oetlg o@oda €8 q"or or-69 ..........120rs eod q"zslq: : ETR/C/RDHP/PoIo-1 Socsje5rs gorszr€ esordrC (q.g. <:8) zsr:Scergce oe09A25 Q9l?D29oCD€ q"zo 385, geS:s a{o{oe Sego.cn &@ eroo'r ozsnpr@ 10 I 2015.05- I q ^ I* eg:oJ e€bo?s o@zsr@octol egro'J oe3ed2i oador eouzs-eodloJ glo{6cs oaior eouzreodlrJ Seouoo g.o/ SoaJBz:r ourero gordoJ Ed$ce gglz:)rsos) cEoooJ erle?tca on oOJeod eo?szreeod1o'J eot Elco?t')?l) goldoJ 6 eic.ooSo?rgo Edo 5€rreqr edd erodoa ga?r oeoe 6crr6 ctrcbergro oe€eEe eo€or oeo€/oeo? 6eor8d aeor oe6e. - 0015 9r"6o goOecs- 07 oo ocdorsaeL 1. $ e5coo6oorgo EaJa Squrgcs 96?tJ €o?iJop ed?rr e6rq 6o15 €ldeleloo glo6{sr goOcno a3q6ll oajooC 6gr:l oeogErs gglo)rsoc$ctle:gxrJ sooga2r e9J?D25ocDo3 csoooJ 6re5zsrrt ol6n oeog/oeoQ 6go:Eof ocostJ gceg@oo'J nlr€oe et@O. 5.OaLS. (oeog; ee€g oeed 6qeoed dEoerJ e:tr ?:X;J qg66 (03) 6o16 ero)erero eDlelte eoqeDl oolCorooJ qodzs'etsr8nJ egg oesEnJ 6qeod nc 2015 gooJeJo'p g.do@trl o€o?tr Eorsoo?D oSeos osqCIl gia€oJ uD6ctp eroO. 2. qeeC6'JEe@ a:€,€?p@ o gc.rs@ooJ eordcozJz:Tr goa:oJ Qolo dte5rs S"cDocJ goe ocDecoziJ qgdrs 05 zsl oajoc?. o 2015 e13 30 oor 5o ocoeo qgdG 40 o qpEe. . geo?t SaJo EqureeC 6os@o> 6Sorrcs?D oeo gpeeo g.oe:l.oo. (O/eelg) SeorooceoJ 8o Squro (eezlJzrJo Squro eol 6{6q Sersra) 6o3lq36r Squro srr oeD$5o.r Sqrsro ozrl od?De e:e?lJo 55e. . E.oerl.e:. (eol/oog) Eoloec3e g"€E eDr€lo e:qoil goe ooeq:zrJ esrersocszsJ (S) edle6?r 55e. oere{r 562:Je:zo 6eottoc,se eea? 6 eo?Jl eeoq?s Squre SdogJq eoeoSzoq: eal 6Se. oz:'rCoroo'J gorc??tr ozrdpo e?qeDl pgp ocoJcorz:'rrocE6zi'J zsJzl eseDroO @oloQ"5os/ 5e. 3. Ec.?s@ep o@ o3go Eg€61 q(5 qto,aS e3pcso gao orsroi uD6?') e€ qcsg@oo,J o85q: $91?D25o6) glcs?lro.roe or@ groool gOrScol EEzrJq. og:o'J @eold2s Eglo)25os)od zl@ 9ro{6o gouzree, ogro'J eosears gorlre SSzf q 6S e:Ee eseDSzsl r,t6 glsoo'ls') gor6cor / oglzd @ooedrs Eo?szlce e6oJ 2015 ei6 30 Qo oeoJ do ooo 6oceJeSr gotr@ e5oord (garrero. trp€ eol e:Sed@6). go8Eerrco, @oc. 385 treju adodoe 8Eeooo 6@ groo. orol€@ 10 so6) elod?D oed @oolerQ.E ?5l1€1oebJ

I* · q"zo 385, geS:s a{o{oe Sego.cn &@ eroo'r ozsnpr@ 10 I 2015.05- I q I*^ ... erfloos snoro&a pflEeuennirsennu$cir $lEorcn$ganouorrflffingud elrobeu5;

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oetlg o@oda €8 q"or or-69 ..........120rs

eod q"zslq: : ETR/C/RDHP/PoIo-1Socsje5rs gorszr€ esordrC (q.g. <:8) zsr:Scergceoe09A25 Q9l?D29oCD€q"zo 385, geS:s a{o{oe Sego.cn &@ eroo'rozsnpr@ 10

I2015.05- I q

^I*eg:oJ e€bo?s o@zsr@octolegro'J oe3ed2i oador eouzs-eodloJglo{6cs oaior eouzreodlrJSeouoo g.o/ SoaJBz:r ourero gordoJEd$ce gglz:)rsos) cEoooJ erle?tca on oOJeod eo?szreeod1o'J eot Elco?t')?l) goldoJ

6 eic.ooSo?rgo Edo 5€rreqr edd erodoa ga?r oeoe 6crr6 ctrcbergro oe€eEe eo€oroeo€/oeo? 6eor8d aeor oe6e. - 0015 9r"6o goOecs- 07 oo ocdorsaeL

1. $ e5coo6oorgo EaJa Squrgcs 96?tJ €o?iJop ed?rr e6rq 6o15 €ldeleloo glo6{srgoOcno a3q6ll oajooC 6gr:l oeogErs gglo)rsoc$ctle:gxrJ sooga2r e9J?D25ocDo3 csoooJ6re5zsrrt ol6n oeog/oeoQ 6go:Eof ocostJ gceg@oo'J nlr€oe et@O. 5.OaLS. (oeog;

ee€g oeed 6qeoed dEoerJ e:tr ?:X;J qg66 (03) 6o16 ero)erero eDlelte eoqeDl

oolCorooJ qodzs'etsr8nJ egg oesEnJ 6qeod nc 2015 gooJeJo'p g.do@trl o€o?trEorsoo?D oSeos osqCIl gia€oJ uD6ctp eroO.

2. qeeC6'JEe@ a:€,€?p@

o gc.rs@ooJ eordcozJz:Tr goa:oJ Qolo dte5rs S"cDocJ goe ocDecoziJ qgdrs 05 zsl oajoc?.o 2015 e13 30 oor 5o ocoeo qgdG 40 o qpEe.. geo?t SaJo EqureeC 6os@o> 6Sorrcs?D oeo gpeeo g.oe:l.oo. (O/eelg) SeorooceoJ

8o Squro (eezlJzrJo Squro eol 6{6q Sersra) 6o3lq36r Squro srr oeD$5o.r Sqrsroozrl od?De e:e?lJo 55e.

. E.oerl.e:. (eol/oog) Eoloec3e g"€E eDr€lo e:qoil goe ooeq:zrJ esrersocszsJ (S)edle6?r 55e.oere{r 562:Je:zo 6eottoc,se eea? 6 eo?Jl eeoq?s SqureSdogJq eoeoSzoq: eal 6Se.oz:'rCoroo'J gorc??tr ozrdpo e?qeDl pgp ocoJcorz:'rrocE6zi'J € zsJzl

eseDroO @oloQ"5os/


3. Ec.?s@ep

o@ o3go Eg€61 q(5 qto,aS e3pcso gao orsroi uD6?') e€ qcsg@oo,J o85q:$91?D25o6) glcs?lro.roe or@ groool gOrScol EEzrJq. og:o'J @eold2s Eglo)25os)od zl@

9ro{6o gouzree, ogro'J eosears gorlre SSzf q 6S e:Ee eseDSzsl r,t6 glsoo'ls')gor6cor / oglzd @ooedrs Eo?szlce e6oJ 2015 ei6 30 Qo oeoJ do ooo 6oceJeSrgotr@ e5oord (garrero. trp€ eol e:Sed@6). go8Eerrco, @oc. 385 trejuadodoe 8Eeooo 6@ groo. orol€@ 10 so6) elod?D oed @oolerQ.E ?5l1€1oebJ



OSco pqc:. qco@96<6 oof 6cs@o Qoro ergo ec@a gceg@erd gSoder todAecoO. asle?t'r €€@ zsroOecd geog o@ otogo@6 " oolq 6er6 erc)stero e:qsrldqol co16o@ qcog@erzl " o:poooJ ogeooJ uD€ €?rJ€.


qceg@zordlooJ $ e5ceoSoorg6 SsJo Sgrsrgo e6oJ e:ooJop gazl S{olrJo 6llorSzo e:3zre<fieao o?slloaio€ziJ a:eoJ5o'r oorJ6r o16o@ e:Ezo-<re6q:zsJ eoqenr oe6S5o: pqc:.

T --oa:ol cterEg

oeoq 6o18 erobsrero or1q1E9 e:q6l oorJdr ozlJ qodzrezo8zrJo 9966 ?>XtrzsJ a?Qerlo1ped o:6o 6olp g€l?rc,: ousro6zn 9?116 6E otQ orde:g:o 6er zsr6n doo ol6elt ero)erero eolqlEogad erpo Eg6G gorl zille SeroesJ oa?eols

Q9l?D2soCDo3/eglO'J 9eO9A?s Q9)?Dl5oGc3 eoeeDl eAJOca A.:6Ot dOO @p?ti O18c,ss600,000.00 zo gqeurJ eoqeDl oo3eo25 ooJor Eo?szr€ e5orolS/ ogtoJ eeoedti oeJorgo)iur€ e5zl6rfl eeeo a4q,@zDdc,s6J qzrJeezf zsl€ €?i)€.

ooCorooi godes-ersrocozq Od 6er6 ordergro a:@p6<6 6teo oolJ o1g,@zodcozrrosll 65pee gqreo oeoeors e9l?Dr5o($o3 /egloJ oeogdrs e9l?DrsocDco e:orozlr e€onrroJo{E ergor@eo goerl@6rla3oi ooJooJ o'r@ e)o16 godzs-croro€eo Ood6o p:.EpeBQ 65eo @o:rer8o srp et@O.

ozooad goq. eee gp€o os&rJ ozDloo@?r gere ri,rl,o26r,l ggjel ESEoqoedz*eza8oJo q86c.:zs'J ozl:e1o. OoEo'Js ero)sreto 6er zog qeorreogr$ri geogolnq6oJ eoqeol oqorSoo@z:Jqoo qrJzlSgeodcs 6Ee ooSn gode:lp oood:5loez:) eol poqzsie eof6Eo@ aeorEoJod q6eo'roo EEQ EgooJozdcs.

oee o@odooC gzrizrrEozl a6t4 ozoo66 @d glco?r?trod/og:ozr{glo{6co oa:eErjoeJor go2izrc3 go{ooC/o:s:o:5osi EoolnGs ecorg oc8eo oo aer ooJnr oez:,Jzsrrddfisoe gder t5@.


6.5. Qeororcezoor o{6ce sooqs ge3rDnocDco

1. 8dl5e5. ooo€r5 Squt 8o)o:. @ e5oo8oorg6 SoJo Sqrtgo:.2. 6ocsJe5r go?5zr€ e5n6:Ci (e:ren) II - 65p@ €gl e1€zDd eolzsr$eo3. Eorszr€ (o:eol) I4. ersbErer esetocsCe5zo ootq 6er5 ero)erg,ro ,@?sJl€@ ScrJo Sqrteco5. gol?r 65 6eolE oosed2s g9)?D?5ocDo3




olr6oor€ce gooCe5oror

a?qer] €e€fi

6 eiceoSoer€o 5do E€urec,s e6oJ ostlloe eaor sep€ eor6 ors)ereroe.:€ol eeoe/@eoQ SeolEoJ aeol oede - 2015

(9r.6ro goocDos - 7 orsj {pdorcoe f.?€epr qcas,@c'gco)

1. g€a26r eoeo.r trre (9.@E zoiSod qqooC)

2. qo:g@rodleoJ ee@9&6 ti're (9.€8 zot8cd EAo66J)

3. oeoq 6gorEoooo2 @e€ el€g eroJEo@ ?oo:o&oeror ogi<fi cs.........

4. €8ocsI. dre5o'rrEII. oemdo€zom. S,d?Deor eoolcs : dre52or3.................ee:sdo€nr.............e5ocoe........

5. oerr{oQzo'r oan6o261

6eroftzlce e5r.o1. eoolce.......

6. oosE? Eg ............... eleo Qor .......... ....... Q015 e13 30?oTo)

7. ai6 /gore eoro€ ......... Soreozo /qEorCIzD ........

8. qc?5ler6 eqtruD@I. g.e€1.ee (6ioog1 Seoro gSOe Seoro eools: oEeeca........

Secco srls:8dc:

II. q.o€].eo (a:l/oog) 8er:rco gSOe Seoro e"zolce oSenq:........

Sercs esret3Oc:

9. dL6c.?ro 8€ae Eadord

I. oSeleroroC 96o' o'rorop6 8€oE 5EJor6

or cool oro/oqor I or o@ ofg ooSolero qlc.??rb'Jcoo e:oJ$e egadOolEgre olgC ee6o/59re

?or.sorgd o$o>l o'naolrQo'r ?t'xtxlJ6z;Jq


oe,ioeci ed9o@O or@ ?oro:

zs'r6 5o0g €?r oo

10. oo zrio6qlzrJ oeoC go6ro ooqzsJ €q6Jl 6all5o6o'j o1oQzsr61ooal or@ e)d ocg 8€ae €sr er?ro?r eq qpoe 8€oe SaJelc

G -e, 5)ode'/eeecsoiz:).

11. oeoq/oeoQ dgorSoceop oe€ 6 eo?nt oolq eser:oO @csreQ.Sco/SdoeJelesa)6u')co,

@csleQ"5 goorco ?o.o

I 2. gceg@zo opcd gzDlcc?oee g.:S@e3oor8 el 38oJ esersrl q15 oorr6?rJd( eo?r25 eor 6O1OQ dO gzDlcD

qo::odorc: gooeo:o'J eod qo:g@eo gSozreS'e ?D6p ed?r aoo.J opo Oosjq?Dlod€66 gooorro'J escd 6e25olloo: qoa:r'J u5)6A gaor aoo.J a6@nr6c:o eol65treo gpo qel€ tslod osrC'coredz2 eo6r Ee?rFJof Scsg@ qcezod op gl$eo qcsooJoo ooo'J ee 96@.

oee gp.$io ooJqozsl:o oco6'r geo€ ?r?r6'JOzsJ gf,gl ESso e] ero gSScezsJoqre15 doq, el oee ersbelelo e:@g86 ?D€q eq€l8oo@oJqoooJ qSo8zsrg5g:o gdg@ 6Eeo q8dc:zsi ebre1d aoq q6@.

geozl eildeleloo er ozlJ6r o0 er@oo6):6'J gioJSoe6 esqeozJ zs,rc q15 eBQoeoeau oedot gotstl-€ e5n6t€ eoeo 65p96)o eol a1g,@zodoszsro gofa:oJ zogpq aoq q6@.

Qtrros ga3g@?D6(ocJ gz:'Jeoo

qlq??')?r golSa3locd a?erd?5)a3

....... (r:'rzilq6) eo:/@o/oeo: SSoi oee gceg@oooJ g"zo 01

So 11 qzslor €o<ec?l q(5 oan6o261 6oioQ ao?ri epod/qlcodi 6re5zrntrsrotr?rJ eoor eo18Ee .............. a)ooj a:g)duD t'rd@. @p/qio: oo'rCdr atpQ1@oeorroJ Oeo6 03 zD oeDq 6o15 orc)erero otlqlEp esqgJl gql eD(E€ er.6ooq grJor 83@,

q?tr€ El€?Dbr gor6orocd qoJeeo'r(oa8 g^gro)


grod6cg oeosau eejor gors-zs-ezoocd eso6zorc.: (er€ro'J qc.:E@zsrdeozrJ eeqeor)

...... (zlorq6) eol/@csfoece 5E?iJ oee gceg@eoo'J q.zsr 01

So 11 qo'Jor eoe:c?l er6 oan6o261 6oioQ aoz:J epod/q1o:od/ 6le5?Dr3ao€e eseo orltEs .............. aoof eeeo6zo zo6@. @g/gro: oolJdr opQ,1@ooeoroJ o€d 03 ?D @eDq 6er5 orcbe:ero orlglte a:q6rl gq: at13or eo15

P -O-doe eslerl 03q.)9.

q5)€ g:o{6ce o€ears oaJor gouzo-csorod qo'Jeszrr(ca8 ggro)

{<*{<***** **i<*4.{<********* **************{<*****{<*******tr<******* * + X< **** * t

o gl oi oess a u oaior qou r-e olocd - es sr5 zp as ( e:€r o'J -Eq:S@zp d eo oJ a: q sir )

.......'............ ....... (zlzlq6) ecol/@co/oecs 58bJ oee gc:g@ooo'J g.zo 018o 11 qzsler E:e:aol gr5 oorrdopol 6oioQ alot:J opod/qlceod/ 6reizsrrtb)o€?') eoen eo18t9 oooJ a:eodzsr ord@. @piqtce ooJ6r copQlQooeoroJ oeod 03 z') eCIq 6er5 erderero eo1g1t9 a?qeDt gqt orlaco eo16ooq qrJor 8e@.

q?t)93 egro'J oa?ed?s oaJor go::zo-<azoocd qo'Jeoor(oo6 gsro)

oung alirpfri;ena 6qpo ,- ....9'.1..:..53...... lzors

oens $o r ETR/C/RDHP/20L0-1.

E.u.pn.egloroad (ET&R),earpnt ropgrb aGge o16$gteu €{oon&a,385, rcairerit olpB,Gonqg6q-10.

2015, cnoron6.

tontrff6urr &{bngfr[ Geulalnornoefi,toffrbtTffur tnorr5trry Gsororeofi uodffuun6'fir46fl,r5lyn$$u-r tntrrprt Gsaneu uodfliunomeon,uairgneuu@$puuLL r5lrfl opoir/ sriGeigr gu:Bardraofl air ponarurta6n,orfl cns emnro&Sieir dpcuqD rn onrufofl u-rencneuu uodfl u unertft aori,

dEruustp pcneuarfiasn,pn$u:rt uu3$Sn urusnannruJlair er$unaor,EqpLo oiGagL- pry pn$ul e-SgflGuna$priaon,

6!fl tsuleufrF,enu ueilaeitnli; spEbda$neil Fln$FOu66 6fiei(6nerr O6rrlondffi

2015 eneuan8 (u&aomr-r-nor Uanure{ - 4orgl GFin@g$)

1. Sf gu:eun$porqq uotlsoro6epe$$emeir pr-n$puugrb oflqlqnan $oronofiu (gnd)uL-r-uuguqtqg uriaornunan glarrpor;d;ane ersr5nt tD$Ud aGpe Loq5pgleugtarlusa/lononflur eangff[ grcrrro6.c eiaftueu$$loit ucnfiqrffqrb topgd e-6li6noGeeneuu9gtoren Fndur e-g$Gulna$grnaorflur-6lqD$O er9orironuuniraen Ganquu$dcilgrex.

tsF6t (05) urfi-en$$eoir CIn$$ryrb Ggfiq Geu-ruruugorn. uu3Sd anouu6$ etcirgl(03) euqSlrriraor qb156. Gpflq 6euLu-ruu@Lb urfi-rn$pfla6n 2Ol5 onan& rongrbqSyLb$d;gLb Fnci(g (04) Gu@L Opig o$glqnan (pndu:) gonronerfi uL-uriurgianuGofGenoreuggg 1ar5l 6u(DL erila*eofluquoil 2eu5 aobol gC6rfiqp15 Seooor$grti;Oanoftsnuu@euri.

2. UaDp6qF pacnroaen.

1. orlanirouruu CtgolpdsduSleb e-6n6,r6urrgt sUtr grangru5ie[ q5oti6angl$pg; 05 ou6L-Gscnzueen.

2- Fnd e-gb$Guna$grt 6l(D6u[na gomirora roOFF6u e6DuuJl6i) g){ebat5| @onioaFndu cenuuSleil u$q Oeu-ru-ruuL-96$peil.

3. 2015 crro.raffS 3096b e-sneirug 40 orulonpei5ll @cDplotrtr StUppeb.4. Goreileuuut--L- uoboanal6spa$$enne[ 6glur5lL-uuuu Ggttq elgiuanuulna OGf

pL-aooruieil e.Gun.p(l/p)u urfi-oreuil6b g:dirCIt a5lqlqnm unL-nirsaflsilS$$u-rorr$$tUppeit.

5. a.Gun.p(enlg)u urfi-anau9ei> q5nidou GCIngflu$eil qed;ganp$pg1 $glenr.od' 6gdl(C) cuSf6$gei;.

6. 6gtfiu,{ 6eu-ru-ruu@6 oeirerSlpg,lcop6anan s-rflul e-L6i) g6$uunL-r9anan6Garcnitggii;peb.

7. Ogrfleunengt, 2015 eneusrd g)Falra€J ornryp$eit EGeGenL-ug$6fr6n 6dlgureurt$porqqu ueilaaneu&agra LoOFgt er5lqlqnen rfL-Sdennoi plnngpuu@rbe-en&errnqfr urfLane ropCIlrD Gprigoeuurfual+ ereiuo-r$d]ail grguuanL-u$eb ernoultb.

3. er5lenirsoruurdlaen.

oflcniouruuniaetr edcb $anou6auur-@ensn ron$rfluurgeuSdpacnLou.t pulnrfl$auuis,erfloos snoro&a pflEeuennirsennu$cir $lEorcn$ganouorrflffingud elrobeu5; roffrbrTffur erbngn[g{cnpti.s erairglneit Llqn$$uJ uanftiunent, pnancrwuusfiriunonnsorrg;rb (p6Dpun6e-E$nu$ii;puuL-@ SEeucngi;peneueurflg[L-ra erilo5t rDnafffirfi e{brTpn[ uouiluuncnnoeirLng 2015 cnouan$ 30q5rb dad6(5 goefioni- erbog'l srcitCIt emnr--u-r6*'grudrrfiOt



dlfdu ucdiruneiri pnularb (aoiloll, uu$$6, e5ulo{), "&oldl$urur", 9nl.385, 6x6ur

upGpaLo ei$roaruairag GpGqn ronou$onp, Genqgrbq -10. 6rgpb gcoeurflAgu$o1$punoSeb erguriqpob Geuanngrb. srflurno $npd Gru-ru:uur--np ereiogl (prgCI{

dodusldir L5laianri Gupuu$tb erioriromuuruiraorr Slqnarfftbauu@rb. erilanfieuulrlurb erguilugaeilanrt ollanirouruurb grL-njrdu.r punglongrugeir gL-g ueie Groob glaneuu5leil "oflqliqnanonaft pndu uL-t-tiuguq unL Gpdldrg Gengi;grti; Ganoneup$onm eillonilsuuur.b" oanGpofleura g$lufl@pe[ Gomnn@rb.

4. urfi-cnc

ei5lenirooruupnrflaen, Oordrom ES gu.reufr$panqqrir uebacna:d;opatjgBenneii pL-nirgbguu$rbGaniun@ r.opE;rb ornu-rGLon$u5laman grbsrdto6fi gL-rrjrdul Cpfiq ufi-ane OeirUtbqGgn$Eteup$1q GeuanftL-uugoun.

Gsanzu guu$gniroen

pndur uiL-irugrianu uu9eileuppano Gprflo,l Grulu.ruu@rb urfr-un$$aqg61g 1gosnglzuqqr-uiaqg&6 erbuor$g1L-onren a9ea erguLo$Bouu@orgrair geuiraen g)dDpuurg

15dl5p uuL-uuu5l$S Gpgicru-r g,ng;d Geu.rzup$1grb, uL-LuurgudDu ugp6t GprgFSrllailann 10 o{DL aneud etDn5rry etcrrn&a / ronanoo etrrpr[ ganLo&Soir

uod?u:n$Eeirp$6uons @un 600,000.00 Gpnora6lg &trn5r[ Georsuo6n uodflr]unenipnuraLb / ronanam 6trn5rry Geomu uarfilrun6nri pnu.rs$gurb rSlenouruu$$ryrb gsfidl6i)

arraGulnuurfl@pei; Geranft $ rb.

Gprflq Gcu-rulrlur-L- urfi-en$$ e156ut 16dlFS Gcndlo:uuiL- unrGpg5loru-r UnFdGeu-rogSlg eroilo5; r5lenoul rDpgrb guu$grb OgrL-ftuno esrT5nt snnrod.Sennoil Irorrarsil etrnpnf grenuri$cnneb er5l$6auur--Seiror pflu$panolocrren $o'rglGolpUreugp(5F6uEl6 e$gliuu$$sir, et55dDour urfrrn$pBaqgri;q a$ryna e--flur sir- pr-ourg&anaogd;auu@rb.

oeireunpnu9gtLb, $FFU uu5l$Suicn urrrorrts, urfi-en$$aeir s-urrt upo5l gairg5lanorGonl6oup$anol s-rfldt rDenur Gonenfig15{i6 ronLrnr?aon. Groglrb, uu5l$S Gpglonu-r UripdGru-r5torr6fi uu5lfl4u-uronriaoron e-ulfr uporS geftEag $etourd;oor$$gen e-eiroffruqGlru.rgob daqrb Gel$glrrdraorieir acnirodfltiaoa Lo$grb Su-Lduq er$enrffu5lair Fp51ordffolet$anqrb oeiruou$p5lob glirdu.lenergr.

S&a$gl$ld;aoau9en crSlurygiorp o-rDgt dEeucnpdan / ronanoorgipflair / r5lqGge6ddnerbn5n[ GeflD6u uanftr]runonrt u15$aen / Su-rti;aniaaffeil $tril pdDrbcDroulcrrr-ru

Lolg$pnorrtaaien5;rb srolpnorp$p1g Ganotft@zuryuugouorp e-E$uu@g$ GonoirnrGoumng6.

eon$$. g.eirb.qft.oL 4enpinur6e,Ocuraronfr,6dr5n[ npUd eGg's rx,GJtgtot elorro&s.


1. rJL-n$upfl, lo65gtor crlqlgnen r5L-rb.

2. Eq$ uofiuunoln pnuroLb ($lnornsrb) II.

3. uoffrjruneirri ($rtorno6) I.2

4. uuJl$E Gpdl OtUnidenoruurotrt -B.Sc. gn$u-rfr uu3$d Gp$|, Ed gu-relri$ganqg


5. uerdflfrunenri (uu$ES).

6. r5lqgro uuL- €tg)leuaur, e6rpnt- gtolro&s.

7. eao g;n$u-rn unlenooooaflmrglLb grdur?oerr.

dd g$rrofiFForqt u6i)6dDalriapo6b$onetl giunfigdrugrb olqignor gernonaff Frrduir.-uu4fioru opnutargirq pn$u o-FdGu-rnasprfrseoen Oepsr6gp oansirorpfaranolafionirurb - ?ALS aoalan& (u6aeirlunen UaDpot - ,torgl Ogrlgd)

l. gryGeuqg$pd;oqDuen Guu_rnseir:-

(qnirdo Gurflu-r oqgpg;ri;aoflstl;2. orilonironuugnrflu9cir glqguGuulri:-

(q5ruido Gurflu.r erqgg!5ei;aoflei)

3. pnS e-$$Cunaggyna ggeil glu.noanp dod :- ............p$Gunmrgu.r ryIlb ,

4. goaorrfl etgtoreilaLb :- ............gafluuL-L-g; r ............Gpnola)Gu$ r €)tstola)6rbooa$Ggncna;Gud :-

5. gafluur-r er$uqrb

,S)pfp d*d .


6. alugt :- olq5uLb unprb pnr__aen(2015 arreuand 30 geil e_eirorug)

7. uneil :- qgani/Gucnir 6gu5lu"re0 pf,lcnot r

8. oe$or5l$ ganocooser :-

(I) a.6un.p (s_/g) ufr_ore GuEGuEasnnr.rgeUBorb :-.............. oulqL_Lb :-..................

UTLl0 STT|,1.




5. unLlb :- q5nildoLb F[rb r


Gpngloil or5luryniraeft :-

p$Gun5l eu$rigd upofilu$eft ofluqrire6'n :-

uperiuSlair Guurn :-

$Eeuonb / $anmr6aeinb :- .........pgGunorpur dUr*e"pdp6 $u:r.6ltiauur-L- $o$ :- ............$q$pryron6rrg,t / gu"regpflu-rg)6DLtxgt / gu-rq1$u"ropp6t / gglano$ann6ngt oairugt

u$f166$udL-eqrb rGsorouuJleb e-E$uug$puuL-@ensnpff :- .........qgLb oraiilair, d*d :.

(ID ELFF rno: Gpngfle$ o5luryrb :-

rflmreirorrb uc)6I$uGuurfi GgnL-6aLb 6U6DII

Gpngleb pcnaoroaeft I qot,atw pcnaonuaerl :-

urfioc or@LrD gilEusuanb d6d / anrb

10. 6ri oriGunqgpneu$ (gpp6'fiureit 15$p$$$ana eur$$Loair$leil g$prornoflu.rn&ouur-@euerfqn?

qtb oaffeb, gr$gcD{bru 6$pri,enucoL- updlqrb, orn$6auuL-L- porin-oran updlu{6qqflu$@a.

11. pn$ a-ffiGuna$$fr gqgeugno gnxirora Lo(DFgt6u renuuilob erci:og1 geurrircns Fndurcanuuleb udsr+- udq Oo :- ............ dsd.

12. erSlanftauruupnrfluieir Gon?uu@;lrg;oit

g$p or$mftonuu$$stl oairorne0 orgrniauur-$onon efluryr*a6r e-ff;rdDrou.rnengtb rflulrarglLb otaro-E$uug$gdafiGpsfi. 6rpnol5 oiuryniaot U,frpd Geu-ru.liuL-ngr eroilal5l Eenpulna SCqAasnernuuunob 6r6rgt orloriouruurb $lqnorffri;euu@rb erairuangqrb er$eilg1 g}|gil flailanliGprflurzu$pneb drcngt ron6uurc'rlttrrrb SOei;grb dlora: $ti;auu$rb ociruengqLb, florour rop4do-r--ailug&arrsu5lailug auL-ourdtseil topgtb gdDorru Geamqaen o5l Gun6$pronanGpn €t5dDtrrerperSlsorg$gorcn GunErirlanL-GuLeil oairuogqrb pnoir pni6 erSGeucn.

$uuu9$Suiair uuflrn{l e-u-rrtupoff eailalp GantDeuppg o-rfl$glanL-u:orfr g6b5r) eiailuenpqrb

Fn6ir er$lGoran. Fr6ir g$punu6pg5lanu-r UfiFd Geulgngrtb, $anonti;oorgbdo$Opgl GLoopflapatriaanen Gsn6arp$6 a-rflgiganL-u-rarri seUo oairuonpu4b pnail pails$lGeuail.

Fr6ir Gr-oglug uu5l$Sai6 Gprflol Gsurur[ruLr-nc'i) ei$enrburygb$eU qggfilur5lL-L-eunE &e;r6;rrtGcsrrcu56rT uerfirlunenft pnu:ad / eLbu$guuit- r.orsncrusdDu Gsur6r)nenqSleir guu$prb Lopp1rb

dlansu Oaiolrp Gro$Gononon Gamnir$rb eiciruanpqrb pneir prig er$Goren.


d5d er9onironuugnrfl uloir anoGutnuur.b

fgam ponnrrffeir uneifp4lr

$qq/$6ro$/Gs606fl :- (ugei$u Guu.rfr)

erufraorreb gFF er$ornonuu$$eb eugrnirauuL-@enor 01 $Cq1$O 11

ars)[urrTsr ei9r-u-uriroon srffurnffdrr6r eraiEnb, geun / etzugeiruul Geuon Lo0U6 FLFtrFeiedrErb, greuri / gar6n 6pflq Geu:u-riul-lneb, eruri I €tor6D6rr

g:dirg (03) eu16L-ni5@rir@ Fndur ULL-uunL-Gp$uieit B.Sc uL-ugborp OgnL-rieup$g orngorleba

1grqrqd oairErb onairEtanp6danGpair.

dod dCIrolan pcnanlflnir guurb(q-SSGulna grior @arL-Sanen)

dqn$$ur eangnt Geenameft uenf,rhunenrffeil (nnanmr olenfimrfru5rrrffaeir Ogilr-frOe$) enendgi4i

$g/$161o$/Geoi>or5l :' (uger9u Guu-rri)

stellnoornoil g$p eiiornournu$$eil euprirauul-@Grdn 01 EOpgl 1l

6ueD[un6r ei$L-u-lnirsor sflurnororo: oairElb, erun / enrtgcnuu-r Geucno LopUrb FLFmgercirErb, grouri / gteu6rt Ggfi6,{ 6eu.tulitut-wetl, greun / €l$udD6r

(pdirst (03) e4gL-rdr5q9ii6 prdul uil-uunL-Op$luleir B.Sc uL-r--penp Gpnr--noup$6 or5l6a$*egrgqrD aairEd enairparrq6dcfiGglait.


rDrI6rdFr &srrEin[enaiSgl$r

dt6/dcUpd/6s6$6$ :-

r-S.a.Gc.uofi uunenrflair (RDHS) guurb(e-FdGurne grieu $or-doror)

Geenoraen ueffiuunenrfleir (IonanemrniaerffEfeiron eileiirerruuprnoqd;tO)

(ugor5lu Guurri)

srunaolmoit 6pip o$mfianruu5dob euprrirauur-$aren 01 StUpgt 11

6utr)[rurr6r e$L-u-rniofir eflu:roreneu oairgLb, €teun / gxeugoluul Geuaoo: rDpU6 FLgcrrpeiofrErb, erun / geuetr Gprflol Geu-turuuilneb, exeirfr / gtartr)6rr

{rqnEu (03) zuq5L-niroqgei;g Fndu uirriunl-Gpflunei: B.Sc uL-L-$cnp GpnL-neugfg er5l@eriria

(pr+u4b oeiErb encirEorry6deiGpair.

d6d PDHS $ai guurb(p-FdGulno grieu SoL-Sarran)

General Circutar Letter:- ..9.*.:.9.9. . . . 120]$

My No: ETR/C/RDHP/20 I 0- IOffice of the DDc (ET&R)Ministry of Health,385, Deans Road,Colombo 10.

. .42. e May 2015.

Provincial Health Secretaries,Provincial Directors of Health Services,Regional Directors of Health Services,Heads of Decentralized Units / Specialised Campaigns,Directors of Hospitals under the line Ministry, & Hiads of the Institutions.

Applications are hereby invited from Nurses who are in-service and working underthe Ministry of Health / Provincial Ministry of Health for lateral entry to Bactelor ofScience (Nursing) degree course conducted by university of sri Jayeward";d;*.Only five (05) candidates would be selected. The duration will be three (03) years.The selected candidates will be enrolled in the 2nd academic year to follow the B.Sc.(Nursing) four (4) year degree course with an exemption of the lrt year, .o--"n"irrgon August ,2015.

Entry Qualifications

Minimum of 05 yea{ssgrviQe in state sector at the date of closing application.Registration in the sri Lanka Medical council or sri Lanka Nursing councilas a Nurse.Below 40 years of age by 30th May 2015.Passed in three science subjects at trre ccE_ledvanced Level) in one sitting asa criteria specified by the said university. Bio (Zoology, BJany), chemistry,Physics.At least a credit pass (c) in Enelish Lanzuaee at the GCE (ordinary Level)Examination,Appropriate fitness for the selected field of study,selection is based on aptitude test and interview which will be conducted bythe Faculty of Medicar Sciences, university of Sri Jayewardenepura,







The applications shouldte prepared as per sf,ecimenform appended, duly certified byHead of Institution' in the case of tine tvtinistry Institutions-i, uy n"gional Director,Provincial Director and Provincial Ministry of i{ealth, and send by registered post toreach the Deputy Director Generai @ducation Training & Research),


"Suwasiripaya" No. 385, Ven. Baddegama Wimalawansa Thero Mawatha,Colombo 10, on or before 30th May 2015 through the Head of the Institution /ProvinciaURegional Director of Health Services. Applications which are incompleteor received after the closing date will be rejected. The head of theinstitution/Provincial Director shall write legibly on left hand corner of the envelop,the words "Applications for enrolment of Nurses to B.Sc. Nursing Degree" beforesending.


The applicants will be required to sit for a selection test, which would include Theory& Viva Voce components, conducted by the University of Sri Jayewardenepura.

Service Agreement

Paid leave would be granted for three (03) years to the selected candidates toundergo the B.Sc. Nursing course and they shall be bonded with the Director Generalof Health Services / Provincial Director of Health Service for the due completion ofthe course for Rs. 600,000.00 and to serve the Ministry of Health /Provincial Ministryof Health for a period of 10 years after completing the degree course.

In case if the selected candidate fails to complete the said degree programme or fulfilthe conditions laid down by the Ministry of Health/ Provincial Health Ministrypertaining to the bond and agreement, appropriate legal action will be taken againstsuch candidates.

However by virtue of this training the candidates have no right to demand for a higherpost. In addition, absorbing the trainees who have completed the course in to thedepartment to a higher post depend on the existing vacancies and solely on thediscretion of the appointing authorities.

Please ensure that the contents of this circular are brought to the notice of all eligiblePharmacists in your institution / Province /RDHS area /campaign.


lri" )


Dr. D. lM. R. B' DissanaYakeSecreta rY

Ministry r,i l.iezrl:h & indigenous MedicineSuv,:siriPaYa",

, Ministry of Health and Indigenous Medigigftev. rijdega"#iv,*l,i[pJ*r'Lero Mawatha,

Colombo 10, Sri Lanka.

1. Dean, Faculty of Medical Science, University of Sri jayewardenepura2. Deputy Director General (Admin) II3. Director (Admin) I4. ' Course Coordinator - B. Sc. Nursing Course, University of Sri Jayewardenapura.5. Chief Legal Officer, Ministry of Health.

For Office use onlyDDG(ET&R)

Application forEnrolment of Nurses to follows the Bachelor in Science (B.Sc. Nursins) Desree

Course conducted bvUniversitv of Sri Javewardenaoura - Mav 2015 (Lateral Entrv - 07th Batch)

1. Name with initials (In block letters)

2. Full name of the applicant (In block letters)

3. Date of first appointment as Nurse:- . . Present Grade

4. lii::' officiar : -...


Telephone:- Official .(Private) . (Mobile)

5. Personal InformationDate of Birth:-.... .... . IUC No:- .

6. Age:- . (Y).... (M).... . (D) (as atthe30thMay2015)

7. Sex :- Male / Female Marital Status:-8. Educational Qualifications:

(I). G.C.E (Advanced Level) Examination Results: - Index No... . . .. . Year:-. ..

Subject Grade





(ID. G.C.E (Ordinary Level) Examination Results: Index No. . . . Year:- . .

e. Subject: - English Grade


9. Particulars of employment:-

(f) Particulars of Present post held:-

DesignationInstitution /DepartmentDate of Appointment to Present Institution:-Whether permanent/pensionable/non-pensionable/temporary :_Whether confirmed in the service . .If Yes Date

10. Have you ever been convicted in a court of Law for criminal offence? ,)r)tr)t. ,If so, furnish particulars of such conviction and penalty imposed?

ll.Registration in the Sri Lanka Medical Council or Sri Lanka Nursing Council as aNurse; Reg.No... ..Date

12. Declaration by ApplicantI hereby certifu that the particulars given by me in this application are true andaccurate. If any information are found to be incomplete or incorrec! I am fully awarethat my application will be rejected or if found later, my studentship will bediscontinue and liable to recover the chargers and other expenses whatsoeverapplicable according to the bond and agreement.

I am aware that by virtue of this training, I have no right to demand for a higher post.Although I have completed the course, I have no right to claim additional benefitsfrom the department.

I am also aware that in case ifl am selected for the above course I shall enter into anagreement and bond with the Director General of Health Services/Secretary to therelevant Provincial council as stipulated in the said advertisement.


Date Signature of the Applicant

Certificate of the Head of the Institution:-

I certiff that particulars given by Mr / Mrs / Miss .

(Designation) . . . .in item 01 to 11 on this application are correct and

his/her the work and conduct of this applicant is . . . . .If selected, He/she

could be released to follow the B.Sc. in Nursing degree course for three (03) years.

Date Signature of Head of Institution(Rubber Stamp)

Certificate of the Resional Director of Health Service (for Proyincial Applicants):-

I certiS that particulars given by Mr /Mrs lMiss .

(Designation) . . . . .in item 01 to 11 on this application are correct and

his/her the work and conduct of this applicant is . . . . .If selected, he/she

could be released to follow the B.Sc. in Nursing degree course for three (03) years.

Date Signature of RDHS (Rubber Stamp)

Certificate of the Provincial Director of Health Service (for Provincial Aoplicants):-

I certiS that particulars given by Mr /Mrs /Miss .

(Designation) .... ......hisftrertheworkandconductofthisapplicantis ... . .If selected, he/she could be released to follow the B.Sc. in Nursing

degree course for three (03) years.

Date Signature of PDHS (Rubber Stamp)