Foreign Trade Training Centre Sources of Trade Information Prof. Dr. Adel El-Mahdy Dean of High Institute for Management Sciences Web: www.adelmahdy.net E-Mail: [email protected] [email protected]

Foreign Trade Training Centre Sources of Trade Information Prof. Dr. Adel El-Mahdy Dean of High Institute for Management Sciences Web:

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Page 1: Foreign Trade Training Centre Sources of Trade Information Prof. Dr. Adel El-Mahdy Dean of High Institute for Management Sciences Web:

Foreign Trade Training Centre

Sources of

Trade InformationProf. Dr. Adel El-Mahdy

Dean of High Institute for Management Sciences

Web: www.adelmahdy.netE-Mail: [email protected] [email protected]

Page 2: Foreign Trade Training Centre Sources of Trade Information Prof. Dr. Adel El-Mahdy Dean of High Institute for Management Sciences Web:

W W WWorld Wide Web

• Search engine

• Meta-search engines

• Data base


Page 3: Foreign Trade Training Centre Sources of Trade Information Prof. Dr. Adel El-Mahdy Dean of High Institute for Management Sciences Web:


البحث على االنترنت يجب أن يعد بطريقة جيدة لتجنب ضياع الوقت لذا يجب:

أوال: التحديد الدقيق لموضوع البحث .•

ثانيا: تحديد قائمة المعلومات والبيانات المطلوبة.•

ثالثا: التحديد الدقيق لكلمات ومصطلحات البحث.•

)محركات، أدلة، رابعا: تحديد واختيار أدوات البحث •مداخل معلومات، قواعد بيانات(

خامسا: مقارنة المعلومات التي يتم الحصول علها•

سادسا: تحليل المعلومات واستكمال التقرير •المطلوب.

Page 4: Foreign Trade Training Centre Sources of Trade Information Prof. Dr. Adel El-Mahdy Dean of High Institute for Management Sciences Web:

ثالث خطوات للتعامل الجيد مع االنترنت

تحديد المعلومات الخطوة األولى : 1(المطلوبة

اختيار أداة البحثالخطوة الثانية: 2(

تقييم معلومات ونتائج الخطوة الثالثة: 3(البحث

Page 5: Foreign Trade Training Centre Sources of Trade Information Prof. Dr. Adel El-Mahdy Dean of High Institute for Management Sciences Web:

تحديد المعلومات المطلوبة

يتم البدء بتحديد المشكلة.•

تحديد طبيعة ونوعية المعلومات •والبيانات المطلوبة.

تحديد عدد من مصطلحات البحث •لكل موضوع.

Page 6: Foreign Trade Training Centre Sources of Trade Information Prof. Dr. Adel El-Mahdy Dean of High Institute for Management Sciences Web:

اختيار أداة البحث

Search enginesمحركات البحث •

مداخل المعلومات •Portals

أدلة المعلومات •Directories

Data basesقواعد البيانات •

Linksروابط أخرى •

Page 7: Foreign Trade Training Centre Sources of Trade Information Prof. Dr. Adel El-Mahdy Dean of High Institute for Management Sciences Web:

تقييم المعلومات ونتائج البحث

بعد تجميع المعلومات والبيانات يتم البحث عن األسئلة التالية:

هل من الواضح من هو صاحب هذه المعلومات ؟

هل هي معلومات تجارية أم شخصية أم حكومية أم أكاديمية؟

هل من الواضح الهدف المطروح من هذه المعلومات؟

هل المعلومات جيدة ومناسبة لطبيعة مشكلة البحث المطروحة؟

هل المعلومات التي تم تجميعها حديثة بصورة مناسبة للبحث؟

هل المعلومات التي تم تجميعها موثقة؟

Page 8: Foreign Trade Training Centre Sources of Trade Information Prof. Dr. Adel El-Mahdy Dean of High Institute for Management Sciences Web:

محركات البحثمحركات البحث عبارة عن قواعد معلومات تحتوى •

على مليارات من الصفحات المنشورة على االنترنت

بعد كتابة مصطلح البحث تظهر قائمة كبيرة من •الصفحات

لمنع الصفحات غير المناسبة يجب وضع معايير •محددة لالختيار قدر اإلمكان

من أهم محركات البحث حاليا هو محرك جوجل •

•( http://www.google.com )

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نتيجة البحث

Page 12: Foreign Trade Training Centre Sources of Trade Information Prof. Dr. Adel El-Mahdy Dean of High Institute for Management Sciences Web:

نتيجة البحث

Page 13: Foreign Trade Training Centre Sources of Trade Information Prof. Dr. Adel El-Mahdy Dean of High Institute for Management Sciences Web:

نتيجة البحث

Page 14: Foreign Trade Training Centre Sources of Trade Information Prof. Dr. Adel El-Mahdy Dean of High Institute for Management Sciences Web:

نتيجة البحث

Page 15: Foreign Trade Training Centre Sources of Trade Information Prof. Dr. Adel El-Mahdy Dean of High Institute for Management Sciences Web:

محركات البحث الوطنيةNational Search Engine



Page 16: Foreign Trade Training Centre Sources of Trade Information Prof. Dr. Adel El-Mahdy Dean of High Institute for Management Sciences Web:

National Search Engine : Whitelines.nl


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Page 19: Foreign Trade Training Centre Sources of Trade Information Prof. Dr. Adel El-Mahdy Dean of High Institute for Management Sciences Web:
Page 20: Foreign Trade Training Centre Sources of Trade Information Prof. Dr. Adel El-Mahdy Dean of High Institute for Management Sciences Web:

Directories andأدلة ومداخل المعلومات portals

وهي عبارة عن مداخل وأدلة تنطوي على معلومات قام بإعدادها وتجميعها وتصنيفها وعرضها مجموعة

من الخبراء المتخصصين.

: عبارة عن صفحات على االنترنت تحتوي على األدلةموضوعات متنوعة في مختلف فئات وأنواع

المعلومات. ومن أمثلتها دليل ياهو:


عبارة عن صفحات تركز على موضوع محدد المداخل: مثل التجارة الدولية مثال أو قطاع معين.



Page 21: Foreign Trade Training Centre Sources of Trade Information Prof. Dr. Adel El-Mahdy Dean of High Institute for Management Sciences Web:

http://comtrade.un.org/db/www. worldbank.orgwww.IMF.org

Data Basesقواعد البيانات

عبارة عن مواقع تنطوي على قواعد البيانات: بيانات محددة.

تنظيمها وتجميع بياناتها هذه القواعد يتم بطريقة تناسب احتياجات الباحث

عن المعلومات .

تحتوي على إحصاءات ، وتقارير هذه القواعد: سوقية،

القواعد من أفضل أنواع قواعد البيانات المتاحة هي:الملحقة بالمواقع التالية

Page 22: Foreign Trade Training Centre Sources of Trade Information Prof. Dr. Adel El-Mahdy Dean of High Institute for Management Sciences Web:

Linksروابط أخرى على المواقع


عند الدخول إلى أحد المواقع يجب مراجعة المواقع •األخرى ذات العالقة.

هذه المواقع األخرى تمثل نقطة بدء جيدة للتعرف •على مصادر المعلومات ومن ثم استمرار عملية

البحث بصورة جيدة.

المثال الجيد على ذلك هو موقع المركز األوربي •CBI

Page 23: Foreign Trade Training Centre Sources of Trade Information Prof. Dr. Adel El-Mahdy Dean of High Institute for Management Sciences Web:

Trade coding systemنظام تكويد السلع

قبل البدء في عملية البحث عن المعلومات التجارية يجب تحديد الرقم

الدولي المنسق للمنتجات محل الدراسة.

من أهم األنظمة الدولية المتعارف عليها:

Harmonized system codes

Page 24: Foreign Trade Training Centre Sources of Trade Information Prof. Dr. Adel El-Mahdy Dean of High Institute for Management Sciences Web:

Harmonized System “HS”

00 00 0021 21

SectionSection99 99


Six digits

Page 25: Foreign Trade Training Centre Sources of Trade Information Prof. Dr. Adel El-Mahdy Dean of High Institute for Management Sciences Web:

01-05  Live Animals, Animal Products

06-14  Vegetable Products

15   Animal or Vegetable Fats and Oils and their Cleavage Products; Prepared Edible Fats, Animal or Vegetable Waxes and their Cleavage Products, Prepared Edible Fats, Animal or Vegetable Waxes

16-24  Prepared Foodstuffs; Beverages, Spirits and Vinegar, Tobacco and Manufactured Tobacco Substitutes

25-27  Mineral Products

28-38  Products of the Chemical or Allied Industries

39-40  Plastics and Articles thereof, Rubber and Articles Thereof

41-43  Raw Hides and Skins, Leather, Fur Skins and Articles thereof, Saddles and Harness, Travel Goods, Handbags and similar Containers, Articles of Animal Gut )Other than Silk-Worm Gut(

44-46  Wood and Articles of Wood, Wood Charcoal, Cork and Articles of Cork, Straw, Esparto or Other Plaiting Materials, Baskets and

47-49  Pulp of Wood or of Other Fibrous Cellulosic Material, Recovered )Waste and Scrap( Paper or Paperboard, and Articles thereof

50-63  Textiles and Textile Articles

Harmonized System codes

Page 26: Foreign Trade Training Centre Sources of Trade Information Prof. Dr. Adel El-Mahdy Dean of High Institute for Management Sciences Web:

50-63  Textiles and Textile Articles

64-67  Footwear, Headgear, Umbrellas, Sun Umbrellas, Walking Sticks, Seat Sticks, Whips, Riding Crops and Parts thereof, Prepared Feather and the like, Artificial Flowers; Articles of Human Hair

68-70  Articles of Stone, Plaster, Cement, Asbestos, Mica or Similar Materials, Ceramic Products, Glass and Glassware

71   Natural or Cultured Pearls, Precious or Semi-Precious Stones, Precious Metals, Metals Clad with Precious Metal, and Articles thereof, Imitation Jewelry

72-83  Miscellaneous

84-85  Machinery and Mechanical Appliances, Electrical Equipment, Related Parts; Sound Recorders and Reproducers, Television Image and Sound Recorders and Reproducers, and Parts andAccessories of such articles

86-89  Vehicles, Aircrafts, Vessels and Associated Transport Equipment

90-92  Optical, Photographic, Cinematographic, Measuring, Checking, Precision Medical or Surgical Instruments and Apparatus; Clocks and Watches; Musical Instruments; Related Parts and Accessories

93   Arms and Ammunition; Related Parts and Accessories

94-96  Miscellaneous Manufactured Articles

97   Works of Art, Collectors’ Pieces and Antiques

Harmonized System codes

Page 27: Foreign Trade Training Centre Sources of Trade Information Prof. Dr. Adel El-Mahdy Dean of High Institute for Management Sciences Web:

بيان بأهم

مصادر المعلومات المتاحة على


Page 28: Foreign Trade Training Centre Sources of Trade Information Prof. Dr. Adel El-Mahdy Dean of High Institute for Management Sciences Web:

The most important trade information sources

www.intracen.orgwww.trademap.orgwww.macmap.orgwww.standardmap.orgwww.intracen.org/menus/countrieswww.fita.orgwww.cbi.euwww.citd.orgwww.importexporthelp.com www.globalsources.comwww.importerdata.com www.exporthelp.co.zawww.export-leads.comwww.expodatabase.com

www.expoworld.netwww.auma.dewww.eventseye.comwww.jetro.go.jpwww.jsa.or.jpwww.meti.go.jpwww.ita.doc.govwww.cia.gov www.unctad.orgwww.eurepgap.org www.fao.orgwww.ipfsaph.orgwww.freshplaza.comwww.fpj.co.ukwww.ecplaza.net/tradeleads

Page 29: Foreign Trade Training Centre Sources of Trade Information Prof. Dr. Adel El-Mahdy Dean of High Institute for Management Sciences Web:

Import Export Trade Leads and Directories

•www.importexporthelp.com •www.globalsources.com•www.importerdata.com •www.export-leads.com/enter.htm•www.alibaba.com•www.kompass.com•www.indiamart.com


Page 30: Foreign Trade Training Centre Sources of Trade Information Prof. Dr. Adel El-Mahdy Dean of High Institute for Management Sciences Web:

Information sources: Product (uses, características)

Crop and plant index )Purdue University( http://www.hort.purdue.edu/newcrop/Indices/index_ab.html

Info Comm: Market information for commodities )UNCTAD(


Sectoral information on agro-based and manufactured products


Fruit use and characteristics



Organic agricultural products )FAO(


Page 31: Foreign Trade Training Centre Sources of Trade Information Prof. Dr. Adel El-Mahdy Dean of High Institute for Management Sciences Web:

Information sources Labelling and packaging (1)

EU Legislation on Food Labelling


European Organization for Packaging and the Environment


European Environment and Packaging Law


EU rules on wood packaging


Food Labelling Information for Industry and Importers (US FDA/CFSAN)


Page 32: Foreign Trade Training Centre Sources of Trade Information Prof. Dr. Adel El-Mahdy Dean of High Institute for Management Sciences Web:

Information sources Labelling and packaging (2)

Asociación Mexicana de Envase y Embalage (AMEE)

http://www.amee.org.mxAndina-Pack/PAFYC Ltd

http://www.andinapack.comInstituto Argentino del Envase

http://www.packaging.com.arPackaging Online (POL)

http://www.packaging-online.com Global packaging industry (Packaging-Gateway.com)

http://www.packaging-technology.com Institute of Packaging Professionals (IoPP)

http://www.iopp.org Retail supply chain technologies on packaging (Pira Intern.)


Page 33: Foreign Trade Training Centre Sources of Trade Information Prof. Dr. Adel El-Mahdy Dean of High Institute for Management Sciences Web:

Information sources Labelling and packaging (3)

EU: Organically Grown Agricultural Products and Foodstuffs: Production, Labelling and Packaging

http://europa.eu/scadplus/leg/en/lvb/l21118.htm Introducción al Etiquetado Ecológico (ITC)

http://www.intracen.org/eqm/ Packaging Magazine

http://www.packagingmagazine.co.uk Packaging, Standards

http://www.iso.chMaquinaria para envase y embalaje, Papel, Cartón, Colombia

http://www.icex.es Export packaging: PackIT (ITC)


Page 34: Foreign Trade Training Centre Sources of Trade Information Prof. Dr. Adel El-Mahdy Dean of High Institute for Management Sciences Web:

Information sources on standardsStandards on organic products (Indep. Organic Inspectors Assoc, IFOAM


http://ioia.net/standards.htmlhttp://www.ifoam.org/about_ifoam/standards/norms.htmlCODEX Alimentarius - Food Standards

http://www.codexalimentarius.net/web/index_en.jspEU Food Law (Agra Europe)

http://www.agra-net.comWTO Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures

http://www.wto.org/english/tratop_e/sps_e/sps_e.htm International Phytosanitary Portal

https://www.ippc.intWorld organisation for animal health

http://www.oie.int/eng/en_index.htm Organisation Internationale de normalisation


Page 35: Foreign Trade Training Centre Sources of Trade Information Prof. Dr. Adel El-Mahdy Dean of High Institute for Management Sciences Web:

Information sources : prices (1)Agro-based products


http://www.safras.com.br (for Brazil)

Aquaculture products


Fishery products, Fish information and Services


http://www.globefish.org (FAO)

Federation of Oils, Seeds and Fats Associations (FOSFA)


Food Market Exchange http://www.foodmarketexchange.com/tradeleads

Page 36: Foreign Trade Training Centre Sources of Trade Information Prof. Dr. Adel El-Mahdy Dean of High Institute for Management Sciences Web:

Information sources : prices (2)International Cocoa Organization (ICCO)


Herbs/Fruit and Vegetables price (Today’s Market prices)


International Coffee Organization (ICO)


Info Comm: Market information for commodities (UNCTAD)


Service des Nouvelles des Marchés


Page 37: Foreign Trade Training Centre Sources of Trade Information Prof. Dr. Adel El-Mahdy Dean of High Institute for Management Sciences Web:

Importers’ Directories (1)

EMarket Services http://www.emarketservices.com

FITA Trading Hub http://www.fita.org/tradehub.html

Alibaba http://www.alibaba.com

Biz Europe http://www.bizeurope.com

Bizfinder Japan http://www.ebiz.co.jp

IBOC http://www.iboc.gc.ca/menu-e.asp

IMEX Tenders http://www.imex.com/

Page 38: Foreign Trade Training Centre Sources of Trade Information Prof. Dr. Adel El-Mahdy Dean of High Institute for Management Sciences Web:

Importers’ Directories (2)Agri-food Canada http://www.agrenv.mcgill.ca/

Great Indian Bazar http://www.infobanc.com/

All India Markets http://www.allindiamarkets.com

Online business directory http://www.askalix.com.uk

Austrian Federal Chamber of Commerce Company Database http://portal.wko.at

Berlinkauf Trade Leads (Europe)


Page 39: Foreign Trade Training Centre Sources of Trade Information Prof. Dr. Adel El-Mahdy Dean of High Institute for Management Sciences Web:

Importers’ Directories (3)BrazilBiz http://www.brazilbiz.com.br

Bureau van Dijk (BvD) http://ww.bvdep.com

Business Express (Taiwan) http://www.business.com.tw

Business Search Engine http://www.business.com

Centro de Información y (CIDEIBER)


Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania and Bucharest (CCIRB) http://www.ccir.ro

Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia (CCIS) http://www.gzs.si.eng

Chile Import Mall http://www.importmall.cl

Page 40: Foreign Trade Training Centre Sources of Trade Information Prof. Dr. Adel El-Mahdy Dean of High Institute for Management Sciences Web:

Importers’ Directories (4)China Trade Vista http://trade.chinavista.com

ChinaE.com http://www.chinae.com

ChinaBIG http://www.chinabig.com/en/srch

Chinapages http://www.chinapages.com

ProChile http://www.prochile.cl

EC Plaza Network http://www.ecplaza.net

Egyptian Trading Directory http://www.egtrade.com

El Salvador Trade


Europages http://www.europages.com

Page 41: Foreign Trade Training Centre Sources of Trade Information Prof. Dr. Adel El-Mahdy Dean of High Institute for Management Sciences Web:

Trade FairsAUMA: http://www.auma.de


ANUGA: http://www.anuga.de )agro.(

SIAL: http://www.sial.fr )agro.(

Deutsche Messe AG: http://www.messe.de




Eximworld http://www.eximworld.com

http://www.expo-database.com M+A Expo database