1st semester - Prvi filmovi (Movie begins 1 – 5) - Cabiria, 1913 - Fantomas, 1913 - Vampire, 1915 - The Cheat, 1915 - Birth of A Nation 1915 - Intolerance, 1916 - Terje Vigen, 1917 - Broken Blossoms, 1919 - Die Puppe, 1919 - The Last of the Mohicans, 1920 - Das Cabinet des Dr. Caligari, 1920 - Der Mude Tod, 1921 - Nosferatu, 1922 - Manslaughter, 1922 - Nanook of the North, 1922 - Greed, 1924 - Der letzte Mann, 1924 - The Marriage Circle, 1924 - Lady Windermere's Fan, 1925 - Stachka, 1925 - Brononosec Potemkin, 1925 - Mati, 1926 - Gold Rush, 1925 - Metropolis, 1927 - Berlin: Die Symphonie der Großstadt, 1927 - Sunrise: A Song Of Two Humans, 1927 - Konec St Petersburga, 1927 - Underworld, 1927 - The Docks of New York, 1928 - The Crowd, 1928 - La Passion de Jeanne D'Arc, 1928 - Büchse der Pandora, 1929 - Čovjek sa filmskom kamerom, 1929

Filmovi Za Prvi Semestar

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Filmovi Za Prvi Semestar

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1st semester

- Prvi filmovi (Movie begins 1 5)

- Cabiria, 1913

- Fantomas, 1913

- Vampire, 1915

- The Cheat, 1915

- Birth of A Nation 1915

- Intolerance, 1916

- Terje Vigen, 1917

- Broken Blossoms, 1919

- Die Puppe, 1919

- The Last of the Mohicans, 1920

- Das Cabinet des Dr. Caligari, 1920

- Der Mude Tod, 1921

- Nosferatu, 1922

- Manslaughter, 1922

- Nanook of the North, 1922

- Greed, 1924

- Der letzte Mann, 1924

- The Marriage Circle, 1924

- Lady Windermere's Fan, 1925

- Stachka, 1925

- Brononosec Potemkin, 1925

- Mati, 1926

- Gold Rush, 1925

- Metropolis, 1927

- Berlin: Die Symphonie der Grostadt, 1927

- Sunrise: A Song Of Two Humans, 1927

- Konec St Petersburga, 1927

- Underworld, 1927

- The Docks of New York, 1928

- The Crowd, 1928

- La Passion de Jeanne D'Arc, 1928

- Bchse der Pandora, 1929

- ovjek sa filmskom kamerom, 1929

- Zemya, 1930

- Der Blaue Engel, 1930

- propos de Nice, 1930

- nous la libert, 1931

- Tabu, 1931

- M, 1931

- Trouble in Paradise, 1932

- Shanghai Express, 1932

- The Bitter Tea of General Yen, 1933

- Dezertir, 1933

- Zro de conduite, 1933

- L'Atalante, 1934

- It Happened One Night, 1934

- Triumph des Willens, 1935

- The Fury, 1935

- Tokyo no yado, 1935

- Niniwa Ereji (Osaka Elegy), 1936

- Modern Times , 1936

- Quai des brumes 1937

- Le Grande Illusion 1937

- La Regle du jeu 1939

- Stagecoach, 1939

- Wizard of Oz, 1939

- Gone With The Wind, 1939

- Great Dictator 1, 2 1940

- Grapes Of Wrath, 1940

- Citizen Kane, 1941

- Double Indemnity, 1944