Ejercicios de Preposiciones de movimiento y tiempo, Presente continuo, 3er año.docx

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  • 8/11/2019 Ejercicios de Preposiciones de movimiento y tiempo, Presente continuo, 3er ao.docx


    Gua de INGLS 3ero Ao

    Prof.Nayleth Herrera de Gouverneur

    14. Complete the dialogs.

    1. A: What ________________________ when I called you?

    B: I was visiting my aunt.

    2. A: Did you live in San Francisco before you moved here?

    B: Yes, I ________________________ .

    3. A: Did you enjoy visiting your family?

    B: No, because I ________________________ ill.

    4. A: Were you at school last year?

    B: No, I ________________________ . I finished the year before.

    5. A: She ________________________ TV when I came home.

    B: Thats right. She loves programs about animals, and there was a good one on.

    6. A: Did he go out last night?

    B: No, he ________________________ .

    7. A: What ________________________ last night?

    B: A pizza, some pasta, and a sandwich. I was very hungry!

    8. A: She ________________________ good at English when she came to this school.

    B: Yes. Thats because she lived in England for six years.

    9. A: Why did you get angry?

    B: Because they ________________________ TV and werent listening to me.

    10. A: Why did they have nothing to eat last night?

    B: Because they ________________________ enough money for a meal.

    15. GRAMMAR. Choose the correct answer:

    1. We use the past progressive to describepast events / the background to past events .

    2. We form the past progressive withwas / were + - ing form / is /are + - ing form .

    3. He wasnt listening is an example of the past progressiveaffirmative / negative .

    4. This is an example of a past progressive question:Was he lookin g / H e was looking ?

    5. We were passing the Golden Gate Bridge when my friend fell into the water . In this sentence, thefirst / second verb is in the past progressive.

    6. I was going. They werent swimming. Wasnt anybody listening? are all examples of thepast progressive / simplepast .

  • 8/11/2019 Ejercicios de Preposiciones de movimiento y tiempo, Presente continuo, 3er ao.docx


    Gua de INGLS 3ero Ao

    Prof.Nayleth Herrera de Gouverneur

    7. I saw the shark, then it attacked has verbs in thepast progressive / simple past .

    8. We use the past progressive for actions thatfinished quickly / continued while other events happened.

    9. Past progressive actions are often introduced bywhil e / after .

    10. Simple past actions are often introduced bywhil e / when.

    16. Complete with these phrases.

    1) My phone rang when I __________________ my hair.

    2) They bought a great camera when they __________________ in town.

    3) The pickpocket took Carols wallet when she __________________ .

    4) Tom and Jane __________________ over Golden Gate Bridge when they met an old friend.

    5) He __________________ tennis when he fell and hurt his leg.

    6) The San Francisco earthquake happened when many people __________________ .

    7) I didnt understand him because I __ ________________ carefully.

    8) __________________ TV when he heard the news?

    9) What __________________ when he fell in the river?

    10) __________________ when you climbed Nob Hill?

    were sleeping Was he watching was playing wasnt watching Was the sun shining

    were shopping were you doing was washing wasnt listening were walking

    Prepositions of Place and Movement or Direction (Preposiciones de lugar o movimiento )

    Las preposiciones de lugar o movimiento: se utilizan para mostrar movimiento de un lugar a otro. Estas preposiciones se usan conmayor frecuencia con los verbos de movimiento y se encuentran despus del verbo.

    "To " es la preposicin de movimiento o direccin ms comn.Significado: a, hacia, direccin a (siempre indica movimiento)Uso: Se utiliza "to" para mostrar movimiento en una direccin especfica.


  • 8/11/2019 Ejercicios de Preposiciones de movimiento y tiempo, Presente continuo, 3er ao.docx


    Gua de INGLS 3ero Ao

    Prof.Nayleth Herrera de Gouverneur

    I go to school by bus. (Voy a la escuela en autobs.)You walk to work every day. (Caminas al trabajo cada da.)They came to the wedding. (Vinieron a la boda.)Sofia flew to Canada. (Sofa vol a Canad.)


    Significado: al otro lado de; de un lado a otroUso: "Across " se utiliza para indicar movimiento hacia el lado opuesto.

    Ejemplos:The boat will take you across the river. (El barco te llevar al otro lado del ro.)You must walk across the street at the crosswalk. (Tienes que cruzar la calle por el cruce peatonal.)


    Significado: a lo largo de Ejemplos:

    He's walking along the path. (l est caminando a lo largo de la ruta.)The street runs along the seafront. (La calle corre a lo largo del paseo martimo.)


    Significado: alrededor de


    You must drive around the city center to reach the cinema. (Tienes que conducir alrededor del centro de la ciudad parallegar al cine.)

    Let's go for a walk around the park. (Vamos a pasear alrededor del parque.)DOWN

    Significado: abajoUso: "Down " indica movimiento de una posicin superior a una posicin inferior.

    Ejemplos:I prefer to ride my bike down the hill. (Prefiero ir en mi bicicleta colina abajo.)We are going down to Florida this summer. (Bajamos a Florida este verano.)


    Significado: en, dentro de Ejemplos:

    Don't go into your sister's room! (No entres en la habitacin de tu hermana!)We went into the shop on the corner. (Entramos en la tienda de la esquina.)


    Significado: sobre, encima de, arriba de Ejemplos:

    The cat jumped over the dog. (El gato salt sobre el perro.)You must cross over the bridge. (Tienes que cruzar por el puente.)

  • 8/11/2019 Ejercicios de Preposiciones de movimiento y tiempo, Presente continuo, 3er ao.docx


    Gua de INGLS 3ero Ao

    Prof.Nayleth Herrera de Gouverneur

    17. Fill in the blank with across, into, around, through or towards.

    1) _______________ the hall from my office is the lunchroom.

    2) Sometimes, they even come_____________ my office and disturb me.

    3) My desk is facing ______________ the door so I can see everything.

    4) It takes about five minutes to walk _____________ the office.

    5) I dont appreciate it when people walk ______________ my office to get to the washrooms.


    Significado: a travs de, por

    Uso: "Through " se usa para mostrar movimiento dentro de un espacio cerrado. Ejemplos:

    You must turn on your lights when passing through the tunnel. (Tiene que encender las luces cuando pase a travs del tnel.)

    She walks through the park on her way to work. (Ella anda por el parque de camino al trabajo.)TOWARD(S)

    Significado: hacia, con direccin a Ejemplos:

    Who is that woman running towards us? (Quin es esa mujer corriendo hacia nosotros?)

    Walk towards the sea and turn left at the first street. (Camina hacia el mar y gira a la izquierda en la primera calle.)


    Significado: hacia arribaUso: "Up " se utiliza para indicar movimiento de una posicin inferior a una posicin superior.

    Ejemplos:I don't like riding my bike up these hills. (No me gusta subir estas colinas en bici.)We climbed up the mountain this morning. (Subimos a la montaa esta maana.)

    Present Continuous : Se usa hablar de algo que est en progreso o est sucediendo en el momento. Ejemplo: Look! Its raining .Para una actividad o situacin temporal ( la cual no est sucediendo en el momento). Ejemplo: Im going out with a bad boy calledMark. Hes studying engineering at college. Para arreglos o acuerdos ya hechos para el futuro. Ejemplo: Im having a party nextSaturday.Construccin Gramatical:Oracin: Sujeto + aux ( verb To Be in Present Tense) ( not ) + verbo base o lexical + complemento (opcional).

    Wh_ question word + + aux ( verb To Be in Present Tense) + sujeto + verbo base o lexical + complemento (opcional) + ?

  • 8/11/2019 Ejercicios de Preposiciones de movimiento y tiempo, Presente continuo, 3er ao.docx


    Gua de INGLS 3ero Ao

    Prof.Nayleth Herrera de Gouverneur

    18. Complete the dialogues with the present continuous.

    1) A: What ___________________ (do) tomorrow?

    B: I _____________________ (play) basketball.

    2) A: _______ you ______________ (go) anywhere on Saturday night?

    B: No, Im not. I ____________________ (watch) a movie o n TV.

    3) A: Where _______ she _______________ (stay) next week?

    B: She _________________________ (visit) her cousin.

    19) Write the questions to these answers.

    1) ____________________________________________________? a) He lives in Los Angeles.

    2) ___________________________________________________? b)Im reading an interesting book about animals.

    3) ____________________________________________________? c) Yes, they went to school.

    4) _____________________________________________________? d) No, I cant play tennis.

    5) ____________________________________________________? e) Yes, I have to help with the housework.

    6) __________________________________________________? f) He was washing the dishes when you called.

    Las preposiciones de tiempo: at, in, on : Hay trespreposiciones de tiempo bsicas en ingls:at, in y on . La utilizacin de estas preposiciones tiene algunas reglas muy sencillas pero de las que los estudiantes no siempre se acuerdan. Hoy recordaremos las reglas delas preposiciones de tiempo en ingls y las pocas excepciones que las acompaan. AT

    Se utiliza con expresiones de tiempo que contienenhoras. I usually get up at 7 oclock. Son horas tambin expresiones comolunch time / midday / midnight .We normally have lunch at midday.

    IN Se utiliza con expresiones de tiempo que contienen:

    Partes del da (in the morning / afternoon / evening )I usually work in the afternoon.Excepcin:at night

    Meses del ao (in May / December etc.)In Romania, it snows in December.

    Estaciones del ao ( in the spring / summer / autumn / winter )I like to relax on the beach in the summer.

    Aos ( in 1989 )We are in 2009.

  • 8/11/2019 Ejercicios de Preposiciones de movimiento y tiempo, Presente continuo, 3er ao.docx


    Gua de INGLS 3ero Ao

    Prof.Nayleth Herrera de Gouverneur

    20) Complete with in , on, or at .

    1) I like getting up late _____ the morning.

    2) My birthday is _____ June 26.

    3) I was born _____ 1993.

    4) I love going out _____ night.

    5) I usually go on vacation _____ July.

    6) I have a job _____ Saturdays.

    7) I usually do my homework _____ the evening.


    Se utiliza con expresiones de tiempo que contienen:

    Das de la semana (on Monday / Tuesday etc.)

    I always do my English homework on Sunday.

    Cuando se quiere decir que una situacin ocurre todos los lunes, martes etc., se utiliza la expresin de tiempo con la marca del plural:

    I go swimming on Saturdays.

    Si se trata de una expresincompuesta por el da y una parte del da ( Monday morning ), la preposicin va en acuerdo con la primera palabra, es decir con el da:on Monday morning / afternoon / evening / night .


    The national day of the US is on 4th July.


    1. Cuando hablamos del fin de semana, anque se trata de das de la semana, la preposicin de tiempo que se utiliza es at (At theweekend)

    I dont wake up early at the weekend.

    2. Cuando hablamos de fiestas oficiales:at Christmas ( Navidad ), at Easter (Pascuas).

    He always goes skiing at Christmas.

  • 8/11/2019 Ejercicios de Preposiciones de movimiento y tiempo, Presente continuo, 3er ao.docx


    Gua de INGLS 3ero Ao

    Prof.Nayleth Herrera de Gouverneur

    8) My school starts _____ 8: 30 a.m.

    9) I often go shopping _____ the afternoon.

    10) My favorite lessons are _____ Mondays and Fridays.

    21) Fill in the correct preposition of time. Choose from the box.

    1) ________ July 2nd

    2) ______ __ four oclock this afternoon

    3) ________ February

    4) ________ the last day of the week

    5) ________ Easter

    22) Completa las frases con la preposicin de tiempo adecuada: at, in, on

    1. My English class starts ____________ 7 o'clock ___________ the evening.

    2. I never work _______________ he weekend.

    3. Jane's birthday is __________ 24th May.

    4. It hardly ever snows in Barcelona _______________ the winter.

    5. The exam is ______________ Friday morning.

    6. The film finishes ______________ midnight.

    7. Students are on holiday _____________ Christmas and ____________ Easter.

    8. I was born __________ 1983.

    9. Teenagers often watch TV ___________ night and they are tired ____________ the morning.

    10. John often goes for a walk _____________ Saturdays.

  • 8/11/2019 Ejercicios de Preposiciones de movimiento y tiempo, Presente continuo, 3er ao.docx


    Gua de INGLS 3ero Ao

    Prof.Nayleth Herrera de Gouverneur

    23) Traduce las siguientes frases utilizando las preposiciones de tiempo in, at, on.

    1. Hago deporte por las tardes.I _______________________________________________________________________________________.

    2. Los fines de semana van al cine.They ____________________________________________________________________________________.3. No trabajo los lunes.I _______________________________________________________________________________________.4. Me levanto a las siete de la maana.I _______________________________________________________________________________________.5. Mi cumpleaos es en julio.My _____________________________________________________________________________________.

    6. Clara escucha la radio por la maana.Clara ____________________________________________________________________________________.7. Mi madre cocina por la noche.My ______________________________________________________________________________________.8. Tony almuerza a medioda.Tony _____________________________________________________________________________________.9. Hace frio en febrero.It _______________________________________________________________________________________.10. Tengo clase de ingls el viernes por la tarde.I ________________________________________________________________________________________.

    24) Las preposiciones at, on y in se uilizan en construcciones con su valor temporal y espacial. El

    siguiente texto combina los dos valores de estas preposiciones. Completad los huecos con at, in o on.

    Laia was born________a small village near Barceona________ December 14 th _________6 o'clock

    ________the morning. She went to school ________her village but now she is _______ university and

    she lives ________Barcelona. During the day, Laia is busy with her classes but ________ night she

    stays ________ home and sits ________ the sofa with a good book. _________the weekend she goes

    back to her village to see her family. She also sees them _________Christmas and Easter.

    _________the summer, Laia often has a summer job _________ a bar_________Barcelona and then

    she likes to travel abroad. _________August she is travelling to India with some friends.