EZ face wash

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  • 8/7/2019 EZ face wash


    Product Name : EZ

    Executive Summary

    Lifecare Company, perusahaan ini telah 20 tahun menjadi pilihan masyarakat untuk produk -

    produk daily needs. Sebagai perusahaan yang ingin terus mengembangkan produknya, kita

    terus menerus melakukan inovasi menanggapi apa yang dibutuhkan dan diinginkan pasar

    Di jaman yang menuntut semuanya serba cepat, dan bahkan ketika sesuatu yang cepat, dan

    instan itupun menjadi suatu kebutuhan sendiri bagi manusia, sebagai sebuah perusahaan yang

    ingin memberikan produk yang terbaik dan terdepan bagi pasar kami melakukan inovasi terus

    menerus untuk menjawab kebutuhan pasar tersebut. Hal yang sudah sangat lumrah melihat

    orang bisa membersihkan tangan mereka dimana saja hanya dengan mengantongi sebotol

    kecil hand sanitizer, tapi menjadi inovasi baru apabila produk yang kami tawarkan

    mengaplikasikannya sebagai pembersih muka.

    Melihat permintaan pasar yang cukup baik akan barang - barang yang dapat memenuhi

    kebutuhan secara instan dan praktis, kami melihat bahwa produk ini akan menjadi trendsetter

    dan akan menjadi pilihan konsumen dalam jumlah yang massive.

    1.0 Introduction

    Since 1990, Lifecare Company has been producing various kinds of products that were able

    to meet the demands and needs of the market, even providing products -products with the latest

    innovations that became a pioneer in its class. Market demand and development of the

    era that continue to move requires the company to move as well with a flexible and new

    thoughts to understand what is desired by the

    market and maintain our image branding which are known by a company that always

    provide high quality products.

    Lifecare also very concerned about the consumer voice, which intensely digged

    through questionnaires, buzz analyzing, customer care services, even through

    brief conversations with consumers and the target market.

    Currently, we are concerning to develop products which can be used practically.

    "Cleanliness" is one of primary human needs which Lifecare are concerning about. People tend

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    to search for cleanliness because automatically it will refers to health, even it should be done in

    a way that is not practical.

    Lifecare is trying to do development and research for an answer to

    provide products that include 2 factors: Hygiene & simple.

    Lifecare will soon launch an instant facial cleansing product named EZ (read: easy), which is

    able to clean the face without the need for water. This product is stealing the concept of hand

    sanitizer which is simple and eases people to clean their hands without using water and also do

    not need to be dried. This product answers the need of a face wash

    for a practical use anywhere instantly. This product has clear market segmentation, on who is

    the consumer, what gender, age, occupational status, etc. Moreover deeper explanation will be

    explained further.

    2.0 Demographics

    Demographic data and statistics help to segment the target market. Using the sex ratio data,

    company is able consider how the product should be promoted. We can also decide our

    advertisement concept using those data too.

    The age mix data helps to set our strategic promotion sites and concepts too. Referring to the

    demographics data, we formulating our market opportunities and our marketing objectives, how

    we could achieve it, what day should we make an event, in what time, etc.

    In fact, there are 76.7% of Singapore citizen in the range of age between 15 64 years. It

    shows us that we have a lot of opportunities to provide their needs. And normally, facewash is a

    product thats used by that age range. And in that age range, there are 0.95 male(s)/female on

    the sex ratio data. It means even though our product meets both genders needs, we have to

    understand how to attract them to trust our product. And something we have to beware of if we

    want to gather our selling from both gender, we must anticipate our product to be known as a

    product that commonly used by woman, vice versa.

    2.1 Segmentation

    For market segmentation, this product is assumed to be the most potential face wash to be

    used by the customer with high intensity of activity in the field. EZ target consumers of

    this product are office workers, high school student / tertiary student. Both men

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    and women have an almost equal market share for these products, because these

    products are unisex. Age is expected to start at the age of 15 years old until 40 years old.

    3.0 External Environment

    There are many external environmental factors that affect the business, for example


    3.1 PESTLE

    Political: There was no significant influence from the political aspect of this product.

    Economic: The price of products that are marketed is rather expensive for giving a bona fide

    impression, and indirectly purchasers can have more confidence that our product really is not a

    product of arbitrary and have high standards in quality, which is marked by a high price. What is

    also expected is prestige gained by consumers when using this product.

    Social: Dinamic social life and high levels of social interaction requires someone to be able

    to perform excellently in their social with others. Limited time and space is a challenge that has

    been answered through the invention of this product. The highlighted point is EZ is a real

    solution to look fresh in a practical way.

    Technology: there are existing technologies to make this product and the technology used is

    more or less took the concept of technology used for hand sanitizers then being modified again.

    Legal: To produce a product, especially cosmetics, a company should apply for a permission to

    produce and sell a specific product to Ministry of Health. After checking all the requirements,

    then permission was out. After that, a product is able to be sold in the public. That means that

    specific cosmetic is safe to be consumed. EZ is doing the same thing. EZ already have all the

    permissions needed to produce and sell a product. Thus, EZ is free from dangerous chemicals

    and safe to be applied on human skin.

    Environment: EZ is classified as ecofriendly product because this product minimizes the use

    of water to wash the face. The current environmental issues which take almost all people in he

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    world can be used as a stepping stone to promote EZ. Moreover of course, EZ really paying

    attention to what consumer need.

    3.2 Opportunities & Threads

    Untuk kesempatan dan prospek produk ini cukup menjanjikan. Karena masih sangat jarang

    produk pesaing yang memiliki keunggulan seperti yang kita tawarkan, dan ini menjadi

    kesempatan untuk kita masuk ke mindset customer menjadi produk cuci muka praktis pertama

    dan terbaik. Tentu menjadi lebih mudah untuk masuk ke dalam mindset pembeli dan memiliki

    branding power tinggi karena produk kita sebagai pelopor dalam pasar instant face wash.

    Melihat mobilitas penduduk Singapore yang tinggi, produk ini juga memiliki kesempatan untuk

    menguasai pasar face wash.

    Salah satu bahaya yang harus dihadapi adalah resiko bahwa pasar yang kita masuki bersikap

    skeptis atau bahkan cenderung tidak menganggap serius produk kita. Produk pesaing berupa

    face wash face wash konvensional juga patut dipertimbangkan. Karena mau tidak mau, masih

    banyak masyarakat yang sudah merasa nyaman dan cocok memakai produk tertentu.

    4.0 Product Strategies

    To decide what strategy will be used on a product, a company needs to observe more on the

    product itself. There are 5 Product Levels : Core Benefit, Basic Product, Expected Product,

    Augmented Product, and Potential Product. EZ reach the first 4 levels, Core Benefit, Basic

    Product, Expected Product, and Augmented Product.

    Core Benefit

    The most basic matter that a product should have is having a core benefit, which means

    something sought by the consumer. For example, hotel guests need rest & sleep, while mall

    visitors need fun & refresh. In face wash product, what is needed by consumer is clean face.

    So core benefit is not a product yet.

    Basic product

    Basic product is a product that meets what seems on core benefit. So what is needed from a

    face wash is a product that can clean the face from dirt and give fresh feeling. EZ already meets

    what is required.

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    Expected Product

    Expected product fulfills what consumer needs more than provision of basic product. For

    example consumer wants good packaging, sweet-scented, various colors of product.

    Augmented product

    Augmented product positioning itself to meet consumer desire more that consumer expects. So

    when consumer experiencing the product, they dont even expect to have such benefit. Actually

    without extra benefits, consumer can still get the core benefit that they need. EZ giving new

    innovation of face wash product, which works like hand sanitizer. Consumer can apply it

    anywhere and anytime without using water and the result is even better than the ordinary face


    product form

    prouk ini termasuk jenis produk kosmetik, lebih sempitnya sebagai pembersih


    fitur utama yang ditawarkan produk ini yaitu mudah digunakan dan sangat praktis.

    membutuhkan waktu yang jauh lebih singkat dibanding produk pembersih muka lainnya dalam

    membersihkan muka


    produk ini memiliki durabilityyang cukup tinggi, paling tidak jauh melebihi batas perkiraan

    penggunaan produk

    style & design

    produk ini didesain se simple mungkin untuk menonjolkan kesan mudah digunakan, tidak ribet,

    dancocok untuk dibawa kemana saja


    packaging kita kemas dalam bentuk tube, sehingga praktis dan mudah dibawa

    tube juga didesain sedemikian rupa agar tidak bocor

    style & design

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    sesuai dengan konsep produk yang menawarkan sesuatu yang simple dan praktis, maka style

    produk ini juga dibuat minimalis dan simple.. apalagi akhir - akhir ini pasar cenderung menyukai

    produk - produk dengan desain simple, ergonomis, dan elegan. kita bisa meniru konsep simple

    milik apple dalam produk - produk mereka


    kita masukkan tagline as easy as EZ untuk mengekspos tentang penggunaan yang sangat

    mudah dan juga labelling yang paling utama mencantumkan merk kita

    warranty and guarantee

    warranty ne nda sampe 3 menit buat cuci muka

    5.0 Integrated Marketing Communications

    5.1 Steps in Effective Communications

    To develop effective communication between product and consumer, company needs to know

    the steps to reach the consumer. Firstly, company has to identify the target audience. Target

    audience means who are the consumer of the product. Secondly, company have to determine

    what is the objectives of producing and selling that product. Company surely have goal to

    achieve by producing face wash product. Thirdly, design message. A product or a brand should

    have label that represent the brand itself, and it should impact the reader. The fourth step is

    selecting channels to promote the product, for example newspaper, magazine, or TV. Selecting

    channel is depend on who is the target market. The fifth steps is establishing budget, on how

    much money needed for such promotions and advertising. Then the sixth step is deciding media

    mix. The seventh step is measuring results after promotion has been held. Company can see

    the response of consumer by collecting feedback through questionnaire, survey, etc. Lastly,

    company already understand what kind of communication work best, so company starts to

    managing IMC of the product.

    5.2 Media Selection & Its Consideration

    For the election media campaign, the most important is TV advertising. Perhaps the ads began

    to broadcast on the office lunch break hours, other than of course the ad was also broadcast on

    the prime time hours. Because on the lunch time, most of the office employees have free

    time to relax while eating and watching TV.

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    In that free time through advertising EZ, we try to make prospective customers feel needing

    this product to clean their face instantly and practically in the middle of their activities.

    This kind of promotion cost a lot of money, but the effect will be spreads all over the country.

    Besides TV advertisement, direct marketing and introduction of product in the market can be

    done by giving free sample at MRT stations or bus stops. EZ using this kind of promotion

    because EZs market segments are people who have high mobility and activity which require

    them to use time efficiently.

    6.0 Promotion Mix


    Here advertising include all ways and media used to display and promote particular values in a

    product that aimed to increase selling of a product.

    Iklan bisa berupa promosi yang gamblang dan langsung menawarkan produk yang kita produksi

    pada konsumen, namun juga bisa menampilkan faktor - faktor dan ide - ide yang secara tidak

    langsung menggiring persepsi konsumen pada produk kita

    Advertising can be a campaign that clearly and directly offer products that , but also can display

    the factors - factors and ideas -

    ideas that are notdirectly lead consumer perception on our products

    contohe kaya FedEx tu kan iklan e bukan nawarke pengiriman lewat ditampilke tarif, lama

    pengiriman, bla3

    tapi pake kaya cerita yang intine nunjukke fedex isa dipercaya

    itu yg maksud e menyampaikan ide - ide secara nda langsung

    yang akhire isa mbuat customer punya image kalo fedex tu sip lah soal komitmen sama barang


    nah, untuk produk facewash ini, kita memasukkan kedua unsur tersebut kedalam advertising

    yang kita lakukan

    lewat kelebihan - kelebihan yang kita tawarkan yang diekspose di advertising kita, kita juga

    menggunakan faktor - faktor tidak langsung seperti iklan ibu menggunakan facewash ini untuk

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    membersihkan wajah anak - anaknya sepulang sekolah : menunjukkan kalau produk ini aman

    untuk kulit anak yang cenderung sensitif, dan berarti tentunya produk ini juga pasti aman ke

    kulit orang dewasa dan kulit normal yang tidak sensitive

    bawahe tinggal ditambahi, dana yang dialokasikan untuk advertising ini dipersiapkan cukup

    besar, mengingat produk yang kita pasarkan ini merupakan produk yang benar - benar baru

    dan butuh pengenalan pada masyarakat

    Sales Promotion

    Itu termasuk yang kita bagi - bagi sample, ngasih diskon, promo buy 1 get 1 dalam rangka

    menaikkan penjualan dalam waktu singkat. Tujuane salah satune juga biar orang pada mau

    nyoba produk e kita. Nah disini juga biayane cukup tinggi, karena direncanakan kita bagi2

    sample, mungkin buat sample bisa dipack lebih kecil2, yang dibagi di bus stop sama di mrt

    station, karena kita memang butuh target market bisa nyoba produk e kita

    Namane produk baru, kalo mereka belum nyoba dan bener - bener ngerasake yang kita

    tawarkan, mereka cenderung takut untuk ambil resiko membeli produk baru dan lebih memilih

    produk lama yang sudah biasa mereka pakai.

    Public relation

    Public relation berperan penting untuk menjaga image perusahaan di mata customer dan pasar.

    Kritik dan saran yang dirasa perlu untuk disampaikan ke perusahaan disalurkan dan ditanggapi

    melalui bagian public relation. kita berusaha bersikap terbuka dan bahkan merangkul konsumen

    kita melalui public relation, karena pada dasarnya konsumen tentu akan lebih loyal apabila

    mereka merasa dihargai dan diperhatikan. Diluar itu, kritik dan saran yang ditanggapi dan

    dimanage dengan public relation yang baik dapat menjadi input yang positif bagi perusahaan.

    7.0 Other Suggestions

    Karena ini merupakan produk baru, maka feedback dari customer dan pasar harus diperhatikan

    dan ditanggapi dengan serius. Produk baru selalu membutuhkan penyesuaian penyesuaian

    agar dapat diterima oleh pasar dengan baik. Pengolahan feedback yang baik dan keinginan

    untuk terus melakukan improvisasi pada produk ini merupakan sebuah keharusan. Belum lagi

    ditambah dari potensi munculnya pesaing pesaing produk ini. Kita harus bisa memberikan

    value lebih pada customer kita dan terus memberikan yang terbaik. Change or die.

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    8.0 Conclusion

    9.0 Appendinces

    10.0 References



