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EKMA4567 Modul 2Motivasi dan Persepsi08 Maret 2015

IsiMOTIVASIHakikat MotivasiPeranan MotivasiKlasifikasi MotivasiStruktur Motivasi

PERSEPSIDefinisiExposureAtensiSensasiPancaindra dan Pembentukan PersepsiPengaruh Stimulus & Individual thd PersepsiPengaruh Situasi thd Persepsi

I. Motivasi (2.3 2.20) Peranan Motivasi:Kebutuhan/ keinginan yg tidak terpenuhiTekanan DoronganPerilakuTujuan memenuhi kebutuhanProses kognitifBelajar Tekanan berkurang


Klasifikasi Motivasi (2.6 2.10)Pola Sederhana (Simplified Scheme)Pola Komprehensif (Simplified Scheme)Fisiologis dg psikogenik (Physiological vs. psychogenic)Kesadaran dg ketidaksadaran (Concious vs. unconcious)Positif dg negatifACTIVEPASSIVEInternalExternalInternalExternalCOGNITIVEPemeliharaanKonsistensi2. Atribusi3. Kategorisasi4. ObjektifikasiPertumbuhan5. Otonomi6. Eksplorasi7. Penyesuaian8. ManfaatAFFECTIVEPemeliharaan9. Pengurangan tekanan10. Ekspresif11. Ego defensive12. PenguatanPertumbuhan13. Pernyataan14. Keanggotaan15. Identifikasi16. Pemodelan

Saran: Jelaskan:Ada 2 klasifikasi motivasi, jelaskan perbedaan pola sederhana dan KomprehensifFokus ke salah satu contoh dari pola sederhana, dan 1 di pola komprehensifSuruh mahasiswa baca lebih lanjut ttg contoh lainnya, atau suruh mereka buat contoh, dari pola yg Tania kasi


Struktur Motivasi (2.11 2.16)

Pilih 1!5

Teori Motivasi McClelland

Struktur Motivasi (2.11 2.16) lanjuttt

Kombinasi Motivasi (1.14 1.16)

Motivasi dan Strategi Pemasaran (1.17 1.19)

II. Persepsi (2.24 2.43)


Penampakan(Exposure) Pemahaman Perhatian(Attention) Tahap Exposure konsumen akan menseleksi informasi

Tahap Attention sadar thd stimulus (rangsang) & secara tidak sadar men-scan lingkungan.Tahap pre-atensi memproses pengaruh perasaan konsumen. Perhatian konsumen bisa disengaja ataupun tidak disengaja ( keterlibatan konsumen dg produk)

Sensasi (2.28 2.33)

Pengaruh Stimulus thd Persepsi (2.35 2.39)

Karakteristik stimulus yg penting dlm menarik perhatian konsumen:UkuranWarnaIntensitasKontrasPosisi PetunjukGerakanKebaruan Isolasi Stimulus yg disengaja Attractive spokepersonPerubahan gambar yg cepat

Pengaruh Faktor Individu thd Persepsi (2.40 2.43)HarapanMotif

Tipe keterlibatan konsumen:Situational involvementEnduring involvementInvolvement responsesPengaruh Situasi thd Persepsi (2.40 2.43)

Proses pengambilan keputusan konsumen (5 tahap)


Perception also plays an important role in influencing the buying decision of consumers.

Buying decisions of consumers also depend on the following factors:Messages, advertisements, promotional materials, a consumer goes through also called selective exposure.Not all promotional materials and advertisements excite a consumer. A consumer does not pay attention to everything he sees. He is interested in only what he wants to see. Such behaviour is called selective attention.Consumer interpretation refers to how an individual perceives a particular message.A consumer would certainly buy something which appeals him the most. He would remember the most relevant and meaningful message also called as selective retention. He would obviously not remember something which has nothing to do with his need.