ES13030 Examensarbete 30 hp Mar 2013 Grid Code Compliance – Wind Farm Connection Martin Västermark

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Examensarbete 30 hpMar 2013

Grid Code Compliance – Wind Farm Connection

Martin Västermark

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Teknisk- naturvetenskaplig fakultet UTH-enheten Besöksadress: Ångströmlaboratoriet Lägerhyddsvägen 1 Hus 4, Plan 0 Postadress: Box 536 751 21 Uppsala Telefon: 018 – 471 30 03 Telefax: 018 – 471 30 00 Hemsida: http://www.teknat.uu.se/student


Grid code compliance – wind farm HVDC connection

Martin Västermark

A rapid development of offshore wind power is planned in GB as a part to fulfil theEU2020 targets. 25 GW wind power capacity has been awarded to developers in ninedifferent offshore zones outside the coast of UK. VSC-HVDC transmission isexpected to be a both technical and economical favourable solution for transmittingthe power into the main grid. This study investigates if such a transmission solutioncould comply with the regulatory framework in UK.

Vattenfall and Scottish Energy Renewable will be part of this development and havebeen awarded the rights to develop 7200 MW of wind capacity outside the cost ofEast Anglia as a part of the offshore expansion plans in UK. The zone is broken downto several projects. The first project is called East Anglia ONE and this project is usedas a reference case in this study.

The GB Grid Code has been broken down into four areas, voltage and frequencyvariations; fault ride through requirements, active power control and reactive powercontrol. Load flow calculations and dynamic simulations are designed to investigatecompliance of each area. Further, simulations to investigate the interaction betweenthe wind turbines and the offshore converter stations where done.

A model representing East Anglia ONE was built in PSS/E and used to investigate gridcodes compliance by load flow calculations and dynamic simulations. Data from earlierstudies at Vattenfall was used to get a good representation of the wind park. A modelrepresenting a HVDC-transmission solution was provided by ABB.

The results from load flow calculations and simulations show that a HVDC-solutioncan comply with the investigated parts of the grid codes. The limiting factor seems tobe the capability to inject enough reactive power to the gird at small voltage dipsduring normal operation. This capability can, however, be enhanced with the righttap-changer settings at the onshore converter transformer.

ISSN: 1650-8300, UPTEC ES13030Examinator: Kjell PernestålÄmnesgranskare: Mikael BergqvistHandledare: Urban Axelsson

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Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning på svenska

Havsbaserad vindkraft förväntas växa i Storbritannien som en del i landets åtagande

att uppfylla EU:s 2020-mål. Rättigheter till 25 GW vindkraft har tilldelats

vindkraftsexploatörer i nio olika zoner utanför Storbitanniens kust. VSC-HVDC

förväntas vara både tekniskt och ekonomiskt fördelaktigt för att transmittera kraften

från vindkraftparken och in till land. Denna studie undersöker om en sådan

transmissionslösning skulle kunna uppfylla det regelverk (grid codes) som finns i

Storbritannien för att få ansluta vindkraft till stamnätet.

Vattenfall och Scottish Energy Renewable har blivit tilldelade rättigheterna att bygga

totalt 7200 MW havsbaserad vindkraft utanför East Anglia. Projektet har delats upp i 6

delprojekt, vart och ett på 1200 MW. Det första projektet, East Anglia ONE, har

använts som ett referensfall i denna studie. Byggstart för projektet är satt till 2016 och

bara detta delprojekt kommer bli en av världens största vindkraftparker om det


Regelverket i Storbritanien har i denna studie brutits ned i fyra delar: spännings- och

frekvensavvikelser, överleva fel i stamnätetet, frekvenskontrol och spänningskontrol.

Frekvensavvikelser uppstår vid en missmatch av produktion och last som kan uppstå

vid t.ex. produktionsbortfall. Små spänningsavvikelser kan också bero av last eller

produktionsborfall men också på grund av fel i avlägsna delar av nätet. Det är viktigt

att produktionsanläggningen klarar av att fortsätta sin normala produktion vid dessa

typer av fel. Simuleringarna av kombinerade frekvens och spänningsavvikelser visar

att parken kan klara av dessa förändingar i enlighet med regelverket.

En produktionsanläggning måste också klara av fel i nätet. Dessa kan sänka

spänningen vid omriktarstationen till nära 0 volt. Kraven för hur länge felen överlevas

beror på hur mycke spänningen sänks vid anslutningspunkten samt på felets typ.

Regelverket specifiserar inte bara att anläggningen ska överleva felet, det finns även

krav på att den aktiva effektproduktionen ska återvända inom en sekund efter felet

samt krav på att leverera reaktiv effekt medan felet pågår. Simuleringarna antyder att

en den föreslagna HVDC-lösningen klarar av att hantera kraven för fel i nätet.

Vidare finns det krav på frekvensstöd. I normalfallet ska vindkraftverken reglera ned

sin aktiva effekt produktion vid en nätfrekvens på 50.4 Hz. Emellertid finns det krav

på att anläggningen ska kunna klara av att vara ett mer aktivt stöd och klara av att

stötta frekvensen vid både över och underfrekvens i nätet. Denna typ av

frekvensreglering kallas delta-reglering och kräver att vindkraftverken i detta

kontrolschema spiller vind för att klara av att öka produktionen vid underfrekvens. Ett

enkelt frekvensregleringskontrol för vindkraftverken har skrivits inom projektet och

med detta klarar anläggningen att uppfylla kraven.

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En anläggning ska kunna stötta spänningen i nätet genom att leverera eller konsumera

reaktiv effekt. Genom att leverera reaktiv effekt till nätet höjs spänningen i

anslutningspunkten och på liknande sätt kan spänningen i anslutningspunkten sänkas

genom att anläggningen konsumerar reaktiv effekt. Att leverera tillräkligt med reaktiv

effekt i nätet vid små spänningsdippar är, enligt simuleringarna, den begränsande

faktorn med en HVDC-transmissionslösning. Simuleringarna visar att

omriktarstationen har svårt att leverera tillräkligt med reaktiv effekt.

Omriktarstationens förmåga att leverera tillräkligt med reaktiv effekt vid små

spänningsdippar kan dock öka genom att sänka den initala spänningen vid

omriktarstationen genom lindningskopplaren på tranformatorn. Med hjälp av detta kan

regelverket uppfyllas.

Aktiv effekt levererad till nätet vid olika inställningar av lindningskopplaren vid

transformatorn på land

Utöver kraven i regelverket har även simuleringar i nätet vid vindkraftparken gjorts.

Dessa simuleringar har undersökt hur omriktarstationen till havs sammspelar med

vindkraftverken vid fel. Simuleringarna visar inte på några tecken på onormalt höga

spänningar, effektpendlingar eller problem med transient stabilitet.

Sammanfattningsvis visar denna studie att en vindkraftpark med en VSC-HVDC

transmissionslösning kan uppfylla det regelverk som finns för att få ansluta

anläggningar till stamnätet.








0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5







Q (pu)

P (pu)

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Grid code compliance – wind farm HVDC connection


From Date Serial No.

Vattenfall Research and Development AB BA R&D - Wind & Ocean power

2012-02-28 U 13:12

Author/s Security class Project No.

Västermark, Martin Official version PR.

Customer Reviewed by

Tor, Sven Erik Axelsson, Urban

He, Ying

Issuing authorized by

Neimane, Viktoria

Key Word No. of pages Appending pages

Grid Codes, HVDC, Offshore Wind, East Anglia, PSS/E

49 22

Uppsala University

Program Date Serial No.

Master of Science in Engineering

Specialisation: Energy Systems Engineering

2012-02-28 ES13030

Author/s Supervisor Instructions Evaluator


Västermark, Martin Axelsson, Urban Bergqvist, Mikael Pernestål, Kjell

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Table of Contents


Abstract 3

Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning på svenska 4

Abbreviations 1


1.1 Background 2

1.2 Purpose 3

1.3 Reference Case – East Anglia ONE 3

1.4 Previous Work at Vattenfall 4

1.5 Report content 4


2.1 Simulation methodology 5


3.1 Model design 6

3.2 The HVDC transmission system 7

3.3 Collection network 9

3.4 Wind turbines 10

3.5 Zero- and negative phase sequence impedances 10


4.1 Regulatory framework in United Kingdom 11

4.2 Regulatory framework within the European Union 11




6.1 Frequency and voltage requirements in GB 14

6.2 Frequency and voltage requirements in ENTSO-E grid code 15

6.3 Study cases for frequency and voltage variations 15

6.3.1 Set 6.1 – Dynamic simulations, frequency and voltage 15


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7.1 FRT requirements in GB 17

7.2 FRT requirements in ENTSO-E grid code 18

7.3 Study cases for FRT-requirements 20

7.3.1 Set 7.1 – Dynamic simulations, FRT Mode A 20


8.1 Requirements for active power control in GB Grid Code 23

8.2 Requirements for active power control in ENTSO-E Grid Code 24

8.3 User defined models in active power control 26

8.4 Study cases for active power control 27

8.4.1 Set 8.1 – Dynamic simulations frequency response capability 27

8.4.2 Set 8.2 – Dynamic simulations, step response and islanding operation28


9.1 Requirements for reactive power control in GB Grid Code 29

9.2 Requirements for reactive power control in ENTSO-E Grid Code 33

9.3 User written models for reactive power control 33

9.4 Study cases for reactive power control 33

9.4.1 Set 9.1 – Converter reactive capability in load flow 34

9.4.2 Set 9.2 – Dynamic performance of onshore converter 35

9.4.3 Set 9.3 – Power flow calculations at different active power output and

initial tap settings 36

9.5 Potential error in the provided HVDC-model 37


10.1 Study cases for the offshore grid and converter stations 38

10.1.1 Set 10.1 – Offshore grid faults 39

10.1.2 Set 10.2 - Trip of converter 43


11.1 Main result 44

11.2 Reflection on the grid codes 45

11.3 Reflection on simulation results 45

11.4 Further studies 45


Figures Page

Figure 1 One of the layout suggestion for East Anglia ONE 4

Figure 2 PSS/E model of East Anglia ONE, 600 MW 6

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Figure 3 PSS/E model of converter station 8

Figure 4 P-Q diagram of an HVDC-light converter 8

Figure 5 Relationship between dynamic and load flow model 9

Figure 6 Ownership for a large offshore wind power parks 11

Figure 7 Future development of national grid codes without cross-border framework


Figure 8 Minimum active power transferred during frequency deviations 14

Figure 9 – Simulations for evaluating frequency-voltage window 15

Figure 10 Simulations outcomes, Set 6.1 Simulation 2 16

Figure 11 Voltage duration profile specified by FRT requirements, Mode B 17

Figure 12 Examples of voltage-duration specified by FRT requirements, Mode B 18

Figure 13 Min and Max FRT profile, ENTSO-E and GB grid code 19

Figure 14 FRT-simulation outcome 22

Figure 15 Active power response requirements in the GB grid code 23

Figure 16 Exampel of ENTSO-E grid code 25

Figure 17 User written PSS/E model for active power control 27

Figure 18 Frequency response volume tests 28

Figure 19 Active power response, test 18 28

Figure 20 System islanding and step response tests 29

Figure 21 Reactive power transfer capability requirements in a P-Q diagram 30

Figure 22 Voltage – Reactive Power envelop 31

Figure 23 Reactive power control requirements 31

Figure 24 Reactive power response requirements 32

Figure 26 PSS/E user model for reactive power control 33

Figure 27 Test parameters of Set 9.1 34

Figure 28 P-Q diagram that shows the result of tests preformed in 9.1 35

Figure 29 Setup of simulations in set 9.2 35

Figure 30 Example of a simulation outcome in Set 9.2 36

Figure 31 Results of tests of Set 9.2 36

Figure 32 Dynamic simulation outcome of set 9.3 37

Figure 33 Reactive power output at Pwind=570 MW and Pwind=600 MW 38

Figure 34 Extension of model during offshore simulations 39

Figure 35 Offshore grid extension 40

Figure 36 Test 5, offshore converter and wind turbine 42

Figure 37 Outcome of simulation 5, onshore converter and DC system 43

Figure 38 Simulation output, onshore converter trip 44

Tables Page

Table 1 Frequency operation requirements ................................................................. 14

Table 2 Simulation setup in for operation in frequency-voltage window.................... 16

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Table 3 FRT simulation, Mode A ................................................................................ 20

Table 4 Simulation outcome, Mode A ......................................................................... 20

Table 5 FRT-simulations, Mode B .............................................................................. 20

Table 6 Simulation outcome, Mode B ......................................................................... 21

Table 7 Frequency sensitive mode as suggested by ENTSO-E and in GB.................. 25

Table 8 Limited Frequency Sensitive mode as suggested by ENTSO-E and in GB ... 25

Table 9 Articles evaluated with regards to reactive power control ............................. 29

Table 10 Definition of intersection in Figure 21 ......................................................... 30

Table 11 Parameters for offshore grid faults ............................................................... 41

Appendices Number of Pages


A Data for PSS/E models 3

B PSS/E user models 2

C Data – short current from national grid (Only available at

Vattenfall in Solna).


D Simulation outcomes 17

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BC – GB Grid Code, Balancing Code

CC – GB Grid Code, Connection Conditions

DFIG – Double Fed Induction Generator

DMOL - Designed Minimum Operating Level

ENTSO-E - European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity

FSIG – Fixed Speed Induction Generator

FSM – Frequency Sensitive Mode

FRT – Fault Ride Through

HVAC – High Voltage Alternating Current

HVDC – High Voltage Direct Current

LFSM – Limited Frequency Sensitive Mode

OC – GB Grid Code, Operation Code

OFTO – Offshore Transmission System Owner

PPM – Power Park Module

STC – System Operator - Transmission Owner Code

TSO – Transmission System Operator

VSC – Voltage Source Converter

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1 Introduction

1.1 Background

Coal and gas has been the foundation of power production within Europe for many

years. Threats of global warming and security of supply issues have put pressure of

restructuring the power system. The European Union has decided to increase the

energy production to from renewable sources to 20% of the total consumption by 2020

as part of the EU2020-targets [1].

Wind power will play a significant role to achieve the 2020-targets [2]. However,

integration of wind power into the power system will challenge the system operators

to maintain reliability and stability. Grid codes are therefore developed and updated by

transmission system operators (TSOs) [3].

Today, double fed induction generators (DFIG) and variable speed, full converters are

the dominating design for new turbines. These are better equipped to handle

connection requirements, especially fault ride through requirements [4]. This makes

the design equipped to comply with grid codes in Europe and North America [3], [5].

However, since each wind farm has its unique characteristics it needs to be analysed

and optimised case by case [6].

The grid code compliance is not only affected by the wind turbine design but also by

the transmission system, which transfer the power to the grid. There are mainly two

kinds of transmission alternatives for a large offshore wind park, high voltage

alternating current (HVAC) and high voltage direct current (HVDC). An HVAC

transmission system has usually lower investment cost compared to an HVDC

solution. HVDC tend to be competitive at long distances from shore due to low losses

in the HVDC transmission cables and that HVAC-offshore solution needs heavy

reactive power compensation [7].

An HVDC transmission system could mainly be designed in two ways. Current source

converters (CSC) are used in conventional HVDC technology which is based on

thyristor technology. The alternative is HVDC technology with voltage-source

converter (VSC), which can be beneficial to overall system performance. VSC

converter technology is better equipped to rapidly control both active and reactive

power [8] A VSC-HVDC system is more compact due to the absence of external

reactive power control devices. However, the VSC technology has lower power

ratings, higher losses and is more expensive [9]. There has been important advances in

the voltage-source converters since 2000 and it is seen as an attractive option for

offshore wind connection and the first connection was commissioned in 2010 [10].

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Several studies have been written on VSC-HVDC transmission system and their

ability to fulfil grid codes. For example [6] and [9] studies VSC-HVDC in

combination with double fed induction generators (DFIG) generators while [11] and

[12] investigates the combination of VSC-HVDC and fixed speed induction


However, no study has systematically evaluated the ability of a VSC-HVDC

transmission system to fulfil the requirements in the GB grid code. The study

presented in this thesis makes an effort to fill that gap by presenting a systematically

analyse of the GB grid code combined with load flow analyses and dynamic

simulations of a wind park and a VSC-HVDC transmission system. Further, this study

investigates the interaction between the HVDC-station and full converter wind

turbines at the offshore grid during faults.

1.2 Purpose

The purpose of the study is to investigate how an HVDC transmission solution for

East Anglia ONE could comply with the grid code in GB as well as the pan-European

grid code suggested by ENTSO-E.

1.3 Reference Case – East Anglia ONE

GB has identified electricity generated by offshore wind farms as a key to achieve

their part of the EU2020 [13] and up to 18 GW wind could be deployed by 2020 [14].

Vattenfall has together with ScottishPower Renewables been awarded to develop 7200

MW of offshore wind capacity outside the coast of East Anglia [15]. The first project,

East Anglia ONE, is planned to have an installed capacity of 1200 MW and the

construction is planned to start in 2016 [16]. One suggested design is to use 7MW full-

converter wind turbines and a transmission solution with two VSC-HVDC offshore

transmission systems, transferring 600MW each. The layout is shown in Figure 1.

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Figure 1 One of the layout suggestion for East Anglia ONE

1.4 Previous Work at Vattenfall

Both HVAC and HVDC transmission solutions have been suggested for East Anliga

ONE. However, earlier simulation studies regarding the East Anglia ONE project has

focused on AC transmission solutions. A reactive compensation study for an AC

transmission solution at 220 kV has been done [17]. Further, a grid code compliance

study regarding the static reactive power requirements for an AC solution is done [18],

where the main alternative was on 132kV and 150kV AC transmission cables.

Different solutions for a collection network at 66kV have been investigated in [19],

which mainly focuses on active power losses for different layouts.

1.5 Report content

The grid code is broken down to four areas of investigation in line with [3]. These

areas are:

Grid frequency and voltage variations

Fault ride through requirements

Active power control/Frequency support

Reactive power control/Voltage support

A summary of the grid codes in GB regarding each area is presented in this study.

Further, a summary of the proposed future requirements in the suggested pan-

European grid code are also presented regarding each area. Sets of tests to investigate

grid code compliance are presented after the grid code summaries and the main results

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of the load flow calculations and simulations are described. The study does also

contain simulations for a fifth area:

Offshore grid faults and converter trips

These simulations are not necessary to fulfil grid codes but still interesting for a wind

power developer to ensure that the wind turbines and the VSC-HVDC station can

handle faults in the offshore grid.

Other areas of the grid code, such as protection requirements, planning and

administrative procedure are considered outside the scoop of the study.

2 Methodology

Requirements for East Anglia ONE are identified within GB grid code, Issue 2 [20]

and the suggested pan-Europen network code for generators [21]. Both GB and

ENTSO-E provides associated documents [22],[23],[24], which have been used as

guidelines while identifying requirements. Four areas are identified as relevant for this

project operation during normal frequency and voltage variations, fault ride through

capability, active power control and reactive power control.

A model of half the wind farm (i.e 600MW) was developed in PSS/E. Electrical data

has primarily been taken from other studies regarding East Anglia ONE Offshore

Wind. Secondarily, electrical data were derived from other studies or in discussion

with Vattenfall and ABB who provided the VCS-HVDC model for the study.

A number of relevant load flow calculation and simulation studies are identified with

help of the grid code and associated documents. These tests are grouped into several

sets associated with one of the four identified areas of relevance. These tests are

performed by load flow calculations or by dynamic simulations in the created PSS/E

model. Load flow calculations and dynamic simulations are done in order to

investigate the fulfilment of the GB grid code since the pan-European grid code still is

a draft.

2.1 Simulation methodology

Voltage and frequency needs to be adjusted during the grid code compliance study.

Desired voltage is achieved with swing bus settings at the static power flow

calculations. During dynamic simulations the bus voltage is manipulated by adding a

fixed shunt at the bus. The fixed shunt adjust the reactive power delivered to the bus,

consequently the bus voltage is adjusted.

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Frequency is manipulated by a used created model for PSS/E. The main grid is

represented by a large rotating synchronous generator, GENCLS model in PSS/E,

during the dynamic simulations. One state in the GENCLS model is Δspeed, which

can be used to manipulate the frequency. The user model changes the derivate of the

Δspeed parameter and changes thereby the frequency of the grid. See Fel! Hittar inte

referenskälla. for a full description of the user model.

3 Model of East Anglia ONE

The PSS/E model of East Anglia ONE is built for one of the two HVDC-transmission

systems according to the suggested design presented in Figure 1. The model can be

seen in Figure 2. As seen in the figure, the main grid is reduced to a single generator.

This generator acts as a swing bus, i.e. it keeps the system in balance during load flow

calculations by absorbing all active and reactive power.

Figure 2 PSS/E model of East Anglia ONE, 600 MW

3.1 Model design

The PSS/E model has been a simplification of the planned layout of East Anglia ONE.

The simplifications are done to make the model more transparent and some times due

to lack of data.

Modelling only one of the two HVDC-transmission systems for this layout implies

that possible interaction between the two transmission systems is not handled in the

study. Further, the collection network is only modelled implicitly and the wind

turbines are lumped together and are represented by two large turbines. The

simplifications make that interaction between turbines is outside the scope of the

modelling work. The consequences are expected to be limited since neither reactive

power nor voltage variations are transferred through a HVDC-transmission system.

Consequently, voltage variations onshore or reactive power requirements at the grid

entry will not affect the offshore AC-transmission system or the wind turbines. The

offshore grid is extended in chapter 10 to better capture interaction between turbines

and the offshore converter during offshore faults or converter trips.

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The onshore grid is, as mentioned above, represented by a swing bus and is not

modelled extensive. The single generator is supposed to give a good enough

representation of the strong grid. No governor or exciter system is modelled at the

generator representing the main grid. This ensures that the simulation results are

depended on the HVDC-transmission system and the wind turbines and not the swing

bus itself. It might, however, be a less realistic representation of the onshore grid. The

single generator representation does also obstruct realistic faults in the main grid.

Shunts of different size are however considered to be a good enough representation of

faults that can occur in the main grid.

3.2 The HVDC transmission system

The model of the HVDC transmission system is provided by ABB. The load flow

model is represented by two separate busses, each with a transformer, a generator and

a fixed shunt connected to each bus. The compound model is supposed to give a good

representation of the characteristic of a VSC-HVDC system [25]. A HVDC-model

from the PSS/E library with data provided by Siemens was evaluated early in the

project but something in the model created a “Visual Fortran run-time error” which

caused the system to crash.

The filter acts as a shunt due to its capacitive characteristics. The size of the filter, and

thereby the amount of reactive power provided to the grid by the filter, is not

determined within this report. The reason is that power quality and over frequency are

hard to study with the used simulation tool, PSS/E, since it only simulates the 50Hz

system. However, the filter is important when investigating the voltage support

because of capacitive characteristics. A filter with less capacitive characteristics would

increase the ability of the transmission system to consume reactive power but hamper

the ability to inject reactive power into the grid.

The generators represent the converter and the fixed shunts are a representation of

AC-filters, see Figure 3. The losses in the HVDC transmission system are set by the

difference of the active power generated by the two generators. ABB suggest that new,

multilevel VSC-HVDC converters have losses at about 1 % of the transferred power


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PSS/E representation of HVDC converter station

Schematic HVDC converter station


Figure 3 PSS/E model of converter station

P and Q of the generator representing the converter station, need to be chosen within

the P-Q diagram provided by ABB. This diagram is found in Figure 4 and is valid for

the whole voltage range specified in the GB grid code (0.95-1.05 pu).

Figure 4 P-Q diagram of an HVDC-light converter [24, p.21]

Data for the HVDC system are provided by ABB for a standard 800 MW solution.

Relevant parameters (e.g. the Sbase, P and Q) are scaled to better represent a 600 MW

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transmission solution. The active power capacity is determined to 600 MW which

leads to Sbase= 653 MVA. Other relevant parameters can be found in Fel! Hittar inte


Both converters are set to be in voltage control mode. The offshore converter has a

frequency control setting, which implies that the offshore converter manages the

frequency offshore by absorbing the same amount of power that is produced by the

wind turbines. The onshore converter controls the DC-voltage since the offshore

converter controls the active power transmitted through the system.

The load flow model of the HVDC transmission system is replaced during dynamic

simulations. ABB has provided a dynamic model of the transmission system which is

called CABBO2 and represent two converter stations connected with a DC line. The

relationship between dynamics and static power flow can bee seen in Figure 5.

Figure 5 Relationship between dynamic and load flow model [24, p.7]

One important feature of the HVDC transmission system during dynamic simulations

is the chopper. The chopper can consume power if the wind turbines produce more

power than the onshore converter can deliver to the grid, for example during fault in

the main grid. The chopper can, according to ABBs default setting, consume full

power during 2 seconds and is placed at the DC side of the offshore converter.

According to ABB, “This version of the model implementation is verified by

comparison with identical test cases in PSCAD/EMTDC.” [24, p.1]

3.3 Collection network

The collection network is modelled according to characteristics shown in earlier

studies of East Anglia ONE. PSS/E represents a branch with a π-equivalent and

electrical data for the collection network branch is chosen in accordance with the

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results given in [18]. The active losses in the collection network are estimated to be

1/3 of active losses in transformers during full load [19].

3.4 Wind turbines

The wind turbines are aggregated into two generation units, where each represents 300

MW generation. The lumped representation of wind turbines are in accordance with

PSS/E manual [27]. The wind turbine dynamics is represented by two standard models

in the PSS/E library, one mechanical model and one electrical (WT4G2, WT4E2).

Combined, the two models represent the generator and the electrical control model of

a wind turbine connected to the grid via a power converter. The aggregated turbines

are in voltage control mode. A discussion of offshore control system is found in

Chapter 10.

3.5 Zero- and negative phase sequence impedances

During unsymmetrical faults, zero- and negative phase sequence impedances are

needed. These impedances are implemented at the onshore grid since unsymmetrical

faults only are applied on the onshore grid in this project. The impedances where put

to provide fault currents according to data provided by National Grid. These data can

be found in Fel! Hittar inte referenskälla..

4 Regulatory framework for offshore wind parks

Both technological development and market-oriented economic theories put a pressure

to liberalise the power market rose in the 1980-1990th. According to International

Energy Agency a liberalisation of the energy sector offers significant potential

benefits. Improved efficiency in production, better allocation of resources, lower

prices and improved risk allocation are some mentioned examples. The principle

structure of a liberalised electricity sector is a wholesale market for electric power

generation while transmission and distribution is managed through regulated

monopolies [28].

Liberalised markets for electricity require regulation to enable a co-ordinated power

system. All generation units need, at least to some extent, to be able to support the

voltage and manage the frequency deviations. These requested abilities are regulated

by a set of codes which commonly is called grid codes or network codes. A generation

unit needs to fulfil the grid codes in order to connect to the grid. National Grid argues

that the grid code is designed to “permit the development, maintenance and operation

of an efficient, co-ordinated and economical system for the transmission of electricity,

to facilitate competition in the generation and supply of electricity and to promote the

security and efficiency of the power system as a whole.” [29]

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4.1 Regulatory framework in United Kingdom

In accordance with the segregation of power generation and power transmission in a

liberalised power sector, GB has decided to separate the ownership of the offshore

wind park and the offshore transmission system. The first module is the Power Park

Module (PPM) which consists of the wind turbines and the collection network and is

owned by a wind power developer. The second module is the offshore transmission

system which is owned by an Offshore Transmission Owner (OFTO) [30].

There are two different codes that set the requirements for an offshore wind park to

connect to the grid. The Grid Code puts requirements of the PPM to fulfil at nodes A

and E in Figure 6. System Operator - Transmission Operator Code (STC) specifies the

requirements for the offshore transmission system and also requirements on the PPM

and the offshore transmission system combined that should be fulfilled at the grid

entry (node A, Figure 6).

The combined requirements of the wind park and the offshore transmission system

suggest a coordinated design. It is common that a wind power developer constructs

and designs both the wind park and the offshore transmission system. The offshore

transmission system is transferred to an OFTO in a later stage. The Grid Code has

been adapted for this procedure and does accordantly specify the requirements for the

offshore transmission system before it is handed over to an OFTO. It is therefore

enough to only evaluate the Grid Code in order to cover the requirements for

connecting the wind farm to the grid.

Figure 6 Ownership for a large offshore wind power parks [29, p.5]

4.2 Regulatory framework within the European Union

A genuine internal market for energy is a goal of the European Union. Wholesale

markets for energy (electricity & gas) are seen as instrument for reasonable pricing,

granting market access for utilities and increased security of supply [31]. One step of

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creating the internal market for electricity is to harmonize the grid codes between the

member countries.

Pan-European grid codes have been formulated by ENTSO-E which is the cooperation

body for electric TSOs in Europe. It is interesting to note that the power to form rules

of future European legislation was given to a non-political organisation. This does not

follow the common practice within EU and is puzzling with regards to the earlier

observed resistance to let go of national control over energy issues [32].

The characteristic of power systems differ between regions in Europe which makes it

inappropriate to have the same requirements for generators all over Europe. The grid

code suggested by ENTSO-E is therefore formed as a framework where the purpose is

to bring forward a set of coherent requirements. This is done in order to ensure a

homogenous evolution of national practises [23].

Figure 7 Future development of national grid codes without cross-border

framework [22, p. 6]

The grid code suggested by ENTSO-E regards requirements at the offshore grid entry

point. The performance of the power park module can therefore not be enhanced by a

HVDC-connection which especially is a concern for reactive power control. However,

the suggested requirements for reactive power control for offshore power park

modules in GB are relatively easy to cope with.

ENTSO-E is in the process of forming a pan-European grid code specially designed

for HVDC transmission. A draft should be presented soon [33] but is not available for

the moment. The similarities of the GB transmission code (STC-code, [34]) and grid

code does however indicate that the requirements will be very similar at the onshore

interference point. Codes that regulate the interaction between the wind turbines and

the offshore converter station might however be in included in the code.

5 Load flow calculations

An AC transmission system operates in a free flow mode. This means that the power

flows in a non-hierarchical grid, where the flow is governed by the principle of least

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impedance. Power flow calculations can be made to understand how the power flows

between busses, from the generation to the loads.

A power flow calculation is the calculation of voltage magnitude and voltage angle at

each bus in a power system. Both active and reactive power flow can be computed

when the voltage magnitude and angle is known, which also reveals losses in the

system. Since two variables are unknown for each bus (except the slack bus), the

equation system requires two equations for each bus. This is obtained bellow

Equation 1 Load flow equations

P = active power load

Q = reactive power load

V = voltage magnitude

δ = voltage angle

θkn = impedance angle

Ykn = admittance between bus k and bus n

Ykk = all admittance connected to bus k

This equation system is non-linear and numerical solutions are often required. Most

power flow computation programs let the user choose between different numerical

solution methods, two common ones are Newton-Raphson and Gauss-Seidel.

6 Operation during normal voltage and frequency deviations

There is a normal frequency operating window in which the frequency and voltage can

vary during normal operations, at least for some time. The facility should disconnect if

the frequency is outside the window. However, if the voltage is outside the window,

the fault ride through (FRT) requirements come into force and specify the required

behaviour of the power park and its offshore transmission system. FRT requirements

are highlighted in Chapter 7.

The following grid codes are investigated in this chapter

GB Grid Code

ENTSO-E Grid Code

CC.6.1, CC.6.3 Article 8(1), Article 10(2)













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6.1 Frequency and voltage requirements in GB

The frequency window is between 47-52Hz [CC.6.1.3], where Table 1 specifies how

long a PPM needs to be able to operate at grid frequency deviations.

Table 1 Frequency operation requirements

Frequency Operation time

51.5-52.0 Hz 15 min

51.0-51.5 90 min

49.0-51.0 Continuously

47.5-49.0 90 min

47.0-47.5 20 s

A reduction in active power transfer to the main grid is allowed when the

frequency drops bellow 49.5 Hz. The requirements for a DC converter station

connected to the main grid decreases according to a linear function from 100%

at 49.5 Hz to 95% at 47.0Hz [CC.6.3.3 (b)], which is shown in

Figure 8.

Figure 8 Minimum active power transferred during frequency deviations


* Figure is slightly modified

The voltage window is between 0.95 and 1.05 pu [CC.6.1.4] and the facility should be

able to provide full active power within the voltage window. Voltage outside the

voltage window is classified as faults and requirements regarding faults are presented

in Chapter 7.

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6.2 Frequency and voltage requirements in ENTSO-E grid code

Frequency requirements within the ENTSO-E are identical with the GB grid code

provided by National Grid [Article 8(1b)]. The voltage levels shows, however a more

demanding variation in the ENTSO-E code. The variation, which only concerns the

wind turbines, states that the turbine needs to operate in the voltage span between 0.9

and 1.1 pu [Article 20(1)]. This requirement will hopefully be mitigated in the

upcoming ENTSO-E HVDC-connection code since voltage dips from the main grid

are blocked by an HVDC-transmission solution.

6.3 Study cases for frequency and voltage variations

Four cases are identified within the frequency-voltage window; high voltage and high

frequency, high voltage and low frequency, low voltage and high frequency and

finally low voltage and low frequency. This is seen in Figure 9.

Figure 9 – Simulations for evaluating frequency-voltage window

6.3.1 Set 6.1 – Dynamic simulations, frequency and voltage

The wind turbines generate full power production, i.e. total 600MW, during the

simulation. This simulation is only meant to show that the facility can operate in the

frequency-voltage window. Therefore, no frequency control is implemented and the

onshore converter is set to reactive power control instead of voltage control.

Frequency control and voltage control are discussed in Chapter 8 and 9. The

frequency and voltage is at start 50 Hz and 400kV and is then changed to achieve the

desired deviations within 2 seconds with a linear increase or decrease of the

parameters. The parameters can be seen in Table 2.

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Table 2 Simulation setup in for operation in frequency-voltage window

Simulation nr Frequency






1 2 0.05

2 -3 0.05

3 -3 -0.05

4 2 -0.05

The grid code is fulfilled according to the simulation outcomes. An example,

Simulation 2, is presented in Figure 10. See Fel! Hittar inte referenskälla..1 for the

outcome of the complete set of test.

Figure 10 Simulations outcomes, Set 6.1 Simulation 2

7 Fault ride through requirements

Voltage can collapse or be reduced by fault in the grid. A DC converter station

connected to the grid should be able to ride through a fault in the main grid without

disconnecting. The facility should also provide as much reactive power as possible to

the grid during the fault and quickly restore the active power output when the fault is

cleared. The following grid codes are investigated in this chapter

Active power (MW) Reactive power (Mvar)

Frequency (Hz) Voltage (pu)

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GB Grid Code

ENTSO-E Grid Code

CC.6.3, CC.A.4, CP.A.3.5


Article 11(3)

7.1 FRT requirements in GB

Fault Ride Through (FRT) requirements are separated into two categories, Mode A

and Mode B. Mode A represent a full three phase fault or any unbalanced fault where

the remote bus voltage is down to zero volt, and the fault duration is up to 140ms

[CC.6.3.15]. The Mode B category includes voltage drops outside the normal

operation limit (i.e. ±0.05 pu) but where voltage stays above zero V. The voltage

duration requirements are dependent on how large the voltage drop is. Figure 11

shows voltage levels of balanced voltage dips in Mode B and associated duration on

the main grid [CC.].

Figure 11 Voltage duration profile specified by FRT requirements, Mode B


Figure 11 should not be interpretated as a voltage profile; it shows the FRT duration

for different drops magnitude. A voltage drop down to 30 % should, for example, be

managed for at least 384ms and a voltage drop down to 50% should be managed for at

least 710ms [CC.A.4]. These examples can be seen in Figure 12

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Figure 12 Examples of voltage-duration specified by FRT requirements, Mode B

[21, p. 23]

A power park developer can choose if the FRT requirement should be fulfilled on the

HV-side of the transformer to the transmission grid or at the low voltage side of the

offshore platform transformer [CC.6.3.15]. In the case of an OFTO, the offshore

transmission grid needs to comply with the FRT requirements at the onshore grid

entry, i.e. on the high voltage side of the transformer connecting to the main grid

[STC.K.3.1]. This implies that the choice described in CC.6.3.15 is irrelevant for this

study, the transmission system and the power park needs to handle FRT-requirements

at the onshore grid entry point.

Three requirements are put upon a wind park and the transmission system regarding

FRT requirements. The park should not disconnect during the fault, the park should

restore the active power output to 90 % of the level before the fault within 1 second

from fault clearance and the facility should inject as much reactive power as possible

during the fault.

7.2 FRT requirements in ENTSO-E grid code

Since FRT is a more local phenomenon, harmonizing pan-European rules are less

relevant. The ENTSO-E grid code transfers therefore a lot of decisions regarding

FRT-capabilities to the relevant TSOs, in accordance with the document ENTSO-E

perspective on Requirements for Generators [23]. The window, in which the TSO are

able to choose from, is however quite narrow. A large wind farm should withstand a

voltage collapse down to zero between 140-250ms [Article 11(3)]. The FRT-profile in

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the suggested ENTSO-E code is linear to 85% within 1.5-3 seconds, as shown in

Figure 13. The figure does also illustrate the time requirements for a voltage drop to

30% which is calculated according to Equations 2, 3 and 4.

Figure 13 Min and Max FRT profile, ENTSO-E and GB grid code

Equation 2 FRT time according to GB grid code at V=0.3 pu

Equation 3 Minimum FRT time according to ENTSO-E grid code at V=0.3 pu

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5

ENTSO-E min profile ENTSO-E max profile UK Grid code

85 % of





ttVt xx







tVVt xx








tVVt xx






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Equation 4 Maximum FRT time according to ENTSO-E grid code at V=0.3 pu

Figure 13 shows the requirements for a large wind farm in the suggested grid code by

ENTSO-E. The requirements for a large wind farm connected to the main grid through

a HVDC transmission system has to be revised when ENTSO-E publish their grid

code suggestion for HVDC-transmissions [33].

7.3 Study cases for FRT-requirements

7.3.1 Set 7.1 – Dynamic simulations, FRT Mode A

According to [CP.A.3.5] a simulation of a solid three phase should be done at the

“nearest point” of the main grid. Since there is no representation of the main grid in

the PSS/E model the fault has been applied on the swing bus which is connected to the

HVDC grid entry by a 2 ohm reactance line. The DC converter should operate at full

active power output and “maximum leading reactive power import” is the simulation

setup for Mode A faults and zero reactive power transfer for Mode B faults.

[CP.A.3.5.1]. Transient stability, reactive power delivered during the fault and active

power restoration after clearance is evaluated for this mode. The setup can be seen in

the tables below.

Table 3 FRT simulation, Mode A

Simulation Fault type Fault time (s)

Simulation 1 Three phase 0.140

Simulation 2 Phase-phase 0.140

Simulation 3 Phase-phase-



Simulation 4 Phase-ground 0.140

Table 4 Simulation outcome, Mode A



Resulting votlage on

bus at grid entry


Reactive power

delivered during

fault (pu)

Result 1 0.004 0

Result 2 0.75 0.3

Result 3 0.25 0.12

Result 4 0.65 0.27

All Mode A simulations were transient stabel and the initial power output was reached

within less than 0.1 seconds after fault clearance.

Table 5 FRT-simulations, Mode B

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Simulation Fault type Voltge at grid


Fault time (s)

Simulation 6 Three phase 0.3 0.384

Simulation 7 Three phase 0.5 0.710

Simulation 8 Three phase 0.8 2.5

Simulation 9 Three phase 0.85 180

Table 6 Simulation outcome, Mode B






during fault

Results 6 0.15

Results 7 0.2

Results 8 0.33

Results 9 0.33

All Mode B simulations were transient stabel and the initial power output was reached

within less than 0.1 seconds after fault clearance. The reactive power delivered in

simulation 8 and 9 was limited due to the Qmax limitation in the user written voltage

control model.

The transmission system and the wind park managed to fulfil the GB grid code in the

set. However, the wind turbines needs to decrease their power output during

simulation nine since the chopper has limited possibilities to reduce energy output

during such a long period. An example of the simulation outcomes can be seen in

Figure 14, see Fel! Hittar inte referenskälla..2 for further examples.

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Figure 14 FRT-simulation outcome

8 Active power control

Active power control at a wind turbine is mainly done by aerodynamic torque control.

The speed of the rotor can be controlled in a full converter turbine, which can be used

to maintain favourable tip speed ratio with changing wind speed or to reduce the

efficiency of the rotor which reduces the active power output from the turbine. Pitch

control of the blades to change the aerodynamic torque on the rotor. The pitch angle,

and thus the power output, can be changed to a desired value in approximately 3

seconds. [35] Wind power trubines can, however, shut down significantly faster

during an emergency shudown, especially if a chopper or a cobar is installed.

The purpose of active power control is to support the grid to restore frequency

deviations. The following grid codes are investigated.

GB Grid Code

ENTSO-E Grid Code

BC.3.5, BC.3.7, CC.6.3,


Article 8(1), Article 10(2)

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8.1 Requirements for active power control in GB Grid Code

The wind farms are required to have active power control, hence to have a flexible

operating range. The maximum output of a wind farm is referred to as the Registered

Capacity (RC) and the minimum output is referred to as Designed Minimum

Operating Level (DMOL). The wind farm should be able to control the active power

output between the RC to the DMOL. The DMOL should be at least 55 % of the

registered capacity [CC.A.3.3] but is usually approximately 20 % according to the

guidance notes for power park developers. With an intermittent power source, such as

wind, the frequency response could be limited by the available power in the wind.

This limitation does not violate the grid code. [22].

Requirements for active power control process are mainly stated in the balancing

code, section 3 [BC3] and are divided into two operating modes in the GB grid code.

A wind park operates normally in Limited Frequency Sensitive Mode (LFSM). This

mode requires active power response when the frequency exceeds 50.4 Hz. The

generating unit is required to reduce power output with at least 2 % of the registered

capacity per 0.1 Hz [BC.3.7.2] which is equal to a droop of 10 %.

National Grid can request that large wind farms (over 50 MW) provide primary,

secondary and/or high frequency response. Doing so, the plant enters the Frequency

Sensitive Mode, which put stricter requirements regarding active power control

[BC.3.5.4]. In Frequency Sensitive Mode (FSM) the plant should be able to adjust its

active power control outside a deadband of ± 0.015 Hz with a droop of 3-5 %

[CC.6.3.7]. Both LFSM and FSM are illustrated in Figure 15

Figure 15 Active power response* requirements in the GB grid code


All the available power in the wind is utilized during normal operation. The wind park

can consequently not support low frequency event since the power output is at

maximum and therefore is impossible to increase further. National Grid can, however,

Frequency support (UK)












49 49,5 50 50,5 51

Frequency (Hz)




Min response

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order a wind park to not utilize all available power in the wind which then enables the

wind park to provide frequency support. This is called delta-regulation and can be

used during frequency instability.

While the reactive power control mostly puts strict time limits, the active power

control requirements are vaguer. “As much as possible of the proportional reduction in

Active Power output […] must be achieved within 10 seconds”. [BC.3.7.1(c)]

8.2 Requirements for active power control in ENTSO-E Grid Code

The ENTSO-E grid code defines three different modes with regards to active power

output; (1) limited frequency sensitive mode – overfrequency (LFSM-O), (2) limited

frequency sensitive mode – underfrequency (LFSM-U) and (3) frequency sensitive

mode (FSM). A large wind farm needs to be able to act in all three modes, however

the limited frequency sensitive mode – underfrequency will most certainly never be

used for a wind park.

Within LFSM-O, the positive deadband should be adjustable between 0.2 and 0.5 Hz

and the droop should be adjustable between 2-12% in active power outside the dead

band. The actual deadband and droop should be decided by the relevant TSO (i.e.

National Grid). [Article 8.1(c)]

Within FSM, the positive deadband should be decided by the relevant TSO (i.e

National Grid) within a range between ±250mHz. The droop should be adjustable

between 2-12 %, the same range as the LFSM .The frequency deviations treated by

frequency sensitive mode are restricted by a maximum power change ΔP/PRC of 1.5-

10 % [Article 10.2(c)]. FSM translates into LFSM mode at the LFSM threshold

[Article 8.1(c)].

An example of the ENTSO-E grid code is shown in Figure 16, with parameters

according to Table 7 and Table 8.

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Figure 16 Exampel of ENTSO-E grid code

Table 7 Frequency sensitive mode as suggested by ENTSO-E and in GB

Frequency Sensitive Mode


Figure 16 Range specified in ENTSO-E grid code

Active power response


10 % Adjustable between 1.5-10 %

Droop 4 % Adjustable between 2-12 %

Deadband 0 ± 250 mHz*

* The deadband should be decided by the relevant TSO (i.e. National Grid) within the

range that is specified by ENTSO-E

Table 8 Limited Frequency Sensitive mode as suggested by ENTSO-E and in GB

Limited Frequency

Sensitive Mode (LFSM)

Figure 16 Range specified in ENTSO-E grid code

Active power range


Pref ±25% Pmax-Designed Minimum Operating Level

Droop 4% Adjustable between 2-12 %

Frequency threshold 50.4 Hz Adjustable between 50.2-50.5 Hz

There is an inconsistency between the grid code suggested by ENTSO-E and the

current grid code in the FSM-control scheme. The grid code suggested by ENTSO-E

limits the sensitive frequency response between 1.5% and 10% of the registered

capacity, while no such limitations exist at the GB grid code. Consequently, the GB

grid code requires a response outside the limits specified by ENTSO-E.

Frequency support (ENTSO-E)












49 49,5 50 50,5 51

Frequency (Hz)




Min response,

set by relevant



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8.3 User defined models in active power control

One design challenge for the facility is that the HVDC-transmission system does not

transfer the onshore frequency to the offshore grid by default. The information about

the onshore frequency needs however to be translated to the turbines. There are two

possible solutions. One is to measure the frequency onshore and let the offshore

HVDC-converter mirror the onshore frequency to the offshore grid. The frequency

could then be measured at each turbine and a frequency control system could be

designed to act in accordiance with the grid code requirements. Another solution

would be to measure the frequency onshore and send digital signals to each wind

turbine; such a system can be part of a power park controller (PPC). The generic wind

model used in this study has no frequency control system and the later option is

therefore used in this study. This is also the option used in Thenet, another Vattenfall

wind farm. Two models have been created for the frequency support study, one for

frequency manipulation and one for active power control of the model of the generic

wind turbines.

The model for manipulating the frequency onshore is named CLSFRQ. The model is

used as a turbine governor model for a GENCLS turbine (i.e. the swing bus onshore in

this project). The model does not simulates an actual behaviour of the turbine, instead

it forces the frequency of the GENCLS turbine (and thereby the synchronous network)

to change with a desired ramp rate until it reach a desired total change in frequency.

The second user model is used to control active power output from the generic wind

turbine models and is called WT4FRQ. The model is implemented as a mechanical

wind turbine model in PSS/E, it could however most be seen as an indirect

representation of pitch control and rotor speed control. Δf is measured and the model

changes the active power output reference in the electrical wind model (WT4E2). The

power reference is calculated by the block diagram in Figure 17. The schematic

representation is considered to be enough to investigate the grid code compliance with

regards to the active power control. Two time-lag blocks have been introduced to

better represent actually governance of a wind park. The time constants are set so that

a step response is 3 seconds, in line with [35].

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Figure 17 User written PSS/E model for active power control

8.4 Study cases for active power control

The frequency response is studied by two set of simulations as suggested by National

Grid [OC5.A.4]. The first set deals with active power response capability while the

other set deals with the requirements in Balancing Codes and test possibilities for

islanding operation.

8.4.1 Set 8.1 – Dynamic simulations frequency response capability

This set consists of 27 simulations where frequency response capability is studied. The

available power in the wind is assumed to be 100 %, i.e. the wind turbines have the

possibility to deliver 600MW. The response volume is simulated at different wind

utilization, from P=100% to P=20 % in accordance to the description in [OC5.A.4].

P=100 % 1 2 3 4

P=95% 5 6 7

P=80% 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

P=40% 15 16 17

P=30% 18 19 20 21 22

P=20% 23 25 26 27

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Figure 18 Frequency response volume tests [OC5.A.4.5]

The wind park acted according to grid codes in all simulations. Figure 19 gives one

simulation example; see Fel! Hittar inte referenskälla..3 for more examples.

Simulation 2 & 26 does, as expected, not provide any frequency response. The wind

tubrines in simulation 2 is limited by available power in the wind and wind turbines in

simulation 26 is limited by DMOL.

Figure 19 Active power response, test 18

8.4.2 Set 8.2 – Dynamic simulations, step response and islanding operation

The grid code does also require large power parks to perform another set of simulation

which is called System islanding and step response tests. These simulation do not

simulate an actual islanding operation event, where part of the grid (including the

wind farm) is disconnected from main grid. The simulations indicate, however, if the

wind farm can handle such an event. System islanding and step response simulations

are presented in Figure 20. A simulation setup for islanding operation could be found

in [CP.A.3.6] but not been preformed in this study.

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P=100% BC1 BC2 L




P=90% A

P=80% D/E F G H I J M






P=20% K

BC= Balancing code

* The frequency deviation should bring down the power output from Pmax to DMOL

** These tests are supposed to confirm the sensitivity of the frequency measurement instruments and can therefore not

be performed in these types of simulations.

Figure 20 System islanding and step response tests [OC5.A.4.5]

Test L, M and N is to test the deadband and frequency recording equipment

[OC5.A.4.5]. No representaion of the frequency recording equipment was avalible in

PSS/E and thefore were these simulations not performed. The wind park and the

transmission system behave accordingly to the GB grid code in the performed

simulations. See Fel! Hittar inte referenskälla..3 for more simulation outcome


9 Reactive power control

Reactive power control is to ensure that the facility can support the voltage. The grid

codes studied in this chapter is listed in Table 9.

Table 9 Articles evaluated with regards to reactive power control

GB Grid Code

with regards to

node A

GB Grid Code

with regards to

node E


Code with regards

to node E

CC.6.3, CC.A.7,




16(3), 20(3)

9.1 Requirements for reactive power control in GB Grid Code

The power park module and the offshore transmission system should be able to

support voltage at the grid entry point. [CC.6.3.1]. It should be possible to inject

reactive power according to Figure 21 during normal operation [CC.6.3.2(c)] which

with regards to voltage level is between 0.95 and 1.05 pu [CC.A.7.2.2].

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Figure 21 Reactive power transfer capability requirements in a P-Q diagram


The points ABCDE are defined in Table 10

Table 10 Definition of intersection in Figure 21

Point Definition Reactive

power into

grid entry

For 600 MW rated

power (One of two

EAOW branches

A 0.95 p.f. lead -0.33 pu - 197 Mvar

B - 12 % of rated MW -0.12 pu - 72 Mvar

C - 5 % of rated MW -0.05 pu - 30 Mvar

D 5 % of rated MW 0.05 pu 30 Mvar

E 0.95 p.f. lag 0.33 pu 197 Mvar

The reactive power capability requirements are not only a function of active power

delivery but also a function of voltage at the grid entry. Figure 22 shows the V-Q

envelope for reactive power control.




20 %

50 %

100 %


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Figure 22 Voltage – Reactive Power envelop [CC.A.7.2.2]

ABCEFG are defined in the figure as percentage of the nominal voltage level. H & D

are relative and depends on the current limitations within the used equipment


The reactive power control function should have a set point between 0.95 and 1.05 pu

and slope characteristics between 2 to 7 % [CC.A.7.2.3], which is shown in Figure 23.

Figure 23 Reactive power control requirements [CC.A.7.2.3]

There are also dynamic requirements for reactive power control. The reactive power

output at the onshore grid entry point should commence within 0.2 seconds and 90 %

of the change should be managed within 1 second with a linear response. Oscillations

in reactive power after a required change lower than 5 % of the required change.

[CC.A.7.2.3]. These requirements are visualised in Figure 24.



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Figure 24 Reactive power response requirements* [36, p.] * This figure is published in Issue 2 of Guide lines for PPM (2008) as an example that would compile with the grid

code. The figure is however not included in Issue 3 (2012) but is estimated to be a good visualisation of the grid codes presented in this chapter.

The reactive power capability of the PPM is also regulated in the grid code. It should

be able to maintain zero transfer of reactive power at the offshore connection point at

the low voltage side of the transformer (node E, Figure 6)[CC.6.3.2(e)]. The ability of

maintaining zero transfer of reactive power is required between voltages of 0.95 and

1.05 pu [CC.6.3.4(a)]. The relationship between PPM requirements at the offshore

connection point and the combined requirements of the PPM and the transmission

system at the onshore grid entry are shown in Figure 25.

0 0.2 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 0






1 pu Change

1.2 After 2 seconds any oscillations should be less than 5% (peak to peak) of the

steady state change in reactive power at that time.

90% of the required change in Reactive

Capability should occur within 1 second.

Time (Seconds)

0.2s maximum dead time

Reactive Power (pu)

Figure 25 Wind Farm and PPM V-Q envelope


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9.2 Requirements for reactive power control in ENTSO-E Grid Code

The pan-European grid code suggested by ENTSO-E for generators does, as

mentioned earlier, only regard requirements at the offshore connection point. The code

requires the ability to maintain zero transfer of reactive power to the offshore

transmission system [Article 20(3)]. This ability should be available within voltage

ranges that is decided by the local TSO [Article 16(3)] but within a maximum range of

0.1 pu [Article 20(3)]. Dynamic requirements for reactive power control, specified in

Article 16(3), becomes irrelevant since Q/P=0. This is in compliance with the current

grid code in GB.

Requirements could, in a later stage, be put on the offshore HVDC-converter station

by ENTSO-E. The code will include requirements for HVDC-links “and potentially

for offshore DC connected Power Park Modules as well” [33]. The responsibility

between the offshore HVDC-converter (OFTO or TSO) and the wind power developer

regarding offshore voltage control is not specified in the grid codes.

9.3 User written models for reactive power control

The GB grid code can be described as a voltage control requirements with a droop and

a maximum limit. The droop can be adjusted in ABB HVDC-light user model AC

control. However, there is no possibility to limit the maximum reactive power transfer,

which is required in the GB grid code. A user model is designed to enable a reactive

power order in compliance with the grid code. Two time blocks are implemented to

enable representation of control devices in the model. The model is implemented as an

exciter at the generator containing the ABB HVDC-light dynamics (i.e CABBO2-

model). The result is implemented at VAR(2) which is used to modulate reactive

power order. The model can be seen in Figure 26 and is more extensive described in

Appendix B.

Figure 26 PSS/E user model for reactive power control

9.4 Study cases for reactive power control

A small slope in the V/Q control diagram (Figure 23) requires the facility to provide

full voltage support at small voltage deviation at the grid entry. This is more

challenging to comply with than providing the full frequency support at larger voltage

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deviations. Consequently, the simulations are concentrated to fulfil grid codes at a

control slope of 2 %.

9.4.1 Set 9.1 – Converter reactive capability in load flow

The purpose of the first load flow calculations is to ensure that the P-Q capability of

the converter (Figure 4) is enough to comply with the grid code without using the

transformer tap changer during static conditions. During this set of load flow

calculations, the active power output is varied from the wind turbines. The voltage at

the grid entry was set to 1.02 pu during the reactive power consumption calculations

and 0.98 pu during the reactive power delivery calculations. The converter output is

then compared to the P-Q diagram provided by ABB (see Figure 4). The 20

simulations are illustrated in Figure 27

Figure 27 Test parameters of Set 9.1

Performance of the onshore converter is shown in Figure 28, where the results also are

compared with the P-Q diagram (Figure 4) provided by ABB. The result is within the

limits of the static capability of the converter station and the converter should thereby

be able to fulfil the static grid code requirements. The tests are presented in more

detail in Fel! Hittar inte referenskälla..4.




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Figure 28 P-Q diagram that shows the result of tests preformed in 9.1

9.4.2 Set 9.2 – Dynamic performance of onshore converter

Set 9.1 does, however, only evaluate the converter stations requirements to fulfil Grid

Code in a static condition. Set 9.2 studies the dynamic capability of the onshore

converter. The tap-changer is not used during these simulations since the grid code

requires the facility to transfer 90 % of the reactive power within 1 second. The grid

voltage is changed to either 0.98 or 1.02 pu and reactive power order is set to ±

400Mvar (twice the requirement) in order to reach the capability limit of the converter.

This is visualised in Figure 29.

Figure 29 Setup of simulations in set 9.2

A single simulation is presented in Figure 30 and the combined result, presented in

Figure 31.

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Figure 30 Example of a simulation outcome in Set 9.2

Sbase = 600MVA

Figure 31 Results of tests of Set 9.2

The dynamic simulations show that the facility has problem to transfer enough

reactive power into the grid during small voltage drops. Simulation examples and data

for the simulations are presented in Fel! Hittar inte referenskälla..4.

9.4.3 Set 9.3 – Power flow calculations at different active power output and

initial tap settings

One solution for fulfilling the grid codes could be to adjust the tap-changer at the

transformer and thereby adjust the balance between capacitive and inductive

performance of the converter station. This set of simulations repeat the simulations in

Set 9.2, but with different settings on the tap-changer at the transformer.

Reactive power control, dynamic test results








-1 -0,8 -0,6 -0,4 -0,2 0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1

Q (pu)

P (



Test results

Q requirements

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Simulation Transformer winding Voltage at convert bus at

steady state

1-20 1.0125 0.99

21-40 1.0250 0.98

41-60 1.0375 0.97

61-80 1.0500 0.96

The results are presented in Figure 32 and in more detail in Fel! Hittar inte


Figure 32 Dynamic simulation outcome of set 9.3

The result shows that the facility can comply with the grid codes by using the tap-

changer to adjust the balance between capacitive and inductive capacity. Fel! Hittar

inte referenskälla..4 contains data for this set and also the results of the converter

station to consume reactive power from the grid at R=1.0500.

9.5 Potential error in the provided HVDC-model

The model gives a surprising outcome when the turbines deliver 600 MW. The

reactive power output is then formed as a step. The transferred reactive power seems

to reach a maximum limit, as in the other simulations with less active power output.

But, as opposed to other simulations, the first maximum limit is forced after about 0.5

second and the delivered reactive power increases to a new limit. A comparison of the

test for P=570MW and P=600MW is found in








0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5









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Figure 33.

Figure 33 Reactive power output at Pwind=570 MW and Pwind=600 MW

The result indicates that the facility can provide more reactive power during higher

active power transmission. ABB has been asked to comment the result, but no answer

is at this day available. The first limit was assumed to be the maximum limit during

the simulations in Chapter 9. The simulations has also be done with the voltage

control-mode provided by ABB with similar simulation outcome.

10 Faults at the offshore grid and converter trips

10.1 Study cases for the offshore grid and converter stations

Some simulations are done at the offshore grid to investigate behaviour of the wind

park during faults. An extended model was used during these tests to better represent

the offshore grid. One of the two offshore branches was separated into five.

Consequently, the accumulated wind turbine of 300MW was split into five generators,

representing 60MW wind power turbines each. Two of the branches were put on Q-

control and two were put on voltage control. The last branch was put (electrical)

closer to the HVDC-station and the voltage control mode for the turbine were varied

between q-control and voltage-control in different simulations. The model is

visualized in Figure 34. The purpose of the tests is to make sure that the system is

stable and that P, Q and V are within acceptable limits in the event of faults.

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Figure 34 Extension of model during offshore simulations

10.1.1 Set 10.1 – Offshore grid faults

The general test during this set was to add a three-phase fault on a bus and then open

the faulted branch after 140ms. P, Q and V are measured at different busses to ensure

that the system recovers after a fault. The simulations do also investigate differences

between wind turbines in voltage-control and in Q-mode control. The offshore grid

extension is shown in Figure 35 and the simulations setup are shown in

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Table 11.

Figure 35 Offshore grid extension

810 & 812 in V-


811 & 813 in Q-


814 has low

impedace to HVDC


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Table 11 Parameters for offshore grid faults

Test Bus fault Regulating

mode on wind

turbines at bus


Test 1 813 Q-mode

Test 2 813 V-mode

Test 3 612 Q-mode

Test 4 612 V-mode

Test 5 710 Q-mode

Test 6 710 V-mode

Test 7 502 (2nd branch) All turbines in


Test 8 502 (2nd branch) All tubrines in


Figure 36 shows an example of the results (i.e. Simulation 5), where the first two

graphs are active power output, the second two graphs is reactive power output and

the last two graphs are bus voltage.

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Converter Sbase = 653Mvar Wind turbine Sbase=60Mvar

Figure 36 Test 5, offshore converter and wind turbine

The simulation outcomes show that the offshore converter can provide voltage support

fast and keep the voltage relative high at the offshore converter. A difference can be

noticed at the power provided to the offshore converter before and after the fault is

cleared. This is due to the decupled wind turbines behind the fault.

In general, very small differences could be seen between having the wind turbines at

bus 814 in Q-mode control or voltage control mode. No reactive power oscillations

between the wind turbines or between the wind turbines and the HVDC-converter

could be seen.

The DC-system part of the transmission is also affected by the offshore grid fault. The

fault causes the DC voltage to drop initially. An oscillation can be observed in the DC

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voltage during and after the fault, which also could be seen in the active power output.

This can be seen in Figure 37.

Figure 37 Outcome of simulation 5, onshore converter and DC system

10.1.2 Set 10.2 - Trip of converter

This set of tests investigates how the system can handle a converter trip. The onshore

converter is tripped in the first simulation and the offshore converter is tripped in the

second simulation.

The trip of onshore converter is mainly handled by the chopper in the HVDC-system.

The maximum DC-voltage is about 1.3 pu before the chopper consumes the active

power from the wind turbines and thereby brings the DC-voltage back to a normal

level. Offshore voltage and frequency remains unaffected by the onshore convert trip

while the chopper is active. When the chopper is unable to continue the active power

consumption, approximate two seconds after the onshore fault, the DC voltage starts

to rise and causes the offshore converter to trip as well. This affects the offshore grid

where the voltage drops and the frequency increases. The wind turbines are not shut

down since the generic wind models not represent any kind of turbine protection. A

more realistic outcome would do an emergency shut down of the wind turbines when

the offshore converter is tripped. The simulation outcome is presented in Figure 38,

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Figure 38 Simulation output, onshore converter trip

The second simulation, an offshore converter trip, gives similar outcome as the last

part of the onshore converter trip. The offshore voltage drops and the frequency rises.

The onshore converter can stay in operation and provide voltage support to the main

grid as a SVC-device.

11 Conclusions

This chapter reflects upon the results presented under chapter 5 to 10.

11.1 Main result

The main result of this study is that the wind park and the HVDC transmission system

will manage to comply with grid codes regarding the investigated areas. The most

critical factor is the ability to provide enough reactive power to the grid during small

voltage dips.

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11.2 Reflection on the grid codes

The GB grid code and the upcoming pan-European grid code are presented within this

report. The European grid code might force smaller changes to the GB grid code, once

in place. This project does however not find any major deviations between the two

codes. The framework could however be interesting to study in order to understand

how the GB grid code might develop in the future. National Grid should develop the

grid code within the ENTSO-E framework which therefore gives hints for a likely

future development.

11.3 Reflection on simulation results

This project indicates that the HVDC-tranmission system handles most of the fault

without affecting the wind turbines offshore. Voltage and frequency deviations at the

onshore grid are not transferred to the offshore grid. This implies that the HVDC-

equipment and characteristics will be the most important part of the facility regarding

grid code compliance. This implies that the wind turbines should be optimized for

operating in a grid with small voltage variations and limited frequency deviations. The

HVDC-transmission system will however need to be designed to comply with the grid

code. This also suggest that the representation of the wind turbines has been less

important of this grid code compliance study and support the use of generic models in

similar studies in the future.

The limiting factor for grid code compliance seems to be the possibility to transfer

enough reactive power to the grid during small voltage dips. This can however be

solved by using the tap-changer to adjust the balance between the ability to produce

and consume power at the grid code. The consequences of a lower initial voltage at the

converter should however be further investigated before this solution is implemented.

The results do also show that it could be beneficial to negotiate the reactive power

control slope with National Grid. A higher slope would ease the requirements of the


The simulations at the offshore grid indicate the wind turbines and the offshore

converter will manage faults in the offshore grid and converter trips. It is, however,

impossible to draw any conclusions of a suitable control system for the wind turbines.

The offshore converter station seems be the most supporting unit in the system and

wind turbines with both voltage control and reactive power control seems to enable

system stability. No major difference can be seen between the two control strategies.

11.4 Further studies

The GB grid codes are constantly updated and reviewed. Two new revisions have

been realized during this project (November 2012 and January 2013). It is therefore

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important to keep informed about Grid Code development to avoid costly

reengineering of the facility during the construction phase. Once in place, the

European grid code for HVDC-transmission system would be good to investigate.

This study has not focused on the requirements at the offshore grid and these seem to

mainly be regulated with bilateral agreements between the OFTO and the wind power

developer. The offshore HVDC-converter has been the main responsible unit for

voltage regulation and maintaining frequency in the offshore in this study. However,

the wind power couldplay a more prominent role in the voltage regulation if this is

agreed with the OFTO and evaluated to be a better solution.

Power quality could not be studied within this project. This is an important part of the

grid code and a further investigation of this issue is recommended in the future.

Modelling work could also be done with a actual power park controller for frequency


The strange results of the reactive power output, presented in 9.5, should be

investigated further. A good representation of the HVDC-transmission system is vital

to perform grid code compliance studies.

The grid code does not only put up minimum requirements. It could be an idea to

investigate if the facility has the opportunity to provide ancillary services to National

Grid. Reactive power control during low or no power generation is a possible service

where the onshore converter station acts as a SVC-device.

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Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity. [Online]. Retrieved 2012-

11-01 from https://www.entsoe.eu/major-projects/network-code-development/high-


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Page 50 (50)

[34] National Grid (2012d). Section K – Technical Design & Operational Criteria &

Performance Requirements for Offshore Transmission Systems v6. System Operator -

Transmission Owner Code. [Online] Retrieved 2012-10-01 from



[35] Manwell, J.F., McGowan, J.G. & Rogers, A.L. (2009). Wind Tubrine Contol

Chapter 8 in Wind Energy Explained: Theory, Design and Application, 2nd


John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Chichester. ISBN 978-0-470-01500-1

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Page A.1 (1)

Appendix A

Data for PSS/E model

5 200

A.1 Branches




To Voltage




Data source R (Ω) X (Ω) C


100 200 400 Fictive* - 0 4 0

5 6 320 DC-



ABB [25] p.


2.3 /


- -

300 501 220 AC




[17], p. 10

0.151 1.31 2.0

601 701 Fictive** Vattenfall

[17], p. 12

0.015 0.04 26.0

*Cable is added to create electrical distance between HVDC converter and

swing bus

** Cable is modulated to represent the offshore collection grid characteristics

100 200

5 6

300 501 601 701 801

502 602 702 802

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Page A.2 (2)

A.2 Transformers

From To Voltage










R (pu)*

200 5 400/416 Yes ABB [25],

p. 50

693 0.14 0

6 300 416/220 Yes ABB [25],

p. 50

693 0.14 0

501 601 220/33 Yes Vattenfall

[17], p. 8

330 0.15 0.005

701 801 33/0.69 No Vattenfall

[17], p. 9

330 0.06 0.0084

pu based on transformer Sbase

A.3 Wind turbines

Load flow:

Sbase= 300MVA.


Model: WT4E2 & WT4G2

Default parameters, can be found in [27] Chapter 21 page 30

Control mode

Voltage control, bus 701/702

A.4 Swing bus

Load flow:

Sbase = 5000 MVA



Inertia = 5pu

Damping constant = 0

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Page A.3 (3)

A.5 HVDC-transmission system

Load flow

Active losses (∆P): approximate 3 %, little less at low utilization due to

lower cable losses

Converter at bus 6 acts as swing bus


Model: CABBO2 (bus 5), cEmpty (bus 6)

Control modes:

Converter at bus 5: DC voltage control, voltage control at bus 200

Converter at bus 6: Passive net operation (i.e active power control),

voltage control at bus 300

Other parameters are set according to ABB and can be found in [25].

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Per-Olof Lindström

Pöyry Swedpower AB


Mvar droop controller for ABB’s CABBO2 model

* Ajusted according to Figure 21 and provided Q in load flow


6 2 3 T1, R, Qbase, Qmax, Qmin, T2 /









-Voltage at

PCC bus





K K+1




-1 VAR(2)



power order,





STATEs # Description

K Voltage filter

K+1 Regulator block

CONs # Value Description

J 0.05 T1, time constant

J+1 0.02 R, regulator droop

characteristics (pu/pu)

J+2 200 Qbase, VSC reactive power

nominal capacity (Mvar)

J+3 * Qmax, VSC reactive power

max allowed capacity (pu)

J+4 * Qmin, VSC reactive power min

allowed capacity (pu)

J+5 0.05 T2, Regulator time constant (s)

VARs # Description

L Voltage reference

L+1 Verror

L+2 Q-output


• This model must be used with HVDC

VSC model CABBO2 in constant reactive

power control (ICON(4)=0)

• The model applies droop control of the

Mvar exchange at the PCC bus

• Called as exciter model at filter bus

generator, converter 1





Slope 1/R

= load flow operating point

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Per-Olof Lindström

Pöyry Swedpower AB


Over-frequency droop controller for WT4E2 model

This model is located at system bus #_______ IBUS,

Wind Machine identifier #_______ ID,

This model uses CONs starting with #_______ J,

and STATEs starting with #_______ K,

and VARs starting with #_______ L,

and ICONs starting with #_______ M.

* According to requirements in FSM or LFSM

** According to Pmax=1.0 and Pmin=0.2

IBUS ‘USRMDL’ ID ‘WT4FRQ’ 103 0 1 5 2 2 RBUS, T1, DB, R, dPmin, T2 /






1+sT2∆f at

remote busVAR(L+1)



K K+1








DB Pnew

ICON # Value Description

M 200 RBUS, remote bus

CONs # Value Description

J 0.2 T1, time constant

J+1 * DB, frequency positive

deadband (Hz)

J+2 * R, regulator droop

characteristics (pu/pu)

J+3 ** dPmin (pu)

J+4 ** dPmax (pu)

J+5 0.7 T2, regulator time constant (s)

VARs # Description

L Power reference

L+1 Power output

STATEs # Description

K Frequency filter

K+1 Regulator block


• This model must be used with wind model

WT4E1 orWT4E2

• The model reduces the wind production

when the frequency at the remote bus

exceeds frequency deadband

• Called as mechanical model on wind


• dPmin is a negative value

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Page D.1 (16)

Appendix D

D.1 Frequency and voltage variations

D.1.1 Normal operation – Test 1


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Page D.2 (16)

D.1.2 Normal operation – Test 2

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Page D.3 (16)

D.1.3 Normal operation – Test 3


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Page D.4 (16)

D.1.3 Normal operation – Test 4

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Page D.5 (16)

D.2 Fault ride through

D.2.1 FRT – 3phase, 0 pu V in 140 ms

The default AC-voltage control mode included in the HVDC-model was used during this test

due to strange reactive power outcomes 0.5 seconds after fault clearance. See two last figures

in D.2.1


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Page D.6 (16)

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Page D.7 (16)

D.2.2 FRT – Line to ground, 140ms

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Page D.8 (16)

D.2.3 FRT – 3phase, 0.50 pu V in 710 ms

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Page D.9 (16)

D.2.4 FRT – 3phase, 0.85 pu V in 180s


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Page D.10 (16)

D.2.4 Fault ride through – 3phase, 0 pu V in 140 ms

Simulation outcome between 0-15s. Pwind is reduced to 70 % between t=10s and t=12s


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Page D.11 (16)

D.3 Frequency control

D.3.1 Frequency control, LF profile (Test 8) D.3.2 Frequency control, 10s HF ramp (Test 10)

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Page D.12 (16)

D.3.3 Frequency control, step response (Test F/G) D.3.4 Frequency control, LFSM-mode (Test BC4)

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Page D.13 (16)

D.4 Reactive power control

D.4.1 Load flow calculations in set 9.1

Test P wind

( Sbase = 600 MVA)



P converter

(Sbase = 653 MVA)

Q converter

(Sbase = 653 MVA)

1 1.0 0.98 0.88 0.26

2 0.95 0.98 0.83 0.25

3 0.90 0.98 0.79 0.25

4 0.80 0.98 0.70 0.23

5 0.70 0.98 0.62 0.21

6 0.60 0.98 0.53 0.20

7 0.50 0.98 0.44 0.19

8 0.40 0.98 0.35 0.18

9 0.30 0.98 0.26 0.17

10 0.20 0.98 0.17 0.17

11 1.00 1.02 0.88 -0.34

12 0.95 1.02 0.83 -0.35

13 0.90 1.02 0.79 -0.36

14 0.80 1.02 0.70 -0.38

15 0.70 1.02 0.62 -0.39

16 0.60 1.02 0.53 -0.40

17 0.50 1.02 0.44 -0.42

18 0.40 1.02 0.35 -0.36

19 0.30 1.02 0.26 -0.31

20 0.20 1.02 0.17 -0.26

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Page D.14 (16)

D.4.2 Simulation examples for Set 9.2


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Page D.15 (16)

D.4.3 Reactive power provided at different tap-changer settings


Reactive power control, R1=1.000








-1 -0,8 -0,6 -0,4 -0,2 0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1

Q (pu)

P (p


Test results

Q requirements

Reactive power control, R1=1.005








-1 -0,8 -0,6 -0,4 -0,2 0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1

Q (pu)

P (p


Test results

Q requirements

Reactive power control, R1=1.000 vs R1=1.005








-1 -0,8 -0,6 -0,4 -0,2 0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1

Q (pu)

P (p


Test results, R=1.000

Q requirements

Test results, R=1.005

Reactive power control, Diffrent tap settings








0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5

P (pu)

Q (









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Page D.16 (16)

D.4.4 Reactive power provided at different tap-changer settings

Q delivered (pu)

Pwind (pu) Tap-changer,










1.00 0.21 0.25 0.28 0.32 0.35

0.95 0.22 0.26 0.30 0.33 0.36

0.90 0.24 0.27 0.31 0.34 0.37

0.80 0.25 0.29 0.33 0.36 0.40

0.70 0.27 0.31 0.35 0.38 0.41

0.60 0.29 0.33 0.36 0.40 0.43

0.50 0.30 0.34 0.38 0.41 0.44

0.40 0.32 0.35 0.39 0.42 0.46

0.30 0.32 0.36 0.40 0.43 0.47

0.20 0.33 0.37 0.40 0.44 0.47

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Page D.17 (16)

D.5 Offshore grid faults

Reactive power provided by wind turbines at 814 in the different tests specified in Table 7, Chapter 10