Flerspråklige digitale bøker Espen Stranger-Johannessen Nettside: barneboker.no

Flerspråklige digitale bøker · Identitet og identitetstekster • J. Cummins & M. Early: Identity Texts: The Collaborative Creation of Power in Multilingual Schools En kort bok

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Flerspråklige digitale bøker

Espen Stranger-Johannessen

Nettside: barneboker.no

Plan for workshopen

• Nettsiden barneboker.no

• Bakgrunn, formål, morsmål i språkopplæring

• Barnebøker for voksne?

• Aktiviteter• Lese/høre fortelling på S2

• Puslespill med boksider

• Lese fortelling på S2

• Analysere strukturen i fortellinger

• Skrive en fortelling

• Fortellinger for å undervise læringsstrategier

• Fortellinger for å undervise ordforråd og grammatikk

• Diskusjon


Takk for i dag!

Bakgrunn, formål, morsmål i språkopplæring

• africanstorybook.org

• storybookscanada.ca

• Språk (S1) som ressurs

• Identitet som innlærer• Anerkjennelse, relevans, eierskap, maktforhold

• Identitetstekster

• Barnebøker for voksne• Presentasjon/innramming

• Høy/lav

• Familie-litterasitet (family literacy)

• Supplement

Aktivitet 1

Lese/høre fortelling på S2 (versjon 1)

Aktivitet 2

Puslespill med boksider

Å lenke til enkeltsider


• Ali: https://barneboker.no/stories/am/0087/#text04

• Miriam: https://barneboker.no/stories/fr/0087/#text06

• Kwa: https://barneboker.no/stories/sw/0087/#text03

Å lenke til enkeltsider


• Ali: https://barneboker.no/stories/am/0087/#text04

• Miriam: https://barneboker.no/stories/fr/0087/#text06

• Kwa: https://barneboker.no/stories/sw/0087/#text03

Aktivitet 3

Lese fortelling på S2 (versjon 2)

Ord på tagalog

ang den [fokusmarkør]

niya han/hun/det

ng av, med

para sa for

siya han/hun

sa på, til

na [partikkel med flere betydninger]

Aktivitet 4

Analysere strukturen i fortellinger

Vanlige elementer i en fortelling, virkemidler og sjangre

A very tall man (level 2)

Introduction: None (in medias res).

Problem: A man’s hoe, doorway, bed, bicycle are too short.

Resolution: Man makes hoe handle, door, bed, bicycle, chair, and fork long/high.

Story devices: Repetition, humour.

Genre: Modern story.

Akatope (level 3)

Introduction: Woman wants a child, makes one of clay.

Problem: The child will dissolve if she goes out and it rains. She goes out and it rains.

Event 1: Villagers bring the woman an orphan.

Event 2: The girl returns, sick.

Resolution: Mother spends all her money to cure the child, who becomes very beautiful.

Story devices: Compassion, happy ending.

Genre: Traditional folktale.

Exercise (4 min.)

Andiswa Soccer Star

In pairs, write:



Event 1:

Event 2:


Story devices:


Andiswa Soccer Star

Andiswa watched the boys play soccer. She wished that she could join them. She asked the coach if she can practise with them.

The coach put his hands on his hips. “At this school, only boys are allowed to play soccer,” he said.

The boys told her to go play netball. They said that netball is for girls and soccer is for boys. Andiswa was upset.

The next day, the school had a big soccer match. The coach was worried because his best player was sick and could not play.

Andiswa ran to the coach and

begged him to let her to play. The

coach was not sure what to do. Then

he decided that Andiswa could join

the team.

The game was tough. Nobody

had scored a goal by half time.

During the second half of the

match one of the boys passed the

ball to Andiswa. She moved very fast

towards the goal post. She kicked

the ball hard and scored a goal.

The crowd went wild with joy.

Since that day, girls were also

allowed to play soccer at the school.

Introduction – Problem – Event 1 – Event 2 – Resolution – Story devices – Genre

Exercise (4 min.)

Andiswa Soccer Star

In pairs, write:



Event 1:

Event 2:


Story devices:


A very tall man (level 2)

Introduction: None (in medias res).

Problem: Man’s hoe, doorway, bed, bicycle are too short.

Resolution: Man makes hoe handle, door, bed, bicycle, chair, and fork long/high.

Story devices: Repetition, humour.

Genre: Modern story.

Akatope (level 3)

Introduction: Woman wants a child, makes one of clay.

Problem: The child will dissolve if she goes out and it rains. She goes out and it rains.

Event 1: Villagers bring the woman an orphan.

Event 2: The girl returns, sick.

Resolution: Mother spends all her money to cure the child, who becomes very beautiful.

Story devices: Compassion, happy ending.

Genre: Traditional folktale.

Andiswa Soccer Star (level 2)

Introduction: A girl wants to play soccer.

Problem: Only boys may play soccer.

Event 1: A boy is hurt during a match.

Event 2: The girl takes his place, and scores.

Resolution: After this all girls are allowed to

play soccer.

Story devices: Relates to children’s

interests/life, happy ending, moral point

Genre: Real life events.

Where is my cat? (level 1)





Story devices:


Where is my cat?

Where is my cat?

Is it under the bed?

Is it on top of the cupboard?

Is it behind the couch?

Is it next to the bin?

Is it inside the basket?

Is it outside the house?

Here it is!

Exercise (4 min.)

Where is my cat?

In pairs, write:



Event 1:

Event 2:


Story devices:


Where is my cat?

Where is my cat?

Is it under the bed?

Is it on top of the


Is it behind the couch?

Is it next to the bin?

Is it inside the basket?

Is it outside the house?

Here it is!

A very tall man (level 2)

Introduction: None (in medias res).

Problem: Man’s hoe, doorway, bed, bicycle are too short.

Resolution: Man makes hoe handle, door, bed, bicycle, chair, and fork long/high.

Story devices: Repetition, humour.

Genre: Modern story.

Akatope (level 3)

Introduction: Woman wants a child, makes one of clay.

Problem: The child will dissolve if she goes out and it rains. She goes out and it rains.

Event 1: Villagers bring the woman an orphan.

Event 2: The girl returns, sick.

Resolution: Mother spends all her money to cure the child, who becomes very beautiful.

Story devices: Compassion, happy ending.

Genre: Traditional folktale.

Andiswa Soccer Star (level 3)

Introduction: A girl wants to play soccer.

Problem: Only boys may play soccer.

Event 1: A boy is hurt during a match.

Event 2: The girl takes his place, and scores.

Resolution: After this all girls are allowed to

play soccer.

Story devices: Relates to children’s interest,

happy ending, moral point

Genre: Real life events.

Where is my cat? (level 1)

Introduction: None (in medias res).

Problem: The cat is missing.

Event: The child looks for the cat.

Resolution: The child finds the cat.

Story devices: Repetition, familiar to young


Genre: Every day life.

Aktivitet 5

Skrive en fortelling

Mange muligheter


• Gjenfortelle muntlig/skriftlig

• Skrive om prosa til drama

• Skrive fortelling inspirert av en de har lest

• Skrive fortelling med samme struktur (jr. Where is my cat?)

• Skrive slutten/midten av fortellingen

• Skrive til bilder


• Dele tekst med klassen

• Lese høyt

• Lage video

• Dramatisere

Beskrivende eller fortellende?

Hver person forteller kort hva som skjer på ett bilde hver, enten beskrivende eller fortellende


Det står fem gutter rundt et oljefat og varmer seg på flammene i oljefatet. Det er kveld og de er i en by.


Kasozi og vennene hans fryser i den kjølige natta, men bålet de har tent gir litt varme. De er alle sultne.

Aktivitet 6

Fortellinger for å undervise læringsstrategier

His hoe was too


His doorway was

too low.

Discuss in small groups

How can you use the images to

help students learn the difficult

words “hoe” and “doorway”?

(And why is it better to elicit

than tell?)

Meaning from images

Words in context

Discuss in small groups

How can you draw attention to the context to help pupils learn the word “bridesmaid”?




Discuss in pairs

Which could the missing words be? (Guess!) What kind of words?

How will the words in red help you guess?

Write down your suggestions!

Refiloe’s mother was very proud of her house, and

wanted it to be perfect for the wedding. She cleaned

and washed and _______ and _______ and _______

everything in sight. When she had finished, there

was not a single _____ of dust anywhere.

The chickens _____ their heads inside the front door.

‘Out!’ shouted Refiloe’s mother, ‘out you ______

things with your dirty feet and _____!’

Refiloe’s mother was very proud of her house, and

wanted it to be perfect for the wedding. She cleaned

and washed and scrubbed and scoured and polished

everything in sight. When she had finished, there

was not a single speck of dust anywhere.

The chickens poked their heads inside the front door.

‘Out!’ shouted Refiloe’s mother, ‘out you scruffy

things with your dirty feet and beaks!’

Aktivitet 7

Fortellinger for å undervise ordforråd og grammatikk

Where is my cat?

Where is my cat?Is it under the bed?Is it on top of the cupboard?Is it behind the couch?Is it next to the bin?Is it inside the basket?Is it outside the house?Here it is!


Work in pairs/groups

What kind of grammar/sentence structure would you teach in conjunction with this story?

Write down some keywords or examples.

Let students interact and write meaningfully

–Where is my pencil?

– Is it under my desk?


– Is it in my hand?


– Is it on the floor?


Where is my pencil?

Is it under my desk?

under pencil

over book

on chalk

in ruler

behind …


Work in pairs:

What kind of grammar/sentence structure could you teach in conjunction with this story?

Write down some keywords or examples.

One family found the answer.

Rather than deal with the wild

animals who seemed to be

everywhere on the flat land,

they decided to go in search

of food up in the hills. It was

not hard to find food there.

There were bushes that grew in the cracks between

rocks. There were trees that grew at the foot of the

slopes. There were rock rabbits which could be

trapped and birds which could be brought down with

the stones which littered the floor of the caves.http://africanstorybook.org/reader.php?id=2605&d=0&a=1

One family found the answer.

Rather than deal with the wild

animals who seemed to be

everywhere on the flat land,

they decided to go in search

of food up in the hills. It was

not hard to find food there.

There were bushes that grew in the cracks between

rocks. There were trees that grew at the foot of the

slopes. There were rock rabbits which could be trapped

and birds which could be brought down with the stones

which littered the floor of the caves.


Questions for students

–What does “there were” mean?

–How is it used? [Look at the text, reread it]

–What is the difference between “there was/were” and

“it was/were”?

–Think of a place where you’ve been or imagine a

place. Make sentences using “there were” or “there

was” [Give some examples]


1. Kan dere tenke dere å bruke disse tospråklige fortellingene (eller andre)?

2. Er noen av disse aktivitetene mer egnet enn andre?

3. Har dere ideer/erfaringer om bruk av tospråklige tekster?


• barneboker.no

• storybookscanada.ca

• globalstorybooks.net

• africanstorybook.org

• lexin.oslomet.no (ordbøker)

• Video med undertekster på 21 språk

• Google oversetter for Chrome

Artikler og bøker

Barnebøker for Norge / Global Storybooks

• Global Storybooks: From Arabic to Zulu, freely available digital tales in 50+ languagesKort fagartikkel om søsterprosjektene til barneboker.no

Identitet og identitetstekster

• J. Cummins & M. Early: Identity Texts: The Collaborative Creation of Power in MultilingualSchoolsEn kort bok med mange gode eksempler

• B. Norton: Social identity, investment, and language learningEn tidlig klassiker. Bonny Norton har skrevet mye om identitet og språklæring

Flerspråklighet og transspråking (veksling mellom bruk av flere språk)

• J. Cummins: The emergence of translanguaging pedagogy: A dialogue between theory and practiceEn oversiktsartikkel av den mest anarkjente forskeren på flerspråklighet