UNIVERSITATEA HYPERION Facultatea de Jurnalism Lector Univ. drd. Sorina Georgescu LIMBA ENGLEZĂ MODUL ÎNCEPĂTORI INTRODUCERE (INTRODUCTION) Pentru a facilita înţelegerea limbii engleze şi a modelelor de presă britanică şi americană de către studenţii de nivel începător din cadrul Facultăţii de Jurnalism, cursul de faţă îşi propune o introducere atât în gramatica şi vocabularul limbii engleze, în general, cât şi în cel cu specific de presă, structurată după cum urmează: Alfabetul şi simbolurile fonetice, Gramatica – noţiuni elementare, Vocabular general şi specific - nivel elementar, Modele de presă britanică şi americană, Cum să scriem/gândim un eseu – De la paragraf la scrierea academică. 1 2 CAPITOLUL 1 (FIRST CHAPTER) ALFABETUL SI SIMBOLURILE FONETICE (THE ALPHABET AND THE PHONETIC SYMBOLS) Obiective specifice: Prin capitolul de faţă studentul începător va deprinde competenţa de a pronunţa corect suntele limbii engleze. Subcapitole: 1. Alfabetul 2. Simbolurile fonetice 1. ALFABETUL (THE ALPHABET) A [ei] B [bi] C [si] D [di] E [i:] F [ef] G [dЗi] H [eit ] I [ai] J [dЗei] K [kei] L [el] M [em] N [en] O [əu] P [pi:] Q [kju:] R [ar] S [es] T [ti:] U [ju:] V [vi:] W [dΛbəl ju:] X [eks] Y [wai] Z [zed] 2. SIMBOLURILE FONETICE (THE PHONETIC SYMBOLS)

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UNIVERSITATEA HYPERIONFacultatea de JurnalismLector Univ. drd. Sorina GeorgescuLIMBA ENGLEZMODUL NCEPTORIINTRODUCERE (INTRODUCTION)Pentru a facilita nelegerea limbii engleze i a modelelor de presbritanic i american de ctre studenii de nivel nceptor din cadrulFacultii de Jurnalism, cursul de fa i propune o introducere att ngramatica i vocabularul limbii engleze, n general, ct i n cel cu specificde pres, structurat dup cum urmeaz: Alfabetul i simbolurile fonetice,Gramatica noiuni elementare, Vocabular general i specific - nivelelementar, Modele de pres britanic i american, Cum s scriem/gndimun eseu De la paragraf la scrierea academic.12CAPITOLUL 1 (FIRST CHAPTER)ALFABETUL SI SIMBOLURILE FONETICE (THE ALPHABET AND THEPHONETIC SYMBOLS)Obiective specifice: Prin capitolul de fa studentul nceptor va deprinde competena dea pronuna corect suntele limbii engleze.Subcapitole: 1. Alfabetul2. Simbolurile fonetice1. ALFABETUL (THE ALPHABET)A [ei] B [bi] C [si] D [di] E [i:] F [ef]G [di] H [eit] I [ai] J [dei] K [kei] L [el]M [em] N [en] O [u] P [pi:] Q [kju:] R [ar]S [es] T [ti:] U [ju:] V [vi:] W [dbl ju:]X [eks] Y [wai] Z [zed]2. SIMBOLURILE FONETICE (THE PHONETIC SYMBOLS)De ce ne trebuie simbolurile fonetice?Simbolurile fonetice ne trebuie pentru a nelege mai bine cum se pronun uncuvnt atunci cnd l vedem n dicionar. Aceast introducere i propune o mai buntransmitere i receptare a sunetelor limbii engleze i a simbolurilor foneticecorespunztoare, de ctre studenii nceptori, prin echivalarea aproximativ arespectivelor sunete cu cele ale limbii romne.a)Vocalele (the vowels):Sunetul n limba englez(the sound in English)Exemplu de cuvnt n limbaenglez(Example of EnglishWords)Sunetul aproximativ nlimba romn i pronuniadin romn a cuvntuluienglezesc (the sound inRomanian and theRomanian pronunciation ofthe English word)[i:] See [si:] (= a vedea) [ii] [sii][I] His [hIz] (= al lui) [i] [hiz]3[i] Twenty [twenti] (=20) [i] [tuenti][e] Ten [ten] (= 10) [e] - [ten][] Stamp [stmp] (= timbru) [e-a] (ntre e i a) [steamp][a:] Father [fa:] (B.E*)/[fa:r] (A.E) (= tata)[aa] [faa+ z peltic (culimba ntre dini) + + (nengl. american r retroflex(ndoit spre cerul gurii)[o] Hot [hot] (= fierbinte) [o] [hot][o:] Morning [mo:ni] (B.E)/[morni] (A.E) (=dimineaa)[oo] [moo (o + r retroflexn engl. american) nin ( =ng, cu g mai degrab mut)][u] Football [futbo:l] (= fotbal) [u] [futbool][u:] You [ju:] (= tu) [uu] [iuu][] Sun [sn] (= soare) [a] [san][: ] sau [3:] Learn [l:n] (B.E)/[lrn](A.E)sau [l3:n] (= anva)[] [ln] / [lrn] (rretroflex)[] Letter [let] (B.E}/[letr](A.E) (= liter, scrisoare)[] [let]/ [letr] (rretroflex)* - B. E, A. E = British English (engleza britanic), American English (englezaamerican)b) Diftongii (dou vocale mpreun) Diphthongs (two vowels together)Sunetul n limba englez(the sound in English)Exemplu de cuvnt n limbaenglez(Example of EnglishWords)Sunetul aproximativ nlimba romn i pronuniadin romn a cuvntuluienglezesc (the sound inRomanian and theRomanian pronunciation ofthe English word)[ei] Name [neim] (= nume) [ei] [neim][u] No [nu] (=nu) [u] [nu][ai] My [mai] ( = al meu) [ai] [mai][au] How [hau] (= cum) [au] [hau][oi] Boy [boi] (= biat) [oi] [boi][i] Hear [hi] (B.E.)/ [hir](A.E) (= a auzi)[i] [hi] / [hir][e] Where [we] (B.E)/ [wer](= unde)[e] [ue] / [uer][u] Tour [tu] (B.E)/ [tur](A.E) (= tur)[u] [tu] / [tur]4c) Consoanele (the consonants)Sunetul n limba englez(the sound in English)Exemplu de cuvnt n limbaenglez(Example of EnglishWords)Sunetul aproximativ nlimba romn i pronuniadin romn a cuvntuluienglezesc (the sound inRomanian and theRomanian pronunciation ofthe English word)[p] Pen [pen] (= stilou) [p] [pen][b] Big [big] (= mare) [b] [big][t] Tea [ti:] (= ceai) [t] [tii][d] Do [du:] (= a face) [d] [duu][k] Cat [kt] (=pisica) [c] [chet][g] Go [gu] (= a merge) [g] [gu][f] Four [fo:] (B.E)/ [fo:r] (A.E)(= 4)[f] [foo]/ [foor][v] Very [veri] (= foarte) [v] [veri][s] Son [sn] (= fecior, copil) [s] [san][z] Zoo [zu:] (= gradinazoologic)[z] [zuu][l] Live [liv] (= a tri, a locui) [l] [liv][m] My [mai] (= al meu) [m] [mai][n] Near [ni] (B.E)/ [nir](A. E) (= lng)[n] [ni] / [nir][h] Happy [hpi] (= fericit) [h] [hepi][r] Red [red] (= rou) [r]- [red][j] Yes [jes] (= da) [i] [ies][w] Want [want] (= a vrea) [u] [uant][] Thanks [ks] (=mulumesc)[s peltic, pronunat culimba ntre dini] [encs][] The [] (= articolulhotrt][z s peltic, pronunat culimba ntre dini] [][] She [i:] (= ea) [] [ii][3] Television [telivi3n] (=televiziune)[j] - [telivijn][t] Child [taild](= copil) [ce/ci] [ciaild][d3] German [d3:mn] (B.E)/[d3rmn] (A.E)[ge/gi] [ge-rmn][] English [igli] (=Englez())[ni/ng] [ingli]Exerciiu: Scriei fonetic, n limba englez, urmtoarele cuvinte:Boy =. Paper = . Journalism = ..Girl = . Newspaper = journalist = .5CAPITOLUL 2 (SECOND CHAPTER)GRAMATICA NOIUNI ELEMENTARE (GRAMMAR BASICS)Obiective specifice: Prin capitolul de fa studentul nceptor va deprinde competena dea conjuga corect verbele auxiliare ale limbii engleze, de a la utiliza n situaiilecorespunztoare. De asemenea, va nva cum se formeaz timpurile verbale, vorbireaindirect, diateza pasiv, pronumele, ordinea adjectivelor, i pluralul substantivelorSubcapitole: 1. Verbele auxiliare to be, to do, to have2. Reguli de formare timpurile3. Vorbirea indirect4. Diateza pasiv5. Pronumele6. Articolul7. Pluralul substantivelor8. Ordinea adjectivelor1. VERBELE AUXILIARE (THE AUXILIARY VERBS): TO BE (A FI), TO DO(A FACE) , TO HAVE (A AVEA)Ce sunt verbele auxiliare?Verbele auxiliare sunt verbele cu care putem construi formele de interogativ(ntrebrile) i de negativ n limba englez.n aceast introducere verbele auxiliare vor fi conjugate la prezentul simplu(present simple) i la trecut (past tense simple), att cu forma lung (long form), ct i cuforma scurt (short form), care este cea mai utilizat n limba engleza, att n cea scrisct i n cea vorbit. Se va da pentru fiecare caz in parte att transcrierea foneticspecific limbii engleze, ct i o echivalare n limba romn.a) Verbul to be (The verb to be [tu: bi:] = a fi1. Prezentul simplu (Present Simple)a) Afirmativ (Affirmative / Statements)Prezentul simplu, afirmativ,limba englez, forma lung(Present simple,Prezentul simplu, afirmativ,limba romn (Presentsimple,Prezentul simplu, afirmativ,limba englez, forma scurta(Present simple,6affirmative/statement, longform, English version)affirmative/statement,Romanian version)affirmative/statement, shortform, English version)I am [ai m] / [ai em] (Eu) sunt (I = eu) Im [aim]You are [ju: a:r] / [iu ar] (Tu) eti (you = tu) Youre [iur]He is [hi: iz] / [hi iz] (El) este (he = el) Hes [hiz]She is [i: iz] / [ii iz] (Ea) este (she = ea) Shes [iz]It is [ it iz] / [it iz] (El/ea) este (it = el/ea cndne referim la obiecte,lucruri din natur saubebelui)Its [i]We are [wi: a:r]/ [uii ar] (Noi) suntem (we = noi) Were [uir]You are [ju: a:r] / [iu ar] (Voi) suntei (you = tu, voi) Youre [iur]They are [ei a:r] / [zei ar] Ei/ele sunt (they = ei/ele) Theyre [zeir]b) Negativul (Negative)Prezentul simplu, negativ,limba englez, forma lung(Present simple, negatives,long form, English version)Prezentul simplu, negativ,limba romn (Presentsimple, negatives,Romanian version)Prezentul simplu, negativ,limba englez, forma scurta(Present simple, negatives,short form, English version)I am not (Eu) nu sunt Im notYou are not (Tu) nu eti You arentHe is not (El) nu este He isntShe is not (Ea) nu este She isntIt is not (El/ea) (obiect) nu este It isntWe are not (Noi) nu suntem We arentYou are not (Voi) nu suntei You arentThey arent (Ei/ele) nu sunt They arentc) Interogativul (Interrogative/ Yes/No Questions)Prezentul simplu, interogativ, limbaenglez, (Present simple, yes/noquestions, English version)Prezentul simplu, interogativ, limbaromn (Present simple, yes/noquestions, Romanian version)Am I..? Sunt (eu).?Are you..? Eti (tu)?Is he? Este (el).?Is she.? Este (ea).?Is it.? Este el/ea (obiecte)..?Are we..? Suntem (noi).?Are you.? Suntei (voi)?Are they.? Sunt (ei).?7!!! ATENIE!!!Dup cum observai, forma de interogativ prezent a verbului to be, se formeazprin inversarea subiectului cu verbul. Avem deci, la afirmativ: I (subiect) + am (verb),pentru ca la interogativ s avem nti am (verbul) i apoi I (subiectul). Pentru a formanegativul, vom avea ordinea de la afirmativ, aadar I (subiect) + am (verb), la carevom aduga marca negaiei, adic not. Deci I am not.2. Timpul trecut (Past Tense Simple)a) Afirmativul (Affirmative/ Statements)Timpul trecut, forma de afirmativ, limbaenglez (Past Tense Simple,affirmative/statments, English version)Timpul trecut, forma de afirmativ, limbaromn (Past Tense Simple,affirmative/statments, Romanian version)I was [ai woz]/[wz] (forma slab) / [aiuz](Eu) am fostYou were [ju: w:r] / [iu: ur] (Tu) ai fostHe was [hi: wz] / [hii uz] (El) a fost.She was [i: wz] / [ii uz] (Ea) a fost.It was [it wz]/ [it uz] (El/ea) (obiecte) a fost.We were [wi: w:r] / [uii ur] (Noi) am fost.You were [ju: w:r] / [iu: ur] (Voi) ai fost.They were [ei w:r]/ [zei ur] (Ei/Ele) au fost.b) Negativul (Negatives)Timpul trecut, forma denegativ, forma lung, limbaenglez (Past Tense Simple,negatives, long form,English version)Timpul trecut, forma denegativ, limba romn (PastTense Simple, negatives,Romanian version)Timpul trecut, forma denegativ, forma scurt, limbaenglez (Past Tense Simple,negatives, short form,English version)I was not (Eu) nu am fost I wasntYou were not (Tu) nu ai fost You werentHe was not (El) nu a fost. He wasntShe was not (Ea) nu a fost. She wasnt.It was not. (El/ea) (obiecte) nu a fost. It wasnt.We were not. (Noi) nu am fost. We werent.You were not (Voi) nu ai fost. You werentThey were not. (Ei/ele) nu au fost. They werent.c) Interogativul (Interrogative/ Yes/No Questions)Timpul trecut, interogativ, limba englez,(Past tense simple, yes/no questions,Timpul trecut, interogativ, limba romn(Past tense simple, yes/no questions,8English version) Romanian version)Was I? Am fost (eu)?Were you? Ai fost (tu)?Was he? A fost (el)?Was she? A fost (ea)?Was it? A fost (el/ea) (obiect)?Were we? Am fost (noi)?Were you? Ai fost (voi)?Were they? Au fost (ei/ele)?!!! ATENIE!!!Dup cum observai, forma de interogativ trecut a verbului to be, ca i cea deinterogativ prezent, se formeaz prin inversarea subiectului cu verbul. Avem deci, laafirmativ: I (subiect) + was (verb), pentru ca la interogativ s avem nti was (verbul) iapoi I (subiectul). Pentru a forma negativul, vom avea ordinea de la afirmativ, aadarI (subiect) + was (verb), la care vom aduga marca negaiei, adic not. Deci I wasnot.Cnd folosim verbul to be?# Cnd vrem s exprimm vrstaCarlos is eight. (Carlos are opt ani)Anna is ten. (Anna are zece ani)# Cnd vrem s exprimm naionalitateaIm English. (Sunt englez)Shes Romanian. (Ea este romnc)# Cnd vrem s spunem care este meseria cuiva.Jim is a teacher. (Jim este professor)Are you a student? (Eti student?)# Cu un adjectivYoure right. (Ai dreptate)Im happy. (Sunt fericit)# Cu this/that [i:s]/ [t], [ziis]/[zeat] (acesta/acela)This is my book. (Aceasta este cartea mea)Is that your newspaper? (Este acela ziarul tu?)9# n ntrebriIs Tom here? (Este Tom aici?) Are you ten? (Ai zece ani?)Are they Spanish? (Sunt ei spanioli?) Is it easy? (E uor?)Is this your house? (Este aceasta casa ta?)# Ca verb auxiliar, pentru construirea formelor de continuu.I am learning English at the moment. (n acest moment nv limba englez)Exerciii: 1. Completai propoziiile cu forma corect de prezent a verbului to be:1. I..eight.2. He..ten.3. Youright.4. I a student?5. Jim.a teacher.6. ..they Chinese?2. Completai propoziiile cu forma corect de trecut a verbului to be:7. I..eight.8. He..ten.9. Youright.10. I a student?11. Jim.a teacher.12. ..they Chinese?b) Verbul to do [tu: du:]= a face1. Prezentul simplu (Present Simple)a) Afirmativ (Affirmative / Statements)Prezentul simplu, afirmativ, limba englez,(Present simple, affirmative/statement,English version)Prezentul simplu, afirmativ, limba romn(Present simple, affirmative/statement,Romanian version)I do [ai du:]/ [ai duu] (Eu) facYou do [ju: du:] / [iuu duu] (Tu) faciHe does [hi: dz] / [hii daz] (El) faceShe does [i: dz] / [ii daz] (Ea) faceIt does [it dz] / [it daz] (El/ea) (obiecte) faceWe do [wi: du:] / [uii duu] (Noi) facemYou do [ju: du:] / [iuu duu] (Voi) faceiThey do [ei du:] / [zei duu] (Ei/ele) fac10!!! ATENIE!!!Observai terminaia n s la persoana a treia singular a formei de afirmativ,prezentul simplu, pentru verbul to do (does). O vom ntlni la toate verbele din limbaenglez cu excepia celor modale.b) Negativul (Negatives)Prezentul simplu, negativ,limba englez, (Presentsimple, negative, Englishversion)Prezentul simplu, negativ,limba romn (Presentsimple, negatives,Romanian version)Prezentul simplu, negativ,limba englez, forma scurt(Present simple, negatives,short form, English version)I do not (= auxiliary); I donot doEu nu (auxiliar); Eu nufacI dont (auxiliar, rspunsscurt); I dont doYou do not; You do not do (Tu) nu..; (Tu) nu faci You dont; you dont doHe does not; He does not do (El) nu.; (El) nu face He doesnt; he doesnt doShe does not; She does notdo(Ea) nu.; (Ea) nu face She doesnt; She doesnt doIt does not; It does not do (El/ea) (obiecte) nu.;(El/ea) nu faceIt doesnt; it doesnt doWe do not; We do not do (Noi) nu.; (Noi) nu facem We dont; we dont doYou do not; You do not do (Voi) nu....; (Voi) nu facei You dont; you dont doThey dont; They dont do (Ei/ele) nu..; (Ei/ele) nufac.They dont; they dont do!!! ATENIE!!!Ca verb auxiliar, to do are ca form de negativ, I do not, prescurtat I dont,el ajutnd de fapt la formarea negativului celuilalt verb de conjugat, de exemplu I do notwrite, sau I dont write, Eu nu scriu.Ca verb de sine stttor, cu sensul de a face, el formeaz negativul cu el nsuipe post de auxiliar, urmat de infinitivul scurt do: I dont do that, Eu nu fac asta.Dup cum se observ n tabelul de mai sus, infinitivul scurt do este valabil pentru toatepersoanele de singular i de plural.c)Interogativul (Interrogative, Yes/No Questions) ca auxiliar, l vom nsoi de aceea deun verb de conjugat: write [rait] ( a scrie)Prezentul simplu, interogativ, limbaenglez, (Present simple, yes/noquestions, English version)Prezentul simplu, interogativ, limbaromn (Present simple, yes/noquestions, Romanian version)Do I write? Scriu (eu)?Do you write? Scrii (tu)?Does he write? Scrie (el)?Does she write? Scrie (ea)?Does it write? Scrie (el/ea) (obiecte)?11Do we write? Scriem (noi)?Do you write? Scriei (voi)?Do they write? Scriu (ei/ele)?!!! ATENIE !!!Observai ordinea la interogativ: auxiliarul do + subiect I + verbul la infinitivwrite. Vom ntlni aceast ordine la forma de interogativ prezent a tuturor verbelorlimbii engleze cu excepia celor modale i a verbului to be, pe care l-am conjugat maidevreme.Observai, de asemenea, faptul c la persoana a treia singular, unde la afirmativavem he/she/it writes, deci cu terminaia s, la interogativ, vom folosi doar s-ul dela persoana a treia singular a verbului auxiliar do, deci does, iar verbul de conjugat,write n cazul de fa, va rmne tot la infinitivul scurt. Aadar, avem Does he/she/itwrite? i NU Does he/she/it writes?2. Timpul trecut (Past Tense Simple)n cazul verbului to do, avem o singur form de trecut (past tense simple)pentru toate persoanele, i anume did.Afirmativ: I/He/We/You/They did the shopping.(Eu/El/Noi/Voi/Ei/ am/au fcut cumprturile).Negativ: I/He/We/You/They did not do (didnt do) the shopping.(Eu/El/Noi/Voi/Ei/ nu am/au fcut cumprturile).Interogativ: Did I/he/we/you/they do the shopping?(Am/au fcut eu/el/noi/voi/ei cumprturile?).!!! ATENIE!!!Observai i n acest caz forma de infinitiv scurt a verbului de conjugat, nconstruciile did not do i did I do.Cnd folosim verbul to do?# Ca verb auxiliar (auxiliary verb):- n ntrebri: Do you like tennis? (Ii place tennisul?)What do you do in the evenings? (Ce faci seara?)- n negaii: I dont like tennis. (Nu-mi place tennisul)I dont do much in the evenings. (Nu fac prea multeseara)Dont go. (Nu te duce).- n emfaze (accentuarea unei pri a propoziiei):12Do sit down! (Stai jos, te rog!)I do love her. (Chiar o iubesc)- n inversiune (verb naintea subiectului):At no time did he lose his self-control. (Nu si-apierdut controlul nici un moment).- elipsa (folosim un verb auxiliar n locul unui verb ntreg):You saw Allen, didnt you? (L-ai vzut pe Allen, nu-iaa?)# Ca verb cu scop general- activiti nedefinite ceva (something [smi] / [samsing]), nimic(nothing [ni] / [nasing]), orice (anything [enii] /[ enising]):Do something! (F ceva!)- pentru muncI do the shopping, you do the cooking. (Eu fac cumprturile, tugtete)Exerciii: 1. Completai propoziiile cu forma corect de prezent a verbului to do:1. ......you like tennis?2. I.............like tennis.3. ........she like tennis?4. ............read!5. They............like her!2. Completai propoziiile cu forma corect de trecut a verbului to do:6. ......you like tennis?7. I.............like tennis.8. ........she like tennis?9. They............like her!c) Verbul to have [tu: hv] = a avea1. Prezentul simplu (Present simple)a) Afirmativ (Affirmative / Statements)Prezentul simplu, afirmativ,limba englez, forma lung(Present simple,affirmative/statement, longform, English version)Prezentul simplu, afirmativ,limba romn (Presentsimple,affirmative/statement,Romanian version)Prezentul simplu, afirmativ,limba englez, forma scurt(Present simple,affirmative/statement, shortform, English version)I have [ai hv] / [ai hev] (Eu) am Ive [aiv]You have [ju: hv] / [iuuhev](Tu) ai Youve [iuv]13He has [hi: hz]/ [hii hez] (El) are Hes [hiz]She has [i: hz] / [ii hez] (Ea) are Shes [iz]It has [it hz] / [it hez] (El/ea) (obiecte) are. Its [i]We have [wi: hv] / [uiihev](Noi) avem Weve [uiv]You have [ju: hv] / [iuuhev](Voi) avei Youve [iuv]They have [ei hv]/ [zeihev](Ei/ele) au Theyve [zeiv]!!! ATENIE!!!Observai i n cazul verbului to have terminaia s de la persoana a treiasingular, pentru forma de prezent simplu.b) Negativul (Negatives)Prezentul simplu, negativ,limba englez, forma lung(Present simple, negatives,long form, English version)Prezentul simplu, negativ,limba romn (Presentsimple, negatives,Romanian version)Prezentul simplu, negativ,limba englez, forma scurt(Present simple, negatives,short form, English version)I have not / I do not have (Eu) nu am I havent/ I dont haveYou have not / You do nothave(Tu) nu ai You havent/ You donthaveHe has not/ He does nothave(El) nu are. He hasnt/ He doesnt haveShe has not/ She does nothave(Ea) nu are. She hasnt/ She doesnthaveIt has not/ It does not have (El/Ea) (obiecte) nu are. It hasnt/ It doesnt haveWe have not / We do nothave(Noi) nu avem. We havent/ We dont haveYou have not / You do nothave(Voi) nu avei. You havent/ You donthaveThey have not / They do nothave(Ei/Ele) nu au. They havent/ They donthave!!! ATENIE!!!Verbul to have poate fi verb auxiliar, ajutnd la formarea unor ntrebri pentruformele de perfect, caz n care forma de negativ prezent este I havent., fie carspuns scurt, fie ca urmat de verbul de conjugat, forma a treia: I havent written (Nuam scris).Ca verb de sine stttor, cu sensul de a avea, to have are ca form de negativI dont have, deci l utilizeaz ca verb auxiliar pe verbul to do despre care am vorbitmai devreme.14Aceleai observaii sunt valabile i pentru formele de interogativ prezent , pe carele vom vedea n tabelul de mai jos.c) Interogativul (Interrogative, Yes/No QuestionsPrezentul simplu, interogativ, limbaenglez, (Present simple, yes/noquestions, English version)Prezentul simplu, interogativ, limbaromn (Present simple, yes/noquestions, Romanian version)Have I..?/ Do I have? Am..? Am (eu)?Have you..? / Do you have? Ai..? Ai (tu)?Has he..? / Does he have? A.? Are (el)?Has she..? / Does she have? A.? Are (ea)?Has it..? / Does it have? A.? Are (el/ea) (obiecte)?Have we..?/ Do we have? Am? Avem (noi)?Have you..?/ Do you have? Ai..? Avei (voi)?Have they..?/ Do they have? Au.? Au (ei/ele)?2. Timpul trecut (Past Tense Simple)n cazul verbului to have avem o singur form pentru timpul trecut (past tensesimple) i anume had, pentru toate persoanele.Afirmativ : I/He/We/You/They had a car.(Eu/El/Noi/Voi/Ei/ am/au avut o main).Negativ: I/He/We/You/They didnt have a car.(Eu/El/Noi/Voi/Ei/ nu am/au avut o main)Interogativ: Did I/he/we/you/they have a car?Am/au avut eu/el/noi/voi/ei/ o main?!!! ATENIE!!!Observai formarea negativului i a interogativului verbului to have ca verb desine stttor cu past tense-ul auxiliarului do, deci did, urmat de infinitivul scurt alverbului de conjugat have. Aadar, avem didnt have, i did I have i NU didnt hadi did I had.Observai de asemenea c n limba englez este obligatorie exprimarea/folosireasubiectului, did I have, pe cnd n limba romn el poate fi omis, Am avut (eu)?Cnd folosim verbul to have?# Ca auxiliar1. Pentru formele de perfect (perfect verb forms):I have read the book. (Am citit/citii cartea) (present perfect prezentperfect)15I had read the book. (Citisem cartea) (past perfect mai mult caperfectul)I will have read the book by this time tomorrow. (Voi fi citit cartea pnmine pe vremea asta).(future perfect viitorulperfect)Id like to have read this book ten years ago. (Mi-a dori s fi citit carteaasta acum zece ani) (perfect infinitive infinitivul perfect)Having read the book before, he knew what to expect. (Citind/ Dat fiindc citise cartea nainte, tia la ce s se atepte).2. ntrebri i negaiiHave you read the book? (Ai citit/citii cartea?)I havent read the book. (Nu am citit/ nu citii cartea).# Cnd vorbim despre posesie, relaii i alte situaii/stri:They have three newspapers. (Ei au trei ziare).Have you got any brothers or sisters? (Ai frai sau surori?)Do you often have headaches? (Ai des dureri de cap?)# Cnd vorbim despre aciuni i experiene:Im going to have a shower. (O s fac un du)Were having a meeting next month. (Vom avea o ntrunire luna viitoare).# Cnd vorbim despre obligaiiI had to read yesterday. (Ieri a trebuit s citesc).# Cnd vorbim despre cauzarea sau experimentarea unor aciuni i evenimenteHis son had everybody laughing. (Fiul su i-a fcut pe toi s rd)I must have my shoes repaired. (Trebuie s-mi repar pantofii)We had our car stolen last week. (Ni s-a furat maina sptmnatrecut)Exerciii:1. Completai urmtoarele propoziii cu forma corect de prezent a verbului tohave:1. I ..a book.2. He .a car.3. ..youa picture?4. She .not water.5. He..a newspaper.162. Completai urmtoarele propoziii cu forma corect de trecut a verbului tohave:6. I ..a book.7. He .a car.8. ..youa picture?9. She .not water.10. He..a newspaper.2. REGULI DE FORMARE (FORMATION RULES)- TIMPURILE (TENSES)1. Prezentul simplu (Present simple) obiceiuri, aciuni generaleAfirmativ (Positive): I/You/We/They read He/She/It/ reads(to read [ri:d] / [riid] = a citi)Negative: You dont read He doesnt readInterogativ: (Questions): Do you read..? Does he read.?2. Prezentul continuu (Present continuous): - aciuni care au loc la momentul vorbiriiAfirmativ (Positive): I am reading. You/We/They are reading.He/She/It is reading.Negative: I am not reading. You arent reading.She isnt reading.Question: Am I reading? Are you reading?Is she reading?3. Prezentul perfect (Present perfect): - aciuni din trecutul apropiat, cu consecinevizibile n prezentAfirmativ (Positive): I/You/We/they have written. He/she/it has written.(to write = a scrie)Negative (Questions): They havent written. He hasnt written.Interogativ: Have they written? Has he written?4. Past (Trecut) Simple: aciune desfurat n trecut, cu mrci ale trecutului, caieri, anul trecut, etc.1. Regulat (Regular):positive: I/You/He/She/It/We/They stopped.negative: You didnt stop.interogative: Did you stop?2. Neregulat (Irregular): positive: I/You/He/She/It/We/They wrote. (towrite wrote- written)17negative: You didnt write.interogativ: Did you write?5. Past (Trecut) continuu (Past Continuous): aciune trecut ce se desfoar n timpulaltei aciuni trecute)(Afirmative) Positive: I/He/She/It was writing. You/We/They/ were writing.Negativ: You werent writing. She wasnt writing.Interogativ: Were you writing? Was she writing?Exerciiu: Trecei verbele date la infinitiv la timpurile cerute n parantez.1. I .. (to read prezent simplu).2. You. .(to go prezent continuu)3. He . (to write prezentul perfect)4. We (to watch TV past tense simplu)5. They.. (to speak past tense continuu)3. VORBIREA INDIRECT (REPORTED SPEECH)Direct ReportedI never eat vegetables He said (that) he never ate vegetables.(Nu mnnc niciodat legume) (El a spus c nu mnnc niciodat legume)Im reading. She said (that) she was reading.Ill write to you soon. He said (that) he would write to you soon.Ive read it. She said (that) she had read it.I took it. She said (that) she had taken it.I was reading. She said (that) she had been reading.Exerciiu: Trecei propoziiile urmtoare la vorbirea indirect:1. Im writing .2. Ill talk to you soon .3. Ive seen it 4. I ate it ..5. I was laughing. .184. DIATEZA PASIVA (PASSIVE VOICE)Active PassiveHe helps. (El ajut) He is helped. (El este ajutat)He has helped. He has been helpedHe helped. He was helped.He will help. He will be helped.5. PRONUMELE (PRONOUNS)# Pronume personale cu funcie de subiect (Subject pronouns [sbd3ekt] [prounauns]/[sabgect pronauns]:I [ai] = eu She [i:] / [ii] = eaYou [ju:] / [iuu] = tu It [it] = el/ea pentru obiecte sau elemente din naturHe [hi:] / [hii] = el We [wi: ] / [uii] = noiYou [ju:] / [iuu] = voi They [ei] / [zei] = ei/ele# Pronume personale cu funcie de complement (Object [obd3ekt]/ [obgect] pronouns)Me [mi: ] / [mii] = pe mine, mie Her [hr] / [hr] = pe ea, eiYou [ju:] / [iuu] = pe tine, ie It [it] = pe el/ea, lui/eiHim [him] = pe el, lui Us [s] / [as] = pe noi, nouYou [ju:] / [iuu] = pe voi, vou Them [em] /[zem] = pe ei/ele, lor# Pronume posesive (Possessive pronouns):Mine [main] = al meu Hers [hrz] / [hrz] = al eiYours [jo:rz] / [iorz] = al tu its [its] / [i] = al lui/eiHis [hiz] = al lui Ours [aurz] / [aurz]= al nostrumYours [jo:rz] / [iorz] = al vostru Theirs [ez] / [zerz] = al lor# this i thatSingular: this [i:s] / [ziis] = acesta that [t] / [ze-at] = acelaPlural These [iz] / [ziz] = acestea those [ous ] / [zous] = acelea# one, ones [wn] / [uan]I like that one = mi place aceea.I dont like the blue ones= Nu-mi plac cele albastre.19Exerciiu: Completai propoziiile cu pronumele corespunztoare:1. ..am reading a book.2. is writing his homework.3. are going to the cinema.4. is my house.5. house is ..`6. ARTICOLUL (THE ARTICLE)# Articolul hotrt (the definite article) the# Articolul nehotrt (the indefinite article) a n faa consoanelor- an - n faa vocalelor7. PLURALUL SUBSTANTIVELOR (PLURAL NOUNS)n limba englez pluralul substantivelor se formeaz prin adugarea unui s laforma de singural, aa cum vom vedea mai trziu. Mai jos vom vedea doar ctevaexemple de substantive neregulate.Man [mn] / [me-an] men [men] = brbatWoman [wumn] / [umn] women [wimin] / [uimin] = femeieChild [taild] / [ciaild] children [tildrn] = copilTooth [tu:] / [tuus] teeth [ti:] / [tiis] = dinteMouse [maus] mice [mais] = oareceFoot [fut] feet [fi:t] / [fiit] = picior (de la glezn n jos)8. ORDINEA ADJECTIVELOR (ORDER OF ADJECTIVES)n limba englez adjectivul se aaz naintea substantivului:A beautiful girl. O fat frumoas.Beautiful [bju:tful] / [biutful] = frumosGirl [grl] / [grl] = fatCnd avem dou sau mai multe adjective (poziia 1 cel mai departe desubstantiv)Poziia: 1. Unul sau mai multe din urmtoarele tipuri de adjective:201a Opinie: beautiful1b Mrime: large [lard3] / [largi] = lung1c Vrst: old [ould] = btrn1d Form: round [raund] = rotund1e Temperatur: cold [kould]/ [could] = recePoziia: 2. Culori: green [gri:n] / [griin] (verde), blue [blu:] / [bluu] (albastru)3. Materialul (din ce este fcut): wooden [wudn] / [uudn] = din lemn;plastic4. Scop (pentru ce este): a running shoe [ rni u:] / [ raning uu] = unpantof pentru alergat5. Substantivul1c 3 4 5An old, leather, (dinpiele)football boot (bocanc)1c 2 3 4 5Some new(nou),orange(portocaliu),lycra, cycling shorts1a 2 3 5A beautiful, green, silk (mtase) shirt21CAPITOLUL 3 (CHAPTER THREE)VOCABULAR (VOCABULARY)Obiective specifice: Prin capitolul de fa studentul nceptor va deprinde competena dea se prezenta corect n limba englez, ca i aceea de a utiliza corect cuvinte din cele maifrecvente i uzuale ale limbii engleze, precum i cuvinte specifice jurnalismului.Subcapitolele: 1. Vocabular general nivel elementar2. Vocabular specific de presVOCABULAR GENERAL NIVEL ELEMENTAR (GENERAL VOCABULARY ELEMENTARY LEVEL)# Prezentarea (Introducing ourselves)Hello, my name is Tom. = Bun, numele meu este Tom.hello [helou] = bunname [neim] = numeWhat is your name? = Care este numele tu?what [wot] /[uo-at] = ce, careWho are you? = Cine eti tu?who [hu:] / [huu] = cineI am from Romania = Eu sunt din Romnia.from [from] = dinWhere are you from? = De unde eti tu?where [wer] / [ uer] = (de) undeI live in Bucharest = Locuiesc n Bucureti.to live [tu: liv] / [tuu liv] = a tri, a locuiWhere do you live? = Unde locuieti tu?I am a journalist. = Sunt jurnalist.journalist [d3rnlist] / [girnlist] = ziaristI am working for Adevrul. = Acum lucrez pentru (ziarul) Adevrul.to work [tu: wrk] / [tuu urc] = a lucra, a munciWhat is your job? = Care este meseria ta? (slujba ta acum)job [d3ob] / [giob] = ocupaia, slujba, etc.What do you do (for a living)? = Ce faci/lucrezi (ca sa-ti castigi existena)?for [for] = pentruliving [livi] / [living] = existen, trai, mod de via22I am 24 (years old) = Am 24 de ani.year [jir] / [iir] = anold [ould] = btrnHow old are you? = Ce vrst ai? Ci ani ai?What is your age = Ce vrst ai?age [eid3] / [eigi] = vrst# Cum salutm i cum rspundem la salut (Greeting and replying to greetings)Good morning! = Bun dimineaa!good [gud] = bun, binemorning [morni] / [morning] = dimineaaGood afternoon! = Bun ziua (la prnz spre dup-amiaz)afternoon [aftrnu:n] / [aftrnuun] = dup-amiazGood evening! = Bun seara!evening [i:vni]/ [iivning] = searaGood night! = Noapte bun!night [nait] = noapteSalut formal (Formal greeting)How do you do? = Bun ziua! V salut!; Srut mna!; mi pare bine! ncntat decunotin!How do you do?how [hau] = cumSalut neoficial/ informal (Informal greeting)Hello, how are you? = Bun, ce mai faci? (Cum mai eti?)Fine, thanks. And you? = Bine, mulumesc. i (Dar) tu?fine [fain] = bine, bun, frumos, plcut, minunatto thank [tu: k]/ [tuu senc] = a mulumithanks [ks]/ [sencs] = mulumesc - varianta scurt (= mersi)and [end] = intrebri despre sntate (Asking and replying about health)How are you? = Ce mai faci?Im all right, thanks = Sunt bine, mulumesc.Not so good = Nu chiar att de bine.all right [o:l rait] / [ool rait] = n regulso [sou] = att deHow do you feel? = Cum te simi?23I feel fine/ great/ awful = Ma simt bine/ minunat/ groaznic.to feel [fi:l ]/ [fiil] = a (se) simigreat [greit] = minunatawful [o:ful] / [ooful] = groaznicS spunem La revedere (Saying goodbye)Goodbye [gud bai] = la revedereBye! [bai] = PaBye for now = Pa, pe curnd.now [nau] = acumSee you tomorrow = Pe mineto see [tu: si:] / [tuu sii] = a vedeatomorrow [tmorou] / [tmorou] = mineSee you soon! = Pa, pe curnd.soon [su:n] / [suun] = curndSee you! = Pa (ne vedem)# Cum ne cerem scuze (Apologizing, Making excuses)Im (very) sorry. mi pare (foarte) ru. mi cer scuze.sorry [sori]= scuzai, ntristat, mhnitvery [veri] = foarteSorry, it was my fault. = Scuzai, a fost vina mea.fault [fo:lt] / [foolt] = vinExcuse me = M scuzai (cnd vrem s trecem de cineva care st n drum; lanceputul ntrebrilor adresate persoanelor necunoscute)to excuse [ tu: ikskju:s] / [tuu icschiuus] = a (se) scuzaIm sorry Im late. = mi cer scuze c am ntrziat.to be late [tu: bi: leit] / [tuu bii leit] = a ntrziaNever mind = Nu conteaz. Nu are nimic. Las.never [nevr] / [nevr] = nu, niciodatmind [maind] = minte, suflet, raiune, importan.Thats all right = E n regul.Dont worry = Nu-i f probleme. Nu te ngrijora.to worry [tu: wri] / [tuu uari] = a se ngrijora# Cum aprobm sau dezaprobm (Agreeing and disagreeing)I agree = Sunt de acord.to agree [tu: gri:] / [tuu grii] = a fi de accord.Thats right = Aa este. Corect.I like this film. So do I. = mi place acest film. i mie.to like [tu: laik] / [tuu laic] = a(-i) plcea24I dont like this film. Neither do I. = Nu-mi place acest film. Nici mie.neither [nair] / [naizr] = nici (unul din doi)I dont agree. = Nu sunt de acord.I dont think so = Nu cred asta. Nu cred c este aa. Nu prea credto think [tu: ik] / [tuu sinc] = a crede# Cum cerem informaii (Asking for information)Do you know the time? (informal) = tii ct e ceasul? (neoficial, informal)to know [tu: nou]/ [tuu nou] = a tithe time [ taim] / [z taim] = timpul, oraExcuse me, could you tell me the time? = Fii amabil, ai putea s-mi spunei cteste ceasul? (formal, oficial)could [kud] /[cud] = forma de condiional a verbului can = a puteato tell [tu: tel] / [tuu tel] = a spuneWhat does this mean, please? = Ce nseamn asta, v rog?to mean [tu: mi:n] / [tuu miin] = a nsemnaplease [pli:z] / [pliiz] = a rugaHow do you say (..) in English? = Cum spui (se spune) () n englez?to say [ tu: sei] / [tuu sei] = a spune# Cum cerem i cum dm sfaturi? (Asking and giving advice)What do you think I should do? = Ce crezi c ar trebui s fac?should [ud]/ [ud] = forma de condiional prezent a lui shall, cu sensulde ar trebuiWhat would you do? = Tu ce ai face?would [wud] / [uud] = forma de condiional prezent a lui will, cu sensulai (ai face)I think you should (go.....) = Cred c ar trebui s (te duci.)to go [tu: gou] / [tuu g-ou] = a merge, a se duceIf I were you, I would (go.....) = Dac a fi n locul tu, a (merge.)if [if]= dacWhy dont you (go..)? = Ce-ar fi s te duci? De ce nu te duci....?why [wai]/ [uai]= de ceWhat about (going.....)? = Ce-ar fi s te duci? Ce-ai zice despre mersul....?about [baut] / [baut] = despreHow about (going.....)? = Ce-ar fi s te duci? Cum ar fi s te duci/mersul.?Shall we (go for a walk)? = Mergem (la plimbare)?walk [wo:k] / [uooc] = plimbareLets (go for a walk) = Hai/ S mergem. (la plimbare).25# Cum cerem, cum acordm i cum refuzm permisiune? (Asking for, giving and refusingpermission)Can I (leave early?) (informal)= Pot (pleca devreme)?can [kn] / [chen] = a puteato leave [tu: li:v] / [tuu liiv] = a plecaearly [rli] / [rli] = devremeYes, you can.= Da, poi.No, you cant. = Nu, nu poi.Is it alright if I (leave early)? (informal) = E n regul dac (plec devreme)?Sure. Thats OK. = Sigur. E ok (n regul).sure [ur] / [ur] = sigurSorry, no. = mi pare ru, nu.May I (leave early)? (formal)= A putea (pleca devreme?)may [mei]= a putea, a avea voie, a-i fi permisYes, you may. Da, ai putea.No, you may not. = Nu, nu ai putea.Do you mind if I (open the window)? (formal) = Te superi dac (deschidfereastra?)to open [tu: oupn] / [tuu oupn] = a deschidethe window [ windou] / [z uindou] = fereastraThats fine. = E ok.Go ahead = D-i drumul.ahead [hed] / [hed] = nainteAll right = n regul.No problem = Nici o problem.Sorry, but (Im cold) = mi pare ru, dar (mi-e frig).but [bt] / [bat] = dar, nscold [kould] / [could] = frig, rece# Cum invitm i cum rspundem la invitaii (Inviting and replying to invitations)Do you want to (go to the cinema)? (informal) = Vrei s (mergi la cinema?)to want [tu: wont] / [tuu uo-ant] = a vreaDo you feel like (going to the cinema)? (informal) = Ai chef s (mergi lacinema?)Would you like to (go to the cinema)? (formal) = Ai vrea s (mergi la cinema?)Thanks, Id love to (go) = Mersi, mi-ar face mare plcere s (merg).to love [tu: lv] / [tuu lav] = a iubiIm sorry but (Im going to a party). = Scuze dar (merg la o petrecere).party [parti]= petrecereIm afraid I cant = Mi-e team c nu pot.26to be afraid [tu: bi: freid] / [tuu bii freid] = a-i fi team# Cum oferim (Making an offer)Can I help (you)?= Pot s (te) ajut?to help [tu: help]/ [tuu help] = a ajutaShall I help (you) = S te ajut?Do you want (some tea)? (informal) = Vrei (nite ceai)?some [sm] / [sam] = nitetea [ti: ] / [tii] = ceaiWould you like (some tea)? (formal) = Ai vrea (nite ceai)?# Cum promitem (Promises)Ill be home at 8.30. = Voi fi acas la 8.30home [houm] = cas (acas)I wont be late again! = Noi voi mai ntarzia!to be late [tu: bi: leit] / [tuu bii leit] = a intarsialate [leit] = trziuagain [gein] / [ghein] = din nou# Cum cerem ceva i cum rspundem la cereri (Making requests, replying to requests)Can you (open the window), please? (informal) = Poi (s deschizi fereastra), terog?Could you (open the window), please? (informal) = Ai putea (s deschizifereastra), te rog?Would you mind (opening the window), please? (formal) = Ai putea (s deschizifereastra), te rog?Can you....? Could you...? Of course. Sure. (Bineneles. Sigur)of course [of kors] / [of cors] = binenelesWould you mind.? Nu prin rspuns, ci prin aciune.# Cum exprimm preferinele (Preferences)I prefer (tea) to (coffee) = Prefer (ceaiul) (cafelei)Id rather have (tea) than (coffee) = A vrea/bea mai degrab (ceai) n loc de(cafea)rather [ra:r] / [raazr] = mai degrabthan [n] / [zen] = n loc de, dect27# Cum reamintim (Reminders)Dont forget to (bring your dictionary on Wednesday). = Nu uita s (i aducidicionarul miercuri).to forget [tu: frget] / [tuu frghet] = a uitato bring [tu: bri] / [tuu bring] = a adduceWednesday[wenzdi] / [uenzdi] = miercuriRemember to (bring your dictionary on Wednesday) = Amintete-i s (i aducidicionarul miercuri).to remember [tu: rimembr] / [tuu rimembr] = a-i aminti# Cum descriem pe cineva? (Asking for a description and replying)Whats George like? (Cum este George) Hes very friendly (Este foarteprietenos)Whats George like? (Cum este Cairo)- Its big city (Este un ora mare)big [big] = marecity [siti] = oraWhat does Tina look like? (Cum arat Tina?) Shes tall and shes got long hair(Este nalt i are prul lung)to look [tu: luk] / [tuu luc] = a privi, a arta (look like)tall [to:l] / [tool] = nalthas got = has = arelong [lo] / [long] = lunghair [he] /[her] = pr (din cap)# Cum avertizm (Warning)Be careful! = Ai grij!careful [keful] / [cherful] = grijuliuCareful! = Grij!Watch out! = Atenie!to watch [ tu: wot] / [tuu uo-aci] = a priviLook out! = Atenie!Mind out! = Atenie! Ferete!# Urri (Greetings)Happy birthday! = La muli ani!happy [hpi] / [hepi] = fericitbirthday [brdei] / [brsdei] = zi de natere, aniversareMany happy returns of the day! = Muli nainte!many [mni] / [meni] = multreturns [ritrn] / [ritrn] = reveniriWe wish you a Merry/Happy Christmas! = V dorim Crciun fericit!wish [wi] / [ui] = a dori, a vrea28merry [meri] = vessel, voiosChristmas [krisms] / [crisms] = CrciunWe wish you a Happy New Year! = V dorim un An Nou fericit!new [nju:] / [niuu] = nouHappy Anniversary! = Aniversare fericit!Happy Fourth of July! = La muli ani cu ocazia zilei de 4 iulie! (ziua naional incazul Statelor Unite)# Calendarul (Calendar)a) n scris (Writing) British English: 2/ 08/ 10 2(nd) August 2nd AugThursday 2nd August, 2010American English: 08/ 2/ 10 August 2(nd) Aug 2ndThursday August 2nd 2010n limba vorbit (Speaking): B.E the second of August, 2010; August the second, 2010A. E -August secondb) Anii (Years): 1997 (lba scris) = nineteen ninety-seven (lba vorbit)2010 (lba scris) = two thousand and ten (lba vorbit)c) Zilele (Days): Monday [mndi] / [mandi] = luniTuesday [tju:zdi]/ [tiuuzdi] = mariWednesday [wenzdi] / [uenzdi] = miercuriThursday [:zdi] / [szdi] = joiFriday [fraidi] = vineriSaturday [strdi] / [se-atrdi] = smbtSunday [sndi] / [sandi] = duminicIll visit you on Sunday. (Te vizitez duminic)tomorrow [tmorou] / [t-morou] = minethe day after tomorrow =poimineafter [a:ftr] / [aaftr] = dupnext week [nekst wi:k] / [necst uiic] = saptmna viitoareweek [wi:k]/ [uiic] = saptmnanext Sunday [nekst sndi] / [necst sandi] = dumica viitoareyesterday [jestdi] / [iestrdi] = ierithe day before yesterday = alaltieribefore [bifo:r] / [bifoor]= naintelast week = saptmna trecutlast [la:st] / [laast] = ultimo, cel din urmlast Sunday = duminica trecut29d) Lunile (Months): January [d3njuri] / [geaniuri], February [februri] / [februri] ,March [ma:t] / [marci], April [eiprl] / [eiprl] , May [mei], June[d3u:n]/ [giuun], July [d3u:lai] / [giuulai], August [o:gst] / [oogst],September [septembr] / [septembr], October[oktoubr] / [octoubr],November [nouvembr] / [nouvembr], December [disembr] /[disembr]- formele prescurtate short formsJan Feb Mar Apr Aug Sept Oct NovDecIll be back in June. = M voi ntoarce n iunie.back [bk] / [bec] = napoinext month [mn] /[ mans] = luna viitoarelast month = luna trecute) Anotimpurile (seasons): spring = primvara; summer [smr] / [samr] = varaautumn [o:tm] / [ootm] = toamnawinter [wintr] / [uintr] = iarnaIm going to Portugal in the winter.next summer = vara viitoarelast winter = iarna trecut# Timpul (Time)a) Momentele zilei (Parts of the day)in the morning [in mo:ni] / [in z morning] = dimineaain the afternoon [in i a:ftnu:n] / [in zi aaftrnuun] = dup-amiazain the evening [in i i:vni] / [in zi iivning] = searaat night [t nait] / [et nait] = noaptea, searaat midday (noon) [t middei] / [et middei] = la prnzat midnight [t midnait] / [et midnait] = la miezul nopiib) a.m i p.mmidnight to midday = a.m 1.00 a.m midnight = 12.00 a.m.midday to midnight = p.m 4,45 p.m midday = 12.00 p.mc) Sistemul de 24 de ore (24-hour clock)hour [aur] / [aur] = ora clock [klok] / [cloc] = ceas13.50 thirteen fifty [:ti:n fifti] / [srtiin fifti] = treisprezece cincizecid) Cum spunem ora (Telling the time)30ora 3 fix = three oclock [ri:] / [srii]3 i 5 = five past three [faiv]3 i 10 = ten past three3 i un sfert = a quarter past three3 i 20 =twenty past three [twenty] / [ tuenti]3 i 25 = twenty-five past three3 i jumtate = half past three [ha:f]/ [haaf[4 fr 25 = twenty-five to four [fo:r] / [foor]4 fr 20 = twenty to four4 fr un sfert =a quarter to four4 fr 10 = ten to four4 fr 5 = five to four3.12 =twelve minutes past three3.43 = seventeen minutes to four- Sistemul digital (Digital system)2.10 two ten 1.15 one fifteen4. 26 four twenty-six 5.30 five thirty6. 40 six forty 7. 45 seven forty-fiveCum ntrebm ct e ceasul (Asking the time)Whats the time? Its five oclock. (E ora cinci)What time is it? Its twenty to nine (E nou fr douzeci)Nu se poate spune: They are seven oclock!# Numerele (Numbers)Numeralul cardinal (Cardinal numbers)1 = one [wn] / [uan] 16 = sixteen [siksti:n] / [sicstiin]2 = two [tu:] / [tuu] 17 = seventeen [sevnti:n] / [sevntiin]3 = three [ri:] / [srii] 18 = eighteen [eiti:n] / [eitiin]4 = four [fo:r] / [foor] 19 = nineteen [nainti:n] / [naintiin]5 = five [faiv] 20 = twenty [twenti] / [tuenti]6 = six [siks] / [sics] 21 = twenty-one [twenti wn]/ [tuenti-uan]7 = seven [sevn] / [sevn] 22 = twenty-two [twenti tu:] / [tuenti-tuu]8 = eight [eit] 30 = thirty [rti] / [srti]9 = nine [nain] 40 = forty [forti]10 = ten [ten] 50 = fifty [fifti]11 = eleven [ilevn] / [ilevn] 60 = sixty [siksti] / [sicsti]12 = twelve [twelv] / [tuelv] 70 = seventy [sevnti] / [sevnti]13 = thirteen [rti:n] / [srtiin] 80 = eighty [eiti]14 = fourteen [forti:n] / [fortiin] 90 = ninety [nainti]3115 = fifteen [fifti:n] / [fiftiin] 100 = a/one hundred [hndrd] / [handrd]0 = nought [no:t] / [noot] sau zero [zirou] / [zirou]= pentru numerele de telefon l pronunm ca pe litera o. La fotbal spunemnil. La tennis spunem love101 = a hundred and one200 = two hundred (hundred nu este la plural)300 = three hundred999 = nine hundred and ninety-nine1,000 = a thousand / one thousand [auznd] / [sauznd]1,001 = a thousand and one2,250 = two thousand, two hundred and fifty (thousand nu este plural)999,999 = nine hundred and ninety-nine thousand, nine hundred and ninety-nine1,000,000 = a million/ one million5,000,000 = five million (million is not plural)Numeralul ordinal (Ordinal numbers)1st = first 9th = ninth 17th = seventeenth 25th = twenty-fifth2nd = second 10th = tenth 18th = eighteenth 26th = twenty-sixth3rd = third 11th = eleventh 19th = nineteenth 27th = twenty-seventh4th = fourth 12th = twelfth 20th = twentieth 28th = twenty-eigth5th = fifth 13th = thirteenth 21st = twenty-first 29th = twenty-ninth6th = sixth 14th = fourteenth 22nd = twenty-second 30th = thirtieth7th = seventh 15th = fifteenth 23rd = twenty-third 31st = thirty-first8th = eighth 16th = sixteenth 24th = twenty-fourthFracii i zecimale (Fractions and decimals) = a half (o jumtate) 3 = three and a half 1.5 = one point five = a quarter (un sfert) 1 = one and a quarter 1.25 = one point two five = three quarters 4 = four and three quarters 4.75 = four point seven five# Culori (Colours)white [wait] / [uait] = alb black [blk] / [blec] = negruyellow [jelou] = galben orange [orind3] /[oringi] = portocaliupink [pik] / [pinc] = roz red [red] = roumauve [muv] / [muv] = mov green [gri:n] / [griin] = verdeblue [blu:] / [bluu] = albastru32# Figuri geometrice (Geometrical figures)square [skwer]/ [schuer] = ptrat circle [srkl]/ [srcl] = cercrectangle [rectgl] / [recteangl ] = dreptunghi rhombus [rombs]/[rombs] = rombtriangle[traigl]/[traieangl] =triunghi# Flori, fructe, legume (Flowers, fruit, vegetables)rose [ruz] / [ruz] = trandafir tulip [tjulip] / [tiulip] = laleacarnation[karnein] / [carnein] = garoaf trifoi [trefoil] = trifoigeranium [d3irnim]/ [gireanim] = mucat lily [lili] = crinhyacinth [haisin] / [haisins] = zambildandelion [dndlain] / [deandlain] = ppdieapple [pl] = mr pear [per] = parplum [plm] / [plam] = prun apricot [eiprikot] / [eipricot] = caispeach [pi:t] / [piici] = piersic grape [greip ] = strugure(sweet) cherry [(swi:t) teri] / [suiit ceri] = cirea blackberry [blk~]/ [blec~] = mur(sour) cherry [(sau) teri] / [(sau) ceri] = viin nut [nt] = nucstrawberry [strobri] / [strobri] = cpun (hazel)nut [heizl ~] = alunraspberry [ra:sberi] / [raasberi] = zmeur lemon [lemn] / [lemn] = lmielemon [lemn] / [lemn] = lmie orange [orind3] / [oringi] = portocalcarrot [krt] / [cheart] = morcov potato [pteitu] / [pteitu] = cartoftomato [tma:tu] / [tmaatu] = roie marrow [mru] / [mearu] =dovlecel parsley [parsli] = ptrunjeleggplant [egpla:nt] / [egplaant] = vnta dill [dil] = mrarcucumber [kju:kmbr] / [chiuucambr] celery [selri] / [selri] = elin= castravete parsnip [parsnip] = pstrnacpumpkin [pmpkin] /[pampchin] = dovleac pepper [pepr] = ardeibean [bi:n] / [biin] = fasole peas [pi:z] / [piiz] = mazre# Detalii personale (Personal details)name [neim] = nume old [ould] = btrnage [eid3] / [eigi] = vrst to stay [stei] = a stato live [liv] = a tri, a locui house [haus] = casaddress [dres] / [dres] = adres to come [km] / [cam] = a venibirthday [brdei] / [brsdei] = zi de natere birth [br] / [brs] = natereto pass [pa:s]/ [paas] = a trece to work [wrk] / [urc] = a muncijob [d3ob] / [giob] = ocupaie boy [boi] = biatgirl [grl] / [grl] = fat child [taild] / [ciaild] = copilfriend [frend] = prieten woman [wumn] /[uumn] = femeieteenager [ti:n eid3r] / [tiin eiger] = adolescent high [hai] = nalttall [to:l] / [tool] = nalt big [big] = mareto use [ju:s] / [iuus] = a folosi to carry [kri] / [cheari] = a duce33to wear [wer] / [uer] = a purta young [j]/ [iang] = tnrmodern [modrn/ [modrn] = modern new [nju:] / [niuu] = nouto describe [diskraib] / [discraib] = a descrie to look [luk] / [luc] = a privito appear [pir] / [pir] = a aprea to study [stdi] / [staid] = a studiastudent [stju:dnt] / [stiuudnt] = student double [dbl] / [dabl] = dubluto marry [mri] / [meri] = a se cstori married [mrid] / [merid] = cstoritmarriage [mrid3] / [merigi] = cstorie to get[ get] / [ghet] = a obine, a luawhat [wot] / [uo-at] = ce? where [wer] / [uer] = unde?after [a:ftr] / [aaftr] = dup alike [laik] / [laic] = asemenealike [laik] / [laic] = ca, a plcea# Familia (Family matters)family [fmili] / [femili] = familie child [taild] / [ciaild] = copilchildren [tildrn] / [cildrn] = copii parent [pernt] / [pernt] = printedaughter [do:tr] / [dootr] = fiic son [sn][san] = fiubrother [brr] / [brazr] = frate sister [sistr] / [sistr] = sorhusband [hzbnd] / [hazbnd] = so wife [waif] / [uaif] = soiefather [fa:r] / [fazr] = tat mother [mr] / [mazr] = mamgrandfather [grnd~] / [grend~] =bunic grandmother = bunicgrand son = nepot grand daughter = nepoataunt [a:nt] / [aant] =mtu uncle [kl] / [ancl] = unchiniece [niis] = nepoat (de mtu) nephew[ nevju:] / [neviuu] = nepotrelatives [reltiv] / [reltiv] = rude people [pi:pl] / [piipl] = lumeperson [prsn] / [prsn] = persoan know [nou] = a cunoatestranger [streind3r] / [streinger] = necunoscut meet [mi:t] / [miit] = a ntlniforeigner [forinr] / [forinr] = strin, din alt twins[twin] / [tuin] = gemeniareldest [eldst] / [eldst] = cel mai n vrst dintrefrai# Timpul liber (Free time)vacuum cleaner [vkjum kli:nr] / [ve-achium cliinr] = aspiratorto do the housework [hauswrk] / [haus urc] = treburile gospodretialarm clock [larm klok] / [larm cloc] = ceas detepttorto wake up [weik p] / [ueic ap] = a se trezishampoo [mpu:] /[empuu] = amponto wash your hair [wo] / [uo-] = a te spla pe capcompact disk (CD) [sidi] = CD(video) cassette = caset (video)to listen to music [ lisn] / [lisn], [mju:zik]/ [miuuzic] = a asculta muziccamera [kmr] / [cheamr] = aparat de fotografiat, camer de televiziuneto take photos [teik foutous] / [teic foutous] = a face pozepiano [pja:nou] / [piaanou] = pianto play the piano [plei] = a cnta la pian34television [telivi3n] / [telivijn] = televiziunetelevision set = televizorto watch television [wot] / [uo-ci] = a privi , a se uita la TVbrush [br] / [bra] = pensulto paint a picture = a picta un tablouto paint [peint] = a pictapicture [ piktr] / [piccir] = tabloubook [buk] / [buc] = cartebest [best] = cel/cea mai bun()favourite [feivrit] / [feivrit ] = favoritto make [meik] / [meic] = a face to join [d3oin] / [gioin] = a se alturato spend [spend] = a petrece (timpul liber) fun [fn] / [fan] = haz, glum, distracieto have fun = a se distra hobby [hobi] = hobi, pasiuneempty [empti ] = gol member [membr] / [membr] = membruspare [sper] / [sper] = liber team [ti:m] / [tiim] = echip(spare time- timp liber) the cinema [sinim] / [sinim] = cinemato walk [wo:k] / [uooc] = a se plimba to travel [trvl] / [trevl] = a cltorito enjoy [ind3oi] / [ingioi] = a se bucura de to draw [dro:] / [droo] = a desenadanger [deind3r] / [deinger] = pericol dangerous = periculosstamp [stmp] / [stemp] = timbru song [so] / [song] = cntecto sing [si] / [sing] = a cnta game [geim] / [gheim] = joc# Camerele (Rooms)ceiling [si:li] / [siiling] = tavan door [do:r] / [door] = ufloor [flo:r] / [floor] = podeaua wall [wo:l] / [uo-ll] = zidlight [lait] = lumin chair [ter] / [cer] = scaunarmchair = fotoliu window [windou] / [uindou] = fereastrradiator [reidieitr] / [reidieitr] = radiator kitchen [kitin] / [chicin] = buctriadining room [daini ru:m] / [daining ruum] bedroom [bedru:m] / [bedruum] = pat= sufragerie bathroom [ba: ~] [baas ~] = baieliving-room [livi ru:m] / [living ~] study [stdi]/ [staid] = camer de studiu= camer de zi to turn off [trn] / [trn] = a stinge (lumina)to close [klouz] / [clo-uz] = a nchide to shut [t] / [at] = a nchide, a zavorto stop [stop] = a opri lunch [lnt] / [lanci] = prnzbreakfast [brekfst] / [brecfst] = mic dejun dinner [dinr] / [dinr] = cinto hit [hit] = a lovi to knock [nok] / [noc] = a bate (la u)to put [put] = a pune to open [oupn] / [oupn] = a deschideto turn on = a porni desk [desk] / [desc] = biroufurniture [frnitr] / [frnicir] = mobil upstairs [psterz] / [apsterz] = la etajplace [pleis] = loc space [speis] = spaiuarea [eri] / [eri] = suprafa bedsit [bedsit] = garsoniercottage [kotid3] / [cotogi] = vil saloon [slu:n] / [sluun] = saloncas mirror [mirr]/ [mirr]= oglindacurtain[krtn] / [crtn] = perdea office [ofis] = biroubookcase [buk keis] / [buc cheis] library [laibrri] / [laibrri]= bibliotec35= bibliotec, dulap pt cri carpet [ka:rpit] / [carpit] = covorcupboard [kbd] / [cabd] = buffet to share [er] [ er] = a mpriwardrobe [wordroub] / [uordroub] hostel [hostl / [hostl] = cmin= garderob, ifonier home [houm] = (a)cascollege [kolid3] / [coligi] = colegiuaccommodations[komdein]/ [comdein] = locuin# Locuri (Places)greengrocer [gri:n grousr] / greengrocers = la aprozar[griingrousr] = zarzavagiu market [markit] / [marchit] = piabank [bk] / [benc] = banc chemist [kemist] / [chemist] = farmacistchemists = la farmacie baker [beikr] / [beicr] = brutarbutcher [butr] / [bacer] = mcelar post office [poust ofis]= potnewsagent [nju:z eid3nt] / [niuuz eigent] city [siti] = ora= agent de pres, vnztor de ziare country [kntri] / [cantri] = (la) arfield [fi:ld]/ [fiild] = cmpie capital [kpitl] / [cheapitl] = capitalacentre [sentr] / [sentr] = centru town [taun] = oravillage [vilid3] / [viligi] = sat villa [vil]/ [vil] = cas de vacanland [lnd] / [lend] = pmnt earth [r] / [rs] = planeta pmntmountain [mauntin]= munte world [wrld] / [urld] = lumeto find [faind] = a gsi to leave [li:v]/ [liiv] = a plecaroad [roud] = drum, cale, osea way [wei] /[uei] = drum, caledirection [direkn] / [direcn] far [fa:r] / [faar] = departe= direcie, sens distance [distns] / [distns] = distanjourney [d3rni] / [girni] = cltorie over [ouvr] / [ouvr] = pestestraight on [ streit] = drept nainte through [ru:]/ [sruu] = prinon = pe at [t] / [et] = laby [bai] = pe la, de ctre station [stein] / [stein] = staie, garblock of flats [blok of flt] / hotel [houtel] = hotel[bloc of flet] = bloc de apartamente restaurant [restr] / [restrn] = restaurantpolice station[pli:s]/ [pliis] = secie de theatre [itr] / [sitr] = teatrupoliie# Ocupaii, meserii (Jobs)job [d3ob] / [giob] = ocupaie, meserie company [kmpni] / [campni] = firmtypewriter [taipraitr] / [taipraitr] typist [taipist] = dactilografmain de scris doctor [doctr] / [doctr] = doctordentist [dentist] = dentist electric [ilektrik] / [ilectric]= = electricelectrician [ilektrin] / [ilectrin] cook [kuk] / [cuc] = buctar= electrician cooker [~r] / [~r] = cuptorteacher [ti:tr] / [tiicir] = nvtor, professor [prfesr] / [prfesr] = prof univprofesor de liceu vet [vet] = medic veterinarjournalist [d3rnlist] / [girnlist] judge [d3d3] / [geagi] = judector36= jurnalist tailor [teilr] /[teilr] = croitormechanic [miknik] / [micheanic] plumber [plmr]/ [plamr] = instalator= mechanic farmer [farmr] / [farmr] = fermiercarpenter [karpintr] / [carpintr] actor [ktr] / [e-actr] = actor= dulgher, templar sailor [seilr] / [seilr] = marinarplumber [plmr]/ [plamr] = instalator soldier [sould3r] / [souldger] = soldatarchitect [arkitekt] / [architect] = arhitect gardener[gardnr] / [gardnr ] = grdinarsteward [stjurd] / [stiurd] = administrator lawyer [lo:jr] / [lo:ir] = avocatde moie, intendent nurse [nrs] / [nrs] = asistentmusician [mju:zin]/[miuuzin] scientist [saintist] / [saintist]= musician student [stju:dnt]/ [stiuudnt] = studentscientist [saintist] / [saintist] waiter [weitr] / [ueitr] = chelner= om de tiin writer [raitr] / [raitr] = scriitorsale assistant [seil sistnt] / [seil sistnt] builder [bildr] / [bildr] = constructor= vnztor sign [sain] = semnemployment [imploimnt] / [imploimnt] notice [noutis] = aviz, ntiinare= serviciu, slujba previous [pri:vis] / [priivis] = anterioradvertisement [ dvrtismnt] / manager [mnid3r]/[meniger] = manager[dvrtismnt] = reclam, anun review[rivju:]/ [riviuu] = revist, bilanexperience [ikspirins] / [icspirins] to offer [ofr] / [ofr] = a oferi, ofert= experien referee [refri] / [refri] = arbitru, persoaninterview[intvju:]/ [intviuu] = interviu care d referinereferences [refrns] / [refrns] = raport,referin, trimitere# n cas (Inside the house)poster [poustr] / [poustr] = afi shelf [elf] / [elf] = raftlamp [lmp] /[lemp] = lamp table [teibl] / [teibl] = massofa [souf]/ [souf] = canapea fridge [frid3] / [frigid] = frigiderblanket [blkit] / [blenchit] = cuvertur, dustbin [dstbin] / [dustbin]=ptur lad de gunoipillow [pilou] = pern shower [aur]/ [aur]= dubookshelf [bukelf] / [bucelf] = bibliotec, stove [stouv] = sob, cuptorrafturi de cri seat [si:t]/[siit] = loc de ezutcentral heating [sentrl hi:ti] / [sentrl hiiting] chimney [timni] / [cimni] = emineu= nclzire central fireplace [fair pleis] / [fair pleis] =basin [beisn] = lighean, chiuvet = cmin, emineutap [tp] / [tep] = robinet# Mncare i butur (Food and drink)biscuits [biskits] / [bischits] = biscuii chips [tips] / [cips] = cartofi tiaisalad [sld] / [se-ald] = salat felii subirisausage [sosid3] / [sosigi] = crnat, salam chicken [tikin]/ [cichin] = puifruit [fru:t] / [fruut] = fruct bread [bred] = pine37food [fu:d] / [fuud] = mncare meal [mi:l]/ [miil] = mas, mncaremenu[ menju:] / [meniuu] = meniu picnic [piknik] / [picnic] = picnicsnack [snk] / [snec] = aperitiv, gustare course[kors] / [cors] = fel de mncareto boil [boil]= a fierbe cook [kuk]/ [cuc] = a gtiwater [wo:tr] / [uootr] = ap to pour [po:r] / [poor] = a turnacup [cp]/ [cap] = can to bake [beik] / [beic] = a coaceto fry [frai] = a prji, a frige fish [fi] / [fi] = peteoil [oil] = ulei, petrol bill [bil] = nota de platfresh[ fre] / [fre] = proaspt frozen [frouzn] / [frouzn] =meat [mi:t]/ [miit] = carne ngheatvegetable [ved3tbl] / [vegetbl] = legum oven [vn] / [avn]= cuptorvegetarian [ved3iterin] / [vegiterin]= loaf [louf] = franzel= vegetarian jug [d3g]/ [geag] =ulciorfork [fork] / [forc] = furculi knife [naif] = cuitplate [pleit] = farfurie spoon [spu:n] / [spuun] = lingurstraw [stro:] / [stroo] = pai tray [trei] = tav# Animale (Animals)horse [hors] = cal dog [dog] = cnecat [kt] / [chet] = pisic bird [brd] / [brd] = pasremonkey [mki] / [manchi] = maimu lizard [lizrd] / [lizrd] = oprlpet [pet] = copil, animal favorit toy [toi] = jucrieto shout [aut] / [aut] = a striga to bark [bark] / [barc] =a ltrato run [rn] / [ran] = a alerga to fly [flai] = a zburalion [lain] / [lain]= leu tiger [taigr] / [taigr] = tigruwild [waild]/ [uaild] = slbatic ride [raid] = a clrito feed [fi:d] / [fiid] = a hrni to climb [klaim] / [claim] = a seto eat [i:t] = a mnca cralow [lou] =jos deep [di:p]/ [diip] = adncdeep [di:p]/ [diip] = adnc sea [si:] / [sii] = mare (litoral)tail [teil] = coad to bite [bait] = a mucato jump [d3mp] / [geamp] = a sri to bite [bait] = a mucasnake [sneik] / [sneic] = arpe parrot [prt] / [pert] = papagalsleep [sli:p]/ [sliip] = a dormi to hunt [hnt] = a vnamouse [maus] = oarece duck [dk] / [dac] = rahen [hen] = gin goose [gu:s] /[guus] = gsccock[kok] / [coc] = coco#Hainele (Clothes)skirt [skrt] / [scrt]= fust beard [bird] / [bird] = barblong [lo] / [long] =lung hair [her] / [her] =prglasses[gla:sis] / [glaasis] = ochelari jeans [d3i:ns] / [giins] = blugipullover [pulouver] = pullover tracksuit [trksu:t]/[trecsuut]suit [su:t] / [suut] = costum =trening38ear-rings [ir- ri] / [ir-ring] = cercei hat [ht] / [het] = plriebelt [belt] = curea, centur glove [glv]/ [glav] = mnucostume [kostju:m] / [costiuum] = costum sock [sok] / [soc] = osetovercoat [ovrkout] / [ovrcout] = palton to dress [dres] = a se mbrcaunderwear [ndwer] / [andruer] = izmene blouse [blauz] = bluzshirt [rt] / [rt] =cma trouser [trauzr]/[trauzr] = pantalonsize [saiz] = mrime, dimensiune large [lard3]/ [largi] = larg, marelabel [leibl] / [leibl] = etichet bargain [bargin] / [barghin] = trg#Vremea (Weather)its hot [hot] =foarte cald its cold [kould] = receits snowing [snoui] /[snouing] = ninge its windy[windi]/ [uindi] = bate vntits raining [reini] / [reining] = plou its cloudy [klaudi] / [claudi]= norsky[ skai] / [scai] = cer cloud [ klaud]/ [claud] = norrain [rein] = ploaie dark [dark] / [darc] = ntunericstorm [storm] = furtun thunder [ndr] / [sandr] = tunetshower [aur] / [aur] = avers wind [wind] / [uind]= vntto blow [blou] = a sulfa, a bate wet [wet] / [uet] = udsunshine [snain] / [sanain] = lumina soarelui sunny [sni] / [sani] = nsoritlightning [laitni] / [laitning] = fulger to freeze [fri:z] / [friiz] = a ngheaheavy [hevi] = greu (ploaie mult) watery [wo:tri] / [uootri] = apossunburn [snbrn] / [sanbrn] = bronzare# Corpul (The body)eye [ ai] = ochi mouth [mau] / [maus] = gurarm [arm] = bra hand [hnd] / [hend] = mnleg [leg] = picior (de la old la glezn) foot [fut] =picior (de la glezn n jos)finger [figr] / [fingr] = deget (mn) nose [nouz] = nasear [ir] / [ir] = ureche back [bk] / [bec] = spinarehead [hed] = cap knee [ni:] / [nii] = genunchinose [nouz] = nas toe [tou] = deget de la piciorneck [nek] / [nec]= gt waist [weist] / [ueist] = talieto laugh [la:f] / [laaf] = a rde to kick [kik]/[chic] = a da din piciorto bite [bait] = a muca to smell [smel] = a mirosito wink [wik] / [uinc] = a clipi, a face cu ochiul to blink [blik] / [blinc] = a clipito kiss [ kis] / [chis] = a sruta to shout [aut] / [aut] = a striga# S ne meninem sntoi (Staying healthy)soap [soup] = spun to wash [wo] / [uo] = a (se) splaoperation [oprein] / [oprein] = operaie a cold [ kould] / [ could] = rcealill [il] = bolnav pain [pein] = durerehospital [hospitl] / [hospitl] = spital medicine [medisin] = medicament]accident [ksidnt] / [ecsidnt] = accident heat [hi:t] / [hiit] = cldur39temperature [tempritr] / [tempricer] earache [ireik] / [ireic] = durere= temperatur de urechethermometer [rmomitr] / [srmomitr] patient [peint] / [peint] = pacient= termometru to fell [fel] = a cdeato sneeze [sni:z] / [sniiz] = a strnuta to bleed [bli:d] / [bliid] = a sngerawound [wu:nd] / [uund] = ran plaster [pla:str] / [plastr] = plastureto smoke [smouk] / [smouc] = a fuma to fit [fit] = a se potrividangerous [deind3rs] / [deingers] = periculos healthy [heli] / [helzi] = sntosinjured [ind3d] [ingerd] = rnit sore [so:r] / [soor] = durerosheadache [hedeik] / [hedeic] = durere de cap fever [fi:vr]/ [fiivr] = febrsore throat [so:r rout] / [soor srout] = durere de gt dizzy [dizi] = ameitback ache [bk eik] / [bec eic] = durere de spatestomach ache [stmk ~]/ [stamc ~] = durere destomacbroken arm [broukn arm]/ [broucn arm]= bra rupt# Lumea din jurul nostru (The world around us)bush [bu] / [bu] = tufi fence [fens] = gardfield [fi:ld] / [fiild] = camp flower [flaur] / [flaur] = floarelake [leik]/ [leic] = lac hill [hil] = dealstream [stri:m]/ [striim] = ru, uvoi tree [tri:] / [trii] = pomriver [rivr]/ [rivr] = ru garden [gardn]/ [gardn] = grdinisland [ailnd] / [ailnd] = insul land [lnd] / [lend] = pmntlake [leik] / [leic] = lac ocean [oun] / [oun] = oceanbeach [bi:t] / [biici] = plaj seaside [si:said] / [siisaid] = litoraloutside [autsaid] = afar country [kntri] / [cantri] = (la) arcoast [koust] / [coust] = coast side [said] = parte, laturcastle [ka:sl] / [caasl] = castel forest [forist] = pdurebridge [brid3] / [brigi] = pod# Transportul (Transport)bus [bs] / [bas] = autobus station [stein]/ [stein] = staiestop [stop] = staie de autobus car [ka:r] / [caar] = mainto drive [draiv] = a conduce (maina) trip [trip] = excursieon foot [on fut] = pe jos to arrive [raiv] /[raiv] = a sosireturn ticket [ritrn tikit]/ [ritrn tichit] = to leave [li:v] / [liiv] = a plecabillet dus-ntors to lose [lu:z] / [luuz] = a pierdeto miss [mis] = a pierde (autobuzul), a-i fi dor to hurry [hri] / [hari] = a se grbiairport [erporrt] / [erport] = aeroport train [trein] = trenwelcome [welkm]/ [uelcm] = bine ai venit to fly [flai] = a zburavoyage [voiid3] / [voiigi] = cltorie, voiaj journey [d3rni]/ [gerni] = cltorieto run [rn] / [ran] = a alerga to lead [li:d] / [liid] = a ndruma, a40to reach [ri:t] / [riici] = a ajunge pn la, conduce (pe cineva)a atinge street [stri:t] / [striit] = stradpath [pa:] / [paas] = potec way [wei] / [uei] = drumplane [plein] = avion to fine [fain] = amendaflight [flait] = zbor bike [baik] / [baic] = bicicletboat [bout] = barc ship [ip] / [ip] = vaporto take off [teik] / [teic] = a decola to row [rou] = a vslimotorway [moutrwei] / [moutruei] = autostraddouble-decker bus [dbl dekr] / [dabl decr]= autobus cu dou etaje# Lucruri utile (Useful things)tin opener [tin oupnr] / [tin oupnr] camera [kmr] / [cheamr]= deschiztor de conserve = aparat fotodishwasher [di wor] / [di uor] = maina de kettle [ketl] / [chetl] = ceainicsplat vase phone [foun] = telefonmobile phone [moubail ~] = telefon mobil can [kn] / [chen] = conservpencil [pensl] / [pensl] = creion pen [pen] = stilousharpener [arpnr] / [arpnr] = ascuitoare to lock [lok] / [loc] = a ncuiascissors [sizr] / [sizr] = foarfec key [ki:] / [chii] = cheielight [lait] = lumin tissue [tisju:] / [tiiuu] = stof,washing machine [woi mi:n]/ [uoing min] batist= maina de splat rufe ruler [ru:lr] / [rulr] = linie, riglenvelope [envloup] / [envloup] = plic bowl [boul] = castronfrying pan [frain pn] / [fraing pe-an] = tigaie bulb [blb]/ [balb] = beccandle [kndl] / [cheandl] = lumnare mug [mg] / [mag] = can, paharsaucepan [so:s pn] / [soos pe-an] = oal, crati# Alte ri (Other countries)passport [pa:sport] /[paasport] = paaport country [kntri] / [cantri] = arcontinent [kontinnt] / [continnt] = continent map [mp] / [meap] = hartEurope [jurp]/[iurp] = Europa abroad [bro:d]/ [brood] = nstrintateAnthem [nm]/ [ensm] = imn dish [di] / [di] = fel de mncarenational [nnl] / [nenl] =naional South [sau]/ [saus] = Sudthe Alps [lps] [ealps] = Alpii range [reind3] / [reingi] = lanTurkey [trki] / [trchi]= Turcia Turkish [trki]/ [trchi] = turc(esc)Italian [itljn] / [ite-alin] = italian Italy [itli] / [itli] = ItaliaSpanish [spni] / [speni] = spaniol(esc) Spain [spein] = SpaniaGermany [d3rmni] / [germni] = Germania German [d3rmn] / [germn] =neam, nemesc, germanFrench [frent]/ [frenci] = francez, franuzesc France [fra:ns] / [fraans] = FranaGreek [gri:k] / [griik] = grec, grecesc Greece [gri:s]/ [griis] = GreciaBrazilian [brzilin] / [brzilin] = brazilian Brazil [brzil] / [brzil] = Brazilia41Swiss [swis] / [suis] = elveian Switzerland[switsrlnd]/[suitsrlnd] = ElveiaPolish [poli] / [poli] = polonez Poland[poulnd]/[poulnd] = PoloniaArgentinian [ard3ntinjn]/[argentinin] Argentina [ard3nti:n] /[argentiin]= argentinian = ArgentinaNorwegian [norwi:d3n] / [noruiigen] = Norway[norwei]/ [noruei] = NorvegianorvegianHungarian [hgerin] / [hangherin] Hungary [hgri] / [hangri]= ungur(esc) = UngariaMexican [meksikn] / [mecsicn] = mexican Mexico [meksikou] / mecsicou]= MexicDutch [dt] / [daci] = olandez Holland [holnd] / [holnd] = OlandaIrish [airi] / [airi] = irlandez Ireland [airlnd]/[airlnd] = IrlandaSwede [swi:d] / [suiid] = suedez Sweden [swi:dn]/[suiidn] = SuediaEgyptian [i:d3ipn] / [iigipn] = egiptean Egypt [i:d3ipt] / [iigipt] = EgiptScot [skot] / [scot] = scoian Scotland [skotlnd] / [scotlnd] =ScoiaWarsaw [worso:] / [uorsoo] = Varovia Budapest [bju:dpest] / [biuudpest]= BudapestaLisbon [lizbn] / [lizbn] = Lisabona London [lndn]/ [landn] = LondraAthens [inz] / [easinz] = Atena Japan [d3pn] /[gepen] = JaponiaAustria [ostri] / [ostri] = Austria England[iglnd]/[inglnd] = Anglia# In clas (In the clasroom)to read [ri:d]/ [riid] = a citi to study [stdi] / [stadi] = a studiatest [test] = test hard [hard] = din greudictionary [diknri] / [dicnri] = dicionar absent [bsnt] / [ebsnt] = absentexercise [ekssaiz] / [ecssaiz] = exerciiu to fail [feil] = a eua, a picaun examenhomework [houmwrk] / [houmurc] = tem to teach [ti:t] / [tiici] = a predato learn [lrn] / [lrn] = a nva lesson [lesn] / [lesn] = leciegeography [d3iogrfi] / [giogrfi]= geografie maths [ms] / [meas] = matebiology [baiold3i] / [baiolgi] = biologie history [histri] / [histri] = istoriechemistry [kemistri] / [chemistry] = chimie physics [fiziks] / [fizics] = fizicto mean [mi:n] / [miin] = a nsemna word [wrd] / [urd] = cuvntto answer [a:nsr] / [aansr] = a rspunde to guess [ges] / [ghes] = a ghicimeaning [mi:ni] / [miining] = sens to ask [a:sk] / [aasc] = a ntrebaknowledge [nolid3] / [noligi] = cunoatere model [modl] / [modl] = modelattention [tenn] / [tenn] = atenie sample[sa:mpl] /[saampl] = mostrexample [igza:mpl]/ [igzaampl] = exemplu to behave [biheiv] = a se purtabehaviour [biheivjr] / [biheivir] = purtare to hear [hir] / [hir] = a auzito realize [rilaiz] / [rilaiz] = a nelege to attend [tend] = a fi prezentto repeat [ripi:t] / [ripiit] = a repeat to retell [ri:tel] / [riitel] = a repovestito explain [iksplein] / [icsplein] = a explica to copy [kopi] / [copi] = a copia42to practise [prktis] / [prectis] = a exersa exam [igzm] / [igzem] = examento underline [ndrlain]/[andrlain] = a sublinia break [break] / [breic] = pauzattendance [tendns] / [tendns] = prezen class [kla:s] / [claas] = clastimetable [taim teibl] = orar, program note [nout] = notiproject [prod3ekt]/[ progect] = proiect term [trm] / [trm] = semestruuniform [ju:niform] / [iuuniform] = uniform report [riport] = raportsubject [sbd3ikt] ] / [sabgict] = subiect, materie chapter [tptr] / [ceaptr] = capitolinformation [infrmein] / [infrmein] school [sku:l] / [scuul ] = coal= informaie# S ieim afar (Going out)to record [riko:d] / [ricord] = a nregistra tape [teip] = bandto swim [swim] / [suim] = a nota singer [sir] / [singr]= cntrecartoon [kartu:n] / [cartuun] = desen animat to win [win] / [uin] = a ctigaparty[parti] = petrecere keen on [ki:n] / [kiin] = mort dupto discuss [disks] / [discas] = a discuta to find [faind ]= a gsito change [teind3] [ceingi] = a schimba to hate [heit] = a urto admire [dmair] / [dmair]= a admira club [klb] / [clab] = clubstadium [steidim] / [steidim] = stadion court [kort] / [cort] = curtepool [pu:l]/ [puul] = iaz, piscin trak [trk] / [trec] = pistcompetition [kompitin] / [compitin] diving[daivi]/[daiving] = scufundri= competiie cup [kp]/[cap] = cupamarathon [mrn]/ [marsn] = maraton final [fainl] / [fainl] = finaladoubles [dbls] / [dabls] = la dublu match [mt] / [meci] = meci# La cumprturi (Shopping around)to buy [bai] = a cumpra shoe [u:] / [uu] = pantofreceipt [risi:t] / [risiit] = chitan to cost [kost] / [cost] = a costamoney [mni] / [mani] = bani cash [k] / [che] = bani gheato try [trai] = a ncerca shop [op] / [op] = magazineto close [klouz] / [clouz] = a nchide to sign [sain] = a semnabag [bg] / [beg] = sac, geant sack [sk] / [se-ac] = sac (de pnz)price [prais] = pre cheque [tek] / [cec] = cecto spend [spend] = a cheltui parcel [parsl] / [parsl] = pachetto book [buk] / [buc] = a nregistra bottle [botl] = sticlbunch [bnt] / [banci] = buchet pile [pail] = grmadcrowd [kraud] / [craud] = mulime box [boks] / [bocs] = cutiepacket [pkit] / [pechit] = pachet (de igri) tube [tju:b] / [tiuub] = tublump [lmp] = bulgre, calup bar [bar] = lingou, bucatcube [kju:b] / [chiuub] = cub kilo [ki:lou] / [chiilou] = kgcontainer [konteinr] / [conteinr] = recipient trolley [troli] = crucior vagonetcustomer [kstmr] / [castmr] = client sale [seil] = vnzarepocket [pokit] / [pochit] = buzunar cheap [ti:p] / [ciip] = ieftin43various [veris] / [veris] = divers, variat often [ofn] / [ofn] = adeseaexpensive [ikspensiv] / [icspensiv] = scump square [skwer] / [scuer] = pia,ptratmarket [markit] / [marchit] = pia, trg2. VOCABULAR SPECIFIC DE PRES# Presa, ziarele, televiziunea, radioul (Press, Newspapers, Tv, Radio)news [nju:s]/ [niuuz] = tirenews agency [~ eid3nsi] / [~ eigensi] = agenie de tirinews agent [~ eid3nt] / [~ eigent] = agent de pres, vnztor de ziarenewsboy [~boi] = vnztor de ziare (biat sau tnr)newscast [~ka:st] / [~ caast] = (rad, telev) buletin de tiri; radiojurnal sau telejurnalnewscaster [~r] / [~r] = (rad, tv), crainic (care transmite tirile)news conference [~ konfrns] / [~ confrns] = conferin de presnewsman [~mn] / [~mn] = reporter, corespondent; vnztor de ziarenews media [~mi:di] / [~miidi] = mass medianews monger [~ mgr] / [ ~ mangr] = colportor, brfitornewsmongering [~mgri] / [~mangring] = tiri necontrolate, zvonurinewspaper [~peipr] / [~peipr] = ziar, gazetnewspaper man [~~ mn] / [~~mn] = ziarist, gazetarnewsprint [~print] = hrtie de ziarnews reel [~ ri:l] / [~ riil] = (rad, cin, telev) (jurnal de ) actualitinews room [~ ru:m] / [~ruum] = sal de lectur a periodicelor; redacie de actualiti, tirinews sheet [~ i:t] / [~iit] = foaie de ziarnews stall [~ sto:l] / [~ stool] = chioc de ziarenews stand [~ stnd] / [~ steand] = chioc de ziare (A.English)news vendor [~ vendr] / [~ vendr] = vnztor de ziarenewsworthy [~ w:i] / [~ ursi] = important, care merit s fie publicatnewsy [~zi] = plin de noutiWhats the latest news? = Care sunt ultimele tiri?Here is the news = Iat tirile.Thats no news to me = Asta nu e o noutate pentru mineNo news (is) good news. = Lipsa de veti nseamn veti buneIll news flies fast/apace = vestea rea alearg repedeHe is in the news = se vorbete despre el n ziare; e n centrul atenieipress [pres] = pres, publicitatepress agency [~eid3nsi] / [~ eigensi] = agenie de tiri/ prespress agent [~eid3nt] / [eigent]= agent de publicitatepress conference [~konfrns]/ [confrns] = conferint de prespress officer [~ofisr]/ [ofisr] = ataat de pres44press release [~rili:s]/ [riliis] = declaraie de prespress review [~rivju:] / [riviuu] = revista preseipress room [~ru:m] / [ruum] = camera (rezervat) ziaritilorradio [reidiou] = radio (difuziune), aparat de radio, a transmite prin radioradio announcer [~naunsr] / [~ naunsr] = crainic (de radio)radio broadcasting [~bro:dka:sti]/ [~broodcaasting] = radiodifuziuneradio communication [~ kmju:nikein] = radiocomunicaieradio drama [~dra:ma] [~draama] = teatru radiofonicradioreceiver [~risi:vr] / [~risiivr] = (radio)receptortelevision [telivi3n]/ [telivijin] = televiziuneteleprompter [~promtr] / [~promtr] = telepromptertelerecord [~riko:d]/ [~ricord] = a nregistra pe band videotelethon [telon]/ [telson] = program Tv foarte lungteleview [~vju:]/ [~viuu] = a viziona, a urmri (un program televizat)televiewer [~vju:r] / [~viuur] = telespectatortelevision set [telivi3n set] / [telivijin set] = televizortelevisional [~l]/ [~l] = televizat, transmis prin televiziunetelevision buff [~bf] = telespectator pasionat, maniactelevisor [telivaizr] / [telivaizr] = televizorbulletin [ bulitin] = buletin (de tiri)forecast [forka:st] / [forcaast] = prevdere (meteo)actuality [ktjuliti] / [eactuealiti] = nregistrarea unui eveniment actual sau a a cuivacare vorbetead [d] / [ead] = prescurtare pentru advertisment ( = reclam)audio[o:dio] / [oodio] = material sonorbroadsheet [bro:di:t] / [broodiit] = foaie de ziar (23 inchi/16inchi) pres de calitatebulletin [bulitin] = program de tiri (UK); tire (US)byline [bailain] = numele reporterului care apare cu un articolclassified [klsifaid (ad) ] / [cleasifaid (ad)] = mica publicitatecopy [kopi] / [copi] = materialul scris produs de jurnalitii de la ziare; uneori folosit i decei din radiocopy flow [~ flou] = drumul parcurs de materialcorrespondent = 1. jurnalist care acoper un anumit loc sau o anumit regiune (ex:corespondent la Paris, sau ntr-un sat)2. jurnalist specialist (corespondent politic, de afaceri, etc)deadline [dedlain] = termenul limit pn la care trebuie scris articoluldisplay [displei] = reclamele maridub [db] / [dab] = un articol nregistrat de pe o caset pe altaedit = a edita, a pregti pentru tipar, a publica, a redactaediting = mbuntirea i verificarea unui articol sau a unei nregistrri; munca unuieditor45editor = responsabil, din punct de vedere legal, la un ziar, pentru ntregul coninut alziarului; editor de carte; redactor efedition [idin] / [idin] = ediieeditorial = articol de fond, editorialeditorial board = comitet de redacieeditorialize = A.E. a-i exprima prerile n articole de fond; informaii tendenioase (nziare)editorial office = redacie de ziareditorial staff = personal de redacieeditor-in-chief = redactor ef; redactor responsabileditorship = conducere redacionaledit out = a elimina cuvinteeditress = editoare de carte, responsabil de ediie; redactoare efembargo = interzicerea de a publica naintea unei perioade de timp specificate;declaraiile de pres sunt adesea distribuite n avans sisupuse embargouluifeature = articol dintr-un ziar care nu este tirefeature writer = jurnalist care scrie astfel de articole, deci nu tiri (scrise de reporteri)freelance = jurnalist care nu aparine personalului de redacie, liber profesionistheadline = titlul unui textinside back = penultima paginlayout = desingn-ul unei pagini de ziarmiddle-market = presa dintre ziarele de calitate i tabloide: Daily Mailnewsprint = hrtia pe care sunt tiparite ziarelenib = paragrafe ale tirilor scrie de obicei ntr-o coloane (< news in brief)package = raport fcut din contribuia unui jurnalist i dintr-un eveniment de actualitatepagination = numr de paginipictures = fotografiiproducer = persoan din radio responsabil cu transmiterea buletinului de tiriquality = ziare serioade (broadsheet, up-market)reporter = jurnalist preocupat n principal de colectarea tirilorscript = exemplarul jurnalistului din radiostory = articol, sau potenial articolsub-editor = jurnalist care verific, corecteaz i pregtete exemplarul pentru tiprittabloid = dimensiunea paginii (jumtate din broadsheet), folosit pentru a descrie presa deslab calitatetext = principalul material tiprit ntr-un ziar, ca diferit de titluri, grafice, fotografii, etc.46Exerciiu: Completai urmtoarele texte:A. My nameJohn. Who .you?B. I..Maria. I..20 years old. And you?A. I.22 years old.B. How..you do! Nice to meet .A. Nice to meet you, too. How.you?B. I am .thanks!Hello, everybody! I..Maria, and I .20 years old.Ifrom Deva and right now I..living in Bucharest. I ama, so I interview people.47CAPITOLUL 4 (CHAPTER 4)MODELE DE PRES ANGLO-AMERICANObiective specifice: Prin capitolul de fa studentul nceptor va deprinde competena dea nelege corect prima pagin, titlul, i lumea presei anglo-americane.Subcapitole: 1. Prima pagin a unui ziar2. Titlurile de ziare3. Tipuri de ziare n lumea anglo-saxon1. PRIMA PAGIN A UNUI ZIAR (= FRONT PAGE)Avei n imagine prima pagin din ziarul american The New York Times variantaonline, cci pe acest tip de variant se va baza tot restul cursului. (www.nytimes.com).masthead [ma:sthed] / [maasthed] = numele primei pagini (numele ziarului)= cutia de pe pagina editorial cu numele celor maiimportan redactori= cutia cu numele, numerele de telefoane si adresede pe primele pagini ale ziaruluiheadline [hedlain] = titlul unui articol de ziarcrosshead [kroshed] / [croshed] = cteva cuvinte folosite pentru a despri fragmente maride text, i care sunt, n mod normal, luate din textul principal. Acestease folosesc adesea n interviuribyline [bailain] = numele jurnalistului la nceputul articoluluidateline [deitlain] = un rnd la nceputul articolului indicnd locaia povestiriicaption [kpn] / [cheapn] = un text tiprit folosit sub o poz pentru a o descrie (=cutline)infographics [infou grfiks] / [infou greafics] = reprezentaii vizuale ale informaiei,datelor sau cunotiinelor (ex: a hart a metroului)diagram [daigrm] / [daigream] = desen sechematic sau tehnicbox [boks]/ [bocs] = material ncadrat, complet sau parial, de un dreptunghilead-story [li:d sto:ri] / [liid stoori] = tire de importan majorsubhead [sb hed] / [sabhed] = un titlul mai scurt/mic, de un rnd, pentru un articolsubheading [sbhedi]/ [sabheding] = subtitlu482. TITLURILE DE (ARTICOLE) DE ZIARE ( = HEADLINES)a. Titlurile de ziare nu sunt ntotdeauna propoziii complete. Multe titluri constdin expresii substantivale fr verbe:ex: More Wage Cuts = Mai multe reduceri la salariimore = mai multewage = salariicuts = reducerib. Titlurile conin adesea iruri de trei, patru, sau mai multe substantive;substantivele de la nceputul irului le modific pe cele care urmeaz:ex: Furniture Factory Pay Cut Row = a row ( = un dezacord) despre ocut (= reducere) n ce privete plata (pay) la o fabric factory de mobil (furniture)furniture = mobilfactory = fabric(to) pay = a plti(to) cut = a tiarow = dezacordc. Adesea, titlurile las la o parte articolele i verbul to beex: Woman Walks on Moon = O femeie / Femeia merge pe Lun (n modnormal the moon)woman = femeie(to) walk = a se plimba, a merge, a pi(the) moon = luna de pe cerd. n titlurile de ziare, timpurile simple sunt adesea folosite n locul formelorprogresive sau continue. Prezentul simplu este folosit att pentru evenimentele prezentect i pentru cele trecute:Ex: Blind Girl Climbs Everest = .has climbed.= O fat oarb s-a crat pe Everest.blind = orbgirl = fat(to) climb = a se craStudents Fight For Course Changes = are fighting.= Studenii lupt pentru schimbarea cursurilor(to) fight = a (se) luptacourse = curschanges = schimbriPrezentul continuu poate fi folosit, n special pentru a vorbi despre schimbri. Deobicei nu folosim i be.Britain Getting Warmer, Say Scientists = is getting49= Marea Britanie se nclzete (devine mai) cald, spunoamenii de tiin.Warm = cald warmer = mai cald(to) say = a spunescientists = oamenii de tiine. Multe cuvinte din titluri sunt folosite fie ca substantive, fie ca verbe, iarsubstantivele sunt adesea folosite pentru a modifica alte substantive (a se vedeaparagraful b de mai sus). Aadar, nu este ntotdeauna uor s ne dm seama destructura unei propoziii sau fraze. Comparai:U.S. CUTS AID TO THIRD WORLD ( = The U.S. reduces itshelp..CUTS este verb, AID este substantiv) = [S.U.A reduce ajutorul dat lumii a treia](to) cut = a tia, a reduceaid = ajutorthird = a(l) treia/treileaworld = lumeAID CUTS ROW ( There has been a disagreement about the reduction inaid AID i CUTS sunt ambele substantive) = [A fost a nenelegere n ce privetereducerea ajutorului acordat)Aid = ajutor(to) cut = a tia, a reducerow = dezacord, nenelegereCUTS AID REBELS (= The reduction is helping the revolutionaries.CUTS este substantiv, AID este verb) = [Reducerea i ajut pe revoluionari](to) cut = a tia, a reduceaid = ajutorrebels = rebeli, revoluionarif. Titlurile folosesc adesea infinitivul pentru a se referi la viitor.HOSPITALS TO TAKE FEWER PATIENTS. (Spitalele vor lua/primimai puini pacieni)Hospital = spitalTo take = a lua (primi) sens de viitorFewer < few = puini = mai puiniPatient = pacientPutem folosi for pentru a ne referi la aciuni sau planuri viitoare:TROOPS FOR GLASGOW? ( = Vor fi soldai trimii la Glasgow?)g. n ce privete structurile pasive, de regul nu sunt folosite verbele auxiliare, cidoar participiile trecute.SIX KILLED IN EXPLOSION ( = Six people have been killed inexplosion) = (6 persoane au fost ucise n explozie)Six = 6Killed