Official ms l>»r«ct«ry. Sf>j. E. B , .s K >*> . r. r _s w. '!.¦»< Kt.ii. Iii»* *c'k K. kox; n.Ji^.¦..>».»¦¦ . bii Serif« "i « yy ySri, Chairman ; ' u .K> u W\ Taym*i Ch«Irwi»nj '..vw '! tYMM. C. w. bvax«. n b V (j^hh ok. \v,T. Kknxkot. ti«.-.' \M,,vv,vr.,v. Chi.iP.nin: C. W. w lT"IJK. K (-m.io.oi-. ChrtlrnoMi: P u k1 \v ki»v. .. , |>* w. Fox, Chnlrtni.»^ ., s. (;*p Improvement Co, * .* ;i;J,, Tr,U..-.|M>. W. Fox. >r. ,. ( .mnm Oflieli»« Directory. in \pr«. Septemlier ami äff« r the fourth Moml»y ,, , > --it. r. Bm < VV'M' C , ...: derlc.-.l. E. Wi¬ ll.. imRnoii .,\ i- ( II.. V.i. s . -tf m. 1 pxkpy, Iii? v \ Tv«i "is. Sortolli Vn. ",;, .,.,. k .tvni J>i-t»i«:t..0. W'. " ... '.Vettern Ointrlct..D. C. ****** I .< » i < >:«M^ic'ic«. Flftli Sir- /»3«$CKS . .!.,<. nily. from Ol. ,i ;> »rt 110*01 «»ih*m from 8 l.W.t« >. .1 0 r.« in»» ;o? tl«*h' .. .. n.lön.m. I * .. .. .. .*. :mi Urlr»! .. 12 00 iii. 8.15 a.111. ,;i.iHitch of mail matter It i-honhl1 ... M«|lce letter Ik»x More the lime r ,'. ,j nirt'VC. CHSTIOSSTO TME LTBMC. ;. . . |- > Official GnWci 1.1 'k}I»Ij a««l fully- '.,v'' i .. ,,, in foil, sinn«! »ml h««us«', . ., Miiall "ii", the name ....in, ml inMrivs upon uplH-r left-! .1 l»y j ..». |umvü plnee the :«:t>ne of j «5i.Mil.. .1 « ii'.«-1i>jh-> OtlJltV Ii' IfrtlifJK- 7_V" Mh»r. ¦im r rlght-haml .. n«l< r f..i ;.mamj.-. iiionrr mm <HM«»!»' l»..l> U..f). tijctel '"in-. ^ ii,. |v..Mion-ter ««r clerk to affix . f.r -..Ktnjp -t.im|i- «»r money 111,, , lie. ks or «Irafts in paynienl f'»r .,, \ \r. \,\ thai which i> le- Sati'Oiiil lmiik*m»te*. .. ,,, ,.t.mm - Kiippll«!«! l.y Imtelfs; .. .1 .|| |M. 111 nie "f Ml«' if 52 ~V. \\r>v ^Th^vL '. - ". i,ii:"rt JVhnt " ,,sn,w ",;,,'!' iitivto '.' '" " ""''!' ''' j,,' .v ". the re- i'>j:;l -i; .. .. «»... ¦.. Ä. -.¦'';¦¦-.; > , w-rj n »p««ctfuny. ' S, H. jksskk, V -'t I'. M. i'.^r - :io,t!u»ri/.e«l to nniimincc the ütndiU»1 Hg .Iii \ VTII \N R. LIPPS |[.| ..,., to tho n.Hec of County nnd re- llrcn?!('.1 f«»r Wise County Vn., at i|<M;Ul>. ' "< ¦" k t.N tit.N .! O HO ME SKiVS. HBi.uihI; il ami luontv llioiisninJ cy« »alv In \V. F. Baker Mit. < Ii m w. «.f I.oxintr- oii. K l.. ¦' nii\iii'_r aiioMij; ri^aii ii- ; t!,. ;...».-t r«-v. »t*ix>. F( A \ -1:111 :i:pI W. II H«>1- . 1'tK, 1 if ;. w i!i' il: ;i t Iriul.iiire it J^!-v Skeeii's court, ."it Wise II., ..i..v Hui lU i, ..|:;;i mi' i wiving ill- crest :. t'. in. j ><\ ; uvlw miles >f ni\ o !'iir \ ii!«-. K v.. 111»('lour 'ri'CE cuul ninl titiilitM" roail l»y .xCOn Ii I I >:i iiI'llI'V. ( '«Hill.. 111:1 1! - ^ ;!!(¦-. Tw ..:.! j.-in.-ii ;irrivrii in tow n i'UßSi'iv -¦.'!!11u. m Ii" conic wit Ii the nu>ftti"ii uf csfaliiisliin«; a larj^e :aiiic i': !¦!.¦:;. ;it t jii> place, ihcv ¦' '¦¦ l""k in^ over t lie JWUri i1.! -;.:.. i. t In- a«lvant- JffCP, i! - il !s|.i,-t..|-v, will .Minn >^H v \i i. !I \i:;;i- w i|! !,t!\' run! laiuls frcs; ¦' ' i J..V.T ' 'le\ i-lan«lV or j tnvli .\\ on !he >ilvcr nsv'^t i !.. \Ul..,i coal - ""I as LT"M, ami ^«vn\ ;-tiiii ¦, the manner in - ü 11' < i«.-i-.i ;i ii a*m |Hf N it .1!\\.y ;Ml.>t lirr 1 ä.ll'.M) ael C j :r»ct '.:A^ .' i.i \-i\.. :::11<>11111 of interest Miown in Miuthein mineral H - <> .. \ i.l.'tie.-.l l.y the re-. jSs s;|l'' "i :i «-":isiih':al»le l»<iumlarv Hral ;,!i'l li'iii laiiil ;|lnin| S.S uiilc^i Mliurvt of Hi- Stone tiap for i.iviuriit havii:-1 S in ie week heforc last. This! iMuupreliemls the Imilil-' - ".' .¦¦.ail, tho erection v,,:'v. tuntfiee ami so on. ¦9X al.ii« mii.Niral was triven at' t Mrs. ii. 1\ HiMginKl H lay <'\rain_'. Alr>. Ma^irio! Hr"'1 u;,> pre»ent, ami in her faei-i B>.- «t; le, rendered a number of W"'1 l'i,'r,,s ihe j.iano. Mrs. ffl' I: 1 !l ,s ;! hi-li n-j.utation a* an H"'"'1 ¦" "" ,!"' P'i'im, ami m.w has H1^ ;" Hiis j.lacu; Till? Hlli;''- l«'aturi. uf tin- evenings §,,;,l'"n. ;«t. Iiowever, was iutro- when Mis. l^aiuiery, o( Lee Kv, producwl Iter hanjo ami, in puiuitahle manner, reiitlered quite ",L'! ,,r ij^trunicntal piece* ami iJ,';"":-> Mr. Jno. M. Goodloe ''i" part in the way of re- g IM« faiiiouK love-letterand sinir- .( u-'«»i comic wag*. Ox TijK first evening after bin arri¬ val at Pinevillc, Mr. «TaiAva M. Hodge, of this place, who went there to take charge of the Breekenridge Coal Mines, was surprised by hearing B bullet break a window pane of his office and pass between him and his book-keeper. This was probably not ! an attempt on the life of Mr. Ho ;ge, but the act of sonic drunken rowdy shooting at the light, from the moun¬ tain Si(h<. : In the suit of the M. K. Church, j south, against M. B. Wood, of Bris- j tol, in Judge Skcen's court at Wise C H., yesterday, judgement was rendered in favor of the church. It is said that Mr. Wood subscribed $25 toward tin* erection of the new church building at this place. After the completion of the building he refused to pay his subscription. Suit w;is entered against him with the above result. While at Wise C. H., Tuesday, a Post representative had the pleasure of meeting quite a number of the «_r"f if i citizens of the county. Although not there strict I v for the purpose of looking aftor the Post's interests, the voluntary encouragement extend¬ ed w;is quite gratifying. Among the new subscribers added to the list were. das. A. Mullins, Flat Gap; H. K. Kilgore, Ta.com a; Win. Notting¬ ham, Dr. D. 11. Redwinc, Win. Ren- froe. Wilson»Owens. Wise C. H.; X. J, Morno, Tacoma; d. H. Hranner, \j, H. Gilliam, Pound; W. W. Skeen, Fcrnalda; 0. J. Hevins, Mason's Store. Ox VVkonjsso.vy of last week a special train of two car loads of the General Passenger Agents of the Union and Canada, who were in ses¬ sion for several days at Hotel "Four Seasons" at Harrogatc, passed through r»i,i; Stone Gap on an excur¬ sion over the South Atlantic and < . 11i'> Railroad to see the Natural Tunm I <>} Virginia, with which they were greatly pleased. At this place they were up.'t by A| r, Conklin, of the S. A. ife 0. P. It., with his private car fitted out for their entertainment. This meeting of these Passenger Agent has done more than any other one thing recently to advertise this sect ion of the coutry ami, it is predict¬ ed, will be productive of much good. At Dkvdkx, »lohn Taylor, of Oharlestown, West Virginia, is saw- in Lr forC CrouWi'ell, ofTerrq Haute. Ind., a l<d of gun stocks which are sent to the Winchester Arms Com¬ pany, .it Fair Haven, Conn. At Pen- nington's Gap the Hale (fe Wood Manufacturing Co., are making furn¬ iture, coffins, etc., where also large operations in lumberinjr are foimr on. Hig Sj >ne Qap should have more of' such enterprises, but, the land here¬ abouts is held by large companies, a small concern feels that it has but little showing in getting a location and timber; but this, it is to be hoped, will he remedied by their making leases to concerns that run a great many saw¬ mills and manufacture on a large scale. In fact the largest land com¬ pany here has prepared a most excel¬ lent plan which is being submitted to wholesale concerns. A <a:\Ti ;.m ;\ v, l|o njdp'l in devel¬ oping several of the coal mines at dcllico, Tenn., and who is still inter¬ ested there, recently paid a visit to that place and says that the miners on the MondayJiftcr their Saturday pay-day deposited in the local hank .800 of time dpjmsjtjj and 113,0001 ordinary deposits. Something like this is done every month and Jellico is cpnsquently one of the best towns in that section. These miners spend perhaps $500,000 to $750,O0V) at the mine stores yearly, and $250,000 in the town.. |le was, Lold \11:it i* wns no trouble to cash lots at from $1:5 to $75 per front foot and that the men who a few years ago worked Cor him for day's wages are now worth from $3.000 to $5.000 each in property and hard cash. He found also that the town of Wil- ...» .1 S '«»''l . * v '< liaiiisb'irg, l\y.: 2.000 people wa* kept up almost altogether by one large saw-mill, and Pineville* Ivy., 2.000 more by its saw-mills and coal mining operations. It is evident that the same stale of affairs will be the case here when the large develop¬ ment of our coals and timbers is be¬ gun,ami oi) a much larger scale, as this Held is so much larger. Ilneklen'a Arnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts,Bruises Soies, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns ami all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to girc perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by S. L. White- head & Co. Ktectrlo Bitters, This remedy is becoming so well known and so popular as to need no special mention. All who have used Electric Witters sins' the same song of praise..A purer medicine does not ex¬ ist and it is guaranteed to do all that is claim¬ ed. Ktectric Bitters will cure all diseases of the ftiverarid Kidneys, will remove Pimples, Boils Salt Kheum and other affection caused by impure blood,.Will drive Malaria from the svstem and prevent as well as cure all Malari¬ al fevers..For cure of Headache, Constipation and Tndijostiou try Kleetriet Bitters- Entire satisfaction guaranted, or monev refunded.. price Wer*, "i'd * I-«« per bottle 4 S. I, Whit: head & Co's Drugstore, MÖRDER MOST FOOL, j Joseph Nemelca Kills His Young Wife. The Demond, Jealousy, Gets In His Fiendish Work. j Although Norton has been the scene of quite a number of difficul¬ ties and murders in .the past three years, still none of them have had the shocking effect as the attro- cions murder which occurred there on last Sunday night. Several months ago, ami just a few days before the death of the brides father, a young girl, the «laughter of 'Squire John Snodgrass, of that place, was married to an Ital¬ ian by the name of Joseph Nemelka. The union proved an unhappy one, and in a short time the husband be¬ gan to suspect his young wife of be¬ ing untrue to her marriage vows A few weeks ago the husband left his wife. She seemed to have grounds to fear that he intended to kill her; as, only a few days before the trage¬ dy, she went to Wise C. H., to con¬ sult the law firm of Aldcrson & Mil¬ ler with the view of securing a di¬ vorce. She said she hail fears that Nemelka intended her bodily harm. Her object in being anxious to push the case as fast as possible was that Nemelka had told her that he intend¬ ed to leave for ]tally in a few weeks, and she was anxious that notice of her action be served on }mu before he left. Judge Aldcrson had an engage¬ ment to see her at her home, at Nor¬ ton, with reference to her case last Monday, and on his arrival there, was very much surprised to learn that an eternal divorce had been granted already by the highest Judge known to mortals.Death. Nemelka, on Sunday evening had gone to the home of his wife's mother.the second wife of 'Squire Snodgrass.and called his wife to the door. Me used endearing language to induce her to come out, and told her he only wanted to speak to her a minute. As soon as she had stepped outside the door he grabbed her with his left arm and held her while he shot her in the breast. She released herself from hi* hold, and as she started to run from him he shot at her lour more times, three of the shots taking effect, two in her head and one in her thigh, She died almost iuscauiiy, Alter the shooting, Nemelka took to the mountains, and up to this time has not been located, although a number of men have been in search of him. If caught he will likely give the courts but little trouble and the conn- !;.'*. i ty small cost. .-»+ .-. The Guitar Contest. As will be seen below, the contest for the elegant if:>().00 guitar, offered by the Post to the most popular lady, either married or single, in the counties of Wjsc, Lee and Scott, Va., and Lctohcr, Ivy., has opened up. Some one will get this tine instrument, and now is the time to show your lady friends whether you appreciate their friendship <n- not. See first page for full explanation. The following votes have been sent in up to dale of I his is«uc : .Mis> Milk I*,. Oooilloe, Iii« Stone Can. 5.3 Miss Clara Sj},vddiilßi '.¦ Stf.' .Mrs, J. tL Jeiiliinic*, " " " * '.!<>. » .- The Very Latest. ro.vTixt'kd.en iptku 407. The reader will remember that in our last chapter we left that jolly and genial hero, Laie Parr, doing the paregoric and catnip-tea tint iti a manner Mint was calculated to load the public to believe that he was the only man in the Country who could revel all through the livelong night, between three-minute cat-nnps and short snatches of "Rock-a-bye baby," but Dale's reign of gb^ry, Ijjjcj \}}\ eis« or an earthly character, wan of but "few days and full of trouble." On the appearance of Dr. J. \\ . Kelly, jr., at his lather's residence, on Poplar hill, last Friday, the X. D. (new dad) crown was ruthlessly Snatched from Lafe's brow, and gracefully placed upon th*t Pt" the whole-souled and genial Dr, J. W. Kelly. Doc's reign of glory, how¬ ever, was of short duration, for no sooner than Jiad he got the crown properly adjusted till he was official¬ ly notified that J. H. Jennings was entitled to it, a new boy just having arrived tit his house ;bjUiM!J>fi is still wearing if, but only has it tied on in a loose bow-knot, expecting to called on for it at any moment. Next ! Chamberlain's Eye and Skin Ointment Is a certain cure for Chronic Sore Eyes, Granulated Eye Lids Sore Nipple* Pilejj, Ec^^Tetteri Hheuiifatfd'b&lfl Head, f* cents per box. For sale by druggists. to hqrseTowners. For putting a horse in a tine healthy con¬ dition try Dr. Cady's Condition Powders. They tone up the system, aid digestion, cure loss of appetite, relieve constipation, correct ki»ln?y disorders and destroy worms, giving new life to an old or over worked horse. *2o cents per package. For sale by druggists. Call at J. W. Kelly's drug store, AvfciS block, Big Stone dap, Va. ... it . ¦ y ii» -^t» «.. . If yon haven't paid your .subscrip¬ tion, call and settle. ISUItou« Colic Prevented. Persons who are suhjuct t«i nttack of bilious colic can almost invarialy tell, liy their feelings, whc.i to expect an attack. If Chamberlain 's Colic, Cholera and Diar¬ rhoea Remedy in i:»keii a* soon k* Hiese symptomsa|.»peart they can ward otTthc disease. Such persons should always keep the Remedy at band; ready for fni- mediafe use when needed. Two or three doses at the right lime will save them much suffering. I"or sale by J. W. Kelly, Druggist. Hick's April ForecanU. A combination of cause» conspire at the opening, and during the entire mouth of April, which are calculated to produce disturbances of maximum severity, and which will overrun the limits of the storm periods in their normal state. Nevertheless, the most marked and dangerous storms will center on and about the central dates of regular storm periods. The first period extends from the 2nd to (>th. We name the 3rd, 4th and 5th as danger centers. As we enter the pe¬ riod it will grow very warm in wes¬ terly parts, and heavy storms of thunder, rain, hail, and tornadoes will develop and travel eastward, turning to snow and sleet in northerly sec¬ tions. These disturbances will feel the combine forces of Mars, earth, Venus, Mercury, a regular '-Vulcan" period, ami the moon in opposition. Expect a general cold wave to spread f»ver the country as the storms pass to the eastward, and prepare tor frost, and considerable freezing northward in the intervening days and nights prior to about the Oth and 10th. On and about these dates it will grow- suddenly very warm, and reactionary storms will appear in many parts, and with marked energy. Heavy hail storms are almost sure to result. Another dash of cool to cold weather will fall in behind thes disturbances, disappearing gradually up to about the 14th. Between "the 18th ami 18th the whole country will feel the effect of a very warm wave, and storms of great violence are to be apprehend¬ ed on and about the loth, 16th ami 17th. The 19th is the central day of the Venus perturbation, which lasts with growing power for about 20 days before, and with decreasing energy for about 20 days after the central day. So that the Venus characteristics.hail, startling elec¬ trical phenomena, enormous down¬ pours of rain, and sudden changes from hot to cold.;Uiay be looked for during all the, disturbances covered by the Venus period. The distur¬ bances from loth to 18th are apt to be prolonged by existing causes into the reactionary storms due about the 21st and 22nd. It will be the part of wisdom to keep prudent watch on all threatening storm clouds that may arise during these disturbances, or during the month. Be ready fordis-j tructive hail storms, ai(d" fqr very sudden chago f(> oold. The 26th is the central day of the last period for the month, which pe¬ riod embraces the 25th to the 28, in¬ clusive. During this period it will grow very warm again, and many heavy storms of rain, hail and thun¬ der will travel from west to east across our continent. After these storms, look for cold and frost. The month promises to end very cool. It is needless for us to add, to those who have studied our foundation facts, that tornadoes are almost cer- certain to be a feature of the storms in many places of April. But quite, intelligent watching of the indications will always ^eep you well posted ax j to what is most likely approaching your locality. Very warm, sultrv weather, with strong winds from the east ami south, will admonish you of the fact that the center of the storms is still west of you, and that the de¬ velopments arc to be closely watched. Steady winds from the w*st, with' rising luiome(,er and falling temper¬ ature, will alwas indicate when the fstorm center has passed to the east of your locality, and, consequently, that the impending danger forthat particular time is over. - Touched the Heart. When the heart is otteeff-d/liy Uhcuma> tisin,, \\\ any bT'tho muscles near that or¬ gan, it is like tampering with an electric wire, tor death may come at any moment. If life is worth it, go to the druggist and get Drummond's Lightning Remedy for Rheumatism, or send to the Drummond Medicine Co., 48-5(1 Maiden Lane, New York, and they will send you a large bot¬ tle by exnros. It is not as quick 115 elec¬ tricity but it will save vom; ijlu if you take it in t jmc Agi^'iU '«v.-'iitcd- t .- ¦¦ It Is Uood. . The more Chamberlain's- Cough Reme¬ dy is u-cd the better it is 1 ik«*<J. We know of tu» other remedy that always givi_> sat¬ isfaction. It is good when your cough is seated and your lungs are sore, it is good in any kind of n cough. We have sold t\\ enty-five dozen of it and every bottle has given satisfaction. Stcdnyin $ tfi.ied- man, dnjgg^t,^jiUifr'&ua bake, Minn. 50 e&'nlf l».oit!pg for snip by.). W.Kelly, Drug¬ gist. Who ttnv* Hheumutlsm Can Not lie Cured? My wife was confined to her bed for over two months with a verv severe at' tack of rheumatism. Wo couldjgct nothing that would afford her any relief,and as a last resort gave Chamberlain's Pain Halm a trial. To our great surprise she began to improve after the first application; and bv using it regular!? shto w,nsgo.on/t'o'get up anii at(ceifU'tio? Jier. house work. E. H. Johnson of, C. J, Knutson k Co,, Ken¬ sington*, Minn, flO cent hottlc* for »nie by J. W. Kellv, Druggist. It Should He in Every House- J. B. Wilson, '.Ml Clay St., Sharpsbur>£Ph., says he will not be without Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, that it cured his wife who was threatened with Pneumonia after an attark (|f \\'^ ^jpue,tt when various Othar remed}e§ aWd'spYeral phy¬ sicians, tftfftlfäqe her qu goq<L tyohert Barber, of Cooksport, Pa., claims Dr> Kin^sXetr Dis¬ covery has dune him more good tlmu anything ho over used for bung Trouble. Nothing like it. Try it. Free Trial bottles at S. b. Whit- head &. Co's Drug Store, barge bottles 50c, and $1.00, <>iirden Seed. The same line of garden seeds.T. W. Wood k Son's.as have here|nfui$ been handlci* by \\'. fcj, »heifon * Co., will be found in »took ai j. W. Kelly's new drug store, Avers building, Wood avenue. These seed have given better satisfaction than any others ever sold here, (iardners should call curly before the assortment is Real Estata & Investment Otilce 11>t« rmout \'.< ¦! HaiidJ Big Stone Gap, Va. W. T. i H. P.. HUD6ENS, Big Stone Cap, va. A I.I. KINDS OF iROOFlNC. CUTTERINC, AND SHEET-iRuN WORK i Done in RraJ-cjutw style an«! ui low price*, t'wlractn from a distance elicit til. Kstimat promptly xjven on all work Iii titln line. Shop between -Yyandoite n nil Pearl. C. E, H. H. 8PAULD1H6,! Boil'd'ehS, ! Big Stone Gap, - - Virginia.' Correspondence JSoli oi t<£ cl. OTEJL f-|AMU-TOyS, -AT DEPOT.- Bristol, Va.-Tenn W. P. HAMILTON, Proprietor. Hates S2/JC Per Day. NEW MILLINERY GOODS. I have just returned from Cincinnati, where I purchased a full and complete line of a ix r-r TjSTE r y . My stock con>ists of the verj best selection "f the latest STYLES, SHÄPES ä|ID COLORS. While in Cincinatti i secured the services ''f a Fl ;:<t-c :, \ss tki.w.w ami can fully guarantee* perfect satisfaction '.<> nil who kindly favor me «ith tin patronage. Store mi Wyandotte Ave, west if Kelly ,V F.vans, | BIG STONE GAP, VA. j Mns. MAGGIE WiU.'l.v.YiS. j LATEST STYLES Stationery and Wall Paper. NEW BOOKS. Just Received. 3. L, WHITEHEÄDI CO. 100 FREE JaZHTCHES! Given hy t h<* Oldest Xewspuper in New Vork City. In addition ic the muiieroiid new .', "i urinal prem¬ iums-offered In -I'!>. ;ci it, >».. propose In precclit ibem w^th u*» .it ii >. »II o"f which are giiarant»cd by T. I.v.N'i M. 14th St. and Union Sipiure, JCew York City, who furnish then' to as. Tn« Aovkktiskh is the oldest newspaper in New York City. Its Weekly edition i- pubti: lied in twn Hcctions und come* out every Tuesday mid Friday. ]04 times during the year; has six tn right pngcsev- ery issue, is well printed. lias plenty ->f pictures, <h<<rt stories, telegraphic news, financial and niarkel re¬ ports, a woman'*) page and th" nhlesl editorials pith- iished hy any Xew York paper. It a model home paper, with elevating and entertaining reading mat¬ ter, devoid «.( sensation .. .. jttooat nd.verti.se- mejits. Al| for *Vn»' .i ... ir Spe«imot\'oöples aüd Premium Lists with full par¬ ticulars ril the Vttroctlvo Inducements for Agents, sent Free on application t>. THE ADVERTISER, 25) Park Row, N. Y. miii«iiuiM)ii:!iaiiiiiaBi:'in3!.>ii'9Ct:i.'iai"M:Ka'iMiciniiiMi:!:"rv; D. tft IAN IDEAL FAMILY V.EDiCIN£.? |For Indigestion, UHtonfltfc*}.' a I IScadneho. V.«nM,{^m%t»iVf ilu(\ ¦ ConseU Ahia.-OlfeKlvc. Bfedth, »and^üüt^rdets ui tliu ßtoiuach, .^ Jliver and Bov. ela, RIPANS TA3ULES (QLJßr Jh/I n Wt (Trntly y«-t proiui-tly. Furfe<*t jdhfwtlou follows their use. S<.fl = by dru.fjristB or s»Tit by mail. liox = (G vials i, T.r>c Packaire * noses), $3. I For free samples address ¦ I KII'AXS C1IE2U0AL CO., Xtm York. 1 hwimBiiii-.OM'"»»";"»''« m.m<-.i .»»...».. i- o.i.:ia.>Mzi Caveats, ar.fi Trade-Marks obtained, and all Pat ent business conducted for mod crate Fers. Oum office is Opposite U. S. Patent Office < and we can secure patent iu less time than thoseJ remote from Washington. S Send model, drawing or photo,, with desert^?* tion. We advise, if p:ipotable gi. aoj, free of j cbarpe. Our fee lt*M 'OiPpilent is secured. } A *J*\IÄ^httTi*',Wöw: to Obtain Patents,"1 '.vith J v'oft oi same in the U. S. and foreign countries £ sent free. Address, *> 9 OPP. PATENT OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D. C. f h, D.C. J Bett Call Shoe In tne world for the price. Ws L. Douglas shceo are aold everywhere. Everybody should woo; them. It \z u yoa owe yoanieli to tret th«t ynuw'vüiu« 2or year money, Ec WWWffji f^ four footwear by paroha?^ W.J £:." Oougl S h009,^hlcn «e^dsent the beat veiue et the prices ad- V^rtissd above, as thousands can testily. Take No Substitute. Beware of frand. Konis gennlno vrf thoat VT. L. Douffla« tiamo and prlco stamped on bottom, &}ok for It when you buy. CT. Jj. Dousclo?, rrockwa. Mars, öoM tyf For. Sale by JOHN M. wn.f.hi; CO.. DI«: Stone (2sp, Va. and K. II. OIXD8, Nörten. Va* V/. C ROBINSON & CO., 151^ Stone Vi^gjini**.* FIRST-CLASS WORKMANSHIP.LOW PRICES. FAIR DEALING Old Reliable -OF"- Goodloe Brothers Are stiil in their same old stand, trying to please their patrons in furnishing them with a nice lineof Gents' 1^ t i *. ra 1 & Ii 1 ra gj Goods, Boots, Shoes, -Hats, Trunks, Valises, Dry Goods and Motions. We do a Large Business in MERCHANT TAILORING, and Solicit the Trade of Gentlemen Wanting Garments Made to Order. Handsome Line of Samples. Satisfaction Guaranteed. OUR MOLIOÄY STOCK will represent many things for Santa Claus Shoppers. Call and Examine Our Stock. 9 (Successor to \V. C. Shelton & Co.' -DEALER IN- Pure Drugs and Patent Medicines. ACENT FOR Longman k Martinez Faints. Oiis, Varnishes, Stationery, Fine Candies, Tobacco and Cigars. PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY. Ayr. Dj. Qima (Ja« Wood KELLY «S8 EVANS, \Vy.in«lottc .Vvcauo, OljcStoiie Gap, V«., The Largest and Best-Selected Stock of DRY GOODS, DRESS TRIMMINGS NOTIONS, HATS, BOOTS and SHOES That has ever been brough t to Big Stone Gao, Also a bigline of FURNITURE, HARDWARE, DRUGS and PAINTS At lowest possible prices. CLOTHING a specialty. Wo Cor¬ dially Invite the Patronage of Ail Who Desire Bargains WYANDOTTE AVE. IS THE PLACE TO CALL FOR A Stew, Fry or Plate of Fresh Oysters. A. B. Fritz's Photograph Gallery, Ei# Stone Gap, Virginia, FIRST-CLASS WORK. - - -- -- - LOW PRICES. IL*lI &.« ^ .1 Feed and I^iverg .Stable, OPPOSITE POST OFFICE, E. 5th St. Saddle and Driving Horses Always on Hand. Special Ar¬ rangements for Boarding Horses. BEST RiGS, DOUBLE OR SINGLE, This Space Belongs to the Successors to J. P. Wolfe & Company. GOODLOE & yOUELL, ;.DEALERS IN . FÄKTCY GROCERIES, HEAVY STAPLES, FlyOüRi »ACOX^ MAY, rEED, Etc» We always keep everything ii! stock in our line to .-«i|>[ily tLo wants ut the people. We have a nice assortment '>; For yon. tftGtfdfcot from, ami wc would he pleased to have you call and examine on* NTCE, FRESH STOCK OF HOLIDAY GOODS midget prices he!ore placing your orders. Wc are agents for the ccTettfatc'di OBELISK FLOUR. Headquarters for Smokers:.Finest Line of Tobacco and Ci¬ gars in Town. Yours to Please, COODLOE 5c YOUELU, CENTRAL HOTEL. W. H. HORTON, Prop'r. Clean and Well Furnished Rooms, Good Table and Polite Attention. Mpt-ctnl Kate* t«> Drummer.» ami Itcgnlar iWaiilere Porters Meet All Trains. BROWN S . BICKLEY, .THK. A XI) Confeet ione rs. Call Cn them for Nice Fresh Can¬ dies, Raisins, Fijars, Fancy Cooking Material and all kinds of Family Supplies. Full line of Country Pro¬ duce always on hand. Cvii«%lSm3 I. T. TAYLOR'S Boarding House. lV;hl St, Big Stone Gap. Va. Tab e Supplied with Best the Mar¬ ket Affords. llAir.» 11.00 per day, ft.OO per werk» $15.00 per mouth. I. E. HORTON & CO., Wyanciotte Avenue, Big stone Gap, Virginia, .DEALERS rS- STAPLE AND FANCY FAMILY GROCERIES. AUiMfhll line of alt kinds of COI XTKV r*K0!)£.E kept on hand at all times, such as Nice Fresh Butter, Eggs, Chickens, Turkeys, &c. We have hu arranptfnent by which we gvt a Hiipply c»f the ;;bovö named articles oael* week, aiid can alwavs girei you the hme.st price.-. 6&f.e us v. cull and lei ns couviucey.>u* i that we tan save >i>u uiouey. -'*¦* -"

Feed and I^iverg .Stable,€¦ · ",L'!,,r ij^trunicntal piece* ami iJ,';"":-> Mr. Jno. M. Goodloe ''i" part in the way of re-g IM« faiiiouKlove-letterand sinir-.(u-'«»i comic

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Page 1: Feed and I^iverg .Stable,€¦ · ",L'!,,r ij^trunicntal piece* ami iJ,';"":-> Mr. Jno. M. Goodloe ''i" part in the way of re-g IM« faiiiouKlove-letterand sinir-.(u-'«»i comic

Official ms l>»r«ct«ry.

Sf>j. E. B !«

, .s K >*>.r. r _s w. '!.¦»< Kt.ii.

Iii»* *c'k K. kox;

n.Ji^.¦..>».»¦¦ .

bii Serif« "i « yy ySri, Chairman ;

' u .K> u W\ Taym*i Ch«Irwi»nj

'..vw '! tYMM. C. w. bvax«.

n b V (j^hh ok. \v,T. Kknxkot.

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w lT"IJK. K (-m.io.oi-. ChrtlrnoMi:P u k1 \v ki»v. .. ,|>* w. Fox, Chnlrtni.»^

., s. (;*p Improvement Co, *

.* ;i;J,, Tr,U..-.|M>. W. Fox. >r.

,. ( .mnm Oflieli»« Directory.

in \pr«. Septemlier ami

äff« r the fourth Moml»y

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. f.r -..Ktnjp -t.im|i- «»r money

111,, , lie. ks or «Irafts in paynienl f'»r.,, \ \r. \,\ thai which i> le-

Sati'Oiiil lmiik*m»te*... ,,, ,.t.mm - Kiippll«!«! l.y Imtelfs;

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i'.^r - :io,t!u»ri/.e«l to nniimincc theütndiU»1Hg .Iii \ VTII \N R. LIPPS

|[.| ..,., to tho n.Hec of County nndre-

llrcn?!('.1 f«»r Wise County Vn., at

i|<M;Ul>. ' "< ¦"

k t.N tit.N .! O HOME SKiVS.

HBi.uihI; il ami luontv llioiisninJ cy«»alv In \V. F. Baker

Mit. < Ii m w. «.f I.oxintr-

oii. K l.. ¦' nii\iii'_r aiioMij;ri^aii ii- ; t!,. ;...».-t r«-v. »t*ix>.

F( A \ -1:111 :i:pI W. II H«>1-. 1'tK, 1 if ;. w i!i' il: ;i t Iriul.iiire

it J^!-v Skeeii's court, ."it Wise

II., ..i..v

Hui lU i, ..|:;;i mi' i wiving ill-

crest :. t'. in. j ><\ ; uvlw miles>f ni\ o !'iir \ ii!«-. K v.. 111»('lour'ri'CE cuul ninl titiilitM" roail l»y.xCOn Ii I I >:i iiI'llI'V. ( '«Hill..111:1 1! - ^ ;!!(¦-.

Tw ..:.! j.-in.-ii ;irrivrii in tow n

i'UßSi'iv -¦.'!!11u. m Ii" conic wit Ii thenu>ftti"ii uf csfaliiisliin«; a larj^e:aiiic i': !¦!.¦:;. ;it t jii> place,ihcv ¦' '¦¦ l""k in^ over t lie

JWUri i1.! -;.:.. i. t In- a«lvant-

JffCP, i! - il !s|.i,-t..|-v, will .Minn

>^H v \i

i. ! I \i:;;i- w i|! !,t!\' run! laiulsfrcs; ¦' ' i J..V.T ' 'le\ i-lan«lV or jtnvli .\\ on !he >ilvcrnsv'^t i !.. \Ul..,i coal

- ""I as LT"M, ami^«vn\ ;-tiiii ¦, the manner in

- ü 11' < i«.-i-.i ;i ii a*m

|HfN it .1!\\.y ;Ml.>t lirr 1 ä.ll'.M) ael C j:r»ct

'.:A^ .' i.i \-i\.. :::11<>11111 of interestMiown in Miuthein mineral

H '¦ - <> .. \ i.l.'tie.-.l l.y the re-.

jSs s;|l'' "i :i «-":isiih':al»le l»<iumlarv

Hral ;,!i'l li'iii laiiil ;|lnin| S.S uiilc^iMliurvt of Hi- Stone tiap for

i.iviuriit havii:-1S in ie week heforc last. This!

iMuupreliemls the Imilil-'- ".' .¦¦.ail, tho erection

v,,:'v. tuntfiee ami so on.

¦9X al.ii« mii.Niral was triven at't Mrs. ii. 1\ HiMginKl

H lay <'\rain_'. Alr>. Ma^irio!Hr"'1 u;,> pre»ent, ami in her faei-iB>.- «t; le, rendered a number of

W"'1 l'i,'r,,s ihe j.iano. Mrs.ffl' I: 1 !l ,s ;! hi-li n-j.utation a* an

H"'"'1 ¦" "" ,!"' P'i'im, ami m.w hasH1^ ;" Hiis j.lacu; Till?

Hlli;''- l«'aturi. uf tin- evenings§,,;,l'"n. ;«t. Iiowever, was iutro-

when Mis. l^aiuiery, o( LeeKv, producwl Iter hanjo ami, in

puiuitahle manner, reiitlered quite",L'! ,,r ij^trunicntal piece* ami

iJ,';"":-> Mr. Jno. M. Goodloe''i" part in the way of re-

g IM« faiiiouK love-letterand sinir-.( u-'«»i comic wag*.

Ox TijK first evening after bin arri¬val at Pinevillc, Mr. «TaiAva M.

Hodge, of this place, who went thereto take charge of the BreekenridgeCoal Mines, was surprised by hearingB bullet break a window pane of his

office and pass between him and his

book-keeper. This was probably not

! an attempt on the life of Mr. Ho ;ge,but the act of sonic drunken rowdyshooting at the light, from the moun¬

tain Si(h<. :

In the suit of the M. K. Church, jsouth, against M. B. Wood, of Bris- jtol, in Judge Skcen's court at WiseC H., yesterday, judgement was

rendered in favor of the church. It

is said that Mr. Wood subscribed$25 toward tin* erection of the new

church building at this place. Afterthe completion of the building herefused to pay his subscription. Suit

w;is entered against him with theabove result.

While at Wise C. H., Tuesday, a

Post representative had the pleasureof meeting quite a number of the«_r"f if i citizens of the county. Althoughnot there strict Iv for the purpose of

looking aftor the Post's interests,the voluntary encouragement extend¬ed w;is quite gratifying. Among thenew subscribers added to the list

were. das. A. Mullins, Flat Gap; H.

K. Kilgore, Ta.com a; Win. Notting¬ham, Dr. D. 11. Redwinc, Win. Ren-froe. Wilson»Owens. Wise C. H.; X.

J, Morno, Tacoma; d. H. Hranner,\j, H. Gilliam, Pound; W. W. Skeen,Fcrnalda; 0. J. Hevins, Mason'sStore.

Ox VVkonjsso.vy of last week a

special train of two car loads of theGeneral Passenger Agents of theUnion and Canada, who were in ses¬

sion for several days at Hotel "Four

Seasons" at Harrogatc, passedthrough r»i,i; Stone Gap on an excur¬

sion over the South Atlantic and< . 11i'> Railroad to see the NaturalTunm I <>} Virginia, with which theywere greatly pleased. At this placethey were up.'t by A| r, Conklin, of the

S. A. ife 0. P. It., with his private car

fitted out for their entertainment.This meeting of these PassengerAgent has done more than any otherone thing recently to advertise this

sect ion of the coutry ami, it is predict¬ed, will be productive of much good.At Dkvdkx, »lohn Taylor, of

Oharlestown, West Virginia, is saw-

in Lr forC CrouWi'ell, ofTerrq Haute.Ind., a l<d of gun stocks which are

sent to the Winchester Arms Com¬

pany, .it Fair Haven, Conn. At Pen-

nington's Gap the Hale (fe WoodManufacturing Co., are making furn¬

iture, coffins, etc., where also largeoperations in lumberinjr are foimr on.

Hig Sj >ne Qap should have more of'such enterprises, but, the land here¬abouts is held by large companies,a small concern feels that it has but

little showing in getting a location andtimber; but this, it is to be hoped, will

he remedied by their making leases to

concerns that run a great many saw¬

mills and manufacture on a largescale. In fact the largest land com¬

pany here has prepared a most excel¬lent plan which is being submitted to

wholesale concerns.

A <a:\Ti ;.m ;\ v, l|o njdp'l in devel¬oping several of the coal mines at

dcllico, Tenn., and who is still inter¬

ested there, recently paid a visit to

that place and says that the miners

on the MondayJiftcr their Saturdaypay-day deposited in the local hank

.800 of time dpjmsjtjj and 113,0001ordinary deposits. Something likethis is done every month and Jellicois cpnsquently one of the best towns

in that section. These miners spendperhaps $500,000 to $750,O0V) at themine stores yearly, and $250,000 inthe town.. |le was, Lold \11:it i*wns no trouble to cash lots at

from $1:5 to $75 per front footand that the men who a few yearsago worked Cor him for day's wagesare now worth from $3.000 to $5.000each in property and hard cash. Hefound also that the town of Wil-

...» .1 S '«»''l .* v '<

liaiiisb'irg, l\y.: 2.000 people wa*

kept up almost altogether by one

large saw-mill, and Pineville* Ivy.,2.000 more by its saw-mills and coal

mining operations. It is evident thatthe same stale of affairs will be the

case here when the large develop¬ment of our coals and timbers is be¬

gun,ami oi) a much larger scale, as thisHeld is so much larger.

Ilneklen'a Arnica Salve.

The Best Salve in the world for Cuts,BruisesSoies, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores,Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns amiall Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles,or no pay required. It is guaranteed to gircperfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price25 cents per box. For sale by S. L. White-head & Co.

Ktectrlo Bitters,

This remedy is becoming so well known andso popular as to need no special mention. Allwho have used Electric Witters sins' the samesong of praise..A purer medicine does not ex¬

ist and it is guaranteed to do all that is claim¬ed. Ktectric Bitters will cure all diseases of theftiverarid Kidneys, will remove Pimples, BoilsSalt Kheum and other affection caused byimpure blood,.Will drive Malaria from thesvstem and prevent as well as cure all Malari¬al fevers..For cure of Headache, Constipationand Tndijostiou try Kleetriet Bitters- Entiresatisfaction guaranted, or monev refunded..price Wer*, "i'd * I-«« per bottle 4 S. I, Whit:head & Co's Drugstore,

MÖRDER MOST FOOL,j Joseph Nemelca Kills His

Young Wife.

The Demond, Jealousy, Gets In HisFiendish Work.

j Although Norton has been thescene of quite a number of difficul¬ties and murders in .the past three

years, still none of them havehad the shocking effect as the attro-cions murder which occurred thereon last Sunday night.

Several months ago, ami just a

few days before the death of thebrides father, a young girl, the

«laughter of 'Squire John Snodgrass,of that place, was married to an Ital¬ian by the name of Joseph Nemelka.The union proved an unhappy one,

and in a short time the husband be¬

gan to suspect his young wife of be¬ing untrue to her marriage vows

A few weeks ago the husband lefthis wife. She seemed to have groundsto fear that he intended to kill her;as, only a few days before the trage¬dy, she went to Wise C. H., to con¬

sult the law firm of Aldcrson & Mil¬ler with the view of securing a di¬vorce. She said she hail fears thatNemelka intended her bodily harm.Her object in being anxious to pushthe case as fast as possible was thatNemelka had told her that he intend¬ed to leave for ]tally in a few weeks,and she was anxious that notice ofher action be served on }mu beforehe left.Judge Aldcrson had an engage¬

ment to see her at her home, at Nor¬ton, with reference to her case lastMonday, and on his arrival there,was very much surprised to learn thatan eternal divorce had been grantedalready by the highest Judge knownto mortals.Death.

Nemelka, on Sunday evening had

gone to the home of his wife'smother.the second wife of 'SquireSnodgrass.and called his wife to thedoor. Me used endearing languageto induce her to come out, and toldher he only wanted to speak to her a

minute. As soon as she had steppedoutside the door he grabbed her withhis left arm and held her while heshot her in the breast. She releasedherself from hi* hold, and as shestarted to run from him he shot at

her lour more times, three of the shots

taking effect, two in her head andone in her thigh, She died almostiuscauiiy,

Alter the shooting, Nemelka tookto the mountains, and up to this timehas not been located, although a

number of men have been in searchof him.

If caught he will likely give thecourts but little trouble and the conn-

!;.'*. ity small cost.


The Guitar Contest.

As will be seen below, the contest forthe elegant if:>().00 guitar, offered by the

Post to the most popular lady, eithermarried or single, in the counties of Wjsc,Lee and Scott, Va., and Lctohcr, Ivy., has

opened up. Some one will get this tine

instrument, and now is the time to show

your lady friends whether you appreciatetheir friendship <n- not. See first pagefor full explanation.The following votes have been sent in

up to dale of I his is«uc :

.Mis> Milk I*,. Oooilloe, Iii« Stone Can.5.3Miss Clara Sj},vddiilßi '.¦Stf.'.Mrs, J. tL Jeiiliinic*, "

" " * '.!<>.-¦ » .-

The Very Latest.

ro.vTixt'kd.en iptku 407.

The reader will remember that in

our last chapter we left that jollyand genial hero, Laie Parr, doing the

paregoric and catnip-tea tint iti a

manner Mint was calculated to loadthe public to believe that he was the

only man in the Country who couldrevel all through the livelong night,between three-minute cat-nnps and

short snatches of "Rock-a-bye baby,"but Dale's reign of gb^ry, Ijjjcj \}}\eis« or an earthly character, wan ofbut "few days and full of trouble."On the appearance of Dr. J. \\ .

Kelly, jr., at his lather's residence,on Poplar hill, last Friday, the X. D.

(new dad) crown was ruthlesslySnatched from Lafe's brow, and

gracefully placed upon th*t Pt" thewhole-souled and genial Dr, J. W.

Kelly. Doc's reign of glory, how¬

ever, was of short duration, for no

sooner than Jiad he got the crown

properly adjusted till he was official¬

ly notified that J. H. Jennings was

entitled to it, a new boy just havingarrived tit his house ;bjUiM!J>fi isstill wearing if, but only has it tiedon in a loose bow-knot, expecting to

called on for it at any moment.

Next !

Chamberlain's Eye and Skin OintmentIs a certain cure for Chronic Sore Eyes,

Granulated Eye Lids Sore Nipple* Pilejj,Ec^^Tetteri Hheuiifatfd'b&lfl Head,f* cents per box. For sale by druggists.

to hqrseTowners.For putting a horse in a tine healthy con¬

dition try Dr. Cady's Condition Powders.They tone up the system, aid digestion, cure

loss of appetite, relieve constipation, correctki»ln?y disorders and destroy worms, givingnew life to an old or over worked horse. *2ocents per package. For sale by druggists.

Call at J. W. Kelly's drug store, AvfciSblock, Big Stone dap, Va.

... it . ¦ y ii» -^t» «.. .

If yon haven't paid your .subscrip¬tion, call and settle.

ISUItou« Colic Prevented.

Persons who are suhjuct t«i nttack ofbilious colic can almost invarialy tell, liytheir feelings, whc.i to expect an attack.If Chamberlain 's Colic, Cholera and Diar¬rhoea Remedy in i:»keii a* soon k* Hiesesymptomsa|.»peart they can ward otTthcdisease. Such persons should alwayskeep the Remedy at band; ready for fni-mediafe use when needed. Two or threedoses at the right lime will save themmuch suffering. I"or sale by J. W. Kelly,Druggist.

Hick's April ForecanU.

A combination of cause» conspireat the opening, and during the entiremouth of April, which are calculatedto produce disturbances of maximumseverity, and which will overrun thelimits of the storm periods in theirnormal state. Nevertheless, the mostmarked and dangerous storms willcenter on and about the central datesof regular storm periods. The first

period extends from the 2nd to (>th.We name the 3rd, 4th and 5th as

danger centers. As we enter the pe¬riod it will grow very warm in wes¬

terly parts, and heavy storms ofthunder, rain, hail, and tornadoes willdevelop and travel eastward, turningto snow and sleet in northerly sec¬

tions. These disturbances will feelthe combine forces of Mars, earth,Venus, Mercury, a regular '-Vulcan"period, ami the moon in opposition.Expect a general cold wave to spreadf»ver the country as the storms passto the eastward, and prepare tor frost,and considerable freezing northwardin the intervening days and nightsprior to about the Oth and 10th. Onand about these dates it will grow-suddenly very warm, and reactionarystorms will appear in many parts,and with marked energy. Heavyhail storms are almost sure to result.Another dash of cool to cold weatherwill fall in behind thes disturbances,disappearing gradually up to aboutthe 14th. Between "the 18th ami18th the whole country will feel theeffect of a very warm wave, and storms

of great violence are to be apprehend¬ed on and about the loth, 16th ami17th. The 19th is the central dayof the Venus perturbation, whichlasts with growing power for about20 days before, and with decreasingenergy for about 20 days after thecentral day. So that the Venuscharacteristics.hail, startling elec¬trical phenomena, enormous down¬pours of rain, and sudden changesfrom hot to cold.;Uiay be looked forduring all the, disturbances coveredby the Venus period. The distur¬bances from loth to 18th are apt to be

prolonged by existing causes into thereactionary storms due about the 21stand 22nd. It will be the part ofwisdom to keep prudent watch on allthreatening storm clouds that mayarise during these disturbances, or

during the month. Be ready fordis-jtructive hail storms, ai(d" fqr verysudden chago f(> oold.The 26th is the central day of the

last period for the month, which pe¬riod embraces the 25th to the 28, in¬clusive. During this period it willgrow very warm again, and manyheavy storms of rain, hail and thun¬der will travel from west to eastacross our continent. After thesestorms, look for cold and frost. Themonth promises to end very cool. Itis needless for us to add, to thosewho have studied our foundationfacts, that tornadoes are almost cer-

certain to be a feature of the storms

in many places of April. But quite,intelligent watching of the indicationswill always ^eep you well posted ax

j to what is most likely approachingyour locality. Very warm, sultrvweather, with strong winds from theeast ami south, will admonish you ofthe fact that the center of the storms

is still west of you, and that the de¬velopments arc to be closely watched.Steady winds from the w*st, with'rising luiome(,er and falling temper¬ature, will alwas indicate when thefstorm center has passed to the east

of your locality, and, consequently,that the impending danger forthatparticular time is over.-

Touched the Heart.When the heart is otteeff-d/liy Uhcuma>

tisin,, \\\ any bT'tho muscles near that or¬

gan, it is like tampering with an electricwire, tor death may come at any moment.If life is worth it, go to the druggist and

get Drummond's Lightning Remedy forRheumatism, or send to the DrummondMedicine Co., 48-5(1 Maiden Lane, NewYork, and they will send you a large bot¬tle by exnros. It is not as quick 115 elec¬tricity but it will save vom; ijlu if youtake it in t jmc Agi^'iU '«v.-'iitcd-

t .- ¦¦

It Is Uood. .

The more Chamberlain's- Cough Reme¬dy is u-cd the better it is 1 ik«*<J. We knowof tu» other remedy that always givi_> sat¬isfaction. It is good when your cough isseated and your lungs are sore, it is goodin any kind of n cough. We have soldt\\ enty-five dozen of it and every bottlehas given satisfaction. Stcdnyin $ tfi.ied-man, dnjgg^t,^jiUifr'&ua bake, Minn. 50e&'nlf l».oit!pg for snip by.). W.Kelly, Drug¬gist.Who ttnv* Hheumutlsm Can Not lie Cured?

My wife was confined to her bed forover two months with a verv severe at'tack of rheumatism. Wo couldjgct nothingthat would afford her any relief,and as a

last resort gave Chamberlain's Pain Halma trial. To our great surprise she began to

improve after the first application; and bvusing it regular!? shto w,nsgo.on/t'o'getup anii at(ceifU'tio? Jier. house work. E. H.Johnson of, C. J, Knutson k Co,, Ken¬sington*, Minn, flO cent hottlc* for »nie byJ. W. Kellv, Druggist.

It Should He in Every House-

J. B. Wilson, '.Ml Clay St., Sharpsbur>£Ph.,says he will not be without Dr. King's NewDiscovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds,that it cured his wife who was threatened withPneumonia after an attark (|f \\'^ ^jpue,ttwhen various Othar remed}e§ aWd'spYeral phy¬sicians, tftfftlfäqe her qu goq<L tyohert Barber,of Cooksport, Pa., claims Dr> Kin^sXetr Dis¬covery has dune him more good tlmu anythingho over used for bung Trouble. Nothing likeit. Try it. Free Trial bottles at S. b. Whit-head &. Co's Drug Store, barge bottles 50c,and $1.00,

<>iirden Seed.The same line of garden seeds.T. W.

Wood k Son's.as have here|nfui$ beenhandlci* by \\'. fcj, »heifon * Co., will befound in »took ai j. W. Kelly's new drugstore, Avers building, Wood avenue.

These seed have given better satisfactionthan any others ever sold here, (iardnersshould call curly before the assortment is

Real Estata & Investment

Otilce 11>t« rmout \'.< ¦! HaiidJBig Stone Gap, Va.

W. T. i H. P.. HUD6ENS,Big Stone Cap, va.



i Done in RraJ-cjutw style an«! ui low price*, t'wlractnfrom a distance elicittil. Kstimat promptly xjvenon all work Iii titln line. Shop between -Yyandoiten nil Pearl.

C. E, H. H. 8PAULD1H6,!Boil'd'ehS, !

Big Stone Gap, - - Virginia.'Correspondence

JSolioi t<£ cl.



Bristol, Va.-TennW. P. HAMILTON, Proprietor.

Hates S2/JC Per Day.

NEW MILLINERY GOODS.I have just returned from

Cincinnati, where I purchaseda full and complete line of

aix r-r TjSTEry .

My stock con>ists of the verj best selection "f thelatest

STYLES, SHÄPES ä|ID COLORS.While in Cincinatti i secured the services ''f a

Fl ;:<t-c :, \ss tki.w.w

ami can fully guarantee* perfect satisfaction '.<> nil

who kindly favor me «ith tin patronage.Store mi Wyandotte Ave, west if Kelly ,V F.vans, |


LATEST STYLESStationery andWall Paper.

NEW BOOKS.Just Received.


Given hy t h<* Oldest Xewspuperin New Vork City.

In addition ic the muiieroiid new .', "i urinal prem¬iums-offered In -I'!>. ;ci it, >».. propose In precclitibem w^th u*» \» .it ii >. »II o"f which are giiarant»cdby T. I.v.N'i M. 14th St. and Union Sipiure, JCew YorkCity, who furnish then' to as.

Tn« Aovkktiskh is the oldest newspaper in NewYork City. Its Weekly edition i- pubti: lied in twnHcctions und come* out every Tuesday mid Friday.]04 times during the year; has six tn right pngcsev-ery issue, is well printed. lias plenty ->f pictures, <h<<rtstories, telegraphic news, financial and niarkel re¬

ports, a woman'*) page and th" nhlesl editorials pith-iished hy any Xew York paper. It a model homepaper, with elevating and entertaining reading mat¬ter, devoid «.( sensation .. .. jttooat nd.verti.se-mejits. Al| for *Vn»' .i ... ir

Spe«imot\'oöples aüd Premium Lists with full par¬ticulars ril the Vttroctlvo Inducements for Agents,sent Free on application t>.

THE ADVERTISER,25) Park Row, N. Y.

miii«iiuiM)ii:!iaiiiiiaBi:'in3!.>ii'9Ct:i.'iai"M:Ka'iMiciniiiMi:!:"rv; D. tft

IAN IDEAL FAMILY V.EDiCIN£.?|For Indigestion, UHtonfltfc*}.' aI IScadneho. V.«nM,{^m%t»iVf ilu(\¦ ConseU Ahia.-OlfeKlvc. Bfedth,»and^üüt^rdets ui tliu ßtoiuach, .^

Jliver and Bov. ela,RIPANS TA3ULES (QLJßr Jh/I

n Wt (Trntly y«-t proiui-tly. Furfe<*tjdhfwtlou follows their use. S<.fl= by dru.fjristB or s»Tit by mail. liox= (G vials i, T.r>c Packaire * noses), $3.I For free samples address ¦

I KII'AXS C1IE2U0AL CO., Xtm York. 1hwimBiiii-.OM'"»»";"»''« m.m<-.i .»»...».. i- o.i.:ia.>Mzi

Caveats, ar.fi Trade-Marks obtained, and all Patent business conducted for modcrate Fers.Oum office is Opposite U. S. Patent Office <and we can secure patent iu less time than thoseJremote from Washington. SSend model, drawing or photo,, with desert^?*

tion. We advise, if p:ipotable gi. aoj, free of jcbarpe. Our fee lt*M 'OiPpilent is secured. }A *J*\IÄ^httTi*',Wöw: to Obtain Patents,"1 '.vith J

v'oft oi same in the U. S. and foreign countries £sent free. Address, *>


fh, D.C. J

Bett Call Shoe In tne world for the price.Ws L. Douglas shceo are aold everywhere.Everybody should woo; them. It \z u

yoa owe yoanieli to tret th«t ynuw'vüiu« 2oryear money, EcWWWffji f^ four footwear byparoha?^ W.J £:." Oougl Sh009,^hlcn«e^dsent the beat veiue et the prices ad-V^rtissd above, as thousands can testily.

Take No Substitute.Beware offrand. Konis gennlno vrfthoat VT. L.

Douffla« tiamo and prlco stamped on bottom, &}okfor It when you buy.

CT. Jj. Dousclo?, rrockwa. Mars, öoM tyf

For. Sale by JOHN M. wn.f.hi; CO..DI«: Stone (2sp, Va. and K. II. OIXD8,Nörten. Va*

V/. C ROBINSON & CO.,151^ Stone Vi^gjini**.*


Old Reliable-OF"-

Goodloe BrothersAre stiil in their same old stand, trying to please their patrons

in furnishing them with a nice lineof

Gents' 1^ti*.ra1&Ii1 ragj Goods,Boots, Shoes, -Hats, Trunks,

Valises, Dry Goods and Motions.We do a Large Business in MERCHANT TAILORING, and

Solicit the Trade of Gentlemen Wanting Garments Made toOrder. Handsome Line of Samples. Satisfaction Guaranteed.

OUR MOLIOÄY STOCKwill represent many things for Santa Claus Shoppers. Calland Examine Our Stock.

9(Successor to \V. C. Shelton & Co.'


Pure Drugs and Patent Medicines.ACENT FOR

Longman k Martinez Faints.Oiis, Varnishes,

Stationery, Fine Candies,Tobacco and Cigars.


Ayr. Dj. Qima (Ja« V« Wood

KELLY «S8 EVANS,\Vy.in«lottc .Vvcauo, OljcStoiie Gap, V«.,

The Largest and Best-Selected Stock ofDRY GOODS, DRESS TRIMMINGS NOTIONS,

HATS, BOOTS and SHOESThat has ever been brough t to Big Stone Gao, Also a bigline of

FURNITURE, HARDWARE, DRUGS and PAINTSAt lowest possible prices. CLOTHING a specialty. Wo Cor¬

dially Invite the Patronage of Ail Who Desire Bargains


Stew, Fry or Plate of Fresh Oysters.A. B. Fritz's Photograph Gallery,

Ei# Stone Gap, Virginia,FIRST-CLASS WORK. - - -- -- - LOW PRICES.

IL*lI &.« ^.1

Feed and I^iverg .Stable,OPPOSITE POST OFFICE, E. 5th St.

Saddle and Driving Horses Always on Hand. Special Ar¬

rangements for Boarding Horses.


This Space Belongs to the

Successors to

J. P. Wolfe & Company.



FlyOüRi »ACOX^ MAY, rEED, Etc»We always keep everything ii! stock in our line to .-«i|>[ily tLo wants ut the people.

We have a nice assortment '>;

For yon. tftGtfdfcot from, ami wc would he pleased to have you call and examine on*


midget prices he!ore placing your orders. Wc are agents for the ccTettfatc'di

OBELISK FLOUR.Headquarters for Smokers:.Finest Line of Tobacco and Ci¬

gars in Town. Yours to Please,



Clean and Well FurnishedRooms, Good Table and

Polite Attention.

Mpt-ctnl Kate* t«> Drummer.» ami Itcgnlar iWaiilere

Porters Meet All Trains.




Confeetioners.Call Cn them for Nice Fresh Can¬

dies, Raisins, Fijars, Fancy CookingMaterial and all kinds of FamilySupplies. Full line of Country Pro¬duce always on hand. Cvii«%lSm3


Boarding House.lV;hl St, Big Stone Gap. Va.

Tab e Supplied with Best the Mar¬ket Affords.

llAir.» 11.00 per day, ft.OO per werk» $15.00 permouth.

I. E. HORTON & CO.,Wyanciotte Avenue,

Big stone Gap, Virginia,.DEALERS rS-


GROCERIES.AUiMfhll line of alt kinds of COI XTKV

r*K0!)£.E kept on hand at all times, such as

Nice Fresh Butter,Eggs, Chickens,

Turkeys, &c.We have hu arranptfnent by which we gvt

a Hiipply c»f the ;;bovö named articles oael*week, aiid can alwavs girei you the hme.stprice.-. 6&f.e us v. cull and lei ns couviucey.>u* ithat we tan save >i>u uiouey.

-'*¦* -"