8/13/2019 GeraldMassey Lectures http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/geraldmassey-lectures 1/211 Gerald Massey's Lectures Directory of content Foreword Introduction The Historical Jesus and Mythical Christ Paul the Gnostic Opponent of Peter The Lo!ia of the Lord Gnostic and Historic Christianity The He"rew and Other Creations In #eply to Professor $% H% &ayce The Deil of Dar(ness in the Li!ht of )olution Luniolatry* $ncient and Modern Gree( Mytholo!y and the God $pollo Man in &earch of His &oul The &een &ouls of Man $ #etort The Co+in! #eli!ion )ditted "y we"+aster +euser%awardspace%co+ , also see www%theosophy%net and www%scri"d%co+-+euser FO#).O#D Gerald Massey* a +an of +any talents* distin!uished hi+self as a social refor+er* a poet and an )!yptolo!ist% His fa+e rested +ainly on the si/ +onu+ental olu+es in which he dealt at len!th on the +ytholo!y and reli!ion of $ncient )!ypt* and on his poetry% $lthou!h he was a capa"le lecturer* the lectures were not widely circulated* and were  priately printed in an o"scure olu+e% It is ti+ely that this alua"le collection is once a!ain presented to Massey's increasin! pu"lic% #elatiely little is (nown of Massey's career% His hu+"le "irth at Ga+"le .harf* Hertfordshire* )n!land in 0123 held scant pro+ise for the future% His parents were illiterate44his father was a poorly paid canal "oat+an% His own early education was +ea!er% Only occasionally was the youn! Massey a"le to attend the nei!h"orin! school* for which he paid one penny a wee(% Fro+ the a!e of ei!ht he la"ored twele hours a day% $t first he found e+ploy+ent in a sil( +ill% .hen it was destroyed "y fire* he wor(ed as a straw4plaiter% Dou"tless there were +any such 5o"s until at fifteen he went to London as an errand "oy% Later he was fortunate enou!h to "eco+e a ha"erdasher's cler(% It is eident that Massey i+proed his life at eery opportunity% 6ot only did his

GeraldMassey Lectures

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Gerald Massey's Lectures

Directory of content



The Historical Jesus and Mythical Christ

Paul the Gnostic Opponent of Peter  

The Lo!ia of the Lord

Gnostic and Historic Christianity

The He"rew and Other Creations

In #eply to Professor $% H% &ayce

The Deil of Dar(ness in the Li!ht of )olution

Luniolatry* $ncient and Modern

Gree( Mytholo!y and the God $pollo 

Man in &earch of His &oul

The &een &ouls of Man 

$ #etort

The Co+in! #eli!ion

)ditted "y we"+aster +euser%awardspace%co+, also see www%theosophy%net

and www%scri"d%co+-+euser 


Gerald Massey* a +an of +any talents* distin!uished hi+self as a social refor+er* a poet

and an )!yptolo!ist% His fa+e rested +ainly on the si/ +onu+ental olu+es in which hedealt at len!th on the +ytholo!y and reli!ion of $ncient )!ypt* and on his poetry%

$lthou!h he was a capa"le lecturer* the lectures were not widely circulated* and were

 priately printed in an o"scure olu+e% It is ti+ely that this alua"le collection is once

a!ain presented to Massey's increasin! pu"lic%

#elatiely little is (nown of Massey's career% His hu+"le "irth at Ga+"le .harf*

Hertfordshire* )n!land in 0123 held scant pro+ise for the future% His parents were

illiterate44his father was a poorly paid canal "oat+an% His own early education was

+ea!er% Only occasionally was the youn! Massey a"le to attend the nei!h"orin! school*

for which he paid one penny a wee(% Fro+ the a!e of ei!ht he la"ored twele hours a

day% $t first he found e+ploy+ent in a sil( +ill% .hen it was destroyed "y fire* he

wor(ed as a straw4plaiter% Dou"tless there were +any such 5o"s until at fifteen he went toLondon as an errand "oy% Later he was fortunate enou!h to "eco+e a ha"erdasher's cler(%

It is eident that Massey i+proed his life at eery opportunity% 6ot only did his

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 positions "eco+e +ore responsi"le* "ut in his spare ti+e he read literature* and was

inspired to write poetry% He een co+posed a popular son!* which was so well4receied

that it was e/hi"ited in a London shop window% In passin! the )ditor of The

$thenaeu+* London's +ost distin!uished periodical* noticed and "ou!ht a copy% The

son!* The People's $dent* cau!ht the )ditor's fancy to the e/tent that the co+poser's

na+e44Gerald Massey44re+ained in his +e+ory%

$ year later* his "oo( of poetry readied for pu"lication* Massey "rou!ht it with hope andhu+ility to the )ditor of The $thenaeu+% The )ditor* reco!ni7in! the author's na+e as

the co+poser of The People's $dent* was predisposed to li(e the poe+s "efore

readin! the+% He wrote a "rilliant* laudatory reiew of the poetry% The "oo(4sellers of 

London* i+pressed "y the reiew ordered the "oo( with no hesitation% In one day the first

edition was sold out%

Gerald Massey "eca+e increasin!ly interested in )!yptolo!y% He studied the e/tensie

)!yptian records housed in the 8ritish Museu+% He eentually tau!ht hi+self to decipher 

the hiero!lyphics% Finally after +any years of study he wrote a series of scholarly wor(s

on the #eli!ion and Mytholo!y of $ncient )!ypt% In 0110 he pu"lished in two olu+es

$ 8oo( of the 8e!innin!s* in 0119 The 6atural Genesis followed* and finally in

03:; he pu"lished in two olu+es $ncient )!ypt< The Li!ht of the .orld*%Throu!h those lon! years of deoted study at the 8ritish Museu+* Massey en5oyed the

friendship and wise counsel of Dr% &a+uel 8irch* an outstandin! )!yptolo!ist% He

attracted a followin! of dedicated students* who later were priile!ed to assist in his

research% Two of his +ost pro+inent co4wor(ers were Geor!e &t% Clair who authored

Creation #ecords Discoered in )!ypt* and Dr% $l"ert Churchward* who wrote The

Ori!in and )olution of the Hu+an #ace%

.hen Massey lectured in $+erica and Canada* he found hi+self surrounded with a"le

students% Miss )% =alentia &traiton* author of The Celestial &hip of the 6orth* and Dr%

$lin 8oyd >uhn* who wrote e/tensiely on co+paratie reli!ion% Dr% >uhn

ac(nowled!ed that in Gerald Massey had "een a !reat inspiration to hi+% In fact in his

 posthu+ous wor(* $ #e"irth for Christianity* Dr% >uhn called attention to the !reat

worth of Massey's research on Christian ori!ins* as follows<

.ith "rilliant scholarship and insi!ht he pierced )!ypt's eni!+atic scriptolo!y* and

docu+ented the proenance of "oth Old and 6ew Testa+ent literature fro+ re+ote

)!yptian sources% He forced us to as( how the four Gospels of the Christian canon could

 "e the "io!raphy of any Messianic personality liin! in the first Christian century* when

he traced their te/ts "ac( to )!yptian docu+ents that +ust hae "een enera"le een in

9?:: 8%C%

.e are faced with the inescapa"le reali7ation that if Jesus actually lied in the flesh in

the first century $%D%* and if he had "een a"le to read the docu+ents of old )!ypt* he

would hae "een a+a7ed to find his own "io!raphy already su"stantially written so+efour or fie thousand years preiously% Tertullian* Justin Martyr and other writers hae

noted that the leaders of the Christian +oe+ent confessed that +any of their doctrines*

rites* creeds and sy+"ols were identical with )!yptian antetypes% The late outstandin!

$+erican )!yptolo!ist* Ja+es H% 8reasted* found eidence of such si+ilarities "etween

the Old Testa+ent "oo(* Proer"s* and addresses to the Pharaoh of )!ypt datin! as far 

 "ac( as 9?:: 8%C% $ll this confir+s Massey's conclusions% @pp% 934A:B

Gerald Massey so i+pressed the noelist* Geor!e )liot* that she +ade hi+ the hero of 

one of her fa+ous ro+ances% Thus Massey "eca+e i++ortali7ed in literature as Feli/

Holt the #adical%

$+on! Massey's $+erican friends and ad+irers was a pro+inent 6ew or( Journalist

and pu"lisher* D% M% 8ernett% In the second edition of his The .orld's &a!es* Thin(ersand #efor+ers on pa!e 3;* 8ernett says*

Gerald Massey is a war+4hearted* !enial +an* and as a co+panion and friend he has

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few superiors% His interests and incenties are decidedly in the direction of &cience and

#ationalis+% He has +any years "een freed fro+ the "indin! and "lindin! theolo!ical

creeds and o"li!ations% He re!ards priestcraft as one of the !reat eils which +an(ind for 

thousands of years hae "een co+pelled to endure and support, and re!ards it as one of 

the +ost i+portant wor(s that +en of the present ti+e can en!a!e in to de+olish the

idols of the past dar( a!es, to li"erate the +ind fro+ the dwarfin! and "li!htin! effect of 

 pa!an and Christian +ytholo!y and to dispense with the officious and e/pensie sericesof a desi!nin!* useless* aristocratic and wily priesthood% He +ost desires to see the

hu+an race adance in (nowled!e and truth and +ental freedo+* which science and

 philosophy i+parts to the dili!ent inesti!ator% He "eliees i!norance to "e the Deil*

&cience the &aior of the world%

For those who finish the readin! of these lectures and desire a further acEuaintance with

the wor(s of Gerald Massey* there are his !reater wor(s "e!innin! with $ncient )!ypt*

the Li!ht of the .orld%


Gerald Massey* thou!h a poet* &ha(espearian scholar* and renowned )!yptolo!ist* is "est

re+e+"ered "y his unswerin! conictions% His research led hi+ to the conclusion that

in $frica alone could "e found the ori!ins of +yths* +ysteries* sy+"ols* lan!ua!es and

reli!ions% )!ypt was the +outhpiece%

He did not hesitate to underta(e to proe that all Christendo+ were the dupes of 

delusions% His 7eal caused hi+ to challen!e the scientists* the theolo!ians* the

 philolo!ists* the anthropolo!ists and sociolo!ists% Howeer* he did not rest his case there%

He was too +uch the honest scholar for that% Therefore* he presented to his peers the

a"undant eidence resultin! fro+ his i++ense a+ount of research* which had "een siftedthrou!h the +ost relia"le authorities%

In these present lectures Gerald Massey renewed his contention that the !nosis of 

Christianity was pri+arily deried fro+ )!ypt on arious lines of descent44He"rew*

Persian* Gree(* $le/andrian* )ssenian and 6a7arene% These coner!ed in #o+e where

the history was +anufactured fro+ identifia"le +atter recorded in the ancient 8oo( of 


It was durin! this period that he deliered the lecture on G6O&TIC $6D HI&TO#IC

CH#I&TI$6IT% He clearly depicts the ori!in of Christianity and +a(es it uneEuiocal

that it was not deried fro+ 8uddhis+% Jesus spo(e repeatedly a"out the Father% Massey

said* The 8uddha is the eiled God uneiled* the un+anifested +ade +anifest* "ut not

 "y the line of descent fro+ Father to &on% 8uddha was "e!otten "y his own "eco+in!

 "efore the ti+e of diine paternity%

Lon! "efore +an uttered a er"al prayer* he e/pressed hi+self "y actions or !esturelan!ua!e%

Massey discussed this at len!th in M$6 I6 &)$#CH OF HI& &OL

D#I6G FIFT THO&$6D )$#& $6D HO. H) FO6D IT% Present4day

 psycholo!ists reco!ni7e !esture4lan!ua!e as an indication of +an's true une/pressed

attitudes* for unconsciously he assu+es !estures reealin! his thin(in!% The old clich*

$ctions spea( louder than words* has co+e full circle and indicated Massey%

Massey had "ut one desire% He wanted to !ain all the (nowled!e the past could afford

hi+* and then to supple+ent it with all that is (nown in the present% He +aintained it was

i+possi"le to understand the present without a profound (nowled!e of the past% nless+an co+prehended the laws of eolution and past deelop+ent* and of present surial*

it was i+possi"le to for+ an opinion that would "e of alue to anyone% .ith patience and

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deter+ination he carried this out in all his writin!s%

He had little patience with those who tal(ed of the !reat occult secrets% He was coninced

the so4called ancient +ysteries were +anufactured "y pseudo4)soterists and Occultists%

The only interest Massey too( in such +atters was to deter+ine how they had ori!inated*

to erify their supposed pheno+ena* and to ferret out their +eanin!% He insisted the need

for +ystery anished with the co+in! of the printin! press and pu"lic e/peri+ental

research% It "eca+e a passion with hi+ to pu"lish the facts as he saw the+* and then todistri"ute the (nowled!e widely% In TH) &)=)6 &OL& OF M$6* he said* The

+odern +anufacture of ancient +ysteries is a !reat i+position* and sure to "e found out%

The +ysteries called Christian % % % I loo( upon the+ as the !reatest i+position of all%

His own +editation on facts of "oth a"nor+al or e/traordinary nature which continued

and were erified oer the years* proed to hi+ that Mind e/isted and operated inisi"ly%

He did not trou"le a"out the other world at all* for it was in this world that people

needed assistance% Life to hi+ was not worth liin! if so+ethin! were not done to further 

its wor(% It is only in helpin! others that we can truly help ourseles* said Mr% Massey

in the lecture* TH) D)=IL OF D$#>6)&& I6 TH) LIGHT OF )=OLTIO6%

To Gerald Massey it was an unfor!iea"le pretense for the cler!y to continue to preach

that +an was a fallen creature% He continually pointed out that +an could not "e saedthrou!h prayful intercession% )ery adance +ade "y science for hu+anity had "een

carried out throu!h research and perseerance44not "y prayin! to a 5ealous God% Massey

 proclai+ed* It is a sad farce for you to pray for God to wor( a +iracle % % % when you are

doin! all you can to preent it%

&pea(in! of creation* he saw it as "e!innin! with the first +eans of +easurin! and

recordin! a cycle of ti+e% In Genesis* the first day was +easured "y the +ornin! and the

eenin!% To the present day ti+e continues to "e +easured "y this identical +ethod%

Throu!h years of o"seration Massey recorded the outco+e of such state+ents as*

8lessed are the +ee(* for they shall inherit the earth% He concluded that the +ee( did

not inherit the earth and were not a"out to% Teachers had "een woefully +ista(en and

uno"serin!% The death of Jesus could not sae +an fro+ hi+self% Massey was ada+ant

in pointin! out that +an was what he was as the result of what he had done% There was no

dod!in! the law of cause and effect%

One of Massey's !reatest contri"utions is his lecture on TH) COMI6G #)LIGIO6% It is

 poi!nant with his sincerity% He put his own "elief into eery word% To hi+ each person

+ust do his own thin(in! and hae a"solute freedo+ of e/pression% He stressed that the

new reli!ion +ust hae sincerity of life* in place of pretended "elief, a reli!ion of 

science* in place of superstition% This reli!ion will proclai+ +an's $scent rather than his

Fall% It will "e a reli!ion of fact in the present* not of +ere faith for the future% The te+ple

will "e what it was intended to "e44the hu+an for+ rather than an edifice of "ric( and

stone% It will "e a reli!ion of acco+plish+ent* rather than of worship, and in place of the+any creeds* it will "e a reli!ion of life% $"oe all it will "e a 5oyous reli!ion% To reali7e

such a reli!ion a +an +ust "e honest and coura!eous as was Gerald Massey hi+self%

His final plea in TH) COMI6G #)LIGIO6 was to ur!e +an to "ear in +ind that the

ori!in of eil in the +oral do+ain was deried fro+ i!norance% It was Her+es who said*

The wic(edness of a soul is its i!norance% To this Gerald Massey fittin!ly added that

after !ainin! the consciousness to reco!ni7e the ri!ht* then it is +an's per+issieness that

allows eil actions to ta(e place%

&i"yl Fer!uson

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(All necessary references to the original authorities may be found in the Author's "Natural Genesis.")

In presentin! +y readers with so+e of the data which show that +uch of the Christian

History was pre4e/tant as )!yptian Mytholo!y% I hae to as( you to "ear in +ind that the

facts* li(e other foundations* hae "een "uried out of si!ht for thousands of years in a

hiero!lyphical lan!ua!e* that was neer really read "y Gree( or #o+an* and could not "e

read until the lost clue was discoered "y Cha+pollion* al+ost the other day In this way

the ori!inal sources of our Mytholatry and Christolo!y re+ained as hidden as those of the

 6ile* until the century in which we lie% The +ystical +atter enshrouded in this lan!ua!e

was sacredly entrusted to the (eepin! of the "uried dead* who hae faithfully presered it

as their 8oo( of Life* which was placed "eneath their pillows* or clasped to their "oso+s*

in their coffins and their to+"s%&econdly* althou!h I a+ a"le to read the hiero!lyphics* nothin! offered to you is "ased

on +y translation% I wor( too warily for that The transcription and literal renderin! of the

hiero!lyphic te/ts herein e+ployed are "y scholars of indisputa"le authority% There is no

loophole of escape that way% I lectured upon the su"5ect of Jesus +any years a!o% $t that

ti+e I did not (now how we had "een +isled* or that the Christian sche+e @as it is aptly

calledB in the 6ew Testa+ent is a fraud* founded on a fa"le in the Old

I then accepted the Canonical Gospels as containin! a erita"le hu+an history* and

assu+ed* as others do* that the history proed itself% Findin! that Jesus* or Jehoshua 8en4

Pandira* was an historical character* (nown to the Tal+ud* I +ade the co++on +ista(e

of supposin! that this proed the personal e/istence of the Jesus found portrayed in the

Canonical Gospels% 8ut after you hae heard +y story* and wei!hed the eidence now for 

the first ti+e collected and presented to the pu"lic* you will not wonder that I should hae

chan!ed +y iews* or that I should "e i+pelled to tell the truth to others* as it now

appears to +yself, althou!h I a+ only a"le to su++ari7e here* in the "riefest +anner 

 possi"le* a few of the facts that I hae dealt with e/haustiely elsewhere%

The personal e/istence of Jesus as Jehoshua 8en4Pandira can "e esta"lished "eyond a

dou"t% One account affir+s that* accordin! to a !enuine Jewish tradition that +an @who

is not to "e na+edB was a disciple of Jehoshua 8en4Perachia% It also says* He was "orn

in the fourth year of the rei!n of the Jewish >in! $le/ander Jannus* notwithstandin!

the assertions of his followers that he was "orn in the rei!n of Herod% That would "e

+ore than a century earlier than the date of "irth assi!ned to the Jesus of the Gospels 8utit can "e further shown that Jehoshua 8en4Pandira +ay hae "een "orn considera"ly

earlier een than the year 0:2 8%C%* althou!h the point is not of +uch conseEuence here%

Jehoshua* son of Perachia* was a president of the &anhedrin44the fifth* rec(onin! fro+

)7ra as the first< one of those who in the line of descent receied and trans+itted the oral

law* as it was said* direct fro+ &inai% There could not "e two of that na+e% This 8en4

Perachia had "e!un to teach as a #a""i in the year 0?A 8%C% .e +ay therefore rec(on that

he was not born later than 01:40;: 8%C%* and that it could hardly "e later than 0:: 8%C%

when he went down into )!ypt with his pupil% For it is related that he fled there in

conseEuence of a persecution of the #a""is* feasi"ly con5ectured to refer to the ciil war 

in which the Pharisees reolted a!ainst >in! $le/ander Jannus* and conseEuently a"out

0:? 8%C% If we put the a!e of his pupil* Jehoshua 8en4Pandira* at fifteen years* that will!ie us an appro/i+ate date* e/tracted without pressure* which shows that Jehoshua 8en4

Pandira +ay hae "een "orn a"out the year 02: 8%C% 8ut twenty years are a +atter of little

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+o+ent here%

$ccordin! to the 8a"ylonian Ge+ara to the Mishna of Tract &ha""ath* this Jehoshua*

the son of Pandira and &tada* was stoned to death as a wi7ard* in the city of Lud* or 

Lydda* and afterwards crucified "y "ein! han!ed on a tree* on the ee of the Passoer%

This is the +anner of death assi!ned to Jesus in the 8oo( of $cts% The Ge+ara says there

e/ists a tradition that on the rest4day "efore the &a""ath they crucified Jehoshua* on the

rest4day of the Passah @the day "efore the PassoerB% The year of his death* howeer* isnot !ien in that account, "ut there are reasons for thin(in! it could not hae "een +uch

earlier nor later than 8%C% ;:* "ecause this Jewish >in! Jannus rei!ned fro+ the year 

0: to ;3 8%C% He was succeeded in the !oern+ent "y his widow &alo+* who+ the

Gree(s called $le/andra* and who rei!ned for so+e nine years% 6ow the traditions*

especially of the first Toledoth Jehoshua* relate that the Kueen of Jannus* and the

+other of Hyrcanus* who +ust therefore "e &alo+* in spite of her "ein! called "y

another na+e* showed faour to Jehoshua and his teachin!, that she was a witness of his

wonderful wor(s and powers of healin!* and tried to sae hi+ fro+ the hands of his

sacerdotal ene+ies* "ecause he was related to her, "ut that durin! her rei!n* which ended

in the year ;0 8%C%* he was put to death% The Jewish writers and #a""is with who+ I hae

tal(ed always deny the identity of the Tal+udic Jehoshua and the Jesus of the Gospels%This* o"seres #a""i Jechiels* which has "een related to Jehoshua 8en4Perachia and

his pupil* contains no reference whateer to hi+ who+ the Christians honour as God

$nother #a""i* &al+an ei* produced ten reasons for concludin! that the Jehoshua of 

the Tal+ud was not he who was afterwards called Jesus of 6a7areth% Jesus of 6a7areth

@and of the Canonical GospelsB was un(nown to Justus* to the Jew of Celsus* and to

Josephus* the supposed reference to hi+ "y the latter "ein! an undou"ted for!ery%

The "lasphe+ous writin!s of the Jews a"out Jesus* as Justin Martyr calls the+* always

refer to Jehoshua 8en4Pandira* and not to the Jesus of the Gospels% It is 8en4Pandira they

+ean when they say they hae another and a truer account of the "irth and life* the

wonder4wor(in! and death of Jehoshua or Jesus% This repudiation is perfectly honest and

soundly "ased% The only Jesus (nown to the Jews was Jehoshua 8en4Pandira* who had

learnt the arts of +a!ic in )!ypt* and who was put to death "y the+ as a sorcerer% This

was li(ewise the only Jesus (nown to Celsus* the writer of the True Lo!os* a wor( 

which the Christians +ana!ed to !et rid of "odily* with so +any other of the anti4

Christian eidences%

Celsus o"seres that he was not a pure .ord* not a true Lo!os* "ut a +an who had

learned the arts of sorcery in )!ypt% &o* in the Cle+entines* it is in the character of 8en4

Pandira that Jesus is said to rise a!ain as the +a!ician% 8ut here is the conclusie fact<

The Jews (now nothin! of Jesus* the Christ of the Gospels* as an historical character, and

when the Christians of the fourth century trace his pedi!ree* "y the hand of )piphanius*

they are forced to derie their Jesus fro+ Pandira )piphanius !ies the !enealo!y of theCanonical Jesus in this wise<44

Jaco"* called Pandira* MaryJoseph44Cleopas* Jesus%

This proes that in the fourth century the pedi!ree of Jesus was traced to Pandira* the

father of that Jehoshua who was the pupil of 8en4Perachia* and who "eco+es one of the

+a!icians in )!ypt* and who was crucified as a +a!ician on the ee of the Passoer "y

the Jews* in the ti+e of Kueen $le/andra* who had ceased to rei!n in the year ;: 8%C%44

the Jesus* therefore* who lied and died +ore than a century too soon%

Thus* the Jews do not identify Jehoshua 8en4Pandira with the Gospel Jesus* of who+

they* his supposed conte+poraries* (now nothin!* "ut protest a!ainst the assu+ption as

an i+possi"ility, whereas the Christians do identify their Jesus as the descendant of 

Pandira% It was he or no"ody, yet he was neither the son of Joseph nor the =ir!in Mary*nor was he crucified at Jerusale+% It is not the Jews* then* "ut the Christians* who fuse

two supposed historic characters into one There "ein! "ut one history ac(nowled!ed or 

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(nown on either side* it follows that the Jesus of the Gospels is the Jehoshua of the

Tal+ud* or is not at all* as a Person% This shifts the historic "asis alto!ether, it antedates

the hu+an history "y +ore than a hundred years* and it at once destroys the historic

character of the Gospels* to!ether with that of any other personal Jesus than 8en4Pandira%

In short* the Jewish history of the +atter will "e found to corro"orate the +ythical% $s

)piphanius (new of no other historical Jesus than the descendant of Pandira* it is possi"le

that this is the Jesus whose tradition is reported "y Irenus%Irenus was "orn in the early part of the second century* "etween 02: and 0A: $%D% He

was 8ishop of Lyons* France* and a personal acEuaintance of Polycarp, and he repeats a

tradition testified to "y the elders* which he alle!es was directly deried fro+ John* the

disciple of the Lord* to the effect that Jesus was not crucified at 99 years of a!e* "ut

that he passed throu!h eery a!e* and lied on to "e an oldish +an% 6ow* in accordance

with the dates !ien* Jehoshua 8en4Pandira +ay hae "een "etween ?: and : years of 

a!e when put to death* and his tradition alone furnishes a clue to the 6ihilistic state+ent

of Irenus%

.hen the true tradition of 8en4Pandira is recoered* it shows that he was the sole

historical Jesus who was hun! on a tree "y the Jews* not crucified in the #o+an fashion*

and authenticates the clai+ now to "e +ade on "ehalf of the astrono+ical alle!ory to thedispensational Jesus* the >ronian Christ* the +ythical Messiah of the Canonical Gospels*

and the Jesus of Paul* who was not the carnalised Christ% For I hold that the Jesus of the

other Gospel* accordin! to the $postles Cephas and Ja+es* who was utterly repudiated

 "y Paul* was none other than 8en4Pandira* the 6a7arene* of who+ Ja+es was a follower*

accordin! to a co++ent on hi+ found in the 8oo( $"oda7ura% $nyway* there are two

Jesuses* or Jesus and the Christ* one of who+ is repudiated "y Paul%

8ut Jehoshua* the son of Pandira* can neer "e conerted into Jesus Christ* the son of a

ir!in +other* as an historic character% 6or can the dates !ien eer "e reconciled with

conte+porary history% The historical Herod* who sou!ht to slay the youn! child Jesus* is

(nown to hae died four years "efore the date of the Christian era* assi!ned for the "irth

of Jesus%

&o +uch for the historic Jesus% $nd now for the +ythical Christ% Here we can tread on

fir+er !round%

The +ythical Messiah was always "orn of a =ir!in Mother44a factor un(nown in natural

 pheno+ena* and one that cannot "e historical* one that can only "e e/plained "y +eans of 

the Mythos* and those conditions of pri+itie sociolo!y which are +irrored in +ytholo!y

and presered in theolo!y% The ir!in +other has "een represented in )!ypt "y the

+aiden Kueen* Mut4e+4ua* the future +other of $+enhept III% so+e 0 centuries 8%C%*

who i+personated the eternal ir!in that produced the eternal child%

Four consecutie scenes reproduced in +y "oo( are found pourtrayed upon the inner+ost

walls of the Holy of Holies in the Te+ple of Lu/or* which was "uilt "y $+enhept III%* aPharaoh of the 0;th dynasty% The first scene on the left hand shows the God Taht* the

Lunar Mercury* the $nnunciator of the Gods* in the act of hailin! the =ir!in Kueen* and

announcin! to her that she is to !ie "irth to the co+in! &on% In the ne/t scene the God

>neph @in con5unction with HathorB !ies the new life% This is the Holy Ghost or &pirit

that causes the I++aculate Conception* >neph "ein! the spirit "y na+e in )!yptian% The

natural effects are +ade apparent in the ir!in's swellin! for+%

 6e/t the +other is seated on the +id4wife's stool* and the new"orn child is supported in

the hands of one of the nurses% The fourth scene is that of the $doration% Here the child is

enthroned* receiin! ho+a!e fro+ the Gods and !ifts fro+ +en% 8ehind the deity >neph*

on the ri!ht* three spirits44the Three Ma!i* or >in!s of the Le!end* are (neelin! and

offerin! presents with their ri!ht hand* and life with their left% The child thus announced*incarnated* "orn* and worshipped* was the Pharaonic representatie of the $ten &un in

)!ypt* the God $don of &yria* and He"rew $donai, the child4Christ of the $ten Cult, the

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+iraculous conception of the eer4ir!in +other* personated "y Mut4e+4ua* as +other of 

the only one* and representatie of the diine +other of the youthful &un4God%

These scenes* which were +ythical in )!ypt* hae "een copied or reproduced as

historical in the Canonical Gospels* where they stand li(e four corner4stones to the

Historic &tructure* and proe that the foundations are +ythical%

Jesus was not only "orn of the +ythical +otherhood, his descent on the +aternal side is

traced in accordance with this ori!in of the +ythical Christ% The ir!in was also calledthe harlot* "ecause she represented the pre4+ono!a+ic sta!e of intercourse, and Jesus

descends fro+ four for+s of the harlot44Tha+ar* #aha"* #uth and 8athshe"a44each of 

who+ is a for+ of the stran!er in Israel* and is not a He"rew wo+an% &uch history*

howeer* does not show that illicit intercourse was the natural +ode of the diine

descent, nor does it i+ply unparalleled hu+an profli!acy% It only proes the Mythos%

In hu+an sociolo!y the son of the +other preceded the father* as son of the wo+an who

was a +other* "ut not a wife% This character is li(ewise clai+ed for Jesus* who is +ade to

declare that he was earlier than $"raha+* who was the typical Great Father of the Jews,

whether considered to "e +ythical or historical% Jesus states e+phatically that he e/isted

 "efore $"raha+ was% This is only possi"le to the +ythical Christ* who preceded the

father as son of the ir!in +other, and we shall find it so throu!hout% $ll that is nonnaturaland i+possi"le as hu+an history* is possi"le* natural and e/plica"le as Mythos%

It can "e e/plained "y the Mythos* "ecause it ori!inated in that which alone accounts for 

it% For it co+es to this at last< the +ore hidden the +eanin! in the Gospel history* the

+ore satisfactorily is it e/plained "y the Mythos, and the +ore +ystical the Christian

doctrine* the +ore easily can it "e proed to "e +ythical%

The "irth of Christ is astrono+ical% The "irthday is deter+ined "y the full +oon of 

)aster% This can only occur once eery 03 years* as we hae it illustrated "y the )pact or 

Golden 6u+"er of the Prayer 8oo(% nderstand +e Jesus* the Christ* can only hae a

 "irthday* or resurrection* once in 03 years* in accordance with the Metonic Cycle*

 "ecause his parents are the sun and +oon, and those appear in the earliest (nown

representation of the Man upon the Cross This proes the astrono+ical and non4hu+an

nature of the "irth itself* which is identical with that of the full +oon of )aster in )!ypt%

Casini* the French $strono+er* has de+onstrated the fact that the date assi!ned for the

 "irth of the Christ is an $strono+ical epoch in which the +iddle con5unction of the +oon

with the sun happened on the 2Ath March* at half4past one o'cloc( in the +ornin!* at the

+eridian of Jerusale+* the ery day of the +iddle eEuino/% The followin! day @the 2?thB

was the day of the Incarnation* accordin! to $u!ustine* "ut the date of the 8irth*

accordin! to Cle+ent $le/ander% For two "irth days are assi!ned to Jesus "y the

Christian Fathers* one at the .inter &olstice* the other at the =ernal )Euino/% These*

which cannot "oth "e historical* are "ased on the two "irthdays of the dou"le Horus in

)!ypt% Plutarch tells us that Isis was deliered of Horus* the child* a"out the ti+e of thewinter &olstice* and that the festial of the second or adult Horus followed the =ernal

)Euino/% Hence* the &olstice and sprin! )Euino/ were "oth assi!ned to the one "irth of 

Jesus "y the Christolators, and a!ain* that which is i+possi"le as hu+an history is the

natural fact in relation to the two Horuses* the dual for+ of the &olar God in )!ypt%

$nd here* in passin!* we +ay point out the astrono+ical nature of the Crucifi/ion% The

Gospel accordin! to John "rin!s on a tradition so different fro+ that of the &ynoptics as

to inalidate the hu+an history of "oth% The &ynoptics say that Jesus was crucified on the

0?th of the +onth 6isan% John affir+s that it was on the 0Ath of the +onth% This serious

rift runs throu!h the ery foundation $s hu+an history it cannot "e e/plained% 8ut there

is an e/planation possi"le* which* if accepted* proes the Mythos% The Crucifi/ion @or 

Crossin!B was* and still is* deter+ined "y the full +oon of )aster% This* in the lunar rec(onin!* would "e on the 0Ath in the +onth of 21 days, in the solar +onth of 9: days it

was rec(oned to occur on the 0?th of the +onth% 8oth unite* and the rift closes in proin!

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the Crucifi/ion to hae "een $strono+ical* 5ust as it was in )!ypt* where the two dates

can "e identified%

Plutarch also tells us how the Mithraic Cult had "een particularly esta"lished in #o+e

a"out the year ;: 8%C% $nd Mithras was fa"led as hain! "een "orn in a cae% .hereer 

Mithras was worshipped the cae was consecrated as his "irthplace% The cae can "e

identified* and the "irth of the Messiah in that cae* no +atter under what na+e he was

 "orn* can "e definitely dated% The Cae of Mithras was the "irthplace of the &un in the.inter &olstice* when this occurred on the 2?th of Dece+"er in the si!n of the &ea4Goat*

with the =ernal )Euino/ in the si!n of the #a+% 6ow the $((adian na+e of the tenth

+onth* that of the &ea4Goat* which answers rou!hly to our Dece+"er* the tenth "y na+e*

is Abba Uddu, that is* the Cae of Li!ht, the cae of re4"irth for the &un in the lowest

depth at the &olstice* fi!ured as the Cae of Li!ht% This cae was continued as the

 "irthplace of the Christ% ou will find it in all the Gospels of the Infancy* and Justin

Martyr says* Christ was "orn in the &ta"le* and afterwards too( refu!e in the Cae% He

li(ewise ouches for the fact that Christ was "orn on the sa+e day that the &un was re"orn

in tabulo Augi!, or* in the &ta"le of $u!ias% 6ow the cleansin! of this &ta"le was

the si/th la"our of Hera(les* his first "ein! in the si!n of the Lion, and Justin was ri!ht,

the &ta"le and Cae are "oth fi!ured in the sa+e Celestial &i!n% 8ut +ar( this The Caewas the "irthplace of the &olar Messiah fro+ the year 2A0: to the year 2?? 8%C%, at which

latter date the &olstice passed out of the &ea4Goat into the si!n of the $rcher, and no

Messiah* whether called Mithras* $don* Ta++u7* Horus or Christ* could hae "een "orn

in the Cae of Abba Uddu or the &ta"le of $u!ias on the 2?th of Dece+"er after the year 

2?? 8%C%* therefore* Justin had nothin! "ut the Mithraic tradition of the "y4!one "irthday

to proe the "irth of the Historical Christ 2?? years later

In their +ysteries the &arraceni cele"rated the 8irth of the "a"e in the Cae or 

&u"terranean &anctuary* fro+ which the Priest issued* and cried<44The =ir!in has

 "rou!ht forth< The Li!ht is a"out to "e!in to !row a!ain44on the Mother4ni!ht of the

year% $nd the &arraceni were not supporters of Historic Christianity%

The "irthplace of the )!yptian Messiah at the =ernal )Euino/ was fi!ured in $pt* or 

$pta* the corner, "ut $pta is also the na+e of the Cri" and the Man!er, hence the Child

 "orn in $pta* was said to "e "orn in a +an!er, and this $pta as Cri" or Man!er is the

hiero!lyphic si!n of the &olar "irthplace% Hence the )!yptians e/hi"ited the 8a"e in the

Cri" or Man!er in the streets of $le/andria% The "irthplace was indicated "y the colure of 

the )Euino/* as it passed fro+ si!n to si!n% It was also pointed out "y the &tar in the )ast%

.hen the "irthplace was in the si!n of the 8ull* Orion was the &tar that rose in the )ast to

tell where the youn! &un4God was re4"orn% Hence it is called the &tar of Horus% That

was then the &tar of the Three >in!s who !reeted the 8a"e, for the Three >in!s is

still a na+e of the three stars in Orion's 8elt% Here we learn that the le!end of the Three

>in!s is at least *::: years old%In the course of Precession* a"out 2?? 8%C%* the ernal "irthplace passed into the si!n of 

the Fishes* and the Messiah who had "een represented for 20?? years "y the #a+ or 

La+"* and preiously for other 20?? years "y the $pis 8ull* was now i+a!ed as the Fish*

or the Fish4+an* called Ichthys in Gree(% The ori!inal Fish4+an44the $n of )!ypt* and

the Oan of Chaldea44pro"a"ly dates fro+ the preious cycle of precession* or 2*:::

years earlier, and a"out 2?? 8%C%* the Messiah* as the Fish4+an* was to co+e up once

+ore as the Manifestor fro+ the celestial waters% The co+in! Messiah is called Da!* the

Fish* in the Tal+ud, and the Jews at one ti+e connected his co+in! with so+e

con5unction* or occurrence* in the si!n of the Fishes This shows the Jews were not only

in possession of the astrono+ical alle!ory* "ut also of the tradition "y which it could "e

interpreted% It was the Mythical and >ronian Messiah alone who was* or could "e* thesu"5ect of prophecy that +i!ht "e fulfilled44prophecy that was fulfilled as it is in the

8oo( of #eelation44when the )Euino/ entered* the cross was re4erected* and the

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foundations of a new heaen were laid in the si!n of the #a+* 2A0: 8%C%, and* a!ain*

when the )Euino/ entered the si!n of the Fishes* 2?? 8%C% Prophecy that will "e againfulfilled when the )Euino/ enters the si!n of the .ater+an a"out the end of this century*

to which the &a+aritans are still loo(in! forward for the co+in! of their Messiah* who

has not yet arried for the+% The Christians alone ate the oyster, the Jews and &a+aritans

only !ot an eEual share of the e+pty shells The uninstructed Jews* the idiotai, at one

ti+e thou!ht the prophecy which was astrono+ical* and solely related to the cycles of ti+e* was to hae its fulfil+ent in hu+an history% 8ut they found out their error* and

 "eEueathed it une/plained to the still +ore i!norant Christians% The sa+e tradition of the

Co+in! One is e/tant a+on!st the Millenarians and $dentists* as a+on!st the Mosle+s%

It is the tradition of )l4Mahdi* the prophet who is to co+e in the last days of the world to

conEuer all the world* and who was lately descendin! the &oudan with the old

announce+ent the Day of the Lord is at hand* which shows that the astrono+ical

alle!ory has left so+e relics of the true tradition a+on! the $ra"s* who were at one ti+e

learned in astrono+ical lore%

The Messiah* as the Fish4+an* is foreseen "y )sdras ascendin! out of the sea as the

sa+e who+ God the hi!hest hath (ept a !reat season* which "y his own self shall

delier the creature% The ancient Fish4+an only ca+e up out of the sea to conerse with+en and teach the+ in the dayti+e% .hen the sun set* says 8erosus* it was the custo+

of this 8ein! to plun!e a!ain into the sea* and a"ide all ni!ht in the deep% &o the +an

foreseen "y )sdras is only isi"le "y day%

$s it is said* )'en so can no +an upon earth see +y son* or those that "e with hi+* "ut in

the dayti+e% This is parodied or fulfilled in the account of Ichthys* the Fish* the Christ

who instructs +en "y day* "ut retires to the la(e of Galilee* where he de+onstrates his

solar nature "y wal(in! the waters at ni!ht* or at the dawn of day%

.e are told that his disciples "ein! on "oard a ship* when een was co+e* in the fourth

watch of the ni!ht* Jesus went unto the+ wal(in! upon the sea% 6ow the fourth watch

 "e!an at three o'cloc(* and ended at si/ o'cloc(% Therefore* this was a"out the proper ti+e

for a solar God to appear wal(in! upon the waters* or co+in! up out of the+ as the

Oannes% Oannes is said to hae ta(en no food whilst he was with +en< In the dayti+e he

used to conerse with +en* "ut too( no food at that season% &o Jesus* when his disciples

 prayed hi+* sayin! Master* eat* said unto the+* I hae +eat to eat that you (now not

of% My +eat is to do the will of Hi+ that sent +e%

This is the perfect li(eness of the character of Oannes* who too( no food* "ut whose ti+e

was wholly spent in teachin! +en% Moreoer* the +ythical Fish4+an is +ade to identify

hi+self% .hen the Pharisees sou!ht a si!n fro+ heaen* Jesus said* There shall no

si!n "e !ien "ut the si!n of Jonas% For as Jonas "eca+e a si!n unto the 6ineites* so

shall also the son of +an "e to this !eneration%

The si!n of Jonas is that of the Oan* or Fish4+an of 6ineeh* whether we ta(e it directfro+ the +onu+ents* or fro+ the He"rew history of Jonah* or fro+ the odiac%

The oice of the secret wisdo+ here says truly that those who are loo(in! for si!ns* can

hae no other than that of the returnin! Fish4+an* Ichthys* Oannes* or Jonah< and

assuredly* there was no other si!n or date44than those of Ichthys* the Fish who was re"orn

of the fish4!oddess* $ter!atis* in the si!n of the Fishes* 2?? 8%C% $fter who+ the

 pri+itie Christians were called little fishes* or Pisciculi%

This date of 2?? 8%C% was the true day of "irth* or rather of re4"irth for the celestial Christ*

and there was no alid reason for chan!in! the ti+e of the world%

The Gospels contain a confused and confusin! record of early Christian "elief< thin!s

+ost truly "elieed @Lu(eB concernin! certain +ythical +atters* which were i!norantly

+ista(en for hu+an and historical% The Jesus of our Gospels is "ut little of a hu+anreality* in spite of all atte+pts to naturali7e the Mythical Christ* and +a(e the story loo( 


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The Christian reli!ion was not founded on a +an* "ut on a diinity, that is* a +ythical

character% &o far fro+ "ein! deried fro+ the +odel +an* the typical Christ was +ade up

fro+ the features of arious Gods* after a fashion so+ewhat li(e those pictorial

aera!es portrayed "y Mr% Galton* in which the traits of seeral persons are

 photo!raphed and fused in a portrait of a do7en different persons* +er!ed into one that is

not any"ody% $nd as fast as the co+posite Christ falls to pieces* each feature is clai+ed*

each character is !athered up "y the ori!inal owner* as with the !rasp of !raitation%It is not I that deny the diinity of Jesus the Christ, I assert it He neer was* and neer 

could "e* any other than a diinity, that is* a character non4hu+an* and entirely +ythical*

who had "een the pa!an diinity of arious pa!an +yths* that had "een pa!an durin!

thousands of years "efore our )ra%

 6othin! is +ore certain* accordin! to honest eidence* than that the Christian sche+e of 

rede+ption is founded on a fa"le +isinterpreted, that the prophecy of fulfill+ent was

solely astrono+ical* and the Co+in! One as the Christ who ca+e in the end of an a!e* or 

of the world* was "ut a +etaphorical fi!ure* a type of ti+e* fro+ the first* which neer 

could ta(e for+ in historic personality* any +ore than Ti+e in Person could co+e out of 

a cloc(4case when the hour stri(es, that no Jesus could "eco+e a 6a7arene "y "ein! "orn

at* or ta(en to* 6a7areth, and that the history in our Gospels is fro+ "e!innin! to end theidentifia"le story of the &un4God* and the Gnostic Christ who neer could "e +ade flesh%

.hen we did not (now the one it was possi"le to "eliee the other, "ut when once we

truly (now* then the false "elief is no lon!er possi"le%

The +ythical Messiah was Horus in the Osirian Mythos, Har4>huti in the &ut4

Typhonian, >hunsu in that of $+en4#a, Iu in the cult of $tu+4#a, and the Christ of the

Gospels is an a+al!a+ of all these characters%

The Christ is the Good &hepherd

&o was Horus%

Christ is the La+" of God

&o was Horus%

Christ is the 8read of Life

&o was Horus%

Christ is the Truth and the Life

&o was Horus%

Christ is the Fan4"earer

&o was Horus%

Christ is the Lord

&o was Horus%

Christ is the .ay and the Door of Life

Horus was the path "y which they traelled out of the &epulchre% He is the God whose

na+e is written with the hiero!lyphic si!n of the #oad or .ay%

Jesus is he that should co+e, and Iu* the root of the na+e in )!yptian* +eans to co+e%

Iu4e+4hept* as the &u* the &on of $tu+* or of Ptah* was the )er4Co+in! One* who is

always pourtrayed as the +archin! youn!ster* in the act and attitude of co+in!% Horus

included "oth se/es% The Child @or the soulB is of either se/* and potentially* of "oth%

Hence the her+aphrodital Deity, and Jesus* in #eelation* is the oun! Man who has the

fe+ale paps%

Iu4e+4hept si!nifies he who co+es with peace% This is the character in which Jesus is

announced "y the $n!els $nd when Jesus co+es to his disciples after the resurrection it

is as the "rin!er of peace% Learn of +e and ye shall find rest* says the Christ% >hunsu4 6efer4Hept is the Good #est* Peace in Person The )!yptian Jesus* Iu4e+4Hept* was the

second $tu+, Paul's Jesus is the second $da+% In one rendition of John's Gospel* instead

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of the only4"e!otten &on of God* a ariant readin! !ies the only4"e!otten God*

which has "een declared an i+possi"le renderin!% 8ut the only4"e!otten God was an

especial type in )!yptian Mytholo!y* and the phrase re4identifies the diinity whose

e+"le+ is the "eetle% Hor4$pollo says* To denote the only4"e!otten or a father* the

)!yptians delineate a scara"us

8y this they sy+"oli7e an only4"e!otten* "ecause the creature is self4produced* "ein!

unconceied "y a fe+ale% 6ow the youthful +anifestor of the 8eetle4God was this Iue+4hept* the )!yptian Jesus% The ery phraseolo!y of John is co++on to the

Inscriptions* which tell of hi+ who was the 8e!inner of 8eco+in! fro+ the first* and

who +ade all thin!s* "ut who hi+self was not +ade% I Euote er"ati+% $nd not only was

the 8eetle4God continued in the only4"e!otten God, the "eetle4type was also "rou!ht

on as a sy+"ol of the Christ% $+"rose and $u!ustine* a+on!st the Christian Fathers*

identified Jesus with* and as* the !ood &cara"us* which further identifies the Jesus of 

John's Gospel with the Jesus of )!ypt* who was the )er4Co+in! One* and the 8rin!er 

of Peace* who+ I hae elsewhere shown to "e the Jesus to who+ the 8oo( of 

)cclesiasticus is inscri"ed* and ascri"ed in the $pocrypha%

In accordance with this continuation of the >a+ite sy+"ols* it was also +aintained "y

so+e sectaries that Jesus was a potter* and not a carpenter, and the fact is that this only"e!otten8eetle4God* who is portrayed sittin! at the potter's wheel for+in! the )!!* or 

shapin! the ase4sy+"ol of creation* was the Potter personified* as well as the only"e!otten

God in )!ypt%

The character and teachin!s of the Canonical Christ are co+posed of contradictions

which cannot "e har+oni7ed as those of a hu+an "ein!* whereas they are always true to

the Mythos%

He is the Prince of Peace* and yet he asserts that he ca+e not to "rin! peace< I ca+e not

to send peace* "ut a sword* and not only is Iu4e+4hept the 8rin!er of Peace "y na+e in

one character, he is the &word personified in the other% In this he says* I a+ the liin!

i+a!e of $tu+* proceedin! fro+ hi+ as a sword% 8oth characters "elon! to the +ythical

Messiah in the #itual* who also calls hi+self the Great Distur"er* and the Great

TranEuili7er44the God Contention* and the God Peace% The Christ of the Canonical

Gospels has seeral prototypes* and so+eti+es the copy is deried or the trait is cau!ht

fro+ one ori!inal* and so+eti+es fro+ the other% The Christ of Lu(e's Gospel has a

character entirely distinct fro+ that of John's Gospel% Here he is the Great )/orciser* and

caster4out of de+ons% John's Gospel contains no case of possession or o"session< no

certain +an who had deils this lon! ti+e, no child possessed with a deil, no "lind

and du+" +an possessed with a deil%

Other +iracles are perfor+ed "y the Christ of John* "ut not these, "ecause John's is a

different type of the Christ% $nd the ori!inal of the Great Healer in Lu(e's Gospel +ay "e

found in the God >hunsu* who was the Diine Healer* the supre+e one a+on!st all theother healers and saiours* especially as the caster4out of de+ons* and the e/peller of 

 possessin! spirits% He is called in the te/ts the Great God* the drier away of 


In the &tele of the Possessed Princess* this God in his effi!y is sent for "y the chief of 

8a(hten* that he +ay co+e and cast out a possessin! spirit fro+ the (in!'s dau!hter* who

has an eil +oe+ent in her li+"s% The de+on reco!ni7es the diinity 5ust as the deil

reco!ni7es Jesus* the e/peller of eil spirits% $lso the God >hunsu is Lord oer the pi!44a

type of &ut% He is portrayed in the dis( of the full +oon of )aster* in the act of offerin!

the pi! as a sacrifice% Moreoer* in the 5ud!+ent scenes* when the wic(ed spirits are

conde+ned and sent "ac( into the a"yss* their +ode of return to the la(e of pri+ordial

+atter is "y enterin! the "odies of swine% &ays Horus to the Gods* spea(in! of theconde+ned one< .hen I sent hi+ to his place he went* and he has "een transfor+ed into

a "lac( pi!% &o when the )/orcist in Lu(e's Gospel casts out Le!ion* the deils as( 

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 per+ission of the Lord of the pi! to "e allowed to enter the swine* and he !ies the+

leae% This* and +uch +ore that +i!ht "e adduced* tends to differentiate the Christ of 

Lu(e* and to identify hi+ with >hunsu* rather than with Iu4e+4hept* the )!yptian Jesus*

who is reproduced in the Gospel accordin! to John% In this way it can "e proed that the

history of Christ in the Gospels is one lon! and co+plete catalo!ue of li(enesses to the

Mythical Messiah* the &olar or Luni4&olar God%

The Litany of #a* for e/a+ple* is addressed to the &un4God in a ariety of characters*+any of which are assi!ned to the Christ of the Gospels% #a is the &upre+e Power* the

8eetle that rests in the )+pyrean* who is "orn as his own son% This* as already said* is the

God in John's Gospel* who says<44I and the Father are one* and who is the father "orn

as his own son, for he says* in (nowin! and seein! the son* fro+ henceforth ye (now

hi+ and hae seen hi+, i.e., the Father%

#a is desi!nated the &oul that spea(s% Christ is the .ord% #a is the destroyer of eno+%

Jesus says<44In +y na+e they shall ta(e up serpents* and if they drin( any deadly thin! it

shall not hurt the+% In one character #a is the outcast% &o Jesus had not where to lay his


#a is the ti+id one who sheds tears in the for+ of the $fflicted% He is called #e+i* the

.eeper% This weepin! God passes throu!h #e+4#e+* the place of weepin!* and thereconEuers on "ehalf of his followers% In the #itual the God says<44I hae desolated the

 place of #e+4#e+% This character is sustained "y Jesus in the +ournin! oer Jerusale+

that was to "e desolated% The words of John* Jesus wept* are li(e a caren statue of the

$fflicted One* as #e+i* the .eeper% #a is also the God who +a(es the +u++y co+e

forth% Jesus +a(es the +u++y co+e forth in the shape of La7arus, and in the #o+an

Cataco+"s the risen La7arus is not only represented as a +u++y* "ut is an )!yptian

+u++y which has "een eiscerated and swathed for the eternal a"ode% #a says to the

+u++y< Co+e forth and Jesus cries< La7arus* co+e forth #a +anifests as the

 "urnin! one* he who sends destruction* or sends his fire into the place of destruction%

He sends fire upon the re"els* his for+ is that of the God of the furnace% Christ also

co+es in the person of this "urnin! one, the sender of destruction "y fire% He is

 proclai+ed "y Matthew to "e the 8aptiser with fire% He says* I a+ co+e to send fire on

the earth%

He is portrayed as God of the furnace* which shall "urn up the chaff with

unEuencha"le fire% He is to cast the re"ellious into a furnace of fire* and send the

conde+ned ones into eerlastin! fire% $ll this was natural when applied to the &olar4God*

and it is supposed to "eco+e supernatural when +isapplied to a supposed hu+an "ein! to

who+ it neer could apply% The &olar fire was the pri+ary $frican fount of theolo!ical

hell4fire and hell%

The Litany of #a collects the +anifold characters that +a(e up the total God @ter+ed

Te"4te+tB* and the Gospels hae !athered up the +ythical re+ains, thus the result is ineach case identical* or entirely si+ilar% Fro+ "e!innin! to end the Canonical Gospels

contain the Dra+a of the Mysteries of the Luni4&olar God* narrated as a hu+an history%

The scene on the Mount of Transfi!uration is o"iously deried fro+ the ascent of Osiris

into the Mount of Transfi!uration in the Moon% The si/th day was cele"rated as that of 

the chan!e and transfor+ation of the &olar God in the lunar or"* which he re4entered on

that day as the re!enerator of its li!ht% .ith this we +ay co+pare the state+ent +ade "y

Matthew* that after si/ days Jesus went up into a hi!h +ountain apart* and he was

transfi!ured* and his face did shine as the sun @of courseB* and his !ar+ents "eca+e

white as the li!ht%

In )!ypt the year "e!an soon after the &u++er &olstice* when the sun descended fro+ its

+idsu++er hei!ht* lost its force* and lessened in its si7e% This represented Osiris* whowas "orn of the =ir!in Mother as the child Horus* the di+inished infantile sun of 

$utu+n, the sufferin!* wounded* "leedin! Messiah* as he was represented% He descended

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into hell* or hades* where he was transfor+ed into the irile Horus* and rose a!ain as the

sun of the resurrection at )aster% In these two characters of Horus on the two hori7ons*

Osiris furnished the dual type for the Canonical Christ* which shows ery satisfactorily

HO. the +ythical prescri"es the "oundaries "eyond which the historical does not* dare

not* !o% The first was the child Horus* who always re+ained a child% In )!ypt the "oy or 

!irl wore the Horus4loc( of childhood until 02 years of a!e% Thus childhood ended a"out

the twelfth year% 8ut althou!h adultship was then entered upon "y the youth* and thetransfor+ation of the "oy into +anhood "e!an* the full adultship was not attained until 9:

years of a!e% The +an of 9: years was the typical adult% The a!e of adultship was 9:

years* as it was in #o+e under e# $a%%ia. The homme fait is the +an whose years are

triaded "y tens* and who is &hemt. $s with the +an* so it is with the God, and the second

Horus* the sa+e God in his second character* is the &hemt or &hemHorus, the typical

adult of 9: years% The God up to twele years was Horus* the child of Isis* the +other's

child* the wea(lin!% The irile Horus @the sun in its ernal stren!thB* the adult of 9: years*

was representatie of the Fatherhood* and this Horus is the anointed son of Osiris% These

two characters of Horus the child* and Horus the adult of 9: years* are reproduced in the

only two phases of the life of Jesus in the Gospels% John furnishes no historic data for the

ti+e when the ord was incarnated and "eca+e flesh, nor for the childhood of Jesus, nor for the transfor+ation into the Messiah% 8ut Lu(e tells us that the child of twele yearswas the wonderful youth* and that he increased in wisdo+ and stature% This is the len!th

of years assi!ned to Horus the child, and this phase of the child4Christ's life is followed

 "y the "aptis+ and anointin!* the descent of the pu"escent spirit with the consecration of 

the Messiah in Jordan* when Jesus "began to be about *+ years of age." The earliest anointin! was the consecration of pu"erty, and here at the full a!e of the

typical adult* the Christ* who was preiously a child* the child of the =ir!in Mother* is

suddenly +ade into the Messiah* as the Lord's anointed% $nd 5ust as the second Horus

was re!enerated* and this ti+e "e!otten of the father* so in the transfor+ation scene of 

the "aptis+ in Jordan* the father authenticates the chan!e into full adultship* with the

oice fro+ heaen sayin!<44This is +y "eloed son* in who+ I a+ well pleased, the

spirit of pu"escence* or the uach, "ein! represented "y the descendin! doe* called the

spirit of God% Thus fro+ the ti+e when the child4Christ was a"out twele years of a!e*

until that of the typical homme fait of )!ypt* which was the a!e assi!ned to Horus when

he "eca+e the adult God* there is no history% This is in e/act accordance with the >a+ite

alle!ory of the dou"le4Horus% $nd the Mythos alone will account for the chas+ which is

wide and deep enou!h to en!ulf a supposed history of 01 years% Childhood cannot "e

carried "eyond the 02th year* and the child4Horus always re+ained a child, 5ust as the

child4Christ does in Italy* and in Ger+an fol(4tales% The +ythical record founded on

nature went no further* and there the history conseEuently halts within the prescri"ed

li+its* to re"e!in with the anointed and re!enerated Christ at the a!e of >he+4Horus* theadult of 9: years%

$nd these two characters of Horus necessitated a dou"le for+ of the +other* who diides

into the two diine sisters* Isis and 6ephthys% Jesus also was "i4+ater* or dual4+othered,

and the two sisters reappear in the Gospels as the two Marys* "oth of who+ are the

+others of Jesus% This a!ain* which is i+possi"le as hu+an history* is perfect accordin!

to the Mythos that e/plains it%

$s the child4Horus* Osiris co+es down to earth, he enters +atter* and "eco+es +ortal%

He is "orn li(e the Lo!os* or as a .ord% His father is &e"* the earth* whose consort is

 6u* the heaen* one of whose na+es is M)#I* the Lady of Heaen, and these two are the

 prototypes of Joseph and Mary% He is said to cross the earth a su"stitute* and to suffer 

icariously as the &aiour* #edee+er* and Justifier of +en% In these two characters therewas constant conflict "etween Osiris and Typhon* the )il Power* or Horus and &ut* the

)!yptian &atan% $t the $utu+n )Euino/* the deil of dar(ness "e!an to do+inate, this

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was the )!yptian Judas* who "etrayed Osiris to his death at the last supper% On the day of 

the Great 8attle at the =ernal )Euino/* Osiris conEuered as the ascendin! God* the Lord

of the !rowin! li!ht% 8oth these stru!!les are pourtrayed in the Gospels% In the one Jesus

is "etrayed to his death "y Judas, in the other he rises superior to &atan% The latter conflict

followed i++ediately after the "aptis+% In this way<44.hen the sun was half4way round*

fro+ the Lion si!n* it crossed the #ier of the .ater+an* the )!yptian Iarutana* He"rew

Jordan* Gree( )ridanus% In this water the "aptis+ occurred* and the transfor+ation of thechild4Horus into the irile adult* the conEueror of the eil power* too( place% Horus

 "eco+es haw(4headed* 5ust where the doe ascended and a"ode on Jesus% 8oth "irds

represented the irile soul that constituted the anointed one at pu"erty% 8y this added

 power Horus anEuished &ut* and Jesus oerca+e &atan% 8oth the "aptis+ and the

contest are referred to in the #itual% I a+ washed with the sa+e water in which the Good

Opener @n46eferB washes when he disputes with &atan* that 5ustification should "e

+ade to n46efer* the .ord +ade Truth* or the .ord that is Law%

The scene "etween the Christ and the .o+an at the .ell +ay li(ewise "e found in the

#itual% Here the wo+an is the lady with the lon! hair* that is 6u* the consort of &e"44and

the fie hus"ands can "e paralleled "y her fie star4!ods "orn of &e"% Osiris drin(s out of 

the well to ta(e away his thirst% He also says< I a+ creatin! the water% I +a(e way inthe alley* in the Pool of the Great One% Ma(e4road @or road4+a(erB e/presses what I

a+% I a+ the Path "y which they traerse out of the sepulchre of Osiris%

&o the Messiah reeals hi+self as the source of liin! water* that sprin!eth up unto

)erlastin! Life% Later on he says* I a+ the way* the truth* the life% I a+ creatin! the

water* discri+inatin! the seat* says Horus% Jesus says* The hour co+eth when ye shall

neither in this +ountain nor yet at Jerusale+ worship the Father% Jesus clai+s that this

well of life was !ien to hi+ "y the Father% In the #itual it says* He is thine* O Osiris $

well* or flow* co+es out of thy +outh to hi+ $lso* the paternal source is ac(nowled!ed

in another te/t% I a+ the Father* inundatin! when there is thirst* !uardin! the water%

8ehold +e at it% Moreoer* in another chapter the well of liin! water "eco+es the Pool

of Peace% The spea(er says* The well has co+e throu!h +e% I wash in the Pool of 


In He"rew* the Pool of Peace is the Pool of &ale+* or &iloa+% $nd here* not only is the

 pool descri"ed at which the Osirified are +ade pure and healed, not only does the $n!el

or God descend to the waters44the certain ti+es are actually dated% The Gods of the

 pure waters are there on the fourth hour of the ni!ht* and the ei!hth hour of the day*

sayin!* 'Pass away hence*' to hi+ who has "een cured%

$n epito+e of a considera"le portion of John's Gospel +ay "e found in another chapter 

of the #itual44e Gods co+e to "e +y serants* I a+ the son of your Lord% e are +ine

throu!h +y Father* who !ae you to +e% I hae "een a+on! the serants of Hathor or 

Meri% I hae "een washed "y thee* O attendant Co+pare the washin! of Jesus' feet "yMarry%

The Osiris e/clai+s* I hae welco+ed the chief spirits in the serice of the Lord of 

thin!s I a+ the Lord of the fields when they are white* i.e., for the reapers and the

harest% &o the Christ now says to the disciples* 8ehold* I say unto you* Lift up your 

eyes and loo( on the fields* that are white already unto the harest%

Then said he unto his disciples* The harest truly is plenteous* "ut the la"ourers are few%

Pray ye* therefore* the Lord of the harest that he send forth la"ourers into his harest%

$nd he called unto hi+ his twele disciples% 6ow* if we turn to the )!yptian 8oo( of 

Hades* the harest* the Lord of the harest* and the reapers of the harest are all

 portrayed< the twele are also there% In one scene they are preceded "y a God leanin! on a

staff* who is desi!nated the Master of Joy44a surna+e of the Messiah Horus whenassi+ilated to the &oli4Lunar >hunsu, the twele are they who la"our at the harest in

the plains of 6eter4>ar% $ "earer of a sic(le shows the inscription< These are the

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#eapers% The twele are diided into two !roups of fie and seen44the ori!inal seen of 

the $ahenru, these seen are the reapers% The other fie are "endin! towards an

enor+ous ear of corn* the i+a!e of the harest* ripe and ready for the sic(les of the

seen% The total twele are called the Happy Ones* the "earers of food% $nother title of 

the twele is that of the Just Ones% The God says to the reapers* Ta(e your sic(les

#eap your !rain Honour to you* reapers% Offerin!s are +ade to the+ on earth* as

 "earers of sic(les in the fields of Hades% On the other hand* the tares or the wic(ed are to "e cast out and destroyed for eer% These twele are the apostles in their )!yptian phase%

In the chapters on Celestial Diet in the #itual* Osiris eats under the syca+ore tree of 

Hathor% He says* Let hi+ co+e fro+ the earth% Thou hast "rou!ht these seen loaes for 

+e to lie "y* "rin!in! the "read that Horus @the ChristB +a(es% Thou hast placed* thou

hast eaten rations% Let hi+ call to the Gods for the+* or the Gods co+e with the+ to


This is reproduced as +iracle in the Gospels* perfor+ed when the +ultitude were fed

upon seen loaes% The seen loaes are found here* to!ether with the callin! upon the

Gods* or wor(in! the +iracle of +ultiplyin! the "read%

In the ne/t chapter there is a scene of eatin! and drin(in!% The spea(er* who

i+personates the Lord* says<44I a+ the Lord of 8read in $nnu% My "read at the heaenwas that of #a, +y "read on earth was that of &e"% The seen loaes represent the "read

of #a% )lsewhere the nu+"er prescri"ed to "e set on one ta"le* as an offerin!* is fie

loaes% these are also carried on the heads of fie different persons in the scenes of the

under4world% Fie loaes are the "read of &e"% Thus fie loaes represent the "read of 

earth* and seen the "read of heaen% 8oth fie and seen are sacred re!ulation nu+"ers

in the )!yptian #itual% $nd in the Gospel of Matthew the +iracles are wrou!ht with fie

loaes in the one case* and seen in the other* when the +ultitudes are fed on celestial

diet% This will e/plain the two different nu+"ers in one and the sa+e Gospel +iracle% In

the Canonical narratie there is a lad with fie "arley loaes and two fishes% In the ne/t

chapter of the #itual we possi"ly +eet with the lad hi+self* as the +iracle4wor(er says<44

I hae !ien "reath to the said youth%

The Gnostics asserted truly that celestial persons and celestial scenes had "een transferred

to earth in our Gospels, and it is only within the Plero+a @the heaenB or in the odiac

that we can at ti+es identify the ori!inals of "oth% $nd it is there we +ust loo( for the

two fishes%

$s the latest for+ of the Manifestor was in the heaen of the twele si!ns* that pro"a"ly

deter+ined the nu+"er of twele "as(etsful of food re+ainin! when the +ultitude had all

 "een fed% They that ate the loaes were fie thousand +en, and fie thousand was the

e/act nu+"er of the Celestials or Gods in the $ssyrian Paradise* "efore the reolt and fall

fro+ heaen% The scene of the +iracle of the loaes and fishes is followed "y an atte+pt

to ta(e Jesus "y force* "ut he withdraws hi+self, and this is succeeded "y the +iracle of his wal(in! on the waters* and conEuerin! the wind and waes% &o is it in the #itual%

Chap% ?; is that of the "reath preailin! oer the water in Hades% The spea(er* hain! to

cross oer* says< O Hapi let the Osiris preail oer the waters* li(e as the Osiris

 preailed a!ainst the ta(in! "y stealth* the ni!ht of the !reat stru!!le% The &olar God

was "etrayed to his death "y the )!yptian Judas* on the ni!ht of the ta(in! "y stealth*

which was the ni!ht of the last supper% The God is waylaid "y the conspirators* who

hae watched ery +uch% They are said to s+ell hi+ out "y the eatin! of his "read% &o

the Christ is waylaid "y Judas* who (new the place* for Jesus often resorted thither* and

 "y the Jews who had lon! watched to ta(e hi+%

The s+ellin! of Osiris "y the eatin! of his "read is re+ar(a"ly rendered "y John at the

eatin! of the last supper% The #itual has it<44They s+ell Osiris "y the eatin! of his "read*transportin! the eil of Osiris%

$nd when he had dipped the sop he !ae it to Judas Iscariot* and after the sop &atan

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entered into hi+% Then said Jesus to hi+ into who+ the eil or deil had "een

transported* That thou doest* do Euic(ly% Osiris was the sa+e* "eseechin! "urial% Here

it is de+onstra"le that the non4historical Herod is a for+ of the $pophis &erpent* called

the ene+y of the &un% In &yriac* Herod is a red dra!on% Herod* in He"rew* si!nifies a

terror% Heru @)!%B is to terrify* and Herrut @)!%B is the &na(e* the typical reptile% The "lood

of the diine icti+ that is poured forth "y the $pophis &erpent at the si/th hour* on the

ni!ht of s+itin! the profane* is literally shed "y Herod* as the Herrut or Typhonian&erpent%

The spea(er* in the #itual as(s< .ho art thou then* Lord of the &ilent 8odyN I hae

co+e to see hi+ who is in the serpent* eye to eye* and face to face% Lord of the &ilent

8ody is a title of the Osiris% .ho art thou then* Lord of the &ilent 8odyN is as(ed and

left unanswered% This character is also assi!ned to the Christ% The Hi!h Priest said unto

hi+* $nswerest thou nothin!N 8ut Jesus held his peace% Herod Euestioned hi+ in

+any words* "ut he answered hi+ nothin!% He acts the prescri"ed character of Lord of 

the &ilent 8ody%

The transaction in the si/th hour of the ni!ht of the Crucifi/ion is e/pressly ine/plica"le%

In the Gospel we read<446ow fro+ the si/th hour there was dar(ness oer all the land

unto the ninth hour% The si/th hour "ein! +idni!ht* that shows the solar nature of the+ystery* which has "een transferred to the si/th hour of the day in the Gospel%

It is in the seenth hour the +ortal stru!!le ta(es place "etween the Osiris and the deadly

$pophis* or the !reat serpent* Ha"er* A?: cu"its lon!* that fills the whole heaen with its

ast enelopin! folds% The na+e of this seenth hour is that which wounds the serpent

Ha"er% In this conflict with the eil power thus portrayed the &un4God is desi!nated the

ConEueror of the Grae* and is said to +a(e his adance throu!h the influence of Isis*

who aids hi+ in repellin! the serpent or deil of dar(ness% In the Gospel* Christ is

li(ewise set forth in the supre+e stru!!le as ConEueror of the Grae* for the !raes

were opened* and +any "odies of the saints which slept arose, and Mary represents Isis*

the +other* at the cross% It is said of the !reat serpent* There are those on earth who do

not drin( of the waters of this serpent* Ha"er* which +ay "e paralleled with the refusal

of the Christ to drin( of the ine!ar +in!led with !all%

.hen the God has oerco+e the $pophis &erpent* his old ni!htly* annual* and eternal

ene+y* he e/clai+s* I co+e I hae +ade +y way I hae co+e li(e the sun* throu!h the

!ate of the one who li(es to deceie and destroy* otherwise called the 'iper%' I hae +ade

+y way I hae "ruised the serpent* I hae passed%

8ut the +ore e/press representation in the +ysteries was that of the annual sun as the

)lder Horus* or $tu+% $s Julius Fir+icus says< In the sole+n cele"ration of the

+ysteries* all thin!s in order had to "e done which the youth either did or suffered in his


Diodorus &iculus ri!htly identified the whole fa"le of the underworld* that wasdra+atised in Greece* as hain! "een copied fro+ the cere+onies of the )!yptian

funerals* and so "rou!ht on fro+ )!ypt into Greece and #o+e% One part of this +ystery

was the portrayal of the sufferin! &un4God in a fe+inine phase% .hen the sufferin! sun

was ailin! and ill* he "eca+e fe+ale* such "ein! a pri+itie +ode of e/pression% Lu(e

descri"es the Lord in the Garden of Gethse+ane as "ein! in a !reat a!ony* and his sweat

was* as it were* !reat drops of "lood fallin! to the !round% This e/perience the Gnostics

identified with the sufferin! of their own he+orrhoidal &ophia* whose passion is the

ori!inal of that which is cele"rated durin! Passion wee(* the wee( of weepin! in $"tu*

and which constitutes the funda+ental +ystery of the #osy Cross* and the #ose of 


In this a!ony and "loody sweat the Christ si+ply fulfils the character of Osiris Tesh4Tesh* the red sun* the &un4God that suffers his a!ony and "loody sweat in &+en* whence

Geths+en* or Gethse+ane% Tesh +eans the "leedin!* red* !ory* separate* cut* and

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wounded, tesh4tesh is the inert for+ of the God whose sufferin!* li(e that of $donis* was

represented as fe+inine* which alone reaches a natural ori!in for the type% He was also

called $ns4#a* or the sun "ound up in linen%

&o natural were the pri+itie +ysteries

My attention has 5ust "een called to a passa!e in Lycophron* who lied under Ptole+y

Philadelphus "etween 90: and 2A 8%C% In this Heracles is referred to as

That three4ni!hted lion* who+ of old

Triton's fierce do! with furious 5aw deoured*

.ithin whose "owels* tearin! of his lier*

He rolled* "urnin! with heat* thou!h without fire*

His head with drops of sweat "edewed all o'er%

This descri"es the God sufferin! his a!ony and sweat* which is called the "loody flu/

of Osiris% Here the ni!hts are three in nu+"er% &o the &on of Man was to "e three ni!hts

as well as three days in the heart of the earth% In the Gospels this prophecy is not fulfilled, "ut if we include the ni!ht of the "loody sweat* we hae the necessary three

ni!hts* and the Mythos "eco+es perfect% In this phase the sufferin! &un was the #ed &un*whence the typical #ed Lion%

$s $tu+* the red sun is descri"ed as settin! fro+ the Land of Life in all the colours of 

cri+son* or Pant* the red pool% This clothin! of colours is represented as a !or!eous

ro"e "y Lu(e, a purple ro"e "y Mar(, and a ro"e of scarlet "y Matthew% $s he !oes

down at the $utu+n )Euino/* he is the crucified% His +other* 6u* or Meri* the heaen*

seein! her son* the Lord of Terror* !reatest of the terri"le* settin! fro+ the Land of Life*

with his hands droopin!* she "eco+es o"scure* and there is !reat dar(ness oer all the

land* as at the crucifi/ion descri"ed "y Matthew* in which the passin! of the Lord of 

Terror is rendered "y the terri"le or loud cry of the &ynoptic ersion% The &un4God

causes the dead* or those in the earth* to lie as he passes down into the under4world*

 "ecause* as he entered the earth* the to+"s were opened* i.e., fi!uratiely% 8ut it is

reproduced literally "y Matthew%

The death of Osiris* in the #itual* is followed "y the 6i!ht of the Mystery of the Great

&hapes* and it is e/plained that the ni!ht of the Great &hapes is when there has "een

+ade the e+"al+in! of the "ody of Osiris* the Good 8ein!* 5ustified for eer% In the

chapter on the ni!ht of the layin!4out of the dead "ody of Osiris* it is said that Isis

rises on the ni!ht of the layin!4out of the dead "ody* to la+ent oer her "rother Osiris%

$nd a!ain< The ni!ht of the layin!4out @of the dead OsirisB is +entioned* and a!ain it is

descri"ed as that on which Isis had risen to +a(e a wail for her "rother%

8ut this is also the ni!ht on which he conEuers his ene+ies* and receies the "irthplace

of the Gods% He tra+ples on the "anda!es they +a(e for their "urial% He raises his soul*and conceals his "ody% &o the Christ is found to hae unwound the linen "anda!es of 

 "urial* and they saw the linen in one place* and the nap(in in another% He too conceals his


This is closely reproduced* or paralleled* in John's Gospel* where it is Mary Ma!dalene

who rises in the ni!ht and co+es to the sepulchre* while it was yet dar(* to find the

Christ arisen* as the conEueror of death and the !rae% In John's ersion* after the "ody is

e+"al+ed in a hundred pounds wei!ht of spice* consistin! of +yrrh and aloes* we hae

the ni!ht of the +ystery of the shapes< For while it was yet dar(* Mary Ma!dalene

co+in! to the sepulchre* and peerin! in* sees the two an!els in white sittin!* the one at

the head and the other at the feet* where the "ody had lately lain% $nd in the chapter of 

How a liin! "ein! is not destroyed in hell* or the hour of life ends not in Hades* thereare two youthful Gods44two youths of li!ht* who preail as those who see the li!ht* and

the i!nette shows the deceased wal(in! off% He has risen

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Matthew has only one an!el or splendid presence* whose appearance was as li!htnin!*

which a!rees with &hepi* the &plendid One* who li!hts the sarcopha!us* as a

representatie of the diinity* #a% The risen Christ* who is first seen and reco!nised "y

Mary* says to her* Touch +e not* for I a+ not yet ascended to +y Father% The sa+e

scene is descri"ed "y the Gnostics< when &ophia rushes forward to e+"race the Christ*

who restrains her "y e/clai+in! that he +ust not "e touched%

In the last chapter of the Preseration of the 8ody in Hades* there is +uch +ystical+atter that loo(s plainer when written out in John's Gospel% It is said of the re!er+inated

or risen God44"-ay the sirian s%ea/ to thee0" The Osirian does not (now% He @OsirisB

(nows hi+% "et him not gras% him." The Osirified co+es out sound* I++ortal is his

na+e% He has passed alon! the upper roads @that is* as a risen spiritB%

"He it is who gras%s with his hand," and !ies the palpa"le proof of continued

 personality* as does the Christ* who says* &ee +y hands and +y feet* that it is I +yself%

The &un4God re4arises on the hori7on* where he issues forth* sayin! to those who "elon!

to his race* Gie +e your ar+% &ays the Osirified deceased* I a+ +ade as ye are% Let

hi+ e/plain it $t his reappearance the Christ de+onstrates that he is +ade as they are,

&ee +y hands and feet* that it is I +yself, handle +e and see% $nd when he had said this

he showed the+ his hands and feet% Then he said to Tho+as* #each hither thy fin!er* andsee +y hands* and reach hither thy hand and put it into +y side% These descriptions

correspond to that of the cut* wounded* and "leedin! &un4God* who says to his

co+panions* Gie +e your ar+, I a+ +ade as ye are%

In the Gospel of the He"rews he is +ade to e/clai+* For I a+ not a "odiless !host% 8ut

in the ori!inal* when the risen one says to his co+panions* Gie +e your ar+* I a+

+ade as ye are* he spea(s as a spirit to spirits% .hereas in the Gospels* the Christ has to

de+onstrate that he is not a spirit* "ecause the scene has "een transferred into the earthlife%

The Gnostics truly declared that all the supernatural transactions asserted in the Christian

Gospel were counterparts @or representationsB of what too( place a"oe% That is* they

affir+ed the history to "e +ythical, the celestial alle!ory +ade +undane, and they were

in the ri!ht* as the )!yptian Gospel proes% There are Healers* and Jehoshua 8en4Pandira

+ay hae "een one% 8ut* "ecause that is possi"le* we +ust not allow it to ouch for the

i+possi"le Thus* in the Gospels* the +ythical is* and has to "e* continually reproduced

as +iracle% That which naturally pertains to the character of the &un4God "eco+es

supernatural in appearance when "rou!ht down to earth% The &olar God descended into

the nether world as the restorer of the "ound to li"erty* the dead to life% In this re!ion the

+iracles were wrou!ht* and the transfor+ations too( place% The eil spirits and

destroyin! powers were e/orcised fro+ the +u++ies, the halt and the +ai+ed were

ena"led to !et up and !o, the dead were raised* a +outh was !ien to the du+"* and the

 "lind were +ade to see%

This reconstitution of the deceased is transferred to the earth4life* whereupon the "lindreceie their si!ht* and the la+e wal(* the lepers are cleansed* the deaf hear* and the dead

are raised up at the co+in! of the Christ* who perfor+ed the +iracles% The dra+a* which

the Idiotai +istoo( for hu+an history* was perfor+ed "y the &un4God in another world%

I could (eep on all day* and all ni!ht* or !ie a do7en lectures* without e/haustin! +y

eidence that the Canonical Gospels are only a later literalised rchauff of the )!yptian

writin!s, the representations in the Mysteries* and the oral teachin!s of the Gnostics

which passed out of )!ypt into Greece and #o+e44for there is plenty +ore proof where

this co+es fro+% I can "ut offer a speci+en "ric( of that which is elsewhere a "uildin! set

four4sEuare* and sound a!ainst eery "last that "lows%

The Christian dispensation is "elieed to hae "een ushered in "y the "irth of a child* and

the portrait of that child in the #o+an Cataco+"s as the child of Mary is the youthful&un4God in the Mu++y I+a!e of the child4(in!* the )!yptian >arast* or Christ% The

alle!ed facts of our Lord's life as Jesus the Christ* were eEually the alle!ed facts of our 

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Lord's life as the Horus of )!ypt* whose ery na+e si!nifies the Lord%

The Christian le!ends were first related of Horus the Messiah* the &olar Hero* the

!reatest hero that eer lied in the +ind of +annot in the flesh44the only hero to who+

the +iracles were natural* "ecause he was not hu+an%

Fro+ "e!innin! to end the history is not hu+an "ut diine* and the diine is the +ythical%

Fro+ the descent of the Holy Ghost to oershadow Mary* to the ascension of the risen

Christ at the end of forty days* accordin! to the dra+a of the pre4Christian Mysteries* thesu"5ect4+atter* the characters* occurrences* eents* acts* and sayin!s "ear the i+press of 

the +ythical +ould instead of the sta+p of hu+an history% #i!ht throu!h* the ideas which

shape the history were pre4e/tant* and are identifia"ly pre4Christian, and so we see the

stran!e si!ht to4day in )urope of 0::*:::*::: of Pa!ans +asEueradin! as Christians%

.hether you "eliee it or not does not +atter* the fatal fact re+ains that eery trait and

feature which !o to +a(e up the Christ as Diinity* and eery eent or circu+stance

ta(en to esta"lish the hu+an personality were pre4e/tant* and pre4applied to the )!yptian

and Gnostic Christ* who neer could "eco+e flesh% The Jesus Christ with fe+ale paps*

who is the $lpha and O+e!a of #eelation* was the I of )!ypt* and the Iao of the

Chaldeans% Jesus as the La+" of God* and Ichthys the Fish* was )!yptian% Jesus as the

Co+in! One, Jesus "orn of the =ir!in Mother* who was oershadowed "y the HolyGhost, Jesus "orn of two +others* "oth of whose na+es are Mary, Jesus "orn in the

+an!er44at Christ+as* and a!ain at )aster, Jesus saluted "y the three (in!s* or Ma!i,

Jesus of the transfi!uration on the Mount, Jesus whose sy+"ol in the Cataco+"s is the

ei!ht4rayed &tar44the &tar of the )ast, Jesus as the eternal Child, Jesus as God the Father*

re4"orn as his own &on, Jesus as the Child of twele years, Jesus as the $nointed One of 

thirty years, Jesus in his 8aptis+, Jesus wal(in! on the .aters* or wor(in! his Miracles,

Jesus as the Caster4out of de+ons, Jesus as a &u"stitute* who suffered in a icarious

atone+ent for sinful +en, Jesus whose followers are the two "rethren* the four fishers*

the seen fishers* the twele apostles* the seenty @or seenty4two in so+e te/tsB whose

na+es were written in Heaen, Jesus who was ad+inistered to "y seen wo+en, Jesus in

his "loody sweat, Jesus "etrayed "y Judas, Jesus as conEueror of the !rae, Jesus the

#esurrection and the Life, Jesus "efore Herod, in the Hades* and in his re4appearance to

the wo+en* and to the seen fishers, Jesus who was crucified "oth on the 0Ath and 0?th

of the +onth 6isan, Jesus who was also crucified in )!ypt @as it is written in #eelationB,

Jesus as 5ud!e of the dead* with the sheep on the ri!ht hand* and the !oats on the left* is

)!yptian fro+ first to last* in eery phase* fro+ the "e!innin! to the end44

M$>) .H$T&O)=)# O C$6 OF J)HO&H$ 8)64P$6DI#$%

In so+e of the ancient )!yptian Te+ples the Christian iconoclasts* when tired of hac(in!

and hewin! at the sy+"olic fi!ures incised in the cha+"ers of i+a!ery* and defacin! the

+ost pro+inent features of the +onu+ents* found they could not di! out the

hiero!lyphics and too( to coerin! the+ oer with plaster or te+pera, and this plaster*intended to hide the +eanin! and stop the +outh of the stone .ord* has sered to

 presere the ancient writin!s* as fresh in hue and sharp in outline as when they were first

cut and coloured%

In a si+ilar +anner the Te+ple of the ancient reli!ion was inaded* and possession

!radually !ained "y conniance of #o+an power, and that endurin! fortress* not "uilt*

 "ut Euarried out of the solid roc(* was stuccoed all oer the front* and +ade white awhile

with its loo( of "rand4newness* and re4opened under the si!n of another na+e44that of the

carnalised Christ% $nd all the ti+e each noo( and corner were dar(ly alie with the

 presence and the proofs of the earlier !ods* and the pre4Christian ori!ines* een thou!h

the hiero!lyphics re+ained unread until the ti+e of Cha+pollion 8ut stucco is not for 

lastin! wear* it crac(s and cru+"les, slou!hs off and slin(s away into its natalinsi!nificance, the roc( is the sole true foundation, the roc( is the only record in which

we can reach reality at last

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.il(inson* the )!yptolo!ist* has actually said of Osiris on earth<44&o+e +ay "e

disposed to thin( that the )!yptians* "ein! aware of the pro+ises of the real saiour, had

anticipated that eent* re!ardin! it as thou!h it had already happened* and introduced that

+ystery into their reli!ious syste+ This is what o"stetrists ter+ a false %resentation1 a

 "irth feet4fore+ost% .e are also told "y writers on the Cataco+"s* and the Christian

Icono!raphy* that this fi!ure is Osiris* as a type of Christ% This is Pan* $pollo* $risteus*

as a type of Christ% This is Harpocrates* as a type of Christ% This is Mercury* "ut as a typeof Christ, this is the deil @for &ut4Mercury was the deilB* as a type of Christ, until lon!

hearin! of the facts reersed* pererted and falsified* +a(es one feel as if under a

ni!ht+are which has lasted for ei!hteen centuries* (nowin! the Truth to hae "een "uried

alie and +ade du+" all that ti+e, and "eliein! that it has only to !et oice and +a(e

itself heard to end the lyin! once for all* and "rin! down the curtain of o"liion at last

upon the +ost pitiful dra+a of delusion eer witnessed on the hu+an sta!e%

$nd here the worst foes of the truth hae eer "een* and still are* the rationalisers of the

Mythos* such as the nitarians% They hae assu+ed the hu+an history as the startin!

 point* and accepted the e/istence of a personal founder of Christianity as the one initial

and funda+ental fact% They hae done their "est to hu+anise the diinity of the Mythos*

 "y dischar!in! the supernatural and +iraculous ele+ent* in order that the narratie +i!ht "e accepted as history% Thus they hae lost the "attle fro+ the "e!innin!* "y fi!htin! it on

the wron! !round%

The Christ is a popular lay4fi!ure that neer lied* and a lay4fi!ure of Pa!an ori!in, a layfi!ure

that was once the #a+* and afterwards the Fish, a lay4fi!ure that in hu+an for+

was the portrait and i+a!e of a do7en different !ods% The i+a!ery of the Cataco+"s

shows that the types there represented are not the ideal fi!ures of the hu+an reality They

are the sole reality for si/ or seen centuries after $%D%* "ecause they had "een so in the

centuries lon! "efore% There is no +an upon the cross in the Cataco+"s of #o+e for 

seen hundred years The sy+"olis+* the alle!ories* the fi!ures* and types* "rou!ht on "y

the Gnostics* re+ained there 5ust what they had "een to the #o+ans* Gree(s* Persians*

and )!yptians% et* the du++y ideal of Pa!anis+ is supposed to hae "eco+e dou"ly

real as the God who was +ade flesh* to sae +an(ind fro+ the i+possi"le fall

#e+e+"er that the pri+ary foundation4stone for a history in the 6ew Testa+ent is

dependent upon the Fall of Man "ein! a fact in the Old, whereas it was only a fa"le*

which had its own +ythical and unhistorical +eanin!%

.hen we try oer a!ain that first step once ta(en in the dar(* we find no foothold for us*

 "ecause there was no stair% The Fall is a"solutely non4historical* and* conseEuently* the

first "it of standin!4!round for an actual Christ* the redee+er* is +issin! in the ery

 "e!innin!% $ny one who set up* or was set up* for an historical &aiour fro+ a nonhistorical

Fall* could only "e an historical i+postor% 8ut the Christ of the Gospels is not

een that He is in no sense an historical persona!e% It is i+possi"le to esta"lish thee/istence of an historical character* een as an i+postor% For such an one the two

witnesses44$strono+ical Mytholo!y and Gnosticis+44co+pletely proe an ali"i for eer

Fro+ the first supposed catastrophe to the final one* the fi!ures of the celestial alle!ory

were i!norantly +ista(en for +atters of fact* and thus the orthodo/ Christolator is left at

last to cli+" to heaen with one foot restin! on the !round of a rede+ption that +ust "e

fallacious% It is a fraud founded on a fa"le

)ery ti+e the Christian turns to the )ast to "ow his o"eisance to the Christ* it is a

confession that the cult is &olar* the ad+ission "ein! all the +ore fatal "ecause it is

unconscious% )ery picture of the Christ* with the halo of !lory* and the acco+panyin!

Cross of the )Euino/* proffers proof%

The Christian doctrine of a resurrection furnishes eidence* a"solutely conclusie* of the$strono+ical and >ronian nature of the ori!ines This is to occur* as it always did* at the

end of a cycle, or at the end of the world Christian #eelation (nows nothin! of 

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i++ortality* e/cept in the for+ of periodic renewal* dependent on the Co+in! One,

and the resurrection of the dead still depends on the day of 5ud!+ent and the last day* at

the end of the world They hae no other world% Their only other world is at the end of 


 6ow there are no fools liin! who would "e fools "i! enou!h to cross the $tlantic Ocean

in a "arEue so rotten and unseaworthy as this in which they hope to cross the dar( #ier 

of Death* and* on a pier of cloud* "e landed safe in Heaen% The Christian Theolo!y wasresponsi"le for su"stitutin! faith instead of (nowled!e, and the )uropean +ind is only

 5ust "e!innin! to recoer fro+ the +ental paralysis induced "y that doctrine which ca+e

to its natural cul+ination in the Dar( $!es%

The Christian reli!ion is responsi"le for enthronin! the cross of death in heaen* with a

deity on it* doin! pu"lic penance for a priate failure in the co++ence+ent of creation% It

has tau!ht +en to "eliee that the ilest spirit +ay "e washed white* in the atonin! "lood

of the purest* offered up as a "ri"e to an aen!in! God% It has diini7ed a fi!ure of 

helpless hu+an sufferin!* and a face of pitiful pain, as if there were nau!ht "ut a !reat

heartache at the core of all thin!s, or the ast Infinite were "ut a eiled and sad4eyed

sorrow that "rin!s isi"ly to "irth in the +iseries of hu+an life% 8ut in the old Pa!an

world +en deified the "eautiful* the !lad, as they will a!ain* upon a loftier pedestal*when the fa"le of this fictitious fall of +an* and false rede+ption "y the cloud4"e!otten

God* has passed away li(e a phantas+ of the ni!ht* and +en awa(e to learn that they are

here to wa!e ceaseless war upon sordid sufferin!* re+edia"le wron!* and preenta"le

 pain, here to put an end to the+* not to apotheosi7e an effi!y of &orrow to "e adored as a

type of the )ternal% For the +ost "eneficent is the +ost "eautiful, the happiest are the

healthiest, the +ost God4li(e is +ost !lad% The Christian Cult has fanatically fou!ht for 

its false theory* and wa!ed incessant warfare a!ainst 6ature and )olution446ature's

intention +ade so+ewhat isi"le44and a!ainst so+e of the no"lest instincts* durin!

ei!hteen centuries% &eas of hu+an "lood hae "een spilt to (eep the "arEue of Peter 

afloat% )arth has "een honeyco+"ed with the !raes of the +artyrs of Freethou!ht%

Heaen has "een filled with a horror of !reat dar(ness in the na+e of God%

)i!hteen centuries are a lon! while in the life4ti+e of a lie* "ut a "rief span in the eternity

of Truth% The Fiction is sure to "e found out* and the Lie will fall at last $t last $t


 6o +atter thou!h it towers to the s(y*

$nd dar(ens earth* you cannot +a(e the lie

I++ortal, thou!h stupendously enshrined

8y art in eery perfect +ould of +ind<

$n!elo* #afael* Milton* Handel* all

Its pillars* cannot stay it fro+ the fall%The Pyra+id of I+posture reared "y #o+e*

$ll of ce+ent* for an eternal ho+e*

Must cru+"le "ac( to earth* and eery !ust

&hall reel in the desert of its dust,

$nd when the prison of the I++ortal* Mind*

Hath fallen to set free the "ound and "lind*

 6o +ore shall life "e one lon! dread of death,

Hu+anity shall "reathe with a+pler "reath*

)/pand in spirit* and in stature rise*

To +atch its "irthplace of the earth and s(ies%

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(2uller 3gy%tian and Gnostic 4ata, with references to the authorities, may be found in the Author's "Natural Genesis.")

It has "een shown in preious lectures that the +atter of our Canonical Gospels is* to a

lar!e e/tent* +ythical* and that the Gnosis of $ncient )!ypt was carried into other lands

 "y the under!round passa!e of the Mysteries* to e+er!e at last as the literalised le!end of 

Historic Christianity%

The +ythical Christ was as surely continued fro+ )!ypt as were the +ythical types of 

the Christ on the Gnostic &tones and in the Cataco+"s of #o+e Once this !round is felt

to "e fir+ underfoot it e+"oldens and warrants us in cuttin! the Gordian (not that has

 "een so deftly co+plicated for us in the )pistles of Paul% To4day we hae to face a

 pro"le+ that is one of the +ost difficult, it is +y o"5ect to proe that Paul was the

opponent and not the apostle of Historic Christianity% It is well (nown to all serious

students of the su"5ect that there was an ori!inal rent or rift of difference "etween the

 preacher Paul and the other founders of Christianity* who+ he first +et in Jerusale+44

na+ely* Cephas @or PeterB* Ja+es* and John% He did not thin( +uch of the+ personally*

 "ut scoffs a little at their pretensions to "ein! Pillars of the Church% Those +en had

nothin! in co++on with hi+ fro+ the first* and neer for!ae hi+ for his independence

and opposition to the last% 8ut the depth of that isi"le rift has not yet "een fatho+ed in

conseEuence of false assu+ptions, and +y own researches and deter+ination to loo( and

thin( for +yself hae led +e to the ineita"le conclusion that there is "ut one way in

which it can "e "otto+ed for the first ti+e%It is li(ewise +ore or less apprehended that two oices are heard contendin! in Paul's

)pistles* to the confoundin! of the writer's sense and the confusion of the reader's% They

utter different doctrines* so funda+entally opposed as to "e for eer irreconcila"le, and

this duplicity of doctrine +a(es Paul* who is the one distinct and sin!le4+inded

 personality of the 6ew Testa+ent* loo( li(e the +ost dou"le4faced of +en, dou"leton!ued

as the serpent% The two doctrines are those of the Gnostic* or &piritual Christ*

and the historic Jesus% 8oth cannot "e true to Paul, and +y contention is that "oth oices

did not proceed fro+ hi+ personally%

.e (now that Paul and the other $postles did not preach the sa+e !ospel, and it is +y

 present purpose to show that they did not set forth or cele"rate the sa+e Christ% My thesis

is* that Paul was not a supporter of the syste+ (nown as Historical Christianity* whichwas founded on a "elief in the Christ carnalised, an assu+ption that the Christ had "een

+ade flesh, "ut that he was its unceasin! and deadly opponent durin! his lifeti+e, and

that after his death his writin!s were ta+pered with* interpolated* and re4indoctrinated "y

his old ene+ies* the for!ers and falsifiers* who first "e!an to weae the we" of the

Papacy in #o+e% In this way there was added a fourth pillar or corner4stone to the

ori!inal three in Jerusale+* which was turned into the chief support of the whole

structure, the fir+est foundation of the fallacious faith%

The supre+e feat* perfor+ed in secret "y the +ana!ers of the Mysteries in #o+e* was

this conersion of the )pistles of Paul into the +ain support of Historic Christianity It

was the ery piot on which the total i+posture turned In his lifeti+e he had fou!ht

tooth and nail* with ton!ue and pen* a!ainst the +en who founded the faith of the Christ+ade flesh* and da+ned eternally all dis"elieers, and after his death they reared the

Church of the ar/olatr! a"oe his to+"* and for ei!hteen centuries hae* with a for!ed

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warrant* clai+ed hi+ as "ein! the first and fore+ost a+on! the founders% They cleerly

da++ed the course of the natural rier that flowed forth fro+ its own independent source

in the )pistles of Paul* and turned its waters into their own artificial canal* so that Paul's

liin! force should "e +ade to float the "ar( of Peter% 6eertheless* those who care to

loo( closely will see that the two waters* li(e those of the rier #hone* will not +in!le in

one colour $nd it appears to +e that* whether Paul was +ad or not in this life* such

nefarious treat+ent of his writin!s was "ad enou!h to drie hi+ frantic in the ne/t* and+a(e hi+ insane there until the wron! is ri!hted%

It is the uniersal assu+ption that Paul* the persecutor of the early Christians* was

conerted "y a ision of the risen Jesus* who proed his historic nature and identity "y

appearin! to Paul in person% &o it is recorded in the $cts of the $postles% The account*

howeer* is entirely opposed to that which is !ien "y Paul hi+self in his )pistle to the

Galatians% He tells how the chan!e occurred* which has "een called his conersion% It was

 "y reelation of the Christ within* "ut not "y an o"5ectie ision of a personal Jesus* who

de+onstrated in spirit world the reality and identity of an historic Jesus of 6a7areth* who

had lately lied on earth% &uch a ersion as that is ri!orously i+possi"le* accordin! to

Paul's own words% His account of the +atter is totally antipodal% He receied his

co++ission to preach the Christ* as he declares* "when it was the good %leasure of God to reeal his on in me," and therefore not "y an apparition of Jesus of 6a7areth outside

of hi+ His Christ within was not the 5or%us of Christian "elief* "ut the Christ of the

Gnosis% He heard no oice e/ternal to hi+self* which could "e conerted into the audi"le

oice of an historic Jesus, and nothin! can "e +ore instructie to "e!in with* than a

co+paratie study of these two ersions* for showin! how the +atter has "een

+anipulated* and the facts pererted* for the purpose of esta"lishin! or supportin! an

orthodo/ history% .hat he did hear when cau!ht up in the spirit he tells us was

unspea(a"le, words which it is not lawful for a +an to utter He +a(es no +ention of a

Jesus of 6a7areth% Indeed* Jesus of 6a7areth is un(nown to Paul His na+e neer once

appears in the )pistles, and the si!nificance of the fact in faour of the present iew can

hardly "e e/a!!erated% &o* Jesus of 6a7areth does not appear in the Gospel of Marcion,

or* as it was represented "y so+e of the Christian Fathers* Marcion had re+oed the

na+e of Jesus of 6a7areth fro+ his particular Gospel44"ein! so irulent a heretic Here

we find Paul in a!ree+ent with Marcion* the Gnostic re5ecter of Jesus of 6a7areth* and of 

historic Christianity% Moreoer* Paul was the only apostle of the true Christ who was

reco!nised "y Marcion% 6ow* as Marcion had re5ected the hu+an nature of the Christ*

and left the sect which ulti+ately "eca+e the church of historic Christianity* it is

i+possi"le that he could hae adopted or upheld the Gospel of Paul as it has co+e down

to us in our ersion of the )pistles% Hence* Irenus co+plains that Marcion dis+e+"ered

the )pistles of Paul* and re+oed those passa!es fro+ the prophetical writin!s which had

 "een Euoted to teach us that they announced "eforehand the co+in! of the Lord That is*Marcion* the +an who (new* reco!nised his fellow4Gnostic in Paul* "ut re5ected the

literalisations and the spurious doctrines which had "een surreptitiously interpolated "y

the founders* who were the for!ers* of Historic Christianity% Further* with re!ard to the

Marcionites* Irenus says they alle!e that Paul alone* of all the Christian teachers* (new

the truth, and that to hi+ the Mystery was +anifested "y reelation% They spo(e as

Gnostics of a Gnostic% $t the sa+e ti+e* as Irenus tells us* the Gnostics* of who+

Marcion was one* char!ed the other $postles with hypocrisy* "ecause they "framed their doctrine according to the ca%acity of their hearers, fabling blind things for the blind according to their blindness1 for the dull, according to their dulness1 for those in error,according to their errors." 

Cle+ent $le/ander asserts that Paul* "efore !oin! to #o+e* stated that he would "rin! tothe 8rethren @not the true Gospel history* "utB the Gnosis* or Gnostic co++unication* the

tradition of the hidden +ysteries* as the fulness of the "lessin!s of Christ* which Cle+ent

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says were reealed "y the &on of God* the "teacher who trains the Gnostic by mysteries," i%e%* "y reelations +ade in the state of trance% He was !oin! there as a Gnostic* and

therefore as the natural opponent of Historic Christianity%

The conersion of Paul* accordin! to the $cts* is supposed to hae occurred so+eti+e

after the year 9: $%D% at the earliest, and yet if we accept the data furnished "y the "oo( of 

$cts and Paul's )pistle to the Galatians* he +ust hae "een conerted as early as the year 

2; $%D% Paul states that after his conersion he did not !o up to Jerusale+ for three years%Then after 0A +ore years he went up a!ain to Jerusale+ with 8arna"as% This second isit

can "e dated "y +eans of the fa+ine* which is historic* and (nown to hae occurred in

the year AA* at which ti+e relief was coneyed to the "rethren in Judea "y 8arna"as and

Paul% If we ta(e 0; years fro+ AA* the different state+ents !o to show that Paul had "een

conerted as early as the year 2;% Thus* accordin! to the dates and the data deried fro+

the $cts* fro+ Paul's epistle* and the historic fact of the fa+ine* Paul was conerted to

Christianity in the year 2; of our era This could not hae "een "y a spiritual

+anifestation of the supposed personal Jesus* who was not then dead* and had not at that

ti+e "een re4"e!otten as the Christ of the canonical history% This is usually loo(ed upon

@"y #enan* for e/a+ple*B as such an a"surdity that no credence can "e allowed to the

account in the $cts% On the contrary* and notwithstandin! all that has "een said "y thosewhose wor( it is to put a false "otto+ into the n(nown* I a+ free to +aintain that

nothin! stands in the way of its "ein! a possi"ility and a fact* e/cept the assu+ption that

it is an i+possi"ility% ou cannot date one eent "y another which neer occurred* or* if it

did occur* is not recorded "y Paul* especially when his own account offers ne!atie

eidence of its non4occurrence% It is only usin! plain words 5ustifia"ly to say that the

concocters of the $cts falsify wheneer it is conenient* and tell the truth when they

cannot help it In Paul's own account of his conersion he continues< "6mmediately, 6 conferred not with the flesh and blood1 neither went 6 u% to 7erusalem to them who were

 A%ostles before me1 but 6 went away into Arabia." He did not see( to (now anythin!

a"out the personal Jesus of 6a7areth* his life* his +iracles* his crucifi/ion* resurrection*

and ascension, had no an/iety to hear anythin! whateer fro+ liin! witnesses or 

relaties a"out the hu+an nature of this Diine 8ein!* who is supposed to hae appeared

to Paul in person, co+pletely chan!ed the current of his life* and transfor+ed his

character, no wish een to erify the historic or possi"le !round4wor( for the reality of 

his alle!ed ision of Jesus .hen he did !o up to Jerusale+* three years afterwards* and

a!ain in fourteen years* he positiely learned nothin! whateer fro+ those who ou!ht to

hae "een a"le to teach hi+ and tell hi+ all thin!s on +atters of ital i+portance @for 

historic ChristianityB* a"out which he should hae "een +ost desirous to (now* "ut had

no +anifest desire of (nowin!% He saw Ja+es* Peter* and John* who were the pillars of 

the church and persons of repute* "ut whateer they were it +ade no +atter to hi+, they

i+parted nothin! to hi+% He says these respecta"le persons* these pillars* who see+ed to "e so+ewhat* co++unicated nothin! to hi+, contrariwise* it was he who had a !ospel of 

his own* which he had receied fro+ no +an* to co++unicate to the+ He had co+e to

 "rin! the+ the Gnosis% They priately !ae hi+ the hand of fellowship* and offered to

ac(nowled!e hi+ if he would (eep out of their way with his other !ospel44!o to the

Gentiles @or !o to the DeilB* and leae the+ alone% There was a co+pro+ise* and

therefore so+ethin! to co+pro+ise* thou!h not on Paul's account, "ut the only point of 

!enuine a!ree+ent "etween the+ was that they a!reed to differ On co+parin! notes* he

found that they were preachin! Euite another !ospel* and another Jesus% .e (now what

their !ospel was* "ecause it has co+e down to us in the doctrines and do!+as of historic

Christianity% It was the !ospel of the literalisers of +ytholo!y, the !ospel of the Christ

+ade flesh to sae +an(ind fro+ an i+possi"le fall, the !ospel of salation "y theatonin! "lood of Christ, the !ospel that would +a(e a hell of this life* on purpose to win

heaen hereafter, the !ospel of flesh and physics* includin! the corporeal resurrection*

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and the i++ediate endin! of the world, the !ospel that has no other world e/cept at the

end of this% Theirs was that other !ospel with its doctrines of delusion* a!ainst which Paul

wa!ed continual warfare% For* another 7esus, another %irit, and another gos%el were

 "ein! preached "y these pre4e+inent apostles who were the opponents of Paul% He warns

the Corinthians a!ainst those pre4e+inent apostles* who+ he calls false prophets*

deceitful wor(ers* and +inisters of &atan* who ca+e a+on! the+ to preach "another 

 7esus" who+ he did not preach* and a different !ospel fro+ that which they had receiedfro+ hi+% To the Galatians he says< "6f any man %reacheth unto you any gos%el other than that which ye receied, let him be damned1" or let hi+ "e $nathe+a% He chides

the+< ", foolish, Galatians, who did bewitch you0 Are ye so foolish8 haing begun inthe %irit, are ye %erfected in the flesh0" That is* in the !ospel of the Christ +ade flesh*

the !ospel to those who were at en+ity with hi+* who followed on his trac( li(e &atan

sowin! tares "y ni!ht to cho(e the seed of the spiritual !ospel which Paul had so

 painfully sown* and who* as he inti+ates to the Thessalonians* were Euite capa"le of 

for!in! epistles in his na+e to deceie his followers% It has neer yet "een shown howfunda+ental was this feud "etween Paul and the for!ers of the fleshly faith* "ecause the

real facts had not "een !rappled with or !rasped concernin! the totally different "ases of 

 "elief* and the foreer irreconcila"le !ospels of the Gnostic or spiritual Christ* and of theChrist +ade flesh* to "e set forth as the &aiour of +an(ind* accordin! to Historic

Christianity% It was i+possi"le that Paul and Peter should draw or pull to!ether, the

different !rounds of their faith were in the "e!innin! fro+ pole to pole apart% He says< "6 made /nown to you, brethren, as touching the gos%el which was %reached by me, that it isnot after man. 2or neither did 6 receie it from man (or from a man), nor was 6 taught it,

 sae through reelation of the 5hrist reealed within." He did not derie his facts fro+ history* nor his !ospel fro+ the $postles, he was neither 

tau!ht "y +an nor "oo(% He deried his !ospel fro+ direct personal reelation of the

Christ within% In short* his Christ was not that Jesus of 6a7areth who+ he neer 

+entions* and who+ the others preached* and who +ay hae "een* and in all li(elihood

was* Joshua 8en Pandira* the 6a7arene%

Fro+ the present standpoint there is no doctrinal difficulty* een a"out Paul "ein! the

writer of the )pistle to the He"rews% I do not need to call in another author here any+ore

than elsewhere% The dou"le4dealin! of the interpolaters and for!ers would "e cause

enou!h to account for all the difference and the difficulty% They who would hae* or who

had for!ed epistles in his own na+e* would not scruple to indoctrinate his writin!s when

they !ot the chance, and if this epistle "e not Paul's* then his na+e as author has "een

for!ed% 6ow* in this epistle* the Christ is non4historical* he is the >ronian Christ* the

 onian +anifestor of the +ythical* that is astrono+ical prophecy, he is after the order of 

Melchi7ede(* who was "without father, without mother, without genealogy, haing 

neither beginning of days, nor end of life." This was the eer4co+in! one who could not "eco+e a hu+an persona!e, and for that reason* I ta(e it* Paul repudiates the !enealo!ies

of Christ% In adisin! Titus to !ie no heed to "7ewish 2ables," he tells hi+ to "shun foolish 9uestionings and genealogies." He counsels Ti+othy to warn his followers

a!ainst !iin! heed to "fables and endless genealogies," such* for instance* as we now

find in the canonical !ospels of Matthew and Lu(e% These could hae no application to

the Christ of the Gnosis* hence their a"sence fro+ the !ospel accordin! to John% Hu+an

!enealo!y could not indicate the Gnostic +ode of the Diine Descent, could not

authenticate the "ord" of John* or Philo, nor the Christ of Marcus* or of Paul,

conseEuently we learn that Marcus* the Gnostic* eli+inated the !enealo!ies fro+ the

!ospel of Lu(e* and all that was written respectin! the !eneration of the Lord% The

Docet who re5ected the hu+anity of Christ had* as )piphanius phrases it* "5ut away the genealogies in the gos%el after -atthew." Tatian* the pupil of Justin* who is called an

"A%ostle from the 5hurch," also struc( out the !enealo!ies that were intended to proe

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the hu+an descent of the Christ, he who had once accepted the !ospel of the Christ +ade

flesh* "ut re5ected it when he had learned to (now "etter% This they did "ecause their 

Christ was spiritual* not an historic Jesus, and the sa+e reason holds !ood as an

e/planation for Paul% He repudiated the ain !enealo!ies e+ployed in ain "y those who

sou!ht to esta"lish a hu+an line of descent for the Christ* "ecause he re5ected the fleshand4

 "lood Jesus who was preached "y the adocates of Historic Christianity% This "ein!

so* it follows that the openin! passa!e of the )pistle to the #o+ans* which now loo(s li(ePaul's first utterance to all the world* "e!ins the tale of the interpolations* and thus

appears in the ri!ht place* for it stands nearly alone in the writin!s of Paul* with its fran( 

or forced ac(nowled!+ent of the hu+anity of Jesus* "y ad+ittin! the .ord +ade flesh to

 "e of the seed of Daid% 8ut the Christ of Paul could not* at one and the sa+e ti+e* hae

 "een "without genealogy" and yet "e of the seed of $"raha+ or Daid% That would "e a

co+plete reersal of his teachin!* who* in re5ectin! the !enealo!ies* had already

repudiated the descent fro+ Daid% Moreoer* 8arna"as* the +ost inti+ate friend of Paul

and fellow4teacher with hi+* who* as a Gnostic* denied the hu+an nature of the Christ*

and* li(e Paul* spo(e disrespectfully of the other $postles448arna"as assures us it was

accordin! to the error of the wic(ed that Christ was called the &on of Daid% Paul also

tells us that no +an can say that Jesus is the Lord* "ut "y the Holy &pirit @0 Cor% /ii% 9B*and therefore not throu!h the facts of an e/ternal history* or hu+an pedi!ree%

The Christ of the Gnosis was not connected with %lace any +ore than personality* or line

of hu+an descent% His only "irthplace was in the +ind of +an% ConseEuently* in his

!ospel* Marcion* who was a Gnostic Christian* does not connect his Christ with 6a7areth%

His Christ is not Jesus of 6a7areth% $nd this note of the Gnosis is apparent in the writin!s

of Paul% His Christ is nowhere called Jesus of 6a7areth* nor is he "orn at 8ethlehe+*

either of the =ir!in Mary* or of Mary the wife of Cleopas* who was not the =ir!in% Of 

course* either an historic Jesus could "eco+e the Christ* as &aiour of the world* or he

could not, and* as the world neer was lost in any such sense as the i!norant hae deried

fro+ a fa"le +isinterpreted* why he could not* and as he could not* then he did not* and

Paul who was an $dept in the +ysteries* a Master of the Hidden .isdo+* could neer 

hae +ista(en the fa"le for a fact on which to "uild his syste+ of Christolo!y, nor could

he accept it fro+ others% .hen once we hae !ot the Gnostic clue to the Hidden .isdo+*

we find an uniersal ar!u+ent a+on!st the Gnostics concernin! their tenets% .hereer 

we +eet with the+ they !ie us the Masonic !rip, and "y the sa+e si!n we (now that

Paul was a Gnostic% This is further corro"orated "y his own clai+ to hae "een an $dept*

a wise +aster4"uilder* one who spo(e wisdo+ a+on!st the Perfected% He was a Gnostic

in the supre+e de!ree* and all Gnostics a!ree that the Christ of the Gnosis could not "e

+ade flesh* and therefore all are* and +ust "e opposed to Historic Christianity* Paul

included% It was as a Gnostic* a wise +aster4"uilder* that Paul laid the foundations which

others "uilt upon, and the superstructure they reared "eca+e the Church of HistoricChristianity% The Gnostics were Christians in an esoteric sense* "ut not "ecause they

e/plained a hu+an history esoterically% There was no history to e/plain until the +yth

had "een +ade e/oteric "y those who were i!norant* or who cunnin!ly conerted the

Gnosis into history% It was the wor( of Peter to +a(e the +ysteries e/oteric in a hu+an

history% It was the wor( of Paul to preent this "ein! effected "y e/plainin! the Gnosis%

Hints of this appear in the )pistles when he spea(s of his gos%el, and the reelation of his

+ystery concernin! the Christ* and warns his disciples a!ainst the preachin! of that

"other gos%el" and "other 7esus," which are opposed to his own truer teachin!% $s when

he tells Ti+othy to "remember 7esus 5hrist according to my gos%el," and says to the

#o+ans* "establish you according to my gos%el1" that was the !ospel of the Gnosis which

he had "rou!ht to the+%.e are also a"le to watch the interpolators of his writin!s at their wor(% The ta+perin!

with the te/t of Paul's )pistles is still +ade apparent "y a co+parison of the arious

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recensions* as the +ar!inal notes in the #eised ersion yet suffice to show, and if this

re+ains so palpa"le in the latest transcript* what +ust it hae "een in the earlier and

nearest to the author's ori!inalN In so+e instances* instead of a perfect 5oin* there is a

!apin! !ulf of doctrinal difference* too deep for the interpolators the+seles% There is a

ludicrous +i/ture of the historical Jesus and spiritual Christ in the First )pistle of Paul to

Ti+othy* where Christ Jesus is spo(en of as he "who, before $ontius $ilate, witnessed the

 good confession1" and half a do7en lines later on Paul's Jesus is the "lord of lordsdwelling in light una%%roachable, whom no man hath seen, nor can see." :hat is the

Christ of the Gnosis who could not "e +ade flesh to stand in the presence of Pontius

Pilate% $!ain* Paul spea(s as a spiritualist of our transfor+ation in death and the

continuity of consciousness* when he says< ";ehold, 6 tell you a mystery, we shall not entirely slee%, but shall all be changed in a moment, in the twin/ling of an eye." This was

the +ystery of the Gnosis and the transfor+ation reealed "y spiritual pheno+ena% Then

follows the interpolated doctrine of the resurrection at the last day< "2or the trum%et shall  sound and the dead shall be raised." Physically* which was i+possi"le to Paul% These are

as opposite as yes and no* or day and ni!ht% Once +ore* we (now how e+phatically Paul

insists on the originality of his !ospel% It was his ery own* personally receied "y

reelation% He deried nothin! fro+ the supposed apostles of an historic Jesus, theyi+parted nothin! to hi+* and he receied nothin! fro+ any +an% et in face of this fatal

eidence the writer of the )pistle to the He"rews* which is assi!ned to Paul* is +ade to

say* that the "salation first s%o/en through the ord was confirmed unto us by them that heard<" $nd in his )pistle to the Corinthians he is +ade to declare that he first of all

deliered to the+ that which he had receied (not "y su"5ectie reelation* "ut accordin!

to the history e/ternalisedB* "How that 5hrist died for our sins, according to thecri%tures1 and that he was buried1 and that he hath a%%eared to 5e%has, then to thetwele, then he a%%eared to aboe fie hundred of the brethren at once Qthis is pilin! it

upR then he a%%eared to 7ames, then to all the a%ostles, and last of all, as unto one bornout of due time, he a%%eared to me also, for 6 am the least of the a%ostles, that am not meet to be called an a%ostle." 8ut Ja+es and Cephas were those who+ he saw in

Jerusale+* and who* as he e/pressly tells us* had i+parted nothin! to hi+ The passa!e

 "elies what Paul has elsewhere said* and is at war with all he was &o far fro+ lowerin!

hi+self in that way* he asserts in the ery sa+e epistle< "6n nothing was 6 behind these %reeminent a%ostles" 4therefore he was not "ehind in ti+e Let +e spea( proudly that

was his attitude when he co+pared hi+self with Cephas* Ja+es* and John% $nd if Paul

eer did call hi+self an a"ortion @the true renderin! of the senseB* we +ay "e sure that he

did not apply such a fi!ure of that which is %remature to the lateness of his "irth as an

apostle% It cannot "e +ade to apply% The Gnostics tell us what he did +ean% They alone

could understand the allusion* which carries the Christ of the Gnosis with it% The Christ

appears to Paul* as to an a"ortion* 5ust as did Horus the Christ to &ophia @or $cha+othB*when she forlornly lay outside of the plero+a as an a+orphous a"ortion* and the Christ

ca+e and e/tended hi+self cross4wise and !ae her flowin! su"stance for+ Here the

Gnostic doctrine inoles the Christ of the Gnosis* and not of the hu+an history% Paul

applies the fi!ure to hi+self% If these state+ents had "een true* Paul +ust hae "een

tau!ht "y +en% This was to receie his infor+ation fro+ &criptures @whatsoeer they +ay

hae "eenB* and was not to receie his reelation solely fro+ the Christ* who ca+e

within* as he declares% In this way it "eco+es apparent how Paul's writin!s were +ade

orthodo/ "y the +en who preached another !ospel than his, with who+ he was at war 

durin! his lifeti+e* and who too( a "itter4sweet reen!e on his writin!s "y suppression

and addition* after he was dead and !one%

The Christ proclai+ed "y Paul is freEuently desi!nated the "firstborn." He is the "firstbornof all creation" @Col% i% 0B* "the firstborn from the dead" @Col% i% 01B* the "firstbornamong many brethren." "Now hath 5hrist been raised from the dead, the firstfruits

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of them that sle%t<" 8ut in what senseN It is i+possi"le to apply such descriptions to any

historical character% 6o Historical Jesus could "e the First4"orn fro+ the dead%

If continuity "e a natural fact* as was held "y the Gnostics @and Paul was a GnosticB* and

is +aintained "y all &piritualists @and Paul was a &piritualistB* we shall lie on "y a law

of nature* not "y so+e 5u!!lery with natural law* called a +iracle* perfor+ed once upon a

ti+e The first4"orn fro+ the dead could not hae waited for the resurrection until Anno

 4omini1 nor could our spiritual continuity hae "een de+onstrated at that or any preious period "y a physical resurrection* such as for+s the foundation of the Christian faith The

doctrine enunciated "y Paul was )!yptian* Chaldean* >a""alist* and Gnostic* and* as

such* it can "e e/plained%

In the #itual the soul that rises a!ain fro+ the dead e/ults and e/clai+s* "6 am the onlyone that comes forth from the body<" that is* as the supre+e soul of all the seen, the one

representatie of the plero+a of powers* or as Paul has it* "the firstborn of manybrethren1" the first4"orn fro+ the dead* "ecause the only one that attained i++ortality* as

the spiritual +an* or the Christ* called the &econd $da+ "y Paul, that celestial +an

referred to "y Philo when he says< ":here is the man whose name is 3ast. A strangea%%ellation if it had been intended to s%ea/ of a man com%osed of soul and body. ;ut if it 

be the 6ncor%oreal man, who com%rehends in himself the diine 6dea, it must be admitted that 3ast is the name that suits him best1" i.e., the re4orient +an of the resurrection* or rearisin!%

It is the sa+e Gnostic typolo!y e+ployed "y Paul when he spea(s of "building u% the body of 5hrist1 till we all attain unto the unity of faith, and of the /nowledge @or 

GnosisB of the on of God1 unto a fullgrown man1 unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of 5hrist." The fulness of the Christ "ein! the )!yptian* 8uddhist* and Gnostic

 plero+a of all the seen precedin! powers that cul+inated in the Christhood%

One title of the Gnostic Christ is "All things." He is called Totu+* or "All things."  6othin! short of the Gnosis can tell us why% The Christian world is without the Gnosis*

and therefore without the +eans of understandin! Paul Concernin! the for+ation or 

creation of the Gnostic Christ in the character of "All things," or Totu+* we are told that

":he whole %leroma of the =ons, with one design and desire, brought together whateer each one had in himself of the greatest beauty and %reciousness, and uniting all thesecontributions, so as to s/ilfully blend the whole, they %roduced a being of most %erfect beauty, the ery aiour 5hrist." This "All things," who was the consu++ate flower of 

the fulness or plero+a of the preious seen powers* is the Christ of Paul* who* hi+self*

is "All things," "ecause in "him are all things," and in "all things" he has the %reeminence."All things are summed u% in 5hrist" @)ph% i% 0:B% "f him, through him, and unto him, are all things" @#o+% /i% 9B% "6n him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily" @Col% ii% 3B% That is as the Gnostic Totu+44the $ll44The Christ44the eternal &oul

or &pirit* in "whom all the treasures of wisdom and /nowledge" are hidden He warns his

followers a!ainst a certain false teacher* who+ he (nows personally* and +i!ht na+e*and whose teachin! is after the "tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after the 5hrist" of the plero+a% The Gnostic Christ was also called 3udocetos,

 "ecause the whole plero+a of the Godhead was well pleased with hi+ as !lorifier of the

Father% This is Paul's Christ* in who+ the whole fulness @plero+aB was pleased to dwell%

The te/t in Paul's )pistle to the Colossians should "e "for the whole fulness was %leased to dwell in him." There is neither "God" nor "2ather" in the case% It is the whole Gnostic

 plero+a of powers which +ade up the i++ortal soul* or ca+e to the consu++ate flower 

of soul in +an* and the Godhead in the Christ* as su+ total of the powers% The $ncient

Gnosis co+es first% Paul repeats it, and then we hae an adaptation of it to the later !ospel

history* in which we hear the oice of the Father in heaen sayin!< ":his is my beloed 

on in whom 6 am well %leased." The Gnostics did not derie their (nowled!e fro+ thehistory* any +ore than Paul did* and therefore it follows that the history was deried fro+

an adaptation of the Gnosis%

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The founders of Historic Christianity tau!ht and enforced the doctrine that their Jesus the

Christ had risen fro+ the dead* "ody* "ones* and all* and that he de+onstrated the fact to

his followers when he declared that he was not a spirit The resurrection* therefore* was

 physical fro+ the first In a confession found in the $postolic Creed* in the year ::* the

conert has to say* "6 beliee in the resurrection of the flesh"1 and only the other day

Canon Gre!ory declared in &t% Paul's Cathedral* that if you too( away the physical

resurrection of Jesus* the one foundation of their spiritual life was !one If the Christ didnot rise corporeally fro+ his to+"* then that to+" would "e the !rae of Christianity% 8ut

Paul's doctrine of the resurrection is totally opposed to this cardinal doctrine of the

Christian creed* the resurrection of the "ody% He does not e/pect to rise corporeally

 "ecause of any physical resurrection of the Christ% His doctrine is that of the Gnostics*

and conseEuently identifia"le "y the co+paratie process% It is also entirely opposed to

that which was proclai+ed "y his conte+poraries* Hy+enoeus and Philetus* who tau!ht

that the resurrection was past already* and who had oerthrown the faith of so+e in the

doctrine preached "y Paul% He says "they are in error," and "their word will eat as doth a gangrene." 6ow* the sole way in which the resurrection could "e set forth as already %ast was the sa+e then as it is to4day44na+ely* as the resurrection once for all of a personal

and historical &aiour* who there and then arose fro+ the dead for the first ti+e andinstituted the resurrection% Paul's own resurrection fro+ the dead was not assured "y any

such +iraculous* non4natural* or i+possi"le +eans On the contrary* in a passa!e which

shows a cleaa!e in the conte/t* he "reathes an aspiration thus< "6f by any means 6 mayattain unto the resurrection from the dead" 44therefore* not the +eans set forth "y

Historical Christianity44and he continues< "Not that 6 hae already attained, or amalready made %erfect, but 6 %ress on." $!ain* this is pure Gnostic doctrine% The Perfect

were those who had reached the octae* or hei!ht of attain+ent* in a sense which can

only "e understood "y the Gnosis% It was his endeaour to reach the Christhood of the

Gnosis on which the continuity in death depended44a !li+pse of which had "een o"tained

 "y hi+ in a"nor+al ision% This (ind of wor(in! out of one's own salation* and earnin!

one's own eternal liin! in this life* is a"solutely opposed to the Christian doctrine of the

$tone+ent The old Jewish doctrine of $tone+ent "y "lood* continued into historic

Christianity* is proa"ly i+possi"le to a Gnostic and a spiritualist li(e Paul% 8ut this wasthe doctrine pro+ul!ated "y those who preached that "other gos%el" which he repudiated%

Therefore I infer that te/ts li(e these are a part of the +atter interpolated< "ithout  shedding of blood is no remission of sin" @He"% i/% 22B% "Haing made %eace through theblood of his cross" @Col% i% 2:B% "6n whom we hae our redem%tion through his blood" @)ph% i% ;B% &uch doctrine "ein! i+possi"le to the Gnostic* I hold these te/ts to hae "een

falsely fathered upon Paul% The two doctrines cannot co4e/ist in one +ind* or syste+ of 

thou!ht, and we hae to ascertain which of the two is the !enuine Pauline doctrine "efore

we can deter+ine the nature of his Christolo!y% $!ain he says* "wherefore let us cease to s%ea/ of the first %rinci%les of 5hrist, and %ress on unto %erfection, not laying again a foundation of re%entance from dead wor/s, and of faith towards God, of the teaching of ba%tisms, and of laying on of hands, and of resurrection from the dead, and of eternal 

 >udgment, and this will we do<" Here we find a co+plete repudiation "y Paul of certain

cardinal doctrines of Historic Christianity elsewhere ascri"ed to hi+ These are called

first principles* or those "elon!in! to an e/oteric or e/terior interpretation of the Gnosis*

which is loo(ed upon as a pernicious and deadly heresy% They were a part of those

"e!!arly rudi+ents which (ept +en in "onda!e to the Petrine !ospel of the flesh% Paul

 positiely repudiates* and +ost distinctly denies* salation "y +eans of these Christian

&acra+ents Those who hae ta(en up with this teachin! are treated as "ac(sliders fro+

the true faith* which is that of Paul's own !ospel* and of the esoteric interpretation% "2or as touching those who were once enlightened, and tasted of the heaenly gift, and weremade %arta/ers of the Holy Ghost, and tasted the good word of God, and the %owers of 

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the age to come, and then fell away, it is im%ossible to renew them again." )ery special

 phrase reeals the Gnostic and the Gnosis% Those who fell away hae lapsed fro+ the

interior teachin! of Paul* and !one oer to those who now preach the e/ternalised history*

the "other gos%el" of the "other 7esus," with its corporeal resurrection% Hain! "een fed

on solid food they hae "eco+e such as hae need of +il(% This repudiation of do!+as

cul+inates in his "anishin! the resurrection of the dead* and the )ternal Jud!+ent or 

 punish+ent at the Last Day% Here the resurrection of the dead +ust include that of thehistoric Jesus* if there had "een one* and therefore this also is denied% He re5ects any

foundation laid on that* and says* let us cease to spea( of it% Paul* li(e all Gnostics*

tau!ht the resurrection from the dead in this life, not the resurrection OF the Dead in the

life hereafter% 6ow* it is Euite certain that these Gnostic doctrines could not hae "een

interpolated in Paul's writin!s "y the founders of the Fleshly Faith% Therefore* it is the

 physical do!+as that hae "een foisted into the )pistles of Paul%

I hae neer yet seen a si!n in the wor(s of Christian writers that they (new anythin!

whateer of the real nature of these doctrinal +ysteries% $ll ali(e are i!norant of the

Tradition or Gnosis on which a true e/planation depended% They assu+e the hu+an

history as the initial point of a new "e!innin!* and i!nore* or are i!norant of* that which

lies "eyond% .hen called upon to face the facts in "road dayli!ht they the+seles will "eall in the dar(* and will hae to fi!ht a!ainst the+ "lindfold% 8ut it is i+possi"le to enter 

within ran!e of understandin! Paul's teachin! until we do (now so+ethin! of the

doctrines that were unfolded in the +ysteries% It is i+possi"le to co+prehend the +ystery

of Paul's Christ without a funda+ental (nowled!e of the Messianic +ystery that had "een

fro+ the 8e!innin!% This was his +ystery* which he would not +a(e so +uch of if he

had started with what are held to "e plain historical !ospel truths% He spo(e the "isdomof God in a mystery that hath been hidden1 which God foreordained before the worldsunto our glory." The "mystery of 5hrist which in other generations was not made/nown." The "mystery which is 5hrist in you." His was the "reelation of the mysterywhich hath been /e%t in silence through times eternal." The fact is that Paul was a

 pu"lisher of the ancient +ysteries, that was why his ene+ies stroe to (ill hi+ He

openly pro+ul!ated the Gnosis which had always "een (ept secret% 8ut to co+prehend

hi+ we +ust hae so+e (nowled!e of the Messianic +ystery* which had an ori!in in

 pheno+ena that are "oth natural and e/plica"le% .hen one has wor(ed at the su"5ect for 

years* it can "e e/plained in a few hours% The root of the Messiah's na+e is  -esi in

)!yptian% One +eanin!* li(e that of the Christ in Gree( and Messiach in He"rew* is to

anoint% 8ut the funda+ental si!nification is rebirth. The +onth* -esore, was so na+ed

fro+ the re4"irth of the Inundation% The +a+4mesi was the re4"irth4place of the +an or 

+u++y% The eenin! +eal on the first day of the 6ew ear was the -esiu, or festial of 

its "irth% 5f. &ans(rit masa, for a +oon or +onth* and masala for a year%

This rebirth could "e ery arious in pheno+ena* and so was the typical Messiah or re"ornone% The serpent called -esi, the &acred .ord* was the Messiah "y na+e* "ecause

the reptile slou!hed its s(in* and renewed itself% Hence the &erpent was a sy+"ol of the

Gnostic Christ% ebirth was the +anifestation and the personified Manifestor was the

Messiah* under whicheer type or in whateer phase of the pheno+ena% ebirth of the

 6ile* of the li!ht in the +oon* of the ti+e4cycle* or of the Dead* could hae its Messiah

Hence the Messiah had a +onthly re4"irth in the lunar or"* and a solar one eery year44

with re4"irth fro+ the ir!in +other in the odiac% 8ut there was a +ore +ysterious

+anifestation when the !irl or "oy attained pu"escence* or re4"irth* into wo+anhood and

+anhood% Here the Messiah is "oth +ale and fe+ale44Charis as well as Christ, .isdo+

as well as the .ord $ccordin! to the natural facts* at that period of re4"irth was "orn the

 procreatie power for further ensurin! the future re4"irth of the race% Men and wo+encould reproduce the+seles in this life% Hence the re4"irth of the $nointed One* the

Messiah of $dultship% 8ut "eyond these natural re4"irths* it was de+onstrated in the

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spiritual +ysteries of a"nor+al +ediu+ship* that there was a spirit in +an* or* at least* in

so+e +en* that could reproduce itself* or* "y alliance with the power a"oe* could "e

reproduced* or re4"orn* for the ne/t life% This was the Christ of the Gnosis* the Messianic

Manifestor in a psychical or spiritual phase, the #eealer* accordin! to the +ystery of 

Paul% That which he had receied fro+ no +an* was co++unicated to hi+ "y this

reelation of the Christ% 8ut +ar(, in no one of these phases* ele+ental* >ronian* or 

hu+an* could the Messiah* the Christ of the +anifestation* "eco+e any one historic persona!e% $lso* in the hu+an phase* there is "ut one sense in which the Christ could "e

 "orn of a ir!in +other* and that can only "e understood "y ta(in! the Christ as the

I++ortal in +an* and supple+entin! it with the (nowled!e that the +other was the first

reco!nised inspirer of the soul% .hen typified and +ade doctrinal* this +other* as

Euic(ener of the soul* this +other of the Horus* or Christ* +ay "e said to "e ir!in in a

re!ion "eyond that of physical contact in the fleshly hu+an phase% In a final for+* the

Messiah was the i++ortal spirit in +an* or the Christ within* accordin! to the lan!ua!e

of Paul% Those who understood these thin!s could not ta(e to* or "e ta(en in "y* historic

Christianity, could only thin( of it as did Celsus when he says of the Christians< "5ertainmost im%ious errors are committed by them, which are due to their e#treme ignorance, in

which they hae wandered away from the meaning of the diine enigmas"1 and as didPorphyry* who denounced the Christian reli!ion as a "blas%hemy, barbarously bold." The

Christian doctrine of "ein! born again was deried without (nowled!e fro+ this Gnostic

rebirth, which was the conersion of the total +an* and his seen lower souls* into a

li(eness of his supre+e or diine self* with the ei!hth one* the Christ4spirit* as the

reproducer for eternal life% Paul so+eti+es clai+s that he possesses this Christ4nature*

this #eealer within* "ecause* accordin! to the Gnostics* hu+anity could attain to the

diine altitude* and de+onstrate upon the Mount of Transfi!uration the i++ortal ele+ent

in the nature of +an% The Christian world let !o* and lost this "asis that Paul found in

natural* thou!h supra4nor+al fact* when it i!norantly su"stituted the modus o%erandi of 

+iracle applied to a physical resurrection%

8ut* as we hae seen* this +anifestor of the of the re4"irth +i!ht "e fe+inine as well as

+asculine% In fact* the fe+ale announcer was first* and there are +ystical reasons for this

in nature% In He"rew* the Holy &pirit* or ruach, is of a fe+inine !ender% The soul is

fe+ale% &o+e of the Gnostic sects assi!ned the soul to the fe+ale nature* and +ade their 

Charis not only anterior* "ut superior* to the Christ% In the 8oo( of .isdo+ it is &ophia

herself who is the pre4Christian aiour of +an(ind% It was .isdo+ that +en are tau!ht*

and she is the &aiour throu!h (nowled!e and !ood wor(s% .hereas the Christ was

turned into a &aiour throu!h faith% The sa+e Tree of >nowled!e that supplied the fruit

which da+ned the pri+al pair in the Genesis* is the Tree of .isdo+ in the $pocrypha*

where .isdo+* personified as the Tree* e/clai+s* "6 am the mother of fair loe, and fear,

and /nowledge, and holy ho%e. 5ome unto me all ye that be desirous of me, and fill  yourseles with my fruits. 2or my memorial is sweeter than honey, and mine inheritancethan the honeycomb. He that obeyeth me shall neer be confounded." This co+plete

reersal of the Christian "elief is to "e found in the Hidden .isdo+ &uch was the

interpretation* "y the +en who (new* of that Fa"le on which the Fall of Man was "ased

 "y those who hae i+posed on us with their i!norance* and +ade us "lind with their 

 "elief% .isdo+ is the renewer and renoator of all thin!s* and it is she who confers

i++ortality on +an, she who is the Christ as "rin!er to re4"irth% The Gnostic Marcus

+aintained that Charis was superior to all thin!s or Totu+, and Charis* the fe+ale

Christ* was the illu+inatin! spirit of his teachin!* as when he is +ade to say to his

+ediu+s<44";ehold, 5haris has descended u%on thee1 o%en thy mouth and %ro%hesy1

o%en thy mouth and thou shalt %ro%hecy." $pply this to the &pirit as +ale* instead of fe+ale* and you hae the Christ* or illu+inatin! spirit of Paul% It was a Euestion of 

 priority in the type* and "elon!ed to a +ystical interpretation of natural pheno+ena% The

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 "lood of Charis preceded the "lood of Christ* and "ut for the purification "y the "lood of 

Charis* there would hae "een no doctrine of the purification of souls "y the "lood of 

Christ% The )ucharist was a cele"ration of Charis "efore it was assi!ned to the Christ%

$!ain* Paul's Christ is identified with the an!el Metatron* as the Messiah who followed

the Israelites in the wilderness% Thus he +a(es the an!el +asculine% 8ut in the

Tar!u+ists' traditions the .ell of Miria+ ta(es the place of this sustainin! Christ* who

was the spiritual roc( accordin! to Paul% In the !ospel of the )!yptians* Euoted "yCle+ent $le/ander* the Lord says< "6 am come to destroy the wor/s of the oman." The

two +anifestors* +ale and fe+ale* are continued "y the "he%herd of Hermas," which

so+e of the Fathers re!arded as a diinely inspired scripture% Here the spirit* or Lo!os*

who is an old wo+an44i.e., the ancient .isdo+44in one ision* "eco+es the son of God in

another Of her it is said< "he is an old woman, because she was the first of all creation,and the world was made by her." .isdo+* the wo+an* was first, she was the +other of 

God% Christ* the son* was second, then he superseded the fe+ale in one representation, in

another he was "lended with her* and conseEuently portrayed in the i+a!e of "oth se/es*

as a spiritual type% The .isdo+ or &ophia of the Gnostics was first at the head of the

seen pre4planetary powers* and was called "gdoas," as +other of the first and inferior 

He"do+ad, ne/t the Christ was +ade the head as +anifestor of the seen later planetary powers* called "y the+ the superior He"do+ad* he "ein! the outco+e of a later creation*

and representatie of the Fatherhood in heaen* which followed the fatherhood

esta"lished on earth, and that sa+e Gnostic +anifestor of the seen powers or Gods had

 "een 6u in )!ypt* 6ao in Phoenicia* Assur in $ssyria* and the ;uddha or Agni in India*

a!es on a!es earlier%

 6ow Paul was opposed to those Gnostics who e/alted the fe+inine type of the soul44the

fe+ale as "rin!er to re4"irth hereafter% He repudiated it* and proclai+ed his Christ% His

.ord* Lo!os or Messiah* is strictly +asculine% In India this type would "e ingaic ersus

the ?onian. He +aintains that the "ord by isdom /new not God." This is e/actly the

sa+e as sayin! that at one ti+e +en only reco!nised the +otherhood in heaen* and did

not (now who were their own fathers on earth% The Lord is the spirit* the Christ is the

spirit* he declares, not &ophia* not the wisdo+ of a fe+inine nature% Christ* he affir+s* is

 "oth the "%ower and the wisdom of God." He proclai+s all the treasures of &ophia and of 

the Gnosis to "e contained in the Christ* and says the Christ has "een "made unto usisdom." The Christ has ta(en her place% $!ain* his !lorifyin! is not in fleshly isdom,not in the fe+ale 5haris, "ut in the grace of God @2 Cor% i% 02B% For the fe+ale .isdo+

had been accordin! to the flesh* the wo+an or +other "ein! of the flesh fleshly, and

Paul* as Gnostic or >a""alist* had "een acEuainted with the fleshly .isdo+* one of 

whose +ysteries appertained to fe+inine periodicity* which he now repudiates when he

says< "3en though we hae /nown 5hrist @or the +anifestorB after the flesh, yet now we

/now so no more." Here it cannot "e pretended that Paul eer (new the personal Christ inthe flesh* and therefore so+e other fact has to "e encountered% Howeer interpreted* he is

spea(in! doctrinally* and not of two historic characters. Paul's is the Gnostic Christ as

the &econd $da+, the +an fro+ heaen* whose type superseded the +an of earth% Paul

(new well enou!h that $da+ was not a +an in the literal sense, he was the typical +an

of the flesh, the son of the wo+an, and as was the type* such was the antitype* when he

calls his Christ the second $da+* the later spiritual type of +an* and of the Father a"oe%

 6either were* or could "e* historic persona!es% To use his own words* ":hese things arean allegory." In her +ost occult phase the fe+inine +essen!er was a .ord that could "e

+ade flesh, for she was the flesh4+a(er* the +other of Matter% 8ut this was on

 physiolo!ical !rounds alone% Hence she was superseded "y the +asculine +essen!er, the

spirit that could neer "e +ade flesh% 6one "ut the initiated in these +atters could possi"ly (now what was +eant "y this transfer of type* and su"stitution of the Lord for 

the Lady* the Christ for .isdo+* the second $da+ for the first% 8ut there it is truth4li(e

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at the "otto+ of the well, the source of so +uch difficulty found in the depths of Paul's

writin!s% $nd this contention of $aul on behalf of one Gnostic dogma against another has been made to loo/ as if he were ferently fighting for an Historic 7esus.This transfer of type is not li+ited to Paul For instance* the =ine was a fe+inine sy+"ol%

.isdo+ says* "As the @ine brought 6 forth" @)cc% //i% 0;B, and in the 8oo( of Proer"s

&ophia cries* "5ome eat of my bread, and drin/ of the wine 6 hae mingled." The Fi!4

Tree in )!ypt was the fi!ure of the Lady of Heaen* who is pourtrayed as the Tree of Life and >nowled!e* in the act of feedin! souls% &he literally !ies her "ody as the 8read

and her "lood as the .ine of Life In the later Ptole+eian ti+es this Tree was assi!ned to

&ophia or .isdo+ which shows the lin( "etween )!ypt and Greece% The supersedin! of 

&ophia is also illustrated in the cursin! of the fruitless Fi!4tree "y the Canonical Christ*

where the Para"le of Mytholo!y is represented as a hu+an history% In John's Gospel the

type has "een transferred* 5ust as the sayin!s were* to the +asculine nature* and the Christ

 "eco+es the "read and wine of life% In the $pocrypha it is &ophia who is ":he brightnessof the eerlasting light, the uns%otted mirror of the %ower of God, and the image of his

 goodness<" @.isdo+ ii% 2%B In the )pistle to the He"rews the Christ ta(es the place of 

&ophia% He is called the "effulgence of the glory" of God, the "ery image of his

 substance." 6eertheless* the +ale Christ could no more be made flesh in a man thano%hia or 5haris could hae %reiously been incarnated in an historical woman. ou

cannot understand one half without the other% 8oth +ust "e ta(en to!ether% The doctrine

is dou"ly and wholly opposed to any and all historical personality%

8ut* we hae not yet co+pletely +astered the entire Mystery of Paul for +odern use, and

it is not possi"le for any one "ut the pheno+enal &piritualist* who (nows that the

conditions of trance and clairoyance are facts in nature, only those who hae eidence

that the other world can open and li!hten with reelations* and proe its palpa"le

 presence* isi"ly and audi"ly, only those who e/cept the teachin! that the hu+an

consciousness continues in death* and e+er!es in a personality that persists "eyond the

!rae, only such* I say* are Eualified to co+prehend the +ystery* or receie the +essa!e*

once truly deliered to +en "y the &piritualist Paul* "ut which was thorou!hly pererted

 "y the ar/olators, the founders of the fleshly faith% In the first place he was an Initiate in

the Gnostic Mysteries* called >a""alist in He"rew% He tells us how e/ceedin!ly 5ealous

for the traditions he had "een* which +ust hae included the traditional interpretation of 

the +ysteries and of the Gnosis or hidden .isdo+% He was a perfected $dept% He (new

the nature of the >ronian Christ* and of the &piritual Christ* accordin! to the Gnosis%

8eyond that* Paul* on his own testi+ony* was an a"nor+al &eer* su"5ect to the conditions

of trance% He could not re+e+"er if certain e/periences occurred to hi+ in the "ody or 

out of it This trance condition was the ori!in and source of his reelations* the heart of 

his +ystery* his infir+ity in which he !loried44in short* his "thorn in the flesh." He shows

the Corinthians that his a"nor+al condition* ecstasy* illness* +adness @or what notB* was a phase of spiritual intercourse in which he was diinely insane44insane on "ehalf of God44

 "ut that he was rational enou!h in his relationship to the+% He says< "6 will come toisions and reelations of the ord. 6 /new a man in 5hrist fourteen years ago (whether in the body 6 /now not1 or whether out of the body 6 /now not1 God /noweth), such anone caught u% een in the third heaen" 44on "ehalf of that +an he will !lory% "And byreason of the e#ceeding greatness of the reelations, wherefore that 6 should not bee#alted oer much, there was gien to me a thorn in the flesh, a messenger of atan tobuffet me, that 6 should not be e#alted oer much." Paul's Thorn in the Flesh has "een

attri"uted to lechery* and to sore eyes, "ut no Christian co++entator (nown to +e has

eer connected it with a"nor+al pheno+ena* e/cept as +iracle% The Marcionites said the

Mystery was +anifested to Paul "y reelation% Paul says the sa+e% 8y this a"nor+al+ode the Mystery was reealed to hi+ in person% His eyes were opened* so that he could

see for hi+self the truth that was tau!ht in the Mysteries% If a &pirit appeared in ision to

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Paul* that would positiely proe the rebirth for a future life* and constitute the

reelation of his Messianic +ystery% Paul's Christ* the Lord* is the spirit, his !ospel is that

of spiritual reelation* the chief +ode of +anifestation "ein! a"nor+al* as it was* and had

 "een* in the Gnostic +ysteries%

The Gnostic Christ was the I++ortal &pirit in +an* which first de+onstrated its e/istence

 "y +eans of a"nor+al or spiritualistic pheno+ena% It did not and could not depend on any

sin!le +anifestation in one historic personality% $nd when Paul says* "6 /new a man in5hrist," we see that to "e in Christ is to "e in the condition of trance* in the s%irit, as they

 phrased it* in the state that is co++on to what is now ter+ed +ediu+ship%

8ein! in the trance condition* or in Christ* as he calls it* he was cau!ht up to the third

heaen* and could not deter+ine whether he was in the "ody or out of the "ody% Here he

identifies his Christ with a condition of "ein!* and that condition with the a"nor+al

 pheno+ena (nown to so+e of us who hae studied Modern &piritualis+% This is the

Gnostic Christ* not the Christ of any special historic personality* who is supposed to hae

+anifested only once upon a ti+e* and once for all% The Christ of the Gnosis* of Philo and

of Paul preceded Christianity* and is sure to supersede it* "ecause it is "ased upon facts

(nown in nature and erifia"le to4day% It was those who were entirely i!norant of those

su"tle and o"scure facts* unfolded in the Mysteries* who "eca+e Christians in the +odernsense* and "elieed* "ecause they were "lind% Paul was "oth a &eer and a >nower% He

 "eca+e one of the pu"lic de+onstrators of the facts* 5ust li(e any itinerant +ediu+ of our 

ti+e% He says to the Galatians< "?e /now that because of an infirmity of the flesh, 6  %reached the gos%el unto you the first time, and that which was a tem%tation to you in my flesh, ye des%ised not nor re>ected @or spat outB, but ye receied me as an angel of God, as5hrist 7esus<" This infir+ity of the flesh was his tendency to fall into trance% .hen it first

occurred* at a !ien date* he receied his reelation and "e!an to preach his own !ospel%

He tal(ed and tau!ht as do the +ediu+s in trance to4day% He receied his reelations44

isions and reelations of the Lord44and !ae proofs of the Christ* or spirit* spea(in!

within hi+* spea(in! throu!h hi+* when he was in trance% $nd on this !round they

receied hi+ as an an!el of God44they receied hi+ as the 5hrist. This Christ* personated

 "y Paul as the reealer in trance* was of necessity the Gnostic Christ* the &pirit of God* as

he often calls it* the Christ that spo(e throu!h hi+* founded on what is now ter+ed spirit

control* "ut not "ased on the spirit of any Jesus of 6a7areth% His Christ is the spirit which

reealed itself a"nor+ally in* and throu!h hi+* so that he spo(e the wisdo+ and the

words which the spirit teacheth, he spo(e +ysteries in the spirit% His Christ was the

sa+e spirit that "hath a diersity of wor/ings" in arious spirit +anifestations% ":o one it  gies the word of wisdom1 to another, the word of /nowledge1 to another, faith1 toanother, gifts of healing1 to another, miraculous %owers1 to another, %ro%hesy1 toanother, seeing of s%irits1 to another, the gift of tongues, and to another, their 

inter%retation." $nd as this was the Christ* that always had "een so +anifested* nothin!depended upon any historical character% $ll that was real* that is* spiritual* would "e the

sa+e afterwards as it had "een "efore% 6othin! did depend on it* and historical

Christianity itself is "ut a ast interpolation* the !reatest of all o"stacles to +ental

deelop+ent and the unity of the hu+an race%

One +ore illustration that Paul was outside the rin! of conspirators who were the

founders* as for!ers* of Historic Christianity in #o+e* and I shall hae done%

The Christ proclai+ed "y Peter and Ja+es was the +ythical Messiah of the Ti+e4cycles*

the eercoming one, conerted into an historical character, hence he who was supposed

to hae 5ust co+e still re+ained the Co+in! One% He hi+self is +ade to say that he is

co+in! "efore the then present !eneration shall hae passed away%

$part fro+ the +ythos and its +eanin!* there was no other co+in!* or end of the Ti+es*of the a!e* on* or world The >ronian alle!ory can only apply to the >ronian Christ* as

the +etaphorical +anifestor of the )ternal in the sphere of ti+e* who could neither "e

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+ade flesh nor assu+e historic personality% This was (nown to Paul as an $dept% &uch

thin!s were an $lle!ory, "ut it was not (nown to those who preached that "other gos%el." Ja+es asserts that "the coming of the ord is at hand." John declares that it is the Last

Hour% In the &econd )pistle of Peter we find the writer +entions Paul "y na+e* and

replies to his )pistles% He is coertly tryin! to counteract the influence of Paul's teachin!

on a +atter of such i+portance as the second co+in! of Christ* and the i++ediate endin!

of the world% In the first chapter he proclai+s that the end of all things is at hand. Here hesays that +oc(ers are as(in!* "here is the %romise of his coming0" They for!et the

cataclys+s and delu!es "y which the preious heaens and earth hae perished% This ti+e

the end will co+e with a uniersal confla!ration* and* accordin! to pro+ise* "e loo/ for new heaens and a new earth." . . . "ur beloed brother, $aul, has been s%ea/ing of these things. . . . According to the wisdom gien to him he wrote unto you1 as also in his

 3%istles, s%ea/ing in them in these things1 wherein are some things hard to understand,which the ignorant and unsteadfast wrest (as also the other scri%tures) unto their owndestruction." The su"5ect4+atter here is the nature of the ti+e4cycles* and the +ythical

destruction "y flood and fire* which Paul as an $dept (new to "e typical and alle!orical%

Peter +ista(es the+ for literal realities% 8ein! an outsider* he did not understand the

.isdo+ or Gnosis of Paul* "ut says it is +isleadin!* inas+uch as the i!norant wrest itunto their own destruction% Peter had also said the day of the Lord will co+e as a thief%

To this we hae direct replies fro+ Paul% "5oncerning the times and the seasons,brethren, ye hae no need that aught be written unto you. 2or yourseles /now %erfectlywell that the day of the ord so cometh as a thief in the night. ;ut ye, brethren, are not indar/ness, that that day should oerta/e you as a thief1 for ye are all sons of light and 

 sons of the day1 we are not of the night nor of the dar/ness" 44as were those foolish

Physicalists* the Petrine $4Gnostics% $nd a!ain he says to the Thessalonians44"Now webeseech you, brethren, touching the coming of our ord 7esus 5hrist, and our gathering together unto him, that ye be not 9uic/ly sha/en from your mind, nor yet be troubled either by s%irit, or by word, or by e%istle as from us< as that day of the ord is %resent at hand. et no man beguile you in any wise1" !ie no heed to that i!nora+us'

 gobemoucherie< Then follows a "rea( in the sense% 8ut a fallin! away is to co+e first*

and the -an of in +ust "e reealed or e/posed, the son of %erdition, "he that o%%osethand e#alteth himself against all that is called God, or that is worshi%%ed1 so that he

 sitteth in the :em%le of God setting himself forth as God." That* I say* is &t% Paul's

opposer* Peter* who was set up in the Church of #o+e% "emember ye not that when 6 was with you 6 told you these things. And now ye /now that which restraineth to the end that he may be reealed in his own season. 2or the mystery of lawlessness doth alreadywor/ only until he that restraineth now shall be ta/en out of the way. And then shall bereealed the awless one whom the ord 7esus shall slay with the breath of his mouth,

and bring to nought by the manifestation of his coming, @hi+B whose 'coming' isaccording to the wor/ing of atan, with all %ower and signs and lying wonders, and withall deceit of unrighteousness for them that are %erishing, because they receied not theloe of truth that they might be saed1 and for this cause God sendeth them a wor/ing of error that they should beliee a lie." In "oth Euotations the su"5ect4+atter identifies Peter 

as palpa"ly as if Paul had na+ed hi+% He is replyin! to the teachin! of one particular 

+an who is proclai+in! the Co+in! of the Christ and the day of the Lord* or end of the

world* as "ein! close at hand% He says in effect44Do not "e trou"led or "e!uiled "y any

such i!norant trash% The Lord will not co+e in his sense* and cannot co+e in +ine*

e/cept that +an of sin "e reealed% 6o one has eer dared to drea+ that this Man of &in

is Peter hi+self 8ut the person ai+ed at is considered capa"le of for!in! epistles in the

na+e of Paul, thus attri"utin! this (ind of teachin! to hi+* and +a(in! hi+ father itwhilst Paul was yet liin!% This +an of sin and son of perdition has set hi+self up in

the te+ple of God* setting himself forth as God. This is no e+peror 6ero* "ut a portrait of 

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Peter* the life4lon! ene+y of Paul, he whose preachin! is concernin! si!ns and lyin!

wonders* such as the stories a"out the end of the world* the passin! away of the heaens

with a !reat noise* the dissolution of the ele+ents with ferent heat* and the "urnin! up of 

the earth with all the wor(s therein* and other teachin!s of this cataclys+alist* which Paul

denounces as delusie* and (nows to "e a lie This +isleader of +en is restrained for the

ti+e "ein! "y Paul hi+self* "ut when he departs Peter will reeal hi+self or "e reealed

in his true colours* and the Thessalonians will then see what Paul has (nown all alon!*and a!ainst which he had warned the+ once "efore* i.e., a!ainst that wor/ing of error and belief in a lie, which we now /now by name as Historic 5hristianity.It is here* then* that we can peer ri!ht down into the deep* dar( !ulf that diided Peter 

fro+ Paul* of which we !et such a li!htnin! !li+pse in the Cle+entine Ho+ilies% These

writin!s were inspired "y the faction of Peter% 8y the+ Paul is desi!nated the "Hostile -an"1 his own epithet* Anomas, the Lawless* is there flun! "ac( at hi+ "y Peter* who

denounces the puerile preachin! of the +an that is his ene+y* and who says< ":hou hast o%%osed thyself as an Adersary against me, the firm roc/, the foundation of the 5hurch." Paul's conersion* "y +eans of a"nor+al ision* is attri"uted to the false Christ* the

Gnostic and &piritualist opposed to an Historic Christ% In Ho+ily 0;* Peter is o"iously

hittin! at Paul and his isions when he as(s< "5an anyone be instituted to the office of ateacher through isions0" Paul is treated as the arch4ene+y of the Christ crucified44he is

the ery $nti4Christ% He will "e the author of so+e !reat heresy which is e/pected to

 "rea( out in the future% Peter is said to hae declared that Christ instructed the disciples

not to pu"lish the only true and !enuine !ospel for the present* "ecause the false teacher 

+ust arise* who would pu"licly proclai+ the false !ospel of the $nti4Christ that was the

Christ of the Gnostics% "As the true $ro%het has told us, the false gos%el must come froma certain misleader1" and so they were to !o on secretly pro+ul!atin! the true !ospel*

until this false preacher had passed away% This true !ospel was confessedly "held inresere, to be secretly transmitted for the rectification of future heresies." They (new

well enou!h what had to co+e out* if Paul's preachin!* proclai+ed in his ori!inal

)pistles* !ot ent +ore and +ore% It was Paul who+ they had reason to fear% Hence those

who were the followers of Peter and Ja+es anathe+ati7ed hi+ as the !reat apostate* and

re5ected his )pistles% Justin Martyr neer once +entions this founder of Christianity*

neer once refers to the writin!s of Paul% &tran!est thin! of all is it that the "oo( of the

$cts* which is +ainly the history of Paul* should contain no account of his +artyrdo+ or 

death in #o+e The !ulf* howeer* cannot "e co+pletely fatho+ed* e/cept on the

!rounds that there was no personal Christ* and that Paul was the natural opponent of the

+en who were settin! up the Christ +ade flesh for the salation of the world that neer 

was lost% My conclusion is* that fa"ricated eidence is the sole support of Historic

Christianity which can "e deried fro+ the )pistles of Paul, that the +anipulation for an

ulterior purpose* which is so o"ious in the "oo( of $cts* was far +ore su"tly andfunda+entally applied to his )pistles and doctrines, that they hae "een wor(ed oer as

thiees +anipulate stolen linen when they pic( out the +ar(s of ownership to escape

fro+ detection, that false doctrines hae "een foisted into the ori!inal te/t* which see+s

to hae "een withheld for a century after the writer's death* until the leaen of falsehood

had done its fatal wor(% The pro"le+ of the plotters and for!ers in #o+e was how to

conert the +ythical Christolo!y into historic Christianity* and when Paul's )pistles were

 per+itted to e+er!e fro+ o"scurity in a collection* what had occurred was the restorationof the carnalised Christ* that "other 7esus" who was repudiated "y Paul in his own

lifeti+e% Paul felt or feared* and foretold that this would "e the case when once he was

re+oed out of the way% He saw the +ystery of lawlessness already at wor(44the

falsifiers sendin! forth letters as if fro+ hi+self44and we hae seen what Paul foresawthe pro"le+ of the plotters who for!ed the foundations of the Church in #o+e was how

to successfully "lend the Christ Jesus of the Gnostics* of the pre4Christian $pocrypha* of 

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Philo* and of Paul* with that 5or%oreal 5hrist and i+possi"le personality* in who+ they

i!norantly "elieed* throu!h a "lind literalisation of +ytholo!y* so as to +a(e the historic

loo( li(e the true startin!4point* and the Gnostic interpretation "eco+es a later heresy%

This was finally effected when the declaration of John44that "the ord was made fleshand dwelt among us" 44had "een accepted as the !enuine Gospel* and that which had "een

an i+possi"ility for the Gnostics was an acco+plished fact for those who (new no "etter 

than to "eliee% The Gospel* accordin! to John* was concocted and calculated to sere asa har+onisin! a+al!a+ of doctrines that were funda+entally opposed% In this $+al!a+

they tried to +i/ the !all and honey* so that* if well sha(en "efore ta(en* it +i!ht "e

swallowed "y the followers on "oth sides% 8ut there was a !reat !ulf foreer fi/ed

 "etween the Gnostic Christolo!y and Historic Christianity% It was a !ulf that neer could

 "e soundly "rid!ed* and neer has "een plu+"ed* or "otto+ed* or filled in% The "odies of 

two +illion +artyrs of free4thou!ht* put to death as heretics* in )urope alone* and all the

 "lood that has eer "een shed in Christian wars* hae failed to fill that !ulf* which waits

as eer wide45awed for its prey% $cross that !ulf the Christian Church was erected upon

supports on either side% On one side stood those pillars of the Church which were seen "y

Paul in Jerusale+% On the other was Paul hi+self* the pillar that stood alone% $ difference

the +ost radical and profound diided hi+ fro+ the other apostles* Cephas* John* andJa+es% Fro+ the first they were on two sides of the chas+ that could not "e closed, and

the $r!dicatio $etri declares that Peter and Paul re+ained unreconciled till death% The

!reat wor( of the first centuries was how to "rid!e the chas+ oer* or at least how to

conceal it fro+ the eyes of the world in later ti+es% This could only "e done "y restin! on

Paul as a prop and "uttress on the one side and Peter on the other* which had to "e done

 "y conertin! or perertin! the )pistles of the Gnostic Paul into a support for Historic

Christianity% In that way the Church was founded% It was "uilt as a "rid!e across the !ulf*

and the Pope of #o+e appointed and aptly desi!nated $ontife# -a#imus. It was reared

a"oe the chas+ lyin! dar(ly lur(in! li(e an open !rae "elow* and to4day* as eer* the

Christian world is horri"ly haunted with the fear that a "reath or two of lar!er intellectual

life* a too audi"le utterance of free4er thou!ht* a dose of +ental dyna+ite +ay "rin! the

edifice of error down in wrec( and ruin to fill that !ulf at last* oer which it was so

 perilously founded fro+ the first%

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TH) LOGI$ OF TH) LO#D, O#* P#)4HI&TO#IC &$I6G&

$&C#I8)D TO J)&& TH) CH#I&T%

(eferences to Authorities may be found in the Author's 6$T#$L G)6)&I&% )

It would ta(e al+ost a life4ti+e of ori!inal research to fatho+ or appro/i+ately !au!e the

depths of i!norance in which the "e!innin!s of Historic Christianity lie sun(en out of 


The current i!norance of those pre4Christian eidences that hae "een presered "y the

 petrifyin! past +ust "e well4ni!h ininci"le* when a +an li(e Professor Jowett could say*

as if with the oice of superstition in its dota!e* ":o us the %reaching of the Gos%el is a New ;eginning, from which we date all things1 beyond which we neither desire, nor areable, to in9uire." It is the co++only accepted orthodo/ "elief that Christianity ori!inated with the life*

+iracles* sayin!s* and teachin!s, the "irth* death* resurrection* and ascension of anhistoric Jesus the Christ at the co++ence+ent of our era* called Christian, whereas* the

ori!ins were +anifold* "ut +ostly concealed% It is i+possi"le to deter+ine anythin!

funda+ental "y an appeal to the docu+ents which* alone out of a hundred Gospels* were

+ade Canonical% $nd when )use"ius recorded his +e+ora"le "oast that he had irtually

+ade all sEuare for the Christians* it was an o+inous announce+ent of what had "een

done to (eep out of si!ht the +ythical and +ystical roota!e of historic Christianity% The

Gnostics had "een +u77led* and their e/tant eidences* as far as possi"le* +as(ed% He

and his co4conspirators did their worst in destroyin! docu+ents and effacin! the tell4tale

records of the past* to preent the future fro+ learnin! what the "y!one a!es could hae

said directly for the+seles% They +ade du+" all Pa!an oices that would hae cried

aloud their testi+ony a!ainst the unparalleled i+posture then "ein! perfected in #o+e%

They had al+ost reduced the first four centuries to silence on all +atters of the +ost ital

i+portance for any proper understandin! of the true ori!ins of the Christian &uperstition%

The +ythos hain! "een at last pu"lished as a hu+an history eerythin! else was

suppressed or forced to support the fraud% Christolatry is founded on the Christ* who is

+ythical in one phase and +ystical in the other, )!yptian @and GnosticB in "oth* "ut

historical in neither% The Christ was a type and a title that could not "eco+e a person% $s

such* the Christ of the Gnostics was the Horus continued fro+ )!ypt and Chaldea, and

that which was ori!inal as +ythos a!es earlier cannot "e also ori!inal as a later personal

history% .e who co++ence with our canonical Gospels are three or four centuries too

late to learn anythin! funda+ental concernin! the real "e!innin!s of Christianity% ouhae only to turn to the second 8oo( of )sdras to learn that Jesus the Christ of our 

canonical history was "oth pre4historic and* pre4Christian% This is one of the "oo(s of the

hidden wisdo+ which hae "een re5ected and set apart as the $pocrypha44considered to

 "e spurious* "ecause they are opposed to the receied history, whereas* they contain the

secret Gnosis "y which alone we can identify the !enuine &cripture% In this "oo( it is

said* "-y son 7esus shall be reealed with those that are with him . . . . and they that remain shall re>oice within four hundred years1 and after these years shall my son 5hrist die, and all men shall hae life." $nd this was to "e een as it had "een in the for+er 

 5ud!+ents at the end of the particular cycles of ti+e* and the renewal of the world* which

was to occur accordin! to date 6ow* if an historic Jesus Christ of prophecy is to "e

found anywhere it is here*44foretold een as the prediction is supposed to hae "eenfulfiled% et these "oo(s are not included a+on! the canonical &criptures* "ecause they

 proe too +uch, "ecause they are historical in the wron! sense*44i.e., they are not and

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could not "e +ade hu+anly historical, their Jesus Christ is entirely +ythical*44is the

>ronian Christ, and his future co+in! therein announced was only the su"5ect of 

astrono+ical prophecy% The true Christ* whether +ythical or +ystical* astrono+ical or 

spiritual* neer could "eco+e an historical persona!e* and neer did ori!inate in any

hu+an history% The types of the+seles suffice to proe that the Christ was* and could

only "e* typical* and neer could hae ta(en for+ in historic personality% For one thin!*

the +ystical Christ of the Gnosis and of the pre4Christian types was a "ein! of "othse/es* as was the )!yptian Horus and other of the Messiahs, "ecause the +ystical Christ

typified the spirit or soul which "elon!s to the fe+ale as well as to the +ale* and

represents that which could only "e a hu+an reality in the spiritual do+ain or the

Plero+a of the Gnostics% This is the Christ who appears as "oth +ale and fe+ale in the

8oo( of #eelation% $nd the sa+e "iune type was continued in the Christian portraits of 

the Christ% In Didron's Icono!raphy you will see that Jesus Christ is portrayed as a fe+ale

with the "eard of a +ale* and is called Jesus Christ as &aint &ophia*44 i.e., the .isdo+* or 

the &pirit of "oth se/es% The early Christians were i!norant of this typolo!y, "ut the types

still re+ain to "e interpreted "y the Gnosis and to "ear witness a!ainst the History% 8oth

the type and doctrine co+"ine to show there could "e no one personal Christ in this world

or any other% Howsoeer the written word +ay lie* the truth is isi"ly en!raed upon thestones* and still suries in the Icons* sy+"ols* and doctrines of the Gnostics* which

re+ain to proe that they presered the truer tradition of the origines. $nd so this

 particular pre4Christian type was continued as a portrait of the historic Christ% It can "e

 proed that the earliest Christians (nown were Gnostics44the +en who (new* and who

neer did or could accept Historic Christianity% The )ssenes were Christians in the

Gnostic sense* and accordin! to Pliny the elder* they were a Her+etic &ociety that had

e/isted for a!es on a!es of ti+e% Their na+e is "est e/plained as )!yptian% They were

(nown as the )shai* the healers or Therapeut* the physicians in )!ypt, and )sha or 

sha +eans to doctor or heal* in )!yptian% The &utites* the Mandaites* the 6a7arites* as

well as the Docetae and )l(esites* were all Gnostic Christians, they all preceded* and

were all opposed to* the cult of the carnalised Christ% The followers of &i+on* the

&a+aritan* were Gnostic Christians* and they were of the Church at $ntioch* where it is

said the na+e of Christian was pri+arily applied% Cerinthus was a Gnostic Christian*

who* accordin! to )piphanius* denied that Christ had co+e in the flesh% The sa+e writer 

infor+s us that* at the end of the fourth century* there were )"ionite Christians* whose

Christ was the +ythical fulfiler of the ti+e4cycles* not an historic Jesus% )en Cle+ent

$le/ander confesses that his Christ was of a nature that did not reEuire the nourish+ent

of corporeal food%

 6ow* fro+ the ti+e of Irenus to that of Mansell* it has "een confidently asserted that

Gnosticis+ was a heresy of the second century* a "ac(slidin! and apostacy fro+ the true

faith of historic Christianity% This is si+ply a delusion of the i!norant* founded on theori!inal lie of the falsifiers Later teachers of Gnosticis+* such as 8asilides and

&aturninus* did arise durin! the second century, "ut these were not the founders of any

fresh doctrines* nor did they +a(e any new departure% They were #eialists The

Christian Fathers only (new of the Gnostics of their ti+e, they neer trou"led to trace the

roots of Gnosticis+ in the re+oter past%

The Christian report respectin! the Gnostics* Docetae* and others* always assu+es the

hu+an reality of the supposed history* and then e/plains the non4hu+an interpretation of 

the Gnostics the+seles as an heretic denial* or perersion of the alle!ed facts% Hence the

Gnostics are char!ed "y Irenus with falsifyin! the oracles of God* and tryin! to

discredit the word of reelation with their own wic(ed inentions%

.e learn fro+ Ori!en that* durin! the third century* there were arious different ersionsof Matthew's !ospel in circulation* and this he attri"utes partly to the for!ers of !ospels%

Jero+e* at the end of the fourth century* asserts the sa+e thin!, and of the Latin ersions

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he says* there were as +any different te/ts as +anuscripts% The Gnostics* who had

 "rou!ht on the ori!inal and pre4Christian +atter of the +ysteries that were tau!ht orally*

no sooner placed it on record than they were said to "e for!in! the &criptures of $nti4

Christ* whereas it was the Gnosis of the $nte4Christ of who+ they* the Christians* were


Theirs is alto!ether a false +ode of descri"in! the position of those who always and

utterly denied that the Christ could "e +ade flesh* to suffer and die upon a erita"le cross%Here is a speci+en of the way in which the Gnostic doctrines had "een turned to historic

account<44The true li!ht which li!hteth eery +an co+in! into the world was Gnostic*

and had "een Gnostic a!es "efore the prolo!ue of John was written, and as Gnostic

doctrine it has to "e read% This Li!ht of the world* "orn* as the Gnostics held* with eery

one co+in! into the world* is the i++ortal principle in +an Hyppolytus* referrin! to the

teachin! of 8asilides* a Gnostic teacher of the second century* shows us how the doctrine

of the Gnostics was falsified% "And this," says he* "it is which is said in the Gos%els, ':hetrue light which lighteth eery man was coming into the world<'" .as co+in! is an

interpolation of the "elieers in the fact of historic fulfil+ent applied to that eternal li!ht

which li!hted eery +an co+in! into the world, the li!ht that dawned within* and could

not co+e without in any for+ of flesh or historic personality% The )+peror Julian alsore+ar(s on the +onstrous doin!s and fraudulent +achinations of the fa"ricators of 

Historic Christianity% .e +ay loo( upon the Gnostics as Inside Christians, the others as

Christians .ithout%

 6eer were +ortals +ore perple/ed* "ewildered* and ta(en "ac(* than the Christians of 

the second* third* and fourth centuries* who had started fro+ their own new "e!innin!*

warranted to "e solely historic* when they found that an apparition of their faith was

followin! the+ one way and confrontin! the+ in another44a faith not founded on their 

alle!ed facts* clai+in! to "e the ori!inal reli!ion* and a!es on a!es earlier in the world44a

shadow that threatened to steal away their su"stance* +oc(in! the+ with its aerial

unreality44the hollow !host of that "ody of truth which they had e+"raced as a solid and

eternal possession It was horri"le% It was deilish% It was the deil* they said, and so they

sou!ht to account for Gnosticis+* and fi!ht down their fears of the phanto+ terrifyin!

the+ in front and rear< the Gnostic ante4Christ who had now "eco+e their anti4Christ%

The only pri+itie Christians then apart fro+* or precedin!* the Christianised pa!an

church of #o+e* were the arious sects of Gnostics* not one of which was founded on an

historical Christ% One and all they "ased upon the +ystical Christ of the Gnosis* and the

+ythical Messiah*44Hi+ who should co+e "ecause he was the )er4Co+in! One* as a

type of the )ternal* +anifestin! fi!uratiely in ti+e% Historic Christianity can furnish no

sufficient reason why the "io!raphy of its personal founder should hae "een held "ac(,

why the facts of its ori!in should hae "een (ept dar(, and why there should hae "een

no authorised record +ade (nown earlier% The conersion of the +ythos* and of theDocetic doctrines of the Gnosis into hu+an history* alone will account for the fatal fact%

The truth is* the earliest !ospels are the furthest re+oed fro+ the supposed hu+an

history% That ca+e last, and only when the spiritual Christ of the Gnosis had "een

rendered concrete in the density of Christian i!norance Christianity "e!an as Gnosticis+

continued* "y +eans of a conersion and perersion* that were opposed in ain "y Paul%

The +ysteries of the Gnostics were continued* with a difference* as Christian% The newlychristened

re4"e!innin!s were not only shrouded in +ystery* they were the sa+e

+ysteries at root as those that were pre4e/tant% The first Christians founded on secret

doctrines that were only e/plained to initiates durin! a lon! course of years% These

+ysteries were neer to "e diul!ed or pro+ul!ated until the "elief in historic

Christianity had ta(en per+anent root% .e are told how it was held "y so+e that the$pocrypha ou!ht only to "e read "y those who were perfected* and that these writin!s

were resered e/clusiely for the Christian adepts% It +ust "e o"ious that the doctrine or 

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(nowled!e that was forced to "e (ept so sacredly secret as that* could hae had no

relation to the hu+an history* personality* or teachin!s of an inspired founder of that

 pri+itie Christianity supposed to hae had so si+ple an ori!in% True history is not

esta"lished in that way* althou!h the false +ay "e44as it has "een% 6o"ody was allowed

 "y Peter to interpret anythin! e/cept in accordance with "our tradition<" 6o"ody* says

Justin Martyr* is per+itted to parta(e of the )ucharist "unless he acce%ts as true that 

which is taught by us" 44and unless he receied the "read and wine as the ery flesh and "lood of that Jesus who was +ade flesh% In this we see the for!ers fi!htin! a!ainst the

Gnostic Christ% There were +any sects of so4called Christians* and arious ersions of 

the Christ, whether >ronian* +ythical* or +ystical% 8ut the Church of #o+e was the

Christian church with foundations in )!ypt, hence the deities of )!ypt which hae "een

discoered at the foundations of #o+e, and when historic Christianity hasn't a "it of 

!round left to stand upon* the Church of #o+e will "e a"le and prepared to say* "eneer did really stand on that ground, and now we alone can stand without it. e are theone true church with foundations in an illimitable %ast." $ccordin! to the unEuestioned tradition of the Christian Fathers* which has always "een

accepted "y the Church* the pri+ary nucleus of our canonical !ospels was not a life of 

Jesus at all* "ut a collection of the Lo!ia* oracles* or sayin!s* the Lo!ia >uria(a* whichwere written down in He"rew or $ra+aic* "y one Matthew* as the scri"e of the Lord%

Cle+ent $le/ander* Ori!en* and Irenus a!ree in statin! that Matthew's was the pri+ary

!ospel% This tradition rests upon the testi+ony of Papias* 8ishop of Hieropolis* and friend

of Polycarp* who is said to hae suffered +artyrdo+ for his faith durin! the rei!n of 

Marcus $urelius* a"out 0?40; $%D% Papias is na+ed with Pantoeus* Cle+ent* and

$++onius as one of the ancient interpreters who a!reed to understand the He/+eron as

referrin! to an historic Christ and the Church% He was a "elieer in the +illenniu+* and

the second co+in! of the Lord* and therefore a literaliser of +ytholo!y% 8ut there is no

reason to suspect the trustworthiness of his testi+ony* as he no dou"t "elieed these

"sayings" to hae "een the spo(en words of an historic Jesus* written down in He"rew "y

a personal follower na+ed Matthew% He wrote a wor( on the su"5ect* entitled ogion &uria/on 3#egesis, a co++entary on the sayin!s of the Lord% $ suriin! fra!+ent of 

this last wor(* Euoted "y )use"ius* tells us that Matthew wrote the sayin!s in the He"rew

dialect* and each one of the "elieers interpreted the+ as he was "est a"le% Thus* the

 "e!innin! of the earliest !ospel was not "io!raphical% It was no record of the life and

doin!s of Jesus, it contained no actual historic ele+ent* nothin! +ore than the &ayin!s of 

the Lord%

It is not pretended that our !ospel* accordin! to Matthew* is the identical wor( of the

scri"e who first wrote down the lo!ia* "ut the state+ent of Papias is so far corro"orated

inas+uch as the sayin!s ascri"ed to Jesus are the "asis of the 8oo(% .e read "hen 7esus

had finished these sayings," or para"les* seeral ti+es oer% 6ow* there is plenty of eidence to show that these sayin!s* which are the ad+itted foundations of the canonical

!ospels* were not first uttered "y a personal Founder of Christianity* nor inented

afterwards "y any of his followers% Many of the+ were pre4e/tant* pre4historic* and prechristian%

$nd if it can "e proed that these oracles of God and Lo!ia of the Lord are not

ori!inal* if they can "e identified as a collection* an olla %odrida of )!yptian* He"rew*

and Gnostic sayin!s* they can afford no eidence that the Jesus of the Gospels eer lied

as an historic teacher% To "e!in with* two of the sayin!s assi!ned to Matthew to Jesus as

the personal teacher of +en are these<44"ay not u% for yourseles treasure u%on earth," etc%* and* "6f ye forgie men their tres%asses your heaenly 2ather will also forgie you" 8ut these sayin!s had already "een uttered "y the fe+inine Lo!os called .isdo+* in the

$pocrypha% .e find the+ in the 8oo( of )cclesiasticus, "ay u% thy treasure according to the 5ommandments of the -ost High, and it shall bring thee more %rofit than gold," and "2orgie thy neighbour the hurt that he hath done thee, so shall thy sins also be

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 forgien when thou %rayest"< .isdo+ was the &ayer personified lon! anterior to the

Christ% 8ut it has neer "een pretended or ad+itted "y +an(ind that wisdo+ was eer 

incarnated on this earth as a wo+an et .isdo+* or Charis* had the pri+ary ri!ht to

incarnation* for she preceded the Christ% Lu(e also Euotes a sayin! of .isdo+44

":herefore also said the isdom of God, '6 will send them %ro%hets and a%ostles, and  some of them they shall slay and %ersecute'1" "that the blood of all the %ro%hets which

was shed from the foundation of the world may be re9uired of this generation." This alsois Euoted or adapted fro+ the words of .isdo+ recorded in a 8oo( of .isdo+ @)sdras

2ndB* where we read "6 sent unto you my serants, the %ro%hets, whom ye hae ta/en and  slain, and torn their bodies in %ieces, whose blood 6 will re9uire of your hands, said the ord. :hus saith the Almighty ord, your house is desolate"  In the erses i++ediately

 precedin!* the spea(er in the 8oo( of )sdras had said% ":hus saith the Almighty ord, Hae 6 not %rayed you as a 2ather his sons, as a mother her daughters, and a nurse her  young babes, that ye would be my %eo%le, and 6 should be your God1 that ye would be mychildren, and 6 should be your 2ather0 6 gathered you together as a hen gathereth her chic/ens under her wings1 but now what shall 6 do unto you0 6 will cast you out." This is

in one of the 8oo(s of .isdo+ hidden away in our $pocrypha% 6ow* if we turn to the

!ospels of Lu(e and Matthew we shall find that they hae Euoted these words of .isdo+< "ut we now see that .isdo+ is not credited with her own sayin!s concernin!

the Father God On the contrary* they are !ien to an historic Christ* as a personal teacher 

and a prophet% That which was said of the house of Israel "y .isdo+ in )sdras is now

applied to the city of Jerusale+ "y the Christ, and if you re4date a sayin! li(e that "y a

few hundred years there is little wonder if it dislocates the history% Paul li(ewise Euotes

the sayin! fro+ the 8oo( of )sdras when he says* "6 will receie you and will be to you a 2ather, and ye shall be to me ons and 4aughters saith the ord Almighty." 8ut he does

not refer or re4apply it to Jesus as is done in the Gospels Here we see the current coina!e

of .isdo+ has "een defaced "y the Gospel co+pilers44not "y Paul44and then re4issued

under the si!n and superscription of another na+e* that of Jesus the Christ, and historic

eidence of a nature li(e that is as futile as the ne!ro's non4effectie char!e of !unpowder 

which he shrewdly suspected of hain! "een fired off "efore% Paul li(ewise Euotes or 

refers to one of the sayin!s found in Matthew% "2aithful is the saying," he writes to

Ti+othy% 8ut althou!h he is spea(in! of the Christ* he does not say his sayin!* nor refer it

to an historic teacher%

It was one of the sayin!s* or true words* called the Lo!ia* which had "een the dar( 

sayin!s and para"les of the pre4christian +ysteries fro+ of old* and which in )!ypt were

the sayin!s of Truth herself% The He"rew Psal+ist says* "6 will utter dar/ sayings of old." The Proer"s of &olo+on are the sayin!s% The Jewish Ha!!adah were the sayin!s% The

Co++and+ents were sayin!s* as is shown "y Paul* #o+% /iii% 3% Peter* in the Cle+entine

#eco!nitions* does not pretend to "%ronounce the sayings of the ord as s%o/en byhimself" @or profess that they were spo(en "y hi+self in person* as I read the passa!eB* he

ad+its that it is not in their co++ission to say this% 8ut they are to teach and to show

fro+ the sayin!s how eery one of the+ is "ased upon truth% This is in reply to &i+on

Ma!us* who has pointed out the contradictory nature of the sayin!s% I hold it only to "e a

+atter of ti+e and research to proe that the sayin!s in !eneral assi!ned to Jesus* which

are ta(en to de+onstrate his historic e/istence as a personal teacher* were pre4e/tant* prehistoric*

and pre4christian% One of the sayin!s in the Mysteries reported "y Plato was*

"-any are the :hyrsusbearers but few are the -ystics," which is echoed twice oer "y

Matthew in the sayin!* "-any are called but few are chosen." "6t is more blessed to giethan to receie," is one of the Lo!ia of the Lord Euoted in the "oo( of $cts* "ut not found

in the Gospels% Two of the sayin!s are identified as )ssenic "y Josephus* who says the)ssenes swear not at all* "ut whatsoeer they say is fir+er than an oath, and when Jesus

says* "A new commandment 6 gie unto you, that ye loe one another," there was

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certainly nothin! new in that which had "een a co++and and a practice of the )ssenes

a!es "efore% Men (new who were the )ssenes "y their loe for one another% &o+e of the

 para"les appear in the Tal+ud* a+on!st the+ are those of the .ise and nwise 8uilders

and that of the Marria!e Feast% =arious sayin!s are collected fro+ the Tal+ud* such as

the !olden rule* "4o unto others as ye would they should do unto you." "oe thyneighbour as thyself." "ith the measure we mete we shall be measured again." "et thy

 yea be >ust and thy nay be li/ewise >ust." "hoso loo/eth u%on the wife of another with alustful eye is considered as if he had committed adultery." ";e of them that are %ersecuted, not of them that %ersecute." 8ut as Deutsch has said* to assu+e that the

Tal+ud "orrowed these fro+ the 6ew Testa+ent would "e li(e assu+in! that &ans(rit

spran! fro+ Latin%

The nature of the &ayin!s is ac(nowled!ed "y Irenus when he says* "According to noone aying of the heretics is the word of God made flesh." That is the &ayin!s which

were current a+on! the Gnostics as >nowers% Marcion (new and Euoted the Gnostic

sayin! which was afterwards a+plified and Euoted in John's Gospel44"No one /new the father sae the son, nor the son sae the father, and he to whom he will reeal him." This

is a Gnostic sayin!* and it inoles the Gnostic doctrine which cannot "e understood

independently of the Gnosis% It is Euoted as one of the sayin!s "efore it was reproducedin the Gospel accordin! to John%

&uch sayin!s were the Oral teachin!s in all the +ysteries a!es "efore they were written

down% &o+e of the+ are so ancient as to "e the co++on property of seeral nations%

Prescott !ies a few Me/ican sayin!s, one of these* also found in the Tal+ud and the

 6ew Testa+ent* is called the "the old %roerb." "As the old %roerb says'hosoregards a woman with curiosity commits adultery with his eyes.'" $nd the third

co++and+ent accordin! to 8uddha is44"5ommit no adultery, the law is bro/en by eenloo/ing at the wife of another man with lust in the mind." $+on!st other sayin!s

assi!ned to 8uddha we find the one respectin! the wheat and the tares%

$nother is the para"le of the sower% 8uddha li(ewise told of the hidden treasure which

+ay "e laid up "y a +an and (ept securely where a thief cannot "rea( in and steal, the

treasure that a +an +ay carry away with hi+ when he !oes% The story of the rich youn!

+an who was co++anded to sell all he had and !ie to the poor is told of 8uddha% It is

reported that he also said44"?ou may remoe from their base the snowy mountains, youmay e#haust the waters of the ocean, the firmament may fall to earth, but my words in theend will be accom%lished." &o+e of 8uddha's sayin!s are uttered in the sa+e character as that of the canonical

Christ% For e/a+ple* when spea(in! of his departure 8uddha* li(e the Christ* pro+ises to

send the Paraclete* een the spirit of truth* who shall "ear witness of hi+ and lead his

followers to the truth% The Gnostic Horus says the sa+e thin!s in the sa+e character* and

these sayin!s* "y who+soeer uttered* carry the +ythical character with the+% Thesayin!s of >rishna as well as those of the 8uddha are freEuently identical with those of 

the Christ% I a+ the letter $* cries the one% I a+ the $lpha and O+e!a @or the $%O%B*

e/clai+s the other% I a+ the "e!innin!* the +iddle* and the end* says >rishna44"6 am the ight, 6 am the ife, 6 am the acrifice." &pea(in! of his disciples* he affir+s that they

dwell in hi+ and he dwells in the+%

The attitude of the &ayer as the personal reealer* the erita"le and isi"le i+a!e of the

hidden God in the Gospels* is that of the +ythical Horus* the representatie of Osiris44of 

Iu as +anifestor of $tu+* and of >hunsu as the son of $+en4#a* who was the hidden

God "y na+e% The status had "een attained* and the stand was occupied "y the +ythical

diinity* and no roo+ was left for a hu+an Clai+ant +any centuries later% If we ta(e the

transfi!uration on the Mount* 8uddha ascended the +ountain in Ceylon called Pandaaor ellow4.hite% There the heaen opened* and a !reat li!ht was in full flood around

hi+* and the !lory of his person shone forth with "double %ower." He "shone as the

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brightness of un and -oon." This was the transfi!uration of 8uddha* identical with that

of the Christ* and "oth are the sa+e as that of Osiris in his ascent of the Mount of the

Moon% The sa+e scene of the te+ptation on the Mount was preiously pourtrayed in the

Persian account of the Deil te+ptin! arathustra* and initin! hi+ to curse the Good

8elief% 8ut these seeral for+s of the one character do not +eet* and did not ori!inate in

any hu+an history44lied either in )!ypt* India* Persia* or Judea% They only +eet in the

Mythos* which +ay "e traced to a co++on ori!in in )!ypt* where we can dele down tothe real root of the +atter% $strono+ical +ytholo!y clai+s* and )!ypt can account for* at

least 9:*::: years of ti+e, and that alone will e/plain these relationships and li(enesses

found on the surface "y an ori!inal identity at root% The +yths of Christianity and

8uddhis+ had a co++on ori!in* and "ranched fro+ the sa+e root in the soil of )!ypt*

whence e+anated seeral do!+as* li(e that of the I++aculate ir!in +otherhood* and the

diine child who is the ancestral soul self4reproduced% $nd in co+pany with the doctrines

we naturally find a few of the sayin!s of the 8uddha* which hae often "een paralleled

with so+e of those assi!ned to the Christ%

The Lo!ia or sayin!s are the mythoi in Gree(% They were +ythical sayin!s assi!ned to

&ayers* who were also +ythical in that +ytholo!y which preceded and accounts for our 

Theolo!y and Christolo!y% The sayin!s were the oral wisdo+* and* as the na+e i+plies*that wisdo+ was uttered "y word of +outh alone% They e/isted "efore writin!* and were

not allowed to "e written afterwards% The +ode of co++unicatin! the+ in the Mysteries*

as in Masonry* was fro+ +outh to ear, and* in passin!* it +ay "e re+ar(ed that the war 

of the Papacy a!ainst Masonry is "ecause it is a surial of the pre4Christian Mysteries*

and a liin!* howeer i+perfect* witness a!ainst Historic Christianity Mythos or +yth

denotes anythin! deliered "y word of +outh* +yth and +outh "ein! identical at root%

 6ow* as the +outh of utterance preceded the word that was uttered* it follows that the

first for+ of the sayer or Lo!os was fe+ale* and that the fe+inine wisdo+ was first*

althou!h she has not yet "een +ade flesh% The +other was pri+ordial* and the earliest

soul or spirit was attri"uted to her, she was the +outh* utterer* or sayer* lon! "efore the

sayin!s were assi!ned to the +ale Lo!os or Christ% Thus in the $pocrypha* as in other 

Gnostic "oo(s* the sayin!s of .isdo+ are found which hae "een +ade counterfeit in the

+outh of the Christ +ade historic% &he was the pri+al type of .isdo+* who "uilt her 

house with the &een Pillars* and who was set in the heaens as >efa* later &efe(h* and

latest &ophia% &he is called the Liin! .ord or Lo!os at O+"os* "ecause as her 

constellation* the Great 8ear* turned round annually* it told the ti+e of the year% &he is

 pourtrayed in the planisphere with her ton!ue han!in! out to show that she is the

+outhpiece of ti+e who utters the .ord% .isdo+ was also the earliest teller of hu+an

ti+e% In her +ystical phase she told the ti+e for the se/es to co+e to!ether% Thus* on the

!round of natural pheno+ena* the Lo!ia were first uttered "y the Lady* and not "y the

Lord% This is the wo+an who has "een so "adly a"used "y those who desired to dethroneher, the pri+itie protestants who set up the +ale i+a!e in her place and on her pedestal%

In )!ypt the &ayin!s were assi!ned to arious diinities* that is +ythical characters% One

of these was the &olar God Iu4e+4hept* the )!yptian Jesus* who was the son of $tu+*

and who is called "the 3ternal ord" in the ";oo/ of the 4ead." $fter these sayin!s had

 "een recorded it is said of the+ in a te/t at least ?::: years old* "6 hae heard the wordsof 6uemhe%t and Hartatef as it is said in their sayings<" The Osirian for+ of the "the

 ord" who utters the Lo!ia in the )!yptian #itual is Horus* he whose na+e si!nifies the


I cannot proe that sets of the sayin!s of the Lord* as Horus* were continued intact up to

the ti+e of Papias% 6or is that necessary% For* accordin! to the nature of the hidden

wisdo+ they re+ained oral and were not intended to "e written down% They were notcollected to "e pu"lished as historic until the +ysteries had co+e to an end or* on one line

of their descent* were +er!ed in Christianity% 8ut a few +ost si!nificant ones +ay "e

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found in the 8oo( of the Dead% In one particular passa!e the spea(er says he has !ien

food to the hun!ry* drin( to the thirsty* clothes to the na(ed* and a "oat to the

shipwrec(ed, and* as the Osirified has done these thin!s* the Jud!es say to hi+* "5ome,come in %eace," and he is welco+ed to the festial which is called "5ome thou to me." Those who hae done these thin!s on earth are held to hae done the+ to Horus* the

Lord, and they are inited to co+e to hi+ as the "lessed ones of his father Osiris% In this

 passa!e we hae not only the sayin!s reproduced "y Matthew* "ut also the dra+a and thescenes of the Last Jud!+ent represented in the Great Hall of Justice* where a person is

separated fro+ his sins* and those who hae sided with &ut a!ainst Horus are transfor+ed

into !oats% Here it is noticea"le that Matthew only of the four )an!elists represents this

dra+a of the )!yptian #itual $+on! the sayin!s of Jesus* or Lo!ia of the Lord* is the

sayin! that "the ery hairs of your head are numbered1" and in the #itual eery hair is

wei!hed, also the ni!ht of the 5ud!+ent4day is desi!nated that of "weighing a hair." =arious chapters of the #itual are the "sayings." They are preceded "y the for+ula* "said by the deceased," or "said to the deceased." Horus* the Lord* is the diine &ayer% "ays

 Horus" is a co++on state+ent, and the souls repeat his sayin!s% He is the Lord "y na+e*

and therefore his are the ori!inal sayin!s* or Lo!ia of the Lord% These sayin!s* or Lo!ia

of the Lord* were written "y Her+es or Taht* the &cri"e of the Gods* and they constitutedthe ori!inal Her+ean or inspired &criptures* which the 8oo( of the Dead declares were

written in Hiero!lyphics "y the fin!er of Her+es hi+self% This #ecorder of the sayin!s is

said to hae power to !rant the Ma(heru to the &olar God44that is* the !ift of spea(in! the

Truth "y +eans of the .ord* "ecause he is the #e!istrar of the "sayings" 44the scri"e of 

the wisdo+ uttered orally* the +eans* therefore* "y which the .ord was +ade Truth to

+en, not flesh in hu+an for+% This is the part assi!ned to Matthew* the called one* the

)an!elist and &cri"e* who first wrote down the Lo!ia* or sayin!s of the Lord% 6ow* the

special na+e or title of Her+es in the particular character of the #ecorder and #e!istrar 

in the Hall of the Dou"le Truth* or Justice* is Matthew in )!yptian44that is* Matiu% $nd

+y clai+ is not only that the pri+ary Lo!ia of the Lord were the sayin!s of Horus* whose

na+e +eans "the lord," "ut also that the Matthew who* accordin! to the testi+ony of 

Papias* first wrote down the Lo!ia of the Lord* was none other than Matiu* or Her+es*

the recorder of the sayin!s in the )!yptian #itual* who has "een +ade an historic

 persona!e in the Canonical Gospel in e/act accordance with the hu+anisin! of the

Mythical Christ%

One +ode of +anipulatin! the sayin!s* and +a(in! out a history is apparent* and can "e

followed% This was "y loo(in! it out in the alle!ed He"rew prophecies* and insertin! it

 piece+eal "etween the !roups of sayin!s% There is proof that* with the sayin!s as pri+ary

data* the history of the Canonical Gospel* accordin! to Matthew* was written on the

 principle of fulfilin! the supposed prophecies found in the Old Testa+ent* or elsewhere%

The co+piler was too uninstructed to (now that the prophecies the+seles "elon!edentirely to the $strono+ical $lle!ory* and neer did or could relate to forthco+in!

eents that were to "e fulfiled in hu+an history, and neer were supposed to do so*

e/cept "y the i!norant* who (new no "etter* and who* in fact* thou!ht the 7odiacal =ir!in

had "rou!ht forth her child on earth, which could only "e "orn* and that fi!uratiely* in

heaen% Those who did (now "etter* whether Jews* &a+aritans* )ssenes* or Gnostics*

entirely repudiated the historic interpretation* and did not "eco+e Christians% They could

no +ore 5oin the i!norant* fanatical &alation $r+y in the first century than we can in the

nineteenth% The so4called prophecies not only supply a raison d'tre for the history in the

!ospels* the eents and circu+stances the+seles are +anufactured one after another 

fro+ the prophecies and sayin!s44that is* fro+ the +ythos which was pre4e/tant* in the

course of the literalisation into a hu+an life* and the localisation in Judea* under the prete/t* or in the "lind "elief* that the i+possi"le had co+e to pass% Justin Martyr's !reat

appeal for historical proofs is +ade to the Old Testa+ent prophecies, and so is

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Matthew's% $ccordin! to hi+* Jesus was "orn at 8ethlehe+ in order that it +i!ht "e

fulfiled which was said "y Micah that a Goernor and &hepherd for Israel should co+e

out of 8ethlehe+ in Judea% That was in the Celestial 8ethlehe+ or House of 8read4Corn*

the 7odiacal si!n of the Fishes* where the +ythical Messiah was to "e re"orn a"out the

year 2?? 8%C%

$!ain* the youn! child was only ta(en to 6a7areth that it +i!ht "e fulfiled which was

spo(en "y the prophets* that he should "e called a 6a7arene% $nd yet he would no +ore "eco+e a 6a7arene in that way than a +an could "eco+e a horse "y "ein! "orn in a

sta"le% Jesus ca+e to dwell in Capernau+* on the "orders of e"ulun and 6aphtali* that a

sayin! of Isaiah's +i!ht "e fulfiled

He cast out the spirits with a word* and healed all that were sic(* that it +i!ht "e fulfiled

which was spo(en "y Isaiah the prophet% For the sa+e i+potent reason he char!ed his

followers not to +a(e hi+ (nown to +en as the Christ He tau!ht the +ultitude in

 para"les only that it +i!ht "e fulfiled which had "een spo(en "y the prophet% $lthou!h

Jesus wrou!ht his +iracles* and did so +any wonderful wor(s* yet the people "elieed

not on hi+* "ecause Isaiah had preiously said< "ord< who hath belieed our re%ort0and to whom hath the arm of the ord been reealed0" For this cause @or on this accountB

they could not "eliee $nd where* then* was the sense in e/pectin! the+ to "elieeNJesus only sent the two disciples to steal the ass and colt* that it +i!ht "e fulfiled which

was spo(en "y the prophet echariah% The choosin! of Judas as one of the disciples* and

his conseEuent treachery* do "ut occur in the Gospels* "ecause it had "een written "y the

Psal+ist< "?ea, mine own familiar friend, in whom 6 trusted, which did eat of my bread,hath lifted u% his heel against me<" which refers to an identifia"ly )!yptian Mythos% In

another Psal+ assi!ned to Daid* the spea(er cries< "-y God< my God< why hast thou forsa/en me< :hey %art my garments among them, and cast lots u%on my esture." $nd in

another he e/clai+s< ":hey gae me also gall for meat1 and in my thirst they gae meinegar to drin/." $nd these sayin!s* which were pre4e/tant and pre4applied* constitute

the Christian record of the historic crucifi/ion It cannot "e pretended that they are

 prophecies% The transactions and sayin!s in the Psal+s are personal to the spea(er there

and then* whether Mythical or Historical* and not to any future sufferer, and the

tre+endous transactions pourtrayed in the Gospels are actually "ased upon a repetition of 

that which had already occurred .hen Jesus is represented "y John as "ein! in his

death4a!ony* he only said* "6 thirst," in order that the &cripture +i!ht "e fulfiled44and not

 "ecause he was thirsty44the &cripture "ein! these &ayin!s preiously attri"uted to the

 psal+ist Daid% The earlier sayin!s are repeated as the later doin!s* and the non4historical

is finally the sole eidence for the Historical% .hen the #o+an soldiers had crucified

Jesus they too( the esture that was without a sea+* and said< "et us not rend it, but cast lots for it," that the &cripture +i!ht "e fulfiled which saith< ":hey %arted my garments

among them, and u%on my esture did they cast lots." &uch was the fa+iliarity of the#o+an soldiers with the Jewish &criptures* and such their respect for the+* that they

could do nothin! that was not laid down in the He"rew .ritin!s to "e interpreted as

 prophecy $nd in such a desperate way the prophecies had to "e fulfiled in order that the

History +i!ht "e written% In the first place the sayin!s are not ori!inal* not personal to

any historical Jesus* and yet they are the ac(nowled!ed foundations of the four !ospels%

Therefore in the+ we hae the foundations laid independently of any supposed Founder 

of Christianity% 6e/t* we hae +ore or less seen how a part of the history superi+posed

on the sayin!s first collected "y Matthew was e/tracted piece+eal fro+ the para"les*

oracles* alle!ed prophecies* and un4alle!ed Mythos of the Old Testa+ent, and thus we

!et upon the trac( of the co+pilers* and can trace their +ethod of wor(in! fro+ the

+atter of the Mythos% 6ow* when we find* and can identify* the s(eleton of so+e particular person* we hae !ot the foundation of the +an* no +atter where the rest of hi+

+ay "e44recoera"le or not% &o is it with the Christ of our Canonical Gospels% The

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+ythical Christ is the s(eleton* and that is identifia"ly )!yptian% This +ythical Christ* as

Horus* was continued in the +ore +ystical phase as the Horus of the Gnostics% The

Gnostic #ituals repeat the +atter* na+es* sy+"ols* and doctrines found in so+e later 

chapters of the )!yptian 8oo( of the Dead% The Gnostics supply the +issin! lin(s

 "etween the oral sayin!s and the written .ord, "etween the )!yptian and the Canonical

Gospels, "etween the Matthew who wrote down the sayin!s of the Lord in He"rew or 

$ra+aic* and the Matiu who is said to hae written the #itual in hiero!lyphics with theery fin!er of Her+es hi+self% The Gnostics were the (nowers "y na+e, their artists

 perpetuated the )!yptian types, and the ori!inal +yths* sy+"ols* and doctrines now

recoered fro+ the "uried land of )!ypt ouch for their (nowled!e of the +ysteries

which lur( in the sayin!s* para"les* eents* and characters that hae "een !athered up in

our Gospels* to "e naturalised and re4issued in an historic narratie as the fulfil+ent of 

 prophecy% They inherited the Gnosis of )!ypt* which re+ained unwritten* and therefore

was un(nown to the Christians in !eneral, the +ysteries that were perfor+ed in secret*

and the science (ept concealed% The Gnostics co+plained* and truly +aintained* that their 

+ysteries had "een +ade +undane in the Christian Gospels, that celestial persons and

celestial scenes* which could only "elon! to the plero+a44could only "e e/plained "y the

secret wisdo+ or !nosis44had "een transferred to earth and translated into a hu+anhistory, that their Christ* who could not "e +ade flesh* had "een conerted into an

historical character, that their $nthropos was turned into the &on of Man44accordin! to

Matthew44Mono!enes into the Only4"e!otten* accordin! to John* their He+orrhoidal

&ophia into the wo+an who suffered fro+ the issue of "lood* the +other of the seen

inferior powers into Mary Ma!dalene possessed "y her seen deils* and the twele

 ons into the twele $postles% Thus* the Gnostics ena"le us to dou"le the proof which

can "e deried directly and independently fro+ )!ypt% They clai+ that the +iracle of the

+an who was "orn "lind* and whose si!ht was restored "y Jesus* was their +ystery of the

 on* who was produced "y the Only4"e!otten as the si!htless creature of a soulless

Creator% Irenus* in reportin! this* +a(es !reat fun of the .ord that was "orn "lind He

did not (now that this Gnostic +ystery was a surial of the )!yptian +yth of the two

Horuses* one of who+ was the "lind Horus* who e/clai+s in his "lindness44"6 come to search for mine eyes," and has his si!ht restored at the co+in! of the &econd Horus44the

li!ht of the world% 6or did he drea+ that the two4fold Horus would e/plain why the "lind

+an in our Gospels should "e sin!le in one ersion and two4fold in another account of 

the sa+e +iracle% The Gnostic Horus ca+e to see( and to sae the poor lost +other*

&ophia* who had wandered out of the plero+a* and the Gnostics identified this +yth with

the state+ent assi!ned to Jesus when he said he had only co+e after that lost sheep which

was !one astray% For* as Irenus says* they e/plain the wanderin! sheep to +ean their 

+other% This shows how the character of the Christ was li+ited to the +ould of the

Mythos and the li(eness of Horus% 8ut the lost sheep of the House of Israel has not yetfound Jesus%

The ery sa+e transactions and teachin!s ascri"ed to Jesus in the Gospels are assi!ned to

the Gnostic Christ* who* li(e the )!yptian Horus* is the &ayer in heaen* or within the

 plero+a* and not upon our earth% $nd* in the Gospel accordin! to John* we hae Jesus

identifyin! hi+self as the &on of Man which is in heaen* whilst at the sa+e ti+e he is

represented as tal(in! and teachin! the Gnosis of the +ysteries on earth% He tells

 6icode+us* who ca+e to hi+ "y ni!ht* that "No man hath ascended into heaen but hethat descended out of heaen, een the on of -an which is in heaen," as was $nthropos

when he tau!ht the twele accordin! to the Gnostic account of the transactions within the

 plero+a% $lso* the twele ons are addressed in the lan!ua!e of the Gnosis when Jesus

says to the twele44"?e also shall bear witness, because ye hae been with me from thebeginning." They tell us* says Irenus* that the (nowled!e co++unicated "y the Christ to

the ons within the plero+a has not "een openly diul!ed* "ecause all are not capa"le of 

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receiin! it, "ut it was +ystically +ade (nown* "y +eans of para"les* to those who were

Eualified for receiin! it% The Gnostic Christ reeals the +ysteries of the (in!do+ of 

heaen to the twele ons in para"les% $nd in the Gospel the Christ spea(s to the twele

in para"les only* and to the+ alone is it !ien to (now the +ysteries of the (in!do+ of 

heaen% In this process of conertin! the +ythical into the historical we are told that

Jesus* the ery &on of God* was sent into the world to teach and enli!hten and sae

+an(ind* and yet he spo(e his teachin! in para"les which the people could not* and werenot intended to* understand% "All these things s%a/e 7esus in %arables to the multitude1and without a %arable s%a/e he nothing unto them," in order that it +i!ht "e fulfiled

which was spo(en "y the prophet* sayin!* "6 will o%en my mouth in %arables1 6 will utter things hidden from the foundation of the world<" He spo(e to the +ultitudes in this wise*

so that they +i!ht not understand% et in the chapter followin! it is said44"He called tohim the multitude @not the disciplesB and said unto them, Hear and understand," and

i++ediately uttered a dar( sayin!% .e are also told that the co++on people heard hi+

!ladly In another instance* as crucial as it is interestin!44illustratie of the way in which

the +ythical* the >ronian Christ* was +ade hu+an as the instructor of +an44it is said as

Jesus sat on the Mount of Olies the disciples ca+e to hi+ priately* and as(ed hi+ to

tell the+ a"out his co+in! in the clouds at the end of the world% $nd a+on!st other thin!s they are to do* he says*44Let the+ that are in Judea flee unto the +ountains% Let

hi+ that is on the house4tops not !o down% 8ut what sense is there in adisin! any such

+ode of escape fro+ the !reat tri"ulation and catastrophe which inoled the end of the

worldN There would not "e +uch adanta!e on the house4top or een the hill4top if the

stars were fallin! fro+ heaen* with the fir+a+ent rainin! all round with fla+es* and the

end of all thin!s had indeed co+e% .e +i!ht 5ust as well see( refu!e at the top of a fireescape%

$nd they are to pray that their fli!ht +ay not "e in winter* or on the &a""ath* as if 

it could possi"ly +atter to any +ortal in what season of the year* or day of the wee(* such

a catastrophe should occur% The final e/planation of all such foolishness is that the +atter 

is +ythical* and* of course* it refuses to "e realised in any such literal way% The para"le

neer +eant the end of this world, the literalisers of the +ythos thou!ht it did% That was

only a false inference of i!norant "elief% 8ut such are the foundations of the faith% &uch

desperate dile++as as these are the ineita"le result of representin! the Mythical &ayer 

in heaen as an historical teacher on earth%

The two chief a"idin! places to which the peripatetic Christ retires are called "the -ountain" and "the 4esert." These localities in the )!yptian +ythos are the upper and

lower heaens* otherwise the +ount of the eEuino/ and the wilderness of the underworld,

and where John cries in the wilderness* $an or $nup howled in the desert% 6ow*

accordin! to )!yptian thou!ht and +ode of e/pression the dead are those who are on the

+ountain, the liin! are those who are in the alley or on the earth% Horus on earth* or in

the alley* is +ortal* the child of the i++aculate +other Isis alone% Horus on the+ountain is spiritualised as the son of the Father Osiris* in whose power he oerco+es

the deil% &ut or &atan has the "est of it down in the wilderness* and Horus conEuers up

on the +ount* in the day of their Great 8attle% Jesus under!oes the sa+e chan!e as Horus

does in his "aptis+% He li(ewise "eco+es the son of the Father* and in the stren!th of his

adultship he ascends the +ountain and "eco+es the anEuisher of &atan% This typical

+ountain is a piot on which a !ood deal +ay "e said to turn% The contest "etween Jesus

and &atan* called the te+ptation on the Mount* is pourtrayed upon the +onu+ents in a

scene where Horus and &ut contend for supre+acy* and at last a!ree to diide the whole

world "etween the+% Horus ta(es the south* and &ut the north* called the hinder part*

where Jesus says*44"Get thee behind me, atan<" The deil's lon! tail is an e/tant si!n of 

this hinder part* which was typified in )!ypt "y the tail% If the Christ had "een historicalin this transaction* the deil +ust "e historical too% 8oth stand on the sa+e footin! of fact

or fa"le% $ccordin! to the record* &atan +ust hae "een as real as the Christ* or Christ as

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+ythical as the deil% .as &atan also incarnated for life in the fleshN If so* when did he

dieN where was the place of his "urialN and did he also rise a!ainN 6o"ody see+s to care

what "eca+e of the poor deil after he was told to !et "ehind* or ta(e a "ac( seat* that of 

the hinder part% The scene in the Mount of Transfi!uration is o"iously deried fro+ the

ascent of Osiris @or HorusB* and his transfi!uration in the Mount of the Moon% The si/th

day was cele"rated as that of the chan!e and transfi!uration of the solar !od in the lunar 

or"* which he re4entered as the re!enerator of its li!ht% .ith this we +ay co+pare thestate+ent +ade "y Matthew that "After si# days 7esus" went "u% into a high mountaina%art, and he was transfigured." "And his face did shine as the sun" @of courseB* "and his

 garments became white as the light." The natural pheno+ena on which these )!yptian le!ends or +yths were founded are the

contentions of li!ht and dar(ness at the ti+e of the eEuino/* or in the wa/in! and wanin!

of the li!ht in the lunar or"% "He must increase, but 6 must decrease," says John* who

 plays the part of &ut4$an to Jesus as the Li!ht of the .orld% This was the "attle "etween

Horus and &atan% In one le!end it is said that &ut was seen days fleein! on the "ac( of 

an ass fro+ his "attle with Horus% That +eans the seen days of the second Euarter of the

+oon* durin! which Horus triu+phs as Lord of the !rowin! li!ht% $nd here we can point

to a curious surial The nicorn was a type of &ut* and the Lion of Horus, and their conflict is descri"ed in our le!end44

The Lion and the nicorn

.ere fi!htin! for a farthin!*

The Lion "eat the nicorn

p and down the !arden

The Lion and the nicorn

.ere fi!htin! for a crown*

The Lion "eat the nicorn

p and down the town

The farthin! is a fourth, and they fou!ht for a fourthin!* or a Euarter of the +oon, eEual

to the seen days durin! which dar(ness was put to fli!ht, and the crown is the full* round

dis( of the +oon% Thus* as the )!yptian i+a!ery proes* the ar+s of )n!land illustrate

the sa+e su"5ect4+atter as the contest of Horus and &ut* of $n!ro4Mainyus and

arathustra* and of the Christ and &atan% $nd now* if you will hae the patience* I will

show a scene in which the Christ of the Gospels is restored to his proper place and station

in the heaens* as the Teacher on the Mount* and as such can "e identified% Jesus !oes up

into the +ythical +ountain when he appoints the twele disciples* that they +i!ht "e with

hi+* and hae authority to cast out deils @Mar( iii% 0AB%

In Matthew's co+pilation Jesus calls the twele* and !ies the+ authority to cast out

deils% It is here that he says "the harest is %lenteous, but the labourers are few." Lu(e

descri"es the sa+e scene in the sa+e words* and the sa+e co++ission is !ranted* the

sa+e powers are !ien to the disciples 8ut now the seenty hae ta(en the place of the

twele% "And the eenty returned with >oy, saying, ord, een the deils are sub>ect untous in thy name<" The "eenty in the -ount" are an ancient pre4Christian institution%

They were once the "eenty 3lders" who receied their instructions fro+ Moses in the

Mount% 8ut in +any ancient authorities these &eenty with Christ are &eenty4two% The

two different nu+"ers are identifia"ly astrono+ical* and they !o to dou"le +y proof%

Preious to the heaen of twele diisions* and seenty4two su"4diisions* or duo4decans

of the 7odiac* there was a heaen of ten diisions and seenty su"4diisions, and we find

the sa+e +i/ture of the seenty with the seenty4two* and of the ten with the twele* inthe $strono+ical 8oo( of )noch% Here* in the Canonical =ersion* we hae the twele*

and the co+ple+entary seenty4two* "ut no ten to account for the seenty This +issin!

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factor we shall find in the Diine Py+ander* or fra!+ents of Her+es% There we +eet

with the ten in the +ount* and the ten are the e/pellers of deils or tor+ents* 5ust as the

twele and the seenty are in the !ospels% $ll these parts "elon! to one syste+ of 

+ytholo!ical representation* and whereer they are separately found can "e identified* as

certainly as the scattered pieces of a pu77le "y those who (now the su"5ect4+atter of the

total picture% $s "efore said* the scene on the +ount of transfi!uration reproduces the

ascent of 8uddha into Mount Pandaa or ellow4.hite* and of Osiris into the Moon 6ow* this Mount of the Moon was a seat of the ei!ht !reat !ods of )!ypt% $nd in the

Diine Py+ander it is called the Octonary of Tat* who is Lord in &+en* the re!ion of the

ei!ht* at the north celestial pole% Lower down it was the +ount of the four Euarters* or of 

the Moon* and of the four with Horus in the Mount, and* still lower down* it "eco+es the

heaen of the twele si!ns* the 7odiacal circle, and here the fra!+ents of Her+es* or the

Diine Py+ander* hae "rou!ht on +atter of ery special i+portance% One of the

chapters is entitled ":he ecret ermon on the -ount of egeneration." #e!eneration is

the +ystical for+ of the transfi!uration of Osiris in the Mount of the Moon% This Mount*

also called the Ta"ernacle* is said to consist of the odiacal circle* the si!ns of which are

the twele "elon!in! to the Mount44the odiac "ein! the lowest of three heaens* or 

stories to the Mount* &tellar* Lunar* and &olar% 6ow* let us see how the Mount* to!ether with the &ayer and the &er+on on the Mount* hae "een reproduced in the Gospels% In the

account furnished "y Matthew we find "ut four co+panions with Christ in the Mount%

These are the two pairs of the "rethren* who answer to the four "rothers of Osiris* who

are the !ods of the four Euarters% 8ut in Lu(e's Gospel the Mount of the four has "eco+e

the Mount of the twele% $ccordin!ly the ser+on is here deliered lower down* at the

 "otto+ of the Mount In fact* Jesus* instead of "ein! seated with the four on the Mount* is

said to stand with the twele in the plain "elow This shows the Mount to "e astrono+ical

as well as +ythical% Further* in the sa+e scene* where the disciples are twele in nu+"er*

as lords of the harest44accordin! to Matthew's Gospel44they are seenty or seenty4two

accordin! to Lu(e* the nu+"er of duo4decans into which the twele si!ns of the odiac

were finally su"4diided% In the Diine Py+ander the title of the "-ount of  egeneration" seres to show the nature of the ser+on% It is the "ecret ermon." "h, son," says Her+es* "this wisdom is to be understood in silence1" that is* the (nowled!e or 

e/perience of the #e!eneration tau!ht "y the &ecret &er+on on the Mount% Her+es had

said that No man can be saed before regeneration1 and Tat desires to understand the

nature of this re!eneration% He says to Her+es* "6 do humbly entreat thee, at the going u%to the mountain<" 445ust as the Twele "esou!ht Jesus priately in the Mount% $nd Her+es

shows hi+ how the +ortal +an while in the flesh can transfor+ into the i++ortal +ind%

In the +ysteries this was fi!ured as the risin! fro+ the dead* and it was so tau!ht "y the

Gnostics% The process was illustrated "y transfor+ation* or enterin! into the state of 

trance* where"y @as was heldB the +ortal was chan!ed into the i++ortal in this life, and itis eident that in the scene of the transfi!uration descri"ed "y Matthew* the ision of the

three witnesses "elon!s to the trance condition* for they had a ision which they were to

tell to no +an In the Canonical Gospels the +ythical Mount has "een +ade +undane,

the diine spea(ers hae "een +ade hu+an, the +ystical teachin! has "een literalised "y

the endeaour to +a(e the total transaction historical% $fter the "ecret ermon @or 

spiritual representationB in the -ount of egeneration, and the %rofession of silence," Her+es tells Tat to (eep silence44these thin!s are neither to "e tau!ht nor told< they are to

 "e hid in silence In the !ospels Jesus char!es the disciples that they shall tell no +an

what thin!s they hae witnessed* sae when the &on of Man shall hae risen a!ain fro+

the dead% $nd the disciples* who are said to hae 5ust seen a resurrection fro+ the dead

 perfor+ed "efore the+* are descri"ed as Euestionin! a+on! the+seles what the risin!a!ain fro+ the dead should +ean @Mar( i/% 3%B In the Osirian +yth the risin! fro+ the

dead was the re4"irth of the Lord of li!ht in the or" of the 6ew Moon% That was the

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transfi!uration of Osiris in the Mount of the Moon* on the si/th day of the +onth% In the

+ystical phase the risin! fro+ the dead in the Mount of #e!eneration* as pourtrayed "y

Her+es* was a transfor+ation into the spiritual or a"nor+al state* which de+onstrated

i++ortality% Thus we hae the risin! fro+ the dead in two phases44astrono+ical and

spiritual, "oth )!yptian* "oth a"le to e/plain their own +eanin!* and "oth pre4Christian

In the !ospels we hae the sa+e Mount* the sa+e Mythos* the sa+e +atter* the sa+e

 6u+"ers* the sa+e characters* rendered historically% ou can't help seein! the "ones of the Mythos starin! throu!h its s(in ou are positiely present at the transfor+ation of 

the +ythical into the historical% The soli4lunar !od and the Gnostic Christ hae "oth

contri"uted o"iously to the +a(e4up of the hu+anised Christ on the "-ount of  egeneration and the %rofession of silence<" 6o wonder the disciples could not

understand what the risin! fro+ the dead should +ean In this +anner the Mythos can "e

followed* as it !oes on eatin! its way throu!h the history* li(e the lar of the Anobium %ertina#, of which it is recorded "y PeiEuot that one speci+en perforated twenty4seen

folio olu+es in a line so strai!ht that a cord could "e passed throu!h the hole* and the

twenty4seen olu+es slun! up alto!ether%

It is clai+ed "y Christian teachers that the Christ was incarnated as the especial reealer 

of the father who is in heaen* and that the reelation cul+inated on the Mount when hetau!ht the fatherhood of God in the Lord's prayer% 8ut the Lord's prayer is no +ore

ori!inal than is the Lord to who+ it was last assi!ned% In the Jewish >adish we hae

the followin! pre4Christian for+ of it* which is al+ost word for word the sa+e<44"ur  father which art in heaen< ;e gracious to us, ord our God< Hallowed be thy name< And let the remembrance of thee be glorified in heaen aboe and u%on earth below< et thy /ingdom reign oer us now and for eer< :hy holy men of old said, 'emit and forgieunto all men whatsoeer they hae done against me<' And lead us not into tem%tation<

 ;ut delier us from the eil thing< 2or thine is the /ingdom, and thou shalt reign in glory for eer and for eer." If such a reelation had eer "een historical* if the diine son had once "een incarnated to

reeal the fatherhood* it could not hae re+ained until the Christian era for this to "e

done% It did not need any Deity to descend fro+ heaen to reeal that which had "een

co++on doctrine in )!ypt at least A*::: years earlier% $nd this prayer was prayed "y the

one particular people who re5ected the &on of God when he had co+e down% 8ut the

+atter is +ythical and +ystical*44it can only "e understood doctrinally "y +eans of the

Gnosis% The initial point of the teachin! is this*44there could "e no fatherhood in heaen

until the hu+an fatherhood was indiiduali7ed on earth% Preiously there was only the

diine +other and the fathers in !eneral% Hence the first Messiah was called the &on of 

the .o+an* as he is in the "oo( of )noch, the later is the &on of Man44the Gnostic

$nthropos* and the only4"e!otten of the Father* the Gnostic Mono!enes% This is he who

was the last of the ons* and who ca+e at the end of the world% He instructed the onswho had preceded hi+* and "taught them that those who had a com%rehension of theunbegotten were sufficient for themseles, or needed no higher /nowledge than that 

 %roclaimed by him." He first announced a+on! the+ what related to the (nowled!e of 

the father* "ut that was within the Plero+a* not on the earth% This was the !reat and

a"struse +ystery of the Gnostics* says Irenus* that the Proarche* the Power which is

a"oe all others and contains all* is ter+ed $nthropos, hence the +anifester is styled the

"on of -an." This title of the Christ occurs nearly ei!hty ti+es oer in the Gospel

accordin! to Matthew* where he is identical with the Gnostic $nthropos44&on of 

$nthropos% That is* the &on of the God who was now i+a!ed in the li(eness of the

indiiduali7ed Father* which was the latest institution in heaen* "ecause it had "een last

on earth% Here* it +ay "e o"sered in passin!* is a fact that is foreer fatal to the theorythat the Christolo!y of the Gospels was deried fro+ 8uddhis+% There is no diine

fatherhood proclai+ed "y the &on in 8uddhis+% 8ut the teachin! was )!yptian%

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The +ost i+portant sayin!s assi!ned to Jesus "y the writer of John's Gospel are not

recorded or referred to "y the &ynoptics44Matthew* Mar(* and Lu(e% These contain the

secret wisdo+ of the Gnostics, they are the Lo!ia of the Gnostic Christ* who was Horus*

the Lord* in )!ypt% They are spo(en "y the &on of Man* who is in heaen @John iii% 09B*

and who tau!ht the twele ons there with the sa+e doctrinal sayin!s that are here

assi!ned to the Teacher of the twele on earth* or on the Mount% Moreoer* in John's

!ospel we +eet with the &een Fishers on "oard the "oat% These correspond to the seenwho are followers of Horus in the )!yptian #itual* and who are said to fish for Horus%

They !o a4fishin! with Horus in his "oat, and they are also called the "een %lan/s in theboat of souls." The +iraculous drau!ht of fishes occurs in "oth% 6ow* it is noticea"le that

this +iraculous ta(e of fishes is descri"ed "y Lu(e as occurrin! durin! the life4ti+e of 

Jesus* "ut accordin! to the Johanine !ospel* the transaction ta(es place in a re!ion "eyond

the to+"* or at least* after the death and resurrection of Jesus*44and therefore in the ery

re!ion where the Gnostics declared these thin!s had occurred% .hich* thin( ye* was first*4

4the assuredly +ythical* or the alle!ed historicalN

The !ospel accordin! to John is the lin( of connection "etween the true Gnosis and the

false history of the other !ospels% It shows the ery !round on which the +ythos ali!hted

to "e +ade +undane* and that is why it was (ept secret* and withheld until the +iddle of the second century or so* "y which ti+e the doctrine of the Christ +ade flesh was

considered safe* and sure to supersede the teachin!s of the Gnostics with the !ospel of 

historic Christianity%

$n identifia"le personal founder and historical teacher of Christianity is the least of all

the arious factors The Church of #o+e did not derie its secret do!+as and doctrines

fro+ the canonical !ospels in which his teachin!s are "elieed to "e enshrined% =arious

)!yptian doctrines* not to "e found in our canonical !ospels* suried in the Church of 

#o+e, these were tau!ht esoterically accordin! to an unwritten tradition* and only

allowed to "eco+e e/oteric as ti+e and opportunity per+itted% Ta(e for e/a+ple the

worship of the "acred Heart." That is no recent inention of #o+e or the #itualists% The

doctrine is )!yptian* and of the re+otest antiEuity% The heart* on account of its relation to

the "lood* was held to "e the house of life* and also the +other of life% The heart was the

shrine of the soul% Its )!yptian na+e of Hat* and Hor* the soul* or diine child* co+pose

the na+e of Hathor* the +other of Horus* the Christ% $nd as the heart or ha"itation is the

+other of life* it was adopted as a type of the "irth4place% $nd so in the #itual the soul*

spea(in! as Horus* says* "-y heart is (or was) my mother," in a chapter @9:B which

contains the doctrine of the "acred Heart." For this reason the heart4shaped fruit of the

Persea tree of life was an e+"le+ of Hathor and her child% The stone of it was shown

throu!h a cleft in the fruit to denote the seed of the wo+an%

 6ow* as preiously said* one na+e of Hathor is Meri% Horus was the Child4Christ of the

&acred Heart of Meri* who was the !oddess of loe in )!ypt* as well as the a"ode or dwellin! of life* "efore she "eca+e the Madonna Mary in #o+e% This is not only the

source of the &acred Heart as a Christian doctrine* it is also the ori!in of Cupid* the child!od

of loe* and the typical heart still sacred to loers on =alentine's day%

Possi"ly the nearest we can !et to Jesus "en Pandira as a teacher* if he +a(es any

appearance whateer in the Gospels* is in the !loo+y ascetic* the anti4naturalist* who

+istoo( the non4natural for the diine, who would hae had +en to sae their 

 protoplas+al souls "y "eco+in! eunuchs for the >in!do+ of heaen's sa(e and whose

+odel for heaen itself was a +onastery* as when he says* "6n my father's house aremany monai," or +onasterion*44with no wo+en there to cause a second fall fro+ heaen

He +i!ht possi"ly hae "een the self4tor+entin! teacher of a creed of +on(ery* only that

institution was already esta"lished* and no place was left for hi+ to "e the founder eenthere% It is 5ust possi"le that Joshua "en Pandira +ay hae "rou!ht out of )!ypt a ersion

of the &ayin!s of the ori!inal Matiu or Matthew* to!ether with a for+ of the Horus4+yth%

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If so* these would "e +anipulated "y his followers* one of who+* Ja+es* is said* in the

 "oo( $"ada7urah* to hae "een a follower of Jehoshua the 6a7arene* and so "y de!rees

the historic Joshua would "e confused with* and finally conerted into* Jesus the Christ of 

 6a7areth* and the +ystical &ayer into the .ord +ade flesh< the Jesus of that other 

Gospel which was opposed "y Paul% The sayin!s the+seles* selected in a last

assort+ent* hae not een the consistency of a (aleidoscope% They will not fall into any

set for+ of the+seles* or reflect any +ental unity anywhere% $nd so each sect or syste+of interpretation has to ta(e the+ and construct its own (aleidoscope* and deter+ine its

own iews* doin! all it can to i+pose the+ upon others% Te/ts +ay "e Euoted on all sides

for purposes the +ost anta!onistic% Diersity radiates outwardly fro+ the+ "ecause there

was no unity of ori!in* no indiidual life at the heart of the+ all%

.hen our +issionaries first +ade the sayin!s (nown to the $rawa(s of Guiana* they

re+ar(ed* ":he word is good but we /new most of it before." Most of the true sayin!s

were (nown "efore $s we hae the+ they are so arious44!ood* "ad* and indifferent44as

to constitute that hy"rid +i/ture which is certain to entail sterility% &o+e of the sayin!s

are no +ore appropriate to our hu+an wants than was the old lady's tract on the sin of 

dancin!* which she offered to a poor fellow who had to ho""le a"out on two wooden le!s

and crutches "6f thy right eye offend thee, %luc/ it out  Of what alue is such adice asthatN $lso* it is i+possi"le for us to loe our ene+ies* if it were ri!ht to do so, and* as has

 "een said* it would "e wron! to do it if it were possi"le% ";lessed are they who hae not  seen yet hae belieed." .hy* tyranny could deise no doctrine that could "e turned to

+ore fatal account ";lessed are the %oor in s%irit, for their's is the /ingdom of heaen." Do you call the teachin! of that sayin! diineN I thin( it would "e false and fraudulent if 

uttered "y a oice fro+ the Infinite with all heaen for its +outhpiece The poor in spirit

are the accursed* the outcasts* and pariahs of the earth, those who sin( into the sEualor 

and crawl in the filthy dens of poerty* to "eco+e the natural icti+s of all its parasites of 

 prey% The poor in spirit are the pre+aturely old +en* weary* worn4out wo+en* and

wi7ened children* all "leachin! into a !hastly white in the chillin! shadow of daily want

The poor in spirit are those who crouch and offer their "ac(s to the whip* who re+ain

 "owed 5ust as they were "ent* and allow their hands to "e fettered and held fast in the

attitude of prayer* when they ou!ht to "e up and stri(in!% They who are content to crawl

li(e caterpillars* and "e trodden as caterpillars underfoot% Poerty of spirit is the ery

deil, the source of half the eil e/tant, +ost of the +eannesses in hu+an nature +ay "e

traced to poerty of spirit It dwarfs the +ental stature of +en* +a(es the+ "ow the nec(*

and creep and !roel for a little !ain* or !o down on all fours in the dirt* as "easts in

hu+an for+* fro+ lac( of spirit enou!h to stand erect The poor in spirit dare not thin( 

for the+seles* or utter what they thin( They only wonder what other fol( will thin(

They who are only +ere preli+inary people that !o +on(eyin! round under the pretence

of "ein! wo+en and +en In this world of stru!!le* this scene of surial for the fittest*the poor in spirit stand no chance* and find no place, there is no ictory for those who

fi!ht no "attle% $nd as to heaen44do you really thin( heaen is a har"our of refu!e for 

the poor in spirit and the area4snea(s of earthN The poor and needy* the hun!ry and

sufferin!* are not the "lessed* and no assu+ption of diine authority on the part of the

sayer will eer +a(e the+ so% These "eatitudes are not diine reelations* they are only

the false pro+ises of the priests* who were the crafty founders of the faith* +ade

co+forta"le to #o+an rule%

One ery stri(in! note of the want of hu+an personality and historic erity in the Christ

of the canonical Gospels is the a"sence of all reco!nition of #o+e% There is no shadow of 

#o+e to "e seen on the face of the Christ, no word of re"u(e for her inhu+an and nonnatural

cri+es, no si!n of anythin! conte+porary< e/cept the counsellin! of su"+issionto Csar% The slae would loo( in ain to the sayin!s of Jesus for any denunciation of 

slaery% There is not one word of conde+nation for the oppressors* nor of co+fort for the

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oppressed% 6o ision of the "etter day on earth for the+% 6othin! "ut the +ythical Day of 

the Lord%

et the e/istence of slaery was endorsed "y the #o+an law* was practised with all its

eils* and enforced "y all her le!ions% Jesus* howeer* +a(es no attac( on the institution,

and the fact was Euoted and e+phatically e+phasised "y the +inisters of the Gospel of 

Christ a!ainst the persecuted $"olitionists of $+erica% 6or is there a sin!le word uttered

on "ehalf of su"5u!ated* downtrodden wo+an(ind% 6ot a sayin! that will aid in liftin!wo+an to an eEuality with +an44not a re"u(e to the "i!oted Jew who than(ed his God

each +ornin! that he was not a wo+an% 6or is he credited with utterin! one word a!ainst

cruelty to ani+als, he !ies no oice to the du+" creation% 6o Euic(enin! of conscience

in these +atters can "e attri"uted to hi+% 6either the +other* the wife* nor the sister*

owes any !ratitude to his alle!ed teachin!* who e/clai+ed* "oman, what hae 6 to dowith thee0" 6either the slaes* nor the wo+en* nor the children* nor the ani+als* owe

their delierance fro+ inhu+an thraldo+ to hi+% He had nothin! to say a"out these

 pitifully4hu+an interests% $nd it is a foolish farce to !o on attri"utin! the e+ancipation of 

hu+anity to the teachin!s of Jesus the Great #efor+er% $s a hu+an history nothin! can

 "e +ade of it% It does not een "e!in to "e44howeer +uch you "eliee% The

contradictions are such as +a(e history i+possi"le% $+idst the dissolution of do!+asand the uniersal wrec( of creeds* ain is the endeaour to prop the fallin! structure with

the personality of the Canonical Christ* which eades us and anishes in proportion as we

see( for it in the Gospels% The co++on assu+ption is that the historic ele+ent was the

(ernel of the whole* and that the fa"le accreted around it% 8ut* if you will try it oer a!ain

this other way* you will find the +ythos which was funda+ental will e/plain all% The

+ythos "ein! pre4e/tant* shows that the core of the +atter was +ythical* and it follows

that the alle!ed history is incre+ental% $nd when at last we do !et to the "otto+ of the

a"yss we learn that the historic !rounds hae "een for+ed fro+ the sun(en dBbris or 

dre!s of the ancient +ytholo!y%

That pyra+id of i+posture reared "y #o+e*

$ll of ce+ent* for an eternal ho+e*

Must cru+"le "ac( to earth, and eery !ust

&hall reel in the desert of its dust,

$nd when the prison of the I++ortal* Mind*

Hath fallen to set free the "ound and "lind*

 6o +ore shall life "e one lon! dread of death*

Hu+anity shall "reathe with fuller "reath,

)/pand in spirit and in stature rise*

To +atch its "irth4place of the earth and s(ies%

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My purpose in the present lectures is to enforce with further eidence* and sustain with

a+pler detail* the interpretation of facts* which has "een already outlined in the 6aturalGenesis% My contention is* that the ori!inal +ythos and gnosis of Christianity were

 pri+arily deried fro+ )!ypt on arious lines of descent* He"rew* Persian* and Gree(*

$le/andrian* )ssenian* and 6a7arene* and that these coner!ed in #o+e* where the

History was +anufactured +ainly fro+ the identifia"le +atter of the Mythos recorded in

the ancient 8oo(s of .isdo+* illustrated "y Gnostic $rt* and orally presered a+on!st

the secrets of the Mysteries%

My stand4point had not preiously "een ta(en% It was not until this* the )ra of 

)/caation* that we were a"le to di! down far enou!h to recoer the funda+ental facts

that were +ost essential for the &tudent of &urials and deelop+ent to (now anythin!

certain concernin! the re+oter ori!ins and eolution of the Christian &yste+, the +ost

ancient eidences hain! "een ne!lected until now%Instead of the #o+an Church "ein! a cruci"le for pur!in! the truth fro+ the dross of 

error* to !ie it forth pure !old* we shall hae to loo( upon it rather as the +eltin!4pot* in

which the "eautiful and no"le +ental coina!e of Greece and )!ypt was fused down and

+ade featureless* to "e run into another +ould* sta+ped with a newer na+e* and reissued

under a later date%

In the course of esta"lishin! $postolic Christianity upon historical foundations* there was

such a reersal of cause and outco+e that the su"stance and the shadow had to chan!e

 places* and the hus( and (ernel lost their natural relationship and alue% $ll that was first

in ti+e and in ori!inality has "een put latest* in order that the prophecy +i!ht "e fulfilled*

and the last "eco+e first% $ll that preceded Christianity in the reli!ion of (nowled!e* of 

the Gnostics* has co+e to "e loo(ed "ac( upon as if it were li(e that representation in the

Ger+an play where $da+ is seen crossin! the sta!e in the act of !oin! to "e created

Historic Christianity has !athered in the crops that were not of its (ind* "ut were !arnered

fro+ the seed already in the soil% .hosoeer tilled and sowed* it has assu+ed the credit*

and "een per+itted to reap the harest* as undisputed +aster of the field% It clai+ed* and

was !radually allowed* to "e the source of al+ost eery true word and perfect wor( that

was preiously e/tant, and these were assi!ned to a personal Christ as the erita"le

$uthor and Finisher of the Faith% )ery !ood thin! was re4dated* re4warranted* declared*

and !uaranteed to "e the "lessed result of Historic Christianity* as esta"lished "y Jesus

and his personal disciples% It can "e de+onstrated that Christianity pre4e/isted without

the Personal Christ* that it was continued "y Christians who entirely re5ected thehistorical character in the second century* and that the supposed historic portraiture in the

Canonical Gospels was e/tant as +ythical and +ystical "efore the Gospels the+seles

e/isted% In short* the +ythical theory can "e proed "y recoerin! the Mythos and the


The picture of the 6ew 8e!innin! co++only presented is #e+"randt4li(e in tone% The

whole world around Judea lay in the shadow of outer dar(ness* when suddenly there was

a !reat li!ht seen at the centre of all* and the face of the startled unierse was illu+inated

 "y an apparition of the child4Christ lyin! in the lap of Mary% &uch was the dawn of 

Christianity* in which the Li!ht of the .orld had co+e to it at last That e/planation is

 "eautifully si+ple for the si+ple4+inded, "ut the picture is purely ideal44or* in sterner 

words* it is entirely false%.hen the fountain4heads of the 6ile were reached at last* it was perceied that the !reat

rier did not rise fro+ any sin!le source in one particular place* "ut fro+ a ast

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concourse of +any tri"utary sprin!s% &o when we co+e to e/a+ine for ourseles the ast

co+ple/ that passes under the a!ue na+e of Christianity* we learn that it can "e traced

to no one sin!le source or locality% &o far fro+ its "ein! an ori!inal syste+ as product of 

the life* character* wor(* and teachin!s of a personal founder* we hae to ac(nowled!e

sooner or later that it is +ore li(e a uniEue speci+en of what school4"oys profanely call a

#esurrection pie%

$nother popular delusion +ost i!norantly cherished is* that there was a !olden a!e of  %rimitie 5hristianity* which followed the preachin! of the Founder and the practice of 

his apostles, and that there was a fallin! away fro+ this paradisiacal state of pri+ordial

 perfection when the Catholic Church in #o+e lapsed into idolatry* Pa!anised and

 pererted the ori!inal reli!ion* and poisoned the sprin!s of the faith at the ery fountainhead

of their flowin! purity% &uch is the pious opinion of those orthodo/ Protestants who

are always cla+ourin! to get bac/ beyond the #o+an Church to that ideal of pri+itie

 perfection supposed to "e found in the si+ple teachin!s of Jesus* and the lies of his

 personal followers* as recorded in the four canonical !ospels and in the $cts of the

$postles% 8ut when we do penetrate far enou!h into the past to see so+ewhat clearly

throu!h and "eyond the cloud of dust that was the cause of a !reat o"scuration in the first

two centuries of our era* we find that there was no such new "e!innin!* that the earliestdays of the purest Christianity were pre4historic* and that the real !olden a!e of 

(nowled!e and si+ple +orality preceded* and did not follow* the $postolic #o+an

Church* or the Deification of its Founder* or the hu+anisin! of the La+" of God*

who+ Lucian calls the I+paled One of Palestine%

In an interestin! "oo( 5ust pu"lished* entitled 8uddhis+ in

Christendo+* Mr% Lillie thin(s he has found Jesus* the author of Christianity* as one of 

the )ssenes* and a 8uddhist 8ut there is no need of cranin! one's nec( out of 5oint in

loo(in! to India* or strainin! in that direction at all* for the ori!in of that which was

)!yptian "orn and Gnostic "red )ssenis+ was no new "irth of Hindu 8uddhis+*

 "rou!ht to $le/andria a"out two centuries "efore our era, and Christianity* whether 

considered to "e +ystical or historical* was not deried fro+ 8uddhis+ at any ti+e% They

hae so+e thin!s in co++on* "ecause there is a 8eyond to "oth% The crucial test*

howeer* is to "e found on the threshold* at the first step we ta(e* in the doctrine of the

diine Fatherhood% The supre+e rCle assi!ned to the Christ of the Gospels* as of the

Gnostics* is that of Manifestor and #eealer of the Father in heaen% His si!n4+anual is

the seal of the Father% $ do7en ti+es* accordin! to Matthew* he calls God* My Father%

In John's Gospel* he says* I and +y Father are one% I a+ co+e in +y Father's na+e%

My Father hath sent +e% My Father hath tau!ht +e% I a+ in +y Father% The word

ye hear is +y Father's% 8uddha +a(es no reelation of the +ytholo!y% The 8uddha is the

eiled God uneiled* the un4+anifested +ade +anifest* 8uddha* li(e Putha @or >hepr4

PtahB* was "e!otten "y his own "eco+in!* "efore the ti+e of the diine paternity% There "ein! no real Father4God in 8uddhis+* the 8uddha has none to +a(e (nown on earth%

The doctrine was )!yptian* as when it is proclai+ed in the Te/ts that Horus is the son

who proceeds fro+ his father* and Osiris is the father who proceeds fro+ his son%

$!ain* in the Hindu +yth of the ascent and transfi!uration on the Mount* the &i/ Glories

of the 8uddha's head are represented as shinin! out with a "rilliance that was "lindin! to

+ortal si!ht% These &i/ Glories are eEuialent to the si/ +anifestations of the Moon4God

in the si/ pper &i!ns* or* as it was set forth* in the Lunar Mount% Durin! si/ +onths* the

Horus* or 8uddha* as Lord of Li!ht in the Moon* did "attle with the Powers of Dar(ness

 "y ni!ht* whilst the &un itself was fi!htin! his way throu!h the &i/ Lower &i!ns% 6ow* in

the Gospel accordin! to John* there is no contest with &atan* and no Transfi!uration on

the Mount Instead* we hae the Li!ht of the world* which is in heaen* warrin! withthe Dar(ness* and +anifestin! His !lory in si/ +iracles44no +ore* no less44answerin! the

&i/ Glories of the 8uddha's head on the Mount* or the si/ +anifestations in the lu+inous

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he+isphere of the superior si!ns% The "e!innin! of his si!ns* "y which Jesus

+anifested his !lory* was the turnin! of water into wine% The si/th* and last* of these*

was the raisin! of La7arus* which corresponds e/actly with the risin! of the Mu++yconstellation

@&ahuB of Orion* which ascended as the star of the #esurrection* when the

solar !od returned fro+ the dar( he+isphere of the under4world* or the sun re4entered the

si!n of the 8ull at the ernal eEuino/% The source of all is the identifia"le astrono+ical

alle!ory in the &oli4Lunar phase* "ut the fa"le followed in the Gospel is )!yptian* not8uddhist% The Christ is one with Horus as Lord of the Lunar li!ht* who +anifested the

!lory @or the &i/ GloriesB of his father* in the si/ upper si!ns* as his only4"e!otten &on%

The clai+ now +ade is that the co++on Mythos deter+ined the nu+"er of the si/

Glories* or si/ Miracles* and the history was +oulded accordin!ly%

I also thin( that Jesus44or Joshua4"en4Pandira44was an )ssene% That is* he was a 6a7arite*

and the 6a7arites were one with the )ssenes% $nd these* for e/a+ple* are a+on!st the

sayin!s in the 8oo( of the 6a7arenes% 8lessed are the peace+a(ers* the 5ust* and

'faithful%' Feed the hun!ry, !ie drin( to the thirsty, clothe the na(ed% .hen thou

+a(est a !ift* see( no witness whereof* to +ar thy "ounty% Let thy ri!ht hand "e i!norant

of the !ifts of thy left% &uch were co++on to all the Gnostic &criptures* !oin! "ac( to

the )!yptian% This is a 6a7arene sayin! fro+ the 8oo( of $da+<446o poor sculpture of earth has fashioned his throne% The palace of the >in! was not "uilt up "y earthly

+asons% $nd this is fro+ an )!yptian hy+n<44He is not !raen in +ar"le* nor adored in

sanctuaries% There is no "uildin! that can contain hi+% In the ancient )!yptian Ma/i+s

of $ni we read<44The sanctuary of God a"hors noisy de+onstrations% Pray hu+"ly with

a loin! heart* all the words of which are uttered in secret% He will listen to thy words, He

will accept thy offerin!s% )/a!!erate not the litur!ical prescriptions, it is for"idden to

offer +ore than is prescri"ed% Thou shalt +a(e adorations in his na+e% These contain the

essence of the early erses in the th chapter of Matthew* where the in5unctions !ien

are<44&ound not a tru+pet "efore thee* etc% Pray in secret to thy Father* which is in

secret* and he shall reco+pense thee% $nd in prayin! use not ain repetitions% $ni

denotes one of the na+es of Taht who* as Mati Matthew* wrote down the &ayin!s of 

the Lord* so+e of which are a+on!st these Ma/i+s% 8ut* unfortunately* you cannot

 proe anythin!* or* still +ore unfortunately* you can proe anythin! fro+ the Gospels

ou +ust first catch your Jesus* "efore you pretend to tell us what he was personally* and

what were his own indiidual teachin!s% These sayin!s of +ine* cannot "e 5ud!ed as hisif they were pre4e/tant* and can "e proed to "e anyone's sayin!s* or +ay "e identified as

ancient sayin!s* whether 8uddhist* 6a7arene* $pocryphal* or )!yptian% $lso* there are

different ersions of the sa+e sayin!s in the Gospels In Matthew* we read< 8lessed are

they that hun!er and thirst after ri!hteousness% In Lu(e it is<448lessed are ye that hun!er 

now% In Matthew<448lessed are the poor in spirit% In Lu(e<448lessed "e ye poor% .oe

unto you that are rich .hich* then* is the ersion that is personal to Jesus* the 6a7areneN or where is the sense of clai+in! that the personal Jesus was an )ssene or 

 6a7arite44one of those who neer touched wine* or stron! drin(44when one of the inspired

writers testifies that he was descri"ed as a !lutton* and a wine4"i""er, and* accordin! to

another* his ery first +iracle was the turnin! of water into wine for a +arria!e feastN

&uppose we ad+it that you hae laid hold of Joshua* the )ssene* the 6a7arite* the reputed

Great Healer* the Co+forter* what can you +a(e of a character so unhu+an as thisN

$ poor Canaanitish wo+an co+es to hi+ fro+ a lon! distance and "eseeches hi+ to cure

her dau!hter who is !rieously o"sessed% Hae +ercy on +e* O Lord* she pleads% 8ut

he answered her not a word% The disciples* "rutes as they were* if the scene were real*

 "esou!ht hi+ to send her away "ecause she cried after the+% Jesus answered* and said<44

I was only sent to the lost sheep of the House of Israel% &he worships hi+* and he callsher one of the do!s% $nd it is only her e/tre+e deference that wins a (indly word fro+

hi+ at last% The )ssenes and Gnostics a"solutely denied the physical resurrection*

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 "ecause they were &piritualists, therefore* it was i+possi"le for an )ssene to hae tau!ht

the resurrection of the dead at the Last Day as Jesus is +ade to do% @John i% 93* A:* and

/i% 2A%B

$!ain* if the pupil of 8en Perachia was an )ssene* or* as reputed* an initiate in )!yptian

+ysteries* he neer could hae endorsed the +ista(es attri"uted to Moses, neer would

hae died for the reality of a para"le* which he +ust hae (nown to "e astrono+ical% $s

one of the Ma!i or an )ssene* he would understand the Doctrine of $n!els* i.e.* of thecycles of ti+e* the character of the >ronian Messiah and the Co+in! in A:: years*

accordin! to the prophecy of )sdras% He would (now the celestial nature of the &eentytwo

whose na+es were written in Heaen as serants of the Lord of Li!ht* and who had

 "een with hi+ fro+ the "e!innin! as the opponents of the &eenty4two ami who

sered &ut4Typhon* the deil of dar(ness% He would (now that the +yths were not to "e

fulfilled in hu+an history* and could not hae personally set up the cra7y clai+ that he

was the +essen!er of He"rew prophecy in person% 6o% The clai+s are +ade in his na+e

 "y those who naturali7ed the Mythos on its He"rew4$ra+aic line of descent in Matthew*

)!yptian in Lu(e* and Gree( in John% .hat we do hear is not the oice of the founder 

teachin! one thin! at one ti+e and the direct opposite at another, we hear the oices of 

the different sections* each proclai+in! its own particular doctrines and do!+as* eachassi!nin! the+ to the Christ as their typical teacher* in the course of +a(in! out a

 personal history fro+ the Mythos* and of !iin! ent to their own particular pre5udices%

The sayin!s of the Lord were pre4historic* as the sayin!s of Daid @who was an earlier 

ChristB* the sayin!s of Horus the Lord* of )li5ah the Lord* of Mana the Lord* of Christ the

Lord* as the diine directions coneyed "y the ancient teachin!s% $s the &ayin!s of the

Lord they were collected in $ra+aic to "eco+e the nuclei of the earliest Christian

!ospel accordin! to Matthew% &o says Papias% $t a later date they were put forth as the

ori!inal reelation of a personal teacher* and were +ade the foundation of the historical

fiction concocted in the four !ospels that were canoni7ed at last% In proin! that Joshua or 

Jesus was an )ssene there would "e no +ore rest here than anywhere else for the sole of 

your foot upon the !round of historic fact% ou could not +a(e hi+ to "e the Founder of 

the )ssene* 6a7arite or Gnostic 8rotherhoods* and co++unities of the !enuine pri+itie

Christians that were e/tant in arious countries a ery lon! while "efore the )ra called


 6or is there any need to !o to India for the ori!inal healers* called )ssenes or 

Therapeut% The dawn of ciilisation arose in )!ypt* with healin! on its win!s% )!ypt

was the land of physicians throu!h all her +onu+ental history% $+on!st the nations of 

antiEuity she stands a head and shoulders a"oe the rest, first in ti+e and pre4e+inent in

attain+ent% )!ypt was the !reat physician of the hu+an race* and she sent out her 

+edical +issionaries fro+ the earliest ti+es% The )ssenes were the sa+e as the

Therapeut or Healers* and they are the healers "y na+e in )!yptian% Philo farther identifies their na+e with )ssa in He"rew* for healin!% 8ut )!ypt had !ien "irth to the

)ssenic na+e* and* therefore* to the persons na+ed* "efore the letter ) e/isted, that was

 preious to the +iddle e+pire @which ended oer A*::: years a!oB% In old )!yptian* the

word sha +eans to doctor% .hence the shai* later* )shai* or )ssenes* are the healers

and physicians Josephus has co+pared the Pytha!oreans with the )!yptian Therapeut

or $le/andrian )ssenes, and atte+pts hae "een +ade to show the deriation of 8uddhist

doctrines fro+ India throu!h Pytha!oras whose na+e has "een deried fro+ Put

8uddha and Guru* a teacher with intent to proe that he was a teacher of the reli!ion of 

8uddha% 8ut the )!yptian Putha @the ori!inal of 8uddha as I su!!estB is indefinitely older 

than any (nown 8uddha in India, therefore* as Pytha!oras was learned in the wisdo+ of 

)!ypt and was a teacher of it* I should derie his na+e fro+ Putha @PtahB and >huru@)!%B* the =oice or .ord of, as a teacher of the Cult of Putha or Ptah* the Opener and

Lord of Life%

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$lso* when he entered the first sta!e of the )ssenic +ysteries as a student of diinity* the

Initiate was presented with an a/e, that is the )!yptian hiero!lyphic of diinity* called the

 6uter, the si!n with which the na+e of the priest* prophet* or Holy Father* was written%

Philo infor+s us that the Jewish law!ier @MosesB had trained into fellowship a lar!e

nu+"er of those who "ore the na+e of )ssenes% There were "oth )!yptian and Jewish

co++unities of the healers precedin! those that were (nown "y the Christian or Gnostic

na+es% Jero+e calls the )ssenes or Therapeuts The +on(s of the old law* and )a!riusPonticus spea(s of $ +on( of !reat renown who "elon!ed to a sect of the Gnostics that

dwelt near $le/andria* and were (nown "y na+e as the Christian Gnostics% Cle+ent of 

$le/andria also clai+ed to "e a Gnostic Christian% $s M% #enan points out* the life of the

so4called Christian her+its was first co++enced in )!ypt% $!es earlier there had "een

)!yptian co++unities of recluses* "oth +ale and fe+ale* near the &erapu+ of 

Me+phis* which were supported "y the &tate% In Philo's letter to Hephstion* he says the

cells of the )!yptian healers are scattered a"out the re!ion on the farther shore of La(e

Mareotis* in )!ypt% Pliny spea(s of the $!es on a!es durin! which the )ssenes had

e/isted* and )piphanius* a"out the year A::* says*44The )ssenes continue in their first

 position* and hae not chan!ed at all% &uch per+anency* of course* de+ands a lon!

 period of induration% 8ut it is enou!h for the present ar!u+ent to (now they were e/tantfor at least 0?: years "efore the Christian era% )piphanius also ad+its that the Christians

were at first called Therapeut and Jesseans* an eEuialent na+e* as he e/plains* for the

)ssenes% They were all healers and doctors% $s the shai or Jesseans they were already

e/tant as the healers "y na+e* independently of any personal Jesus or Joshua the Healer%

$lso* in Gree( the er" for healin! co+es fro+ the sa+e root as the na+e of Jesus% The

)ssenes were healers* not "ecause they were the wor(ers of +ythical +iracles li(e Jesus*

 "ut "ecause they were profound students of 6ature's secret powers, "ecause they were

+asters of the science of +ental +edicine* consciously a"le to draw on the spirit4world

for healin! influences

They had discoered that health was infectious as well as disease* and that the capacity

for receiin! and !iin!* as a +ediu+ of the hi!her life* depended on conditions that

could "e cultiated in this life% Hence the stress they laid on personal purity and its ei!ht

sta!es of attain+ent% They were healers "y irtue of the Christ within% $!ain* we learn

fro+ pseudo4Dionysius* the $reopa!ite* that the na+e of healer* i.e.* the )ssene or 

Therapeut* who+ )use"ius calls the Curate* was e+ployed in the early Church to denote

the perfected $dept* who had attained the hi!hest standin!* 5ust as it was with the earlier 

)ssenes% The current e/pression*44$ Cure of &ouls* or a Curacy* still shows the

Christian line of descent fro+ the pre4Christian healers%

.e so+eti+es hear of early Christian Co++unities in which there was no priate

 property* "ut all thin!s were held in co++on* as we read in the 8oo( of $cts, althou!h in

that case the Twele would "ut constitute a late co++unity% The +e+"ers of these "rotherhoods are said to hae dwelt to!ether in perfect eEuality, in fact* to hae lied

accordin! to those principles of li"erty* eEuality* and fraternity which were for+ulated as

an ai+ of the French #eolution 8ut such societies did not first originate as the result of 

esta"lishin!  Historic 5hristianity. They did not co+e fro+ the Twele $postles* nor 

fro+ the church at Jerusale+* nor fro+ #o+e% They were founded "y the prehistoric

Christians* who were pri+itie enou!h to practise their creed instead of +erely preachin!

it as a faith% 8ut such pri+itie Christians were Euietly at wor( in arious parts of the

world* !iin! health to the sic(* peace to the trou"led* freedo+ to the slae* and

(nowled!e to the i!norant* lon! "efore the e/istence of Papal or $postolic Christianity%

Philo4Judus* who was one of the )ssenes44"ut does not see+ to hae +et with the

Gospel Jesus a+on!st the+* or heard of hi+44Philo says of the+*44Three thin!s re!ulateall they learn and do44i7%* loe to God* loe of irtue* loe for +an% $ proof of the first is

the +atchless sanctity of their entire life* their fear of oaths and lies* and the coniction

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that God is only the ori!inator of !ood* neer of eil% They show their loe of irtue "y

their indifference to !ain* !lory* and pleasure, "y their te+perance* perseerance*

si+plicity* a"sence of wants* hu+ility* faithfulness* and strai!htforwardness% They

e/e+plify their loe for their fellow4creatures "y (indness* a"sence of pretensions* and

lastly "y the co++unity of !oods% There you hae what is ter+ed an Ideal Christian

Co++unity "ut this was a #eality* and it was not founded "y any personal Jesus, nor 

was it a result of his personal teachin!s "ein! reduced to practice% It preceded* and wasnot a "irth of* Historic Christianity%

Philo tells us that those who retired fro+ the tur+oil of pu"lic life to dwell apart in

solitary places @these "ein! the precursors of the +on(s and nuns in the #o+an ChurchB

handed oer their priate property to others* and left their parents* "rothers and sisters*

wife and child* and !ae up all to the +ysteries of a dedicated life% This* which was a

co++on reality with the )ssenes* is set forth as an Ideal when the Canonical Teacher 

says44If any +an co+eth unto +e* and hateth not his own father and +other and wife

and children and "rethren and sisters* yea* and his own life also* he cannot "e +y

disciple% Here the ideal is perhaps a trifle oerdone% The )ssenes did not e/press or 

inculcate any such spirit of hatred to all one's relations% They were no such ra"id antinaturalists

as that The peaceful )ssenic spirit is not present* "ut rather the spirit of Christian persecution that li!hted the fires of +artyrdo+%

Of those )ssenes who +oed a"out in the world Josephus tells us @he also was an )ssene

in early life who did not find JesusB* They hae no one certain city* "ut +any of the+

dwell in eery city, and if any of the+ co+e fro+ other places* what they hae lies open

for the stran!ers* 5ust as if it were their own44for which reason they carry nothin! at all

with the+ on their traels, nor do they "uy or sell anythin! one to another* "ut eery one

of those who hae !ies to hi+ that reEuires it%

The )ssenes were pheno+enal &piritualists* in the current sense* who wal(ed with open

si!ht* and could neer "eco+e the "lind followers of the shut4eyed faith of the

Historicisers* who "anned the +ali!nant spirit of free inEuiry% $s &piritualists they

could not* and did not* "eliee in the resurrection of the "ody* conseEuently a corporeal

resurrection of the Christ was a funda+ental fallacy upon which no )ssene or Gnostic

could found at any ti+e% &o $nti4Christian were they in the Catholic sense* and so

opposed to the Messiah of pu"escence* the Christ accordin! to the flesh* that they

repudiated anointin! with oil* and considered it to "e a filthy defile+ent% Therefore their 

Christ did not depend upon any e/ternal anointin! in "aptis+ at the a!e of thirty years*

and they neer could "eco+e Christians as the anointed ones% They were the opponents

of all "lood4sacrifice* ani+al or hu+an% The only sacrifice upheld "y the+ was that of the

self% Therefore they did not accept the "loody sacrifice of the incarnate &on of God when

it was proclai+ed% The )ssenes as Gnostics held that eery +an +ust "e his own Christ%

Their Christ ca+e within44the Christ that could not "eco+e historical without% In the+inds of those who (new* Historic Christianity was repudiated "eforehand, and it was as

i+possi"le after the facts were for!ed* the falsehood esta"lished* and the do!+a was

founded* as it was "efore, conseEuently those Gnostics who had "een $nte4Christians

 "eforehand were of necessity $nti4Christians afterwards%

The )ssenes discarded the Pentateuch and repudiated +ost of the later prophets44that is*

they re5ected the !round4wor( of the future rede+ption of +an(ind* to!ether with the Fall

that neer was a fact* and the fulfil+ent of prophecy which neer could "e hu+an% The

)ssenes and other Gnostics are constantly char!ed "y the i!norant Christians with turnin!

ery plain +atters of fact into fantastical para"les% M% #enan tal(s of &i+on's and Philo's

alle!orisin! e/e!esis as if the ancient fa"les had "een historic facts which the Gnostics

 pererted into +yths% They were nothin! of the (ind% They were fa"les and alle!oriesfro+ the first44the +ysteries that were tau!ht in para"les44and all Gnostics re5ected the

historic e/planation fro+ "e!innin! to end* "ecause they presered the true interpretation

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of the supposed history% Philo tells us44They re!ard the letter of each utterance as the

sy+"ol of that which was concealed fro+ si!ht* "ut was reealed in the hidden

+eanin!44not "y its "ein! rationalised into history% Mytholo!y is* in its way* as real as

+athe+atics* "ut its way is not that of the literalisers* who hae +ade the sy+"olis+

false on the face of it to the underlyin! natural facts%

The fall of +an* the te+ptation of the serpent and the co+in! of a Messiah were not

historic realities* which the Gnostics conerted into their alle!ories% It is alto!ether +isleadin! to spea( of the alle!ori7in! )ssenic and Docetic +ethods of e/e!esis* as if the

Gnosis consisted in whittlin! away and attenuatin! the solid facts of history That is

+erely echoin! the lan!ua!e of those who were at war with the Gnostic interpretation* on

 "ehalf of the supposed history "y which we hae "een +isled% The alle!ories were first,

and they are final, the history had no deeper foundations% The )ssenes (new the hidden

nature of these representations and tau!ht it throu!h sy+"ols* with ti+e4honoured 7eal*

 "ein! in possession of the "oo(s of wisdo+ and other scriptures than ours% They were the

 5ealous preserers of the hidden Gnosis* and Eualified e/pounders of the ancient

+ysteries "y +eans of the secret tradition% The initiate was sworn to (eep secret the

scriptures of the hidden wisdo+ and not to co++unicate the Gnosis to others* not een to

a new +e+"er e/cept in the sa+e way in which it had "een co++unicated to hi+% 8ut itwas especially prescri"ed that the Doctrine of the $n!els* i.e. of the ti+e cycles* was

not to "e reealed to any non4)ssene% nfortunately that secresy in the +ode of 

co++unication "eca+e the fatal curse of all the ancient (nowled!e "y allowin! the false

to co+e first in "ein! pu"licly proclai+ed%

De Kuincy* in his essay on the )ssenes* has re+ar(ed on the +onstrosity of the o+ission

when the Christians are not een +entioned "y the Jewish historian* Josephus% There is

the sa+e portentous o+ission when the )ssenes are neer +entioned in the Christian

Gospels% They are there in fact* thou!h not "y na+e, nor as any new4"orn "rotherhood%

They are only there in dis!uise* "ecause historic Christianity has drawn the +as( oer the

features of pri+itie Christianity% The e/istence of pri+itie and pre4historic Christians is

ac(nowled!ed in the Gospel accordin! to Mar( when John says*44Master* we saw one

castin! out deils in thy na+e* and he followeth not us% That* as the conte/t shows* was

done in the na+e of the Christ* and* conseEuently* such were Christians% $ccordin! to the

account in Matthew* "efore eer a disciple had !one forth or could hae "e!un to preach

historic Christianity* there was a widespread secret or!ani7ation ready to receie and

 "ound to succour those who were sent out in eery city of Israel% .ho* then* are theseN

They are called The .orthy% That is* as with the )ssenes* those who hae stood the

tests* proed faithful* and "een found worthy% $ccordin! to the canonical account these

were the pre4historic Christians* whether called )ssenes or 6a7arenes, the worthy* the

faithful* or the 8rethren of the Lord% Peace "e with you was the !reetin! or pass4word

of the )ssenes* and also of the 6a7arenes* to 5ud!e fro+ its appearin! in the "oo( of $da+% $nd in the instructions !ien to the &eenty @Lu(e /% ?B it is said<44Into

whatsoeer house ye enter first say* 'Peace "e to this house%'

$fter the resurrection the +ystic pass4word is e+ployed three ti+es oer "y the risen

Christ% $nd He who co+es with peace is the na+e of the )!yptian God* Iu4e+4hept*

the son of $tu+* who* as the co+in! son* is Iu4su Jesus% .e also learn fro+ the

Cle+entine Ho+ilies @9* 03B that the Mystery of the &criptures which was tau!ht "y @or 

ascri"ed toB Christ was identical with that which from the first had "een co++unicated to

those who were the orthy. .e +ay learn fro+ the Gospel accordin! to Lu(e that the

.orthy were those who had "een initiated into the Mysteries of the Gnosis* and who

were accounted .orthy to attain that resurrection fro+ the dead in this life* which

Paul was not alto!ether sure a"out44those who (new that they could die no +ore* "ein!eEual to the an!els as sons of God and sons of the #esurrection% &uch were then e/tant

as pre4Historic Christians @ch% //% 9?4B%

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These co++unities of the pri+itie Christians had lon! "een accusto+ed to send forth

their "are4footed apostles into all the (nown world* to inculcate the co++on "rotherhood

of +an* founded on the co++on fatherhood of God* and to la"our for the fa+ily of the

hu+an race% That had "een the practice in the past which was afterwards +ade a +atter 

of precept in the present* and a prospect for the future For this ancient practice of the

)ssenes is reduced to the precept of the teacher +ade personal* who says* Go your way,

carry neither purse* nor scrip* nor shoes, and !ies instructions to do the ery thin!s the)ssenes had always done The supposed personal teacher and historic founder of 

 pri+itie Christianity is +ade to say to his followers* $ new co++and+ent I !ie unto

you that ye loe one another% 8ut the state+ent is entirely untrue% There was nothin!

new in it This was a pri+ary co++and+ent of the )ssenic co++unities who had

 practised the principles they professed* and had lied for a!es accordin! to the !olden

rule which is afterwards laid down as a diine co++and* a direct reelation fro+ God* in

the Gospels% 6o +atter who the pla!iarist +ay "e* the teachin! now held to "e diine was

drawn fro+ older hu+an sources* and pal+ed off under false pretensions% Josephus

declares in his account of the )ssenes* that .hateer they say is fir+er than an oath, "ut

swearin! is entirely aoided "y the+% They consider it worse than per5ury% $nd such is

the ori!inal reelation in the Gospel% 8ut I was sorry to find* in the Cle+entine Ho+ilies*that the sa+e spea(er "rea(s the )ssenic pled!e* for it is there written*44$nd Christ said

@with an oathB* =erily I say unto you* unless ye "e "orn a!ain of the water of life* ye

cannot enter in the (in!do+ of heaen% Thus we hae an )ssene who swears as well as

tipples and plays the part of 8acchus% $!ain* Jesus is presented as the ori!inal reealer of 

the +ysteries and author of the Gnosis% He says to his disciples*44It is !ien you to (now

the +ysteries of heaen, "ut the )ssenic Co++unities always had "een co+posed of 

those who were in possession of the Gnosis* and had already o"tained and sacredly

 presered the (nowled!e of the +ysteries of the (in!do+ of heaen* which they had

tau!ht only in para"les%

The diine +orality inculcated in the &ayin!s ascri"ed to Jesus had "een co+pletely

forestalled "y the )ssenes in their lies and wor(s* their indiidual characters* co++on

 practices* and societary conditions% His words are "ut a later echo of their ery hu+an

deeds% .e are told that Jesus tau!ht +an(ind to pray*44Thy (in!do+ co+e* thy will "e

done on earth as it is in heaen% 8ut this was e/actly what the pre4historic Christians had

 "een wor(in! out in life% They stroe to found the (in!do+ there and then* and realise the

world to co+e in this% )erythin! no"le and enno"lin!* unselfish and spiritual* in the

ethics of Jesus* or rather in the sayin!s assi!ned to hi+ as a teacher of +en* had "een

anticipated "y the )!yptians* the )ssenes* and the pri+itie Christians of the Gnostic

reli!ion% 6othin! new re+ained to "e inculcated "y the Gospel of the new teacher* who is

+erely +ade to repeat the old sayin!s with a pretentious air of supernatural authority, the

result "ein! that the true sayin!s of old are* of necessity* coneyed to later ti+es in adelusie +anner% The co++and+ents are not new% Life and i++ortality were not

 "rou!ht to li!ht "y any personal Jesus* "ut "y the Christ of the Gnosis% The +ost

i+portant procla+ation assi!ned to Jesus turned out to "e false% The (in!do+ of God was

not at hand, the world was not nearin! its end, the catastrophe foretold neer occurred,

the second co+in! was no +ore actual than the first, the lost sheep of Israel are not yet

saed% $nd the supposed Diine Truth in ery person re+ains e/posed as the !enuine

false prophet to this day* or rather as the +ere +outhpiece of the +ost i!norant "eliefs of 

that day%

It +ay "e said +ore 5ustly of Historic Christianity* than of anythin! else within the

co+pass of +y (nowled!e* that what is true in it was not new* and that which was new in

it is not true It is not new* "ecause it represents the ancient Mythos under an intendeddis!uise% It is not true* "ecause it is not a !enuine history% The supposed hu+an ori!inal*

set forth in the Gospels* is "ut the +undane shadow of the Gnostic Christ%

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Christianity "e!an as Gnosticis+* refaced with falsehoods concernin! a series of facts

alle!ed to hae "een historical* "ut which are de+onstra"ly +ythical% 8y which I do not

+ean +ythical as e/a!!erations or perersions of historic truth* "ut "elon!in! to the pree/tant

Mythos% Of course* the settin!4up of this ast falsehood +ade all truth a

 "lasphe+y% The Gnostics* says Irenus* hae no !ospel which is not full of 

 "lasphe+y% Their cri+e was that they denied the Christ carnalised* and they were

denounced as "ein! $nti4Christian* "ecause they were Ante4Christian.e are told in the 8oo( of $cts that the na+e of the 5hristiani was first !ien at

$ntioch, "ut so late as the year 2:: $%D% no canonical 6ew Testa+ent was (nown at

$ntioch* the alle!ed "irth4place of the Christian na+e% There was no special reason why

the disciples should first hae "een na+ed as Christians at $ntioch* e/cept that this was

a !reat centre of the Gnostic Christians* who were preiously identified with the

teachin!s of the +a!e &i+on of &a+aria% &i+on had tau!ht the people of $ntioch for a

lon! ti+e "efore* and had "een accepted "y the+ fro+ the least to the !reatest @$ctsB%

&i+on was the !reat $nti4Christ in the eyes of the founders of the "elief in Historic

Christianity* for who+ the $nte4Christ was always* and eerywhere* the $nti4Christ, and

it was necessary to account for there "ein! Christians* other* and earlier* than the

 "elieers in a carnali7ed Christ% This was clu+sily atte+pted in the $cts* "y +a(in!&i+on "eco+e a "aptised conert to the new superstition* and then "ac(4slidin!44a

co++on +ode of accountin! for Gnostic heretics* "ut false on the face of it% Irenus

shall furnish us with a crucial instance of the orthodo/ lyin! on this su"5ect% He tells us

that the Gnostics* such as those who followed =alentinus and Marcion* in the second

century* had no e/istence "efore these later teachers @8% III% ch% A* 9B, whereas he had

already stated in his first "oo(* that &i+on of &a+aria was the first and fore+ost of all the

founders of Gnosticis+* and the father of all its heresies, and he was a century earlier%

&i+on had "rou!ht in the Gnosis fro+ $le/andria% He tau!ht his doctrines* and wrou!ht

his wonders lon! anterior to the apostles of the later creed% )piphanius ac(nowled!es that

all the heretical for+s of Christianity were deried fro+ the Pa!an Mytholo!y44that is*

they were surials of the ori!inal pre4historic Gnostic reli!ion%

It is o"ious that the #o+an Church re+ained Gnostic at the "e!innin! of the second

century* and for so+e ti+e afterwards% Marcion* the !reat Gnostic* did not separate fro+

it until a"out the year 09 $%D% Tatian did not "rea( with it until lon! after that% In each

case the cause of Euarrel was the sa+e% They left the Church that was settin! up the fraud

of Historic Christianity% They left it as Gnostic Christians* who were anathe+atised as

heretics* "ecause they re5ected the Christ +ade flesh and the new foundations of reli!ion

in a spurious Jewish history%

The Church in Jerusale+* at the head of which was Ja+es* called the "rother of the

Lord* was one of the )ssenic or Therapeutic co++unities that were founded "y the

Gnostic 6a7arenes% Ja+es was reputed to hae "een a follower of Joshua* the 6a7arene44i.e.* 8en Pandira44who was conerted +ore or less into the later Jesus of 6a7areth% The

Jewish le!ends show that he was of the 6a7arene sect% 8ut no  NaDarene "rotherhood

could hae "een founded on any supposed Jesus of 6a7areth% They also show that Ja+es

was a 6a7arene of the ancient ascetic type44one of those who were set apart and

consecrated fro+ the +other's wo+"44one who neer shaed or cut his hair* who dran( 

neither wine nor stron! drin(* nor ate of any ani+al food, he would not anoint hi+self 

with oil* nor wear woollen !ar+ents% 8ishop Li!htfoot ad+its that the +e+"ers of the

early Church at Jerusale+ were Gnostics* li(e the other )ssenes< only* for hi+* they were

heretics% He cannot +a(e out the hiatus* which was not then filled in with the Gospel


 6ow* whether it "e called Christian or pre4Christian* the Gospel of Ja+es is !ood* as far as it !oes% It was undou"tedly the sa+e Gospel of the )ssenes that opened the poor +an's

door to heaen% It teaches their doctrines in their own lan!ua!e* and without the Historic

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apparatus% It puts certain thin!s which hae "een disesta"lished on their ori!inal foothold%

In the Lord's Prayer we are tau!ht to as( the Diine Father not to lead us* his children*

into te+ptation% 8ut Ja+es declares e+phatically that no +an should say he is te+pted

of God* for God cannot "e te+pted with eil* and he hi+self te+pteth no +an% The

)pistle of Ja+es is of supre+e i+portance%

)use"ius* the suspected for!er and falsifier* when he +ade his fatal ad+ission* +ust hae

(nown that the &criptures of the )ssenes had "een utilised as groundwor/ for the)pistles and the later Canonical history% He clai+s the )ssenes the+seles as Christians

when he tells us that Philo descri"es with the closest accuracy the lies of our ascetics44

that is* of the Therapeut% He confesses it is hi!hly pro"a"le that the ancient

co++entaries* which Philo says they hae* are the ery !ospels and writin!s of the

apostles* and pro"a"ly so+e e/positions of the ancient prophets* such as are contained in

the )pistle to the He"rews and +any other of Paul's epistles% He +i!ht hae said*

includin! the )"ionite )pistle of Ja+es* only that was to "e denounced as spurious% 8ut it

is i+possi"le to clai+ the )ssenic &criptures as "ein! identical with the Canonical

records* without* at the sa+e ti+e* ad+ittin! their pre4historic e/istence* their nonhistorical

nature* and their anti4historical testi+ony% They could only "e the sa+e in the

ti+e of )use"ius "y the non4historical hain! "een falsely conerted into the historical%This was what had "een done* and that alone will e/plain why the earliest scriptures*

which ou!ht to hae contained the historical record* hae not "een presered* "ut were

!ot rid of alto!ether when the Council of 6ice suppressed all the deices of the


I hae preiously shown that the real root of the whole +atter can "e deled down to and

identified in the +ytholo!y and +ysteries of )!ypt% .hen we see the Child4Horus

e+er!in! fro+ the lily4lotus* or holdin! the forefin!er to his +outh* as portrayed upon

the Gnostic stones and in the Cataco+"s of #o+e* a"solutely the sa+e as on the )!yptian

+onu+ents* we (now that it is the identical diinity* no +atter how it ca+e to represent

the Christian Christ% 8ut identification is +ore difficult when the +ythical type has

 passed into the +ore +ystical phase% That is* the portraits of deities are +ore reco!nisa"le

than the hidden doctrines and eiled features of the Gnosis% et* the )!yptian doctrines

were as surely continued "y the Gnostics and the Christians as the personal li(enesses of 

)!yptian deities were reproduced "y Gnostic $rt in #o+e% $nd "y aid of the Gnosis* we

can recoer +uch that has "een disli+ned and +ade indefinite in the doctrinal sta!e* to

 "e left as an unfatho+a"le +ystery For e/a+ple* the Child4Horus* with fin!er to +outh*

whereer found* indicates the diine .ord or Lo!os in a particular way% He was the child

of the =ir!in +other alone* and always re+ained the child% He* therefore* was not the

:rue @oice* or @oice of :ruth* only the I+perfect .ord* the Inarticulate Discourse* as

Plutarch calls the first Horus% 8ut* 5ust as the oice of the "oy chan!es and "eco+es

+anly at pu"erty* so in his second or irile character Horus* as representatie of theFather* "eco+es a True =oice* and is the .ord of Truth personified In this character 

he was desi!nated Har4Ma(heru* i.e.* Horus* the .ord of Truth* fro+ Ma* Truth,

>heru* the .ord% In the )!yptian te/ts the .ord of Horus is Truth, the function confided

to hi+ "y the Father He anEuishes his ene+ies with the .ord of Truth% It is said of the

Osirified deceased* He !oes forth with the .ord of Truth% To +a(e the Truth "y +eans

of the .ord is synony+ous with the !iin! of life here or hereafter% In a prayer to the

Pharaoh it is said* Grant us "reath "y the !ift which is in thee of the '.ord of Truth%'

Moreoer* +en conEuer their sins "y +eans of this .ord of Truth within* the Ma(heru

conferred on the+ "y the Deity

This title of Ma(heru* the .ord of Truth* was translated the 7ustified "y Dr% 8irch* which

M% Pierret says is unfortunate% 8ut there is a Christian sense in which that is a correctrenderin!% .ith the )!yptians* the Christians @oE crhstoEB* the faithful Departed* were

actually called "y this title of Ma(heru or the Justified% They were those who always had

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 "een saed "y the .ord4of4Truth in )!ypt lon! $!es "efore the 5hristian )ra

 6ow* let us return for a +o+ent to the )pistle of Ja+es canonised in the 6ew Testa+ent*

and called "y Luther an )pistle of &traw* "ecause it had not a !rain of Historic

Christianity in it% Ja+es was the head of the Church in Jerusale+% He was titled a "rother 

of the Lord44no dou"t in relation to the 6a7arite 8rotherhood, the Lord "ein! a typical

character li(e Horus* Mana* or )lias* who was i!norantly assu+ed "y the literali7ers of 

le!ends to hae "een a Judean peasant na+ed Jesus or Joshua% Hence the i+position of certain fa+ily details in the Canonical Gospels* which will "e traced hereafter% Ja+es is

 "elieed to hae died a"out $%D% :% 8ut in the whole seen chapters of this )pistle of 

Ja+es* e/ceptin! an openin! salutation* there is not one sin!le si!n of Historic

Christianity It reco!nises no Jesus of 6a7areth* and it announces no salation throu!h

the atonin! "lood* the death* resurrection and ascension of a personal Christ%

 6othin! whateer "e!ins with or is "ased on the history which was afterwards +ade

canonical* nor on the Christ that was locali7ed at a later sta!e of deelop+ent% )erythin!

is a"sent that was and still is essential to the physical faith% Instead* we find the e/act

opposite of all that was +ade historic in the Gospels% The doctrine of salation is Gnostic*

)ssenic and )!yptian% &alation* accordin! to Ja+es* co+eth of the .ord of Truth%

&pea(in! of the Father of Li!hts @Lord of Li!hts "ein! a title of HorusB he says<44Of his own will "e!at he us with the '.ord of Truth' that we should "e a (ind of first fruits

of his creatures% .herefore receie ye with +ee(ness the i+planted .ord which is a"le

to sae your souls% The transaction is direct "etween the diine father and the hu+an

soul% The Christ within is the only saiour The total teachin! of the )pistle of Ja+es is

 "ased on this ancient )!yptian .ord of Truth, the i+planted .ord which confers the

Ma(heru on +an* which neer could "e represented "y an historical Christ% The .ord of 

Truth as rendered "y Ja+es is the "est possi"le translation of the )!yptian Ma4>heru%

Moreoer* the conte/t shows that the .ord of Truth is the )!yptian Ma(heru "y the

e/hortation* 8e ye doers of the .ord* which renders !ood )!yptian doctrine in perfect

accordance with e/act )!yptian phraseolo!y%

Just as Horus Ma(heru was the .ord of Truth, or that which was said was fulfilled

indeed* so +en are re4"e!otten in the diine li(eness "y the .ord of Truth, and as liers

or doers of that .ord they are to "e saed44as it was tau!ht in )!ypt thousands of years

 preiously without the .ord of Truth "eco+in! incarnate in Horus as a hu+an person%

This .ord of Truth* the Christ of Ja+es and Paul* which alone was a"le to sae* is

identical with that +ade (nown aforeti+e* which needed not to "e "rou!ht down fro+

heaen for any personal incarnation, needed not to "e "rou!ht up fro+ the dead "y any

 physical resurrection, needed not to "e sent fro+ oer the sea* "ecause* as was said "y the

Mosaic +outhpiece of )!ypt's .isdo+* that .ord is in thy heart that thou +ayest do

it $nd this is the position re4occupied, this is the teachin! re4echoed "y Paul* in whose

+outh the .ord of Truth "eco+es dou"ly anti4historic @cf. Deut% ///% 0240A* with#o+ans /% * ;B%

There is also a reference to the .ord of Truth in Paul's )pistle to Ti+othy* which still

further identifies the Ma(heru% The word Ma* for that which is true* ori!inally +eans to

hold out strai!ht "efore one% $nd Paul e/horts Ti+othy* as a wor(+an* to hold a strai!ht

course accordin! to the Ma4(heru* or .ord of Truth% This True =oice or .ord of Truth

is* I ta(e it* that liin! and a"idin! oice which is appealed to "y Papias as eidence for 

his Christ* who was the Lord of the Lo!ia, and* if so* his testi+ony thus far does not

+a(e for* "ut tends to inalidate* the history% Of course* he is supposed to +ean the oice

of conte+poraries when he decries what would "e the +ore certain oice of written

records, "ut that is not what he +eans% He prefers* in reality* the traditions of the oral

wisdo+* and +ay "e clai+ed as another witness for the non4Historical Christ% $lso* theepistle to Dio!netus* supposed to hae "een written "y Marcion* contains the sa+e

doctrine as the epistle of Ja+es% &pea(in! of the Gnostic Christians* he says<44They are

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 put to death and they co+e to life a!ain* and the reason of this is that God the Inisi"le

hath hi+self fro+ Heaen planted the truth and the holy inco+prehensi"le .ord and

esta"lished hi+ in their hearts% This epistle of Ja+es is indefinitely older than the

Canonical history% Ja+es is "elieed to hae died a"out the year : of our era* and in this*

one of the earliest utterances of the Church* instead of the History* we find the diine

Ma(heru of the )!yptian +ythos in a +ystical and doctrinal phase%

Instead of an ori!inal !ospel "ased on the life* character* and teachin!s of his own hu+an "rother* Ja+es presents us with the translated .ord4of4truth44the Horus of )!ypt* and the

Christ of the Gnostics* who could not "eco+e historical% This "e!innin!* then* is

doctrinal* and the doctrine* li(e the portrait* is )!yptian% The sa+e +ythos was isi"ly

continued in the Gnostic phase% In the Gospels* which were "ein! co+piled at least one

hundred years later* we find this sa+e .ord of Truth* which was personated "y Horus4

Ma(heru and "y Iu4e+4hept in )!ypt so+e 9*::: years earlier* is now represented in a

 personal character as Jesus the Christ%

This .ord of Truth* which is doctrinal and non4historical* accordin! to Ja+es* is the

.ord of Truth +ade flesh accordin! to John% $lso* the Christ is the Horus continued in

his two characters% Hence the .ord* or &pirit of Truth* which proceedeth fro+ the Father*

is to co+e as the +ystic Paraclete who shall testify to the reality of an historic Jesus%These two characters* as the &ayer and Doer* constitute the dou"le foundation of the

Christ in the other Gospels% The Christ of Matthew is chiefly the &ayer% The Christ of 

Lu(e is +ainly the Doer% He is +i!hty in deed and word He is the Healer or Doer with

the .ord% .hat a .ord is this e/clai+ the +ultitude* who are a+a7ed at the +iracles%

8oth characters had "een "lended in one as Horus4Ma(heru* the .ord of Truth* who was

+ythical in )!ypt* and who is +ythical in the teachin! of Ja+es "efore the .ord was

descri"ed as "ein! +ade flesh* to "eco+e an historical persona!e in the later Gospel

accordin! to John% This is the fatal (ind of fact that turns the canonical history into

fiction* and "rands the falsifiers full in the face% There is no roo+ left here for any

historic fulfil+ent* and no need of any personal &aior or icarious icti+% The .ord of 

Truth is the &pirit of God* the 8e!etter of &ouls* the Christ within* the 8rin!er of 

I++ortality to Man* as it is in the teachin! of Her+es* of arathustra* of Philo* and of 

Paul* as well as Ja+es, as it was in )!ypt* in Chaldea* in India* in all the Mysteries* no

+atter where the Gnosis or >a"alah +ay "e found% In presence of the Gnosis* here as

elsewhere* there is no place* no si!nificance* in the alle!ed facts of a hu+an history* lied

for us "y a carnalised Christ% $nd yet such a history was +ade out* and we are now a"le

to !et a !li+pse of the for!ers en!a!ed in the process of +a(in! it out

Our Canonical Gospels are a Pali+psest* with one writin! so ela"orated oer another that

the first is al+ost crossed out* and the rest are thorou!hly confused% et* the whole of 

the+ hae to "e seen throu!h "efore the +atter can "e really read% 8y holdin! this

Pali+psest up to the li!ht* and loo(in! at it lon! and closely* we can trace the lar!eoutline* the water4+ar(* of the )!yptian +ythos* with its ir!in4+other* who was Hathor4

Meri44the Madonna44its child4Christ of 02 years* and the irile adult of 9: years* who was

Horus* the anointed son of that Father in heaen who+ he ca+e to reeal% This is the

earliest and +ost funda+ental of the nuclei% 6e/t we find a collection of &ayin!s as the

nucleus of the Gospel of Matthew% These sayin!s were attri"uted to the Lord* and that

Lord is supposed to hae "een a Judean peasant* as the ori!inal author It is noticea"le*

thou!h* that the title of the Lord is not once applied to Jesus "y Matthew in the earth4life*

 "ut after the resurrection he is called the Lord% 6ow* it is well (nown to scholars that

the Gospel accordin! to Lu(e is "ased upon* or concocted* with suita"le alterations* fro+

an earlier Gospel of the Lord% That is* the latest !ospel accordin! to the Gnostics*

 preceded the earliest of those that were +ade canonical% This was called the Gospel of the Lord44the /urios44and it is co++only referred to as the !ospel of Marcion* the !reat

Gnostic% 8ut the Lord* as (nown to the Gnostics* was not a character that could "eco+e

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historical% $s Irenus declares* accordin! to no one !ospel of the heretics could the

Christ "eco+e flesh, conseEuently the !ospel of Marcion* who was the arch4heretic and

ery $nti4Christ of the second century* in the si!ht of the incipient Catholic Church*

could not hae "een a !ospel of the Christ +ade historical, and we hae now the +eans

of proin! that it was not% .hen once we (now that the ori!ins were +ythical* that the

Christ was +ystical* and the teachin!s in the +ysteries were typical* we shall "e a"le to

utilise the !ospel of Marcion as a connectin! lin( "etween the )!yptian Mythos* theepistle of the .ord of Truth* and the canonical history accordin! to Lu(e%

The Lord had "een Horus "y na+e in )!ypt* and the Gree( (uriou* or (urios* a!rees

with the )!yptian (heru* for the .ord* =oice* or Lo!os* as in Ma4(heru @earlier* Ma(huruB%

This was the Lord continued as the Gnostic +anifestor* their Horus* or Christ%

Marcion assi!ned his !ospel to the Christ* in the sa+e way that the )!yptian #itual is

ascri"ed to Her+es% Later on* the sayin!s of the Lord were also called the writin!s* as we

see "y pseudo4Dionysius* who char!es the Gnostics with hain! falsified the .ritin!s of 

the Lord%

Marcion clai+ed that his was the one true Gospel44the one44and he pointed to the

+ultiplicity of the Catholic Gospels* full as they were of discrepancies* in proof that they

could not "e !enuine% In the fourth century een* there were as +any different !ospels aste/ts% $s trans+itted to us "y the Christian copyists* who were nothin! if not

historicisers* Marcion's !ospel opens with the state+ent* that In the fifteenth year of the

rei!n of Ti"erius Csar* Pontius Pilate rulin! in Judea* Jesus ca+e down to Capernau+* a

city of Galilee* or into Judea* as reported "y Irenus%

Tertullian says*44$ccordin! to the !ospel of Marcion* in the fifteenth year of Ti"erius*

Christ Jesus deigned to emanate from heaen, a salutary s%irit. 8ut* he also says*

accordin! to this Great $nti4Christian* the Christ was a phanto+* who appeared

suddenly at the syna!o!ue of Capernau+ in the li(eness of a full4!rown +an for the

 purpose of protestin! a!ainst the law and the prophets It would "e difficult to date the

descent of a phanto+ Christ* and i+possi"le to date the descent of the Gnostic Christ at

all* e/cept as Lord of the on in relation to an astrono+ical period 8ut it is certain that

the Lord or Christ of Marcion is entirely non4historical% He has no !enealo!y or Jewish

line of descent, no earthly +other* no father* no +undane "irthplace or hu+an "irth% The

Gnostic nature of this Christ is further and fully corro"orated "y "oth Irenus and

Tertullian% Clearly then nothin! can "e +ade of the state+ent on "ehalf of the Canonical

history% This state+ent in Marcion's !ospel ta(es the place of the "aptis+ and descent of 

the holy spirit in Lu(e's, and this sa+e date is Euoted "y Lu(e for the ti+e when the

.ord of God ca+e to John in the wilderness* which is followed "y the "aptis+ of Jesus

and the transfor+ation into the Christ or Horus of 9: years* whose unpronouncea"le

na+e contained 9: letters* accordin! to the Gnosis% &uch a "e!innin! is entirely

unhistorical* and applica"le solely to the +ythical Christ* who "eca+e the irile adult* theanointed son of the father at 9: years of a!e% Of course Christian apolo!ists li(e Irenus

and Tertullian +aintained that Marcion had +utilated their ersion of Lu(e, and they

+ana!ed to !et rid of the Gospel of the Lord* and to suppress the writin!s of Marcion

in proof to sae us the trou"le of 5ud!in! for ourseles% 8ut that was only another 

Christian lie* as we hae now the +eans of (nowin!% The Gnostics were not the falsifiers

of the historic scriptures, it was not they who had anythin! to falsify Hitherto the for!ers

and falsifiers hae "een "elieed* and now the accusers and accused are a"out to chan!e

 places in the witness4"o/ and the doc(% )erywhere the Gnosis was first, the history was

last% ou are only as(ed to ta(e this iew tentatiely* and then let us watch the process

and see how the co+pilers and for!ers of our Lu(e put in the touches "y which the

+ythos was rationali7ed and the hu+an history was added to the Gnostic Gospel of theLord% The &ayin!s of the Lord were first* and they were not personal% The Gospel of 

the Lord was first* and the Lord was not historical%

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The Jesus of Marcion li(e the Jesus of )sdras* of Paul* and other Gnostics* is no Jesus of 

 6a7areth% This title has "een added "y Lu(e% Marcion's Jesus "ein! +ythical and not

historical* he has no Jewish father and +other, conseEuently we find the test Euestion<44

Is not this Joseph's sonN does not appear in the Gospel of the Lord% It has "een added

 "y Lu(e% $!ain* the state+ent* there ca+e to hi+ his +other and "rethren, and they

could not !et at hi+ for the crowd @Lu(e iii% 3B* is not to "e found in Marcion's !ospel,

it has "een added "y Lu(e% $nd for whatN "ut to +anufacture and +a(e out that hu+anhistory which was at last "elieed in* "ut which had no place in any !ospel accordin! to

the Gnostics or true pri+itie Christians It can "e proed how passa!e after passa!e has

 "een added to the earlier !ospel* in the course of +anufacturin! the later history% For 

e/a+ple* the +ournin! oer Jerusale+ @Lu(e /iii% 2349?B is ta(en er"ati+ fro+ the 2nd

)sdras @i% 21499B without ac(nowled!+ent* and the words preiously uttered "y the

$l+i!hty Lord are here assi!ned to Jesus as the ori!inal spea(er% The account of 

Pilate's sheddin! the "lood of the Galileans and +in!lin! it with their sacrifices @Lu(e

/iii% 0B has "een added "y so+e one so i!norant of He"rew history* that he has ascri"ed to

Pilate an act which was co++itted when Kuirinus was !oernor* twenty4four years

earlier than the alle!ed appearance of Jesus% $!ain* the anti46a7arene* anti4Gnostic

 passa!e a"out the pu"licans "ein! "aptised with water* and the &on of Man co+in!eatin! and drin(in! as a !lutton and a wine4"i""er* has "een added%

In the scene on the Mount of Transfi!uration* which is purely +ythical* and therefore

co++on to Osiris* 8uddha* and arathustra* we are witness to the for!in! of another 

historical ne/us in the state+ent that Moses and )li5ah appeared in !lory and spa(e of 

his decease which he was a"out to acco+plish at Jerusale+ @Lu(e i/% 90B% This passa!e

does not appear in the Gospel of the Lord% 6or does the state+ent @Lu(e /iii% 9049AB*

$nd he too( unto hi+ the Twele* and said unto the+* '8ehold* we !o up to Jerusale+*

and all thin!s that are written "y the prophets shall "e acco+plished "y the &on of Man%'

This +ode of +a(in! out the history in the 6ew Testa+ent "y fulfil+ent of prophecy

found in the Old was not adopted "y the co+pilers of Marcion's Gospel of the Lord%

The story of the colt and the ridin! into Jerusale+ in triu+ph* to turn all the Jews out of 

their sacred &toc( )/chan!e* are additions to the earlier Gospel In the scene of the Last

&upper al+ost the whole of the te/t is +issin! fro+ Marcion's Gospel% Twele erses of 

Lu(e 22 hae "een added

In Marcion's Gospel there is no distri"ution of the Paschal Cup a+on!st the disciples, no

 pro+ise is !ien that the $postles shall eat and drin( and 5ud!e the twele tri"es of Israel

in the (in!do+ of Christ, nor is there any appoint+ent +ade with the dyin! thief on the

Cross to +eet hi+ that day in Paradise :hese hae been added. 6ow* this is no +ere

+atter of a difference in doctrine .e are witnessin! the ery for!ery of the hu+an

foundations and the insertion of the +anufactured facts upon which the history was

esta"lished%The Pri+itie Christiani* the so4called heretics* who preceded the historic Christians*

were all of the+ spiritualists in the +odern sense%

In the si!ht of 8ishop Li!htfoot the Gnostic &piritualis+ was a shadowy +ysticis+

which loses itself in the conte+plation of an unseen world% :his he loo(s upon as the

 false teachin! and the heresy of the Gnostics He (nows nothin! of any underlying natural erities* or %henomenal facts, only sees a refinin!* a +ysticisin! and a whittlin!

away of the Gospel histories%

8ut as practical &piritualists* the )ssenes had ei!ht sta!es in the eolution of perfect

 personal purity and the attain+ent of the hi!hest spiritual powers<44

0% Purity of "aptis+%2% Purity fro+ ani+al desire%

9% &piritual purity%

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A% The purity of a +ee( and !entle spirit%

?% The purity of holiness%

% The purity "y which the "ody "eca+e a te+ple of the Holy Ghost%

;% The purity which !ae the power of healin! the sic( and of raisin!

the dead, i.e.* the spirits of the dead

1% They attained the +ystic state of )lias* who was the )ssenic Christ

$nd in the +iddle of the 6ineteenth Century* 8ishop Li!htfoot rises to

e/plain that the )ssenes were Fortune4tellers

Orthodo/ Christianity (nows nothin! of &piritualis+ to4day* and conseEuently can (now

nothin! of &piritualis+ in the past* "ecause it is fact alone that can proe the fact% They

re5ect it "ecause it was repudiated "y the founders of the historic faith, "ecause it offers

no facts to proe* whereas it does offer facts that furnish us with disproof of a physical

resurrection% 8ut it is a"solutely necessary to "e a pheno+enal &piritualist* or at least to

(now that pheno+enal &piritualis+ is founded upon facts of possi"le hu+an e/perience*

 "efore we can ta(e the first step toward really understandin! this +atter of the

 "e!innin!s* or !au!e the i+passa"le !ulf of difference that lies "etween the Gnostic

#eli!ion and Historic Christianity% .ith the Gnostics (nowled!e was the foundation of their faith, "ut the Historic Christians +ade faith the "asis of (nowled!e* and the first

de+and of the new faith was for the conert to "eliee that all the +ythical typolo!y of 

the past had "een +ade literally true in the present% 8y faith the fa"le was crystallised

into the do!+a of historic fact%

The Gnostic doctrines of the pre4Historic reli!ion were for+ulated as "ein! those of 

(nowled!e* faith* and i++ortality% >nowled!e was funda+ental% On this their faith was

founded "y +eans of a first4hand acEuaintanceship with those facts which !ae the+

their faith for the present* and sustained it with so+ethin! +ore than the hope or pro+ise

of continuity for the future% >nowled!e* Faith* and I++ortality Historic Christianity was

 "ased upon faith without that (nowled!e* and those who (new the least were actually

considered and desi!nated the "etter "elieers* 5ust as it is in the &alation $r+y of today%

Lord 8acon* in a +ost unworthy utterance* affir+ed that the +ore irrational and

incredi"le any diine +ystery is the !reater the honour we do God in "eliein! it* and so

+uch the +ore no"le is the ictory of faith% &uch* howeer* was the teachin! of the

Church whose diine +ysteries were +anufactured fro+ +isinterpreted +ytholo!y% 6or 

was it ery difficult to literalise the +ystical representation when a +an li(e Ori!en could

+aintain that the planets were ani+ated "odies and rational "ein!s%

$ll the secrets of the !reat (nowled!e of the interior and +ystical life* which M% #enan

calls the Most !lorious creation of Christendo+* were in possession of the Gnostics of 

arious lands lon! a!es earlier* whilst their modus o%erandi of ascertainin! the truth was

now to "e re5ected and denounced as da+na"le "y the corporeal Christians* or carnalisersof the Christ% They not only let !o* they anathe+atised the (nowled!e that was already

won fro+ nature* and prohi"ited the +eans of continuin! it or of recoerin! it a!ain%

The Gnostics* as Irenus shows* pointed out the ery serious error that was co++itted "y

those who i+a!ined that the Christ had arisen in a +undane "ody* not (nowin! that

flesh and "lood do not attain to the >in!do+ of God

The Christ of the Gnostics was a +ystical type continued fro+ +ytholo!y to portray a

spiritual reality of the interior life% Hence the Christ in this hu+an phase could "e fe+ale

as well as +ale, &ophia as well as Jesus, the spirit of "oth se/es% It was i+possi"le for 

such to "eco+e historical* or "e +ade so* e/cept "y i!norantly +ista(in! a +ythical

I+personation for a Her+aphrodite in Person

.hat* for e/a+ple* is the actual "ase of the Great #enunciation ascri"ed to the 8uddhaor the Christ in the doctrinal* +ythical* or spiritual phaseN It is this<44.hen the soul of 

+an ca+e to "e considered as a diine principle of celestial ori!in* it was fi!ured as

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 "ein! entirely opposed to the eil nature of +atter, therefore* "irth or +anifestation in

+atter was a descent of the soul fro+ the heaen of pristine condition into a lower state

of i+purity and i+per+anence, of disease* decay* and death* where it was "ound to "ear 

or stru!!le to !et out of it a!ain as soon as possi"le%

This soul* personified as the Diine Man in 8uddha or the Christ is afterwards

represented as "ein! consciously a"le to renounce the pleasures of Paradise* and of its

own free will and choice co+e down to earth as the &aiour of the .orld* "y !iin!lessons in diinity and liin! a life so lowly that this life should "e conEuered "y

re5ectin! it on "ehalf of the other thus reealed to +en The +ode of !lorifyin! such a

 "ein! is si+ply that of the infantile +ind% The proof of his supernatural character is

shown throu!h his power of suspendin! the (nown laws of nature "y +iraculous +eans*

such as are hu+anly i+possi"le% $s the Lord of Life he raises the dead The tree "ends

down and "ows its ac(nowled!+ent to hi+ in the wo+" of his +other, or the wild "easts

!row ta+e in presence of the radiant child that li!hts the dar(ness of the cae when "orn%

$s a +ere "a"e he "eco+es a teacher to the teachers% In youth he surpasses all

co+petitors* conEuers in eery trial% $ll nature is turned into an elastic esture that will

fit this fi!ure of the i+possi"le44the false Ideal that +a(es our co++on eeryday world a

scene of phantas+al unrealities% In certain respects the 8uddhist portrait of this diineIdeal* "elieed to hae "een realised in Gauta+a* transcends the Christian44in the depths

of its tenderness* the ran!e of its sy+pathies* and the e+"race of its co+passion% $ll true

loers of ani+als are naturally 8uddhistic rather than Christian% For* it is upon the downtrodden

 "easts which perish that the Christian sets his foot for the first step upward as the

 possessor of an i++ortal soul% His "rutalisin! "elief* and "aseless assu+ption* that

ani+als hae no souls* are !uilty "efore God and responsi"le for +ost of the cruelties

suffered "y the+ throu!hout all Christendo+ to4day

In his lar!e loe for the du+" thin!s this Hindu Ideal #edee+er is !reater* and stoops

lower than the would4"e &aiour of hu+an "ein!s alone* and only the Jewish part of 

the+* who is portrayed as the Canonical Christ% 8ut cui bono0 when it is only an Ideal

and that Ideal ta(es the place of possi"le reality% These false Ideals are foreer fatal to

hu+an erity% .hat has the worship of Mary eer done for wo+an in the character of 

wifeN ou cannot lie "y a Lay fi!ure% .hen once we (now it to "e unreal* whether as

the Christ* or 8uddha* or Madonna* it "eco+es a type that we cannot print fro+ any

lon!er* "ecause it fails to i+press deeply enou!h%

.hether considered as the God +ade hu+an* or as +an +ade diine* this character neer 

e/isted as a person% That pre4historic Ideal Christ of the Gnosis had always personated

the diine in hu+an for+* the I++ortal incarnated* the Ma5esty within superior to all the

 physical conditions without* with power to "ear and sere* to serenely suffer the ills of 

flesh* "eco+e a sacrifice and !lory in the Cross of its earthly sufferin!%

&piritual +ediu+s were considered to "e a (ind of inter+ediate "ein!s* "ecause they firstde+onstrated the e/istence of a liin! lin( "etwi/t the diine +ind and +atter in the

hu+an for+% 8ut the ori!inal inter+ediate "ein! was the spiritual nature itself* called the

&on of God* the Christ within* which constituted that liin! lin( in who+soeer it

e/isted% 6o hu+an +ediu+ could "eco+e the Christ of the Gnosis* who represented a

 principle which could only "eco+e a person in a future state of "ein!44neer in this

world% &o was it "efore the history alle!ed to hae "een lied* and so the fact re+ains today*

and for eer% The historical was an i+possi"le +ode of realis in! that which could

only "e a spiritual possi"ility, and thus the truth accordin! to the Gnosis has "een

refracted in the falsehood accordin! to the History%

The Gnostic Christ was the real founder of Christianity This was the Christ of the first

Christians* and this was their +odel +an* the Ideal +ee( and lowly one* which thewriters of the Gospels hae sou!ht to realise in the for+ of historic personality% This

lunar* solar* +ystical* or spiritual type could not "e +ade historical in the creed of those

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who (new* i.e.* the Gnostics% 8ut it was hu+ani7ed, it was turned into a one person* who

 "eca+e the one Christ in this world* and the one spirit of all others* for those who did not

(now% For the earliest appeal of the new faith was +ade to +en who were so i!norant*

accordin! to the record* that when they had 5ust witnessed a risin! fro+ the dead of 

certain historic characters* they did not co+prehend what this risin! a!ain fro+ the dead

should +ean

Historic Christianity had retained possession of a dead Christ* the +ere hus( of the !ru"*to!ether with a a!ue "elief in the "utterfly, and if you* li(ewise* "eliee in its one dead

!ru"* you +ay cultiate the hope of so+e day* also* "eco+in! a "utterfly% 8ut* for the

Gnostics* the transfor+ation fro+ the chrysalis condition of +atter to the spiritual was a

natural fact of which they had an eer4present italisin! consciousness% They were

transfor+in! and see(in! attain+ent all their life throu!h, and their Christ was the

representatie type of that transfor+ation of the +ortal into an i++ortal%

Historic Christianity a"olished the Gnostic spiritualis+ for all who accepted the false

 "elief Henceforth there was "ut one spirit* that of the historic 8rin!er of I++ortality to

Li!ht, and* if any apparition appeared to the a"nor+al or nor+al ision* it would "e the

historic Christ for eer after It was so with the ision of Paul* which was reported and

 pererted in the 8oo( of $cts% .hen his inner eyes were opened he saw spirits44as&weden"or! and +any others are reported to hae done44whereupon they aowed he had

seen the risen Jesus* their only witness for a spirit4world &o has it "een with the non4

&piritualists eer since* for who+ an apparition +ust "e the Christ% In an island near 

#otterda+* says #enan* the peasants "eliee that Christ co+es to the "ed of death to

assure the elect of their 5ustification% In point of fact +any see hi+ On the other hand*

the 8uddhist Lotus declares that thousands of 8uddhas show their faces to the irtuous

+an at the +o+ent of his decease* which proes the 8uddhas to "e spirits% &o has it "een

with the ecstatics and +ediu+s in all the reli!ious sects% .heneer they saw a spirit they

saw Jesus the Christ their &aiour* "ecause they (new of no other spirit or na+e44the

history "ein! esta"lished for the other world as well as in this44and so one delusion was

 "ound to support the other, the true ision was +ade untrue, and all the facts of 

spiritualis+ hae "een falsified and turned into lyin! witnesses* to su"stantiate the truth

of the Gospel history% $ll such +anifestations as had preiously occurred and had "een

attri"uted to the spirits of the departed* were now ascri"ed to the power of Christ* in

whose na+e the prophesyin! was perfor+ed* the healin! effected* and the +ental

+edicine dispensed% Henceforth there was to "e no other na+e under heaen "ut this% In

this na+e only were the Gentiles to hae hope% #ede+ption was +ade dependent on this

na+e, cripples were cured* the "lind +ade to see* deils were cast out* the dead raised*

sins re+itted* souls saed* and eternal life ensured "y "elief on this na+e supposed to "e

 6ew% $t the +ention of this na+e the dead arose up out of their !raes* and* accordin! to

the testi+ony of Irenus* they suried a+on!st the liin! +any years &o +uch +ore potent was faith than fact% The earlier spiritualis+ was founded upon facts in nature*

which did not need the desperate e/pedient of a +iracle to e/plain% 8ut in the later cult

the +ore the +iracle the lar!er loo+ed the supernatural* and the "roader were the

foundations for the "elief that was "ased on faith instead of facts* and on Materialis+

 plus Miracle%

They accounted for the spiritual pheno+ena of the Gnostics "y declarin!* as Justin

Martyr did* that when the deil and the de+ons (new that Christ was "elieed on* and

that he was e/pected in eery race* they put forth &i+on* Menander* and the other 

Gnostics to deceie the +ultitude with +a!ic% 8ecause &piritualis+ was naturally and for 

eer at war with the historical +isinterpretation* Justin asserts that after the ascension of 

Christ into Heaen* the de+ons put forward certain +en li(e &i+on to declare that theywere the Gods% .hereas* historic Christianity proclai+ed the+ to "e deils, and deils

they hae re+ained eer since* accordin! to the false "elief%

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The founders of the Catholic Church were the de4&pirituali7ers of pri+itie Christianity*

and the destroyers of the Gnostic reli!ion as such* "y placin! their "an upon all

&piritualistic pheno+ena The foundations of the ancient cult were to "e "uilt upon no


In the recently discoered Didach or the Teachin! of the $postles* the facts of 

&piritualis+ are ad+itted* and the practices of the prophets are reco!ni7ed% They are

spo(en of as orderin! a ta"le in the spirit* and of asse+"lin! to!ether for a Cos+ic+ystery% 8ut those are the true +ediu+s alone who hae the +anners of the Lord, and

the law as laid down in these Didach is<44Thou shalt not play the +a!e Thou shalt not

 practise witchcraft44or spirit4intercourse% 6o prophet that spea(s as one of the possessed

is to "e tried or tolerated% )ery sin shall "e for!ien* "ut this sin shall not "e for!ien%

It was now and henceforth to "e &piritualis+ without spirits* a"stract and ideal* not

tan!i"le or real* an article of faith ersus fact% .e see fro+ the )pistle of John how

+ortally afraid of Gnostic &piritualis+ were the founders of the historical fraud% Many

deceiers are !one forth into the world that confess not that Jesus Christ co+eth in the

flesh% These words of John state the Gnostic position% Their Christ had not so co+e* and

could not "e carnali7ed% These Gnostics were in the world lon! "efore they heard of such

a doctrine, "ut when they did they denied and opposed it% This* says John* is the anti4Christ% 8ut* eery spirit which confesseth that Jesus Christ is co+e in the flesh is of 

God, and eery spirit which annulleth Jesus is not of God% $nd this is the spirit of the

anti4Christ whereof ye hae heard that it co+eth* and now it is in the world already%

$ story is told of two early )n!lish saints* one of who+ was supposed to hae died% They

were a"out to "ury hi+* when* as he was "ein! lowered into the !rae* face upward and

uncoered* he opened wide his !hostly starin! eyes and told the+ he had only fallen into

a trance% He had "een into the other world* and found that what they were preachin!

a"out it in this was not true% There was no Fall of Man* he said% There is no hell* he

cried, no personal Christ44no #edee+er% 8ut here his fellow4saint outside the !rae

interposed44For God's sa(e fill in the earth and stop the "lasphe+er's +outh They did

so* and the rest of his reelation re+ained un(nown% That was how the Catholic

Christians dealt with the Gnostic &piritualists when they had the power% They would shut

up the liin! +outh of the &pirit4world* "ecause the reports fro+ the other side were fatal

to the Historic fiction% They "ro(e down the "rid!e "etween the two worlds* and

 proclai+ed a !reat !ulf fi/ed foreer* which could only "e crossed "y faith in the Historic

Jesus% Here the +oe+ent of Historic Christianity was a direct and deli"erate shuntin! of 

the hu+an +ind fro+ off the +ain line* the hi!hway of its natural deelop+ent* and

runnin! it head first into all sorts of "ye4ways and "lind alleys* fro+ which we hae had

to turn "ac( and !rope out a!ain as "est we could for any pro!ress to "e +ade%

Historic Christianity ori!inated with turnin! the Gnostic and )soteric teachin!s inside out

and e/ternalisin! the +ythical alle!ory in a personal hu+an history% $ll that was interior with the (nowers was +ade o"5ectie, all that was spiritual in si!nificance was e+"odied

to "e +ade palpa"le for the i!norant% $ corporeal Christ was su"stituted for the transcorporeal

+an44a Christ whose adent was without* instead of the one that +ust "e

eoled within44a personal &aiour who died for all* instead of the Christ that was the

liin! &pirit wor(in! within all% It was re+ar(ed "y $u!ustine @de Ci% Dei* ;* 2AB that

the Gnostics pro+ised eternal life to any"ody44that is* with the+ the soul of +an was

an eternal principle* and the resurrection was not cunnin!ly resered for the elect who

accepted the Historic "elief% The Gnostic clai+ed to "e illu+inated "y the presence of the

Christ within, the Christian* accordin! to Justin* "y the na+e of the Christ without% $nd a

ery curious +ental lin( of connection "etween the !enuine Gnostic and the counterfeit

Historic Christ is apparent in the I!natian )pistle to the &+yrneans% The writer says44I(now that een after his resurrection he was in the flesh* and I "eliee that he is so still%

 6ow this co+"ines "oth* after a fashion%

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The writer is see(in! to esta"lish the history a!ainst those who denied that the Christ

could "e +ade a +an% In doin! this* he has recourse to the Gnostic Christ* who always

was in the flesh* or +atter* as the salt of soul* and the only spiritual &aiour fro+ death

and dissolution% &pea(in! fro+ his Gnostic standpoint* Paul declared to the historic

Christians who followed John and Peter* that God had sent the+ a wor(in! of error* that

they should "eliee a lie* "ecause they re5ected the truth as it was accordin! to his

spiritual Gospel The lie was esta"lished "y e/ternalisin! the Christ that can only dwellwithin44"y successfully falsifyin! for a ti+e that truth which is true for eer% In this way*

you see* that the co+in! of the Holy &pirit* which always had "een within* was

henceforth to "e without% Thus* the descent of the Holy Ghost upon Jesus* in Jordan* is an

e/ternal transaction% The Holy &pirit that co+es fro+ heaen in the for+ of a doe44a

Gnostic type of the &pirit, that is* of "oth se/es44or* later on* as a whirlwind* in which the

Gust and Ghost are one% In the course of this conersion of the inner to the outer* we are

told that the Holy Ghost* which always had "een e/tant with the Gnostics* was not yet

!ien* "ecause the Historical Jesus was not yet !lorified, "ut after he had risen fro+ the

!rae* and returned "odily to the disciples* he "reathed upon the+* and said* #eceie ye

the Holy Ghost% $nd a!ain< the Holy Ghost* as an e/ternal effusion* could not "e !ien

until after forty days, whereas* in the )ssenic Mysteries* the "ody of the disciple "eca+ethe te+ple of the Holy Ghost when he had reached the si/th sta!e of interior pro!ress%

This shows the literalisers of the le!end* the rationalisers of the +ythos* the anti4+ystics*

the )/oterists* e/ternalisin! the Gnosis* and conertin! the +atter of it into hu+an

history% There was to "e neither &pirit within nor &pirit4world without for the i!norant

Christians* until the resurrection and ascension of Jesus had historically esta"lished "oth%

Two distinct char!es are "rou!ht a!ainst the Carnali7ers "y Tatian in the second century%

He cries out sha+e upon the Catholic Church* and e/clai+s* ou hae !ien the

 6a7arite wine to drin(* and co++anded the prophets* sayin!* 'Prophesy not%' They were

de"auchin! the Christian co++unity and destroyin! the pri+itie 6a7arite purity which

Tertullian clai+ed for the Christians when he said* .e are they of who+ it is written*

'Their 6a7arites are whiter than snow%' 6e/t* they hae deter+ined to put an end to

 practical spiritualis+ on "ehalf of the new faith, and this is treated "y Tatian as part of a

su"tle sche+e for destroyin! the purity and spirituality of that Christianity which was

 pri+itie and non4historic* too

The transfor+ations of the Pa!an cult into the Christian* and of the Gnostic into the

historical representation* were effected "ehind the eil identifia"le as the Discipline of 

the &ecret* the strictness of which was only rela/ed after the fourth century* when the

Truth had "een hidden in a fo! of falsehood, the inner +ysteries turned to an outer +ist*

that +ade confusion cunnin!ly co+plete%

The Gnostic &piritualis+ was declared ille!al and i+pious% The o"5ectie realities of the

 pheno+enal &piritualists* which had heretofore furnished the one "it of foothold innatural fact for a "elief in the future life* were now discarded on "ehalf of the +ore

su"5ectie idealities deried fro+ a faith that was founded "y +eans of a fraudulent

history +is4translated fro+ a +ystical fa"le%

The #o+an Church adopted the $n!els and $rchan!els of the Celestial $lle!ory as its

&aints* includin! &aint 8acchus and &aint &atan in place of Guardian &pirits that were

once hu+an "ein!s%

$ do!+a of the #eal Presence of the Historic Christ was now su"stituted for the #eal

Presence of &pirit Friends in the earlier co++union%

The +ysteries in which the early Christian 6eophytes had "een initiated into a lawful

co++union with the dead were !radually suppressed, and in the si/th century we find the

doctrine of a co++union with the saints was su"stituted for the practical intercourse withspirits% It happens that the ti+e when the doctrine was inserted in the Creed coincides

al+ost e/actly with the suppression of the +ysteries which were connected with the socalled

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$!ap of the early Christians The $!ap were only a continuation of the ancient

Pa!an funeral feasts and )ucharistic rites in honour of the departed% Hence they were

held in the ce+eteries and cataco+"s in presence of the dead* where the +u++y4type or 

the >arest was the Christ* as the i+a!e of risin! a!ain, the i+a!e that was carried round

and pointed to as a cause for festie re5oicin! at the )!yptian feast In this way we can

watch the false faith ta(in! the place of the facts% $nd as the Gnostic sects and

 "rotherhoods !ae up the !host* Historic Christianity assu+ed their !lory% In this stran!escene of transfor+ation and dra+atic illusion "y so+e &atanic slei!ht of hand and turn of 

head* the after!low of the ancient reli!ions was chan!ed into the dawn of the supersedin!

faith* which was then proclai+ed to "e the fountain4head of all future enli!hten+ent or 

rather the wanin! li!ht of ancient (nowled!e has "een +ista(en for the dawnin! of the

 6ew 8elief, a dawn that was followed "y the !rey twili!ht that deepened into the

thousand4years4lon! intellectual ni!ht of the Dar( $!es%

It +atters not what +ay "e the relatie share of responsi"ility attri"uta"le to (naery on

the one hand and i!norance on the other* the fact re+ains that a hu!e and hideous +ista(e

has "een +ade* an irretriea"le error co++itted in the na+e of Historic Christianity% For 

a!es past the false faith did feed the fla+es of +artyrdo+ with the fires of hell on prete/t

of !iin! li!ht to the+ that it had coered with its s+o(e of tor+ent and pall of dar(ness%$nd now the sun of a "etter day has arisen to put out the fires infernal* to disperse the

clouds of hu+an si!hs* that hae o"scured the heaens so lon!* and to aid in dryin! the

tears fro+ our afflicted earth at last% #eelation* "y +eans of )olution* has now +ade

(nown for eer that the fall of +an was not historic fact% Hu+anity has not to "ear the

 penalty eternally for a diine failure in the "e!innin! of ti+e% This world is not a prisonhouse

of fallen "ein!s% ConseEuently* the pro+ised rede+ption and proffered +ode of 

salation are a ain delusion* and all in ain has the spirit of the liin! Christ within "een

co+pelled to dra! the dead "ody of the corporeal Christ fro+ the !rae for the purpose of 

 proin! the history for the i!norant* until its corruption is a sic(enin! stench in the

nostrils of the nations* and there is a cla+our for the "urial that shall !et rid of "oth

to!ether% The history of Christ as our i+personated &aiour on earth* eEually with the

story of $da+'s fall fro+ )den* is +ytholo!y +is"elieed% The Old Testa+ent was read

 "ac(wards to "e re4written as the 6ew% The only ori!inal ele+ents in this interpolation

 "etween the ancient Gnosis and +odern science are those that proe false to the

!oernin! laws of the unierse* and those facts of nature which +a(e the sole true

reelation% Theory aails nothin! in the presence of the fact that Historic Christianity was

founded on the #esurrection of the Flesh* and that it has left the world where it was

itself* after puttin! out the Gnostic Li!ht* all in the dar( concernin! our spiritual

continuity in death Canon Gre!ory said only the other day if Jesus did not rise

corporeally fro+ the to+"* then that to+" +ust "e the !rae of Christianity% $nd the

&pectator for $u!ust 09* 011;* spea(in! of the Gree(s who died "efore the#esurrection was thus historically esta"lished* says<44In the nature of thin!s the Gree(s

could hae had no sure hope of a !lorious resurrection% &uch was and is* when honestly

confessed* the !enuine Christian creed% It does see+ to +e as if those arch4for!ers in

#o+e had su"tly succeeded in conertin! that which was true in the old reli!ion into a

secret support for all that was false in the new% Gnostic Christianity was a"solutely*

funda+entally* and for eer opposed to the historic renderin!* and yet the Gnostic

doctrines of the fourth Gospel* and of Paul's and Ja+es' )pistles* hae "een allowed to

re+ain under coer and control as spiritual forces artfully tethered to draw for the

 physical and anti4Gnostic Faith% I a+ so+eti+es co+pelled to say to +yself it has "een

+ost deilishly done44and so hae we

.e hae &piritualists to4day who lay hold of the &criptures* or can "e laid hold of* "y+eans of the Gnosis that re+ains there as a lure* and turn it to the account intended* that

is* as a decoy towards acceptin! the history% $nd so when the risen Christ reappears in

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the actual "ody that is +issin! fro+ the !rae* they are prepared to e/plain away the

 physical fact "y +eans of the spiritual Gnosis% In that way nothin! is "otto+ed* and

nothin! can "e really understood, "ut*44the purpose of the pro+oters* who were the

founders of the falsehood* and who founded it well4ni!h unfatho+a"ly*44their purpose

continues to "e fulfilled%

In writin! to a Christian spiritualist the other day* I said* I (now no "etter way of wa!in!

the "attle for Truth than arrayin! the facts face to face on either side and lettin! the+fi!ht it out% His reply was* I do not "eliee in your facts "ecause I do not (now% 6ow*

that is !ood fir+ !round to stand upon* howeer late in life we ta(e the position% 8ut* to

 "e of any real serice* we +ust apply the sa+e reason all round $s an adherent of 

Historic Christianity* that writer has all alon! "een a 8elieer in what he did not (now to

 "e facts, and a "elieer 5ust "ecause he did not (now, and now he finds it too late*

 perhaps* to correct his early "elief "y +eans of later (nowled!e $ll I as( is that people

shall no lon!er "eliee "ecause they do not (now% 6o +atter what they +ay call

the+seles44they are traitors to the Truth who will not face the facts or e/a+ine for 

the+seles* "ut will !o on repeatin! i!norantly* or in pious pi!headedness* the orthodo/

assu+ptions* and applyin! the hypotheses of acco++odation to the Christian docu+ents%

ou +i!ht as well e/pect to reach the ne/t world "y !oin! round and round this* as tothin( of +a(in! ends +eet "y unifyin! the Gnostic reli!ion with Historic Christianity%

Pheno+enal &piritualists who !o on philanderin! with the fallacies of the Christian faith*

and want to +a(e out that it is identical with Modern &piritualis+* hae at last to face the

!reat* indu"ita"le fact that Historic Christianity was esta"lished as a non4&piritualist and

an anti4&piritualistic reli!ion Its pri+ary fact* its initial point of departure* its first "it of 

foothold for a new departure* was the ac(nowled!+ent of the physical resurrection of the

dead Historic Christ% It is useless to try to wri!!le out of that% The reappearance of the

Corpus Christi is the funda+ental fact of the Faith The strin!s are pulled so that the

Marionette Messiah +ay "e forced to e/clai+ that he is not a "odiless !host, not a

 "oneless phanto+, not a spirit anyway, and he offers the proof palpa"le that he is none of 

your &piritualistic or Gnostic Christs* or the spirit of any"ody Moreoer* this is the

erita"le dead "ody that is +issin! fro+ the to+" $nd still further* the passa!e in Lu(e

has "een altered fro+ Marcion's Gospel of the Lord on purpose to su"stitute the

Corporeal Christ of Historic Christianity for the &piritual representation of the Gnostics%

In Marcion's ersion the word %hantasma is used* and this has not only "een o+itted "y

Lu(e, the phanto+ is +ade to protest ery e+phatically that he is not in anywise

 phantas+al* "ut is a "ein! of flesh and "lood een as they are, and after de+onstratin!

the fact* clinches it "y as(in! if they hae !ot anythin! there for hi+ to eat The entire

fa"ric of the new faith rested upon the reality of a physical resurrection, and it is too late

now to shift the "asis of the edifice "y tryin! to lift it "odily* li(e the city of Chica!o* on

to the hi!her and surer !round of &piritualis+* so as to find a fir+er "asis for it and all itswei!ht of errors .e can trace the ery "ifurcation and fresh startin!4point of the new

faith in the account !ien of the resurrection in the Canonical Gospels% They proclai+ed

the resurrection of the dead in Jesus and throu!h hi+ only The historic Jesus who alone

had power to open the !ateways of the !rae* and who had personally left with Peter the

(eys that loc( up heaen and open hell% There was nothin! to constitute a new faith in a

spiritual resurrection% That was already the co++on property of the Gnostics* whether 

called Pa!ans or Christians% That was accordin! to the natural fact* and here only was the

+iracle* in the dead "ody risin! a!ain to proe the presence and the power of the diinity%

&uch is the reli!ious foundation* for which the Christians are responsi"le Trustees

$s a &piritualist* then* I assert that the new Christian dispensation was founded upon the

death and "urial of the ancient spiritualis+, or upon the !a!!in! of it and !ettin! itunder!round dead or alie $nd the to+" out of which a corporeal Christ was "elieed to

hae e+er!ed as the &aiour of the .orld* and "rou!ht i++ortality to li!ht "y a physical

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resurrection fro+ the dead* has "een the "urial4place of !enuine &piritualis+ for 01::

years% For this reason the defenders of the faith were "ound to +a(e war upon the facts of 

 pheno+enal spiritualis+* and persecute and put the psychical de+onstrators to death*

which they did with a consu+in! fury so lon! as they were allowed%

The terri"le cra7e that was caused "y this perersion of the ancient wisdo+ has sown the

!er+s of insanity "roadcast* and half4filled the world with pious lunatics for who+ it

offers no cure* and who are still told to loo( forward for an asylu+ in the world to co+e%8ut such pernicious teachin! will +a(e people as insane for another life as for this Here*

or hereafter* falsehood +ust "e fraudulent* thou!h it +ay "e found out too late .hat of 

the +yriads of sufferin! souls who hae "een forced to wear the "lin(ers of i!norance all

throu!h this life for fear they should learn to see for the+seles44who were dru!!ed and

deceied fro+ "irth till death with the nostru+s of a false deludin! faith% .hat of the+

when they awa(e fro+ their stupor in death to find out that they hae "een foully* cruelly

hocussed with a creed that was an illusion for this life and a delusion for the ne/t%

Delusion that is perfectly co+plete

For those who die to find out the deceit

If the teachers of the fleshly cult could "ut see how their fallacies dissole in death44how

the false ideal set up in this life disli+ns and fades as the terri"le li!ht of reality whitensin the ne/t, if they could "ut see that +ournful +ultitude of the helplessly deceied who

sta(ed their all upon the truth of what they had "een tau!ht and find they hae lost

 "ecause the teachin! was false If you could see the+ wander up and down on the other 

side of the dar( rier and wrin! their hands oer their "li!hted hopes and "ro(en hearts,

hear the pitiful wailin!s for the Christ that is no +ore o"5ectie there than he was here44

for the isionary !lory that they +ay not !rasp* the distant rain"ows* neer reached* that

weep the+seles away in tears44for the life"oat !one to wrec( on the wron! shore

 "ecause of the false "eacon4li!hts% If you could only drea+ how these poor souls desire to

hae the deception +ade (nown on this side of life44how they want to send so+e word of 

warnin! to their friends44how they will al+ost hiss at +e throu!h the +ouths of +ediu+s

wheneer they hae the chance* as if their fierce feelin!s had turned into ton!ues of 

fla+e* prayin! for us to wor( on faster and cry louder a!ainst the esta"lished lie* for ti+e

is !ettin! short and the helpers are few* and the at+osphere around each lie soul is so

deathly dense with indifference This would "e un"eara"le "ut for those cal+ other 

oices of the Gnostics who in this life wal(ed our world lords of the+seles with inward

!lory crowned* and who lied on after the Gnosis was suppressed and the ancient

oracles +ade du+"44who lie on yet* and are wor(in! with us still44who fill and inflate us

at ti+es with their influence* as if each sin!le soul of us were a hundred thousand @ "cent mille," as his +en used to call 6apoleonB% It is they who are 5oinin! hands with us to4day

to "rid!e oer that dar( !ulf "etwi/t two worlds which the historic and fleshly faith first

e/caated* and has "een deepenin! and widenin! now for ei!hteen centuries%This is the #esurrection Day of the pre4Christian Gnosticis+* as shown "y the recent

reial of &piritualis+* "y the restoration of the Tree of >nowled!e* "y the eleation of 

.o+an(ind* instead of the Fall of +an, and we are liin! witnesses of the fact that

Truth* crushed to earth* shall rise a!ain*

The eternal years of God are hers,

8ut )rror* wounded* writhes with pain*

$nd dies a+on! his worshippers


I hae "een as(ed whether I a+ a"le to e/plain "y +eans of the )!yptian Mythos* thetwo dierse state+ents in the Gospel accordin! to Lu(e and the 8oo( of $cts concernin!

the ascension of Jesus into Heaen% In Lu(e the risen Christ is carried up into Heaen

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on the third day followin! the crucifi/ion% In the $cts he is not ta(en up into Heaen

until the fortieth day* or after forty days &uch serious discrepancies as these are foreer 

irreconcila"le as history* "ut they are found to contain the ery facts that reconstitute the


The resurrection of Osiris at the $utu+n eEuino/ was lunar, at the ernal eEuino/ it was

solar% $fter he was "etrayed to his death* when the sun was in the si!n of &corpio* he rose

a!ain on the third day as Lord of Li!ht in the +oon* or as Horus* the child of the +other+oon%The solar resurrection was at the ernal eEuino/ when the sun entered the first of 

the upper si!ns and Orion rose% This ti+e it was in the character of the second Horus* the

adult of 9: years, and this second resurrection followed the forty days of +ournin! for 

the sufferin! God which were cele"rated in the Mysteries* and surie in a Christiani7ed

for+ as our Lent% $nd 5ust as the +yth of the dou"le Horus in the two characters of the

child of 02 years* and the adult Horus of 9: years* has "een continued in the Gospels to

furnish the two phases in the life of Jesus* so hae the two different resurrections with

their correct dates "een applied to the Christ +ade historical%

Thus interpreted "y +eans of the Mythos these two ersions of one alle!ed fact tend to

corro"orate +y e/planation already +ade that the two different dates for the crucifi/ion

!ien in the otherwise irreconcila"le accounts "elon! to the luni4solar rec(onin! in thesa+e luni4solar +yth% In )!yptian the si!ns of a half4+oon and fourteen days are

identical, and in the dar( half of the +oon Osiris was torn into fourteen parts% Therefore

the 0Ath of the lunar +onth was the day of full +oon% .hereas in the soli4lunar +onth of 

thirty days the 0?th was the +iddle of the +onth% 6ow the crucifi/ion or the crossin! at

)aster was and still is deter+ined "y the day of full +oon% This will "e on the 0Ath of the

+onth of twenty4ei!ht days in the rec(onin! "y the +oon only* "ut on the 0?th of the

+onth accordin! to the soli4lunar rec(onin!% The 0Ath of the +onth would "e the lunar 

rec(onin! of $nup John* and the 0?th that of Taht4Mati Mathew in the two for+s of 

the )!yptian Mythos% 8oth rec(onin!s were e/tant in two different cults and "oth were

separately continued "y the )astern and .estern Churches for the one day of the

crucifi/ion% 8oth cannot "e historically correct* "ut they are "oth astrono+ically true%

8oth could "e +ade to +eet at a !ien point in the total co+"ination which was

deter+ined "y the con5unction of the sun and +oon at the eEuino/ as the day of full

+oon% 8ut the two different dates for the +id4+onth re+ained* and these are represented

 "y the traditions of two different dates for the crucifi/ion% 8oth the lunar and the solar 

dates could "e utilised "y the Mythos* in which there were two crucifi/ions and two

resurrections* thou!h these will "ear witness for the sin!le fact of the historical

crucifi/ion% $s we hae seen* the two ascensions of Osiris on the third day and at the end

of forty days* hae "een presered* and are repeated as historical transactions% Two

different Crosses were also contained in the Christian Icono!raphy as the cross of 

$utu+n and of )aster, and althou!h we +ay not "e a"le to show two crucifi/ions in theCanonical Gospels* neertheless the total +atter of the Mythos is there% .hen Jesus was

led up into the wilderness to "e te+pted of the deil* and to suffer durin! forty days* we

hae the parallel to the stru!!le "etween Osiris and &ut* which was cele"rated durin! the

forty days of +ournin! in the +ysteries% Moreoer* there were two days of death or 

crucifi/ion (ept in #o+e until the present century* when the dead Christ used to "e laid

out and e/hi"ited on the Thursday "efore Good Friday, and two days of resurrection were

also cele"rated in the two &a""aths on &aturday and &unday% $s the $postolic

Constitutions show* "oth of these days were continued for the two wee(ly holidays of the

Christians* &aturday "ein! the day of risin! a!ain on the ;th day of the wee( in the lunar 

cult, &unday* the &a""ath of the 1th day* accordin! to the solar resurrection% &uch are the

funda+ental facts, and* to +y thin(in!* they are of sufficient force to cleae theCanonical history ri!ht in two* each half "ein! then clai+ed "y the Mythos% Here* as

elsewhere* the Mythos does e/plain the fact* "ut only "y a"olishin! the history% Fro+

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 "e!innin! to end the ascertaina"le facts are astrono+ical* and interpreta"le solely "y

+eans of the Gnostic e/planation of the )!yptian Mythos* which always denied* "ecause

it disproed* the alle!ed hu+an history%

The sa+e correspondent desires to (now whether I would e/clude the 8i"le fro+ our 

children's schools% Most certainly% I would hae the 8i"le4"asis superseded for all future

teachin! as unscientific* i++oral* and false to the facts in nature% The +ass of people

who are 8i"le4tau!ht neer !et free fro+ the erroneous i+pressions sta+ped on their +inds in their infancy* so that their +anhood or wo+anhood can hae no intellectual

fulfil+ent* and +illions of the+ only attain +entally to a sort of second childhood%

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TH) H)8#). $6D OTH)# C#)$TIO6& 2UN4A-3N:A? 3F$A6N34

"6f you would correct my false iew of facts," says )+erson* "hold u% to me the same

 facts in the true order of thought." That is the process atte+pted in these lectures of +ine, and the true order and seEuence of 

the facts can only "e ascertained "y delin! down to the foundations in the physical

!enesis, can only "e stated "y +eans of the eolutionary +ethod, can only "e proed "y

the .isdo+ of )!ypt% I clai+ that on each line of research +y interpretation is deried

fro+ the facts the+seles* and is not ar"itrarily i+posed upon the+* or read into the+ "y

+y own theoretic speculation% I do "ut flesh the s(eleton of facts%

It is not the ancient le!ends that tell us lies The +en who created the+ did not deal

falsely with us "y nature% $ll the falsity lies in their hain! "een falsified throu!h

i!norantly +ista(in! +ytholo!y for diine reelation and alle!ory for historic truth%

Geolo!y was not tau!ht a+on! the +ysteries of ancient (nowled!e* floatin! fra!+ents of 

which hae drifted down to us in the 8oo( of Genesis% The Christian world assu+ed thatit was44or* at least* so+e sort of !lo"e4+a(in!44and therefore it was found to "e entirely

opposed to scientific !eolo!y%

Mytholo!y neer did inculcate the historic fall of +an% Theolo!ists hae i!norantly

supposed that it did* and as a result they were "itterly opposed to the ascent of +an* +ade

(nown "y +eans of eolution

&uch doctrines as the Fall of Man* the failure of God* and all that "an(rupt "usiness in the

co++ence+ent of creation* the conseEuent !enesis of eil and ori!inal sin* the depraity

of +atter* the filthy nature of the flesh hae no other "asis or "e!innin! than in the

 perersion of ancient typolo!y* and the literalisation of +ytholo!y%

$ccordin! to the He"rew Genesis the first +an was "orn without a +other or a fe+ale of 

any (ind% If that "e fact accordin! to reelation* it cannot "e accordin! to nature 8ut

there is nothin! !ained "y callin! it  eelation% 8y doin! so #eelation has co+e to

 "e a na+e applied to anythin! which we +ay not* for the ti+e "ein!* understand%

#eelation has co+e to +ean a series of confoundin! lies* warranted "y God to "e true

8y +a(in! this a reelation direct fro+ deity you destroy the character of the diine

intelli!ence* which did not (now the facts* processes* or order* of its own wor(s, or if it

did it +ust hae pal+ed off a lyin! ersion on the +ediu+ of co++unication to the

world as a diine reelation +ade to +an%

8ut $da+ neer denoted a first +an who was produced without a +other* nor )e a first

wo+an for+ed fro+ an actual ri" of $da+% That is "ut the literalisation of a sy+"olical

+ode of representation* the (ey to which has "een long mislaid %&pea(in! of the +atter found in the Pentateuch* Philo* the learned Jew* told his

country+en the truth when he said8 ":he literal statement is a fabulous one, and it is inthe mythical we shall find the true." On the other hand* he asserts of the +yths found in

the He"rew for+< These thin!s are not +ere fa"ulous inentions* in which the race of 

 poets and sophists deli!ht* "ut are types shadowin! forth an alle!orical truth accordin! to

so+e +ystical e/planation, not a history% The literal ersion is the false, and it is in the

+ythical that we shall find the true* "ut only when it is truly interpreted% Mytholo!y is not

to "e understood "y literalisation* een though the 5hristian creed has been founded onthat fatal method< It is not to "e +ade real "y +odern rationali7in!* thou!h that is the

 "asis of nitarianis+, nor is it to "e utili7ed "y each one furnishin! their own syste+ of 

Her+eneutical interpretation% Mytholo!y is an ancient syste+ of (nowled!e* with its own+ode of e/pression* which enshrined the science of the past in what loo(s to us at ti+es

li(e foolish and un+eanin! fa"les% It is entirely useless to speculate on such a su"5ect* or 

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try to read one's own interpretation into the +yths* with no clue whateer to their 

 pri+ordial +eanin!% $ny"ody can +a(e an alle!ory !o on all4fours* and read so+e sort

of history into a +yth% $nd* of course* he that hides can find, if you put your own

+eanin! into what you read* you can discoer it there% ou +ay say it is so, any one can

 say* and possi"ly !et a few others to hear(en and "eliee* "ut no a+ount of +ere

assertion will esta"lish the truth "y +eans of a false interpretation of the fa"le% &o+e

 persons will tell us that if the Fall of Man "e not a fact once and for all* "etter still* it istrue for eer* "ecause +en and wo+en are always fallin!, therefore the alle!ory is oer 

true* and* in point of fact* a diine reelation% I hae heard preachers resole the

nocturnal wrestlin!4+atch "etween Jaco" and the an!el into an e/Euisite alle!ory* +ade

to run on all4fours for ery si+ple people to ride on* an alle!ory full of li!ht and leadin!*

and loely in its +oral and spiritual si!nificance* for sorely te+pted +en% The ni!ht of 

the stru!!le is +ade internal% The an!el is transfor+ed into the deil* and we hae the

wrestle of the soul with the te+pter* and a +an on his (nees all ni!ht in prayer% It is the

conflict of Christian and $pollyon hu+ani7ed* and fou!ht out in a "edroo+* in place of 

the dar( alley of the shadow of death% It is in this wise that such stories are to "e saed

fro+ a"surdity* orthodo/y is to re!ain its lost supre+acy* and science and reli!ion are to

 "e reconciled for eer% 8ut there is no truth in it all % The history was not hu+an at first*and this su"5ectie +ode of treat+ent does "ut reface it with another sort of falsehood% If 

we would ascertain what these old stories ori!inally +eant we +ust !o to +ytholo!y% In

this case the Hottentots can enli!hten us% They hae a +yth or fa"le of Tsuni4Goa+ and

Gauna"* the twins* who personate the presence of li!ht and dar(ness* the powers of !ood

and eil% These two contend in +ortal conflict ni!ht after ni!ht* the !ood one !ettin! the

 "etter of the "ad one "y de!rees* and !rowin! stron!er with eery "attle fou!ht% $t last

Tsuni4Goa+ !rew +i!hty enou!h to !ie his ene+y a "low at the "ac( of his ear* which

 put an end to Gauna"% 8ut 5ust as he was e/pirin! and fallin! "ac( into his own a"yss of 

dar(ness* Gauna" !ae his opponent a "low in the hollow of his le!* that +ade hi+ !o

li+pin! for life% In conseEuence he was called Tsuni4Goa+* the +eanin! of which

na+e is wounded (nee% The stru!!le was that of li!ht and dar(ness in the or" of the

+oon* or the sun of ni!ht fi!htin! his way throu!h the alley of the shadow of death in

the underworld* durin! the winter* when his +oe+ent was slower, and he was

represented as "ein! la+e in one (nee* or +ai+ed in his lower +e+"er% $ wounded (nee

with a (nife thrust throu!h it is the )!yptian hiero!lyphic si!n for "ein! oerco+e%

Hence* althou!h he conEuers the powers of dar(ness* Tsuni4Goa+ is said to hae "een

wounded in one (nee% The +yth is found in +any lands* and is identical with that of 

Jaco" wrestlin! all ni!ht with the power called an an!el* who +ai+ed hi+ in the hollow

of his thi!h* and +ade hi+ a for+ of the wounded (nee%

$lso* it is worse than useless* "ecause +isleadin!* to "e!in "y applyin! a +odern

+ystical syste+ of su"5ectie interpretation to the fra!+ents of ancient wisdo+ found inthe He"rew 8oo( of Genesis* after the +anner of &weden"or!% $ccordin! to hi+ the

account of the Creation in Genesis is not a real history* "ut a narratie written in the style

of the $ncient Churches* si!nifyin! spiritual and diine thin!s%

The !eneral su"5ect of the first chapter is not the !eneration* "ut the new creation, the

!enesis "eco+es the re4!enesis, the pererted +ythos is an intentional spiritual alle!ory,

the si/ days are si/ states in the re4creation of +an, the seenth day represents the

celestial +an* and he is the !arden of )den* and also the +ost ancient Church $da+'s

na(edness denotes the purity of the internal +an* or the state of innocence of the celestial

Church )e also si!nifies the Church% Cain is the na+e of those who falsified the

doctrine of the +ost ancient Church% The serpent !oin! on its "elly denotes the !roelin!

of the sensual principle see(in! after corporeal thin!s% The flood or delu!e was a totali++ersion of +an(ind in eil and falsehood )erythin! in the .ord relates to the

heaenly and spiritual* and is falsified if transferred to a lower leel% ;ut spiritual

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si!nifications are not %rimary< The natural or physical +ust co+e first* "ecause they were

first, the eschatolo!ical is last% Man was no +ore re4+ade than he was +ade on the si/th

day% &weden"or! (nows or ac(nowled!es nothin! of the ori!in in natural pheno+ena,

nothin! of the true +ythical +ode of representation, nothin! of an astrono+ical "asis for 

the Garden of )den* the tree of (nowled!e* the serpent* or the pri+al pair* whose fi!ures

are pourtrayed and whose story can still "e read as it was first written in the stars of 

heaen The i+a!ery and types of +ytholo!y can* of course* "e used as a +ode of e/pression for later ideas* and for +oral or spiritual si!nifications445ust as we continue to

say the +oon rises* or the sun sets* after we (now "etter, "ut* fro+ the +undane

standpoint* the natural* the physical* the e/ternal alone were pri+al% Hence pri+itie

Mytholo!y is no +ore +oral or i++oral than it is o"scene* senseless* or insane* si+ply

 "ecause the %henomena were not human% 8efore the )!yptian hiero!lyphics were

understood &weden"or! undertoo( to ouch for the fact that they represented spiritual

ideas "y +eans of natural o"5ects* accordin! to his own doctrine of correspondences,

which is no +ore true than his interpretation of the He"rew Genesis% This can "e proed%

The hiero!lyphics "e!an as direct o"5ect4pictures* which "eca+e sy+"olical in a later 

 phase% The three .ater4&i!ns of the odiac do not represent a spiritual e/perience in this

=ale of Tears* "ut the three +onths' Inundation which is annual in the =alley of the 6ile% The fact is that we cannot translate the thou!ht of pri+itie or pre4historic +an

without first learnin! the lan!ua!e in which is was e/pressed% The wisdo+* or !nosis* so

carefully hidden and 5ealously !uarded in the past* is not to "e recoered with any

certitude "y clairoyant insi!ht or intuitional +e+ory* whosoeer sets up the clai+ ou

+ay hae the ision to see the hidden treasures lyin! "uried at the "otto+ of the ocean*

 "ut you will not "e a"le to "rin! it "ac( to +en "y +erely dred!in! for it in your drea+s%

There were Illu+inati in the +ysteries of old* "ut they did not trust to the intuitional

faculty for that infor+ation* which too( the+ seen or ten years to acEuire% They were no

+ere self4illuminati They (new that intuition could not ta(e the place of research* and

were careful to co++unicate all the e/act (nowled!e they possessed to those who+ they

instructed% "Add to your faith /nowledge," is the counsel of Paul% In ain we read our own

thou!ht into the pri+itie types of e/pression* and then say the ancients +eant that<&u"tilised interpretation will not read the riddle to the root% 6or did such thin!s ori!inate

in riddles or intentional eni!+as% ou +ay "eliee +e when I affir+* and you can proe

it for yourseles* that +ytholo!y was a pri+itie +ethod of teachin! natural facts* and

not an esoteric +ode of +isinterpretin! the+

.hat we need to (now is the pri+ary +eanin! of the +yth4+a(ers, and this can only "e

recoered "y collectin! and co+parin! all the e/tant ersions of the ori!inal +ythos%

There is no "e!innin! with the +ystical or +etaphysical in the past "efore we hae

+astered the +ythical, that can only lead to a +a7e* or to "ein! lost in a +ist of 

+ystification* as soon as we are out of the wood of literalisationCardinal 8aronius has said that the intention of Holy &cripture is to teach us how to !o to

heaen* and not how the heaens !o 8ut the earliest &cripture did teach how the heaens

!o* and it "eca+e sacred "ecause it was celestial%

The first creation of heaen and earth was "ut the diision into upper and lower* "y

whatsoeer +eans e/pressed* answerin! to the discretin! of li!ht fro+ dar(ness% This

was also rendered "y the diidin! of an )!! or Cala"ash* and "y the cuttin! of the

heaen* the Cow of Heaen* or the Heifer of the Mornin! and )enin! &tar* in two% It

was neither earth4+a(in! nor heaen4+a(in! in any cos+ical sense44nothin! +ore than

distin!uishin! the li!ht fro+ the dar(ness, the ault a"oe fro+ the oid "elow% This is

illustrated "y the creation4le!end found on the $ssyrian ta"lets* which co++ences44$t

that ti+e the Heaen a"oe had not announced* nor the )arth "eneath recorded* a na+e%The word first uttered in heaen related to ti+es and seasons* and the earliest word was

uttered "y the appointed ti+e4(eepers The account of creation !ien in the second

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chapter of Genesis is that these are the !enerations of the heaen and the earth when

they were created% $nd the !enerations of the heaen were astrono+ical%

.e learn fro+ the cuneifor+ le!ends of creation how in the "e!innin! God created the

heaens<448el prepared the &een Mansions of the Gods% He fi/ed the &tars* een the

Twin &tars* to correspond to the+, he ordained the year* appointin! the &i!ns of the

odiac oer it% He illu+inated the Moon4God that he +i!ht watch oer the ni!ht

@&ayceB% @This ersion* howeer* is co+paratiely late* "ecause the fatherhood had then "een foundedB

Then* as Her+es says in the Diine Py+ander* the heaen was seen in seen circles* and

the !ods were isi"le in the stars with all their si!ns* and the stars were nu+"ered with

the !ods in the+* the !ods "ein! seen in nu+"er, when the old Genetri/ is e/cluded%

Fro+ the first* our theolo!y* "ased on the Old Testa+ent records* has neer "een

anythin! else than a dead "ranch of the ancient +ytholo!y, and 5ust when all +en* free to

thin(* were findin! out this fact* Mr% Gladstone ca+e forward and +ade another effort to

reha"ilitate the old "oo( so !enerally discredited* and chialrously led one +ore forlorn

hope for a cause that is hopelessly lost% &urely no Christian +artyr of an earlier ti+e

could hae +ade a +ore pathetic or pitia"le appeal to hu+an sy+pathies than this +an of 

intellect44who is so +uch lar!er than his creed44holdin! on to his pious opinion in theface of facts the +ost fatal to his faith% For* with the literal interpretation of the "oo( of 

Genesis* the Fall of Man re+ains a historic transaction* and the ascent +ade (nown "y

eolution is a stupendous delusion% It is a sad si!ht to see a +an li(e Mr% Gladstone* who

 "y his position and powers can attract a world's attention to his words* cheerfully content

to "eco+e a leader in +isleadin!, still fondly "eliein! that the creations in the "oo( of 

Genesis contain a erita"le history that could not hae "een written unless it had "een

diinely inspired, still tryin! to +a(e out that it is in accordance with !eolo!y* and the

scientific interpretation of nature% In his case the child is not only father to the +an* "ut a

terri"le tyrant oer hi+ as well%

Mr% Gladstone still +aintains the opinion that the +an who wrote the account of the

creations in Genesis was !ifted with faculties passin! all hu+an e/perience* or else his

(nowled!e was diine% The order of deelop+ent presented* he says* is first the water 

 population, second* the air population, third* the land population of ani+als, and fourth*

the land population consu++ated in +an% $nd Mr% Gladstone says this sa+e four4fold

order is understood to hae "een so affir+ed in our ti+e "y natural science* that it +ay "e

ta(en as a de+onstrated conclusion and esta"lished fact% The reply of science is a point"lan( 

denial% It ad+its nothin! of this (ind% It (nows "etter% This is not the order in which

the arious populations +ade their first appearance on the !lo"e, and it was only "y

classin! these populations accordin! to the notion of distinct creations* which were

 produced at the rate of one a day or so* that any such definition or distinction could eer 

hae "een +ade% .hatsoeer the order of succession* that succession was !radual* with a!ood deal of parallelis+ and lappin! oer on arious lines of deelop+ent% In short* the

account is not !eolo!ical* is not true* when 5ud!ed "y the earth's record itself 8esides*

when the ancients placed water "efore earth* in their series of ele+ents* they had no

 particular thou!ht whether water or earth was first in e/istence% They were only

concerned with water "ein! their first reco!ni7ed necessary and essential ele+ent of life%

$nd if we were teachin! our children without any pretense of reelation or assu+ption of 

diine (nowled!e, if we li+ited ourseles to the natural facts* we should hae to point

out that the water population as a whole did not e/ist "efore there was any land

 population% There was no such thin! as a co+pletion of creation 6o% 0* "efore the

 "e!innin! of creation 6o% 2% 6o such thin! as creation in that sense at all, neither as the

act of one day* nor of a +illion years% .e (now that +any for+s of life on land precededarious for+s which are found in the waters* and that life was proceedin! on its special

lines of ariation in seeral ele+ents at once% Moreoer* thou!h +an is the crownin! outco+e

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of the ani+al world* it is not necessary to assu+e any sudden or co+plete endin! to

the ani+al creation "efore he could appear*44as if all lines of descent had to coner!e and

cul+inate in hi+ It is ery li(ely that +an was earlier than the horse* and al+ost certain

that he was "efore the do!* as we (now that ani+al% Man had pro"a"ly put in an

appearance as head of his line "efore arious other species had reached the last ter+ of 

their series% It is certain there neer were four or three definite and successie periods of 

ti+e @and no otherB in which three or four distinct populations could hae ori!inated%That which is wron! as scientific +atter4of4fact cannot "e +ade ri!ht as trustworthy

+atter of faith, not een "y the specious dialectic of Mr% Gladstone or any other noneolutionist%

 6or is there any loop4hole of escape in supposin! that the day and ni!ht of 

each creation were not intended "y the co+piler of Genesis to +ean a day and ni!ht of 2A

hours .e are not allowed to wri!!le out of that conclusion% The si/ days +i!ht hae

+eant astly indefinite periods @after we had heard of the !eolo!ical series and

seEuenceB* "ut for that fatal &eenth Day which co+pletes the wee( of seen days% The

reason why we (eep the &a""ath eery seenth day is "ecause this was the day of rest for 

the Lord after his si/ days' hard la"our% $nd God "lessed the seenth day and hallowed

it* "ecause that in it he rested% This was the accepted ori!in of (eepin! holy the seenth

day eery wee(* and not at the end of aeons of ti+e* or si/ a!es% The plain +eanin! of theco+piler is not to "e eaded or !ot away fro+% The writer of the He"rew Genesis says

 positiely that all thin!s were +ade and finished in one wee(* and for that reason we

cele"rate the &a""ath day% &een days in one wee( are also shown "y the dedication of 

each day to one of the seen planetary !ods% $nd seen days in one wee( cannot "e

!eolo!ical periods any +ore than they can apply to the su"5ectie e/perience of the soul

Mr% Gladstone says the Euestion is whether natural science in the patient e/ercise of its

hi!h callin! to e/a+ine facts finds that the wor(s of God cry out a!ainst what we hae

fondly "elieed to "e his wor(* and tell another tale% The answer is* they do cry out* and

!ie the lie to that authority so foolishly supposed to "e diine% The .ord of God says

that the act of $da+ "rou!ht death into the world% The older record shows* leaf after leaf 

or stratu+ "eneath stratu+* that death had "een at wor( tens of +illions of years "efore

+an appeared on the earth%

In all these orthodo/ atte+pts to rationali7e +ytholo!y* writers and preachers are dealin!

with +atters which they hae not yet understood* and which neer can "e understood on

their plane of thou!ht* or within their narrow li+its% In sop's fa"le the wolf oerhears

the nurse threaten to throw the child to hi+* and he "eliees her, "ut* after lon! waitin!

for the fulfill+ent of prophecy to "rin! hi+ his supper* he finds that she did not +ean

what she said% &o is it with the +yths, they neer +eant what they said when literally

interpreted% $nd the literalisation of +ytholo!y is the fountain4head of all our false "elief*

+ystification "ein! the secondary source% Fro+ +y point of iew* this is +erely slayin!

the slain oer a!ain% $nd yet this literalisation of +ytholo!y is continued to "e tau!ht asGod's truth to the +en and wo+en of the future in their i!norant and confidin! childhood%

$nd so+e ei!ht or ten +illions of pounds are annually filched fro+ our national reenues

for the "enefit of a Church and cler!y esta"lished and le!ally e+powered to +a(e the

 people "eliee that these falsified fa"les are a true diine reelation* receied direct fro+

God, and if they dou"t and deny it they will "e doo+ed to suffer atrocious tortures

throu!h all eternity% Mr% Gladstone says he is persuaded that the "elief of Christians and

Jews concernin! the inspiration of the 8oo( is i+pre!na"le% He "eliees the Genesis to

 "e a reelation for the Christians* +ade "y God to the Jews* such as presents to the

re5ecter of that "elief a pro"le+ which de+ands solution at his hands* and which he has

not "een a"le to sole% For hi+self* Mr% Gladstone is so si+ple and profound a "elieer in

reelation* if "i"lical* and in the inspiration of the Mosaic writer in particular* that he islost in astonish+ent at the pheno+enon it presents to hi+% He as(s* How can these thin!s

 "e* and not oerco+e us with wonderN How ca+e they to "e* not a+on! $((adians* or 

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$ssyrians* or )!yptians* who +onopoli7ed the stores of hu+an (nowled!e when this

wonderful tradition was "orn* "ut a+on! the o"scure records of a people who* dwellin!

in Palestine for twele hundred years fro+ their so5ourn in the =alley of the 6ile* hardly

had force to sta+p een so +uch as a na+e on the history of the world at lar!e* and only

then "e!an to "e ad+itted to the !eneral co++union of +an(ind when their scriptures

assu+ed the dress which a Gentile ton!ue was needed to supplyN It is +ore rational* I

contend* to say that these astonishin! anticipations were a God4!ien supply than to thin( that this race should hae entirely transcended in (ind* een +ore than in de!ree* all

(nown e/ercise of hu+an faculties% The answer is* that it does not do to "e!in with

wonder in +atters which de+and inEuiry and research44the answer is* that this +atter of 

the Creations did not ori!inate with the Jewish race at all% Mr% Gladstone's assu+ption is

the sheerest fallacy% The wonderful tradition was not "orn a+on! the+ It was wholly

and far +ore perfectly pre4e/tant a+on!st the Persians* the $((adians* and )!yptians%

The 8oo( of Genesis is assi!ned to a +an who was learned in all the wisdo+ of the

)!yptians% I cannot answer for the +an* "ut I can for so+e of the +atter% To "e!in with*

the le!end of )den is one of those pri+eal traditions that +ust hae "een the co++on

 property of the undiided hu+an race* carried out into all lands as they dispersed in

arious directions fro+ one centre* which I hold to hae "een $frican% $s &harpe* anearly )n!lish )!yptolo!ist* and a translator of the He"rew &criptures* asserts correctly4

The whole history of the fall of +an is of )!yptian ori!in% The te+ptation of the wo+an

 "y the serpent* and of +an "y the wo+an* the sacred tree of (nowled!e* the cheru"s

!uardin! with fla+in! swords the door of the !arden* the warfare declared "etween the

wo+an and the serpent* +ay all "e seen upon the )!yptian sculptured +onu+ents%

The French )!yptolo!ist* M% Lef"ure* who has lately identified $da+ with the )!yptian

$tu+* as I had done seen years earlier in +y 8oo( of 8e!innin!s* refers to a scene on

the coffin of Penpii in the Loure* which is si+ilar to the history of $da+ in the

terrestrial paradise* where a na(ed and ithyphalliEue persona!e called the Lord of food

@6e"4tefaB* is standin! "efore a serpent with two le!s and two ar+s* and the reptile is

offerin! hi+ a red fruit* or at least a little round o"5ect painted red% The sa+e scene is

a!ain found on the to+" of #a+eses =I% $nd on a statue relatiely recent in the Museu+

of Turin it is to $tu+ $da+ that the serpent* as Te+pter* is offerin! the round o"5ect*

or fruit of the tree%

The sa+e writer says44The Tree of life and (nowled!e was well (nown in )!ypt%

$nd whether the scene of 6e"4tefa can "e identified with the history of $da+ or not* we

can see that the !reater nu+"er of the peculiar features of this history e/isted in )!ypt44

the tree of life and (nowled!e* the serpent of Paradise* )e thin(in! of appropriatin!

diinity to herself* and in short $da+ hi+self* are all there% @Trans% &% 8i"% $rch% %3*

 pt%0%* p% 01:%B

These and other +atters pertainin! to the astrono+ical alle!ory and the natural !enesis of +ytholo!y were pre4e/tant in )!ypt* and had "een carried out oer the world untold a!es

 "efore a Palestinian Jew had eer trod the earth% $nd yet* incredi"le as it +ay sound* Mr%

Gladstone has the rec(less confidence to declare that the He"rew account of creation has

no )!yptian +ar(s upon it That would indeed "e stran!e if it had "een written "y a +an

who was a +aster of the wisdo+ of )!ypt%

Mr% Gladstone +ay hae "een +isled "y the Hi""ert lecturer* Mr% #enouf* who has said

@p%2A9B* It +ay "e confidently asserted that neither the He"rews nor Gree(s learned any

of their ideas fro+ )!ypt% $ state+ent which reeals a con!enital deficiency of the

co+paratie faculty% The sa+e +ay "e said of Professor &ayce* when he asserts the the

Theolo!y and the $strono+y of )!ypt and 8a"ylonia show no esti!es of a co++on

source%The Creation of the .o+an fro+ the Man in the second chapter of Genesis is li(ewise

found in the Ma!ical Te/ts* where it is said of the &een &pirits44They "rin! forth the

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.o+an fro+ the Loins of the Man @&ayce* Hi"% Lect% 93?B%

This also has an )!yptian +ar( upon it% &uch a creation is alluded to in the 8oo( of the

Dead* where the spea(er says* I (now the +ystery of the .o+an who was +ade fro+

the Man% Professor &ayce also asserts that there is no trace in the 8oo( of Genesis of 

the !reat stru!!le "etween the God of Li!ht and the Dra!on of Dar(ness* who in one

for+ are Merodach and Tia+at% The conflict is there* howeer* "ut fro+ the ori!inal

)!yptian source% It is represented as the en+ity "etween the .o+an and the &erpent* andalso "etween her &eed and the &erpent% The #o+an Church renders the passa!e @Gen% iii%

0?B addressed to the &erpent44&he shall "ruise thy head and thou shalt "ruise her heel%

8oth ersions are )!yptian% Horus is the &on and &eed of Isis% &o+eti+es he is

 pourtrayed as "ruiser of the $pap &erpent's head, at others it is she who conEuers% 8oth

are co+"ined in the I+a!ery which the )!yptians set in the Planisphere* where Isis in the

shape of =ir!o "ears the &eed in her hands* and "ruises the &erpent's head "eneath her 

feet% This &eed in one for+ was sown in )!ypt i++ediately after the Inundation* and in

this way @as I hae shownB the odiacal representation reflects the &easons of )!ypt all

round the year%

The &erpent itself in the He"rew Genesis is neither an ori!inal nor a true type% Two

opposite characters hae "een fused and confused in it for the sa(e of a false +oral%&erpent and Dra!on were pri+arily identical as e+"le+s of eil in physical pheno+ena,

each was the representatie of Dar(ness* and as such the Deluder of Men% $fterwards the

&erpent was +ade a type of Ti+e* of #enewal* and* therefore* of Life, the Dra!on4

Crocodile a 7oStype of intelli!ence% 8oth Crocodile and &erpent were co+"ined in

&ee(h4#a% 8oth were co+"ined in the Polar Dra!on, and in the 8oo( of #eelation the

Dra!on re+ains that old &erpent* considered to "e the Deluder of Man(ind% 8oth were

co+"ined in the Chnu"is &erpent4Dra!on of the Gnostics* which was a surial of >neph

as the $!atho4De+on or Good &erpent of )!ypt% The $((adian type as )a* is the Good

&erpent* the &erpent of Life* the God of .isdo+% 6ow it was the &erpent of .isdo+ that

first offered the fruit of the Tree of >nowled!e for the )nli!hten+ent of Man(ind,

whether this "e )!yptian* $((adian* or Gnostic* it is the Good &erpent% $nd as Guardian

of the Tree set in Heaen it was the Good &erpent* or intelli!ent Dra!on* as (eeper of the

treasures of $stral (nowled!e% It was the later Theolo!y* Persian and He"rew* that !ae

the character of the )il One to the &erpent of .isdo+* and pererted the ori!inal

+eanin!* "oth of the te+ptation and the Te+pter who protected the Tree, which has "een

supple+ented "y the theolo!y of the =itriol4throwers who hae scarified and "lasted the

face of nature on earth* and defiled and de!raded the starry Intelli!encers in heaen%

Professor &ayce's state+ents are no +ore correct than Mr% #enouf's* and Mr% #enouf's is

no +ore true than Mr% Gladstone's% Further eidence +ay "e found in +y 6atural

Genesis% 8ut no non4)olutionist can understand or interpret the Past% He is too ready to

accept the re4"e!innin!* where there can "e at +ost a new point of departure%Mr% Gladstone has "een too +uch wrapt up in the One 8oo( He does not (now that the

story of Genesis is to "e found written in the 8i"le a"oe* and that the Happy Garden* the

 pri+al pair* the war of the serpent* and the first +other* to!ether with the Tree of 

>nowled!e* are all constellated in the stars of heaen* accordin! to )!yptian +ytholo!y*

and are all erifia"le on the +onu+ents% .hen he does learn that such is the fact* he

cannot clai+ that the history inscri"ed upon the starry walls was written "y the Jews* or 

copied fro+ the He"rew record 8ut let us see whether we cannot discoer a few +ore

)!yptian +ar(s on the Genesis

$ Paradise or Garden that is watered without rain "y a +ist that went up fro+ the earth to

fall upon it in refreshin! dew is certainly su!!estie of an )!yptian ori!in* as that was the

one way in which )!ypt was watered fro+ a"oe% This was not so in the )den at the headof the Persian Gulf% 8esides which the )i!ht Pri+ary Powers or Gods of )!ypt were the

dwellers in )den or $+4&+en* the $aradise of the 3ight * who co+prised the Genetri/

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and her &een Children% The ori!inal Genesis and all the chief Types are identifia"ly

)!yptian to "e!in with% 8ut the He"rew ersion was +ore directly deried fro+ the

Persian* as the )il &erpent proes%

.ater was the first ele+ent of life reco!ni7ed "y the pri+itie perception% .ater was

considered to "e the +other* or Maternal &ource* personified% In )!ypt the Mother of Life

 pours out the .ater of Life fro+ the Tree of Life &he is the first for+ of the Celestial

.aterer% In the +ystical sense* 8lood is the .ater of Life* and therefore the Mother of Life% This "e!innin! on earth with and fro+ the water was )!yptian* 8a"ylonian*

Me/ican* Indian* Chinese* Gree(* 8ritish* niersal%

It is said upon an $ssyrian ta"let that the heaen was +ade fro+ the waters% &o in the

)!yptian "e!innin! the s(y was loo(ed upon as the celestial water% This water was also

entified in the rier 6ile* which was called the "ay of the Gods," when the 6ature4

Powers had "een diinised% In that sense* as it were* heaen descended* to "e continued

on earth% Fro+ this water of heaen the land in )!ypt was isi"ly deposited* and the earth

was co+pacted out of water and "y +eans of water% .hen these were discreted there

was the dry land% Here if anywhere is the pri+ary hint of a cos+ical "e!innin! with a fact

in nature* "ut not with a theory of nature nor a syste+ of !eolo!y%

The second ele+ent of life was 8reath* ani+a or air% In )!yptian* "reath or spirit is 6ef,and this was personated "y >neph* a for+ of the first !od* who is said to "e the "reath of 

souls* or those who are in the fir+a+ent% 6ef* for "reath and spirit* e/plains the He"rew

 6ephesh for soul* as the "reath of life% >neph* the "reathin! life in the fir+a+ent* is also

the &ailor on the water In the He"rew ersion* >neph "eco+es the &pirit +oin! on the

face of the waters% In the )!yptian representation he sails the waters in his ar(*445ust as )a

does in the $((adian ersion of the +yth% The !od >neph is also the spirit that presides

oer the ;au* which had "eco+e the Pit4hole* or the To+" fro+ the .o+" of the

8e!innin!% The )!yptian 8au is the He"rew 8ohu* or the =oid% In "oth it is a place left

unpersonified% In the later phase of personification this 8au of 8irth "eco+es the

Phoenician 8ae* called the Consort of >olpia* the .ind or &pirit% The 8au was also

 personified in the 8a"ylonian !oddess 8ohu% The Phoenician 8ae points "ac( to the

)!yptian 8a" @or 8e"B for the hole* cae* well* source* or outrance44the ori!inal of all the

8a"s in later lan!ua!e* includin! 8a"ylon%

 6ow* that which is perfor+ed "y the )lohi+ en gros in Genesis is done "y the $li* or 

&een Co+panions* in )!ypt* +ost of who+ can "e reco!ni7ed indiidually in relation to

the &een )le+ents% $s the He"rew )lohi+* they +ay "e disli+ned and lose their 

li(eness* "ut they are the sa+e seen powers of eternal nature @as e/plained "y the

Gnostics or >a"alistsB% In one of the )!yptian creation4le!ends44shown "y a +onu+ent

which was restored in the ti+e of &ha"a(a44it is said of the Creator* $ "lessin! was

 pronounced upon all thin!s in the day when he "id the+ e/ist* and "efore he had yet

caused !ods to "e +ade for Ptah% This* it appears to +e* has left another )!yptian +ar( on the first chapter of Genesis in the refrain* $nd the )lohi+ saw that it was !ood*

which is uttered seen ti+es oer* in accordance with the seenfold nature of the )lohi+,

and the "lessin! is pronounced44$nd God "lessed the+ $nd God "lessed the seenth

day It would "e !oin! to far afield to show all the )!yptian +ar(s in one lecture, "ut I

+ust offer another e/a+ple% The He"rew word e+ployed for creatin!* when the )lohi+

for+ the heaen and the earth* is 8ara% The essential +eanin! of the word is to !ie a

+anifestation in for+ to +aterial preiously without shape% 6othin! could so perfectly

reali7e it as the potter at wor( on his clay% $nd the )!yptian i+a!e of a Creator* as the

For+er* is >hepr* who* as the 8eetle* for+ed his little !lo"e with his hands* and who* as

>hepr4Ptah* is the Potter sittin! at his wheel* and shapin! the e!! of the sun and +oon* or 

the ase of +atter to contain life44he who was the For+er or Creator in his na+e of Letthe4)arth4"e% The Potter* in He"rew and Phoenician* is the Jat7er, and this word is also

applied to the He"rew God as Creator* Jat7ariah "ein! Jah the Potter% Thus the >a"alist

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8oo( of Creation* na+ed the &epher4Jat7irah* is the 8oo( of Creation as the

wor(+anship of the For+er or Potter% $nyone who (nows anythin! of the +onu+ents

will here reco!ni7e another )!yptian +ar(, I +ay say the )!yptian potter's +ar( on the

He"rew creations% The Creator or For+er* as >hepr4Ptah the Potter* is the head of the

&een >ne++u* who are his assistants in the wor( of creation% He is the chief of the $li

or )lohi+* as the fashioner and "uilder of the heaens% He is also the father of the

)!yptian $da+* or $tu+* the #ed One, 5ust as the He"rew or Phoenician )lohi+ are thecreators of $da+ the #ed% Jehoah4)lohi+* the Lord God of the second chapter of 

Genesis* can "e further identified with Ptah* the founder of the earth and for+er of +en%

Ptah is the father of $tu+ $da+* the father of hu+an "ein!s% He is desi!nated the

father of the fathers* an eEuialent to the title of Ialda"aoth* chief of the seen Gnostic

)lohi+% The na+e of Ptah si!nifies the Opener fro+ Put to open, and the He"rew na+e

of xyxtp shows that Jah is Puthach Putha* or Ptah* as the Opener @cf% Fuerst* p% 00B%

These we +ay clai+ for other )!yptian +ar(s%

8ut I hae now learned that the account of the creations in Genesis is not so directly

deried fro+ the )!yptian as I had once thou!ht, that is* it was re4written after the ti+e of 

the captiity in 8a"ylon* and the conseEuent acEuaintance with the creation4le!ends in

their latest Persian for+% This can "e shown "y a co+parison with the Parsee 8undahishor $"ori!inal Creation44+ore literally* the Creation of the 8e!innin!% Indeed* we +ay

suspect that the first words of the He"rew Genesis hae to do with the title of the

8undahish% They are* 8'#ashith )lohi+ 8ara, and 8'#ashith* when literally

translated* reads* in the "e!innin! of* leain! an elipsis* without statin! in the

 "e!innin! of what 6ow the +eanin! of the word 8undahish is* the Creation of the

8e!innin!% This far +ore perfect state+ent see+s to hae "een "un!led in adaptin! it for 

the He"rew ersion%

The first two facts distin!uisha"le in e/ternal pheno+ena "y +an were those of Dar(ness

and Li!ht% The panora+a of +ytholo!ical representation is drawn out fro+ these as its

openin! scene* and the lon! procession of the Powers of 6ature* which "eca+e diinities

at a later sta!e* starts upon its +arch throu!h heaen a"oe to cast its shadows on the

earth "elow%

8y o"serin! the alternation of Li!ht and Dar(ness* a pri+ary +easure of ti+e was first

esta"lished as the creation of a ni!ht and day* +ar(ed "y the Twin4&tar% $nd there was

eenin!* and there was +ornin!* one day* as the result of this earliest creation of the

8e!innin!% In the Persian 8undahish* the deity $hura4Ma7da is the chief of the &een

$+chaspands 5ust as the creator Ptah is of the &een >hne++u, and the Gnostic

Ialda"aoth of the &een )lohi+% Here we learn that the God created the world in si/

 periods* althou!h not in si/ days% The first of $hura4Ma7da's creatures of the world was

the s(y* and his !ood thou!ht "y !ood procedure produced the li!ht of the world% This is

identical with the )lohi+ seein! the li!ht that it was !ood, and with the "lessin! pronounced on his creations "y the )!yptian deity% The li!ht now separated and

distin!uished fro+ dar(ness in the creation of ti+e is Euite distinct fro+ the diine* the

a"stract* or the illi+ita"le and eternal li!ht already e/istin! with $hura4Ma7da, it is the

eenin! and +ornin!* one day%

Dar(ness and li!ht are personified and represented as "ein! at ceaseless en+ity with each

other in the confusion of Chaos* "ut they co+e to an understandin! as co4creators* and

+a(e a coenant* in appointin! this pri+eal period of ti+e%

$nd such was the first creation in the Persian series of si/% $nd of $hura's creatures of 

the world* it is said* the first was the s(y* the second* water, the third earth, the fourth*

 plants, the fifth* ani+als, the si/th* +an(ind% The creation of li!ht in the He"rew

Genesis is the creation of the s(y in the Persian, and the creation of water in the PersianGenesis* "eco+es the diidin! of the waters in the He"rew ersion% The ti+e of this

creation is called the second day%

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The third Persian creation is that of earth* which is the dry land of the He"rew44and the

)lohi+ called the dry land )arth%

The fourth Persian creation* or rather creature* is that of plants% This is not a separate

creation in the He"rew ersion, it is thrown into the third creation* that of earth%

 6eertheless* the third +ust hae included the plants "ecause it includes eery her"

yieldin! seed and eery tree that "ears edi"le fruit% $nd yet in chapter 2* erse ?* when

the creations are all co+pleted* and the )lohi+ had finished the wor( which they had+ade* we are told that no plant of the field was yet in the earth* and no her" of the field

had yet sprun! up% .hich proes how +i/ed and +uddled* as well as un4ori!inal* is the

Mosaic ersion% In the fourth He"rew creation the heaenly "odies "eco+e the ti+e(eepers

for si!ns and seasons% This is not one of the si/ Persian creations* which si/ are

followed "y the for+ation of the lu+inaries% Of these it is said $hura4Ma7da produced

illu+ination "etween the s(y and the earth* the constellation4stars and those not of the

constellations* then the +oon, and afterwards the sun% The fifth Persian creation is that

of the ani+als% This creation is li+ited to the win!ed fowl* sea ani+als* and fishes* in the

He"rew account* which is considera"ly +i/ed%

Mr% Gladstone as(s< Is there the s+allest inconsistency in a state+ent which places the

e+er!ence of our land* and its separation fro+ the sea* and the co++ence+ent of e!eta"le life* "efore the final and full concentration of li!ht upon the sun* and its

reflection on the +oon and planetsN and as there would "e li!ht diffused "efore there was

li!ht concentrated* why +ay not that diffused li!ht hae "een sufficient for the purposes

of e!etationN Certainly* as there was li!ht enou!h to +a(e day "efore there was any

sun or +oon* there ou!ht to* and should* hae "een% In +y reply I a+ not concerned to

reconcile the literal renderin! of the He"rew Genesis with scientific fact* "ut I shall hae

to point out on "ehalf of the +ythical ori!inal that accordin! to the present interpretation

the heaen and earth could and did e/ist "efore the stars* or the +oon and the sun There

was no ti+e (ept on earth or in heaen until ni!ht and day were diided and +ar(ed "y

the alternation of li!ht and dar(ness* or "y the Twin &tar of )enin! and Dawn* therefore

the heaenly "odies were not +ade use of* er!o they did not e/ist in any reEuisite sense

of the Mythos%

Lastly* +an is the product of the si/th creation in "oth renderin!s% If ta(en literally* +an

of the si/th Persian creation appears on the scene "efore the stars or +oon or sun* which

follow the si/ creations* not as +ere li!ht4!iers to the earth* "ut as ti+e4(eepers for +an%

$nd that alone will e/plain why the stars are said to "e in e/istence "efore the +oon, and

the +oon "efore the sun In the Persian writin!s the inaria"le order is that of stars*

+oon* and sun In descri"in! the +ythical +ount $l"or7* the +ount Meru of the Persian

syste+ of the Heaens* it is said that it !rew for 2:: years up to the star4station, for 2::

+ore years up to the +oon4station, for 2:: +ore years up to the sun4station, for 2:: +ore

years up to the endless li!ht That is a +ode of "uildin! up the heaens in accordancewith the order of the Celestial ti+e(eepers* and of the >ronian creations% Ti+e was first

told "y the stars* +ornin! and eenin!* and "y the seen which turned round once in the

circle of a year, ne/t "y +eans of the +oon and its +onthly renewal, ne/t "y +eans of 

the sun, solar ti+e "ein! last "ecause the +ost difficult to +a(e out%

In a papyrus at Turin it is said of Taht* the !od of lunar ti+e* in )!ypt* He hath +ade all

that the world contains* and hath !ien it li!ht when all was dar(ness* and there was as

yet no sun This was fi!uratie* and applies solely to the +oon* "y which ti+e was (ept

earlier than it could "e defined "y the sun% It is well (nown that the lunar year and the

lunar 7odiac* or pathway of the +oon* were earlier than the solar 7odiac of 02 si!ns*

which is too late for the +ythical ;eginnings%

In the 8a"ylonian account of creation the +oon is produced "efore the sun% $s Geor!e&+ith points out* this is in reerse order to that of the He"rew Genesis% )idently* he

says* the 8a"ylonians considered the +oon the principal "ody* while the "oo( of Genesis

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+a(es the sun the !reater li!ht% Here is "eco+es eident* says this 8i"liolator* that

Genesis is truer to nature than the Chaldean te/t% The uninspired 8a"ylonians* you see*

did not (now that the +oon was the lesser* and the sun the lar!er li!ht

Professor &ayce li(ewise tells us that the idea which underlay the reli!ious "elief of 

$((ad was* that the +oon e/isted "efore the sun @Hi"% Lect% 0?B% 6either of these

$ssyriolo!ists appears to hae had any notion why this was so represented

The $r(adians* the $r!ies* the Kuichs* and other races of +en clai+ed to "e Pro4&elenes* or those who lied "efore the ti+e of the +oon* not before the e#istence of that

lu+inary Truer to nature can hae no +eanin! for an account of the creation of li!ht

 prior to the e/istence of the heaenly "odies44that is* if literally ta(en% 8ut neither the

)!yptians* 8a"ylonians* nor Persians were tal(in! a"out the cos+ical creation in the

+odern sense* as has "een i!norantly assu+ed* and foolishly contended for* "ut a"out the

+ythical "e!innin!s of the Ti+e4(eepers% In these the +appin! out of the lunar +onth

ca+e "efore the solar year% Hence the sun4!od was called the child of the +oon4!od &in*

in $ssyria* and the lunar !od* Taht* or Tehuti* is called the father of Osiris* the sun4!od*

in )!ypt, the priority "ein! dependent on the earlier o"serations for the (eepin! of ti+e%

&o the Me/icans held the planet =enus to hae "een created "efore the sun It was earlier 

than the +oon* they said* and properly the first li!ht that appeared in the world% Thatwould "e as a star of +ornin! and eenin! which +ade the first day% Hence we are told

that the first +an* Oannes* ca+e up out of the #ed &ea* and landed in 8a"ylonia on the

First Day%

The Great Mother* to who+ the planet =enus was dedicated* was represented "y the

Heifer* the pure Heifer* the sacred Heifer* the Golden Calf* as it was called% This "ein! of 

either se/* it supplied a twin type for =enus* as Hathor or Ishtar* the dou"le &tar* that was

+ale at risin! and fe+ale at sunset* and therefore the Twin4&tars of the First Day%

$ny other earlier sense these creations hae "esides that of ti+e4(eepin! was +erely

ele+ental* and relatin! to the order in which +an reco!ni7ed and represented the natural

ele+ents% Dar(ness* with its oice of thunder* was the first Out of the dar(ness issued

the li!ht% These two were the Twins of eternal alternation in e/ternal pheno+ena* found

in so +any for+s of the +ythos as the two 8rothers* who fou!ht each other for the

8irthri!ht% The ne/t two were +oisture and air* or the water of life and the "reath of life%

These four creations* or* as the 8undahish has it* four creatures of $hura4Ma7da* were

the four ele+ents of dar(ness and li!ht* water and air%

In )!ypt they were typified "y the Jac(al of dar(ness* the Haw( of li!ht* the $pe of 

 "reath* and the Hippopota+us or Dra!on of the waters* which were +ade those >eepers

of the four corners who are uniersal in +ytholo!y% They indicate four ele+ents* or four 

seasons* four Euarters of the year* or the four4fold heaen "y which the circle of the

whole was diided, and sEuared as it was in the circle of i+a%

I hae followed out the arious creations* or heaens* fro+ "e!innin! to end in the6atural Genesis% $t present we +ust turn once +ore to the Persian 8undahish where it

says in #eelation44such "ein! the for+ula freEuently e+ployed on +atters of reli!ion* or 

on the periods for the o"serance of reli!ious duties44the creatures of the world were

created "y +e co+plete in three hundred and si/ty4fie days, that is the si/ periods of the

festials which are co+pleted in a year% Here* then* we part co+pany with the si/ days

and one wee( of creation in the He"rew "oo( of Genesis .e can see that is "ut a

condensed su++ary of an earlier account* which +ay lead us a little nearer to nature* and

to those pheno+enal facts on which +ytholo!y was founded44the #oc( on which our 

8i"lical Theolo!y will "e wrec(ed% In this ersion of the creation4le!end the si/ creations

are co+pleted in one year of 9? days* or rather the year of 9? days has "een finally

co+pleted in si/ sta!es* or seasons* or periods of ti+e4(eepin! In accordance with thissi/th creation we learn fro+ the Tar!u+ of Palestine that $da+* as the $da+ic +an* was

created in the i+a!e of the Lord* his +a(er* with 9? neres% Here the diine +odel of 

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hu+anity was the solar !od of ti+e* or of the creations perfected at last in a year of 9?

days which fi!ures are reflected in the 9? neres% Now we can see how the Persian si/th

day of cele"ration of each of the si/ creations "eca+e the si/ days of creation in the

He"rew Genesis* in the process of condensin! +ytholo!y into cos+ical and hu+an

history, and one year into one wee( to +a(e it +ore tan!i"le at a later ti+e The

creations include the ele+ents identified* to!ether with the arious syste+s of (eepin!

ti+e* which cul+inated at last in a year of 9? and a Euarter days% These syste+s +ay "erou!hly s(etched as @0B the one day of a li!ht and dar(, @2B one turn round to a year, @9B

the half4years of the solstices, @AB a lunar +onth of the four Euarters, @?B planetary ti+e,

@B solar ti+e* or a year of 9? days%

.hen it says in the Persian #eelation44The Creatures of the world were created "y +e

in 9? days* it does not +ean durin! that period* any +ore than it +eans the si/ days of 

the He"rew +is4renderin! of the +atter% It +eans that the concludin! creation of the si/

different creations cul+inated in a year of solar ti+e* or 9? days to the year* in the

i+a!e of which $da+ic +an was for+ed with 9? neres%

The ori!in of the &a""ath in Genesis is curiously paralleled* or su!!ested* in the

8undahish% .e read on +atters of reli!ion* it says in #eelation thus44The creatures

@or si/ creationsB were created "y +e co+plete in 9? days% That is the si/ Gahan"ars*which are co+pleted in a year% $nd here the +atters of reli!ion are e/plained as "ein!

the periods for o"serance of reli!ious duties% That is* the si/ festials or &a""aths were

instituted to co++e+orate the si/ creations which were created co+plete* or cul+inated*

in a year of 9? days% The Persians represented their God as restin! durin! fie days after 

each of the si/ seasons of creation, and they also cele"rated a !reat si/ days' festial

annually* "e!innin! on the 0st of March and endin! on the si/th day* as the !reatest

holiday* "ecause in this* the si/th season @in place of the si/th day in the He"rew

GenesisB $hura4Ma7da had created the +ost superior thin!s% Thus the si/ creations in the

He"rew ersion hae "een isi"ly condensed into si/ periods of ti+e* and there is "ut one

 period for reli!ious o"serance on the seenth day $nd whereas the Persians* or Parsees*

hold their si/ festials and periods of rest in one whole year* we hae fifty4two &a""aths*

which shows the latest renderin!* as well as the deelop+ent of the sa+e +ythos% The

He"rew )lohi+ rested on the seenth day* whereas the Persian $hura4Ma7da rested for 

fie days at a ti+e after each of the si/ creations%

Further* the si/ seasons or periods of creation had "een reduced fro+ the earlier 

8a"ylonian ersion* in which the seenth day was not a &a""ath* "ut the period in which

the $ni+als and Man were created%

.e are also told in the 8undahish44It says in #eelation that "efore the co+in! of the

Destroyer e!etation had no thorns upon it or "ar( a"out it, and afterwards* when the

Destroyer ca+e* it was created with "ar(* and thin!s !rew thorny $nd in the $esta* an

older scripture* this destroyer* the eil opponent* is a serpent44as it is in the "oo( of Genesis%

It is too late now to adance the clai+* or assu+e that the Persians* the 8a"ylonians* and

the )!yptians "orrowed their ersions fro+ that !ien "y the inspired writer of the

He"rew Pentateuch% $nd these facts* I su"+it* furnish sufficient eidence that the 8oo( 

of Genesis does not contain an ori!inal reelation +ade "y God to the Jews, in short* it

does not contain any reelation at all% .e are co+pelled to see( elsewhere "efore we can

really understand what it does contain The &i/ Creations* Creatie $cts* or Periods are

Persian, "ut the Le!ends in Genesis hae "een deried fro+ +ore than one source%

Of late years a +i!hty fuss has "een +ade a"out the fact that two different syste+s*

(nown as the )lohistic and Jahistic* hae "een i+perfectly "lended and utili7ed in the

He"rew ersion of the Genesis* "ut with no application of the co+paratie process to thearious syste+s of creations* accordin! to +ytholo!y* and with no clue whateer to the

natural pheno+ena in which the +ytholo!y was founded* or to the !nosis "y which the

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+yths were anciently interpreted%

$ccordin! to the Persian rec(onin!* the hu+an creature was for+ed as the si/th creation*

or* as the He"rew ersion has it* on the si/th day, whereas in the ersion of the &eenty

+an was created on the ei!hth day% 6ow* if we loo( closely at the first chapter of 

Genesis* we shall find "oth these rec(onin!s co+"ined* "ut not "lended% $lthou!h there

are no +ore than si/ days of creation +entioned in the He"rew Genesis* there are ei!ht

distinct acts of creation or utterances of the .ord% These are enu+erated as follows<44

@0B The )lohi+ said44Let there "e li!ht%

@2B The )lohi+ said44Let there "e a fir+a+ent%

@9B The )lohi+ said44Let the waters "e !athered to!ether*

and44let the dry land appear%

@AB The )lohi+ said44Let the earth put forth !rass%

@?B The )lohi+ said44Let there "e li!ht in the fir+a+ent%

@B The )lohi+ said44Let the waters "rin! forth%

@;B The )lohi+ said44Let the earth "rin! forth%

@1B The )lohi+ said44Let us +a(e +an in our i+a!e%

The 8undahish has si/ creations only% The ei!ht are )!ypto4Gnostic* in (eepin! with the

O!doad of pri+ary powers% $ccordin! to the Gnostics* who had presered the only true

(nowled!e of these +ythical +atters* +an* as the ei!hth creation* "elon!s to the +ystery

of the O!doad% Irenus tells us how the Gnostics +aintained that +an was for+ed on the

ei!hth day of creation< &o+eti+es they say he was +ade on the si/th* and at others on

the ei!hth day% @8% 0* C% 01* 2B

These two creations of +an on the si/th day and on the ei!hth were those of the $da+ic

or fleshly +an and of the spiritual +an* who were (nown to Paul and the Gnostics as the

first and second $da+* the +an of earth and the +an fro+ heaen% Irenus also says they

insisted that Moses "e!an with the O!doad of the &een Powers and their Mother* who is

called &ophia @the old >efa of )!ypt* who is the Liin! .ord at O+"osB% Thus we find

the two syste+s are run into each other* and left without the +eans of distin!uishin! the

one fro+ the other* or of (nowin! how they had either of the+ ori!inated% &o that*

instead of a reelation of the "e!innin! in the He"rew Genesis* we hae to !o far "eyond

it to find any "e!innin! whateer%

&o it is with the Fall% Here* as "efore* the Genesis does not "e!in at the "e!innin!% There

was an earlier Fall than that of the Pri+al Pair% In this* the nu+"er of those who failed

and fell was seen% .e +eet with these &een in )!ypt44@)i!ht with the MotherB44where

they are called the Children of Inertness* who were cast out fro+ $+4&+en* the

Paradise of the )i!ht, also* in a 8a"ylonian le!end of creation* as the &een 8rethren*

who were &een >in!s, li(e the &een >in!s in the 8oo( of #eelation, and the &een 6on4&entient Powers* who "eca+e the &een #e"el $n!els that +ade war in Heaen%

The &een >ronid* descri"ed as the &een .atchers* who* in the "e!innin!* were

for+ed in the interior of heaen% The heaen* li(e a ault* they e/tended or hollowed out,

that which was not isi"le they raised* and that which had no e#it they opened, their wor( 

of creation "ein! e/actly identical with that of the )lohi+ in the 8oo( of Genesis% These

are the &een ele+ental powers of space* who were continued as &een ti+e(eepers% It is

said of the+* In watchin! was their office* "ut a+on! the stars of heaen their watch

they (ept not* and their failure was the Fall% In the 8oo( of )noch the sa+e &een

watchers in heaen are stars which trans!ressed the co++and+ent of God "efore their 

ti+e arried* for they ca+e not in their proper season* therefore was he offended with

the+* and "ound the+ until the period of the consu++ation of their cri+es* at the end of the secret * or !reat year of the world44i%e%* the Period of Precession* when there was to "e

the restoration and re4"e!innin!% The &een deposed constellations are seen "y )noch*

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loo(in! li(e &een !reat "la7in! +ountains oerthrown44the &een +ountains in

#eelation* on which the &carlet Lady sits%

The 8oo( of Genesis tells us nothin! a"out the nature of the )lohi+* erroneously

rendered God* who are the creators of the He"rew "e!innin!* and who are the+seles

 pre4e/tant and seated when the theatre opens and the curtain ascends% It says that in the

 "e!innin! the )lohi+ created the heaen and the earth% In thousands of "oo(s the )lohi+

hae "een discussed* "ut with no application of the co+paratie process to this and theearlier +ytholo!ies* and therefore with no conclusie result% Our "i"liolators were too

conceited in their insular i!norance to thin( there was any thin! worth (nowin! outside

of their own 8oo(s% Foolishly fancyin! they had !otten a reelation all to the+seles* a

supernatural ersion of the cos+ical Genesis* they did not care to see( for* did not drea+

of* a natural or scientific Genesis* and could not +a(e out the +ythical, conseEuently

they hae neer (nown what it was they were called upon to worship in the na+e of God%

In his paper on the )olution of Theolo!y* Professor Hu/ley assu+es that the )lohi+ of 

Genesis ori!inated as the !hosts of ancestors* in doin! which he no +ore plu+"s to the

 "otto+ than does Mr% Gladstone% The )lohi+ are &een in nu+"er* whether as nature

 powers* !ods of constellations* or planetary !ods% .hereas the hu+an !hosts are not* and

neer were* a septenary* althou!h they +ay "e* and hae "een* confused with the typicalseen as the Pitris and Patriarchs* Manus and Fathers of earlier ti+es% The Gnostics*

howeer* and the Jewish >a"alah presere an account of the )lohi+ of Genesis "y which

we are a"le to identify the+ with other for+s of the seen pri+ordial powers% They are

the children of the ancient Mother called &ophia% Their na+es are Ialda"aoth* Jehoah @or 

IaoB* &a"aoth* $donai* )loeus* Oreus and $stanphus% Ialda"aoth si!nifies the Lord God

of the fathers, that is the fathers who preceded the Father, and thus the &een are identical

with the &een Pitris or Fathers in India% @Irenus 8%0* 9:* ?%B Moreoer* the He"rew

)lohi+ were pre4e/tant "y na+e and nature as Phoenician diinities or powers%

&anchoniathon +entions the+ "y na+e* and descri"es the+ as the $u/iliaries of >ronus

or Ti+e% In this phase* then* the )lohi+ are ti+e(eepers in heaen In the Phoenician

Mytholo!y the )lohi+ are the &een sons of &ydi(* identical with the &een >a"iri* who

in )!ypt are the &een sons of Ptah* and the &een spirits of #a in the 8oo( of the Dead,

in 8ritain* with the &een Co+panions of $rthur in the $r(, in Polynesia* with the &een

dwarf sons of Pin!a, in $+erica* with the &een Hoh!ates, in India* with the &een

#ishis, in Persia* with the &een $+chaspands, in $ssyria* with the &een Lu+a7i%

They had one co++on !enesis in pheno+ena* as I hae traced the+ "y nu+"er* "y

nature* and "y na+e, and also one co++on >a+ite ori!in% They are always seen in

nu+"er as a co+panionship or "rotherhood* who &ab* that is turn round to!ether* whence

the '>a"4ari%' The )!yptian $li or $ri* !ies us the root +eanin!, the $ri are the

co+panions* !uardians and watchers* who turn round to!ether% Hence the $luhei+ or 

)lohi+% They are also the Ili or !ods* in $ssyrian* who were seen in nu+"er )i!ht withthe Mother in the "e!innin!* or the Manifestor in the end% In their pri+ordial phase they

were seen ele+entary powers* warrin! in chaos* lawless and ti+eless% They were first

 "orn of the Mother in space, and then the &een Co+panions passed into the sphere of 

ti+e* as au/iliaries of >ronus* or &ons of the Male Parent% $s Da+ascius says* in his

Pri+itie Principles* the Ma!i consider that space and ti+e were the source of all, and

fro+ "ein! powers of the air* the !ods were pro+oted to "eco+e ti+e(eepers for +an%

&een constellations were assi!ned to the+* and so they could "e called the au/iliaries of 

>ronus* when time was esta"lished% $s the seen turned round in the ar( of the sphere

they were desi!nated the &een &ailors* Co+panions* #ishis* or )lohi+% The first &een

&tars are not planetary% They are the leadin! stars of seen constellations* which turned

round with the Great 8ear in descri"in! the circle of a year% These the $ssyrians calledthe seen Lu+a7i* or leaders of the floc(s of stars* desi!nated sheep% On the He"rew line

of descent or deelop+ent* these )lohi+ are identified for us "y the >a"alists and

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Gnostics* who retained the hidden wisdo+ or !nosis* the clue of which is a"solutely

essential to any proper understandin! of +ytholo!y or theolo!y% The creation of the

)lohi+ as au/iliaries of >ronus was not world4+a(in! at all in our sense% The +yth+a(ers

were not !eolo!ists* and did not pretend to "e% The chaos which preceded

Creation was si+ply that of ti+elessness* and of the unintellectual and non4sentient

 6ature4Powers% Creation proper "e!an with the first +eans of +easurin! and recordin! a

cycle of ti+e% Thus the pri+ary creation in the Genesis* as in the 8undahish* is thecreation of ti+e* in which the +ornin! and eenin! +easured one day%

8ut the &een Cronies* as we +ay now call the+* were found to "e tellin! ti+e so+ewhat

a!uely "y the year* in accordance with the annual reolution of the starry sphere, and*

 "ein! found ine/act and unfaithful to their trust* they were dispossessed and superseded44

or* as it was fa"led* they fell fro+ heaen% The &een were then succeeded "y a Polar 

Pair and a Lunar Trinity of Ti+e4(eepers% For e/a+ple* it has "een o"sered that there

was a fi/ed centre* which was a piot to the &tarry =ast all turnin! round% Here there

were two constellations with seen stars in each% e call the+ the Two 8ears% 8ut the

seen stars of the Lesser 8ear were once considered to "e the seen heads of the Polar 

Dra!on* which we +eet with44as the "east with seen heads44in the $((adian Hy+ns and

in the 8oo( of #eelation% The +ythical dra!on ori!inated in the crocodile* which is theDra!on of )!ypt% Plutarch tells us the )!yptians said the crocodile was the sole ani+al

liin! in water which has his eyesi!ht coered oer with a fil+* so thin that he can see

without hi+self "ein! seen "y others44in which he a!rees with the first !od% 6ow* in

one particular cult* the &ut4Typhonian* the first !od was &ee(h* who wears the

crocodile's head* as well as the serpent* and who is the Dra!on* or whose constellation

was the Dra!on%

The na+e of &ee(h si!nifies the seenfold, hence the seen heads of the Dra!on* the

Dra!on who is of the seen and is hi+self also an ei!hth* as we are told in #eelation%

In hi+ the &een Powers were unified* as they were in )a* Iao4Chnu"is* and arious other 

of the chief !ods who su++ed up the earlier powers in the supre+e one* when unity was

attained at last% For it is certain that no one !od was eer +ade (nown to +an "y

 pri+itie reelation% The only startin!4point was in e/ternal pheno+ena* which assuredly

+anifested no oneness in personality% The !roup of Tote+ic "rotherhood preceded the

fatherhood* and finally the fatherhood superseded the Tote+ic !roup in heaen* as it was

on earth% One for+ of this !od was &ut46u"* and 6u" +eans the !olden% Thus the rei!n

of &ut was that a!e of !old afterwards assi!ned to &aturn "y the Gree(s% In )!ypt the

Great 8ear was the constellation of Typhon* or &e%ha* the old !enetri/* called the Mother 

of the #eolutions, and the Dra!on with seen heads was assi!ned to her son &ee(h4

>ronus* or &aturn* called the Dra!on of Life% That is* the typical dra!on or serpent with

seen heads was fe+ale at first* and then the type was continued as +ale in her son

&ee(h* the &eenfold &erpent* in )a the &eenfold* in 6u+4#a* in the &een4headed&erpent* Iao4Chnu"is* and others% .e find these two in the "oo( of #eelation% One is the

&carlet Lady* the +other of +ystery* the !reat harlot* who sat on a scarlet4coloured "east

with seen heads* which is the #ed Dra!on of the Pole% &he held in her hand the unclean

thin!s of her fornication% That +eans the e+"le+s of the +ale and fe+ale* i+a!ed "y the

)!yptians at the Polar centre* the ery uterus of creation as was indicated "y the Thi!h

constellation* called the >hepsh of Typhon* the old dra!on* in the northern "irthplace of 

Ti+e in heaen% The two reoled a"out the %ole of heaen* or the Tree* as it was called*

which was fi!ured at the centre of the starry +otion% In the "oo( of )noch these two

constellations are identified as Leiathan and 8ehe+oth 8e(h+ut* or the Dra!on and

Hippopota+us Great 8ear* and they are the pri+al pair that was first created in the

!arden of )den% &o that the )!yptian first +other* >efa* whose na+e si!nifies +ystery*was the ori!inal of the He"rew Chaah* our 3e, and therefore $da+ is one with &ee(h*

the seenfold one* the solar dra!on* in who+ the powers of li!ht and dar(ness were

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erroneously attri"uted to a supposed Monotheistic Instinct ori!inatin! with the &e+ites

In )!ypt the solar Fatherhood had "een attained in the soerei!nty of $tu+4#a* when the

records "e!in, "ut this sa+e "attle went on all throu!h her +onu+ental history* +ore

fiercely when the Heretics* the Motherites* the 8lac(heads* were now and a!ain

reinforced "y allies fro+ without%

.hen the )lohi+ said* Let us +a(e +an in our i+a!e* after our li(eness* there were

seen of the+ who represented the seen ele+ents* powers* or souls that went to the+a(in! of the hu+an "ein! who ca+e into e/istence "efore the Creator was represented

anthropo+orphically* or could hae conferred the hu+an li(eness on the $da+ic +an% It

was in the seen4fold i+a!e of the )lohi+ that +an was first created* with his seen

ele+ents* principles* or souls* and therefore could not hae "een for+ed in the i+a!e of 

the one God% The seen Gnostic )lohi+ tried to +a(e a +an in their own i+a!e* "ut

could not* fro+ lac( of irile power% Thus* their creation in earth and heaen was a

failure% The Gnostics identify these seen as the He"rew )lohi+ who e/horted each

other* sayin!* Let us +a(e +an after our i+a!e and li(eness% They did so, "ut the +an

who+ they +ade was a failure* "ecause they the+seles were lac(in! in the soul of the

fatherhood .hen the Gnostic Ialda"aoth* chief of the &een cried* I a+ the father and

God* his +other &ophia replied* Do not tell lies* Ialda"aoth* for the first +an@$nthropos &on of $nthroposB is a"oe thee That is* +an who had now "een created in

the i+a!e of the fatherhood* was superior to the !ods who were deried fro+ the +other 

 parent alone For* as it had "een at first on earth* so was it afterwards in heaen, and thus

the pri+ary !ods were held to "e soulless* li(e the earliest races of +en "ecause they had

not attained the soul of the indiiduali7ed fatherhood% The Gnostics tau!ht that the spirits

of wic(edness* the inferior &een* deried their ori!in fro+ the !reat +other alone* who

 produced without fatherhood It was in the i+a!e* then* of the seenfold )lohi+ that the

seen races were for+ed which we so+eti+es hear of as the pre4$da+ite races of +en*

 "ecause they were earlier than the fatherhood which was indiiduali7ed only in the

second He"rew creation% These were the pri+itie people of the past*44the old* despised*

dar( races of the world*44who were held to hae "een created without souls, because theywere born before the fatherhood was indiidualiDed on earth or in heaen1 for* there

could "e no God the Father reco!ni7ed until the hu+an father had "een identified44

nothin! +ore than the !eneral ancestral soul of the fathers* or the soul of the seen

ele+ental forces% These early races were first represented "y Tote+ic 7oStypes* and were

afterwards a"o+inated as the do!4+en* +on(ey4+en* +en with tails* +ere preli+inary

 people* created in the li(eness of ani+als* reptiles* fish* or "irds% .arriors with the "ody

of a "ird of the alley @NB* and +en with the faces of raens* were suc(led "y the old

dra!on Tia+at, and their type +ay "e seen in the i+a!e of the twin &ut4Horus* who has

the head of a "ird of li!ht in front* and the 6eh* or "lac( ulture of dar(ness* "ehind% Ptah

and his &een >hne++u are the Py!+ies%$s the "lac( race was first on earth* so is it in the +irror of +ytholo!y% These are the

people of the "lac( heads* who are referred to on the ta"lets* and classed with reptiles*

durin! a lunar eclipse% These typical "lac( heads were the pri+eal powers of dar(ness*

to which the old "lac( a"ori!ines in arious lands were li(ened or assi+ilated "y their 

despisers% In the 8a"ylonian prayers we find the +any4na+ed +other4!oddess is ino(ed

as the +other who has "e!otten the "lac( heads% These at ti+es were intentionally

confused and confounded with their ele+ental prototypes% &een such races are descri"ed

in the 8undahish* or a"ori!inal creation* as the earth4+en* the +en of the water* the

 "reast4eared* the "reast4eyed* the one4le!!ed* the "at4+en* and the +en with tails% These

were the soulless people% They are also referred to "y )sdras as the other people who are

nothin!* "ut "e li(e unto spittle44that is* when co+pared with those who descendedfro+ the father* as $da+* or $tu+* on earth* and who worshipped a father* as $tu+* or 

Jehoah* in heaen% There were seen creations alto!ether, seen heaens* which were

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 planetary in their final phase* seen creators* and seen races of +en% $nd when the one

God had "een eoled he was placed at the head of the &een% Hence Ptah in )!ypt was

called the Father of the fathers* who in India are (nown as the &een Pitris% &o $hura4

Ma7da* Ialda"aoth* or Jehoah* was placed first in the later creation%

The chief of the &een $li )lohi+ as supre+e one of the !roup "eca+e the &e+itic $l

or )l* desi!nated the hi!hest !od* who was the seenth as &aturn, so that )l and Jehoah 4

)lohi+ are identical in their pheno+enal ori!in* whilst )l4&hadai is the sa+e son of theold suc(ler who was Typhon in )!ypt and Tia+at in $ssyria%

.hen in the second creation* and in the second chapter of Genesis* Jehoah4)lohi+

for+s +an fro+ the dust of the !round* and wo+an fro+ the "one of +an* Jehoah is

that one God who su+s up in hi+self the seen preious powers* precisely as they were

totalled in $tu+4#a* &ee(h4#a* $!ni* or $hura+a7da% He has "een identified for us "y

na+e as one of the seen Gnostic )lohi+* their Iao* or Jehoah% This God appears "y

na+e in the second chapter of the 8oo( of Genesis* and yet in erse 2 of chapter i* it is

stated that then "e!an +en to call upon the na+e of Jehoah% $nd a!ain the sa+e God*

apparently* is announced "y na+e in )/odus i% 9* where he affir+s that he has not "een

(nown preiously "y the na+e of Jah or Jehoah% 8ut the difference "etween Jehoah4

)lohi+ and Jah or Iao is a fact which can only "e deter+ined "y a (nowled!e of the pheno+ena% The Jewish >a"alah and Gnosticis+ hae neer yet "een !rappled with or 

discussed in relation to +ytholo!y and the roota!e in nature% The su"5ect has only "een

ni""led at in a little !ra7in!* with a !o4as4you4please* +odern interpretation of the

doctrines concernin! spirit and +atter% The seen4fold one God is the sa+e in ori!in*

whether (nown "y na+e as Jehoah* Iao4&a"aoth* &ee(h the seen4fold* )a the fish with

seen fins* #a with seen souls* $!ni with seen ar+s* the Gnostic Chnu"is or Hepta(tis

with seen rays* )l of the &eenth Planet* or the Dra!on with seen heads%

8ut there is another Jah or Iao* who is the lunar diinity* and who was that Duad of the

+other and child which "eco+es a Triad as the child !rows into the consort for the sa+e

+other% It is +ore ancient than the diine Fatherhood* and preceded the luni4solar trinity

of father* +other and son% This was the Moon4God who rode on the heaens "y the na+e

of Jah and in this phase the 7oS4types were superseded "y the hu+an li(eness* and the

God was i+a!ed as one in the three4fold hu+an character* when ti+e was rec(oned "y

the +other4+oon* the child4+oon and the irile new +oon% The hu+an fa+ily e/alted to

heaen as the diine father* +other and child followed the reco!nition of the personal

fatherhood in sociolo!y* and the (nowled!e that the lunar li!ht was deried fro+ the sun%

Just as this institution superseded the +other and the "rotherhood of the Tote+ic sta!e on

earth* so was it in heaen% In each phase the hu+an sociolo!y is reflected in the +irror of 

+ytholo!y% One Jewish si!n of this trinity* !ien "y 8ochart* is a circle containin! three

yod letters* the nu+erical alue of which is 9:44or ten days to each of three phases of the

Moon% $nother of the lunar types is the $ss44the three4le!!ed ass of the 8undahish% Inthe )!yptian hiero!lyphics the head of the ass is a si!n for 6o% 9: on the sa+e !round,

and on account of such typolo!y the Jews were char!ed with "ein! worshippers of an ass%

Thus the )lohi+ were the &een Powers44ele+ental* pre4planetary or planetary, Jehoah4

)lohi+ was the seenfold one as supre+e a+on!st the planetary Gods* and Jah is the

three4fold lunar Deity* the trinity in unity44in the li(eness of the hu+an fa+ily, these

were a!ain co+"ined in a totality that is ten4fold in the diine fatherhood% Hence the

He"rew letter od* the si!n of ten, is a sy+"ol of the ineffa"le na+e of Iao* Jah* or 

Jehoah, thus the na+e of the Iao can "e e/pressed in #o+an nu+erals "y the 0 and :*

which fi!ure the nu+"er 0:< and this fi!ure of the ten4fold totality so +ade up is "oth the

heaenly +an* called $da+ >ad+on "y the >a"alists* co+posed of what they ter+ the

0: &ephiroth* and the &upre+e 8ein! worshipped "y the whole of Christendo+ today asthe one God* supposed to hae "een +ade (nown "y Diine reelation to a Monotheistic

race of +en%

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The )!yptian $ten will show us how and why the Jews could use the na+e of $don as an

eEuialent for that of Jah or the od* which has the nu+erical alue of 0:% $ten as a title

of Highness is deter+ined "y the nu+erical si!n of 0:* and therefore is an eEuialent for 

I O* or Iao of the ten4fold nature* unified at last in $ten or $don as the Lord* who was

God of the 0: Tri"es%

&uch* to put "riefly what I hae ela"orated elsewhere* was the ori!in in natural

 pheno+ena* and such was the unity at last attained in a tenfold totality "y the &upre+eOne* the $ll* the unity not "ein! initial "ut final< 3 %luribus unum%

Mr% Gladstone's last and +ost pathetic plea44pitiful as a fla! of distress flutterin! at the

+ast4head of a doo+ed essel isi"ly !oin! down44is that the tale in Genesis is "eautiful

if not true He says44If we iew it as a popular narratie it is sin!ularly iid* forci"le*

and effectie, if we ta(e it as a poe+ it is indeed su"li+e 8ut the Euestion is44Is it false

or trueN Hae we "een deluded* +isled* and cheatedN The essence of poetry een +ust "e

truth* and not falsehood* howeer attractie, +ust not +islead us on the prete/t of "ein! a

reelation% The older I !row the faster I a+ losin! +y faith in all loely unrealities%

Consider the effects of such false teachin! Only the other day a child who had "een

tau!ht that God +ade +an out of the dust of the earth was watchin! an eddyin! cloud of 

dust "ein! whirled into shape "y the wind* when she cried* Oh* +other* co+e hereLoo( I thin( God is creatin! another "a"y Our +ental standpoint has "een +ade Euite

as childish with re!ard to other 8e!innin!s% $nd fro+ eery pulpit of the past we hae

 "een i+plored to re+ain as little children at the +other's (nee% .e hae "een tau!ht and

co+pelled to surrender our reason* doff our +anhood and !roel li(e wor+s in the earth

as the successful +ode of wri!!lin! our way throu!h this world into heaen% .e hae

 "een ro""ed "y a thief in the ni!ht% Children hae "een cheated out of their natural

senses* and the +ental e+asculation of +en has ta(en the place of the physical once

inculcated "y the Christ @Math% /i/% 02B% Men who are sane on +ost other su"5ects will

!ie up all co++on sense on this* and tal( li(e intellectual lunatics% &ee how the teachers

of the people* who ou!ht to hae learned "etter for the+seles* continue all their life

throu!h to wear the cast4off est+ents of ancient +ytholo!y%

Ta(e Mr% #us(in as another typical e/a+ple% He is in +any ways a +ost dili!ent searcher 

after truth* and a worshipper of all thin!s no"le and "eautiful% 8ut he was so profoundly

infected "y the falsehood +ade reli!ious to hi+ in childhood as to "e +ar(ed "y it and

+entally +ai+ed for life% In his Modern Painters* he tells us that +an perished in

see(in! (nowled!e* and there is not any part of our nature* nor can there "e throu!h

eternity* uninfluenced or unaffected "y the fall% 'Tis +ost painful to see such a +an* so

hu+an at heart* such a seer and loer of all loeliness "eliein! so da+na"le a lie* and

endorsin! it not only for his own lifeti+e* "ut for so lon! as his writin!s +ay last*

 "ecause it was told to hi+ in his own confidin! childhood% It is !ood to wa(en the eyes of 

+en to the "eautiful* "ut still "etter to lead the+ to the endurin! truth &o soon as +yown eyes were opened wide enou!h to ta(e in the i++ense i+posture that has "een

 "ased upon +ytholo!y* I !ae up +y chance of a seat upon the Mount of the Muses* and

turned aside fro+ the proffered crown of poetry as a see(er after erifia"le certitude% $nd

after all how can the picture of a diinised fool at the head of affairs with so certain a

 "rea( down in the "e!innin! "e "eautiful when such a representation reduces the dra+a

of the whole unierse into a +ost pitiful one4act farceN $ny God who de+ands the

worship of fear would "e unworthy the serice of loe% Our +odern $theis+ is +ainly

the result of this false Theis+ "ein! torn up "y the root to e/pose its !odlessness%

Falsehood is always fraudulent, no +atter how it +ay "e poeti7ed or painted, no +atter 

how reli!iously we hae "elieed it true, or how lon! we +ay hae "een i+posed on "y

its fairness, and woe to the reelation that is proed to "e false woe to the sphin/ whenher secret is at last found out It will then "e her turn to "e torn%

The He"rew Pentateuch has not only retarded the !rowth of science in )urope for 

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ei!hteen centuries* "ut the i!norant "elieers in it as a "oo( of reelation hae tried to

stran!le eery science at its "irth% There could "e and was "ut little or no pro!ress in

astrono+y* !eolo!y* "iolo!y* or sociolo!y until its teachin!s were re5ected "y the +ore

enli!htened a+on! +en44the free thin(ers and de+onstrators of the facts% The pro!ress

has "een in proportion to the repudiation, and* for +yself* the nearer I draw towards

death the +ore earnestly44nay* en!efully44do I resent the false teachin!s that hae

e+"ittered +y life44not for +yself only* "ut +ore for others* and +ost of all for thechildren% #e+e+"er* the education of )n!lish children to4day is chiefly in the hands of 

the orthodo/ teachers* who still !ie the 8i"le all the preference oer nature and science*

and who will !o on deludin! the innocent little ones as lon! as eer they are paid or 

 per+itted to do so% 8ut what a dastardly sha+e it is for us to allow the children to "e

tau!ht that which we (now to "e false* or do not ourseles "eliee to "e true The present

calls upon you with an appealin! oice to protect the un"orn future a!ainst this terri"le

tyranny of the past% Do not any lon!er let the windin!4sheet of death "e the swaddlin!"ands

 put on the helpless little ones for life at their intellectual "irth% It is appallin! to

thin( of the populations that hae already passed on icti+i7ed* the lies that hae "een

wrec(ed* the "rains that hae "een "ruised* and the hearts "ro(en of those who hae

dashed the+seles a!ainst these "arriers to hu+an pro!ress and the freedo+ of thou!ht*which were i!norantly erected and then +ade sacred in the na+e of God* "y +eans of 

this He"rew 8oo( of the 8e!innin!s, in short* "y a literalisation of +ytholo!y%

:hat should inspire one effort +ore*

Mi!htier than any +ade "efore%

The "arrier4wall at last shall fall,

The future must "e free for all

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I6 #)PL TO P#OF)&&O# $% H% &$C)%

$s an opponent of what +ay "e ter+ed the $ryan school of interpretation it has "een +y

special wor( to show that +ytholo!y is not a farra!o of foolish fa"les* nor the +ererain! of words that hae lost their senses% I hae a+ply de+onstrated the fact that the

+yths were no +ere products of ancient i!norance* "ut are the deposited results of a

 pri+itie (nowled!e, that they were founded upon natural pheno+ena and re+ain the

re!ister of the earliest scientific o"seration% Those* howeer* who hae not yet learned

that +ytholo!y contains the !nosis of the earliest science* and is the !reat pre4historic

record* are una"le to teach us anythin! funda+ental concernin! it% They cannot read the

record itself or erify it "y continual reference to those natural pheno+ena on which it is

 "ased* and "y which the truth of the interpretation has to "e erified and tested% .ithout

this foothold of fact "ein! fir+ly esta"lished +ytholo!y resoles itself into a "o! without

a "otto+%

It appears to +e that Professor &ayce in his lectures on the 8a"ylonian #eli!ions* is

freEuently dealin! with +atters which can only "e fatho+ed "y the co+paratie process*

and that it is +isleadin! to co+pare the ancient +ytholo!ies with the )!yptian o+itted*

whereas he ri!orously re5ects any li!ht fro+ that source% 6o Mytholo!ical #eli!ion can

 "e e/plained "y itself alone% The co+paratie +ethod is as the "rin!in! to!ether of flint

and steel to stri(e the first spar( for the necessary li!ht% .ithout Euestion or inEuiry,

without collectin! and co+parin! the data, without presentin! his eidence for the

assertion* he +a(es the followin! authoritatie declaration% $part fro+ the !eneral

analo!ies which we find in all early ciili7ations* the &cript* the Theolo!y and the

$strono+y of )!ypt and 8a"ylonia show no esti!es of a co++on source% @Hi"% Lect%

 p% 09%BThere +ay "e a pitfall intended in these delusie words as the +ytholo!y and so4called

cos+olo!y are entirely o+itted% 8ut you cannot hae the $strono+y apart fro+ the

Mytholo!y "y which it was represented The Prof% says further there is one conclusie

and fatal o"5ection to the deriation fro+ )!ypt inas+uch as there is no tracea"le

connection "etween the hiero!lyphics of )!ypt and the pri+itie pictures out of which

the cuneifor+ characters were deeloped% Professor &ayce is an e/pert and an authority

 passa"ly orthodo/* whose word will "e ta(en for !ospel "y those who are not Eualified to

Euestion it% I a+ not an ac(nowled!ed authority% I can only plead that +y facts +ay hae

a hearin!% .ithout (nowin! the facts we cannot attain the truth* and short of the fullest

truth there is no final authority% The )!yptian hiero!lyphics were deeloped out of the

sa+e pri+itie pictures and natural o"5ects as the $((adian% 8oth were direct transcriptsfro+ nature at first* and there is "ut one ori!in in nature for the earliest fi!ures% $!ain he

says< If Lepsius were ri!ht @in +aintainin! the opposite iewB the pri+itie

hiero!lyphics out of which the cuneifor+ characters were eoled would offer 

rese+"lances to the hiero!lyphics% 8ut this is not the case% )en the idea of diinity is

represented differently in the+% In Chaldea it is e/pressed "y an ei!ht4rayed star, in

)!ypt* "y a stone4headed a/e @p% A9?B%

That is true, and yet in the sole illustration adduced "y hi+ the Professor is wron! The

eidence of the first witness called is a!ainst the truth of his a!uely ast !enerali7ation%

The star with the ei!ht rays is li(ewise an )!yptian ideo!raph of diinity, it is a

nu+erical fi!ure for the 6unu or $ssociate Gods% @8urton )%H% 9A%B This is the si!n of the

 plero+a of the !odhead* the diine o!doad% It was continued as a sy+"ol of Horus4Orion*the +anifestor of the )i!ht* the +u++y4constellation of the only one who rose a!ain

The ei!ht4rayed si!n was also a sy+"ol of Hathor and of Taht "ecause* li(e the ei!htrayed

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or ei!ht4looped star* it was the nu+erical fi!ure of the ei!ht !ods* hence it was the

si!n of the $"ode as Hathor* and the +anifestor as Taht4&+en, as it is of Ishtar and of 

$ssur% The )!yptians not only used this octae of diinity* they also !ie us the reason

for usin! it% This nu+erical si!n of the pri+ary !roup of ei!ht !ods was not continued as

the sy+"ol of a"stract diinity* and it is rare* "ut still it e/ists to refute the Professor* who

has to plu+" far +ore profoundly "efore he touches "otto+% The fie4rayed star* &e"* is

li(ewise the hiero!lyphic sy+"ol for a !od or diinity* so that the Professor's su!!estedinference is false twice oer% It will neer do to presu+e too +uch on the co++on

i!norance concernin! the "uried past of )!ypt* the roota!e out of ran!e* and the lon!

deelop+ent of the ori!inal ideo!raphs% For e/a+ple* the )!yptian picto!raph of a soul is

a hu+an4headed "ird* and that type is continued when the 8a"ylonian dead are descri"ed

as "ein! clad li(e "irds in a !ar+ent of feathers% 6otwithstandin! Mr% &ayce's offhand

dicta it will "e seen in the future that )!ypt was as truly the parent of hiero!lyphics as she

is of alpha"ets 8ut to show the Professor's deter+ination to aoid )!ypt< after pointin!

to the fact that the statues fro+ Telloh "ear a !reat li(eness to the )!yptian in the ti+e of 

the pyra+id "uilders, and after ad+ittin! that the )!yptian art of sculpture was infinitely

superior to the 8a"ylonian at that ti+e*44he Euietly suppresses )!ypt alto!ether on "ehalf 

of an entirely un(nown school of sculpture in the &inaitic peninsula @P% 091%B $nythin!rather than loo( )!ypt honestly in the face

The Professor is so an/ious to hustle unaccepta"le facts out of si!ht and !et rid of their 

testi+ony* he asserts that the e/istence of a Cushite race in Chaldea solely depends on a

+isinterpretation and a pro"a"le corruption of the te/t in the 8oo( of Genesis% 8ut Cush

is the "lac(% The Cushites were the 8lac( race, and the a"ori!ines of 8a"ylonia were the

8lac( +en of the +onu+ents* the "lac(4heads of the $((adian Te/ts% Hence the !od

>us* their deity of eclipse and dar(ness% The Professor is all hind4"efore with re!ard @or 

disre!ardB to the ori!ins in the "lac( land* the pri+eal "irthplace% He is not yet out of the

$r( of the &e+itic or the shadow of the $ryan "e!innin!s* which hae so dar(ened and

deluded us, and has to adance "ac(wards a !ood deal further "eyond the $ltaic


$s I hae already shown in the 6atural Genesis* the "e!innin!s of +ytholo!y in )!ypt

and $((ad are definitely identical% The Old Dra!on of Chaos and the $"yss is the sa+e

whether called Tia+at* Tathe* or Typhon% 8y Typhon I +ean the "east that i+a!ed the

first Great Mother* hippopota+us in front and crocodile "ehind* who therefore is the

Dra!on of )!ypt% Her na+e of Tep* Te"* or Tept is the ori!inal of Typhon%

Tia+atTathe represents that a"yss of the "e!innin! which is the )!yptian Tepht% This

Tepht is the a"yss* the source* the oid* the hole of the sna(e* the ha"itat of the dra!on*

the outrance or uterus of "irth as place which preceded personification% $nother na+e for 

the a"yss is $"7u* the earlier for+ of which is the )!yptian >hepsh in the north44that is*

the Pool of >hep* the hippopota+us or TyphonDra!on% Tept and Tathe are one* thewater4horse and dra!on4horse are one% In "oth for+s they !ie "irth to the well4(nown

seen pri+al powers* ele+ental ener!ies* or de+ons of physical force* first reco!nised as

warrin! in chaos* who were afterwards cast out and superseded* or +oralised as the seen

wic(ed spirits% .hen the pri+ary powers "eco+e the seen eil spirits* it is said of the+*

They are not (nown a+on! the sentient !ods% &o in )!ypt the sa+e seen were

denounced as the non4sentient Children of inertness% $nd 5ust as the $((adian seen

were continued and +ade the +essen!ers and +inisters of wrath to the supre+e God*

$nu* so did the )!yptian seen surie as the seen !reat spirits in the serice of #a,

their station "ein! in the re!ion of the Great 8ear* the constellation of their +other% @#it%*

ch% 0;%B

This +other4!oddess first "rou!ht forth in space and ne/t in ti+e% If we ta(e the star of eenin! and +ornin! as the type of the earliest ti+e* then the +other Tia+at passes into

Ishtar* !oddess of the eenin! and the +ornin! star% The dra!on Tia+at was called the

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8is48is* identified "y Geor!e &+ith with the crocodile as the sy+"ol of )!ypt, and

Ishtar=enus* the Lady of Dawn* was called 8is4"isi* which shows the surial of the

sa+e !enetri/ in her chan!e of character out of space into ti+e% $nother proof of this

continuity "y transfor+ation is furnished when Ishtar as Kueen of Heaen @so rendered

 "y Mr% &ayceB called herself the niEue Monster @p% 2;%B Precisely in the sa+e way do

we see the Typhonian !enetri/ Ta4rt in )!ypt pass into Hes4ta4rt @whence Hestaroth

or $shtarothB and Hathor* when the do+esticated cow succeeded the water4cow as theoStype of Hes* $s @IsisB* or of Hathor* the Lunar for+ of the Goddess of Loe* in whose

 person the "east was transfi!ured into the "eauty%

$ccordin! to ancient tradition* the culture of Chaldea was "rou!ht to that country "y a

Fish4Man* who rose up in the first year* fro+ that part of the #ed or )rythran &ea

which "orders upon 8a"ylonia% The ori!inal of this type can "e identified in )a the fish!od*

deity of the house of the deep and diinity of wisdo+% .hence ca+e )a* then* "y

the #ed &eaN Lepsius says fro+ )!ypt44so says )!ypt herself%

Professor &ayce had preiously denied our ri!ht to co+pare the +yths of two different

nations "efore their relationships hae "een esta"lished "y lan!ua!e* and that "y

!ra++ar @which is lateB* in preference to the oca"ulary% Thus +ytholo!y is put out of 

court* and words are to "e accounted of no wei!ht% &till* it is well to re+e+"er that theProfessor has "efore now ta(en his stand on a false "otto+ that was found to "e

cru+"lin! under foot day "y day It is at least su!!estie to find that the na+e and nature

of )a* the oldest $((adian for+ of the One God* +ay "e so fully e/plained "y the

)!yptian U @later 3aB for the one* the one alone* isolated as the only one, also the

Thin(er and the Captain of the 8oat% It should "e pre+ised that the )!yptian preceded

the letter or sound of )* hence a)a% The )!yptian a* which passed into )a* also

appears in the $((adian a for the &upre+e One* the sole Lord or Chief% In one for+ )a

is the fish4!od* and the hiero!lyphic si!n for a)a is fishin!4tac(le )a was the deity of 

the deep* and a)a is 8oat and Captain "oth% Of course the fish was the earlier i+a!e*

 "ut the )!yptians had !one far ahead in su"stitutin! the wor( of their own hands for the

 pri+itie natural types% )a is the wise !od* the thin(er and instructor, and Uaua @)!%B

+eans to thin(* consider* +editate% )a's prototype in the indefinitely earlier +ytholo!y of 

)!ypt is 6u+>neph* whose twofold nature is indicated "y the two ways of spellin! one

na+e% $s 6u+ he is Lord of the inundation, as >neph he is the 8reath of those who are

in the fir+a+ent% 6ef si!nifies "reath* and is also the na+e of the sailor% )a is !od of the

watercourse and the at+osphere% )a was the $ntelope of the deep, 6u+ was the "earded

He4!oat, the &ea4!oat of the odiac% One type of 6u+ is the serpent, as it is of )a% )a is

said to represent the House* which is U in )!yptian% In a case of this (ind Professor &ayce

can only perceie or will only ad+it a !eneral analo!y%

)!yptian also offers the li(eliest ori!inal for the na+e of Oan or Oannes* the Gree( for+

of )a* the fish* seein! that aOa* and that $n is the fish in )!yptian, whilst $n* toappear* to show* is deter+ined "y the fish in the water4precinct* where the fish is the

reealer who e+er!ed fro+ the waters as )a4an* or Oannes% @Den(+Vler 9* A C%B If the

ori!inal Fish4Man ca+e fro+ )!ypt* it would pro"a"ly "e as the CrocodileDra!on* the

Typhonian type of "oth the ancient +other and her son &ee(h% The crocodile is the fish

that passes the day on dry land and the ni!ht in the waters% Its na+e of &ee(h is identical

with that of the nu+"er seen, and )a is connected with a typical fish of seen fins @NB%

The crocodile* as Plutarch tells us* was a supre+e type of the one God* or* as the na+e

shows* of the seen4fold powers in one i+a!e% &ee(h was the sa+e !ood de+on of one

Cult in )!ypt that 6u+4#a was in the other* "ut indefinitely earlier%

To +y apprehension* the 8a"ylonian House of the &een "onds of heaen and earth* is

identical with the House of the &een Halls and &een stairways* assi!ned to Osiris,and the God 6e"o as stellar* lunar* and planetary Deity, as prophet and proclai+er* is

identical with &ut4$nup @later 6u" and $nu"isB in a do7en different aspects, whilst

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 6e"o46us(u the dou"le $nu"is% Further* the sa+e Great Mother who was =enus as

Hathor "eca+e the +other4+oon% Professor &ayce see+s to thin( that where the +oon is

+ale it cannot also "e fe+ale% If I a+ ri!ht* Ishtar +ust also hae had a lunar character as

the Mother4Goddess% 8ut Professor &ayce +a(es the point4"lan( assertion that Ishtar was

not a !oddess of the +oon% @P% 2?%B The +oon was conceied of as a God* not as a

Goddess% He assures us that Ishtar was the spirit of earth and the Goddess of Loe* the

dual diinity of the planet =enus% 8ut there is no +ale +oon without the fe+ale Goddess%It is not a Euestion of Conception* "ut of "e!ettal% The o"serers were concerned with

the lunar phases as natural facts* the +other or reproducin! phase "ein! first% The +other 

Goddess "rou!ht forth the Child of li!ht* whether as Taht* >hunsu* Du7u* Ta++u7* or 

Horus* and there is no lunar +yth possi"le without the +otherhood* which preceded the

fatherhood% The child of the +oon in one phase is her consort in the other% Thus when

Ishtar +a(es up to I7du"ar* the solar !od who represents the later fatherhood* he twits her 

on the su"5ect of her child4consort* the "ride!roo+ of her youth* who+ she had so lon!

 pursued* li(e =enus wooin! $donis% In the le!end of Ta++u7 and Ishtar the Goddess* in

descendin! to the underworld in search of her "ride!roo+* passes throu!h seen !ates% In

each of these she is stripped of a part of her !lory* represented as her orna+ents% On her 

return she ascends throu!h seen other !ates* when her orna+ents are restored to her* "oth "ein! done accordin! to ancient rules% These !ates are the 0A lower lunar +ansions

in which the lunar Osiris was torn into 0A parts "y Typhon* the Power of dar(ness* when

Isis descended in search of her "eloed% They li(ewise coincide with the 0A houses of 

 5ud!+ent and the 0A trials in the )!yptian 8oo( of the Dead* which will e/plain the tests

and punish+ents of the Goddess as the pre4solar type of the sufferin! and triu+phin!

souls who had to win their crown of 5ustification in these 0A trials% 8esides which one of 

Ishtar's titles is that of Goddess Fifteen* "ecause that is the day of +id4+oon in a solilunar 

+onth of 9: days% Professor &ayce leaes this title unnoticed* and then denies that

Ishtar was a !oddess of the +oon Moreoer* there is another test to "e applied in natural

 pheno+ena% The Goddess in her Course is credited with arious infidelities% 6ot only is

she char!ed with hain! clun! year after year to her child4consort Ta++u7* as the

8ride!roo+* a+on!st her icti+s are the )a!le @$lalaB the Lion* the Horse* Ta"ulu the

shepherd* and Isullanu* the !ardener% These* as I read the Mythos* refer to certain

constellations* corner4(eepers or others* to "e found in the lunar course* which cannot

apply to the planet =enus or to the &pirit of the earth% $ si!n of the lunar rec(onin! +ay

 "e read in the state+ent that Ishtar rode the horse with whip and spur for seen lea!ues

!allopin!* or durin! one Euarter of the +oon% $nother lunar si!n +ay "e seen in the

state+ent that Ishtar had also torn out the teeth of the Lion seen "y seen* or for seen

ni!hts to!ether* in her passa!e throu!h the Lion4Euarter of the +oon, )a!le* Horse

@Pe!asusNB* and Lion +ust pro"a"ly stand for three of the four Euarters of a lunar 7odiac%

$lso the )rrand of Ishtar corresponds to the descent of Isis into the underworld in searchof Osiris* who was torn into 0A parts* and Isis was the lunar Goddess% Moreoer* Ishtar 

ro""ed her loer* Isullanu* of his eye* and in his "lindness +oc(ed hi+, 5ust as Horus and

&a+son were each ro""ed of an eye% Lastly* the 8ow was lunar and Ishtar was Goddess

of the 8ow% Here* as elsewhere* we are left utterly adrift if we cannot secure a fir+

anchora!e in the arious natural pheno+ena the+seles* "y which the types of diinity

+ust "e deter+ined% Professor &ayce ac(nowled!es his ina"ility to account for the na+e

of Ishtar% Its true ety+olo!y was "uried in the ni!ht of antiEuity% It is therefore Euite

useless to speculate on the su"5ect% @P% 2?;%B $nd so* of course* there is an end of it* the

last word "ein! said% It is 5ust possi"le* howeer* that )!ypt* fro+ which the Professor 

loo(s reli!iously away* has so+ethin! final yet to say on these +atters% 6ot perhaps "y

such interpretation as Mr% #enouf's% Professor &ayce ad+its that Ishtar appears as )sther in the 8oo( of )sther% Here it is Hadassah who fi!ures in the +ythical character of Ishtar 

as the ir!in dedicated or "etrothed durin! twele +onths% .hether the typical character 

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is thus continued or not* it is the fact that the word &htar is the )!yptian na+e of the

8etrothed fe+ale* and &hta denotes that which is +ost +ystical* secret* and holy* the ery

+other of +ystery% Ishtar was the "etrothed of Ta++u7, she was called the 8ridal

Goddess* the !oddess who was +ystically "etrothed to the child that !rew up to "eco+e

her own Consort% &he re+ained the Mother of Mystery% Thus Ishtar=enus* the !oddess

of loe* was the &htar or 8etrothed* as the pre4+ono!a+ic consort or "ride* i.e., the

"ridal !oddess* who is denounced in #eelation as the Great Harlot%$!ain* it appears to +e that +uch of what I hae already said of Horus* of Taht* of 

>hunsu* $pollo* and other for+s of the soli4lunar hero is applica"le not only to Mithras

 "ut to Merodach* and to an $ssyrian !od called $dar @proisionallyB% I +ay clai+ to hae

discoered the ori!in of this particular +ythical character throu!h see(in! the

foundations in natural pheno+ena% $dar is a solar hero who is especially related to ni!ht

and dar(ness* and yet is a deity of li!ht% He is a warrior and cha+pion of the !ods% He is

the oice or supre+e oracle of the diinities% He is the son* the +essen!er* the reealer of 

the &olar !od hidden in the deep of the underworld% In other features he is li(e Taht and

>hunsu* each of who+ is the isi"le representatie* the reealer* of the sun4!od "y ni!ht%

$dar was desi!nated Lord of the date* 5ust as Taht was called Lord of the date4pal+%

$dar was li(ewise Lord of the Pi!* 5ust as >hunsu is the personified lord oer the pi!of Typhon in the dis( of the +oon at full @odiac of DenderahB% This is the !od who* as

$donis* was slain "y the pi! or "oar at one season of the year* "ut who was ictor oer it

in the first of the si/ upper si!ns* which is the si!n of Pisces in the odiac of Denderah%W

This sa+e character is continued in Ta++u7* the deity who was first "rou!ht forth "y the

+other alone* to "eco+e her consort* the only one of a twofold nature, and who was

+ade the later reealer of a Father in heaen as the child of the solar !od when re"orn as

such of the +other4+oon% The +onth of Ta++u7 in the $ra+aic calendar is @rou!hlyB

our +onth of June% This is the +onth of Du7u in the $ssyrian calendar% In the )!yptian it

was the +onth Mesore* as June in the sacred year* the +onth of the re4"irth of the rier 

and of the child Horus* who was re4"orn @MesB of the rier at the re4"irth of the

Inundation% In the pre4Osirian Mythos the child was the representatie of Tu+ and to "e

the re4"orn @MesB Tu+ or the child of Tu+* as was Iu4e+4hept* the )ternal .ord* would

 "e rendera"le as Tu+4+us or Messu* 5ust as #a4+essu +eans the child of the solar !od*

althou!h I a+ not aware that Tu+ does appear under that for+ of na+e* and I a+

supposin! that Ta++u7 was a deelop+ent fro+ the )!yptian Tu+% For this reason .e

are told in the te/tsX that Tu+ is the duplicate of $ten$don$donai, and $don

Ta++u7% $ten was the child4God, Tu+ was the father% This child of the sun4!od was

always "orn in the +oon as the solar li!ht of the world "y ni!ht* the son of the &pirit of 

the deep who was the hidden sun in the under4world% He is pourtrayed in the dis( of the

full4+oon "oth as Horus @or Tu+4+esB and


Cha+pollion% Gra+ < 0232% W Macro"ius* &aturn% 020% X #ecords A%3?%

>hunsu @Planisphere and odiacs of DenderahB% 6ow* when the actual delu!e "e!an with

the sun in the si!n of the 8eetle @later Cra"B* and in the +onth of Ta++u7 or Mesore* the

+oon rose at full in the si!n of the sea4!oat* and the child was therefore re"orn of the full

+oon in that si!n* and so on throu!h the three water si!ns* which are conseEuently solar 

on one side of the odiac and lunar on the other #i!htly read this a"solutely proes the

)!yptian ori!in of the si!ns set in heaen in relation to the Inundation* the lunar 7odiac

 "ein! first* and identifies the child of Tu+ as the ori!inal of the $((adian Du+u47i4

$p7u* and of the &e+ite Ti++u7 @or Di++u7B of the Flood, not 6oah's unfortunate

delu!e* "ut the inundation of the 6ile* the delu!e that "e!an in the +onth Mes4Horus or Tu+4MesTa++u7* and cul+inated at the autu+n eEuino/ as it always has done* and

did this year% The $((adian na+e of the +onth Ta++u7 is &u4>ul4na* sei7er of seed*

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and to e/plain that we +ust !o "ac( to the si!n of the 8eetle set a"oe "y the )!yptians*

 "ecause the "eetle >hepr "e!an to roll up his seed at that ti+e to presere it fro+ the

co+in! flood% The 8eetle is the si!n of Cancer in the o"lon! odiac of Denderah%

Professor &ayce's account of Ta++u7 and Ishtar shows neither !au!e nor !rip of the real

su"5ect +atter% He tells us that $donisTa++u7 was slain "y the 8oar's Tus( of 

.inter* and his funeral4festial was held in June "ecause the "ri!ht &un of the

sprin!tide was then slain and withered "y the hot "lasts of su++er @pp% 22;43B% 8ut hereis the true renderin! as restored accordin! to the )!yptian +yth* which was e/tant in the

 pre4+onu+ental ti+es of the &hus4en4Har* who are clai+ed to hae "een the #ulers for 

09*::: years "efore the ti+e of Menes% The &olar God as &ource of Life was re4"orn in

natural pheno+ena* as his own child the Horus of Li!ht in the Moon, the Child of the

Lotus in the .ater, the &eed as the 8read of Life in the Corn% In each phase he was

opposed "y &ut4Typhon in the for+ of Dar(ness* Drou!ht* or Death% Preious to the

Inundation he was pierced "y &ut in the parchin! Drou!ht% Then it was the errand of Isis

as of Ishtar to fetch the .ater of Life% This she did as the Lunar Mistress of the .ater% $t

the "irth of the #ier in Mesore4Ta++u7* the Moon rose at full in the first Lunar .atersi!n*

whither she had !one for the .ater of Life in the under4world44or* astrono+ically*

entered the lowest si!ns% Here is one proof% Papsu(al is the #e!ent of Capricorn* the firstwater4si!n* and he is the +essen!er that hurries off to the &un4God @who is certainly not

the dead Ta++u7B with the news of Ishtar's arrial in search of the Fountain of Life%

Isis in her search was acco+panied "y $nup* her !olden do!, and in the Her+ean odiac

$nup is stationed in the si!n of the &ea4Goat* where he is sha(in! the &ystru+ of Isis to

fri!hten away the Typhonian influences%44@Plutarch%B Here is additional eidence% .hen

the Moon rose at full in these three si!ns they represented the .aters of Life to )!ypt* in

accordance with the then flowin! Inundation of the 6ile, "ut when the &un itself entered

the si!n of Capricorn* in winter* the passa!e "eca+e the "5rossing of the aters of  4eath," for the &olar God* or the &ouls in the )schatolo!ical phase% Hence the typical

Two .aters of the )!yptian Mythos* called the Pools of the 6orth and &outh% My

contention is* that the i+a!ery thus set in heaen to reflect the seasons on earth was

)!yptian fro+ the first* and that it can only "e ri!htly read in the ori!inal ersion

accordin! to ti+e and season in )!ypt%

Professor &ayce +a(es the perple/in! assertion that the +onth of Ta++u7 was called in

the $((adian Calendar 'the +onth of the )rrand of Ishtar%' 8ut the +onth &i6nnanna@for+erly read >i4Gin!ir4naB* the +essa!e of 6anna or Ishtar* is Ululu, two +onths later 

than Ta++u7, and the +essa!e of Ishtar* as =ir!o* in $u!ust* is not to "e conerted into

the le!end of her descent into Hades in June* when the &un was in Cancer and the full

Moon was in Capricorn%

Merodach represents the &un in &corpio* as the deity of that si!n* "ut this


&ayce* p% 299%

does not +ean that he is the &un itself In the )!yptian +ythos it was as the &un in

&corpio that Osiris was "etrayed to his death "y Typhon% Then his son* HorusMerodach*

was re"orn of the Moon in the 8ull* the first of the si/ upper si!ns* to "eco+e the aen!er 

of his icti+ised father Thus as heir4apparent of the &olar God* the Hero co+es to the

aid of the Moon durin! an eclipse* and oerco+es the Dra!on of Dar(ness%

This reealer of the father4!od in natural pheno+ena* under whatsoeer na+e* is

supre+ely i+portant as the +ythical character that supplied the type to current

Christolo!y% .hen the scientific fact was first discoered the doctrine of a diine trinity*

consistin! of father* +other* and child* was then esta"lished% The child was the li!ht of the sun* his father "ein! the hidden source in the underworld* his +other the +oon* as

reproducer of that li!ht% This refle/ i+a!e of the father's !lory* his li!ht of the world "y

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ni!ht* the representatie of his power in the si/ upper si!ns* whilst the sun was in the si/

lower si!ns* is the child as Horus* as the re4"orn Tu+Tu+4+es* Ta++u7* $pollo*

Merodach* the hero* the warrior a!ainst the dra!on* and the powers of dar(ness at ni!ht

or durin! the lunar eclipse* the Masu* the anointed* the only "e!otten* furnished "y the

 past as a factor in the theolo!y of the present* which +eets with no reco!nition

whatsoeer fro+ Professor &ayce* or fro+ any other writers on +ytholo!y who are

(nown to +e%)/cept in the techniEue of his scholarship* one sees "ut little si!n that the professor has

thou!ht out his far4reachin! su"5ect funda+entally% For e/a+ple* 8erossos repeats a

8a"ylonian description of nature* which he distinctly affir+s to hae "een alle!orical%

The professor ad+its @p% 932B that these co+posite creatures were really the offsprin! of 

Tote+is+, that is* they were sy+"olical oStypes% $nd yet he can say of the+* we +ay

see @in theseB a sort of anticipation of the Darwinian hypothesis 8ut +en with win!s*

two heads* and horses' feet* centaurs* +er+aids* and sphin/es* "elon! to a +ythical +ode

of representin! ideas* not to i+perfect* first atte+pts of nature* in accordance with the

doctrine of deelop+ent% &uch confusion of thou!ht is li(ely to +a(e the truth of the

+atter dou"ly indistin!uisha"le% $!ain* he tells us that the !od was a "east "efore he

 "eca+e a +an* whereas he +eans that the pri+ary forces reco!nised in nature first wererepresented "y oStypes "efore the superhu+an powers were i+a!ed in the hu+an

li(eness% He does not define what he +eans "y worship or reli!ion when he i+ports

these ter+s into the re+oter past* and thus sets up a false standard of 5ud!+ent% .orship

of the heaenly "odies was nothin! +ore than the loo(in! up to the+ as the tellers of 

ti+e* een thou!h they +ay "e called oracles The >ronian !ods were only types of ti+e

in a world without cloc(s and watches% He spea(s of theolo!ical conceptions "eco+in!

+ythical* whereas the +ythical representation preceded the theolo!ical phase% He can

find no trace of ancestor4worship in the early literature of Chaldea @p% 9?1B% 8ut I dou"t

whether a +an who resoles the D+on of &ocrates into an Intuition* can (now how or 

where to loo( for the proof% He tells us the earliest 8a"ylonian reli!ion was purely

&ha+anistic* only the spirits it reco!nised were not spirits in our sense of the word*

whicheer sense that +ay "e 6ow &ha+anis+ is the +ost pri+itie (ind of &piritualis+*

 "ut it includes hu+an spirits as well as the ele+entals, and as hu+an spirits include the

spirits of ancestors* and as Mul4lil is the Lord of !host4world* and 6er!al is the !od of 

apparitions* called the >hadhi @which a!rees with the )!yptian >hati for the deadB* then

the &ha+anis+ of 8a"ylonia +ust hae included a worship of ancestors The noneolutionist

cannot truly interpret the past for us* een when reinforced "y the nonspiritualist%

It +atters little to +e that Professor &ayce should i!nore +y wor(* "ut it does +atter 

!reatly to hi+ that he should hae to i!nore all the facts which are fatal to his

assu+ptions% He cannot !et rid of the facts "y thus i!norin! the+% He cannot esta"lish a

ne!ation "y closin! his eyes to all that is positiely opposed to his conclusions% In tryin!to do so he has "lindly shut out all that )!ypt had to say and show and su!!est% That

si+ple policy was practised lon! a!o "y the ostrich* and the ruse is !enerally

ac(nowled!ed to hae proed a preposterous failure% $s the superstructure of 

$ssyriolo!y is now reared and settlin! down securely upon fi/ed foundations* I a+

willin! to discuss the +atters here +ooted in the press or de"ate with Professor &ayce

upon the platfor+* where I will underta(e to de+onstrate the co++on ori!in of the

+ytholo!ical astrono+y* and proe that the )!yptian is the pri+eal parent of the

8a"ylonian% Meanwhile the fore!oin! pa!es and the followin! co+paratie list @not to

say anythin! of the 6atural GenesisB contain a sufficient answer to his declaration that

the two hae nothin! in co++on "ut !eneral analo!ies<44

)GPTI$6% 8$8LO6I$6%

:e%ht, the a"yss :athe, the a"yss%

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 &he%sh, pool of hippopota+us%  AbDu, the deep%

 ;au, the hole or oid%  ;ahu, the oid personified%

:e%, Typhon* the dra!on% :athe :iamat, the dra!on%

 -atut, &tor+4God%  -atu, &tor+4God%

 6sis as the cor%ion.  6shtar as the cor%ion.:riad of 6sis, Ne%htys, and Horus. :riad of 6shtar, :illil, and :ammuD.

 a, God of the Dou"le House%  3a, God of the House% 2ie 5elestials "orn of &e"%  2ie Annas, or spirits of heaen%

een eil s%irits. een eil s%irits.een serants of a. een serants of Anu.:he Nunu, 1 !ods or spirits% :he Annus, or 1 spirits of earth%

:he $ut 5ircle of %irits, or !ods of :he 6gigi, 3 spirits of heaen%


 Num, !od of the deep and inundation*  3a, !od of the deep and the !ood

and the !ood wind% wind%

Ua I 3a, the captain%  3a, !od of the "oat%

 Hathor, the white heifer%  6shtar, the white heifer%

hetar, the "etrothed%  6shtar, the "ridal !oddess% Anu%, the announcer%  Nebo, the announcer%

 4ouble Anubis.  Nebo and Nus/u.:aht&hunsu.  Adar.

 Horus @luni4solar heroB%  -erodach.:um as Aten or the -essu. :ammuD.

 &e/, !od of dar(ness%  &us, !od of dar(ness%

 J, +oon* lunar diinity%  J, lunar diinity%

 &he/h, a spirit%  6gigi, spirits%

 u%a, the prince%  ubu, the prince%

 Nerau, the chief* the ictor%  Nerra, the ictor%

er, chief* head% ar, (in!%

:abu, !reat "ear or hippopota+us%  4abu, the !reat "ear or hippopota+us%

G)#$LD M$&&)%

P%&%448y the "y* is Professor &ayce eEually certain that he is correct in his dates of 

 precessionN He !ies the entrance of the ernal eEuino/ into the si!ns of the 8ull and

#a+ as "ein! a"out the years* A*;:: and 2*?:: 8%C% I found that Cassini and other 

astrono+ers !ae the fi!ures A*?? and 2*A0: 8%C% $nd fro+ data (indly supplied to +e

 "y the present $strono+er #oyal fro+ independent calculations +ade at Greenwich*

these were the dates* corro"orated and confir+ed%

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TH) D)=IL OF D$#>6)&& I6 TH) LIGHT OF )=OLTIO6%

(2uller 3gy%tian and Gnostic 4ata, with references to authorities, may be found in the Author's "Natural Genesis.")

There are two thin!s which I hae co+e to loo( upon as constitutin! the un%ardonablesin of the father and +other a!ainst the helpless innocence of infancy% The one is in

allowin! their little children to run the ris( of "lood4poisonin!44such as was once suffered

 "y a child of +ine44fro+ the filthy fraud of accination. The other is in per+ittin! the

+ind and soul of their children to "e inoculated with the still +ore fatal irus of the old*

false* orthodo/ do!+as and delusions* "y allowin! the+ to "eliee that the fa"les of 

ancient +ytholo!y are the sacred and solely true .ord of God* if they are found in the

He"rew &criptures44the one "oo( of the reli!iously i!norant% Generation after !eneration

we learn* unlearn* and relearn the sa+e lyin!* le!endary lore* and it ta(es the latter half of 

all one's lifeti+e to throw off the +ass of corruptin! error instilled into us durin! the

earlier half* een when we do "rea( out and slou!h it off in a +ental eruption* and haeto find ourseles in utter re"ellion a!ainst thin!s as they are% nfortunately* the +ass of 

 people neer do !et rid of this infection* nor of the desire to !ie their disease to others%

The fact of the +atter is* the Christian do!+as and doctrines "e!an as such with "ein!

unintelli!i"le and ine/plica"le, they were to re+ain as +ysteries, and any true

e/planation of the+ is death to their false pretentions% It is +y +ethod to e/plode "y

e/plainin! the+% Ta(e the doctrine of the Trinity for e/a+ple% Can any theolo!ian

throu!hout all Christendo+ to4day !ie us any intelli!i"le account of its ori!in and

 pri+ary +eanin!N 6ot one% For that we +ust !o to +ytholo!y* which was earlier than our 

theolo!y* and which alone ena"les us to e/plain its pri+itie +ysteries% The natural

!enesis of the Trinity was found* and is to "e refound* in lunar pheno+ena% The +oon* in

+ytholo!y and chronolo!y* was a ti+e4+easurer of a three4fold nature% $t fifteen days of 

a!e* or full4+oon* it was the +other4+oon% Hence Ishtar* in $((ad* is desi!nated

Goddess 0?% The lessenin!* wanin! +oon was her little one* the child of the +oon* who

 "eca+e the irile one* the adult* as the horned new +oon* the reproducer who was fa"led

to re"e!et hi+self on the +other +oon* and thus "eco+e his own father* as a natural

+ode of descri"in! natural pheno+ena%

These three are eternally one in e/ternal nature44a Trinity always +anifestin! +onthly*

and the triple aspect was hu+anly* or naturally* e/pressed "y +eans of the +other* child*

and reproducin! +ale* which three are also one in the total hu+an "ein!% In the Christian

Icono!raphy* you will so+eti+es see the =ir!in Mary enthroned in the new +oon* with

the child in her ar+s* and these two* with the horned or phallic +oon* constitute theChristian Trinity in nity% &uch was the pri+itie +ode of thin(in! in thin!s* afterwards

continued in a +ystical or doctrinal phase% uch, I affir+ to "e the origin of the Trinity in

+ytholo!y* which preceded reli!ion, and when this is applied a"stractly* to the nature of 

deity* or to +ind in nature* "y +eans of +etaphysic* the result is an i+position* and he or 

she who practices i+position* consciously or not* is an i+postor% 6o such thin! can "e

(nown as a triune or trian!ular God, "ut we are a"le to show how such types ori!inated%

.hen our words are e/a+ined* we shall freEuently find that our +etaphysic has "een

a"stracted* or falsely filched fro+ pri+itie physics* as was the Trinity "y Plato* which

was continued "y the Christian Fathers* who tell us that "ut for Plato they would neer 

hae understood the doctrine of the Trinity% $s with the Trinity* so it is with the ori!in of 

the theolo!ical Deil% The crucial Euestion of the saa!e +an* Friday* was toofunda+ental for the theolo!y of #o"inson Crusoe% Friday as(s* 8ut* if God +uch stron!*

+uch +i!hty as the deil* why God no (ill the deil* and so +a(e hi+ no +ore wic(edN

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Crusoe* i+itatin! other theolo!ists* not (nowin! what to say* pretended not to hear 

hi+% @I a+ told this passa!e has "een o+itted fro+ certain recent editions%B To !ie an

answer to that Euestion we shall hae to !o round to wor(% It would neer do to "e!in a

lecture on this su"5ect li(e the well4(nown chapter headed &na(es in Iceland* which

consisted of the state+ent* there are no sna(es in Iceland If I did* +y lecture +i!ht "e

su++ed up in the words* there is no deil% 8ut eery "elief* superstition* and +ental

type* had its natural !enesis once* the deil included%The result of 0A years' research in the #ecords of the Past is a personal coniction that the

hu+an +ind has lon! suffered an eclipse* and "een dar(ened and dwarfed in the shadow

of ideas* the real +eanin! of which has "een lost to the +oderns Myths and alle!ories*

whose si!nificance was once unfolded to the initiates in the ancient +ysteries* hae "een

adopted in i!norance* and re4issued as real truths diinely ouchsafed to +an(ind for the

first and only ti+e when found in the He"rew writin!s The earlier reli!ions had their 

+yths interpreted "y +eans of the oral and unwritten .isdo+% .e hae ours

misinter%reted1 and a !reat deal of what has "een i+posed upon us as God's direct* true*

and sole reelation to +an* is a +ass of inerted myths, under the shadow of which +en

hae "een cowerin! as ti+orously as "irds in the stu""le* when a (ite in the shape of a

haw( is held hoerin! oerhead to (eep the+ down, as I hae seen it practised in)n!land

The para"les and types of the pri+eal thin(ers hae "een eleated to the &phere* as

the haw(* or serpent* the "ull* or the cra"* that !ie na+es to certain !roups of 

stars* and we are precisely in the sa+e relationship to these reli!ious para"les and

alle!ories as we should "e to astrono+ical facts* if we thou!ht the serpent and "ull* lion*

sea4!oat* and ra+ were real ani+als up in heaen* instead of constellations with

sy+"olical na+es% The Jews pic(ed up arious traditions of other races% Moses* they tell

us* was an initiate in all the learnin! of the )!yptians% $nd these +yths hae "een so

handled as to efface their pri+itie features alto!ether% They hae "een so sweated

down* "y later theolo!ies* to +a(e capital44!et !old4dust* as it were* out of the+44that

they can only "e reco!nised "y co+parison with the earlier copies yet e/tant a+on! other 

nations* fro+ which the Jews deried their ersions%

Fossil re+ains* found in the lower+ost strata of hu+an thou!ht* hae "een presered as

diine patterns for the i!norant and superstitious of later a!es% The si+ple realities of the

earliest ti+es were e/pressed "y si!ns and sy+"ols* and these hae "een ta(en and

applied to later thou!ht* and conerted into theolo!ical pro"le+s and +etaphysical

+ysteries* for which our theolo!ians hae no "asis whateer* and can only wran!le oer 

en l'air1 they cannot touch solid earth with one foot when they want to (ic( opponents

with the other, and when they try to "ite you ery iciously they find that they hae only

 "een furnished with a set of teeth that are false% The only possi"le way of e/posin! the

false pretensions of theolo!ical do!+as is "y e/plainin! the+ fro+ the root* and showin!what they +eant as +ythos% The orthodo/ teachin! which is founded on the Fall of 

Man* is shattered* een as a pane of !lass is fractured at a "low* when once we can apply

the Doctrine of Deelop+ent%

The He"rew deil* or &atan* +eans the opponent or adersary* and the first !reat natural

adersary reco!nised "y pri+itie +an was Dar(ness44si+ply dar(ness* the constant and

eternal ene+y of the li!ht44that is* the power of dar(ness was literal "efore it "eca+e

+etaphorical* +oral* or spiritual%

Hence dar(ness itself was the earliest deil or adersary* the o"structor and deluder of 

+an* the eternal ene+y of the sun% .e spea( of the 5aws of dar(ness, and dar(ness was

the ast* hu!e* swallower of the li!ht* ni!ht after ni!ht% .e (now this was identified as

the pri+ary power* "ecause the pri+itie or early +an rec(oned ti+e "y ni!hts* and theyears "y )clipses% This +ode of rec(onin! was first and uniersal% &o +any dar(s

 preceded so +any days% The dar( power is pri+arily in all the oldest traditions and cults

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of the hu+an race% Hence sacrifice was first offered to the powers of dar(ness% The forewords

of uniersal +ytholo!y are there was dar(ness% $ll was dar( at first within the

+ind, and the all was the dar/ness that created dread without% The influence of ni!ht* the

eclipse* and the "lac( thunder4cloud "ein! first felt* the pri+itie +an isi"ly e+er!es

fro+ the shadow of dar(ness as deeply i+pressed and indeli"ly dyed in +ind as was his

 "ody with its natural "lac(ness% The "lac( +an without was ne!roid within* as his

reflection re+ains in the +irror of +ytholo!y% The dar(ness then* in natural pheno+ena*was the ori!inal deil that put out the li!ht "y swallowin! it incessantly* as the su"tle

ene+y* the o"structor* deluder* and !eneral adersary of +an% The first for+ of the Deil

was fe+ale* called the Dra!on of Dar(ness* who was Tia+at in $((ad* and Typhon in

)!ypt% Typhon !ae "irth to &ut* who "eca+e the )!yptian deil44our &atan44and who

was represented "y the 8lac( 5ac(al* the oice of Dar(ness, and &ut* the "lac( one* !ies

us the na+e of &oot* the "lac( thin!% $n!ro4Mainyus* the Persian deil* was the "lac( 

one of the two powers of Li!ht and Dar(ness%

Pri+itie +an* howeer* did not i+a!ine or personify a deil "ehind isi"le pheno+ena*

that caused the dar(ness% Dar(ness itself was the deil* and een as late as the Parsee

8undahish @which +eans the a"ori!inal creationB e/ternal dar(ness is the deil%

The seen deils or seen heads of the old Dra!on* in the $((adian +yths of creation*are "orn in the +ountains of sunset* which shows the sa+e natural !enesis in physical

 pheno+ena% They had their birth%lace where the sun went down% $t the sa+e place* in

the .est* the )!yptians stationed the Great Crocodile that swallowed down the li!hts*

sun* +oon* and stars* as they set each ni!ht* in its wide4open 5aws of dar(ness% Hence the

crocodile was an ideo!raph of the swallowin! dar(ness44and of earth* or the waters

 "elow* called the $"yss, and the tail of the crocodile re+ained in the )!yptian

hiero!lyphics as the si!n of >a+44that is* of "lac(ness or dar(ness% The crocodile was the

typical Dra!on of the waters "elow* the old Typhon* as the serpent was of the waters* or 

oerwhel+in! dar(ness* a"oe% Hor4$pollo tells us the )!yptians represent the +outh "y

a serpent* "ecause the serpent is all +outh% This was another fi!ure of the swallower* as

the $(he(h and the $pap serpent% $(he(h si!nifies dar(ness* and $pap +eans that

which rises up ast and !i!antic44in short* the +onster44the typical $pap "ein! "ased on

the !reat $frican roc(4sna(e% Here* then* is the reason why the +ythical dra!on and the

old serpent are identical or interchan!ea"le in +ytholo!y* each "ein! a representatie of 

the deil of dar(ness and of &atan* that old serpent* who i+a!ed the eil which was first

 perceied in physical pheno+ena% Out of the dar(ness leapt the li!htnin!4"olt* and in the

deep waters lur(ed another su"tle foe of life* and thus the 5aws* the fan!* and the stin! of 

death were assi!ned to the deil of dar(ness* who !radually assu+ed the character of 

+an's +ortal ene+y that "rou!ht death into the world% The course of this deelop+ent

can "e traced fro+ the "e!innin!* in physical dar(ness* to the cul+ination* in a psychotheistic

 phase* for eerythin! yields to an application of the eolutionary +ethod44andyou +ay depend upon it that eolution has co+e into the world to stay, and eolution and

the He"rew !enesis cannot co4e/ist in the sa+e +ental world%

The earliest +ode of representin! the eternal alternation of e/ternal pheno+ena called

ni!ht and day* or dar(ness and li!ht* the !ood and "ad* is to "e found in the uniersal

+yth of the Two 8rothers* who are "orn twins*44ery i+perfect ersions of which +ay "e

found in the le!ends of Cain and $"el* and of )sau and Jaco"% In this +yth* the Dar( and

Day are "orn twins of the Great Mother* and these "rothers are pourtrayed as always

 "ein! at en+ity with each other* and in conflict "efore their "irth* as are the dar(ness and

the li!ht when stru!!lin! at dawn They fi!ht one another in the effort of each to !et "orn

first% This "eco+es the well4(nown stru!!le of the "irthri!ht* which is uniersal in

+ytholo!y% Far +ore perfect ersions of the sa+e +ythos are e/tant a+on! the "lac(s of $ustralia* the #ed Indians of $+erica* the 8ush+en and Hottentots of $frica* +ore

 perfect* "ecause si+pler* nearer to nature* and less +orali7ed% It is the +yth of &ut4Horus

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in )!ypt% &ut4Horus is the dual +anifestor of dar( and li!ht* who is depicted with the

dou"le head of the "lac( ulture of ni!ht and the !olden haw( of li!ht* upon one "ody%

The dar( one was "orn first* "ecause dar(ness was first co!nised, "ut they "oth continued

to stru!!le for supre+acy after "irth* as they had done "efore it* "ecause they dra+atised

the ceaseless and endless alternation of ni!ht and day* of dar( and li!ht* seen in the

heaens at ee and dawn* in the or" of the +oon* and the len!thenin! of dar(ness* or of 

li!ht* in autu+n and in sprin! Here a!ain the dar( power is the deil* the "ad de* andthe li!ht is the !ood power* the "ri!ht de%

The sa+e conflict* "ased upon the alternation of li!ht and dar(ness* is pourtrayed as the

stru!!le of &t% Geor!e* our solar hero* who conEuers the dra!on 5ust as Horus oerthrows

the $pap dra!on upon the +onu+ents of )!ypt% $nd when the deil's (nell is run!

annually at Hor"ury* in or(shire* )n!land* that is in cele"ration of the death of the

Dra!on of Dar(ness, and the sa+e custo+ is also continued in rin!in! out the old year*

on the last ni!ht in Dece+"er% .hen in 6ew &outh .ales I pic(ed up a tradition of the

 "lac(s% The Deil* called Mullion* lied in a ery tall tree* at Girra* on the 8arwon rier*

and used to eat "lac( fellows They tried to "urn down this ast tree* in which the Deil

of dar(ness dwelt* "ut the fires were always put out "y inisi"le spirits% Then they !ot a

red +ouse* put a li!hted straw in his +outh* and started hi+ up the tree% The loose "ar( cau!ht fire* the tree "la7ed for wee(s* the deil was "urned out* and neer ca+e "ac( 

a!ain% This red +ouse is also a type of Horus in )!ypt% 6aturally* then* the deil of 

dar(ness was the first diinity* "ecause the dar( power is pri+al .hen it ca+e to

worshippin!* or* rather* to propitiatin!* "y offerin! the fruits of fear* it was the dar( 

 power that predo+inated* "ecause this struc( terror and elicited fear% "$rimos in orbedeos fecit timor<" &o+eti+es these twins of dar(ness and li!ht are called the u!ly and

 "eautiful "rothers% $nd here the persistence of the +ythical types +ay "e noticed* for 

these two are not only continued as the &ut4Horus* or dou"le Horus of )!ypt* "ut they are

li(ewise e/tant in that +useu+ of +ythical types* the Cataco+"s of #o+e* as the Twin4

Christs* one of which is pourtrayed as the "eautiful youth, the other is the little* old* and

u!ly Christ% Just as it was in the pre4Christian ti+es* fro+ which these fi!ures were a

Gnostic surial%

 6e/t* Mind "eco+es an ele+ent in the +anifestation of pheno+ena, and in the $+erican

+yths* the "orn twins are called the "ad +ind and the !ood +ind% In this phase the twin"rothers

are not only +ental* they are also +orali7ed on their way to "eco+in! the dual

diinity* or +odern God and Deil% In the $esta* and other Persian &criptures* for 

e/a+ple* the twin4"rothers can "e traced fro+ the 6atural Genesis in pheno+ena* as li!ht

and dar(ness* to their "eco+in! personified as diinity and deil* in $hura4Ma7da* the

God of +ental li!ht* and $n!ro4Mainyus* the deil of +ental dar(ness% Here the older 

 "o!ey of the ni!ht has "een found out Men had dipped into the dar(* and suffered fro+

the shadow of eclipse so lon!* and passed throu!h the+ so often and so safely* that their essential unreality was discoered at last% Thus $n!ro4Mainyus* the "lac( +ind* is only

accredited with the creation of all that is untrue* unreal* and utterly delusie in nature%

The li!ht had now "eco+e the endurin! reality* and dar(ness was only its deludin!

shadow% They now reco!nised that the dar( one in the physical* +ental* or +oral do+ain*

was only ne!atie and ne!ational, the "ri!ht one* the !od of li!ht* the !ood +ind* was the

&upre+e 8ein!* the reality* therefore the author of all that was finally real and eternally

true These are the two causes of the unierse44it is said,44they were united fro+ the

8e!innin!* and* therefore* are called the :wins, and the Persian #eelation contains the

Gnosis and e/planation of the doctrine concernin! these twin spirits%

&uch was the natural ori!in of that doctrine of duality* which is discussed now4a4days as

a +etaphysical +ystery* and as if it were a reality fro+ the root of it* +ade (nown to theworld "y direct reelation The ori!in of Good and )il in the nature of +an considered

as a "ein! of flesh and spirit* as the personal e+"odi+ent of two opposite principles*

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assu+ed to hae a spontaneous or auto+atic tendency towards !ood on the part of the

one which is supposed to ori!inate in the spirit* and the other to ori!inate in the flesh* as a

natural anta!onist* is tracea"le to this +ost pri+itie interpretation of the duality called

!ood and eil in e/ternal pheno+ena* which was continued in the +ental and +oral* and

lastly in the psycho4theistic phase of thou!ht% In its latest sta!e the doctrine is destructie

of indiidual responsi"ility in +an and of personal unity in deity* or the operatin!

Intelli!ence% There was no reelation* no new point of departure in pheno+ena* nothin!added to nature or hu+an (nowled!e in these later iews of +ytholo!y into +etaphysic*

 philosophy* or theolo!y* in which the supposed reelation of newer truth was lar!ely

founded on a falsification of the old%

.e are not only conte+poraries of saa!e +en in +any of our current custo+s and

 "eni!htin! "eliefs* we are also the icti+s of his leain!s44arious of our superstitions

 "ein! the pri+itie fetishis+ that still suries in the last sta!e of perersion%

8ut now for a deelop+ent of the Deil

In )!ypt the old Deil of dar(ness* as &ut4Typhon or &ee(h* the Crocodile4headed

diinity* acEuired a soul in the stars and a place in heaen* as Plutarch says% To hi+ was

!ien the Crocodile or Dra!on Constellation in the planisphere* whose castin! out of 

heaen is descri"ed in the 8oo( of #eelation* and in the Persian 8ah+an asht* where&ut* or &ee(h the Dra!on* that old serpent* is identified as &atan* the eternal adersary of 

souls* 5ust as it is in the )!yptian #itual of the Dead% Thus* the deil that first rose up in

reolt* as the natural dar(ness* called the Dra!on of the deep* the re"el a!ainst the li!ht!od*

was !radually transfor+ed into a supposed starry or spiritual "ein!* the ice4dieu of 

the dar(* who* in the Christian sche+e* is still considered to "e the supre+e power of the

two* or if their do+inions "e eEually diided* he is supre+e "elow and the li!ht4!od

a"oe445ust as it had "een fro+ the "e!innin!% $nd* finally* our theolo!y has +ade the

 pri+al shadow of physical pheno+ena su"stantial in the +ental sphere* and fro+ the

e/ternal dar(ness of that "e!innin! e/tracted and internalised the +odern deil in the


I hae now !ien you a sa+ple of what I +eant "y our "ein! in the shadow of ideas

whose ori!inal si!nification we hae not understood%

There is no deil such as Milton saw $nd as you +ust (now* +uch current theolo!y has

 "een deried fro+ Paradise Lost% The haw( that has "een flyin! or flown to (eep ti+id

souls cowerin! down to the !round* is not the real "ird of prey after all% ou +ay trace

eery +otion of it to the end of the strin! held in the puller's hand .hen you !o close up

to it* the deil of theolo!y is not alie% It is a "o!us "u!4"ear* hideous* "ut har+less as

that scarecrow in the field* the i+posture of which had "een found out and despised "y a

s+all "ird who had "uilt its nest* and laid and hatched its e!!s in one of the !ri+

+onster's waistcoat poc(ets%

.e hae an old sayin! that the deil is an ass 8ut* in )!ypt* the deil as &ut or &atanwas the ass44the ass that carried the Christ as Horus* the saiour% This was the ass that

was fi!uratiely (ic(ed out in the Christian sport of "eatin! the ass* when that pasti+e

used to "e practised up and down the aisles of Christian churches* and the priest used to

 "ray three ti+es* and the people responded li(e asses

The Ger+an deil was at one ti+e the red4"earded thunder* the =oice of Dar(ness

which ta(es us "ac( to &ut4Typhon* who* as Plutarch infor+s us* was of a reddish

co+ple/ion% It is co++on for our !iants to "e endowed with a red strea+in! co+et's tail

of a "eard Our forefathers* the 6orse+en* had little respect and no reerence for the

deil, and as to hell* why* if you did not !et to heaen* then hell was the ne/t "est place

in the other world* if there were "ut two

To "e sure* they were "adly off for firewood in the 6orse hell, and spirits sat shierin! inthe presence of the cold* unco+forta"le !oddess Hela* who was "lue with cold* and it was

tryin! to thin( how they were (eepin! it up oerhead44they who had cli+"ed to the top of 

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the tree* !drasil* or secured a seat in =alhalla where the wine4cups flowed and the

fa!ots flared* and the +erry dancin! fla+es +i!ht "e reflected on the windows of a

heaen that was closed a!ainst the+% For the 6orth4Men (new nothin! of a hell of 

eerlastin! fire% If they had* it +i!ht hae proed the +ore attractie place of the two, as

one of our +issionaries once discoered% He had !one out to Greenland to carry the

Gospel of Good Tidin!s* and illustrate it with the aid of an eternal fire 8ut he found

hi+self in the wron! latitude as re!ards the effect of fire% He pictured it in the war+estcolours* and was surprised at the result Instead of seein! awe and terror whitenin! their 

faces* or the tears tric(lin! down the+* as he had e/pected* they were "lu""erin! in Euite

another fashion* for the whale's fat "e!an to run and !listen on their rela/ed faces* which

he saw roundin! and "ri!htenin! into full +oons of happiness and 5ollity, and instead of 

wrin!in! their hands at the prospect he had pictured* they sat as if spiritually war+in!

the+ at this eerlastin! "onfire* that was so earnestly warranted neer to !o out

If this were the !ospel of !ood tidin!s* why had they not heard the !lorious truth "eforeN

&uch a welco+e and deli!htful chan!e fro+ the life they had lied in their incle+ent*

wintry cli+ate They had neer drea+ed of conditions so deli!htful &o far fro+

shunnin! such a place for eer* as he desired the+ to do* they were Euite ready and

willin!* all of the+ to !o to it at once* and stay there foreer%The +ythical deil was pretty +uch dyin! out* until it was reied and su"li+ated "y the

theolo!y of Luther* Calin* and Milton% The #o+ish Church did not deify the deil as the

Protestants hae done% &he was "etter acEuainted with the tradition of his creation and the

earthly nature of his character% It was her cue to (eep dar(% $nd the deil of the Middle

$!es is a poor deil enou!h without !randeur or terror $ ery fallen intelli!ence*

indeed* who+ #o+ish saints can twea( "y the nose with red4hot ton!s* or the si+plest

country+en hae cunnin! enou!h to outwit% Instead of the arch4ene+y of God and +an*

+a5estic in his dar( diinity* infernally inspired* as Milton pictures hi+* he has "eco+e a

!rotesEue i+a!e, the story4teller's +ost popular fi!ure of fun* on a par with the !iants of 

our nursery lore* who+ the cleer* redou"ta"le* little Jac(* always !ets the "etter of

Indeed* "oth deil and !iant as well as the serpent and dra!on* had one ori!in* and the

orthodo/ &atan is* after all* the popular +onster of +ytholo!y% Luther and Calin dou"led

the deil* and placed one at each end of their sche+e of thin!s* the upper or "ri!ht God

 "ein! rather the worse deil of the two

They put the doctrine of dualis+ as perple/in!ly as did the ne!ro preacher who told his

con!re!ation there were "ut two roads open to the+44one of these led directly to

destruction* and the other went strai!ht to perdition% &top a "it* "rudder* cried one of 

the con!re!ation, hold hard* whilst I !et out o" dis $nd there are +any people who

desire to "eco+e followers of that ne!ro* and !et out o" dis%

The &atan of sacerdotal "elief* then* is not a "ein! for God or +an to (ill* "ut an effi!y in

shoddy that only wants to "e ripped up to show you that it is stuffed with sawdust&o+e people +ay cry out in an a!ony of earnestness* as Charles La+" sta++ered in his

fun* 8ut this is doin! away with the deil, d4d4d4don't deprie +e of +y deil .e

hope for "etter thin!s% How shall we "e a"le to force people into thin(in! as we do* and

fri!hten the+ into our fold of faith* for the !lory of God* if we hae no deil for our 

ferocious shepherd4do!N $nd there is no dou"t "ut that* in !iin! up the orthodo/ Hell

and ancient Deil* we are losin! one of the +ost potent +otie powers% Our difficulty is

how to find a su"stitute for the appeal to selfish fear% The fact re+ains that the deil is a

funda+ental part of the Christian sche+e 6o deil* no #edee+er $nd those who will

yell at +e* and call +e a "lasphe+er* (now that well enou!h% I sy+pathise with the+%

They "e!in to see di+ly* what we see clearly* that orthodo/ Christianity is answera"le

with its life for the literal truth of these stories of the Deil* the Fall of +an* and thedoctrine of a dyin! deity's atone+ent% Its life is sta/ed upon the stories "ein! true1 and its

life +ust pay the forfeit of their "ein! found to "e false $nd false they are* howeer their 

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defenders +ay sEuir+ and wri!!le* until the "ac("one of all +anhood is chan!ed into


I can i+a!ine that people who are not sure of their own souls* whether they are lost or are

not yet found* unless their He"rew Genesis "e true* will feel the world is a rather hollow

affair without their accusto+ed deil% It will "e li(e depriin! the+ of half their heaen

on earth* and the whole of it hereafter* to ta(e away the deil% .hat on earth* or in

another place* will they doN those who are so irulent "y nature for the Calinisticsulphur* if* after all* there is no "ri+stone there, and they hae passed out of this life with

their itch for hell red4hot upon the+* and there is no Old &cratch to console the+ after 

allN One would li(e to "eliee in 5ust a ery little hell for their dear sa(e They hae so

deoutly "elieed in a "i! one for ours%

There is deil enou!h* howeer44only of another (ind than the one we hae played with%

.e hae tal(ed of the deil lon! enou!h, "ut to a &piritualist* for instance* the deil

e/ists for the first ti+e in so+e of the facts +ade (nown "y +odern &piritualis+44facts

which are as +uch +atters of personal e/perience and constant erification to +yself and

+yriads of others as are those of your ordinary life Thin( for a +o+ent tentatiely of 

there "ein! a personal +otie on the other side44a ested interest in our wron! doin!44

de!raded spirits present with us in the en5oy+ent of our +ost secret sins44the !hosts of old dead drun(ards hauntin! the drin(er's lie war+ at+osphere* "ecause in that there

+ay pass off into spirit4world so+e !hostly !ust of the old delirious deli!ht* and you +ay

!et at a real* present* self4interested* +anifold* te+ptin! deil that alto!ether surpasses

the +ytholo!ical +onster of theolo!y

The deil and hell of +y creed consist in that natural 6e+esis which follows on "ro(en

laws* and do!s the law "rea(er* in spite of any "elief of his* that his sins* and their 

ineita"le results can "e so cheaply spon!ed out* as he has "een +isled to thin(* throu!h

the sheddin! of innocent "lood% 6ature (nows nothin! of the for!ieness for sin% &he has

no rewards or punish+ents44nothin! "ut causes and conseEuences% For e/a+ple* if you

should contract a certain disease and pass it on to your children* and their children* all the

alle!ed for!ieness of God will "e of no aail if you cannot for!ie yourself% Ours is the

deil of heredity* wor(in! in two worlds at once% Ours is a far +ore terri"le way of 

realisin! the hereafter* when it is "rou!ht ho+e to us in concrete fact* whether in this life

or the life to co+e* than any a"stract idea of hell or deil can afford% .e hae to face the

facts "eforehand% 6o use to whine oer the+ i+potently afterwards* when it is too late%

For e/a+ple44

In the olden days when I++ortals

To earth ca+e isi"le down*

There went a youth with an $n!el

Throu!h the !ate of an )astern town<They passed a do! "y the road4side*

.here dead and rottin! it lay*

$nd the youth* at the !hastly odour*

&ic(ened and turned away%

He !athered his ro"es a"out hi+,

$nd hastily hurried thence<

8ut nou!ht annoyed the $n!el's

Clear* pure* i++ortal sense%

8y ca+e a lady* lip4luscious*

On delicate* +incin! feet<

$ll the place !rew !lad with her presence*$ll the air a"out her sweet,

For she ca+e in fra!rance floatin!*

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$nd her oice +ost silery ran!,

$nd the youth* to e+"race her "eauty*

.ith all his "ein! spran!%

$ sweet* deli!htso+e lady<

$nd yet* the Le!end saith*

The $n!el* while he passed her*

&huddered and held his "reath

Only thin( of a fine lady who* in this life* has "een wooed and flattered* su+ptuously

clad* and delicately fed, for who+ the pure* sweet* air of heaen had to "e perfu+ed as

incense and the red rose of health had to fade fro+ +any youn! hu+an faces to "losso+

in the ro"es she wore* and eery sense had "een +ost daintily feasted* and her whole life

su++ed up in one lon! thou!ht of self44thin( of her findin! herself in the ne/t life a

spiritual leper* a wal(in! pestilence* a personified disease44a slou!hin! sore of this life

which the spirit has to !et rid of44an e/cre+ent of this life's selfishness at which all !ood

spirits stop their noses and shudder when she co+es near Don't you thin( if she realised

that as a fact in ti+e* it would wor( +ore effectually than +uch preachin!N The hell of 

the drun(ard* the li"idinous* the "lood4thirsty* or !old4!reedy soul* they tell us* is the "urnin! of the old deourin! passion which was not Euenched "y the chills of death% The

crossin! of the cold* dar( rier een was only as the untasted water to the consu+in!

thirst of Tantalus In support of this* eolution shows the continuity of ourseles* our 

desires* passions* and characters% $s the )!yptians said* .hoso is intelli!ent here will "e

intelli!ent there $nd if we haen't +astered and disciplined our lower passions here*

they will "e +asters of us for the ti+e4"ein! hereafter%

There is no such possi"ility as death4"ed salation 6o such thin! as "ein! ">er/ed to 7esus" if you are conerted on the scaffold

These old passions of ours "urn and "urn* and will and +ust "urn on till they "urn out%

That* they tell us* is as a"solutely necessary a process in the spiritual world as in the case

of a feer in the physical "ody* which +ay "e fed fri!htfully "y the i+purities of the

 preious life% Moreoer* the feer will ra!e so lon! as it is supplied with fresh fuel% &o

lon! as the infatuated spirit does not try to put out the fire* and !ie the spiritual nature its

one chance of throwin! off the infernal disease* "ut lusts in i+a!ination after that which

fed the fla+e at first* and stirs the fire that (indles with eery si!h for the old flesh4pots

of eil passion still, and will co+e "ac( to earth to prowl in filthy places* and snuff the ill

odours of the lowest ani+al life, see(in! in ain for so+e !ust of satisfaction in shadowy

apparition* as a spirit earth4"ound* and self4"ound to earth% &uch is the teachin!

inculcated "y our facts* accept or re5ect the+ whosoeer +ay

For* where the treasure is there will the heart "e also% Thin( of that* you treasure4see(ers

in the earth* who hae found and laid your treasures on the earth, whose treasuresrepresent the life you hae spent on the earth ou hae put the "etter part of your life

into the+% They are your "etter part% 8ut you cannot ta(e the+ away with you The only

treasure we can carry away with us +ust "e laid up within% 6ow* &piritualis+ reeals the

 possi"ility of the spirit's "ein! doo+ed to haunt this treasure4house of earth until eery

 particle of that hoarded wealth has "een redistri"uted and restored to the channels for 

which it was intended "y the Ma(er* and the first sta!e on its way "ac( +ay "e that the

riches so carefully !athered and +iserly !arnered shall "e the +eans of sin(in! your 

spendthrift son down to the lowest ran!e of spiritual penury% For the Creator who+ we

 postulate will not "e "aul(ed in carryin! out his purposes "y any te+porary o"structions

li(e these* and if you hae hindered here you will hae to help hereafter* when you do at

last !et into line with 6atural aw.ou hae "een a+used with a dolly deil lon! enou!h* whilst inside of you* and outside

of you* and all round a"out you* the real deil is liin!* wor(in! with a +ost infernal

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actiity* and playin! the ery deil with this world of ours% 6ot an ideal deil* "ut a le!al

deil* with a purpose and a plan, the deil in reality

.e hae "een followin! a phanto+ of faith* and the actual erita"le deil has "een

do!!in! us indeed This is not a &atan of God's +a(in!% 6ot an archan!el ruined* who* in

fallin!* found a foothold on this earth for the purpose of dra!!in! +en down with hi+ to

that lower deep for which he is "ound* "ut a deil to "e reco!nised "y his li(eness to

ourseles the deil that is our worser self the deil of our own i!norance* and thedeification of self44a deil "eEueathed to us "y the accu+ulated !ains of centuries of 

i!norant selfishness* and selfish i!norance44a deil to "e !rappled with and wrestled with

and throttled* oerthrown* and oerco+e* and put out of e/istence44not only in the

stru!!le a!ainst all that is eil in the isolated* indiidual life, our deil has !rown too "i!

and is too potent for that, "ut "y the ener!ies of all collected and clu""ed* and +ade cooperant

to destroy the causes of eil whensoeer and wheresoeer these can "e identified*

whether as #eli!ious* or Political* Moral* or &ocial% .e stand in Heaen's own li!ht and

cast the eil shadow of &elf* and say it is the deil% $nd then our theolo!ists hae the

 "lasphe+ous i+pudence to +a(e God the author of this dar( shadow of ourseles* which

we shed on his creation, and assu+e it to "e an eclipse fro+ another world of 8ein!%

 6o dou"t it +ay "e shown that the Operatie Power we postulate is responsi"le for certain natural conditions which ineita"ly result in what we reco!nise to "e eil% 6or 

will he shir( his responsi"ility in that +atter% It was a necessary part and process in the

hu+an education* in strict accordance with the laws of eolution% 8ut we see +ore and

+ore eery day that such eil was !ood in the +a(in!% .e +ay trace +any of the healin!

sprin!s of heaenly purity filterin! throu!h this dar( stratu+ of earth% $lso* we are apt to

loo( on thin!s at first si!ht as eil which we finally find to "e "lessin!s in dis!uise% $

 piercin! ision will perceie the deeply underlyin! intention of !ood wor(in! upward

throu!h +any a superficial appearance of eil% &een in the li!ht of )olution* the

e/istence of eil is no lon!er a +ytholo!ical +ystery to "e +ade the +ost of "y pious

i!nora+uses for preachin! purposes* "ut a necessary conco+itant of deelop+ent, one of 

the conditions "y +eans of which we !row into conscious hu+an "ein!s to attain the

hi!her life%

Indeed* whether there "e a God or not* it was i+possi"le to discuss the +atter 

intelli!ently until the doctrine of Creation* "y the slow processes of eolution* had "een

ta(en into account%

This shows us that the eil for which 6ature is responsi"le* is a +eans of eolin! in us

the ery consciousness of !ood% The +o+ent we reco!nise eil* and hae acEuired the

consciousness of its e/istence* the responsi"ility for its e/istence "eco+es ours% Here is a

 pro"le+ set for us to sole "y way of education% Here is a foe to fi!ht to the death*

whether as a +is!uided passion in the indiidual* or a disease in the life of a nation% Here

is so+ethin! to "e turned into !ood44a deil to "e conerted% The +o+ent +an sees sofar* he +ust accept the responsi"ility for the continued e/istence of the eil* and war 

a!ainst it as he would if clearin! any other 5un!le fro+ poisonous reptiles% Ours is not a

doll to dandle* and clai+ diine parenta!e for* "ut a +is"e!otten deil of i!norance* and a

+iscarria!e of hu+anity in the past%

.e see that life co+es into isi"le "ein! accordin! to conditions% .here these are

unprepared and not hu+anised* the life ta(es the lowest for+s* those of reptiles and

weeds* poisonous plants* thorns* thistles* and "riars* for+s ini+ical to +an* and therefore

considered to "e eil% Then +an co+es to cultiate and +odify* and turn the eil into

!ood% The whole world of natural eil has to ac(nowled!e its +aster% Let +e !ie you an

illustration% Pain* for e/a+ple* is a conseEuence of i+perfect conditions% It is the si!nal of 

the sentinel that warns us of the ene+y% $nd how those faithful sentinels stand in theoutwor(s of the "ody* to !uard the +ore ital parts fro+ approachin! dan!er% It is

necessary to warn us* or we should do +ost foolish thin!s* as a child +i!ht* "ut for this

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warnin! of pain* thrust his hand in the fire and hae it consu+ed The soul's health is

continually protected "y this warnin! sentinel of pain* +ental and corporeal% Pain is

necessary* then* to the deelop+ent of consciousness* and the perfectin! of conditions% It

is the re+inder that there is so+ethin! wron!, therefore so+ethin! to "e re+edied% It is a

 part of the process in our education% $lso* the loftiest pleasures of our spiritual life

continually flower fro+ a roota!e in the deepest pain% I a+ not here to preach a !ospel of 

the "lessedness of sufferin! for the poor and needy44the icti+s of this world's laws% 8utsufferin!* as I read the 8oo( of Life* is an incentie to effort, and the !reatest pressure

fro+ without will so+eti+es eole the stron!est character fro+ within* "y eo(in! the

!reater force of effort% $s &ha(espeare points out* the flowers of March are not so fine as

the flowers of June* "ut the finest flower of March is finer than the finest flower of June

It has oerco+e +ore opposition* and turned it to account% Perhaps in conseEuence of the

 pressure* it has esta"lished a nearer relationship at root to the source of life% Pain is "ut a

 passin! necessity* for* as it is the result of i+perfect conditions* it follows that pain itself 

+ust pass away as those conditions are perfected44and we are here to i+proe and perfect

the+% God does not destroy the deil of pain ri!ht off* "y wor(in! a +iracle at a

+o+ent's notice For God is not that $uto+aton of the sects44that weather4coc( atop of 

creation which they suppose will eer round at eery "reath of selfish prayer% ou arecalled upon to ascertain what is the law of the case* who is the law4"rea(er* and how is

the law to "e (ept% ou +ust loo( out for natural conseEuences* and effects that follow

causes* not for rewards and punish+ents

ou (now that a little "ile in the "lood +ay cause !reat +ental distress 8ut it is perfectly

a"surd to as( God to sae you fro+ these "lac(s in your eyes and "lue deils in your 

 "rain% ou +ust loo( to your lier* and o"ey the laws of health% )schew to"acco and ta(e

less whis(y* or coffee* as the case +ay "e% God wor(s no i++ediate +iracle in response

to your offer of a te+ptin! opportunity He intends +an to !et rid of eil as he !rows

enli!htened enou!h to deal +ore wisely with our hu+an conditions in the process of44

whatN Of "eco+in! +anlier and wo+anlier%

Our &cience !rasps with its transfor+in! hand,

Ma(es real half the tales of fairy land,

It turns the deathliest fetor to perfu+e,

It !ies decay new life and rosy "loo+,

It chan!es filthy ra!s to ir!in white*

Ma(es pure in spirit what was foul to si!ht%

.e "urn the dar(ness and the density out of earthly +atter* and transfi!ure it into !lass*

which we can see throu!h% .e are here to apply a si+ilar process of annealin! to our 

dense* une/caated* earthy hu+anity* so that the li!ht fro+ heaen +ay shine throu!h it purely .e are here to try and clear away these isi"le causes of o"struction which hae

 "een "eEueathed to us "y a!es on a!es of horri"le i!norance* and not loo( forward

helplessly to their "ein! "urned out of hu+an souls "y an eternity of hell4fire* or*

 "ac(wards* for a salation supposed to hae ta(en place so+e ei!hteen centuries a!o* "ut

which is no nearer now than it eer was* on the ter+s set forth "y orthodo/ teachin!s%

It was i+possi"le to see anythin! clearly* or !et any !li+pse of 5ustice a"oe or "elow* in

heaen* or earth* or hell* under the old creed* which proclai+s that pain and sufferin!

constitute the curse wherewith God has un5ustly afflicted all for the sin of one* instead of 

the "eneficent* thou!h stern* an!el of his presence and "earer of his "lessin!< that it was

an eternal decree* to "e e/ecuted throu!h all eternity* instead of an awa(ener in ti+e* that

calls to action now and at once* for the chan!in! of the present conditions in whichHu+anity crawls* as it were* upon all fours* or ho""les on crutches* as if we were "orn

+ental cripples%

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.e all (now there is an awful deal of sufferin! in the world that cannot "e considered as

a +ere indiidual Euestion44sufferin!s that we do not indiidually cause* and are not

 personally responsi"le for44sufferin!s "eEueathed to us as indiiduals and as +e+"ers of 

the &tate, for we hae to "ear the accu+ulated "urdens of centuries on centuries of 

i!norance* or* worse still* of wilful cri+e* and* worst of all* of wron! +ade sacred "y

reli!ious sanction* and supported "y Law and the Press% $nd the "urden of the +any

crushes the indiidual to the earth, and the God of Justice appears to "e "lind to the case44+a(es no rush to the rescue* een when we suffer for the sins of others% 8e sure een

these can "e turned to eternal account% 8ut* he has this lesson to coney to the world44

 Humanity is one. $nd the power that is has instituted certain laws44laws that operate for 

the species rather than the indiidual* an i+portant distinction to "e +ade in any

interpretation of nature, laws that deal with the species as one in spite of our +anifold

diersities and our deified doctrine of eery4one4on4his4own4hoo(4is+% He does not put

forth his hand to ta(e you off your hoo( when it happens to run into you particularly

sharp* flesh or soul* and +a(es you supplicate or swear% )sta"lish what priate

relationship you can with your Ma(er* and derie what spiritual succour you +ay whilst

 "earin! the "urden* or writhin! on the iron that enters you* the laws that do deal with

hu+anity in the a!!re!ate* and operate for the !ood of the species* will !o !rindin! onwith their lar!er reolutions that su"sere eternal interests whilst crushin! terri"ly +any

s+aller clai+s of indiidual life For* +ar( this* the )ternal intends to show us that

hu+anity is one* and the fa+ily are +ore than the indiidual +e+"er* the nation is +ore

than the fa+ily* and the hu+an race is +ore than the nation% $nd if we do not accept the

reelation loin!ly* do not ta(e to the fact (indly* why then 'tis flashed upon us terri"ly*

 "y li!htnin! of hell* if we will not hae it "y li!ht of heaen* and the poor ne!lected scu+

and canaille of the nations rise up +i!hty in the stren!th of disease* and proe the

oneness of hu+anity "y (illin! you with the sa+e infection%

It has recently "een shown how the poor of London do not lie* "ut fester in the

 pestilential hoels called their ho+es% To !et into these you hae to isit courts which the

sun neer penetrates* which are neer isited "y a "reath of fresh air* and which neer 

(now the irtues of a drop of cleansin! water% I++orality is "ut the natural outco+e of 

such a deil's spawnin!4!round% The poerty of +any who strie to lie honestly is


$nd this disclosure is +ade with the custo+ary +oan that such people attend neither 

church nor chapel* as if that were the panacea%

I should not wonder if these reelations result in the "uildin! of +ore churches and

chapels* and the consecration of at least one or two +ore "ishops%

The 8ishop of 8edford said the other day44It was hi!hly necessary that in these ti+es

when the poor hae so little earthly en5oy+ent* the 5oys of heaen should "e +ade (nown

to the+% It is not possi"le to caricature an utterance so !rotesEue as that%How appallin!ly un5ust it see+s that the icti+s of this world's laws should "e handed

oer as ready4+ade icti+s of 6ature's laws44that the +ost helpless poor should "e the

faourite thriin! !round for tape4wor+s445ust "ecause they are in such a poerty% This is

hard* "ut so it is* and so it will and +ust "e till the lesson is learned and applied44that the

hu+an fa+ily is one* and all are "ound up to!ether "y certain laws willy4nilly, that we

are our "rother's (eeper for all our Cain4li(e Euestionin!s of the fact% .e cannot shir( our 

responsi"ility, and you are not allowed to !et out of the !rip of the iolated law of the

whole* on any pretence of indiiduality or li+ited lia"ility% It is we who create the feers

to feed on the poor* when we allow others to !et rich "y per+ittin! the filth and the

 poisoned air and water that are sent into the world spar(lin! with purity, when we allow

the ri!hts of property to oer4ride the interests of hu+anity% It is we who "reed thediseases and literally inent the hun!ry* hundred4+outhed tape4wor+s that !et their 

liin! out of poerty4stric(en "lood and hun!ry sto+achs* churnin! the sli+e of !nawin!

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e+ptiness* "ecause we created* or continue* the laws that doo+ the +any to poerty and

its parasites of prey%

Proidence44that is a ery co+prehensie na+eproidence does not create poerty%

The cupola of heaen oerhead is li(e the inerted horn of eerlastin! plenty* pourin!

down its "lessin!s of a"undance in sunshine and shower* in air and dew* in ripenin! fire

and purifyin! frost* and the harests neer fail the world oer% $ll round* all ways* there

is plenty for all44if not in one country* there is in another% There is no failure on the partof Proidence* the Creator of plenty%

This ne!lected !arden of our world* which has in it eery ele+ent of a paradise* if ri!htly

 planted and properly tended* has "een left to run to weeds of sin and i!norance and cri+e*

in the +ost wasteful way% Heaens of spirit4worlds around us are for eer sowin! the

diine seed4!er+s "road4cast oer our earth* and they hae to scatter a harest in order 

that we +ay !row a sin!le !rain* "ecause the hu+an conditions are so un4receptie* the

fields are so ne!lected* the soil so unprepared to receie their "ounty The heaens

around us are eer ready to pour out "lessin!s in a lar!er +easure than we are to +a(e a

lap for receiin! the+% $ll they as( are the conditions under which we +ay receie +ost


.e are the +anufacturers of +isery .e hae sedulously cultiated or per+itted all+anner of foul conditions* and then in the +idst of so+e cala+ity* for which we are

cri+inally responsi"le* that co+es ho+e to all* the prayin! +achine of the &tate is set

rotatin! with a furious forty4thousand4parson4power* and God is i+plored to stay his

hand or wor( a +iracle forthwith on "ehalf of us poor hu+an wor+s* who as( the

Creator to ta(e particular notice of these our penitential writhin!s at his feet The 8ishop

of Truro said recently that we are approachin! a period of pain and peril* and the situation

calls for stron! words and stron! prayers% ou +ust cry aloud or the Lord won't hear you

&tandin! face to face with certain facts* the result of thin!s as they are* and hae "een* the

atheists e/clai+*44There is no God If there were an o+nipotent God such thin!s would

not "e tolerated "y hi+ 8ut "y an o+nipotent God* is +eant a !od with power to

chan!e* at a +o+ent's notice* all that is fi/ed for eer% Let +e assure our free4thou!ht

friends* that )olution necessitates a new idea alto!ether of the operatie power It

a"olishes the inco+petent personal Creator of the He"rew Genesis 8ut* in presence of 

eolution* it is useless to de+and that* if there "e a God* it shall proe itself to "e the

deity of the orthodo/* which* as I said "efore* is a sort of eternal weather4coc( on the

su++it of creation* that +ay "e +ade to eer round as it is "lown a"out "y eery "reath

of selfish hu+an prayer* if people collect to!ether in sufficient nu+"ers to "low it round

$ ain idea of diinity whosoeer entertains it% The deity who is "ela"oured so

un+ercifully* and* as I thin(* so cheaply* "y #o"ert In!ersol* is the !od of the noneolutionary

theory of creation* the i+possi"le +onster of the past%

Did God !oern $+erica when it had four +illions of slaesN as(s In!ersol% .ell* whynotN in accordance with the Laws of )olution* seein! that slaery has co+e to an end If 

he had put an end to it* ab e#tra, $+ericans could not hae had the credit of doin! the

wor(* and +i!ht neer hae eoled the consciousness that slaery was cri+inal%

God did not put an end to slaery as an outside Goernor of Men, "ut who shall say that

the power* the will* the perception* the affection* or whatsoeer we can e/press "y

analo!y with the hu+an44that is called God44was not operant* and* therefore* !oernin!*

within the souls of the +en who rose up fore+ost in reolt a!ainst the accursed wron!*

and called upon their fellows to cast it outN Possi"ly the e/istence of God* then* does not

depend upon the particular isi"le way of wor(in! that +ay "e so easily indicated

&laery only e/isted %ro tem, to co+e to an end* and* therefore* was consistent* li(e other 

educational for+s of eil* with the diine !oern+ent* accordin! to the laws of eolution%The ar!u+ent of the non4theist is continually directed and li+ited to the false pre+ises

and inadeEuate conclusions of the orthodo/* which it is as easy and cheap to pulerise as

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it is to pu++el a sac( of straw .e can (now nothin! of an o+nipotent God who plays

fast and loose with the conditions of law .ere it so* all hu+an foothold and trust in the

sta"ility of the unierse would "e !one% )ducation would "e i+possi"le% .e are first

tau!ht "y +eans of the fi/ed facts* in order that we +ay found on solid earth* not on the

eer4shiftin! sands44with prayers for God to catch the+ now and a!ain* and (eep the+

Euiet* for God's sa/e< I rather thin( it would "e +ore 5ust to reply* there is not sufficient

+anhood and intelli!ence in you to put an end to the eils you deplore "6, God< gae theearth for all1" and you per+it the initial iniEuity of a"solute priate property in land*

where"y one +an +ay clutch a county all to hi+self* and a few +ay clai+ a country%

ou allow the ri!hts of property to oer4rule and oer4ride the interests of hu+anity

If your national property is dou"lin! eery thirty years* so is the national pauperis+ ou

allow the one to possess the soil* and the thousands to "e drien off and e/ported as

refuse* in order that !a+e +ay +ultiply* and the hu+an parasites of earth +ay pursue

their saa!e sport I !ae the land for all, to "e the property and !ra7in! !round of each

liin! !eneration "rou!ht to "irth, and you allow it to "e loc(ed up "y the dead hand of 

the past* for the "enefit of the few These few fra+ed the laws that ineita"ly doo+ the

+any* sooner or later* to poerty* to +an4+ade sufferin!s* to diseases and +iseries

innu+era"le* all of which !et +i/ed up with a supposed inscruta"le ori!in of eil andother !rotesEue and fallacious iews* endorsed and inculcated "y the current theolo!y for 

the "enefit of parsons and patrons* which are only fit to "e +ade a +oc( of* and to "e

lau!hed into o"liion

$nd here* let +e say* that whilst reco!nisin! the ine/ora"leness of the natural law in

certain spheres of operation* where it wor(s li(e the "ound &a+son of "lind force for the

!ood of the species* I find that &piritualis+ introduces a consciousness a(in* and* at least*

eEual* to the hu+an* into the wor(in! of law in a real+ "eyond the i++ediately isi"le% It

shows the e/istence of su"tler forces and +odes of law for dealin! with +an the

indiidual* and the cul+inatin! consciousness of creation% .hen the +ind of +an had

 "een eoled on this earth* re+e+"er* a new factor was introduced a+on!st the natural

forces44one that was destined to !reatly +odify and counteract the+, fetter the fire* and

ride the ocean waes, !uide the li!htnin!* and train it to carry +essa!es, "rid!e the

 planetary spaces* and outstrip Ti+e itself% In li(e +anner* the (nowled!e of an e/istence

 "eyond the isi"le present44no +atter "y what +eans44and of intelli!ence operatin! in

hidden and e/traordinary ways* introduces a new factor a+on! the forces now to "e

rec(oned with as +ental +odifiers in certain do+ains of law% The unseen world can no

lon!er "e the sa+e when we learn that Intelli!ence is there, no +ore than this world

could re+ain the sa+e after the adent of +an $nd when we can identify the

consciousness there as "ein! a(in to the hu+an here, we (now all that is necessary for 

 puttin! a conscience into the preiously ine/ora"le law* and an eye into the i+a!e of 

 "lind force% Here we !et a +ar!in that would ta(e a lon! while to fill in with possi"leannotations% Man is no lon!er alone in the unierse There are other intelli!ences*

affections* powers of will and wor(* "eside his, and in relation to hi+ this 5ust +a(es all

the difference in the +anifestation and interpretation of the law that is "lind and

ine/ora"le in its lower ran!e% .e "e!in to distin!uish Here are the +eans for a possi"le

response to inocation* and to the need of +ental help

The now de+onstrated fact of Thou!ht4Transference* which was fa+iliar enou!h "efore*

in co++on with other (indred pheno+ena* to +any of us* opens up a ista of i++ortal

 possi"ility in the +ode of +ental +anifestation* and in the +odification of supposed

hard4and4fast* or i++uta"le* law* in relation to life in its hi!her phases

It see+s to +e that this fact alone turns the !round of +ere +aterialis+ into a (ind of 

Goodwin &ands .e e/tend this thou!ht4transference upwards or round us "y +eans of liin! tele!raphic +ental lines The operators on which at one end can wor(* and only

wor( accordin! to the conditions at the other end% $t present I do not perceie* and

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cannot pretend to (now* when and where we can touch Conscious &ource itself alon!

these lines% .ho does (now anythin! of God* in the do+ain of thin!sN or who has any

ri!ht to pretend to (now* or to "e paid a salary for pretendin! to (now* anythin! of God

 personally* or a personal GodN To +e the Euestion as to the personality of God is

alto!ether pre+ature% I can wait for a few future lifeti+es to find out God%

In a sense it +ay "e there is no God yet* "ut there's one co+in! and you will find the

sayin! a profound one if you thin( it oer for a +onth% .e ourseles* of the race of +an*are only in the condition of "eco+in! @let us cultiate a "eco+in! +odestyB, and such is

the hu+an apprehension of the cause of "eco+in!% The eye* as GoZthe has said* can only

see what it "rin!s with it the power of seein!, and so* in a sense* a God is not yet* "ut one

is co+in!% The deity hitherto set up for worship is +ore or less an effi!y of the God of 

 pri+itie or saa!e +an% If that "e a true li(eness* why* then* +en ou!ht not to "eco+e

$theists +erely44they ou!ht not to +arry and propa!ate* "ut co++it suicide forthwith It

is such an outra!e on all hu+an feelin!* this pri+itie portraiture of )ternal power* that

the +oral reolt is certain* and the +ental result is atheis+% I assert that non4theis+ is

so+eti+es* and in so+e natures* the necessary reolt of the +ost inner consciousness

a!ainst the a"ortion called God They shut their eyes alto!ether to !et rid of a

representation so unsi!htly and unworthy, and "etter is such "lindness than +uch falseseein!% I say it is the real Presence operatin! within that is at war with this hideous sha+

set up for worship without% I seldo+ use the na+e of God +yself in speech or writin!

now* it has "een so lon! ta(en in ain44so profaned "y the orthodo/ "lasphe+ers% It has

 "een so de!raded as a "rand and hall4+ar(* +ade use of to warrant the counterfeit wares

that are passed off upon the i!norant and unsuspectin!* who thin( the+ !enuine so lon!

as they are sta+ped with that na+e* as to hae "eco+e Euite discredited%

For +yself* I hae co+e to apprehend a Conscious &ource of all* wor(in! outwardly fro+

the core of thin!s* "y +eans of what we ter+ +atter* and understand as the Laws of 

)olution% $ Conscious &ource of all I cannot state that consciousness in words* "ut it

appears to +e that this is the wor( of pheno+ena which do actually state it in the process

of appealin! to* or "eco+in!* the Consciousness in us% 8ut I a+ utterly una"le to

 personify this Power $lso* I find the essence of the whole +atter is sacred to priacy%

The +ore intuition* the less "la""in!44the +ore reerence* the +ore reticence% The facts

of an a"nor+al or e/traordinary nature that ca+e under +y own co!nisance durin! +any

years of +y life* which were continually occurrin! and erified* proed to +e that Mind

e/ists and operates out of si!ht

8y de!rees these facts peopled the un(nown oid with life and intelli!ent "ein!s, that

finally !ae one "it of foothold on the ery first step of a ladder which will stand up for 

the first ti+e when one tries to prop it a!ainst the s(y That one step "rid!es the dar( oid

of death for +e% I don't trou"le +yself* for +yself* a"out the other world at all44that's all

ri!ht* if we are It is for this world people need to "e helped% Life is not worth liin! if weare not doin! so+ethin! towards helpin! on the wor( of this world% It is only in helpin!

others that we can truly help ourseles% $nd we hae reason to thin( that +yriads of 

those who hae already left this life with false hopes of salation are only too !lad to help

the+seles "y co+in! "ac( and helpin! us to carry on the wor( of this world%

It is only when we pass out of the do+ain of self* that the unseen helpers can steal in

upon us* and help us as $!ents for those who are $!ents for others* and so on and on*

until the whole ast unierse is filled and Euic( with +odes and +otions* and for+s of 

 "ein! all athro" with su"tly4related life, all radiatin! fro+ central source to utter+ost

li+it, all unified in one eternal consciousness* in which the soul of +an* full statured and

full4su++ed* +ay possi"ly "eco+e conscious that it touches God at last* as a presence* a

 power* a principle* and +ay then "e +ade aware that it did so unconsciously fro+ thefirst%

Our orthodo/ teachers in the present are responsi"le for playin! into the hands or claws

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of the deil that was created for the+ in the past% They are the consecrators of all the

i!norance* ro""ery* and wron! In )n!land the sinister ar+y of forty thousand +en in

+as(s* as it has "een truly ter+ed* is paid fro+ the national reenue to act the part of a

secret &unday police Their chief representaties are the o"structies of sane and hu+ane

le!islation to4day as eer% $ +an can't +arry his wife's sister "ecause of the+%

$t the de"ate on the Pi!eon 8ill in the House of Lords* so+e ti+e since* not a sin!le

 "ishop was found to lift up his oice on "ehalf of the poor du+" and +isera"ly4+urdereddoes% 6ot a +an was to "e found "ehind any one of the aprons )ery "ishop present in

the House oted a!ainst openin! the Museu+s and Picture Galleries on &unday They

say* in effect* If you won't co+e to church* d44n you you shan't !o anywhere else* if we

can help it They want to stand 5ust where they hae always stood* at the end of the lon!

dar( passa!e throu!h which +an(ind slowly e+er!es out of dar(ness into day44in the

ery entrance of the li!ht* to shut out the face of heaen itself fro+ those who are !ropin!

their way throu!h the !loo+* and "id the+ in God's na+e to !o "ac( and reli!iously (eep

to the o"scurity of the cae* if they would "e saed

)ach &unday they trail the red herrin! across the scent of their followers* so that their 

attention +ay "e drawn off fro+ this world and all the wron!s we are sent here to

re+edy% They pro+ise that those who re+ain sufficiently poor and wor+li(e in spiritdurin! this life* shall rise erect fro+ the !ru"li(e condition in death* full4fled!ed* to soar 

as win!ed an!els in the ne/t life% They hae e/alted the lot of La7arus as a &criptural

Ideal for the +ost needy and +isera"le to lie up to* as if the cowerin! outcast and

diseased starelin! of earth were the proper +odel +an for the heaens% They (eep us the

lyin! farce of insistin! that +an is a fallen creature* and persist in preachin! their doctrine

of his de!radation and da+nation in order that people +ay !o to the+ to "e saed44and

 pay well for it%

The &ecularist asserts that the orthodo/ cult and theolo!y are a hopeless failure for this

world* and as a &piritualist I affir+ that they are also a fraud for the other%

False "eliefs are* and foreer +ust "e* opposed to all real and true doin!% $nd these false

 "eliefs hae fro+ the "e!innin! "een "itterly opposed to eery truth reealed "y science,

and eery adance +ade for hu+anity has had to "e +ade in spite of the+% Moreoer*

this doctrine they teach* of sain! yourseles and deil ta(e the hind+ost* is +ost

+isera"ly de!radin! to any true sense of real +anhood or wo+anhood% He wouldn't "e

+uch of a hero who in the +idst of the "attle too( it into his head that the first duty of 

+an is to !et hi+self saed

They !et up a horri"le hulla"aloo in the rear* as if all hell were let loose after you* on

 purpose to fri!hten the "lind and foolish* and +a(e the+ rush throu!h the one door open

in front of those who are fleein! fro+ the wrath to co+e* at which they ta(e ta/ and toll%

8ut there is no hell* there is no deil* close after the hind+ost of those who are furiously

fleein! fro+ the aen!ers of the fall of +an% Moreoer* it's of no use rushin!% Howeer fast you !o you carry your own heaen or hell inside of you* whether for this life or any

other% $ll this is a "o!us "usiness* with the +ythical deil for "o!ey% The world is not yet

on fire with the final confla!ration* nor can they set it on fire with the painted fla+es of a

 pictorial hell% $ little !irl was once as(ed what she +ust first do to "e saed, and the

innocent replied* Get lost% Moreoer* "efore we 5oin in the sta+pede of self4salation at

the call of those who cry fire when the theatre is cra++ed* let us "e sure that we hae

!rown a soul that is worth sain!% If we had* I dou"t whether we should +anifest such a

consu+in! an/iety of utter selfishness* or "e in such an infernal hurry to !et it saed

anyhow% Those who are truly desirous of sain! or helpin! others* seldo+ trou"le +uch

a"out their own souls% Theirs is the "urden of a no"ler care% Theirs is a loftier inEuietude

than any sense of self can eer !ie% They lose all such unworthy fears for the+seles inthe thou!ht of others% They are li(e that !rand captain of the 6orthfleet* of who+ I

 proudly wrote so+e years a!o44

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Others he saed% He saed the na+e

nsullied* that he !ae his wife*

$nd* dyin! with so pure an ai+*

He had no need to sae his life%

I also hold their other cowardly doctrine* that of icarious sacrifice* to "e the real* if indirect* cause of =iisection% It would hae "een i+possi"le for a nation of ani+al

loers li(e the )n!lish to tolerate the iisection of the do!* for e/a+ple* +an's first

friend in the wilderness of the early world* his ally in the wor( of ciilisation* unless the

motor nere and conscience of the race had "een paralysed "y the curare of icarious

sufferin!% The "eastly cruelties of its practitioners* which are flaunted in our faces with

intent to terrorise the conscience of others* could not hae "een per+itted "y +en who

had not "een indoctrinated "y the worship of a iisecting deity, whose ictim was his

own son $nd these +yriads of slowly +urdered do!s and ra""its* cats and fro!s* cannot

hae the consolation of (nowin! that iisection is salation* and they are saiours of the

hu+an race fro+ the conseEuences of its own cri+es a!ainst nature* and sins a!ainst self

It is i+possi"le to esta"lish the throne of )ternal Justice "y the iolation of all that ishu+an* as is fruitlessly atte+pted on this !round of the orthodo/ Creed% It is i+possi"le

for you to sae or sere hu+anity "y sacrificin! all that constitutes the essence of 

hu+anity* as is done in this pourtrayal of a iisectin! deity* who is the responsi"le

operator* with his own son for sufferin! icti+% $nd this icti+ of icarious punish+ent

is held forth as a lure to draw hu+anity toward a father in heaen of such a nature as that

.e +ay depend upon it that this preachin! of what is called Christianity* to !et a &unday

sensation* or solace out of it44this plun!in! of the theolo!ical po(er red4hot into your 

seenth4day dose of spiritual flip to !ie it a 7est44this usin! of hell4fire as a persuader*

after the +anner of the furnace heated "eneath the tur(eys* which persuaded the poor 

thin!s to dance to +usic played in Euic( ti+e44this wee(ly whippin! of the deil round

the stu+p is* as the $+ericans say* pretty well played out, there is nothin! new to "e

said% &uppose we !o to wor( and try to do so+ethin!* instead of +a(in! ourseles

+isera"le on &unday* doin! nothin! "ut puttin! ourseles throu!h all the postures and

i+postures of the orthodo/ &a""atical fashionN In future* +an(ind will not herd to!ether*

li(e terror4stric(en cattle in a thunder4stor+* to deprecate the wrath of their God* and

offer hi+ praise and presents "y way of propitiation* and as a "ri"e for hi+ not to lose his

te+per Good God .hat an idea of a God It is precisely the ele+ental !od of 

8rownin!'s Cali"an* and of the pri+itie saa!e In future* I say* +en will not loo( upon

it as a sacred duty to herd to!ether* on purpose to praise and !lorify their God one day in

seen with their psal+ of conceit<

Let all Creation hold its ton!ue*

.hile I uplift +y &unday son!,

lest* "ein! a 5ealous God* he should "li!ht their harest* or peradenture "urst the "oiler 

of the )/cursion Train% 6or will +en for+ lea!ues* reli!ious or otherwise* on purpose to

thin( ali(e and +a(e all other people thin( the sa+e% They cannot thin( ali(e if they are

eer to !row% The lower the type the !reater the li(eness The loftier the deelop+ent the

lar!er the diersity :hat is the 6atural law% .e +ay co4operate to wor(* "ut not to thin/ ali(e% :hat could neer "e free4thin(in!% 6or will +an(ind henceforth allow their ar+s to

 "e paralysed for action "y "ein! fi/ed or "ailed up in the posture of prayer% .e say*44It

is a farce* a pitiful one* not a lau!ha"le one* for you to pray for God to wor( a +iracle for the (in!do+ of heaen to co+e* when you are doin! all you can* all your lies* to preent

its co+in!* or doin! nothin! to hasten its co+in!% It is the sheerest +oc(ery of God and

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+an ou were sent here to create the (in!do+* to wor( it out "y liin! that law of loe

 proclai+ed as layin! down the life in loe for others* and the ery reason why the

(in!do+ does not co+e* and cannot co+e* is "ecause you stand in the way of its co+in!%

$nd you* and all who thin( and act as you do* prayin! for the "etter day to co+e* +ust "e

swept out of the way in order that it +ay co+e%

Get up fro+ your (nees and wor( for it Ta(e your weapon in hand and fi!ht for it Turn

fiercely on the deil that do!s our own footsteps* and rescue those that fall "y the wayand succu+" to the powers that +a(e for eil% Turn on the deil44not theoretically* "ut

 practically* hain! ascertained the wor( that needs to "e done% Turn on the deil* not

sin!ly* "ut associated to!ether for doin!* instead of "eliein! and tal(in! and prayin! for 

God to do .hat the )ternal .or(er as(s of us* as I apprehend the whole +atter* is that

we shall "eco+e conscious co4wor(ers with hi+ in carryin! out the diine purposes in

 proportion as we can +a(e the+ out He does not want us to "e fear4"ound and deildrien

slaes 6ot "easts in "lin(ers* not la!!ers "ehind* foreer pro"ed "y the !oad of 

sheer and sharp necessity, not "lind o"eyers of his sternest laws that !o !rindin! on

willy4nilly* haulin! and hurlin! us alon! with the+ in their incessant* ast reolution "ut

seers of his wor(* intelli!ent interpreters of his will* and sharers in his life and loe%

In conclusion% There is no ori!in of eil in the +oral do+ain that is not deria"le fro+i!norance% The wic(edness of a soul* said Her+es* is its i!norance, and there is no

deil in the +oral do+ain e/cept in the deilish deter+ination to do the wron! or %ermit the wron! to "e done* after we hae eoled the consciousness that reco!nises the ri!ht

The reason then why God does not (ill the deil is "ecause +an has unconsciously

created or per+itted all that is the deil finally, and here or hereafter he has to

consciously destroy his own wor(* and fi!ht hi+self free fro+ the errors of his own

i!norance% 6ot +an the indiidual +erely* "ut +an as part of the whole fa+ily of 

uniersal hu+anity% 6ot +an as +ortal si+ply* "ut as an i++ortal* standin! up shoulder 

to shoulder* and +archin! onward step "y step and side "y side with those who are our 

elders in i++ortality* and who still unite with us* and lend a hand to effect in ti+e the not alto!ether inscruta"le* "ut slowly4unfoldin!* purposes of the )ternal%

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L6IOL$T#* $6CI)6T $6D MOD)#6

For thirty years past Professor Ma/ M[ller has "een teachin! in his "oo(s and lectures* inthe :imes, aturday eiew, and arious +a!a7ines* fro+ the platfor+ of the #oyal

Institution* the pulpit of .est+inster $""ey* and his chair at O/ford* that Mytholo!y is a

disease of lan!ua!e* and that the ancient sy+"olis+ was a result of so+ethin! li(e a

 pri+itie +ental a"erration%

.e (now* says #enouf* echoin! Ma/ M[ller* in his Hi""ert lectures* .e (now that

+ytholo!y is the disease which sprin!s up at a peculiar sta!e of hu+an culture% &uch is

the shallow e/planation of the non4eolutionists* and such e/planations are still accepted

 "y the 8ritish pu"lic* that !ets its thin(in! done for it "y pro/y% Professor Ma/ M[ller*

Co/* Gu"ernatis and other propounders of the &olar Mythos hae portrayed the pri+itie

+yth4+a(er for us as a sort of Ger+anised4Hindu +etaphysician* pro5ectin! his own

shadow on a +ental +ist* and tal(in! in!eniously concernin! s+o(e* or* at least* cloud1the s(y oerhead "eco+in! li(e the do+e of drea+land* scri""led oer with the i+a!ery

of a"ori!inal ni!ht+ares They conceie the early +an in their own li(eness* and loo( 

upon hi+ as perersely prone to self4+ystification* or* as Fontenelle has it* su"5ect to

 "eholdin! thin!s that are not there They hae +isrepresented pri+itie or archaic +an

as hain! "een idiotically +isled fro+ the first "y an actie "ut untutored i+a!ination

into "eliein! all sorts of fallacies* which were directly and constantly contradicted "y his

own daily e/perience, a fool of fancy in the +idst of those !ri+ realities that were

!rindin! his e/perience into hi+* li(e the !rindin! ice"er!s +a(in! their i+prints upon

the roc(s su"+er!ed "eneath the sea% It re+ains to "e said* and will one day "e

ac(nowled!ed* that these accepted teachers hae "een no nearer to the "e!innin!s of 

+ytholo!y and lan!ua!e than 8urn's poet .illie had "een near to Pe!asus% My reply is*'Tis "ut a drea+ of the +etaphysical theorist that +ytholo!y was a disease of lan!ua!e*

or anythin! else e/cept his own "rain% The ori!in and +eanin! of +ytholo!y hae "een

+issed alto!ether "y these solarites and weather4+on!ers Mytholo!y was a pri+itie

+ode of thinging the early thou!ht% It was founded on natural facts* and is still erifia"le

in pheno+ena% There is nothin! insane* nothin! irrational in it* when considered in the

li!ht of eolution* and when its +ode of e/pression "y si!n4lan!ua!e is thorou!hly

understood% The insanity lies in +ista(in! it for hu+an history or Diine #eelation%

Mytholo!y is the repository of +an's +ost ancient science* and what concerns us chiefly

is this44when truly interpreted once +ore it is destined to "e the death of those false

theolo!ies to which it has unwittin!ly !ien "irth

In +odern phraseolo!y a state+ent is so+eti+es said to "e +ythical in proportion to its "ein! untrue, "ut the ancient +ytholo!y was not a syste+ or +ode of falsifyin! in that

sense% Its fa"les were the +eans of coneyin! facts, they were neither for!eries nor 

fictions% 6or did +ytholo!y ori!inate in any intentional dou"le4dealin! whateer*

althou!h it did assu+e an aspect of duality when direct e/pression in words had

succeeded the pri+itie +ode of representation "y +eans of thin!s as si!ns and sy+"ols%

For e/a+ple* when the )!yptians pourtrayed the +oon as a 5at, they were not i!norant

enou!h to suppose that the +oon was a cat, nor did their wanderin! fancies see any

li(eness in the +oon to a cat, nor was a cat4+yth any mere e#%ansion of erbal meta%hor1 nor had they any intention of +a(in! pu77les or riddles to +islead others "y

+eans of such eni!+atical si!n4lan!ua!e* at a ti+e when they could not help the+seles*

hain! no choice in the +atter% They had o"sered the si+ple fact that the cat saw in the

dar(* and that her eyes "eca+e full4or"ed and !rew +ost lu+inous "y ni!ht% The +oon

was the seer "y ni!ht in heaen* and the cat was its eEuialent on the earth, and so the

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fa+iliar cat was adopted as a representatie* a natural si!n* a liin! picto!raph of the

lunar or" .here we should +a(e a co+parison* and say the +oon saw in the dar( li/e a

cat* or the cat saw li(e the +oon "y ni!ht* they identified the one with the other @a +ode

of +etaphor which still characterises the !reat style in poetryB* and said the cat up there

can see "y ni!ht% $nd so it followed that the sun which saw down in the under4world at

ni!ht* could also "e called the cat* as it was* "ecause it also saw in the dar(% The na+e of 

the cat in )!yptian is mau, which denotes the seer* fro+ mau, to see% One writer on+ytholo!y asserts that the )!yptians i+a!ined a !reat cat "ehind the sun* which is the

 pupil of the cat's eye% 8ut this i+a!inin! is all +odern% It is the M[llerite stoc( in trade

The +oon as cat was the eye of the sun* "ecause it reflected the solar li!ht* and "ecause

the eye !ies "ac( the i+a!e in its +irror% In the for+ of the Goddess Pasht the cat (eeps

watch for the sun* with her paw holdin! down and "ruisin! the head of the serpent of 

dar(ness* called his eternal ene+y The cat was the eye of ni!ht in the sa+e sy+"olical

sense that our daisy* which opens and shuts with the risin! and settin! of the sun* is

called the eye of day. Moreoer* the cat saw the sun* had it in its eye "y ni!ht* when it

was otherwise unseen "y +en% e +i!ht say the +oon mirrored the solar li!ht* "ecause

we hae loo/ing glasses. .ith the+ the cat's eye was the +irror%

The hare was another type of the eye that opened in heaen and saw in the dar(%ConseEuently* we find the hare in the +oon is a +yth that !ae "irth to a co++on and

wide4spread superstition% In later ti+es the sy+"ol is literali7ed* and it is supposed that

 pri+itie +en were always on the loo(4out for li(enesses* li(e a youthful poet in search

of co+parisons* and that they saw so+e rese+"lance to the for+ of a hare in the dar( 

shadows of the lunar or"% .hereas in +ytholo!y thin!s are not what they see+ to

anybody1 that would lead to no consensus of a!ree+ent* nor esta"lish any science of 

(nowled!e% $ learned +an once re+ar(ed to +e on the stran!e fact that the ancients

should hae selected the least o"sera"le of all the planets* Mercury* to +a(e so +ust of*

as the +essen!er% He was entirely i!norant of the fact that +ytholo!y includes a syste+

of ti+e4(eepin!* and that Mercury was +ade the planetary +essen!er @in addition to his

lunar characterB* "ecause his reolution round the sun is perfor+ed in the shortest space

of planetary ti+e% In li(e +anner* Ma/ M[ller will tell you that the +oon was called "y

the na+e of &asn(a in &ans(rit* fro+ sasa, the hare* because the co++on people in India

thin( the "lac( +ar(s in the +oon loo( li(e a hare 8ut this is +ere fool's wor( or child's

 play with the surface appearance of thin!s which has little or no relation to true +yth or 

ancient sy+"olis+, and all such interpretation is entirely +isleadin! )!ypt* as I contend*

has left us the +eans of deter+inin! the ori!inal nature and si!nificance of these types%

.hen the )!yptians would denote an openin!* says Hor4$pollo* they delineate a hare*

 "ecause this ani+al always has its eyes open% The na+e of the hare in )!yptian is Un,which si!nifies open* to open* the opener* especially connected with periodicity* as the

word also +eans the hour% This will e/plain how the wide* open4eyed hare "eca+e a typeof the +oon* which opens with its new li!ht once a +onth* as the hare in heaen% The

hare is the hiero!lyphic si!n of the opener* which can "e ariously applied to the

 pheno+ena of openin!, to the sun as well as the +oon% The hare is an especial e+"le+ of 

the !od Osiris in the character of n46efer* the !ood opener, in later phrase* the !ood

reealer It is as the seer that "oth hare and cat are associated with the witch as types of 

a"nor+al seership% The hare also denoted the openin! ti+e* as the period of pu"escence*

when it was lawful for the se/es to co+e to!ether% Hence it was the type of periodicity

and le!ality in the hu+an phase For this reason* the youths a+on! the 6a+aEua

Hottentots are @or wereB not allowed to eat the hare% .ith the Chinese the ra""it ta(es the

 place of the hare as a lunar type% Its period of !estation "ein! thirty days* that would

+a(e it an appropriate representatie of the lunation* of openin! anew* and of re4"irth%The &elish Indians hae a +yth of the fro! in the +oon% They tell how the wolf* in loe

with the fro!* was pursuin! her "y ni!ht* when she leaped into the +oon* and escaped%

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$+on!st the superstitions of our )n!lish fol(4lore* we also hae one respectin! the fro!

or toad* that is supposed to "e isi"le in the +oon% 6ow it can "e shown how the fro! !ot

deposited there, "ut only as a type* not in reality* nor as a +ere appearance% The fro! is a

natural transfor+er fro+ the tadpole phase in the water to the four4le!!ed sta!e on land

The +oon li(ewise transfor+s* and the +eta+orphosis of the lunar or" could "e typified

 "y the chan!e in the fro!* and so the fro! as picture4o"5ect* natural type and liin!

de+onstrator for the +oon* ulti+ately "eca+e the fro! in the +oon% The +oon rose up+onthly fro+ the celestial waters* renewed li(e the fro!* and as the horned one !rew fullor"ed

it +i!ht "e thou!ht of as losin! the tail of its tad4pole condition% The fro! was

fi!ured as the head of the )!yptian !oddess He(at @ Gree( HecateB* the consort of 

>hnef* one of whose titles is the (in! of fro!s% He(at "ein! a lunar !oddess and >hnef 

a solar !od* this title would denote that he was lord of the nu+erous transfor+ations of 

li!ht in the +oon* descri"ed as "ein! the father* and she as the +other* of fro!s* "ecause

the fro! was the typical transfor+er* as representatie of the +oon% The Chinese hae a

three4le!!ed fro! in the +oon that was an ancient "eauty* na+ed Chan! 6!o* who lies

there "ecause she once dran( the a+rita of i++ortality% I hae elsewhere su!!ested that

the ori!inal Phryne of Greece was a for+ of the fro!4!oddess who transfor+ed The

na+e of Phryne denotes the fro!, and in the +ost fa+ous statue of her* cared "y$pelles* she was pourtrayed as =enus transfi!urin! fro+ the foa+* as did the fro!!oddess

He(at* of )!ypt* who was the fro! in the +oon% Only "e readin! these types*

which preceded letters* can we at all understand the thou!ht and intention of the pri+itie

thin!ers or thin(ers%

$nother e/a+ple< the dun!4"eetle in )!ypt was a type of >hepr4Ptah* the creator "y

transfor+ation* who is said to hae "een "e!otten "y his own "eco+in!* and to hae "een

 "orn without a +other* throu!h repetition of hi+self% >hep* the root of the na+e*

si!nifies to transfor+% )/ternal nature was the scene of eternal transfor+ation and neerendin!

+eta+orphosis% $nd it had "een o"sered that >hepr* the "eetle* was li(ewise a

transfor+er* inas+uch as it laid its e!!s in dun! found on the "an(s of the 6ile* rolled it

up into a "all* and "uried itself deep in the dry sand alon! with its seed* where* 9ua "eetle* it transfor+ed* the old "eetle into the youn! one* and so continued as the sa+e

 "eetle "y transfor+ation Thus the "eetle sered to typify that "ein! or e/istence which

could not "e e/pressed* "ut which was seen to continue foreer "y self4repetition in

 pheno+enal +anifestation% They (new nothin! of "e!innin!* and did not pretend to

(now* "ut only of "eco+in!* and of repetition or renewal co+in! of itself% &o the "eetle

was adopted as a type of transfor+ation* whether of the old +oon into the new one* of the

sun out of the lower into the upper heaen* or* in the latter ti+es* of the dead +u++y

into a liin! soul% Hor4$pollo says the scara"us deposits his "all of seed in the earth for 

the space of 21 days* the len!th of ti+e durin! which the +oon passes throu!h the 02

si!ns of the 7odiac* and on the 23th day it opens the "all% The day on which thecon5unction of sun and +oon occurred was the day of resurrection for the new life% The

 "eetle in heaen had once +ore transfor+ed* and there was another new +oon

The or" of the +oon with its chan!es ni!ht after ni!ht* its dra+a lon!er een than any

 perfor+ed "y the Chinese now4a4days* its drop4scene of the dar(ness at the end* and the

transfor+ation into the new life of li!ht in the "e!innin!* presented the earliest for+ of 

the pri+itie theatre* which offered its celestial show in heaen* !ratis to all eyes that

!a7ed up fro+ "elow% This +ust hae "een one of the earliest educators in natural

 pheno+ena There is nothin! +ore interestin! to +e than to watch the nascent +ind of 

+an +a(in! its infantile clutch* and tryin! to catch on and lay hold of e/ternal thin!s44to

lay hold* as it were* of the s(irts of the passin! powers* that were held to "e superior to

itself< nothin! +ore instructie than to follow the pri+itie ways of (eepin! touch withthe life of e/ternal nature* and of sharin! in the operations !oin! on* so as to "e on the

ri!ht and safe side* and !et on the true line for deriin! so+e "enefit fro+ the way in

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which thin!s were seen to "e !oin! This is ery touchin! in its si+plicity* and will teach

us +ore concernin! the past of +an than all the +etaphysical interpretation hitherto

atte+pted% The proper ti+e for prayer* wishin! or ino(in! aid* was at first si!ht of the

new +oon* 5ust as it started isi"ly on the way to fulfil+ent* the +ental attitude "ein!*

May +y wish "e fulfilled li(e the li!ht in thy or"* oh +oon May +y life "e renewed

li(e thy li!ht &uch was the prayer of the Con!o ne!roes% The full +oon "ein! the

+other4+oon* the eye that +irrored or reproduced the li!ht of the sun* that will accountfor the day of the full +oon "ein! accounted44as it was "y the Gree(s* 8ritons* and

others44the +ost propitious ti+e for the +arria!e cere+ony% The full +oon was held to

co+e forth !reat with !ood luc( 8oy4children ou!ht to "e weaned when the horned

+oon was wa/in!* and !irls when it was on the wane44the fe+ale "ein! the reproducer as

 "rin!er4forth% &o peas and "eans were sown in the wane of the +oon to rise a!ain li(e the

+oon renewed% Corn ou!ht to "e cut durin! the wane of the +oon if you would hae

the+ disappear Euic(ly% In ery si+ple ways the pri+itie o"serers had tried to set their 

life in ti+e with the life !oin! on around the+* and thus !et what li!ht they could fro+

 6ature for their own !uidance* and also +a(e her lan!ua!e their own% 8utler as(s @in


.hy on a si!n no painter draws

The full +oon eer "ut the halfN

 6ow* that is ery !ood si!n lan!ua!e* especially as the half4+oon is a pu"lic4house

sy+"ol% It was an initation to eat and drin( to the full* or co+e to the full as the half+oon

does, it +ay "e* to !et fu'* in the &cottish sense% $ +oon already full would not

hae answered the purpose%

$n eclipse pro5ected the shadow of co+in! cala+ity% The renewed li!ht of the old +oon

was li(e a pro+ise of eternal life and eerlastin! youth% .hen personified this was the

healer* the saiour* an i+a!e of ery life% The first4"orn fro+ the dead* the first4fruits of 

the+ that slept in the !raeyard of sun(en suns* and ce+etery of old dead +oons* was

reproduced isi"ly in e/ternal pheno+ena* as the new +oon which was personated "y the

+ale +oon4!od Taht* called the ei!hth* and lord of the ei!hth re!ion* as the place of 

risin! a!ain fro+ the dead in the or" of the +oon% There was a lunar +ytholo!y e/tant

lon! "efore it was (nown that the lunar or" was a reflector of the solar li!ht% There was a

ti+e also when it was not (nown* and could not "e diined* that the +oon which

dwindled and died down isi"ly was the sa+e +oon that rose a!ain fro+ the dead% Hence

there were two different +essa!es coneyed fro+ heaen to +en on earth* "y the hare as

+essen!er for the +oon in the lunar +yths of the Hottentots and other pri+itie races% In

one of these ersions the +oon declared that* as it died and did not rise a!ain fro+ its

!rae* een so was it with +an* who went down to the earth and ca+e "ac( no +ore% 8ut*when it had +ade out that the sa+e +oon returned as the old or" renewed* the nature of its reelation was reersed. Its +essa!e now contained a doctrine of the resurrection fro+

the dead for +an as well as +oon% The re4arisin! and transfor+in! or" at last proclai+ed

that een as it did not die out alto!ether* "ut was renewed fro+ so+e hidden sprin! or 

source of li!ht* so was it with the hu+an race* who were li(ewise renewed to re4lie on

hereafter li(e the +oon% In a +yth of the Caroline Islanders it is said that at first +en only

Euitted this life on the last day of the dyin! +oon* to "e reiified when the new +oon

appeared% 8ut there was a dar( spirit that inflicted a death fro+ which there was no

reial% This dar( spirit* with its fatal +essa!e* was pri+ary in fact* and the true

assurance of surial* li(e the +oon* depended on its "ein! identified as the sa+e +oon

which rose a!ain% It is in this way that we can re4thin( the pri+itie thou!ht* "y !ettin! itre4thin!ed in the physical realities of natural pheno+ena% In the te Mythos the tas( of 

+a(in! a +oon was assi!ned to .hip4Poor4.ill* a !od of the ni!ht% The fro! offered

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hi+self as a willin! sacrifice for this purpose* and he was transfor+ed "y +a!ical

incantations into the 6ew Moon% The sy+"olis+ is identical* whether deried fro+ )!ypt

or not% &o is it when the 8uddha offers his "ody as a sacrifice* and transfor+s hi+self 

into the lunar hare%

The Maories hae a tradition of the first children of earth* in which they relate that the

earliest su"5ect of hu+an thou!ht was the difference "etween li!ht and dar(ness, they

were always thin(in! what +i!ht "e the difference "etwi/t li!ht and dar(ness% 6aturally*the pri+ary conditions of e/istence o"sered "y pri+itie +en were those that were +ost

o"sera"le* and* fore+ost a+on!st these* were the pheno+ena of the day and the dar(*

which followed each other in ceaseless chan!e% Mytholo!y "e!ins with this a!ue and

+erely ele+ental phase of e/ternal pheno+ena* alternatin! in ni!ht and day% In a

secondary sta!e* it was o"sered that the "attle field of this neer endin! warfare of day

and dar( was focussed and "rou!ht to a definite point in the or" of the +oon* where the

stru!!le "etwi/t the two personified powers of li!ht and dar(ness went on and on for 

eer* each power hain! its triu+ph oer the other in its turn*44these "ein! depicted in

one representation as the solar li!ht and the serpent of dar(ness* in another "y the lion

and the unicorn% These pheno+ena of li!ht and dar(ness were at first set forth "y +eans

of ani+als* reptiles* "irds* and other pri+itie types of the ele+ental powers, and lastlythe hu+an type was adopted* and the cunnin! of the crocodile* or the 5ac(al of dar(ness*

is represented "y the )!yptian ut, the 6orse o/i, the Gree( Hermes, or the Jewish

 7acob, the dar( deceier, and to4day* we find the Christian )idence &ociety en!a!ed in

defendin! such characters as that of Jaco"* in the full and perfect "elief that Jaco" was a

hu+an "ein!* and one of God's chosen race% .hereas* he was no +ore a person than was

&ut4$nup in )!ypt* or #eynard the fo/ in )urope The hu+an for+* li(e that of the

earlier ani+al type* was only representatie of so+e power +anifested in natural

 pheno+ena% This +ode of representation was (nown when these sacred stories were first

told of +ythical characters, it was afterwards continued and tau!ht in the so4called

+ysteries "y +eans of the Gnosis% .hen the art or Gnosis was lost to the world

outside* the ancient histories were i!norantly supposed to "e hu+an in their ori!in,

+ytholo!y was euhe+eri7ed @that is* the ideal was +ista(en for the realB* and )!yptian

+ytholo!y was conerted into He"rew +iracles and Christian history%

Thus when the IroEuois Indians clai+ that the first ancestor of the red +an was a hare* we

do not (now what that sayin! +eans until we learn the representatie alue of the

sy+"ol &o is it all si!n4writin! throu!h%

.hen Herodotus went to )!ypt* he reco!ni7ed the ori!inals of the !ods that were adored*

a+plified* e+"ellished* or lau!hed at in Greece% $t present* howeer* the M[llerites dare

not +ention )!ypt* "ut loo( as(ance at those who do% Here is a crucial instance of 

surial* eidenced "y philolo!y*44the na+e of Mars as $res will sere to proe how

)!yptian underlies the Gree( The planet Mars is called Har4Tesh in )!yptian* whichsi!nifies the red lord, or the lord of !ore% Cedrenus writes the na+e of $r\s as Hartosi*

and =ettius =alens as Hartes* whence $rtis* and finally $r\s% $!ain* the na+e of Hera

denotes the heaen* oer* in )!yptian, which certainly descri"es the nature of the Gree( 

!oddess of that na+e%

.hen we are told "y the #o+an Catholic )!yptolo!ist* #enouf* that 6either He"rews

nor Gree(s "orrowed any of their ideas fro+ )!ypt* we can only thin( of such a dictu+

as an intentional "lind* or as a result of puttin! up the !lass to an eye that cannot see% It is

si+ply i+possi"le for the non4eolutionist* the "i!otted 8i"liolator* or the M[llerite* to

interpret or to understand the +ytholo!y of )!ypt% Its roots !o deep* and its "ranches

spread too far* for their ran!e of thou!ht% $nd now* let +e offer a re+ar(a"le e/a+ple of 

the +odes in which the )!yptians e/pressed or tin!ed their thou!hts* "y +eans of e/ternal pheno+ena% The sun4!od #a is represented as possessin! fourteen spirits or 

/aus, the liin! li(enesses and !lorified i+a!es of hi+self% These are portrayed as

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fourteen persona!es at )dfu and Denderah% In one te/t it is said*44Hail to thee and thy

fourteen spirits fourteen ti+es% These are also +entioned in the ta"let of Ipsa+"ul* as the

fourteen /aus of #a* which Taht has added to all his ways% Taht is the +oon4!od* and

this !ies us a clue to the fourteen spirits* which* I thin(* no )!yptolo!ist has yet

suspected% 8ut Taht is the !od of the first fourteen days of the +oon's lunation* and

fourteen ni!hts of the new +oon reproduced the li(eness of the solar !od in li!ht fourteen

ti+es oer, these were desi!nated his a%%arition seen ni!htly in the +oon Indeed* the+oon in its dar( half was treated as the mummy or un4illu+inated body of the sun4!od*

who is descri"ed as co+in! to isit* to co+fort it* to "e!et upon it* in the under4world%

This lunar "ody of the solar soul is represented "y the ass4headed !od $ai @upon which

the sun4!od rodeB* who is found +u++ified on the to+" of #a+eses th% Thus* the dar( 

or" or "ody of the +oon was the +u++y of the sun* and its fourteen days of !rowin!

li!ht were thou!ht of as fourteen +anifestations of the solar4!od in spiritual apparition*

isi"le "y ni!ht in the +oon, hence it will "e seen how natural it was that the lunar or"

should "e loo(ed up to as the ho+e of spirits* as when the )!yptian prays that his soul

+ay ascend to heaen in the dis( of the +oon $nother fa"le of the dar( half of the

lunation has "een presered "y Plutarch* who relates that when Typhon* the eil power*

was huntin! "y +oonli!ht* he "y chance ca+e upon the dead "ody or +u++y of Osiris prepared for "urial* and* (nowin! it a!ain* he tore it into fourteen parts* and scattered

the+ all a"out% These fourteen parts typify the fourteen days of the lessenin! li!ht* durin!

which the deil of dar(ness had the upper hand% The twenty4ei!ht days +ade one lunar 

+onth accordin! to )!yptian rec(onin!%

The earlier and si+pler representation of the lunar li!ht and dar( is portrayed in the +yth

of the Two 8rothers* who always contend for supre+acy oer each other% The +ost

ancient and pri+itie +yths are found to "e the +ost uniersal, and this of the twin

 "rothers is e/tant all oer the world% It is the +yth of &ut4Horus in )!ypt, the $sins or 

>rishna and 8alara+a in India, the Crow and the )a!le of the $ustralian "lac(s, Tsuni4

Goa+ and Gauna" a+on! the Hottentots, Jac( and Jill* and twenty other for+s that I

hae co+pared in +y 6atural Genesis% It is that stru!!le of two "rothers in the

 "e!innin! which is represented in the He"rew "oo( of Genesis as the +urderous conflict

of Cain and $"el% 5ain as the ictor is the same character as the )!yptian &hunsu, >hun

or >hen* +eanin! to chase, hunt* "eat* "e the ictor* and therefore I ta(e it that the nameof Cain is pro"a"ly one with the )!yptian &hun. $"el is the dar( little one that fades and

falls and passes away* the one who "eco+es a sacrificial type* "ecause of the nature of 

the pheno+ena% The conEueror is portrayed as the (iller% The Gnostic Cainites* howeer*

+aintained truly that Cain deried his "ein! fro+ the power a"oe* and not fro+ the eil

 power "elow% They (new the Mythos% The contention of Jaco" and )sau for "irth and for 

the "irth4ri!ht is another for+ of the sa+e +yth% )sau* the red and hairy, is really the lord

of li!ht in the new +oon% Jaco" is the child of dar(ness* hence the deceier "y nature and "y na+e% $ Jewish tradition relates that )sau* when "orn* had the li(eness of a serpent

+ar(ed upon his heel% This shows he was a personification of the hero who "ruised the

serpent's head* and that Jaco"* who laid hold of )sau's heel* was a co4type in pheno+ena

with the serpent of dar(ness% There is nothin! +oral or i++oral in +ere physical

 pheno+ena the+seles% 6o fratricide is actually co++itted "y the conEuerin! Cain* nor 

fraud "y the dar( and wily Jaco"% 8ut when these sa+e pheno+ena are dra+atised* and

the characters are +ade hu+an* or inhu+an* as the case +ay "e* the un4+oral "eco+es

i++oral* and the hu+an i+a!e is disfi!ured "y the +ost wilful flaw* or wanton "rand of 

de!radation% Cain is +ade the +urderer of his own "rother* in the "e!innin!* and that red

stain is supposed to run throu!h all hu+an history* as a first result of $da+'s fall* and to

 "urn on the "row of +an until it is washed out at last in the "lood of a redee+in!&aiour44who is e9ually mythical.This lunar representation has seeral shapes in )!yptian +ytholo!y* where the Twin

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8rothers are &ut and Osiris* &ut and Horus* the two Horuses* Taht and $an* or >hunsu

and Typhon%

In his Hi""ert lectures Mr% #enouf says curtly* the )!yptian !od >hunsu is the +oon%

8ut such )!yptolo!y has not yet "la7ed the eriest surface of the +ytholo!y% &uch

state+ents teach nothin! truly* "ecause they do not put in the "otto+ facts% They do not

help us to thin( in those pheno+ena which hae "een entified or diinised in and as

+ytholo!y% It +ay "e said Euite as "luntly that >hunsu is not the +oon% He onlyrepresents one phase of the lunar pheno+ena* which are triadic% >hunsu is the child of 

the sun and +oon% His na+e denotes the youn! hero% .hen this deity was eoled it had

 "een discoered that the +oon deried her li!ht fro+ the sun% In the planisphere of 

Denderah the youthful God >hunsu is pourtrayed in the dis( of the full +oon at )aster*

where he represents the li!ht and force of the sun that is re"orn +onthly and annually of 

the lunar or" considered to "e his +other* who thus reproduces the child of li!ht in the

dis( of the +oon% The sa+e +yth is li(ewise Osirian* as we learn fro+ one of the hy+ns*

where it is said* Hail to


thee* Osiris* Lord of )ternity .hen thou art in heaen thou appearest as the sun* and

thou renewest thyself as the +oon% 8ut this renewal of li!ht in the +oon was pourtrayedas the re4"irth of the !od in the person of his own child, hence the child Horus is also

depicted li(e the child >hunsu in the dis( of the full +oon* as "oth +ay "e seen in the

sa+e planisphere of Denderah% >hunsu is the )!yptian Jac( the !iant4(iller% In the #itual

he is called the slayer of re"els and piercer of the proud% His natural !enesis was in the

tiny li!ht of the new +oon* which rose up with its sharp horns to pierce the powers of 

ni!ht* and drie the+ out of the dar(ened or"% The !iants of the pri+itie +ind were the

 powers of dar(ness* which foreer rose up in reolt a!ainst the li!ht* (ept all life

cowerin! in their shadow "y ni!ht* too( possession of the +oon in the latter half of the

lunation* or coered its face with the "lood and dust of "attle durin! the terri"le ti+e of 

an eclipse% Then the little hero* the child of li!ht* arose and +ade war on the !iants* and

oerca+e the+ as he !rew in !lory and wa/ed !reatly in the plenitude of his Hidden

father's power and +i!ht% The na+e of >hunsu's father is $+en* the Hidden God* the

child >hunsu "ein! his isi"le representatie re4"orn in the new +oon%

Mytholo!y is the !round4wor( of all our theolo!y and Christolo!y* and it is only "y

+asterin! the plan that we can learn how the superstructure has "een "uilt% This character 

of >hunsu is that of the +ythical Messiah* or +anifester in e/ternal nature* as a

representatie of the )ternal in the pheno+ena of ti+e% In )!ypt* &e"4>ronus* or Ti+e*

was desi!nated the true #epa* or Heir4$pparent to the father* Osiris or $+en4#a* and the

re4"irth in ti+e* +i!ht "e +onthly or annually* eery nineteen or twenty4fie* ?:: or 

20??* years* accordin! to the particular period% In the +ystical or spiritual phase this

representatie of diinity was the Christ within* the &on of God incarnate in +atter, theChrist of the Gnostics who was not a +an, their Jesus* who could not "e a Jew, their 

#edee+er* who was "ut the i++ortal principle in +an* a Delierer fro+ the de!radation,

a &aiour solely fro+ the dissolution of +atter* which the Gree( poet Linus calls the

Gier of all sha+eful thin!s%

8ut to return to the Moon Mythos% The le!end of &a+son can now "e read for the first

ti+e as the He"rew ersion of the )!yptian +yth of >hunsu* the luni4solar hero who

slays the !iants44or Philistines44and oerco+es the powers of dar(ness% It was i+possi"le

to read the riddle "y supposin!* with &teinthal* that &a+son was si+ply the sun4!od

hi+self, "ecause if he were* in (illin! the lion he would "e only slayin! the reflection of 

hi+self44the lion "ein! a solar type% The na+e of &hi+shon denotes the lu+inous or 

shinin! one* as an e+anation of the solar fire% &a+son* li(e >hunsu* is the typical hero%>hunsu is the )!yptian Heracles% &a+son* li(e Heracles* slays the lion* as his first !reat

la"our* or feat of stren!th% This deed is represented alle!orically* and is put forth as his

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riddle% Out of the eater 


ca+e forth +eat* and out of the +i!hty ca+e forth sweetness% The +i!hty one who

deours is the lion* and the honey was found in its dead carcase% The Mithraic and

)!yptian +onu+ents will ena"le us to read the riddle% In the Persian we see the lion

depicted with a "ee in its +outh% The lion* or rather the lioness, was an )!yptian fi!ure of 

fire44the lioness in heat% &he was represented* "y the !oddess of the solar fire andalcoholic spirit* as &e(het* who carries the sun's dis( on the head of a lioness% The na+e

of this she4lion* &e(het* is also the na+e for the "ee* which is the royal sy+"ol of Lower 

)!ypt, and the bee denotes the sweetness in the lion% 6ow* the fiercest solar heat was

coincident with the waters of the Inundation* two4thirds of which @accordin! to Hor4

$polloB poured down into )!ypt whilst the sun was in the si!n of the lion% &e(het was

also the !oddess of sweetness or pleasure44we +ay say literally* !oddess of the

honey+oon% Hence the association of the lion and the "ee* or the honey in the lion% The

triu+ph oer the lion +ay "e understood in this way% &e(het* the she4lion* i+personated

the force of the sun* which was often fatal* hence she was +ade the punisher of the

wic(ed with hell4fire, and this lunar hero* as Heracles* >hunsu* or &a+son* was the

con9ueror in the cool of the ni!ht* which followed the fiery ferour of the sun "y day%Further* at the ti+e the sun was in the lion4si!n* the full +oon rose isKis in the si!n of 

the .ater+an* or .aterwo+an* in the Her+ean odiac, and we cannot read one part of 

the celestial i+a!ery independently of the other% In this full +oon* which "rou!ht the

sweet* fresh waters to )!ypt* the hero attained the hei!ht of his !lory* as conEueror of the

furnace4heat which cul+inated then and there with the sun in the si!n of the lioness* as

reflector of the fiercest solar fire% $s the +oon was the "rin!er of the waters* and the

 "reath of life in the coolness and the dews of ni!ht* the lunar hero was not only credited

with drawin! the stin! of &e(het* "ut with e/tractin! honey fro+ the dead lion%

.hen the youn! hero as son of the sun4!od* re"orn of the new +oon* has once +ore

conEuered in conflict with his eternal ene+y* and he "rea(s out in triu+ph* free fro+ the

throttlin! folds of the dra!on* of the &a+i* or the Philistines* as he ascends aloft he is seen

 "earin! the dar( or" of the old +oon as a palpa"le proof of his power% He had "urst

throu!h the "arriers of the underworld* the !ates of death and dar(ness, and so it would

 "e fa"led that he carried the "arriers away with hi+* and "ore the+ isi"ly on hi!h to the

su++it of the lunar ascent It is so represented when &a+son not only "rea(s out of 

Ga7a* "ut tears up the city !ates* and carries the+ away "y ni!ht with their posts* "olts*

and "ars* to the top of the hill* or +ountain of the +oon* as the lunar hei!ht was called

The soli4lunar nature of the hero is shown "y the nu+"er 9: @the thirty days to the +onth

in the soli4lunar rec(onin!%B &a+son has thirty co+panions% He s+ote thirty +en at

$scalon* and spoiled the+ of thirty chan!es of rai+ent% The nu+"er ; is also an alli+portant

factor in the lunar +ythos* with its twenty4ei!ht days to the +onth% In thecuneifor+ le!end of Ishtar the !oddess descends and ascends throu!h seen !ates* each

way in her passa!e to and fro+ the netherworld* as fe+ale representatie of the +oon% &o

when &ut4Typhon* the dar( one of the lunar twins* was beaten "y Horus* he is descri"ed

 "y Plutarch as fleein! fro+ the "attle durin! seen days on the "ac( of an ass In each

case the nu+"er ; si!nifies one Euarter of a +oon% The nu+"er ;* answerin! to one lunar 

Euarter* is pro+inent in the le!end of &a+son% In one phase he tells Delilah that if he is

 "ound with seen new "ow4strin!s his stren!th will depart* and he will "eco+e wea(* and

 "e as another +an% 8ut when these are applied to hi+ they are snapped li(e a strin! of 

fire4sin!ed tow .e +ay suppose this phase to represent the first seen days of the

 growing crescent +oon, hence the seen new "ow4strin!s* which are in (eepin! with the

seen strin!s of the lunar harp% In the second phase the hero is "ound with new ropes*which he freed hi+self fro+ as if they had "een thread% Fourteen days "rin!s us to the

+oon at full* and to the cul+ination of &a+son's !lory% Then he confesses to his char+er 

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that if the seen loc(s of his head are shaen off his stren!th will assuredly depart% 6ow*

hair is an especial* pri+itie type of irility* potency* and power% In the )!yptian #itual

the Osirified as Horus* ascends the heaen with his lon! hair reachin! down to his

shoulders as a type of his !rowin! !lory% Moreoer* &a+son's hair* the e+"le+ of his

stren!th* is in seen loc(s% These answer to the seen ni!hts of the Euarter in which the

lunar splendour co+es to the full* and the opposin! powers of dar(ness* called the

Philistines* are ery literally cleared out% .hen this period is past* and the hero is shornof his hair* the Philistines are upon hi+ once +ore% This ti+e the dra+a is to co+e to an

end% 8ut not without an inti+ation of its "ein! continued or repeated in the ne/t new

+oon* for the narratie confesses conscientiously that &a+son's hair "e!an to !row a!ain

after he was shaen% 8ut for the present the powers of dar(ness preail, and hain! shorn

the hero of his !lory durin! seen ni!hts* and "rou!ht hi+ low* they put out his si!ht and

 "ind hi+ with fetters of "rass* eyeless in Ga7a* pitiful and forlorn as "lind Orion

hun!erin! for the +orn%

The eye of the "linded Horus "ein! put out "y &ut* who was at the head of the Typhonian

 powers* called the ami, or conspirators* is identical in the )!yptian +ythos with the

 puttin! out of &a+son's eyes in the He"rew ersion In the Osirian +yth* howeer* it is

the eye of Horus that is wounded, the eye that is swallowed "y &ut, the eye that isrestored at dawn of day* and this one4eyed for+ of the +ythos suries in the account of 

&a+son's "lindness when he prays for stren!th enou!h to aen!e the loss of one of histwo eyes, as we hae it in the +ar!in The lunar li!ht was the eye of the sun* "ut this

 "eco+es the two eyes of the hero when he is rendered accordin! to the co+plete hu+an

li(eness* which shows us how the +ythos was rationalised as history% It is Delilah who

causes the ruin of &a+son* 5ust as Ishtar* called Goddess 0?* as the +oon at full* is the

ruin of her loers* in the le!end of Ishtar and I7du"ar* where she is char!ed with "ein! an

enchantress* a poisoner* a destroyer of +ale potency% I7du"ar* the sun4!od* reproaches

her with witchcraft* her +urderous lust* her +erciless cruelty* and declines to "eco+e her 

loer hi+self $ccordin! to the +yth the luni4solar +ale diinity was represented in the

wane of the li!ht as sufferin! fro+ the eil influence of the fe+ale +oon% It is ery

eident that the +yths were +ade "y +en, as in case of a fall or catastrophe it was always

 she who did it% he te+pted the poor +an* or oerca+e the !od% It was she who had shorn

hi+ of his !lory, she who had !ien hi+ poison to drin(* and "etrayed hi+ to the powers

of dar(ness, she who is the cause of his i+potential +ood* his wanin!* lan!uishin!* and

droopin! down% $nd the true +eanin! of Delilah's na+e* I ta(e it* e/presses the

wea(ened* worn4out* i+potent condition of the lunar hero thus "rou!ht low44the na+e

 "ein! deria"le fro+ a root si!nifyin! to totter* droop* and han! inertly down44Delilah

 "ein! the personified cause of this e+asculated condition of the reduced and wretched*

 "ound and "linded lunar !od* the +i!hty hero in his fallen state% The Danes hae a lunar 

Delilah or lady of the +oon* who is descri"ed as "ein! ery "eautiful when seen in front* "ut she is hollow "ehind< she plays upon a harp of seen strin!s* and with this she lures

youn! +en to her on purpose to destroy the+% The He"rews hae a Tal+udic tradition

that &a+son was la+e in "oth his feet% $nd this was the status or condition of the child4

Horus* who was said to "e +ai+ed and halt in his lower +e+"ers, the cripple deity* as he

is called "y Plutarch% Other scattered fra!+ents of the true +yth are to "e found, for 

instance* in the lunar triad of the +other and the twin "rothers* one of the+ acco+panies

the fe+ale +oon durin! the first half of the total lunation* the other durin! the latter half1and this appears to "e reflected "y the He"rew +ythos when &a+son's wife is !ien to

his co+panion who+ he had used as a friend% $!ain* the >ac/al was an )!yptian type of 

the dar( one that deoured "y ni!ht* and of &ut* the thief of li!ht in the +oon* he who

swallowed the )ye of Horus% Jac(al and fo/ are co4types* and they hae one na+e* that of &hu!al* the howler* in He"rew% This ena"les us to understand the story of the 9:: fo/es

or 5ac(als in the Jewish for+ of the +yth% &a+son "ein! the representatie of the sun4!od

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who dries the dar(ness out of or away fro+ the lunar or"* and does all the da+a!e he

can to the Typhonian powers* or Philistines* the story4teller +ultiplies the 5ac(al to

enhance the triu+ph of his hero, and instead of the stru!!le "etween Horus and the

 5ac(al4headed &ut4$nup* we hae the +ore difficult feat of catchin! 9:: 5ac(als and

settin! fire to their tails* so that they +i!ht consu+e the crops of the Philistines* or* in

other words* "urn out the dar(ness fro+ the or" of the +oon%

It is pro"a"le that Mithra* son of $hura Ma7da* and natural opponent of the dar( Power*is the sa+e representatie of the God of Li!ht* reflected in the +oon as the witness "y

ni!ht for the a"sent sun% It +ay "e noted that Matra in )!yptian +eans the .itness* or 

+ore fully* the .itness for #a% The scene pourtrayed on the Persian +onu+ents is

nocturnal* and the ti+e of year is that of the sun's entrance into the si!n of &corpio* where

it is depried of its irility% $t this ti+e the +oon rises at full in the si!n of the 8ull* the

first of the superior si!ns% The Lord of Li!ht in the +oon is now the do+inatin! power 

durin! si/ +onths% Thus Mithras slayin! the 8ull is eEuialent to &a+son (illin! the

Lion* or oerco+in! the fierceness of the &olar fire, and also of Osiris doin! "attle with

&ut4Typhon and conEuerin! his terrors in e/ternal pheno+ena% Osiris dies on the 0;th of 

the +onth $thor* which was at the ti+e of the $utu+n )Euino/* or rather he enters the

si/ lower si!ns at that ti+e% $n ar( was +ade in the shape of a crescent +oon* and on the03th of the sa+e +onth the priests proclai+ed that Osiris was found* his resurrection on

the third day "ein! in the +oon% Thus it was in the new +oon that the Dead Osiris first returned to life in the for+ of his own son%

Our +odern solarite interpreters can tal( of little else "ut the sun* the dawn* and the dar(%

Mr% #enouf* in his Hi""ert lectures* identifies &ut4$nu"is with the twili!ht* or as the

dus/. Hence* when it is said in the te/ts that he swallowed his father Osiris* this on the

face of it loo(s li(e the dar(ness of ni!ht swallowin! the disappearin! sun% 8ut )!yptian

+ytholo!y is "y no +eans so si+ple as that% It is not to "e fatho+ed on the face of it* nor 

can it "e interpreted without such a (nowled!e of the total typolo!y* as the $ryan &chool

all put to!ether do not possess% There is nothin! si+ply solar in it anywhere It is true that

ut represents the presence and the power of dar(ness% It is true that the nocturnal sun in

the under world was called Osiris* or $tu+* or $+en4#a% $lso* the settin! or"s of li!ht

were represented as "ein! swallowed down "y the crocodile or so+e other type of the

deourer% 8ut the continual conflict and alternate ictory of li!ht and dar(ness were seento hae their +ost o"ious* +ost isi"le* +ost interestin! field of "attle in the +oon It

was there the watchers o"sered the neer4ceasin! stru!!le for the "irth4ri!ht of the twin

 "rothers* who personated the opposin! powers% The dar( one was first "orn fro+ the

+other +oon at full, "ut the li!ht one was ac(nowled!ed to "e the !enuine heir4apparent

There is a +yth of the "lind Horus in which he is descri"ed as sittin! solitary in his

dar(ness% &ut is said to hae swallowed his eye* or to hae wounded it* and put out the

si!ht% In one te/t Horus says* 8ehold* +y eye is as thou!h &ut @$nupB had pierced it% Inanother he cries* I a+ Horus% I co+e to search for +ine eyes% &ut* who swallows the

eye* is +ade to restore it a!ain In one account the eye is said to "e restored at the dawn

of day, that is in the a!ue sta!e of the conflict "etween the dar(ness and the li!ht%

$t one ti+e* says Plutarch* &ut s+ote Orus in the )ye, this represented the di+inution of 

the +oon% $t another he pluc(ed the eye out and swallowed it* afterwards !iin! it "ac( 

to the sun% This "lindin! denoted the )clipse%

In the lunar phase of the +ythos the 3ye of li!ht* or of the sun* is the +oon% The +oon at

full was the +irror of li!ht* hence it was the +other of Horus as the child of li!ht 8ut the

eye was the pri+itie +irror% &o the +oon was called the )ye of the sun* when it was

/nown as a reflector of the solar li!ht% Thus the lunar or" was the consort of the sun, his

)ye "y ni!ht* as the reproducer of his li!ht when he was in the under4world, and inreproducin! the li!ht she was as the +other "rin!in! forth his child For instance* the

cow was a type of the +oon as Hathor* or as $ahti* and when the cow is portrayed with

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the solar dis( "etween her horns* the i+a!ery denotes the +other4+oon as "earer of the

sun* that is* as reproducer of the solar li!ht in the lunar or"* or* as it was also said* in the


For this reason the +other of Horus* child of li!ht* is also descri"ed as "ein! the eye of 

Horus* the +oon4+irror in which the father Osiris +ade "a"ies in the eye* as the poets

say* or was reflected as Horus* the child of li!ht* re4"orn +onthly of the +oon as his

+other% The lunar !od Taht is so+eti+es pourtrayed with the eye of Horus* or the new+oon in his hand% $nd the !oddess MeriMary "ears the eye upon her head* as typical

reproducer of the child% 6ow this is the eye that was swallowed "y &ut% .hen the power 

of dar(ness had put out the lunar li!ht* the eye was not only pierced "ut swallowed* as

the pheno+ena were rendered in the +ythos% Moreoer* as Osiris had "eco+e the father 

of all* he was also the ac(nowled!ed father of &ut, and as it was the father who was

reflected "y the +other4+oon* or the eye* &ut +ay "e said to hae swallowed his own

father when he o"scured the lunar li!ht* or swallowed it with the dar(ness durin! an

eclipse% This was the sy+"olic eye that was full on the 0Ath of the +onth in the lunar* or 

on the 0?th in the soli4lunar rec(onin!* or on the 9:th )piphi* when the eye of the year 

was full* accordin! to the )!yptian #itual% The swallowin! of Osiris "y &ut "elon!s to

the soli4lunar pheno+ena Plutarch tells us that so+e of the )!yptians held the shadow of the earth* which caused an eclipse of the +oon* to "e ut :y%hon. 8y aid of which we can

identify the ori!inal dra!on of the eclipse The +ythical and celestial dra!on* as I hae

elsewhere de+onstrated* was founded on the crocodile as the natural type of the

swallowin! dar(ness% The crocodile is the swallower of the li!hts as they !o down in the

west* and the tail of the crocodile reads (a+* i.e., "lac(* dar(ness% Typhon @"oth +ale and

fe+aleB is represented "y the crocodile* the dra!on of the waters and of dar(ness% 6ow

the +ost thrillin! and fearso+e act of the lunar dra+a was durin! the period of eclipse%

There is so+ethin! ery weird* uncanny* and un(ed* in the pro5ection of the earth's

shadow across the lu+inous face of the +oon% To the pri+itie +ind it was the crocodile

a"oe* or the dra!on* swallowin! the or" of li!ht* or &ut swallowin! his father Osiris% $n

eclipse was the +eal4ti+e of the +onster% $n eclipse was the scene of the !reat "attle

 "etween Horus and &ut* or Horus and the Dra!on* and the !reat "attle was identical with

that of our Geor!e and the Dra!on% The sa+e stru!!le "etween the powers of li!ht and

dar(ness is portrayed in the 8oo( of #eelation when the wo+an clothed with the sun*

and the +oon under her feet* is a"out to "rin! forth her +an child* and the !reat dra!on of 

eclipse stands "efore her ready to deour the child as soon as it is "orn In the oldest

astrono+y the years were rec(oned "y the eclipses* as it was in )!ypt* China* and India%

$nd the +ost ancient type of ti+e or >ronus* as )!yptian* is &ee(h* the crocodileheaded

!od* that is* the dra!on of eclipse who annually swallowed the +oon containin!

the Lord of Li!ht or his infant I+a!e%

$ccordin! to the +ythical +ode of representin! the natural fact* three days and threeni!hts were rec(oned for the a"sence of the lunar li!ht* "etween old and new +oon* and

the Lord of Li!ht in the lunar or" was said to "e swallowed "y a Dra!on or a +onster fish

and to re+ain for that len!th of ti+e in its "elly% The le!end is )!yptian% The !reat fish is

the crocodile* the dra!on of the deep% This is called the fish of Horus in the #itual% The

Crocodile first denoted the earth as the swallower of the Li!hts "efore it "eca+e the

.ater4Dra!on* and so the Manifestor* as Horus* Jonah* Tan!aroa* or the Christ* could "e

three days in the earth or the !reat fish preiously to his resurrection% Types and stories

+i!ht "e +anifold, the fact si!nified was always the sa+e% Hence the Jonah of the

He"rew ersion is identical with the Christ* not as type of hi+* where all is typical, and in

the #o+an Cataco+"s the Jonah of one ersion is the Christ of the other% Jonah issues

fro+ the !reat fish in the for+ of the Child4Christ% Thus the ori!in of the three days andthree ni!hts in the heart of the earth* or in the Crocodile* is to "e found in lunar 


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In a later for+ of the Osirian le!end the Twins are the dou"le Horus* instead of the &ut4

Horus of the Typhonian +yth% In this we see the little dar( child eyeless* soulless*

+ai+ed in his lower +e+"ers* !oin! into Tattu to +eet his soul* his other self* his

!lorified "ody* the double, li(e that of 8uddha* which was called his dia+ond "ody% This

other self is desi!nated the soul of the sun* and it is this which reiifies* re!enerates* and

transfor+s the child of the +other4+oon into the irile Horus* the new +oon horned and

 pu"escent% There is a tradition presered "y Plutarch that the child Horus* the crippledeity* "e!otten in the dar(* was the result of Osiris hain! acco+panied with Isis after her 

decease* or with 6ephthys her sister* "elow the hori7on% )en this representation is

 perfectly correct accordin! to the natural pheno+ena% Isis personates the +oon* which

dies to "e a!ain renewed% The renewal occurs in the under4world* and is out of si!ht or all

in the dar(% Osiris* as the sun "elow the hori7on is the renoator of the old, dead or" of 

the +oon* which he causes to re4lie with his li!ht, hence the fa"le of his acco+panyin!

with Isis after her de+ise is in accordance with the +ythical +ode of representin! the

 pheno+ena of e/ternal nature in hu+an i+a!ery%

In one of its phases the +oon was portrayed in the character of a thief* which was

 personated "y the 5ac(al* ape* or wolf* who represented Goddess 0?% Ishtar is descri"ed as

ascendin! and descendin! the steps of the +oon* so +any days up and so +any daysdown44of these days there would "e fifteen alto!ether* in accordance with her na+e of 

Goddess 0?% $nd here the Christian Mary can "e identified in this lunar character "y

+eans of the $pocryphal Gospels* that contain le!ends of the infancy which are of 

 pri+ary i+portance* hence they hae "een denounced as spurious* e/co++unicated as

heretical* and (ept out of si!ht "y Papal co++ands% In pseudo Matthew @ch% i%B* we learn

that when the =ir!in was an infant* 5ust weaned* she ran up the fifteen steps of the te+ple

at full speed* without once loo(in! "ac(% $t this a!e she was re!arded as an adult of 

a"out thirty years The story of the fifteen steps is repeated in the Gospel of Mary's

natiity @ch% i%B* where the fifteen steps are associated with the fifteen Psal+s of de!rees%

Further* it was on the 0?th day of the +oon that the dar( one of the twins was re4"orn* as

the lessenin!* wanin! one of the two, and in the history of Joseph the carpenter* Jesus

says that Mary !ae hi+ "irth in the fifteenth year of her a!e* "y a +ystery that no

creature can understand e/cept the Trinity% The Trinity "ein! lunar* the su"5ect +atter is

identical accordin! to the Gnosis of nu+"ers* and Mary is also a for+ of the Goddess

0?*44Meri* or Hathor4Meri* in the )!yptian Mythos%

It is only in lunar pheno+ena that we can see how the child could "e "orn fro+ the side

of its +other* as &ut4Horus was* as well as the 8uddha* or the Christ% $lso* the diine

child* as 8uddha* was said to "e isi"le whilst in the +other's wo+"% The wo+" of the

+other "ein! the lunar or" in which the child in e+"ryo can "e seen in course of !rowth*

it was represented as "ein! transparent with the child on iew% The child Jesus is so

 pourtrayed in the Christian pictures of the enciente =ir!in Mary* as +ay "e seen inDidron's Icono!raphy

The "irth of the dar( one of the +other4+oon's two children* depends upon that part of 

the lunar or" which is turned away fro+ the sun* "ein! di+ly seen throu!h the li!ht

reflected fro+ our earth% $s the li!ht "e!an to lessen* and the or" "eca+e opaEue* there

was an o"ious "irth of the dar( part of the +oon That was the "irth of the little* dar( 

one* of the lunar twins% &o fine a point of departure fro+ the li!ht half to the dar(* and

fro+ the dar( half to the li!ht* +ay "e li(ened to a sin!le hair44as it was in the Hindu

+ythos* which represents >rishna as "ein! "orn fro+ a sin!le "lac( hair and 8alara+a

fro+ a sin!le white hair of =ishnu% This is* pro"a"ly* the +ythical +eanin! of a sayin!

attri"uted to the Christ in the !ospel of the He"rews*44$nd strai!htway* said Jesus* the

holy spirit @+y +otherB too( +e and "ore +e "y one of the hairs of +y head* to the !reat+ountain called Tha"or% The e/act colour of the dar( or" is slate4"lac(* and this has

 "een presered in India as the co+ple/ion of the dar( child* Hari or >rishna% These types

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of the li!ht and dar( twins were certainly continued as the two4fold Christ in #o+e* one

for+ of who+ is the little "lac( 8a+"ino of Italy* the Christ who was "lac( for the sa+e

reason that &ut was "lac( in )!ypt* and >rishna was "lue4"lac( in India% He was "lac(*

 "ecause +ythical* and not "ecause the .ord was hu+anly incarnated as a ni!!er He was

 "lac( "ecause he was the child of the ir!in4+other as the +oon

One type of the twins found in the lunar pheno+ena has "een hu+anised in the story of 

Jesus and John, these can "e traced "ac( to Horus and &ut* who is $an or $nup* the)!yptian John% These two appear in the #itual as the Precursor* and the one who is

 preferred to hi+ who was first in co+in!% &pea(in! in the twin character* the Osirified

deceased says* I a+ $nup in the day of 5ud!+ent% I a+ Horus* the Preferred* on the day

of risin!% $nup presided oer the 5ud!+ent, so John the Precursor proclai+s the

 5ud!+ent, and calls the world to repentance% Jesus co+es as the preferred one on the

day of his risin! up out of the waters* when John the Precursor says of Jesus* $fter +e

co+eth a +an which is "eco+e "efore +e John's was the oice of one cryin! in the

wilderness* Ma(e ye ready the way of the Lord% I +a(e way* says Horus* "y what

$nup @the PrecursorB has done for +e% The twin lunar characters of John and Jesus can

 "e identified in the !ospel where John says of Jesus He +ust increase* "ut I +ust

decrease% &o the title of the $((adian +oon4!od* &in* as the increaser of li!ht* is )nu7u4na* the Lord of wa/in!% In the Mithraic +ysteries the li!ht one of the twins was

desi!nated the "ride!roo+* and in one passa!e we +eet with the "ride!roo+ and the

 "ride* that is the lunar +other of the Twins and Christ as the "ride!roo+% John personates

the dar( one, li(e &ut4$nup* he is not the li!ht itself* and only "ears witness to the li!ht%

The Christ or Horus was consort to the +other4+oon* and the reproducer of hi+self% John

says of hi+* He that hath the "ride is the "ride!roo+, "ut the friend of the "ride!roo+

which standeth and heareth hi+ re5oiceth !reatly "ecause of the "ride!roo+'s oice%

These three* the "ride* "ride!roo+* and John* are a perfect replica of the lunar Trinity%

John represents the dar( half of the +oon* the child of the +other only* and he is

un+ista(a"ly identified "y Jesus in or as this +ythical character when he says of his forerunner*

$+on! the+ that are "orn of wo+an there is none !reater than John* yet* he that

is "ut little in the (in!do+ of God is !reater than he, that is* a+on! those who are rebornin the li/eness of the father, as Horus was when the solar !od re4"e!ot hi+ in his

own i+a!e as the reflection of his hidden !lory reproduced "y the new +oon44the least of 

these is !reater than he who was "orn of the +other alone%

$s we hae seen* the fo# and >ac/al were both of the+ Typhonian types of the dar( 

 power* the thief of li!ht in the +oon* and co4types* therefore* with the dra!on that

swallowed the +oon durin! an eclipse% 6ow* the na+e of Herod in &yriac denotes a red

dra!on, and the red dra!on in #eelation* which stands ready to deour the youn! child

that is a"out to "e "orn* is the +ythical for+ of the Herod who has "een +ade historical

in our !ospels% Here the le!endary deourer* the dar( half of the lunation% The Ger+anshae a sayin! that the wolf is eatin! the candle when there is what is still called a thief in

it% &o the pri+itie o"serers saw the dar( encroachin! on the li!ht* and they said the

wolf* 5ac(al* rat* or other sly ani+al was eatin! the +oon as the thief of its li!ht% This is

why Hermes was represented as the thief. In two different for+s of the lunar +ythos the

 5ac(al and the do!4headed ape were two types of this thief of the li!ht% $nd in the 7odiac

of Denderah* 5ust where Horus is on the cross* or at the crossin! of the ernal eEuino/*

these two thiees* &ut4$nup and $an* are depicted one on either side of the luni4solar 

!od% These two +ythical ori!inals hae* I thin(* "een continued and hu+anised as the

two thiees in the Gospel ersion of the crucifi/ion%

The character of the thief still clin!s to the +an in the +oon% In a 6orth Frisian fol(4tale

the +an in the +oon is fa"led to hae stolen "ranches of willow* or the sallow4pal+s*which he has to carry in his hands foreer% Here we can identify the pal+4"ranch of the

+an in the +oon as )!yptian% The pal+4"ranch was a type of ti+e and periodicity% Hor4

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$pollo tells us it was adopted as the sy+"ol of a +onth* "ecause it alone produces one

additional "ranch at each renoation of the +oon* so that in rec(onin! the year is

co+pleted in twele "ranches% $ for+ of this appears as the Tree of Life in the "oo( of 

#eelation% The pal+4"ranch is carried "y Taht* the +an in the +oon* and scri"e of the

!ods* who rec(oned ti+e "y +eans of the lunations* and this eidently suries in the

Frisian le!end% He who once rec(oned ti+e "y +eans of the shoots on the pal+4"ranch

 "eca+e the pic(er4up or stealer of willow4wands or stic(s* accordin! to the later fol(lore%$lso* when the +oon4!od was superseded "y the sun as the truer rec(oner of ti+e*

the character of the lunar deity suffered de!radation .e find the sa+e contention !oin!

on as there was "etween the nu+"er thirteen and twele% .hen the year was rec(oned "y

thirteen +oons of twenty4ei!ht days each* thirteen was then the luc(y nu+"er @a char+ of 

 pri+roses or a sittin! of e!!s was thirteenB* "ut when this was chan!ed for the twele

+onths of solar ti+e* then the nu+"er thirteen "eca+e unluc(y or accursed% The day of 

rest "ein! chan!ed fro+ &aturday* the old lunar !od was char!ed with "ein! a &a""ath"rea(er%

He stole stic(s* he strewed "ra+"les and thorn4"ushes on the paths of people

who went to church on &unday @the day of the &unB% He did not (eep the day of rest* "ut

would !o on wor(in!* or rec(onin! ti+e with his pal+4"ranch* &undays as well as wee(days*

and so he was doo+ed to stand in the +oon for all eternity as a warnin! to wic(ed&a""ath4"rea(ers% Taht @or >hunsuB is the )!yptian +an in the +oon* who in the dar( 

half of the period was represented "y the do!4headed ape, and fro+ these ca+e our +an

in the +oon with his do!% The Cree( Indians hae the sa+e +yth% They say the

inha"itants of the +oon consist of a +an and his do!%

The ass was another Typhonian type of the +oon% In an )!yptian representation* it is "y

the aid of the ass4headed !od $ai that the solar diinity ascends fro+ the under4world

where the dar( powers hae their ti+e of triu+ph oer hi+ "y ni!ht% The ass is

 pourtrayed in the act of haulin! up the sun4!od with a rope fro+ the re!ion "elow% That is

one +ode of e/pressin! the fact that the +oon here represented "y the ass was the helper 

of the sun "y ni!ht* in his "attle a!ainst the powers of dar(ness44!ae hi+ a lift up* or* it

+ay "e* a ride% $!ain* in the Persian for+ of the lunar +yth* it is the ass that stands on

three le!s in the +idst of the waters* who is the assistant of &othis* the do!star* in (eepin!

ti+e% The three le!s of the ass are a fi!ure of the +oon in its three phases of ten days

each* li(e the three le!s of the fro! in the Chinese +yth% $lso* the head of the ass is an

)!yptian hiero!lyphic si!n which has the nu+eral alue of thirty* or a soli4lunar +onth%

Thus we find the ass fi!htin! on the side of the sun "y ni!ht in the )!yptian +ythos* and

a!ainst the waters of the delu!e* as a ti+e(eeper in the Persian le!end% In the He"rew

ersion the 5aw4"one of the ass* a type of !reat stren!th* "eco+es the weapon of power 

with which &a+son slays the Philistines* or fi!hts the sun4!od's "attle "y ni!ht a!ainst his

ene+ies that lur( in dar(ness% The ass* as a lunar type* was also represented as the "earer 

of the solar Messiah* 5ust as the cow carries the sun "etween her horns as reproducer of his li!ht in the +oon% The +oon at full was the !enetri/ under either type% The lessenin!*

wanin! +oon was her colt44the foal of an ass% The new +oon* as the youn! lord of li!ht*

ca+e ridin! in his triu+ph on the ass* as the new +oon on the dar( or" of the old +other+oon

 6ow* in the apocryphal !ospel of Ja+es* called the Protean!eliu+* the ir!in

Mary is descri"ed as ridin! on the ass when Joseph sees her lau!hin! on one side of her 

face* and cryin! or "ein! sad on the other .hich corresponds to the li!ht and dar( 

hales of the +oon% &he is lifted fro+ the ass to !ie "irth to the child of li!ht in the

Cae% In the Gree( +yth Hephaistos ascends fro+ the under4world ridin! on the ass* the

wine4!od hain! +ade hi+ drun( "efore leadin! hi+ up to heaen% In the He"rew

ersion the &hiloh is to co+e* "indin! his ass to the ine* his eyes red with wine* his

!ar+ents drenched in the "lood of the !rape* and he is as o"iously drun( as Hephaistos%This i+a!ery was set in the planisphere* a!es "efore our era* as the fore4fi!ure and

 prophecy of that which was to "e fulfilled in the Christian history* accordin! to the

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canonical !ospels 6ow it can "e seen how the Messiah +ay "e said to co+e ridin! on an

ass* and upon a colt* the foal of an ass* althou!h it is pitiful enou!h to !ie one the

heartache* to e/pose the +isera"le pretences under which this +ythical Messiah has "een

+as(ed in hu+an for+* and +ade to put on the cast4off clothin! of the pa!an !ods* and

 play their parts once +ore, this ti+e to proe the real presence of a !od in the world%

It was as the +other4+oon that Ishtar of $((ad was desi!nated Goddess Fifteen*44she

 "ein! na+ed fro+ the full +oon in a +onth of thirty days% The sa+e fact is si!nified inthe )!yptian #itual @ch% 1:B* when the .o+an of the +oon at full or" e/clai+s*44I hae

+ade the eye of Horus @the +irror of li!htB* when it was not co+in! on the festial of the

0?th day% &he is the )!yptian for+ of the the swallower of the +oon* is i+personated as

a Jewish ruler who co++ands all the innocent little ones to "e +urdered in order that he

+ay include the child4Christ re"orn for the oerthrow of hi+ who can only rule in the

(in!do+ of dar(ness% 6ow* if we "ear in +ind that fo/* 5ac(al* wolf* and dra!on are

eEually Typhonian types of the eil one* the destroyer* we +ay possi"ly interpret a

 particular epithet applied to Herod* the destroyer* "y the Christ in the !ospel accordin! to

Lu(e% .hen Jesus is told that Herod would fain (ill hi+* he said unto the+* Go and say

to that fo#, "ehold I cast out deils and perfor+ cures to4day and to4+orrow* and the third

day I a+ perfected% The scene is o"iously in the underworld* where the +oon4!oddescended durin! the three dar( ni!hts "efore he rose a!ain or was perfected on the third

day% It was here that the !od as >hunsu* the caster4out of de+ons* or Horus* perfor+ed

cures and e/orcised the eil spirits that infested the departed in their under!round passa!e

where the dra!on Herod* or the Typhonian reptile Herrut* lur(ed* and sou!ht to (ill the

healer of the diseased and delierer of the dead%

Hain! identified Herod* the +ythical +onster* with the dra!on* and as the fo/* we +ay

carry the parallel a little farther* and perhaps identify hi+ as the traditional +urderer of 


$s already shown* in the Christian continuation of the le!end* John ta(es the place of 

Taht4$an* the dar( one of the lunar twins% John and Jesus are eEuialent to $an and

Horus% In the $pocryphal or Le!endary Lore* John is often identified with and identified

as the pri+ary Messiah He is so in the $pocryphal Gospel of Ja+es% In this* Herod is

see(in! the life of the Diine child* and he sends his serants to (ill John% .e read that

Herod sou!ht after John* and sent his serant to achariah sayin!* '.here hast thou

hidden thy sonN' and Herod said 'his son is !oin! to "e the >in! of Israel% Here it is  7ohnwho is to "e the infant Messiah whose life is sou!ht "y the destroyer Herod* and the fact*

accordin! to the true +ythos* is that John represents the first and that one of the lunar 

twins who+ Herod* or the Typhonian deourer* does put an end to* "ecause he personates

the dar( half of the lunation* the wanin!* lessenin! +oon* that dar(ens down and dies% In

the odiac of Denderah we see the fi!ure of Anu% pourtrayed with his head cut off, and I

dou"t not that the decapitated $an or $nup is the prototype of the Gospel John who was "eheaded "y Herod% In the planisphere $nup stands headless 5ust a"oe the rier of the

.ater+an* the Gree( )ridanus* )!yptian Iarutana* the He"rew Jordan, and we are told

that the Mandaites* who were a+on!st the followers of John* had a tradition that the rier 

Jordan ran red with the "lood which flowed fro+ the headless "ody of John%

$s I hae preiously pointed out* the Christ of the Gospel accordin! to Lu(e has seeral

features in co++on with the +oon4!od >hunsu* the healer of lunatics and persons

 possessed* who was li(ewise lord oer the pi!* a type of Typhon* the eil power% >hunsu

followed Taht* as child of the sun and +oon* after Taht had "een* so to say* diini7ed into

inisi"ility% Taht4>hunsu is the isi"le representatie* who re!isters the decrees of the

hidden Deity* $+en4#a* the !od who seeth in secret% He is particularly the !od of health

and lon! life% It is said that he !ies years to those who+ he chooses* solicits the superior  powers for an e/tension of the lease of life* or as(s years for who+soeer he li(es* and

increases life in fulness and in len!th for those who do his will Life co+es fro+ hi+*

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health is in hi+* >hunsu4Taht* the rec(oner of ti+e% This is "ecause he personated that

renewal of li!ht and ti+e which was +onthly in the +oon% >hunsu is the supre+e healer 

a+on!st the )!yptian !ods* +ore especially as the caster4out of de+ons and e/orciser of 

eil spirits% He is called the drier4away of o"sessin! influences* the !reat !od* chaser of 

 possessors* and is literally the lunar deity who cures what are now ter+ed lunatics%

$nd it is in this character that the Christ of Lu(e is particularly portrayed% Chief of the

sufferin! and afflicted who ca+e to "e healed "y the Christ were the selhnia#omLnoi, or those who were lunatic% Curiously enou!h they ca+e to hi+ on the +ountain* where the

swine were feedin!44that is* where the +oon4!od* >hunsu* holds the typical pi! in his

hand* denotin! the castin! out of Typhon* the )!yptian deil% For it is on the +ount of the

+oon* or in the +oon at full* that >hunsu is depicted as the drier4out of de+ons and

e/peller of the powers of dar(ness* the ene+y of &ut4Typhon* the )!yptian &atan* whose

 presence is represented "y the pi!%

In the te +ytholo!y* the Hero* as diine teacher of +en* sits on the su++it of a

+ountain to thin(% He says repeatedly*44I sat on the top of a +ountain* and did thin(% In

the )!yptian Mythos* presered "y the Gnostics* Her+es is the diine teacher* who not

only thin(s* "ut preaches the &er+on on the Mount% The transfi!uration of Osiris in the

+ount of the +oon occurred upon the th day of the new +oon% This ascent of the lunar +oon after si/ days is repeated in our !ospels* and can "e paralleled in a +yth of the

8uddha's transfi!uration on the +ount% Here* the si/ !lories of the 8uddha's head shone

out with a radiance that "linded the si!ht of +ortals and opened the spirit4ision* so that

+en could see spirits and spirits could see +en% It was on the +ount of the +oon that

&atan shewed Jesus all the (in!do+s of the world and the !lory of the+* and at that hei!ht it +ay not hae "een necessary for hi+ to hae shewn the+* as was e/plained "y a

Ger+an critic* in a +ap% In 8uddha's first te+ptation the dar( MUra causes the earth to

turn round* li(e the potter's wheel* for hi+ to see all the (in!do+s of the world* and he

 pro+ises hi+ that he shall rule the whole four Euarters The Euarters are lunar% 8y

co+parin! the arious +yths with the Gospel ersions* we find that

&ut and Horus &atan and Jesus%

$nup and Horus John and Jesus%

The Dou"le Horus Two4fold Christ%

>hunsu Christ

The French retain a tradition that the +an in the +oon is Judas Iscariot* who was

transported there for his treason to the Li!ht of the .orld% 8ut that story is pre4Christian*

and was told at least so+e *::: years a!o of Osiris and the )!yptian Judas* &ut* who

was "orn twin with hi+ of one +other* and who "etrayed hi+* at the Last &upper* into

the hands of the ;2 &a+i* or conspirators* who put hi+ to death% $lthou!h the Mythos "eca+e solar* it was ori!inally lunar* Osiris and &ut hain! "een twin "rothers in the


The Man in the +oon is often char!ed with "ad conduct towards his +other* sister*

+other4in4law* or so+e other near fe+ale relation* on account of the natural ori!in in

lunar pheno+ena% In these the +oon was one as the +oon* which was two4fold in se/*

and three4fold in character* as +other* child* and adult +ale% Thus the child of the +oon

 "eca+e the consort of his own +other It could not "e hel%ed if there was to "e any

reproduction% He was co+pelled to "e his own father These relationships were

repudiated "y later sociolo!y* and the pri+itie +an in the +oon !ot ta"ooed% et* in its

latest* +ost ine/plica"le phase* this has "eco+e the central doctrine of the !rossest

superstition the world has seen* for these lunar pheno+ena and their hu+anly representedrelationships* the incestuous included* are the ery foundations of the Christian Trinity in

nity% Throu!h i!norance of the sy+"olis+* the si+ple representation of early ti+e has

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 "eco+e the +ost profound reli!ious +ystery in +odern Luniolatry% The #o+an Church*

without "ein! in any wise asha+ed of the proof* pourtrays the =ir!in Mary arrayed with

the sun* and the horned +oon at her feet* holdin! the lunar infant in her ar+s44as child

and consort of the +other +oon The +other* child* and adult +ale* are funda+ental,

and* as Didron shows* God the Father hardly o"tains a place in the Christian Icono!raphy

for nearly 02:: years%

In this way it can "e proed that our Christolo!y is +u++ified +ytholo!y* and le!endarylore* which hae "een pal+ed off upon us in the ld Testa+ent and the New, as diine

reelation uttered "y the ery oice of God% .e hae the sa+e conersion of +yth into

history in the 6ew Testa+ent that there is in the Old44the one "ein! effected in a

supposed fulfil+ent of the other Mythos and history hae chan!ed places once* and hae

to chan!e the+ a!ain "efore we can understand their ri!ht relationship* or real

si!nificance% In the arious aspects of the diine child* "orn of the =ir!in Mother*44the

child of prophecy that Herod sou!ht to slay*44the Christ in conflict with &atan as his

natural ene+y, the Christ who transfor+s in the waters* and is transfi!ured on the Mount,

the Christ who is the caster4out of de+ons, the Christ who sends the deils into the herd

of swine, the Christ who descends into Hades* or the earth* for three days* to co+e forth*

li(e Jonah* or as Jonah* fro+ the "elly of Hades* or the !reat fish* the dra!on of thewaters, who "rea(s his way throu!h the under4world* as the conEueror of dar(ness and

disease* death and deil, as the saiour of souls* and leader into li!ht, in all these* and

other +ythical phases* the Christ is none other than the soli4lunar hero* identical with

>hunsu* with &a+son* with Horus* with Heracles* with >rishna* with Jonah* or with our 

own fa+iliar Jac( the !iant4(iller% It is 5ust as easy to  %roe that an historic Christianity

neer e/isted as it is to de+onstrate that the +er+aid* or the +oon4calf* the sphin/* or the

centaur* neer lied% That is* "y showin! how they were co+posed as chi+eras* and what

they were intended for as ideo!raphic types that neer did* and neer could* hae a place*

in natural history% For e/a+ple* Pliny in his natural history descri"es the mooncalf as a

+onster that is en!endered "y a wo+an only% This chi+era of superstition was originallythe a+orphous child of the +other4+oon* when represented "y the cow that !ae "irth to

the +oon4calf% This +oon4calf had the sa+e ori!in and "irth in pheno+ena as any other 

child of the =ir!in Mother, and the +ythical Christ is eEually the +onster* or chi+era*

that is en!endered of the wo+an only% This is ac(nowled!ed when certain of the

Christian Fathers accounted for the ir!in +otherhood of the historical Jesus* "y

asserting that certain fe+ales* li(e the ulture* could conceie without the +ale% For the

ulture was the )!yptian type of the ir!in4+other* 6eith* who "oasts in the inscription at

&ais* that she did "rin! forth without the +ale Hor4$pollo e/plains that the )!yptians

delineated a ulture to si!nify the +other* "ecause there is no +ale in this (ind of 

creature* the fe+ale "ein! i+pre!nated "y the wind44the wind that "eco+es the Holy

Ghost* or gust, when Mary was oershadowed and insufflated%In his $polo!y* Justin Martyr tells the #o+ans that "y declarin! the Lo!os* the first"e!otten

of God* our Master Jesus Christ* to "e "orn of a ir!in +other* without any

hu+an +i/ture* and to "e crucified and dead* and to hae risen a!ain and ascended into

heaen* we say no +ore than what you say of those who+ you style the sons of Joe%

:hat was true% &o far as the +ythos went the Christians followed and repeated it after the

Pa!ans, "ut "ein! uninitiated $4Gnostics they continued the +ythos as a hu+an history,

and Justin is in the position of a si+pleton who would persuade the learned +en of #o+e

that the +an in the +oon is a hu+an "ein!* and that the celestial ir!in had "rou!ht forth

Ti+e in person* as the child of the )ternal in a cae "y the road4side near 8ethlehe+* "y

which +eans the non4e/istent had "eco+e hu+anly e/tant% 6aturally* the (nowers

assu+ed the +ental attitude of the ri!ht forefin!er laid "eside the nose&uch are the +ythical "ases upon which historic Christianity has reared its superstructure

and "uilt its 8a"el* with the iew of reachin! heaen "y +eans of this* the loftiest

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+onu+ent of hu+an folly eer raised on earth% Instead of +ytholo!y "ein! a disease of 

lan!ua!e* it +ay "e truly said that our theolo!y is a disease of +ytholo!y% For +yself*

so+ehow or other* I hae "een deeply "itten with the desire to (now and !et at the ery

truth itself in these +atters* een thou!h it uneiled a face that loo(ed sternly and

destroyin!ly on so+e of +y own dearest drea+s% The other side of this desire for truth is

a passionate hostility to those who are en!a!ed in i+posin! this syste+ of false teachin!

and swindle of salation upon the i!norant and innocent at the national e/pense% $sCelsus said of the Christian le!ends* +ade false to fact "y an i!norant literalisation of the

Gnosis*44.hat nurse would not "e asha+ed to tell such fa"les to a childN .e also say

with hi+ to those who teach these old wies' fa"les as the .ord of God*44If you do not

understand these thin!s* "e silent and conceal your i!norance% $ny way* we +ust let !o

these !ods of e/ternal pheno+ena* whether ele+ental* 7ootypolo!ical* or anthro+orphic*

if we would discoer the diinity within* the +ystical Christ of the Gnostics% $nd we can

 "e none the poorer for losin! that which neer was a real possession* "ut only the shadow

which deluded us with its see+in! su"stance% To find the true we +ust first let !o the

 false, and* to adapt a sayin! of GoZthe's*44until we let the half !ods !o* the whole !ods

cannot co+e%



If the author of 7uentus -undi could "ut turn to )!ypt* and +a(e a first4hand

acEuaintanceship with its &y+"olis+* I thin( it would enli!hten hi+ +ore than anya+ount of listenin! round to those deludin! $ryanists* respectin! the ori!in* deriation

and +eanin! of the Gree( Mytholo!y%

For e/a+ple* let us ta(e the case of the !od $pollo* who is related to the sun* and yet is

not the sun itself% The &olarites can shed no li!ht upon the dar(ness of Mr% Gladstone's

difficulty% .riters who tal( a"out +ytholo!y "ein! a disease of lan!ua!e* and (now

nothin! of the !ods as Celestial Intelli!encers and ti+e4(eepers for +en44chief of which

was the sun* when the solar year had "een +ade out, still earlier* the +oon in its arious

 phases44can lend us no aid in penetratin! the secrets of this ancient science% &olarworship

is !ood enou!h for the+* "ut it will not e/plain +ytholo!y to us* or to itself%

The child of the sun* re4"orn as Lord of Li!ht in the +oon* has neer co+e within the

ran!e of their ision% et it is the si+ple fact in natural pheno+ena* which was

represented +ythically as the +ode of +a(in! it (nown* of teachin! it "y +eans of the

Gnosis or science of (nowled!e* as one of the +ysteries* so soon as the discoery had

once "een +ade, and this is one of the +ost i+portant of all the factors in +ytholo!y%

I would su!!est to Mr% Gladstone that the Gree( $pollo is the sa+e soli4lunar 

 personification as is Thoth @Taht or TehutiB* and >hunsu @or the soli4lunar HorusB* this is*

the child of the supre+e diinity in )!ypt* the solar a, as his li!ht "y ni!ht44whilst he

hi+self is the !od who is hidden fro+ si!ht in the under4world44his ice4dieu of the dar(%

$pollo is desi!nated Lu(!enes* or li!ht4"orn% He is the i+a!e of the solar deity* the

reflection of his !lory in the lunar dis(%

)ery phase of character in which $pollo appears* especially as represented "y Ho+er*can "e identified as pertainin! to the +ale +oon4!od in )!ypt* and the co++on "asis of 

all +ay "e found in those natural pheno+ena which are indicated in preious pa!es% In

these natural pheno+ena* there is a co++on source* or foundation* to which the functions

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and attri"utes of $pollo and Taht @or the lunar HorusB can "e referred* and "y which the

characters +ay "e satisfactorily e/plained% The relationships of $pollo to eus* are

e/actly li(e those of Taht to Osiris* the supre+e "ein!% It is Taht who !ies the Ma4

>heru* or .ord of Truth* to the sun4!od hi+self% $s representatie of #a* his lunar lo!os*

his li!ht in the dar(ness* he is the .ord whose pro+ise is fulfilled and +ade truth "y the

&upre+e 8ein!* the sun that iifies and erifies for eer% 8y his .ord* he dries the

ene+ies fro+ the solar hori7on* the insur!ent powers of dar(ness which are fi!htin!eternally a!ainst a. :his is the character of $pollo as the defender of heaen a!ainst

eery assault% These powers of dar(ness* continually in reolt* eer warrin! with the sun*

were called the !iants which Taht4>hunsu* the !iant4(iller* slays "y ni!ht* or durin! the

lunar eclipse% $pollo also fi!ures as the destroyer of the !iants who were at war with

heaen% It is said in the )!yptian te/ts that #a created this !od* Taht* as a "eautiful li!ht

to show the na+e of his eil ene+y* i.e., &ut4Typhon* the eternal ene+y of the sun% He

held up the la+p "y ni!ht that +ade the dar(ness isi"le, showed the na+e* the face* the

 personal presence* of his lur(in! foe% This also is a character of $pollo* as a

representatie and (ind of deputy proidence for eus%

$pollo is !od of the "ow Taht carries the "ow of the crescent +oon upon his head 6ow

the hero in the fol(4tales who is always successful in drawin! the !reat "ow in the trialwhere all his co+petitors fail* is this !od of the new +oon* who alone can "end the "ow*

or "rin! the or" to the full circle of li!ht once +ore% He can "e identified in the Hindu

for+ of the Mythos as >rishna with the 8ow of Hari% The crescent on the head of Taht

is the "ow prepared and ready to "e drawn to the full a!ainst the power of ni!ht* and

eery for+ of eil that dwells in the dar(ness% Thus the lunar representatie of #a* with

the "ow of the youn! +oon on his head* who prepares it +onth after +onth* and draws it

to the full circle ni!ht after ni!ht* +ay "e called the preparer of "ows, and in )!yptian the

na+e $puru si!nifies a preparer of "ows, it also +eans the Guide and Herald% $s the u in

)!yptian stands for o* and r for l* we hae $puru$pollo, the preparer of "owsthe !od

of the "ow as +ale diinity of the +oon* who was the offsprin! of the sun and +oon* the

 "ow+an of the solar !od% Mr% Gladstone dou"ts whether the root of $pollo is Gree(* and

says he would not "e surprised to find it )astern% $ll the eidence tends to proe it

)!yptian "y nature and "y na+e% $pollo is the !od of (nowled!e* past* present* and to

co+e, Taht is the deity of (nowled!e* past* present* and future44the founder of science*

lord of the diine words* and secretary of the !ods% $pollo is the !od of poetry and +usic%

&o was Taht% He is the psal+ist and sin!er, he is fa"led to hae torn out the sinews of 

&ut4Typhon to for+ the lyre44the lyre or harp with seen strin!s "ein! an i+a!e of the

new +oon* li(e the "ow%

$pollo was the !od of healin!% Taht is the supre+e physician and healer, He who is the

!ood &aiour* as it is written on a statue in the Leyden Museu+% $pollo was the "rin!er 

of death in a for+ that was serene and "eautiful* as "eca+e the lunar Lord of li!ht* andenlar!er of the lunar li!ht to the full*44the character and function "ein! afterwards applied

to the li!ht of life that suffered the passin! eclipse of death% One na+e of Taht is Te(h*

which si!nifies to "e full

Of course the Gree(s did not si+ply ta(e oer the )!yptian +ytholo!y intact* nor did

they presere the descent Euite pure on any sin!le line% In re4applyin! the le!endary lore*

deried fro+ )!ypt* to the sa+e pheno+ena in nature* there would "e considera"le

+i/ture* a+al!a+ation* chan!e of na+e* and conseEuent confusion% The "lind Horus of 

)!ypt reappears as the "lind Orion in the Gree( +ythos% This is as certain as that the

constellation of Orion* the star of Horus* was na+ed Orion after Horus His lunar 

relationship is shown "y the recoery of his si!ht on e/posin! his eye"alls to the rays of 

the risin! sun*445ust as the eye of Horus was restored to hi+ throu!h the return of li!ht atdawn% Horus in his lunar character is one with Taht and >hunsu in the other cults, that is*

the lunar child +ay "e Horus as son of Osiris* or Taht as the offsprin! of #a* or >hunsu

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as the child of $+en, the +yth "ein! one in different reli!ions% It follows that so far as

Orion is identical with Horus he is also* or once was* identical in character with the lunar 

$pollo* and therefore li(e hi+ of twin4"irth with $rte+is% Lin(s of this lunar relationship

re+ain% He lies and hunts alon! with $rte+is when his si!ht has "een recoered% He

was "eloed "y $rte+is and slain "y her "ecause he +ade an atte+pt upon her chastity44

which is a co++on char!e "rou!ht a!ainst the +an in the +oon +ytholo!y

The "rin!in! on of the lunar +ythos upon two different lines of descent* $pollo "ein! acontinuation of Taht4>hunsu* and Orion of Horus* would account for the later +i/ture in

the relationship of the arious personations44the fact in nature "ein! represented under 

different na+es for the sa+e character in +ytholo!y* as it had "een preiously in )!ypt%

M$6 I6 &)$#CH OF HI& &OL 4uring 2ifty :housand ?ears,$6D HO. H) FO6D IT

.hen Gior!ione was challen!ed to paint a fi!ure in a picture so that the spectator couldsee all round it* he oerca+e the difficulty "y arran!in! a +irror at the "ac( to reflect the

other half of his su"5ect In li(e +anner* we hae to !et all round our present su"5ect with

the aid of a reflector% This is to "e discoered in so+e of the sy+"olic custo+s of the prehistoric

races% The records of pri+itie and archaic +en are only to "e read in the thin!s

they did* and "y aid of the si!ns they +ade* fro+ "efore the ti+e of written lan!ua!e and


The earliest hu+an sensations* feelin!s* and thou!hts* had to "e e/pressed "y actions

lon! "efore they could "e co++unicated in words% Gesture4lan!ua!e and Fetish i+a!es

ori!inated in this pri+itie +ode of representation, and we hae now to penetrate the

si!nificance of the actions* and interpret the types e+ployed in a font indefinitely earlier 

than that of letters The perfor+ers cannot tell us directly what they +eant when so +any+ysterious thin!s were done, they can only +a(e si!ns to us on certain +atters* and we

hae to translate their du+" show as "est we can

&ir John Lu""oc( says the lower for+s of reli!ion are al+ost independent of prayer* "ut

he does not ta(e into account the fact that lon! "efore prayer could "e uttered er"ally* it

was perfor+ed and acted "y +eans of si!n4lan!ua!e* which we hae to read in ancient

custo+s and pri+itie +e+orials of the fact%

For e/a+ple* when a croo(ed pin is thrown into the .ishin! .ell as an inocation to

the inisi"le powers* the "ent pin is a prayer +ade per+anent in a isi"le fi!ure* which is

e/tant a+on! the )!yptian hiero!lyphics* as the ten* a twisted piece of +etal* si!nifyin!

an offerin!% It was as +uch the si!n of prayer as are the clasped hands* or the "ody

crouchin! down on "ended (nees* or the supplication in spo(en words% .e hae to read it

as we would a !esture4si!n% It is a si!n in !esture4lan!ua!e +ade to the unseen powers

whether for !ood luc( or "ad &o when the ear was pierced "y the worshipper* as a

reli!ious rite* it was a pri+itie +ode of appeal to the deity as the Hearer or Jud!e* li(e

the !od $tu+* who was the first Hearer in heaen* a+on! the )!yptian !ods% Fortunately*

the pri+itie races of the world* such as the 8lac(s in $frica and $ustralia* still continue

the custo+s* thin( the thou!hts* repeat the rites* e+ploy the si!ns* erect the +e+orials*

and reere the i+a!es that were the Fetishes of the hu+an infancy% These are presered

een "y those who can !ie no account of their ori!in in the past or their si!nificance in

the present* "ut who si+ply and sacredly repeat the+ as a +atter of followin! the

e/a+ple and treadin! in the trac( of their forefathers 6ow )!ypt* which I loo( upon asthe liin! consciousness of $frica* continued to re+e+"er* and has left a written record

of what was +eant "y these pri+itie practices and fetish fi!ures, and in one aspect of the

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su"5ect* that of the "urial custo+s* the )!yptian 8i"le* or 8oo( of the Dead* "eco+es a

liin! ton!ue in the +outh of Death itself* which ena"les us to interpret the earlier and

+ost ancient typolo!y of the "one4caes found in other parts of the world%

The 8on!o* 8echuana* and other Inner $frican tri"es of to4day* still prepare their dyin!

relaties for the !rae whilst the "ody is war+ and fle/i"le* "y pressin! the head forward

upon the (nees* which are "ent up a!ainst the "reast* with the le!s fle/ed upon the thi!hs%

The $frican custo+s were continued on the $+erican continent* where they are stille/tant% The ancient Peruian +u++ies* or presered "odies were si+ilarly* "ut +ore

 perfectly prepared for the last a"ode on earth% The Co+anches* the Pi+as of $ri7ona* and

other #ed Indian tri"es* still prepare their dead for "urial in this pri+itie way%

&o+eti+es a net is thrown oer the "ody of the dyin!* and as the hold on life is !radually

rela/ed* the net is drawn ti!hter and ti!hter until the "ody is "ound up to "eco+e ri!id in

that shape for "urial% In this position the +ost ancient for+ of the +u++y is still +ade

al+ost alie% $nd that was the +ost ancient +ode of "urial (nown on earth% It can "e

traced "ac( in )urope to the ti+e of the Palolithic or first &tone $!e, and there are data

e/tant which carry that a!e and its custo+s "ac( @in round nu+"ersB for so+e ?:*:::

years% The custo+ was co++on a+on!st the +ost pri+itie races of the world* includin!

the 8lac(s of the southern he+isphere* whether they co++itted the +u++y to the earth*or* li(e the Tas+anians and Maori* concealed it in the hollow "ole of a tree%

 6e/t* when we learn that the pri+ary +odel of the to+" was the +other's wo+"*44and

this fact is proed "y the fi!ures of the Cairns, and "y the tree* the coffin* and the ase

with fe+ale "reasts* "ein! types of the +ythical Great Mother of Life, and when the

identity of wo+" and to+" is indicated* as it is* "y +any pre4historic na+es, and further*

when we hae co+pared the i+a!es interred with the corpse* we learn for certain that in

 "uryin! the dead in such a fashion* Pri+itie Man was preparin! the +u++y in the

li(eness of the foetal e+"ryo* or child in utero. In fact* he was "uryin! it for a future


.e often hear of our Mother )arth44and the uterine for+ation of certain cairns in

8ritain can "e identified "y +eans of )!yptian hiero!lyphics and sy+"ols* which proe

that the to+" was a representatie i+a!e of the +aternal "irthplace% Therefore* the dead*

so+e ?:*::: years a!o* were "uried with an idea of reproduction for another life% This

+other4+ould of the "e!innin! is also shown "y the 6ael4+ounds of the #ed Men in

$+erica* the 6a"hi4oni i+a!es of the Hindus* and the 6ae of the Church, "y the

Ma+4Tor* a "oso+4shaped hill* and the Ma+sie* a &cottish Tu+ulus* in which the dead

were returned to the Great Mother* acco+panied "y arious types "elon!in! to the

sy+"olis+ of re4"irth% The )!yptian dead were "uried in the Ma+4Mesi* or Mes(hen%

8oth na+es literally denote the re4"irthplace of the +u++y% The Mes(hen is also

)uropean% The ancient Midden* in which the "ones of the dead were presered* was

(nown as the Mis(in% Mis(in48elac* in 8rittany* is also called Cairn48elac* the ter+s "ein! conerti"le%

.e now (now that all descent was first traced fro+ the Mother alone* who suried as

the =ir!in Mother in +ytholo!y* whose son was her own consort, and the earliest for+ of 

the "urial4place was si+ply fe+inine% Later on the +ale type of the producer was added*

and "oth se/es are then represented in the place of "urial as the place of re4"irth% In

)!yptian to+"s the +ale e+"le+ is a si!n of risin! a!ain* or of "ein! re4erected @as they

e/pressed itB fro+ the fe+ale place of re4"irth% $nd that e+"le+ has "een found in Italy*

 "uried "eneath ten feet of slowly4accreted &tala!+ite44a re!ister* pro"a"ly* of ?:*:::

years% To this day the Chinese see( for a "urial4place 5ust where the +ale and fe+ale

features of the !round are +ost perfectly pourtrayed in a natural confi!uration and

co+"ination of hollow and +ount% It has neer yet "een deter+ined "y philolo!istswhether the 8ritish word Co+"e +eans a hollow "etween two hills* or the hill itself%

Many Co+"es are found in alleys* whereas 8lac( Co+"e is a +ountain% The fact is* the

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co+plete type includes "oth se/es% This teaches us that the cairn was dou"le* and that the

hollow "elow was the fe+inine feature* and the +ound erected a"oe was +asculine%

This "i4se/ual type of the "urial4place was continued in )!ypt* with its .ell "elow and

conical heap a"oe* "ein! a Colossal stone Cairn, and the dual type cul+inates at last in

the nae and spire of the Church* which perpetuate the sa+e se/ual sy+"ols as the

$r!ha4oni or the 6a"hi4oni of those "eni!hted Hindoos* who are denounced "y our 

+issionaries for their !ross idolatry% It was not Idolo+ania* "ut a pri+itie (ind of sy+"olis+* a natural +ode of thin!in! their thou!hts% This dou"les the proof that the

dead were "uried with the idea of "ein! reproduced, and this Parental i+a!ery was

e+ployed to continue and coney such an idea to the liin!%

It is here* then* at the outset* that we should hae to see( for the true ori!in of those

Phallic sy+"ols or se/ual i+a!es which are found scattered the world oer* the types of 

 production hain! "een adopted fro+ nature and perpetuated "y the pri+itie "uilders in

all lands as sy+"ols of reproduction for a future life% &uch e+"le+s were no +ore set up

at first as o"5ects of worship or proocation to lasciiousness than the earliest races of 

+en went na(ed on purpose to display their nudity as an incentie to ani+al desire% 6or 

was there any a"ase+ent of nature in these thin!s* the hu+an status at the ti+e "ein! too

 pri+itie een for any fi!4leaf (ind of consciousness or sha+e induced "y clothin!% 6either were these +onu+ents at all directly related to the reli!ious senti+ent% That only

co+es in here with the aspiration for another life and yearnin! after the second "irth% The

reli!ious senti+ent did not ori!inate in procreation for this life* "ut in reproduction for 

the ne/t, and the true sacredness was conferred on the cairns* +ounds* naels* and

 "oso+4shaped hills "y the "urial of the Dead% For it is certain that these types of "irth

whether found in 6ature or erected "y $rt* are associated in all lands with the places of 

 "urial* or they constitute the sepulchre itself* 5ust as the Church is still the "urial4place* or 

stands a+id the Graes of the Dead% Hottentot or 8ritish Cairns* Indian 6ael4Mounds*

Hindu Da!o"as* Irish #ound Towers* and )!yptian Pyra+ids and O"elis(s* with the

Te"a or fe+ale $r( at the "ase* were all erected with one +eanin!* and each accordin! to

the sa+e pri+itie typolo!y of a resurrection%

"Going to the tones" preceded !oin! to Church* and the people went to the+ "ecause

their dead were "uried in or around these* the earliest &hrines% The Me+orial &tones were

sacred to the dead fro+ the first* as the latest !rae4stone is to4day% &o+e of the stones

were carried fro+ land to land and called the 8rin!ers of I++ortality% In support of +y

theory that the Phallic I+a!ery was perpetuated for sy+"olic uses* and not for direct

worship* I would point to the +"ilicus or 6ael type* which* for au!ht we (now to the

contrary* +ay "e earlier than the Phallic or &e/ual I+a!es* "ecause the 6ael unites "oth

se/es under one si!n% 8e this as it +ay* the pri+itie +ode of sepulture* the for+ation of 

the earliest to+"* to!ether with the Monu+ents reared a"oe* are all founded on the

natural or!ans of the reproductie syste+* and* architecturally* the so4called Phallic faithresoles itself into an o"5ectie i+itation of the parts of the hu+an "ody which are

deoted to re4"irth*44includin! the bos umbilicus. #e4"irth is the ideal de+onstrated "y

the typical use +ade of these "urial stones in passin! the "odies of persons throu!h the

arious holes and apertures in the+ at the ti+e of initiation into the +ysteries* or the

transfor+ation of the 8oy into the Man, and re4"irth "ein! the fact si!nified* the &erpentshaped

Mound was also a to+"* and the liin! Tree a Coffin* "ecause the Tree and

&erpent were natural e+"le+s of renewal or re4"irth%

This 6atural Genesis will li(ewise account for the Mythical Great Mother* who was the

earliest of all Diinities in all lands*44"ein! portrayed in the i+a!e of the reproducer that

unites "oth Father and Mother in one person* and who suries to4day as the Mother4

Church%Moreoer* the e+"le+s "uried with the dead fro+ the earliest ti+es are ideo!raphic

sy+"ols of perpetuation and reproduction for the life to co+e% The fi!ure of an eye was

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co++on in the to+"s of )!ypt% The na+e of it* ta* si!nifies salation, and to "e

saed was to "e presered as a +u++y waitin! to "e reproduced or transfor+ed for 

another life% The eye "ein! a +irror that reflects the i+a!e* it was adopted as a type of 

repetition and reproduction% Thus the )ye of Horus is the Mother of Horus* and the shoot

of new life in the potato co+es fro+ the eye44as the place of reproduction% One word

seres for "oth eye and seed in the te lan!ua!e% The )!yptians fed the eye with oil% $nd

fillin! the )ye of Horus is synony+ous with "rin!in! an offerin! of sacred oil% The eye "ein! the la+p of li!ht to the "ody* it was supplied with that which would produce and

reproduce the li!ht% Thus* "y aid of )!ypt* we can understand why the pri+itie race in

8ritain* and still further north* were accusto+ed to fill the cups and eyes cared on the

cap4stones that coered their "uried dead with offerin!s of fat% They were fillin! the la+p

of li!ht for the !loo+ of the !rae* and feedin! the eye as an e+"le+ of repetition or 

reproduction% The sy+"olis+ still suries when candles are placed in the hands of the

corpse* or left with the dead in the to+"% $nd in ancient )!ypt the candle was

synony+ous with reproduction%

It is an e/tant custo+* "oth with the >affirs and the )n!lish* to cut the hair fro+ the tail

of a calf when it is "ein! weaned* and stuff it into the ear of its +other% The hair "ein! a

sy+"ol of reproduction* the action denotes a desire for plenty of +il( or future pro!eny*whilst stuffin! it into the ear si!nifies a wish that the prayer +ay "e heard% $ drin( on the

+ornin! after "ein! into/icated is called a hair of the do! that "it you This +eans a

repetition of the dose, and as a sy+"ol of reproduction* hair* in one shape or another* was

 "uried with the dead% Of course the pri+ary type of hair is the s(in44in which the dead

were wrapped for preseration* transfor+ation* and re"irth% In the )!yptian #itual the

deceased says to his God* Thou +a(est for +e a s(in% This God is characteri7ed as the

Lord of the nu+erous transfor+ations of the s(in* which had "eco+e a type of renewal*

on account of its sheddin! and renewin! the hair% The s(in is needed "ecause he has to

 pass the waylayers who cause annihilation to those who are eneloped% The later shoe*

followin! the s(in* is also a type of renewal and reproduction, as such it was placed on

the feet of the dead* and is still thrown for !ood luc( after the newly +arried pair44!ood

luc( +eanin! plenty of pro!eny% The horn of the sta! or reindeer was li(ewise a type of 

renewal* co+in! of itself* as does the hair of the s(in% Hor4$pollo tells us the sta!'s horn

was a sy+"ol of per+anence* "ecause of its annual self4reproduction% $nd when the

Greenlander has suffered fro+ an e/haustin! illness* and he recoers his health* he is said

to hae lost his for+er soul* and to hae had it replaced "y that of a youn! child or a

reindeer% In the "one4caes of France adult s(ulls hae "een discoered which were

trepanned in the life4ti+e of the owners, and into these the "ones of youn! children had

 "een inserted after death44these "ein! typical of re5uenescence and renewal fro+

childhood44as we learn fro+ the hiero!lyphics of )!ypt%

In all li(elihood the Do! was the first ani+al to co+e under the do+inion of +an* hisearliest four4footed friend, his pri+ary ally in the wor( of pro!ress and ciili7ation% He

hunted for the +en of the >itchen4+iddens, he was the !uide and !uard of +an in the

 palolithic a!e* and he was sacrificed to "eco+e the typical !uide of the poor caedwellers

when they !ot "eni!hted in the dar( of death% The "ones of the do! hae "een

found "uried with the hu+an s(eleton in a ery ancient cae of the Pyrenees, in 8el!iu+,

and in 8ritain, showin! that at a period +ost re+ote the do! was loo(ed upon as a (ind of 

Psychopo+pus* an intelli!ent shower of the way* li(e &ut4$nup* the !olden do! or 5ac(al

of )!ypt* and Her+es in Greece*44the Do!4star in the dar( of death44a !uide to show the

way% I hae proided +yself with a dog's head, says the )!yptian deceased in passin!

throu!h the 0:th !ate of )lysiu+% In li(e +anner )n!lish "ishops used to "e "uried with a

do! at their feet in the coffin% They* too* were proided with a do!'s head44or a do! toshow the+ the way Of course the do! would not hae "een needed as a typical !uide to

show the+ the way if it had not "een "elieed or assu+ed that there was a way throu!h

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the dar( alley of the dead This conclusion that there was a door on the other side of the

!rae44as proed "y the types and custo+s44had "een reached "y the +en of the "onecaes

in all pro"a"ility +ore than ?:*::: years a!o

How* then* did pri+itie or archaic +an attain that certainty of foothold in the dar( oid

i+plied "y these "urial custo+s* and this typolo!y of the to+"* which certainly was felt

 "y +any of the pre4historic races* includin! the 8lac( Man* the Maori* and the #ed Man*

who has no dou"t a"out liin! on in his happy huntin! !rounds a"oeN whereas so +anyof our own race to4day are still tryin! +entally to ta(e that step in the dar(* and stu+"le*

 "ecause they can find neither foothold nor stair% The Euestion is not to "e answered "y

supposin! there was any su"5ectie reelation +ade to pri+itie +an* which showed hi+

once for all that he was an i++ortal "ein!* for+ed in the i+a!e of God It has ta(en +e

+any years of ceaseless research to learn for +yself how lowly and li+ited* "ut hownatural was the reelation +ade to pri+itie +an, we shall hae to !rope on our hands

and (nees at ti+es to read it% 6or can the su"5ect "e approached "y any supposition that

early +an "e!an "y conceiing the e/istence of an i++ortal soul% Modern

+etaphysicians +ay tal( !li"ly enou!h a"out concepts of the Infinite* of the one God*

of a soul* or of pure spirit, "ut pri+itie +an was not a +etaphysician* nor the icti+

of an a"ys+al su"5ectiity% That disease is co+paratiely +odern* and the +odern+etaphysician will "e the last +an to enter into the +ind of pri+itie +en%

.hen we hae ransac(ed the +yths of the world* and the le!ends of its earliest races* we

can find no such thin! anywhere as a "e!innin! with a"stract conceptions 8ut there is

a"solute proof eerywhere that +an founded at first upon his o"serations of o"5ectie

 pheno+ena% Pri+itie +an was not a theorist or dealer in Ideal notions* not the (ind of 

+an to who+ Ideas are #ealities* "ut a stu""orn positiist* li+ited as a li+pet* and

holdin! on as hard and fast to the hard roc( of his facts% The ne"ulosity of +etaphysic is

alto!ether a later product% My contention is that the inisi"le world first de+onstrated its

e/istence to the early cae4dwellers of the hu+an +ind "y "eco+in! isi"le to the+% It

did not dawn on the+ fro+ any sudden illu+ination within* nor wa(en to consciousness

as a +e+ory of i++ortality% Conception did not precede the act of "e!ettal% 6or did they

eole the !host4idea without the !host itself% The pretensions and i+postures of +odern

theolo!y hae tended to +a(e these si+ple naturalists of the past loo( li(e i+postors too*

althou!h they were not, at least they are not in the eyes of those who are acEuainted with

the a"nor+al pheno+ena occurrin! in our own ti+e* which ena"le us to understand the

sa+e pheno+ena as a factor of (nowled!e and reli!ion in the past% I say (nowled!e* for 

in his way pre4historic +an was a Gnostic, and the Gnostics founded their reli!ion fro+

the first upon (nowled!e% 8y +eans of (nowled!e they attained their truth% It appears as

first si!ht as if the ancients* hain! identified the intelli!ence or nous in +an* thou!ht it

could "e fed foreer "y the (nowled!e accu+ulated in this life% The )soteric 8uddhist

still e/pects a perpetuity of e/istence "y +eans of (nowled!e* or the Gnosis% In the)!yptian 8oo( of the Dead the deceased +a(es his way fro+ sta!e to sta!e of his

 pro!ress "y what he (nows% He asserts his ri!ht of way "y proclai+in!< I a+ the one

who (nows* "6 am the Gnostic," I hae co+e* he e/clai+s* hain! the writin!44the

 proof% Certain papyri assured a passa!e* and preailin! "y his papyrus* li(e Christian

with his roll* is a title of the deceased% If he (nows the first chapter of the #itual in this

life the spirit of the deceased can co+e forth eery day as he wishes* and not "e turned

 "ac(* i.e., if he possesses the (nowled!e of facts* which were de+onstrated "y the ancient

&piritualis+% He is shown in the process of creatin! his eternal soul* "y +eans of the

Gnosis* or "oo(s of (nowled!e* those of Taht4Her+es% He cries< Let +e co+e Let +e

spiritualise +yself Let +e +a(e +yself into a soul Preail and prepare +yself "y the

writin!s of Her+es or the Gnosis%The i++ortal nature of the &oul hain! "een de+onstrated in the Mysteries* a (nowled!e

of those Mysteries was sufficient to ensure a safe passa!e throu!h the dar( of death* and

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a sure triu+ph oer all opposin! powers* to those who had not the =ision%

8y +eans of wisdo+* says the wise +an in the $pocrypha* I shall attain i++ortality,

and to "e allied into .isdo+ is i++ortality% To /now was salation% $cEuirin! this

wisdo+ is descri"ed in #eelation as eatin! a little "oo( on purpose to "e in the spirit44or 

 "e "orn a!ain in the spirit* or in the Christ* as Paul has it44or to prophesy* or to (now how

to "e entranced* and enter spirit4world as a spirit* for that is the ulti+ate fact% Irenus

says of the Gnostics< They affir+ that the Inner and &piritual +an is redee+ed "y +eansof (nowled!e* and that they* hain! acEuired the (nowled!e of all thin!s* stand in need

of nothin! else* for this is the true rede+ption* hence they repudiated the Christian

&alation "y faith% @Irenus* 8% I%* chap% //i% A%B The souls which possessed the sain!

seed of .isdo+ were considered superior to all others* and the Gnostics held these to "e

the souls of prophets* (in!s* and priests* who were conseEuently endowed with a nature

loftily transcendent% They +aintain that those who hae attained to perfect (nowled!e

+ust of necessity "e re!enerated into that power which is a"oe all% For it is otherwise

i+possi"le to find entrance within the Plero+a% @Irenus* 8% I%* chap% //i% 2%B In our day

such persons are so+eti+es called Mediu+s or &ensities, in India they are the $depts in

the +ost hidden +ysteries% 8ut this Gnosis "y which the deceased in the #itual preailed

oer the destroyers of for+* the e/tin!uishers of "reath* eclipsers of the astral shade* or the stealers of +e+ory44for these are a+on! the deourers na+ed44this !nosis of 

rede+ption and salation* the !nosis of endurin! life* was not +erely infor+ation or 

(nowled!e in our +odern sense% It was the !nosis of the +ysteries* and all that was

therein represented% The ancient wisdo+ @unli(e the +odernB included a (nowled!e of 

trance4conditions* fro+ which was deried the )!yptian doctrine of spiritual

transfor+ation% This passed on into the Christian doctrine of conersion* and then the

funda+ental facts were lost si!ht of* or cast out and done with% The adepts had learned

how to transfor+ the+seles into spirits* and enter spirit4world as spirits a+on! spirits*

or as was so+eti+es said in the Tote+ic transfor+ations* to enter the "odies of "easts44a

surial of which we hae in the .ere4wolf% Her+es descri"es the a"nor+al* or trancecondition*

as a diine silence* and the rest of all the senses He says< It looseth the soul

fro+ the "odily senses and +otions* it draweth it fro+ the "ody* and chan!eth it wholly

into the essence of a !od% Then* says Her+es* the soul co+eth to the eighth nature* and

hain! its proper power* it can conerse @or enter into spiritual intercourseB with the

 powers that are a"oe the ei!hth nature% &o 6irana "eco+es a present possession to the

)soteric 8uddhist* "ecause in trance he can enter the eternal state%

This Gnosis included that +ystery of transfor+ation which was the chan!e spo(en of "y

Paul* when he e/clai+ed448ehold* I tell you a +ystery* .e shall not entirely sleep* we

shall "e transfor+ed accordin! to the +ystery that was reealed to hi+ in the state of 

trance% :his was the transfor+ation which finally esta"lished the e/istence of a spiritual

entity that could "e detached* +ore or less* fro+ the "odily conditions for the ti+e "ein!in life* and* as was finally held* for eer+ore in death% This +ystery of re!eneration was

isi"ly enacted in life* and tau!ht "y the transfor+ers in the early Tote+ic* and later 

reli!ious* +ysteries%

 6ow* in discussin! the ori!in of reli!ious ideas* writers* as a rule* (now nothin!

whateer of this roota!e in the +ysteries of a"nor+al e/perience, whereas it is

i+possi"le to deter+ine anythin! funda+ental until this dar( continent has "een e/plored

 "y those who hae adeEuate (nowled!e of the facts that were fa+iliar to the pri+itie

races of +en* and upon which the Gnostic reli!ions were uniersally founded%

8astian tells us how the $frican Ca7e+"e* or fetish4priest* re!ards hi+self as I++ortal

 "y reason of this power of transfor+ation in trance% The Dacotah +edicine4+en can

transfor+ the+seles* and enter into conscious relationship and alliance with +i!htyspirits* whose powers they are thus a"le to +a(e their own% They can also su++on

spirits* and co+pel the+ to appear for others to see% The )!yptian Ma!i* the wise +en

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and pure Intelli!ences* hae the Phoeni/* the "ird of transfor+ation in death* for their 

ideo!raphic si!n* which shows that the ulti+ate nature of their wisdo+* as seers or +a!i*

was "ased on these a"nor+al conditions of seership .hat do you thin( is the use of 

tellin! the adept* whether the Hindu 8uddhist* the $frican &eer* or the Finnic Ma!ician*

who e/periences his Tulla4intoon* or supra4hu+an ecstasy* that he +ust lie "y faith* or 

 "e saed "y "eliefN He will reply that he lies "y (nowled!e* and wal(s "y the open

si!ht, and that another life is thus de+onstrated to hi+ in this% $s for death* the practicalGnostic will tell you* he sees throu!h it* and death itself is no +ore for hi+ &uch hae no

dou"t* "ecause they (now% The Mosaic and other sacred writin!s contain no annunciation

of a +ere doctrine of i++ortality* and the fact has e/cited constant wonder a+on!st the

uninstructed% 8ut the su"5ect was not told of old* as +atter of written precepts* "ut as

+atter of fact, it was a natural reality* not a +anufactured idealis+% It was not the

 pro+ise of i++ortality that was set forth* or needed* when a de+onstration was

considered attaina"le in the +ysteries of the a"nor+al hu+an conditions* which were

once co++on enou!h to "e considered a (nown part of nature ou hae !ot the Mosaic

writin!s* "ut without the older facts that were concealed at their foundations% This is the

supre+e secret of all secrets in the Gnosis of the +ost hidden +ysteries44only to "e

fatho+ed "y those who could enter the a"nor+al conditions* and "e as spirits a+on!spirits, only to "e accepted "y +eans of (nowled!e% In India to4day the sta!e of perfect

adultship includes* een if it does not a"solutely consist in* the power of transfor+ation

which occurs in trance* or in the perfect "lendin! of the nor+al and a"nor+al faculties*

so that* li(e &weden"or!* the $depts can lie and +oe and hae their "ein! in two

worlds at once% It was "y this transfor+ation that our predecessors of thousands of years

a!o discoered their i++ortal soul* or lin( of continuity* throu!h spirit4awa(en+ent*

 produced consciously "y arious +ethods of attainin! the trance conditions% $nd in this

way the dust of death was first set a4spar(le* and the !loo+ of the !rae was "ri!htened*

and !rew transparent* with the lu+inous for+ of what the )!yptians called the Osirified

deceased* or the &a i+a!e of the spiritual self* the !lorified )idolon of +an* which was

isi"le to their seers in this life% 6one "ut a &piritualist can possi"ly co+prehend the

custo+s* practices* and "eliefs of the pri+itie &piritualists in ti+es past% They were

!enuine interro!ators of 6ature* howeer li+ited their (nowled!e% 8ut they +ade +uch

of that which the science of to4day is inclined to +a(e so little of* or to pooh4pooh

alto!ether in its i!norance of the alue of the pre4historic past of +an* and the foundation

of reli!ious "eliefs%

Did you eer read "y the li!ht of a !low4wor+ laid on the pa!e of a "oo(N I hae so read

in the dar(% $nd ne/t +ornin!* "y the clearer li!ht of open day* found +y tiny la+p had

!one out, there was no !low whateer, it was nothin! +ore than a little !ray wor+ My

readin! +ust surely hae "een hallucination* the +erest illusion of the ni!ht* in the face

of this co++on dayli!ht fact* to which eery person could testify* that the thin! did notshine "y day &piritualis+ is that little lu+inous wor+* which has shone with its tiny

la+p diinely lit throu!h all the dar(ness of the past% Many of the earlier races learned to

read a pa!e or two in the 8oo( of 6ature "y the li!ht of it% I hae read so+e curious

leaes "y +eans of this little ni!ht4li!ht% et the non4&piritualist will ta(e up the !lowwor+

in the "road day4li!ht of our a!e and show the on4loo(er that it has no la+p* that it

neer did shine e/cept as a !la+our of deception and illusion in the eyes of superstition%

For all that* we (now it to "e a !low4wor+ still* which !oes on shinin! throu!h the

!loo+% 8y the li!ht of this we are* for the first ti+e* a"le to see throu!h +any +ysteries

of the past* and +a(e out the features of pri+itie facts* which hae "een al+ost effaced

or oer!rown with fa"le% Moreoer* it has out4lied the lon! ni!ht of the past* and

weathered all the winds of persecution, it shines on with the enlar!in! lustre of an eer!rowin!li!ht* and at last our little !low4wor+ is !rowin! lu+inous "y day% It has had a

hard stru!!le for life* +ore especially durin! the Christian era* "ut it would hae "een

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stran!e if that could hae "een put to death here which puts an end to death itself 


The earliest (nown for+ of the priest and the prophet was the +ediu+* or seer% Professor 

Hu/ley is Euite ri!ht in affir+in! that* althou!h he has little use for the fact in his syste+

of interpretation% 8eforeti+e in Israel* when a +an went to inEuire of God* thus he

spa(e44'Co+e* and let us !o to the seer*' for he that is called a prophet was aforeti+e

called a seer% $nd the Lord +i!ht "e consulted cheaply in this way for the s+all su+ of si/pence three4farthin!s% They see+ to hae paid +ediu+s een worse then than the

world does now4a4days%

&i"erian &ha+anis+ is a surial of the +ost pri+itie (ind of &piritualis+* "ased on

+ediu+ship and a"nor+al pheno+ena% It has no syste+ of reli!ion or ethics, no ritual*

 precepts* or do!+as, and no definite theolo!y% The &ha+an can isit spirit4world* and the

spirits can co+e to hi+* spea( throu!h hi+* or "eco+e isi"le at ti+es throu!h his

 presence% That is its clai+* and the su+4total of its pretentions% The &ha+an of the Finns

induces the super4nor+al ecstasy* called the Tulla4intoon* with the ostensi"le o"5ect of 

 "eco+in!44as they phrase it44The li(eness of the spirit that is in possession of hi+% .e

now consider that such transfor+ations do constantly occur* accordin! to a li(eness

(nown to the o"serers* which was preiously un(nown to the +ediu+%The Tohun!a or priest of the Maoris is their +ediu+ for spirit intercourse%

In Loan!o* when an adult is a"out to adopt a new fetish i+a!e* the Gan!a or priest

+es+eri7es the postulant to consult hi+ in the trance condition% He listens to the words

uttered "y the ecstatic* and then the choice is deter+ined "y what the so+na+"ule says%

The sa+e practice is* or was* e/tant a+on! the $ca!e+an Indians% One of the ne!ro

+ethods of treat+ent* says 8astian* would al+ost appear to hae "een pla!iarised fro+

our ani+al +a!netisers% In their syste+ it is called Dorsal +anipulation* and its purpose

is to re4isolate the so+na+"ulic su"5ect after contact with the Ca7e+"e or +a!ician* and*

as they say* for fear that the supera"undance of his +a!ical power should otherwise

annihilate the icti+ or the su"5ect* which loo(s as if they (new +ore than we do a"out

+atters perple/in! us to4day% For this practice has the appearance of their "ein!

consciously en!a!ed in returnin! so+e of the itality of which the person has "een

depried in producin! the pheno+ena of the a"nor+al state% The .est $frican Indians

loo( to their +ediu+s or +a!icians for protection a!ainst !hosts in !eneral* and pay the+

to (eep the apparitions away% The +ediu+s* wi7ards* sorcerers* sha+ans* adepts* and

others* who had the power of !oin! out of the "ody in this life* were feared all the +ore

after death "y +any tri"es* "ecause they had de+onstrated so+e of the facts which

created such fear and terror in the liin!, and had also "een their e/orcists and layers of 

the !host% I do not suppose that Mr% Her"ert &penser will hae included this fact a+on!st

the ori!ins of ecclesiastical institutions, yet it is a fact that the +odern fiction of the eerliin!

one @in its secondary phaseB is founded on +ediu+4ship% It is said the (in! neer dies% The )!yptian (in!* or an/, was the eer4liin! one on this +ystical !round% &o

was it with the inner $frican +edicine4+an44in a sense which is only to "e understood "y

+eans of the transfor+ation and trans+i!ration which occurs in trance% .e can adduce

 proof positie that i++ortality or continuity was ori!inally de+onstrated "y +eans of 

these pheno+ena* and that in this way pre4historic +an first found his endurin! soul*

 "ecause it was a co++on article of faith that only the chiefs* the seers* prophets* and

(in!s of +en* could or did o"tain i++ortality44that is* the +en who de+onstrated it%

These are the "orn i++ortals* the superior souls spo(en of "y Her+es and "y the

Gnostics* which possessed the sain! seed of wisdo+ within the+seles, and who were

of a nature loftily transcendent%

There is a class* if not the earliest class* of chiefs or supre+e "ein!s a+on!st +en* whowere first reco!ni7ed as the eer4liin! ones* the i++ortals* "ecause they were the

+ediu+s for spirit intercourse44+ediators "etween the two worlds% .ith the Ton!uans today

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it is only the chiefs who hae power to return after death and inspire the +ediu+s,

not the souls of the co++on people who had "een without the a"nor+al power in this

life% The Fi5ians +aintain that only the few are i++ortal &pirits% Hence the desire to

o"tain such a condition* and possess that (nowled!e of it which was tau!ht in the

Mysteries% Here* also* we !et "ac( to the ori!in of conditional or potential i++ortality* as

tau!ht "y the Gnostics%

.hatsoeer secret 8rotherhoods there +ay "e of Hindu Mahat+as or Ti"etan $depts*such fraternities are (nown to "e e/tant in $frica* and they are &piritualistic% In Ca"ende

and Loan!o there are secret associations of the Fetish+en or +ediu+s% They constitute a

fraternity44the "rothers44and for+ a society apart44an Order* whose secrets are only

(nown to the initiated* and whose +ysterious faculties are the terrors of the uninitiated%

8astian descri"es the >in! of 8a+"a as dwellin! isolated in his banDa in an al+ost

inaccessi"le +ountain district* at the head of one of those syste+s of reli!ious +ystery

which e/ercise an oerwhel+in! influence a+on!st the naties alon! the .est Coast of 

$frica% 6ew +e+"ers are ad+itted into these 8rotherhoods only after a pro"ation of ten

years% They +ust prepare the+seles "y fastin!* "y drin(in!* "y inhalin! narcotics, they

+ust !ie proofs of "ein! ecstatic or +ediu+s* "y "eco+in! frantic in the sacred dances*

and "y seein! in the state of trance These are the &ecret &ocieties of saa!e +ediu+ship%The #ed Men also had their "rotherhoods of the adepts% The Friendly &ociety of the

&pirit is +entioned "y Carer% This was an association of &piritualists who were

Mediu+s* Ma!icians* or Fetish Priests% Carer saw an elderly +e+"er of this

 "rotherhood throw a "ean at a youn! +an who was a candidate for election into the

society* whereupon he instantly fell +otionless* as if he had "een shot* and re+ained for a

lon! ti+e in trance% One of three such societies a+on! the $+erican Indians is that of the

 -eda or Mediu+s, the chief festial of the order "ein! that of  -edawin. $t this festial

son!s are sun!* which are only recorded in sy+"olical pictures that hae "een presered

fro+ ti+e i++e+orial* and can only "e read "y the few who hae "een +ade the

!uardians of this secret lan!ua!e%

$ny way* these pri+itie &piritualists were terri"ly in earnest in their +odes of oerleapin!

the ordinary "arriers of life*44of forcin! open the ery door of death* and ta(in!

the other world "y stor+% They e/hausted the+seles in all +anner of ways*44"y hideous

howlin!* partial stran!ulation* furious dancin!* shudderin! ecstasies* cuttin!* woundin!*

and "leedin!* until they swooned into the coeted state of inner consciousness* which

+ay "e attained in such a ariety of ways*44the crudest +ethods hain! "een discoered

first% $n ancient Indian seer* says Mr% Tylor* would fast for seen days* to pur!e his

ision for spiritual seein!% $nd he +a(es +erry oer all this li!ht4headed "usiness% It

certainly would "e a ery round4a"out way of !oin! to wor( on the theory of i+posture

 put forth "y the i!norant pretenders to (nowled!e in our day% $nd here a curious sideli!ht

+ay "e allowed to !lance on this su"5ect% Our +issionaries hae recorded nu+erousinstances in which natie +ediu+s44i.e., supposed practitioners of i+posture* hae "een

conerted to Christianity% The +en who conerted the+ thou!ht they were i+postors% 8ut

thou!h they were tau!ht to loo( with horror and loathin! on their old practices as

da+na"le* there is no instance of their recantin! and denouncin! their spirit4intercourse

as tric(ery* or of pleadin! i+posture* or een self4deception* which would hae "een so

accepta"le a solution to the +issionaries of the +ysterious +anifestations% On the

contrary* they hae always sole+nly affir+ed the !enuineness of the pheno+ena% Close

o"serers* li(e Mariner* .illia+s* and Moerenhout* strenuously repudiate the theory of 

i+posture% The ulus say the continually stuffed "ody cannot see secret thin!s, and the

world* in !eneral* has neer shown +uch faith in fat prophets or poets% It eidently

 "eliees in thinness and sufferin! as !ood for the+* and has always done its "est toinspire the+ with sufficient staration% It "eliees in purity "y pur!in!% $pollonius of 

Tyana declared that his power of prophecy was not due to +a!ic or sti+ulation of the

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soul* "ut si+ply to his a"stinence fro+ ani+al food enhancin! the receptie conditions%

There hae "een +any ways of reachin! the other world* howeer* "esides starin!% .e

(now the Hindus* the Chaldeans* $ssyrians* )!yptians were acEuainted with ani+al

+a!netis+% The )!yptians and &cythians also +ade use of Indian He+p for their spiritual

sleepers% Indian soothsayers still prepare the+seles with the sweatin! "ath for their 

ecstatic condition* in which the spirits +a(e their co++unications to the "ystanders% The

Malay retires to the desert to fast and pray* in order that he +ay attain the a"nor+alcondition% The ulu doctor fasts* suffers* casti!ates hi+self* till he swoons into the state

of trance in which he carries on his spirit co++unication% $ristophanes wittily ridicules

spirit co++unication in representin! the cowardly character Pisander as !oin! to a

 6ecro+ancer and as(in! to "e shown his own soul* which had lon! since departed and

left hi+ only a "reathin! "ody% .e also find that lian has a !ird at the Hindu +ode of 

inducin! the sacred sleep% He says the followers of $pis hae a "etter +ethod of !ettin!

at the spirit world% $pis is an e/cellent interpreter of futurity% He does not e+ploy ir!ins

and old wo+en sittin! on a tripod* nor reEuire that they should "e into/icated with the

sacred potion% In the Persian 8ah+an asht* the !od $hura4Ma7da throws arathustra

into the clairoyante trance "y !iin! hi+ so+e +a!netised water to drin(%

.e hae "een untruly tau!ht* "y those who (new no "etter* that this was all a delusion of the past, "ut the fact is that +any thousands of years a!o our pro!enitors had "eco+e

sufficiently fa+iliar with the "usiness they were a"out% The $frican priests* says 8astian*

are profoundly ersed in the science of !hostly apparitions% The spirit4seers of $+erica

+i!ht !et fro+ $frican professors +any practical rules for intercourse with spirits%

.hereas the traellers and +issionaries !enerally who report on their +ysteries are

entirely i!norant that spiritual +anifestations and clairoyante ision were natural

realities in the past as they are erifia"le in the present%

For e/a+ple* the &erpent4.isdo+* or wisdo+ of the serpent* played an i+portant part in

the ancient +ysteries% The way of a serpent and the wor(+anship are a+on!st the +ost

a+a7in! in uniersal nature% .ithout hands it can cli+" trees and catch the a!ile ape%

.ithout fins it can outswi+ the fish% It has no le!s* and the hu+an foot cannot +atch it in

fleetness% Death is in its coil for the "ird on the win!* which the sprin!in! reptile will

snatch out of its ele+ent% $s a type of ele+ental power it has no eEual, hence it was the

supre+e fetish in )!ypt* worn as the forefront of the !ods% .ise as the serpent is a

sayin!, "ut the wisdo+ of the serpent has to "e interpreted% It was not +erely the

representatie of ele+ental power* "ut of +ind or +ental influence in the pri+itie sense%

The serpent is the Mes+erist and +a!ician of the ani+al world% .ith its +a!netic eyes it

has the power to fascinate* paralyse* and draw the prey to its deadly +outh% It pro"a"ly

eo(ed the earliest idea of +a!ical influence* and !ae to +an his fist lessons in ani+al

+a!netis+% 6o dis( of the Hypnotist* or nael of =ishnu* no loo( of the Mes+erist* has

any such power as the !a7e of the serpent in inducin! the co+atose condition% I hae seena sensitie person +es+erised "y it al+ost instantaneously% $ traeller has descri"ed his

sensations as he san( deeper and deeper into the so+na+"ulic sleep under its fatally

fascinatin! influence% $nd when the shot was fired which arrested the serpent's char+

and set hi+ free* he felt the "low as if he had "een struc( "y the "ullet% In the $esta the

loo( of the serpent is synony+ous with the +ost paralysin! and deadly opposition% The

serpent and char+in! are synony+ous% In the )!yptian #itual a deludin! sna(e na+ed

#uha( is the Great Char+er* or fascinator that draws the icti+ to its +outh with the

+a!ic power of its eyes% The spea(er e/clai+s* Go "ac(* #uha(* fascinatin!* or stri(in!

cold with the eyes% The supre+e +ode of e/hi"itin! +ental power is "y Ma!ic* and that

is represented as char+in! the serpent% These are the !ods* it is said in the Te/ts* who

char+ for Har4>huti in the lower world44they char+ $pap for hi+% $pap is the !iantserpent of dar(ness* who is the eternal ene+y of the sun% They cry* Oh* i+pious $pap

thou art char+ed "y us throu!h the +eans of what is in our hands% That is* "y a +a!ic

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wand carried in the hands of the char+ers%

Pri+itie +an +ust hae had a lon!* hard wrestle for supre+acy "efore he could hae

+es+erised and +astered his old su"tle ene+y* the serpent* or char+ed his char+er* as

he learned to do at last* when he "eca+e the serpent4char+er* which he ulti+ately did%

$fricans to4day will +a!netise a serpent with a few passes an +a(e it stiff as a stic(% $nd

in this character we find his fi!ure proudly set in heaen* for the first star in Ophiuchus is

(nown in $ra"ic as #as4al4Hawwa* the head of the serpent4char+er% Ophiuchus is not+erely the serpent4holder* he is the serpent4char+er% The )!yptian serpent4headed

!oddess Heh is called the Ma(er of inisi"le e/istences apparent* which see+s to

characterise the serpent as the reealer of an unseen world44this it was* as the +a!netiser 

of +an44and hence the serpent type of .isdo+% Hea* the $((adian !od of .isdo+* is

represented "y the serpent% It was the serpent that inducted the pri+al pair into the secrets

of the hidden wisdo+ when they ate of the fruit that was to open their ision and +a(e

the+ wise44in (eepin! with the character here assi!ned to it In so+e ancient drawin!s

the serpent and the Goddess of .isdo+ are portrayed in the act and attitude of offerin!

the fruit of the Tree of >nowled!e to the hu+an "ein!% &o+eti+es the serpent holds the

fruit in its +outh%

$frica is the pri+ordial ho+e of the serpent4wisdo+* and the serpent was there +ade useof to produce the a"nor+al condition in &ensities% The $fricans tell of wo+en "ein!

 possessed and +ade insane "y contact with the serpent% That is* the reptile* fro+ the

fascination of its loo(* fear of its touch* and use of its ton!ue* threw the +ediu+s into the

state of trance called the stupor of the serpent* in which they saw clairoyantely* diined

and prophesied* and so "eca+e diinely inspired* as the pheno+ena were interpreted% .e

are told that Cassandra and Helenus were prepared for seein! into the future "y +eans of 

&erpents that cleansed the passa!es of their sense "y lic(in! the+ In this way the

sensities were tested* and +ade frantic, thus the serpent chose its own oracle and

+outhpiece and "eca+e the reealer of preternatural (nowled!e% The stupor caused "y

the serpent's sorcery created a (ind of reli!ious awe* and the e/traordinary effects

 produced on the +ediu+s were attri"uted to the supernatural power of the serpent Those

who were found to "e !reatly affected "y it were chosen to "eco+e Fetish wo+en*

 priestesses* and pythonesses% This O"ea cult still suries whereer the "lac( race has

+i!rated* and the root of the +atter* which traellers hae found so difficult to !et at* is

unearthed at last* as a +ost pri+itie (ind of &piritualis+* in which the serpent acted the

 part of the +es+erist or +a!neti7er to the natural so+na+"ules% This I personally learned

fro+ an Initiate in the =oudou Mysteries%

In arious parts of $frica* especially on the Guinea coast* the oracle of the serpent is a

co++on institution% The reptile is (ept in a s+all hut "y an old wo+an* who feeds it* and

who !ies forth the responses when the serpent oracle is consulted% &he is the +ediu+ of 

spirit4co++unication In Hwida the fetish priests are (nown "y a na+e which si!nifiesthe +other of the serpent% In a chant of the $l!on(ins it is as(ed* .ho is ManituN44or 

+edicine +an44and the reply is* He that !oeth with the serpent% The witch of )ndor is

called a wo+an who was +istress of $u"% $u" is also an $ssyrian word which +eans the

serpent% In )!yptian the serpent is $p* to "e inflated* serpent4li(e% In short* the witch was

a pythoness* a serpent4wo+an inspired with the serpent wisdo+ of O"ea or the ophite

cult% In the He"rew "oo( of Genesis the serpent "e!uiles the wo+an to eat the fruit of the

Tree of >nowled!e* and is da+ned for doin! so% 8ut there was a sect of Gnostic

Christians who paid the serpent the hi!hest honour "ecause it had done this thin!% 8ein!

Gnostics* they were acEuainted with the serpent4wisdo+* and (new what the fa"le

si!nified* which is what the collectors and translators of those ancient fra!+ents neer 

hae (nown* and so we hae a creed called Christian* founded on an i+pious perersionof ancient (nowled!e* which teaches that all +an(ind were li(ewise da+ned "ecause the

first pair tasted of the tree of (nowled!e* and all of us are additionally da+ned who do

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not accept the story as true

The chief sacred trees of the world* the typical trees of (nowled!e* hae always "een

those that produce a fruit or 5uice fro+ which an alcoholic or narcotic drin( could "e

distilled on purpose to induce the so+na+"ulic trance% The )!yptians used the 5uice of 

the syca+ore fi! tree% Hu+an "ein!s transfor+ into i++ortal spirits "y drin(in! of its

 5uice* which is represented as a liEuid of life% In inner $frica the toddy4pal+ supplied the

sacred potion already fer+ented, and what an a+a7in! Tree of >nowled!e that toddypal++ust hae "een In India the Tree of >nowled!e was the Pippala* or sacred fi! tree%

This fi! tree is a +eetin! place for +en and i++ortals% nder it a+a* (in! of the

departed* and the Pitris* the protectin!* fatherly spirits* Euaffed the diine drin( in

co++on with hu+an "ein!s% Fro+ the fruit of it a drin( was +ade* so potent that it not

only e/alted +en to the status of i++ortals* and placed the+ on a footin! of fellowship

with the !ods* "ut "rou!ht down the !ods to +eet with +en% In other words* into/ication

was a +ode of spirit4co++unication44the +ediu+s "ein! inspired "y stron! drin( to utter 

their reelations% This is portrayed on Hindoo +onu+ents% It was the Tree of >nowled!e*

and the drin( was diine 5ust "ecause it lapped the senses in )lysiu+* and opened the

inner eyes to see in trance% In the Hindu drawin!s you see the +ediu+ who was

into/icated* and consulted underneath the Tree of >nowled!e, she eats44or drin(s44of thefruit of the tree* that her inner eyes +ay "e opened% In the #i!4=da the !ods are

represented as o"tainin! i++ortality "y constantly !ettin! drun( with $+artya+

Mada+* the i++ortal sti+ulant They drin( copiously the first thin! in the +ornin!* they

are drun( "y +id4day* and dead drun( at ni!ht% .e hear of 6orth4$+erican Indians who

hae the notion that i++ortality consists in "ein! eternally dead drun(44dead drun( "ein!

a pri+itie +ode of e/pressin! e/tre+e felicity in a life "eyond the present44a (ind of 

 paradisaical condition% The worshippers follow the e/a+ple of their !ods* and drin( the

into/icatin! so+a 5uice to attain i++ortality% In this state they sin!44

.e'e Euaffed the &o+a "ri!ht*

$nd are i++ortal !rown*

.e'e entered into li!ht*

$nd all the !ods hae (nown%

)/actly as it is with the first pair of people in the "oo( of Genesis% The &erpent infor+s

the wo+an that if she will eat of the fruit of the tree their eyes shall "e opened* and they

shall "e as !ods* (nowin! !ood fro+ eil% $nd when the wo+an saw that it was a tree to

 "e desired to ma/e one wise, she did eat of it% The .ise are the &eers in this a"nor+al

sense% Prophets* seers* +a!i and wi7ards are the wise +en% The pri+al pair hae eaten of 

the Tree of >nowled!e* the )lohi+ or celestial spirits e/clai+* 8ehold the +an has

 "eco+e as one of us* that is* as a spirit a+on!st spirits% This openin! of the eyes +eansan unsealin! of the interior ision% $nd their eyes were opened* and they (new hi+* is

said of those who had seen the risen Christ% &o 8alaa+* the +an who saw in ision* that

is* in the trance condition* is descri"ed as the +an whose eyes were opened, the &eer who

saw the ision of the $l+i!hty* fallin! in trance* hain! his eyes opened% In this aspect*

eatin! of the Tree of >nowled!e was si+ply parta(in! of the diine drin(* the drin( of 

i++ortality* the sacred potion or 6epenthe* which was +ade and ad+inistered in all the

+ysteries* for the purpose of producin! the a"nor+al ision in the practice of spiritintercourse%

The Tree of >nowled!e had tau!ht the+ how to enter the spirit4life or spiritworld

that way* "y +eans of wisdo+ or (nowled!e% The Typical Tree had its religiousrootage here* not in direct adoration* "ut in the +ystery of fer+entation* and attained its

sacredness on account of the Diine drin(% Hence the Trees could "e ery arious* "ut the product was one% .e +ay note that o%hia, the Gree( word for wisdo+* ori!inally

si!nified wine% $ prior for+ of the word in )!yptian* as efa or &efa, +eant distillin!

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and the +ystery of fer+entation% $lcoholic spirits were ery pro+inent in pri+itie

spiritis+* "ecause they produced a"nor+al effects Into/ication was also a +ode of 

illustratin! the !enesis of spirit44the alcoholic "ein! a type of the hu+an product% The

facts are re!istered in lan!ua!e% In &ans(rit* idhu is distilled spirit* and iddha +eans

the spiritually perfected, the iddhas "ein! the perfect spirits% &o in )!yptian* hethudenotes spirits of wine, heta is the +ystery of +ysteries* and the heta was the coffin or 

sarcopha!us in which the dead transfor+ed* or were turned into &pirits% In the 8acchicMysteries they also enacted the production of the spirit "y +eans of fer+entation, the

soul assi!ned to &e"* who represented the sap of wood in )!ypt* or* as we now see* the

 5uice of the tree that fer+ents and produces the alcoholic spirit44the drin( that +ade +en

wise in the Mysteries% In the "oo( of Deuterono+y the Jews are instructed or co++anded

to spend their sain!s in drin(* as an offerin! to the Deity* which shows that into/ication

was also a reli!ious rite with the+%

It was this crude nature of these pri+itie practices that chiefly led to the wholesale

conde+nation of +ediu+s* sorcerers* wi7ards* witches* and all who had fa+iliar spirits%

It was so in )!ypt as in India, in the Persian writin!s as well as the Mosaic% $nd these

denunciations were and still are accepted as the ery word of God "y those who are

i!norant of the pheno+ena* and who could not distin!uish the lower fro+ the hi!her*saintly fro+ satanic* or "lac( +a!ic fro+ white% Thus* on account of certain early

 practices* &piritualis+ was da+ned alto!ether* instead of "ein! fatho+ed and e/plained%

Our custo+s of drin(in! stron! liEuors* snuffin! +ost potent powders* and s+o(in!

narcotic her"s* which are now "esottin! and de!radin! the race44so +uch so that our 

 protoplas+ and proto7oa hae to co+e into "ein! half4fuddled with nicotine44so that our 

children are doo+ed "y heredity to "eco+e s+o(ers and drin(ers* without "ein! allowed

the chance of +a(in! a fresh start for the+seles44these ery custo+s hae "een

 "eEueathed to us as sacred surials fro+ the ti+es when the trance4conditions were

induced "y such +eans

$!ain* the uniersal custo+s of Transfor+in!* of Mas(in! and Mu++in!* are related to

the +ysteries of ancient spiritis+% In )!yptian the word mum, whence the na+e of 

+u++y* +eans the dead "ody% .e hae the identical word and +eanin! in )n!lish*

applied to a "eer called +u+4"eer* which was not ta/ed "ecause it is non4alcoholic*

unfer+ented* spiritless* or dead "eer* i.e., +u+4"ear%

This is not so called* as so+e hae su!!ested* fro+ a +an na+ed Mu++er* who was

once fa+ous for his "rew of stron! ale% Our +u++ers used to !o a"out in +as(s and

+u+ "y +a(in! sounds with closed lips% The two se/es e/chan!ed dresses with each

other* as a part of the transfor+ation that was "ein! enacted "y the +u++ers* who

represented the dead co+e "ac( in dis!uise to pay a isit to the liin!% The annual

+as(in! still practised "y our children a"out the ti+e of $ll4&oul's day* is a surial of 

this pri+itie panto+i+e* in which the +as(s si!nify the spirits of the dead or the+u++ies% The institution of $ll &ouls is a +ost ancient cere+onial festial of the dead%

It is cele"rated in +any lands* and is co++on to the +ost dierse races of +an(ind% On a

certain day after the $utu+n eEuino/ the spirits of all those @all soulsB who had died

durin! the year were supposed to !ather to!ether at an appointed place in the .est to

follow their leader* the red sun of $utu+n* down throu!h the under4world* or across the

hori7on of the resurrection% .hen such +ysteries were perfor+ed* those who acted the

 part of spirits did so in +as(s* and therefore +as(s still +ean the dead* the +u++ies or 

spirits% The +odern pasti+e was an earlier reli!ious +ystery% In the !enuine Christ+as

Panto+i+e we hae an e/tant illustration of this pri+itie +as(in! and +u++in!* which

 "elon!ed to the dra+a of the dead* een as we find it in the )!yptian #itual% In those

su"terranean scenes of the Panto+i+e we are really in the )!yptian Mes(a* the re"irthplaceof the dead* where the transfor+ations into the new life were represented, and

the Mes(a is the ori!inal Mas( as place of transfor+ation* +ode of transfor+ation* or 

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sy+"ol of transfor+ation% The piot of the panto+i+e on which all turns is the principle

of transfor+ation% The transfor+ation is fro+ the lower world of the dead* the place of 

the +u++ies or +as(s44hence the !iants* dwarfs* fairies* !no+es* "ad spirits* and other 

types of the ele+ental powers* that were represented earlier than hu+an spirits44to the

dayli!ht world of life* li!ht* and li"erty* now represented "y fun* frolic* and lawlessness%

HarleEuin is the potent transfor+er* who wields the wonder4wor(in! wand% .ith his

+as( down he is inisi"le, another proof that the +as(s represent the dead or the spirits%The final transfor+ation scene represents heaen, the upper world of three% The +as(*

then* is the face of the dead* and the death4+as( of the &i"erian &ha+an was presered

and hun! up in his late residence* 5ust a"oe the place where he used to sit% In 6ew

8ritain the naties perfor+ a reli!ious cere+ony called the du(4du(* in which a spirit+essen!er 

is represented as co+in! in a +as(% The wo+en and children are prohi"ited

fro+ seein! the +as(* and they +ust not say that it conceals any hu+an "ein!% If the

 perfor+er allows the +as( to slip off* they (ill and +a(e a !host of hi+% Mas(s in ani+al

for+s and fashions represent the nature4powers or the Tote+ic and typical ancestors* "ut

the hu+an +as( assuredly stands for a hu+an spirit% $nd the endeaor to represent this

can "e traced fro+ the rudest "e!innin!s% In so+e instances the hu+an face has "een

flayed fro+ the "ones* and transferred to for+ the +as( of a fetish i+a!e% The a"ori!inesof 8oliia and 8ra7il used to ta(e off the face and scalp fro+ the s(ull* and reduce the+

to a +iniature +as( of hu+anity* supposed to possess supernatural properties* and to

furnish a +ost potent +edicine% The Maori* a+on!st others* learned to dessicate the head

and presere it in its own s(in* on the way to co+plete +u++ifyin! of the corpse% 8efore

the +u++y could "e e+"al+ed entirely the s(ull was sacredly saed* and so+eti+es the

flesh was i+itated "y coatin! it with a +as( +ade of reddish +atter% .e are now for the

first ti+e in a position to apprehend the +eanin! of the +u++y4i+a!e* and to appreciate

the +otie of the )!yptians* who practised the art of e+"al+in! the dead until it was

a"solutely perfected%

The Mu++y or corpse was the dead +as( which had "een let fall fro+ the face of life "y

the person who had transfor+ed* and this was faithfully presered* "ecause it was the

+ortal li(eness of the person who had transfor+ed and "eco+e a spirit

In the pri+ary sta!e and rudest conditions of the hu+an race* the returnin! !host was

naturally an o"5ect of terror and dread* the representatie of all that was +ost fearso+e in

e/ternal pheno+ena, not in the least li(ely to eo(e* althou!h it helped to ulti+ately

eole* a feelin! of reerence* which led to so+e (ind of worship, and a lon! road had to

 "e traeled fro+ the earliest period* when the !host was "esou!ht and propitiated not to

appear* up to the ti+e when the "ones of the dead were (ept in the house or chest* and the

+as( or +u++y was sacredly presered on purpose to secure the presence of the !host

as a protection for the liin! relaties44whence the lares and %enates, and other for+s of 

the household !ods% Dou"tless* it too( a ery lon! ti+e to utilise the !host* or fully +a(eout its +essa!e to +an% 8ut that sta!e had "een traeled "y the )!yptians when they first

co+e into iew% It is certain that fro+ the earliest +onu+ental period* and* pro"a"ly*

a!es "efore that* the )!yptians represented +an to "e what is ter+ed an i++ortal spirit%

The te/t of the 09:th chapter of the 8oo( of the Dead is said to hae "een discoered

or re4discoered* in the rei!n of Housapti* the fifth (in! of the first dynasty* who lied

+ore than ::: years a!o% $t that ti+e certain portions of the sacred "oo(s were found as

antiEuities* of which the ery tradition had "een lost% $nd this is the chapter of =iifyin!

the soul for eer% The )!yptians were accusto+ed to set up two different i+a!es with

the dead "ody in the to+"% One of these is the hebti, or duplicatie fi!ure% This was one

of their types of transfor+ation, it represented the duplication of the +u++y for another 

life* called that of the &econd 8reath% The other i+a!e was na+ed the  &a, or second self%The 0:?th chapter of the #itual is entitled the chapter of Propitiatin! the  &a of a person

in the diine nether world, and* in the pictorial illustration* the person is represented in

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the act of adorin! his own spiritual i+a!e* the !lorified 3idolon, to which he relates how

he a"o+inates all filthy thin!s* in order that his /a, or hi!her self* +ay "e propitiated and

 pleased% The )!yptian title of /aan/h +eant the liin! li(eness* or the li(eness of the

i++ortal* the one that lied on after death% Moreoer* this /a was not only the refle/

i+a!e of the defunct erected in the to+", it was also pourtrayed as "ein! "orn with the

+ortal into this life% In the scenes at Lu/or* in which $+enhept III% is represented at the

+o+ent of "irth* another infant* his e/act li(eness* is depicted as his /a, his !enius*hi+self in a diine effi!y% $lso* it was a !reat 5oy for the spirit of the deceased to "e

 per+itted to reisit the dead "ody and see how carefully it was presered* which shows

us the final crownin! +otie for +a(in! and (eepin! the Mu++y% In the chapter 

@l///i/%B of the isit of the soul or &a of the deceased to his "ody* it is said*44Thou hast

let +y eternal soul see +y "ody He sees his "ody, and He is at peace in his


The chief fact with which we are now concerned* is* that the Mu++y4i+a!e supplied the

supre+e type of transfor+ation* and was the )!yptian &arast, or Christ% =arious sy+"ols

of dura"ility and re"irth were "uried with the )!yptian dead* when the +u++y was

deposited in the henan/hu, or chest of the liin!% $ copy of the 8oo( of the &econd

8reath44ensen44for+ed his pillow* and the leaes of the 8oo( of Life were the linin! of his coffin% He was acco+panied "y his types of protection* of duration* and renewal* the

an(h4cross of life to co+e, the an(ha+4flower of life* worn at the ear* the tat4cross* or 

 "uc(le of sta"ility* the "eetle of transfor+ation* the ulture4i+a!e of ictory, the !reenstone

@atB of reiification* the ta"let of rosin* a type of preseration, the Leel or 

corner4si!n of Amenu, si!nifyin! to come44our a+en% $nd* with the eyes of the sun and

+oon to li!ht hi+ throu!h the dar(ness* the )!yptian entered his to+"* called the Good

Dwellin!% $ nu+"er of copies of the &he"ti* or dou"le of the dead* were ran!ed in the

&erda" to si!nify +anifold repetition* and the >a4i+a!e of his spiritual self was erected

in the to+"* as his isi"le lin( with his dead for+ on earth% 8ut* the Mu++y itself was

also presered as a type* 5ust as the +u++ified haw(s* +ice* cats* and other ani+als*

were presered for their typical si!nificance% 8oth Herodotus and Plutarch tell us how the

)!yptians ended a "anEuet "y carryin! round* in a coffin* the i+a!e of a dead "ody%

Loo( on it* they said* and drin(* for when you are dead you will "e li(e this That

i+a!e was the +u++y4type of i++ortality The senti+ent was not that of )at and

drin( for to4+orrow we die It was one of re5oicin! in the assurance of i++ortality

which the +u++y4i+a!e represented% This +u++y4i+a!e was the )!yptian 5or%us5hristi, the "ody of Christ* or spirit which was to "e re"orn% .e hae to !o a lon! way

 "ac( to !et at the ori!in of the types and sy+"ols now called Christian, not one of these

ori!inated at the "e!innin! of our era The Christ* for instance* is a pre4Christian type*

connected with the +as(* the +u++y* and the +ysteries of transfor+ation%

The first +ale type of the Christ was after the flesh* and founded on the transfor+ation of the "oy into +an44the Christ who "eca+e the anointed one of pu"erty% This Phallic fetish

associated with the rite of circu+cision was the one repudiated "y Paul for the spiritual

Christ44not the historical Jesus% In the Gnostic sense the word +ade sMr#* or flesh* was

this Phallic Lo!os founded on the Causatie &eed, the reproductie power which

transfor+ed in this life hain! "een +ade a type of transfor+ation for the future life In

the Gospel accordin! to Tho+as* it is said44He who see(s +e will find +e in children

fro+ seen years old, for there concealed I shall* in the fourteenth year* "e +ade

+anifest44that is* as the pu"escent Christ or Horus% In Gree( the Christ +eans the

anointed, "ut the +ystical or spiritual sense of the word was preceded "y the physical%

5hriso and 5hresthai are also na+es for dau"in! oer with colourin! +atter, and it still

is a pri+itie practice a+on!st the 8lac( +en and #ed +en to coer the "odies or "onesof the dead with red ochre% Hu+an "ones "uried in the +ounds of Caithness hae "een

found coated oer with red earth% This was done to presere and sae the+% It was also

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typical of their "ein! refleshed, and the "one* head* +as(* or "ody so saed "eca+e the

sy+"ol of a salation and a saiour* "ecause it was an i+a!e of transfor+ation% This was

the +u++y fi!ure in )!ypt% To (aras* in )!yptian* is to anoint* e+"al+* or +a(e the

+u++y, and the type of preseration so +ade was called the >arast or Christ% &uch* I

+aintain* is the )!yptian ori!in of the Christ called the $nointed in Gree(% The one who

transfor+ed and rose a!ain fro+ the dead* desi!nated the >arast or Christ* was

represented "oth "y the prepared and presered +u++y* and "y the caren i+a!e* whichwas the li(eness of a dead +an% Moreoer* this was the ori!inal Christ* whose esture

was without sea+% In +a(in! the perfect +u++y type of continuity or i++ortality the

 "ody had to "e "ound up in the (etu or woof* a sea+less ro"e* or a "anda!e without a

sea+% 6o +atter how lon! this +i!ht "e44and so+e swathes hae "een unrolled that were

0::: yards in len!th44it was woen without a sea+% This* I repeat* was the sea+less ro"e

of the +ystical Christ* which re4appears as the coat* coatin!* or chiton @cf% (etu* )!%

woofB of the Christ accordin! to John% The $ssyrians also +ade use of a +ysterious

sacred i+a!e called the +a+it* or +a+itu% It is cele"rated in their hy+ns as the Ma+it

the Ma+it the Treasure which passeth not away It is spo(en of as a shape of salation*

descendin! fro+ the +idst of the heaenly a"yss< a life4!iin! i+a!e that was placed* as

is the Cross* in the hands of the dyin!* to drie away eil spirits% This +a+it was the si!n*or fetish4i+a!e* of the one deity who neer fails% I hae shown elsewhere that this type of 

eternal life was identical with the 5or%us 4omini, the +u++y4(rist of )!ypt The 8it4

Ma+iti was the house of the +u++ies The >an4Ma+iti was the "oo( of the +u++y,

and the Ma+it I hold to hae "een the i+a!e of the resurrection, a type and teacher of the

)ternal &o* Ma++oth in He"rew is a na+e of the corpse as the i+a!e of the dead%

.e can trace the >arast or Mu++y4Christ of )!ypt a little further% .hen he transfor+ed

in the underworld* spiritualised or o"tained a soul in the stars of heaen* he rose on the

hori7on as or in the constellation Orion44that is* the star of Horus* the >arast* or Christ%

Hence Orion is na+ed the &ahu* or constellation of the +u++y who has transfor+ed and

ascended into heaen fro+ the Mount of the )Euino/* at the end of forty days* as the

starry i+a!e of life to co+e* the typical &aiour of +en% $nd Orion +ust hae

represented the risen Horus* the (arast or Christ* at least ::: years a!o This Christ is

said to co+e forth sound* with no li+" +issin! and not a "one "ro(en* "ecause the

deceased was reconstituted in accordance with the physical i+a!ery% $nd "y aid of this

Corporeal Christ of )!ypt we can understand why the risen Christ of the Gospels is +ade

to de+onstrate that he is not a spirit or "odiless !host* as the disciples thou!ht* "ut is in

 possession of the flesh and "ones of the properly presered corpse% They hae o+itted the

transfor+ation into the spiritual Christ% Thus in that character he is only the cor%us5hristi, or +u++y4Christ* of )!ypt44a type transferred and not a reality* either spiritual

or physical% There can "e no dou"t of this* for the child4Christ @copied into +y "oo(B is

actually portrayed on a Christian +onu+ent in the #o+an cataco+"s as this ery i+a!eof the Mu++y4Christ of )!ypt* "ound up in the sea+less swathe of the >arast%

&o+e of the Christian Fathers supposed that the )!yptians "elieed in the physical

resurrection of the presered "ody* and this false inference is freEuently echoed in our 

own day% 8ut it is a +ista(e of the i!norant% The doctrine of the resurrection of the 8ody

is not )!yptian% There is proof e/tant that the )!yptians did not +a(e the Mu++y as

their type of a physical resurrection% 8ein! pheno+enal and not +ere theoretical

&piritualists* they had no need of a Corporeal resurrection% .ith the+ the deathless only

was diine* and their dead are spirits diini7ed "y re"irth in the li(eness of their Gods% I

repeat* the doctrine of the physical resurrection of the "ody is not )!yptian% .e find in

the 8oo( of the Dead that the pro+ise of all "lessedness* the supre+e felicity* is for the

spirit not to re4enter the earthly "ody for eer+ore% In the ru"ric to chapter l///i/% weread44His soul does not enter* or is not thrust "ac(* into his +u++y foreer% Their idea

of the life hereafter always turned on the transfor+ation* and not on the resurrection* of 

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the "ody, and their doctrine is that of transfor+ation in the Hades* and not of resurrection

fro+ the earth% They left the do!+a of a physical resurrection to "e carried off as the

stolen property of the non4spiritist Christians in #o+e* alon! with so +any other dead

effi!ies of thin!s that neer lied% $ccordin!ly the early Christians* who were i!norant of 

)!yptian sy+"olis+* did "ase their "elief in a life hereafter upon a "odily resurrection

here* deried fro+ the >arast or Mu++y4Christ% Their foothold in a future e/istence as

spiritual entities did depend on the re4possession of an earthly physiEue% .ithout the physical possi"ility there was no spiritual pro"a"ility hereafter for the+44no life without

the re4constitution of the old dead dust* which a +ere whiff of science scatters foreer*

and so a"olishes their one "it of foothold in all the unierse% Modern or ancient

&piritualis+ has no +essa!e or +eanin! for such people, they are corporeally founded*

and there they rest and clin! to the earth with the roota!e of ei!hteen hundred years% This

was a natural result of ta(in! oer the +u++y4type of )!ypt without a (nowled!e of the

typolo!y* and the !host4idea without the !host in reality* or the facts upon which it was

founded% The doctrines and do!+as of Christian theolo!y are deried fro+ )!ypt and its

arcanu+ of +ystery* which the +odern "elieers hae neer yet penetrated44we are only

 5ust now openin! the door% $nd here it +ay "e said that those )!yptolo!ists* who are

orthodo/ 8i"liolators* first and fore+ost* are not !oin! to help us +uch% 8i"liolatry putsout the eyes of scholarship% .e hae to !et at the facts and help ourseles

The pre4Christian reli!ion was founded on a (nowled!e of natural and erifia"le Facts*

the data "ein! actual* and the +ethod ery si+ply scientific44whether you accept +y

conclusions or not*44"ut the Christian Cult was founded on i!norant "elief* which

swallowed in faith all that was i+possi"le in fact* and unerifia"le in pheno+ena%

Current orthodo/y is "ased upon a deludin! idealis+44deried fro+ literalised le!end and

+isinterpreted +ytholo!y44on the idea that +an fell fro+ paradise* and was da+ned for 

eer "efore the first child had "een "orn44on the idea that the world was conseEuently

lost44on the idea that the world is to "e saed and +an restored "y a icarious atone+ent4

4on the idea of a +iraculous physical resurrection fro+ the dead% $nd all these ideas are

at once non4natural* non4spiritual* unscientific* and utterly false, and year "y year* day

after day* their props are "ein! (noc(ed away% 8ut the pheno+enal &piritualist in all a!es

has founded on his facts% These facts were co++on with the pre4historic races* and the

 pheno+ena were cultiated +ore intelli!ently in the ancient Mysteries% 8ut they were

utterly a"o+inated and crushed or cast out "y the later reli!ion%

.hat has the Christian Church done with the hu+an soul* which was an assured

 possession of the pre4Christian reli!ionsN It was handed oer to their (eepin! and they

hae lost it They hae acted e/actly li(e the do! in sop's fa"le44who* seein! the

li(eness of the shoulder of +utton reflected in the water* dropped the su"stance which he

held in his +outh* and plun!ed in to try and sei7e its shadow They su"stituted a phanto+

of faith for the20

(nowled!e of pheno+ena Hence their deadly en+ity a!ainst the Gnostics* the +en who

(new% They had !ot hold of a faith that could stand alone independently of fact* if you

only +ade "eliee hard enou!h* and (illed out all who could not "eliee% They drew

down the "linds of eery window that loo(ed forth into the Past* and shut out the li!ht of 

nature fro+ the "linded world in which they sou!ht to lie* and co+pel all other people

to lie* "y a farthin! candle of faith alone% They parted co+pany with nature* and cut

the+seles adrift fro+ the !round of pheno+enal fact% They "eca+e the +urderous

ene+ies of the ancient spiritis+ which had de+onstrated the e/istence and continuity of 

the soul and offered eidence of another life on the sole !round of fact to "e found in

nature% $nd eer since they hae wa!ed a ceaseless warfare a!ainst the pheno+ena andthe a!ents44which are as lie and actie to4day as they were in any ti+e past% Mediu+s*

 prophets* and seers* witches* and wi7ards44the 8orn I++ortals of the early races44hae

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always "een done to death "y the+ with horri"le tortures and inhu+an cruelties% They

hae fou!ht all alon! a!ainst the +ost ital and alua"le* the profoundest part of the

(nowled!e of nature* the +ost concealed* occult* and su"tle, and "een at war all throu!h

a!ainst the other world% 8ut +urder will out* and the innu+era"le +ultitude of their 

icti+s are only dead against them. They are liin! on for us, they are wor(in! with us,

they are fi!htin! for the eternal truth with terri"le power* a!ainst the worshippers of the

!ory God* the +en of the "loody faith* which has yet to pay for all the +assacre and+isery that the race has suffered* in order that a delusie fiction +i!ht "e forced upon the

world% The soul was esta"lished as a fact* and the future life was de+onstrated in the

+ysteries of ancient &piritis+% These were the creators of a senti+ent that +i!ht "e

called reli!ious* for the first ti+e* and the Christian teachers to4day are "ut traffic(in! in

and "e!uilin! the hereditary senti+ent so eoled* "y not only tryin! to do without the

ori!inal factors in the past* "ut "y see(in! to efface the+ fro+ 6ature itself% If anythin!

could hae put an end to &piritualis+* it was the neer4ceasin! Christian persecution that

was directed towards that end% They su"stituted a physical resurrection fro+ the dead for 

a spiritual continuity* such as was de+onstrated in the +ysteries of the +en who (new

$s if a physical resurrection* that was alle!ed to hae occurred once on a ti+e* could

de+onstrate the continuity of spiritual e/istence for us $nd to4day you still see their learned doctors of diinity tryin! to !et at the other world "y !rae4di!!in!44still

fu+"lin! after the spirit of +an as thou!h his essence were dust of the earth44which they

say God has power to put to!ether* eery particle of it* at the Last Day, and so we shall

rise a!ain after all% They oppose* and fear Cre+ation* as 8ishop .ordsworth ad+itted*

 "ecause it loo(s as thou!h that would destroy the physical and only foothold of their 

resurrection% To+"4stones* and "oo(s* are still dedicated "y the+ to the +e+ory


of those who are no +ore The future life for the+ is "ut a desolate perhaps% The

+eetin! a!ain is only a +ay "e% $t the +outh of the !apin! !rae they +u+"le

so+ethin! a"out the hope of a 5oyful resurrection% That is the physical resurrection at

the Last Day* on which the failin! faith was founded at first, and that* accordin! to John*

was all the alle!ed Founder of the faith had to reeal when He is said to hae said<

)ery one that "eholdeth the &on* and "elieeth on Hi+* I will raise him u% at the last day<" The &piritualis+ of the #o+an Catholic Church* with its doctrine of $n!els* its

Pur!atorial Penance* and efficacy of Prayers for the dead* is a surial from $aganism,and was not deried from the teachings of the su%%osed 2ounder of Historic 5hristianityas re%resented in the 5anonical Gos%els. Hence the re5ection of that @and all other suchB

&piritualis+ "y the Protestants

$nd so+e of our friends* who are Christians first and &piritualists afterwards* want to

conert Christianity into &piritualis+% 8ut it will not* and cannot* "e conerted%

In ain you try to en!raft the liin! shoot

pon a dead tree* rotten to the root%

The Christians the+seles (now "etter than that* and they are far +ore lo!ical% They

apprehend truly enou!h that their reli!ion did not ori!inate in &piritualis+* "ut as its

deadly anta!onist, hence when pheno+enal &piritualis+ is presented in our own day as a

basis for immortality, 5ust as it was in the pre4Christian a!es and reli!ions of all lands*

and in all the +ysteries where the !enuine Gnosis was unfolded* the Christians stop their 

ears a!ainst any such report* or ta(e up ar+s to defend the faith a!ainst the alle!ed facts%

ou cannot spiritualise such a creed any +ore than you can +a(e it scientific* and the

reason for this +ust "e sou!ht* and is to "e found* in its +ytholo!ical and non4spiritualori!in% It is of necessity at war with all the facts in nature upon which it was not founded%

.e do not want a closer connection with a superseded syste+ of thou!ht* "ut rather a

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repeal of the union and the fullest freedo+ of co+plete diorce% It is for &piritualis+ to

 5oin hands with &cience* enlar!e the "oundaries of (nowled!e* found upon the facts in

nature* not see( for an i+possi"le alliance with a syste+ that has always "een anti4natural

and at war with scientific facts* "ecause it was falsely founded* fro+ the first* in fa"le and

in faith ersus (nowled!e, the early Christians hain! "een those who i!norantly

 "elieed* as opposed to the Gnostics* or the +en who (new%

I do not propose to raise a new cry* for+ another sect* adertise an infalli"le nostru+* or  pose as the founder of any fresh faith* when I say that a new and +ore co+prehensie

and inclusie (ind of Gnosticis+* which shall "e Euite free and a"oe "oard and open all

round* is one of the cryin! wants of our a!e% &piritualis+ cannot "e +ade to stand under 

or "uttress the fallin! faith* "ut it +ay help to esta"lish a new Gnosticis+ which shall

found upon the facts first and let the faith follow naturally after%


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TH) &)=)6 &OL& OF M$6 $6D TH)I# CLMI6$TIO6 I6 CH#I&T

.hilst the people of +odern ti+es appear to hae "een losin! their &oul alto!ether* or 

not to hae found out that they really possess one* the ancient )!yptians* Chaldeans*Hindus* 8ritons* and other races* rec(oned that they had &een souls* or that the one soul

as per+anent entity included the su+ total of seen powers% The doctrine is ery ancient*

 "ut it has "een stated anew "y the author of "3soteric ;uddhism," as if it were a recent

reelation deried fro+ India as the fountain4head of ancient (nowled!e%

Mr% &innett's clai+ is* that he has "een specially appointed "y the Mahat+as as their 

+outh4piece to the .estern .orld* and e+powered to put into print* for the first ti+e* the

oral .isdo+ that has hitherto "een (ept all sacredly concealed% 8ut I can assure Mr%

&innett that the seen &ouls of Man are "y no +eans new to us* nor are they those

"transcendental conce%tions of the Hindu mind" in which he has "een led deoutly to

 "eliee% To the serious student of such su"5ects* the syste+ of esoteric interpretation now

 put forth* with its seen souls of +an pro5ected into shadow4land, its races of +en that !o

round and round the Planetariu+ seen "y seen* li(e the ani+als enterin! 6oah's ar(, its

seen planets as sta!es of hu+an e/istence* with our earth left out of the rec(onin!, its

seen continental cataclys+s* which occur periodically, does not contain a reelation of 

new truth fro+ the Orient* nor a corro"oration of the old% The seen souls of +an were

not +etaphysical "conce%ts" at any ti+e in the past% The doctrine "elon!s to pri+itie

 "iolo!y* or the physiolo!y of the soul* which preceded the later psycholo!y% Just as we

spea( of the seen senses the ancients spo(e of the seen souls as principles* powers* or 

constituent ele+ents of +an% These were founded on facts of co++on perception*

erifia"le in nature, and we do not need those faculties of the occult adept "which

man/ind at large has not yet eoled" in order that they +ay "e apprehended%Mr% &innett is of opinion that it would "e i+possi"le for een the +ost s(ilful professor 

of occult science to e/hi"it each of these seen %rinci%les se%arate and distinct from theothers." That is* when they hae "een +ystified "y pseudo4esoteric +isrepresentation* in

a +etaphysical phase, then they lose the distinctness of physics, and then we hae to har( 

 "ac( once +ore to distin!uish and identify these seen souls of +an% The truth is* that

when the teachin!s of pri+itie philosophy hae passed into the do+ain of later 

speculations* you can +a(e neither head* tail* nor erte"ra of the+44they constitute an

indistin!uisha"le +ush of +anufactured +ystery $nd the only way of e/posin! the

 pretensions of false teachin!* and of destroyin! the superstitions* old or new* that prey

upon and paraly7e the hu+an +ind* is "y e/plainin! the+ fro+ the root, to learn what

they once +eant in their pri+ary phase is to (now what they do not and cannot +ean for us to4day% 6othin! aails us finally* short of a first4hand acEuaintanceship with the

(nowled!e and +odes of e/pression that were pri+ordial%

It is Euite possi"le* and een apparent* that the first for+ of the +ystical &)=)6 was seen

to "e fi!ured in heaen "y the seen lar!e stars of the Great ;ear, the constellation

assi!ned "y the )!yptians to the Mother of Ti+e* and of the seen )le+ental Powers%

$nd once a type li(e this has "een founded it "eco+es a +ould for future use44one that

cannot "e !ot rid of or out of% The )!yptians diided the face of the s(y "y ni!ht into

seen parts% The pri+ary Heaen was seenfold% The earliest forces reco!nised in 6ature

were rec(oned as seen in nu+"er% These "eca+e &een )le+entals* deils* or later 

diinities% &een properties were assi!ned to nature44as +atter* cohesion* flu/ion*

coa!ulation* accu+ulation* station* and diision44and seen ele+ents or souls to +an% $ principle of seening, so to say* was introduced* and the nu+"er seen supplied a sacred

type that could "e used for +anifold future purposes% .hen $"raha+ too( his oath at

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8eer4she"a* the .ell of the &een* we are told that he seened, or did seen. &eenin!

was then a reco!ni7ed +ode of swearin!, and &eenin! is still a reco!ni7ed +ode of 

swearin! with the )soteric 8uddhists* who* accordin! to Mr% &innett* continue it ad libitum, and carry it on throu!h thic( and thin%

The seen souls of the Pharaoh are often +entioned in the )!yptian te/ts% The +oon4!od*

Taht4)s+un* or the later sun4!od* e/pressed the &een nature4powers that were prior to

hi+self* and were su++ed up in hi+ as his seen souls* of which he was the +anifestor as the )i!hth One% In the Hindu drawin!s we see the !od $!ni portrayed with seen ar+s

to his "ody% These represent his seen powers* principles* "reaths* or souls% The seen

rays of the Chaldean !od Hepta(tis* or Iao* on the Gnostic stones indicate the sa+e

septenary of souls% The seen stars in the hand of the Christ in #eelation hae the sa+e

si!nificance% There is a star with ei!ht rays* which is found to "e the sy+"ol of 8uddha*

of $ssur in $ssyria* of Mithras, and of the Christ in the cataco+"s of #o+e% :hat was the

sy+"ol of the Gnostic plero+a of the seen souls* the perfect flower or star of which was

the Christ of the Gnosis, not of any human history. It can "e traced "ac( to )!ypt as the

star of &ut4Horus* a star with ei!ht points or loops* undou"tedly +eant for Orion* which

was at one ti+e the star of $nnunciation* that showed the place where the youn! child

lay* or where the God was re4"orn upon the hori7on of the #esurrection at )aster% $ eryancient for+ of the ei!ht4rayed star was a si!n of the 6nu* the $ssociate Gods of )!ypt*

who were the &een $li @$riB or Co+panions @Cf% the 8a"ylonian Ili and Gnostic

)lohi+B* as children of the Great Mother* the Gnostic gdoas. The sa+e type* with the

sa+e +eanin!* is represented in the 8oo( of #eelation* where the son of +an @who is a

+ale with fe+ale "reasts* and therefore not a hu+an "ein!B holds in his hand the seen

stars which sy+"olise the seen an!els or spirits who are in the serice of their Lord44li(e

the &een Great &pirits in the 0;th chapter of the )!yptian 8oo( of the Dead%

&een souls* or principles in +an* were identified "y our 8ritish Druids% In the He"rew

Tar!u++i+* Ha!!adoth and >a""ala* the #a""ins so+eti+es reco!nise a threefold soul4

4as of life* the ani+al44fro+ the )!yptian nef, for the "reath% This is the Euic(enin! spirit

of the e+"ryo% The #uach is said to enter the "oy at the a!e of thirteen years and one day%

That is the soul of adultship* the reproducin! spirit reproduced for reproduction at

 pu"erty% The third spirit* or 6esha+ah* is an intelli!ent soul which enters a +an at twenty

years of a!e* if the deeds of his life are ri!ht, if not* he is unworthy of the 6esha+ah* and

the 6ephesh and #uach re+ain his only souls% $nother #a""i says the soul of +an has

 fie distinct for+s and na+es44the 6ephesh* #uach* 6esha+ah* Ca5iah* and the Jachida%

The Ca5iah is the spirit that +a(es to re4lie, the Jachida denotes that which unifies all in

one* and so esta"lishes the per+anent entity% &o+e persons are spo(en of as "ein! worthy

to receie the Jachida in the life to co+e% 8en Israel teaches that the 6ephesh* #uach* and

 6esha+ah si!nify nothin! +ore than faculties* capacities* or constituent principles of the

+an* and that an additional soul +eans increase of (nowled!e and adance+ent in thestudy of Diine laws% The #a""ins also ran the nu+"er of souls up to seen, so li(ewise

do the >arens of India% The >honds of Orissa reco!nise four souls* or a fourfold soul%

One of these dies on the dissolution of the "ody, one* the ancestral soul* re+ains attached

to the Tri"e on earth to "e re4produced* !eneration after !eneration44in relation to which*

when a child is "orn the priest inEuires which +e+"er of the fa+ily has co+e "ac( 

a!ainN The third soul is a"le to !o forth and hold spirit4intercourse* leain! the "ody in

an inert condition% This is the soul that can assu+e other shapes "y the art of Mleepa* or 

the !nosis of transfor+ation% The fourth soul is restored to the !ood deity 8oora* and thus

attains i++ortality% Here* as in other instances* there is an ascendin! series%

&o+eti+es we +eet with a dual soul called the dar/ shadow and the light shadow1 at

other ti+es with a triple soul%8ut we hae now to do with the natural !enesis of the &een &ouls and their cul+ination

in the ei!hth One* the reproducer for another life* which was personified as the Pharaoh*

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the #epa* the Heir4$pparent* the Horus* the 8uddha* >rishna or the Christ% Two sets of 

the seen +ay "e ta"ulated in their )!yptian and Hindu shapes and co+pared as follows<4

I 6DI$6% )GPTI$6%

0% #upa* "ody* or ele+ent of for+ 0% >ha* "ody%

2% Prana* or Jia* the "reath of life 2% 8a* the soul of "reath%

9%$stral "ody 9% >ha"s* the shade%

A% Manus* or Intelli!ence A% $(hu* Intelli!ence or Perception?% >a+a4#upa* or ani+al soul ?% &e"* ancestral soul%

% 8uddhi* or spiritual soul % Putah* the first intellectual father%

;% $t+a* pure spirit ;% $t+u* a diine* or eternal soul%

Pri+itie +an naturally o"sered fro+ the first that he was "rou!ht forth "y the +other*

for+ed of flesh* +ade fro+ her "lood, that is the +ystical water* or +atter of life* and the

red earth of +ytholo!y% This pri+al ele+ent was represented "y the Great Mother of all

flesh, and the first soul was accordin!ly deried fro+ the "lood* the +ystical parent of 

Life% Thus* in the Man!aian account of Creation* the Great Mother* =ari* is said to +a(e

the first +an fro+ pieces of her own flesh Flesh "ein! "lood that has ta(en for+% "ome,

indeed," says Her+es* "misled by nature, mistoo/ the blood for the soul1" that is* theytoo/ it so* to "e!in with, and such was the nature of the hu+an soul 6o% 0% This soul of 

 "lood is identified in Genesis i/% A and ?% 8lood is the $da+ic soul Fro+ the Mother 

source ca+e the red earth of the $da+ic or pri+ary creation* whence the #a""ins

so+eti+es call $da+ the ";lood of the world<" In the &e+itic lan!ua!es* $ssyrian and

He"rew* $da+ si!nified ";lood" 44si+ply "lood* as the red% It was thou!ht at one ti+e

that two pri+al races of +en were alluded to in the Cuneifor+ Te/ts* under the na+es of 

 Adamu and ar/u1 "ut it is now (nown that these na+es si!nify the two principles of 

fe+ale +atter and +ale spirit* the Hindu perusha%

$t this pri+itie sta!e "e!in the le!ends with which we hae "een so pitia"ly "e!uiled*

or so profoundly perple/ed

In the first account of the creation of +an* in the He"rew Genesis* he is for+ed in the

i+a!e of the )lohi+* who were the seen pri+al ele+ental powers* that "eca+e celestial

as the (eepers of ti+e in Heaen44in their second phase44and ulti+ately the seen

Planetary spirits% $t that early sta!e of sociolo!y* +an descended fro+ the +other alone

In the second creation @for there are twoB* the wo+an is deried fro+ the +ale as

 pro!enitor% The first is "orn of "lood* the second of "one* a type of +asculine su"stance%

$nd these two sources* fe+ale and +ale* supply the two doctrinal types to Paul when he

says* "As in Adam @the flesh4+anB all men die, een so in 5hrist @the spirit4+anB shall all be made alie<" Here the true interpretation cannot "e o"tained without the aid of the

 pri+itie physiolo!y, it does not depend upon any fulfill+ent of fa"le as fact in later 

history* "ut on the adaptation of the +ythical types to coney a +ystical +eanin! in whatare called +ysteries* that were ery si+ple in their pri+al phase44which phase is the

o"5ect of our present search%

The Psal+ist refers to this $da+ic +an when he says* "$ut not your trust in the son of man1 his breath goeth forth, he returneth to his earth. 6n that ery day his %ur%oses

 %erish." The antithesis to this was the &on of God* the second $da+* the +an fro+

heaen* the Christ* or i++ortal spirit, in short* a later type of the hu+an soul The first

$da+ represented the +an* or creation of the seen souls* and the seen )lohi+* whence

it was said* in the &e+itic Le!ends* that his head only reached u% to the seenth heaen.The second $da+* or the Christ* attains the ei!hth heaen* as the hei!ht, or* he co+es*

later on* to represent the ten4fold heaen as the $da+ >ad+on of the >a""alists%

The Tahitians* whose Great Mother is na+ed )e @or IiB* hae the sa+e physiolo!ical+yth They say that the first +en were for+ed of $raea* or red earth* and on this they

lied until "read was +ade44"read "ein! typical of corn* corn of seed* i.e., +ale source%

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$ll +en deried fro+ the +otherhood at first44and in that +ythical creation the +an was

really created fro+ the wo+an* instead of the wo+an "ein! ta(en fro+ the +an* which

was of necessity a later creation* in (eepin! with the sociolo!y% The +ystery of the

wo+an "ein! ta(en fro+ the +an is +entioned in the )!yptian #itual* or 8oo( of the

Dead% The spea(er says< "6 /now the mystery of the woman being ta/en from the man." The +atter of such a +ystery was physiolo!ical% The far earlier +ystery was that of +an

 "ein! created "y the wo+an fro+ the red earth* or "lood% 6e/t it was apprehended that the +other inspired the "reath of life into her e+"ryo% $nd

 "reath* %ra>na, >ia, or the ba, constitutes the soul 6o% 2% In arious le!ends +an was

+ade fro+ the red earth* and the 8lac(s of =ictoria say that their creator* Pund5el* "lew

the "reath of life* or the soul of "reath* in at his nael% These were the first two souls of 

the seen* "ecause "lood supplied the ele+ent of flesh* or for+* and "reath was the

 pri+al ele+ent of life% $ uni Indian description of death spea(s of a +an as hain! the

wind %ressed out of him, so that he forgot.$nd now for a doctrinal deelop+ent

 ;lood and breath "ein! the two pri+ary ele+ents or souls of life* these conseEuently

 "eca+e the two !reat types of sacrificial offerin!% $+on! the $+aponda >affirs when a

new chief succeeds to the !oern+ent it is a custo+ for hi+ to "e "aptised in the "lood of his "rother* or so+e near relatie* who is put to death for the purpose, and in Fi5i when

the canoe of a chief was launched a nu+"er of +en were sacrificed* so that their souls @or 

8reathB +i!ht supply a wind of !ood luc( for the sails of the essel% It was on account of 

their natural !enesis that these two souls of the "lood and "reath were typically continued

in the water and the "reath e+ployed for the re4!enesis* or re!eneration* of the child in

Christian "aptis+% )eryone of our reli!ious rites and cere+onies has to "e read

 "ac(wards* li(e He"rew* to "e understood%

The o"seration that "lood* the first factor in pri+itie "iolo!y* was the "asis used "y

 6ature in "uildin! up the future hu+an "ein! is pro"a"ly the source and ori!in of the

superstition that in "uildin! a city* fortress* "rid!e* or church* an endurin! foundation

+ust "e laid in "lood, whence the pri+itie practice of "uryin! a liin! child* a calf* a

do!* !oat* or la+"44the la+" slain fro+ the foundation of the world "ein! a Mithraic and

Christian surial of the sa+e si!nificance* with the "loody and "ar"arous rite of the

=icti+ i++ured as a "asis for the "uildin!% &o+eti+es* as in the le!end of =orti!ern* the

foundation4stone was to "e "athed in the "lood of a child that was born of a mother without any father1 as was the child4Horus* who was the child of the =ir!in Mother only%

The doctrine is )!yptian* and as such can "e understood% It was applied to Horus shut up

in the re!ion of annihilation* or transfor+ation @the &(he+B* where his type was the #ed


$s the "reath of life was a (ind of soul* so the stea+ of food* or the incense presented in

sacrifice* was a for+ of the "reath of life offered to the spirits of the dead or to the !ods%The +otie and +eanin! of +any curious custo+s can only "e apprehended on these

 physical !rounds% For instance* when the Canadian Indians (illed a "ear they ad5ured the

soul of the ani+al not to "e an!ry with the+* and then placin! a pipe "etween its teeth

 "lew to"acco4s+o(e "ac(wards into its +outh* and thus sy+"olically restored that which

they had 5ust ta(en44its soul of "reath% In the #u"ric to the )!yptian #itual it says44"ffer  ye a great 9uantity of incense1 it ma/es that s%irit alie." Drops of "lood fro+ the heart

of a cow are li(ewise to "e offered with the incense% 8lood and "reath @incenseB were

 "oth offered "y the Jews% Philo e/plains that the offerin!s of fran(incense laid on the

!olden altar in the Inner Te+ple were +ore holy than the "lood offered outside% The

+ystical +eanin! of which* he says* +ust "e inesti!ated "y those who are ea!er for the

truth in accordance with the Gnosis% The "lood and "reath surie also in the "loodywafer and incense of the #o+an #itual%

 6ow* we hae to !o "ac( to this &oul of 8reath to reach the ori!in of the trans+i!ration

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of souls* which has "een continued into the do+ain of later doctrines "y those who were

i!norant of its "e!innin!s% To "reathe and to trans+i!rate are synony+ous in )!yptian*

under the word sen. 8ut the trans+i!ration of the soul of "reath is neither physical nor 

spiritual in the +odern sense, it is an entirely different doctrine fro+ those of the

Pytha!orean and the )soteric 8uddhists* "oth of which were deried fro+ the sa+e

 pri+itie ori!inal* "ut hae "een pererted until they no lon!er represent the early

coina!e of hu+an thou!ht* and so they can authenticate nothin! in this world* for anyother% .ith a pri+itie soul of "reath was eoled the notion of an $ncestral soul of the

race* tri"e* and Tote+* which of necessity was as !eneral as the intercourse of the se/es

was then co++on% The Co++entator on the $nalects of the Confucius says44"-y ownanimal s%irits are the animal s%irits of my %rogenitors." $nother Chinese teacher says44

":hough we s%ea/ of indiiduals, and distinguish one from the other, yet there is inreality but one breath that animates them all. -y own breath (or s%irit) is the identical breath of my ancestors." This soul of 8reath* thus Pantheistically apprehended and

e/pressed* could and did trans+i!rate, +i!ht "e* and was* re4incarnated% It was

incarnated in "ein! indiidualised and discreeted fro+ the $ncestral soul, and when it

went "ac( it was +er!ed a!ain in the !eneral449ua soul%

The (in! @)!% $n(B* who neer dies, was first esta"lished upon this !eneric soul of therace* and not on a recurrin! identical personality of the reincarnated &oul% Thus

reincarnation was true to the !eneral $ncestral soul* "ut when continued in a later state of 

sociolo!y* and applied to the Indiidual soul* it is a counterfeit44a false present+ent of the

ori!inal doctrine%

The "asis of all incarnation and reincarnation has to "e sou!ht in the pri+itie ani+is+

of the !eneral* $ncestral* or Pan4soul* first reco!nised% $t that sta!e of thou!ht it is our soul that co+es* and !oes* and returns a!ain44not +y soul nor yours, and afterwards the

reincarnation of soul was continued as the reincarnation of souls, when souls had "een

indiidualised here on earth "y the father co+in! to reco!nise his own children, "ut this

was only throu!h ta(in! a false step and +a(in! a false inference%

The "reath* or soul* of the dyin! was "elieed to re4enter the liin!% Thus* the $l!on(ins

would "ury their spirits* which were supposed to re4enter the future +others as they were

 passin! "y This was a soul of "reath that could "e inhaled, hence the practice of in"reathin!

souls% $ccordin! to the #o+an custo+* it was the priile!e of the nearest

relatie to inhale the last "reath* or the passin! soul* of a person dyin!%

8ut the soul that was founded on the +ere "reath of life* which the +other inspired to

Euic(en the e+"ryo* was not +uch to !o upon for ulti+ate duration The $frican Din(a

tri"e are said to re5ect the idea of i++ortality* "ecause their soul is "but a breath<" 44inwhich they a!ree with so+e +odern secularists, "ecause this si!n of life isi"ly ceases in

death &uch would "e the ar!u+ent of the pri+itie positiists* who had not !ot "eyond

their second soul44that of "reath%The third ele+entary is the so4called $stral shade* or shadow4soul% I once thou!ht the

 shadow cast "y the "ody +i!ht sere as the ori!inal type, or the i+a!e reflected in the

eye% 8ut there is more than that in it< There is a shade which is not a shadow. Dr% Tylor 

says that !host* or phanto+* seen "y the drea+er* or isionary* is li/e a shadow* and thus

the fa+iliar ter+ of the shade co+es to e/press the soul &uch* howeer* is not the origin,as the )!yptian &hade* or &haba, proes% The &haba, or third soul* is a li!ht* isi"le* "ut

not tan!i"le* enelope of the ;a, or soul of the "reath% &hab si!nifies coer* to eil* to

coer oer% It is applied to an eclipse, and what is shade in a "urnin! land "ut coer0Hence the type of the third soul is an )!yptian sunshade< It is so the thou!ht is thinged.8ut they did not reEuire* nor did they deise* a sunshade to i+a!e so+ethin! li(e a

shadow seen in sleep In the Te/t* the deceased re5oices that his shade, coer* or &haba,has not "een stripped fro+ his ;a, or second soul* in death% More literally* that he hasn't

lost his enelope The ;a, distin!uished fro+ the &hade* is said to "reathe% It is

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 pourtrayed with a hu+an head on the "ody of a "ird* and +ay "e seen in the $+enti*

!oin! throu!h the hells accom%anied by its sunshade, for coer in a "urnin! land It

retains for+* "reath and shade or coerin!% The )!yptian sunshade is a fan44actually the

 shade of breath. Their sy+"olis+ was so near to the natural fact

The shadow4soul of the >honds is one that dies when the "ody dissoles* which shows

that the &hade with the+ was this corporeal soul% The Greenlanders also reco!nised two

souls as the &hade and the 8reath%The fourth soul is an Intelli!ence* a for+ of +ind* as the Power to perceie* to +e+ori7e*

e/pressed "y the &cottish +ind* to +ind* or re+e+"er, the )!yptian ment, to

+e+ori7e% In +a(in! his transfor+ation into the &oul @#it% ch% 1?B* the Deceased

e/clai+s* in this character* "6 am $erce%tion, who neer %erishes under the name of theoul" of +ere "reath%

The third soul "ein! a sense4perception* or corporeal spirit* the fourth an intelli!ence44the

intelli!ence deelopin! percepti"ly in the !rowin! child 44 the fifth is the $ni+al soul

that isi"ly descends upon the +ale nature at the period of pu"erty* and not till then% This

was the first soul that was seen to hae the power of perpetuatin! itself for this life 6o

child has such power, therefore at this sta!e it was held that the child did not possess this

soul* and so* in another doctrinal deelop+ent* it was tau!ht that children who died in the pre4pu"escent sta!e of life* had 6O souls They had the soul of "lood and "reath* and the

$stral shade* or* as the )!yptians hae it* the )nelope, they were not without

intelli!ence, "ut the power of reproduction constituted a self4creatie soul It was on this

!round* then* that children who died "efore the soul of +anhood had descended on their 

nature to transfor+ it at pu"erty* were supposed to hae no su"stantial* or self4producin!

soul% This accounts for the superstition that they wandered a"out after death as eles* or 

)le+entaries* on the outs(irts of this life* una"le to enter the other world% For the infant

ele+entaries were "elieed to wal( and wander as eles* fairies* and "rownies* in search

of a soul* or in want of a na+e44as the conferrin! of a na+e was one +ode of constitutin!

a personality* or co++unicatin! a soul to the child This +ay "e illustrated "y the &cotch

story*44an "unchristened wean" was seen wanderin! a"out at .hittin!ha+* in &cotland*

who could not o"tain foothold on the threshold of the other world* "ein! +inus in the

+atter of an adult principle* or soul 6o% ?% Many saw* "ut none dared spea( to the poor 

little fellow* for fear of hain! to !ie up their own soul to hi+% One ni!ht* howeer* a

drun(en +an addressed the )le+entary*44"Hoo's a' wi' ye, the morn's morn, hort  Hoggers0" @short stoc(in!s that were soleless as the child itselfB $nd the )le+entary*

hain! a na+e conferred* cried 5oyfully*44"h< weel's me noo, 6'e gotten a name< :heyca' me hort Hoggers o' hittingham<" and anished* hain! o"tained his soul "y pro/y*

or throu!h 6a+in!% These undeeloped little spirits "eca+e the "eefol/" that peopled

fairy4world% The superstitions still retain traces of this ori!in, those of the 8rownie* for 

e/a+ple% He is a ery helpful wor(er* who seres freely and faithfully "y ni!ht in thehouse* or out on the far+ "y day% 8ut show hi+ a %air of bree/s, and he's off li(e $i(endru+*

the "rownie of 8lednoc(% The reason why would neer "e diined* apart fro+ the

natural !enesis here e/plained% 8reeches are a type of that +asculine soul which the

8rownie had neer attained* and the poor little )le+entary could not face this si!nificant

re+inder of the fatal fact

 6ow o"sere* upon this pri+eal constitution of a soul the rite of "aptis+ and conferrin!

a na+e @the na+e of the fatherB is founded% The doctrine of conferrin! a soul "y pro/y is

ery !eneral Hence the !od4father and !od4+other* or the father4!od and +other4!od of 

earlier "eliefs* who represented the adult creatie source% Hence* also* the power falsely

clai+ed "y the Christian Church to4day to sae the souls of children "y "aptis+al !race*

in response to the eEually false "elief that children would otherwise "e lost* or hae to !owithout an eternal soul Children that die un"aptised in #ussia are not re!istered at all,

are @or wereB not rec(oned in the data for the laws of +ortality .hat an influence such a

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syste+ +ust e/ert on the pietistic* the i!norant* and fee"le4+inded* in forcin! the+ into

the fold of faith* out of which is supposed to open the only doorway for their little ones

into eerlastin! life In this +anner the +odern sacerdotalists e+ploy the fetishis+ of the

ancient +edicine +en in the for+ of reli!ious do!+as* superstitious doctrines* and rites

supposed to sae%

It was at this sta!e of the soul that the doctrine of &alation "y +eans of selfe+asculation

had its natural !enesis* and +en unse/ed the+seles to sae their souls* "eco+in! eunuchs for the (in!do+ of heaen's sa(e, a doctrine of salation tau!ht "y the

Christ in Matthew's Gospel* which was carried out "y the castratin! Christians* who* li(e

the #ussian &(optsi* loo(ed forward to a +illenniu+ that was to co+e when all were

self4+utilated% In the fra!+ent of the )!yptian Gospel* Euoted "oth "y Cle+ent of 

$le/andria and Cle+ent of #o+e* we are told that the Christ* hain! "een as(ed "y

&alo+e when his >in!do+ was to co+e* answered* "hen the male with the female shall be neither male nor female." 6ow the Christ of which that could "e said is of necessity

the &piritual Christ of either or of "oth &e/es% This is also the Christ of Paul when he

says* There is neither +ale nor fe+ale* for ye are all one in Christ% Christian literalisers

sou!ht to attain that type "y unse/in! the+seles

It follows* on the sa+e physical "asis* that the wo+an does not possess a soul* or* at least*not this particular soul* founded on the principle of irility* and that at this sta!e of 

thou!ht she +ust derie her self4perpetuatin! soul fro+ the +asculine nature44if at all% In

the )!yptian tale of the two "rothers @in which we find the story of Joseph and Potiphar's

wifeB* the youn!er one is depried of his irile soul* whereupon he says to his consort*44"6 am a woman, een as thou art." Here* then* the wo+an is also treated as the i+pu"escent

or soulless child &o+e of the Christian fathers +aintained that wo+an has no inherent

soul* which proes they could not hae "een &piritualists in any practical sense They

held that wo+an only represented +atter @our soul 6o% 0B de!raded and da+ned eer 

since the Fall of Man* and only to "e saed "y child"earin!* as Paul teaches, that is* "y

the !race of the +ale* and the addition of a later soul% The >honds of India* who had not

!ot "eyond the !eneral $ncestral soul of the tri"e* coupled this with the +asculine power*

and held that .o+an was not a producer of soul, and they actually (illed off their fe+ale

children* "ecause these shared in the $ncestral soul of the tri"e* without contri"utin! to

the resered stoc(* and were thus ro""in! the +ales of a portion of their own proper soul%

If they resered all the irile soul to the+seles* they were "rae enou!h to capture

wo+en and wies fro+ other tri"es, and such was their ar!u+ent for and defence of 

 female infanticide within their own tri"e The Tur(s* in co++on with other races* hold

that .o+an has no soul44I a+ tryin! to show the natural !round for such "elief44and that

if she is reproduced at the ti+e of the resurrection* it will hae to "e in the i+a!e of the

+ale% This doctrine was li(ewise +aintained "y $u!ustine* a+on!st other of the

Christian Fathers, and it di+ly suries to4day with the Mor+ons* whose wies arewedded to the +ale* in order that they who are "y nature soulless +ay hae a chance of 

 "ein! raised at the last day "y the sain! power of the hus"and, conseEuently* the +ore

wies wedded the +ore souls saed% This doctrine of the +asculine soul is illustrated in

)!ypt "y the shebti i+a!e of the dead% )!yptolo!ists* li(e Mariette* hae "een pu77led to

(now why the "double" of the dead* which is always a figure of the bearded male, should

 "e found in the to+"s* as the type of the re4arisin! fe+ale* as well as of the +ale% It was

 "ecause at a certain sta!e of thou!ht44in relation to the physical "asis44the fe+ale had to

rise a!ain in the i+a!e of the +asculine soul44the soul 6o% ?44if at all% Thus* the potential

i++ortality of the fe+ale is here +ade dependent on the +ale* through the %rimitie %hysiology dominating and determining the later doctrine. Here* as in so +any other 

cases* it is a surial44si+ply a surial44fro+ the early physics !ood for its own+eanin!44"ut una"le to carry us any further44e/cept in the way in which it will +islead

us% The potential i++ortality of the soul is one of the oldest "eliefs co++on to the

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a"ori!inal and "ar"aric races of the world% Potential* or conditional i++ortality* is a

doctrine put forward afresh in our ti+e "y )soteric 8uddhists and certain "i"liolators

8ut these latter neer can touch "otto+ or deter+ine anythin! whateer "y wran!lin!

oer a few te/ts of &cripture* that hae "een "rou!ht on without the e/planation of the

oral hidden wisdo+% It +ay "e truly said of the people of one "oo(<448ehold ye (now

not anythin! &uch doctrines as conditional i++ortality can only "e 5ud!ed "y their 

natural !enesis .e shall neer !et at the+ "y +ista(in! what we cannot understand for adiine reelation, nor "y readin! into the+ a +odern +is4interpretation%

.e hae now to !o "ac( and learn of the pri+itie and unciilised races* with who+ the

loss* say of Me+ory* is the loss of a soul% $"sence of +ind +ay "e another +ode of 

losin! your soul% To lose your shadow een "y hain! your li(eness ta(en* +ay "e the

+eans of losin! your soul* as is yet "elieed Or it +ay "e* that under the affliction of 

 "ronchitis or asth+a* you run ery !reat ris( of losin! your %rana or soul of "reath%

nder such circu+stances a Fi5ian would lie down and call upon his departin! soul to

co+e "ac( to his "oso+, or the >aren +a!ician will run after the sic( +an's "utterfly* as

they call his waerin!* wanderin! soul of "reath* and pray it to return% $nd if the spiritdoctor 

should fail to catch the "utterfly @or psycheB* "ecause it has crossed the "oundary

of life and death* he tries to capture the $stral &hade of a liin! +an which +ay "eflittin! a"out whilst its owner is sleepin! with his si/ other souls @or any lesser nu+"erB

in the land of drea+s, so that when he wa(es he sic(ens* pines* and dies* "ecause his

other souls will "esure to !o in search of the +issin! $stral &hade44or enelope44for 

coer .e s+ile at such si+plicity* "ut44when Plato* or any other +etaphysical pererter 

of pri+itie thou!ht* sets forth the doctrine that our (nowled!e is a +atter of +e+ory*

and our science a +ere re+iniscence* that is "ut a sophis+ founded on this fourth soul of 

the early philosophy* which dates fro+ the ti+e when the faculty of memorising was thehighest recognised ty%e of mind or a soul.$!ain* one for+ of the adult or +asculine soul was considered to "e a secretion of the

+arrow* the &ans(rit mearg, or ma>>arasa, the sap of life44the +arrow of +anhood* or 

soul of horn and "one% $n $ccra sayin! has it that "marrow is the father of blood"< In the

earliest "iolo!y* "lood was the +other of +arrow% .ith this chan!e of iew it was fa"led

that the wo+an was created fro+ the +an* as )e was ta(en fro+ the "one of $da+* or 

deried fro+ the soul of his "one* considered to "e +asculine* and* as such* a for+ of the

fifth soul% Here we can trace yet another doctrinal deelop+ent% $t this sta!e fat and oil

were offered to the dead* as a type of the +arrow of life* and soul of "one< the fat that

was placed in the cups on the to+"stones of the "uried dead% To this day the #ed Indians

sacredly place a lu+p of fat in the +outh of the corpse prepared for the !rae, and the

#o+anists anoint the dyin! with the oil called "e#treme unction." In )!ypt the ery

diinity of Horus consisted in the preseration of the holy oil on his face, he who was the

anointed or the greased, i.e., the Christ @#ecords of the Past* 0:* 0AB, he who was"raised from the dead through @and asB the glory of the 2ather"1 and whose earliest

adent was in the +ale nature* as the anointed at the ti+e of pu"erty% Hence fat or oil was

used as a "one4type of the pri+itie soul of +an44the sole "one fro+ which the first

wo+an eer was created% This* the fifth soul* was at one ti+e the 9uintessence of a +an

.hen the "rain had "een identified as the physical "asis* or +atter of +ind* the si/th soul

was then deried fro+ this #itual @chap% l//iii%B* the Osirified deceased says*44"Horushas come to me out of my father siris<" "He has come to me out of the brains of hishead<" That was as the nous of the Gnostics* the reealer of an intellectual soul* who in

)!ypt is the !od Ptah* or $utah, the opener* who+ I elsewhere identify with 8uddha in

India% The Hindu 8uddhi is the si/th soul* and Putah is lord of the si/th creation< he is

also (nown as the "wisdom of the first intellect." @&ee 6atural Genesis* section 3%BThe &eenth soul was deried fro+ the indiidualised fatherhood* which was represented

 "y the father $tu+ for the first ti+e in the )!yptian +ytholo!y44$tu+ "ein! eEuialent

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to the 8uddhist Atma, the creatie soul% $tu+ of the seenth creation represents the

eternal44he inspires the "reath of life eerlastin!* and is called the one sole God without change. $t this sta!e of attain+ent the soul e/ults that it is created foreer* and is a soul

 "eyond ti+e% The deceased e/clai+s* "hu causes me to shine as a liing lord, and to bemade the eenth when he comes forth<" "6 am the one born of ee/h<" and &ee(h

+eans the seenfold or seenth* the type of attain+ent* as the seenth of the total series.

This "is he who comes out sound @in deathB44the Un/nown is his name." The "mystery of this soul made by the gods" is descri"ed as "ein!* as it were* "selfe#istence" 44i.e. of the

 per+anent entity attained at last% It is called the "resered soul," the "engendered of the gods, who %roided it with its sha%es. 6ne#%licable is the genesis. 6t is the greatest of  secrets." @#it% ch% 0?%B

In this way the seen souls were identified in )!ypt* and +ay "e for+ulated as44@0B the

&oul of 8lood* @2B the &oul of 8reath* @9B the &hade or Coerin! &oul* @AB the &oul of 

Perception* @?B the &oul of Pu"escence* @B the Intellectual &oul* @;B the &piritual &oul%

The first was formatie.The second soul breathed.

The third soul enelo%ed.The fourth soul %erceied.The fifth soul %rocreated.The si/th soul re%roduced intellectually.The seenth %er%etuated %ermanently.

$nd at eery one of these seen sta!es of deelop+ent there was a fresh out!rowth of 

+ythical le!end or +ystical representation445ust as there +i!ht "e a new efflorescence at

the seen ascendin! (nots of a "a+"oo cane% Much of this* howeer* has "een shown in

+y "Natural Genesis," and cannot "e repeated now%

8ut "ecause the pri+itie and archaic +an reco!nised and laid hold of seen ele+ents*

one after another* in the shape of for+* "reath* corporeal soul* perception* pu"escent soul*

intellectual soul* and an endurin! soul* as a +ode of identifyin! his physical ele+ents and

+ental Eualities44that does not +a(e hi+ resola"le into a nu+"er of ele+entary spirits

after death* as if falsely i+a!ined and +aintained "y the )soteric 8uddhists% There neer 

were seen souls of "lood* of "reath* of coer* of perception* of the ani+al* intellectual*

and spiritual nature which could hae passed into another world as seen ele+entary

spirits% These phanto+ li(enesses of natural facts "elon!in! to our past seles hae no

+ore power than photo!raphs for each to "eco+e a future self% The shadows pro5ected "y

the &een did not* and could not* "eco+e spiritual "ein!s in another world% They were

only types for use in the +ental world% They were a nu+"er of types* seen lines in an

upward series* each of which sered* for the ti+e "ein!* to denote the ele+ent at the ti+eidentified with or as the soul% .e +ay loo( upon the+ as the seen lines of an ascendin!

hi!h4water +ar(% The seen ele+ents in the nature of +an neer could "eco+e anythin!

+ore than seen types* accordin! to an ascertained +ode of typolo!y, whereas the

)soteric 8uddhist continues the+ as seen potential spirits of a +an* the ele+entaries of 

another life* who +ay either attain the i++ortality of a united and per+anent entity there*

in so+e far4off future* or fail for lac( of power to persist* and finally die out alto!ether%

That is not a ision of the future* hu+an or spiritual, it is "ut loo(in! in a camera obscuraheld in front* which reflects in so+e di+ and distortin! +anner a picture of the past that

lies "ehind% .e shall no +ore deposit seen* or een two* souls in death than Olier 

Cro+well could hae left "ehind hi+ two s(ulls* found in two rial +useu+s* one of 

which @the s+aller of the twoB was said to hae "een his s(ull when he was a "oyThese is nothin! in the nature of thin!s (nown or prefi!ured to warrant us in assu+in! a

funda+ental and endurin! difference in the constituent Euality of "ein!s who "elon! to

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the sa+e species% 6ature !ies no hint that we can either en!ender a force or destroy a

faculty of persistin! that +ay "e called i++ortal44no hint that we can co++it eternal

suicide* and put an end to e/istence* any +ore than we could initiate our own "e!innin!%

It is here* as so often elsewhere* that an ancient +ode of e/pression has "eco+e the

+odern +ould of thou!ht% The )soteric 8uddhists* li(e the pri+itie Christians* hae

 "een "e!uiled "y the typolo!y which they hae failed to interpret% Of course* if you only

credit an undeeloped "ein! with the hu+an for+* the life of "reath* the astral shade* anda twin(le of terrestrial intelli!ence* you can easily esta"lish a doctrine of conditional

i++ortality* "ut I affir+ that it is solely on the plan of this pri+itie +ap of +an* which

was only tentatiely true% There neer was a ti+e when the adult +ale did not possess at

least fie of the seen principles or souls44those of "lood* "reath* shade* perception* and

the ani+al soul44howsoeer s+all his intellect +ay hae "een% $t least four of these

souls44the soul of "lood* "reath* intelli!ence* and reproduction44"elon! to the ani+al in

co++on with +an, and so we find four souls are ascri"ed to the 8ear "y the &iou/

Indians% The only possi"le hu+an ele+entary spirit is the child that died "efore it ca+e of 

a!e* and that is identifia"ly e/tant44in short* the seen were not souls in the flesh that

when out of it could "eco+e seen orders of spirits o"5ectie to +an% &een ele+ents*

seen principles in seen de!rees of the one life's deelop+ent* "eca+e seen personalities or persons solely as a +ode of e/pression* a classification in accordance

with these pri+itie types% $nd "ein! ele+ents* when spo(en of as persona!es they

naturally "eco+e seen ele+entaries, and "ein! ele+entaries in this "iolo!ical sense of 

the true )soteric teachin!* they !et +i/ed up with the seen powers of the ele+ents or 

ele+entals and their prototypes* which neer did* and neer could* hae a personal

e/istence44neer were liin! "ein!s% Hence the dire confusion a+on!st the +odern

echoes of the ancient wisdo+* and the indefiniteness of )soteric 8uddhis+* on the

su"5ect of ele+entals and ele+entaries%

In the 6atural Genesis I hae traced the seen powers of the ele+ents to their ori!in in

e/ternal pheno+ena% The seen ele+entaries in the nature of +an +ay also "e followed

as far as they will !o%

In the 6nscri%tion of Una @#ecords of the Past, 2* 1B* these &een &ouls of the Pharaoh are

spo(en of as "ein! ino(ed "more than all the Gods." These were the Diine $ncestors*

the Manes* who were worshipped in )!ypt "y the "husenHar," or followers of Horus*

for thirteen hundred years "efore the ti+e of Menes% 8ein! &een in 6u+"er* they are

identical with the &een Manus* #ishis* )lohi+* and other He"do+ads found elsewhere%

Their ori!in was in this wise% The &een* who preceded the )i!hth* "ein! loo(ed upon as

 %rogenitors of the one4endurin! &oul* the Horus* Christ or 8uddha* "eca+e a form of the Ancestors, or -anes1 the nature of which has to be %artly determined by the number een. They neer were the &pirits of Indiidual $ncestors They ori!inated as seen

hu+an 3lementaries, and not as Ghosts that +ade their appearance in a !roup of seen%These seen* "ein! correlated and co+"ined with the seen ele+ental forces reco!nised

in e/ternal nature* we hae that perple/in! +i/ture of 3lementaries and 3lementals, on

which su"5ect we are told the $depts are ery diffident%

The &eptenary of souls can "e traced fro+ first to last "y +eans of the )!yptian doctrine

of transfor+ation% Thus the "lood source that for+ed the e+"ryo was Euic(ened and

transfor+ed into the soul that "reathed% The "reathin! soul attained coer* and

transfor+ed into the corporeal soul of shade, this transfor+ed into an Intelli!ence% The

intelli!ent youth transfor+ed into the adult* when the ani+al soul* or pro4creatie spirit*

+anifested at pu"erty% The adult soul transfor+ed into the He"rew 6esha+ah* the wise

soul* or the Hindu 8uddhi* the soul of ascertain+ent* and this into the soul that +a(es to

re4lie* which was represented "y the God $tu+* in who+ the fatherhood wasindiiduali7ed at last as the "e!etter of an eternal soul, also "y the He"rew $da+* whose

head reached up to the seenth Heaen% This doctrine of transfor+ation* and the unifyin!

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of arious indiidualities into one personality* puts an end to the septenary* and to the

dierse destinations after death of seeral hu+an principles* which +ust hae already

attained totality "y unity* in order that there +i!ht "e a personality* or e!o* in this life%

 6ot one of the &een &ouls had o"tained the per+anent personality* and* as they were "ut

seen rudi+ental factors in the deelop+ent of an ulti+ate &oul* they could not "eco+e

&een &pirits as realities* or $pparitions* in another life% )ach older self was +er!ed in

the now* and* therefore* the seen could neither "e si+ultaneous nor conte+porary*e/cept when a"sor"ed in the oneness of unity%

Her+es descri"es the one soul of the unierse as enterin! into creepin! thin!s* and

transfor+in! into the soul of watery thin!s* and this into the soul of thin!s that lie on the

land, and airy ones are chan!ed into +en, and hu+an souls that lay hold of i++ortality

are chan!ed into spirits* and so they ascend up to the re!ion of the fi/ed stars @or !odsB*

which is the ei!hth sphere, and this is the +ost perfect !lory of the soul 8ut this was as

the one soul of life* not as the ei!ht* or seen indiidual souls% The ei!hth was the

i++ortal "losso+ on the hu+an "ranch%

The worst (ind of hauntin! in this world is not done "y the spirits of dead people* "ut "y

the phanto+s of defunct ideas, the shadows cast upon the cloud4curtain of the hereafter 

 "y those thin!s which were only types and fi!ures of hu+an realities here44not thin!s inthe+seles fro+ the first% $nd these seen* or other nu+"er of other seles* "elon!in! to

the one personality* hae left their shadows in the do+ain of +etaphysic* which is

funda+entally fractured "y this splittin! up of the one personality into separate seles*

whether seenfold* fiefold* fourfold* threefold* or only secondary% $lso* these !hosts of 

 pri+itie physics are "e!innin! to wal( in our +idst* and are tryin! to pass the+seles

off upon us as !enuine spirit4pheno+ena% The 8uddhist difference "etween personality

and indiiduality was necessitated* and is e/plained "y the indiiduality which +ay

include a seen4fold for+* or passa!e of the personality, seen persons in one e!o* li(e

the Three Persons and one God in the Trinity% In the process of doctrinal deelop+ent*

o"5ectie re4"irth in a series of hu+an lies* or spirits* has "een su"stituted for the re"irth

of the e!o in personality at the different sta!es and conersions of the one "ein!*

whereas the ori!inal re4"irths were su"5ectie* whether "iolo!ical or psychical* and

li+ited to the one life alone* in its successie sta!es of transfor+ation%

8esides which* the &een &ouls are all summed u% in an eighth.This ei!hth to the seen is +entioned in the 8oo( of #eelation* where the nu+"ers of 

the Gnosis constitute .isdo+% The 8east* who is an )i!hth* is also of the &een In

)!ypt it was the lunar Taht4&+en* the ei!hth* or the sun4!od with the seen souls, in

India* the !od with seen ar+s% The ei!hth is also represented "y the 8uddha* who is the

+anifestor for the seen 8uddhas* or Manus* and "y the Gnostic Christ* who is called the

ei!ht4rayed star of the plero+a* or !od4head* co+posed of seen earlier powers* of who+

it is is said<44":hen, out of gratitude for the great benefit which had been conferred onthem, the whole %leroma of =ons, with one design and one desire, and with theconcurrence of 5hrist and the holy s%irit, their father also setting the seal of his a%%roal on their conduct, brought together whateer each one had in himself of the greatest beauty and %reciousness1 and uniting all these contributions so as s/ilfully to blend thewhole, they %roduced a being of most consummate beauty, the ery star of the %leroma,and the %erfect fruit @of itB* namely, 7esus. Him they also s%ea/ of under the name of aiour, and 5hrist, and, %atronymically, ogos, and All :hings, because he was formed 

 from the contributions of all." &uch is the Gnostic account of the Christ as the ei!hth one*

in who+ the &een &ouls cul+inated% The seen spirits were also continued in the

Gnostic syste+ as the seen an!els who coney the eternal soul to the hu+an creature%

ou +ay see the+ in Didron's Christian Icono!raphy as the &een Does which hoer round the =ir!in Mary* who carries the Christ in e+"ryo44he who* as the ei!hth* "eca+e

superior to the an!els% The doe was also said "y the Gnostics to represent Christ as the

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ei!ht4fold one* or the illustrious O!doad, the nu+"er of the Doe "ein! 1:0 in Gree( 

letters% Hence the descent of the Doe that abode on 7esus when he attained the Christhood,

where the sy+"ol proes and identifies the typical and non4historical nature of the

transaction* and the Gnostic character of the cu+ulatie Christ%

The $ss* a Typhonian type of lunar pheno+ena* was li(ewise a representatie of the

.ord or Lo!os that was reproduced as the )i!hth44li(e the repeatin! note in the +usical

scale% It is well (nown that the "ray of the don(ey is 5ust an octae in its ran!e, and this+ade it an utterer of the .ord or Lo!os* who was the )i!hth% .e read in the #itual @ch%

02?B that "Great words are s%o/en by the Ass<" $nd in old )!yptian the $ss has the

na+e of 6u or Iao% The )i!hth was the &eenth &oul* as first $erson in the Hebdomad, the fatherGod afterwards re%roduced as his own on. This was Iu4e+4hept @hept;B in

)!ypt, the $ss4headed Iao4&a"aoth and Iao4Chnu"is of the Gnostics% .hen e/pressed "y

+eans of e/ternal pheno+ena it was the &olar iifier who was reproduced +onthly* or 

annually* "y the Mother4Moon, whence the re4"irth or resurrection that is still dependent

on the full +oon of )aster, he who "eca+e Lord of the first day* or &unday* instead of the

seenth day* or &aturday%

The diine Fatherhood "ein! founded at last in the God* or supre+e one of the seen

souls* whether called $tu+4#a* or Osiris in )!ypt* =ishnu in India* $da+ in the Gree( Mysteries* or Jehoah a+on!st the Jews* his +anifestor was i+personated as the diine

son of the father4God* in who+ the octae is attained* and the God4head of all the powers

or souls is reproduced 5ust as the ei!hth note in +usic is the note of repetition*

reproduction* or re4appearance% $nd this ei!hth one was the Christ* as Iu4e+4hept* the

son of $tu+* who is desi!nated the )ternal .ord% This ei!hth one* as +anifestor of the

seen* was also Har4>huti* in )!ypt* the Lord of Li!hts and of the Glorified )lect* the

God whose &i!n is the Pyra+id 4 fi!ure of ;, >rishna $!ni* or 8uddha in India, $ssur in

$ssyria, Pan* of the seen pipes* in Greece, and the Gnostic Christ* called Tote+* the $ll*

who was for+ed fro+ the contri"utions of all the &een* identical with the 8uddha* who

is the outco+e of the seen 8uddhas* the result of their "5ollectie 6ntelligence," called

$di48uddha* or ;uddha from the beginning, in allusion to this process of deelop+ent,

and whose sy+"ol* li(e that of the Christ* and of Horus* is the star with ei!ht rays The

Christ* or Mithras* or Horus* represented that hei!ht* or octae of attain+ent* to which the

Gnostic adept aspired* and which Paul desi!nates the full4!rown Man* and the +easure of 

the stature of the fulness of the Christ* or a sort of diine ctaius<&uch was the nature of the "isdom" that a Gnostic li(e Paul* )popt and perfect* spo(e

a+on!st the perfected, and it would hae "een useless to hae spo(en such a+on! $Gnostics

who were of the fleshly faith% This was the +ystical Christ who ca+e 8 and

$& the Holy &pirit, so Jesus is transfor+ed into the Christ when the Holy &pirit descends

upon hi+ in his 8aptis+ 8ut* after this transfor+ation* it is said in the sa+e Gospel that

the Holy &pirit was not yet e#tant @or co++unicatedB* "ecause Jesus was not yet glorified.To the !enuine Gnostics this holy spirit always had "een e/tant, "ut here we see its ery

e/istence +ade alto!ether dependent upon the personality and death of Jesus in the

 process of re4datin! it and +a(in! hi+ the author of it historically% 8arna"as (new "etter%

He identifies the Christ with the Man of the ei!hth &oul* who rose a!ain on the  3ighth 4ay of 5reation<Here the hei!ht was synony+ous* and is identical* with the nu+"er ei!ht This hei!ht is

represented in the 8uddhist* Gnostic* and Mithraic +ysteries "y a ladder with ei!ht steps*

the ei!hth* or hei!ht* "ein! the top of attain+ent* the place of the perfected, and so the

octae was co+pleted at last in 8uddha4hood* in )li5ah4hood* in Christ4hood* or the

diine +an4hood* of the pre4Christian reli!ions, such li(ewise "ein! the natural !enesis

of the ei!ht ways and ei!ht paths of 8uddhis+%The Gnostics said salation was "rou!ht "y the O!doad, and the &aiour personified was

the +ystical Octaius< the superior +an of the ei!hth creation It is said "y Peter in the

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Cle+entine #eco!nitions that there was an 6deal -an who had the ri!ht to the na+e of 

Messiah* "ecause the Jews called their >in!s the Christ* the #o+ans Csar* and the

)!yptians Pharaoh% That is true% )ach of these DID represent the sa+e ori!inal type% The

#o+an Csar* the hairy* pu"escent* or $nointed One* was an i+personation of this

supre+e soul, who happens to "e the 3ighth also "y na+e in ctaianus, who was the

first )+peror @8orn 8%C% 9* called $u!ustus 8%C% 2;%B $ccordin! to the Christianised

Le!ends of the &y"il* the #o+ans wished to adore Octaianus as a diinity* "ut the &y"ilshowed hi+ the Co+in! Christ in the =ir!in's lap* whereupon he refused to "e

worshipped hi+self* too( off his diade+* and adored the future child 6eertheless*

Octaianus was 5ust as !ood an historical realisation of the +ythical and +ystical Christ

as any personal Jesus could "e, or* rather* "oth were eEually i+possi"le for those who


$nother Gnostic +ode of illustratin! this +ystery +ay "e pointed out in passin!% The

supre+e personality was attained in the ei!hth de!ree of ascension* and the supre+e si!n

of that personality* the pronoun I* was the ulti+ate outco+e and representatie si!n of 

seen owel sounds% Our letter I was the ai* ei* eta or ida of the Coptic* which has the

numeral alue of eight. &een owels* said the Gnostics* !lorify the .ord* and these

were uttered in a sin!le sound* in an O or an I% Thus the octae was co+pleted* the hei!htattained and e/pressed in a sin!le letter si!n* the I of Personality% The God was also

ino(ed with adorations in the Gree( Mysteries, possi"ly with the 1 $dorations* which

are )!yptian and Chinese% This was another si!n of the )i!hth &oul* hain! the nu+erical

alue of )i!ht in hundreds% The si!n suries as the ocatie Oh of reli!ious


$ccordin! to the Gnosis* then* the &een were only a !roup of pheno+ena which eoled

the endurin! entity at last* the eternal soul itself* into which they were transu"stantiated in

death, the re4appearin!* +anifestin! spirit that was personified as the fully awa(ened

8uddha* or the +ystical Christ of the Mysteries% &uch was the Findin! of the Christ as a

hu+an product* which was first de+onstrated "y &piritualis+44the type hain! "een

continued "y co+"inin! the +ythical with the +ystical This was the ":rue ogos" which Philo and Celsus wrote a"out* the "Heaenly and indestructible offs%ring of a

 4iine and 6ncor%oreal nature," the Gnostic "ight which lighteth eery one that comethinto the world," not that earthly &hadow cast upon the "ac(!round of i!norance called the

Historical Christ% &uch was the ori!in and +ode of "uildin! up* sta!e "y sta!e* the Christ

of the Gnosis, the diine +an* the +an fro+ heaen* descri"ed "y Paul* the Christ of 

those who (new* the eolution of which has now "een traced step "y step to its

cul+ination, the Christ of that spiritual e/istence "eyond the !rae* which was

de+onstrated in the +ysteries of +ediu+ship* who was called the son of God* also the

son of +an* "ecause the son as +anifestor i+plied the father as "e!etter This was in the

+ystical phase% In the +oral aspect the Horus* Christ* or 8uddha was set forth as a +odelto all +en* the hi!hest type of attain+ent for those who were cli+"in! up the ladder of 

ei!ht rounds% It was not the portrait of any one indiidual who could attain perfection

once and for all as the representatie of all +en% That was the fatal +ista(e of the

Christians44the +en who did not (now44as it is eEually the error of those )soterists who

only pretend to (now% The earliest +ode of attainin! this Christhood* or 8uddhahood*

was "y cultiatin! the trance4conditions and "eco+in! a spirit a+on!st spirits% This was

+oralised in a second phase when attain+ent was +ade dependent upon the practice of 

certain sain! irtues% In the final phase conersion to a "elief in the Christian sche+e

has ta(en the place of "oth

It is positiely proa"le that the Christ is "ut a type identical with the Horus* the Iao4

Hepta(tis* the 8uddha or Pan of the prior cultus% $ccordin! to Irenus* the =alentinianGnostics +aintained the identity of the &aiour with Pan* who is called 5hristum in the

Latin te/t% Pan was* of course* an earlier personification of the All, or $ll Thin!s% The

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type and ori!in are one* under whatsoeer na+e% ConseEuently Pan* or $ristus* with the

seen4fold pipe in his hand* and the sheep on his shoulders* is the Christ* the &aiour* the

Good &hepherd pourtrayed in the #o+an Cataco+"s* instead of the historic Jesus* whose

 picture is not there%

The Christ or 8uddha of the Gnostics could not "eco+e flesh once for all* as he was the

supre+e outco+e and consu++ate flower of all flesh* in the cul+inatin! sta!e of 

spiritual attain+ent in life* and spiritual apparition after death% The Christ "ein! ani++ortal principle* and ery life itself* could not "e put to death, so that "redem%tion bythe death of 5hrist" is a funda+ental fallacy fro+ the first% Here* as in other +atters* the

essence of all the present writer has to say is* that a %hysical fulfillment is always and eerywhere the doctrine of delusion. Historic personality could not authenticate the

e/istence of the 8uddha% It had no +eanin! when applied to the Christ% They alone could

accept such a ersion who were non4Gnostics and non4&piritualists* entirely i!norant of 

the nature of the +anifestor% It was the type of i++ortality* not as the +u++y4i+a!e on

earth* "ut as the starry Horus, as the &a or !lorified apparition that reappeared throu!h

the dar( of death, as the risen Christ who rose upon the hori7on of the resurrection, the

Horus* whose na+e denotes the one who ascends as a spirit% For* the )!yptian* "only one

who comes forth from the body" applies to the spirit in life* as well as in death% The art of leain! the "ody was co++on to the old dar( races* and is practised "y the rudest

indi!enes of +any lands% The >honds call it the art of -lee%a or transfor+ation% $n

)!yptian artist na+ed Iritsen @00th DynastyB says he (nows the "mystery of the 4iineord," and "how to %roduce the mode (or form) of issuing forth and coming in." .hether in this life or another* the .ise &pirits were all one% "He has become as one of us" is said of $da+ when he had "eco+e Dead as .ise &pirits% It was this so4called

Ma!ical $rt of producin! a"nor+al conditions* and the faculty of &econd &i!ht* that

finally esta"lished the e/istence of a per+anent indiiduality or soul "eyond the &een

)le+entaries% $nd it was the +ystical Christ* so esta"lished* who alone could "rin!

i++ortality to li!ht, "ut not "y a physical resurrection fro+ the to+"% I a+ the

resurrection and the life applies only to the principle or spirit44the 1th* as the one that

rises a!ain* the "only one," as the #itual has it* "who eer comes from the body" 44the

typical eternal who appears as the deathless one upon the other side of the !rae This

Christ cannot "e +ade Historical or Personal FO# &*44only I6 & That is the doctrine

of Paul* of Philo* and the Gnostics* opposed to the Christian doctrine of the physical or 

fleshly faith%

The ulti+ate soul* type or phase of e/istence* then* was not "orn as a +ental conce%t, nor 

as the result of an induction* nor as the drea+4shadow +ade o"5ectie, it was practically

de+onstrated as scientific +atter 4 of 4 fact The Christ of the Gnostics* of Philo4Judus*

and of Paul* the heaenly +an* or second $da+* who ca+e fro+ $"oe* was no +ere

doctrinal a"straction* "ut the spirit or !host that could "e seen*44as it was seen "y Paul inisions44and +ade to constitute his own special +ystery, and always had "een seen "y

those who possessed the second si!ht een as it continues to "e seen "y the a"nor+al

seers of to4day*44which !host* accordin! to the eidence collected "y the &ociety for 

Psychical #esearch* is also isi"le at ti+es to ordinary ision% In pourtrayin! their  &ai+a!e of the spiritual )!o* the !lorified second4self* as a type of the )ternal 8ein!* the

)!yptians represented that which their &eers saw* and you +ay trust the+ for the truth in

this* as in eerythin! else* they were so entirely truthful% Indeed* I thin( the +ind of +an

has neer had so profound a sense of truth and erity as in the )!yptian phase% Throu!h

life they put their trust in truth* and it was their principle of cohesion in death% The

Osirified deceased says* "6 am the ord of :ruth, liing it daily. I a+ spiritualised* I hae

become a soul< I hae touched truth." Their typical )ternal is called the sole "ein! wholies by truth. 8efore the tri"unal of eternal truth the accused pleads that he has not een

altered a story in the telling of it< That alone was true which is for eer, and all along the

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line of %rogress they had gro%ed in search of that which was ultimately true, and true for eer,44the e/act opposite of the Hindu -aya, the untrue, or delusion% $nd they ouch for 

the fact that the Ghost of Man is a liin! reality44the final reality44the Horus or Christ% In

co+parison with those who /now "ecause they see that there is a continuity of e/istence

 "eyond the chan!e called death* "ecause they hae the faculty to perceie the dead as

liin! phantas+s e+"odied in a rarer for+* we are all of us on the "lind side of thin!s

They (now "ecause they see, and we deny "ecause we do not (now% .ith the saa!e or the ciilised seein! +a(es all the difference* and cuts short all Euestion of the possi"ility

of seein!%

8ut to return% )soteric 8uddhis+ tells us the hi!her principles of the series which !o to

constitute +an are not fully deeloped in the +an(ind with which we are as yet fa+iliar%

.hereas this syste+ of thou!ht* this +ode of representation* this septenary of powers* in

arious aspects* had "een esta"lished in )!ypt at least seen thousand years a!o* as we

learn fro+ certain allusions to $tu+ found in the inscriptions lately discoered at

&a((arah% I say in arious aspects "ecause the Gnosis of the Mysteries was at least seenfold

in its nature44it was )le+ental* 8iolo!ical* )le+entary @hu+anB* &tellar* Lunar*

&olar* and &piritual44and nothin! short of a !rasp of the whole syste+ can possi"ly ena"le

us to discri+inate the arious parts* distin!uish one fro+ the other* and deter+ine thewhich and the what* as we try to follow the sy+"olical &een throu!h their seeral

 phases of character%

The )!yptian #itual represents the dra+a of the doctrinal deelop+ents relatin! to the

 passa!e of the Deceased* with his trials and transfor+ations in the underworld* which

furnished the +atter of the later +ysteries* includin! the Gree(* Mithraic* and Christian%

In this* the Deceased plays oer a!ain the whole seen characters that went to the +a(in!

up of the one personality* which "eca+e per+anent in the ei!hth nature% He is

reconstructed for the other life in e/act accordance with the seen principles or souls with

which he was constructed in this life% On the day of rec(onin! souls* the seen

constituents hae to "e collected* counted* and united in one% $ccordin! to the dra+atic

representation* i++ortality depended on totality% The seen chief or!ans of life* or 

ehicles of &oul* were all presered as types% $nd when put to!ether a!ain* accordin! to

 pattern* he is as we say "all there," with the whole of his parts and +e+"ers sound% The

soul could e/ist independently of the heart* "ut there was no proper reconstruction

 possi"le without the heart "ein! literally "in its right %lace." It was thus they acted the

Mystery% The Deceased cries* "4o not ta/e my soul<" @8a%B "4o not detain my shade<" @>ha"a%B "%en the %ath to my shade, and my soul, and my intelligence @$(huB to see the

 great God on the day of rec/oning souls." One of the Genii says to hi+* "6 >oin together thy bones for thee. 6 reie thy members for thee1 6 bring thee thy heart, and %ut it in its

 %lace." Then the Osirified deceased e/clai+s* "6 am the rec/oning which goes in" 44"and 

the account which comes out" 44i.e., when su++ed up and =)#IFI)D% .hen put to!ether and diini7ed as the co+pound i+a!e of the &een* it is said of the )i!hth &oul* ":hy 6ndiiduality is %ermanent<" Hain! attained his seenfold totality* he is the )i!hth one*

at peace as an endurin! spirit* one of the @erified. The deceased is thus !reeted* "Hail siris< thou hast comethy /a @his spiritual i+a!e* or diine li(enessB with thee<" and he

is now hailed as the only one eer co+in! forth fro+ the "ody* the fore+ost of those who

 "elon! to the solar race, the sun "ein! the supre+e type of the soul* as the =iifier for 

eer% He has cul+inated in that unity which &piritualis+ ena"les us to start with* without

this prole!o+ena of the ancient physics% He +a(es the si!nificant re+ar(*44"6 hasten toesca%e the hades<" whose shadows hae "een utilised "y our friends* the Theosophists*

to e/plain away* or +ini+ise the e/tant pheno+ena called &piritualistic%

The Third principle* or astral "ody* says Mr% &innett* is that which is at ti+es ta(en for the !host of departed persons $lso* it +ay e/ude fro+ the "ody of a spiritualistic

+ediu+* "ut it is no +ore a "ein! than the cloud in the s(y can "eco+e an ani+al*

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althou!h it +ay show a spurious se+"lance in its for+% This is to introduce the direst

confusion* and to utterly +ystify that which is sufficiently +ystical The corporeal or 

third soul of the series* only persists as a type* "ecause it was once the hi!hest

representatie of the soul% &ouls that passed off into spirit4world when the soul was "ut a

shade or coerin! soul* did not "eco+e sunshades in heaen nor fire4proofs in hell44nor 

can they issue fro+ the +ediu+'s "ody as such* een throu!h the sunshade is retained as

a pictorial type of that soul et the sunshade has an eEual ri!ht to "e classed a+on! the)le+entaries with the $stral &hade* or any other sy+"ol of the soul% Indeed* the &ia+ese

hae the sunshade as a seen4fold type% Their sacred u+"rella* that used to "e the

sunshade of royalty* had seen tiers to it* which represented the seen heaens in the

+ythical phase* and the seen souls in the +ystical sense% The spirit that returned to earth

when the soul was the corporeal shade* and the third was the hi!hest in the series* would

 "e the &hade, this "ein! the corporeal soul* when it appeared on a isit to the liin! it was

supposed to !o "ac( to the "ody in the to+"* and to pass away alto!ether as the "ody

decayed% It could not !o to heaen when there was no heaen +ade out to !o to% 8ein!

third in the series* this would "eco+e a !host that only lied up to the third !eneration44as

we find it a+on! the ulu >affirs 8ut the shade neer could "e one of seen souls

e+anatin! fro+ the "ody of a +ediu+% In such a cli+ate as ours it would "e econo+icalif eery +ediu+ could +aterialise and spread out a coerin! in that way Of course* if 

you postulate or pourtray a soul at that i++ature sta!e of deelop+ent* it will "e without

+ind or +e+ory* lan!ua!e* or indiiduality% It will "e a shadow indeed $nd so it

reappears a+on!st the !hosts of )soteric 8uddhis+* "ut it is not one of the Intelli!ences

(nown to +odern &piritualis+% .e +ay as well say that the soul of "lood "eca+e a red

+ouse* and the soul that fed on "lood "eca+e a haw(* and so on all throu!h the series of 

types, which they did accordin! to the syste+ of representation* althou!h not in reality%

The &eens were all correlated* the seen ele+ental powers* with the seen ele+ents in

+an, and these seen souls* or ele+ental parts of +an* were assi!ned to seen creators* or 

!ods* and considered as seen creations in +ytholo!y* each of which had its 7ootype*

such as the red +ouse* the haw(* the ape* 5ac(al* serpent* "eetle* and crocodile% &een

7ootypes hain! "een adopted to represent seen ele+ents in e/ternal nature* these or 

their e9uialents were continued to e/press the seen ele+ents or souls in +an% The

&hrew +ouse was an )!yptian type of the first for+ation* the soul 6o% 0* the "blind  Horus," as he was called, the haw(* of the second soul* that of "reath and of si!ht, the

+on(ey* of reflection @the other selfB, the 5ac(al* of +e+ory, the serpent @or !oose which

laid the e!!B* of the transfor+ation into adultship, the fro! @or "eetleB* of the

transfor+ation into an intellect, and the crocodile* &ee(h* which is nu+"er seen* into

the &eer unseen* the soul as supre+e one of the seen souls% 6ow* as a soul was once

typified "y the red +ouse* it is certain that the soul or ghost will be seen as a red mouse1

and accordin!ly this soul was seen as the red +ouse that ca+e out of the sleeper's +outh*in a Ger+an story% This red +ouse of a soul is also +entioned "y GoZthe in Faust% That

is the red +ouse that typified the pri+ary soul of "lood% The Ger+an !oddess Holda* the

receier of children's souls* is represented as co++andin! a +ultitude of +ice%

Moreoer* the +ouse is sure to surie in a sort of spirit4world, and here we hae it% The

+oon was a re4"irthplace for the +ost ele+entary or rudi+entary souls* "ecause it was

the first step on the planetary ladder* a"oe the su"lunary sphere% $nd so we find the

+yth of souls in the +oon in the shape of little +ice% The Da(ota Indians say the wanin!

of the +oon is caused "y +ultitudes of +ice that are ni""lin! at it and causin! its

disappearance44the +ouse "ein! an )!yptian e+"le+ of disappearance%

The +ouse was a type of the first Horus* or soul 6o% 0% The haw( is a type of the soul of 

 "reath* or soul 6o% 2* "ecause as Hor4$pollo e/plains* the haw( drin(s "lood* neer water* and the soul is sustained "y "lood% $s there was a soul that fed on "lood in this

life* the soul e+aned fro+ the "ody in death at that sta!e of thou!ht and e/pression* will

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continue the type in another phase and sphere, so we hae a soul or spirit of the dead that

is supposed to co+e out of the corpse to suc( the "lood of the liin!, and the ori!in of the

=a+pire* that only lies "y drin(in! hu+an "lood* has to "e sou!ht at this depth of 

roota!e, for the "lood4suc(in! de+ons of arious (inds are held to "e hu+an souls* and

not the ele+ental powers personified% If you consider @as I doB the !host to "e an

o"5ectie fact in nature* the power to de+onstrate* and the ision for seein!* +ay hae

e/isted fro+ the earliest ti+es* and there would "e apparitions when the "iolo!y had onlyidentified the "lood with the soul of life 6ow there is not only eidence of a hauntin!

spirit at this sta!e44a soul of "lood44a !ory !host* as the =a+pire* "ut certain eil spirits*

when conEuered "y a Ma!e li(e &olo+on* always fled to* and were drowned in* the #ed

&ea* which was their fa"led ho+e and "irthplace% That is the )!yptian #ed La(e of 

Pri+ordial Matter In the 8oo( of the Dead* certain undeeloped and rudi+entary souls

are sent "ac( a!ain* doo+ed to "e resoled into the pri+al ele+ent* and are said in the

te/ts to "e suppressed in "lood, they +a(e their typical return to that fro+ which they


)ach of the &een Principles* or $ppetites* or souls* had the physical prototype* that was

separately presered "y the )!yptians44the "rain* ton!ue* heart* sto+ach* and other 

ehicles of life% Thus when the >roo ne!roes hold that the stomach of a +an ascends toheaen after death* we can understand it as a representatie of one of the souls* or 

appetites% This soul of the sto+ach would need to "e fed% 6o wonder* then* if we should

hear of a de+on in the shape of a sto+ach that !oes a"out see(in! who+ it +ay deour%

This is the &e%hu of the >arens* a wanderin! wi7ard's sto+ach supposed to prey upon the

souls of +en%

#aw flesh and "lood were offered to the unciilised and !ory !host% 8ut in the second

 phase a &oul of 8reath would "e +ore refined and not considered capa"le of consu+in!

+aterial food% $t this sta!e we hear of the spirits snuffin! the apours and stea+ of 

ictuals* inhalin! the essences and s+ellin! the aro+a of food or the fra!rance of flowers%

In fine* we see proisions cold and hot offered44so+e thin!s to eat and others to s+ell44

the "ody and spirit of ali+ent* so to say* "ein! presented to the Corporeal &oul of Matter 

and the less palpa"le &oul of 8reath%

The shrew4+ouse* or the "ird* has no li(eness to the hu+an "ein!* "ut the ape has a little%

$nd at this third sta!e the nearest li(eness to the hu+an is adapted to e/press the other* or 

reflected* self* at the sta!e of the third soul, the &hade in )!ypt is synony+ous with the

God &hu* one of whose types is the Great $pe% The $pe* as a type of the &oul* +ay

account for the $frican superstition of +en "ein! chan!ed into +on(eys after death, the

 pri+itie sy+"ol hain! "een literalised% 6ow* )soteric 8uddhis+ professes to !ie

so+e account of the seen races of +an @which are founded on the seen soulsB and of 

the eolution of the ele+entary into the hu+an% In his third sta!e we are told that the

"5oming man had deelo%ed at first the form rather of a giant a%e than of a true man,but with intelligence coming more and more into the ascendant." Here we can clutch the

 proof that the third race is a continuation of the third soul, and that the "asis of "oth is to

 "e found in )!yptian typolo!y, for the !iant ape in )!ypt was the type of the third

ele+entary* the God &hu* or shade* the +on(ey4+an on the +onu+ents

The Marawi say the souls of "ad +en after death will "eco+e 5ac(als, and the 5ac(al was

another of the ele+entaries* the one who possi"ly represented the fourth soul* that of 

+e+ory* as he was +ade the re+e+"rancer and recorder of the !ods%

The soul was also rec(oned to "e a "irth of ti+e Her+es alludes to eery soul that is in

flesh "y the wonderful wor(in! of the !ods in circles In the #itual the deceased says*

"-y soul is from the beginning, from the rec/oning of years" 44and he "oasts that he has

time in his "ody Ti+e is &e"* and the soul of &e" is the soul of pu"escence44our soul 6o%?% The !oose that laid the e!! was a type of this soul The !oose "ein! a representatie of 

the soul "orn of ti+e* an eEuialent for the soul accordin! to a sy+"olical +ode of 

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e/pression* you hae only to continue that type in spirit4world or fairy4world for the

!oose to "eco+e identical with a spirit* and you +ay e/pect to find the !oose a+on!st

the ele+entaries44as in fact we do% In Ger+an faeryolo!y* or the s%iritualism of fol/lore,we find a class of earth4spirits* or wee fol(* who isit the liin!, and when the !round is

strewn with ashes oerni!ht the footprints are supposed to "e isi"le ne/t +ornin! as

those of the !oose or duc(% Here the returnin! spirit is identifia"le with the li(eness of 

&e"* or with his type the !oose* "ut it does not +ean that the hu+an soul ca+e "ac( uponthe feet of a !oose The ancient typolo!y was continued* and re+ains to "e interpreted%

Ta(e it literally at any sta!e and you +ust "e all wron!* as are those )soteric 8uddhists

who hae +ista(en an ancient +ode of e/pression for a reality* and continued it into the

future of the hu+an soul* and applied it to the deelop+ent of the hu+an race* in doin!

which they are "ut wanderin! in a +ental wilderness that is dar( oerhead with the

shadows of the past%

The "eetle was a type of our si/th soul* an e+"le+ of transfor+ation, and so+e of the

 pri+itie races held that a certain low class of spirits turn into "eetles after death%

The crocodile* whose )!yptian na+e is &ee(h* or seenth* was a type of intelli!ence* as

the seenth soul* the supre+e one of seen* "ecause @so Plutarch saysB it could see in the

water when its eyelids were closed oer the eyes% It was thus the seer unseen% In the>affir lan!ua!es the crocodile and a spirit @i.e., a soul* or the intelli!enceB hae the sa+e

na+e% It is said to "e "elieed "y so+e of the Inner $fricans that when a child of their's is

 "orn the +other !ies "irth to a crocodile at the sa+e ti+e% Here the )!yptian sy+"olis+

@oer which I hae spent a third of +y lifeti+eB will ena"le us to interpret the +eanin!

These poor people intend to say their children are born with an intelligent soul, and the

fact is e/pressed in the $frican lan!ua!e of typolo!y%

8ut the hu+an soul in its upward ascent had not actually passed throu!h the sta!es of the

+ouse* haw(* ape* 5ac(al* !oose* "eetle* and crocodile, nor will it return to or in any such

shapes, nor did it pro5ect seen such ele+entaries as its shadows into spirit4world, nor did

any pri+itie race* whether saa!e* )!yptian* or Hindu* eer thin( these thin!s% 6or were

they eolutionists in the Darwinian sense% It was a +ode of e/pression* still reada"le in

the #itual* where the spea(er* in +a(in! his transfor+ations of the soul* says44"6 am themouse," "6 am the haw/," "6 am the a%e1" 5ac(al* !oose* or serpent, "6 am the crocodilewhose soul comes from men" 44that is, as a ty%e of intelligence1 "6 am the soul of the

 gods," the Horus* or Christ* as the outco+e of all%

Moreoer* each of these souls had its representatie type of &acrifice that was eaten in

eucharistic rites* and these +i!ht "e traced +ore or less fro+ the &hrew4+ouse* that was

eaten "y the He"rews* down to the "ody and "lood of Jesus eaten "y the Christians* as a

+ystery of transu"stantiation%

It is in ain that the Pseudo4)soterists try to saddle +odern &piritualis+ with this "estial

set of acEuaintances* ele+entaries* shadows* and shells as our relaties in another world%They are i!norant of the "e!innin!* the natural !enesis of this syste+ of representation%

They do not see+ to (now that the transfor+ations of 8uddha were of the sa+e

character* and ori!inated in the sa+e 7oo+orphic typolo!y% The 8uddha* or supre+e

soul* that reaches the top of attain+ent as the outco+e of the preious seen* has in a

sense "een all seen* "ecause of the one life runnin! throu!h the+ all445ust as the +ature

+an has "een "oy* "a"e* e+"ryo% It conseEuently follows that whatsoeer types the seen

hae "een +as(ed under* or represented "y* +ay "e applied to the 8uddha as the

ascendin! hu+an soul% Hence he has arious trans+i!rations and re4"irths* in which he

e+er!es now as a "ird* an ape* a fro!44now as one (ind of ani+al* now as another*

 "ecause these were at first sy+"olic of the seen ele+ents of "ody and soul that +ade up

the totality of "ein!44which ele+ents in +an* or in e/ternal nature* had "een i+a!ed "ythe 7ootypes of tote+is+ that were continued as ideo!raphs in a later phase of thou!ht*

and had no reference at all to any re+ote course of pre4hu+an eolution on earth%

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The &een #aces of Men that hae "een su"li+ated and +ade Planetary "y )soteric

8uddhis+* +ay "e +et with in the 8undahish as @0B the earth4+en, @2B water4+en, @9B

 "reast4eared +en, @AB "reast4eyed +en, @?B one4le!!ed +en, @B "at4win!ed +en, @;B +en

with tails% 8ut these were neer real races of +en%

These are they who were created in the li(enesses of the &een )le+entals* who were

represented "y ootypes* which were afterwards continued in the heraldry of Tri"al

Tote+is+% Mr% &innett's instructors hae +ista(en these shadows of the Past* for thin!shu+an and spiritual% They are neither* and neer were either% This +ode of representation

can "e studied as intended typolo!y in )!ypt* whereas* in India* a land that is haunted

with the phanto+s of +etaphysics* it has "een pererted into a syste+ of 

+ete+psychosis* and a doctrine of +i!ration for the hu+an soul% In the )!yptian

Jud!+ent scenes* it is co++on to see the wic(ed soul sent "ac( as* or "y +eans of* an

unclean "east44the sow "ein! the type of uncleanness% &uch sy+"olical representation

was +ade actual in India* where such souls are sent "ac( to earth as "easts or reptiles% It

is affir+ed in the 8oo( of Manu that "6n whateer dis%osition a man accom%lishes suchand such an act, he shall rea% the fruit in a body endowed with such and such a 9uality." $s Hor4$pollo says* the )!yptians denoted a people o"edient to their (in!* "y depictin! a

 "ee and then the Jewish #a""ins* adoptin! the type* say the soul of a !oernor whoe/alts hi+self proudly a"oe his people* !oes into a "ee .hen the Jews spea( of souls

that +i!rate into "easts and "irds* and Plato of souls "ein! re4incarnated into "irds and

 "easts* they are +a(in! unwarranta"le use of the pri+itie typolo!y% In the later 

teachin!s* coneyed "y +eans of the ancient sy+"olis+* it was threatened that the fleshly

soul would "e re"orn as a +ouse or an ass, the thief would "eco+e a rapacious rat, the

coward* a reptile, the "loodthirsty tyrant a ulture* or deourin! "east of prey, the lowest

classes* into the ilest creatures% This is "ut the other side of the sa+e +ental coina!e*

and it is only to "e understood as "elon!in! to the sa+e sy+"olis+% $ll such pri+itie

doctrines were indi!enous to India* lon! a!es "efore the latest )soteric 8uddhis+ was

 "orn, and here* as elsewhere* only in the earliest phases and physics* can we eer reach

the root of the +atter% &o often the +ore a"stract doctrines hae no other foundation than

this of pererted typolo!y* the resultin! +etaphysical phantas+a!oria "ein! then put

forth as an )soteric reelation That is* the mode or re%resentation, which was only trueas fable, has been moraliDed and made false in fact. An ancient mode of e#%ression hasbecome a modern mould of thought.I once had a sin!ular e/perience with an incipient +ediu+* who ca+e to +e at the

+o+ent when +y +ind was full of )!yptian hiero!lyphics% $fter he had entered the state

of trance* these i+a!es appeared to ta(e shape and !o for hi+ He see+ed to "e

surrounded and pursued "y the ery ani+als I had 5ust "een copyin!% 8ecause he at first

+istoo( the +ental pictures for o"5ectie realities $nd this is e/actly what has "een done

 "y the pseudo4)soterists represented "y Mr% &innett%The natural !enesis was physical and followa"le, the e/pression was typical% In the later 

+etaphysical phase we hae only the shadow* the returnin! manes of the once liin!

+eanin!* tryin! to pass itself off as a reelation of future reality% Meta+orphosis of the

soul was ancestral* "iolo!ical* and fi!uratie* at first, then it was continued in the

astrono+ical alle!ory44"oth of which are o+itted "y the pseudo4)soterists% $nd* lastly* it

was +ade +ystical "y +etaphysical assu+ption in the later syste+s of )soteric

her+eneutics, and now it is pretended that the last was first* and the upper+ost stratu+

was pri+ary* or* in the "e!innin!* which it I& only in beginning to go bac/.In conclusion% It has "een +y literary lot to e/plore the past of hu+an thou!ht* and its

+odes of e/pression* so+ewhat thorou!hly* as an eolutionary funda+entalist% The

o"scurity lessened "y slow de!rees% I "e!an to see how the pri+ary "ty%es" of thou!htwere ori!inated of necessity* and for use1 how they "eca+e the si!ns of e/pression in

lan!ua!e and +ytholo!y, and how theolo!y* "y its perersions and +isrepresentations*

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has instituted a rei!n of error throu!hout the whole do+ain of reli!ion% 8ut* I a+ not one

of those who !o "ac( to reha"ilitate the past* or resuscitate the reli!ion of Osiris* or 

Her+es* or 8uddha* any +ore than that assi!ned to Jesus "y 9:: sects of Christians%

 6either a+ I at en+ity with the Theosophists% I a+ ready to 5oin hands with all who wor( 

for the uniersal "rotherhood, and I a+ their "est ally* if they only (new it%

My desire is to !ain all the (nowled!e the past can !ie* and supple+ent it with all that is

(nown in the present* "ut with face set steadfastly toward the dawn of a still +orelu+inous day of a lar!er (nowled!e* and of loftier out4loo( in the future If we turn "ac( 

to the past for our reelation and authoritatie teachin!* we are e/altin! the child as father 

to the +an% The past is a re!ion to e/plore* and learn of it all we can% It is i+possi"le to

understand the present without the profoundest (nowled!e of the past% .ithout a

co+prehension of the laws of eolution and deelop+ent in the past* and of surial in

the present* we can hae no opinion ourseles that is of the least alue to others% $nd

then we want to !et out of it* and away fro+ it* "y !rowth* indiidual and national* as fast

and as far as eer we are a"le% They are "lind !uides who see( to set up the past as

superior to the present* "ecause they +ay hae a little +ore than ordinary (nowled!e of 

so+e special phase of it There were no other facts or faculties in nature for the Hindu

adepts or )!yptian #e(hi than there are for us* althou!h they +ay hae "rooded for a!esand a!es oer those of a supra4nor+al (ind% The faculties with which the $depts can44as

Mr% &innett says44read the +ysteries of other worlds* and of other states of e/istence* and

trace the current of life on our !lo"e* are identical with those of our clairoyants and

+ediu+s* howeer +uch +ore deeloped and disciplined they +ay "e in the narrower 

!rooes of ancient (nowled!e% Much of the wisdo+ of the past depends on its "ein! held

secret and )soteric44on "ein! (ept dar(* as we say% It is li(e the corals* that lie whilst

they are coered oer and concealed in the waters* "ut die on reachin! day

Moreoer* it is a delusion to suppose there is anythin! in the e/perience or wisdo+ of the

 past* the ascertained results of which can only "e co++unicated fro+ "eneath the cloa( 

and +as( of +ystery* "y a teacher who personates the un(nown acco+panied "y rites

and cere+onies "elon!in! to the panto+i+e and paraphernalia of the ancient +edicine

+en% They are the cultiators of the +ystery in which they see( to enshroud the+seles*

and lie the other life as already dead +en in this, whereas we are see(in! to e/plore and

 pluc( out the heart of the +ystery% )/planation is the soul of science% They will tell you

we cannot hae their (nowled!e without liin! their life% 8ut we +ay not all retire into a

solitude to lie the e/istence of ecstatic drea+ers% Personally I do not want the

(nowled!e for +yself% These treasures I a+ in search of I need for others% I want to

utilise "oth ton!ue and pen and printer's type, and if there are secrets of the purer and

 profounder life* we cannot afford the+ to "e (ept secret, they as( to "e +ade uniersally

(nown% I do not want to find out that I a+ a !od in +y inner consciousness% I do not see( 

the eternal soul of self% I want the i!norant to (now* the "eni!hted to "eco+e enli!htened*the a"5ect and de!raded to "e raised and hu+ani7ed, and would hae all +eans to that

end proclai+ed world4wide* not patented for the indiidual few* and (ept strictly priate

fro+ the +any% I cannot 5oin in the new +asEuerade and si+ulation of ancient +ysteries

+anufactured in our ti+e "y Theosophists* Her+eneutists* pseudo4)soterists* and

Occultists of arious orders howsoeer profound their pretensions% The ery essence of 

all such +ysteries as are !ot up fro+ the refuse leain!s of the past is pretence*

i+position* and i+posture% The only interest I ta(e in the ancient +ysteries is in

ascertainin! how they ori!inated* in erifyin! their alle!ed pheno+ena* in (nowin! what

they +eant on purpose to pu"lish the (nowled!e as soon and as widely as possi"le%

Pu"lic e/peri+ental research* the printin! press* and a free4thou!ht platfor+* hae

a"olished the need of +ystery% It is no lon!er necessary for &cience to ta(e the eil* asshe was forced to do for security in ti+es past% 6either was the ancient !nosis (ept

concealed at first on account of its profundity* so +uch as on account of its pri+itie

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si+plicity% That si!nificance which the esoteric +isinterpreters try to read into it was not

in the nature of it ori!inally44always e/ceptin! the pheno+ena of &piritualis+% There is a

re!ular +anufacture of the old +asters carried on "y i+postors in #o+e% The +odern

+anufacture of ancient +ysteries is 5ust as !reat an i+position* and eEually sure to "e

found out% Do not suppose I a+ sayin! this* or wa!in! war* on "ehalf of the +ysteries

called Christian* for I loo( upon the+ as the !reatest i+position of all% #o+e was the

+anufactory of old +asters 01:: years a!o% I a+ opposed to all +an4+ade +ystery* andall (inds of false "elief% The "attle of truth and error is not to "e dar(ly fou!ht now4adays

 "ehind the +as( of secrecy% Dar(ness !ies all its adanta!e to error, day li!ht alone

is in faour of truth 6ature is full of +ystery, and we are here to +a(e out the +ysteries

of 6ature and draw the+ into day4li!ht* not to cultiate and (eep eiled the +ysteries

+ade "y +an in the day of his need or the ni!ht of his past% .e want to hae done with

the +as( of +ystery and all the deious deilries of its dou"le4facedness* so that we +ay

loo( fully and sEuarely into the face of 6ature for ourseles* whether in the past* present*

or future% Mystery has "een called the +other of a"o+inations* "ut the a"o+inations

the+seles are the superstitions* the rites and cere+onies* the do!+as* doctrines* delusie

idealis+s* and un5ust laws that hae "een falsely founded on the ancient +ysteries "y

i!norant literalisation and esoteric +isinterpretation

 6OT) TO L)CT#) O6 P$L

In Euotin! eidence of the dou"le doctrine ascri"ed to Paul* I o+itted one of the +ost

conclusie illustrations of the fact% .e read in Galatians iii% 0944Christ hath redee+ed us

fro+ the 5urse of the aw, "ein! made a 5urse for us8 for it is written* 5ursed is eeryone that hangeth on a :ree." The o"5ect of han!in! the Conde+ned One on the tree was

to +a(e hi+ $ccursed% 8ut what says the oice of Paul the Gnostic in another te/t @Cor%/ii% 9BN446o +an spea(in! "y the &pirit of God calleth Jesus Accursed, and no +an can

say that Jesus is the Lord but by the Holy %irit. That is* the Christ of the Gnosis could

not "eco+e accursed* could not "e hun! upon a tree* and no Gnostic would say that Jesus

was the >#IO& sae in the +ystical or esoteric sense% Here the Historic and Gnostic

doctrines are directly antipodal% This a!ain is the teachin! of Paul44"ay not in thy heart,ho shall ascend into Heaen0 (that is, to bring 5hrist down1) or, ho shall descend into the abyss0 (that is, to bring 5hrist u% from the 4ead.) :he ord is nigh thee, in thymouth, and in thy heart." That is* the ord as preached "y Paul% Then follows the

interpolation% $lso* as an illustration of the state+ent +ade "y Cle+ent $le/ander44that

Paul said he would "rin! the Gnosis or Hidden .isdo+ to the 8rethren in #o+e44it

should hae "een shown "y +e that the teachin! of the )pistle @ch% i% 29492B is ta(enalmost bodily and re%eated nearly erbatim fro+ ch% /i% 02490 of the .isdo+ of 



The &arast, which I clai+ to "e the )!yptian ori!inal of the Gree( Christ* was an i+a!e

of risin! a!ain44a representatie of the resurrection, and in spea(in! of this sy+"ol I

ou!ht to hae pointed to the fact that the alle!ed historic resurrection of Jesus has neer 

yet "een found pourtrayed on the so4called early Christian Monu+ents* includin! those

discoered in the #o+an Cataco+"s% 8ut what do we find there in place of the +issin!

factN :he scene of aDarus being raised from the dead. This is depicted oer and oer 

a!ain as the ty%ical resurrection where there is no real one Christ of )!ypt reproduced in

#o+e li(e the other Mythical types perpetuated there "y Gnostic $rt% $s the i+a!e is

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)!yptian* it is pro"a"le that the na+e is so li(ewise%  as @or rasB si!nifies to "e raised up*

and aru is another na+e for the Mu++y4type, so that asaru, or La7arus* with the

Gree( ter+inal* is the )!yptian sy+"ol of resurrection called the &arast, or Christ% This

typical and pictorial representation of the risin! fro+ the dead would "eco+e the story of 

La7arus in the natural course of hu+anisin! the Mythos%

$ #)TO#T%

I a+ sorry to trou"le +y readers with a +atter so personal as the present su"5ect% It has

 "een found out that I a+ not infalli"le% Li(e +y fellow4+ortals* I can fall into error% I

hae to ac(nowled!e and re!ret a stupid "lunder* perceied* alas too late @p% 0? of the

Historical Jesus and Mythical Christ, also p% A03* =ol% II%* 6atural GenesisB%

In co+parin! with )!yptian certain &yro4Chaldaic and $ra+ean words which hae "een

left untranslated in the Gree( te/t of the 6ew Testa+ent* I included the word "sent," entirely for!ettin! that it was )n!lish when I co+pared it with the )!yptian "shent," a

pool* and "sunnt," a healin! "ath% The nature of +y inadertence is proed in the ery

ne/t lines "y the re+ar(<44":here is no need to strain a single %oint for the %ur%ose of ma/ing ends meet<" It was foolish* "ut such is the si+ple fact* and I will not see( to +ini+ise +y +ista(e%

$ny one en!a!ed in attac(in! what he considers the supre+e delusion of the )uropean

+ind* and the crownin! error of all ti+e* ou!ht to "e free fro+ the s+allest errors

hi+self% .ould that it were possi"le For the +ost is sure to "e +ade "y the ene+y of the

least lapse* +ore especially "y those who hae "een consecrated to the serice of 


My error drew the attention of a Mr% Cole+an* and induced hi+ to write an article in the eligio$hiloso%hical 7ournal of Chica!o last Octo"er* of which no copy was sent to +e

 "y the writer or pu"lisher% To this +y attention has 5ust "een called, also to a letter "y the

sa+e writer which appeared in the sa+e 5ournal* dated Fe"ruary ?th* headed "%inions of  3minent 3gy%tologists regarding -r. -assey's alleged 3gy%to5hristian %arallels." nfortunately* the letter will necessitate a reply to the preious article% In this letter the

#e% $% H% &ayce is reported to say of +e to Mr% Cole+an* "-any than/s for your erythorough demolition of -r. -assey's crudities. 6t is difficult to understand how a mancan hae the effrontery to %ut forward such a mass of ignorance and false 9uotation. ?ouhae done a real serice to the cause of truth by e#%osing him so fully. ?ou as/ me if 6 can detect any errors in your essay. 3rrors enough on the %art of -r. -assey, but they

hae all been e#%osed im%artially and mercilessly by yourself." Mr% Cole+an continues* and Euotes the followin! fro+ one of the a"lest )!yptolo!ists

in )n!land* who is now connected with the 8ritish Museu+* of who+ he says* owin!

to the rather personal character of so+e of his re+ar(s* it is thou!ht "etter that his na+e

 "e not pu"lished% The writer says to Mr% Cole+an*44ou are ri!ht in your e/posure of 

Mr% Massey% &o+e people thin( hi+ dishonest, and that he is Euite conscious of the

ridiculous "lunders which he pu"lishes% I do not thin( so after hain! e/a+ined his lar!e

 "oo(% It is a wor( which I should hae thou!ht could only hae "een written in 8edla+%

 6o lunatic could possi"ly write +ore wild ru""ish* without the least consciousness of the

incredi"le i!norance displayed throu!hout% The +an is $T O6C) an ignoramus of theworst /ind, iD., not in the least being aware of his ignorance, and he has the %retensionof e#%laining things which cannot be understood (e#ce%t by trusting other %ersons)without a considerable /nowledge of different languages, which he does not %ossess." If 

the words here used hae any real relationship to (nown facts* it see+ed to +e that the

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)!yptolo!ist who has ta(en the place of the late Dr% &a+uel 8irch +ust "e the writer of 

the letter Euoted "y Mr% Cole+an% I wrote to Mr% #enouf statin! +y inference* and as(in!

hi+ to faour +e with a denial if he were not the writer% This is Mr% #enouf's reply% The

underlinin! is +ine<44

&ir*44 ou are +ista(en in thin(in! that the e/tract fro+ Mr% Cole+an's letter '%ointsundoubtedly' to +e% There are +ore persons than one at the Museu+ "esides +e* to

who+ it might be su%%osed to 'point%' 8ut whateer indiscretion there +ay hae "een till now in this +atter* I a+ not disposed to add to it "y answerin! any Euestions as to +y

(nowled!e of the authorship of the letter to which you refer%44I a+* &ir* your o"edient

serant* P% L) P$G) # )6OF%

That answer I loo( upon as e+inently unsatisfactory, and I thin( +y iew will "e shared

 "y others% Only one person wrote the letter, and this e/planation "rin!s at least three

under suspicion* without identifyin! or a"solin! the ri!ht one% If Mr% #enouf "e the

writer* instead of clearin! hi+self he has i+itated the in(4fish and ta(en refu!e in the

cloud which he has cast around his confrBres at the Museu+% I cannot thin( the reply is

calculated to deceie< It contains no denial* howeer* and perhaps the discretion shown

too late +ay not proe to "e the "etter part of alour, "ut I leae "lan( for the ti+e "ein!

where I hae not the a"solute ri!ht to fill in a na+e%.e hae heard the lan!ua!e li(e this of Mr% 444 "efore @put in "etter )n!lishB* when

anythin! ery upsettin! has "een presented to the world% uch damnation is dirt chea%<$lso* the ti+e has passed for denunciation to be mista/en for dis%roof. That is the (ind of 

authority I had already counted on* and discounted* when I say* ":hey must find it hard tota/e :ruth for authority who hae so long mista/en Authority for :ruth." 8y the "y I +ay confess to Mr% 444 that I escaped fro+ 8edla+ +any years a!o, I would

also re+ind hi+ that the proper na+e for 8edla+ is ;ethlehem1 a +ost ancient +adhouse

in which the patients hae "een confined for ei!hteen hundred years, and that our  ;edlam also was once a reli!ious house% I a+ not +ad +yself, "ut I a+ possessed "y

the coniction that a !ood +any other people are* and that no insanity is Euite so irulent

as that which dates from the ancient ;edlam. I had already warned +y readers that they

+ust e/pect little help fro+ those )!yptolo!ists and $ssyriolo!ists who are "i"liolators

first and scholars afterwards% 8i"liolatry puts out the eye of scholarship or causes

confir+ed stra"is+us%

I ad+it in the preface to +y "Natural Genesis" that "as a matter of course the author will hae blundered in manifold details." $t the end of three years I dou"t whether I hae

8ut of course in a wor( of so funda+ental and pioneerin! a nature there will "e so+e

oersi!hts* crudities and een !raer faults that cannot "e aoided in a first edition% .hy*

9:*::: errors hae had to "e corrected in the latest edition of the .ord of God% $nd it

does see+ at ti+es to "e a proidential part of the sche+e of thin!s that where the truths

entirely fail to command attention first, the errors are sure to secure some sort of adertisement for the wor/. In this way* een a Cole+an can "e turned to account%

Madness +ay "e a +atter of opinion, "ut whoeer char!es +e with intended "false9uotation" lies

I spared no ti+e to !et at +y facts* and ne!lected no aaila"le sources of (nowled!e*

whether directly open to +yself or deria"le throu!h the +inds of those who are !reat

lin!uists% $s I also say in +y preface I too( the precaution of consultin! Dr% &a+uel

8irch for +any years after he had offered* in his own words* to "/ee% me straight" as to

+y facts* o"taina"le fro+ )!yptian records% He answered +y Euestions* !ae +e his

adice* discussed ariant renderin!s* read whateer proofs I sent hi+* and corrected +e

where he saw I was wron!% I neer could understand the interest he too( in +e and +y

wor(% He could hae had no sy+pathy with +y real ai+ and ends @which are not wholly proclai+ed een on +y title4pa!eB* yet he was always ready to enrich +y poor +eans

with the treasures of his (nowled!e* so precious for +y purpose, whether "y letter or in

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 person* wheneer I sou!ht hi+ out a+on!st the Mu++ies and

"6n a corner found the toys,f the old 3gy%tian boys," or !ot +y erification direct fro+ the +onu+ents* includin! the hiero!lyphic te/ts and

 pictures in his own copy of the 8oo( of the Dead%

$nd now for Mr% Cole+an%

He has "een tryin! to discredit +y wor( for oer three years past% His assu+ption of superiority is i++ense* and +i!ht proe i+posin! if his +ethods of attac( were not so

er+inously +ean% His latest la"our4in4ain has "een to try and rear a pyra+id on its

ape/44the sole point of a sin!le fact44which can "e sent topplin! oer with a sin!le (ic(%

.here it suits his purpose he uses an im%erfect re%ort of a ecture so that he may conict me of errors which are not to be found in the ;oo/ that he see/s to discredit, and industriously essays to damn.In the article referred to he says< "6n recent numbers of the ondon -edium and 

 4aybrea/ there has a%%eared -r. Gerald -assey's lecture on ':he Historical 7esus and the -ythical 5hrist,' as reised and corrected by the author, and as deliered by him in

 ondon not long since. 6n this lecture, which attem%ts to establish that the 7esus and the

 4isci%les of the 6ew Testa+ent had no e/istence in the flesh* but were only %ersonifications of 3gy%tian myths, we find a large number of asserted %arallels betweenthe life and teachings of 7esus of NaDareth and certain %ortions of the sirian and other myths of 3gy%t." The openin! para!raph contains two positie* proa"le* falsehoods% The ersion of +y

lecture +ade use of "y hi+ was a reprint fro+ an i+perfect report in the 6ew ealand

#ationalist* which was not reised "y the author% 6f it had been he could only haeassumed to /now what he asserted without /nowing. 8ut it is not true It is also false that

in this lecture* or in +y "oo(* I try to "establish that 7esus and the disci%les of the New:estament had no e#istence in the flesh, but were only %ersonifications of ancient 

 3gy%tian myths" 44whateer that +ay +ean

On the contrary* I de+onstrate the e/istence of the only possi"le historic Jesus (nown to

Celsus* to Irenus* to the Jews* who allow that he had twele disciples* who+ they call

the "twele god ess runagates." .hat I do also de+onstrate is that the +ythical twele were the followers of Har4>huti in

)!ypt a!es earlier%

This is a pri+e speci+en of his +ode of wor(in!* and one it is well to (eep in +ind all

alon!% This is the mode of de+olition which Professor &ayce endorses* warrants*

!lorifies, and Mr% 444 declares to "e Euite ri!ht%

$!ain* I hae used the He"rew word ,vlw @6atural Genesis ii% A03B* on which our learned

He"raist re+ar(s* ":his asserted Hebrew word hiloam is a fabrication. :here is no such

 Hebrew word in e#istence as hiloamin un%ointed Hebrew h, , , -"  To identify&ale+* or halem, with &iloa+ in He"rew* the letter '+' was reEuired% There "ein! no '+'

in the correct word* &hiloach* Mr% Massey +anufactured a He"rew word and printed it in

He"rew letters* as if to deceie the ery elect%

 6ow* loo( at that for a lie with no roo+ left for the least little wri!!le out of it

$s Mr% Cole+an o"iously (nows nothin! of He"rew "eyond the na+es of letters*

 perhaps Mr% &ayce* or Mr% 444 will loo( it out for hi+ in Fuerst* at pa!e 0911* Col% 2*

where the word appears with the +eanin! of well in health, and on pa!e 09;* Col% 0*

where it +eans $eace. It is used for the Prince of peace @Is% i/% B% $nd Fuerst further says

&hiloah is co!nate with ,vlw @&hlo+B% It is Euite i+possi"le that Mr% &ayce should not

hae /nown this at the ti+e he !ae his sanction to Mr% Cole+an's falsehoods and

consu++ate effrontery, and it was cruel not to arrest hi+ as he was careerin! round inthis wild way instead of tic(lin! the poor creature's anity with insincere applause%

The lie and li"el were so unnecessary that I a+ co+pelled to re!ret the wanton waste of 

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 pure +ali!nity% .hen I say the Pool of $eace is &ale+* or &hloa+ in He"rew* I do not

say that it is the Pool of &iloa+, and a+ only renderin! the word Peace% $nd as hloam+eans peace and salem +eans peace* I used the alternatie of sale+ or shloa+% I

(new the two words were s%elt differently* and that &hloa+ +ay "e pointed &haloa+, I

also (new that they were identical in +eanin!% Moreoer* the Pool of the waters that flow

softly is a for+ of the Pool of peace% 6ot that either of these was inoled or at all

necessary to +y ar!u+ent% .hen I say TH) Pool of Peace is in He"rew &ale+ or &hloa+* I a+ spea(in! of TH) mythical pool which in )!yptian is the Pool of Hept or 

Peace* not the topo!raphical pool of &iloa+% I was only concerned with the identity of 

TH) +ythical ori!inal which had arious localisations in different lands* Judea included%

Mr% Cole+an runs a lon! ri!+arole a"out the !oddess "Nu" and the place "Annu," in

which he flounders in the "otto+less "o! of his own helpless i!norance* past all pullin!

out "y those who hae ta(en hi+ "y the hand44i7%* Messrs% &ayce and 444 %

He who enters this do+ain so unprepared and uneEuipped as Mr% Cole+an* +ust "e a

fore4da+ned fool% I could hae pitied his i+potency "ut for his ineffa"le conceit and

a!!ressie insolence%

8ecause I use the words "An" and "Annu" as synony+s* this !reat )!yptolo!ist asserts

that I identify the Lady of "An" with the !oddess "Nu" to form the word Annu. $s the+on(ey e/clai+ed when he saw the elephant ta(in! in water at such a rate* ":o drin/ with the tail is immense<" An and Annu are si+ply )!yptian ariants of one word,

different spellin!s of the sa+e word were the result of fa+iliarity with +atters upon

which +y corrector is so utterly i!norant that he loo(s upon and denounces the ariants

in )!yptian spellin! as +y distortion of )!yptian na+es* and sapiently su!!ests that

"there always a%%ears to be an ob>ect" in +y chan!es He thin(s the Lady with the lon!

hair is :efnut, and not the !oddess Nu as I had inferred* partly "ecause the #itual says

":he hair of the siris is in the sha%e of that of Nu" @Ch% /lii%B* and partly "ecause the

Osiris ascends the heaen* or 6u* with his lon! hair down to his shoulders% )ither way it

+atters ery little%

.hat I do re!ret is that I could not hae had the adanta!e of (nowin! what Mr%

Cole+an thin/s a"out )!yptian +ytholo!y "efore writin! +y "oo(% The opinion of such

an e/pert on the +ost profoundly allusie and pro"le+atical &ayin!s +i!ht hae

seriously +odified the result% He further char!es +e with hain! !ot certain !oddesses

+i/ed up, it "ein! his +ission to teach +e how to separate the+ once +ore and

distin!uish "etween the+ indiidually% Here he tries to turn his i!norance to account "y

ta(in! adanta!e of the reader's and producin! the i+pression that the i!norance is +ine%

He throws dust in the eyes of others and then says it was I who did it% $nd Mr% &ayce* in

a cloud of it* swears it to +e

I +ay ad+it that this parallel of the .o+an at the .ell* which is "ut one out of fifty* is

the wea(est one% 8ut it is enou!h for +y purpose to show that the Osiris or Osirified@these "ein! identical in characterB appears at the .ell or Pool of Peace, that he clai+s to

 "e the .ell and personates the .ater, that the source of this water of life !ien to the &on

is the Father, that a well or flow of this water co+es out of Osiris to hi+, that the well of 

this water co+es throu!h hi+ @Cf% John ii% 91* and i% 0A%B, that he washes in the "%ool of $eace," where the Osirified are +ade pure or healed< where the "certain times," as I

hae called the+ @"ecause the seasons for healin! are dual in the #itualB are detailed

thus44":he Gods of the %ure waters are there on the fourth hour of the night and theeighth hour of the day," sayin!* "%ass away hence" to hi+ who has "een cured or healed%

Here it is noticea"le that in the still4continued process of eli+inatin! that which loo(s too+ythical* this %assage containing the angel descending to trouble the waters and turn

them into a $ool of healing has been dro%%ed from the latest reised ersion of 7ohn'sGos%el.In conertin! the ori!inal +ythos into later history* this process of pic(in! the owner's

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na+e or si!n fro+ stolen !oods has !one on fro+ the first* and is not yet ended

I do not say or suppose anythin! so si+ple as that the writer of John's Gospel was

copyin! fro+ so+e "ariant and obscure cha%ter in an ancient 3gy%tian %a%yrus." That

is Mr% Cole+an's foolish way of puttin! it% :hat was not e/actly the way in which the

Osirian le!end !ot literali7ed in #o+e% 6f it had been %resered and continued as mythos,it could not hae rea%%eared under the guise of historic 5hristianity.

The +atter had to "e +anipulated* conerted* assi+ilated* in which process the ori!inalfeatures hae "een so+ewhat defaced% This has to "e allowed for in 5ud!in! of +y

 parallels* co+parisons* and interpretations%

There +ust of necessity "e a wide !ulf "etween any one who accepts the Gospel history

as pure +atter of fact* and one who treats it as +ainly +ythical% The two can only tal( to

different classes of +inds separated for the ti+e "ein! "y that !ulf* across which they can

hardly hear each other spea(%

8ut perhaps the +ost perfect of all +y critic's +anifold errors and +onstrous "lunders is


He writes a lon! essay in si/ colu+ns to defend a passa!e in the Johannine Gospel

a!ainst +y +ythical interpretation* with the intention of de+onstratin! the stupendous

display of i!norance and a"surdity which he finds in +y olu+es% He fi!hts tooth andnail on behalf of the historical inter%retation a!ainst the +ythical% His one line of 

ar!u+ent* his raison d'tre all throu!h* is that the eents under reiew* the wo+an at the

well* the Christ who drin(s there* and other circu+stances* are historical< $nd yet in the

openin! para!raph of his article he had started with sayin!44"6t is significant that most of these so called New :estament %arallels are deried from the fourth Gos%el, %o%ularlyascribed to 7ohn. 3ery com%etent biblicist /nows that the account of 7esus and histeachings gien in 7ohn's Gos%el differs widely from those gien in the first threeGos%els1 and there is no reasonable doubt, in the light of historicocritical biblical 

 science, that, while large %ortions of the latter are genuinely historical, the Gos%el of  7ohn, as a whole, is 6HI&TO#IC$L* MTHIC$L%

Good God the +an is here throwin! away the child with the water it was washed in If 

this "e so* and* as I de+onstrate* the +ythical !ospel was first* no +atter how late it

appeared in the canonical !ospel ascri"ed to John* the supposed history of the &ynoptics

!oes to the !round .here is the sanity in supposin! that the Mythical +atter of John's

Gospel is the result of tattooin! )!yptian fa"les all oer the face of historic fact @as

 preiously pourtrayed "y the &ynopticsB* and disfi!urin! the hu+an features past all

reco!nitionN The Christ of John is indefinitely diine* and that is first8 the final phase

loo(s definitely historic% That is how the Mytholo!y was hu+anised% The Myth4Ma(ers

were Fa"ulists* "ut not the for!ers of facts, the for!ers are they who conerted the fa"le

into historic fact% Mr% Cole+an says only 5ust what I say and show on "ehalf of the

Mythos% 8ut what then was the sense* or where was the sanity in labouring to %roe it tobe historic bit by bit, when, as a whole, it is entirely unhistorical and mythical0et Messrs% &ayce and 444 assure Mr% Cole+an* with their co+pli+ents* that he is right.I fancy so+e of +y readers will suspect that he is not449uite.$nd this is what it is to "e demolished< This is doin! a "real serice to the cause of truth." &o says the #e% Mr% &ayce* and he is an authority%

Mr% Cole+an char!es +e with limiting my 9uotations fro+ the )!yptian #itual to Dr%

8irch's ersion of the "ery corru%t :urin :e#t," as if he were an authority respectin! the

Te/ts44and then of +isEuotin! the Te/ts to esta"lish +y parallel% .hereas +y sli!ht

departures fro+ the Te/t @in 8unsenB are the result of arious e+endations or corrections

+ade "y the )!yptolo!ists* such as #enouf* includin! Dr% 8irch hi+self* to who+ I too( 

the+ for his final opinion* and with who+ I hae !one oer Te/t after Te/t for that purpose% I ne!lected no aaila"le source of (nowled!e* early or late% $lso in re!ardin!*

condensin!* and connectin! certain passa!es* I wrote with the whole +atter of the

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Mythos in +ind* and had the #itual well4ni!h "y heart, which is to "e at an enor+ous

disadanta!e when >udged by -r. 5oleman.In denouncin! the "corru%t :urin :e#t" he is +erely +on(eyin! round* "y Euotin! the

words of Mr% #enouf @Hi""ert Lectures* p% 0;;B% He consistently o+its the rest of the

sentence% Mr% #enouf* li(e M% 6aille* is an e/pert in Te/tual and =er"al Criticis+* and

it is he who says on the sa+e pa!e<44

"4r. ;irch's translation, though made about thirty years ago, before some of the most im%ortant discoeries of the full meaning of words, may still be considered e#tremelye#act as a rendering of the corru%t :urin te#t1 and to an 3nglishman gies nearly ascorrect an im%ression of the original as the te#t itself would do to an 3gy%tian who had not been carefully taught the mysteries of his religion." Mr% Cole+an's +ethod* howeer* is the correct one for a defender of the Great

&uperstition to adopt, and if he were o"sessed "y the spirit of so+e fanatical &panish

+on(* one of those who ur!ed on the Me/ican +assacres* dead and da+ned a!es since

for his "i!otry and cruelty* and re4incarnated to continue the old "attle a!ainst Truth* he

could not hae +ore cleerly struc( the trac( of the Jesuit% It is what the Christians in all

a!es hae done to !et rid of* discredit* and +ystify* the pre4Christian eidences of the

+ythical ori!ins, only he lac(s the reEuisite (nowled!e for doin! the wor(% 6or is this a +atter of +ere Te/tual interpretation, and I a+ cal+ly confident that no

+ere er"al chan!es will inalidate the funda+ental facts* the true doctrines* the

identifia"le +ytholo!y* found in the ersions of 8irch* Lepsius* and 6aille%

On the contrary* the closer the inspection +ade "y +en of insi!ht the +ore will +y

interpretation of the astest nu+"er of facts eer yet collected and collated "e


Mr% Cole+an has "een solicitin! certificates% I will !ie hi+ one written on a la"el "ound

to last and stic( li(e pitch4plaster% It is +y reco!nition of his clai+s to "e


 He calls to 3uro%e, high and low, And all the Americas,":hat is the man who does not /now1

 6 am the man who does"<:he others >oin in 5horus1 h<:hey ma/e his brainbee buDD<"?ou are right, dear friend< He does not /now1?ou are the man who does"<

Fro+ personal (nowled!e of hi+* and the i+posture of his pretensions* I (now hi+ to "e

inco+petent to discuss +atters of )!yptolo!y% He is not an authority in any depart+entof literature* and has not a soul "eyond the +a(in! of fly4dirts on the window to o"struct

the li!ht*44or of iolatin! the priacy of letters so foolishly entrusted to hi+%

In settin! hi+self up as a critic and corrector* +entor and censor* adocate* 5ud!e and

 5ury* all in one* he has !reatly +ista(en his ocation% If he +ust pose as a +an of letters

and a sy+"olist* he should hae "een a printer's reader* allowed once a wee( to carry a

typical "anner at the tail of a Lyceu+ procession on &undays% He +ay pass for one of the

learned a+on!st those who (now no "etter, in the real+ of the "lind the one4eyed +an is

a (in!% He shows so+e cleerness in writin! a"out what he does not understand* where

he is not li(ely to "e "rou!ht to "oo(% 8ut he is no +ore capa"le of 5ud!in!* or Eualified

to !ie a erdict* in a +atter li(e this* than the weeil that wor+s its way throu!h one of 

Turner's canasses is fitted to pass an opinion on the picture%He has an irritatin! itch for reco!nition* or notoriety* "ut has shown no si!n of 

 possessin!* or "ein! possessed "y* the !enuine passion for truth% Li(e an incipient

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Herostratus or Guiteau44the fellow who cul+inated as a fool !one insane with anity44he

would do anythin! to "e tal(ed a"out* or written to44een co++it Massey4cre44if he were

only a"le%

 6eer did any writer (nown to +e put forth such strenuous or futile efforts to lift hi+self 

up "y his own shirt4collar and add a cu"it to his stature in the eyes of the loo(ers on%

Fro+ the "e!innin! to the end of his atte+pts* his ai+ and o"5ect* the total drift of all his

deprecation* is to "elittle +y wor(* and +a(e hi+self loo( lar!e to his readers throu!h a+ist of his own +a(in!% $ chief part of his criticis+ consists in proclai+in! that he does

not see I neer said he did* or could% 6elson at Copenha!en put up the !lass to his one

 "lind eye and could not perceie the si!nal flyin!% Mr% Cole+an often puts his !lass to

two* with the sa+e result of not seein!%

I hae had to con!ratulate hi+ on writin! to +e to set hi+ ri!ht on the su"5ect of 

astrono+y* "efore he put his foot into it on a +atter +ost funda+entally i+portant to +y

su"5ect, the i!norance shown "y his Euestions "ein! astoundin!%

.ith all his natie i+pudence he has asserted @in the #eli!io4philosophical JournalB* that

the na+e of Jesus Christ was un(nown until the +iddle of the first century $%D% @cf% the

second "oo( of )sdras44a pre4Christian "oo( of the &ecret .isdo+%B

In the sa+e 5ournal he classed 8arin! Gould as "ein! on my side, in opposition to allother writers on the su"5ect of Jehoshua 8en Pandira* and entirely oerloo(ed the fact

that althou!h 8arin! Gould used the sa+e Tal+udic +aterial as +yself* his conclusions

were totally antipodal to +ine, and that he re+ains as orthodo/ to4day as were his

conclusions then%

$nd now Mr% Cole+an +ay pass with his certificates%

There is an $+erican story of a do! who ran after a wolf* fast and furious at first* "ut

 "efore the race was oer* the do! was seen to "e flyin! still faster44a "leetle bit in front of the wolf<" Mr% Cole+an is not an authority* and has no reputation to lose% 8ut his priate "ac(ers

hae, and they hae co++itted the unpardona"le sin a!ainst scholarship of endorsin! and

 5ustifyin! false state+ents +ade a!ainst +e "y Mr% Cole+an* without ta(in! the trou"le

to test the truth of his assertions or to erify the alle!ed facts for the+seles% They were

so ready to +a(e a +ountain of an underhand* under!round wor(er's little +olehill, they

were so ea!er to hae +e (nifed* that they hae warranted a "lade which was

treacherously li+p and leaden

Mr% &ayce +arels at my effrontery in +a(in! assertions* so+e of which Mr% Cole+an

has so falsely put into +y +outh, and then char!es +e with


$ literary correspondent writes of this ahur <44I (now little a"out )!yptolo!y* "ut I do (now that thefellow deseres a44well* a 'serendi"le !ood dru""in!' for his insolence to you% &hould you reply* please !ie

hi+ a (ic( fro+ +e* if only in a footnote%

false Euotation, and he calls Mr% Cole+an's puerile perfor+ance a "ery thoroughdemolition," and a "real serice to the cause of truth." He re5oices oer what he ter+s an

i+partial and +erciless e/posure%

To +y thin(in! the Professor is rather riah4Heepishly than(ful for e/ceedin!ly s+all

+ercies* and says !race to a +isera"le +eal%

Mr% 444 ouches for the fact that his correspondent is "9uite right1" and it appears that

neither of the+ (nows "etter* or else their ision was oerclouded with the "ile of a "itter 

 "i!otry% )ither way* I warn +y $+erican friends that Mr% 444 has +ade use of the official

sta+p @the Hall4+ar(* so to say*B of the 8ritish Museu+* to pass off spurious wares upon

unsuspectin! people in the nited &tates and I fancy that* for all loers of truth* 5ustice*and fair play* I hae so far de+onstrated the con!enital inco+petence of +y critics to sit

in 5ud!+ent on +y wor(%

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It really +a(es one asha+ed of scholarship to thin( of two reputed !reat scholars "ac(in!

 "y ta(in! shelter "ehind a pretender to (nowled!e li(e Mr% Cole+an to discredit +e and

conde+n +y wor( instead of handlin! the +atter for the+seles%

My pu"lishers tell +e they sent a copy of the 6atural Genesis to Mr% &ayce oer three

years a!o% I hae not heard that he atte+pted to e/pose +y +ass of i!norance and false

Euotation* dispute +y facts* refute +y interpretation* or controert +y conclusions% True*

he is not an )!yptolo!ist nor a +aster of +ytholo!y% 8ut that is no e/cuse nor  5ustification for the conduct which I resent% It only seres as cause for all the seerer 

conde+nation% Of course in writin! a letter he +i!ht hae clai+ed priacy for his

opinions* "ut cannot plead that priile!e now the letter is +ade pu"lic%

The other writer* who+ I hold to "e Mr% #enouf (%ro. tem.), is a professed )!yptolo!ist* a

!ood !ra++arian* an e/pert in te/tual criticis+% I a+ a deoted student of his writin!s in

co++on with those of other )!yptolo!ists% 8ut I neer could thin( hi!hly of his insi!ht

or ran!e of ision% To a +ind li(e his* in a case li(e +ine* the profoundest

acEuaintanceship with the lar!est +ass of facts44the widest and truest !eneralisation

 "ased on the facts* or the su"tlest interpretation of the+* will only loo( li(e a de%artureaway from and a going beyond the facts as li+ited for hi+%

I hae died deeply* and he fails to seeThe ocean hath its due profundity%

ou +ay transcri"e te/ts and decipher inscriptions* "ut with the li!ht shut out all round

 "y non4application of the co+paratie +ethod* and fro+ lac( of illu+ination within* you

cannot touch the )!yptian ori!ins in +ytholo!y or lan!ua!e* ti+e or space* or interpret

the +ystery of )!ypt to her own for!etful self%

)ery day discoeries are proin! how li+ited has "een the outloo(* how noneolutionary

and untrue the interpretation of )!yptolo!ists concernin! the past of that

 people, and the latest discoeries +ade hae swept away +any of the +ental land+ar(s*

and effaced the li+its of )!yptolo!ists li(e Mr% #enouf* who hae only 5ust blaDed the

eriest surface of the su"5ect% 8ut I clai+ that eery fresh fact +ade (nown of late years

is in faour of +y interpretation% In )n!land they hae "een too lon! the icti+s of the

He"rew and Indo4Ger+anic delusions respectin! the "e!innin!s%

Mr% #enouf has declared @Hi""ert Lectures* p% 2A9B that "neither Hebrews nor Gree/sborrowed any of their ideas from 3gy%t" @see Herodotus* Plato* Plutarch* Diodorus

&iculus* and othersB% He thin/s the "mythological symbolism" of )!ypt arose fro+

"arieties of meta%horical language" which "reacted u%on thought" and "obtained themastery" @I"% p% 29;B% Followin! Ma/ M[ller he says* "-ythology, we /now, is thedisease which s%rings u% at a %eculiar stage of human culture" @I"% p% 2?0B% 6onsense%

'Tis "ut a drea+ of the +etaphysical theorist to suppose that +ytholo!y is a 4isease of language, or anythin! else e/cept his own "rain% Mytholo!y was a pri+itie +ode of 

thinging the early thou!ht, the "e!innin!s of its si!n4lan!ua!e "ein! earlier than words% Itremains the repository of +an's +ost ancient science, and* truly interpreted once +ore* it

is destined to "e the death of all those false theolo!ies to which it has unwittin!ly !ien


He has said @I"% p% 0;;B it is perhaps hopeless to e/pect that the )!yptian le!ends alluded

to in the 8oo( of the Dead will "e recoered% My clai+ is to hae recoered the+* "y

application of the co+paratie process to a world4wide ran!e of +ytholo!y, and it will "e

easier to denounce the audacity as lunatic than to disproe the ri!ht to +a(e that clai+% I

do not pretend and I do e/plain% He is one of those critics who suspect error in what they

do not understand44e.g. the Father4God &e" in one phase of character is the )arth% 8ut

when &e" is called the -other, Mr% #enouf suspects an error in the te/t% It is only the

+other who can "rin! forth% Hence we find the "ac( of &e" opens to "rin! forth%In his off4hand way of da+nin! "y denunciation an old friend of +ine* Mr% McLennan

@whose na+e Mr% #enouf +is4spells twice oer* once as -cellan in the te/t @p% 9:B* and

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once as -cennon in the inde/B* he asserts that the "re%resentations" +ade in the 7odiac

of Denderah were "not anterior to the 5hristian era, or oman domination1 they wereborrowed from the Gree/s, and were entirely un/nown to the 3gy%tians." @I"% p% 9:%B

.hereas the inscription found at Denderah states that the Te+ple had "een restored inaccordance with a %lan discoered in the writings of &ufu1 whilst the chief celestial ty%es

 %ourtrayed all oer the %lanis%here %roe themseles to be solely 3gy%tian< .hen I

 pointed out this passa!e to Dr% 8irch* he said* "5ertainly1 the ty%es in the %lanis%here arenot Gree/. enouf should hae done as the artists did who gae the Gree/ on one side,the 3gy%tian on the other." $ll that he was warranted in sayin! is that the +ytholo!ical types* Typhon* &ut* Isis*

Horus* &e"* &hu4and4Tefnut* and the rest of those that neer were Gree/, hae "een

reproduced at a later period "y Greco4)!yptian artists* with a few +odernisations% If he

intended to distin!uish "etween the odiacal and e/tra4odiacal si!ns of the planisphere*

he should hae said so% 8ut of the twele si!ns the =ir!in is Isis* and the &a!ittarius is

co+posed of &hu and Tefnut% He +ust hae (nown* howeer* that when Depuis and

McLennan spo(e of the odiac of Denderah as "ein! ancient* they meant the %lanis%here, and were not distinguishing the one set of signs from the other.

#ays of li!ht fro+ the newest dawn would "rin! no Euic(enin! influence to such as are+entally "ound and doo+ed till death to re+ain the representaties of an e/pirin! syste+

of thou!ht%

The resurrection of )!ypt has "rou!ht forth a &pectre that will fri!hten Historic

Christianity to death, or haunt the +inds of +en till they lose their unworthy fears and

listen li(e truth4loers to the +essa!e which she "rin!s to the+ fro+ the Grae%

.hat says Professor Mahaffy* after !ettin! a !li+pse of the !host* and findin! that the

dead lan!ua!e has co+e to life a!ainN He ad+its that "eery great and fruitful idea," "theological conce%tion," reli!ious and +oral doctrine* now called Christian* were also

)!yptian% 8ut* he says* "6 recoil from o%ening this great sub>ect now1 it is enough to haelifted the eil and shown the scene of many a future conflict." I hae not recoiled% The odiu+ of openin! this !reat su"5ect now is +ine% I a+ selected

for the honour of receiin!* not the ciic wreath for crown of reward* "ut the first "lows

of the "lud!eon on the head fro+ those who raise the howl of insanity%

"?ou will win at last," said Captain 8urton* "but 'at last' generally comes too late<" .ell*

I don't (now% The train I ride in traels with increasin! speed%

For the present I hae to as( +y indiscri+inatin! assailant to assu+e that responsi"ility

to which he is co++itted "y Mr% Cole+an and produce the eidence for his accusations%

He says he has e#amined +y wor(, now let hi+ cross4e/a+ine +e% I a+ scarcely +ad or 

Kui/otic enou!h to thin( he will* "ut should he do so* I will underta(e the printin! of his

e/posure to the e/tent of fifty pa!es* the si7e of the present pa+phlet%

I +ean "usiness%I court honest criticis+* and welco+e !enuine correction% I do not +ind "ein!

+isunderstood* "ut do resent +isrepresentation% I a+ in search of realities +yself* and

hae no tolerance for +en or thin!s in +as(s% I try to follow Truth* li(e the old

)!yptians* +y +asters* with all the force of sincerity* all the ferour of faith% That is

co+paratiely easy now4a4days when "on4fires are no lon!er +ade of +an or "oo(* and

the penalties are so ery sli!ht% $ loaf or two of "read the less, a !reetin! here or there

with an offensie epithet* a rotten e!!* or a dead cat* are thin!s to "e s+iled at when we

re+e+"er our fore4runners that were her loers fro+ old* who "eat out a pathway for us

throu!h all the lon! dar( ni!ht of the past* and lit it with illi+ita"le rows of their "urnin!

 "odies* each turned into a fla+in! Torch for Truth%


$ correspondent writes<44I a+ readin! this e/traordinary 'een ouls' lecture* and hae

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 "een a"le to follow you as far as the followin! state+ent* whereat I stic(% I a+ co+pelled

to trou"le you for an e/planation% ou say< ':he oman 5!sar, the hairy, %ubescent, or anointed one, was an im%ersonation of this su%reme soul1 he ha%%ens to be the eighth byname in ctaianus<' This loo(s li(e conertin! history into typolo!y% .hateer the root

si!nificance of the ter+ '5!sar' +ay "e* was it not the historical Julius Csar who really

made, i.e., si!nalised it* "y his deedsN44the na+e su"seEuently "eco+in! a

co+pli+entary title assu+ed "y the )+perors who were supposed* each in turn* to reflectthe lustre of the Great JuliusN

 6o% 8ut this may sere as a useful illustration of the historical ersus the mythical iewof the 5hrist. I fear* howeer* that it is a failin! of +ine to +a(e too +any passin!

allusions* and use too few words where e/planations +ay "e +ost needed% I +ean theCsar @of who+* in the case of Julius* the #o+an le!ends related that he was "orn with

ery lon! hair, li(e the lon!4haired Horus* or the lon!4haired ChristB* had a +ythical

ori!in* and "ore a title that was typical% Historical rulers were inested with diinity in

this way* and +ade into +undane representaties of the Gods% It has "een +y wor( to

trace such ori!ins on arious lines of research% For these +ythical ori!ins are +anifold,

they can only "e distin!uished and deter+ined "y (nowin! their Genesis in natural

 pheno+ena% In the present instance* I su!!est or clai+ that the Csar as well as the #a*the #epa* the 8uddha* or the Christ* was a titular representatie of the ei!hth* the total

and eternal soul44+ythically the re4"orn &un, +ystically the re4"orn &pirit or !lorified

Ghost of Man% YYYYYYYYYY 

TH) 6$T#$L G)6)&I& $T TH) 8#ITI&H M&)M%

Many enEuirers hae as(ed +e why the 6atural Genesis is not in the 8ritish Museu+N

This Euestion I could not understand* "ut a friend has erified for +e the readin!4roo+%

Dou"tless it is to "e !ot at so+e other way (nown only to the initiated* "ut these would"e

readers durin! three years past were si+ple enou!h to suppose that the &econd Part of 

one and the sa+e wor( would "e entered alon! with the First Part* it hain! "een

 pu"lished in 0119%


Our friends the ene+y cheerily assure us that certain thin!s are settled once for all in

faour of Historical Christianity* and any further (ic(in! a!ainst the fact is all in ain% If 

you show the+ that the Mosaic .ritin!s do not contain an ori!inal reelation to

+an(ind* "ut are a Mosaic of Persian and )!yptian +ytholo!y* that the foundations of their creed are destroyed if the Fall of Man is a fa"le* they will tell you that does not in

the least inalidate the authority of the 8i"le* nor i+peril the Christian reelation% Oh* no

The Church has neer co++itted itself to any particular interpretation% Let us throw up

the spon!e and continue the "attle% &o+e of the $polo!ists @as they call the+seles*

without +eanin! it ironicallyB pretend to thin( they are so secure that they can denounce

any discussion of the Mosaic le!ends as intolerably tiresome. They affect to consider the

+atter past discussion% 8ut those sa+e certain thin!s were neer +ore uncertain or 

unsettled than at the present ti+e, and when they do !et settled the occupation of those

who preach the+ as God's truth to4day will "e !one foreer If they hae closed the

controersy* we hae 5ust "e!un to open it .e hae not done with the note of 

interro!ation yet% If they hae +ade and tied up their little "undle of old dried stic(s* oursare "e!innin! to !row* and put forth a new leaf, ours are yet !reen and lusty with the sap

of a new life%

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for the+%

If these +en had truly cared for reli!ion instead of their $nthropo+orphic theolo!y* they

would not hae !nashed their teeth and sha(en the fist at the alle!ed pheno+ena of 

+odern &piritualis+* as they hae done% They would hae e+"raced &piritualis+ as if it

had held out to the+ the stron! ri!ht hand of salation itself% For 5ust when scientific

research is under+inin! and e/plodin! the ancient "eliefs that hae "een falsely founded

on +ytholo!y445ust when the Materialists thin( they hae discoered the !reat secret of life in protoplas+* and we are on the er!e of findin! the +echanical eEuialent for 

consciousness445ust when so+e are assu+in! that force co+es fro+ the isi"le side of 

 pheno+ena* that +ind is "ut a property of +atter* an effect rather than a cause* and

thou!ht is nothin! +ore than a result of +olecular +otion445ust when the scientific report

is that the deeper we die physically* the farther off recedes the heart4"eat of eternal life*

in "rea(s this reelation fro+ a world un(nown* and* as it was assu+ed* un(nowa"le%

$nd these alle!ed pheno+ena contain the sole possi"le* palpa"le* natural eidence of a

future life* that +en hae* or eer did hae* or eer can hae* to !o upon% 8ut no what

they care for are the old wies' fa"les and the fi!+ents which hae "eco+e their 

hereditary stoc( in trade, the facts +ay !o to the deil* to who+* indeed* they !enerally

consi!n the+% For* if it "e God hi+self who tries to spea( with the+ in this way fro+ "ehind the +as( of +atter to proe the fact* they say it cannot "e our God% He is dead*

and "uried in a "oo(% This +ust "e the deil% It is the deil% They had succeeded in

su"stitutin! the non4natural for the natural* +a(in! +en "eliee that this sha+ was the

supernatural% They hae tau!ht us to loo( for God in the wron! way% They hae "ased

reli!ion on erroneous !rounds% They hae +ade us the icti+s of false "eliefs* and a false

 "elief will +a(e despica"le cowards of +en who would otherwise hae loo(ed facts in

the face* and "een true to the+seles and honest to others% They hae eoled our respect

and reerence "y +eans of the whip% $nd now when the stic( and scour!e* the (nout and

whip* hae lost their terrors* hae done their worst* and had their day* it is found that

reli!ious reerence has anished also* and the youn! are "eco+in! utterly sceptical in

+ost thin!s* "efore they are old enou!h to "e in earnest a"out anythin!, for which the

false teachin! is responsi"le% The youn! hae "een dis!usted with the ancient o"5ect of 

reerence* the !ri+ and !ory !host of an anthropo+orphic God%

.e are constantly hearin! co+plaints respectin! the want of reerence on the part of the

youn! for the old% 8ut if they are old fools, and old wo+en of the wron! se/* why

should they "e reerencedN It is said the children of this !eneration hae no reerence for 

God or +an% 8ut if the reerence was eo(ed "y the stic(* and the rei!n of the stic( is

oer* what are you !oin! to doN It is of no use co+plainin!* and pro"a"ly it is too late to

thin( of !ettin! a new stic(%

8efore conde+nin!* howeer* let us loo( a little deeper% .hy should we e/pect reerence

for such a God as we hae allowed to "e set "efore the childrenN &uch a God as that of the He"rews* who cursed all +an(ind "ecause one of the+* and the first one* ate an

apple< a God for who+ Daid was a +an after his own heart, a God who reealed hi+self 

to Moses a %osteriori. #eerence for such a deity used to "e inspired "y hell4fire, and

now the fires of hell are !oin! out44in fact* as Horace Greeley said* there are not half the

 people da+ned now4a4days that ou!ht to "e* only we want these to "e the proper sort%

.hat ri!ht* what reason hae we to e/pect intellectual reerence for the parents

the+seles* who pretend to "eliee and per+it such teachin!s as hae "een i+posed on

their childrenN They are +ost li(ely to "e loo(ed upon as old fo!ies* hypocrites* and fools

 "y the youn!er !eneration* as it rises up to sit in 5ud!+ent on the+% #eerence +ust

ulti+ately depend on the o"5ect presented for reerence% The first necessity is that it shall

 "e a reality and not a sha+* not a swindle* not an i+position to "e found out* whether as afather in heaen* a father in the Church* or a father in the fa+ily% Possi"ly the pious

 pretences and the pious pretenders are "ein! found out "y the youn!er !eneration% 8ut*

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the eriest larri(in has no lac( of respect for the cric(eter Grace* the sculler 8each* or the

fi!hter Gordon* "ecause these* in their way and ran!e* are liin! realities% $nd if you

want to hae filial respect or reli!ious reerence* the o"5ect +ust "e a liin! reality that is

worthy of it 6either +en* nor wo+en* nor children will +uch lon!er "ow down to false

authority* or "eliee "lindly as they hae done hitherto perforce%

The world is wa(in! fro+ its phanto+ drea+s*

To +a(e out that which is fro+ that which see+s%People now de+and the erification of all that is tau!ht as true% They +ust see for 

the+seles that which is set forth as the truth% They +ust touch it and test it to learn

whether it has the rin! of reality% The de+and of the present is that that which is asserted

 "y the teacher shall "e erifia"le "y the learner in eery do+ain of thou!ht* all the ran!e

of nature44all that e/ists* "ein! ready to supply the +eans of practical e/peri+ent for 

attainin! the sure foothold of a scientific "asis% It is true that we are still co+pelled to

 "attle i!orously* and spend life freely in fi!htin! a!ainst the shadows and phanto+s of 

to4day that are thinnin! out* and will "e seen throu!h to4+orrow44co+pelled to fi!ht the+

and to e/pose their false pretensions* "ecause so +any still +ista(e the+ for solid

realities% 8ut the people* +en and wo+en* aye and little children* will ere lon! arise and

say to these our pur"lind spiritual teachers44

8e!one* you foolish preachers

Howlers* snufflers* screechers

ou +isera"le teachers

ou God4of4"lood "eseechers

ou for!ers of God's features

.ho +a(e us the deil's creatures,

&hut up* you foolish preachers

Get out* you hell4fire screechers*

Go ho+e* you played4out preachers

and the cry will co+e in sterner tones*44let the war4dru+s of the wor(ers roll out with

their "attle4thunders now* and drown the !a""le of all this foolish* fruitless war of words%

)i!hteen centuries since the reli!ion of faith* the !ood old faith* "e!an to ta(e the place

of (nowled!e% Its history is one lon! and !ory record of the "attles of 8elief ersus

>nowled!e* of Faith at war with Facts% .hat is there that +en hae not found co+pati"le

with faith that was all the while at war with factsN Hae they not cut each other's throats*

 "eliein! it to "e for the !lory of GodN Hae they not "urned "odies "y the thousand*

 "eliein! it to "e the sure way of sain! souls fro+ hell4fireN Hae they not +ade the

Cross into the hilt of the sword to !ie the+ the "etter !rip4hold of it whilst slau!hterin!

+yriads for the faithN Men hae "elieed that they should find God if they un4se/edthe+seles* and !ot sufficiently re+oed fro+ hu+anity* and so hae !one out as her+its

into the wilderness of +on(ery44which was li(e !oin! into pitch dar(ness on purpose to

see your face in a loo(in!4!lass Men hae "elieed that their God was the natural author 

of the diseases and eils which they created and fostered for a!es* or per+itted* and are

responsi"le for "efore God and +an to4day% They hae "elieed that in the field of hu+an

souls &atan was the !reat harester* and God only the !leaner%

Do "ut thin( what .o+an has suffered fro+ the "elief*44the foul and foolish calu+ny*44

that she was the cause of the fall of the hu+an race &he ou!ht neer to for!ie it% &he

ou!ht to wa(e up and wor(* and sleep no +ore* until that lyin! li"el is dead and da+ned*

and the whole syste+ of false teachin! to which it "elon!s is swept out of the world for 

eer%Men hae "elieed in a God who was an o+nipotent fiend* and de+on Euite un(nown to

the deil4worship of the past44a curse that sat enthroned a+id the unierse* "reathin!

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horror all a"road* and "roodin! down in "lac(ness on the souls of +en% $nd the

ascendin! s+o(e of tor+ent was to +a!nify the features of his +onstrous +a5esty% $nd if 

you were one of the chosen* elected to a front seat in the (in!do+ of this dreadful God*

the daintiest part of your en5oy+ent was to "e a full and perfect iew of the poor tortured

souls* includin! those of your own wee "a"es* a span lon!44the +ites and +id!ets of hell%

The inspired Mr% &pur!eon will tell you what a delecta"le entertain+ent you +ay e/pect*

for he says*44$ll their eins are roads for the feet of pain to trael on* and eery nere isa strin! on which the deil shall for eer play his dia"olical tune of hell's unuttera"le

la+ent Then* as the son! of the ranso+ed was "ein! sun!* word would co+e that your 

father was a+on! the da+ned* and you would sin! all the louder*44or that seeral of your 

little ones were in hell* and your hallelu5ahs would "e redou"led% $nd orthodo/ hearts

hae "een war+ed and hands e/ultin!ly ru""ed oer these pictures in the fire* which

hae "een en5oyed with an infernal relish%

Moody* the ranter* tells a story of his God% $ poor* foolish* fond +other* in Illinois* had a

little child that was sic( and ailin! unto death% .hen thin(in! it was dyin!* she could not

 "rin! her re"ellious +ind to say Thy will "e done she called on God to spare her "a"e*

she cried to hi+*44Oh God I cannot !ie up +y little one% $nd the Lord heard her 

 prayer* and answered it too He snatched the child fro+ death* and !ae it "ac( to her44turned into an idiot for life< That was a s+art speci+en of the diine derision that is

 pro+ised in the 8i"le*44The Lord shall hae ye in derision He had her there%

&uch was the !ood old faith nder such a creed the fathers were rendered unfit to

 "e!et a race of free and fearless +en% nder such a creed the +other's wo+" has "een

turned into a prison4house of fear and tre+"lin! for the e+"ryo that was wrapped and

swathed in a pall of !loo+ "efore it was "orn* and the diine spar( of soul al+ost

e/tin!uished "y the +aternal deposit of Calinistic cloud

The Christian sche+e* if true* could only lead to eternal wretchedness all round* tor+ents

in heaen far worse than all the +iseries of hell% .ho could "e selfishly happy in heaen

with a (nowled!e of eerlastin! hellN $ Hindu co++entator on this creed re+ar(s<44

One of their teachers said to +e lately that all +y people* a"out 1::*:::*::: eery fifty

years* +ust assuredly !o to hell, and at the sa+e ti+e placed "efore +e a picture of their 

heaen* as(in! +e to 'flee fro+ the wrath to co+e' and escape the horri"le indictieness

of their 'God of Loe' The profoundest appeal +ade "y the Christian creed has eer 

 "een +ade to fear% The "o!ies of the hu+an childhood hae "een continued "y it and

applied to preent our !rowin! up into wo+en and +en% Fear of eatin! of the Tree of 

>nowled!e% Fear of hell4fire* or the fla+es of earthly +artyrdo+% It is fear still een

when it has dwindled down to fear of -rs. Grundy< Fro+ first to last the appeal has

always "een to fear% .hereas all the fear in the world could neer !et fro+ hu+an "ein!s

any +ore than the affection of a do! that lic(s the hand of its tyrant at feedin! ti+e* when

there is no whip to "e seen #eli!ion* for a!es* has "een a rei!n of terror* under theoppression of which it was i+possi"le for so tender a flower as loe to flourish% It did not

dare to "reathe forth its natural sweetness to its own +a(er% The deepest reli!ious sense

that +yriads hae eer deeloped all throu!h life has "een a +ortal dread of death% The

 "urden of reli!ion in the past has "een44Prepare to die% $nd this is preached with

da+na"le iteration to those who hae neer yet lied* hae not yet "e!un to lie* and do

not (now how to "e!in to realise the !lorious possi"ilities of liin!% $nd what is the

spiritual result of all this fearful teachin!* accordin! to the !ood old faithN Is it such a

sense of another life* and a "etter world that the concerns of this world are dwarfed and

re"u(ed in its +a5estic presenceN 6ot at all The +ass of people who are called reli!ious

do not want to "eliee in a spirit4world* sae in the a"stract* as a necessary article in their 

creed% They are +ortally afraid of the other world% Their fore+ost feelin! is to drawdown the "linds a!ainst any li!ht "rea(in! in on the su"5ect fro+ another world% They

accept a second4hand "elief in it on authority as a !ri+ necessity It's "est to "eliee* in

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case it does e/ist after all% $s the old wo+an said44$h* &ir it's "est to "e polite* for you

+ay !o to the deil% 8ut you +ust (now that a !reat deal of 8elief on the su"5ect is li(e

that of the &cotch wo+an who was as(ed how she felt when the horse ran away with her 

cart% &he said she put her trust in Proidence till the "reechin' "ro(e* and then she !ae

up% &he relied upon the isi"le and tan!i"le lin( of connection% Her Proidence was the

 "reechin', when that was !one* her faith collapsed alto!ether% For ei!hteen hundred years

they hae pretended to teach +en how to die% 8ut the first duty of +en who hae to die isto learn how to lie* so as to leae the world* or so+ethin! in it* a little "etter than we

found it% Our future life +ust "e the natural outco+e of this, the root of the whole +atter 

is in this life% The founders of Historic Christianity "e!an with an utterly false theory of 

life% They +istoo( the anti4physical for the spiritual, the anti4natural for the diine% Life

was a disease* and death the only cure% .orldly "lessin!s were curses in dis!uise% 8elief 

would wor( +iracles* and Dou"t ensure da+nation% &ense was the natural ene+y of the

soul* and had to "e suppressed% The +ost "eautiful hu+an "ody was a dun!eon of sin and

death in the prison4house of a doo+ed world% More spirit than co++on +anifested "y the

youn!ster was the ery deil in reolt a!ainst authority* and had to "e put into +anacles,

all nature was un4hallowed* all flesh defiled* until they had pawed it oer with priestly

rites of re!eneration% The Christian sche+e of salation is a false +ethod of dod!in! thedeil at last% People will no lon!er "eliee in the lyin! delusion when once they learn that

there is nothin! to "e !ot out of it, no !ood to "e !ained "y it% Its success hitherto has

depended on the appeal to selfishness% 6e/t to fear* the chief appeal has "een +ade to the

desire for !ain% .hat are considered to "e the supre+e e/pressions of Christliness in the

Gospels too often denote a low and ul!ar type of +orality* or they "eco+e i++oral in

their appeal to selfishness% 8lessed are the +ee(* for they shall inherit the earth%

8lessed are the +erciful* for they shall o"tain +ercy% 8lessed are the poor who are

content to !ie up this world* their's is the pro+ise of felicity foreer in the world to

co+e% He that !ieth to the poor is +a(in! a safe inest+ent* "ecause he is lendin! to the

Lord% 8e ye !ood "an(ers is one of the +ost si!nificant sayin!s% The appeal is

continually +ade to the sense of personal !ain* none the less selfish "ecause it is applied

to the ne/t world instead of this, on the contrary* it is increased "ecause the pro+ised

!ain is to "e eternal% ou are inited to inest your capital in a "an( a"oe that offers you

an eternal interest* and li(e all "an(rupt concerns deludes the !ulli"le "y pro+isin! too

+uch profit% our al+s are to "e !ien secretly* and he that seeth in secret will

reco+pense you% Isn't that calculated to fi/ one eye on the reward with a leer of cunnin!

in it* as of (nowin! a !ood thin! when you do see itN One al+ost e/pects to see an i+a!e

of the win(in! Christ as well as the win(in! ir!in% &uch a pro+ise is security for at least

a profit of cent% per cent% as the rate of eternal interest% 8ut we shall not catch a whale "y

+erely offerin! a sprat in that way, nor receie a hundred4fold in heaen for all that we

+ay hae consciously !ien up and for!one on earth% $ll that is "ut a surial of  pri+itie teachin!s44the doctrines of the hu+an childhood44an induce+ent for the

indiidual not to "e at war with society or the Church* no +atter what laws of nature +ay

hae to "e sacrificed and iolated% $nd the fact re+ains to "e faced that the teachin! is

not true. The +ee( do not inherit the earth* and are not !oin! to% .e are not for!ien

 "ecause we are for!iin!% 6ature does not (eep her "oo(s of account in that way% 6or are

we allowed to coo( the accounts in any such fashion% Our false teachers hae "een

+onstrously +ista(en% The Lord of all does not carry on the "usiness of the nierse as

an adertised syste+ of 8ri"es and Fines% .e cannot outset on one line of conduct that

which we hae done on another% 6o death of Jesus can sae us fro+ ourseles% It was

tau!ht that he ca+e to a"ro!ate certain Jewish laws* "ut no Jesus can upset the natural

law of deelop+ent% .hat we are now is the result of what we hae "een* and what weare hereafter will "e an eolution fro+ what we are here% There is no dod!in! the deil of 

cause and effect% 8elief can wor( no cataclys+al chan!e in death for all the false teachin!

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in the world% 6o "lood of the La+" will wash out one sin!le internal "lot, no tear of pity

can +a(e the stained record white% 6othin! "ut life can wor( any transfor+ation of 

character here or hereafter, death does not* cannot do it%


$ll such teachin! is entirely false% $n old &cots+an* (nown to +e* used to say* I li(e

Paul puir soul* I do li(e Paul% 8ut I dinna li(e Jesus Christ, I canna li(e Jesus Christ,

they are aye castin! it in your teeth that he dee'd for ye, and I dinna want to "e dee'd forThe old fellow's +anhood rose in reolt a!ainst this salation of the saa!e +ind "y

+eans of "lood shed in a icarious atone+ent% $nd he was in the ri!ht% .e do not want

to "e died for* and if we did* it would "e unaailin!% .e can no +ore "e died for for 

another life than the law will allow us to "e died for in this%

Men li(e Jesus* or Jehoshua "en Pandira* the Jewish political and social refor+er* or 

8runo* or Gari"aldi* or Gordon* or Garfield* are in a sense &aiours of the world% They

set "efore us an illu+inated i+a!e of i++ortal loe% They pull down on the+seles* and

 "ear for us* the heay "urden of +artyrdo+* "ecause of the wolfish selfishness of the

world 8ut there is no salation possi"le for us out of the +ere act of their sufferin!% The

only salation is for those who ran!e the+seles on the side of these +artyrs* and

refor+ers* and forerunners* a!ainst the selfishness of the world* to wor( and chan!e thecrude conditions of thin!s* which foreer de+and the sacrifice of the "est and dearest of 

wo+en and +en% .hen $rnold on .in(lereid too( the dou"le ar+ful of the ene+ies'

spears into his own "reast* it was to +a(e a way for his fellow4country+en to pass on and

widen the !ap he had +ade44not for the+ to stay "ehind and pat hi+ on the "ac(* or 

+erely su"scri"e to erect a statue to his +e+ory% That the innocent are continually

offered up on account of the "esotted selfishness of the +any is a fact% That they +ust

continue to "e thus offered up* until the world awa(es to see this sha+eful sacrifice of 

others to sae its own selfishness* is li(ewise a fact% 8ut to erect this into a reli!ious

do!+a* and call it the diine +eans of sain! +en* who wilfully continue and necessitate

the conditions of society which cause and de+and the +artyrdo+* is a"out the +ost

i++oral and da+na"le doctrine eer offered to hu+anity% .hy* this doctrine of 

atone+ent is so un+anly* so cowardly* and currish* that* if put in its na(ed truth* the

lowest rou!h in .hitechapel* if unpererted "y orthodo/y* would "e too +anly to accept

such an i++oral +ode of salation% $ny one who would consent to "e saed at the

e/pense of another* and an innocent person* ou!ht only to escape* if at all* "ecause he

would not "e worth the da+nin!% Far no"ler was the teachin! of Captain Geor!e .%

Pendleton of the Cleopatra* of Gloucester* Mass% His essel was doo+ed and sin(in! fast*

when the "oat put off fro+ the Lord Gou!h with a crew that olunteered to try and

rescue the shipwrec(ed +an% 8ut with salation in si!ht the $+erican captain* "y

a!ree+ent with his +en* hauled down his own fla! of distress% He thou!ht the "oat could

lie in such a sea% I said to +y +en* shall we let those "rae fellows ris( their lies tosae oursN and they said '6o%' Then I hauled down the fla!% $nd so they deli"erately

elected to die first% That was the !ospel accordin! to Geor!e Pendleton 8ut this sacrifice

of the innocent to sae the !uilty44of others instead of self44is the reli!ion of saa!es, it

 "elon!s to the +ost "eni!hted conditions of the hu+an race* and as such is doo+ed to die

out of any state of true ciilisation% The doo+ of Historic Christianity is sealed* "ecause it

was "ased upon Do!+as a!ainst which the hi!hest instincts of the race will foreer rise

in insurrection* and Doctrines that are certain to "e re5ected "y the !rowin! +oral sense

of enfranchised hu+anity%

Fro+ what I hae learned of the interior operations of natural law* such selfishness

defeats its own end and ai+% The only way of helpin! oneself is "y helpin! others% The

only true way of receiin! is "y !iin!% The fear of "ein! lost neer yet saed the soul of any +an% Put aside the fa"le* and the foolish fraud that has "een founded on it* and we are

face to face with the fact that +an has no power to lose his own soul or da+n hi+self for 

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all eternity% If +an "e i++ortal "y nature* continuity is not "ased on +orality44howeer 

+uch he +ay retard deelop+ent "y li+itin! his life to the lower self* which +ay "e a

hell to thin( of and stru!!le out of hereafter% 6or is the hereafter a heaen proided on

 purpose to +a(e up for the +an4+ade sufferin!s to those who hae "een deluded and

cheated and stared out of their life in this world% If it were so* then Proidence would

not only "e responsi"le for all the +al4arran!e+ent and the +isery* throu!h not si+ply

allowin! it* "ut for per+ittin! it* and %roiding for it .hereas we see the wron! isre+edia"le* the sufferin!s are unnecessary* and the Christian way out of it is a +isleadin!

cul de sac. It is li(e so+e of the sEuirrel trac(s in the forest with the trail endin! up a tree%

The orthodo/ teachin!s are so false that they hae +ade the utterance of truth a

 "lasphe+y* and all the proclai+ers of truth "lasphe+ers Oppose their saa!e theolo!y*

and you are denounced as an $theist% )/pose the folly of their faith* and you are an

Infidel all round% Deny their +iracles* and they da+n your +orals% :he 5hristian oc/,not (nowin! what to say a!ainst +e that was good enough, char!ed +e with hain!

 pu"lished a olu+e of indecent poetry% It was a +alicious lie44a real instance of original  sin. 8ut that was what the i!nora+us said44+ista(in! +e* as I suppose* for Mr%

&win"urne% There was so+ethin! !rand in the ancient +artyrdo+ suffered "y the heralds

of free thou!ht, whereas the +odern refor+er has to endure the prolon!ed torture andi!no+iny of "ein! (ic(ed to death "y "utterflies* or !nawed to death "y !nats% The

reli!ion* founded on +isunderstood and pererted +ytholo!y* has +ade eerythin!

wron!* and nothin! short of an utter reersal* with all 6ature for our !uide and on our 

side* can set us ri!ht% Its apotheosis of sorrow* of sufferin! and sacrifice is entirely false*

 "ecause these are on account of that which* li(e the Fall of Man* neer really

occurredand weepin! oer that which is not real is nothin! +ore than a waste of water%

 6ature offers no eidence that +an was +eant to +oan as a +isera"le ani+al% It is true

that sorrow and sufferin! +ay pur!e and purify the life* and add a precious seein! to our 

si!ht% That which !ies the wound +ay deposit the pearl% The iron of a steadfast soul has

freEuently "een for!ed in pur!atorial fires of pain% The !reater the pressure fro+ without*

the +ore has it eo(ed and eoled the re"oundin! spirit fro+ within% 8ut that is "ecause

there is a power which can turn all e/perience to account if our life "e ri!ht in its rootrelationship%

$nd hu+an life will always hae its full share of sorrow and sufferin!% 8ut

nothin! can "e falser than to try and found a reli!ion on sorrow and sufferin!* "y the

representation of this world as destined to "e a ale of tears* which we are "ound to !row

an/ious to !et out of as soon as we reco!nise that we are in it% 6o it is not in sorrow, but in >oy, that we can attain the greatest unconsciousness of self, and lie the larger ob>ectie life for others. .e learn as we co+e to a (nowled!e of 5oy* that all sorrow and

sufferin! are "ut the passin! shadows of thin!s +ortal* and not the endurin! or eternal

reality% .hen no lon!er dar(ened or eclipsed "y the false creed which has "eni!hted our 

+inds and totally o"scured so +any natural truths* we can see to the end of theseshadows44we can oerloo( the+44in the lar!er intellectual li!ht of a truer interpretation of 

the necessities of eolution and of the hu+an eniron+ent% If nature has one reelation of 

truth to +a(e +ore plainly apparent than another* it is that her creature* +an* is intended

for health and happiness here* in this life* and not +erely hereafter44on condition of 

sufferin! here Pleasure is the natural acco+pani+ent of our creatie and productie

actiities* and the hu+an li(eness of life itself is conceied and i+a!ed in deli!ht% Health*

 physical or +ental* +eans happiness% $nd eerywhere the pull of the natural forces and

ele+ents are on the side of health* and* therefore* of conseEuent or pre+editated

happiness, children of the "lind who neer saw* "ein! "orn to see* and the children of the

deaf +utes "ein! "orn to tal(% That deli!ht in life was intended "y +eans of health and

happiness +ay li(ewise "e read in the stern punish+ent ad+inistered "y nature for eery "reach of natural law "y which we in5ure our health and destroy our happiness, and* lest

the personal +e+ory of the fact for one !eneration should "e too short4lied* the results

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and effects of the iolated law are (ept "efore us* in so+e cases fro+ !eneration to

!eneration* not as gibbets for +ere en!eance* "ut as si!n4posts pointin! to the way of 

refor+ation% Health is intended* and happiness is the result% It is the happy who will "e

+oral, not the +isera"le% 6ow* the Christian sche+e would +a(e us +isera"le* in order 

that we +ay "e +oral here and happy hereafter .hereas 6ature says* "e happy here and

now* "y learnin! the laws of health44indiidual* social* political* uniersal, "y !ettin! rid

of all opposin! falsehood* and esta"lishin! the true conditions for eolin! health andhappiness eerywhere for all%

8ut* it has actually "een ur!ed in reply to +e* and in arrest of 5ud!+ent* supposin! the

Christian 6arratie to "e entirely +ythical* is not this supre+e le!end of diinest pity a

 "eautiful and touchin! storyN es* and the +ore "eautiful the deceit* the deeper the

delusion% If it were only a dra+atic representation* the plea would apply% 8ut this thin!

has no +eanin! if it is not hu+anly true% The supre+e le!end of diine pity That is pity

for a fallen race on the part of a supposed deity who da+ned +an(ind for eer for the

stealin! of an apple .hy* our own unpaid +a!istracy44who are not oer4lenient44would

not hae +ade +ore of it than a +atter of fourteen days* or a +onth at +ost% &uppose you

do touch the heart of the world upon false pretences* een to the e/tent of drawin! a tear 

fro+ John Morley* or !ettin! a perfu+ed pastille offered up as a sweet saour insacrificial s+o(e "y #enan* where is the !ain when once the falsehood is found outN $s

soon as the theolo!ical &cots+an discoers that his foundations of "elief in the fall of 

+an* in predestination* hell4fire* and eternal da+nation are false* he naturally ta(es to

whis(y* and +ay"e for the rest of his life cannot find a brand that is 9uite fiery enough<The illusion of false ideals is always at war with reality% The Christ of the Gnostics was a

true ideal* possi"le to all +en% 8ut an Historic Christ is a false ideal .here is the sense

of supposin! a God slidin! down to earth on a ladder with no steps to it* and then as(in!

us to wal( up +inus the footholdN $lso* it is in ain we set up an o"5ectie ideal for outer 

worship of that which can only "e a reality within the soul%

The !od4+an of the Gnostics was not a +an4!od* "ut the !od or diine nature in +an*

which represented the spiritual i+a!e of the Inisi"le God* the for+less in our hu+an

for+, not in our hu+an for+ of indiidual personality as an historical Christ* or Horus* or 

8uddha% That was "ut the sy+"olical present+ent of the +atter% The historical realisation

was +eant for all +en and wo+en* not for one +an Jesus* or one fe+ale &ophia% .e do

not want to "e "e!uiled* or to hae our children deceied any lon!er with the +ost

 "eautiful "io!raphy of the +an in the +oon* who ca+e down too soon* and whose second

co+in! has "een loo(ed for so ainly durin! 01:: years% .e are in search and in need of 

so+e truer illu+ination than +oonshine% Hain! discoered that these "eautiful le!ends

are +ythical and non4hu+an* we do not want the little ones to "e +isled for life "y false

teachin!s "efore eer they hae learned to thin(% The illusion of false ideals is the

+a!ical !la+our with which Mephistopheles seduces the soul of Faust $ wo+an whosent to the lendin! li"rary for a "oo( that would +a(e her cry* was in search of a false

ideal in a world "ri++in! oer with "itter reality% $ +inister of the !ospel had "een

tellin! his little "oy a tale that was full of hu+an interest* and the child had "een deeply

affected "y it* "ut loo(in! up* with tears in his eyes* he as(ed*44Is that true* papa* or is it

only preachin!N Poor child he had heard so +uch fro+ the sa+e source that he had

loo(ed upon it as "ein! not necessarily true* "ut only preachin! That child's position is

ours% 8y all we (now* the story is untrue% $nd we hae done for eer with the old wies'

fa"les and ro+ances of +ytholo!y as a foundation for reli!ion% .e hae done with a

.ord of God that is in fatal opposition to his Truth as +anifested in 6ature .e hae

done with the ery God hi+self who* when traced to his ori!in* is found to "e chief one

of the seen deils or ele+entals of +ytholo!y, and who is Euite worthy of that ori!in in+any aspects of his character% .e hae lost the power to +a(e "eliee and deceie

ourseles further in this +atter It cannot "e too often repeated that the foundations of the

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Christian faith were laid in falsehood and i!norance% The Fall of +an in the "e!innin!

was not a fact* and conseEuently there could "e no curse. It is "ut a fa"le +isinterpreted,

and the rede+ption of the 6ew Testa+ent is "ased upon a fa"le in the Old% There is no

irtue nor efficacy in a icarious atone+ent* and no priesthood eer had or will hae the

 power to for!ie sin* to "rea( the seEuence "etween cause and effect* or to eade the

 6e+esis of 6atural law% .hen the !reat delusion co+es to an end its true epitaph would

 "e*44This was a fraud founded on a fa"le% Meanwhile* the Church that continues to putforth this sche+e of salation and i+pose it on the pu"lic at the e/pense of the nation

@so+e ei!ht or ten +illions annuallyB ou!ht not only to "e disesta"lished and

disendowed* it ou!ht to "e prosecuted for o"tainin! +oney on de+onstra"ly false


.e are often told that our ciilisation is infinitely inde"ted to Christianity, "ut on the

other hand it could "e shown that Christianity has "een infinitely inde"ted to ciilisation*

 "ecause it "eca+e the adopted reli!ion* the official reli!ion* of the races that happened to

 "e in the swi+ and current of )uropean pro!ress% Indeed* our )uropean pro!ress has "een

in e/act proportion as the ciil law and pre4e/tant co++on law hae !ot the upper hand

of the ecclesiastical usurpation% .hat did Christianity do for Italy* its "irthplaceN If it was

such a renoator of the ancient worn4out world* why did it not renew old #o+e when itssalation had been adoptedN .hat did it do for GreeceN for )!yptN for the Me/icansN for 

any of the ancient races or ciilisationsN $s Jerrold said truly* .e owe much to the

Jews* "ut what do the Jews owe to ChristianityN Its success has "een as a parasite fed on

the life of the recent races% The line of renewal was that of the races* whereas all the !ood

results hae "een clai+ed for the Christian Creed% Thac(eray was once attracted to an

elderly !entle+an at ta"le who was in the ha"it of +aintainin! that eerythin! really

!ood or !reat in +odern literature ca+e directly or indirectly fro+ Pindar% $t all

eents* said one of the !uests* Pindar did not write '=anity Fair' es* sir* said the

old !entle+an with his custo+ary assurance* es* sir* he did, in the hi!hest and no"lest

sense* Pindar did write '=anity Fair' In li(e +anner it has "een the custo+ to la"el eery

irtue as Christian that had "een eoled as hu+an* a!es and a!es "efore our own era* at

which ti+e eery !ood thin! was re4dated* christened* and re4na+ed* as if it were the

result of an historical Christ Indeed* one e/pects to hear of the ele+ents of pure air* fresh

water* and clear sunli!ht "ein! christened under this na+e* in the sa+e way that the well(nown

healin! "y +eans of Mental Medicine* which was practised "y the pre4Christian

races* has "een desi!nated Christian Healin!% .e shall pro"a"ly hae Christian Lunacy

or Christian Idiocy et the fact re+ains that the direst* "loodiest ene+ies of the hu+an

race in )urope hae "een the +ost "esotted supporters of the doctrines called Christian%

On the other hand if it were possi"le to eli+inate fro+ the factors in )uropean

ciilisation the direct worth and hereditary influence of those free4thin(ers who hae not

accepted the Historical Christian creed* what* thin( you* would re+ain of the pro!ressthat was +ade durin! +any centuriesN The only hold the syste+ has eer o"tained on the

+ost intellectual of +en has "een the hold of the rac( the death4!rip of the sta(e and the

e+"racin! fires of +artyrdo+ Has it eer struc( you how little the !reat +inds of the

 past44the &ha(speares and GoZthes* those serene creators of i++ortal thin!s44trou"led

the+seles a"out ChristianityN How loftily they tower and oertoo( it% .hat preacher 

fro+ the pulpit eer thin(s of arrai!nin! the present social conditions as "ased on the

ri!hts of the stron!er and the wron!s of the wea(erN On the contrary* it has "een accepted

as a diine arran!e+ent that sufferin! hu+anity was the cheapest thin!44with a neerendin!

supply44for +anurin! the soil* for the !reasin! of wheels* for coinin! +oney out

of% They neer Euestion whether this is the ri!ht "asis of the national life% They re5oice in

the scriptural assurance that the poor ye hae always with you* on purpose to (eep downthe price of la"our, or* we +ay add* (eep up the supply of children to the "rothels of the

rich* at the lowest possi"le fi!ure Christian ciilisation to4day is co+pati"le with such a

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state of &ociety as was recently reealed "y the $all -all GaDette. .e hae "een assured

that the one !reat sacrifice of the &on of God did put an end to indiidual hu+an

sacrifice 8ut Christianity has "een co+pati"le with the +asses of the people of )urope

 "ein! offered up for eer in one !reat sacrifice% $nd what +atters the +ode* if you aresacrificedN

Honey and +il( are sacrifice to thee*>ind Her+es* ine/pensie Deity

8ut Heracles de+ands a la+" each day*

For (eepin!* as he says* the woles away%

.hat +atters it* +ee( "rowsers of the sod*

.hether a wolf deour you or a God0

The pretended stewards of the +ysteries of God hae left it for the future to create the

ery consciousness of wron! in a +yriad ways* that their reli!ion has neer yet ta(en into

account% $s the do!s of Dies* they hae now and a!ain !ien a lic( to the sores of 

La7arus* and pro+ised hi+ the healin! hereafter% 8ut when hae they "anded to!ether 

and fou!ht a!ainst the social syste+ that doo+s the +any to poerty44that createsLa7arus as well as his soresN

.hen they hae +ade lar!e fortunes* and !rown ery rich* and death is drawin! near*

so+e Christians do wa/ charita"le and !row li"eral of al+s% They do "uild lar!e and

co+forta"le houses for "ro(en4down paupers to die in, they do supply hospitals for the

refu!e of those who are ailin! and afflicted% 8ut a !ood deal of the +oney has "een

donated for hell4fire insurance* and perhaps these paupers were left all throu!h their 

wor(in!4life to pi! to!ether in hoels and slu+s* the "reedin!4places of pestilence* which

were sure to create the diseases you treat so !enerously when too late% They stared* and

suffered* and sic(ened* that wealth +i!ht accu+ulate for others Pea"ody "eEuests are all

ery well in their way, "ut if the Pea"ody wealth had "een spread in preentin! the

 poerty and cri+e of the nation* instead of "ein! wrun! out of la"our* and accu+ulatin!

to cause these eils* how +uch "etter and +ore "lessed would hae "een the preention

than the late atte+pt to cure* or rather to help "olster up a state of thin!s which is relief of 

its runnin! sores .e do not want to "eco+e paupers* as we +ust eer "e if we are to "e

foreer pauperised% On readin! lately that 8el!raia had turned out to carry its "ro(en

ictuals round in scrap4carts to the starin! poor* I declare it struc( a !low of sha+e into

+y face as if I had receied the insult of a "low* to thin( of the unnecessary necessity<ou need not wonder if the poor should da+n the charity that is offered to the+ in the

na+e of reli!ion* as a "ri"e for the+ not to as( for 5ustice, or that they should turn a deaf 

ear to all tal( a"out the "read of heaen when they lac( the "read of earth, or the +il( of 

hu+an (indness when their "a"es are perishin! for lac( of a little +ornin!4+il( fro+ thecow It is here that Christianity* after 01:: years* is an utter failure* and these are so+e of 

the thin!s the Co+in! reli!ion +ust !o to the root of to "e of any use for this world or 

any other% I (now a poor old +an in )n!land who* for A: years* wor(ed for one fir+ and

its three !enerations of proprietors% He "e!an at a wa!e of 0s% per wee(* and wor(ed his

way* as he !rew older and older* and +any necessaries of life !rew dearer and dearer*

down to si/ shillin!s a wee(* and still he (ept on wor(in!* and would not !ie up% $t si/

shillin!s a wee( he "ro(e a li+"* and left wor( at last* "ein! pensioned off "y the fir+

with a four4penny piece I (now whereof I spea(* for that +an was +y father% $t the

sa+e ti+e* as you are well aware* durin! those A: years any possessor of capital +i!ht

hae put it out to usury* and without liftin! a fin!er hi+self it would hae "een

Euadrupled% &uch are two of our naturalised laws of capital and la"our% The one is theco+ple+ent of the other, you cannot hae the one without the other* and any reli!ion that

is not directed to help reolutionise this state of society is da+ned already* under 

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whatsoeer na+e

.e neer can attain the stature of true +anhood* or "e +an* so lon! as we will un4+an

ourseles "y ta(in! so un+anly an adanta!e as we do of our +ore i!norant and hitherto

helpless fellow4+en% 6o one class of +en can hold another with their faces to the !round*

or noses to the !rindstone* without also stoopin! oer the+ in a +anner that for eer 

hinders fro+ attainin! the perfect stature of !enuine +anhood% The de!radation* thou!h

different* is shared in co++on $nd* +ar( you* these thin!s are done as effectually "yaid of our social syste+* and laws of supply and de+and* as if one +an stood oer 

another with the whip of the slae4drier* or sword of the e/ecutioner* in his hand% The

wron! and the responsi"ility* the cruelty and the cowardliness are none the less "ecause

they are warranted "y custo+* sustained "y le!al enact+ents* and defended "y the press%

$fter the recent utterances of the $rch"ishop of or(* who spo(e of our continual

dou"lin! of the pile of the rich "y halin! the wa!es of the poor* we shall dou"tless hear 

+ore fro+ the echoists% 8ut the rede+ption preached for 01:: years has failed to sae the

world* and it +ust now !ie way for other wor(ers with other +ethods* applied to such

+atters as the pro"le+s of poerty* the distri"ution of wealth* and the ownership of land%

In ain will they clai+ and Christen eery !ood wor( of Co4operation* Co++unis+* or 

&ocialis+* as Christian "y na+e% The !ood Lord Jesus as an o"5ectie saiour andhistorical Christ has had his day% Our science* applied to ciilisation* will part co+pany

+ore and +ore with the found4out fraud* and will help to carry it no further Its triu+phs

will not "e +ade or allowed to support the Christian delusion in the future any +ore than

in the past% $nd what is the chief cause of this noel interest in the churches on "ehalf of 

the poor to4dayN Is it not fear that the new electorate will re5ect the orthodo/ syste+* and

that their political influence will proe fatal to the ChurchN

$nd now the Euestion is "ein! as(ed*44.hat is !oin! to ta(e the place of the cast4out

faithN for it is already cast out fro+ the +inds of the +en who will assuredly +ould the

freer thou!ht of the future% It is not !oin! to "e re4esta"lished "y law, nor "y the "lood

and fire of the salation ar+y44nor "y presentin! our cast4off clothes to the a"ori!ines

 6or "y teachin! "lind China+en to read the 8i"le% 6ot !oin! to "e re4esta"lished een

thou!h +ore 8i"les hae "een printed durin! the last ten years than in all the precedin!

centuries% 6t is being re>ected at home faster than you can gie it away abroad< .e hae

had our reli!ion "ased on "elief44on "elief in a God who cared an infinite deal +ore for a

few apples than for the eternal da+nation of +yriads of i++ortal souls44a God who

 played fast and loose with the laws of his own nature and creation $ creed "ased on the

diine truth of eery lie that science has e/ploded44a "elief that was in deadly opposition

to all and eery truth that has "een esta"lished% $ !ood old faith which is a fraud44so far 

as "ein! saed "y it !oes44founded upon a le!end +isinterpreted% $nd at last the old

!rounds of "elief are "rea(in! up rapidly, no +atter what fresh efforts +ay "e +ade to

deceie* delude* and secure the i!norant* the infants or the a"ori!ines% The orthodo/creed is doo+ed to reersal* een as a dish is wiped clean* and turned upside down% The

foundations of the false* cruel* and !ory faith are all afloat% It was "uilt as the #ussians

reared their palace on the fro7en rier 6ea* and the !reat thaw has co+e suddenly upon

the+, the o+inous sounds of the final "rea(4up are in their ears, their anchora!e and

 place of trust is cru+"lin! "efore their eyes% For they had "uilt on the ery thin!s @or 

condition of thin!sB which had sealed up the runnin! sprin!s* and stayed the strea+ of 

 pro!ress in its course% They hae arrested for the purpose of restin!% $nd here is the hint

of &cience* of 6ature* of &piritualis+* of Theosophy* of Freethou!ht* in eery for+44that

they +ust +oe on* and !et out of the way* or "e +oed off for eer% The orthodo/

reli!ion has "een dyin! in proportion as it lost the power to persecute People now

inEuire* what ne/tN $s did the tad4pole when his tail dropped off% .hat ne/tN as if wewere !oin! to strai!htway put forth a new tail 8ut that is not the way of 6ature% &he

wor(s "y transfor+ation* not "y repetition, and her chan!es i+ply !rowth* as the outco+e

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of a new life% It is not possi"le for us to swap creeds or for+ulate a new reli!ion%

#eli!ion is not a set of precepts* or a +ode of worship% It is not a creed that counts in the

eternal court% It is not what we "eliee or profess* "ut what we are when stripped "are in

the "alance% 6othin! aails "ut the life lied% Our past deeds +ust and will +a(e our 

future state &o+e people see+ to thin( that &piritualis+ is a"out to !ie us a new tail* or 

at least to put a fir+er ta! on the old li+p stay4lace of Christianity* to "ind us up anew

with a fresh support They are wonderin! when the &piritualists are !oin! to open their &unday shop for the purposes of prayer and praise% 8ut I dou"t whether that +ode of 

 procedure will eer "e repeated in this world% .hen &ydney &+ith saw his child tenderly

stro(in! the hard shell of a tortoise to please the tortoise* he said* you +i!ht 5ust as well

stro(e the do+e of &t% Paul's Cathedral with the idea of pleasin! the Dean and Chapter%

&o when we see people crowdin! to!ether to worship and praise and flatter the Lord* as if 

they fancied they could !ratify his self4estee+* or e/cite his "eneolence* or (eep his

destructieness Euiet* it re+inds +e irresisti"ly of the child's stro(in! the tortoise to

 please it% The offerin! of words of praise which people +a(e to show their loe of God is

of no +ore alue than the cheap o"lations of sha+ "an(4notes which the Chinese "urn to

any a+ount as a sacrifice to their deities They offer +oney "y +illions in that way% The

only worthy way of showin! loe to God is in wor(in! for hu+anity% That is the practicaltest% The Lord does not want your lon! and loud laudations or offerin!s of false +oney

Her+es says there can "e no reli!ion +ore true or 5ust than to (now the thin!s that are%

.e hae had a reli!ion without (nowled!e* and the Co+in! reli!ion +ust "e founded on

(nowled!e% $nd it +ust "e !ood for this world as its warrant for "ein! !ood for any

other% In (nowled!e only can we find a co++on !round of a!ree+ent% That which is

 "ased upon (nowled!e* need not "e the su"5ect of eerlastin! diersity and contention

a+on!st innu+era"le sects% .e need a first4hand acEuaintanceship with the facts of 

 6ature44not li+itin! 6ature* howeer* to the little we +ay (now of it at present% Of 

course* +ere facts are not eerythin!% 6o nu+"er of separate erte"ral 5oints will supply

a +an with a "ac("one% .e hae to collect the arious 5oints in our scattered facts

deried fro+ a closer acEuaintanceship with* and truer interpretation of 6ature* "ut life

alone can produce the unity and cohesion that will constitute a "ac(4"one% $+on!st these

facts we naturally assi!n a fore+ost place to those of &piritualistic pheno+ena* which the

orthodo/ as !ood as prohi"it to their followers in faour of theoretical teachin!s%

.hereas we need a first4hand acEuaintanceship here* if anywhere% Present facts are worth

all the teachin!s of the past< "y +eans of these we can test the+% The facts in nature are

the sole !round to !o upon for another life* 5ust as they are for this, facts that are

scientific "ecause they are erifia"le to4day as in the past% .e clai+ that the inner ision

or second si!ht is a fact in nature% Pre4ision is a fact in nature% The spiritual apparition is*

and always has "een* a fact in nature% 8ut a physical resurrection fro+ the dead is not a

fact in nature* and here the $"ori!ines are far ahead of the orthodo/ Christian world in a practical (nowled!e of these pheno+ena on which the de+onstration of our continuity is

 "ased% The naturalist >ircher esti+ated the nu+"er of intellectual proofs of the e/istence

of God at ?0% $ &piritualist considers one actual proof of o"5ectie spiritual

+anifestation as worth the+ all% 8etter is one real spirit co++unication than a diinity

 put to!ether in ?0 pieces, it is a fact that for the first ti+e +a(es those fi!ures lie44or 

!ies a foothold for ta(in! the first step in the un(nown% $s eidence of a future life* one

sin!le proof in spiritual +anifestation is worth the hear4say reelation of the world% The

ti+e has not yet co+e for any thin(er to set forth the rei!n of law and order in this

o"scure do+ain of 6ature which* for lac( of another na+e* we call &piritual* or neonatural,

 "ut &piritualis+ is none the less real "ecause orthodo/ physical science has not

yet esta"lished it as one of its truths% $ sufficient nu+"er of co+petent o"serers andcredi"le witnesses testify to the occurrence and recurrence of certain pheno+enal

+anifestations* which !o to proe that we hae found the sole "rid!e in nature that

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crosses the unfatho+a"le !ulf "etween the dead and the not4dead, the or!anic and the

inor!anic44"etween +ind and +atter44which &cience has strenuously sou!ht elsewhere*

 "ut neer yet found% $ +illion of us (now that the ca"le is laid "etween the two worlds*

and the +essa!es proe that there are intelli!ent operators at the other end of it* who can

send us +essa!es in hu+an lan!ua!e% .e (now that the so4called dead are liin! still*

howeer difficult it +ay "e* and is* thou!h not i+possi"le* to esta"lish their personal

identity .e (now they can co++unicate with us and we with the+* o"5ectiely as wellas su"5ectiely* and that the o"5ectie pheno+ena ena"le us to co+prehend the true

nature of the su"5ectie44to accept and to found upon it inferentially% .e (now they canesta"lish a rapport with us +ore rare and potent than we can with each other in the "ody%

&o+e of us hae felt and handled and heard that which was inisi"le to our si!ht* in the

 presence of those who could see and descri"e the for+s and +otions of that @or of thoseB

which we only felt and heard% $nd so we can put our eidence to!ether* and draw the

necessary inference% 8uc(le has said< The doctrine of i++ortality is the doctrine of 

doctrines% $ truth co+pared with which it is indifferent whether anythin! else "e true

$nyway* &piritualis+ alone offers the +eans of esta"lishin! it as a fact% &piritualis+

alone offers a scientific "asis for a doctrine of i++ortality The Pheno+enal &piritualist

stands leel4footed on the only !round of fact that is* or eer has "een* offered "y 6aturefor hu+an foothold in the nseen% &piritualis+ alone reeals a "rid!e on which we can

!et any "it of actual foothold for crossin! the !ulf of death% The &piritualist +a(es

connection "etween the two worlds* and runs his trains of thou!ht ri!ht throu!h Indeed*

the two worlds are "ut one for hi+44they are not two* any +ore than the railway runs

throu!h another world "y ni!ht% It is "ut one world after all* with two aspects% The

dayli!ht part of it is "ut half4reealed "y day* and the dar( side is "ut half4concealed "y

ni!ht% The pheno+ena called &piritualistic furnish us with a +eans of interro!atin!

 6ature in such a way that it is sure to reolutionise all our +ental science44psycholo!y*

 philosophy* +etaphysic* and theosophy% These pheno+ena show us that we hae other 

and profounder facts to !o upon than those hitherto included in our data% #ealistic

 pheno+ena* not +erely idealistic44facts in place of faith% &piritualis+ opens up to our 

ision a Power that operates upon us* and throu!h us* and +a(es use of us whether we

will or no*44whether we are conscious of its presence or not44our reco!nition "ein!

unnecessary to its e/istence or operations% &piritualis+ shows us how the soul of +an

+ay "e fed with a sustenance drawn fro+ the well of life within us* that is penetrated and

replenished fro+ eternal sprin!s% $nd we +aintain that these pheno+ena* called

&piritualistic @which hae no relationship to the +iracles of +isinterpreted +ytholo!yB*

and these alone* do actually de+onstrate the natural ne/us for the continuity of life* and

the ne/t step upward in hu+an eolution%

&o+e of our Free4thou!ht &ecularist friends see+ to suffer fro+ rabies on the su"5ect of 

a future e/istence% The ery idea of it dries the+ frantic, and that which is as the water of life to others only seres to a!!raate their sy+pto+s* and +a(e the+ ra!e +ore

furiously% The editor of the -elbourne iberator says it is a swindle of the worst

description to (eep up the farce of a future life% 6ow* I thin( we (now that there are facts

in 6ature which warrant the inference of another life, and si+ply as facts I would hae

the+ +ade (nown% .ithout the facts we cannot (now the truth $nyway* there is no

warrant for those who do not (now that +an has a soul to do!+atise and teach that +en

hae no souls* or that there is no future life% Those who do not (now can hae no ri!ht to

 pretend to (now* and such pretensions of the ne!ational do!+atists constitute a positie

i+posture% .hosoeer owns the head* you cannot Euite "rin! a (nowled!e of all thin!s

 pertainin! to the ulti+ate reality under one hat% The $!nostics show +ore +odesty%

Professor Hu/ley says< $!nosticis+ +eans that a +an shall not say he (nows or  "eliees that which he has no scientific !rounds for professin! to (now and "eliee &o

say we% Only we clai+ to hae scientific !rounds for (nowin!% $ crude +aterialistic

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interpretation of the nierse "otto+s nothin!% There is eternal +otion, there is eternal

life% There is a "ein! "eyond appearance% There is a Consciousness that co4ordinates the

+eans to attain the ends* with power to turn to account all that occurs in the sphere of socalled

hu+an Free4.ill% There is Intelli!ence inoled in all that is intelli!i"le% $ll who

 "rea( the laws of nature do so under penalty of punish+ent% They learn sooner or later 

that there is a law4+a(er* whose +inisters and a!encies will do! the law4"rea(er,

howeer we +ay deny the law4+a(er* we cannot eade the law False &piritualis++erely "e!ets a cra7e after another life% 8ut a true &piritualis+ will turn our attention to

this life* and help on the wor( of this world% &piritualis+ ena"les us to call in the new

world in our rectification and ad5ust+ent of the wron! done in the old44so+ewhat li(e

callin! in troops fro+ the new world of the Colonies to fi!ht the "attle of )n!land in the

old% It has co+e to Euic(en a (eener conscience in the hu+an race, set up a loftier ideal

of life and a no"ler standard of appeal than fear of punish+ent and hope of reward% For 

+e* &piritualis+ +eans an aid in the certain oerthrow of all false do!+as and lyin!

le!ends* which hae "een i+posed upon +en* and are still i+posed upon the children* in

the na+e of God% &cience has "een driin! in its splittin! wed!e with a +i!hty rippin!

and rendin! of the ancient "eliefs% 8ut with &piritualis+ the wed!e is alie* and ta(es

root 5ust as the seed of the Indian 8o4tree is so ital that when it is sown sin!ly in thecleft of so+e lofty tower or fortress* and a drop of +oisture and a s+ile of sunshine hae

caused it to Euic(en* it will shoot out and lay hold of the stone with its feelers and stri(e

root to +a(e its way down the walls to the earth outside* and layin! hold of this it !athers

stren!th and !rows +i!htily* and sends "ac( such force to its "irth4place that the walls

are rent* and the te+porary restin!4place "etwi/t earth and heaen is shattered in faour 

of the newer roota!e and fir+er foothold upon this +ore nutritious and life4!iin!

!round% &o will &piritualis+ lay hold of the lar!er su"stance of reality* and ineita"ly

rend the "arren stone walls of the )sta"lish+ents into fra!+ents* +inute enou!h to "e

!round down into the new fresh soil in which it is destined to flourish and "ear fruit in the

freer* lar!er* loftier life of a no"ler hu+an race &piritualis+ will help to "rea( up the

sacerdotal rin! of priestcraft that has he++ed the people round with terrors and stran!led

souls with fear% It is rapidly a"olishin! the tyranny of death* and restorin! freedo+ for 

life to those whose whole liin! had "een turned into one lon! dread of death%

&piritualis+ will hae done a !reat wor(* if only "y destroyin! that craen dread of dyin!

which has "een instilled into us fro+ "efore "irth, the child in e+"ryo hain! "een +ade

to feel and e+"ody the +other's shudderin!s at the fri!htful lan!ua!e used "y the

torturers of souls* who ful+inate their cruel for+ulas fro+ the pulpit% If it sets us free to

do our own thin(in! as rational +en and wo+en* who hae so lon! and so profoundly

suffered fro+ the pretensions of the sacerdotalists* who continue to peddle* in the na+e

of God* a syste+ of delusion* the foundations of which are to "e discoered at last in

+isinterpreted +ytholo!y, a!ainst which syste+ of false teachin! I* for one* a+ at war tothe death* with any and eery weapon I can lay hands on* includin! this +ost potent

weapon44the sword of &piritualis+% &piritualis+ is sure to "e terri"ly iconoclastic It

+eans a new li!ht of reelation in the world fro+ the old eternal source% $nd you cannot

hae new li!ht let in without seein! +any old acEuaintances with a new face% Many

aspects of thin!s will chan!e, and so+e thin!s that we +istoo( for lie faces will turn

into the sheerest +as(s of +oc(ery* and whiten with the sweat of dissolution runnin!

down the+% &piritualis+* as I interpret it* +eans a new life in the world* and new life is

not "rou!ht forth without pain and partin!* and the sheddin!s of old decay% 6ew ideas are

not "orn in the +ind without the pan!s of parturition, and to !et rid of our old in!rained

errors of false teachin! is li(e hain! to tear up "y the root the sna!s of one's own teeth

with our own hand% 8ut* "y our own hand and will* this has to "e done* for nothin! elsecan do it% 6ew li!ht and new life* howeer* do not co+e to i+poerish* they co+e to

enrich* and no har+ can "efall the nature of that which is eternally true% It is only

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falsehood that fears or needs to fear the transfi!urin! touch of li!ht, that +ust needs

shrin( and shrin( until it shriels away% &piritualis+ will proe a +i!hty iconoclast* "ut

the fetishes and idols it destroys will yield up their concealed treasures of inner+ost truth*

as did the statue that was destroyed "y Mah+oud* the i+a!e4"rea(er% The priestly

defenders offered hi+ an enor+ous su+ to spare their God* "ut he resisted the "ri"e and

s+ote +i!htily with his iron +ace% Down fell the i+a!e* and as it "ro(e there rolled out

of it a rier of pent4up wealth* which had "een hoarded and hidden within%)olution* for which no place has "een left in the Christian syste+ of thou!ht* is of itself 

Euite capa"le of "ein! the death of that syste+, "ut &piritualis+ will under+ine it* and

di! its !rae* and plant it with another no"ler life% &piritualis+ has already proed itself 

to "e the !reatest solent of ancient do!+as eer (nown% It has acted* and is actin!* li(e

Hanni"al's ine!ar on the $lps* "y cru+"lin! the +ost stupendous o"stacles of +ental

 pro!ress% The &piritualistic reli!ion is !oin! to conEuer "ecause it is not afraid of any

new facts that +ay "e du! out of the earth* or drawn down fro+ the heaens% It is "ound

to conEuer* "ecause with it free4thin(in! is no lon!er on the side of ne!ation% Our old

Free4thin(ers were "rae +en who drew a new "reath of freer life throu!h the enlar!in!

lun!s of the world* "y darin! to thin( freely44"raer +en than our &piritualists are* who

are sadly in need of a fiery course of persecution to test the +etal of their +anhood% 8uton the old +aterial plane they soon ca+e to where their foothold ceased* and they could

!et no further% The freer thou!ht of the &piritualist !ies hi+ ar+s to swi+ the sea* and

win!s to +ount the air* when he co+es to where the earth ends*44and to the Materialist

there see+ed no +ore solid !round% I hae warrant for sayin! that the only for+ of Freethou!ht

that is feared as deadly "y the Church of #o+e is &piritualistic* which cuts the

!round fro+ under it in relation to a future life% .e say to the+* Call it a superstition if 

you please% Our superstition will "e the death of yours% $nd wheneer or wheneer they

co+e fairly to the !rapple we shall see* and our ene+ies will feel* how the old "ones will

crac(le and cru+"le in the !rip of its crushin! power% &piritualis+* as I apprehend it* is

!oin! to "e a +i!hty a!ent in carryin! on the wor( of this world* in producin! loftier 

souls for the life of another world* of which it !ies us !li+pses on the way% Let +e tell

you that this despised &piritualis+ will put a li!ht into the one hand and a sword into the

other* that hae to "e flashed in on +any dar( places* and throu!h +any a dun!eon!ratin!

of hu+an (ind* in spite of the "irds of ni!ht that +ay hoot at the li!ht* and

 "lasphe+e a!ainst its "rilliance%

There is a cry of wo+an(ind now !oin! up in search of God &o+eti+es acco+panied

with a claspin! of hands44at other ti+es with the clenched fist44and it "ehooes all +en to

(now what it does really and ri!htly +ean% It +ay "e found to i+ply +ore than wo+an

suffra!e* it +ay si!nify wo+an sufferin!% &ufferin! fro+ whatN do you reply% Do we

not (eep her* and clothe her* and are we not prohi"ited* or were under the !ood old

)n!lish law* fro+ "eatin! her with a stic( that is thic(er than your +iddle fin!erN It +ay "e that the "rute ideal of the saa!e is !ettin! to "e a worn4out type here as elsewhere*

and that there is a desire for a +ore refined and intellectual for+ of +anhood in the

inti+acy of +arried life &o far fro+ .o+an hain! "een the cause of any pretended Fall

of +an* she has "een the true &aiour of hu+anity, or rather* the +ain instru+ent for 

sain! "ecause +ore open to the Diine influence* which I hold to "e for eer wor(in! to

 preent the propa!ation of +an's worser +oods* and the personification of his "aser self%

Often has she tried to hinder +an when he was deilishly "ent on defacin! the co+in!

i+a!e of the diine $nd this alone* with her "ac( to the wall* in places where there was

no law on her side% How +any idiots* thin( you* are "orn into the world throu!h drun(en

fathersN Idiocy is an arrested deelop+ent% Drun(enness is also an arrest of the soul in its

 "rain action* which +eans that the idiot child is often a tiny* pitiful i+a!e of the father who was in a state of +oral idiocy% The spiritual life was arrested, and there is as !reat a

deficiency of soul as there is of "lood in the "rain when you swoon% It is a +oral swoon

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+ade isi"le and per+anent in a hidden effi!y of Death4in4life% Luc(y if the paralysis "e

so co+plete that a !reat cri+inal is not let loose on the world in actie* instead of 

helpless* idiocy% I only dare hint at the thin!s which are done in the world to the

(nowled!e of wo+en* and you need not wonder if now and a!ain there rises the shrill*

 protestin! shrie(%

&o+e of +y readers +ay hae seen speci+ens in Gree( and Italian art of what +an has

done to !ratify the lust of the eye that he +i!ht perpetuate the lusts of the soul* and !loatoer his own +oral defor+ity* i++ortalised "y the ut+ost cunnin! wherewith art could

ani+ate the +ost precious for+s of inani+ate nature% He has set the i+a!e of his own

corruption in the shinin! +irror of a stainless 5ewel* and fi!ured forth his +oral defor+ity

in the lustre of a !e+44thin( of !iin! the worst (ind of hu+an disease to a !e+ He has

cut the deil of his "eastlier self in the dia+ond* enshrined the li"idinous satyr* ton!uelollin!

and leerin! fro+ a sapphire's a7ure heaen* +ade the innocent e+erald flush the

face with the reflection of what was enacted in its !reen coolness* called up spirits of all

uncleanness in the purity of a crystal% $ll this was ery "ad44ery horri"le44this

corruption of art for the delectation of the "east with a taste in +an 8ut what was such

de!radation at its wantonest and worst co+pared with that of a drun(en +an44no +atter 

with which passion he +ay "e afla+e44furiously sta+pin! his own hideous face* and thefeatures of his ice* on that for+ of hu+anity which he so dar(ens and defiles as to wellni!h

 "last or "lot out of it the i+a!e of God or +an alto!ether These 5ewels of life* these

creations of loe* to "e thus "rutally defaced in such a cruel way It is horri"le* +ost

horri"le )nou!h to +a(e all wo+an(ind* all +otherhood* nay* all +anhood* rise in

reolt a!ainst it* and sic(en* and spew it out% If +en !o reelin! to the +arria!e4"ed*

ree(in! with the foul effluia of drin(* !ross with !luttony* and stained throu!h and

throu!h with +oral disease* if the children are +ade fro+ the scu+ of "ad "lood into an

outer li(eness of the inner corruption* what can we e/pect the +en and wo+en to "eN If 

you held a tiny little "ird's e!! in your hand* how tenderly would you touch it how

 protectin!ly would you fence it round and shield it fro+ all dan!er and here is an

i++ortal soul in e+"ryo* suscepti"le to eery influence of the father* eery feelin! of the

+other* loo(in! with all its life to the+ for its enironin! conditions Here then* instead

of the ancient da+nation of the flesh we need a reli!ion of the "ody as well as of the soul*

and a !ospel of hu+an physics% Hitherto the ut+ost that has "een ai+ed at scientifically

has "een a "etter "reed of horses or cattle, we ou!ht to "e at least as careful in the

 "rin!in! forth of hu+an "ein!s% Ma(e the tree !ood and its fruit will "e !ood @"arrin!

certain throws "ac( or sports of natureB% The wor( has to "e done fro+ the root* and

not "y late tryin! to !raft the !ood on a "ad stoc(% #e+e+"er that life co+es into the

world accordin! to conditions* and the first of these conditions are those of the +arried

life% Hu+an e+"ryolo!y has now to "e studied reli!iously in the li!ht of eolution% If I

were a wo+an I dou"t whether I should consider a s+o(er* or chewer of to"acco* Euite!ood enou!h to father +y children The final effect44the supposed "eneficial effect44of 

nicotine is to arrest the decay of +atter that ou!ht to "e slou!hed off in order that it +ay

 "e renewed% 6o s+o(er is so lie a +an* all round* as he ou!ht to "e* or +i!ht "e, and

you can study the+ in all the arious sta!es and de!rees of drea+in!* decayin!* dyin!*

 poisonin! the sprin!s of future life* or "rin!in! death into the world%

The truth is* that wo+an at her "est and no"lest +ust "e +onarch of the +arria!e4"ed%

.e +ust "e!in in the creatory if we are to "enefit the race* and the wo+an has !ot to

rescue and ta(e possession of herself* and consciously assu+e all the responsi"ilities of 

+aternity* on "ehalf of the children% 6o wo+an has any ri!ht to part with the a"solute

ownership of her own "ody* "ut she has the ri!ht to "e protected a!ainst all for+s of 

 "rute force% 6o wo+an has any "usiness to +arry anythin! that is less than a +an% 6owo+an has any ri!ht to +arry any +an who will sow the seeds of hereditary disease in

her darlin!s% 6ot for all the +oney in the world 6o wo+an has any ri!ht* accordin! to

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the hi!hest law* to "ear a child to a +an she does not loe% 6o +other has any ri!ht to

allow her innocent little ones to "e in5ured +entally for life "y orthodo/ dru!s and false

nostru+s of salation that are ended fro+ the pulpit "y pious i+postors% These44and

other thin!s as ital44will "eco+e practical so soon as wo+an(ind co4operate and insist

that they shall "e practised% .o+en* o"ey your hus"ands* is a te/t that* when wron!ly

applied* has wrou!ht as +uch hu+an +isery as that other relic of "ar"aris+* &pare the

rod and spoil the child .hy* the !reat and sole incentie with the +ass of +alehypocrites who support the Churches is "ecause orthodo/ Christianity encoura!es the

su"5ection of wo+en* and helps to +a(e the+ "etter44that is +ore spiritless44household

slaes% They do not "eliee for the+seles* "ut they thin( anythin! !ood enou!h for their 

wies and dau!hters to "eliee%

ou cannot sere two +asters* saith the .ord*

8ut &atan nud!es the+ and whispers Ga++on,

ou lend your .ies and Dau!hters to the Lord*

ou gie yourseles to loe and worship Ma++on%

Our wo+en and children are bound to "rea( away fro+ this syste+ of fettered thou!ht% If I could stand where stood the coc( when all the world could here hi+ crow* my cry

would "e to the wies and +others on "ehalf of the children% The wo+en are "ound to

rescue the children* and to head their )/odus fro+ the "onda!e of orthodo/y* een if the

+en are too un+anly44too cowardly to help the+% 6o dou"t* one real cru/ is* .hat are

we !oin! to teach the childrenN $nd here there is so +uch to "e done and lied "y the

 parents in presence of the children* and so little to "e said The life we lie with the+

eery day is the teachin! that tells, and not the precepts uttered wee(ly that are

continually "elied "y our own daily practices% Gie the children a (nowled!e of natural

law* especially in that do+ain of physical nature which has hitherto "een ta"ooed% If we

 "rea( a natural law we suffer pain in conseEuence* no +atter whether we (new the law or 

not% This result is not an accident* "ecause it always happens* and is o"iously intended

to happen% Punish+ents are not to "e aoided "y i!norance of effects, they can only "e

warded off "y a (nowled!e of causes% Therefore nothing but /nowledge can help the+%

Teach the children to "eco+e the soldiers of duty instead of the slaes of selfish desire%

&how the+ how the sins a!ainst self reappear in the lies of others% Teach the+ to thin( 

of those others as the +eans of !ettin! out of self% Teach the+ how the laws of nature

wor( "y heredity% How often has the apparently pious* God4fearin! parent produced a

child that see+ed to the outside world the ery opposite of hi+self* as if the deil had

dropped an e!! in the !ood +an's nest% $nd yet this &atan of a son was "ut the nature of 

the saintly father turned inside out44only an e/posure of that which had "een hidden for a

ti+e "eneath the cloa( of hypocrisy, "ecause in the end nature is honest* and will out with it% Children hae ears li(e the ery spies of nature herself, eyes that penetrate all

su"terfu!e and pretence, and a sense of 5ustice that* if allowed fair4play* would

strai!htway wrec( the orthodo/ !ospel% Guide the curiosity of the little ones whilst it is

yet innocent* and !ie the+ all necessary (nowled!e fresh and sweet fro+ the lips of the

+other and father* Mr% #us(in notwithstandin!% Let the children "e well !rounded in the

doctrine of deelop+ent* without which we cannot "e!in to thin( coherently% Gie the+

the "est +aterial* the soundest +ethod, let the spirit4world hae a chance as a liin!

influence on the+* and then let the+ do the rest% 6eer for!et that the faculty for seein!

is worth all that is to "e seen% It is !ood to set "efore the youn!sters the loftiest and

no"lest ideals44not those that are +ythical and non4natural* "ut those that hae "een lied

in hu+an reality% The "est ideal of all has to "e portrayed "y the parents in the realities of life at ho+e% The teachin! that !oes deepest will "e indirect* and the truth will tell +ost

on the+ when it is oerheard% .hen you are not watchin!* and the children are44that is

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when the lessons are learned for life%

Possi"ly my Co+in! #eli!ion +ay su!!est a co+in! reolutionN I should not wonder if it

does% $nyway* we +ean to do our own thin(in!* and to hae a"solute freedo+ of thou!ht

and e/pression% .e +ean to rescue our &unday fro+ the sacerdotal rin!% 8ut we do not +ean that the day of rest and recreation shall fall into the hands of the capitalists% .e

+ean to try and rescue this world fro+ the clutches of those who profess to hae the (eys

and the (eepin! of the other44they who hold up the other world in front of that "east of  "urden* the producer* as a decoyin! lure* li(e the "unch of carrots "efore the don(ey's

nose* in order that the su!!estion of plenty in paradise +ay induce hi+ to fore!o his

co++on ri!ht to !ra7in!4!round on earth% .e +ean to hae a day of rec(onin! with the

un5ust stewards of the earth% .e +ean to hae the national property restored to the

 people* which the churches and other "odies hae withheld fro+ the people% .e +ean

that the land* with its inaliena"le ri!ht of liin!* its +ineral wealth "elow the soil and its

waters a"oe* shall "e open to all% .e +ean to hae our "an(in! done "y the &tate* and

our railways wor(ed for the "enefit of the whole people% .e +ean to te+per the terror of 

ra+pant indiidualis+ with the principles of co4operation% .e +ean to show that the

wa!es' syste+ is a relic of "ar"aris+ and social serfdo+% That under it la"our +ust