[ ] 1 [Jaar] [Geef de naam van het bedrijf op] Monika Weijers

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Week: 1-2 Welcoming a visitor

Werkblad 1 Jezelf voorstellen

opdracht Wie? Wat was goed? Wat was niet goed?

1 nieuwe vriend in kroeg

2 sollicitatie

3 vrije tijd

4 nieuwe klas

5 nieuwe sportclub


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Week: 1-3 Phone introductions

Werkblad 1 Leesopdrachten

Lees de volgende gesprekken en beantwoord de vragen.

Dialoog 1

Telephonist: Free Record Shop, goedemorgen.Mr Winston: Hello, this is Mr Winston. Can I speak to Mr Rodger, please?Telephonist: I’m afraid Mr Rodger is not in today. Can I take a message?Mr Winston: No that’s not possible, please tell him I have called him and ask him to call me

tomorrow morning.Telephonist: Certainly, could you spell your name, please?Mr Winston: That is William, Isaac, Nelly, Samuel, Tommy, Oliver, Nelly.Telephonist: Yes, I’ve got that. What’s your number, please?Mr Winston: That’s London, 0171 and then 355 6937.Telephonist: Thank you Mr Winston. I’ll tell Mr Rodger that you called and ask him to return your

call first thing tomorrow morning.Mr Winston: Thank you very much.

Vragen bij dialoog 1

1. Is Mr Rodger aanwezig?___________________________________________

2. Hoe vraagt ‘telephonist’ of hij een boodschap kan aannemen?___________________________________________

3. Hoe zou Winston gespeld worden met het NATO alphabet. (mag je opzoeken op internet)___________________________________________


4. Hoe zegt ‘telephonist’dat hij Mr Rodger zal vragen om morgen meteen terug te bellen?___________________________________________

Dialoog 2De heer Freeman moet langer blijven dan hij gepland had. Hij belt met zijn universiteit in de Verenigde Staten.

Mr Freeman: Hello, this is Rob Freeman. I’d like to speak to Gina Wilder.Receptionist: I’ll put you through to her.Secretary: Mr Freemans’s office.


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Mr Freeman: Hi Gina, I’ll have to stay here longer than I had planned. Have there been any important phone calls for me?

Secretary: Fred called. He wants to know how much your costs of travelling are.But I’ll take care of that. John White left you a note. He asks if you can send your report as soon as you are back in the office. Do you know when you’ll be back?

Mr Freeman: No, but I’ll phone you as soon as I know more.Secretary: About your travelling expenses. I’ve been looking for your bills, but ... I can’t find

them.Mr Freeman: Oh yes, I forgot to tell you. They’re in Sally’s office. They’re at her desk.Secretary: OK, I’ll find them. And, ehm, your wife called. She would like to know the name of the

hotel you’re in.Mr Freeman: Yes. I’m in Hotel de Jager in Breda.Secretary: OK. I have that. Shall I call you if there are important messages? If so it might be a

good idea to give me the phone number as well.Mr Freeman: Yes. The number is 076-4976535Secretary: Do you have any idea what the country code for Holland is?Mr Freeman: Yes. It’s 31.Secretary: OK. Well, I’ll phone you if there is anything important.Mr Freemam: That’s fine . Goodbye.Secretary: ‘Bye.

Vragen bij dialoog 2

1. Hoe zegt Mr Freeman dat hij met Gina Wilder wil spreken?


2. Wat betekent ‘I’ll put you through’?


3. Wat heeft de secretaresse van Mr Freeman nodig voor zijn reiskosten?


4. Waar liggen die?


5. Wat wil de vrouw van Mr Freeman weten?



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Dialoog 3Hoofdkantoor van McDonald’s Nederland. Rosa de Jong werkt op de personeelsafdeling van McDonald’s Nederland. Ze belt naar een opleidingscentrum in de Verenigde Staten.

Mrs Collins: Hamburger University, one moment please. … Hello, this is Joanna Collins speaking. Sorry for the interruption. Can I help you?

Miss de Jong: Hello, this is Rosa de Jong from McDonald’s Nederland. I’d like to speak to someone about the Advanced Operations Course.

Mrs Collins: What would you like to know? Perhaps I can help you?Miss de Jong: We have two Restaurant Managers who want to take the Advanced Operations Course. I’d like to know if they can sign up for the course in November.Mrs Collins: I’ll have to look at the list. Hold on, please. Ehm... yes. I think that will be possible.

Could you give me their names, please?Miss de Jong: Yes, the first one is Jan de Wijs, that’s J-A-N-D-E-W-I-J-S and the other one is Jessica

Elias, I’ll spell her surname, E-L-I-A-S.Mrs Collins: Could you repeat the first name of Mr de Wijs, please?Miss de Jong: Jan. J-A-NMrs Collins: OK, I also need to know the date of birth.Miss de Jong: The date of birth of Mr de Wijs is 2 Octotber 1961 , Mrs Elias 5 March 1963.

Vragen bij dialoog 3

1. Wat wordt bedoeld met: ‘sorry for the interruption?


2. Wat wil Miss de Jong weten over de Advanced Operations Course?


3. Waar moeten Mr de Weijs en Mrs Elias hun adres invullen?


4. Mogen de formulieren met de fax worden verstuurd?



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Werkblad 2 - Gespreksopdrachten

Oefening 1:De telefoon bij The Brighton Agency gaat over. De receptioniste neemt op.

Hoe zeg je de volgende zinnen in het Engels?Trek een lijntje naar de juiste vertaling.

Kan ik u helpen? Yes, that’s right.Tot 3 uur dan. U spreekt met Paul Mellis.Is het goed als we om 3 uur komen? Het is een erg slechte verbinding.It’s a very bad line. We hadden om 2 uur een afspraak.Ja, dat klopt. We had an appointment at two o’clock.Can I help you? It’s okay if we come at three?This is Paul Mellis. See you at three then.

Oefening 2:Luister naar het gesprek en schrijf zo veel mogelijk vormen van de tegenwoordige tijd op.


Oefening 3:Je werkt als verkoper bij Pet’s World. Een leverancier belt om een afspraak te maken.

Werk samen met een medeleerling.Gebruik de volgende informatie.Wissel ook een keer van rol.

1 Verkoper: Pets World, goedemiddag, u spreekt met… waarmee kan ik u van dienst zijn?2 Leverancier: Goedemiddag, kunt u mij verbinden met Derek Jones?3 Verkoper: Geen probleem. Wat is uw naam?4 Leverancier: Ik ben Jonathan Kowalski van Rodents Wholesalers.5 Verkoper: Ik verbind u door.6 Leverancier: Bedankt7 Verkoper: Ik ben bang dat de heer Jones niet op zijn kantoor is.8 Leverancier: Dat is jammer.9 Verkoper: Kan ik misschien een boodschap aannemen?10 Leverancier: Ik wil een afspraak maken met de heer Jones op maandag 6 oktober.11 Verkoper: Dat is geen probleem. Is 11 uur een geschikte tijd?12 Leverancier: Dat is prima. ’s Ochtends om 11 uur.13 Verkoper: Dank u wel. Dag.14 Leverancier: Dag.

Oefening 4:Je belt naar Unilever Research om een afspraak te verzetten.

Werk samen met een medeleerling.Bereid het volgende gesprek voor zodat je jet in het Engels kunt voeren.Oefen het gesprek een paar keer.


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1 Receptionist: Goedemiddag. Unilever Research. Waarmee kan ik u van dienst zijn?2 Client: Hallo, u spreekt met (je eigen naam). We hadden om 3 uur een

afspraak.3 Receptionist: Ja, dat klopt.4 Client: We hebben een vertraging. Is het goed als we om 4 uur komen?5 Receptionist: Sorry ik kan u niet zo goed verstaan. Het is een erg slechte lijn.6 Client: Is het goed als we om 4 uur komen?7 Receptionist: Ja, dat is in orde.8 Client: Prima. Tot 4 uur dan.9 Receptionist: Goed. Tot ziens.10 Client: Tot ziens.

Oefening 5:Ms Jameson is de juf van Mark. Zij gaat de ouders van Mark bellen om hen te vertellen over het gedrag van Mark. De vader van Mark (Bai Lee) neemt de telefoon op.

1 Bai Lee: Goedemiddag, huize Lee met Bai.2 Ms Jameson: Goedemiddag meneer Lee, u spreekt met Ms Jameson.3 Bai Lee: Goedemiddag Ms Jameson wat kan ik voor u doen?4 Ms Jameson: Ik bel met informatie en zorgen over uw zoon.5 Bai Lee: Oh, ok. Wat is er aan de hand?6 Ms Jameson: Mark is erg verandert. Hij lacht niet meer. Hij is altijd boos. Hij maakt vaak

ruzie en soms vecht hij zelfs!7 Bai Lee: Dat is niet zo mooi! Ik herken dit gedrag niet.8 Ms Jameson: Misschien is het goed om hier over te praten.9 Bai Lee: Dat is een goed plan. Ik kom vanmiddag praten.10 Ms Jameson: Dat is heel fijn. Tot dan.

Werkblad 3 - Grammatica opdrachten

He / she / it = werkwoord +s

1. Vul in de onderstaand oefeningen het juiste antwoord in

Mary and I _________ (work) in the same office, but we're completely different. She ___________ (like) coffee, but I _________ (like) tea. She ___________ (wash) her car every weekend, but I never _____________ (clean) mine. She __________ (smile) all the time at work, but I __________ (feel) miserable. I ______________ (complain) about the boss all the time, but Mary ____________ (think) the boss is a nice person. When I ____________ (finish) work, I like to drink beer with my friends, but Mary ____________


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(study) at night school. The boss ____________ (think) Mary is perfect, but She ______________ (drive) me nuts!

2. Vul in de onderstaande oefening de ontkennende werkwoorden in:

1. James ... (to fly) airplanes.2. You ... (to work) very hard.3. Bob ... (to drive) a car.4. Mary ... (to go) to bed early.5. Your dog ... (to bark) all day.6. We ... (to come) home at four.7. Dad ... (to walk) to his office.8. My neighbours ... (to go) to Spain every year.

3. Maak de onderstaande zinnen vragend:

1. she / to speak / French

2. the banks / to close / at 4 o'clock______________________________________________________________

3. it / to cost / a lot_____________________________________________________________________________________________

4. you / to like / chocolate

5. your sister / to work / here

6. they / to live / here

7. Sue / to want / to be famous


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8. she / to do / a lot of exercises

4. Maak de zinnen af met de present simple:

1. Tom always __________ (get up) early and __________(eat) his breakfast quickly. 2. _______________(your son/write) to you every month? He's so far away, you must really

miss him. 3. My parents__________(live) in a village and they__________(enjoy) it. It's nice and peaceful. 4. I__________(not/like) playing football because I__________(find) it boring. 5. My sisters never___________(wear) dresses, they___________(prefer) jeans because they

are more comfortable. 6. How often____________ (you/go) to the dentist? Twice a year? 7. Julie___________(not/study) philosophy, she____________(study) sociology. 8. Wild flowers__________(grow) in the wood and girls usually__________(pick) them. 9. I___________(not/know) anything about computers and I'm not interested in them. 10. Why__________(cry) so often? Is she unhappy? 11. Everyone___________ (know) that water__________(freeze) at 0 C. 12. How___________(spend) your free time? Have you got any hobbies? 13. It ___________(not/take) much time to read a short story and that's why I __________ (like)

short stories. 14. The story ______________(end) like this: Mary ___________(arrive) in Paris with her baby

and ________________(start) a new life. It's a rather happy ending. 15. Why ________________(she/not/love) me anymore? I can't understand it. 16. They always _______________ (check) the weather forecast before going on holiday because

they ______________(not/want) any unpleasant surprises. 17. My students__________________ (usually/not/spend) much time preparing for exams as

they're quite lazy. 18. What time______________ (she/finish) work? Late in the evening? 19. What kind of films_____________ (you/enjoy) watching? Comedies or dramas? 20. Warsaw_________ (lie) on the Vistula which is the biggest river in Poland.


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Week: 1-4 Welcoming a visitor

Werkblad 1 lezen

To Whom it May Concern:

On March 5, 2010, I bought a Perfect Muffin Kit from your store at Midfield Mall. The cashier who assisted me was George. George was very friendly and assured me that the Perfect Muffin Kit would live up to the guarantee on the box: “Perfect Muffins Every Time!”

Unfortunately, this product did not live up to its claim. Although the box promised, as I stated above, to provide “Perfect Muffins Every Time,” the muffins I made were far from perfect. I followed the directions included in the package very carefully. First, I removed the bag of mix from the box. Then, I poured it into a bowl. Next, I added the correct amount of water to the mix and stirred it. The directions said that after stirring the mixture, I could, and I quote, “add half a cup of raisins, nuts, berries, or another favourite ingredient.” My favourite ingredient happens to be hot sauce. I find that a dash of hot sauce makes pizza, pasta, and soup taste very delicious. So, continuing to follow the directions, I added half a cup of hot sauce to the mix and stirred it. Finally, I poured the mix into muffin tins and baked it in the oven at 350 degrees for exactly 20 minutes.

When the muffins finished baking, I was very excited to eat the “Perfect Muffins” as promised on the box. You can imagine my disappointment when, upon tasting the muffins, I discovered that they were not perfect. These muffins were, in fact, absolutely terrible. Not even my dog was interested in eating these supposedly “perfect” muffins.

I would appreciate a full refund ($3.99) for this product as soon as possible. Enclosed are the receipt, the empty box, and one of the un-perfect muffins so that you can experience it for yourself. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.


Michelle Bauer


1) This letter is most likely addressed to

A. the owner of the muffin mix company B. a local storeowner C. the clerk at a local muffin bakery D. George, the cashier who sold Michelle the muffin mix


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2) The tone of the author can best be described as

A. furious B. disgusted C. embarrassed D. frustrated

3) As used in paragraph 1, which is the best synonym for guarantee?

A. lie B. warning C. promise D. sentence

4) Which of the following best describes the organization of paragraph 2?

A. The paragraph follows chronological order, in which events are presented in the sequence that they occur. B. The author explains a problem and then proposes a solution to that problem. C. The author makes an argument and then provides evidence to support that argument. D. The paragraph follows a cause-and-effect order, in which a series of causes are given, followed by their effects.

5) It can be understood that the author is disappointed by the product because

A. it was worth less money than she paid for it B. it did not fulfil the promise made on the box C. the directions included with the product contained a mistake D. the directions included with the product were too difficult to follow

6) It can be understood that the author put hot sauce in the muffins because she

A. wanted to get a full refund B. did not read the directions carefully C. was out of raisins, nuts, and berries D. considered it one of her favourite ingredients

7) The author’s main purpose in writing this letter is to

A. complain about how bad the muffins tasted B. obtain a full refund for her money C. prevent others from making the same mistake she did D. persuade the company to change the wording on their box

8) Which of the following words best describes the author?

A. shrewd B. senseless C. unreasonable D. careful


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9) Instead of hot sauce, which of the following ingredients might the author have reasonably added to enhance the flavour of the muffins?

I. raspberries II. banana nuts III. chocolate chips

A. I only B. I and II only C. II and III only D. I, II, and III

10) According to the author, the muffins tasted "absolutely terrible." This is the result of

A. misinterpretation B. negligence C. forgetfulness D. recklessness

Werkblad 2 Luisteren

1. The customer's name is





2. His phone number is





3. His customer number is




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4. The order number is





5. What languages were in the instruction manual?

Polish and English

Spanish and Polish

Spanish and English

Spanish only

6. How long did he take to assemble the pool table?

2 hours

2 and a half hours

2 days

Too long

7. What was the problem with the white ball?

His friend took it

It was too big

It wasn't there

It was too small


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8. What did the defective table cause to happen?

The balls rolled to the right

The balls rolled to the left

The balls fell of the pool table

The balls didn't roll properly


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Hello, my name is Harry Menzies, that's M-E-N-Z-I-E-S. I purchased a pool table from Excalibur Sports a week ago. Now, I ordered it online last Tuesday and it arrived only three days later. I was amazed and very happy at the speed of service. But then the problems started unfortunately.

I had to assemble the pool table and this was quite difficult. The first major complaint I have is that the instruction booklet included with the pool table was written only in Spanish and Polish. At least I think it was Polish although I couldn't be sure. I don't think this is very helpful for me. I can't believe you wouldn't include the assembly instructions in English. Anyway, I managed to follow the diagrams and get the pool table put together in about two hours.

Once I had put it together, I noticed the white ball, you know - the cue ball, wasn't in the rack of balls. How am I supposed to be able to play any games without the cue ball? Luckily, a friend of mine came over with his cue ball and we were able to play a game. A single game only, because it quickly became obvious that the table was defective.

The roll of the balls was not very true - they kept curving to the left or the right so I think there's a problem with the main slate of the table. I don't really know enough about pool tables to know what the problem could be. I just know I don't want to spend $800 for a pool table that can't be used!

Here is some information about me and I would appreciate it if you could get back to me as soon as possible. My name is Harry Menzies and my customer number is 45993. The order number for my pool table order was GH12338.

You can get in touch with me on my home phone number: 348-28841. Please get in touch with me as soon as possible to let me know how we can resolve these problems. I am also going to write a letter to your head office as I think it's important to have this complaint down in writing.

I really hope to hear from you as soon as possible. Ok, bye bye...

Werkblad 3 - Present Simple


1. I ___________ (to like) big cities.2. Tina is a teacher. She ____________ (to teach) French to young children. 3. The Earth _____________ (to turn) around the Sun. 4. Peggy ____________ (to live) in London.5. It ______________ (to cost) a lot to stay at luxury hotels.

B.1. I go to school by bus. Jill ____________ to school by bus. 2. I always kiss mum goodbye. She always _____________ mum goodbye. 3. I mix the eggs with the butter. Jane _____________ the eggs with the butter. 4. I teach French. Mr. Johnson _______________ English.


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5. I dance every weekend. Penny ______________ every weekend.

C.1. ________________ (he / to play) well?

2. ________________ (they / to come) home?

3. ________________ (your mother / to go) to?

4. ________________ (you / to drink) coffee?

5. Where ______________ (you / to fly) to?

D.e.g. I play tennis. You don't play tennis.

1. You make mistakes. He ____________ mistakes.

2. We think you are wrong. They _____________ you are wrong.

3. You work hard, but they _______________ hard.

4. They always stop in Canterbury, but they _____________ in London.

5. I live in Los Angeles, so I ____________ in New York.

Opdracht schrijvenJe hebt een nieuwe auto gekocht via Marktplaats. Helaas ben je niet tevreden en heeft de auto, na 6 weken, allerlei gebreken die hij bij de proefrit nog niet had.

Je hebt al gebeld maar de verkoper heeft gevraagd om een mailtje te sturen met daarin opgesomd alle klachten.

Schrijf onderstaande klachten in het Engels op.

- De auto start niet als het kouder is als 10 graden.- De banden moeten vervangen worden (replace).- Je vindt dat de airco niet goed werkt. (I ….)- De verwarmingsknop zit los.- De auto lekt olie


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- Jij bent ontevreden (I ….)- Je vindt dat de garage je niet eerlijk (fair) heeft behandeld (treat) (I …)

1. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

6. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

7. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


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Week: 1-6 The conference

Werkblad 2 baliegesprek

Rol AJe bent receptionist(e) bij een vestiging van Philips in Cork, Ierland. Er komt eenbezoeker uit Engeland aan de balie. Je opent het gesprek.

Rol BJe bent de heer/mevrouw Keating en u werkt bij het Engelse bedrijf Supervision in Oxford.Je hebt een afspraak met de heer Jansma van de Philips vestiging in Cork, Ierland.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A Goedemorgen, meneer/mevrouw. Wat kan ik voor u doen?

B Goedemorgen. Mijn naam is Keating van Supervision in Oxford.Ik heb een afspraak met de heer Jansma.

A Ik zal het even voor u nakijken. Oh ja, hier staat het.(Spel de naam KEATING.)Maar de afspraak is pas om 11.00 uur. Het is nu 10.30 uur

B Ja, ik weet dat ik veel te vroeg ben.De reis van het vliegveld naar Cork ging sneller dan ik had gedacht.

A Dat is geen enkel probleem. Als u wilt kunt u in ons restaurant een kop koffie nemen.

B Dank u, dat lijkt me een goed idee.Waar kan ik het restaurant vinden?

A Het restaurant is op de bovenste verdieping.U kunt hier om de hoek de lift nemen.Op de bovenste verdieping loopt u rechts de gang in.en dan is het de eerste deur links.

B Dank u vriendelijk voor uw hulp.U ziet mij tegen 11 uur weer terug.

A Graag gedaan, meneer/mevrouw. Tot straks.


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Rol AJe werkt als baliemedewerk(st)er bij British Airways op Schiphol. Bij BA wordt uitsluitendEngels gesproken. Er komt een reiziger aan de balie.

Rol BJe informeert bij de balie van British Airways op Schiphol naar de vertraging van je vlucht.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A Goedemorgen, meneer/mevrouw. Wat kan ik voor u doen?

B Goedemorgen. Ik heb zojuist gezien op de monitor dat vlucht BA506een vertraging heeft van 3 uur.

A Dat klopt, meneer/mevrouw. Het spijt me zeer.Er zijn problemen bij de bagage-afhandeling (=luggage handling).Ze proberen het probleem zo snel mogelijk op te lossen.

B Dat is erg vervelend. Kunt u een andere vlucht voor me regelen?

A Ik vrees dat dat niet mogelijk is.Alle vluchten zijn al volgeboekt.

B Dus het enige wat ik kan doen, is afwachten?

A Ik ben bang van wel, meneer/mevrouw.Mag ik u deze coupon (=voucher) aanbieden voor twee gratis kopjes koffie?

B Dank u. Ik hoop dat ik geen gratis lunch nodig heb.Waar kan ik de cafetaria vinden?

A De cafetaria bevindt zich tussen de gates B en C.Uw vliegtuig vertrekt van gate C12.

B Dank u voor uw medewerking. Dag.

A U vergeet uw ticket.

B Oh, dank u wel.

A Dag.


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Werkblad 3 – grammatica

Om te kunnen zeggen dat er iets nu gebeurt of om te kunnen vragen naar wat er aan de hand is, heb je een bepaald constructie nodig. Die constructie heet present continuous.

Die maak je als volgt:


Are + ww + ing


Je kiest de juiste vorm van to be (am, are of is). Neem het werkwoord en zet daar ing achter.


You are reading a book.

I am teaching English.

We are learning some grammar.

1. Match de persoonlijk voornaamwoorden met de juiste vorm van het werkwoord.









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are watching TV.

is watching TV.

are watching TV.

is watching TV.

is watching TV.

are watching TV.

am watching TV.

are watching TV.

2. Vul de juiste vorm van to be en het passende werkwoord in.

Washing – snowing – cooking – having – playing – watching – building – coming – swimming - doing

1. I can't talk now. I ____________ the dishes.2. Listen to Jim. He ____________ the guitar.3. It ____________ so we can go skiing.4. Look at Jill. She _____________ in the river.5. They _____________ a new house in Fairfield.6. Someone ______________. I can smell the food.7. Hurry. The bus ______________.8. They ____________ their exercises so they can lose weight.9. I can't answer the phone. I _____________ a shower.10. Don and Jerry ______________ the football on TV.

3. Maak de zin af met de ontkenning van de present continuous.Example:I _________ (walk) to school.I'm not walking to school.

1. Anthony ___________ (drive) home. He's had too much to drink.2. The bus ______________ (stop). It's passing us.3. We _____________ (speak) Spanish.4. You _______________ (listen) to pop music.5. I (learn) English.6. She ___________ (get) some money from the bank.7. They ___________ (make) dinner.8. We _____________ (shut) the window.9. Robert ____________ (close) the door.


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10. They _______________ (open) the shop now.

4. Maak vragen met de present continuous.Example:she / read / a book?Is she reading a book?

1 - (you /study / English ?)

2 - (he/ work / today?)

3 - (you / look / at me?)

4 - (they / in a restaurant / eat?5 - (listen / he / to her?)

6 - (she / coffee / drink?)

7 - (surf / the net / we?)


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Week: 1-7 The rescheduling

Werkblad 1 grammatica

Present simple of present continuous.

Hoe zat het ook alweer? Vul het schema in.

Present simple Present continuous




Vul de juiste vorm van het werkwoord in. Let op: present simple en present continuous staan door elkaar heen!

1. Look! Pauline _______the flowers. (water)

2. Listen! The girls _______ a song. (sing)

3. She usually_______ home by bus. (come)

4. Jack_______ to his grandmother every day. (go)

5. Look! Sally and Joe_______ tennis. (play)

6. Nelly_______ a cup of tea every morning. (drink)

7. We can’t play tennis. It_______now. (rain)

8. Bill_______his homework at the moment. (do)


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9. Jane always_______her homework in her room. (do)

10. The boys sometimes_______to the park. (run)

11. My cat never_______in my room. (sleep)

12. Listen! Phil_______an English song. (sing)

13. No, I_______to my cassettes, I_______a bath. (not listen / have)

14. Michael can’t play football. He_______guitar at the moment. (play)

15. We never_______letters to America. (write)

Schrijf nu in het Engels:

1. Je bent lid geworden van een community online waarbij studenten van jouw opleiding over de hele wereld contact met elkaar hebben. Eén van hen vraagt aan jou de volgende dingen:

a. Hoe ziet je rooster eruit? Welke vakken heb je?b. Wat vind je het leukste vak? c. Wat doen jullie als er een les uit valt?d. Wat doen jullie altijd op zaterdagavond?

Geef antwoord op zijn / haar vragen.

2. Neem even de tijd en kijk (stiekem) eens goed om je heen. Een van je medestudenten is vast niet bezig met de opdrachten. Beschrijf zo gedetailleerd mogelijk wat hij of zij wel aan het doen is. Is iedereen wel aan het werk? Beschrijf dan wat iedereen aan het doen is. Schrijf zo veel mogelijk verschillende dingen op.


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Week: 1-8 Emails and the bill

Werkblad 1 grammatica

1. Let's go out. It _________(not/rain) now.

2. Julia is very good at languages. She _________ (speak) four languages very well.

3. Hurry up! Everybody ________ (wait) for you.

4._________ (you/listen) to the radio? No, you can turn it off.

5.________ ( you/listen) to the radio every day? No, just occasionally.

6. The River Nile _________(flow) into the Mediterranean.

7. Look at the river. It__________(flow) very fast today - much faster than usual.

8. We usually __________ (grow) vegetables in our garden but this year we _____(not/grow) any.

9. How is your English? Not bad. It________(improve) slowly.

10. Ron is in London at the moment. He________(stay) at the Park Hotel. He_________ (always/stay) there when he's in London.

11. Can we stop walking soon? I_________ (start) to feel tired.

12. Can you drive? I_______ (learn). My father _______(teach) me.

13. Normally I finish (finish) work at 5.00, but this week I_______ (work) until 6.00 to earn a bit more money.

14. My parents _______ (live) in Bristol. They were born there and have never lived anywhere else. Where_________ (your parents/live)?

15. Sonia ________(look) for a place to live. She ________ (stay) with her sister until she finds somewhere.


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Week: 2-1 Reservation call

Werkblad 1


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Werkblad 6 - Booking Confirmation EmailDear Eleanor Baxter,

Thank you for your reservation made through hotel101.com Please _1_ this confirmation and show it upon check in.

We hereby confirm the following booking

Hotel: Hollywood Hills ResortHotel101.com booking number: 4601879287Pincode: 3548Your _2_: [email protected]

Don't forgetYou can always view, change or _3_ your booking online with hotel101.com

Hotel Details

Hotel: Hollywood Hills Resort_4_: 100 Hollywood Lane, Hollywood, California, USAPhone: 08006018939541E-mail: [email protected]

Your reservation details

_5_: Friday, 8 June 12, check-in after 14:00Check-out: Monday, 11 June 12, check-out before 12:00Quantity: 1 roomTotal room _6_: $7000 Please note: additional supplements (e.g. extra bed) are not added to

this total 10 % VAT is excluded.

Room 1, Double Room - Non _7_

Hotel policies These are general hotel policies. As they may vary per room type; please also check the room description.Cancellation & prepayment policy Please check the specific policy of each room above.

Children and extra bed policy One child under 11 years stays free of charge when using existing beds. There is no capacity for extra beds/cots in the room.


_8_ Internet Hotspot is available in the entire hotel and is free of charge.

Guest parking

Private parking is possible on site (reservation is not needed) and costs COP 27130 per day.

Kies het juiste woord om in te vullen in de bevestigingsmail:


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Missing word 1:









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Week: 2-2 Ticket to Boston

Werkblad 2


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Week: 2-3 Vacation request

Werkblad 1


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HOLIDAY REQUEST FORMPART A (to be filled in by the employee)

Date of request: ......................................................................................... Name: ......................................................................................................... Department: ............................................................................................... Position: ......................................................................................................

Holiday start date: ...................................................................................... Holiday end date: .......................................................................................

Signature: ..................................................................................................

PART b (to be filled in by the department manager)

Name of department manager: ..................................................................

Signature: ..................................................................................................

PART C (for administrative use only)

Total days taken:......................................................................................... Total days left:.............................................................................................

Name of administrative staff member: ....................................................................................................................

Signature: ..................................................................................................

Date: ..........................................................................................................

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Werkblad 2

I love holidays. They _______________________ thing in the world. The only problem is they

are always too short. Even summer holidays at school aren’t _______________________. I

recently had an eight-week holiday and _______________________. It seems as though time

goes quickly when we are on holiday, and slowly _______________________ at school or work.

I always really look forward to holidays – _______________________ holidays are great. I live

in a country that has many national holidays, so there’s _______________________ around

the corner. I feel sorry for some workers who _______________________ or three weeks

holiday a year. They can’t do anything or go anywhere. I love holidays

_______________________ don’t go away. Staying at home is just _______________________

going on holiday somewhere. Sometimes going on holiday _______________________.

Werkblad 5


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Week: 2-4 Days and hours

Werkblad 2


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Werkblad 3

Kies uit much of many om in onderstaande zinnen in te vullen:

Tourists come here and ____________ stay overnight.

He has got _____________ friends at school

I didn't make _____________ mistakes in this exercise.

There are ______________ butterflies.

There is ____________ water in ___________ rivers.

There wasn't ____________ he could do.

There was ____________ time for consultation

Was there _____________ meat in the fridge?

He didn't have ____________ choice.

Were there _______________ children at the party?

Wil je verder oefenen dan kan dat op bijvoorbeeld:




Past simple Zet de werkwoorden tussen haakjes in de verleden tijd.

1. He ________________ (live) in Amsterdam for 5 years. Now he lives in Rotterdam.

2. We ______________ (watch) a film last night.


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3. Pam _____________ (go) to New York last year.

4. There _____________(be) an accident in Baker street last week.

5. They _____________ (find out) about the stolen paintings.

6. He _____________ (send) a postcard from Madagascar.

7. A few years ago he _____________ (teach) English.

8. ___________ she _____________ (break) her leg when she fell last night?

9. ___________ they _________ (fly) to Spain last week?

10. You ________ not ____________ (go) out last night.

Extra oefenen kan op bijvoorbeeld deze sites:




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Week: 2-6 Renting a car

Werkblad 1

Task 1. True or false. T/F

1. The jewelery store is behind the Italian restaurant 2. The bar is on Second Avenue 3. The police station is on the left from Fire Department 4. The toy store is across from the Chinese restaurant 5. The movie theater is opposite the Book store 6. The sporting goods store is behind the Furniture store 7. The bar is next to the Chinese restaurant


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Task 2. Look at the map. Choose the correct name of the building! 1. Take the first street on the left. Take the next street on the right. Go straight on and cross the road. It's on the left.

2. Take the first street on the left. Go down the street. Turn on the right. Take the next street on the right. Go straight on and cross the road. Go straight on. It's in front of you on the other side of the road.

3. Take the first street on the left. Take the next street on the right. Take the next street on the right. Pass the Fire Department. It's on your left.

Task 3. Fill in the missing preposition.

1. The Women's wear is ___________ the Jewelry Store.2. The Movie Theater is ____________ the Book Store.3. The Women's wear is _____________ the Jewelry Store and the Bar.4. The Toy store is _______________ of Main Street and Forest Street.5. The Jewelry Store is _____________ the Italian Restaurant.

Task 4. Listening activities. Listen and answer.

1 62 73 84 95 10


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Werkblad 5


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Week: 2-8 Paperless boarding

Werkblad 1:

Jet-lag drug is a step closer (7th October, 2013) van Breaking News English.com

Voordat je gaat lezen, groepsgesprek over wat men het ergste vindt aan vliegen. Schrijf de onderstaande woorden op het bord en laat de studenten individueel een ranking maken. Daarna deze samen bespreken.

FLYING: Rank these and share your rankings with your partner. Put the worst things about flying at the top. Change partners often and share your rankings.

jet lag

• airports

• packing

• turbulence

Jet-lag drug is a step closer

Everybody who flies long distances hates jet lag. Traveling across different time zones upsets your body clock. People can have jet lag for three or four days after getting off the airplane. You can be wide awake at 3.00am and ready for bed after lunch. That might soon be over. Researchers from Kyoto University in Japan are close to making a drug for jet lag. They said the drug can help people change to a new time zone in just 24 hours. Head researcher Yoshiaki Yamaguchi said his team has found the body's "reset button" in the brain. This controls how the body adjusts to changing sleep patterns. New drugs could "press" the reset button to make jet lag less troublesome.

The jet-lag drug could also have other health benefits. People who work different shifts and night workers could take the drug. This means these workers will not be so stressed from working at irregular or unsociable hours. Airline pilots and cabin crew could be

• other passengers

• airplane food

• waiting at immigration

• legroom


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among those who most benefit from the new drug. The drug might also be useful for people with insomnia (the inability to sleep). Wikipedia says jet lag usually happens after a change of three time zones or more. Some people get it after just a single time zone difference. It usually takes one day to recover from crossing one time zone. Jet lag is only a few decades old. It happened after people started flying in jet airplanes

1. TRUE / FALSE: Read the headline. Guess if a-h below are true (T) false (F).

a. The article says half of people who fly have a strong dislike for jet lag.

b. Your body clock is upset by changing time zones.

c. Researchers say a new drug could make jet lag go away in a day.

d. The body's "reset button" is at the back of your neck, in the middle.

e. The new drug could help people who work at unsociable times.

f. Insomniacs could find the drug useful.

g. You cannot get jet lag from crossing one time zone.

h. Jet lag is hundreds of years old.

2. SYNONYM MATCH: Match the following synonyms from the article.

1. hates a. sleeplessness

2 upsets b. get better

3. close c. confuses

4. adjusts d. loathes

5. troublesome e. advantages

6. benefits f. annoying

7. unsociable g. two or three

8. insomnia h. changes

9. recover i. unfriendly

10. a few j. near


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1.Who does the article say hates jet lag?

a) pilotsb) everyone who fliesc) anyone who travelsd) university researchers

2.How long can jet lag last?

a) 3 or 4 weeksb) 3 or 4 hoursc) 3 or 4 timesd) 3 or 4 days

3.Who do the researchers work for?

a) Kyoto Universityb) Rolexc) British Airwaysd) Yamaguchi Pharmaceuticals

4 What did the researchers find?

a) a new time zoneb) the body clockc) the body's reset buttond) a sleep-pattern controller

5 What could new drugs do to the "reset button"?

a) make it biggerb) press itc) kill itd) upset it

6 What will no longer stress workers out?

a) regular and unsocial hoursb) irregular and social hoursc) irregular or unsociable hoursd) regular and sociable hours


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What is the inability to sleep called?

a) ambrosiab) amnesiac) ammoniad) insomnia

8 Who or what said jet lag happens after crossing three time zones?

a) Wikipediab) Kyoto Universityc) a pilotd) a frequent flyer

9 How long does it take to recover from crossing one time zone?

a) one dayb) one hourc) 6-12 hoursd) a week

10.When did jet lag first start?

a) 1968b) when we started flying in jet airplanesc) 3 hours and 12 minutes after take-offd) hundreds of years ago




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TRUE / FALSE (p.4)

a F b T c T d F e T f T g F h F


1. hates a. loathes

2 upsets b. confuses

3. close c. near

4. adjusts d. changes

5. troublesome e. annoying

6. benefits f. advantages

7. unsociable g. unfriendly

8. insomnia h. sleeplessness

9. recover i. get better

10. a few j. two or three

1. B 2. d 3. a 4. c 5. b 6. c 7. d 8. a 9. a 10. b


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Werkblad 2 :Telefoongesprek

Rol A is de reiziger die net thuis is van vakantie

Rol B is de heer/mevrouw van afdeling gevonden voorwerpen van de luchthaven

Wissel ook een keer van rol!

B: Goedemorgen/middag, u spreekt met de afdeling gevonden voorwerpen

A: Goedemorgen/middag, u spreekt met (jouw naam)

B: Wat kan ik voor u doen?

A: Ik ben gisteren thuisgekomen van vakantie en kom er net achter dat ik één koffer mis.

B: Dat is heel vervelend. Wanneer heeft u precies gevlogen en welke bestemming en vluchtnummer had uw vlucht?

A: Ik ben gisteren thuisgekomen. Mijn vluchtnummer was AF753 van New York naar Amsterdam.

B: Okee. Om wat voor soort koffer gaat het?

A: Het is een grote rode koffer en er zit een sticker op met een grote kameel erop.

Die heb ik er speciaal opgedaan om mijn koffer makkelijk te kunnen herkennen.

B: Had uw een naamplaatje aan de koffer gemaakt?

A: Ja, ik had al mijn adresgegevens en telefoonnummer op een kaartje geschreven en aan de koffer gehangen.

B: Kunt u mij uw adres gegeven dan stuur ik u een formulier op om in te vullen.

A: Mijn adres is Marktstraat 123, 6789 XZ Helmond

B: Dank u wel. Wij sturen u direct een formulier op en we gaan op zoek naar uw koffer!

A: Dank u wel. Hoelang gaat dat allemaal duren?

B: Als u het formulier mailt, kunnen we hopelijk binnen 3 dagen uw koffer terugbezorgen.

A: Dat zou fantastisch zijn. Bedankt. Goedemorgen/middag.

B: Goedemorgen/middag en nog een fijne dag.


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Werkblad 3

Amsterdam Airport

Lost and Found





Telephone number:

Item lost:

Colour of item lost:

Size of item lost:

Flight number:

Flying from:

Flying to:


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