edenvacation.com 客户热线 : +603-2148 3880 1st Flr, No. 290, Jln Pudu, 55100 KL Email: [email protected] KKKP 1655 183304-M 6 5 日本冲绳岛 逍遥之旅+台北 6 5 日本冲绳岛 逍遥之旅+台北 全馬首推折疊式卡打車漫遊 來到了最美的沖繩島嶼,當然也要體會一下,迎著微風帶著輕鬆的心情騎乘卡打車漫遊嘉手 納,近距離觀看亞洲區美軍最大的空軍基地,親身體驗各式戰鬥機在您眼前起降的震撼感。 環繞東南園區騎乘卡打車欣賞湖光山色之美,感受南國Resort氣氛,享受森林浴芬多精自在 且無拘束的休閒時光。 为了让每一间客房均能看到最美的海景,残波岬饭店特别设计程Y字行 ,站在窗前,便能观看海天蔚蓝美景。饭店内除了备有客厅的宽敞客 房,戏水乐园、购物天堂、十座网球场、高尔夫小型球推杆场、足球 场、观海展望台、晨间慢跑场等、亲子欢乐世界、卡拉OK包箱国.台. 日语欢唱万余。 『电影』恋战冲绳『广告』2002年百事可乐均在此取 景。 ■日本DAIWA休闲系统拥有全国最多的房间数及最优良的传统日式管理 ■饭店内可观赏『夜间表演秀』、尝美食、欢唱卡拉OK包厢 (只提供场地)、泡汤SPA~露天风吕。 ■此饭店有残波岬灯塔、电力风车、冲绳最大风狮爷。 市場首選精采行程 五星級殘波岬~大和皇家ROYAL ·西元2002年的海洋博大事就是新水族馆【冲绳美之海水族馆】号称世界第一、水吨位第一、鱼种类多第一、 水槽厚度第一、鲨鱼种类之多世界第一、以及世界上第一次在水族馆内人工饲养自然珊瑚,总计有鱼类精华650种, 75000尾各种奇鱼展示供您观赏,建造了世界最大的大水槽。共计四层楼,可以让你全览冲绳沿海的水中生物。生态 之旅部分,让游客能直接用手触摸海中美丽又可爱的小生命(海星、海参、海蛇、海胆、螃蟹等),水族馆内更会不定 期安排潜水夫秀、喂鱼秀,这里是您来到冲绳,绝不容错过的地方! · 东洋第一的钟乳洞【玉泉洞】:洞中蕴藏约95万支的大石笋,置身洞中体验历经30万年的悠久岁月而形成的壮大 自然景观,随手可触的钟乳石定能让您感动不已。 · 琉球王国村共分为10个区域,展示琉球当地陶瓷、红型染、玻璃工房等传统工艺村,热带果树园、移筑的古老琉 球民舍及当地最具特色的传统太鼓队表演雄壮的魂祭舞。 · 独家安排东南植物园区内骑乘卡打车游园享受森林浴芬多精及离开园区骑至嘉手纳, 观景台观看美各式机种起降。 · 【Outlet畅货中心ASHIBINAA】:在冲绳汇集精品之最的畅货中心,享受购物之乐。 Code : 6OKA

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Page 1: EDEN Okinawa 6D5N DONE CHedenvacation.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/6OKA2.pdfedenvacation.com 客户热线: +603-2148 3880 1st Flr, No. 290, Jln Pudu, 55100 KL KKKP 1655 183304-M

edenvacation.com 客户热线 : +603-2148 3880

1st Flr, No. 290, Jln Pudu, 55100 KLEmail: [email protected] 1655 183304-M

6天5夜日本冲绳岛 逍遥之旅+台北6天5夜日本冲绳岛 逍遥之旅+台北





为了让每一间客房均能看到最美的海景,残波岬饭店特别设计程Y字行,站在窗前,便能观看海天蔚蓝美景。饭店内除了备有客厅的宽敞客房,戏水乐园、购物天堂、十座网球场、高尔夫小型球推杆场、足球场、观海展望台、晨间慢跑场等、亲子欢乐世界、卡拉OK包箱国.台.日语欢唱万余。 『电影』恋战冲绳『广告』2002年百事可乐均在此取景。


■饭店内可观赏『夜间表演秀』、尝美食、欢唱卡拉OK包厢 (只提供场地)、 泡汤SPA~露天风吕。




·西元2002年的海洋博大事就是新水族馆【冲绳美之海水族馆】号称世界第一、水吨位第一、鱼种类多第一、 水槽厚度第一、鲨鱼种类之多世界第一、以及世界上第一次在水族馆内人工饲养自然珊瑚,总计有鱼类精华650种, 75000尾各种奇鱼展示供您观赏,建造了世界最大的大水槽。共计四层楼,可以让你全览冲绳沿海的水中生物。生态 之旅部分,让游客能直接用手触摸海中美丽又可爱的小生命(海星、海参、海蛇、海胆、螃蟹等),水族馆内更会不定 期安排潜水夫秀、喂鱼秀,这里是您来到冲绳,绝不容错过的地方! · 东洋第一的钟乳洞【玉泉洞】:洞中蕴藏约95万支的大石笋,置身洞中体验历经30万年的悠久岁月而形成的壮大 自然景观,随手可触的钟乳石定能让您感动不已。

· 琉球王国村共分为10个区域,展示琉球当地陶瓷、红型染、玻璃工房等传统工艺村,热带果树园、移筑的古老琉 球民舍及当地最具特色的传统太鼓队表演雄壮的魂祭舞。

· 独家安排东南植物园区内骑乘卡打车游园享受森林浴芬多精及离开园区骑至嘉手纳, 观景台观看美军各式机种起降。

· 【Outlet畅货中心ASHIBINAA】:在冲绳汇集精品之最的畅货中心,享受购物之乐。

Code : 6OKA

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edenvacation.com 客户热线 : +603-2148 3880

第一天 吉隆坡 台北住宿 : 桃园城市商旅 或 同級 【 酒店網址 :http://www.citysuites.com.tw 】

第二天 台北 (冲绳) 那霸空港/建筑奇观『树包厝』/波之上神宫~孔子庙(早餐-饭店内/午餐-和风自助或日式定食/晚餐-食彩自助餐)日本最南端之岛屿~有东方夏威夷之称,浪漫多情的~琉球群岛【冲绳】。抵达后路过机场进入市区必经的地标之一『树屋』,由于建筑设计风格特殊,故为冲绳建筑奇景之一。 【波之上神宫】琉球八神社之一,矗立在珊瑚礁岩上,俯视那霸港,视野辽阔。神社中供奉国土守护神,重大祭祀都在此举行,吸引无数的琉球人民及观光客至此许愿纳福,祈求平安。 【孔子庙】,因早期受中国传统文化影响,且多融合于当地文化及建筑中。酒店:APA / 日光 / 海洋 / 露櫻或同級

第三天 『全馬首推不一樣的卡打車漫遊』~嘉手納町屋良觀景台~近距離觀看亞洲區美軍最大空軍基地/ BIOS生命之丘(含遊船)/『世界第一』美ら海水族館~黑潮探檢~深層の海~珊瑚礁黑潮海之旅~ 鯨鯊水中表演/海豚表演秀~眺望珊瑚七色海/水果樂園(鳳梨園)~無限試食/殘波岬~飯店卡拉ok歡唱~ 露天風呂 (早餐-饭店内/午餐-汤豆腐料理/晚餐-泰期自助餐)《嘉手納町屋良觀景台》東南園區領取卡打車後由導遊帶領一路漫遊至觀景台,近距離一覽美軍駐亞洲區最大的空軍基地神秘面紗,4層樓的觀景台上有遼闊的賞機視野,各式美軍戰鬥機、偵測機、飛行機等各種不同的軍機盡收眼底讓您一飽眼福,親身感受各式軍機在您眼前起降的震撼感。《嘉手納美軍空軍基地》占地19.95平方公里,橫跨嘉手納町、沖繩市、北谷町的一市二町,嘉手納町的83%為基地所占。1944年9月,這裡曾是舊日本陸軍航空隊的機場,戰後被美軍接收,後經多次擴建。50年過去,現在這裡仍是美國在西太平洋和亞洲地區規模最大的軍事基地。在二次大戰結束後就有美軍駐守在這裡了,而且由鐵絲網將日本跟美國分隔開來,鐵絲網的兩邊人民各別遵守不一樣的法律-美國法及日本法,這裡沿途可見美軍營區、可感受到曾因政治因素的關係而造成大批美軍長期駐守沖繩的特殊景觀。(卡打車漫遊為贈送行程*若因天候因素無法成行或不參加者視同放棄,不另退任何費用) 。《BIOS生命之丘》「BIOS」在希臘話中代表「生命」、「命」的意思。園內全年蘭花盛開,處處可見野鳥、昆蟲及淡水魚類等。安排搭乘鑑賞船,周遊在園區內的大龍池,船家會親切地解說湖岸兩旁的植物、蘭花及其他動植物。遊船航程約1公里,所需時間25分鐘。花園中心裡隨時備有蘭花銷售。《海洋博水族館.世界第一最大》號稱東北亞養殖技術最好最先進的大型水族館,高8.2M、寬22.5M、玻璃厚度60.3CM,計有世界魚類精華共有六百五十多種,館內同時還飼養有3隻超巨大鯨鯊。世界第一大水族館於2002年11月1日隆重開幕:號稱世界佔地面積第一、魚種類第一、星斑鯊繁殖量第一、水牆厚度第一、為世界首次於水族館內由人工養殖天然珊瑚的水族館,另欣賞聰明可愛的海豚表演等可媲美世界知名的美國海洋世界的海豚秀(另外還有海牛館、海龜館可供觀賞)。《水果樂園》沖繩特產鳳梨、麻糬的產地;無限品嚐鳳梨甜點。《殘波岬皇家ROYAL》您可自行前往參觀享用周邊設施;『張國榮最後代表作電影』戀戰沖繩拍攝地~殘波岬燈塔、電力風車、沖繩最大風獅爺、卡拉ok包廂歡唱。* 殘波岬周邊景觀主要設施~歡迎參觀利用:1.全日本沖繩最大風獅爺 2.殘波燈塔『台灣偶像F4百事可樂拍攝地』3.殘波古堡壘戀戰沖繩電影拍攝地五星級:大和皇家 露天風呂 殘波岬ROYAL全部觀海景套房(或)同級

第四天 世界遺產~首里城跡(外城)/指定免稅店/天然最好~玉泉鐘乳石洞/王國村~黑糖,紅~藍型,玻璃,陶器工房/ 沖繩~元氣太鼓秀/平和公園/希臘建築~Outlet名牌特惠商圈~限量商品、進口百貨/國際通 (早餐-饭店内/午餐-玉泉洞自助餐/晚餐-猪肉海鲜火锅)《守禮門、首里城跡~外城》14世紀末創建的首里城,是琉球歷代國王的居住地,同時,也是琉球王國的政治的中心。首里城二次世界大戰被摧毀,1992年重建,2000年12月登記為世界文化遺產。2000年八國高峰會,日本沖繩迎接各國首長貴賓之場所,城門之一的守禮門當時為迎接中國前來冊封使節而建造的,同時也是觀光客最喜歡拍照留念之處。《玉泉洞》東南亞最大的地下美術館,欣賞蘊藏有95萬支的各式石筍石柱,置身其中您也不免讚嘆大自然的巧手神工。《王國村》見習沖繩傳統工藝、民藝、手藝各種傳統的藝能場及熱帶果樹園及參觀造酒場。元氣大鼓舞踊秀~觀賞到真人現場表演“傳統元氣大鼓隊”民俗豐年祭舞的氣勢,飽覽一趟豐富之旅。《平和公園》沖繩為日本二次世界大戰期間;有登陸戰爭的地點,八大工業國會議期間,整修的美侖美奐。《Outlet》仿古代希臘建築方式建造的購物中心。聚集世界各地名牌70餘種,其中還有日本首次上市之商品。此外,新增的休閒及娛樂設施等,是情侶、或是全家大小逛街之餘遊玩體驗,讓您在此愉快的空間裡獲得完全的身心解放。《國際通》晚上您可自行前往國際通大道,位於那霸市中心是沖繩觀光的出發點也是那霸的中心繁華街。國際通大道充滿朝氣。自古便做為沖繩的中心而繁榮,第二次世界大戰受到毀滅性打擊,而戰後又以驚人的速度得到復興和發展,因此人稱「奇蹟大街」。在全長1.6公里的大道兩側,百貨店、餐廳、出售美軍軍品的雜貨店、土特產店、時裝店鱗次櫛比,終日遊人不斷,熱鬧非常。酒店:APA / 日光 / 海洋 / 露櫻或同級

第五天 贈送【昇降式半潛水艇~分離式子母船全程約50~60分鐘】/沖繩 台北 (早餐-饭店内/午餐-机上用餐)《新型昇降式半潛水艇》泊大港搭乘唯一昇降式半潛觀光船前往探尋多達68科260種類的珊瑚,其美麗又廣闊的海域為蘊藏2000餘種海洋生物的巨大寶庫。(半潛水艇為贈送行程,若風浪太大無法成行,不另退任何費用)如果還有時間可前往那霸新地標,新都心3A購物商業圈,此為那霸最大的三A百貨公司及最大的電器商店、百元店、電影院、食品特賣場及各式商品應有盡有。 注意:此天行程將因班機時間前後挪動。住宿 : 桃园城市商旅 或 同級 【 酒店網址 :http://www.citysuites.com.tw 】

第六天 台北 吉隆坡*本行程內卡打車漫遊,若不參加者視同自行放棄,不另退任何費用。本行程贈送半潛艇,若天候因素無法成行,不另退任何費用。

§ 以上行程內容僅供參考,內容或有更動微調的可能,本公司保有修正的權利 §本行程、班次時間及住宿飯店之確認將儘量忠於原行程。若遇特殊情況將會前後更動或互換觀光點或退費處理,敬請見諒。

如遇大風雪、雪祭 期間、交通擁塞、觀光點休假、住宿飯店調整或其他不可抗拒現象,則行程安排以當地為主。若離隊視同放棄,恕不退費敬請鑒諒

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edenvacation.com Hotline : +603-2148 3880

6D5NAmazing Okinawa Japan + Taipei

6D5NAmazing Okinawa Japan + Taipei

★ First to promote foldable bicycle excursions ★ When in the beautiful island of Okinawa, with its mild weather and geographical

environment, cycling excursions give a great experiences and enjoyment, cycling at Kadena, you can at close proximity see the Asia's biggest American Air Force Base, watching the take off & landing of various type of fighter jets. Roaming around Southeast Botanical

Gardens by cycling, enjoying the unobstructed greenery, lakes, forest and mountain life.

Zanpamisaki Daiwa Royal Hotel's Y-designed, allow every guest rooms have an ultimate view of the unobstructed South China Sea. The guest rooms equip with living room & spacious bedroom, it also have water park, shopping arcade, 10 tennis courts, miniature golf course , football field, sea viewing platform, jogging track, games arcade, Karaoke. It's also the shooting scene for movie “Okinawa – Rendez-Vous”, advertisement “2002 Pepsi Cola”.

■ Japan's Daiwa Resorts Co. Ltd possess most guest rooms and best traditional Japanese management in Japan. ■ Entertainment for further enjoyment include “Night Performance Show”, Variety of cuisine, karaoke, Onsen Spa – Open Air hot spring

Market Most Popular Itinerary

5-star Zanpamisaki Daiwa Royal Hotel http:// www.daiwaresort.co.jp

• Visit The Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium, Asia biggest aquarium, with the colorful paintings of coral reefs and tropical fish, is home to a few of the world’s largest fish, the whale sharks, and world famous manta rays. The aquarium has three theme zones. Entering from the 4rth floor entrance, visitors discover the sea of corals. The Kuroshio (the Japan Current) zone has the world biggest acrylic panel (8.2 m in height, 22.5 in width and 60 cm thick). There is also the deep-sea world zone with its luminescent living creatures. A total underwater experience while staying on the ground! • Japan No. 1 Stalactite cave “Gyokusendo Cave” : With a total length of five kilometers, Gyokusendo Cave is the second longest caves in Japan. 850 meters of the cave are open to the public and feature spectacular stalactites and stalagmites. • Okinawa World / Kingdom Village, is a nice replica of a traditional Ryukyu village with workshops introducing the various traditional Okinawan crafts, such as weaving, dyeing, paper making, pottery, sugar cone processing, the making of music instruments, brewing and the more recently introduced glass blowing. Visitors can gain hand-on experiences at many workshops and have ample of opportunities to purchase the local products at numerous souvenir shops. • Southeast Botanical Gardens, covers 400,000 square meters and contains over 2,000 kinds of palm, different tropical flowers and tropical fruit trees. Beautiful ponds loaded with fish and aquatic plants. • Specially arrange cycling within Southeast Botanical Gardens to Kadena enjoy watching the take off & landing of various type of fighter jets.

Code : 6OKA

1st Flr, No. 290, Jln Pudu, 55100 KLEmail: [email protected] 1655 183304-M

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Day 01 Kuala Lumpur TaipeiHotel : Taoyuan City Suites or similar ( http://www.citysuites.com.tw )

Day 02 Arrival Taipei Naha Airport / Tree House Restaurant / Naminoue Shrine – Temple of Confucius “Shiseibyō” Meals : Breakfast – Hotel breakfast; Lunch – Buffet or Japanese cuisine; Dinner : BuffetJapan southern most island ~ also known as Eastern Hawaii, Ryūkyū Islands's “Okinawa Island”. On the way entering city center, will pass by one of the landmark, “Tree House Restaurant”, it have become Okinawa landmark due to its unique design characteristic. Naminoue Shrine, one of eight shrine in Okinawa, literally "Above the Waves Shrine". It sits atop a high bluff, overlooking Naminoue Beach and the ocean. Temple of Confucius “Shiseibyo”, It served for centuries as a major center of Chinese learning for the Ryūkyū Kingdom, Stay : Hotel APA / Hotel Nikko / Hotel Ocean Kokusai Dori / Hotel Route Inn Naha Maejima or similar

Day 03 Bicycle excursions ~ Kadena Air Force Base, watching the take off & landing of various type of fighter jets / BIOS Hill / The Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium / Fruit Garden (Pineapple farm) / Zanpa cave Meals : Breakfast – Hotel breakfast; Lunch – Japanese Cuisine; Dinner – BuffetBIOS Hill Okinawa’s original forest and nature of the mountains for a natural theme garden of beautiful orchids. Located in Ishikawa City, Bios on the hill is a park with a forest where giant ferns grow luxuriantly, a lakeshore where wild birds and insert gather, where orchids naturally bloom, and a dense subtropi-cal forest spreads. Enjoy the bounties of Mother Nature either on foot or on board a boat. The boat takes you on a 25-minutes jungle cruise that runs about 1km long. The boat captain is your guide and introduces the surrounding nature. Annexed to the park is the Bios on the Hill Garden Center, Japan’s largest orchid specialized production greenhouse. Open to orchid aficionados, the garden exhibits a wealth of orchard species that are also for sale.The Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium, The aquarium is a part of the Ocean Expo Commemorative National Government Park. The main tank called the 'Kuroshio Sea' holds 7,500-cubic meters (1,981,290 gallons) of water and features the world's second largest acrylic glass panel, measuring 8.2 meters by 22.5 meters with a thickness of 60 centimeters. Whale sharks and manta rays are kept amongst many other fish species in the main tank. The aquarium is one of very few that keep whale sharks in captivity, and is currently trying to breed them. The Aquarium has a selection of activities ranging from a museum to a historic village. In addition to the Aquarium there are two different dolphin shows in which you can touch them and watch them perform in a show. There is also a manatee exhibit featuring manatees presented to the aquarium by the Mexican government. A recently closed exhibit featured assorted sharks. There is also Emerald Beach which is accessible by the 300 Yen Tram. The Botanical Gardens is just a little walk away from the Aquarium. Fruit Garden (Pineapple farm), Pineapple is Okinawa specialty products. Here can taste pineapple dessert.Zanpamisaki Daiwa Royal Hotel, Tour members are free to visit nearby amenities and open air hot springStay : 5-star Zanpamisaki Daiwa Royal Hotel or similar

Day 04 Shuri Castle / Duty Free Shopping / Gyokusendo Cave / Okinawa World ~ Kingdom Village / Peace Memorial Park / Factory Outlet Mall / Kokusai Street Meals : Breakfast – Hotel breakfast; Lunch – Japanese cuisine; Dinner : Japanese Seafood & Pork SteamboatShuri castle, It was the palace of the Ryūkyū Kingdom. In 1945, during the Battle of Okinawa, it was almost completely destroyed, with only a few walls standing as high as a few decimeters. In 1992, it was reconstructed on the original site based on photographs, historical records, and memory. In 2000, along with other gusuku and related sites, it was designated as a UNESCO World Heritage site. Gyokusendo Cave, is the longest of the many caves in the south of Okinawa Island. 850 meters of the cave are open to the public and feature spectacular stalactites and stalagmites. Okinawa World ~ Kingdom Village, also known as the Culture Kingdom Gyokusendo, is a touristy theme park about Okinawa culture. The park's main attractions are the Gyokusendo Cave, a crafts village and a snake museum. The so called Kingdom Village is a nice replica of a traditional Ryukyu village with workshops introducing the various traditional Okinawan crafts, such as weaving, dyeing, paper making, pottery, sugar cone processing, the making of music instruments, brewing and the more recently introduced glass blowing. Peace Memorial Park, Towards the end of World War 2, Okinawa Island became site of one of the war's bloodiest battles, when the US forces invaded and occupied the island. An estimated 200,000 people, including more than 100,000 civilians and 12,500 Americans were killed in the battle, which lasted from April to June 1945. Numerous sites and memorials related to the "Battle of Okinawa" are concentrated mainly in the south of the island, where the worst fighting took place. The spacious Peace Memorial Park is located near the southern tip of the island. Its main attraction is the Okinawa Prefectural Peace Memorial Museum, which gives a sobering overview of the road to the battle, the battle itself and the reconstruction of Okinawa. Factory Outlet Mall, the Mall follow the design of ancient Greek design. Here there are over 70 international branded outlets, including the latest products of Japanese brand. Kokusai street, considered one of the top tourist destinations on Okinawa, Kokusai Dori, or "International Street," is a mile long selection of food, shopping, music and an overall view of Okinawan culture. The street and surrounding area was a sweet potato field before World War II. Okinawans started selling their goods and wares in this section of Naha after the war and Kokusai Street was born. Originally given the nickname "Miracle Mile," Kokusai is filled with vendors standing on the sidewalk, inviting people to enter and shop in their stores. Many of the stores are colorfully decorated, and most have bright signs and banners outside to catch a customer's eyes.Stay : Hotel APA / Hotel Nikko / Hotel Ocean Kokusai Dori / Hotel Route Inn Naha Maejima or similar

Day 05 Free Semi Submarine Ride for about an hour / Naha Airport Taipei Meals : Breakfast – Hotel breakfast; Lunch – Meals On Board; Dinner –Own arrangeSemi Submarine Reef Ride, for about an hour, the semi submarine will show you the underwater world, there are plenty of beautiful coral and reefs and numerous type of ocean life. (As semi submarine ride is a free items given, if it cancel due to weather, no refund are given) Hotel : Taoyuan City Suites or similar ( http://www.citysuites.com.tw )

Day 06 Taipei a Kuala Lumpur

The content of the above itinerary is for reference only and are subject to change without any notice.This itinerary shall not constitute as part of an agreement. Final and correct accordance of itinerary will be based on Chinese version itinerary