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  • 7/23/2019 ENGG ZC242-L2


    BITSPilaniPilani Campus

    ENGG ZC242

    Maintenance & SafetyAnil Jindal

    Department of Mechanical Engineering


  • 7/23/2019 ENGG ZC242-L2


    BITSPilaniPilani Campus

    Introduction to Maintenance

    SystemsChapter ! "ecture #2

  • 7/23/2019 ENGG ZC242-L2


    BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

    Maintenance Objectives!cope and "enefitsPolicies

    Maintenance as "usiness Proposition

    Maintenance Philosoph# $#pes of Maintenance !#stems

    "earnin$ %'ecti(es


  • 7/23/2019 ENGG ZC242-L2


    BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

    Maintenance %'ecti(es


    Operational' Ma(imum operating efficienc# of plant

    ' Ma(imum availabilit# of plant

    ' )igh *ualit# performance

    ' !afet#

    ' $o maintain a plant clean + good appearance

    ' $o e(tend Plant life to the last limit

    ' $o reduce environmental impact due to machiner# etc

    ' $o provide service that ill avert all brea-dons at all times at an# cost.

    Cost' Minimi/e maintenance e(penditure and ma(imi/e profits

    ' $o provide activities ith in the limits of budgetar# control

  • 7/23/2019 ENGG ZC242-L2


    BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

    Maintenance Benefits




    $echnical )uman

    Customer relations

  • 7/23/2019 ENGG ZC242-L2


    BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

    )inancia* Benefits


    E(tended Plant 3ife

    4ninterrupted production

    5mproved 6ualit# of production 7educed production dela#s

    7educed cost of repairs

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    7/40BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

    %r$ani+ationa* Benefits


    Co9ordination beteen production and maintenance

    Man poer planning

    Planning of deliveries

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    8/40BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

    Technica* Benefits


    5mproved e6uipment suitabilit#

    "uild up of technical data

    5mproved maintenance schedules 5mproved plant condition

  • 7/23/2019 ENGG ZC242-L2

    9/40BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

    ,uman considerations



    5ncreased !afet#

    5mproved )ouse -eeping

    3ess friction beteen relationships

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    10/40BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

    Customer re*ationship


    1 house -eeping

  • 7/23/2019 ENGG ZC242-L2

    11/40BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

    Maintenance -o*icy


    !cope and limits of maintenance

    $#pe and level of service e(pected

    7esponsibilities to management Personal Practices

    $rade union contracts

    "udget and financial controls

  • 7/23/2019 ENGG ZC242-L2

    12/40BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

    Primar# unctions' Maintenance of e(isting plant e6uipment

    ' Maintenance of e(isting plant buildings and grounds

    ' E6uipment inspection and lubrication

    ' 4tilities generation and distribution

    ' Alterations and ne installations

    !econdar# unctions' !tore-eeping

    ' Plant protection

    ' ?aste disposal

    ' !alvage

    ' 5nsurance

    ' Other services

    Maintenance )unctions


  • 7/23/2019 ENGG ZC242-L2


  • 7/23/2019 ENGG ZC242-L2

    14/40BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

    $he maintenance costs continue to capture the attention

    of senior management as the investment as reliabilit# in

    assets become increasingl# greater.

    5n some companies, maintenance cost is becoming a

    larger percentage of total cost.

    or e(ample, a compan# recentl# identified maintenance

    cost as in e(cess of &< percent of their total cost of

    conversion, representing significant scope for

    improvement. )ence it is essential to run maintenance as business.

    Maintenance as Business



  • 7/23/2019 ENGG ZC242-L2

    15/40BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

    !ome organi/ations have centrali/ed hich are responsible for allaspects of asset management.

    $he responsibilities of these centrali/ed departments includeB

    specif#ing, ac6uiring, installing, and commissioning ne plant,

    managing spare parts, planning and control of maintenance s#stem


    "ut in most companies engineering is separated from maintenance.

    Engineering department loo-s for specification, ac6uisition and

    deplo#ment of ne plant, hile the maintenance department loo-s for

    all aspects of maintenance after the plant has been commissioned.

    $he concept of business unit started to emerge about to decadesago.

    The Business 0nit Concept


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    16/40BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

    Business 0nit Concept


    $he concept has sub9divided larger underta-ing into businessunits, usuall# centered on specific product or service

    Maintenance department is often bro-en up and its personnel

    allocated to the business units.

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    17/40BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

    )uge leap in automation in last to decades.

    $he number of operators have shrun- and the machines

    are ta-ing over.

    5ncase of some s#stems there are no operators.

    Computer programs drive these s#stems ith occasional

    additional guidance from people in distant control room.

    More machines rep*acin$ men means! more

    maintenance acti(ities1



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    18/40BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

    !enior e(ecutives thin- that if it ere possible to reducee(penditure on operation, it should be possible to reduce

    maintenance cost b# similar amount.

    Companies have achieved an increase in production b#

    replacing men b# machines and this increases the costof maintenance.

    So decrease in operatin$ cost is accompanied y

    increase in maintenance cost1

    Maintenance manager should be aare of the folloingo !afe minimum to be spent on proactive maintenance

    o Conse6uences of not spending enough on maintenance

    Maintenance cost reduction


  • 7/23/2019 ENGG ZC242-L2

    19/40BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

    Most people thin- of the maintenance function asB

    o i(ing things that brea-.

    o eeping things loo-ing good.

    o eeping things from brea-ing.

    "ut for a structured maintenance, the folloing 6uestions

    have to be ansered

    o 5s it that staff and suppl# are planned onl# to address brea-don

    o ?hat is the cost of e6uipment dontime

    o )o much time is re6uired for routine maintenance activities

    o ?hether focus needs to be on activities to reduce brea-don or allo

    things to brea- don

    Maintenance -hi*osophy


  • 7/23/2019 ENGG ZC242-L2

    20/40BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

    3ifferent Maintenance Systems
