Gempar jalan' rayamendap MPSJ lantik kontraktorkajipuncapembentukan lubangsedalam lima meter NUR FARHANA ABDUL MAHAN PUCHONG-Menggempar- kan apabiIajalan di Taman Kinrara Seksyen5/1 di sif1idi- katakan tiba-tiba mendap clan membentukkawahbesarme- nyebabkan laluan itu terpaksa ditutup kepada pengguna ja- Ian~, petangkehnarin. Difahamkan, ketika ke- jadian cuaca baik clantiada se- bab yang boleh mengakibat- kan Iubang selebar tiga meter di tengah-tengah jalan antara clua pangsapuri di sini men- jadimendapsehinggasedalam lima mete!: Tmjauan Sinar Harlan ke Iokasipada jam lOpagi,~- lam mendapati Iubang itu se- makin membesar jika diban- dingkan dengan pemerhatian diIakukan pada jam 1 pagihari yangsama. Kejadian pada jam 2 pe- tang keImarin itu hinw kini masih. behun dapat dikenal pastipw1Cat1ya, namun Majlis Perl>andaran Subang Jaya (MPSJ) melalui kontraktor di- lantikgiatmengkaji. Penolong Pengarah (Ka- nan) Jabatan Kejuruternan MPSJ,Ir Mohd.ArifucldinKa- marl berkata, selepas mene- rima aduan berhubung per- kara itu, pemantauan dilakukan clan kontraktol' se- get'!:l ke tempat kejadian. "Kita akan besarkan Iu- bangclanmasukkanbatukeri- kil untuk melihat sarna ada berlakupergerakan tanahatau tidak di permukaan bawah. "Majlis juga akan me- manggilbeberapaagensitel'- . .:-~~ ~ rJ... ' . '- . " . - -. jI" --:",£;~. , -, W HockAunyangmeninjautem- pat kejadian awal pagi se- malam berkata, MPSJharns melakukan kajian terperinci mengenai kejadianitu. f "Bagi penduduk, mereka disarankan menggunakan la- Iuan altematif melalui Tan1all Kinrara Seksyen 3 atau me- lalui Jalan Merbok untuk ke Tan1allKinrara Seksyen5. Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (Adun) Kinrara,Teresa Kok Sub Simpula belkata, pihaknya berharap kejadian hanya terhad di laluan itu sa.. TeresaKok (dua. kanan)danHock Aun (tengah)melihatIaIuan jaIanyangmendapdiJatanTaman hajadantidakmengakibatkan Kinrara SeksYeIl5disini, semalam. kaWasanpersekitaran Menurutnya,JabatanGeo- logi dan Mineral (GMG) per- Iu dif>anggilmelakukan pe- mantauan bel'sama-sarna kontraktor MPSJ mencari punca bagaimana ia berlaku. , -, ;;$ ~''f t~ ..I .. - .~ ,- masuk Indah Water Kon- kan kawasan terbabit adalah sortium (IWK) clan Syarikat bekas kawasaniombong. BekalanAir Selangor(Syabas) Katanya, pemerhatian untuk mengenal pasti-punca awal mendapati tiada penga- kejadian7katanyamemaJdun\- !iran air bocol' di kawasan itu. SINAR HARIAN T " kh ->€, ~qctQI'C\\-\o.. 00\\ all : ".".""".r ;I'.Y.~...".. "Iniadalal1kejadianperta- ma di siniclankitaharap iabu- kan tanahjerlus;'katanya. Sementara itu, Ketua Ba- hagian MCA, Datuk Wong

Gempar jalan' raya mendap€¦ · Gempar jalan' raya mendap MPSJ lantik kontraktor kaji punca pembentukan lubang sedalam lima meter NUR FARHANA ABDUL MAHAN PUCHONG-Menggempar-kan

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  • Gemparjalan'rayamendapMPSJlantik kontraktorkajipuncapembentukanlubangsedalamlima meterNUR FARHANA


    PUCHONG-Menggempar-kan apabiIajalan di TamanKinrara Seksyen5/1 di sif1idi-katakan tiba-tiba mendap clanmembentukkawahbesarme-

    nyebabkan laluan itu terpaksaditutup kepada pengguna ja-Ian~, petangkehnarin.

    Difahamkan, ketika ke-jadian cuaca baikclantiada se-bab yang boleh mengakibat-kan Iubang selebar tiga meterdi tengah-tengah jalan antaraclua pangsapuri di sini men-jadimendapsehinggasedalamlima mete!:

    Tmjauan Sinar Harlan ke

    Iokasipada jam lOpagi,~-lam mendapati Iubang itu se-makin membesar jika diban-dingkan dengan pemerhatian

    diIakukan pada jam 1 pagihariyangsama.

    Kejadian pada jam 2 pe-tang keImarin itu hinw kinimasih. behun dapat dikenalpastipw1Cat1ya,namun MajlisPerl>andaran Subang Jaya(MPSJ)melalui kontraktor di-lantikgiatmengkaji.

    Penolong Pengarah (Ka-nan) Jabatan KejuruternanMPSJ,Ir Mohd.ArifucldinKa-marl berkata, selepas mene-rima aduan berhubung per-kara itu, pemantauandilakukan clan kontraktol' se-

    get'!:lke tempat kejadian."Kita akan besarkan Iu-

    bangclanmasukkanbatukeri-kil untuk melihat sarna adaberlakupergerakan tanahatautidak di permukaan bawah.

    "Majlis juga akan me-manggilbeberapaagensitel'-

    . .:-~~~




    -. jI" --:",£;~., -, W

    HockAunyangmeninjautem-pat kejadian awal pagi se-malam berkata, MPSJharnsmelakukan kajian terperincimengenai kejadianitu.

    f "Bagi penduduk, merekadisarankan menggunakan la-Iuan altematif melalui Tan1all

    Kinrara Seksyen 3 atau me-lalui Jalan Merbok untuk keTan1allKinrara Seksyen5.

    Ahli Dewan UndanganNegeri (Adun)Kinrara,TeresaKok Sub Simpula belkata,pihaknya berharap kejadianhanya terhad di laluan itu sa..

    TeresaKok(dua.kanan)danHockAun(tengah)melihatIaIuanjaIanyangmendapdiJatanTaman hajadantidakmengakibatkanKinraraSeksYeIl5disini, semalam. kaWasanpersekitaran

    Menurutnya,JabatanGeo-logi dan Mineral (GMG) per-Iu dif>anggilmelakukan pe-mantauan bel'sama-sarna

    kontraktor MPSJ mencaripunca bagaimana ia berlaku.

    ,-, ;;$ ~''f

    t~ ..I.. - .~


    masuk Indah Water Kon- kan kawasan terbabit adalah

    sortium (IWK) clan Syarikat bekas kawasaniombong.BekalanAir Selangor(Syabas) Katanya, pemerhatianuntuk mengenal pasti-punca awal mendapati tiada penga-

    kejadian7katanyamemaJdun\- !iranairbocol' di kawasan itu.


    "kh ->€, ~qctQI'C\\-\o.. 00\\all : ".".""".r ;I'.Y.~..."..

    "Iniadalal1kejadianperta-ma di siniclankitaharap iabu-kan tanahjerlus;'katanya.

    Sementara itu, Ketua Ba-hagian MCA, Datuk Wong

  • Liu:ThosefoundmisusingallowanceswillbesackedSELANGOR Local Governmentcommittee chairman Ronnie tiusaid that councillors found with-out a servicecentre at their respec-tive zones will not have their termrenewed.

    Uu warned that those caughtcheating by "pocketing allowanc-es" allocated for the rental ofpremises and salary for an officeassistant would be sacked.

    Uu said the state's policy onthe matter was very clear and hecould not understand how thiscould be abused by the council-lors.

    He said it was only logical thatallowances for service centreswere offered to those genuinelyoperating their own service cen-tres with an employee.

    "( do not see how a councillorcan be entitled to the allocation ifhe or she does not even have acentre to serve the people in theirareas.

    "The allowance should only beoffered to those who have an

    office in their zones and not out-side as it will not be practical forpeople Jrom a certain area to goout of their way to meet the coun-cilors," he said.

    Uu said both the councils andthe councillors played an equalrole in the setting up of the serv-ice centres.

    He added that if the councilswere unableto offera permanentpremises, they should facilitatefor the setting up of the servicecentre at a strategic location asproposedby the localrepresenta-tive.

    "Thecouncil must ensure thatthe centres exist and are activebefore paying the allowance tothe councilors.

    "The local authorities mustkeepclosetabs on the councillorswho are the representatives oftheir respective councils," hesaid.

    On the lackof a standardprac-tice at all local authorities per-taining to service centres for

    councilors, Uu said: "It is difficultas each of the councils has theirown challenges, strength andweaknesses."

    He said there were variousissues that had to be taken intoconsideration before a standardsystem was introduced.

    "We must understand that notall the councils have the samefinancial means in order to offerpermanent workplace and thereare also areas where it was impos-sible to acquire such premisesdue to cost," he said.

    Uu said the most importantthing was that the councillorswere reachable and served theirzones for the development of thecommunity and its people.

    In the past, he said, the council-lors were not even reachable orseen working in their areas andpeople had no idea of who theywere.

    "That is why we have createdthe zone system, whereby eachc£luncillor is required to work.


    8 '='6 S'po\en>'--ev ?O \1-- . .H ~~.J Y.- ,

    with the people in the grass-roots.

    "Now, the people onthe groundknow their councillors and theyare also reachable on their mobilephones," he said, adding that theircontact numbers were also avail-able in the council websites.

    While there is a need to makegradual changes and improve-ments, Uu said, the introductionof the zones had helped both thelocal authorities and the people.

    He said the performance andthe efficiency of the local authori-ties had improved by many foldsand the counciHorshad contrib-uted their fair share towardsachieving this feat.

    "We have come a long wayfrom a point where people hadlost their faith in the localauthorities and) believe we wiUgradually introduce a new sys-tem in the future in line with thestate's vision of good gov~rn-ance and transparent policies,"he said

  • I

    < Y ..."" ~~~:...


    "'I!!, '..'"

    ~ '~'-t~. Forwantofabetter place: Tanhasconvertedanabandonedpolice

    r .." beatbasein Pusat'j '~. " BandarPuchongI . ~n t ashisservice., centre.He

    .,.- '" . I welcomestheideaI'"J..i ofcouncils. -;.. . . providing- .' permanent-~



    :'I-! premises.


  • Goodif councilsprovidepremisesandstaff,





    - ~'~,,"

    ' '





    ,J,.I' " 1

    .:.IJU,' "k'" ' i. ."




    ""- . ~. ""





    "', '!:: "

    ~ I;


    In good condition: salimah'sservicecentreis fully equipped and has a meetinghall.

    notall of themhadservicecentres.He said he had received numerouscom-

    plaintsfromtheresidentswhoexpressedtheirdispleasureoverthe inefficientserviceofferedby somecouncillors.

    "Someevencomplainedthat thecouncillorsareneverseenin theirareasandthat theyarefinding it increasinglydifficult to meet thelocalrepresentatives.

    "Ithink thecouncilmustmakesurethat thecouncillorsare operatingtheir own servicecentrebeforepayingthemtheallowances,"hesaid

    He saideachcouncillormust be providedwith an officespaceby the localauthoritiesandthe stafffor thecoundllorsmustbepaidby the respectivecoundls.

    "Thiswill notonlyreflectgoodgovernanceby the coundlsandthe councillorsbut alsoprovide continuity as new councillorswillnot have to waste their time looking foranotherp&misesandstaff.

    "I alsourgethe stateto ensurethat all thelocalauthoritiespractisea standardsystemsothatthere will betransparency,"hesaid.


    Hulu SelangorDistrict Council presidentTukiman Nail said their councillors wereallocatedwith premisesby the coundl andgivenRM2,OOOallowanceeach. ,

    "Theallowanceis for themto paytheutil-ity bills and the salary for their assistantssincewe donot hire thestaff,"hesaid.

    Whilesomeof thelocalauthoritiesprovidetheir councillors with permanent seJ:1licecentres that comeswith comfortableandcosyenvironment,thereareotherswho hadto makedowith makeshiftpremisessuchascontainersand "pigeon holes" that are notconducive.

    SubangjayacouncillorTanjo Hannsaidhewasoperatinghis servicefrom two differentvenueslocatednearbydueto lackofaproperpremises.

    He said he had convertedan abandonedpolicebeatbasein PusatBandarPuchongashis servicecentreandturneda4O-footcon-tainer into aplaceto meetthe residents.

    "I havefixed anair-conditionerinsidethecontainerand equippedit will chairs andtables to have meetings.The SubangjayaMunidpal Councilhassupportedmy initia-tive andtheyhavebeenpayingthe salaryfor


    '«1;.~!r 1-