Group 3 王王王 11 Getting on Board Paragraph 1 On water, streets, and snow, millions of Americans get on their sailboards, skateboards, and snowboards and experience the excitement of speed. Every year, the number of boarders--people who ride boards--goes up. Young and old, amateur and professional, more and more people get on boards for a day of fun or extreme competition. **excitement (adj.) 王王王 **amateur (adj.) 王王王 **extreme (adj.) 王王王 Translation 王王王王王王王 、,、,。, boarders─王 ─王 王 王 王 王 。、,一。 Paraphrasing: More and more people in America like to get on boards, no matter how old they are. Young or old, amateur or professional they all like to get on their boards for a day of fun or extreme speed of competition. There are three kinds of boards, on water, we can see sailboards. And we can see skateboards on streets. Also, we can see snowboards in snowy day. Every year, a lot of people who ride their boards will become more and more. point for fun or for competition In their

Getting on Board203.72.29.4/deer/englishlearning/culture/culture_98_02_u…  · Web viewPoppen also held Snurfer Competitions at Pando Winter Sports Park (Rockford, MI) in the 70's

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Group 3 王姮婷 11Getting on Board

Paragraph 1 On water, streets, and snow, millions of Americans get on their sailboards,

skateboards, and snowboards and experience the excitement of speed. Every year, the number of boarders--people who ride boards--goes up. Young and old, amateur and professional, more and more people get on boards for a day of fun or extreme competition.

**excitement (adj.) 刺激的**amateur (adj.) 業餘的**extreme (adj.) 極限的Translation

在水上、街道上和雪中,數百萬個美國人登上他們的風帆滑水板、滑板和滑雪板,享受刺激的速度。每年,許多 boarders─滑板的人─增加。不論是年輕的人或有年紀的人、業餘選手或職業選手,越來越多人把滑板這項活動當成是一種娛樂或極限運動的競賽。Paraphrasing: More and more people in America like to get on boards, no matter how old they are. Young or old, amateur or professional they all like to get on their boards for a day of fun or extreme speed of competition. There are three kinds of boards, on water, we can see sailboards. And we can see skateboards on streets. Also, we can see snowboards in snowy day. Every year, a lot of people who ride their boards will become more and more.

point for fun or for competition In their leisure they will get on

their board. different kinds of boards

1. sailboard2. skateboard3. snowboard

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Paragraph 2Skateboarding is the oldest of the three sports. In the early 1900s, roller-skating

was popular. Roller skates had four wheels. Boys liked to take apart their skates, attach them to a small board, and put a wooden box on the board. They attached a long stick or piece of wood to hold onto, and created the first homemade scooters. After a while, the boys started removing the boxes, riding only on the board, and calling it a skateboard.

Translation:滑板運動是三種運動中最先出現的。再 1900 年代時,輪式溜冰很受歡迎。輪

是溜冰鞋有四個輪子。男孩們喜歡把他們的溜冰鞋拆開、截體,然後把輪子接上一塊小木板,再把一個木箱子放在上面。他們又將長板子或是一小塊木頭當作把手,創造出第一輛自製的踏板車。 經過一段時間後,男孩們開始將箱子移走,直接在板子上滑行,就成為現在我們所看到的滑板了。Paraphrasing: The oldest of these three sports is skateboarding. In the beginning, there were no skateboards. And roller skating was very popular in the early 1900s. Boys took apart their skates and turned them into skateboards. They attached the wheels of roller-skate with a small board. And then, put a wooden box on the board. Took a long stick or piece of wood to be a handle for their balance. Finally, it became the first homemade scooter. After a while, they moved the box away and only rode on the board, and it was an item we can see everywhere on streets and called skateboard now.

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point skateboard the oldest one what’s a skateboard look like roller skate homemade scooter skateboard

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Getting on Board

The fourth paragraph

Original text:

Until the early 1970s, skateboards were slow and skateboarders couldn’t

do tricks. But in1973, a surfer named Frank Nasworthy invented wheels

made of urethane ( 氨 基 鉀 酸 酯 ) , a hard plastic. Skateboarding was

never the same! Skateboarders went faster and could do jumps and turns.

They learned to fly through the air(空中迴旋), twist, turn , and do all kinds

of tricks. By the mid-1980s ( 1980 年 代 中 葉 ) , skateboarding was

becoming a serious sport, and it wasn’t just for kids. Competitions were

organized, and skateboarding spread across the globe.


1. Urethane: A hard plastic.

2. Twist: Turn.

3. Competition: Contest.

4. Spread: Open out.

中文:最早直到 1970 年代,滑板非常慢,而滑板手不能做任何花式。但在 1973 年一個衝浪手 Frank Nasworthy,用氨基甲酸酯發明了渦輪,一種硬塑膠。滑

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板不一樣了!滑板可以變得很快,而且可以跳,可以扭轉。他們學習空中迴旋,扭轉,輕鬆把玩這些技巧。在 1980 年代中葉,滑板已經成為一種重要的運動。他不再只屬於小孩。逐漸有競賽的組成,而滑板將散佈全世界。By


Text:Today skateboarding is a professional sport. There are international competitions, money, and fame for the greatest boarders. Everybody loves to watch the wild tricks of the skateboarders in the X Games, a type of small Olympics for extreme sports. But skateboarding has never stopped being a great way for kids to get down the street.

Interpretation:現在,滑板運動是一項職業運動。現在有許多國際性的滑板比賽,最厲害的滑板選手能獲得金錢與名聲。每個人都很喜歡看在 X Game 中的滑板選手們耍花式動作,X Game 是一種奧林匹克中的極限運動。但是,滑板運動未曾停止是一項對小孩很棒且能在街上玩的運動。改寫:Now skateboard is a occupation exercise. There are many international games. If you are the greatest boarder, you will gain money and reputation. Everyone loves to watch skateboarders play some difficult and dangerous skills. X Game is a type of Olympics extreme sport. Now skateboarding is still a great way for children to play on the street.

Imformation:U 型 池 是 一 種 半 管 式 (half-pipe ) 滑道,常用於滑板運動等極限運動中。U型池的小型版本稱為小 U 池 。

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典型的 U 型池高 3.0 公尺(10 英尺) - 4.3 公尺(14 英尺),最淺處深度為152 毫米,最深處深度為 914 毫米。U 型池與小 U 池除在大小上有差異外,還有結構上的不同。U 型池的賽道上部有vert 這一部分,這使得滑板者可以在 U 型池上更輕鬆的騰空躍起。這是因為 U型池的 vert 部分是豎直方向的,小 U 池沒有 vert 部分,因此賽道直接向前延伸,不利於騰空。滑板者將滑板置於 U台邊並滑下的方式稱為「Dropping in」,這一詞可以在任何賽道和極限運動,如滑板運動、極限輪滑或小輪車中使用。

滑板是用來進行滑板活動的一種窄的、有輪子的板子。滑板最早的發明時間已經不可考。自從 1960 年代滑板開始被大量生產以來,滑板改變了很多。過去的滑板常常類似衝浪板,沒有腳窩並使用木頭或塑膠製作。輪子通常用黏土合成或是金屬製作。現在,許多小孩和少年都喜歡玩滑板。

By 12

Paragraph 6 英一一 33號 楊欣蓉

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◆ Original text:Where there are sidewalks there are skateboards, and where there is wind

and water, there are sailboards-large surfboards with sails attached. In 1968,

two men from southern California got patents for the first sailboard, or ”windsurfer.” Jim Drake was a sailor, and Hoyle Schweitzer was a surfer. Together designed a special way to attach the sail to the board, took their invention out on the water, and windsurfing was born. From that point on, windsurfers moved across the water and reaching amazing speeds. They started jumping, twisting, turning, and riding huge waves.

◆ Translation:哪裡有人行道,那裡就有滑板;哪裡有風和水,那裡就有風浪板- 大的衝

浪板上繫著一面風帆。在 1968 年,來自於加利福尼亞南方的兩名男子,他們取得風浪板的第一個專利權。Jim Drake 是名水手,而 Hoyle Schweitzer 是位衝浪家,他們決定了一個特別的方法去連接風帆和浪板。將他們的發明放在水上於是…風浪板運動就誕生了。從那時起,玩風浪板的運動家們,橫越了海水和達到令人驚奇的速度。他們開始跳躍,翻轉和乘著巨大的海浪。◆ Paraphrase:

People didn’t feel contentment when they had had skateboards. They even wanted to slide on the water. In 1968, two men from southern California were Jim Drake and Hoyle Schweitzer, they got the patent for the first sailboard. One of them was a sailor, and the other was a surfer. They had the same idea was to combine their two sports. They attached large surfboards with sails, and the windsurfing was born. Sailboard could be done to across the water, and it could reach amazing speeds. Now, windsurfer even started special ways to ride huge waves.

◆Background knowledge :歷史上類似的風浪板,最早應該出現在南美洲的土著們駕著一種可移動桅

竿有帆的木筏在亞馬遜河航行。而現代風浪板運動可追溯到 1930 年代,當從夏威夷傳來的衝浪運動在美國加州風行時,加州長灘 (Long Beach)衝浪好手Tom Blake,一天下午在海邊試圖利用槳將其衝浪板划到波浪上時,突然心血來潮突發奇想「也許可以利用風來當動力」,就是這樣的一個想法,在經過幾次

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試驗之後,Blake 在其衝浪板上加裝了桅竿和風帆,之後又加裝了可用腳控制的方向舵,並將其發明命名為「可航行的衝浪板」(sailing surfboard),所以風浪板的英文有時也叫 sailboarding 或 boardsailing。不過 Blake 的發明並未被大眾所接受和歡迎。

直到 30 年後,美國賓夕法尼亞州的發明家 S. Newman Darby 接續Blake 的想法,發明了一個可完全掌控的風帆滑水板(sailboard),其主要是改進 Blake 用腳控制方向舵的缺點,在風帆兩側加裝水平橫桿,方便由手和身體的平衡來掌控方向。Darby 的發明發表於 1965 年的「現代科學」雜誌( Popular Science)。

★ ★ ★目前我們使用的風浪板,主要是由二個美國加州南部的衝浪愛好者Hoyle Schweitzer,Jim Drake 在 1966 和 1967 年間,根據他們的經驗與新的構想,將 Darby 的發明加以改進而成。他們成功的使用一個萬用接頭,將桅竿、橫桿(桁)和帆聚集在一起,並可沿著萬用接頭在各個方向移動,並獲得專利權。1969 年 Schweitzer並將其專利進行量產,並將其產品命名為「風浪板」(Windsurfing),同年開始駕著風浪板到處旅行推廣風浪板的運動。★ ★ ★

1971 年風浪板引進歐洲,快速的在歐洲風行起來。1984 年洛杉磯奧運,國際奧委會正式將發源於美國南加州的風浪板運動列入正式比賽項目。 台灣風浪板運動的歷史 追溯自民國 67 年,當時有幾位外國人由國外帶來

此項運動在福隆海濱一展身手,頓時成為眾人注目的焦點,但由於台灣人傳統觀念和風俗的束縛,此項運動一直成長緩慢,直到近幾年才算有了一些固定的玩家,而新人也不斷的陸續成長,至今年為止,幾乎各縣市均擁有風浪板俱樂部,而它也將成為未來區運中的一個新項目。  風浪板體積不大,船板亦輕,加上攜帶方便,價格適中,而且學習也不如一般人所想像的困難,幾乎人人都可以學,而駕著它乘風破浪的快感,更一定是您前所未有的感覺。   台灣位處亞熱帶,且四面環海,冬天有東北季風,夏天偶有太平洋高壓,是發展此項運動的極佳場所,若逢寒冬,也只要一套防寒衣即可應付自如,是很好的水上運動!● 資料來源:八十八年版戶外活動郵票原地之探討(四)風浪板 -程長遠http://chch.tw/word/T404_S4.html

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# 28,↓

TEXTIt didn’t take long for windsurfing to become popular in Europe, Australia, and other places. Windsurfers and their equipment got better and better. In 1983, the professional World Cup tour was started. In 1984, windsurfing became an Olympic sport of the Summer Game. Today the joys and thrill of windsurfing are experienced by millions of people around the world.


風帆並沒有花費很長的時間在歐洲、澳洲等地流行起來。風帆衝浪板和和他們的設備也越來越好。1983 年,職業的世界杯巡迴比賽開始了。1984 年,風帆運動成為奧林匹克運動項目的夏季比賽。今日歡樂和刺激的風帆是由世界各地百萬的人體驗的。☆Windsurfing quickly became popular in many places. The equipment of windsurfing got better and better. Windsurfing has some international competitions. In 1983, the professional World Cup tour was started. In 1984, Olympic of the Summer Game had new items of windsurfing. Now more and more people enjoy windsurfing.

Vocabulary◆equipment配備,裝備the process of providing a place or person with necessary◆tour巡迴比賽(或演出等);巡視

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an official series of visits made to different place by a sports team, an orchestra, an important person, and so forth

Some common questions of windsurfing1. Q: Is windsurfing difficult to learn?A: No. Under the guidance of professional coaches, you will learn the basic operation about three day.2. Q: What kinds of people are suitable for learning windsurfing?A: People who don’t be afraid of water and like water sport and exciting activity.3. Q: Do windsurfers have to be strong?A: Look at this picture. If the little boy is strong enough, anyone is! Windsurfing is about finesse, not muscle power. It means anyone can windsurf.

4. Q: Is windsurfing dangerous?A: In fact, windsurfing is among the safest water sports. It doesn’t hurt you when you falling in the water! you can be safest by choosing locations with no currents.

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The windsurfing equipment

The helmet can protect your head.

The gloves can protect your hands. In the winter, it also can keep your hands warm.

The clothes can protect your skin from sunburn and jellyfish.

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The life vest can let you not to sink and protect your safety.

The boots can avoid you not to slip.


The Snurfer was the first marketed snowboard. The Snurfer was created in 1965 by Sherman Poppen in Muskegon, Michigan. Poppen was outside his house one day sledding with his daughters, when his 11 year old was going down the hill, standing on her old sled. Poppen then ran inside his shop and bound two skis together. Poppen used a string and tied it to the nose of the board so the rider could have control of the board. Poppen's wife called it the Snurfer, and soon after creating the first one, Poppen's daughters' friends all wanted one. Sherman Poppen licensed the concept to Brunswick Corporation to manufacture the Snurfer. Soon the whole country was excited about this. The Snurfer's retail price was $10-$30. Poppen sold about a million Snurfers through 1966-1976.

Poppen also held Snurfer Competitions at Pando Winter Sports Park (Rockford, MI) in the 70's which attracted Snurfers from all over America. The competitions spawned innovations and improvements. In 1979, Jake

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Burton Carpenter showed up at one of the competitions with a custom board that had a prototype binding to secure his feet to the deck. This innovation led to the establishment of Burton Snowboards.


The X Games is a commercial annual sports event, controlled and arranged by US sports broadcaster ESPN, which focuses on extreme action sports. The inaugural X Games was held in the summer of 1995 in Rhode Island.

The Winter X Games are held in January or February (usually in January) and the Summer X Games are usually held in August, both in the United States. Participants compete to win bronze, silver, and gold medals, and prize dollars. The competition often features new tricks such as Tony Hawk's 900 in skateboarding, Anthony Napolitan with the first ever double front flip on a bicycle and Travis Pastrana's double backflip in Freestyle Motocross. Concurrent with competition is the "X Fest" sports and music festival, which offers live music, athlete autograph sessions and interactive elements. The location of the Winter X Games is in Aspen, Colorado through 2012, while the location for the Summer X Games is in Los Angeles through 2009. The X Games also has international competitions and demos around the world that are held at varying times throughout the year. The games are shown live on ESPN and ABC television. The Winter X Games is, as described by ESPN (2008), a competition compiled of the greatest winter action sport athletes from around the world competing an annual basis. The competition contains day and evening events including skiing, snowboarding, and snowmobiling. The first Winter X Games took place at Mountain Resort in Big Bear Lake, California, in 1997. The following two years, the Games were held at Crested Butte Mountain Resort in Colorado. The two years following that, the Games were held in Mount Snow, Vermont. And since 2002 the Winter X Games have been held at Buttermilk Mountain in Aspen, Colorado, and according to ESPN they will continue to be held there through 2012.

Sherman "Sherm" PoppenBORN:  MARCH 25, 1930, MUSKEGON, MI 

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    Sherman Poppen was just trying to get his daughters out of the house on Christmas Day in 1965, so he gave them a water ski to use to ride down the Lake Michigan dunes behind his house. Who would have thought then that his idea would evolve into the popular pastime of snowboarding, which now is an Olympic sport?    His kids had so much fun with his water-ski contraption that Poppen went into his workshop and customized a board better suited for snow. His wife, Nancy, christened the invention the “snurfer,” noting that the board allowed the rider to surf on snow. The idea was picked up locally by Brunswick

Corp., which manufactured the snurfer for distribution around the country.    It would be almost 20 years before snowboarding really took off, but Poppen’s invention was not forgotten. Poppen Poppen was presented the "Tranny Award" in 1995 at the Fifth Annual TransWorld Snowboarding Industry Conference, hosted in Banff, Alberta, Canada.  Given annually to an individual in the snowboarding industry for lifetime achievement in the sport, the honor has been presented to the biggest names in the industry, including Jake Burton Carpenter, Tom Sims, Dimitrije Milovich, and Craig Kelly. Hailed as the “Father of Snowboarding,” Poppen Poppen also was featured on the Discovery Channel’s “Inventions” program for his snurfer.        A Muskegon High School graduate, Poppen was a successful and civic-minded businessman. He also was a skilled sailor and longtime member of the Muskegon Yacht Club.  Following his retirement, Poppen took to the hills of Colorado to learn how to snowboard, riding the slopes with kids one-third his age.    “I figured I started this thing,” Poppen told The Muskegon Chronicle, “so I’d better get into it.”

# 29↓Paragraph 9

In the late 1970s, the Sunrfer was improved. Dimitrije

Milovich, Tom Sims, Chris Sanders, Mike Olson, and

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Jack Burton all introduced new designs that eventually

developed into today’s snowboard. By the mid-1980s,

snowboarding was becoming popular around the world.

Championship competitions were held in Europe and

America. As time passed, the boards got better, and the

boarders improved, too. Soon they were speeding down

hills and over jumps, doing flips in the air and other

amazing tricks.

在 1970 年 代 後期, Sunrfer 已 有 改善。 Dimitrije

Milovich 、 Tom Sims, Chris Sanders, Mike Olson, 和Jack Burton 都提交出新的設計,最終發展成今日的滑雪板。 1980 年代中期的單板滑雪成為世界各地流行。 在歐洲和美國舉行錦標賽。隨著時間的推移,滑雪板的品質日新月異,滑雪者的技巧也 跟著日益進步。不久,他們能在丘陵地形加速滑下,做一些空中翻滾或是其他驚人的技巧。

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The Snurfer was improved in the late 1970s.

Five people, Dimitrije Milovich, Tom Sims, Chris

Sanders, Mike Olson, and Jack Burton all came up with

new designs about snowboard. Finally, they developed

into today’s snowboard that we see now. Snowboarding

was becoming very popular around the world in the

middle of 1980s. Europe and the U.S.A. also held many

championship competitions about snowboard. Since the

boards were invented, the board got better, and improved

the oversight. After the boards were improved, they

noticed how to speed down the hills and do the difficult

skills, such as doing flips in the air…etc.


MY ENGLISH REPORT原文: As popular as snowboarding was, most ski resorts(滑雪場) didn’t allow snowboarding until the 1990s. Resort owners though the snowboarders couldn’t control there boards and would cause accidents. Most snowboarders were young people, and they had their own culture.

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They wore baggy(鬆垮的) pants and jackets, and they listened to loud music. They liked to have fun and do wild(激烈的) tricks, but resorts owners were very traditional. They were afraid to let boarders on the mountain. When they did, sometimes there was trouble between the skiers and boarders. The skiers didn’t like the snowboarders on the slopes(斜坡) with them. Some boarders were rude(粗野的) , didn’t follow the rules, and sometimes caused problems. After a while, though, resort owners realized that snowboarders would bring money to their areas. One after another, they let snowboarders in. Snowboarding grew faster than skiing. Resorts welcomed the new business. They built areas with jumps and special courses for snowboarders. Many skiers learned to snowboard too, and skiers and snowboarders began to understand and respect each other.翻譯: 即使滑雪板運動在當時很盛行,但在 1990 年之前,大多數的滑雪場仍不允許滑雪板運動。滑雪場主人認為那些玩滑雪板的人不太會控制他們的滑雪板而引起意外。大多數的玩家是年輕人,他們擁有自己的文化。他們喜歡穿鬆垮的褲子和夾克,聽開得很大聲的音樂。他們也喜歡做激烈的技巧動作來玩得盡興,但想法傳統的滑雪場主人並不喜歡他們這麼做。他們害怕讓玩家上他們的山,當他們這麼做時,有時去滑雪的人和玩家之間會產生問題。滑雪者不喜歡滑雪板玩家和他們在同一個斜坡,他們覺得有些玩家很粗魯,不懂得遵守規矩,又時常引起事端。可是當一段時間過去之後,滑雪場主人終於了解「滑雪板玩家能帶給他們商機」這件事。所以一個接著一個的,越來越多場主讓玩家入場。滑雪板運動成長得比滑雪運動快上許多。場主十分歡迎這些新的搖錢樹,他們為了那些玩家興建許多障礙、跳板、機關還有特殊設施。有許多的滑雪者也來學滑雪板運動。然後滑雪者和玩家也開始學會互相了解及尊重。改寫:Also snowboarding was popular at that time.


Getting on Board Paragraph 11

SCANNING FOR DETAIL :In 1998, snowboarding this kind of challenging sport became

one of the events in the Olympic Winter Games in Nagano, Japan.

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Admirers can also watch and root for their athletes at the Winter X Games nowadays. In addition, they can try out for getting on board and sliding through a cliff or down a hill. According to the studies, per year a large number of boarders goes up all of the world. Almost everyone can feel the force and speed of riding on board.

TRANSLATION OF THE ARTICLE :1998 年,在日本長野市,雪上滑板正式成為奧林匹克冬季運動

會比賽項目之一。今天,運動迷們也可以在冬季X Games觀看滑板選手們劃過天際的精采演出。他們也可以自己踏上滑板滑下山坡體驗速度和興奮感。每年世界各國的滑板者數量呈現成長狀態。似乎,每個人都愛上這個既新奇又令人期待興奮的運動。PICTURES :

Page 19: Getting on Board203.72.29.4/deer/englishlearning/culture/culture_98_02_u…  · Web viewPoppen also held Snurfer Competitions at Pando Winter Sports Park (Rockford, MI) in the 70's