High-Impact Projects A brief look plans and displays of some teams at the 2014 High-Impact Institute

High-Impact Projects at a Glance: Displays from the 2014 Institute

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High-Impact ProjectsA brief look plans and displays of some teams at the 2014 High-Impact Institute

An Exchange of Ideas and Plans

Allegheny College: Community Listening, Center for Local Research, Curriculum Change and Gateway Fellows

Berea CollegeAcademic Integration, Deepening Partnerships and Capacity Building, Minor, Learning Outcomes and Assessment

Carson-Newman College:“Real Talk” Dialogues with Faculty, Students, and Partners leading to Curriculum Change

Carson-Newman College:building the capacity and resources of partners in tangible ways

Davidson CollegeWorking with Local Community Partners to Infuse Policy and Capacity Building Projects

Davidson CollegeDeepening the sense of place for students and the campus community with partners

DePauw UniversityFirst Year Civic Engagement, Civic Engagement Symposium, Certificate in Civic Engagement

DePauw UniversityWorking to Align Impacts

Guilford CollegeCurriculum Change and Community Change Projects: Learning Outcomes and Assessment

Mars Hill CollegeHigh-Impact Partnerships; Building Academic Pathways (First Year Experience to Capstone)

Mars Hill CollegeDrafting civic engagement outcomes for its center and projects

Oberlin CollegeCommunity Capacity Building, Engaged Student Leadership (Fellows), Faculty Support

Oberlin CollegeOberlin College

Oberlin Collegeworking with Oberlin Kids Collaborative to pilot these changes

Discussing the ideas

Siena CollegeCommunity Forum, Policy Institutes, and Community Engaged Teaching & Learning

Siena Collegeelectronic credentialing system (badging)

Stetson UniversityCultural Credit tied to Civic Engagement; Deepening Site Teams; Expanding Academic Pathways

Stetson Universitydeepening partnerships and high-impact community engagement

Ursinus CollegeCourse Designator, “Partners in Mind” deepening engagement; Civic Engagement Fellows

Ursinus Collegecreative ways to engage across campus, like academic internships

Warren-Wilson CollegeCurricular and Community Change through Service-Learning First Year Seminars

Warren-Wilson College

Washburn Universityaspiring to make the University known for its high-impact community engagement work

Washburn University:making this part of its Quality Enhancement Plan for accreditation review