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แนะนําเนื้อหา ภาพและกิจกรรมบางสวนที่จะปรากฏในหนวยการเรียนรูเพื่อกระตุนความสนใจของผูเรียน




Access เปนสือ่การเรยีนรูภาษาองักฤษสาํหรบัผูเรยีน ในระดบัชัน้มธัยมศกึษาปที ่ 1-3 จดัทาํขึน้ใหสอดคลอง

กับสาระและมาตรฐานการเรียนรูของหลักสูตรแกนกลางการศึกษาข้ันพ้ืนฐาน พุทธศักราช 2551 ซึ่งจะเนนการสอน

โดยผานกจิกรรมทีเ่นนใหผูเรยีนเกดิการเรยีนรูผานการทาํงาน (Task-Based Learning) มจีดุประสงคใหผูเรยีนเกดิแนวคดิ

ทักษะ และสรางความเขาใจในองคความรูรวมกันในกลุม เพื่อสื่อสารออกมาดวยลักษณะสํานวนภาษาของผูเรียนเอง

สื่อการเรียนรูชุด Access พัฒนาทักษะทางภาษาทั้ง 4 ทักษะ (ฟง พูด อาน เขียน) ผานการปฏิบัติ


ใชอยูตลอดเวลา เพื่อใหเกิดกระบวนการเรียนรูแบบปฏิบัติจริง (Active Learning) เชน การแนะนําคําศัพทใหม

โดยใชบริบทของสถานการณในชีวิตประจําวันท่ีเกี่ยวของโดยตรงกับผูเรียน การเรียนรูแบบเปนองครวม (Holistic)

เพื่อกระตุนการทํางานของสมองซีกซายในการเรียนรูภาษา และสมองซีกขวาในการพัฒนาความคิดสรางสรรคของ

ผูเรียนควบคูกันไป และการเรียนรูแบบยึดผูเรียนเปนศูนยกลาง โดยเนนการฝกฝนภาษาผานกระบวนการการทํางาน

และหัวขอที่นาสนใจ เพื่อตอบสนองความตองการและความรูสึกของผูเรียน

สื่อการเรียนรูชุด Access ประกอบไปดวย บทนํา (Starter Unit) 1 บท และหนวยการเรียนรู (Modules)

10 หนวย ซึ่งในแตละหนวยการเรียนรู จะประกอบไปดวย 6 บท (Units) รวมทั้งมีแบบประเมินตนเอง

(Self Check) ในตอนทายของแตละหนวยการเรียนรู

Learning to learn

● มีเกร็ดความรูสั้นๆ คําอธิบาย และ เครื่องเตือนความจําในหลากหลาย ประเด็นตลอดทั้งหนวยการเรียนรู● เรียนรูแบบเปนองครวม และสงเสริม การเรียนรูดวยตนเอง

Unit c สอดคลองกับ

สาระท่ี 1 ภาษาเพื่อการสื่อสาร

สาระท่ี 4 ภาษากับความสัมพันธ กับชุมชนและโลก


● เรียนรูวัฒนธรรมและเรื่องราวของประเทศ เจาของภาษาในประเด็นที่สัมพันธกับ หัวขอในหนวยการเรียนรู● มีภาระงานและโครงงานที่สรางสรรค เพื่อเปดโอกาสใหผูเรียนประมวลความรูที่เรียนมา


Unit d สอดคลองกับ

สาระท่ี 2 ภาษาและวัฒนธรรม

สาระท่ี 4 ภาษากับความสัมพันธ กับชุมชนและโลก


● พัฒนาทักษะการเขียนสัมพันธ กับทักษะการฟง การพูด การอาน● ฝกคําศัพทที่จําเปน แลวจึงฝกฝนการเขียนตามรูปแบบ ที่มีแนวทางในการปฏิบัติอยางชัดเจน● มีตัวอยางงานเขียนที่ไดรับการวิเคราะหอยางละเอียด● มีแผนการเรียนรูใหเปนแนวทางแกผูเรียนและผูสอน● มีกิจกรรมการฝกเขียนตลอดทั้งหนวยการเรียนรูที่เปนรูปธรรม

และมีรูปแบบที่หลากหลาย● เริ่มตนการฝกเขียนจากประโยคสั้นๆ เปนยอหนา



● มีกิจกรรมฝกการออกเสียงเพื่อชวยใหผูเรียนจดจําเสียง และจําแนกความแตกตางของเสียงในภาษาอังกฤษ ไดถูกตองและนําไปใชไดอยางคลองแคลว


● มีการออกแบบการจัด กิจกรรมจากงายไปหายาก โดยเริ่มจากการฝกพูดตาม แบบที่มีโครงสรางกําหนดให ไปจนถึงการฝกพูดสื่อสารที่มี โครงสรางนอยลง● การสนทนาตามจุดประสงคของ การสื่อสาร (Functional English) เนนบทสนทนาที่ใชจริงในสถานการณ ชีวิตประจําวัน จึงเปนภาษาที่เปน ธรรมชาติสําหรับผูเรียน ทําใหเขาใจ ไดงาย


● มีแบบประเมินตนเองในตอนทายของทุกหนวยการเรียนรู


● เชื่อมโยงหัวขอที่เรียนในหนวยการเรียนรูกับ สาระวิชาอื่น● มีภาระงานที่สรางสรรคและเพลิดเพลินที่จะกระตุน ใหผูเรียนฝกฝนภาษาที่เรียนมาแลวอยางตอเนื่อง


● มีเพลงที่มีเนื้อหาสอดคลองกับ หัวขอในหนวยการเรียนรู และ ภาระงานที่เกี่ยวของ● ฟงเพลงที่สนุกสนาน จะทําให ผูเรียนเกิดเจตคติที่ดีตอการ เรียนรู และซึมซับภาษาได งายขึ้น

Unit e สอดคลองกับ

สาระท่ี 1 ภาษาเพื่อการสื่อสาร

สาระท่ี 4 ภาษากับความสัมพันธ กับชุมชนและโลก

Unit f สอดคลองกับ

สาระท่ี 3 ภาษากับความสัมพันธกับ กลุมสาระการเรียนรูอื่น

สาระท่ี 4 ภาษากับความสัมพันธกับ ชุมชนและโลก

Modules Grammar Vocabularyñ daily routines

ñ city life ― country lifeñ jobsñ personality adjectivesñ Word power: feel

ñ feelingsñ natural phenomenañ Word power: spend

ñ holiday timeñ types of holidaysñ means of transportñ places to visitñ activitiesñ Word power: keep

ñ types of mediañ Word power: make

ñ high-techñ Word power: develop

ñ breaking the lawñ teenage problemsñ Word power: carry

ñ appearanceñ character adjectivesñ ambitionsñ Word power: break

ñ environmental problemsñ materials

ñ shopping and productsñ food/drinksñ Word power: give

ñ sportsñ musicñ Word power: raise

pp. 39-47

pp. 49-57

pp. 59-67

pp. 69-77

Self Check 4 p. 48


Self Check 5 p. 58

ñ present simpleñ subject/object pronounsñ possessive adjectivesñ adverbs of frequencyñ can/have/doñ question words

ñ present continuousñ present simple vs present

continuousñ relative clauses

ñ past simpleñ forming adverbsñ time words

ñ present perfect/presentperfect continuous

ñ already, yet, just, since, forñ present perfect vs past simpleñ have been ― have gone

ñ past continuousñ past simple vs past

continuousñ past perfect/past perfect


ñ will/be going to/presentcontinuous

ñ conditionals types 1-3,wishes

ñ must/have to/should/can/may/might/could

ñ modals (past)ñ reported speech

ñ comparative ― superlativeforms of adjectives/adverbs

ñ too ― enough, question tagsñ reflexive pronouns

ñ a/an ― theñ the passive (present simple,

past simple, present perfect,will)

ñ the causative

ñ nouns ― singular/pluralñ countable/uncountable

nouns ― quantifiers

ñ -ing/to-infinitive/infinitivewithout to, would rather,had better

ñ prepositions of movementñ some/any/no/every + body


pp. 4-8

pp. 9-17

Self Check 1 p. 18

pp. 19-27

Self Check 2 p. 28

pp. 29-37

Self Check 3 p. 38

pp. 79-87

Self Check 8 p. 88

pp. 89-97Self Check 9 p. 98

pp. 99-107

Self Check 10 p. 108

Songsheets (pp. 109-111)Optional Listening Practice (pp. 112-113)

Optional Vocabulary Practice (pp. 114-118)Grammar Reference (pp. 119-128)

Appendix I (p.129)

Self Check 6 p. 68

Self Check 7 p. 78

5o/ e__gsstntc c tก6SagSasกกกo:e__gsstntc c tก6SagSasttCPก1Po1ttn:52tก8 ttก 3gtก

Reading & Listening Speaking & Functions Writing Culture/Curricularñ A day in the life of OJ


ñ Sarah’s Diary ― Annabel’sDiary

ñ Photography is the key tothe whole world

ñ Being 15 ...

ñ True Stories (Tsunami)ñ It could happen to you!ñ Laura’s story

ñ Jules’ Undersea Lodge &Edinburgh’s Ghost Walks

ñ Cool Spotsñ an email

ñ news itemsñ an interviewñ a news report

ñ Digital Divideñ Are you optimistic or

pessimistic about thefuture?

ñ Lucy’s article

ñ Danger on the GreatBarrier Reef

ñ Safety in the streetñ an email giving advice

ñ The Art of Transformationñ Life’s Turnsñ job adverts & a letter of


ñ Protected ñ An Earthship ― The

Perfect Green Homeñ an essay on the pros and

cons of keeping animals inzoos

ñ Choices ... you make themñ The right food for the

right moodñ a letter of invitation

ñ Snowbiking ― Parkour ―Kitesurfing

ñ The Crystal Questñ a CD review

ñ talking about dailyroutines

ñ asking personal questions

ñ buying an undergroundticket

ñ Pronunciation /æ/, /∞/

ñ narrating past eventsñ Pronunciation /∞/, /ƒ/

ñ inviting ― accepting ―refusing invitations

ñ Pronunciation /ª/, /¥/

ñ giving/reacting to newsñ choosing TV programmesñ Pronunciation /e/, /±/,


ñ giving instructionsñ expressing opinionsñ agreeing/disagreeingñ Pronunciation /≤/, /∑/

ñ expressing sympathyñ Pronunciation /∑/, /¬/

ñ applying for a jobñ expressing certainty/

possibilityñ Pronunciation /e/, /±/

ñ donating moneyñ Pronunciation /¡/, /¡º/

ñ offering presentsñ expressing thanksñ Pronunciation /s/, /z/

ñ giving directionsñ buying tickets at the

cinema ñ Pronunciation /ª/, /oµ/

ñ a letter to a newpenfriend about yourfamily and yourdaily/weekly routine

ñ an email to your Englishpenfriend

ñ an interviewñ an article about yourselfñ a text about a popular

tourist attraction in yourcountry

ñ a text about New Delhi,India

ñ a sea disasterñ a story about an unusual

experienceñ a popular folk tale

ñ a postcard from a holidayresort

ñ an email about your holidayñ a short article about a

special place in yourcountry

ñ a six-page magazineñ a news report for the

school magazine

ñ a short text abouttechnology in the future

ñ an opinion article aboutlife in the future

ñ safe in the sun (a leaflet)ñ an email giving advice on

how to keep safe from crimeñ an email giving advice on

exam stress

ñ a short biographyñ a letter of application

ñ an essay discussing theadvantages &disadvantages of keepingwild animals as pets

ñ a short text about anature reserve

ñ your eating habitsñ a letter of invitationñ a quiz on idioms/sayings

about food

ñ a quiz about the OlympicGames

ñ a CD review

ñ The Yeoman Wardersñ Mexico City (Geography)

ñ The Gift of Storytellingñ The Canterville Ghost


ñ Legolandñ Safe Splashing (Physical


ñ British Teen Magazinesñ Turn on & Tune in

(Media Studies)

ñ High-tech teens!ñ Simulating Reality (ICT)

ñ RCMP: Royal CanadianMounted Police

ñ Safe Surfing (ICT)

ñ Traditions: The HakaDance

ñ Children in Victoriantimes (History)

ñ Scotland’s naturalworld!

ñ Acid Rain (Science)

ñ Let’s talk food!ñ The food chain


ñ Glastonbury Festivalñ Does this sound

familiar? (Music)

Irregular Verbs (p. 130)Pronunciation (p. 131)

American English-British English (p. 132)

5o/ e__gsstntc c tก6SagSasกกกo:e__gsstntc c tก6SagSasttCPก1Po1ttn:52tก8 ttก 3gtn

VocabularyñDaily routines

1 Listen and repeat. Explain thesephrases in your language.

lessons start

do homework

leave for school/work

play computer games

have lunch

get up

have breakfast

have a bath

What time ...?Do you ...?

What do you do in the afternoon/evening, etc?

® A: What time do you get up?B: At about 7:30.

When ...?

2 Ask questions to find out about your partner’s daily routine. Use:


8S0กrrก กกก กกกst กsกกกกกPcกrrก กกก กกกst กsกกกก_กSกกPกกกScกกกMe กกMt : กกก


3 Who’s the person in the picture? What do you think his dailyroutine is like? Listen and read to find out.


5 How similar is yourdaily routine to OJ Mayo’s?Tell your partner.

4 Read the text and answer the questions.

1 Who’s OJ Mayo?2 What does he want to be?3 What is a typical weekday in his life like?4 How does he cope with school and basketball practice?5 Do you think he’s happy?

H e’s young, he gets good grades at school

and he has lots of friends and a good relationship

with his parents. He also plays basketball for Huntington High School, Virginia,

USA. Life is good for OJ Mayo. But it isn’t always easy!

“I really want to be a professional basketball player and I know I have to

work hard,” he says. He wakes up at 6:30 am every day. He starts the day

with a big breakfast, then he goes jogging in the park for an hour. After

that, it’s time for school. When he finishes, he usually goes to basketball

practice. The HHS team practises four days a week. They often play two

games a week. OJ is always sad when they lose. “Well, I know it's only a

game,” he says, “but losing always makes me think we could do better.”

So, with such a full programme, how does he manage? “Well, I never miss practice. I sometimes

worry about school because I want to get good grades, but I’m well organised so I never fall

behind with my homework. I never stay out late. I always do my best and work hard, both at

school and on the court.”

Any advice for ambitious teenagers like himself? “Always stay motivated and never give up!”

OJ says.

Workbook Starter Unit a 5

8S0กrrก กกก กกกst กsกกกกกPcกrrก กกก กกกst กsกกกก_กSกกPกกกScกกกMe กกMt : กกก

ñPronouns and Possessive adjectives

6 Complete the table in your notebook. What are these words in your language?

Subject Pronouns I, you, .........................................

Object Pronouns me, you, ......................................

Possessive Adjectives my, your, ......................................

5 Put the words in the correct order.Then answer the questions.

7 Replace the words in bold with the correct pronoun orcomplete with the correct possessive adjective.

1 John is sixteen years old. ® He is sixteen years old.2 Susan and Paul are friends. ..................................3 My grandparents have two dogs. ...........................4 Jonathan is sick. ...............................................5 Are you talking to your sister? ...............................6 I have a bicycle. It’s ................................. bicycle.7 My mother and I love swimming. ...........................8 I want to buy a present for John. ..........................9 We have a collection of stamps. They're ......... stamps.

10 Mary’s dog is black. ............................................11 This room is for me and my brother. .......................

1 Ann ........... (live) in London.2 She usually ........................

(wake up) at 7 o’clock in the morning.3 She .................. (travel) to school by tube.4 She ........ (not/have) lessons in the evening.5 She .............................. (play) the flute.6 She ........................ (not/like) rock music.

We use the present simple for:ñ habits & routines.

Joan leaves for school at 8:00.Does she finish at 3:00? No, she doesn’t.

ñ permanent states.Her father works as a doctor. Her mother doesn’t work.

ñPresent Simple

1 a) Read the table. How do we form the present simple?

b) Find examples of the present simple in the text on p. 5.

2 Complete the third personsingular.

3 How is the -s endingpronounced? Complete thetable with verbs from Ex. 2.Listen and check.

/s/ ® wants



1 I play ― he .........................2 I want ― he ........................3 I know ― he ........................4 I work ― he ........................5 I wake up ― he ....................6 I start ― he ........................7 I go ― he ...........................8 I finish ― he .......................9 I lose ― he .........................

10 I miss ― he .........................

4 Put the verbs in brackets inthe correct form of thepresent simple.

Grammar see p. 119

1 Where/you/live/do? ® Where do you live?2 Do/early/you/wake up? I live in ...3 do/to/How/you/travel/

school? 5 Do/like/you/football?4 does/What/your/do/dad? 6 your/Does/work/mum?


Aก1eกกก กกก aกกst กsกกกกกก4กeกกก กกก aกกst กsกกกกSกก_กก_กกPกก_กMc กกMt : กกN

............................... is that boy?

.................................. old is he?

............................... is he from?

................ does he start school?

.......... does he travel to school?

........ does he go to the cinema?

......... does he do in the evenings?

...... does he have karate lessons?1 ® Steve never goes to schoolon foot.

2 ® Laura always ...

11 Find out about your partner’s favouritefree-time activities.

® A: What do you do in your free time?B: I often play basketball with my friends. Sometimes we

go skating or have a snack. What about you?

10 Listen and repeat. Explain these phrases in your language.


12 Complete the gaps with: can, have, has, do or does.Answer the questions.

ñQuestion words

13 Fill in the correct questionword(s). Then match the questionsto the answers. Listen and check.

a He’s from Barcelona.

b Twice a month.

c He watches TV.

d At 8:30.

e On foot.

f It’s Pedro.

g He’s 15.

h Every Monday and Tuesday.

9 Make sentences, as in theexample. What about you?

1 ® Can you make models?® Yes, I can.

2 .......... you go dancing?..............................

3 ...... your dad got a car?..............................

4 ............... your friendchat on the phone? ..............................

5 ........... you got a bike? ..............................

6 ...... your best friend go skating? ...................

7 ............. you hang outwith your friends? ..............................

ñ watch a football match ñ make models

ñ play basketball ñ chat on the phone ñ go skating

ñ have coffee/a snack with friends ñ watch a film

ñ go dancing/clubbing ñ hang out with friends

go to school on foot

go to bed at 10:30

meet friends after school

walk the dog







wears a uniform atschool.

walks to school.

watches TV beforeshe goes to bed.

rides her bicycle toschool.

does herhomeworkin the afternoon.

Workbook Starter Unit b

play computer games inthe evening

ñAdverbs of frequency

8 Read the sentences aboutJane. Explain the highlighted words in yourlanguage.



8S0กrrก กกก กกกst กsกกกกกPcกrrก กกก กกกst กsกกกก_กSกกPกกกScกกกMe กกMt : กกg

Dear Steve,Thanks for your letter. I hope we get to know each otherwell.First of all, let me tell you a few things about myself. I am15 years old and I live in Barcelona, Spain. My mum is a doctor.She works at the local hospital. My dad is a police officer. Theyboth work long hours. I'm a student at Reading SecondarySchool. I have a sister, Laura, who is 17. We get along quitewell.

School starts at 8:30. I wake up every day at 7:00, havebreakfast and go to school on foot. Sometimes my dad takesme in the car, especially when the weather is bad. I get backhome at 3:30 in the afternoon. I usually do my homework inthe evenings for an hour or two. Then, I often watch TV. OnMondays and Tuesdays, I have karate lessons. On Saturdays, Ialways go out with friends. We like going to the cinema.What about you? What kind of films do you like? Whatkind of music do you like? Please write soon!Yours,Pedro


1 Read the letter and mark thesentences T (true) or F (false).

1 Pedro’s a teenager. .....2 He’s Canadian. .....3 There are four people in

his family. .....4 He’s older than his sister. .....5 He always walks to school. .....6 He goes to karate lessons

three times a week. .....

2 Ask and answerquestions based on the text.Use question words.

® A: How old is Pedro?B: He’s 15. Where does he live?



3 Listen to Steve talking about his family and completethe gaps (1-5).

Para 1: thank friend for letterPara 2: write about you and your family (How old are

you? Where are you from? How many peopleare there in your family? What do your parentsdo for a living?)

Para 3: describe a typical weekday & your free-timeactivities (What is a typical weekday like?What do you do in your free time?)

Para 4: ask friend about his/her weekdays & what he/she likes doing in his/her free time

Writing (a letter)

4 You’ve got a new penfriend. Answer thequestions in the plan, then write yourletter (50-60 words).



Name: Steve (15)

Surname: 0) ® Miller

Father: 1) ...................., age 37,

job: 2) ....................

Mother: Helen, age 3) ....................,

job: teacher

Sister: 4) ...................., age 13

Brother: Andy, age 5) ....................

Workbook Starter Unit c8

8S0กrrก กกก กกกst กsกกกกกPcกrrก กกก กกกst กsกกกก_กSกกPกกกScกกกMe กกMt : กก_

beautiful countryside

Lifestyles� What’s in this module?

ñ city life/country lifeñ people & jobsñ people’s lifestylesñ free-time activities

ñ present continuousñ present simple vs present continuousñ relative clausesñ forming adjectives from nouns

Look at the pictures. Which place doyou prefer: a village or a busy town? Why? Usethe phrases and your own ideas to tell the class.


heavy trafficshops, cinemas & theatres

crowded streets

feeling isolated

tall, modern buildings

fresh air friendly, helpful people

constant noise & pollutionpeaceful & quiet

convenient public transport

® I prefer the village. I like peaceful and quiet places.I can’t stand crowded streets and heavy traffic.

Vocabulary ñCity life ― Country life

� Listen and repeat. What are these words in your language?



Find the page number for pictures 1 & 2.

� Find the page numbers for

ñ an email ñ risky jobs

ñ two men in uniform

ñ a map of the London underground


K I don’t mind J I like L I can’t stand

ba. Sกกd UU a กbeกกกeMSกกd UU a กbe I ก5FกeF 5M58 CN Cc9d P

We use the present continuous for:ñ actions happening now. He’s sleeping

now. Kevin isn’t watching TV.ñ arrangements in the future.

I’m seeing my friends tonight. Are you coming?

2 Read and listen to the diariesand answer the questions.Explain the words in bold.

1 Who feels excited? Why?2 What can’t Annabel stand?3 Whose school is very small?4 What does Annabel miss?5 What does Sarah miss?6 Who’s getting homesick?

Workbook 1a

ñPresent Continuous

5 Read the table. How do weform the present continuous?Find two examples in the text.Explain the use.

9 In pairs, ask and answer questions based onthe text.

® A: Where does Annabel live? B: In London.

Para 1: thank your friend, write what you are doing nowPara 2: write about your daily routine & what you are doing tonightPara 3: closing remarks

Writing (an email)

10 Portfolio: Write an email to your English penfriend.Follow the plan.

Grammar see p. 119

4 Complete the sentences.

1 I like my city because ............2 I love my school because ........3 I enjoy being in the countryside

because .............................


1 Ann usually does her homework in the afternoon.2 Look! She’s doing her homework.3 She’s going out later.

ñPresent Simple vs Present Continuous

7 Read the sentences. What tenses are the verbs in bold in? Which tense shows: an action happening now?a habit/routine? a future arrangement? Find examples in the texts on p. 10.

8 Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense, the present simple or the present continuous. Give reasons.

Hi Steve,Thanks very much for your email. At the moment, I

1) ....................... (study) really hard. I 2) ....................... (sit) my exams next week.

My lessons 3) ......................... (start) at 8:30. Afterschool, I go to my part-time job. I 4) ...........................(work) in a library for the next few months. Tonight, I5) ....................... (meet) my friends.

Anyway, I’d better finish here. Write again soon.Victor

6 Complete the sentences by putting the verbs leave, visit,make, go, milk in the present continuous.

1 Mum ........................................... breakfast now.2 We ................................. shopping this afternoon.3 Hurry up. The school bus ................................... .4 She .................................. her aunt this weekend. 5 Harry’s in the barn. He ........................... the cows.


3 Look up these words/phrasesin your dictionaries. Makesentences using them.

ñ by tube ñ facilities ñ trafficñ get homesick ñ miss ñ milkthe cows ñ barn ñ feed thechickens ñ can’t stand thesmell ñ meet the bus ñ feelisolated ñ close at hand ñ hustle and bustle


ba. Sกกd UU a กbeกกกeMSกกd UU a กbe I ก5FกeF 5M58 CN Cc9d ee

DAY 2 Everyone stays in bed late here. It’s

8 am and Annabel’s mum is making

breakfast. This afternoon, we’re going

shopping in Oxford Street and then we’re

going to the cinema! I’m so excited!

DAY 4 I travel to Annabel’s school by

tube. Her school is huge with 1,500

students and her friends are very helpful.

I’m enjoying the lessons, but most of all I

love the facilities. The computer room and the

swimming pool are my favourites.

DAY 6 Today, I’m feeling a bit tired. It’s always

noisy here and you can hear the traffic all

night. I think I’m getting a bit homesick, too. I

miss the beautiful countryside and my friends

from my hometown. I’m happy I’m going

home tomorrow, but I’m sure I’ll visit London

and see Annabel’s lovely family again!




DAY 2 Everyone gets up at 5 am because there’sa lot to do on the farm. Sarah’s mum is very nice.She brings me a cup of tea in bed, but I just goback to sleep. Later, I go outside in the farmyardto help Sarah’s family. Today, we are milking thecows in the barn and feeding the chickens. Theanimals are lovely, but I can’t stand the smell.DAY 4 Sarah’s mum takes me to meet the schoolbus every morning. We drive five miles and itleaves at exactly 7 am. Sarah’s school is verysmall, but everyone’s so friendly. DAY 6 Learning about farming is interesting, butI’m happy I’m going home tomorrow. The fresh air

is nice, but it’s too quiet here. I also feel isolated.In the city, the streets are crowded but you haveeverything close at hand. I miss the hustle andbustle of London, but I don’t want to leave mynew friends.






1 Describe the pictures. Imagine you are there. What can you hear, see, smell? How do you feel(relaxed, stressed, etc)?

Annabel and Sarah are guests on a reality TV show.Annabel lives in London. Sarah lives on a farm in the

north of Scotland. They are swapping families andschools for a week.


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Moneybank clerk............. Medicine












The Artsactor


CB Warren Faidley

Joel Sartore

Law & Orderpolice officer


There are people who don’t like desk jobs. They prefer adventure and 1) ................. .

Sometimes, they even 2) ................. a little danger!

Joel Sartore is a 8) ................... wildlife photographer who workswith the National Geographic Society. “Photography is the key tothe whole world,” he says. “You have to be 9) ................... andcareful, but when you see the pictures you’ve taken, then you feelreally 10) ................... .”

Warren Faidley is a real-life storm chaser whose job is to photographtornadoes, lightning strikes and 3) .................. . He’s very 4) ...................and determined. The 5) ..................., adventure and excitement are thethings which he likes most about his job.

Jonathan Alpeyrie is a war photographer. Every day, he wakes upin the middle of a war zone where 6) ................... are going off allthe time. It’s a 7) ................... job which requires a lot of courage.Jonathan wants to show the world the horrors of war so thatgovernments do more to stop them.

2 Listen to the sounds andmatch them to the pictures (A-C).What is each person’s job (1-3)?What do they have to do?

5 What is more important in a job: making alot of money or personal satisfaction? Give reasons.



1 Copy the spidergram inyour notebooks. Add as manyjobs as possible in four minutes.Compare with your partner.

b) Explain the words in bold. Say two things you remember about each person.

A Jonathan Alpeyrie

4 a) In pairs, complete the texts with words fromEx. 3. Listen to a radio interview and check.

3 Check the meaning of thesewords in your dictionaries.

ñ talented ñ proudñ travel ñ look forñ hurricanes ñ bombs and rocketsñ patient ñ excitementñ dangerous ñ brave


ba. Sกกd UU a กbeกกกeMSกกd UU a กbe I ก5FกeF 5M58 CN Cc9d e5

VocabularyñPersonality adjectives

6 a) Match the opposites.Listen and check.

10 Complete the sentences so that theyare true for you. Use who or which.

1 I like people ® who are sensitive and honest.2 I often go to the park, .................. is the

perfect place to .................. .3 I can’t stand people ............ are ............

and .................. .4 I like reading books .................. are about

.............. .5 I prefer hotels ............. have .............. .


11 Work in groups of four. You arean interviewer. Your partners take theroles of the three people in the text.Prepare your questions and interviewthem. Act out your interview.

1 She’s very ...................... (fun). Everyonelikes her jokes.

2 Taylor Swift is a .................. (fame) singer.3 Angelina Jolie is very ................ (beauty).

ñ I like people who are polite and honest.ñ Courage and adventure are the qualities which

characterise him.ñ He likes places where people are friendly.ñ What’s the name of the man whose car you borrowed?

We use 1) ......... with people. We use 2) .........with places. We use 3) ......... with things or ideas.We use 4) ......... to show possession.

7 Read the rule. Form adjectives from thenouns in brackets.

a war reporter? a nursery teacher?

Forming adjectives from nounsWe add -ous, -y or -ful to the noun to form adjectives.danger ― dangerous, risk ― risky, care ― careful

1 brave

2 imaginative

3 friendly4 sociable

5 hardworking

6 patient7 polite

8 smart

9 honest

10 careful

11 skilful

a unfriendly

b lazy

c unimaginatived cowardly

e unskilled

f dishonestg careless

h impatient

i impolite

j shy

k stupid

a fire fighter? storm chaser?

Decide in pairs.

® A war reporter needs to be brave and smart.

a waiter?a lawyer? a doctor?

Workbook 1b

b) Which of the adjectives above best describe:Think!Think!

GrammarñRelative Clauses

8 Read the examples and complete the ruleswith: who, which, whose or where. Find examples in the texts on p. 12.

Learning oppositesLearn adjectives with their opposites. This will help you remember them.

Learning to learn

Learning to learn

see pp. 119-120

9 Complete the sentences with:

ñ who ñ which ñ where ñ whose

1 He .................... laughs last, laughs best.2 Ibiza is the place ..................... she often

spends her summer holidays.3 My parents are the only people ................

always support me.4 An orphan is a child ............. parents aren’t

alive any more.5 She enjoys watching films ......................

make her cry.


ba. Sกกd UU a กbeกกกeMSกกd UU a กbe I ก5FกeF 5M58 CN Cc9d ea

Writing (an article for a school magazine)

5 Portfolio: Answer the questions in the plan.

Para 1: present yourself (Who are you? How old are you? Where do youcome from? Where do you live? What is your town like?)

Para 2: your house (What’s your house like? What’s your room like?) Para 3: your family (How many people are there in your family? What

do your parents do for a living?)Para 4: your friends (How do you spend your free time with your friends?

Where does your best friend live? What do you do together?)

Use your answers to write an article about yourself foran international school magazine (60-80 words).

Using connectorsWe use and to join similar ideas. We use but to join opposing ideas. We use or to link two alternatives.

Learning to learn

Learning to learn

ñWord power

3 Read the box. Which phrase canyou find in the text? Makesentences using the phrases.

1 It’s a nice place. It is very expensive.

2 We often go to Pierre’s.We have lunch there.

3 We can go by bus. We can walk.4 We swim there.

We play beach volleyball.

Reading & Writing

1 Look at the pictures. Whatdo you think John’s lifestyle islike? Listen and read to find out.

2 Explain the words inbold. Ask and answer questionsbased on the text.

® A: How old is John? B: 15. Where does he come from?

4 Read the box. Find examples inthe text, then join thesentences.

Workbook 1c

+ adjective (= feelings) He feels sad.+ like + ing form (= fancy) Do you feel like going out?+ about (= think) How do you feelabout your new teacher?

I’m John Smith. I’m 15 years old and I come from Wales. I livein a fantastic city next to the sea called Swansea. It is very bigbut it’s lovely and full of friendly people. I really enjoy livinghere but it gets a bit noisy when the tourists arrive in thesummer.

My house I live in a small house very close to the

beach. Every morning I wake up to the sound of seagulls.

My room is on the second floor and has a great view of the

sea. I love looking at the sea. It makes me feel calm.

My family My family isn’t very big, just my parents

and myself. My dad works with children with special needs

and my mum is a nurse at the local hospital. They both

work long hours but they don’t mind. They really enjoy

their jobs.

My friends I have a lot of friends. Some of us are in a

band. I play the guitar. We often play for the locals. My

best friend lives in the house next to mine. When we are

together, we talk about music or we make plans and dream

about the future.


ba. Sกกd UU a กbeกกกeMSกกd UU a กbe I ก5FกeF 5M58 CN Cc9d e7

Atrip to London is never complete without a visit to the Tower ofLondon. The Yeoman Warders, or ‘Beefeaters’, guard the Tower.

King Henry VIII first introduced Beefeaters in 1485. They were hisbodyguards. They looked after1 the prisoners in the Tower and guarded theCrown Jewels. These days they guide the tourists who visit the Tower. Theyalso take care of the eight big black ravens which live in the Tower.

There are 36 Yeoman Warders. They all live in the Tower with theirfamilies. The Beefeaters are famous for their red and gold uniform, but theyonly wear this on formal occasions. Most of the time they wear a dark blueuniform with red trimmings2.

No one is exactly sure where the name ‘Beefeater’ comes from. One theory isthat the warders got meat instead of money as a salary! Others say that the namecomes from the French word buffetier. Buffetiers were the guards in the palace ofthe French king. They protected the king’s food.

1 a) Look at the title and the picture. Who are these men? Where do they work? What is the bird called? Listen and read to find out.

The Yeoman Warders

2 Read the text again. Mark thestatements T (true), F (false) orDS (doesn’t say).

1 Beefeaters guard the Towerof London. ....

2 They give free tours. ....3 They have three uniforms. ....4 Beefeaters eat lots of meat. .... Project

5 Portfolio: Collect information about a popular touristattraction in your country where you can see peoplein special uniforms. Write:

ñ where it is/its history ñ who you can see there/their job/their uniform

3 Imagine you are aBeefeater. Present yourself to theclass. Say who you are, where youwork, what you do at work andwhat you wear at work.

1 took care of 2 pieces of material used to decorate clothing

4 You will hear some information about the Towerof London. Listen and complete the gaps (1-5).

First built in: 0)® 1078Built by: 1) .................. the ConquerorYou can: take a tour, learn about the Tower’s 2) .................., see the Crown JewelsYou can buy: guide books, jewellery, 3) ............Tower closes at: 4) ..................Tickets: adults 5) .................., children í9.50

Workbook 1d

b) Explain the underlined words.


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Yellow = Circle Line Fare = £3

by tr


/ b




/ plane /tube/ bike/taxi/ ca

r / boat / ship/ on foot


Pronunciation /æ/, /∞/

5 Listen and tick (�). Listen and repeat.Think of two more words with the samesounds.

Workbook 1e

ñBuying an underground ticket

1 How do you usually travel?

4 Portfolio: You and your friend are inLondon. You want to go from Liverpool Streetto Westminster. Use the map to act out adialogue between you and the ticket seller.Use dialogue B as a model. Record yourselves.® I usually travel by tube.

TS: Next, please.P: Two tickets, please.

TS: Where to?P: St James’s Park.

TS: Single or return?P: Single, please.

TS: That’s £6.00.


TS: Yes, please?P: Two return tickets to Barbican, please.

TS: That’s £12.00.P: Here you are. Which line do I take,

please?TS: Take the Circle Line.P: Thanks a lot.

TS: You’re welcome.


2 a) Listen and repeat. Say the sentences in your language.

b) Who says each sentence/phrase in Ex. 2a: a ticket seller or a passenger? Read and listen to the dialogues and check. Where does each person want to go?

/æ/ /∞/ /æ/ /∞/

Pete beat

pit bit

peal slip

pill sleep

ñ Next, please. ñ Where to?ñ Single or return? ñ Return to Barbican, please.ñ That’s £6.00. ñ Which line do I take, please?ñ You’re welcome.

1 Who’s next?2 Where are you


3 It costs £6.00.4 Thank you very much.5 It’s my pleasure.

3 Find phrases in thedialogues which mean:Everyday English


ba. Sกกd UU a กbeกกกeMSกกd UU a กbe I ก5FกeF 5M58 CN Cc9d e8

2 a) Think of three questions you would like to ask about Mexico City. Read the text. Can you answer any of your questions?

1 Listen to the sounds and look at the pictures.Imagine you are there. What do you think it is likethere? (noisy, quiet, crowded, busy, clean, polluted,etc) Tell your partner.

® I think it is busy. There are ... I can smell ...


Nexico City is one of the world’s lcr9est cities.It hcs 9ot becutiful old buildin9s, 9reen pcrks,museums cnd cn excitin9 ni9htlife. It’s c 9rectplcce to visit. Nine million people visit it ecchyecr.

Nexico City is c difficult city to drive in beccuseof the heavy traffic. The city’s fcntcstic metronetwork, however, hcs 11 lines cnd is verychecp. There cre hundreds of buses, trolleybuses cnd peseros (minibuses), too.

In their free time, Nexiccns shop ct colourfulstreet mcrkets. They clso enjoy 9oin9 to thecinemc cnd thectre. They even hcve streetpcrties. Footbcll cnd horse racing cre themost populcr sports.

The people of Nexico City cre very friendly.The food is excellent, too! The restcurcntsserve delicious loccl food like tortillcscnd frijoles (beans).






what’s new?



Workbook 1f

3 Work ingroups. Collect informationabout living conditions inNew Delhi, India and writea similar text. Present it tothe class.

You can visit this website:en.wikipedia.orgSearch keyword: New Delhi


Ccpitcl city of NexicoContinent: North Americcpopulation: 50 million language: SpcnishCurrenCy: Ceso

Click on and tell us about your city. How is it different from Mexico City?

TransportA Tourism




b) Read again and label sections 1-4 with headings A-D. Listen and check. Explain the words in bold.


ba. Sกกd UU a กbeกกกeMSกกd UU a กbe I ก5FกeF 5M58 CN Cc9d e_

( )Points: ___9X3 27

( )Points: ___5X3 15

4 Put the verbs in brackets in the presentsimple or the present continuous.

1 John ........................ (visit) his parents this weekend.

2 He ............ (take) me to school every day.3 Be quiet. The baby .................... (sleep).4 He ................. (meet) his friends tonight.5 She usually .............. (get up) at 7:00 am.6 The bus .................... (leave) every evening

at 6:30.

7 ................... (he/do) his homework now?8 What time .................. (you/start) work?9 He ....................... (not/watch) TV now.

10 She ................ (not/like) flying by plane.11 ....................... (they/leave) next week?12 Lisa ................ (not/milk) the cows now.

5 Complete with:ñ Which line do I take, please? ñ One ticketto Oxford Circus, please. ñ That’s £3.00.ñ Thanks a lot. ñ Return, please.

A: Next, please.B: 1) ...................................................A: Single or return?B: 2) ............................... How much is it?A: 3) ...................................................B: Here you are. 4) .................................A: Take the Circle Line, then change at Baker

Street and take the Bakerloo Line.B: 5) ...................................................

Now I Can ...

... in English

ñ talk/write about city/country lifeñ write about my daily routineñ talk about people’s jobs & personalitiesñ write an article about myselfñ buy tickets on the London undergroundñ write a text about a tourist attraction in my country

( )Points: ___12X2 24

( )Points: ___5X4 20

( )My score: ___100







A homesickB transportC streetsD trafficE at handF air G isolated

1 Match the words.

( )Points: ___7X2 14

No, but mysister has.

Have you gotany brothers?

3 Fill in: who, which, whose or where.

1 I like people .............. are funny and kind.2 That’s the café ........... we go every Saturday.3 She’s the girl ........ won the science award.4 I prefer books ............ have lots of action.5 That’s the girl ....................... father is a

war reporter.

2 Choose the correct word.

1 He usually travels on train/foot.2 She’s a talented/rewarding photographer.3 He never lies. He’s a(n) honest/patient person.4 I miss the hustle and noise/bustle of LA.5 Public transport is convenient/heavy here.6 I’m hometown/homesick. I miss home.7 I hate the constant/crowded noise in Paris.8 He feels lonely/friendly away from his family.9 War reporters must be proud/brave.









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