Friday 11 Bret Contreras.pdf

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TrainingTrainingBy Bret Contreras, MA, CSCS

By Bret Contreras, MA, CSCSBy Bret Contreras, MA, CSCS

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What I’m Known For18 Months

• 24 Months

18 Months


6 M th


6 Months

12 Months

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What I’m Known ForWhat I m Known For

My Clients

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Walking the WalkWalking the Walk• Identical Twin – myIdentical Twin  my own control subject

• My hips are 5” bi d h

• 5” greater hip i f thbigger around than 

hiscircumference than twin bro

• PhD in glutes

• PhD thesis


• Stronger hip extension torque than All Blacksthan All-Blacks

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What Needs to Happen?What Needs to Happen?

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High ExpectationsHigh Expectations• I tell the Physios to put themselves in my position• What do my clients expect from me?

• What creates shape? • What are the mechanisms of hypertrophy? 

• What creates shape? • What are the mechanisms of hypertrophy?

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Mechanisms of HypertrophyMechanisms of Hypertrophy

• Mechanical TensionMechanical Tension• Metabolic Stress

l• Muscle Damage

1.Mechanical Tension2 M t b li St2.Metabolic Stress3.Muscle Damage

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Roles of the Glute MaxHip Extension External Rotation External Rotation Abduction (Upper Fibers)

Pelvis Posterior Pelvic Tilt Posterior Pelvic Tilt

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Roles of the Glute MaxRoles of the Glute MaxSacrum ‐ Force Closure

Spine ‐ Prevents Lumbar Flexion and Hyperextension, Prevents Anterior Pelvic Tilt

Hips ‐ Prevents Anterior Femoral Glide

Knees ‐ Prevents Valgus CollapseKnees  Prevents Valgus Collapse

Muscles ‐ Prevents Hamstring and Groin Strains

Fascial Connections ‐ Serape Effect through TLF, Protects ACL through ITB

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Glute MVCGlute MVCSqueeze the Glutes as Hard as Possible

• Seated vs. Standing

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Hip Extension Torque/EMG Angle Relationships

Worrell et al 2001Worrell et al. 2001

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Strength CurvesStrength Curves

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Hip TorqueHip Torque

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Hip Extensor PCSAHip Extensor PCSA

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Hip Extension Torque in Resistance Training

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Straight Leg Hip Extension Exercises

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Squats Deadlifts and Hip ThrustsSquats, Deadlifts, and Hip Thrusts

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Hip Extensor Moment ArmsHip Extensor Moment Arms

Nemeth and Ohlsen 1985Nemeth and Ohlsen 1985

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Functional Differentiation• Muscles possess “functional differentiation” whereby the brain activates the muscles and motor unitsthe brain activates the muscles and motor units within the muscles that possess the best leverages, while others aren’t fully activated (Brown et al. 2007)

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Estimating Muscle Force and Hip Extension Torque

• Torque = Force x MATorque       Force x MA• Muscle Moment ArmsF PCSA A ti ti• Force = PCSA, Activation, Muscle Lengths

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Glute EMG during Cardiog* Comparing EMG across studies is tricky – need same electrode placement and MVC positioning, etc.

Woman’s Health 2007

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Glute EMG during Resistance TrainingGlute EMG during Resistance Training* Comparing EMG across studies is tricky – need same electrode placement and MVC positioning, etc.

ACE 2006ACE 2006

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Analyzing the Squat, Deadlift, and Hip Thrust

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Analyzing the Squat, Deadlift, and Hip Thrust

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Torque Pattern and Muscle Length Specificity and Transfer of Training

• SquatR i D dlift• Romanian Deadlift

• Back Extension• Hip Thrust• SprintSprint

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Enemies of the GlutesEnemies of the Glutes• PainPain• Sitting

i• Compression• Adaptive Shortening• Reciprocal Inhibition• DisuseDisuse

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SolutionsSolutions• Self Myofascial Release• Self Myofascial Release• Static Stretching• Dynamic Stretching• Activation Work• Strength!• Use it or Lose it• Use it or Lose it

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Waterfalls AnalogyWaterfalls Analogy• River (Brain)• 3 Waterfalls (Erectors, Glutes, Hamstrings)

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Hip Flexor StretchesHip Flexor Stretches• Add PPT to increase stretch’s effectiveness

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Glute ActivationGlute ActivationL L d• Low‐Load: Quality over Quantity!

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Vertical Loadingg• Squats• Deadlifts• Good Mornings• Lunges• Lunges• Step Ups• Bulgarian Split SquatsBulgarian Split Squats• Single Leg RDL’s• Olympic Lifts• Plyometrics

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Horizontal LoadingHorizontal Loading• Hip Thrusts• Barbell Glute Bridges• Single Leg Hip Thrusts• Back Extensions• Back Extensions• Reverse Hypers• Pull ThroughsPull Throughs• Kettlebell Swings• Sled Pushes• Sprints

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Lateral/Rotary Loading• Band Hip Rotations• Band Standing Abduction• Band Seated Abduction• Cable Chops• Cable Lifts• Half Kneeling Cable Chops

X B d W lk• X‐Band Walks• Pallof Presses• Side Plank• Side Plank• Slideboard• Medball Rotary Throwsy

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Posterior Pelvic TiltingPosterior Pelvic Tilting• American DeadliftAmerican Deadlift• Hip Thrust with PPT

C l k• RKC Plank

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Look AthleticLook Athletic

St th i C l•Strength is Cool•Good form is Cool•Strong With Good Form is What it’s All About!g

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Hip Thrust StrengthHip Thrust Strength• Women Might Have Greater Relative Strength than Men in the Glutes, Men Have Greater Absolute StrengthHi Th S h i G h S S h• Hip Thrust Strength is Greater than Squat Strength

• Hip Thrust Strength is Close to or Stronger than D dlift St thDeadlift Strength

• Strongest = 3.5X BodyweightM l 585 d• Male – 585 pounds

• Female – 405 pounds

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Back to the Mechanisms…Back to the Mechanisms…• Mechanical Tension – Hip Thrust, Deadlift• Metabolic Stress – Hip Thrust, KB Swing• Muscle Damage – Walking Lunge, Deep Squat• Individual Differences?

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IndividualityIndividuality• Scientific Theory vs. The Real Worldy• Become Your Own EMG Instrument through Palpationg p

• Ask the Client for Input!• Racquel, Colleen, Kellie, Racquel, q , , , q ,Alexis, Molly, Diana

• I Know Their Glutes Better than They yDo!

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Glute Max EMG Experiment ‐ BretGlute Max EMG Experiment  Bret• In a perfect world you could do this for each client

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Program Designg g1. Hip Thrust or Heavy KB Swing Type Movement2 Squat or Lunge Type Movements2. Squat or Lunge Type Movements3. Deadlift or Back Extension Type Movements4. Band Hip Rotation, X‐Band Walk, Seated Band 

Abduction Type Movements or RKC Plank TypeAbduction Type Movements, or RKC Plank Type Movements

5. Mix together unilateral and bilateral 6 V th H i l t 506. Vary the rep ranges. Heavy singles to 50 rep 

burnouts.7. Progressive overload AND variety8. Frequency is key. Glutes are capable of performing a 

ton of work! Five days per week for some clients.9. Excessive soreness is counterproductive!

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We Should Have ListenedWe Should Have Listened...• Fischer and Houtz 1968

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Thanks for Your Attendance!Thanks for Your Attendance!
