Evaluacion Susan

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  • 7/24/2019 Evaluacion Susan




    SUSAN: A Case Study


    Roco Areta, Irene Bermejo, Sara Garca , Andrea Sols


    Submitted to Professor Carolina Marn

    In artia! fu!fi!ment of t"e re#uirements for t"e sub$e%t

    Assessment Applied to Clinical and Educational Contexts

    May &t"' ()*+

  • 7/24/2019 Evaluacion Susan


    P , - i n a . 2

    Case Study 5: Susan

    Susan is a 21-ear-old !oman !"o !as re#erred #or psc"olo$ical testin$ % "er

    psc"iatrist& S"e "ad se'eral "ospital admissions since s"e !as 1(& )er last "ospital

    admission !as due to "er last suicide attempt !"en s"e !as 1*, t"en !as dia$nosed

    !it" %ot" major depression and a %orderline personalit disorder& S"e !as resistant to

    testin$ and complied onl %ecause +m s"rin and #at"er are main$ me do t"is&

    SESSION 1:.ecidin$ or Explorator session

    T"e main goalof t"is session /as to -et -enera! information about Susan0s rob!ems

    and frame/or1 and estab!is"in- raort and a trustab!e rofessiona! re!ations"i /it"

    "er2 3e first -a4e Susan a form on so%iodemo-ra"i% data to fi!! before enterin- t"e

    %onsu!tation2 5/lease, see Appendix I62 T"e reason for t"e %onsu!tation is t"at s"e "ad

    been referred by t"e sy%"iatrist and for%ed by "er fat"er to attend t"eray after s"e

    started to re%ei4e treatment for "er dru- abuse rob!em2

    Intake Open Interview

    An inta1e inter4ie/ is t"e most %ommon tye of inter4ie/ in %!ini%a! sy%"o!o-y and it

    usua!!y ta1es !a%e /"en a %!ient first %omes to see1 "e! from a %!ini%ian2 It is a non7

    stru%tured inter4ie/ /"i%" urose often in%!udes determinin- t"e suitabi!ity of t"e

    t"eraist to offer "is8"er ser4i%es to t"e atient' assessin- and resondin- to a %risis or

    an ur-ent situation in t"e erson0s !ife' fami!iari9in- t"e erson /it" t"e %ounse!!in-

    ro%ess' as /e!! as -ettin- a -enera! i%ture of t"e %!ient situation 5%on%erns' brief

    "istory62 urin- t"e inta1e inter4ie/' bot" arties form oinions about one anot"er; t"e

    %!ient be-ins to er%ei4e t"e %"ara%teristi%s of t"e t"eraist and t"e %!ini%a! re!ations"i

    bet/een t"e t/o starts to form "ere2 In some %ases' arti%u!ar %!ini%ian may fee! t"at "e

    or s"e !a%1s t"e e

  • 7/24/2019 Evaluacion Susan


    P , - i n a . #

    7 ?o/ o!d are you>

    7 3"ere do you !i4e>

    7 o you !i4e a!one>

    7 o you suffer from any disabi!ity>

    7 3"at is your o%%uation>

    !resenting concerns

    7 Te!! me' /"at does %on%ern you>

    7 3"en did it start> 3"at ot"er e4ents /ere o%%urrin- at t"at time> ?o/ often does it


    7 3"at t"ou-"ts' fee!in-s and obser4ab!e be"a4iours are asso%iated /it" it>

    7 3"ere and /"en does it o%%ur most> Least>

    7 Are t"ere any e4ents or ersons t"at re%iitate it> Ma1e it better> Ma1e it /orse>

    7 ?o/ mu%" does it interfere /it" your dai!y fun%tionin->

    7 3"at re4ious so!utions8!ans "a4e you tried and /it" /"at resu!t>

    7 3"at made you to see1 "e! at t"is time> 3"at inf!uen%ed t"e sy%"iatrist to refer

    you at t"is time>

    7 3"at are your -oa!s>

    !ast psyc"iatric#counselling "istory

    7 id you re%ei4ed any re4ious %ounse!in- and8or sy%"o!o-i%a!8sy%"iatri%treatment>

    7 3"at tye of treatment> ?o/ !on- did it !ast> 3"ere did it ta1e !a%e>

    7 3"at /as t"e out%ome of t"e treatment> 3"at /as t"e reason of its termination>

    7 ?a4e you e4er been "osita!i9ed>

    7 ?a4e you e4er been res%ribed dru-s for any emotiona! or sy%"o!o-i%a! issue>

    Suicidal and "omicidal ideation

    7 ?a4e you e4er "a4e any sui%ida! t"ou-"t> 3"en did it "aened>

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    P , - i n a . $

    7 ?o/ many times "as it "aened>

    7 Are you t"in1in- or tryin- to sui%ide %urrent!y>

    7 3"at did dri4e you to "a4in- it>

    7 ?o/ intense t"is t"ou-"ts are>

    7 ?o/ !on- did t"ey !ast>

    7 ?a4e you e4er made a sui%ida! !an> 5"ere /e %onsidered t"e detai!s of !an:

    met"od' !et"a!ity' a4ai!abi!ity of met"od' and time!ine of !an6

    7 ?a4e you e4er t"reat or attemted sui%ide> id any re!ati4e "as>

    7 3"y did you intent to sui%ide>

    7 ?a4e you e4er "ad any "omi%ida! ideation>

    $rug use#a%use "istory

    7 ?a4e you e4er ta1en any dru-> 3"i%" one8s>

    7 3"ere do you usua!!y ta1e t"ose>

    7 ?o/ often do you %onsume t"em>

    7 o you %onsider t"at you ta1e t"em soradi%a!!y or re-u!ar!y>

    7 o you sti!! ta1e t"e same dru-s t"at you used to>

    7 3"y do you ta1e dru-s>

    7 ?o/ do you fee! about it> 3"i%" are t"e ad4anta-es and disad4anta-es of


    7 3"at is t"e fun%tion t"ey "a4e for you>

    After %arryin- out t"e Intake Interview' /e found t"at Susan0s interersona!

    re!ations"is /it" ot"ers' bot" fami!y and friends' are unsta%le2 S"e does not usua!!y

    trust on ot"ers be%ause @sooner or later e'erone ends up lea'in$2 ?er mot"er

    %ommitted sui%ide /"en s"e /as *+ and s"e "as an ambi4a!ent re!ations"i /it" "er

    fat"er2 S"e reorted "a4in- tried to %ommit sui&ide t"ree times: four' t"ree and t/o

    years a-o be%ause s"e fe!t empty' /as e

  • 7/24/2019 Evaluacion Susan


    P , - i n a . 5

    re!ations"is t"at destabi!i9e "er2 S"e started a%using drugs5Mari$uana' LS6 /"en

    s"e /as *& years o!d' a!t"ou-" no/adays s"e is -ettin- t"is rob!em treated2 S"e "as

    "ad t"ree "osita! admissions sin%e s"e /as * be%ause of "er sui%ida! attemts and s"e

    /ent t"rou-" treatment for deression 50luoxetine6 after "er first attemt2 Susan admits

    -ettin- easi!y irritatede4en by minor t"in-s 5noises' ot"er0s be"a4iourD62 In fa%t' s"e

    reort to effort!ess!y !osin- "er temper/"ene4er somet"in- usets "er and en-a-in- in

    a series of %"o!eri% be"a4iors !i1e t"ro/in- t"in-s and ye!!in-2 S"e is %on4in%ed t"at s"e

    is a !eirderson /"o /i!! ne4er be ab!e of knowingw'os"e reall is2 S"e be!ie4es

    insomniato be a %onse#uen%e of t"e rumination rodu%ed by "er rob!ems2

    (rie) *ental State E+amination 5See Appendix II

    T"e Menta! Status E

  • 7/24/2019 Evaluacion Susan


    P , - i n a . ,

    an in%onsistent se!f74ie/2 ?er memory/as fine' as /e!! as "er %on%entration2 Susan0s

    -udgmentand insig't/ere "a!f/ay bet/een oor and fair' sin%e s"e dis!ayed some

    rob!ems /"en ma1in- de%isions and /"i!e ma1in- a se!f7ref!e%tion2

    Summar o# t"e explorator session

    urin- t"is first session' and a%%ordin- to t"e %o!!e%ted information bot" from t"e

    Intake Interview and *SE' Susan0s deressi4e mood and insomnia eisodes' amon-

    ot"ers' ma1e us "yot"esi9e t"at s"e mi-"t suffer from a mood disorder2 3e a!so

    "and!e t"e otion of "er sti!! sufferin- from drug a%use 5Mari$uana' LS6 as s"e

    reorted its %onsumtion sin%e s"e /as *& years o!d2 T"is resumab!e abuse a!on- /it"

    "er imu!si4ity' identity disturban%e' mood rea%ti4ity' fear of bein- abandoned and

    ot"ers' ma1e us "yot"esi9e t"at s"e may suffer from a personality disorder.a!t"ou-"

    furt"er 4erifi%ation is needed2

    T"us' after "a4in- estimated t"e %ase' /e t"in1 /e "a4e t"e ne%essary t"eraeuti% s1i!!s

    and t"at /e are #ua!ified to %arryin- out t"e assessment2

    Ri-"t before Susan !ea4es' /e as1 "er to t"in1 at "ome /"et"er s"e /ants us for

    %arryin- "er assessment2 After a!!' /e "a4e started to assess Susan but s"e "as a!so

    started to e4a!uate us2

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    P , - i n a . /

    SESSION 2: Gat"erin$ In#ormation Sessions

    T"e main -oa! of t"is session is to -at"er furt"er information about Susan0s rob!ems

    and %on%erns' to 1no/ more about t"e "istori%a! ba%1-round for t"e fun%tiona! ana!ysis2

    3e a!so as1ed "er to si-n an agreement )ormre!ated to bot" ours and "ers duties and to

    t"e assessment ro%ess 5/lease, see Appendix III62

    SE*I 0 SCED INE3IE4 4I6E 7!!68IN9 *SE 6ON9 O*

    5See Appendix I3

    A semi stru%tured inter4ie/ "as a -enera! frame/or1 on t"e t"emes to be e

    !resenting !ro%lems

    7 Hou to!d me !ast session t"at you are fee!in- b!ue and moody; "a4e you fe!t t"e same

    t"is /ee1>

    7 So are you fee!in- more !i1e t"is or !ess> o you "a4e any furt"er %on%ern t"at you

    /ant to ta!1 about>

    7 ?a4e you noti%ed any ne/ %"an-e in your mood>

    amily (a&kground ;amily tree

    7 ?o/ /ou!d you des%ribe your re!ations"i /it" your fami!y>

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    P , - i n a . =

    ealt' (a&kground

    0 ?o/ many "ours "a4e you been s!eein- t"ese days>

    0 Are you fee!in- rested>

    0 ?a4e you %onsumed dru-s !ate!y>

    0 ?a4e you "ad any a%"e or soreness>

    'mployment Bacground

    ?o/ do you fee! about your ast $obs> id you !i1e t"em>

    id you fee! !eased /it" your %urrent or ast $obs>

    ?o/ many $obs "a4e you "a4e and for "o/ !on->

    3"i%" $ob do you t"in1 /i!! suit you>

    Se+ual istory

    7 Hou to!d me t"at you "a4e "ad some %ou!e' %an you te!! me "o/ many>

    7 or "o/ !on- "a4e you been in t"ose re!ations"is>

    7 ?o/ t"ese re!ations"is affe%ted you>

    7 3ere you satisfied /it" any of t"em>

    !revious *edi&al istory

    7 o you 1no/ if any of your re!ati4es "ad diseases>

    7 id you "a4e any disease or i!!ness /"en you /ere youn-er>

    7 Hou to!d me t"at /"en you /ere youn-er you /ere "osita!i9ed' %an you te!! me

    somet"in- more about it>

    !revious !sy&'iatri& istory

    0 Hou to!d me t"at you /ere dia-nosed before /it" deression and border !ine

    ersona!ity' "o/ !on- a-o /as it>

    0 Can you te!! me somet"in- more about your t"eray>

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  • 7/24/2019 Evaluacion Susan


    P , - i n a . 1A

    amily ree

    *SE B 6ong orm ;simultaneously applied along wit' t'e interview

    9"ou$"t ds#unction ScalesSusan reorts fee!in- use!ess at times' s"e is !i1e!y

    to be un"ay /it" "erse!f and rone to rumination2

    Be"a'ioral ds#unction Scales Susan reorts a si-nifi%ant "istory of antiso%ia!

    be"a4ior2 S"e is !i1e!y to "a4e been in4o!4ed /it" t"e %rimina! $usti%e system' to fai!s to

    %onform to so%ieta! norms and e

  • 7/24/2019 Evaluacion Susan


    P , - i n a . 2A

    7+is #: None

    7+is $:Mot"er0s sui%ide' oor bonds /it" fami!y and friends' %onf!i%tua! re!ations"is'

    $ob dissatisfa%tion2

    7+is 5: EEA=: )2

    Case ormulation 5)aness Model

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    P , - i n a . 21

    NCION76 7N768SIS: One E+ample

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    P , - i n a . 22

    SESSION $:0unctional )pot"esis Generation

    After doin- t"e dia-nosis and Case ormu!ation' t"e fun%tiona! "yot"esis must be

    defined before de4e!oin- and inter4ention !an2

    By tea%"in- Susan tools )or emotional &ontrol0 I3 and by /or1in- /it" "er to

    resolve emotional issues su%" as -rie4in- "er mot"er0s deat" or dea!in- /it"

    "er fear of abandonment /e /i!! e

  • 7/24/2019 Evaluacion Susan


    P , - i n a . 2#