Dino Pre Visit

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  • 8/7/2019 Dino Pre Visit





    Your students journey through time begins right here in Pacic Science Centers robotic dinosaur

    exhibit. Eight hal-size and ull-size model dinosaurs rom the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods

    ll a room with the distant roar o prehistory. Visitors can get an up close look at the anatomy o their

    avorite dinosaur, read about dinosaurs and current dinosaur theory, enjoy the miniature diorama collection, and touch a real

    dinosaur bone ossil. Warning: Look out or that T. Rex studying you rom above!


    Fossil evidence indicates that dinosaurs lived during an era o time called the Mesozoic (248 - 65 million years ago) which is divide

    into periods known as Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous. There are eight robotic dinosaurs in the Dinosaurs: A Journey Through Time

    exhibit. The period o their existence is listed along with an approximation o the time labeled as MYA (million years ago).

    Tyrannosaurus Rex tyrant lizard king

    Late Cretaceous-70 MYA 50 t long Carnivore

    At 50 eet long, T. Rex was one o the largest meat eaters

    ever to walk the earth. Its large tail was held upright to

    counterbalance its heavy neck and jaws. T. Rex had bird-like

    hind eet and hollow bones. Robot is hal-size.

    Stegosaurus plated lizard

    Late Jurassic-145 MYA 25 t long Herbivore

    While it is likely that the spikes on its tail were used as a

    deensive weapon, ideas about the unctions o the plates on its

    back vary. They could have been solar heat collecting devices,

    mating displays, or spine and fank protection. Robot is hal-size.

    Apatosaurus deceptive lizard

    Late Jurassic-150 MYA 75 t long Herbivore

    Because a ossil specimen o an Apatosaurus was once

    misidentied as a new species, this dinosaur was mistakenly

    called Brontosaurus. At 30-35 tons this animals bulk

    was ormidable protection against predators such as 4 ton

    Allosaurus. Robot is hal-size.

    Triceratops three-horned ace

    Late Cretaceous-70 MYA 30 t long HerbivoreThis animals rilled neck and horns may have served as

    protection rom carnivores such as T. Rex. It apparently traveled

    in herds and parents may have cared or their young. Robot is


    Pachycephalosaurus thick-headed lizard

    Late Cretaceous-70 MYA 20 t long Herbivore

    Its knobby, domed head was 8 to 10 inches thick making it less

    prone to decay and thereore more easily ossilized. While it is

    easy to speculate that this animal may have used its head as

    a butting weapon, no evidence yet exists o ractures or healed

    wounds on any o the specimens collected. Robot is ull-size.

    Deinonychus terrible claw

    Early Cretaceous-105 MYA 9 t long Carnivore

    This predator likely hunted in organized packs. Its tail aided in

    balance and may have been used as a lever enabling it to

    change direction quickly. The middle toe o each hind oot had

    a sharp 5-inch claw used to slash at the bellies o prey. It is

    closely related to Velociraptor. Robot is ull-size.

    Allosaurus strange (or other) lizard

    Late Jurassic-150 MYA 35 t long Carnivore

    This large animal had a three-oot long head and hinged jaws that

    could open up unusually wide. Its eyes were twice as large as T. Rex.

    While most dinosaurs are known rom just a ew ossils, paleontologists

    have ound ossils o 60 Allosauruses. Robot is hal-size.

    Parasaurolophus similar to crested lizardLate Cretaceous-70 MYA 33 t long Herbivore

    This duck-billed animal had a long, hollow bony crest at the top

    o its head. Its nostrils went up through the crest and back down

    again, orming our tubes that may have been used to produce

    oghorn sounds. Fossilized stomach contents showed this animal

    ate pine needles, twigs and other land plants. Robot is hal-size.

  • 8/7/2019 Dino Pre Visit



    Make a list of the eight dinosaurs in the exhibit and have

    students list what they know about each one. Let them

    know that ater the visit they will have an opportunity to

    add to this list.

    Some characteristics of living organisms are that they eat,

    grow and reproduce. Ask students what they know about

    how dinosaurs lived. What did they eat? How did they

    reproduce? How do we know?

    Many theories have been developed about the

    disappearance and evolution o dinosaurs, especially

    concerning the strong evidence that some dinosaurs

    are the ancestors o modern birds. Make a list o what

    students know and think about these issues and a list

    o questions they have as well.


    Review and amend the lists you may have made of

    students prior knowledge o each dinosaur in the exhibit,

    dinosaur extinction and dinosaur evolution. Write the

    answers they ound to any o the questions they had.

    Let students draw their favorite dinosaur rom the exhibit

    along with a description o why they like it.

    What questions about dinosaurs do students think have

    been answered adequately by scientists? Ask the students:

    I you were to become a paleontologist, what questions

    would you like to answer? How might you nd the answer?

    Ask students to describe the environment and climate

    during the age o the dinosaurs. Discuss their ideas and

    then discuss what thoughts they have about the eects

    a large meteorite impact might have on the environment,

    climate and living organisms.

    Washington State Essential Academic Learning Requirements in Science Addressed:

    Essential Learning 1: The student understands and uses scientifc concepts and principles.

    1.1.6 Characteristics o living Things: Distinguish living organisms rom non-living objects, and use characteristics

    to sort common organisms into plant and animal groups.

    1.3.5 History and Evolution o Earth: Recognize that ossils provide evidence o plants, animals, and environment,

    that existed long ago.

    1.3.10 Interdependence o Lie: Describe how an organisms behavior and ability to survive is infuenced by

    environment, other lie orms, and the availability o ood and/or other resources.

    Essential Learning 2: The student knows and applies the skills, processes, and nature o scientifc inquiry.

    2.1.1 Questioning: The student asks questions about interesting objects, organisms, and events in the environment.

    Reading Essential Learning 3: The student reads dierent materials or a variety o purposes.

    3.1 Read to learn new inormation.

    3.2 Read to perorm a task.

    Please feel free to use the Student Activity Sheet,

    in part or whole, as an on-site activity for your class.

  • 8/7/2019 Dino Pre Visit





    In this exhibit there are eight robotic dinosaurs. These robots represent animals that lived

    rom 195 million years ago to 64 millions years ago during the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods.

    Fossil records show that dinosaurs both great and small dominated the earth or 180 million years. Also shown in the ossil record is

    that 65 million years ago dinosaurs, as we recognize them, vanished. There are many ideas about what caused this apparent extinction.

    The most dramatic theory is that an extremely large meteorite struck the earth causing global climate change leading to dinosaur

    extinction. This theory is well supported by evidence in the rock layers. The ossil evidence shows that some dinosaurs are more

    closely related to birds, rather than lizards. Some paleontologists (ossil scientists) now believe that some dinosaur species managed

    to avoid extinction 65 million years ago and may have evolved into our modern birds, which means that dinosaurs may not havebecome extinct at all. Think about that the next time you see a pigeon!

    While modern dinosaur theory is supported by strong evidence, there are still many questions unanswered. Perhaps you can become

    a paleontologist and explore these interesting questions. Start today!


    Most dinosaurs get their names rom Greek or Latin.

    Work with another student to see i you can guess

    what some o the dinosaur names are that matchthese meanings. Then read the exhibit signs to see

    how close you got.

    Tyrant Lizard King: _____________________________

    Plated Lizard: _________________________________

    Deceptive Lizard: ______________________________

    Three-Horned Face:____________________________

    Thick-Headed Lizard:___________________________

    Terrible Claw: _________________________________

    Strange (Other) Lizard: _________________________

    Similar to Crested Lizard:_______________________

    Bonus: Which part o these names means lizard?

    Why might lizard be a mistake to use or

    some dinosaurs?

    Choose a dinosaur and draw a part o it here.

    You might choose the head, an eye, a claw, or

    something else.

    How does this part o the dinosaur help it survive?




  • 8/7/2019 Dino Pre Visit



    Ask three other students to name which of the exhibit

    dinosaurs they like best and why.

    Record the students names and their answers here.

    1. __________________________________________________



    2. __________________________________________________



    3. __________________________________________________



    Look at the paintings, dioramas, and settings around the

    dinosaurs. Read the signs.

    Write a description o how the earth looked, and what the

    climate was like at the time o the dinosaurs.








    Write one new act you learned, or something that surprised you today about dinosaurs. Share this with someone you

    live with.





    Paleontologists once believed that dinosaurs were lizards.

    Now scientists more commonly agree that some dinosaurs

    are closely related to birds. Look around at the robots and

    read the exhibit signs.

    What eatures o the dinosaurs are like lizards?




    What eatures o the dinosaurs are like birds?




    Write the names o the dinosaurs you think are most like birds.



    Look at your favorite meat-eating (carnivore) dinosaur and

    avorite plant-eating (herbivore) dinosaur. List eatures o

    each that you think made them well-adapted to the oods

    they ate.


    _______________________ _______________________

    _______________________ _______________________

    _______________________ _______________________

    2008 Pacic Science Center | Educators may copy reely.