文体論の文献 リストを徐々によいものにしていきたいと思います。手元にあるもののリスト に反映させていない文献もあり、まだ十分なものではありませんが。。。(更 新中です) Abbott, M., & Forceville, C. (2011). Visual representation of emotion in manga: Loss of control is loss of hands in Azumanga Daioh Volume 4. Language and Literature, 20 (2), 91-112. Alonso, A. (1942). The stylistic interpretation of literary texts. Modern Language Notes, 57 (7), 489-496. Attridge, D. (1995). Poetic rhythm: An introduction. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Baker, W. E. (1967). Syntax in English poetry 1870-1930. Berkeley/Los Angeles: University of California Press. Bateson, F. W. (1961). Modern bibliography and the literary artifact. In G. A. Bonnard (Ed.), English studies today: Second series (pp. 67-77). Bern: Francke Verlag. Bellard-Thomson, C. (2010). How students learn stylistics: Constructing an empirical study. Language and Literature, 19 (1), 35-57. Bennett, J. R., Brigham, B., Carson, S., Fleischauer, J., Kobler, T., Park, F., & Thies, A. (1977). Typography and style: An annotated bibliography. Style, 11 (4), 446-451. Benson, J. D., & Greaves, W. S. (1987). A comparison of process types in Poe and Melville. In R. Steele & T. Threadgold (Eds.), Language topics: Essays in honor of Michael Halliday, volume II (pp. 131-143). Amsterdam: John Benjamins. Bex, T. R. (1994). The relevance of genre. In R. D. Sell & P. Verdonk (Eds.), Literature and the new interdisciplinarity: Poetics, linguistics, history (pp. 107-129). Amsterdam: Rodopi. Bex, T., Burke, M., & Stockwell, P. (Eds.). (2000). Cotextualized stylistics: In honor of Peter Verdonk. Amsterdam/Atlanta, GA: Rodopi. Bezzel, C. (1969). Some problems of a grammar of modern German poetry. Foundations of Language, 5 (4), 470-487. Bickerton, D. (1969). Prolegomena to a linguistic theory of metaphor. Foundations of Language, 5 (1), 34-52. Biermann, I. (1993). Intertextuality as parallelism in two South African poems. Language and Literature, 2 (3), 197-220. Bierwisch, M. (1971). Modern linguistics: Its development, methods and problems. The Hague/Paris: Mouton. Bloomfield, M. W. (1963). A grammatical approach to personification allegory. Modern Philology, 60 (3), 161-171. Bloomfield, M. W. (1967). The syncategorematic in poetry: From semantics to syntactics. In To honor Roman Jakobson: Essays in his seventieth birthday, 11 October 1966, Volume 1 (pp. 309-317). The Hague/Paris: Mouton. Bloomfield, M. W. (1970). Generative grammar and the theory of literature. In Actes du Xe Congrés International des Linguistes, Bucharest, 20 aôut-2 Septembre 1967, No.3 (pp. 57-65). Bucharest: Académie de la République Socialiste de Roumanie. Bloomfield, M. W. (1970). Jakobsonian poetics and evaluative criticism. The University Review, 37, 165-173. Bloomfield, M. W. (1976). Stylistics and the theory of literature. New Literary History, 7 (2), 271-311. Bradford, R. (1997). Stylistics. London: Routledge. Burke, M. (2006). Cognitive stylistics. In K. Brown (Ed.), Encyclopedia of language and linguistics, Vol. 12 (2nd ed., pp. 218-221). Oxford: Elsevier. Burke, M. (2010). Why care about pedagogical stylistics? Language and Literature, 19 (1), 7-11. Burke, M., & Troscianko, E. T. (2013). Mind, brain, and literature: A dialogue on what humanities

文体論の文献 - Hiroshima University...文体論の文献 リストを徐々によいものにしていきたいと思います。手元にあるもののリスト に反映させていない文献もあり、まだ十分なものではありませんが。。。(更

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Page 1: 文体論の文献 - Hiroshima University...文体論の文献 リストを徐々によいものにしていきたいと思います。手元にあるもののリスト に反映させていない文献もあり、まだ十分なものではありませんが。。。(更





Abbott, M., & Forceville, C. (2011). Visual representation of emotion in manga: Loss of control is loss of hands in Azumanga Daioh Volume 4. Language and Literature, 20 (2), 91-112.

Alonso, A. (1942). The stylistic interpretation of literary texts. Modern Language Notes, 57 (7), 489-496.

Attridge, D. (1995). Poetic rhythm: An introduction. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.Baker, W. E. (1967). Syntax in English poetry 1870-1930. Berkeley/Los Angeles: University of

California Press. Bateson, F. W. (1961). Modern bibliography and the literary artifact. In G. A. Bonnard (Ed.), English

studies today: Second series (pp. 67-77). Bern: Francke Verlag.Bellard-Thomson, C. (2010). How students learn stylistics: Constructing an empirical study.

Language and Literature, 19 (1), 35-57.Bennett, J. R., Brigham, B., Carson, S., Fleischauer, J., Kobler, T., Park, F., & Thies, A. (1977).

Typography and style: An annotated bibliography. Style, 11 (4), 446-451.Benson, J. D., & Greaves, W. S. (1987). A comparison of process types in Poe and Melville. In R.

Steele & T. Threadgold (Eds.), Language topics: Essays in honor of Michael Halliday, volume II(pp. 131-143). Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Bex, T. R. (1994). The relevance of genre. In R. D. Sell & P. Verdonk (Eds.), Literature and the new interdisciplinarity: Poetics, linguistics, history (pp. 107-129). Amsterdam: Rodopi.

Bex, T., Burke, M., & Stockwell, P. (Eds.). (2000). Cotextualized stylistics: In honor of Peter Verdonk. Amsterdam/Atlanta, GA: Rodopi.

Bezzel, C. (1969). Some problems of a grammar of modern German poetry. Foundations of Language, 5 (4), 470-487.

Bickerton, D. (1969). Prolegomena to a linguistic theory of metaphor. Foundations of Language, 5(1), 34-52.

Biermann, I. (1993). Intertextuality as parallelism in two South African poems. Language and Literature, 2 (3), 197-220.

Bierwisch, M. (1971). Modern linguistics: Its development, methods and problems. The Hague/Paris: Mouton.

Bloomfield, M. W. (1963). A grammatical approach to personification allegory. Modern Philology, 60 (3), 161-171.

Bloomfield, M. W. (1967). The syncategorematic in poetry: From semantics to syntactics. In To honor Roman Jakobson: Essays in his seventieth birthday, 11 October 1966, Volume 1 (pp. 309-317). The Hague/Paris: Mouton.

Bloomfield, M. W. (1970). Generative grammar and the theory of literature. In Actes du Xe Congrés International des Linguistes, Bucharest, 20 aôut-2 Septembre 1967, No.3 (pp. 57-65). Bucharest: Académie de la République Socialiste de Roumanie.

Bloomfield, M. W. (1970). Jakobsonian poetics and evaluative criticism. The University Review, 37, 165-173.

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