the IMDG Code?

    Two volumes & a Supplement (over 800 pages)

    Rules for every stage of the carriage of

    dangerous goods by sea

    The international UN system for classification,listing, documentation, packaging & packing of

    dangerous goods

    Specific legal duties for all parties arising from theSOLAS (Safety of Life at Sea) Convention

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    Where does the IMDG Code come from?

    The IMDG Code is produced by the InternationalMaritime Organisation(IMO)

    The IMO is a United Nationsagency

    The IMDG Code is based on the UN inter-modaldangerous goods system and is used world-wide

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    Who has duties under the IMDG Code?

    Shippers & forwarders

    Shipping line booking agents

    Consolidators (supervisor/manager)

    Fork lift drivers/container packers

    Ships and shipping lines

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    Must I comply with the IMDG Code rules?


    Since 2004 the IMDG Code has been mandatory

    in all countries by government signature at theSOLAS Conference and through the IMO

    It is also mandatory to train your employees inaspects of the Code applicable to their jobs

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    1. Classification &identification

    2. Documentation

    3. Packaging & labelling

    Practical operational guidance on the Shippers IMDGCode duties regarding:

    Book 1: Shippers & Forwarder

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    References in this presentation

    References to sections in Guidebook 1 are

    always shown in yellow at bottom left hand corner


    References to text in the IMDG Code are shownin blue: See IMDG 3.2

    See GuidebookPart B section4

    See Guidebook

    Part B section 4

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    The guidebook is your quick guide to the IMDG Code

    Your quickreference to

    . the 800pages of the

    IMDG Code

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  • 8/13/2019 DG Book 1 Presentation


    Guidebook 1 identifies shippers key IMDG Code duties:

    1. Classification of dangerous goods

    2. Creation of shippers declaration

    3. Packaging & labelling

    4. Provision of information to the shipping line

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    2 - Classification of dangerous goods

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    What does classification mean?

    Classification means your duty as a shipper todescribe your product and its hazard according

    to the rules of the IMDG Code

    e.g.- UN Number

    - Proper Shipping Name of product- Class and type of hazard(s)

    - Description in terms used in the IMDG Code (see examplesbelow)

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    Where can classification details be found?

    In the columns of the Dangerous Goods Listin

    Part 3 of the IMDG Code

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    What is the Dangerous Goods List?

    A list containing an entry for all dangerous goods

    (it takes up 169 pages of Volume 2 of the IMDG


    It is the first point of reference for all enquiries

    about classification or technical details of a

    substance or article

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    Goods List(diagrammatic display)

    Each substanceentry has

    18 columns ofclassification &


    Substances are

    listed under theirUN Number in

    Column 1

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    Why does the shipper need the classification details?

    1. He must add the classification details to a signed

    document (Shippers Declaration) that

    accompanies the dangerous goods

    2. He must display the classification details

    on each package

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    Classification factors: mandatory & conditional

    There are a number of classification details shippers

    must provide for each dangerous substance:

    1. UN Number2. Proper Shipping Name

    3. Class

    4. Plus a number of conditional details such asdegree of hazard (Packing Group), flashpoint,marine pollutant, etc, depending upon thesubstance

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    UN classification system

    The IMDG Code uses the UN intermodal system

    to classify and identify dangerous goods

    Classification details for each substance are listedin the columns of the Dangerous Goods List

    See GuidebookPart B sections 1-8

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    Class 1 - Explosives

    Class 2 - Gases

    Class 3 - Flammable Liquids

    Class 4 - Flammable Solids

    Class 5 - Oxidising Substances

    Class 6 - Toxic Substances

    Class 7 - Radioactive Substances

    Class 8 - Corrosives

    Class 9 - Miscellaneous


    goods are put into one

    of 9 categories,


    upon the type ofhazard.

    These are called


    There are 9 hazard Classes

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    Hazard classes are represented by symbols: e.g.

    CLASS 3

    Flammable liquidsare liquids thathave aflashpoint of below 60C

    CLASS 8

    Corrosivesubstances and their vapours destroyliving tissue on contact and can damage many othermaterials

    CLASS 6.1

    Toxic substancescause injury or death to humans byinhalation, swallowing or skin contact

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    Some classes are sub-divided into divisions

    Class 2.1Flammable gas

    Class 2.2Non-flammable non-toxic gas

    Class 2.3Toxic gas

    See Guidebook Part B Section 4 for anexplanation of all the classes and sub-divisions

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    Multiple hazards (Class + Sub-risk)

    Some substances have more than one hazard

    They have a main class and a sub-risk e.g. asubstance classed as a flammable liquid may also

    be toxic:


    Class 3 + Sub-risk of

    class 6.1

    See GuidebookPart B section 5

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    UN Number

    Every dangerous substance has a UN Number

    This is a unique number allocated by the UN

    The UN Number is used to locate the dangerous

    substance entry in the IMDG Dangerous Goods


    e.g. UN 1170

    See GuidebookPart B section 6

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    All dangerous goods have a mandatory UN

    Number, Proper Shipping Name & Class

    Example: ETHANOL

    UN Number - UN 1170

    Proper Shipping Name - ETHANOL

    Class - 3

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    What name shall I give to my dangerous goods?

    Every dangerous substance and article is listed inthe IMDG Dangerous Goods List under its ProperShipping Name

    See GuidebookPart B section 7

    E.g. Substance name: SULPHURIC ACID

    E.g. Article name: ROCKET MOTORS

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    Proper Shipping Name

    Common substances & articles:

    The Proper Shipping Nameis the only name youare permitted to use on your documentation and

    package labelling

    It is the name by which a dangerous substance islisted in the IMDG Dangerous Goods List

    alphabetical index

    This is the only name internationally recognised bythe United Nations dangerous goods system

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    Proper Shipping Names (N.O.S. Names)

    Mixtures & uncommon substances & articles:

    Mixtures of dangerous substances anduncommon dangerous substances are not listed

    in the Dangerous Goods List

    They are shipped under generic names called

    Not Otherwise Specified(N.O.S.)names

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    How N.O.S Proper Shipping Names

    are determined for mixtures

    A mixture is subjected to classification tests to

    determine if it should be assigned to any hazard

    class and sub-risk

    If so, the mixture is allocated a generic name thatdescribes the hazard e.g. FLAMMABLE LIQUID


    Each generic name is assigned a UN Number

    e.g. UN 1993, FLAMMABLE LIQUID N.O.S.

    See GuidebookPart B section 7

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    Completing N.O.S. names

    To complete an N.O.S. name the identity of the dangeroussubstance(s) must be added in brackets after the genericname e.g.

    UN 1993, FLAMMABLE LIQUID N.O.S. (contains glycoland acetone)

    The IMDG Code has a list containing N.O.S. generic

    names that cover all combinations of hazard class andsub-riskthe IMDG Code Dangerous Goods List

    Appendix A has a comprehensive list

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    There are other classification details that are conditional

    Conditional classification details are those that

    depend upon the class nature of specific

    dangerous goods

    To find what details are required for a particular

    substance, refer to the substance entry in the

    Dangerous Goods List

    See Part B sections 5, 8, 10,11, 14, 15, 16, 17 & 19 for fulldetails

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    The most common conditional classification details:

    1. Sub-risk

    2. Packing group

    3. Flashpoint (Class 3 substances only)

    4. Marine pollutant

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    Packing Groups: an indication of danger

    Some hazard classes require the documentation to

    show a Packing Group to indicate degree of hazard

    Packing Group is usually shortened to PG

    PG I Great danger

    PG II Medium danger

    PG III Low danger

    See GuidebookPart B section 8

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    The flashpoint must be provided for:

    Class 3 substances (Flammable Liquids)

    Or any substance with a class 3 sub-risk

    CLASS 3 - flammable liquids are liquids thathave a flashpoint of less than 60C.

    See GuidebookPart B section 10

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    Marine Pollutants

    Substances that bio-accumulate in the marine

    food chain, or are highly destructive to the marine


    Document must state Marine Pollutant and

    packages and cargo transport units display the

    marine pollutant mark.

    See GuidebookPart B section 11

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    Less common variable details

    Some classes require other less commonconditional classification details eg:

    Solid or liquid form Control & emergency temperature

    Radioactivity details

    Explosives details

    Refer to the substance entry in the DangerousGoods List and IMDG 5.4 to see what detailsmay be required

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    Reminder: How to find classification details

    All classification details are found in the various

    columns of the Dangerous Goods List in Part 3.2of the IMDG Code

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    3Creation of shippers declaration

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    Provision of dangerous goods

    information from shipper to shipping line

    The shipper or forwarder must provide the line with full

    classification details at the initial booking stageyou will

    usually be requested to complete a shipping line internal

    booking request form

    Later, when you despatch the goods, they must be

    accompanied by a formal dangerous goods declaration

    that complies with IMDG Code requirementsdetails in

    the following section


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    Shippersdangerous goodsdeclaration

    This example of a shippers

    declaration is taken frompage 20 of Guidebook 2

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    Shippers dangerous goods declaration

    All dangerous goods

    consignments must be

    accompanied by a

    dangerous goods

    declaration that includes

    all classification details

    and is signed by the


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    Details required for the dangerous goods declaration

    Shippers address

    Consignees address

    Ship & voyage details

    Classification & identification Packaging description


    Leading marks

    Shippers signature Place & date of signature

    See Guidebook PartA sections 3 & 4

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    Shippers name & address

    Consignees name & address

    Voyage details

    Number & type of packaging

    Leading marks

    Classification & identification

    Container details

    Packing certificate details:not to be completed by theshipper, to be completed onlyby the container packer

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    Details of the packaging, classification and substance identification must all

    be entered on the declaration

    See IMDG 5.4

    See Guidebook PartA sections 3 & 4

    Classification details are vital

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    Classification details

    Proper Shipping name Mandatory

    Class MandatoryUN Number Mandatory

    Sub-risk (conditional)

    Packing Group (conditional)

    Marine Pollutant (conditional)Flashpoint (conditional

    Control & emergencytemperature (conditional)

    Fumigation details (conditional)

    Radiation details (Mandatoryfor Class 7)

    Explosives details (Mandatoryfor Class 1)

    Shippers declaration: This text

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    Shippers declaration: This textconfirms that the shipper hasaccurately described hisdangerous goods and they are

    correctly classified, packagedand labelled according to allnational and internationallegislation.

    This is a mandatory text fromthe IMDG Code.

    This is where the document is

    signed and dated by theshipper

    Net & gross quantity ofdangerous goods

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    4Packaging & labelling

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    Packaging for dangerous goods

    Three principles apply to packages:

    They must be made to a UN approved design


    The design type and size must be permitted bythe IMDG Code

    Each package must be marked and labelled with

    details of the dangerous goods

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    UN-approved packaging design

    Packages used for carriage of dangerous goods

    must be built to a UNapproved design standard

    that is stamped with an appropriate packaging

    design code

    As the shipper, it is your duty to ensure that you

    select suitable UNapproved packaging for yourproduct

    See GuidebookPart A section 6

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    Packaging codes for UN-approved designs

    Example of a UN code marked on a drum head

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    Package design and size permitted by the IMDG Code

    The IMDG Code specifies different package

    designs and maximum safe package sizes for

    different dangerous goods

    These specifications are found in the individual

    substance entries in the Dangerous Goods ListColumn numbers 8 to 11

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    Package marking & labelling

    Each package must

    display warnings about

    the dangerous goodsinside:

    Proper Shipping Name

    UN Number Class (& sub-risk if applicable)

    Marine Pollutant mark (marine pollutants only)

    See GuidebookPart A section 7

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    There are rules for unit loads and overpacks

    Each individualpackage in aunit load mustbe marked andlabelled

    Overpacks must

    be marked andlabelled and anOVERPACKmark must beadded

    See GuidebookPart A section 7

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    Packaging: Summary of shippers duties

    Select suitable packaging coded with the UN-

    approval mark

    Only use package designs and sizes allowed bythe IMDG Code (see Dangerous Goods List)

    Apply warning marks & label(s)

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    5 - Limited quantities, mixed loads, aerosols& security

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    Limited quantities

    Dangerous goods shipped as limited quantities

    are exempted some of the land and sea transport


    By sea the main concession is that no segregationis required from other dangerous goods

    Another concession is that UN-coded packaging is

    not required

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    Limited quantities

    In principle limited quantities means shipping insmall receptacles protected by outer packaging

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    Rules for limited quantities

    Weight/capacity of inner and outer packaging for

    each substance is specified by the IMDG Code

    (see column 7 of Dangerous Goods List)

    Amended shippers declaration required Marks & labels replaced by limited quantities


    UN-tested packaging not required

    See Guidebook Part A section 8& Part B section 9

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    Segregation: Rules for controlling mixed hazard loads

    Mixed loading means loading different types ofdangerous goods together in the same container

    Mixed loading creates the possibility of dangerouschemical reaction

    Mixed loading is prohibited unless permitted by

    the IMDG Code segregation rules in IMDGsection 7.2

    B th t diff t t f d

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    The rules of segregation are complex - seeIMDG chapter 7.2

    Be aware that different types of dangerousgoods may have to be packed into differentcontainers

    See Guidebook 1Part A section 9

    See Guidebook 3 (Consolidators) Part A section

    12 for full details of segregation in containers

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    Aerosols: special rules

    Aerosols are a commonly-shipped commodity thatoften cause problems

    Usually shipped as Limited Quantities(note limited quantities mark)

    Aerosols have special rules for

    classification, documentationand packaging

    See Guidebook

    Part B section 19

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    6IMDG Code Training

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    IMDG Code training for shippers

    The IMDG Code requires that staff preparing

    dangerous goods documents and cargo must be

    trained to understand the rules of the IMDG Code

    Shippers and packers may expect to be given

    advice on classification, package marking &

    labelling, documentation and segregation from theline

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    Key training areas for shippers & forwarders

    1. Classification of dangerous goods

    2. Use of the Code Dangerous Goods List

    3. Documentation requirements

    4. Packaging selection, marking & labelling

    See Guidebook

    Part A section 1

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    Have you given your staff proper IMDG Code training?

    The IMDG Code requires that employers train theiremployees in both:

    general dangerous goods awareness job-specific functions

    Refer to the IMDG Code training schedule in

    section 1.3 to check the functions in which shippersand forwarders are expected to be competent

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    Security awareness

    Some dangerous goods can be used to createexplosions, fires and toxic releases in a terrorist


    All personnel should be aware of such hazardsand keep information confidential

    IMDG Code Chapter 1.4 has provisions for

    security of dangerous goods in transit

    Ports are high security zones

    See Guidebook

    Part A section 2

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    7Provision of information to the shipping line

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    It is your legal duty to correctly declare alldangerous goods to the shipping line

    Shippers & forwarders take note!

    Shipper or forwarder must provide full classificationdetails to the line in advance of shipment

    The information will be the same as that required on

    the shippers dangerous goods declaration (IMDG 5.4)

    Details will normally be required on a specialdangerous goods booking form

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    8Summary of presentation & source of further


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    What has been covered in this presentation

    This presentation has looked briefly at key duties of theshipper including:


    Packaging & labelling

    Shippers declaration Greater detail on these and related topics will be found in

    Guidebook 3.

    Other Guidebooks in the series provide detailed coverage of

    other topics including: Segregation

    Packing certificates

    Container packing & securing

    Container marking and placarding

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    Important Notice

    The Guidebooks are a practical operational aid and

    should be used alongside the IMDG Code

    They are not a substitute for IMDG Code training

    employees should be trained as appropriate for their job

    and responsibility

    Technical issues should always be checked against the

    legal text of the IMDG Code

  • 8/13/2019 DG Book 1 Presentation


    The end

    This presentation is to introduce theBook i t

    Right and Pack it Tightguidebooks to a wide

    audience and to promote understanding and

    use of the IMDG Code. Please modify toyour own requirements

    Published by:Thomas Miller P&I Ltd, 90 Fenchurch Street, London EC3A 5BA

    Tel: +44 (0)20 7283 4646. Fax: +44 (0)20 7283 5614


    For more information contact:
