1 平成 30 年度( 2018 年度) 一般入学試験(前期)SAB方式 【注意事項】 1 .試験開始の合図があるまで,この冊子を開いてはいけません。 2 .試験時間は,12 時 30 分 ~ 13 時 30 分の 60 分間です。 3 .学科別の出題科目は,下表の●及び◎で示すとおりで,学科の指定する必須科目(選択必須含む)は●,選択科目 は◎で示してあります。判定には,獣医学部獣医学科は必須 3 科目,その他の学科は必須科目(選択必須含む)1 科 目と選択科目 1 科目以上の受験が必要です。それぞれの時間の中で複数科目に●または◎がついている場合は,その うちから 1 科目のみ選択して解答してください。 解答にあたっては,当該科目の掲載ページを確認し,選択間違いのないように十分注意してください。 出題科目表:●=必須科目(選択必須),◎=選択科目 学部 試験時間   試験科目   掲載ページ  1 時間目 (90 分) 2 時間目 (60 分) 3 時間目 (60 分) 4 時間目 (60 分) ·A 学科 P. 2 P. 9 P. 10 応用数学科 化学科 応用物理学科 物理科学専攻 応用物理学科 臨床工学専攻 基礎理学科 生物化学科 臨床生命科学科 動物学科 バイオ・応用化学科 機械システム工学科 電気電子システム学科 情報工学科 知能機械工学科 生命医療工学科 建築学科 工学プロジェクトコース 総合情 報学部 情報科学科 生物地 球学部 生物地球学科 初等教育学科 中等教育学科 国語教育コース 中等教育学科 英語教育コース 経営 学部 経営学科 獣医 学部 獣医学科 獣医保健看護学科 4 .試験中に問題冊子の印刷不鮮明,ページの落丁・乱丁及び解答冊子の汚れ等に気づいた場合は,手を挙げて監 督者に知らせてください。 5 .解答冊子は切り離さないでください。解答冊子ごと回収します。 6 .試験開始の合図があったら,解答冊子の 1 ページ目(表紙)に受験地名,受験番号を記入し,解答(選択)する科目 の欄に○をつけ,解答を始めてください。なお解答は,解答(選択)科目の該当するページに必ず記入してください。 7 .志望学科の出題科目以外の科目や 2 つ以上の科目に○をつけたり,○をつけていない場合は,無効となります ので,注意してください。 8 .問題には選択問題が含まれる場合があります。各科目の問題指示文をよく読み,所定の解答欄に解答してください。 9 .数学Ⅲの解答は,大問 1 は 4 ~ 5 ページ,大問 2 は 6 ~ 7 ページ,大問 3 は 8 ~ 9 ページに解答してくだ さい。 .試験終了の合図と同時に解答をやめてください。 問題冊子 英語・数学Ⅲ 2 時間目 2 月3日 2 時間目 10

英語・数学Ⅲnew forms of generators and transformers*, and a new type of steam turbine. But most of all he became more and more interested in wireless power transmission*

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Page 1: 英語・数学Ⅲnew forms of generators and transformers*, and a new type of steam turbine. But most of all he became more and more interested in wireless power transmission*


平成 30 年度( 2018 年度)


【注意事項】1 .試験開始の合図があるまで,この冊子を開いてはいけません。2.試験時間は,12 時 30 分~ 13 時 30 分の 60 分間です。3.学科別の出題科目は,下表の●及び◎で示すとおりで,学科の指定する必須科目(選択必須含む)は●,選択科目は◎で示してあります。判定には,獣医学部獣医学科は必須 3科目,その他の学科は必須科目(選択必須含む)1科目と選択科目1科目以上の受験が必要です。それぞれの時間の中で複数科目に●または◎がついている場合は,そのうちから1科目のみ選択して解答してください。� �解答にあたっては,当該科目の掲載ページを確認し,選択間違いのないように十分注意してください。

� 出題科目表:●=必須科目(選択必須),◎=選択科目


試験時間  試験科目  掲載ページ 

1時間目(90 分)

2時間目(60 分)

3時間目(60 分)

4時間目(60 分)













学科 P. 2~P. 9



応用数学科 ● ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎化学科 ◎ ◎ ◎ ● ● ●応用物理学科 物理科学専攻 ◎ ◎ ◎ ● ● ●応用物理学科 臨床工学専攻 ◎ ◎ ◎ ● ● ●基礎理学科 ◎ ◎ ◎ ● ● ●生物化学科 ◎ ◎ ◎ ● ● ●臨床生命科学科 ◎ ◎ ◎ ● ● ●動物学科 ◎ ◎ ◎ ● ● ●


バイオ・応用化学科 ◎ ◎ ◎ ● ● ●機械システム工学科 ◎ ◎ ◎ ● ● ●電気電子システム学科 ◎ ◎ ◎ ● ● ●情報工学科 ● ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎知能機械工学科 ◎ ◎ ◎ ● ● ●生命医療工学科 ◎ ◎ ◎ ● ● ●建築学科 ◎ ◎ ◎ ● ● ●工学プロジェクトコース ◎ ◎ ◎ ● ● ●

総合情報学部 情報科学科 ● ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎生物地球学部 生物地球学科 ◎ ◎ ◎ ● ● ● ● ●教育学部

初等教育学科 ● ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎中等教育学科 国語教育コース ◎ ● ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎中等教育学科 英語教育コース ● ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎

経営学部 経営学科 ● ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎獣医学部

獣医学科 ● ● ● ● ●獣医保健看護学科 ◎ ◎ ◎ ● ● ●



7.志望学科の出題科目以外の科目や 2つ以上の科目に○をつけたり,○をつけていない場合は,無効となりますので,注意してください。

8.問題には選択問題が含まれる場合があります。各科目の問題指示文をよく読み,所定の解答欄に解答してください。9.数学Ⅲの解答は,大問1は 4~ 5 ページ,大問2は 6~ 7 ページ,大問3は 8~ 9 ページに解答してください。.試験終了の合図と同時に解答をやめてください。



2 時間目

2月3日 2 時間目


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Page 2: 英語・数学Ⅲnew forms of generators and transformers*, and a new type of steam turbine. But most of all he became more and more interested in wireless power transmission*



Nikola Tesla

The life and inventions of Nikola Tesla (1856─1943) are not well known. However, he was

probably the greatest scientist and visionary* of the modern industrial age. Tesla created more

inventions than Thomas Edison and had a greater vision of the future than Albert Einstein. Our

world today, which is run by electricity and connected through the air with radio waves, is a

result of many of Tesla’s inventions. Yet he still remains an unknown inventor in the world of

science. Tesla’s career began at the University of Prague*, where he studied engineering.

While a student, he saw for the first time a machine ( ① ) operated as a generator and, when

reversed, became an electric motor. This machine, ( ② ) a dynamo, interested Tesla so much

that he was A( of / to / a new way / able / using / invent / alternating current*).

After graduating, Tesla found a job as a telegraph engineer. During his off hours and on

weekends, he experimented with alternating current. Years later, Tesla moved to America and

found a job working with the inventor Thomas Edison. While ( ③ ) men were very smart,

Tesla and Edison often argued about how to use their inventions. Eventually, Tesla quit ( ④ )

for Edison, and he established his own laboratory in New York City in 1887. In his laboratory

Tesla gave exhibitions, where he lighted lamps without wires by allowing electricity to flow

through his body. He also was often invited to lecture at home and abroad. The Tesla coil,

which he invented in 1891, is widely used today in radio and television sets and other electronic

equipment for wireless communication. He produced in rapid succession the induction motor*,

new forms of generators and transformers*, and a new type of steam turbine. But most of all

he became more and more interested in wireless power transmission*.

In 1900, Tesla began construction on a wireless world broadcasting tower. He expected to

provide worldwide communication and to furnish facilities for sending pictures, messages, and

weather warnings. The project was abandoned because of a lack of money and labor. It was

Tesla’s greatest defeat. From then ( ⑤ ), Tesla’s work shifted to turbines. Because of a lack of

money, most of his ideas remained in his notebooks, which are still examined by engineers today

for new clues. In fact, B(discoveries / have often / inventions / led / new / other / scientists’ /

to / Tesla’s). Upon his death in 1943, Tesla had been granted more than 700 United States








[英- 1] <英   語>

問題は全部で 3 題あります。獣医学部 獣医学科の受験者は 1 ~ 3 を,その他の学科・コースの受験者は 1 ~ 2 を解答しなさい。


Page 3: 英語・数学Ⅲnew forms of generators and transformers*, and a new type of steam turbine. But most of all he became more and more interested in wireless power transmission*


*visionary( 2 行目):未来を洞察できる人

*Prague( 6 行目):プラハ(チェコ共和国の首都)

*alternating current( 9 行目):交流

*induction motor(18 行目):誘導モーター

*transformer(19 行目):変圧器

*wireless power transmission(20 行目):無線送電

*patent(28 行目):特許

( 1 ) 本文の内容と一致するものを,(a)~(c)の 1 ~ 3 からそれぞれ一つ選び,番号で答えよ。

( a ) 第 1 パラグラフ

1 .今日の世界は,テスラの発明の恩恵をこうむっているが,彼の名前はあまり知られ


2 .テスラは科学の世界でエジソンやアインシュタインと並ぶ発明家として知られてい


3 .テスラはプラハ大学の学生時代に,電動モーターを発明した。

( b ) 第 2 パラグラフ

1 .テスラはエジソンと共同でニューヨークに研究所を作った。

2 .ラジオとテレビはテスラの若い頃の発明品の例である。

3 .テスラの発明したコイルは,今日でも電気製品に利用されている。

( c ) 第 3 パラグラフ

1 .テスラの最大の成功は,世界中に送信できるタワーを建て,電波による送信を始め


2 .テスラの研究ノートには実現されなかったアイディアが書き留められているので,


3 .テスラが亡くなった後に,700 件以上の特許がアメリカ合衆国で認められた。

[英- 2]


Page 4: 英語・数学Ⅲnew forms of generators and transformers*, and a new type of steam turbine. But most of all he became more and more interested in wireless power transmission*


( 2 ) 本文中にある A ,B の語(語句)を並べ替えて,与えられた日本語の意味を表す英文を作れ。

A He was (of / to / a new way / able / using / invent / alternating current).


B  In fact, (discoveries / have often / inventions / led / new / other scientists’ / to /



( 3 ) 次の下線の語が指すものを 1 ~ 4 から一つ選び,番号で答えよ。

( a ) . . . , where he lighted lamps . . .(15 行目)

1 .in New York City   

2 .in 1887  

3 .in his laboratory   

4 .at other scientists’ exhibitions

( b ) It was Tesla’s greatest defeat.(23 行目)

1 .that he carried on the project     

2 .that he thought of the project

3 .that he had to abandon the project   

4 .that he was rich in money and labor

( 4 ) 本文中の( ① )~( ⑤ )の空所を補うのに最も適切な語(語句)をア~エから一つ選び,


( ① ) ア what   イ which    ウ when    エ where

( ② ) ア call    イ calling    ウ called    エ to call

( ③ ) ア both    イ either    ウ neither    エ none

( ④ ) ア work   イ working   ウ worked   エ to work

( ⑤ ) ア at    イ in    ウ on    エ to

[英- 3]

Page 5: 英語・数学Ⅲnew forms of generators and transformers*, and a new type of steam turbine. But most of all he became more and more interested in wireless power transmission*


( 5 ) 次の下線の語(語句)を言いかえるのに,最も適切なものを 1 ~ 4 から一つ選び,番号で答


( a ) . . . , which is run by electricity and . . .( 4 行目)

1 .is contained    2 .is powered   

3 .is regarded    4 .is worked

( b ) . . . and, when reversed, became an electric motor.( 7 ~ 8 行目)

1 .when the machine was constructed together

2 .when the machine was taken apart into pieces

3 .when the machine was operated in the opposite direction

4 .when the machine was developed further

( c ) He produced in rapid succession the induction motor, . . .(18 行目)

1 .with great success   2 .quickly one after another

3 .with great speed   4 .without any failure

( d ) But most of all he became . . .(19 行目)

1 .interestingly   2 .especially   

3 .generally     4 .strangely

( e ) . . . , Tesla had been granted more than 700 United States patents.(27 行目)

1 .had applied    2 .had received   

3 .had reserved   4 .had rejected

[英- 4]

Page 6: 英語・数学Ⅲnew forms of generators and transformers*, and a new type of steam turbine. But most of all he became more and more interested in wireless power transmission*


次の会話文中( ① )~( ⑥ )の空所に入れるべき最も適切なものを下のア~カから選び,記号


One Person Is Talking to Another Person about His Friend Jim

A:Did I ever tell you about my good friend, Jim?

B:( ① )

A:Yeah, that’s the guy. Jim Smith.

B:( ② )

A:Yeah. Something amazing happened to him.

B:( ③ )

A:Well, all through college Jim loved to play the lottery. He bought a ticket every

week and used the same number for every ticket.

B:( ④ )

A:( ⑤ )

B:That’s great. How much money did he win?

A:( ⑥ )

B:You’re kidding. That’s too bad. But at least he won.

ア.Do you mean the guy you went to high school and college with?

イ.Oh, he didn’t win any money. He left his ticket in his pants, and his wife washed the

ticket. So he couldn’t collect the money.

ウ.So you’re going to tell me that he finally won the lottery, right?

エ.You told me about him once, but that was a long time ago. What, did something

happen to him?

オ.You’re right. The other day he finally won the lottery.

カ.What? Tell me.


[英- 5]

Page 7: 英語・数学Ⅲnew forms of generators and transformers*, and a new type of steam turbine. But most of all he became more and more interested in wireless power transmission*



How did whales get so big?

A few millions years ago, the largest whales averaged about 4.6 meters long. Then

seemingly overnight, one type of whale-the toothless baleen whales*-became huge. Modern

blue whales* get as big as 30 meters long. They are the largest creatures ever on Earth. And

it happened “in the blink of an evolutionary eye,” which makes it harder to figure out what

happened, said Graham Slater, an evolutionary biologist. “We really are living in the time of

giants,” said Nicholas Pyenson, who is Slater’s working partner. “Why is that?”

The study proposes an answer: Ice ages in the last 3 to 5 million years started it, changing

the oceans and food supply for whales. The researchers used fossil records of the smaller

whales to create a family tree for baleen whales which include blue whales, humpbacks* and

right whales*. Using computer simulations and knowledge about how evolution works, they

started filling in the gaps between the small whales and the modern supersized version. They

focused on a time period ( ① ) the whales got huge and smaller whale species went extinct,

somewhere between a few hundred thousand years ago and 4.5 million years ago.

They concluded that when the size changes started, the poles got colder, ice expanded, the

water circulation in the oceans changed and winds shifted. Slater and Pyenson said cold water

went deep and moved closer to the equator and then eventually bubbled back up in patches

rich with the small fish and other small creatures that whales eat. ( ② ) that, whale food was

spread out, relatively easy to get at. Now, there are giant buffets* amid hundreds of miles of

whale food deserts.

Baleen whales, which have no teeth, feed by gulping tremendous amount of ocean, filtering

out the water and eating the creatures they capture. Toothed whales, like sperm whales*, hunt

individual fish or squid*, so the ocean changes that made food less evenly spread out didn’t

affect them as much. But baleen whales hunt schools of fish or swarms of krill*, Pyenson said.

“If you are a whale, ( ③ ) way to take advantage of dense but sparsely* available resources is

to get big,” Slater said. “If you are big, you basically can get more fish.” Baleen whales went

from 5 to 30 meters in about the same time as humans evolved, he said.

As oceans warm because of climate changes, the seas will be more like they were when

whales were smaller and they will have a more difficult time surviving, Slater and others said.

獣医学部 獣医学科の受験者は次の問題も解答しなさい。その他の学科・コースの受験者は,解答する必要はありません。







[英- 6]

出典:How did whales get so big? New study has an answer, The Japan Times, ST, June 9, 2017(AP)

Page 8: 英語・数学Ⅲnew forms of generators and transformers*, and a new type of steam turbine. But most of all he became more and more interested in wireless power transmission*


* baleen whales( 2 行目):ヒゲクジラ * blue whales( 3 行目):シロナガスクジラ

* humpbacks( 9 行目):ザトウクジラ * right whales(10 行目):セミクジラ

* buffets(18 行目):ビュッフェ(セルフサービス式の食堂)

* sperm whales(21 行目):マッコウクジラ * squid(22 行目):イカ

* krill(23 行目):オキアミ * sparsely(24 行目):まばらに

( 1 ) 次の各英文について,本文の内容に合っていれば T,合っていなければ F と答えよ。

1 .The modern supersized whales are as big as about 5 meters long.

2 .From the viewpoint of evolution, toothless baleen whales grew to be huge in a

surprisingly short period of time.

3 .It was the change of the oceans and food supply that turned some whales into giant


4 .Toothless whales usually hunt individual fish or squid.

5 .Baleen whales grew from 5 to 30 meters just like human beings did during the ice


6 .As oceans get warmer, the whales will become bigger and bigger.

( 2 ) 本文中の次の各語が表すものとして,最も適切なものを 1 ~ 4 から選び,番号で答えよ。

( a ) <they>(10 行目)

1 .the researchers 2 .fossil records

3 .the oceans 4 .the smaller whales

( b ) <them>(23 行目)

1 .the ocean changes 2 .toothed whales

3 .the creatures 4 .swarms of krill

( c ) <they>(27 行目)

1 .whales 2 .humans

3 .the seas 4 .climate changes

[英- 7]

Page 9: 英語・数学Ⅲnew forms of generators and transformers*, and a new type of steam turbine. But most of all he became more and more interested in wireless power transmission*


( 3 ) 本文中の( ① ),( ② ),( ③ )に入るものとして最も適切なものを 1 ~ 4 から選び,番


( ① ) 1 .which 2 .that 3 .when 4 .where

( ② ) 1 .Before 2 .As for 3 .In addition to 4 .During

( ③ ) 1 .the smallest 2 .the easiest 3 .the biggest 4 .the slowest

( 4 ) 次の各語の本文中での意味として最も適切なものを 1 ~ 4 から選び,番号で答えよ。

( a ) <extinct >(12 行目)

1 .very sick

2 .crazy about food

3 .much smaller than usual

4 .no longer existing

( b ) <deserts >(19 行目)

1 .a lot of sweets eaten at the end of a meal

2 .large areas without enough food

3 .large areas that have very little water

4 .large areas covered with dry sand or rocks

[英- 8]

Page 10: 英語・数学Ⅲnew forms of generators and transformers*, and a new type of steam turbine. But most of all he became more and more interested in wireless power transmission*


[数Ⅲ- 1] <数 学 Ⅲ>次の問いに答えよ。

( 1 ) 極限 lim n n n₁n

₂+ -"3

^ hを求めよ。

( 2 ) 関数 f(x)= esin2x tan xの導関数を求めよ。

( 3 ) 不定積分xdx₁


# を求めよ。

曲線 y= logx₁ について,次の問いに答えよ。

( 1 ) 原点から曲線 y= logx₁ へ引いた接線の方程式を求めよ。

( 2 ) 曲線 y= logx₁ と( 1 )で求めた接線,および x軸で囲まれた図形の面積 Sを求めよ。

関数 f(x)= x+ x₁₆ ₂- について,次の問いに答えよ。

( 1 ) f(x)の定義域を求めよ。

( 2 ) f’(x)を求めよ。

( 3 ) f(x)の増減を調べ,極値を求めよ。

( 4 ) y= f(x)のグラフをかけ。




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