Field extensions, Derivations, and Matroids over skew hyperfields Rudi Pendavingh Technische universiteit Eindhoven March 1, 2018 Rudi Pendavingh (TU/e) Fields, Derivations, Matroids March 1, 2018 1 / 22

Field extensions, Derivations, and Matroids over skew ... Pendavingh seminar 1 … · Field extensions, Derivations, and Matroids over skew hyper elds Rudi Pendavingh Technische universiteit

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Page 1: Field extensions, Derivations, and Matroids over skew ... Pendavingh seminar 1 … · Field extensions, Derivations, and Matroids over skew hyper elds Rudi Pendavingh Technische universiteit

Field extensions, Derivations,and

Matroids over skew hyperfields

Rudi Pendavingh

Technische universiteit Eindhoven

March 1, 2018

Rudi Pendavingh (TU/e) Fields, Derivations, Matroids March 1, 2018 1 / 22

Page 2: Field extensions, Derivations, and Matroids over skew ... Pendavingh seminar 1 … · Field extensions, Derivations, and Matroids over skew hyper elds Rudi Pendavingh Technische universiteit

Introduction Overview

Field extension L/Kxe ∈ L for e ∈ E

Matroid ofσ-derivations

Frobenius FlockLindstrom

valuated matroid

Matroid Flock

Algebraic matroid M(K , x)

Rudi Pendavingh (TU/e) Fields, Derivations, Matroids March 1, 2018 2 / 22

Page 3: Field extensions, Derivations, and Matroids over skew ... Pendavingh seminar 1 … · Field extensions, Derivations, and Matroids over skew hyper elds Rudi Pendavingh Technische universiteit

Introduction Overview

Field extension L/Kxe ∈ L for e ∈ E

Matroid ofσ-derivations

Frobenius FlockLindstrom

valuated matroid

Matroid Flock

Algebraic matroid M(K , x)

Rudi Pendavingh (TU/e) Fields, Derivations, Matroids March 1, 2018 2 / 22

Page 4: Field extensions, Derivations, and Matroids over skew ... Pendavingh seminar 1 … · Field extensions, Derivations, and Matroids over skew hyper elds Rudi Pendavingh Technische universiteit

Introduction Overview

Field extension L/Kxe ∈ L for e ∈ E

Matroid ofσ-derivations

Frobenius FlockLindstrom

valuated matroid

Matroid Flock

Algebraic matroid M(K , x)

Rudi Pendavingh (TU/e) Fields, Derivations, Matroids March 1, 2018 2 / 22

Page 5: Field extensions, Derivations, and Matroids over skew ... Pendavingh seminar 1 … · Field extensions, Derivations, and Matroids over skew hyper elds Rudi Pendavingh Technische universiteit

Introduction Overview

Field extension L/Kxe ∈ L for e ∈ E

Matroid ofσ-derivations

Frobenius FlockLindstrom

valuated matroid

Matroid Flock

Algebraic matroid M(K , x)

Rudi Pendavingh (TU/e) Fields, Derivations, Matroids March 1, 2018 2 / 22

Page 6: Field extensions, Derivations, and Matroids over skew ... Pendavingh seminar 1 … · Field extensions, Derivations, and Matroids over skew hyper elds Rudi Pendavingh Technische universiteit

Introduction Main objects

We consider

K ⊆ L field extension

xe ∈ L for each e from finite set E

Definition (Matroid)

E finite set, ground set, each F ⊆ E dependent or independent

independent sets I ⊂ 2E satisfy

(I0) ∅ ∈ I(I1) if A ∈ I and B ⊆ A, then B ∈ I(I2) if A,B ∈ I and |A| < |B|, then A ∪ {e} ∈ I for some e ∈ B \A

Two different matroids arise from K , x

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Introduction Algebraic independence

K [XF ] := K [Xe : e ∈ F ] for F ⊆ E

Definition (Algebraic matroid M(K , x) )

ground set: E

F ⊆ E dependent: ⇐⇒ there is a nonzero q ∈ K [XF ] so that q(x) = 0

Support of q ∈ K [XE ]:

q := smallest F ⊆ E so that q ∈ K [XF ]


Suppose e ∈ E and q, r ⊆ K [XE ] irreducible polynomials so that

q(x) = 0 = r(x), q 6= r , e ∈ q ∩ r .

There exists an s ∈ K [XE ] so that s(x) = 0, and e 6∈ s ⊆ q ∪ r .

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Page 8: Field extensions, Derivations, and Matroids over skew ... Pendavingh seminar 1 … · Field extensions, Derivations, and Matroids over skew hyper elds Rudi Pendavingh Technische universiteit

Introduction Derivations

Definition (Derivations)

A K -derivation of L ⊇ K is a map D : L→ L so that

D(a) = 0 for all a ∈ K

D(a + b) = D(a) + D(b)

D(ab) = D(a)b + aD(b)

Suppose D is a K -derivation of K (xE ). If q ∈ K [xE ] is such that q(x) = 0, we have

0 = D(q(x)) =∑e∈E




d(q) :=


∂xe: e ∈ E

)⊥ (D(xe) : e ∈ E ) =: D(x)


D is a K -derivation of K (xE ) if and only if d(q) ⊥ D(x) for all q ∈ K [XE ] so that q(x) = 0.

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Page 9: Field extensions, Derivations, and Matroids over skew ... Pendavingh seminar 1 … · Field extensions, Derivations, and Matroids over skew hyper elds Rudi Pendavingh Technische universiteit

Introduction Derivations

If D is a K -derivation of K (xE ), then

d(q) :=


∂xe: e ∈ E

)⊥ (D(xe) : e ∈ E ) =: D(x)

By the lemma, we have:

{D(x) : D a K -derivation of K (xE )} = {u : u ⊥ d(q), q ∈ K [XE ], q(x) = 0}

This is a linear space, which determines a certain linear matroid:

Definition (Matroid of derivations M ′(K , x) )

ground set: E

F ⊆ E dependent: ⇐⇒ ∃ nonzero q ∈ K [XE ] so that q(x) = 0 and {e : d(q)e 6= 0} ⊆ F

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Page 10: Field extensions, Derivations, and Matroids over skew ... Pendavingh seminar 1 … · Field extensions, Derivations, and Matroids over skew hyper elds Rudi Pendavingh Technische universiteit

Introduction The two matroids

Definition (Algebraic matroid M(K , x))

ground set: E

F ⊆ E dependent: ⇐⇒ ∃ nonzero q ∈ K [XF ] so that q(x) = 0

Definition (Matroid of derivations M ′(K , x))

ground set: E

F ⊆ E dependent: ⇐⇒ ∃ nonzero q ∈ K [XE ] so that q(x) = 0 and {e : d(q)e 6= 0} ⊆ F


F dependent in M(K , x) =⇒ F dependent in M ′(K , x).


K has characteristic p, E = {a, b}, xa, xb ∈ L ⊇ K so that q(xa, xb) = xa − xpb = 0

M(K , x) has one circuit, {a, b} = q

M ′(K , x) has one circuit, {a} = {e : d(q)e 6= 0}, since d(q) = (1, 0)

Rudi Pendavingh (TU/e) Fields, Derivations, Matroids March 1, 2018 7 / 22

Page 11: Field extensions, Derivations, and Matroids over skew ... Pendavingh seminar 1 … · Field extensions, Derivations, and Matroids over skew hyper elds Rudi Pendavingh Technische universiteit

Introduction Overview

Fields L/K , xe ∈ L for e ∈ E

Matroid ofσ-derivations

Frobenius FlockLindstrom

valuated matroid

Matroid Flock

Algebraic matroid M(K , x)

Matroid flock: m ∈ ZE 7→ matroid of derivations M ′(K , (σme (xe))e), where σ : x 7→ xp

Rudi Pendavingh (TU/e) Fields, Derivations, Matroids March 1, 2018 8 / 22

Page 12: Field extensions, Derivations, and Matroids over skew ... Pendavingh seminar 1 … · Field extensions, Derivations, and Matroids over skew hyper elds Rudi Pendavingh Technische universiteit

Introduction Overview

Fields L/K , xe ∈ L for e ∈ E

Matroid ofσ-derivations

Frobenius FlockLindstrom

valuated matroid

Matroid Flock

Algebraic matroid M(K , x)

Matroid flock: m ∈ ZE 7→ matroid of derivations M ′(K , (σme (xe))e), where σ : x 7→ xp

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Page 13: Field extensions, Derivations, and Matroids over skew ... Pendavingh seminar 1 … · Field extensions, Derivations, and Matroids over skew hyper elds Rudi Pendavingh Technische universiteit

Introduction Overview

Fields L/K , xe ∈ L for e ∈ E

Matroid ofσ-derivations

Frobenius FlockLindstrom

valuated matroid

Matroid Flock

Algebraic matroid M(K , x)

Matroid flock: m ∈ ZE 7→ matroid of derivations M ′(K , (σme (xe))e), where σ : x 7→ xp

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Page 14: Field extensions, Derivations, and Matroids over skew ... Pendavingh seminar 1 … · Field extensions, Derivations, and Matroids over skew hyper elds Rudi Pendavingh Technische universiteit

Matroids over skew hyperfields Matroids and linear spaces

Let V be a linear space, ve ∈ V for e ∈ E .

Definition (Linear matroid)

ground set: E

F ⊆ E dependent: ⇐⇒ (ve : e ∈ F ) linearly dependent

Matroid K -linear space

Basis max. indep. B ⊆ E determinant det(ve : e ∈ B) ∈ K

Circuit min. dep. C ⊆ E vector u ∈ KC s.t.∑

e∈C ueve = 0

matroid: ”linear space without coefficients”

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Page 15: Field extensions, Derivations, and Matroids over skew ... Pendavingh seminar 1 … · Field extensions, Derivations, and Matroids over skew hyper elds Rudi Pendavingh Technische universiteit

Matroids over skew hyperfields Skew hyperfields

Definition (Hypergroup (G ,�, 0))

� : G × G → 2G \{∅} an associative hyperoperation

0 ∈ G

x � 0 = {x} for all x ∈ G

For each x ∈ G there is a unique y ∈ G so that 0 ∈ x � y . Write −x := y

x ∈ y � z if and only if z ∈ x � (−y)

Definition (Skew hyperfield (H , ·,�, 1, 0))

(H,�, 0) is a commutative hypergroup

(H?, ·, 1) is group, where H? := H \ {0}0 · x = x · 0 = 0 for all x ∈ H

α(x � y) = αx � αy and (x � y)α = xα� yα for all α, x , y ∈ H

Example (Krasner hyperfield K)

K := ({0, 1}, ·,�, 1, 0) with 1 · 1 = 1 and 1 � 1 = {0, 1}.

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Page 16: Field extensions, Derivations, and Matroids over skew ... Pendavingh seminar 1 … · Field extensions, Derivations, and Matroids over skew hyper elds Rudi Pendavingh Technische universiteit

Matroids over skew hyperfields Circuit axioms

X := {e ∈ E : Xe 6= 0}

Definition (Left H-matroid M = (E , C))

(C0) 0 6∈ C ⊆ HE

(C1) if X ∈ C and α ∈ H?, then α · X ∈ C(C2) if X ,Y ∈ C and X ⊆ Y , then Y = α · X for some α ∈ H?

(C3) if X ,Y ∈ C are a modular pair in C and Xe = −Ye 6= 0 for an e ∈ E , thenZe = 0 and Z ∈ X � Y for some Z ∈ C

The underlying matroid of M = (E , C) is M := (E , C) where

C := {X : X ∈ C}


Matroid over K ←→ ordinary matroid

Matroid over skew field K ←→ vectors from K -linear space

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Page 17: Field extensions, Derivations, and Matroids over skew ... Pendavingh seminar 1 … · Field extensions, Derivations, and Matroids over skew hyper elds Rudi Pendavingh Technische universiteit

Matroids over skew hyperfields Signatures and Coordinates

Definition (Left H-Signature C of matroid N)

C satisfies (C0), (C1), and (C2), and

C is the collection of circuits of N.

If N is a matroid with bases B, then AN := {(B,B ′) ∈ B × B : |B \ B ′| = 1}.

Definition (Coordinates)

Function [.] : AN → H comprises left H-coordinates for N if

(CC0) [Fa,Fb] · [Fb,Fa] = 1 if Fa,Fb ∈ B(CC1) [Fac ,Fbc] · [Fab,Fac] · [Fbc,Fab] = 1 if Fab,Fac ,Fbc ∈ B(CC2) [Fac ,Fbc] = [Fad ,Fbd ] if Fac ,Fad ,Fbc,Fbd ∈ B, but Fab 6∈ B

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Page 18: Field extensions, Derivations, and Matroids over skew ... Pendavingh seminar 1 … · Field extensions, Derivations, and Matroids over skew hyper elds Rudi Pendavingh Technische universiteit

Matroids over skew hyperfields Signatures and Coordinates

Given C ⊆ HE :[Fa,Fb]C := X−1

a Xb for any X ∈ C such that X ⊆ Fab

Given [.] : AN → H:

C[.] := {X ∈ HE : X a circuit of N and X−1a Xb = [Fa,Fb] whenever a, b ∈ X ⊆ Fab}.



1 C is a left H-signature of N, and [.] = [.]C2 [.] are left H-coordinates for N, and C = C[.]

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Page 19: Field extensions, Derivations, and Matroids over skew ... Pendavingh seminar 1 … · Field extensions, Derivations, and Matroids over skew hyper elds Rudi Pendavingh Technische universiteit

Matroids over skew hyperfields Signatures and Coordinates

Given C ⊆ HE :[Fa,Fb]C := X−1

a Xb for any X ∈ C such that X ⊆ Fab

Given [.] : AN → H:

C[.] := {X ∈ HE : X a circuit of N and X−1a Xb = [Fa,Fb] whenever a, b ∈ X ⊆ Fab}.



1 C is a left H-signature of N, and [.] = [.]C2 [.] are left H-coordinates for N, and C = C[.]

Rudi Pendavingh (TU/e) Fields, Derivations, Matroids March 1, 2018 13 / 22

Page 20: Field extensions, Derivations, and Matroids over skew ... Pendavingh seminar 1 … · Field extensions, Derivations, and Matroids over skew hyper elds Rudi Pendavingh Technische universiteit

Matroids over skew hyperfields Quasi Plucker coordinates

Definition (Quasi Plucker coordinates)

Function [.] : AN → H comprises left quasi Plucker coordinates if

(P0) [Fa,Fb] · [Fb,Fa] = 1

(P1) [Fac ,Fbc] · [Fab,Fac] · [Fbc,Fab] = 1

(P2) [Fa,Fb] · [Fb,Fc] · [Fc ,Fa] = −1

(P3) [Fac ,Fbc] = [Fad ,Fbd ] if Fab 6∈ B or Fcd 6∈ B(P4) 1 ∈ [Fbd ,Fab] · [Fac ,Fcd ] � [Fad ,Fab] · [Fbc,Fcd ] .

Theorem (P.,2018)

N a matroid on E , H a skew hyperfield, [.] : AN → H a map, and C ⊆ HE . Equivalent:

1 M = (E , C) is a left H-matroid such that M = N, and [.] = [.]C .

2 [.] are left quasi-Plucker coordinates for N, and C = C[.].

Rudi Pendavingh (TU/e) Fields, Derivations, Matroids March 1, 2018 14 / 22

Page 21: Field extensions, Derivations, and Matroids over skew ... Pendavingh seminar 1 … · Field extensions, Derivations, and Matroids over skew hyper elds Rudi Pendavingh Technische universiteit

Matroids over skew hyperfields Orthogonality

A left H-signature C of N and a right H-signature D of N∗ are k-orthogonal if

0 ∈∑e

Xe · Ye

for all X ∈ C,Y ∈ D such that |X ∩ Y | ≤ k .

Theorem (P., 2018)

N a matroid on E , C a left H-signature of N. Equivalent:

(E , C) is a left H-matroid

there is a right H-signature D of N∗ which is 3-orthogonal to C

Rudi Pendavingh (TU/e) Fields, Derivations, Matroids March 1, 2018 15 / 22

Page 22: Field extensions, Derivations, and Matroids over skew ... Pendavingh seminar 1 … · Field extensions, Derivations, and Matroids over skew hyper elds Rudi Pendavingh Technische universiteit

The matroid of σ-derivatives Our eyesore

Definition (Algebraic matroid M(K , x))

ground set: E

F ⊆ E dependent: ⇐⇒ there is a q ∈ K [XF ] so that q(x) = 0

Definition (Matroid of derivations M ′(K , x))

ground set: E

F ⊆ E dependent: ⇐⇒ there is a q ∈ K [XE ] so that q(x) = 0 and {e : d(q)e 6= 0} ⊆ F


K has characteristic p, E = {a, b}, xa, xb ∈ L ⊇ K so that q(xa, xb) = xa − xpb = 0

M(K , x) has one circuit, {a, b} = q

M(K , x) has one circuit, {a} = {e : d(q)e 6= 0}, since d(q) = (1, 0)

We make a ”left Lσ-matroid” to replace both matroids, where σ : x 7→ xp.

Rudi Pendavingh (TU/e) Fields, Derivations, Matroids March 1, 2018 16 / 22

Page 23: Field extensions, Derivations, and Matroids over skew ... Pendavingh seminar 1 … · Field extensions, Derivations, and Matroids over skew hyper elds Rudi Pendavingh Technische universiteit

The matroid of σ-derivatives A hyperfield

H a skew hyperfield, σ : H → H an automorphism.

Definition (Skew hyperfield of monomials)

Hσ := ({T∞} ∪ {aT i : a ∈ H?, i ∈ Z}, 1, 0, ·,�)

1 := T 0 and 0 := T∞

0 · aT i = aT i · 0 = 0 and aT i · bT j := aσi (b)T i+j

0 � x = x � 0 = {x} and

aT i � bT j :=

{aT i} if i < j{bT j} if i > j(a + b) · T i if i = j and a 6= −b(a + b) · T i ∪ H? · {T k : k ∈ Z, k > i} if i = j and a = −b

Definition (Ore extension of K )

K [T , σ]: Ring of formal polynomials∑

i aiTi , ai ∈ K , with multiplication Ta = σ(a)T .

There is a homomorphism µ : K [T , σ]→ Kσ s.t.∑

i aiTi 7→ amT

m,m := min{i : ai 6= 0}

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Page 24: Field extensions, Derivations, and Matroids over skew ... Pendavingh seminar 1 … · Field extensions, Derivations, and Matroids over skew hyper elds Rudi Pendavingh Technische universiteit

The matroid of σ-derivatives Orthogonal signatures

For q ∈ K [XE ] we define q ∈ K [ZE ] such that q = q(X pme

e : e ∈ E)

and m maximal.

Definition (σ-derivative of q)

dσ(q) : E → Lσ is

dσ(q) : e 7→ ∂q


where m is such that q = q(xp





Let N = M(K , x). Then

Cx := {α · dσ(q) : q decorates a circuit C of N, α ∈ (Lσ)?}.

is a left Lσ-signature of N.

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Page 25: Field extensions, Derivations, and Matroids over skew ... Pendavingh seminar 1 … · Field extensions, Derivations, and Matroids over skew hyper elds Rudi Pendavingh Technische universiteit

The matroid of σ-derivatives Orthogonal signatures

Definition (σ-derivation)

Given a K -derivation D of K (xE )sep, Dσ : e → Lσ is

Dσ : e 7→ TmeD(xp−me



where me = max{m ∈ N : xp−me

e ∈ K (xE )sep}.


Let N = M(K , x). Then

Dx := {Dσ · β : D a K (xH)-derivation of K (xE )sep, D 6= 0, H hyperplane, β ∈ (Lσ)?}

is a right Lσ-signature of N∗.

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The matroid of σ-derivatives Orthogonal signatures


d(q) :=


∂xe: e ∈ E

)⊥ (D(xe) : e ∈ E ) =: D(x)

We likewise have:

dσ(q) :=


∂zeTme : e ∈ E




): e ∈ E

)=: Dσ(x)

Theorem (P., 2018)

N a matroid on E , C a left H-signature of N. Equivalent:

(E , C) is a left H-matroid

there is a right H-signature D of N∗ which is 3-orthogonal to C

Corollary (P., 2018)

(E , Cx) is a left Lσ-matroid.

Mσ(K , x) := (E , Cx) is the matroid of σ-derivations.

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The matroid of σ-derivatives Orthogonal signatures


d(q) :=


∂xe: e ∈ E

)⊥ (D(xe) : e ∈ E ) =: D(x)

We likewise have:

dσ(q) :=


∂zeTme : e ∈ E




): e ∈ E

)=: Dσ(x)

Theorem (P., 2018)

N a matroid on E , C a left H-signature of N. Equivalent:

(E , C) is a left H-matroid

there is a right H-signature D of N∗ which is 3-orthogonal to C

Corollary (P., 2018)

(E , Cx) is a left Lσ-matroid.

Mσ(K , x) := (E , Cx) is the matroid of σ-derivations.

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Page 28: Field extensions, Derivations, and Matroids over skew ... Pendavingh seminar 1 … · Field extensions, Derivations, and Matroids over skew hyper elds Rudi Pendavingh Technische universiteit

The matroid of σ-derivatives Overview

Field extension L/Kxe ∈ L for e ∈ E

Matroid ofσ-derivations

Frobenius FlockLindstrom

valuated matroid

Matroid Flock

Algebraic matroid M(K , x)

Rudi Pendavingh (TU/e) Fields, Derivations, Matroids March 1, 2018 21 / 22

Page 29: Field extensions, Derivations, and Matroids over skew ... Pendavingh seminar 1 … · Field extensions, Derivations, and Matroids over skew hyper elds Rudi Pendavingh Technische universiteit

The matroid of σ-derivatives Overview

Field extension L/Kxe ∈ L for e ∈ E

Matroid ofσ-derivations

Frobenius FlockLindstrom

valuated matroid

Matroid Flock

Algebraic matroid M(K , x)

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Page 30: Field extensions, Derivations, and Matroids over skew ... Pendavingh seminar 1 … · Field extensions, Derivations, and Matroids over skew hyper elds Rudi Pendavingh Technische universiteit

The matroid of σ-derivatives Boundary matroids and flocks

Definition ( Hσ-flock of rank r on E )

A map F : ZE → { left H-matroids on E of rank r}, such that:

(F1) Fα+1e \e = Fα/e for all α ∈ ZE and e ∈ E .

(F2) Fα+1E = σ∗Fα for all α ∈ ZE .

A left Hσ-matroid M uniquely determines a boundary matroid M0

Theorem (P., 2018)

Let F : ZE → { left H-matroids on E of rank r}. The following are equivalent:

1 F is an Hσ-flock.

2 there is a left Hσ-matroid M so that F : α 7→(Mτ(α)


Mτ(α) arises from M by rescaling each ground set element e by Tαe

Mσ(K , x)0 is the matroid of ordinary derivations M ′(K , x), and Mσ(K , σα(x)) = M(K , x)τ(α)

Rudi Pendavingh (TU/e) Fields, Derivations, Matroids March 1, 2018 22 / 22