^^* I ^«*^H^4^| "i "-i** 3 ' "• "Q. ^v - * i^y j». k'i»Jf,-i*"" jwjp " WSL' ' ' " ' ~" ~ ~" ; 7 ~* -«»<lwa#n-*gm* i a^^ nimiriMiMih'ini "i <msirmiiWri>iflHlilltfiilliiiiiiii»u}.1i«)«iii<1iiiiiMli,ri 22 v ^PP^^^^^^^I Friday ^'Evening, THE MINNEAPOLIS' jouRtiAt;f May 4, 1906. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CREDIT—CREDIT—CREDIT, o Why watt till jou get the cash to pay o for a new spring suit. We sell at spot o cash prices, but "your credit is good" o just the same. Come and look at our $10, o $12, $13.50, $16, $16, $18 suits. o Same liberal credit to all. $1 per week, o Crotty's, o 814-816 Nicollet Av, Minneapolis, Minn, o O O O o o o o o o o o o o A EDITOR-PRINTER WANTED—MUST BE CAP- ;,>>• able of taking full charge and doing the work 9 of a country newspaper and job office; the s right man can buy a half or whole interest on easy terms, but this is not necessary to secure position; do not want a boozer, and married man preferred. Address, stating sal- *. ary expected, and whether or not you desire an interest. Gilpin, Osseo, Wis. AGENTS—TAKE ORDERS, SAN FRANCISCO Calamity and Mount Vesuvius Horror.. Only authentic work. Two books in one. Sell $1.50. Highest commissions. —Agents making - $10 to $20 per day. Only concern in twin cit- ies controlling a book that sells. Free outfit. Send 10c to cover cost of mailing. The National Publishing Co., 254 Hennepin av, Minneapolis "BAN FRANCISCO"—YOU CAN GET BOORS to fill jour orders for the San FranciBCo his- tory at Minneapolis, as a stock will be car- ried there so as to save time. If you have not received your outfit, write for one free, at once, and get right to work, remember the name and number. Creore & Nickel son Home _ Furnishing Co., 221 Nicollet av, Minneapolis ACCIDENT LIFE INSURANCE AGENTS AT- tentlon—It will pay you to carry the supplies of the Old True and Tried, Northern Accident company, Detroit; good territory thruout the northwest; best policies, best coninilsslonb. J. L. Owens, manager northwestern depart- ment, 308-309 Andrus building, Minneapolis. WANTED—FOR ~u7 S."' ARMY; ABLE-BODIED, unmarried men, between ages of 21 and 85. citizens of United States of good chaiactti and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write English. For information apply to He- erulttng Officer, Phoenix building or Com- mercial Hotel. St. Paul, or 824 1st av S, Min- neapolis, Minn. WANTED—RELIABLE, INTELLIGENT MAN to take interest in established office business with services; small capital required; $800 to $500; unnecessary to answer unless jou have the required amount, aB this is an excellent opportunity and will bear closest investigation. P. 0. Box 3S6, Minneapolis. WANTED—COMPETENT MAN TO REPRESENT th<L popular savings, t.eini annual interest bear- ing bonds of the American Reservo Bond Co., In Minnesota and Xoith Dakota, largest bond company in the world; bijt income to good man; call or write. Earl &, Helnen, managers, 401 N. W. building, Minneapolis. _____ 1EARN COMMERCIAL, VIEW AND FLASH- light photogiaphy, a pleasant, profitable pro- fession, paying $25 per week and upward; po- sitions guaranteed in 60 days; tuition $25; salary after 30 days. Apply B. K. Jones, T. C. Photo Co., Room 8a, 221 2d av 9, WANTED—FOR THE U. 6. MARINE CORPS, men between ages 21 and 86, An opportunity to see the world. For full information apply in person or by letter to Marine Recruiting Office, 89-41 Washington av S, Minneapolis, Minn., or 187 B 8d at, St. Paul. Minn, SOMETHING NEW IN SELLING farm lands will appeal in our large advertise-, ment in Sunday's Journal. Be sure and read them. Franklin Bender Land Co., 503 Bank of Commerce Bldg, A MARRIED MAN WITH GENERAL <XN0WL edge of machinery and who can furnish good letters of recommendation, who is capable of taking charge of sewing machines. State the amount of wages expected. Address 6184, Journal. o WANTED—BOYS ABOUT 14 YEARS OF o age to run cash. Permanent position for o o capable boys. ° o John W. Thomas & Co. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o W_Tni^OHE EXPERIENCED SPECIALTY ' salesmen for the city of Minneapolis and west- ern part of Wisconsin, also one expeiienced pro-vision salesman foi Minneapolis, also thiee experienced traveling salesmen. Address at once. V. 741, Journal, St Paul, Mum HELP WANTED—MALE Continued. TEACHERS WANTED—EXPERIENCED AND inexperienced; if you wish a position, addrebS with stamp, Supt. H, B. Collin, Eureka, S. D. EXPERIENCED AD AND JOB PRINTER; state wages wanted in first letter; steady ^position to_right man. Times, Oakes, N. D. WILL SELL CONTRACT~TO~LEARN~ BARBER trade and massage very cheap; cannot attend school on account of sickness. 5128, Journal. "DESTRUCTION OF SAN FRANCISCO''—BEST book; large profits; act quick; sample free. _Globe Ccmpany, 723 Chestnut st, Philadelphia. WANTED^-TWO GOOD LATHERS, ALSO swift circular distributors. Call after 8:80 p.m. at 811 27th. av NB. Phone B 262 J. WANTED—A RELIABLE SHOEMAKER MAY secure permanent employment at E D. Gow- _ard's shoe and harness Btore, Aitkin, Minn. WANTED—MEN" AT _ O"NCFT TO SELL MAPS of Minnesota In city and outside: new maps and new methods. Address 4678, Journal. SHOES RESOLED I N 15 MINUTES; BEST OAK soles, sewed, 75c; nailed, 50c; rubber heels. 4oc; S. T. Sorensen, 314 Nicollet av. BUSY BEE SHOE REPAIR SHOP, 13 4th ST SE, near Central; best oak soles, sewed, 75c; nailed, 50@65c, rubber heels, 40®50c. COMPETENT BOOKKEEPER FOR GENERAL store in northern Minnesota, $50 to start. S. A, Morawetz & Co., 500 Kasota building. WANTED—EXPERIENCED LAND MAN; NONE others need apply. References required. Ap- ply Klein & Pauntz. 86-38 6th at S. ONE GOOD COATMAKER AT ONCE; STEADY work; good pay. Inquire by fetter to C. J. Erlekson, Eveleth, Minn., Box 70. Continued A NEAT GIRL WHO KNOWS SOMETHING about taking care of child | good pay. Ad- dress 5181, Journal. DINING ~R00M _ GIRL7 _ CH.AMBER~MAID AND dishwasher, at Clinton hotel, at once. 4th av S and Grant st. GAS STOVES—FINEST LINE IN OITYj prices low; see us before buying. Brand Stove Co., 380 4th av S. WANTED—A GIRL AT ONCE FOR GENERAL - housework; good place, good pay. let, second floor. 400 Nlcol- WANTED—COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL housework; family of four; no children. Call 422 Otb at SB. WANTED—TWO GIRLS room, 402 Delaware at ! House modem. TO BOARD AND B, a pleasant home. AN EXPERIENCED WAITRESS FOR DINING room work, $18 a month and room and board. 500 10th st s. WANTED—A COMPETENT GIRL FOR GEN- eral housework; good wages. Call at 720 10th av SB. WANTED — TWO SCRUBWOMEN TO DO cleaning. New pavilion, Minnehaha Falls. Call at once. WANTED TWO GIRLS TO ROOM AND board with plain family, at 2805 Blaisdell av S. WANTED—GIRL FOR COOKING AND GENER. al housework; no laundry work. 1816 Colfax av S WANTED—ALL «LR0UND GOOD TAILOR, good wages and steady job guaranteed by C. Kd Gnauck, Oakes, N._D. Box 138. WANTED—BOYS 16~TO 18 YEARS OF AGE, Apply 8 a.m prepared to work. Hardwood _ Mfg. Co., 3d avand 1st st S. WANTED^-YOUNG MAN TO OPERATE PA"S- senger elevator Saturdays. Apply to Mr. Wood, Dajton Dry Goods Co. WANTED—FREIGHT HANDLERS, MINNEflO- ta Transfer, steady work. Minnesota Trans- fer Railway Co., Midway. WANTED—SETTER FOR BAND SAW OAR- riage, going wages. Apply David Tozer Com- pany, Stillwater, Minn. WANTED—GOOD LABORERS AROUND SAW- mill and in quarries. Kettle River Quarries Co , Sandstone, Minn. WANTED—PAPER HANGERS WITH EXPERI- ence in high class work. J. A, Clow & Co., 806 Nicollet av. WANTED-^. GOOD SAND PAINTER, GOOD wages and steady job. Address V. 366, Jour- nal, St. Paul. WANTED—30 NON-UNION HOLDERS AI Washington Foundry & Machine Works, St. Paul, Minn. WANTED—EXPERIENCED WAITER,"} NONE others need apply. The Mercantile, 246 Hen- nepin av. WANTED—60 MEN, $1.86 PER DAY; 86 FOR 26th av S and 25th st; 25 for 4th st SE and 14th av. FIVE BRIGHT BOYS FOR WHOLESALE houses. S. A. Morawetz & Co., 500 Kasota building. WANTED—A GOOD HARNESS MAKER AT once at Barrett & Zimmerman's Midway Horse Market. WANTED—STUDENT TO WORK FEW HOURS for board while attending college. 609 2d av N. WANTED—EXPERIENCED PANTS PRESSER at Edelman's Pants Factory, 109 Washington av N. GIRL WANTED TO WORK IN FACTORY. AP- ply to foreman. McClellan Paper Co., 245 1st av S. WANTED—TWO EXPERIENCED CHAMBER*, maids at Hotel Glenwood. 9 Washington av N. -~-^H5Sffi5&JgHAN^S_^ G. A, HUNT LUMBER 00., OAPITALIZA- tlon $50,000; shares, $100; payments $25 per share with application; balance in three monthly installments of $25 each; no pro- motion stock; only limited number shares to be sold; will earn over 60 per cent per an- num; safe, solid Investment; send applica- tions to Bank Montreal, lteglna. Write us for printed prospectus. Responsible solicitor wanted to sell shares. G. A, Hunt Lumber Co., Kitchener, B. C. _~ h $b We have hundred million feet timber and need capital, if you can Bell our stock, write us. Good commission; permanent position, $100 mouth, to competent bookkeeper. Hunt Lumber Co., Kitchener, B. C. Continued FOR SALE—HOTEL AND FURNITURE. WILL sell cheap for cash if taken at once. Address Box 117,_Beltraml, Miun._ WANTED—TO BUY CONFECTIONERY STORED or will rent building for same. Address 928 Phoenix building. 13-R00M HOUSE, ELEGANTLY FURNI8HED, on University av SE, near state university; choice location; this is a fashionable room- ing and boarding house, and has to be seen to be appreciated; monthly income about $400; present owners in place six years. If you want a snap, look this up. We mean business. 15-room rooming house, full of roomers the year round, and one of the best locations; this place has to be sold as the la«y that owns it now is sickly and must sell out; will consider trade for improved real estate. Nicollet Real Etate, Rental & Adjustment Co., * 504 Century Building. YOUNG GIRL FOR LIGHT HOUSEWORK IN modern 4-room flat. 1701 Hawthorn av. GOOD COOK AND SECOND GIRL WANTED AT once. 1710 3d av S, reference necessary. WANTED—AN EXPERIENCED WAITRESS AT Creamery Lunchroom, 426 Hennepin av. WANTED GIRL~F0R GENER AL~ HOUSE* work. Apply 2221 Fremont av N. WAN1ED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- _ work, no washing. S321 2d av S. WANTED—GIRL _ T0~AS8IST~WITH GENERAL housework at 325 E Franklin av. DAINTY NOON LUNCHES At Miss Crozler's, 115 7th st S. GIRLS WANTED. A. D. CAMPBELL SHADE & Awning Co., 211 Hennepin. WANTED—HELPERS ON SKIRTS. Miss McGahn. 21 9ta st S. APPLY WANTED EXPERIENCED CHAMBERMAID. Golden West Hotel. ^^SETOATION^WANTED^^ Mate. RATE UNDER THIS CLASSIFICATION. Vie A word; no ad less than 10c dally, 20 words or less one week, 60c. YOUNG MAN, WITH TEN YEARS* EXPERI- ence as office man, bookkeeper, cashier, etc., desires a position with some good business firm where there is a chance to become an active partner in the future; can furnish the best of references as to character and abil- ity from past and present employers; will start at a salary of $65 per month, if there is a good chance for advancement. Address 6572, Journal. WANTED—BOY TO WORK IN BAKERY; board and room furnished. 712 Hennepin av. DON'T RESIGN UNTIL YOU HAVE ANOTHER position in sight, capable salesmen executive, Clerical and technical men use our. service to keep in line with oppoitunities for advance- ment. Write us todaj. Hupgooda, JJ13 Nicollet WANTED—WE WILL MAKE YOU A SUIT OF clothes to jour measure and let >ou have it and pay us" on easy weeklj or monthly paj - uients. Your credit is good at the National \ Credit Tailoring Co., 302%_1 at av S, upstairs. 100,000 FLUitfBERS, PLABTSRKRS, BRICX- ;> > layers wanted for San Francisco, we pie- 3 -.*** pare you in few weeks, union card guar- anteed. Tree catalogue. Co>ne Bios. Schools. New Yoik. Chicago. St. Louis, WANTED—TWO MEN FOR FARM WORK, 22 miles from city. Call 620 Lake st. Phone 6864. WANT BOY, ABOUT 16 YEARS OF AGE, FOR office work. Call 400 Commercial building. TWO CLERKS FOR northern Minnesota. LUMBER CAMPS IN Address 5216, Journal. WANTED—FIRST-CLASS SHAPER MAN. Aaron Calrlson, 15th av NB, near Central. BOYS WANTED AT MINNEAPOLIS STEEL & Maehinery_Co.. 28th jit and Minnehaha av. WATCHES CLEANED, ?l~;~MAINSPRINGSr?l~s warranted one year. Pacgel's, 22 8d st S. •<«C 'Lrade WANTED—MEN TO WORK ON BRICKYARD. M Anderson Brick Co , 706 Oneida Block. WANTED -AN ERRAND University of Minnesota. BOY. LIBRARY, Call at once. WANTED—TROUSER AND VEST MAKERS at once. 47 6th st S. Thos. P. Pease. PLUMBER -DESIRES STEADY POSITION IN town of 2,000 or 3,000 inhabitants, or smaller town, where water system has just been in- stalled; sober and reliable; references. Ad- dress M. L. Hoi brook, 107 3d st S, Marshall- town, Iowa. MARCONI WIRELESS TELEGRAPH STOCK— I have a block of this valuable stock for sale. Can save you some money. Price Is advancing. You can never get this stosk again at the price I w*lll name. Twenty shares will make you rich in a few years. Call on or address W. P. Butler, 309 Bank of Com- merce. DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME TRYING TO sell your grocery,, confectionery, rooming houses or real estate; we will do that for you; we have customers waiting for good loca- tions. Try us. We sell for others. Why not you? Nicollet Real Estate, Rental & Ad- justment Co., 504 Century. WHAT HAVE YOU TO EXCHANGE FOR GOOD improved 160-acre farm, Pine county, and $5,000 stock in good running brewery? Can give good salaried position to party buying these stocks. Will trade one or both; prefer stock merchandise or good farm lands of equal value. 5200, Journal. FOR SALE—$25,000 STOCK DRY GOODS, No- tions, clothing, furnishings, boots and shoes, in town of 10,000 people, in northern Minne- sota; an old established business; good loca tion; town cannot help but improve on ac- count of mines. Flakne Land Co., 702 Guar anty Loan. FOR" SALE~OR WOULD RENT—STORE BUILD, ing with grocery store and five-room flat above; everything new; hardwood floors, good well; water in street. Owner leaving the city. 3801 31st av S. Look at this and come and see me. A. W. Carlton, New York Life building. LAUDERDALE CO., TEMPLE COURT, have 3 years' established wood and coal busi- ness, with all orders for the summer, and good will of the company, with bill-of-sale of office building and ground rent cheap: $125 if taken at once. On 20th av N. F^TSSS^-OITBILTI^^ orlng Co., 304 1st av S, will have a great Half Price Sale of undelivered, line tailor- made spring Buits. The biggest bargain ever offered in high-grade tailoring is in this list below. Head it over carefully, look for yottr size. See the material and the regular price and the cut price. It will cost you nothing to come and see if we canfityou. Regular Cut Size. Spring Materials. Frice. Price. 87. Check Scotch Tweed $20.00 $10.00 88. Dark Brown Worsted 25.00 12.50 89. Fancy Scotch Tweed 26.00 18.00 40. Silk Mixture Worsted 30.00 16.00 ^40. Salt and Pepper Goods 25.00 12.50 42. Olive Brown (very swell)... 80.00 lt>.00 88. Dark Gray Tweed 24.00 12.00 40. Light Gray Tweed 28-.00 14.00 42. Light Gray Tweed 27.00 18.50 38. Scotch Homespun 80.00 16.00 *39. Newest Gray Worsted 35.00 17.50 40. Gray Herringbone 25.00 12.50 36. Gray Plaid Worsted 20.00 10.00 36. Scotch Plaid 28.00 14.00 40. English Serge 30.00 15.00 39. Scotch Plaid 26.00 13.00 38. English Gray 28.00 14.00 •37. Black and White Birdseye Worsted 30.00 15.00 87. English Plain Worsted 32.00 16.00 35. Black Unfinished Worsted.. 30.00 15.00 40. Stripe Worsted 32.00 16.00 40. Scotch Herringbone 25.00 12.50 40. Worsted Herringbone 20.00 10.00 41. Dark Brown Unfinished Wor- sted 30 00 15.00 87. Steel Gray Worsted 30.00 15.00 42. Birdseye Woisted 35.00 17.50 39. Dark Blue Unfinished Wor- sted 30.00 15.00 Deshed alterations will be made without additional charge. Rush Tailoring Co., 304 1st av S, opposite postoffice. : •••.. •••« •••••• •••• •••••• •••••• §••••* •••••• ; •••* ••••• ••••• •••••• SOMETHING NEW IN SELLING farm lands will appear in our large advertise ment in Sunday's-Journal. Be sure and read them. Franklin Benner Land Co., 503 Bank of Commerce Bldg. YOUNG MAN WITH TEN YEARS' EXPERI- ence as bookkeeper, cashier, office work, etc., at present employed, desires to change, refer- ences furnished as to character and ability. Address 6572, Journal. STENOGRAPHER; 10 YEARS' EXPERIENCE, three as court reporter, speaks German and Spanish; desires first-class position immedi- ately. Excellent references. Address 5018, Journal. YOUNG MAN JUST HONORABLY Dis- charged from U. S. navy, after five years' service, desires position; good references as to character and abilities. Address 4771, Jour- nal. FOR SALE—STOCK OF FARM MACHINERY, wagons and buggies, building and lot, in Ward, S. D. Stock invoices $2,100; building and lot, $1,000; carload of twine sold. Orders go with business. Address C. C. Warner, owner, Ward. S. D. HARDWOOD TIMBER 25,000 ACRES DRY land on the bank of large river; very fine timber; will cut 10,000 feet to the acre: one- third oak; best mill proposition in the south. Price $6.25 per acre. Title perfect. Ad- dress 1542, Journal. ^^^^ A GOOD BUSINESS OPENING—FOR SALE, A new and clean stock of general merchandise, invoice about $8,000, in good town and coun- try, new and modern store buildings for sale or rent; must be sold before May 20. Ad- dress 5153, Journal. BARGAINS IN OUR Exchange Department. Worth Price. Brewster, mahogany,case $350 $175 Claredon, walnut, as good as new. 375 205 D. H. Baldwin, ebony case. ... 400 165 Chase Bros., burl walnut 550 325 Armstrong, oak case : 373 265 Chase Bros. Concert Grand, ebony case 800 250 Haddorf, mahogany 400 275 Singer, walnut case 275 140 Terms, $5 to $10 per month. Segerstrom Piano Co., 804 Nicollet Av, Minneapolis, Minn. o o o o o o oop o . THE o o CALIFORNIA WINE HOUSE, o o o o 209 Nicollet av. o © o o Whiskies, Brandies, Wines and Liquors o o for Family and Medical Use. o o Prompt Delivery to all parts of the City, c O O o T. O. phone 564; N. W. phone Main 564. o FOR SALE—CENTURY GRAND, SR., CAMERA, 5x7, equipped with fast lens, Wollensak and Century focal plane shutters, giving speeds from 1 second to 1-1,000 second, portrait lens, extension table for wide angle lens, with sole leather carrying case; not a mark or scratch upon the outfit; will be sold for $100 to first comer; cannot be duplicated in the market for less than $160; used but a few times; splendid outfit for woman well advanced in amateur photography; outfit and samples of its work can be seen at office of the Sport- ing Editor of The Journal. SUNDAY JOURNAL WANT ADS ARE MONEY MAKERS. REAL ESTATE, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES, HORSES AND CARRIAGES, FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS, COWS, DOGS A N D POULTRY, FURNISHED ROOMS, MALE AND FEMALE HELP, SITUATIONS WANTED. Are advertised more extensively in The Sunday Journal than any other paper. There's a good substantial reason for it— RESULTS TO THE ADVERTISER Insert an Ad in Sunday.'s Journal and be your own judge. Rates are only one cent each word. No ad taken for less than •>•••§> t »»»- twenty cents." Advertising accepted ove# the phone at counter *??•# ••••- rates. Telephone either line No. 9. ••!•*•*: i(iiinii(ii(iMiiiti;ttit.iintitti f Mi: * V* % ••••••>••••••••••••••••••«••••••••••••*•••••• »*m FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS Continued UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER. NO. first-class condition, for $52 cash. 5219, Journal. 4, IN Address FOR SALE—TWO SMALL OFFICE •> SAFES IN Al condition. Inquire at 408 New York Life _buildinsr. FURNITURE—GOOD AS NEwTVERY CHEAP; small payments. White, 213 5th st S; open evenings. 85 CENTS—READING GLASSES, FINE FAIR. Hirschy, optician, 518 Nicollet, second floor. TYPEWRITERS—ALL MAKES; A BARGAIN; must bp sold. Blick Mfg. Co.. 605 Sykes blk. FOR SALE—TENT, 12x21, GOOD AS NEW; will sell cheap. Call 204 Harrison st NB. ^WABm^jnS^ELLANEOUS^ SELF HELP IS BEST HELP. THE SALVATION Army Industrial Home (old City Hall), last month enabled 40 men to procure honest liveli- hood, temporary home and subsequent return to independent citizenship. Your aid needed. Send us telephone message to call for your old rags, clothing, carpets, furniture, crock- ery, shoes, books, magazines and newspapers. T. 0. 2450. N. W., 1141. FINANCIAL O O O O O O O OO t O O 0 CHATTEL LOANS. Minnesota Mortgage Loan Co., Established 25 Yean. Loans. On furniture, pianos, horses, ete„ without the slightest publicity. Small or large payments, weekly or monthly, with privi- lege of payment on or before, thus stop- ping all cost. Having been engaged in tte money-lending business for the past 25 years, and with the large clientele we have, we are enabled to make the lowest rates and give the quickest possible serv- ice. Our record and reputation for the past 25 years insures honorable and confidential dealing to all. Minnesota Mortgage Loan Co., 808-806 Bank of Commerce Bldg., 1st av S and 4th st. o o o o o o o o o o o o "UMBRELLA MAKER" WANTS POSITION AS foreman of repair shop; ten jears' experi- ence in factory woik; best of references. Address 8. P. Gilmore, Waupun, Wis. WANTED—WORK OF SOME KIND AT MIN- netonka or other summer resort for the sum- mer, by young man 19 years old; best of ref- erences. Address 51S0, Journal. WANTED—AN ALL ROUND UNION PRINTER who can handle eyjinaei piesbes, do job and ad work and makeap; come at once; no trans portation fuimsuea; steady work for a good >. . p n n t e i . Independent, Miuot, K _D. i XSTAUTSD S-IHST C£ASS~BAABSXT AS OHOB! WANTED—SATURDAY, THE RUSH TAILOR- , C. C. Chapman, Webster, S. D. ing Co. 304 1st av S, will close out at exactly ! WANTED—FIRST-CLASS MACHINIST AT THE BUSHELMAN—GOOD WAGES AND STEADY employment. Call 250 Nicollet av. WANTED—MAN AT ONCE; STEADY" P0SI- tion. Sussman. H05 Nicollet av. WANTEDl-A ~FIRST-"CLASS NON-UNION CAR./ penter. Call at 2918 Nicollet av. half price all undelivered fine tailored-to me^s- ^ urc spung suits. Read list in "For Sale Mis- cellaneous" column. _ PLUMBING SCHOOL. " We teach you the plumbing trade; pays best wages insure* steady work, makes you independent. Write today. Plumbing School, Minneapolis, Minn. IF THE PERSON WHO INSERTED AN AD- vertlsement in The Journal for 200 to 50O la- boring men tor woik at Benson, Minn., will address 3186, Journal, he will learn something to his advantage. WANTED—HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT OR graduate who is interested in a business education; an excellent opportunity to advance to a remuuerati\e position. Address 4986, Journal. WANTED—FIRST-CLASS BARBER AT ONCE; finest three-chair hotel shop, ground floor, in the state; wages $12.50 and half over $20 a week; steady job. R. N. Sweet, Rochester, _Minn. MAN WITH EXPERIENCE IN CASUALTY, surety bond or fire insurance can secure first- class position on salary or commission or both. Address with references, etc., 4246, Journal. WANTED^REGISTERED - PHARMACIST AND jeweler or a registeied pharmacist, also an assistant registered pharmacist. Address Grand Rapids, Minn., P. 0. Box No. 116. ONE - GERJiSN AND~0NE ENGLISH PRINTER; good shop, in lively North Dakota town, state experience, wages wanted and time you can , leport for woik. Herald, Harvey, N. D. BINDER WANTED—SMALL OFFICE, HODER- ate wages Would prefer a man who ooulji make himself generally useful around a print- 1 ing office. Address 4483 Journal. ' A N Y INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY EARN ' good income coriesponding for newspapers; ex- perience unnecessary. Send for particulars. " Press Syndicate, Lockport, N. Y, MEN CAPABLE OF EARNEST WORK; WE are completing oar crews for spring work; good pay to the right man. Start now. E. J. G. Reid. 76-78 7th st S. WANTED—A YOUNG MAN TO WORK I N A N engineering office, capable of assisting with Instruments m field Address, with refer- ences, to 4966, Journal. WANTED—A FIRST-CLASS SALESMAN TO handle our goods as a side line, gqod com- mission, rapid sellers. Northwestern Supply Co., Milwaukee, Wis, Washburn Co.. 1007 3d st S. WANTED^0~NON^UNION M0LDERS. 00LUM- bla Heights Foundry Co. WANT 40 NON-UNION MOLDERS AT OMAHA. Foundry, St. Paul, Minn. NEW YORK MILLINERY CO., PLATE GLASS corner, 30O Cedar, has the laigest letail mll- lineiy establishment In city, our eastern con- nections enables us to sell goods at lemarkable low prices, everything new and nobby, call and be convinced. Read New York Millinery, large letters on windows. WANTED—LADY CANVASSERS FOR MME. McCabe's unbreakable side and expanding back corsets, well known, easily sold; active, in- telligent ladies can make from $25 to $40 per week; many of our agents make more. Ad- dress St. Louis Corset Oo. St. Louis. Mo. WANTED—ARTISTS At once, two apprentices to learn crayon and water color portrait work; good wages after proficient. A. L. Cedarholm, 412 Nicollet av, room 45. POSITION WANTED—BY EXPERIENCED 0F- flce man, capable of handling department of correspondence; stenographer, best of refer- ences. Address 5080, Journal. POSITION BY STENOGRAPHER OF TWO jeais' experience; preferably in country town bank or real estate office; first-class refer- ences. 4806, Journal •srOXTNG- SCAN, 94 YEARS OF AGE, EXPERI- enced"stenographer; understands books, desires permanent position; best of references. Ad- _dress 5138, Journal. YOUNG - MAN"WANTS POSITION AS "OOAOH- man in private family; three years' experi- ence, can give good city references. Address 4800, Journal. MIDDLE-AGED MAN, STEADY AND RELli ble, would like some light work; reference furnished; wages no object. Address 4071, Journal. SITUATION WANTED AS HANDY MAN IN machine shop, or factory; have some experi- ence in carpenter work. J. Larson, 1520 B 10th st. WANTED—A CLERICAL POSITION OF SOME kind; have had some experience on books; can give good references. Address 5108, Journal. DRAUGHTSMAN, 20, GRADUATE FROM technical high school, wants position with architect or designer. Address 5044, Journal. SITUATION WANTED BY GENERAL OFFICE man, who understands bookkeeping thoroly and can operate tj pewrlter. Address 5007, Journal. WANTED—YOUNG LADY TO LEARN PH0- tographj and retouching, nice trade, good opportunity to learn at once. Position guar- anteed Sussman Photo Studio, 305 Nicollet. WANTED—A GIRL TO ASSIST WITH HOUSE-* work in a fully modern House; small family, girl will be treated as a member of the family. Call at 3124 Hennegln av. WANTED—GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL housework, small family, small house; all modern conveniences; inside half double house corner 27th at. 2651 Portland a v . A LADY POSSESSED OF QUALIFICATIONS for a saleslady wanted; need not be experi- enced; good references necessary; hours 0 to 4. Address_5215, Journal. WANTED—READ "OUR ^DVERTD3EMENT~~IN Male Help column; if interested, send for out- fit and begin working at once. National Publishing Company. COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work; must be good cook and neat; modern house, small family; bouse cleaning done. 1321 6th at SE. WANTED—YOUNG MARRIED COUPLE TO take charge of dairy farm, yeaily employ- ment; good salary, AddrebS Dr. R. Patteison, Barnesville, Minn, WANTED—ALL-AROUND COUNTRY PRINT- er; good compositor; no cigaret flend or boozer wanted; peimanent job. Address "Sentinel," Sanborn, Minn. *2 * WANTED — A OLARINET PLAYER AND other reeds for best non-union band in city. Excellent opportunity for amateur playei. 4634, Journal. WANTED—CLERK FOR WALL PAPER AND paint store, must understand the businebs and furnish recommends. Canniff Co , Grand ~Forks, N. I). WANTED—SEWING MACHINE SALESMAN for city; good salary to right man, permanent position, Singer Sewing Machine Co , 5J7 Hennepin av. SALESMEN WANTED—TWO GOOD MEN TO call on the wholesale tiade of Minneapolis and St. Paul. Charles C. Slack, Rogers Hotel, Minneapolis. GLASSES FITTED FREE AT METROPOLITAN School of Optics, 310 Auditorium building, 11th st and Nicollet av Every week day from 3 to 6 p.m. DURING MAY CATON BUSINESS 00L- lege, 253 2d av S, in the College block, ad- mits students, tuition payable after obtaining positions. GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK; family of two; small modern house: good wages; snap for right party. Call 225 W 27 th st. A YOUNG MAN WITH A FAIR EDUCATION and some experience in carpenter and machine work wishes position at once. 5227, Journal. AN EXPERIENCED H0USE~AND WINDOW cleaner with leferences, do any kind of house- cleanlng. Please call T. C. 17059. bARBJLR WANTED;. STEADY JOB; GOOD vvorknian and no boozer, position in some shop. Address Box 291, Clark. S. D. WEEKLY NEWSPAPER, IN LIVE TOWN IN west central Minnesota; circulation 900, and official paper of county; Scandinavian com- munity; will consider real estate in part pay- ment; best of reasons for selling. Address 5013, Journal. UP-TO-DATE CONFECTIONERY AND OIGAR store, with Ice cream parlor, four good liv- ing rooms, an excellent location and doing paying business, rent only-$16, price $550. In- vestigate. Sanford Realty Co., 518 Guaranty Loan. FOR SALE—THIRTY-TWO-ROOM BOARDING house, located on East Side, lots of good room- ers, $350 will handle it. Rent $60 per month. Good stable rent for $10 per month. Good rea- son for selling. Address 5177, Journal. A FIRST-CLASS PIECE OF BUSINESS PROP- erty, one-story building, ground 22x138, Istock, fixtures; everything goes for $1,500; a rare opportunity; on Chicago av, inside Lake st. La Duke & Wolff, 422. Boston block. WANTED—GROCERIES OR OTHER GOODS for 200 acies rich Red Jclver valley land, some incumbrance; want stock about $3,000 to $3,500; will give liberal deal for good stock. Address V 393, Journal, St. Paul. FOR SALE—BEST CORNER DRUG STORE IN the best town of 7,500 population in south- ern Minnesota; sales of 1905, $10,000; rent low; first time offered for sale; good reasons for selling. Address 3630, Journal. BUY MARCONI WIRELESS STOCK NOW—I have both the American and Canadian, and both will advance in price within the next sixty days. Call on me for full particulars. M. S. Vidal, 415 Andrus building. ESTABLISHED MANUFACTURING CO, WISH- es to incorporate; am looking for third party; would prefer to take In small established ma- chine shop; none but owners need reply. Call 897 L, or address 4875, Journal. BAKERY AND CANDY OUTFIT IN BOOMING North Dakota town, located on Soo and Great Northern roads; doing good business; will sell, trade for land or rent to responsible parties. E. B. Kerns, Omemee, N . D^ BUSINESS CHANCE—SATURDAY THE RUSH Tailoring Co., 304 1st av S, will close out at exactly half price all undelivered fine tallored- to-measure spring suits. Read list in "For Sale, Miscellaneous'' column. WANTED—OUTDOOR POSITION, COLLECTING preferred, by joung man with best of refer- ences Address 5055. Journal. BUTCHER WANTING A POSITION; ALL round man, will work in city or country. M. J. Litfln, 8004 Garfield av. I WOULD LIKE ROUGH CARPENTER WORK or odd jobs of any kind. Address A. Nelson. 517 2d av S- A YOUNG MAN OF 18 WANTS OFFICE OR clerical work; references furnished. 5117, Journal. Address POSITION WANTED BY EXPERIENCED hotel chef, steady and sober. Address 4902, Journal. A FIRST-CLASS LATHER WANTS WORK; out of city pieferred. Address 4553, Journal. A JOBBING CARPENTER WILL WORK BY day or job 112 12th st S. N. W. 2263-J2. GOOD WAGES FOR COMPETENT GENERAL work on farm; house new, every convenience; family small; good references required. 4713, WANTED—TWO GIRLS TO WORK IN FAC- tory; exoerienced help preferred. Apply at once. Columbia Shade Cloth Co., 731 Henne- pin' av^ LADIES—LEARN A GOOD TRADE AND BE independent. We teach halrdressing. manicur- ing, massage. Moler College, 221 2d av S, city. WANTED—GIRL FOR GENERAL H0USE- work, light work, good wages, no objection to i.ew comer T. C. 7206 or call 2441 Elliot av. BUY YOUR TRUNKS AT THE BIJOU TRUNK factory; old ones taken in exchange. 14 Wash- ington av N. Win. Lorenz. Both phones. Female. RATE UNDER THIS CLASSIFICATION, V?c A word; no ad less than 10c daily: 20 words or less, one week, 60c. HAVE $2,500 STOCK CLOTHING AND MEN'S furnishing goods to trade for cheap land of equal value, or might put in other collateral on larger tract; want clear land. Address 5149, Journal. CLEARANCE SALE—REAL ESTATE MEN, house owners, painters,, take notice; two car- loads of wall paper, latest patterns, about half price; as good paints as you ever bought for $1 50, while these last, $1 a gallon, slash- ing in price of varnishes, brushes practically one-half; lead and oil at reduction; $10,000 stock must be closed out before July 1; con- tracts for painting, papering at lowest figures. The White Store, 1821 Riverside av. R. J. Ness. WANTED—PARTIES LEAVING THE CITY TO get our cut rates on household goods to Chi- cago, Denver. Spokane, Pacific coast terminals and tributary points. For the best of service and the lowest possible rates, write or call on The Boyd Transfer & Storage Co., 46 8d st S. THE PLACE TO BUY YOUR NEW AND SEC- ond-hand office, store, bank, restaurant, con- fectionery fixtures; also safes, desks, tables, cash registers, mirrors, wallcases, showcases, counters, shslving, scales, etc. Before buj- ing, examine the largest stock in the north- west, ©on't forget the place. Twin City Fixture Co., 223 3d St S. HEADQUARTERS FOR NEW AND SEC0ND- hand fixtures, office, store, bank, counters, shelving, wallcafees, showcases, safes, desks, cash registers, complete restaurant, cigar, baker and confectionery outfits; ice boxes and refrigerators, all sizes; furniture and stoves. Mltby & La Due, 1027 Washington av S. PIANOS—BARGAINS: VERY FINE HENRY F. Miller piano; beautiful walnut case, $200; two Brlnkerhoff pianos, $215, $240, Dunham piano, $90; Emerson piano, $185; two Behning pianos, $200, $295; McPhail piano, $290; easy terms of $5, $6, $7, $8 and $10 a month. Fos- ter & Waldo, 86 5th st S, corner Nicollet av. CEMENT BLOCK MACHINE. Buy the I. X. L. Cement Block Machines, the best in the market today for the money. Write tor circulars and price list. Room B, Metropolitan Life building, Minneapolis, Minn. \ Mention this paper. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR GOOD SECOND- hand clothing and furs. Telephone Nicollet 415-J; will call. Wm. Weisman's Loan Of- fice, 224 Washington av S. TOWN MARKET PAYS HIGHEST CASH prices for second-hand household goods and office furniture. 417-419 Washington av S. T. C. 2817. SELLAHOUSEHOLD GOODS TO LINDAHL ft Diegre; highest prices paid. 405 Washing- ton av S. Phone Main 1815 L2. EAST SIDE MARKET—CASH PRICES FOR second-hand furniture. 106 Central av. T. C. 16737. BOOKS PURCHASED FOR CASH IN SMALL quantities or whole libraries. 605 1st av S. ^JLOSJ^FOJJND^REWARD^ LOST—ON WASHBURN - PARK CAR SATUR- day afternoon, silk umbrella, silver handle engraved "K" on end. Return 416 Masonic Temple or 2804 Chicago av for reward. IT IS EASY TO PAY ALL THOSE LITTLE, annoying and troublesome debts on the install- ment plan. Barrow money. Chattel mortgage loan* On furniture, pianos, horses. Wagons, warehouse receipts, etc. ^ Lowest and best rates. Minneapolis Financial Co.. 406-408 New York Life Building. Telephone N. W. Main 409 L2. T. C 8081 ARE YOU LOOKING For a Friend To Loan You Money T We loan on furniture, pianos, salaried horses, wagons, etc. Low rates, easy terms. Open Monday and Saturday till 9 p.m. Call, write or telephone—N. W. Main 1770b Twin City 9378. Minneapolis Loan Co., 601-602 Globe Bldg.. 22 4th at 8. SOMETHING NEW IN SELLING farm lands will appear in our large advertise- ment in Sunday's Journal. Be sure and real them. v Franklin Benner Land Co., 503 Bank of Commerce Bldg. MONEY SUPPLIED SALARIED PEOPLE, £S> tail merchants, teamsters, boarding hoBsea, without security; offices in 56 principal cities. _D._H. Tolman, 020 New York Life building. FOR SALE—CHOICE MINNESOTA FARM mortgages to net investors 6 to 6ft per cent, amply secured. Call or address J. D. Uten- dorfer, Minnesota National benk, MinneapotU. LOST—FRIDAY, BY YOUNG LADY, A GOLD locket, in pocketbook given by her mother as a remembrance; also some change. Return •for reward to 617 Masonic Temple. MONEY ALWAYS ON HAND TO LOAN UFO* real estate; no delay In securing answer, or in closing deal. Also building loans, lowest _rates. ThorpejBros., Andrusbuilding. $5,000 CASH TO INVEST BY EXPERIENCED business man, who desires to take active part in management. Give full particulars in let- ter^Address 5004, Journal. LOST—A BLACK AND WHITE COW AT South Park, near South St. Paul, Monday noon. Reward is oflered for return of cow to Bartl Danek. South Park, Minn. REWARD FOR ANY INFORMATION CON- cerning a white buU terrier, female, 1906 tag No. 52, ears clipped, return to 2500 Jackson St NE. N. W. E 631-L. WE TRUST EVERYBODY—EASY PAYMENTS; LOST—BROOCH CENTER SMALL DIAMOND, billiard tables, bar fixtures, bowling alleys; cheapest prices; our salesmen work on a salary; in dealing with us you do not hare to pay commissions or middlemen's profits. The Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co., Minne- apolis, Minn. SWEET PEAS, 60 NAMED VARIETIES; NAS- turtium seeds, garden seeds; pamphlet, "Flow- era from Seeds," free. Erior Seed Co., Prior Seed Building, Corner 7th St and 8d Av S. SOMETHING NEW IN SELLING farm lands will appear in our large advertise- ment in Sunday's Journal. Be sure and read them. Franklin Benner Land Co., 503 Bank of Commerce Bldg. WE WILL BUY OR SELL A BUSINESS, CITY realty, faim lands, commercial papers or ac- counts, collect accounts, rent or Insure your property. Northern Investment Co., 785 Tem- nle Cout. DRY GOODS STORE—BEST FACTORY SEC- tlon city of 25,000. Fine ihance to add men's clothing. Ill health cause of selling. Stock Invoice about $3,000. 815 W 5th st, Winona, _Mlnn. ^ 1 FOR~ SALE OR TRADE. GRIST MILL PROP- erty (water power). 20 acres timber land, house, or would sell part" interest. Address I. S. A., P. 0. Box 20, Beaver Falls, Minn. PHYSICIAN—EXCELLENT LOCATION, THRIV- iug village, fine farming country; chance for drug store In connection"; small capital re- qulred. Address 5166, Journal. FOR SALE AT BIG DISCOUNTS-STOCK OF fancy goods, with valuable Nicollet av lease, or will exchange with some cash for real es- tate. 423 Medical block. WANT SOME ONE TO PUT IN GENERAL store and hardware, lots free, would have to build; good trade; no competition. Address 1400 Spruce place, flat 2. A VERY FINE LARGE SIZE WALNUT CASE McPhail piano, looks like new; was $550; to close out only $235. This piano must be seen to be appreciated. S. W. Raudenbush & Co., 703 Nicollet. FOR SALE—NEW HARDWOOD REFRIGER- ators, $4.95; we can sell you new goods less than others ask for second-hand: complete housekeeping outfits a specialty. A call will convince you. Roberts Supply Co., 717 Nicol- let. FOR SALE—ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITTANICA, 81 volumes; new, cost $68; will sell for $45 cash. This is a chance of a lifetime for any one wishing this, magnificent work. For full par- ticulars address 3094, Journal. surrounded by pearls, between Elymouth and 26th av N on Lyndale or Aldrlcb. Reward. T. C. 13554. STRAYED, MAY 8, BLACK SADDLE HORSE, with leather halter and rope attached; return 167 Bedford st SE; liberal reward. G. W. Nelson. ' LOST—A LEGAL PAPER, NEAR COTTAGE City station, or in Interlachen Park, Wednes- day evening. Please return to 3800 Thomas av S. LOST—COW, RED AND WHITE, WITH NO horns, has V-shaped mark on both ears. J. B. Gagnon, 715 Washington st NE. Phone 16857. LOST—IN DAYTON'S DRY GOODS STORE, small purse containing about $8. Return to 1819 16th- av S. for reward. FOUND—FINE PAIR STEEL BOWS, READING glasses, for 35c at Hirschy's, optician, 518 Nicollet av, second floor. FOUND—BROWN AND WHITE POINTER pup; please call at 2923 California st NE or phone N. W. E 662-L. LOST—MONDAY, YELLOW ANGORA OAT. RE- turn for liberal reward to 1606 W 28th st. REFINED YOUNG WIDOW WISHES POSITION as housekeeper in respectable widower's home; fond of children and capable taking full charge of any nice home; references exchanged; an- swer, giving particulars In first letter. Box 324. Owatonna. Minn. A YOUNG LADY, WIT^ EXPERIENCE, would like a position as saleslady in a gro- cery, confectionery or department store; can furnish references. Address 5100, Journal. WANThD—SITUATION BY EXPERIENCED lady stenographer and bookkeeper, neat and accurate; speak German; salary $35 a month. Address Barbara Schabert, Wilton. N. D. COMPETENT STENOGRAPHER WANTS Posi- tion; has had five years' experience; can furnish best of references; moderate salary to start Address 4737, Journal. A YOUNG LADY WOULD LIKE POSITION IN store or office, two years' experience in office work; willing to work for small salary. Ad- diess 5218, Journal. COMPOSITOR FOR STRAIGHT MATTER, either man or woman; permanent position; f ood wages. Write at once. American, La- ota, N D WANTED—IRON WORKER AND BLA0K- smith helpers, steady work; good wages, no drinkers wanted. Black Hills Mfg. Co., Dead- wood, S. D. YOUNG LADY, EXPERIENCED IN MTLLIN- erj. for small town in Minntsota. W5 S. A. Morawetz & Co.. 500 Kasota building. LADY STENOGRAPHER AND BOOKKEEPER SITUATION WANTED—BY~~Wn>0W LADY, middle-aged, housekeeper on farm for widow- er; one with children prefened. Address Box 26, Timley, N. D. for western Minnesota; $50 to $60 Moiawetz & Co., 500 Kasota building A. WANTED—A FIRST-CLASS TINNER, WHO IS capable of doing plumbing and heating work. State salary required. Anderson Eios., Spring- field. Minn. JF YOUR TIME IS NOT FULLY TAKEN UP I have a splendid side line you can handle that is a good money-maker. Address 5126. journal. WANTED—CARPENTERS AT ONCE; GOOD wageo paid for good men, come or write to the Linton Construction Company, Linton, N. D. WANTED—A MAN THAT UNDERSTANDS \ ironing stock shirts; steady employment and good wages to right man. Address 4990, Jour- nal. WATCHES CLEANED 50c, MAINSPRINGS 50c, warranted one year; clocks repaired, called for and delivered. T.C. 9545. Dobrln, 223 Wash. N. A WANTED GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL housework: good wages; no house cleaning. __2724_HumbiJdt S. Como-Harriet car. AGENTS WANTED—LADIES TO CANVASS Minneapolis and St. Paul; big money. Chas. C. Slack, Rogers hotel, Minneapolis. COMPETENT, RELIABLE GIRL FOR GENER- ii 1 housework; no washing; housecleanlng done; wages $5. Call 1900 Irving av S. WANTED —GIRL FOR GENERAL EOUSB- work; good wages; washing and Ironing done out. Apply 8006 Bryant av S. WANTED—25 OPERATORS ON POWER MA- ehine; steady work; best of pay. Robitshek, . Fran! & Heller. 43 4th st N. EXPERIENCED HAIRDRESSER AND Ap- prentice wanted at Power's Mercantile Co., hair department, on balconj. GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK, at lake for the season; good wages. Mrs. E. N. Shelden, Excelsior. FIRST-CLASS DRESSMAKER DOES SEWING at home; prices reasonable; please call 2821 E 26th at. T. O. phone 7018. WANTED—IMMEDIATELY B Y A LADY PLAIN sewing or shirt waists or children's clothes. Call at 22 8th st S. upstairs. WANTED—TO BUY A CLEAN STOCK OF clothing or general merchandise in a good Scandinavian Minnesota town. Address Lock Box 30, Lehigh, Iowa. * Al LOCATION FOR SHORT-ORDER LUNCH counter in new town on Soo road; no compe- tition. I have suitable building for sale. Box 86. Lankln. N. D. THE 0GILVIE SENTINEL IS FOR SALE. Reasonable price. Fine opportunity. Only one other paper in county. Address Sentinel, _Ogilvle,_Mfnn : FOR SALE—CARRIAGE SHOP, WITH TOOLS and power, in Minneapolis: established ten years; good paint shop ana tools. Address 5076, Journal. WALL PAPER—WALL PAPER—ARTISTIC DE« signs, latest shades and color effects. Prices right to make early business. Painting, en- ameling and paper cleaning. Baker, 118 5th _st_S, opposite N. Y. Life bldg. ONE 6 H. P. AND" ONE 87 H. P. GASOLENE engines, one 28-foot launch, with standing top and side curtain, all in good repair and at bargains: new engines and launches, any size. Enterprise Machine Co. FOR SALE—WE WILL MAKE YOU A SUIT TO your measure, and let you have it on easy weekly and monthly payments. Your credit is good at the National Credit Tailoring Co., 802 Va 1st av S, upstairs. TYPEWRITER BARGAINS. All makes shipped for trial. Send stamp for complete Illustrated catalog and bargain list. Minnesota Typewriter Co.. 819 Henenpin av. FOR SALE—10-ROOM ROOMING HOUSE, IN best location In city, clearing $35 a month; sell cheap for. cash; reasons for selling. 320 1st av N. ^ IT YOUR TLME IS NOT FULLY TAKEN UP I have a splendid side line you can handle that is a good money-maker. Address 5126, Journal. FOR SALE—HOGSHEADS, 160 GALLONS 0A- paclty, very heavy oak cooperage, never used; will sell at one-tenth their cost. L. Whittles Cooperage Co., 716 17th av S. THREE-JOINT GALVANIZED CHIMNEY stack with revolving top; Iron kitchen sink, cistern pump. Royal Axminster rug, corduroy couch. 1700 Laurel. EUROPEAN TRAVEL THE EMPRESS LINE OF THE ATLANTIC, Canadian Pacific railway fast Atlantic service; largest, fastest and finest express steamers be- tween St. Lawrence ports and Europe; only four days from land to land. * After April 5, 1906, the company's Northwes- tern passenger office wlU be located at 282 Nicollet av (Hotel Nicollet block). Rates and Information from H. E. Lidmaa, Northwestern Passenger Agent. Telephone, T. C. 798; N. W.. Main 2616- WE OFFER OUR OWN MONEY TO LOAN Ott improved city property at lowest current rates; no delay. The Minnesota Loan ft Trust Co— 313 Nicollet av. R. D. CONE & CO.. 617 GUARANTY BLDG., have on band to loan on improved property $1,000, $1,600, $2,000. $8,500; lowest rates. WE LOAN ON CITY REAL ESTATE AT LOW* est rates; no delay. Nickels & Smith, 311 Nicollet av. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED FARMS; mortgages bought and sold. M. R. Watass. 707 Phoenix. ^^ X MAKE A SPECIALTY OF $100 TO $808 loans jon city property. Polley, 801 Andrus bldg. MONEY TO LOAN ON FARMS; MORTGAGES bought and sold. M. R. Waters, 707 Phoenix. 8 PER CENT MONEY—NO WAITING. HA1U ford Rental Agency, 310 Bank of Commercg. MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES: NO delay. Thayer ft Gale, 218 N. Y. Life bldg. $100 TO $500 TO LOAN ON REALTY OX _good naper^jaa New York Life building. PROMPT'LOANS ON MINNEAPOLIS REALTY^ C. S. Woodruff, 605 Guaranty building. MONEY TO LOAN ON APPROVES COLLATES* al. H. F. Williams, 305 N. Y. Life. LOANS AND CHATTELS WILLIAMS, 484 GUARANTY BLDG, LOANS on furniture, pianos, or any security; large loans a specialty; terms to salt borrowers. Lowest prices. STEAMSHIPS ALLAN LINE FAST MAIL AND PASSENGER service, Montreal to Liverpool, the picturesque St. Lawrence route; new fast turbine triple screw, 12,000 tons steamers. Excursion dates as follows. Virginian, May 10, Jnne 7, July 5; Victorian, May 24, June 21 and July 19. For full particulars and illustrated excursion pam- phlets write or call on O. N. Westlund, 114 3d st S, opposite postoffice. « O^RPE^OLEAN^a^UaHVO MR. ARMSTRONG IS WITH NATIONAL RU« Oo. and will call at your home, weigh your carpet and teU you cost of making into rugs. Brussels and ingrain carpets nsed. Phones, N. W., East 310; T. C. 16151. Ask for Arm- strong. CAREFUL CARPET CLEANING. Beautiful rug weaving from old carpets; best work, lowest prices. National Carpet Cleaning Co., Nicollet Island. Both phones. PARTICULAR PEOPLE, SEND YOUR OARl pets, rugs to the Mpls. Carpet Cleaning ft Bug Factory, 112 4th st N. Main 3227; T. C. 8485. BEST RUGS FROM OLD CARPETS; CARPET cleaning. Moorish Rug Co.. 1002 E Franklin. MATTRESSES MADE OVER, FURNITURE RE- paired, refiplshlng, upholstering; Twin City telephone. Berg & Smith, 1st av SE and 5th st. CUNARD LINE TO EUROPE—OLDEST LINE crossing Atlantic, Boston, New Y»>k to Queenstown, Liverpool; New i'ork to Gibral- tar, Genoa, Naples, Adriatic. Company's new office, 304 2d av S, Minneapolis. E. Carley. _ manager northwestern department. FOR SALET-A TWO-CHAIR BARBER SHOP; will sell cheap; in good location on ground floor. Inquire at R. H. Hegener's, 207 Nicol- let av. MARRIED LADY WANTS WASHING AT home by the day; good worker. Write Mrs. Johnson. 512 23d av S. A YOUNG LADY WOULD LIKE A POSITION in doctor's or dentist's office. State wages. Addiess 4041, Journal. FIRST-CLASS COLORED LAUNDRESS FOR Wednesdays and Thursdays. 2016 Cedar av. FUNERAL DIRECTORS HUME & DAVIES, FUNERAL DIRE0T0PS, MasonicTemple 6th_and H|h. Both phones. JOHN M. GLEAS0N, FUNERAL DIRECTOR and embalmer. 82 7th st S. Both phones. jr. WAEREN'ROBERTS, FUNERAL DLRECTORT 710 Hennepin av. Both phones :;2S2. keeper and typewriter, to take charge of all detail work in office. Address *4952. Journal. [WANTED—A YOUNG MAN ABOUT 20. .Waabi&gtep a v N . ICO TWO COMPETENT GIRLS AT ONCE; COOK ard second girl; no washing; good wages. Ap- __oly 2620 Portland av. A FEW LADIES"TO DO LIGHTTPROFITABLE work at home; whole or part time. Call 620% Nicollet av. Room 408. WANTED—EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR GENER- I «9« b %l^ZZ r « f fl^ n 7 o f t w o ; modern flat - Cal1 I KODAK FILM DEVELOPING AND FINISH- > »^M .Mn ..v &. nat l. Jug . done expert i V( . photographic materials; our WAITED—A SEAMSTRESS AND DRESSMAK- business established twenty years. O. H. PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES ROOMING BOUSE, 18 ROOMS, WELL-FUR- nlshed, net Income $75 month; $800, part time. The Robblns Company, 409 New York Life. SPECULATORS, TRY OUR UNEXCELLED FA- cilltles for trading in grain and stocks. C. L. Bauman Co., 222-225 Century. Both phones. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR LAND. GOOD 100-barrel steam flour mill in South Dakota. For particulars address 4677, Journal. WOOD. DRY, $2.50, $8.75; FACTORY.WOOD, $2.50; coal, $5 and $5.75. Plymouth Lumber Co., 237 Hennepin. Main 3846 LI. T. C. 2807. FOR BALE—TWO BILLIARD AND ONE POOL table in good condition. Inquire for good open* ing for billiard hall. Address 3901, Journal. AWNINGS, TENTS. FLAGS. 'American Tent & Awning Co., 807-309-311 Wash, av N, Mpls.,' Minn. USED UPRIGHT PIANO, KIMBALL, $86; EM* erson, $100; Sterling, $125. M. Schulz Co., wholesale warerooms, 716-18 1st av S. WANTED—YOU TO BRING TJ8 YOUR CAM* era, music box or phonograph to be repaired. __0._K. Repair Co. ,_410%_2d ay_ S. FOR SALE—FINE DRESS SUIT, SIZE ABOUT 37; never been worn but four times; will sell cheap. Address 5003, Journal. FOR SALE—R0WB0AT8 AND OARS, AND Cushman motors. White Boat Co., 202 Nicol let av and 203 Hennepin av. FOR SALE—FINE DRESS SUIT, SIZE ABOUT 37; never been worn but four times; will sell cheap. Address 5003, Journal. CATBOAT FOR SALE, IN GOOD ORDER, AND with new sails. E. H. Hobe, New York Life building, St. - Paul. WANTED TO EXCHANGE—A DOUBLE STORE, two-story brick building, in a Wisconsin town or 1,200 inhabitants, 30 miles from St. Paul; will trade for antomobile, or what have you? Address Box 512, Hastings, Minn. TO EXCHANGE—OSTEOPATHIC AND MAS- Bage treatments for upright piano, music les- sons, tailoring, fuel, groceries or anything I can use; all diseases successfully treated. Ad- dress 4204, Journal. A STEAM FEATHER RENOVATING WAGON. as I am occupied with other business. I can be reached at 823 5th av S. er at *3 8th s t 8 . Peck Co., 112 6th a t S . BLACKSMITH SHOP FOR RENT, IN FIRST- class farming community; also house If de- sired. CD. Thompson, Veg, S. D. FOR BALE,, BY OWNER—A~SASH AND DOOR factory, located In the city, doing a paying business. Address 3763. Journal; WANTED TO BUY {INLY NEWSPAPER I N A town where there if! opening for land and loan business.- Address 4811,' Journal. STENOGRAPHER, OWNING TYPEWRITER, wishes piece work; work called for and de- llvered. Address 5113, Journal. WILL SELL FIVE SHARES OF STOCK IN State Institution for Savings for $550 cash. Lock Box 619, Owatonna, Minn. _ FOR 8ALE—BUTCHER" SHOP; GOOD LOCA- tion; doing good business. 705 Marshall st NE. WE~0Alr"SELL YOUR" PROPERTY.. MoCABB FOR SALE CHEAP—8-FOOT COUNTER AND 4 Co.* 108 Bostojft Block. '•'*« ' 8-foot showcase. 2600 Bloomington ST* HOTELS^ RICHMOND HOTEL, Corner Otb and Nicollet Av, American and European Plan. For the money, one of the best hotels in the city. American, per day, $1.50 to $2. By the week, $7 to $10.60. European plan. 60c to $1. By the week, $3 to $5._ HOTEL ALLEN. 3d ST AND 2d AV S; ONLY hotel in the city having all outside rooms. Rates 7;e. 81. $1.50. slnzle , BOARD AND ROOMS Offered. HOTEL SAN ANGELO. SUITS WITH BATHS, single rooms, with or without board; elevator service. 1221 Nicollet av. Beth phones. LOOK AT THIS—Best table hoard, 88.80 pea week; a trial will convlnco you. The Me* Gulpin Dining Parlors, 108 _7th_et S. _ HOTEL _ VAN~EYCEraULET FAMILY HOME! modern, best of table board. 1224 Nicollet av. F0R~~RENT—WITH BOARD. ONE BLOCS from public library. 1022 Hawthorn av. BOARD AND ROOMS Wanted. WANTED—BY AN ELDERLY LADY, ROOM and board in' private family, modern house, near car line. Address &094, Journal. WANTED—BY YOUNG MAN, A FTTRNXSHKBr- room and breakfast; must be in private fam- ily. Address 5140, Journal. FLORISTS o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o * o FLOWERS, PLANTS AND FLORAL o o DESIGNS. o o Flowers, plants and floral designs for • o all occasions can be obtained at popular o o prices in our new. Up-to-date Floral De- o o partment that has been recently estab- o o lished In our big store. o California Fruit Store, 1st av S and 6th. o o o o o o o o o o o_o_o o & o o © NEW YORK - FLORISTS. 7 WASH. AV S; feather and cut flowers and plants: floral de-, signs tor all occasions. T. C phone 1728. - GAS STOVES—WHY BUY CHEAP GOODS when you can buy good for less? Brand Stove Co., 330 4th av S. * STOVES—SPECIAL BARGAINS IN STEEL ranges for the next few days. Brand Stove Co., 330^4th av $. STOVES—SPECIAL BARGAINS IN STEEL ranges for the next few days. Brand Stove Co., 330 4th av S. STORM SASH AND CARPEN* TER WORK T. B. COOK. CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER, plans and estimates furnished, satisfaction guaranteed. Your orders solicited. Houses built on monthly payments. 1314 Queen av N. T. C. phone 1375!). J, G. MOLDAN. CARPENTER AND JOBBER, 2115 2d st N; phoue, T. C. 14460. I make specialty of all kinds of repairing. - < ^YEragj^ND^CLBANrarQ^ TWIN CITY DYE WORKS, THE LEADING Frencb dry cleaners for ladles' and germ' clothing and all household goods. 818 Nicollet. STERLING DYE HOUSE—French Dry CleaaiSMr, 602 4th av 8. T. C. 9332; N- W. S. 440 JS. DETECTIVE AGENCIES ~^~ MeNULTY~l»ETECTlVE^Affi^ 8©rvtc3, nnequaled facilities, reasonable rates; references,police headquarters. 210 Kasot* MkW ' * *->l) .411 \i. : ^M^^ifyfr rfWri-ii Deffective Page

h b F^TSSS^-OITBILTI^^ WANT ADSchroniclingamerica.loc.gov › lccn › sn83045366 › 1906-05-04 › ed-1 › s… · WANTED—FOR ~u7 S."' ARMY; ABLE-BODIED, unmarried men, between

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Page 1: h b F^TSSS^-OITBILTI^^ WANT ADSchroniclingamerica.loc.gov › lccn › sn83045366 › 1906-05-04 › ed-1 › s… · WANTED—FOR ~u7 S."' ARMY; ABLE-BODIED, unmarried men, between

^ ^ * I ^ « * ^ H ^ 4 ^ |

"i " - i * * 3 ' "• "Q. ̂ v - * i^y j». k'i»Jf,-i*"" jwjp

" WSL' ' ' " ' ~" ~ ~"; 7 ~* - « » < l w a # n - * g m * i a ^ ^ nimiriMiMih'ini "i <msirmiiWri>iflHlilltfiilliiiiiiii»u}.1i«)«iii<1iiiiiMli,ri

22 v ̂ PP^^^^^^^I Friday ^'Evening, THE MINNEAPOLIS' jouRtiAt;f May 4, 1906.

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CREDIT—CREDIT—CREDIT, o

Why wat t t i l l j o u get the cash to pay o for a new spring suit . We sel l a t s p o t o cash prices, but "your credit i s good" o jus t the same. Come and look at our $10, o $12, $13.50, $16, $16, $18 suits . o

Same liberal credit to all . $1 per week, o Crotty's, • o

814-816 Nicol let Av, Minneapolis, Minn, o O O O o o o o o o o o o o

A E D I T O R - P R I N T E R WANTED—MUST B E CAP-;,>>• able of taking full charge and doing the work 9 of a country newspaper and job office; the

s r ight man can buy a half or whole interest on easy terms, but this is not necessary to secure posit ion; do not want a boozer, and married man preferred. Address, s tat ing sal-

*. ary expected, and whether or not you desire an interest . Gilpin, Osseo, Wis .

AGENTS—TAKE ORDERS, SAN FRANCISCO Calamity and Mount Vesuvius Horror.. Only authentic work. Two books in one. Sell $1.50. Highest commissions. —Agents making

- $10 to $20 per day. Only concern in twin cit­ies controlling a book that sel ls . Free outfit. Send 10c to cover cost of mail ing. The National Publishing Co., 254 Hennepin av, Minneapolis

"BAN FRANCISCO"—YOU CAN GET BOORS to fill jour orders for the San FranciBCo his­tory at Minneapolis, as a stock wi l l be car­ried there so as to save t ime. If you have not received your outfit, wri te for one free, a t once, and get right to work, remember the name and number. Creore & Nickel son Home

_ Furnishing Co., 221 Nicol let av, Minneapolis ACCIDENT LIFE INSURANCE AGENTS AT-

tentlon—It wi l l pay you to carry the supplies of the Old True and Tried, Northern Accident company, Detroit; good territory thruout the northwest; best policies, best coninilsslonb. J . L. Owens, manager northwestern depart­

ment, 308-309 Andrus building, Minneapolis.

WANTED—FOR ~ u 7 S."' ARMY; ABLE-BODIED, unmarried men, between ages of 21 and 85. cit izens of United States of good cha iac t t i and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write English. For information apply to He-erulttng Officer, Phoenix building or Com­mercial Hotel . St. Paul, or 824 1st av S, Min­neapolis, Minn.

W A N T E D — R E L I A B L E , INTELLIGENT MAN to take interest in established office business w i t h services; small capital required; $800 to $500; unnecessary to answer unless j o u have the required amount, aB this is an excellent opportunity and wi l l bear closest investigation. P . 0 . Box 3S6, Minneapolis.

WANTED—COMPETENT MAN TO R E P R E S E N T th<L popular savings, t.eini annual interest bear­ing bonds of the American Reservo Bond Co., In Minnesota and Xoith Dakota , largest bond company in the world; bijt income to good man; cal l or write . Earl &, Helnen, managers , 401 N. W. building, Minneapolis. _ _ _ _ _

1 E A R N COMMERCIAL, V I E W AND FLASH-l ight photogiaphy, a pleasant, profitable pro­fession, paying $25 per week and upward; po­si t ions guaranteed in 60 days; tuition $25; salary after 30 days. Apply B. K. Jones, T. C. Photo Co., Room 8a, 221 2d av 9,

WANTED—FOR T H E U. 6. MARINE CORPS, men between ages 21 and 86, An opportunity to see the world. For full information apply i n person or by letter to Marine Recruiting Office, 89-41 Washington av S, Minneapolis, Minn., or 187 B 8d at, St. Paul. Minn,

SOMETHING N E W I N SELLING farm lands wi l l appeal in our large advertise-, ment in Sunday's Journal. Be sure and read them.

Franklin Bender Land Co., 503 Bank of Commerce Bldg,

A MARRIED MAN W I T H GENERAL <XN0WL edge of machinery and who can furnish good le t ters of recommendation, who is capable of taking charge of sewing machines. State the amount of wages expected. Address 6184, Journal.

o WANTED—BOYS ABOUT 14 Y E A R S OF o age to run cash. Permanent position for o o capable boys. ° o John W. Thomas & Co. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o W _ T n i ^ O H E E X P E R I E N C E D SPECIALTY

' sa lesmen for the city of Minneapolis and west ­ern part of Wisconsin, also one expeiienced pro-vision salesman foi Minneapolis, also th iee experienced traveling salesmen. Address at once. V. 741, Journal, St Paul, M u m


TEACHERS W A N T E D — E X P E R I E N C E D A N D inexperienced; if you wish a position, addrebS wi th stamp, Supt. H, B. Collin, Eureka, S. D.

E X P E R I E N C E D A D A N D JOB P R I N T E R ; s tate wages wanted in first l e t ter; steady

^pos i t ion to_right man. Times, Oakes, N. D.

WILL SELL CONTRACT~TO~LEARN~ B A R B E R trade and massage very cheap; cannot attend school on account of sickness. 5128, Journal.

"DESTRUCTION OF SAN FRANCISCO''—BEST book; large profits; act quick; sample free.

_ G l o b e Ccmpany, 723 Chestnut s t , Philadelphia. WANTED^-TWO GOOD LATHERS, ALSO

swi f t circular distributors. Call after 8:80 p.m. a t 811 27th . av NB. Phone B 262 J.

W A N T E D — A RELIABLE SHOEMAKER MAY secure permanent employment at E D. Gow-

_ a r d ' s shoe and harness Btore, Aitkin, Minn.

W A N T E D — M E N " A T _ O " N C F T TO SELL MAPS of Minnesota In city and outside: new maps and new methods. Address 4678, Journal.

SHOES RESOLED I N 15 MINUTES; BEST OAK soles, sewed, 75c; nailed, 50c; rubber heels. 4oc; S. T. Sorensen, 314 Nicollet av .

B U S Y B E E SHOE R E P A I R SHOP, 13 4th ST SE, near Central; best oak soles, sewed, 75c; nailed, 50@65c, rubber heels, 40®50c .

COMPETENT BOOKKEEPER FOR GENERAL store in northern Minnesota, $50 to start. S. A, Morawetz & Co., 500 Kasota building.

W A N T E D — E X P E R I E N C E D LAND MAN; NONE others need apply. References required. Ap­ply Klein & Pauntz. 86-38 6th at S.

ONE GOOD COATMAKER AT ONCE; STEADY work; good pay. Inquire by fetter to C. J. Erlekson, Eveleth, Minn., Box 70.


about taking care of child | good pay. Ad­dress 5181, Journal.

DINING ~ R 0 0 M _ G I R L 7 _ C H . A M B E R ~ M A I D A N D dishwasher, a t Clinton hotel, a t once. 4th av S and Grant s t .

GAS STOVES—FINEST LINE I N OITYj prices low; see us before buying. Brand Stove Co., 380 4th av S.


housework; good place, good pay. let , second floor.

400 Nlcol-

WANTED—COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL housework; family of four; no children. Call 422 Otb at SB.

WANTED—TWO GIRLS room, 402 Delaware at ! House modem.

TO BOARD A N D B, a pleasant home.

A N E X P E R I E N C E D W A I T R E S S FOR DINING room work, $18 a month and room and board. 500 10th s t s .

W A N T E D — A COMPETENT GIRL FOR GEN-eral housework; good wages . Call at 720 10th av SB.

W A N T E D — TWO SCRUBWOMEN TO DO cleaning. New pavilion, Minnehaha Fal ls . Call a t once.

W A N T E D — TWO GIRLS TO ROOM A N D board wi th plain family, a t 2805 Blaisdel l av S.

WANTED—GIRL FOR COOKING AND GENER. al housework; no laundry work. 1816 Colfax av S

WANTED—ALL «LR0UND GOOD TAILOR, good w a g e s and steady job guaranteed by C. Kd Gnauck, Oakes, N._D. Box 138.

WANTED—BOYS 16~TO 18 Y E A R S OF AGE, Apply 8 a.m prepared to work. Hardwood

_ Mfg. Co., 3d a v a n d 1st s t S. WANTED^-YOUNG MAN TO OPERATE PA"S-

senger elevator Saturdays. Apply to Mr. Wood, D a j t o n Dry Goods Co.

W A N T E D — F R E I G H T HANDLERS, MINNEflO-ta Transfer, s teady work. Minnesota Trans­fer Rai lway Co., Midway.

WANTED—SETTER FOR B A N D SAW OAR-riage , going wages . Apply David Tozer Com­pany, St i l lwater, Minn.

WANTED—GOOD LABORERS AROUND SAW-mill and in quarries. Kett le River Quarries Co , Sandstone, Minn.

W A N T E D — P A P E R H A N G E R S W I T H E X P E R I -ence in high class work. J. A, Clow & Co., 806 Nicol let av.

W A N T E D - ^ . GOOD SAND P A I N T E R , GOOD wages and steady job. Address V. 366, Jour­nal, St. Paul .

WANTED—30 NON-UNION HOLDERS A I Washington Foundry & Machine Works, St. Paul, Minn.

W A N T E D — E X P E R I E N C E D WAITER,"} NONE others need apply. The Mercantile, 246 Hen­nepin av.

WANTED—60 MEN, $1.86 P E R D A Y ; 86 FOR 26th av S and 25th s t ; 25 for 4 th st SE and 14th av.

F I V E B R I G H T BOYS FOR WHOLESALE houses. S. A. Morawetz & Co., 500 Kasota building.

W A N T E D — A GOOD H A R N E S S MAKER A T once at Barrett & Zimmerman's Midway Horse Market.

W A N T E D — S T U D E N T TO WORK F E W HOURS for board whi le attending col lege. 609 2d av N.

W A N T E D — E X P E R I E N C E D P A N T S P R E S S E R at Edelman's Pants Factory, 109 Washington av N .

GIRL W A N T E D TO WORK I N FACTORY. A P -ply to foreman. McClellan Paper Co., 245 1st av S.

WANTED—TWO E X P E R I E N C E D CHAMBER*, maids a t Hotel Glenwood. 9 Washington av N.

-~-^H5Sffi5&JgHAN^S_^ G. A, H U N T LUMBER 0 0 . , OAPITALIZA-

tlon $50,000; shares, $100; payments $25 per share with application; balance in three monthly instal lments of $25 each; no pro­motion stock; only l imited number shares to be sold; wi l l earn over 60 per cent per an­num; safe , solid Investment; send applica­tions to Bank Montreal, l teglna. Write us for printed prospectus. Responsible solicitor wanted to sell shares. G. A, Hunt Lumber Co., Kitchener, B. C. _ ~ h $b

W e have hundred mill ion fee t timber and need capital, i f you can Bell our stock, write us. Good commission; permanent position, $100 mouth, to competent bookkeeper. Hunt Lumber Co., Kitchener, B. C.


sell cheap for cash if taken a t once. Address Box 117,_Beltraml, Miun._

WANTED—TO B U Y CONFECTIONERY STORED or wil l rent building for same. Address 928 Phoenix building.

1 3 - R 0 0 M HOUSE, ELEGANTLY F U R N I 8 H E D , on University av SE, near s ta te university; choice location; this is a fashionable room­ing and boarding house, and has to be seen to be appreciated; monthly income about $400; present owners in place s ix years. If you want a snap, look this up. We mean business.

15-room rooming house, ful l of roomers the year round, and one of the best locations; this place has to be sold as the la«y that owns i t now is s ickly and must sel l out; wi l l consider trade for improved real es tate . Nicol let Real Etate , Rental & Adjustment Co.,

* 504 Century Building.

YOUNG GIRL FOR LIGHT HOUSEWORK I N modern 4-room flat. 1701 Hawthorn av.

GOOD COOK A N D SECOND GIRL W A N T E D AT once. 1710 3d av S, reference necessary.

W A N T E D — A N E X P E R I E N C E D W A I T R E S S A T Creamery Lunchroom, 426 Hennepin av.

W A N T E D — G I R L ~ F 0 R GENER A L ~ HOUSE* work. Apply 2221 Fremont av N.

W A N 1 E D — GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE-_ work, no washing. S321 2d av S.

W A N T E D — G I R L _ T 0 ~ A S 8 I S T ~ W I T H GENERAL housework a t 325 E Franklin av.

D A I N T Y NOON LUNCHES At Miss Crozler's, 115 7th s t S.

GIRLS W A N T E D . A. D. CAMPBELL SHADE & Awning Co., 211 Hennepin.

W A N T E D — H E L P E R S ON SKIRTS. Miss McGahn. 21 9ta s t S.


W A N T E D — E X P E R I E N C E D CHAMBERMAID. Golden West Hotel .


R A T E UNDER T H IS CLASSIFICATION. Vie A word; no ad less than 10c dally, 20 words or less one week, 60c.

YOUNG MAN, W I T H T E N YEARS* E X P E R I -ence as office man, bookkeeper, cashier, e tc . , desires a position wi th some good business firm where there is a chance to become an active partner in the future; can furnish the best of references as to character and abil­i ty from past and present employers; wi l l start a t a salary of $65 per month, i f there is a good chance for advancement. Address 6572, Journal.

W A N T E D — B O Y TO WORK I N B A K E R Y ; board and room furnished. 712 Hennepin av.

DON'T RESIGN UNTIL YOU H A V E ANOTHER position in s ight , capable salesmen executive, Clerical and technical men use our. service to keep in l ine wi th oppoitunities for advance-ment. Write us todaj . Hupgooda, JJ13 Nicol let

W A N T E D — W E W I L L MAKE YOU A SUIT OF clothes to jour measure and let >ou have i t and pay us" on easy weekl j or monthly paj -uients. Your credit is good at the National

\Credit Tailoring Co., 302%_1 at av S, upstairs.

100,000 FLUitfBERS, PLABTSRKRS, BRICX-;> > layers wanted for San Francisco, we pie-3 -.*** pare you in few weeks , union card guar­

anteed. Tree catalogue. Co>ne Bios . Schools. New Yoik. Chicago. St. Louis,

WANTED—TWO MEN FOR FARM WORK, 22 miles from ci ty . Call 620 Lake s t . Phone 6864.

W A N T BOY, ABOUT 16 Y E A R S OF AGE, FOR office work. Call 400 Commercial building.

TWO CLERKS FOR northern Minnesota.

LUMBER CAMPS I N Address 5216, Journal.

WANTED—FIRST-CLASS S H A P E R MAN. Aaron Calrlson, 15th av NB, near Central.

BOYS W A N T E D AT MINNEAPOLIS STEEL & Maehinery_Co.. 28th j i t and Minnehaha av.

WATCHES CLEANED, ?l~;~MAINSPRINGSr?l~s warranted one year. Pacgel 's , 22 8d s t S.



W A N T E D — M E N TO WORK ON BRICKYARD. M Anderson Brick Co , 706 Oneida Block.

W A N T E D - A N E R R A N D University of Minnesota.

BOY. L I B R A R Y , Call a t once.

WANTED—TROUSER A N D VEST MAKERS at once. 47 6th st S. Thos. P. Pease.

PLUMBER -DESIRES STEADY POSITION I N town of 2,000 or 3,000 inhabitants , or smaller town, where water sys tem has just been in­sta l led; sober and reliable; references. Ad­dress M. L. Hoi brook, 107 3d s t S, Marshall-town, Iowa.

MARCONI W I R E L E S S TELEGRAPH STOCK— I have a block of this valuable stock for sale. Can save you some money. Price Is advancing. You can never g e t this stosk again at the price I w*lll name. Twenty shares wi l l make you rich in a f ew years. Call on or address W. P . Butler, 309 Bank of Com­merce.

DO NOT W A S T E YOUR TIME TRYING TO sel l your g r o c e r y , , confectionery, rooming houses or real e s ta te ; we wil l do that for you; w e have customers wai t ing for good loca­tions. Try us . W e sell for others. Why not you? Nicollet Real Estate , Rental & Ad­justment Co., 504 Century.

W H A T H A V E YOU TO EXCHANGE FOR GOOD improved 160-acre farm, Pine county, and $5,000 stock in good running brewery? Can give good salaried posit ion to party buying these stocks. Wi l l trade one or both; prefer stock merchandise or good farm lands of equal value. 5200, Journal.

FOR SALE—$25,000 STOCK D R Y GOODS, N o ­tions, clothing, furnishings, boots and shoes, in town of 10,000 people, in northern Minne­sota; an old established business; good loca t ion; town cannot help but improve on ac­count of mines. Flakne Land Co., 702 Guar anty Loan.

FOR" SALE~OR WOULD RENT—STORE B U I L D , ing wi th grocery store and five-room flat above; everything new; hardwood floors, good

• wel l ; water in street. Owner leaving the c i ty . 3801 31st av S. Look a t this and come and see me. A. W. Carlton, N e w York Life building.

LAUDERDALE CO., TEMPLE COURT, have 3 years ' established wood and coal busi­ness , w i th all orders for the summer, and good wi l l of the company, w i th bill-of-sale of office building and ground rent cheap: $125 if taken a t once. On 20th av N.

F^TSSS^-OITBILTI^^ orlng Co., 304 1st av S, wi l l have a great Half Price Sale of undelivered, line tailor-made spring Buits. The biggest bargain ever offered in high-grade tailoring is in this l ist below. Head i t over carefully, look for yottr size. See the material and the regular price and the cut price. I t wi l l cost you nothing to come and see if we can fit you.

Regular Cut Size. Spring Materials. Frice. Price.

87. Check Scotch Tweed $20.00 $10.00 88. Dark Brown Worsted 25.00 12.50 89. Fancy Scotch Tweed 26.00 18.00 40. Silk Mixture Worsted 30.00 16.00

^ 4 0 . Salt and Pepper Goods 25.00 12.50 42. Olive Brown (very s w e l l ) . . . 80.00 lt>.00 88. Dark Gray Tweed 24.00 12.00 40. Light Gray Tweed 28-.00 14.00 42. Light Gray Tweed 27.00 18.50 38. Scotch Homespun 80.00 16.00

*39. Newes t Gray Worsted 35.00 17.50 40. Gray Herringbone 25.00 12.50 36. Gray Plaid Worsted 20.00 10.00 36. Scotch Plaid 28.00 14.00 40. English Serge 30.00 15.00 39. Scotch Plaid 26.00 13.00 38. English Gray 28.00 14.00

•37. Black and White Birdseye Worsted 30.00 15.00

87. English Plain Worsted 32.00 16.00 35. Black Unfinished W o r s t e d . . 30.00 15.00 40. Stripe Worsted 32.00 16.00 40. Scotch Herringbone 25.00 12.50 40. Worsted Herringbone 20.00 10.00 41. Dark Brown Unfinished Wor­

sted 30 00 15.00 87. Steel Gray Worsted 30.00 15.00 42. Birdseye Wois ted 35.00 17.50 39. Dark Blue Unfinished Wor­

sted 30.00 15.00 Deshed alterations wi l l be made without

additional charge. Rush Tailoring Co., 304 1st av S, opposite postoffice.

:•••.. •••«

•••••• • • • •


•••••• §••••*


;•••* •••••



SOMETHING N E W I N SELLING farm lands wi l l appear in our large advertise ment in Sunday's-Journal. Be sure and read them.

Franklin Benner Land Co., 503 Bank of Commerce Bldg.

YOUNG MAN W I T H TEN YEARS' E X P E R I -ence as bookkeeper, cashier, office work, e tc . , at present employed, desires to change, refer­ences furnished as to character and abil i ty. Address 6572, Journal.

STENOGRAPHER; 10 YEARS' E X P E R I E N C E , three a s court reporter, speaks German and Spanish; desires first-class position immedi­ate ly . Excel lent references. Address 5018, Journal.

YOUNG MAN JUST HONORABLY D i s ­charged from U. S. navy, after five years' service, desires position; good references as to character and abil i t ies . Address 4771, Jour­nal.

FOR SALE—STOCK OF FARM MACHINERY, wagons and buggies, building and lot, in Ward, S. D . Stock invoices $2,100; building and lot, $1,000; carload of twine sold. Orders go w i t h business. Address C. C. Warner, owner, Ward. S. D .

HARDWOOD TIMBER — 25,000 ACRES DRY land on the bank of large river; very fine t imber; w i l l cut 10,000 feet to the acre: one-third oak; best mil l proposition in the south. Price $6.25 per acre. Ti t le perfect. Ad­dress 1542, Journal. ^ ^ ^ ^

A GOOD B U S I N E S S OPENING—FOR SALE, A new and clean stock of general merchandise, invoice about $8,000, in good town and coun­try, new and modern store buildings for sale or rent; must be sold before May 20. Ad­dress 5153, Journal.

BARGAINS I N OUR Exchange Department.

Worth Price. Brewster, mahogany ,case $350 $175 Claredon, walnut, as good as new. 375 205 D. H. Baldwin, ebony case . . . . 400 165 Chase Bros., burl walnut 550 325 Armstrong, oak case : 373 265 Chase Bros. Concert Grand, ebony

case 800 250 Haddorf, mahogany 400 275 Singer, walnut case 275 140

Terms, $5 to $10 per month. Segerstrom Piano Co.,

804 Nicol let Av, Minneapolis, Minn.

o o o o o o o o p

o . T H E o o CALIFORNIA W I N E HOUSE, o o o o 209 Nicol let av. o © o o Whiskies , Brandies, Wines and Liquors o o for Family and Medical Use. o o Prompt Delivery to all parts of the City, c O O o T. O. phone 564; N. W . phone Main 564. o

FOR SALE—CENTURY GRAND, SR., CAMERA, 5x7, equipped wi th fas t lens, Wollensak and Century focal plane shutters, g iving speeds from 1 second to 1-1,000 second, portrait lens, extension table for wide angle lens, wi th sole leather carrying case; not a mark or scratch upon the outfit; wi l l be sold for $100 to first comer; cannot be duplicated in the market for less than $160; used but a f ew t imes ; splendid outfit for woman we l l advanced in amateur photography; outfit and samples of i t s work can be seen a t office of the Sport­ing Editor of The Journal.



Are advertised more extensively in The Sunday Journal than any other paper. There's a good substantial reason for it—

RESULTS TO THE ADVERTISER Insert an Ad in Sunday.'s Journal and be your own judge.

Rates are only one cent each word. N o ad taken for less than •>• • •§>

t»»»- twenty cents." Advertising accepted ove# the phone a t counter * ? ? • # • • • • - rates. Telephone either line No. 9.

• ••!•*•*: i ( i i i n i i ( i i ( i M i i i t i ; t t i t . i i n t i t t i f M i : * V* % • • • • • • • • • • > • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • « • • • • • • • • • • • • * • • • • • • »*m


UNDERWOOD T Y P E W R I T E R . NO. first-class condition, for $52 cash. 5219, Journal.

4, I N Address

FOR SALE—TWO SMALL OFFICE •> SAFES I N A l condition. Inquire at 408 N e w York Life


small payments. White, 213 5th s t S; open evenings .

85 CENTS—READING GLASSES, F I N E FAIR. Hirschy, optician, 518 Nicollet , second floor.

TYPEWRITERS—ALL MAKES; A BARGAIN; must bp sold. Blick Mfg. Co.. 605 Sykes blk.

FOR SALE—TENT, 12x21, GOOD AS N E W ; wi l l sell cheap. Call 204 Harrison s t NB.


Army Industrial Home (old City Ha l l ) , last month enabled 40 men to procure honest l iveli­hood, temporary home and subsequent return to independent cit izenship. Your a id needed. Send us telephone message to call for your old rags, clothing, carpets, furniture, crock­ery, shoes, books, magazines and newspapers. T. 0 . 2450. N . W. , 1141.


CHATTEL LOANS. Minnesota Mortgage Loan Co.,

Established 25 Y e a n . Loans.

On furniture, pianos, horses, e t e„ without the s l ightest publicity. Small or large payments , weekly or monthly, wi th privi­lege of payment on or before, thus stop­ping al l cost. Having been engaged in t t e money-lending business for the past 25 years, and wi th the large cl ientele w e have, w e are enabled to make the lowest rates and g ive the quickest possible serv­ice. Our record and reputation for t h e past 25 years insures honorable and confidential dealing to all .

Minnesota Mortgage Loan Co., 808-806 Bank of Commerce Bldg . ,

1st av S and 4 th s t . o o o o o o o o o o o o

"UMBRELLA M A K E R " W A N T S POSITION AS foreman of repair shop; ten j e a r s ' experi­ence in factory w o i k ; best of references. Address 8 . P . Gilmore, Waupun, Wis .

WANTED—WORK OF SOME K I N D AT MIN-netonka or other summer resort for the sum­mer, by young man 19 years old; best of ref­erences. Address 51S0, Journal.

W A N T E D — A N ALL ROUND UNION P R I N T E R who can handle eyjinaei piesbes, do job and ad work and makeap; come a t once; no trans portation fu imsuea; steady work for a good

>. . p n n t e i . Independent, Miuot, K _D. i X S T A U T S D S - I H S T C £ A S S ~ B A A B S X T A S O H O B ! W A N T E D — S A T U R D A Y , T H E R U S H TAILOR- , C. C. Chapman, Webster, S. D.

ing Co. 304 1st av S, wi l l close out at exact ly ! WANTED—FIRST-CLASS MACHINIST AT T H E

BUSHELMAN—GOOD W A G E S A N D STEADY employment. Call 250 Nicollet av.

W A N T E D — M A N AT ONCE; STEADY" P 0 S I -tion. Sussman. H05 Nicollet av.

W A N T E D l - A ~FIRST-"CLASS NON-UNION CAR./ penter. Call at 2918 Nicol let av.

half price all undelivered fine tailored-to me^s-^ urc s p u n g suits . Read l is t in "For Sale Mis­

cel laneous" column. _ PLUMBING SCHOOL. "

W e teach you the plumbing trade; pays best w a g e s insure* steady work, makes you independent. Write today. Plumbing School, Minneapolis, Minn.

I F T H E PERSON WHO INSERTED A N AD-vertlsement in The Journal for 200 to 50O la­boring men tor woik at Benson, Minn., wil l address 3186, Journal, he wi l l learn something to his advantage.

W A N T E D — H I G H SCHOOL STUDENT OR graduate who i s interested in a business education; an excel lent opportunity to advance to a remuuerat i \ e position. Address 4986, Journal.

WANTED—FIRST-CLASS B A R B E R AT ONCE; finest three-chair hotel shop, ground floor, in the s ta t e ; w a g e s $12.50 and half over $20 a week; s teady job. R. N. Sweet , Rochester,

_ M i n n . M A N W I T H E X P E R I E N C E I N CASUALTY,

surety bond or fire insurance can secure first-c lass position on salary or commission or both. Address wi th references, etc. , 4246, Journal.

W A N T E D ^ R E G I S T E R E D - P H A R M A C I S T A N D jeweler or a regis te ied pharmacist , also an ass i s tant registered pharmacist . Address Grand Rapids, Minn., P. 0 . Box N o . 116.

O N E - G E R J i S N A N D ~ 0 N E ENGLISH P R I N T E R ; good shop, in l ively North Dakota town, state experience, wages wanted and t ime you can

, leport for woik . Herald, Harvey, N. D. B I N D E R WANTED—SMALL OFFICE, HODER-

ate w a g e s Would prefer a man who ooulji make himself generally useful around a print-

1 ing office. Address 4483 Journal. ' A N Y INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY E A R N ' good income coriesponding for newspapers; ex­

perience unnecessary. Send for particulars. " Press Syndicate, Lockport, N. Y,

M E N CAPABLE OF E A R N E S T WORK; W E are completing oar crews for spring work; good pay to the right man. Start now. E. J. G. Reid. 76-78 7th s t S.

W A N T E D — A YOUNG MAN TO WORK I N A N engineering office, capable of assist ing wi th Instruments m field Address, w i th refer­ences, to 4966, Journal.

W A N T E D — A FIRST-CLASS SALESMAN TO handle our goods as a side l ine , gqod com­miss ion , rapid sellers. Northwestern Supply Co., Milwaukee, Wis ,

Washburn Co.. 1007 3d st S.

W A N T E D ^ 0 ~ N O N ^ U N I O N M0LDERS. 0 0 L U M -bla Heights Foundry Co.

W A N T 40 NON-UNION MOLDERS AT OMAHA. Foundry, St. Paul, Minn.

N E W YORK MILLINERY CO., PLATE GLASS corner, 30O Cedar, has the la iges t l e ta i l mll-l ineiy establishment In c i ty , our eastern con­nections enables us to sel l goods at lemarkable low prices, everything new and nobby, call and be convinced. Read New York Millinery, large le t ters on windows.

W A N T E D — L A D Y CANVASSERS FOR MME. McCabe's unbreakable side and expanding back corsets , wel l known, easily sold; active, in­tel l igent ladies can make from $25 to $40 per week; many of our agents make more. Ad­dress St. Louis Corset O o . St. Louis. Mo.

W A N T E D — A R T IST S At once, t w o apprentices to learn crayon and water color portrait work; good wages after proficient. A. L. Cedarholm, 412 Nicollet av, room 45.

POSITION W A N T E D — B Y E X P E R I E N C E D 0 F -flce man, capable of handling department of correspondence; stenographer, best of refer­ences. Address 5080, Journal.

POSITION B Y STENOGRAPHER OF TWO j e a i s ' experience; preferably in country town bank or real e s ta te office; first-class refer­ences. 4806, Journal

•srOXTNG- SCAN, 94 Y E A R S OF AGE, E X P E R I -enced"stenographer; understands books, desires permanent position; best of references. Ad-

_ d r e s s 5138, Journal. Y O U N G - M A N " W A N T S POSITION AS "OOAOH-

man in private fami ly; three years' experi­ence , can give good city references. Address 4800, Journal.

MIDDLE-AGED MAN, STEADY AND R E L l i ble, would l ike some l ight work; reference furnished; w a g e s no object. Address 4071, Journal.

SITUATION W A N T E D AS H A N D Y MAN I N machine shop, or factory; have some experi­ence in carpenter work. J. Larson, 1520 B 10th s t .

W A N T E D — A CLERICAL POSITION OF SOME kind; have had some experience on books; can g ive good references. Address 5108, Journal.

DRAUGHTSMAN, 20, GRADUATE FROM technical high school, wants position wi th architect or designer. Address 5044, Journal.

SITUATION W A N T E D B Y GENERAL OFFICE man, who understands bookkeeping thoroly and can operate t j pewrlter. Address 5007, Journal.

WANTED—YOUNG LADY TO L E A R N P H 0 -tographj and retouching, nice trade, good opportunity to learn a t once. Posit ion guar-anteed Sussman Photo Studio, 305 Nicollet.

W A N T E D — A GIRL TO ASSIST W I T H HOUSE-* work in a fully modern House; small fami ly , girl wi l l be treated as a member of the family . Call at 3124 Hennegln av.

WANTED—GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL housework, small fami ly , small house; all modern conveniences; inside half double house corner 27th at. 2651 Portland a v.

A LADY POSSESSED OF QUALIFICATIONS for a saleslady wanted; need not be experi­enced; good references necessary; hours 0 to 4. Address_5215, Journal.

W A N T E D — R E A D "OUR ^DVERTD3EMENT~~IN Male Help column; if interested, send for out­fit and begin working at once. National Publishing Company.

COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE-work; must be good cook and neat; modern house, small fami ly ; bouse cleaning done. 1321 6th at SE.

W A N T E D — Y O U N G MARRIED COUPLE TO take charge of dairy farm, y e a i l y employ­ment ; good salary, AddrebS Dr. R. Pat te i son , Barnesvi l le , Minn,

W A N T E D — A L L - A R O U N D COUNTRY P R I N T -er; good compositor; no cigaret flend or boozer w a n t e d ; pe imanent job. Address "Sent ine l ," Sanborn, Minn.


* W A N T E D — A OLARINET PLAYER A N D other reeds for best non-union band in city. Exce l lent opportunity for amateur playei . 4634, Journal.

W A N T E D — C L E R K FOR WALL P A P E R A N D paint store, must understand the businebs and furnish recommends. Canniff Co , Grand


for c i ty ; good salary to right man, permanent position, Singer Sewing Machine Co , 5J7 Hennepin av.

SALESMEN WANTED—TWO GOOD MEN TO call on the wholesale t iade of Minneapolis and St. Paul . Charles C. Slack, Rogers Hotel , Minneapolis.

GLASSES F I T T E D F R E E AT METROPOLITAN School of Optics, 310 Auditorium building, 11th s t and Nicol let av Every week day from 3 to 6 p.m.

DURING MAY CATON BUSINESS 0 0 L -lege, 253 2d av S, in the College block, ad­mits students , tuition payable after obtaining positions.

GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK; family of two; small modern house: good w a g e s ; snap for right party. Call 225 W 27 th st .

A YOUNG MAN W I T H A FAIR EDUCATION and some experience in carpenter and machine work wishes position at once. 5227, Journal.

A N E X P E R I E N C E D — H 0 U S E ~ A N D W I N D O W cleaner with leferences , do any kind of house-cleanlng. Please call T. C. 17059.

bARBJLR W A N T E D ; . STEADY JOB; GOOD vvorknian and no boozer, position in some shop. Address Box 291, Clark. S. D .

W E E K L Y N E W S P A P E R , I N LIVE TOWN I N wes t central Minnesota; circulation 900, and official paper of county; Scandinavian com­munity; wi l l consider real es tate in part pay­ment ; best of reasons for sel l ing. Address 5013, Journal.

UP-TO-DATE CONFECTIONERY A N D OIGAR store, wi th Ice cream parlor, four good l iv­ing rooms, an excel lent location and doing paying business, rent only-$16, price $550. In­vest igate . Sanford Real ty Co., 518 Guaranty Loan.

FOR SALE—THIRTY-TWO-ROOM BOARDING house, located on East Side, lots of good room­ers, $350 wi l l handle i t . Rent $60 per month. Good stable rent for $10 per month. Good rea­son for sel l ing. Address 5177, Journal.

A FIRST-CLASS PIECE OF BUSINESS PROP-erty, one-story building, ground 22x138, Istock, fixtures; everything goes for $1,500; a rare opportunity; on Chicago av, inside Lake st . La Duke & Wolff, 422 . Boston block.

WANTED—GROCERIES OR OTHER GOODS for 200 ac ies rich Red Jclver val ley land, some incumbrance; want stock about $3,000 to $3,500; wil l g ive liberal deal for good stock. Address V 393, Journal, St. Paul.

FOR SALE—BEST CORNER DRUG STORE I N the best town of 7,500 population in south­ern Minnesota; sa les of 1905, $10,000; rent low; first t ime offered for sa le ; good reasons for sel l ing. Address 3630, Journal.

B U Y MARCONI WIRELESS STOCK NOW—I have both the American and Canadian, and both wi l l advance in price wi thin the next s ix ty days. Call on me for full particulars. M. S. Vidal, 415 Andrus building.

ESTABLISHED MANUFACTURING CO, W I S H -es to incorporate; am looking for third party; would prefer to take In small established ma­chine shop; none but owners need reply. Call 897 L, or address 4875, Journal.

B A K E R Y A N D CANDY OUTFIT I N BOOMING North Dakota town, located on Soo and Great Northern roads; doing good business; wi l l sell , trade for land or rent to responsible parties. E. B . Kerns, Omemee, N . D^

BUSINESS CHANCE—SATURDAY T H E R U S H Tailoring Co., 304 1st av S, wi l l close out at exact ly half price all undelivered fine tallored-to-measure spring suits . Read l is t in "For Sale, Miscellaneous'' column.

WANTED—OUTDOOR POSITION, COLLECTING preferred, by j o u n g man with best of refer­ences Address 5055. Journal.

BUTCHER W A N T I N G A POSITION; ALL round man, wil l work in city or country. M. J. Litfln, 8004 Garfield av.

I WOULD LIKE ROUGH CARPENTER WORK or odd jobs of any kind. Address A. Nelson. 517 2d av S -

A YOUNG MAN OF 18 W A N T S OFFICE OR clerical work; references furnished. 5117, Journal.


POSITION W A N T E D B Y EXPERIENCED hotel chef, steady and sober. Address 4902, Journal.

A FIRST-CLASS LATHER W A N T S WORK; out of city pieferred. Address 4553, Journal.

A JOBBING CARPENTER WILL WORK B Y day or job 112 12th s t S. N. W. 2263-J2.

GOOD WAGES FOR COMPETENT GENERAL work on farm; house new, every convenience; family small; good references required. 4713,

WANTED—TWO GIRLS TO WORK I N FAC-tory; exoerienced help preferred. Apply at once. Columbia Shade Cloth Co., 731 Henne­pin' av^

LADIES—LEARN A GOOD TRADE A N D B E independent. W e teach halrdressing. manicur­ing, massage. Moler College, 221 2d av S, city.

WANTED—GIRL FOR GENERAL H 0 U S E -work, l ight work, good wages , no objection to i.ew comer T. C. 7206 or call 2441 Ell iot av.

B U Y YOUR T R U N K S AT T H E BIJOU T R U N K factory; old ones taken in exchange. 14 Wash­ington av N. Win. Lorenz. Both phones.


word; no ad less than 10c daily: 20 words or less , one week, 60c.

H A V E $2,500 STOCK CLOTHING A N D MEN'S furnishing goods to trade for cheap land of equal value, or might put in other collateral on larger tract; want clear land. Address 5149, Journal.

CLEARANCE SALE—REAL ESTATE MEN, house owners, painters,, take notice; two car­loads of wal l paper, la tes t patterns, about half price; as good paints as you ever bought for $1 50, while these last , $1 a gal lon, slash­ing in price of varnishes, brushes practically one-half; lead and oil a t reduction; $10,000 stock must be closed out before July 1; con­tracts for painting, papering at lowest figures. The White Store, 1821 Riverside av . R. J. Ness .

W A N T E D — P A R T I E S LEAVING T H E CITY TO get our cut rates on household goods to Chi­cago, Denver. Spokane, Pacific coast terminals and tributary points. For the best of service and the lowest possible rates, write or call on The Boyd Transfer & Storage Co., 46 8d s t S.

T H E PLACE TO B U Y YOUR N E W A N D SEC-ond-hand office, store, bank, restaurant, con­fectionery fixtures; also safes , desks, tables, cash registers, mirrors, wal lcases , showcases, counters, shslving, scales , etc . Before b u j -ing, examine the largest stock in the north­west ,

©on't forget the place. Twin City Fixture Co.,


hand fixtures, office, store, bank, counters, shelving, wallcafees, showcases, safes , desks, cash registers, complete restaurant, cigar, baker and confectionery outfits; ice boxes and refrigerators, al l s izes; furniture and stoves. Mltby & La Due, 1027 Washington av S.

PIANOS—BARGAINS: V E R Y F I N E H E N R Y F. Miller piano; beautiful walnut case, $200; two Brlnkerhoff pianos, $215, $240, Dunham piano, $90; Emerson piano, $185; two Behning pianos, $200, $295; McPhail piano, $290; easy terms of $5 , $6, $7, $8 and $10 a month. Fos­ter & Waldo, 86 5th s t S, corner Nicol let av.

CEMENT BLOCK MACHINE. Buy the I . X . L. Cement Block Machines,

the best in the market today for the money. Write tor circulars and price l is t . Room B, Metropolitan Life building, Minneapolis, Minn. \ Mention this paper.

HIGHEST PRICES P A I D FOR GOOD SECOND-hand clothing and furs. Telephone Nicol let 415-J; wil l call . Wm. Weisman's Loan Of­fice, 224 Washington av S.

TOWN MARKET P A Y S HIGHEST CASH prices for second-hand household goods and office furniture. 417-419 Washington av S. T. C. 2817.

S E L L A H O U S E H O L D GOODS TO LINDAHL ft Diegre; highest prices paid. 405 Washing­ton av S. Phone Main 1815 L2.

EAST SIDE MARKET—CASH PRICES FOR second-hand furniture. 106 Central av. T. C. 16737.

BOOKS PURCHASED FOR CASH I N SMALL quantit ies or whole libraries. 605 1st av S.


day afternoon, silk umbrella, s i lver handle engraved "K" on end. Return 416 Masonic Temple or 2804 Chicago av for reward.

IT IS EASY TO P A Y ALL THOSE LITTLE, annoying and troublesome debts on the install­ment plan.

Barrow money. Chattel mortgage loan*

On furniture, pianos, horses. Wagons, warehouse receipts , e t c . ^

Lowest and best rates . Minneapolis Financial Co..

406-408 New York Life Building. Telephone N. W. Main 409 L2. T. C 8 0 8 1

A R E YOU LOOKING For a Friend

To Loan You Money T W e loan on furniture, pianos, s a l a r i e d

horses, wagons, etc . Low rates , easy terms. Open Monday and Saturday t i l l 9 p .m. Call, wr i te or telephone—N. W . Main 1770b

Twin City 9378. Minneapolis Loan Co.,

601-602 Globe Bldg. . 22 4th at 8 . SOMETHING N E W I N SELLING

farm lands wi l l appear in our large advertise­ment in Sunday's Journal. Be sure and r e a l them. v

Franklin Benner Land Co., 503 Bank of Commerce Bldg.

MONEY SUPPLIED SALARIED PEOPLE, £ S > tail merchants, teamsters , boarding hoBsea, without securi ty; offices in 56 principal c i t i es .

_ D . _ H . Tolman, 020 N e w York Life building. FOR SALE—CHOICE MINNESOTA FARM

mortgages to net investors 6 to 6 f t per cent , amply secured. Call or address J . D. Uten-dorfer, Minnesota National benk, MinneapotU.

LOST—FRIDAY, B Y YOUNG LADY, A GOLD locket, in pocketbook given by her mother a s a remembrance; also some change. Return

•for reward to 617 Masonic Temple.

MONEY A L W A Y S ON H A N D TO LOAN U F O * real e s ta te ; no delay In securing answer, or in closing deal. Also building loans, lowest

_ r a t e s . ThorpejBros. , A n d r u s b u i l d i n g . $5,000 CASH TO INVEST B Y E X P E R I E N C E D

business man, who desires to take act ive part in management . Give full particulars in let­t e r ^ A d d r e s s 5004, Journal.

LOST—A BLACK AND W H I T E COW AT South Park, near South St. Paul, Monday noon. Reward i s oflered for return of cow to Bart l Danek. South Park, Minn.

R E W A R D FOR A N Y INFORMATION CON-cerning a white buU terrier, female, 1906 tag No. 52, ears clipped, return to 2500 Jackson St N E . N. W. E 631-L.

W E TRUST EVERYBODY—EASY P A Y M E N T S ; LOST—BROOCH CENTER SMALL DIAMOND, bill iard tables, bar fixtures, bowling a l leys ; cheapest prices; o u r salesmen work on a salary; in dealing with us you do not hare to pay commissions or middlemen's profits. The Brunswick-Balke-Collender • Co., Minne­apolis, Minn.

SWEET PEAS, 60 NAMED V A R I E T I E S ; NAS-turtium seeds, garden seeds; pamphlet, "Flow-era from Seeds ," free.

Erior Seed Co., Prior Seed Building,

Corner 7th St and 8d Av S. SOMETHING N E W I N SELLING

farm lands wi l l appear in our large advertise­ment in Sunday's Journal. Be sure and read them.

Franklin Benner Land Co., 503 Bank of Commerce Bldg.

W E W I L L B U Y OR SELL A BUSINESS, CITY realty, f a i m lands, commercial papers or ac­counts, collect accounts, rent or Insure your property. Northern Investment Co., 785 Tem-nle Cout.

D R Y GOODS STORE—BEST FACTORY SEC-tlon c i ty of 25,000. Fine ihance to add men's clothing. Il l health cause of sell ing. Stock Invoice about $3,000. 815 W 5th st , Winona,


erty (water power) . 20 acres timber land, house, or would sell part" interest . Address I. S. A., P. 0 . Box 20 , Beaver Fal ls , Minn.

PHYSICIAN—EXCELLENT LOCATION, THRIV-iug vi l lage , fine farming country; chance for drug store In connection"; small capital re-qulred. Address 5166, Journal.

FOR SALE AT BIG DISCOUNTS-STOCK OF fancy goods, w i th valuable Nicol let av lease, or wil l exchange with some cash for real es­ta te . 423 Medical block.

W A N T SOME ONE TO P U T I N GENERAL store and hardware, lots free , would have to build; good trade; no competition. Address 1400 Spruce place, flat 2.

A V E R Y F I N E LARGE SIZE W A L N U T CASE McPhail piano, looks l ike new; was $550; to close out only $235. This piano must be seen to be appreciated.

S. W. Raudenbush & Co., 703 Nicollet.

FOR SALE—NEW HARDWOOD REFRIGER-ators, $4.95; w e can sell you new goods less than others ask for second-hand: complete housekeeping outfits a specialty. A cal l wi l l convince you. Roberts Supply Co., 717 Nicol­let .

FOR SALE—ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITTANICA, 81 volumes; new, cost $68; wi l l sell for $45 cash. This i s a chance of a l i fe t ime for any one wishing this, magnificent work. For full par­ticulars address 3094, Journal.

surrounded by pearls, between Elymouth and 26th av N on Lyndale or Aldrlcb. Reward. T. C. 13554.

STRAYED, MAY 8, BLACK SADDLE HORSE, with leather halter and rope attached; return 167 Bedford s t S E ; liberal reward. G. W. Nelson. '

LOST—A LEGAL P A P E R , N E A R COTTAGE City station, or in Interlachen Park, Wednes­day evening. Please return to 3800 Thomas av S.

LOST—COW, R E D A N D W H I T E , W I T H NO horns, has V-shaped mark on both ears. J. B. Gagnon, 715 Washington s t N E . Phone 16857.

LOST—IN DAYTON'S D R Y GOODS STORE, small purse containing about $8 . Return to 1819 16th- av S. for reward.

FOUND—FINE PAIR STEEL BOWS, READING glasses , for 35c at Hirschy's, optician, 518 Nicollet av, second floor.

FOUND—BROWN A N D W H I T E POINTER pup; please call a t 2923 California st N E or phone N. W. E 662-L.

LOST—MONDAY, YELLOW ANGORA OAT. R E -turn for liberal reward to 1606 W 28th st.

R E F I N E D YOUNG WIDOW W I S H E S POSITION as housekeeper in respectable widower's home; fond of children and capable taking full charge of any nice home; references exchanged; an­swer, g iving particulars In first let ter . Box 324. Owatonna. Minn.

A YOUNG LADY, W I T ^ E X P E R I E N C E , would like a position as sales lady in a gro­cery, confectionery or department store; can furnish references. Address 5100, Journal.

WANThD—SITUATION B Y E X P E R I E N C E D lady stenographer and bookkeeper, neat and accurate; speak German; salary $35 a month. Address Barbara Schabert, Wilton. N. D.

COMPETENT STENOGRAPHER W A N T S P o s i ­t ion; has had five years' experience; can furnish best of references; moderate salary to start Address 4737, Journal.

A YOUNG LADY WOULD LIKE POSITION I N store or office, two years' experience in office work; wi l l ing to work for small salary. Ad-die s s 5218, Journal.

COMPOSITOR FOR STRAIGHT MATTER, e i ther man or woman; permanent position;

f ood w a g e s . Write a t once. American, La-ota, N D

W A N T E D — I R O N WORKER A N D BLA0K-smith helpers, steady work; good w a g e s , no drinkers wanted. Black Hi l l s Mfg. Co., Dead-wood, S. D.

YOUNG LADY, E X P E R I E N C E D I N MTLLIN-e r j . for small town in Minntsota. W5 S. A. Morawetz & Co.. 500 Kasota building.

LADY STENOGRAPHER A N D BOOKKEEPER SITUATION W A N T E D — B Y ~ ~ W n > 0 W LADY, middle-aged, housekeeper on farm for widow­er; one with children prefened . Address Box 26, Timley, N . D.

for western Minnesota; $50 to $60 Moiawetz & Co., 500 Kasota building


W A N T E D — A FIRST-CLASS TINNER, WHO IS capable of doing plumbing and heating work. S ta te salary required. Anderson Eios . , Spring­field. Minn.

JF YOUR TIME I S NOT FULLY TAKEN U P I have a splendid side line you can handle t h a t i s a good money-maker. Address 5126. journal .

W A N T E D — C A R P E N T E R S AT ONCE; GOOD wageo paid for good men , come or write to the Linton Construction Company, Linton, N . D .



ironing stock shirts ; s teady employment and good w a g e s to right man. Address 4990, Jour-nal.

W A T C H E S CLEANED 50c, MAINSPRINGS 50c, warranted one year; clocks repaired, called for and delivered. T.C. 9545. Dobrln, 223 Wash. N.


W A N T E D — GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL housework: good wages ; no house cleaning.

__2724_HumbiJdt S. Como-Harriet car. AGENTS WANTED—LADIES TO CANVASS

Minneapolis and St. Paul; big money. Chas. C. Slack, Rogers hotel, Minneapolis.

COMPETENT, RELIABLE GIRL FOR GENER-ii 1 housework; no washing; housecleanlng done; wages $5. Call 1900 Irving av S.

W A N T E D — G I R L FOR GENERAL EOUSB-work; good wages ; washing and Ironing done out. Apply 8006 Bryant av S.

WANTED—25 OPERATORS ON POWER MA-ehine; steady work; best of pay. Robitshek,

. Fran! & Heller. 43 4th st N . E X P E R I E N C E D H A I R D R E S S E R A N D A p ­

prentice wanted at Power's Mercantile Co., hair department, on ba lconj .

GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK, at lake for the season; good wages . Mrs. E. N. Shelden, Excelsior.

FIRST-CLASS DRESSMAKER DOES SEWING at home; prices reasonable; please call 2821 E 26th at . T. O. phone 7018.

WANTED—IMMEDIATELY B Y A LADY P L A I N sewing or shirt wais t s or children's c lothes. Call at 22 8th s t S. upstairs.

WANTED—TO B U Y A CLEAN STOCK OF clothing or general merchandise in a good Scandinavian Minnesota town. Address Lock Box 30, Lehigh, Iowa. *

A l LOCATION FOR SHORT-ORDER LUNCH counter in new town on Soo road; no compe­t i t ion. I have suitable building for sale. Box 86. Lankln. N. D.

T H E 0GILVIE SENTINEL IS FOR SALE. Reasonable price. Fine opportunity. Only one other paper in county. Address Sentinel,

_Og i lv l e , _Mfnn :

FOR SALE—CARRIAGE SHOP, W I T H TOOLS and power, in Minneapolis: established ten years; good paint shop ana tools. Address 5076, Journal.

WALL P A P E R — W A L L PAPER—ARTISTIC DE« signs, la tes t shades and color effects. Prices right to make early business. Painting, en­ameling and paper cleaning. Baker, 118 5th

_ s t _ S , opposite N. Y. Life bldg. ONE 6 H. P. AND" ONE 87 H . P . GASOLENE

engines, one 28-foot launch, wi th standing top and side curtain, all in good repair and at bargains: new engines and launches, any size. Enterprise Machine Co.

FOR SALE—WE WILL MAKE YOU A SUIT TO your measure, and let you have i t on easy weekly and monthly payments . Your credit i s good a t the National Credit Tailoring Co., 802 Va 1st av S, upstairs.

T Y P E W R I T E R BARGAINS. Al l makes shipped for trial. Send stamp for

complete Illustrated catalog and bargain l i s t . Minnesota Typewriter Co.. 819 Henenpin av.

FOR SALE—10-ROOM ROOMING HOUSE, I N best location In city, clearing $35 a month; sell cheap for. cash; reasons for sel l ing. 320 1st av N . ^

IT YOUR TLME IS NOT FULLY T A K E N U P I have a splendid side line you can handle that i s a good money-maker. Address 5126, Journal.

FOR SALE—HOGSHEADS, 160 GALLONS 0 A -paclty, very heavy oak cooperage, never used; wi l l sell a t one-tenth their cost. L. Whi t t l e s Cooperage Co., 716 17th av S.

THREE-JOINT GALVANIZED CHIMNEY stack w i t h revolving top; Iron kitchen sink, cistern pump. Royal Axminster rug, corduroy couch. 1700 Laurel.


Canadian Pacific railway fas t Atlantic service; largest, fas tes t and finest express steamers be­tween St . Lawrence ports and Europe; only four days from land to land. *

After April 5, 1906, the company's Northwes­tern passenger office wlU be located at 282 Nicollet av (Hotel Nicollet b lock) .

Rates and Information from H . E. Lidmaa, Northwestern Passenger Agent. Telephone, T. C. 798; N. W.. Main 2616-

W E OFFER OUR OWN MONEY TO LOAN Ott improved city property a t lowest current ra te s ; no delay. The Minnesota Loan ft Trust Co— 313 Nicollet av.

R. D . CONE & CO.. 617 GUARANTY BLDG., have on band to loan on improved property $1,000, $1,600, $2,000. $8,500; lowest rates.

W E LOAN ON CITY R E A L ESTATE A T LOW* es t rates; no delay. Nickels & Smith, 311 Nicollet av .

MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED F A R M S ; mortgages bought and sold. M. R. Watass . 707 Phoenix. ^ ^

X MAKE A SPECIALTY OF $100 TO $808 loans jon city property. Polley, 801 Andrus bldg.

MONEY TO LOAN ON FARMS; MORTGAGES bought and sold. M. R. Waters, 707 Phoenix.

8 P E R CENT MONEY—NO WAITING. HA1U ford Rental Agency, 310 Bank of Commercg.

MONEY TO LOAN A T LOWEST R A T E S : NO delay. Thayer ft Gale, 218 N. Y. Life bldg.

$100 TO $500 TO LOAN ON R E A L T Y OX _ g o o d n a p e r ^ j a a New York Life building.

PROMPT'LOANS ON MINNEAPOLIS REALTY^ C. S. Woodruff, 605 Guaranty building.

MONEY TO LOAN ON A P P R O V E S COLLATES* al . H. F . Wil l iams, 305 N. Y. Life .


on furniture, pianos, or any security; large loans a special ty; terms to s a l t borrowers. Lowest prices.


service, Montreal to Liverpool, the picturesque St. Lawrence route; new fast turbine triple screw, 12,000 tons s teamers . Excursion dates as fo l lows . Virginian, May 10, Jnne 7, July 5 ; Victorian, May 24, June 21 and July 19. For full particulars and illustrated excursion pam­phlets write or cal l on O. N. Westlund, 114 3d s t S, opposite postoffice. «


Oo. and wi l l ca l l a t your home, weigh your carpet and teU you cost of making into rugs . Brussels and ingrain carpets nsed. Phones, N. W. , East 310; T. C. 16151. Ask for Arm-strong.

CAREFUL CARPET CLEANING. Beautiful rug weaving from old carpets;

best work, lowest prices. National Carpet Cleaning Co., Nicol let Island. Both phones.

PARTICULAR PEOPLE, SEND YOUR OARl pets , rugs to the Mpls. Carpet Cleaning ft Bug Factory, 112 4th s t N . Main 3227; T. C. 8485.

BEST RUGS FROM OLD CARPETS; CARPET cleaning. Moorish Rug Co.. 1002 E Franklin.

MATTRESSES MADE OVER, F U R N I T U R E R E -paired, refiplshlng, upholstering; Twin City telephone. Berg & Smith, 1st av SE and 5th s t .

CUNARD L I N E TO EUROPE—OLDEST L I N E crossing Atlantic , Boston, New Y»>k to Queenstown, Liverpool; New i'ork to Gibral­tar, Genoa, Naples , Adriatic. Company's new office, 304 2d av S, Minneapolis. E . Carley.

_ manager northwestern department.

FOR S A L E T - A TWO-CHAIR B A R B E R SHOP; wi l l sell cheap; in good location on ground floor. Inquire a t R. H. Hegener's , 207 Nicol­let av.

MARRIED LADY W A N T S W A S H I N G AT home by the day; good worker. Write Mrs. Johnson. 512 23d av S.

A YOUNG LADY WOULD LIKE A POSITION in doctor's or dent is t ' s office. State w a g e s . Addiess 4041, Journal.

FIRST-CLASS COLORED LAUNDRESS FOR Wednesdays and Thursdays. 2016 Cedar av.


M a s o n i c T e m p l e 6th_and H | h . Both phones. JOHN M. GLEAS0N, F U N E R A L DIRECTOR

and embalmer. 82 7th s t S. Both phones. jr. WAEREN'ROBERTS, FUNERAL DLRECTORT

710 Hennepin av . Both phones :;2S2.

keeper and typewriter , to take charge of al l detai l work in office. Address *4952. Journal.

[WANTED—A YOUNG MAN ABOUT 20. .Waabi&gtep av N .


TWO COMPETENT GIRLS A T ONCE; COOK ard second girl; no washing; good wages . Ap-

__oly 2620 Portland av. A F E W LADIES"TO DO L I G H T T P R O F I T A B L E

work at home; whole or part time. Call 620% Nicollet av. Room 408.

W A N T E D — E X P E R I E N C E D GIRL FOR GENER- I «9«b%l^ZZ r « f f l ^ n 7 o f t w o ; m o d e r n flat- C a l 1 I KODAK FILM DEVELOPING AND FINISH-

> »^M .Mn ..v &. nat l . J u g . d o n e e x p e r t i V ( . photographic materials; our W A I T E D — A SEAMSTRESS A N D DRESSMAK- business established twenty years. O. H.


ROOMING BOUSE, 18 ROOMS, WELL-FUR-nlshed, net Income $75 month; $800, part t ime. The Robblns Company, 409 N e w York Life.

SPECULATORS, T R Y OUR UNEXCELLED FA-ci l l t les for trading in grain and stocks . C. L. Bauman Co., 222-225 Century. Both phones.

FOR SALE OR E X C H A N G E FOR LAND. GOOD 100-barrel s team flour mill in South Dakota. For particulars address 4677, Journal.

WOOD. D R Y , $2.50, $8.75; FACTORY.WOOD, $2.50; coal, $5 and $5.75. Plymouth Lumber Co., 237 Hennepin. Main 3846 LI. T. C. 2807.

FOR BALE—TWO BILLIARD AND ONE POOL table in good condition. Inquire for good open* ing for billiard hall . Address 3901, Journal.

A W N I N G S , TENTS. FLAGS. 'American Tent & Awning Co.,

807-309-311 Wash, av N, Mpls . , ' Minn. USED U P R I G H T PIANO, KIMBALL, $86; EM*

erson, $100; Sterling, $125. M. Schulz Co., wholesale warerooms, 716-18 1st av S.

WANTED—YOU TO B R I N G TJ8 YOUR CAM* era, music box or phonograph to be repaired.

__0 ._K. Repair Co. ,_410%_2d ay_ S.

FOR SALE—FINE DRESS SUIT, SIZE ABOUT 37; never been worn but four t imes ; wi l l se l l cheap. Address 5003, Journal.

FOR S A L E — R 0 W B 0 A T 8 A N D OARS, AND Cushman motors. Whi te Boat Co., 202 Nicol let av and 203 Hennepin av.

FOR SALE—FINE DRESS SUIT, SIZE ABOUT 37; never been worn but four t imes; wi l l se l l cheap. Address 5003, Journal.

CATBOAT FOR SALE, I N GOOD ORDER, A N D with new sai l s . E . H. Hobe, New York Life building, St . - Paul .

W A N T E D TO EXCHANGE—A DOUBLE STORE, two-story brick building, in a Wisconsin town or 1,200 inhabitants , 30 miles from St . Paul; wi l l trade for antomobile, or what have you? Address Box 512, Hast ings , Minn.

TO EXCHANGE—OSTEOPATHIC A N D MAS-Bage treatments for upright piano, music les­sons, tailoring, fuel, groceries or anything I can use; all diseases successfully treated. Ad­dress 4204, Journal.

A STEAM F E A T H E R RENOVATING WAGON. as I am occupied with other business . I can be reached a t 823 5th av S.

er a t * 3 8 th s t 8 . Peck Co., 112 6 th a t S .

BLACKSMITH SHOP FOR R E N T , I N FIRST-c lass farming community; also house If de­sired. C D . Thompson, Veg, S. D.

FOR BALE,, B Y OWNER—A~SASH A N D DOOR factory, located In the ci ty , doing a paying business. Address 3763. Journal;

W A N T E D TO B U Y {INLY N E W S P A P E R I N A town where there if! opening for land and loan business.- Address 4811 , ' Journal.

STENOGRAPHER, OWNING T Y P E W R I T E R , wishes piece work; work cal led for and de-llvered. Address 5113, Journal.

W I L L SELL F I V E SHARES OF STOCK I N State Institution for Savings for $550 cash. Lock Box 619, Owatonna, Minn. _

FOR 8ALE—BUTCHER" SHOP; GOOD LOCA-t ion; doing good business. 705 Marshall s t NE.

W E ~ 0 A l r " S E L L YOUR" P R O P E R T Y . . MoCABB FOR SALE CHEAP—8-FOOT COUNTER A N D 4 Co.* 108 Bostojft Block. '•'*« ' 8-foot showcase. 2600 Bloomington S T *


Corner Otb and Nicol let Av, American and European Plan.

For the money, one of the best hotels in the c i ty .

American, per day, $1.50 to $2. By the week, $7 to $10.60. European plan. 60c to $1. By the week, $3 to $5._

HOTEL ALLEN. 3d ST AND 2d AV S; ONLY hotel in the c i ty having all outside rooms. Rates 7;e. 81 . $1.50. s lnzle


HOTEL SAN ANGELO. SUITS W I T H BATHS, s ingle rooms, wi th or without board; elevator service. 1221 Nicollet av. Beth phones.

LOOK A T THIS—Best table hoard, 88.80 pea week; a trial wi l l convlnco you. The Me* Gulpin Dining Parlors, 108 _7th_et S. _

H O T E L _ V A N ~ E Y C E r a U L E T FAMILY HOME! modern, best of table board. 1224 Nicollet av.

F 0 R ~ ~ R E N T — W I T H BOARD. ONE BLOCS from public library. 1022 Hawthorn av.


W A N T E D — B Y A N ELDERLY LADY, ROOM and board in' private family , modern house, near car line. Address &094, Journal.

W A N T E D — B Y YOUNG MAN, A FTTRNXSHKBr-room and breakfast; must be in private fam­ily. Address 5140, Journal.

FLORISTS o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o * o FLOWERS, PLANTS A N D FLORAL o o DESIGNS. o o Flowers, plants and floral designs for • o all occasions can be obtained a t popular o o prices in our new. Up-to-date Floral De- o o partment that has been recently estab- o o l ished In our big store. • o California Fruit Store, 1st av S and 6th. o o o o o o o o o o o_o_o o & o o © N E W Y O R K - F L O R I S T S . 7 W A S H . AV S ;

feather and cut flowers and plants: floral de - , s igns tor all occasions. T. C phone 1728. -

GAS STOVES—WHY B U Y CHEAP GOODS when you can buy good for less? Brand Stove Co., 330 4th av S. *

STOVES—SPECIAL BARGAINS I N STEEL ranges for the next f ew days. Brand Stove Co., 330^4th av $.

STOVES—SPECIAL BARGAINS I N STEEL ranges for the next few days. Brand Stove Co., 330 4th av S.


T. B . COOK. CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER, plans and est imates furnished, sat isfact ion guaranteed. Your orders solicited. Houses built on monthly payments. 1314 Queen av N. T. C. phone 1375!).

J, G. MOLDAN. CARPENTER A N D JOBBER, 2115 2d s t N ; phoue, T. C. 14460. I make • specialty of all kinds of repairing. - <

^ Y E r a g j ^ N D ^ C L B A N r a r Q ^ T W I N CITY D Y E WORKS, T H E LEADING

Frencb dry cleaners for ladles' and g e r m ' clothing and al l household goods. 818 Nicol let .

STERLING D Y E HOUSE—French Dry CleaaiSMr, 602 4th av 8 . T. C. 9332; N- W. S. 440 JS.

DETECTIVE AGENCIES ~^~ M e N U L T Y ~ l » E T E C T l V E ^ A f f i ^

8©rvtc3, nnequaled faci l i t ies , reasonable ra tes ; references,police headquarters. 210 Kasot* MkW

• ' *



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