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    Drivers that help adopting stabilised earth construction

    to address urban low-cost housing crisis:an understanding by construction professionals

    Mohammad Sharif Zami

    Received: 24 June 2010 / Accepted: 21 March 2011 / Published online: 9 April 2011 Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2011

    Abstract Addressing urban housing crisis is an enormous challenge for most of the

    countries due to the increasing cost of the building material. Therefore, affordable alter-

    native building material can make a breakthrough to the urban housing crisis. In the light of

    current success of stabilised earth construction in urban low-cost housing, it is important to

    find out the potential drivers that can help to adopt this building material. This paper aims

    to identify and highlight these drivers from the method of literature review and validates

    through a Delphi technique.

    Keywords Construction Drivers Earth Housing Professionals Stabilised Urban

    1 Introduction

    Compressed stabilised earth blocks are becoming popular in various parts of the world with

    the introduction of sustainable construction concepts (Jayashinghe 2007). Although most

    of the developed countries do have well-structured and effective programmes to address

    the environmental sustainability through the use of energy efficient appropriate construc-

    tion materials, stabilised earth is not widely used. More surprisingly, most of the con-

    struction professionals from developed and developing countries do not even know about

    the contemporary stabilised earth construction (Zami and Lee 2010a, 2010b). The

    unawareness about this building material amongst the construction professionals makes us

    aware that, there are inhibitors which make contemporary stabilised earth construction

    unpopular. But, it is evident from the literature review that experimental stabilised earth

    construction projects are a success in many developing (India, Sudan, South America,

    Southern and Northern Africa) and developed (Australia, Germany, Austria and France)

    Readers should send their comments on this paper to [email protected] within 3 months

    of publication of this issue.

    M. S. Zami (&)

    Department of Architecture, College of Environmental Design, King Fahd University of Petroleum

    and Minerals (KFUPM), P. O. Box: 1802, Dhahran 31261, Saudi Arabia

    e-mail: [email protected]


    Environ Dev Sustain (2011) 13:9931006

    DOI 10.1007/s10668-011-9301-0

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    countries to address urban housing crisis (Adam and Agib 2001; Mubaiwa 2002; Zami and

    Lee 2008). Together with other forms of unbaked earthen construction, such as mud-brick,

    rammed earth has a long and continued history throughout many regions of the world.

    Major centres of rammed earth construction include North Africa, Australasia, and regions

    of North and South America, China and Europe, including France, Germany and Spain(Maniatidis and Walker 2003). In Devon (England), there are 40,000 cob buildings still in

    everyday use (Abey and Smallcombe 2007). Therefore, drivers need to be devised to make

    stabilised earth construction adoptable to the professionals and users. This paper aims to

    identify and highlight these potential drivers in the light of its use on site and performance

    of environmental sustainability. It is pertinent to analyse the drivers that potentially can

    help the adoption of this technology. A critical literature review method was adopted in

    this paper to investigate and identify the drivers and validated with the help of Delphi

    technique. The following section reviews the literature on drivers influencing the adoption

    of earth construction to address urban low-cost housing crisis. First, a critical literature

    review method is adopted in this paper to investigate and identify the potential drivers

    influencing the adoption of this building material to address urban low-cost housing crisis

    and second, the identified inhibitors is validated through a Delphi technique.

    2 Contemporary technological innovation of stabilised earth construction

    Most of the drawbacks associated with earth houses can be overcome by suitable

    improvements in design and technology, such as soil stabilisation, appropriate architecture,

    and improvement in structural techniques (Lal 1995, p. 120). Therefore, the drawbacksfound in several literatures relate to the experience of un-stabilised earth construction.

    Problems of earth wall erosion by rain and flood water, rodents making holes in the wall

    and floor, and poor performance during earthquakes can be solved by stabilising the earth

    (Zami 2010). Vernacular earthen houses located in seismic areas are at risk because of their

    inherent structural vulnerability. It is possible to provide reinforcement to earthen buildings

    in order to improve their structural performance and to prevent their collapse during

    earthquakes (Blondet and Aguilar 2007). Furthermore, it is important to take note that

    lack of durability and structural limitations of earth construction is the most frequently

    mentioned drawback of earth construction mentioned in the literature.

    According to Blondet and Aguilar (2007), most vernacular earthen houses are builtwithout professional intervention and thus with poor construction quality. In addition, most

    present-day earthen houses are built without any structural reinforcement, with several

    storeys, thin walls, large windows and door openings, irregular plan and elevation con-

    figurations, these buildings are extremely vulnerable and suffer significant damage or

    collapse during earthquakes (Blondet and Aguilar 2007). During the last three decades,

    researchers at the Catholic University of Peru (PUCP) have attempted to find solutions for

    improving the seismic performance of earthen buildings. The principal alternative solu-

    tions of seismic reinforcement for these vulnerable buildings consist of internal cane mesh

    reinforcement, external wire mesh reinforcement and external polymer meshreinforcement.

    According to Maini (2007), extensive research was carried out to develop cost-effective

    technology of reinforced masonry with hollow interlocking CSEBs. Vertical and horizontal

    reinforced concrete members supported the masonry so as to create a box type system

    which can resist disasters. As a result of the research, two types of blocks have been

    developedthe square hollow interlocking block suitable for a two storied building and

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    the rectangular hollow interlocking block suitable for a single story building. This tech-

    nology has been used extensively in Gujarat for the rehabilitation after the 2001 earthquake

    with a 6-month technical assistance from Auroville Earth Institute and with this assistance

    the Catholic Relief Services built 2,698 houses and community centres in 39 villages

    (Maini 2007). According to Maini (2005), this technology has been approved by theGovernment of Gujarat (GSDMA) as a suitable construction method for the rehabilitation

    of the zones affected by the 2001 earthquake in Kutch district (Fig. 1), the Government of

    Iran (Housing Research Centre) as a suitable construction method for the rehabilitation of

    the zones affected by the 2003 earthquake of Bam (Fig. 2), the Government of Tamil

    Nadu, India (Relief and Rehabilitation) as a suitable construction method for the reha-

    bilitation of the zones affected by the 2004 tsunami of Indonesia (Maini 2007).

    According to Minke (2006), earth as a building material has lost its credibility chiefly

    because most modern houses with earth walls cannot withstand earthquakes and because

    earth is viewed a building material for the poor. In this context, it is worth mentioning that

    a census conducted by the Salvadoran government after the earthquake of 13 January 2001

    (measuring 7.6 on the Richter scale) states that adobe houses were not worse affected than

    other types of construction (Minke 2006). Minke (2006) also explained about earthquake-

    resistant earth construction to address the low-cost housing crisis in Guatemala. A bamboo-

    reinforced panelled rammed earth wall technique was developed in 1978 as part of a

    research project by the BRL, and successfully implemented jointly with the Francisco

    Marroqun University (UFM) and the Centre for Appropriate Technology (CEMAT), both

    in Guatemala.

    In 1998, the BRL developed another reinforced rammed earth wall system that was

    utilised for a low-cost housing project built in cooperation with the University of Santiagode Chile in Alhue, Chile, in 2001. The examples of these earthquake-resistant earthen

    houses show that contemporary earth construction is durable enough to replace conven-

    tional brick and block construction to address the low-cost housing crisis even in the

    earthquake-prone localities. Therefore, natural disasterresistant contemporary earth con-

    struction is effectively solving the problems of natural disaster destructive to shelters all

    over the world in particular in India and South America.

    Fig. 1 Houses built by the CRSGujarat, India. 2698 houses built in a year time, in 39 villages. Source

    Maini (2005)

    Drivers that help adopting stabilised earth construction 995


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    Structural limitation is one of the major drawbacks of earth construction highlighted in

    literature review. Related to this, Maini (2005) shows enough examples of buildings with

    large spans constructed of compressed stabilised earth blocks (CSEB) and the research and

    development seeks to optimise the structures by increasing the span of the roof, decreasing

    its thickness and creating new shapes. Note that all vaults and domes are built with

    compressed stabilised earth blocks, which are laid in free spanning mode (withoutformwork), which has been developed by the Auroville Earth Institute and this technique is

    a development of the Nubian technique (Maini 2005). Figure 3 shows a vault measuring a

    diameter of 7.9 m constructed out of CSEB and Fig. 4 shows a dome measuring 22.16 m

    of a temple constructed out of CSEB. Therefore, these examples support that contemporary

    stabilised earth construction is able to overcome the drawback of structural limitation.

    Fig. 2 Houses built by the International Blue Crescent. BamIran. Source Maini (2005)

    Fig. 3 Dome of the Dhyanalingam temple, Coimbatore, 22. 16 m dia, 7.90 m rise, 570 tons. Built in

    9 weeks. Source Maini (2005, p. 11)

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    3 State of art review on drivers that help adoption of earth construction

    The drivers that help to encourage the adoption of contemporary earth construction are

    identified through a critical review of the literature and summarised in Table 1.

    All the drivers identified in Table 1 lack empirical evidence and it would seem from a

    thorough review of the literature that sparse research to date has been undertaken to

    substantiate whether the drivers in Table 1 are real or mere speculation. It is questionable

    whether they are the authors perception and thus lack empirical data to substantiate the

    findings. Therefore, this paper aims to develop a holistic understanding of the drivers that

    can help the widespread adoption of contemporary stabilised earth construction by pro-

    fessionals to address the urban low-cost housing crisis. It is important to note that Driver 2

    in Table 1 is already explored in many countries of the world. Australia, New Zealand,

    USA (New Mexico), Zimbabwe, Germany and Spain has published the national standards

    and reference documents for earthen construction (Maniatidis and Walker 2003). Mani-

    atidis and Walker (2003) also noted that at various times a number of other countries that

    have produced codes or national reference documents for earthen construction. Accordingto Houben and Guillaud (1994), these include France, India, Tanzania, Mozambique,

    Morocco, Tunisia, Kenya, Ivory Coast, Mexico, Brazil, Peru, Turkey and Costa Rica.

    Many of these documents do not cover rammed earth. In recent times, CRATerre has led to

    the development of regional standards for pressed earth block construction (Maniatidis and

    Walker 2003).

    4 Research methodology

    After a critical review of the existing literatures, it appears that there is a lack of structured

    research, to date, carried out to identify and understand the potential drivers of contem-

    porary stabilised earth construction in urban low-cost housing. In addition, the drivers

    identified by different practitioners and researchers mentioned in the literature are gen-

    erally written from their perception, and thus, there is a lack of empirical data and vali-

    dation through the execution of a research methodological process. The critical review of

    Fig. 4 Vault of Mirramukhi School at Auroville, CSEB. 10.35 m span, 2.25 m rise, 30 tons, built in

    3 weeks. Source Maini (2005, p. 11)

    Drivers that help adopting stabilised earth construction 997


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    Table 1 The adoption drivers of contemporary earth construction

    Drivers (summarised from the

    literature review)


    1. Promotion of earth architectureand construction by the

    government, professional, all

    stakeholders through all public


    Jagadish (2007, p. 2627), Morton(2007, p. 377), Blondet and

    Aguilar (2007, p. 9), Houben

    et al. (2007), Easton (1996,

    p. 19), Elizabeth (2005), Adams

    (2005), Baiche et al. (2008, p. 7)

    Sparse structured research wascarried out to identify these

    drives. Therefore, it is authors


    (a) Systematic campaigns among

    construction professionals.

    (b) Industry recognised

    marketability of earth


    (c) Educational campaigns to reach

    awareness of the seismic risk,cultural transformations to adopt

    better construction techniques

    with earth.

    (d) Campaigns in favour of

    sustainable built environment

    and against global warming.

    2. Setting a building code for earth

    architecture and construction.

    Morton (2007, p. 377), Norton

    (1997, p. 8), Eisenberg (2005),

    Minke (2006, p. 196), Baiche

    et al. (2008, p. 7).(a) Setting an industry recognised

    standard and quality control

    criteria.(b) In order to disseminate

    successfully tested earth

    construction techniques,

    guidelines should be developed.

    3. Organising a training

    programme for professionals,

    builders, users, and all building


    Jagadish (2007, p. 26), Houben

    et al. (2007, p. 39), Minke (2006,

    p. 196).

    (a) Training programmes amongst

    construction supervisors.

    (b) In order to disseminatesuccessfully tested earth

    construction techniques, training

    courses should be offered.

    4. Introducing earth architecture

    and technology in university

    degree programmes and courses.

    Jagadish (2007, p. 26), Houben

    et al. (2007, p. 39), Castells and

    Laperal (2007, p. 100), Norton

    (1997, p. 8), King (1996, p. 5)(a) An innovative approach in

    educational pedagogy for earthen

    architecture from all the relevant

    educational institutions.

    5. Technological development andinnovation of earth construction.

    Jagadish (2007, p. 26), Baicheet al. (2008, p. 7)

    (a) Setting quality control criteria

    of CSEB manufacturing


    Source Author: 2009

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    the literature permits the author to recognise and identify the existing up-to-date drivers

    mentioned by different researcher, in which it appeared that there is sparse structures

    research. The drivers found in the literature are written in the light of researchers expe-

    rience and perception. Therefore, a well-structured research technique should be devised to

    validate the drivers identified from the literature review. A Delphi technique is chosen inthis paper as an appropriate method to validate the drivers which effectively collect data

    from construction professionals and compare the list of drivers found in the existing


    The Delphi research technique is chosen as the mode of data collection due to its ability

    to explore the drivers that help the widespread adoption of stabilised earth construction in

    urban low-cost housing. The Delphi technique can be used when there is incomplete

    knowledge of a problem or phenomena (Adler and Ziglio 1996; Delbeq et al. 1975). This

    technique can be applied to problems that do not lend themselves to precise analytical

    techniques but rather could benefit from the subjective judgments of individuals on a

    collective basis (Adler and Ziglio 1996) and to focus their collective human intelligence on

    the problem at hand (Linstone and Turloff 1975). Also, the Delphi technique is used to

    investigate what does not yet exist (Czinkota and Ronkainen 1997; Halal, Kull, and

    Leffmann, 1997; Skulmoski and Hartman 2002). Therefore, for this research, the Delphi

    technique is chosen as a suitable research technique because the results will offer an

    informed look at the current and potential status of the drivers of stabilised earth con-

    struction to address the urban low-cost housing crisis in general. Based on the nature,

    attitudes and beliefs of a carefully selected group of expert respondents, the drivers will be

    captured. A substantial literature review in Sect. 2 found that the identified drivers suffer

    from lack of empirical data. Due to these lacking in the prescriptions made by differentprofessionals and researchers in this area, the results of this Delphi technique will be

    relevant, provide clarification the drivers identified in the literature review.

    As there are a limited number of contemporary earth construction experts in the world,

    the most notable of these were contacted as expert panellists for this Delphi technique. A

    list of 34 participants (experts) was contacted from both the private and public sector that

    would appear to have the required knowledge and/or experience of the subject. Therefore,

    34 letters were sent out inviting them to take part in this Delphi technique. A total of 14

    individuals responded and agreed to participate, equating to a 41% response rate. Out of

    the 14 individuals, 7 were academician researchers, 1 was a practitioner, and 6 were

    practitioner researchers. During the second round of administering the Delphi technique, 3academician researchers and 1 practitioner experts did not respond, which made a total of

    10 participants. Delphi procedures tend to depend on the questions being asked, sample

    size and degree of consensus being reached (Rowe and Wright 1999). The panel size of 10

    fits within the guidelines recommended for Delphi studies. Helmer and Dalkey used a

    panel of seven experts in their original Delphi experiment in 1953 (Helmer 1983). Linstone

    and Turoff (1975) suggest a panel size of anywhere from 10 to 50 participants. According

    to Andranovich (1995), if the group of experts is fairly homogeneous (sharing similar

    opinions) then 10 to 15 panellists will be enough and if there are diverse interests present

    among the experts, then the size of the group will need to be increased to ensure balance.For most community-oriented Delphi, 30 is about as large a group. Brief profiles of the 14

    experts whom participated in this Delphi interview technique is shown in Table 2.

    The number of rounds in the Delphi technique is variable and dependent upon the

    purpose of the research. Delbeq et al. (1975) suggest that a two or three iteration Delphi is

    sufficient for most research. If group consensus is desirable and the sample is heteroge-

    neous, then three or more rounds may be required and if the goal is to understand nuances

    Drivers that help adopting stabilised earth construction 999


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    Table 2 Profile of the experts who participated in the Delphi technique

    No. Name Profession/designation and





    01 ExpertA Civil Engineer, Professor(Brazil) 30 Author of many published articles oncontemporary earth construction.

    02 Expert


    Architect/Landscape Architect,

    Professor in architecture.

    (United Kingdom)

    40 Designer of earth building for University of

    Malawi and has published a book on

    landscape architecture.

    03 Expert




    30 Practitioner and researcher on contemporary

    stabilised earth construction.

    04 Expert


    Architect, Assistant Professor.


    05 Specialised in civil engineering and earth


    05 Expert


    Chartered architect and


    in architectural conservationand heritage management,


    in architecture.

    (United Kingdom, Ghana)

    40? Worked in many African countries and has

    published many journal papers on

    vernacular architecture.

    06 Expert


    Professor of postgraduate



    44 Organizer of International Symposium on

    earthen structures, 2007. A pioneer

    researcher in contemporary earthen


    07 Expert


    Architect, Senior Lecturer

    (United Kingdom)

    35 Specialised in conservation and a researcher

    in un-stabilised earthen architecture.

    Supervised many PhD students in earthconstruction.

    08 Expert


    Engineer, Associate Professor,

    researcher in contemporary

    earth construction.


    30 Organiser of an international Symposium on

    earthen structures, 2007. A pioneer

    researcher in contemporary earth


    09 Expert


    Civil Engineer, researcher in

    contemporary earth



    06 Author of many published articles on

    contemporary earth construction.

    10 Expert


    Architect, Visiting Professor


    05 Earthen architecture practitioner and has

    constructed many earth structures.11 Expert


    Lecturer, Earth Construction


    (United Kingdom)

    08 Researcher of stabilised earth construction.

    12 Expert


    Research Fellow, researcher in

    contemporary earth


    (United Kingdom)

    12 Author of many articles and researcher.

    13 Expert


    Senior Lecturer, researcher in

    contemporary earth


    (Sri Lanka)

    14 Author of many articles and contemporary

    earth construction researcher.

    14 Expert


    Architect, PhD researcher in

    earth construction.


    15 Earth construction practitioner and


    Source Author, 2008

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    (a goal in qualitative research) and if the sample is homogeneous, then fewer than three

    rounds may be sufficient to reach consensus, theoretical saturation, or uncover sufficient

    information (Skulmoski et al. 2007). For this research, only two rounds of the study were

    needed for the participants to reach a consensus.

    5 Analysis and discussion of findings from round one Delphi technique

    The Delphi technique adopted in this paper consists of two rounds of question whereby the

    second round question was constructed from question and feedback acquired from the

    previous round. The aim of the question in the first round was to elicit the drivers that help

    the adoption of stabilised earth in the construction of urban low-cost housing. The second

    round of the Delphi technique confirms the summarised drivers in rank order acquired from

    the first round which were presented to the experts for reconsideration and validation.

    5.1 Drivers that help the adoption of stabilised earth construction in urban low-cost


    All experts responded to the following question in the first round:

    Question What are the drivers that you would suggest and can help adoption of stabilised

    earth construction in urban low-cost housing? Please explain and explore your suggestions.

    One experts (7%) response was inconclusive. Thirteen experts listed several drivers.

    Figure 5 shows the nature and percentages of responses from the experts.Twenty five drivers that can help the adoption of stabilised earth construction in urban

    low-cost housing are identified from the experts responses and listed according to their

    importance (rank). They are firstly grouped into the categories identified from the literature

    review (Sect. 3), and then this was check-listed against the number of times they were

    mentioned in this study. Table 3 shows the summarised list of drivers according to their

    importance (rank). It is important to note here that there is one additional driver apart from

    the five drivers identified in the literature review identified in Delphi Round One and

    presented in Table 3.

    According to one of the experts, earthen materials are not suitable for all construction

    applications in developed countries. On a global scale, it is already the most widely usedconstruction material in the world and so by definition is a popular choice. Earth as a

    material offers advantages and disadvantages and so could be used intelligently to suit

    certain applications, for example in medium rise office buildings to reduce peak cooling

    loads, in stores/archives/museums to regulate humidity without air conditioning. Another

    expert was concerned that earthen architecture should be taken more seriously; the tech-

    nology should not be considered as low cost or for the urban mass or the urban poor but

    as an alternative for both the rich and the poor. This approach will help to overcome the

    Fig. 5 According to most experts opinion, there are drivers that help the adoption of stabilised earth

    construction in urban low-cost housing

    Drivers that help adopting stabilised earth construction 1001


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    Table 3 Drivers that will help to adopt stabilised earth construction in urban low cost housing summarised

    from the Delphi Round Two

    Drivers help to adopt stabilised earth construction (summarised from the

    Delphi Round One)

    Number of experts

    1. Promoting earth architecture and construction by the government,

    professional and all stakeholders through all public media.

    (a) First and foremost support from competent civil engineering

    professional bodies, government organisations working towards

    promoting earthen constructionsthis will change the poor peoples

    image on earth.

    (b) To have a catalogue of successful examples, showing how the

    buildings were built, what they look like inside and out, how much they

    cost compared with conventional construction and very importantly

    how long such buildings have lastedwith pictures after 20 years.

    Including comments on the maintenance required.

    (c) If really aesthetically pleasing examples can be found, there must belots scattered around the globe with good comments from the occupiers

    this could be a positive way of promoting the idea, rather than attempting

    to use a utopian vision. For example inhibiting notions need to be

    directly addressed such as burglary resistance. Can a thief break in with a

    small sledgehammer? As well as termite resistance. Such examples

    should be of the quality to make people feel that they would really like to

    have a house like that. Maybe show the whole buildings first; and only

    after that reveal that it is made of SSBs and that it is x% cheaper than an

    identical one of conventional construction, with no drawbacks.

    (d) Build a number of successful, high-profile, high-status earth buildings.

    Develop skills and techniques and solve all problems through these

    builds. Demonstrate significant understanding through research and peerreviewed publishing. Ultimately earth building will become fashionable,

    reliable and respected. It should then be relatively simple to apply the

    technique to a mass market.

    (e) Widespread publicity for well-designed projects.

    (f) A sustained programme of public education through the media.

    (g) Convince brick manufacturers to consider offering unfired stabilised

    bricks as an alternative.

    Ten (10)

    2. Technological development and innovation of earth construction.

    (a) Find some cheap solutions to strengthen earth constructions.

    (b) In the research of possible reinforcement techniques of these kinds of

    buildings, it is important to consider the use of compatible materials.

    These materials should be able to be produced in an industrial way.(c) Earth constructions need to be popular to show that buildings can be

    resistant and can protect life properly in earthquakes.

    (d) Show the consumers that earthen buildings can have the same level of

    comfort as normal buildings and have a higher degree of sustainability

    than the other options.

    (e) More dissemination of scientific and technical knowledge is vital

    (f) Professionals should devote more time to learn about the technology in

    their localities and develop the desire to improve these traditions to meet

    contemporary needs.

    (g) Professionals should identify the advantages of this technology within

    their locality and as well as the drawbacks. These drawbacks should be

    accepted as limitations.

    Eight (08)

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    Table 4 Drivers that help in the adoption of stabilised earth construction in urban low-cost housing

    summarised and adopted from the Delphi technique

    Drivers that will help to adopt stabilised earth construction (summarised and adopted from the Delphi Round


    1. Promoting the earth architecture and construction by the government, professionals, and all stakeholders

    through all public media.

    2. Technological development and the innovation of earth construction.

    3. Organising training programmes for professionals, builders, users and all building stakeholders.

    4. Introducing earth architecture and technology in university degree programmes and courses.

    5. Setting a building code for earth architecture and construction.

    6. Organising conferences, publishing books and scientific articles on earth architecture.

    Table 3 continued

    Drivers help to adopt stabilised earth construction (summarised from the

    Delphi Round One)

    Number of experts

    3. Organising training programmes for professionals, builders, users andall building stakeholders.

    (a) Setting up of demonstration units in research labs, academic offices, so

    that the general masses are aware and become familiar with the end


    (b) Thorough, earth-material based technical guidelines on the adoption

    and construction techniques using earth.

    (c) Every earthen building project requires training of artisans; this is

    because since the technique is not consistently in use, it is difficult to

    retain these artisans at the completion of one project. Thus, every new

    project entails regrouping of a few old hands and training new ones.

    Therefore, for the technology to be sustainable it requires consistency.

    One single government project or demonstration building is not enoughto attain this consistency.

    (d) Regular workshops awareness and training programmes for architects

    and civil engineers in the manufacture and use of earth (stabilised or un-

    stabilised) blocks.

    Six (06)

    4. Introducing earth architecture and technology in university degree

    programmes and courses.

    (a) Integration of earth construction in various curricula.

    (b) Investment in engineering and architecture courses. Young people have

    much more of an open mind. So, create courses about earth construction

    and introduce them in the university.

    (c) More awareness is necessary, for example, gradually including this

    technology in engineering curricula under sustainable construction.

    Five (05)

    5. Setting of building code for earth architecture and construction.

    (a) Codes of practice should be published soon.

    (b) Adopt technical standards for earth construction.

    Four (04)

    6. Organising conferences, publishing books and scientific articles on earth


    (a) Organise conferences about the use of earth construction in order to

    spread it.

    (b) In addition to the scientific publications, simpler books and articles are

    necessary to popularise the technology.

    Four (04)

    Drivers that help adopting stabilised earth construction 1003


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    prejudices of earth construction amongst all kind of people in society. Therefore, this

    Experts concern is also supported by the previous expert as they state; this technology

    should be introduced more to the upper strata of the society with architecturally pleasing


    According to one of the expert, concentration on its use in rural areas where the costbenefits of using earth construction technology are greater than in urban areas and the

    material is more aesthetically appropriate in a rural environment, in a soft, green landscape

    setting, rather than the hard landscape of the city. It is worth mentioning here that the

    drivers identified from round one did not differ from the drivers adopted in the literature

    review (Sect. 3) except an additional driver (number 6 in Table 3) was identified in this

    Delphi technique.

    6 Analysis and discussion of the findings of the Delphi second round

    Four experts did not participate in Round Two of the Delphi technique. Therefore, only 10

    experts participated in this second round, and the same question was asked in this round.

    The following sub-section summarises and analyses the responses of the question of this

    second round.

    6.1 Drivers that help the adoption of stabilised earth construction in urban low-cost


    There were 25 drivers summarised and identified from the Delphi First Round interviews.These drivers influencing the adoption of stabilised earth construction in urban low-cost

    housing were organised in the list according to their importance (rank) and sent to the

    experts in the second round interviews for validation. No experts commented on this in the

    second round. Therefore, these drivers were agreed on unanimously. After careful con-

    sideration of the experts second round interviews, the drivers adopted are shown in

    Table 4 and Fig. 6 shows their importance (rank).

    Fig. 6 Importance (rank) of the drivers that potentially helps the adoption of stabilised earth construction in

    urban low-cost housing

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    7 Conclusions

    This paper has investigated and analysed the state-of-art review of literature of the drivers

    that help adopting contemporary earth construction in general and validated through

    Delphi technique. It was found that there is a lack of structured research, to date carried outto identify the drivers. Therefore, it was imperative to substantiate and validate the findings

    of the literature review with the help of a structured research method. Delphi technique was

    used as an appropriate research method to substantiate and validate the drivers. Diversified

    drivers were stated by the experts in both rounds of the Delphi technique from which six

    drivers were summarised and identified. It is important to note that one additional driver

    was identified in the Delphi technique in addition to five drivers identified in the literature

    review. Furthermore, according to experts in this study, promotion of contemporary sta-

    bilised earth construction through the public media got the highest priority to adopt this

    alternative building material to address urban low-cost housing crisis.


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