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Ia Engleza Cu Tine

BONUS - Gramatica si Reguli

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I. Morfologia

1. Articolul ……………………………………………..........………………………..……3

2. Substantivul ………………………………………………........………………………7

3. Adjectivul ……………………………………………………........………..…………13

4. Pronumele ……………………………………………………….......……………….17

5. Numeralul …………………………………………………………........………….…21

6. Verbul ………………………………………………………………..........……...……24

Timp present …………………………………………………..………………….30

Timp trecut ……………………………………………………...…………………34

Timp viitor ………………………………………………………...……….….…..48

7. Adverbul ……………………………………………………………........…….……..49

Clasificare ………………………………………………………….....………….…49

Locul adverbelor in propozitie ………………………...……………….….55

8. Prepozitia …………………………………………………………........……..………57

9. Conjunctia …………………………………………………………….......………….61

II. Sintaxa

1. Subiectul …………………………………………………………........……...………65

2. Predicatul ………………………………………………………………..........………65

3. Atributul …………………………………………………………………...........…….67

4. Complementul …………………………………………………………......…..……67

5. Sintaxa frazei ……………………………………………………………........………69

6. Concordanta timpurilor ……………………………………………………..……77

Lista verbelor neregulate ……………………………………….….…………78

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1. ARTICOLUL - The article

Articolul este un instrument grammatical care individualizeaza sau determina un

substantiv. Prezenta lui dovedeste ca substantivul pe care il insoteste este deja cunoscut

de interlocutor.

Articolul hotarat :

Este “THE” – si este pus inaintea cuvintelor care incept cu o consoana sau semi-

consoana. (EX : the ball, the picture).

- se pronunta {di} inaintea cuvintelor care incep cu o vocala. (EX: the eye,

the apple).

- Articolul hotarat apare intr-un numar mare de expresii:

“on the one site – pe de o parte”

“at the same time- in acelasi timp”

Articolul hotarat plasat in fata unor adjective da acestora sensul unos substantive la

numarul plural :

- adj rich – bogat, bogati

- the rich – cei bogati

- adj poor – sarac

- the poor – cei saraci

Articolul hotarat apare la gradul superlative relative al adjectivelor :

- the best – cel mai bun

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- the least – cel mai putin

- the biggest – cel mai mare

- the most interesting – cel mai interesant

Articolul hotarat se intercaleaza de regula intre un substantiv precedat de o prepozitie si

prepozitia respectiva.

- a house in the forest – o casa in padure

- a boat on the lake – o barca pe lac

- across the road – peste drum

- at the end – la sfarsit

- at the door – la usa

- in the end – in final

- in the morning – dimineata

- in the shade – in umbra

Articolul hotarat poate fi intalnit si in denumirile geografice : The Black Sea, The Danube,

The Alps, The Sahara Desert, etc.

Articolul nehotarat : The indefinite article

Acesta este :

a – inaintea cuvintelor care incep cu consoana sau semiconsoana

EX : a dog, a wall, a flower, a year.

an – inaintea cuvintelor care incep cu o vocala

EX : an apple, an eye, an ear, an idea.

Articolul nehotarat introduce de obicei un element nou. El poate fi intalnit in :

- in fata substantivelor insotite\precedate de un adjectiv:

- A good teacher – un professor bun

-A big house- o casa mare

-A house on fire – o casa in flacari

-A little tea – putin ceai

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- in unele structuri:

-A baker’s – o brutarie

-A blue-eyed girl – o fata cu ochi albastri

-A jeweller’s – un magazin de bijuterii

-Once upon a time – a fost odata

-Two at a time – cate doi odata

Articolul nehotarat are in unele cazuri functie numerica :

- a hundred- o suta

- a thousand- o mie

Articolul zero : The zero article

Articolul zero apare :

- In nume de continente, tari, persoane, zilele saptamanii, etc.

EX: Africa, Asia, Europe, England, France, Italy, Romania, Sunday, Alice, Peter, Friday,


- In fata substantivelor folosite in sens general :

EX: Children like sweets – copiilor le plac dulciurile

Knowledge is power – stiinta inseamna putere

Oil is lighter than water – uleiul este mai usor ca apa

- In fata substantivelor nenumarabile :

EX : Gold is yellow – aurul este galben

This house is made of wood – aceasta casa este facuta din lemn.

- Inaintea substantivelor abstracte sau nume de materie:

EX : care, death, honesty, hunger, love, sand, salt, tea, water, etc.

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- Nume de culori, sporturi si jocuri sportive, limbi, mese :

EX : culori – white, black, blue, yellow

Sporturi – football, basketball, volleyball

Limbi – English, Romanian, german, French.

Mese – breakfast, lunch, dinner

- In unele structuri fixe, care trebuie memorate pentru evitarea greselilor:

EX: After dark – dupa lasarea intunericului

After three o’clock – dupa ora trei

After dinner – dupa cina

Day by day – zi dupa zi

Drop by drop – picatura dupa picatura

From first to last - de la primul pana la ultimul

Goods on sale – bunuri de vanzare

To learn by heart – a inavata pe de rost

To leave for school – a pleca la scoala

To keep in mind - a tine minte

To be on duty – a fi de serviciu

To go on foot – a merge pe jos

To put in order – a pune in ordine

From morning to night – de dimineata pana seara

On certain conditions – cu anumite conditii.

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2. SUBSTANTIVUL – The noun

Substantivul este partea de vorbire care denumeste finite, obiecte, stari, notiuni,

insusiri, etc.

Clasificare :

- Comune (common nouns): dog, cat, bird, house, apple, boy, girl, water.

- Proprii (proper nouns) : John, Alice, Romania, London, Europe,July,

Sunday, Great Britain.

- Abstracte (abstract nouns) : friendship, joy, wisdom, safety, theory

- Individuale (individual nouns) : man, house, stone, tree

- Colective (collective nouns) : team, army, family, crowd, group

- Nume de materie (name of matter) : water, air, fire, beer, milk, steel,

silver, gold, snow, wine, tea.

Genul substantivelor:

Masculine Feminine Neuter Common


Actor - actor Actress - actrita Air - aer Artist

Bachelor - celibatar Spinster - celibatara Ball - minge Beginner

Barman – barman Barmaid- barmanita Box - cutie Child

Bridegroom - mire Bride - mireasa Bus - autobuz Client

Husband - sot Wife - sotie Error - eroare Cook

Brother - frate Sister - sora Fish - peste Cousin

Father – tata Mother - mama Fork - furculita Customer

Grandfather - bunic Grandmother-bunia Impression-impresie Dancer

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Hero - erou Heroine - eroina Kangaroo - cangur Doctor

King - rege Queen - regina Land - pamant Driver

Man - barbat Woman - femeie Legend - legenda Fighter

Master - stapan Mistress - stapana Monkey- maimuta Guest

Monk - calugar Nun - calugarita Mouse - soricel Journalist

Sir - domn Madam - doamna Mushroom - ciuperc Parent

Son - fiu Daughter - fiica Pig - porc Prisoner

Uncle - unchi Aunt - matusa Shark - rechin Rival

Lion - leu Lioness - leoaica Sun - soare Writer

Horse - cal Mare - iapa Tea - ceai Worker

Pluralul substantivelor:

Pluralul regulat : se formeaza prin adaugarea literei “S” – EX: book – books

- Literea S semn al pluralului se citeste :

- S cand e precedata de consoane surde (book - books)

- Z cand e precedata de o consoana sonora (chair- chairs)

- IZ cand e precedata de s, sz, ch sau sh sau consoane suieratoare (bench

– benches, bus – buses, fox – foxes)

- Unele substantive terminate in Y precedat de consoana primesc S la plural , dar pe Y il

transforma in YE ( baby – babies, city - cities)

- Substantivele terminate in Y formeaza pluralul prin simpla adaugare la sfarsitul lor a

literei S daca in fata lui Y se afla o vocala (boy – boys, day - days)

- Substantivele care se termina in F sau FF formeaza pluralul prin adaugarea lui S (chief –

chiefs, half- halfes, knife – knives)

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- Substantivele terminate in O formeaza pluralul astfel :

- unele adauga terminatia ES : hero – heroes, potato- potatoes,

- altele adauga doar litera S : casino – casinos, piano – pianos.

Pluralul neregulat :

Businessman – businessmen = om\oameni de afaceri

Child – children = copil, copii

Die – dice = zar, zaruri

Fireman – firemen = pompier, pompieri

Tooth – teeth = dinte, dinti

Woman- women = femeie, femei

Pluralul substantivelor compuse :

Blackboard – blackboards = tabla, table

Mother in law – mothers in law = soacra, soacre

Substantive numai cu forma de plural:

Glasses – ochelari

Trousers – pantaloni

Clothes – haine

Scissors – foarfeci

Cazurile substantivelor :

Nominativ – the nominative case (who - cine? What - ce?)

The boy is playing in the garden. Who is playing in the garden ?

Vocativ – the vocative case

Este cazul adresarii sau al chemarii:

- george will you help me ?

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- come here, my boy !

Genitiv – the genitive case

Este cazul atributului si raspunde la intrebarile : Whose –ale cui ?, which – care? Which

of – care dintre?, what – ce, care ?

Cazul genitive este de patru feluri :

a. saxon \ sintetic – se formeaza la singular cu apostrof “ ‘ ” plus litera S si se

intrebuinteaza cu substantive masculine si feminine.

EX : the boy’s friend, the children’s ball, the sun’s heat, at shakespear’s.

b. prepositional analytic – se formeaza cu prepozitia OF si se foloseste cu

substantive de toate genurile.

EX: the smell of the flower, the friend of the boy, some books of my friend.

c. Genitivul dublu

EX: my friend’s birthday – the birthday of my friend

Her sister, alice’s blue eyes

That boy’s friend’s book

d. implicit \ anglutinant

EX: The United Nations Organisation

Student Organisation

A heat disease

Dativul – the dative case

Este cazul complementului indirect si raspunde la intrebarile : to whom – cui ?, for

whom – pentru cine? , to what – la ce ?

EX: I give Alice two books.- I give two books to Alice. To whom I give two books ?

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Everybody is working for him. For whom is everybody working ?

Acuzativ – the accusative case

Este cazul complementului direct si raspunde la intrebarile : whom – cine?, what – ce ?

EX: I see the boy everyday. Whom do I see everyday ?

You see the book on the table. What do you see on the table?

My sister is looking for a book. What is my sister looking for ?

Declinarea substantivelor : the declension of the nouns

Trecerea unui substantive sau pronume prin toate cazurile la numarul singular si plural

poarta numele de declinare.

Declinarea cu articol nehotarat a unui substantiv masculin si a unui substantiv



Nominative A boy- un baiat Boys – baieti

A girl – o fata Girls – fete

Genitive Of a boy, a boy’s- a, al, ai,

ale unui baiat

Of boys - a, al, ai, ale unor


Of a girl , a girl’s - a, al, ai,

ale unei fete

Of girls - a, al, ai, ale onor

fete, de fete

Dative To a boy = unui baiat To boys – unor baieti

To a girl – unei fete To girls – unor fete

Accusative A boy – un baiat Boys – baieti

A girl – o fata Girls – fete

Vocative Boy ! – baiete !

Girl ! – fata!

Boys ! – baieti !

Girls! – fete !

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Declinarea substantivelor cu articol hotarat :


Nominative The boy The boys

The girl The girls

Genitive Of the boy Of the boys

Of the girl Of the girls

Dative To the boy To the boys

To the girl To the girls

Accusative The boy The boys

The girl The girls

Vocative - -

Declinarea substantivelor neutre :


Nominative A table –o masa Tables - mese

The table- masa The tables – mesele

Genitive Of a table Of tables – de mese

Of the table Of the tables

Dative To a table To tables

To the table To the tables

Accusative A table Tables

The table The tables

Vocative - -

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3. ADJECTIVUL – the adjective

Adjectivul este partea de vorbire care califica\determina un substantiv sau echivalentul

unui substantiv.

In limba engleza adjectivele stau inaintea substantivelor sau dupa verbul TO BE sin u se

acorda in gen, numar si caz cu substantivele pe care le determina.

EX : The interesting book is on the table. (cartea interesanta este pe masa.)

Calsificarea adjectivelor :

a. calitative (descriptive) – clever, interesting

b. posesive – my, your, his, her, its, our, your, their.

c. Interogativ relative – wich – care? Pe care ?, wich of - care dintre ?, what – ce?

Care ?, what kind\sort of – ce fel de ?, whose – al, a, ale, ai cui ? who – care?, to

whom – caruia ?.

d. Demonstrative – this, these, that, those, the one, the former, the latter, the first,

the last, the other, another, such, the same, one and the same, the very.

e. Cantitative – some, any, few, little, much, many, plenty, a lot of, each, every,

several, enough, certain.

Comparatia adjectivelor si adverbelor :

Comparatia adjectivelor se realizeaza la urmatoarele grade :

-pozitiv – cand insusirea unui obiect nu se raporteaza la nici un alt termen.

-comparativ – prin care se exprima superioritatea, egalitatea sau inferioritatea unui

obiect fata de altul.

-superlativ – prin care se arata ca insusirea obiectului se afla fie in cea mai mare masura

fie in foarte mare masura. Adjectivele monosilabice dubleaza consoana finala cand

aceasta este precedata de vocala scurta.

Comparatia adjectivelor si a adverbelor este :

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a. regulata \ sintetica (cele scurte)

Gradul pozitiv Comparativ de superioritate Superlativ relativ Superlativ absolut

Big Bigger The biggest Very big

Dry Drier The driest Very dry

Great Greater The greatest Very great

Happy Happier The happiest Very happy

Hot Hotter The hottest Very hot

Long Longer The longest Very long

Small Smaller The smallest Very small

Tall Taller The tallest Very tall

Strong Stronger The strongest Very strong

b. analitica

Gradul pozitiv Comparativ de superioritate Superlativ relativ Superlativ absolut

Active More active The most active Very active

Curious More curious The most curious Very curious

Foolish More foolish The most foolish Very foolish

Huge More huge The most huge Very huge

Severe More severe The most severe Very severe

Sincere More sincere The most sincere Very sincere

Sociable More sociable The most sociable Very sociable

Unjust More unjust The most unjast Very unjust

Untidy More untidy The most untidy Very untidy

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Din analiza exemplelor de mai sus rezulta ca la gradul comparativ de superioritate

adjectivele de comparative analitica se ajuta de adverbul “more”, la superlativul relativ

de adverbul “most” iar la superlativul absolut de adverbele “very”, “extremely”, “quite”,


c. mixta (sintetica si analitica)

Gradul pozitiv Comparativ de superioritate Superlativ relativ Superlativ absolut

Able More able


The most able

The ablest

Very able

Ample More ample


The most ample

The amplest

Very ample

Empty More empty


The most empty

The emptier

Very empty

Strange More strange


The most strange

The strangest

Very strange

Stupid More stupid


The most stupid

The stupidest

Very stupid

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d. neregulata

Gradul pozitiv Comparativ de superioritate Superlativ relativ Superlativ absolut

Good Better The best Very good

Bad Worse The worst Very bad

Little Less The least Very little

Much More The most Very much

Old Older \ elder The oldest Very old

Near Nearer The nearest Very near

Late Later The latest Very late

In Inner The inmost -

Out Outer The outmost -

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4. PRONUMELE – the pronoun

Pronumele este partea de vorbire care inlocuieste un substantiv (o fiinta, un obiect,etc)

Clasificare :

a. pronume personale – the personal pronouns

I - eu

You - tu

He - el

She - ea

It – el, ea

We - noi

You – voi, dumneavoastra

They – ei,ele, dansii, dumnealor

b. pronumele interrogative – the interrogative pronouns

Nominativ : who ? (who knows him ?)

Genitiv : whose ? (whose is this little girl ?)

Dativ : to whom ? who ? (to whom are you referring ?, who are you referring to?)

Acuzativ : whom ? (this is the boy whom I saw)

c. pronumele relative - the relative pronoun

who ? – cine ?

EX: He doesn’t know who must come to see us.

I know the bpy who can play tennis well

d. pronumele posesive - the possessive pronouns

Mine – al meu, a mea EX: John’s friend is in London and mine is in Berlin.

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Yours – al tau, a ta EX: my car is blue and yours is red.

His - al lui EX : Our daughter is a student and his is a school girl.

Hers – a ei. EX : My friend works at a farm but hers doesn’t.

Ours – al nostrum. EX : Your boys play tennis but ours doesn’t.

Yours – al vostru. EX : My friends live here, yours doesn’t.

Theirs – al lor. EX : our son is here but their doesn’t.

e. pronumele demonstrative – the demonstrative pronoun

This – that book is yours and this one is mine.

That – this book is yours and that one is mine.

These – these books are mine and those one are yours.

Those – these players are very good but those one aren’t.

f. pronumele impersonale – the impersonal pronouns

one, you – one could work there. You should always behave decently.

g. pronumele reflexive – the reflexive pronouns

myself - ma

yourself - te

himself - se

herself - se

itself – se Cu ajutorul lor se formeaza diatezareflexiva a verbelor.

ourselves - ne

yourselves - va

themselves - se

oneself - se

To enjoy oneself – a se distra

I enjoy myself – eu ma distrez

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De retinut ca verbelor reflexive din limba romana nu le corespund intotdeauna verbe

reflexive in limba engleza.

h. pronumele emfatice – the emphatic pronouns

myself - eu insumi, personal

yourself – tu insuti

himself – el insusi

herself – ea insasi

itself – el insusi, ea insasi

ourselves – noi insine, insene,

yourselves – voi insiva

themselves – ei insisi

i. pronumele nehotarate - the indefinite pronouns

another – alt , alta (one man says yes, another says no)

each – fiecare (we received three books each)

the other – celalalt (john likes this book but I like the other)

others – altii (others know better than you)

one – unul, una (you don’t have any games but I have one)

all – tot (he must tell you all or nothing)

either – oricare din doi (you may buy either)

neither – nici unul din doi (one can see neither)

both – ambii (you may read either of them – both are interesting)

several – mai multi (you can see many books here but several are mine)

few – putin (I only found few)

little – putin (I have done little for them)

much – mult (I have got much tea)

many – multi (I’ve got many books)

some – niste (some are good but some are bad)

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any – orice (he doesn’t like any)

somebody – cineva (I can see somebody at the gate)

anybody – A. oricine – I can ask anybody

I. cineva – do you see anybody?

N. nimeni – I cannot ask anybody.

nobody – nimeni (I see nobody)

something – ceva (I see something)

anything – orice (I buy anything)

nothing – nimic (I bought nothing)

someone – cineva (you must ask someone)

j. pronumele reciproce – reciprocal pronoun

each other – unul pe celalalt – doua persoane(two neighbours are helping each other)

one another – unul pe celalalt – minim trei personae (the three brothers help one


Declinarea pronumelui personal :

In schema care urmeaza este inclus si cazul genitiv desi pronumele personal in cazu

genitiv este pronume posesiv , nu personal.

Singular :

N. I – eu You – tu He- el She - ea It – el\ea

G. My, mine – meu\

al meu

Your, yours-

tau \ al tau

His, his –

lui\al lui

Her, hers –

ei\al ei

Its, its – al lui\ei

D. To me - mie To you - tie To him -


To her - ei To it – lui\ei

A. Me-pe mine You-pe tine Him- pe el Her –pe ea It- pe ea\el

Plural :

N. We- noi You - voi They - ei

G. Our - nostru Your - vostru Their - lor

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Ours – al nostru Yours – al vostru Theirs – al lor

D. To us - noua To you - voua To them - lor

A. Us -pe noi You – pe voi Them – pe ei\ele

5. NUMERALUL – the numeral

Numeralul este partea de vorbire prin care se exprima un numar de obiecte sau ordinea


Clasificare :

a. numerale cardinale – cardinal numerals

Exprima un numar exact de obiecte sau fiinte incepand de la zero catre plus sau minus

infinit. La telefon cifra zero se citeste O, in stiinte se foloseste cuvantul zero.

Cand ne referim la ani exprimam : 1907 – nineteen oh seven

Exprimarea temperaturii se realizeaza astfel : -10 grade = ten degrees below zero

Cand se exprima scorul la jocurile de fotbal , 0 se pronunta NIL sau NOTHING. La tennis –

Nastase leads by two sets to tennis.(2-0)

Numerele de telefon se scriu cu spatii intre grupele de cifre – 0763 324 850

Numerele se rostes separate iar cifrele duble se rostesc folosindu-se cuvantul DOUBLE :

01 223 456 = oh one two three four five six

Cifre triple – 7 555 = seven five double five

b. numeralul ordinal – the ordinal numeral


/ the first – primul, prima


/ te second – al doilea


/the third – al treilea


/the fourth – al patrulea


/the fifth – al cincilea


/the tenth – al zecelea


/ the eleventh – al unsprezecelea

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/ the twenty first – al 21 lea


/ the one hundredth – al 100lea


/ the one hundred an first

c. numeralul colectiv – the collective numeral

contine o multime exprimata printr-un singular.

EX: couple – cuplu, team – echipa, pair – pereche, dozen – duzina,

d. numeralul multiplicativ – the multiplicative numeral

EX: double – twofold = dublu, indoit

Triple – threefold = triplu

Fourfold = impatrit

Tenfold = inzecit

A hundredfold = insutit

A thousandfold = inmiit

Once = o data

Twice = de doua ori

Thrice = de trei ori

Four times= de patru ori

Fity times= de 50 de ori

A hundred times = de o suta de ori

He has a suitcase with a double botton = El are o valiza cu fund dublu.

e. numeralul distributiv – the distributive numeral

EX: one at a time – cate unulo data

Two at a time – cate doi odata

Three at a time – cate trei odata

One by one – unul cate unul

Two by two – doi cate doi

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Every other minute – din doua in doua minute

Every other hour – hourly – la fiecare doua ore

f. numeralul adverbial – the adverbial numeral

EX: once – o data

Twice – de doua ori

Secondly – in al doilea rand

Firstly – in primul rand

Thirdly – in al treilea rand

g. numeralul nehotarat – the indefinite numeral

EX: a number of – un numar de

A lot of - o multime de

Lots of- multi

Ten of – zeci de

Hundreds of – sute de

Thousands of – mii de

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6. VERBUL – the verb

Verbul este partea de vorbire care exprima o actiune, o activitate sau un proces si are

urmatoarele actegorii gramaticale : timp, aspect, numar, persoana, diateza si mod.

Timpul verbului este categoria gramaticala prin care se precizeaza momentul

desfasurarii actiunii. Exista trei timpuri de baza : trecut, present si viitor.

Aspectul reprezinta gradul de indeplinire a actiunii. In limba engleza exista doua aspecte


a. aspect comun – prin care se exprima o actiune generala, terminate sau de scurta


b. Aspect continuu – care prezinta o actiune in desfasurare, deci o actiune


Diateza realizeaza realatia dintre subiect si complementul direct. Exista trei diateze:

a. diateza activa – actiunea subiectului se indreapta asupra complementului direct

b. diateza pasiva – actiunea savarsita de complementul de agent se rasfrange

asupra subiectului grammatical.

c. Diateza reflexiva – actiunea se rasfrange asupra autorului ei, adica asupra


Modul este categoria gramaticala a verbului prin care se precizeaza felul actiunii si

anume daca actiunea este reala, sigura, ireala, probabila, posibila, imposibila. In limba

engleza exista patru moduri personale si trei moduri nepersonale.

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Personale Indicative – are toate timpurile

Subjunctive – present, past si past perfect

Conditional – present si perfect

MODURI Imperative – present

Nepersonale Infinitive – present si perfect

Participle – present, past si perfect

Gerund – present si perfect

a. Clasificarea verbelor :







1. Auxiliare To be Was, were Been = a fi

To have Had Had = a avea

To do Did Done = a face

Shall Should - = trebuie sa

Will Would - = a vrea

To let Let Let = a lasa

2. Modale Can Could - = a putea

May Might - =a avea voie

Must Must - = trebuie

Shall Should - =trebuie sa

Will Would - = a dori

Ought to Ought to - = ar tb sa

Dare - - = a indrazni

Need Need - = obisnuia

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To be to Was, were


Been to = a urma sa

- Used to - =obisnuia sa

3. Principal Regulate To ask Asked Asked = a intreba

To like Liked Liked = a placea

To answer Answered Answered = a raspunde

To use Used Used a


Neregulate To go Went Gone = a merge

To see Saw Seen =a vedea

4. Auxiliar-











=a trebui

= a vrea

= a putea

Verbele auxiliare ajuta celelalte verbe sa-si formeze aspectul continuu, diateza pasiva,

timpurile compuse, unele moduri. Ele devin instrumente gramaticale pierzandu-si sensul


Verbele modale dau verbelor principale impreuna cu care se folosesc nuante lexicale

speciale. Verbele modale se mai numesc defective caci nu au forme proprii fie pentru

infinitive present, fie pentru trecut, fie pentru participiuyl trecut situatie in care se

inlocuiesc cu sinonimele lor. Ele nu au particula infinitiva TO si nu folosesc aceasta

particula dupa ele.

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b. Modurile personale ale verbelor

1. Modul indicativ

Este modul actiunilor reale si cuprinde toate timpurile.

Timpul present simplu– the present tense :

Este forma I de baza a verbelor. Exprima actiuni generale, stari, un obicei present. Se

foloseste si in propozitii conditionale de tip I. normal timpul present coincide cu timpul


Affirmative Negative Interrogative

Long form Short Form

I walk I do not walk I don’t walk Do I walk ?

You walk You do not walk You don’t walt Do you walk ?

He walks He does not walk He doesn’t walk Does he walk ?

She walks She does not walk She doesn’t walk Does she walk?

It walks It does not walk It doesn’t walk Does it walk ?

We walk We do not walk We don’t walk Do we walk ?

You walk You do not walk You don’t walk Do you walk ?

They walk They do not walk They don’t walk Do they walk ?

Negative – Interogative

Don’t you walk ?

Doesn’t he walk ? etc

Expresii folosite cu prezentul simplu :

- every day\week\month\year

- usually

- often

- always

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- rarely

- never

- sometimes

- in the morning\evening\afternoon

- at night

- ar Mondays

Folosim acest timp pentru situatii permanente, actiuni repetate, legi ale naturii,

programe, comentarii sportive.

EX : They own a beautifull car.

I usually get up at 6 o’clock.

Water freezes at 0 C degrees.

The film finishes at 9 pm.

Tom cruise acts very well in this movie.

Timpul present continuu – present contiunuous

Cand verbele se termina intr-o vocala intre doua consoane , dublam consoana finala.

EX : swim - swimming

Sit - sitting

Cand infinitivul se termina intr-un E , stergem E-ul

EX: write – writing

Dive – diving

Folosim prezentul continuu pentru situatii temporare, pentru actiuni care se intampla in

momentul in care vorbim, actiuni repetate cu expresia ALWAYS , cu aranjamente fixate

in viitorul apropiat, sau pentru situatii in derulare sau in schimbare.

EX : They are living with Ann at present.

She is looking for a better job.

You are always interrupting me.

The baby is always crying at night.

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Affirmative Negative Interogative

Long form Short Form Long form Short Form

I am talking I’m talking I am not talking I ‘m not talking Am I talking ?

You are talking You’re talking You are not talking You aren’t talking Are you talking ?

He is talking He’s talking He is not talking He isn’t talking Is he talking ?

She is talking She’s talking She is not talking She isn’t talking Is she talking?

It is talking It’s talking It is not talking It isn’t talking Is it talking?

We are talking We’re talking We are not talking We aren’t talking Are we talking ?

You are talking You’re talking You are not talking You aren’t talking Are you talking ?

They are talking They’re talking They are not talking They aren’t talking Are they talking?

Negative interrogative

Aren’t you talking ?

Isn’t he talking ? etc

Expresii folosite cu prezentul continuu :

- now

- at this moment

- at present

- nowadays

- today

- tonight

- always

- still

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Timpul present perfect- have\has + past participle (the 3rd

form of the verb)

Exprima o actiune trecuta terminata sau se poate termina in present.

EX : verbul regulat talk – talked - talked

Affirmative Negative Interogative

Long form Short Form Long form Short Form

I have talked I’ve talked I have not talked I haven’t talked Have I talked?

You have talked You’ve talked You have not talked You haven’t talked Have you talked ?

He has talked He’s talked He has not talked He hasn’t talked Has he talked ?

She has talked She’s talked She has not talked She hasn’t talked Has she talked?

It has talked It’s talked It has not talked It hasn’t talked Has it talked?

We have talked We’ve talked We have not talked We haven’t talked Have we talked ?

You have talked You’ve talked You have not talked You haven’t talked Have you talked ?

They have talked They’ve talked They have not talked They haven’t talked Have they talked?

Negative interrogative

Haven’t you eaten?

Hasn’t he eaten ? etc

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Verbe neregulate : eat – ate - eaten

Affirmative Negative Interogative

Long form Short Form Long form Short Form

I have eaten I’ve eaten I have not eaten I haven’t eaten Have I eaten?

You have eaten You’ve eaten You have not eaten You haven’t eaten Have you eaten ?

He has eaten He’s eaten He has not eaten He hasn’t eaten Has he eaten ?

She has eaten She’s eaten She has not eaten She hasn’t eaten Has she eaten?

It has eaten It’s eaten It has not eaten It hasn’t eaten Has it eaten?

We have eaten We’ve eaten We have not eaten We haven’t eaten Have we eaten ?

You have eaten You’ve eaten You have not eaten You haven’t eaten Have you eaten ?

They have eaten They’ve eaten They have not eaten They haven’t eaten Have they eaten?

Negative interrogative

Haven’t you eaten?

Hasn’t he eaten ? etc

Expresii folosite cu prezentul perfect :

- just

- ever

- never

- already

- yet

- always

- how long

- so far

- recently

- since

- today

- this week\month

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Folosim prezentul perfect pentru actiuni recent terminate, actiuni care s-au intamplat in

trecut si au conexiune cu prezentul, experiente personale.

EX: She has washed her blouse.

He has lost his keys.

I’ve lost 10 kilos.

He’s written three stories this month.

Timpul present perfect continuu – present perfect continuous (have\has been+ verb +


Folosim acest timp pentru actiuni care au inceput in trecut dar inca continua in present,

actiuni in derulate in trecut dar care inca mai au consecinte in present, actiuni care

exprima furie, iritare, explicatii sau critici.

EX : She’s been listening to music for three hours.

They’ve been playing football.

Who has been using my toothbrush ?

She’s been packing since this morning.

Expresii folosite cu prezentul perfect continuu :

- how long

- for

- since

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Affirmative Negative Interrogative

Long form Long form

I have been working I have not been working Have I been working ?

You have been working You have not been working Have you been working ?

He has been working He has not been working Has he been working ?

She has been working She has not been working Has she been working ?

It has been working It has not been working Has it been working ?

We have been working We have not been working Have we been working ?

You have been working You have not been working Have you been working ?

They have been working They have not been working Have they been working ?

Affirmative Negative Interrogative

Short form Short form

I’ve been working I haven’t been working Haven’t you been working?

Verbele statice :

Sunt verbe care descriu o stare permanenta si care nu au , in general, forme continue.

Acestea sunt :

- verbe de simturi : see, hear, speak, smell, taste.

- Verbe de opinie : agree, believe, consider

- Verbe de emotie : feel, forgive, hate, like, love,

- Alte verbe: appear, seem, be, belong, fit, have, know, look, need,

prefer, require, want, wish, etc.

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Unele verbe statice au si forme continue dar cu alt inteles.

State Action

I think she’s rich. I’m thinking about your plan.

The milk tastes awful. He’s tasting the souce.

He has a pet dog. He’s having dinner now.

The clothes feel like velvet She’s feeling her way through the dark.

I love holidays. I’m loving this holiday.

2. Timpul trecut

Trecut simplu - past simple

Past simple se formeaza prin adaugarea terminatiei –ED la verbele regulate.

Affirmative Negative Interrogative

Long form Short form

I walked I did not walk I didn’t walk Did I walk ?

You walked You did not walk You didn’t walk Did you walk ?

He walked He did not walk He didn’t walk Did he walk?

She walked She did not walk She didn’t walk Did she walk?

It walked It did not walk It didn’t walk Did it walk?

We walked We did not walk We didn’t walk Did we walk ?

You walked You did not walk You didn’t walk Did you walk?

They walked They did not walk They didn’t walk Did they walk?

Negative – interrogative

Didn’t you walk?

Didn’t he walk ? etc

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Verbele neregulate au o forma speciala de trecut :

Present I go I drink I am

Past I went I drank I was

Expresii folosite cu timpul past simple :

- yesterday

- last week

- how long ago

- then

- two days ago

- in 2008, etc

Folosim past simple pentru situatiile actiunile din trecut care se deruleaza una dupa alta,

obiceiuri din trecut, actiuni sau evenimente complete care s-au intamplat in trecut.

EX : She got up, washed and had breakfast.

He used to go \ went to school.

They phoned three days ago.

Shakespeare wrote a lot of good plays.

Trecutul continuu – past continuous – was\were + verb + ing

Affirmative Negative Interrogative

Long form Short form

I was walking I was not walking I wasn’t walking Was I walking?

You were walking You were not walking You weren’t walking Were you walking ?

He was walking He was not walking He wasn’t walking Was he walking ?

She was walking She was not walking Se wasn’t walking Was she walking?

It was walking It was not walking It wasn’t walking Was it walking ?

We were walking Were were not walking We weren’t walking Were we walking?

You were walking You were not walking You weren’t walking Were you walking ?

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They were walking They were not walking They weren’t walking Were they walking?

Negative – interrogative

Weren’ t you walking?

Wasn’t he walking ? etc

Expresii folosite cu timpul past continuous :

- while

- when

- as

Folosim acest timp pentru o actiune care se deruleaza in trecut , pentru o actiune

inceputa in trecut dar intrerupta de alta actiune inceouta in trecut, doua sau mai multe

actiuni derulate simultan in trecut, o descriere a unor evenimente intr-o poveste.

EX : She was eating at 8 AM yesterday.

While I was watching TV my mom came home.

The dog was barking.

Mai mult ca perfectul – past perfect : had + past participle (=the 3rd

form of the verb)

Affirmative Negative Interogative

Long form Short Form Long form Short Form

I had walked I’d walked I had not walked I hadn’t walked Had I walked ?

You had walked You’d walked You had not walked You hadn’t walked Had he walked ?

He had walked He’d walked He had not walked He hadn’t walked Had he walked ?

She had walked She’d walked She had not walked She hadn’t walked Had she walked?

It had walked It’d walked It had not walked It hadn’t walked Had he walked ?

We had walked We’d walked We had not walked We hadn’t walked Had we walked ?

You had walked You’d walked You had not walked You hadn’t walked Had you walked ?

They had walked They’d walked They had not walked They hadn’t walked Had they walked?

Negative – interrogative

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Hadn’t you walked ?

Hadn’t he walked ? etc

Expresii folosite cu timpul past perfect :

- for

- since

- already

- after

- just

- yet

- before

- never

- by

- by the time, etc

Folosim past perfect pentru o actiune trecuta care s-a intamplat inaintea altei actiuni

trecute, pentru o actiune care a avut rezultate vizibile in trecut.

EX : She had finished the exercises by the time her mom came home.

He was in the hospital beacouse he had had an accident.

Trecut perfect continuu – past perfect continuous: had been + verb + ing

Affirmative Negative Interrogative

Long form Long form

I had been working I had not been working Had I been working ?

You had been working You had not been working Had you been working ?

He had been working He had not been working Had he been working ?

She had been working She had not been working Had she been working ?

It had been working It had not been working Had it been working ?

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We had been working We had not been working Hadwe been working ?

You had been working You had not been working Had you been working ?

They had been working They had not been working Had they been working ?

Affirmative Negative Interrogative

Short form Short form

I’d been working I hadn’t been working Hadn’t you been working?

Expresii folosite cu past perfect continuous :

- for

- since

Folosim acest timp pentru actiunile derulate de-alungul timpului pana la un moment dat

in trecut, pentru actiuni din trecut care au o anumita durata si rezultate vizibile in trecut.

EX: She had been working as a nurse for 10 years before resigned.

He was tired because he had been playing football.

3. Timpul viitor

Viitor simplu – future simple : will + verb

Exprima o actiune posterioara timpului present (adica momentului vorbirii).

Affirmative Negative Interogative

Long form Short Form Long form Short Form

I will walk I’ll walk I will not walk I wont walk Will I walk ?

You will walk You’ ll walk You will not walk You wont walk Will he walk ?

He will walk He’ ll walk He will not walk He wont walk Will he walk ?

She will walk She’ ll walk She will not walk She wont walk Will she walk?

It will walk It’ ll walk It will not walk It wont walk Will he walk ?

We will walk We’ ll walk We will not walk We wont walk Will we walk ?

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You will walk You’ ll walk You will not walk You wont walk Will you walk ?

They will walk They’ ll walk They will not walk They wont walk Will they walk?

Negative – interrogative

Won’t you walk ?

Won’t he walk ? etc

Expresii folosite cu future simple :

- tomorrow

- tonight

- soon

- next week\month

- in a week, etc

Folosim future simple pentru deciziie luate pe loc, deciziile luate in timp ce vorbim,

pentru sperante, frica, amenintari, oferte, promisiuni, atentionari, predictii, comentarii.

EX: I’ll take the blue jacket.

Will you help me ?

You will soon be rich.

Shall I do the washing- up ?

Viitorul continuu : will be + verb + ing

Affirmative Negative Interrogative

Long form Long form

I will be working I will not be working Will I be working ?

You will be working You will not be working Will you be working ?

He Will be working He Will not be working Will he be working ?

She Will be working She Will not be working Will she be working ?

It Will be working It Will not be working Will it be working ?

We Will be working We Will not be working Will we be working ?

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You Will be working You Will not be working Will you be working ?

They Will be working They Will not be working Will they be working ?

Affirmative Negative Interrogative

Short form Short form

I’ll be working I wont’t be working Wont’t you be working?

Expresii folosite cu future continuous :

- tomorrow

- tonight

- soon

- next week

- in a week

Folosim viitorul simplu pentru actiuni care merg intr-un anumit punct in viitor, actiuni

care sunt rezultatul unei rutine, cand intrebam politicos despre oameni care au

aranjamente si daca ne pot ajuta cu ceva.

EX : I’ll be walking on the beach this time tomorrow.

I’ll be seeing Tom tomorrow.

Viitor perfect - Future perfect (the 3rd

form of the verb)

Exprima o actiune viitoare care se petrece inaintea altei actiuni viitoare. Se formeaza cu

auxiliarele SHALL\WILL plus infinitivul scurt perfect al verbului de conjugat.

Affirmative Negative Interrogative

Long form Long form

I will have walked I will not have walked Will I have walked ?

You will have walked You will not have walked Will you have walked?

He will have walked He Will not have walked Will he have walked?

She will have walked She Will not have walked Will she have walked?

It will have walked It Will not have walked Will it have walked?

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We will have walked We Will not have walked Will we have walked?

You will have walked You Will not have walked Will you have walked?

They will have walked They Will not have walked Will they have walked?

Affirmative Negative Interrogative

Short form Short form

I’ll have walked I wont’t have walked Wont’t you have walked?

Expresii folosite cu acest timp :

- before

- by

- by then

- by the time

- until

Folosim future perfect pentru actiuni care se vor termina pana la o data stabilita in


EX : He will have visited Jamaica by the end of the year.

She won’t have finished her homework until 9 o’clock.

Viitor perfect continuu – future perfect continuous : will have been + verb - ing

Affirmative Negative Interrogative

Long form Long form

I will have been walking I will not have been walking Will I have been walking ?

You will have been


You will not have been


Will you have been


He will have been walking He Will not have been


Will he have been walking?

She will have been


She Will not have been


Will she have been


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It will have been walking It Will not have been walking Will it have been walking?

We will have been walking We Will not have been


Will we have been walking?

You will have been


You Will not have been


Will you have been


They will have been


They Will not have been


Will they have been


Affirmative Negative Interrogative

Short form Short form

I’ll have been walking I wont’t have been walking Wont’t you have been


Expresii folosite cu acest timp :

- by

- for

Folosim future perfect continuous pentru durata unei actiuni inintr-o perioada din viitor.

EX: By the end of this yeas she will have been working here for two years.

Be going to + verb

Affirmative Negative Interrogative

Long form Long form

I am going to eat I am not going to eat Am I am going to eat ?

You are going to eat You are not going to eat Are You are going to eat?

He is going to eat He is not going to eat Is He is going to eat?

She is going to eat She is not going to eat Is She is going to eat?

It is going to eat It is not going to eat Is It is going to eat ?

We are going to eat We are not going to eat Are We are going to eat?

You are going to eat You are not going to eat Are You are going to eat?

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They are going to eat They are not going to eat Are They are going to eat?

Affirmative Negative Interrogative

Short form Short form

I’m going to eat I’m not going to eat Aren’t you going to eat?

Expresii folosite cu BE going to :

- tomorrow

- tonight

- next week \ month \ year

- in two days

- the day after tomorrow

- soon

- in a week

Folosim acest verb pentru actiuni pe care le vom performa in viitorul apropiat, actiuni

planificate sau intentii, lucruri de care suntem siguri sau pe care ne-am decis sa le facem

in viitorul apropiat.

EX: I’m going to meet her tomorrow.

They are going to have a party on their birthday.

She is going to have a baby.

It’s going to rain.

He is going to be promoted.

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4 . infinitivul –ING form past participles

Timpuri ale infinitivului – tenses of the infinitive

Active voice Passive voice

Present To offer To be offered

Present continuous To be offering -

Perfect To have offered To have been offered

Perfect continuous To have been offering -

Timpuri ale formei –ING – tenses of the –ing form

Active voice Passive voice

Present Offering Being offered

Present continuous - -

Perfect Having offered Having been offered

Perfect continuous - -

Infinitivul present se refera la present sau viitor

EX : I’d like to sleep for a while.

- The Present continuous infinitive se foloseste cu appear, claim, seem, pretend, must,

cant, happen, should,would – pentru a descrie o actiune care se deruleaza in momentul


EX : She must be rehearsing by now.

- The perfect infinitive – se foloseste cu appear, happen, pretend, seem, pentru a arata

ca actiunea la infinitive s-a intamplat inaintea actiunii verbului.

EX : They claim to have passed the exam.

- The perfect continuous infinitive – se foloseste cu appear, seem, pretend pentru a

evidentia durata actiunii la infinitive care s-a intamplat inaintea actiunii verbului.

EX : He seems to have been playing football all morning.

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- The present gerund – forma –ing se refera la present sau viitor

EX: I enjoy listening to music.

- The perfect gerund – forma –ing arata ca actiunea gerundului s-a intamplat inaintea

actiunii verbului. Putem folosi the prezent gerund in locul perfectului gerund fara a face

vreo diferenta in sens.

EX: He denied having stolen the money.

He denied stealing the money.

Subiectul infinitivului \ forma –ing

Forma –ing se omite cand e aceeasi cu subiectul verbului.

EX : They want to go to the circus.

I left without taking my glasses.

Cand subiectul infinitivului este diferit de subiectul verbului , atunci pronumele sau

substantivul este plasat inaintea formei – ing.

Subiectul gerundului poate fi de asemenea un adjectiv posesiv sau un substantive.

EX : I want her to clean the table. (she should clean the table)

I want to clean the table. (I should clean the table)

I remember him\his\ tom’s \ tom complaining about the difficulty of the task.

The to –infinitive is used :

- to express purpose :

ex. He came here to meet us.

- After nouns

Ex: it’s a pleasure to talk to you.

- after certain verbs (advise, agree, appear,

decide, expect, hope,promise, refuse):

ex : She advised me to wait.

- After too\enough constructions

Ex : It is too good to be true.

She is rich enough to give money.

-After certain adjectives


Ex : He was happy to come.

- With it + be + adjective(+of+object)

ex : it is nice of you to lend me your bike.

- After question words (where, how, what,

who, wich, but not after why)

- With only–to express unsatisfactory


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ex : Did he tell you where to go ? Ex : She call me only to tell me she was

going to be married.

-After would like ,would love,would prefer

Ex : I’d like to meet her again.

The infinite without “to” is used

- After modal verbs

Ex : You must come back.

- But : in the passive form: be made \ be

heard \ be seen + to – infinitive.

Ex : He was made to apologise.

- After had better\would rather

Ex : I’d rather stayed in last night.

Note : Help is followedby a to – infinitive

or an infinitive without TO.

Ex : He helped me (to) carry the bag.

- After make \let\see\hear\feel + object

Ex : He let her go on a trip.

Verbs taking to – infinitive or – ing form without a change in meaning

- beggin, start, continue + to – infinitive or –ing form. However we never have two –ing

forms together.

Ex : She began dancing

But: it’s beginning to get cold.

Not: It’s beginning getting cold.

- Advise, allow, permit, recommend, encourage when followed by an object or in a

passive form take a to – infinitive. They take the – ing formwhen not followed by an


Ex : He doesn’t allow us to smoke here.

They aren’t allowed to smoke here.

They don’t allow smoking here.

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It needs \ it requires \ it wants + - ing form. It needs can also be followed by a passive


Ex : The house needs \ reuires \ wants painting.

The car needs repairing \ to be repaired.

Verbs taking to – infinitive or – ing form with a change in meaning

a. forget + to – infinitive = not remember

ex : I’sorry, I forget to come earlier.

forget + - ing form = forget a past event

ex : I’ll never forget visiting Spain.

b. remember + to – infinitive = remember to do something

ex : Remember to switch off the lights before leaving.

remember + - ng form = recall a past event

ex : He doesn’t remember leaving the keys at home.

c. go on + to – infinitive = finish doing something and start doing something else;


ex : After finishing cooking she went on to wash the dishes.

go on + -ing form = continue

ex: they went on walking for hours.

d. mean + to – infinitive = intend to

ex : He means to find a job abroad.

mean + -ing form

ex : Finding a job means attending many interviews.

e. regret + to – infinitive = be sorry to :

ex: I regret to tell you tere is no money left in your account.

regret + -ing form

ex : I regret buying that dress.

f. try + to – infinitive =do one;s best, attempt

ex : The policemen are trying to catch the thief.

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try + -ing form = do something as an experiment

ex : Why don’t you try sleeping in the afternoon.

g. want + to – infinitive = wish

ex : I want to come with you.

want + -ing form = need something done

ex : This wall needs painting.

h. stop + to – infinitive = pause temporarly

ex : She stoped to finish her lunch.

stop + -ing form = finish, end

ex : She stoped playing the piano.

i. be sorry + to – infinitive = regret

ex : I’m sorry to see you sad.

be sorry + - ing form = appologise

ex: I’m sorry for telling you that lie.

j. be afraid + to – infinitive (the subject is too frightened to do something):

ex : The cat is afraid to climb the latter.

be afraid of + ing form

ex: She wont climb that three, she is afraid of falling.

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7. ADVERBUL – the adverb

Adverbul determina un verb , un alt adverb sau un adjectiv.

Clasificare :

b. Adverbe de mod – adverbs of manner

Adverbele de mod raspund la intrebarea “how ?” (cum).

Exemple de adverbe de mod :

- upside down

- somehow

- willingly

- fluently

- by chance

- accidentally

- beautifully

- deliberately

- completely

- extremely

- little

- much

- very

- badly

- slowly

- rather

- quicly

- fast

- aloud

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c. adverbe de timp – adverbs of time

Adverbele de timp raspund la intrebarea “when?” (cand)

Exemple de adverbe de timp :

- afterwards

- daily

- early

- formerly

- immediately

- never

- now

- presently

- meanwhile

- yearly

- recently

- often

- late

- then

- always

- last month

- before

- after

- just

- at present

- today

- at last

- by now

- already

- still

- once

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- when

- just now

- so far

- sooner or later

d. Adverbe de loc – adverbs of place

Adverbele de loc raspund la intrebarea “ where ? ” (unde?)

Exemple de adverbe de loc :

- behind

- far

- here

- near

- there

- inside

- upstairs

- along

- up and down

- here and there

- abroad

- under

- somewhere

- nowhere

- anywhere

- everywhere

- southwards

- homeward

- where

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e. Adverbe de cauza – adverbs of cause

Adverbele de cauza raspund la intrebarea “ why? “ (de ce ?)

Exemple de adverbe de cauza:

- that is why

- why

- therefore

- for the reason that

f. Adverbe de scop – adverbs of porpose

Adverbele de scop raspund la intrebarea “for what purpose ?” (cu ce scop)

Exemple de adverbe de scop:

- for this purpose

- for the mere purpose of

g. Adverbe de cantitate – adverbs of quantity

Adverbele de cantitate raspund la intrebarea “how much?”, “how little?”

Exemple de adverbe de cantitate:

- almost

- entirely

- little

- musch

- quite

- really

- sufficiently

- enough

- too

- very

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h. Alte adverbe

- especially

- exactly

- even

- only

- surely

- precisely

- at most

- at latest

- at ealiest

- however

- of course

- consequently

- also

- at least

- at any rate

- at worst

Comparatia adverbelor

Comparatia neregulata a adverbelor

Pozitiv Comparativ de


Superlativ relative

Well Better The best

Badly Worse The worst

Far Farther The farthest

Much More The most

Near Nearer The nearest

Little Less Thea least

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Late Later The latest

Up Upper upmost

Comparatia analitica a adverbelor

Pozitiv Comparativ de


Superlativ relative

Attractively More attractively The most attractively

Beautyfull More beautifull The most

Bestially More Bestially The most Bestially

Carefully More Carefully The most Carefully

Fortunately More fortunately The most fortunately

Quickly More quickly The most quickly

Charmingly More charmingly The most charmingly

Fluently More fluently The most fluently

Gratefully More gratefully The most gratefully

Willinigly More willinigly The most willinigly

Comparatia sintetica a adverbelor

Pozitiv Comparativ de


Superlativ relative

Cleanly Cleanlier The cleanliest

Early Earlier The earliest

Hard Harder The hardest

Low Lower The lowest

Multe adverbe se folosesc dupa verbul TO BE si dupa verbele modale, fiind nume

predicative. Se stie ca verbul TO BE poate fi predicat in propozitie doar cand este urmat

de un adverb de loc :

Ex : - to be black

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- to be bloody

- to be carefull

- to be cold

- to be concise

- to be hard

Locul adverbelor

Adverbele cu ajutorul carora se formeaza gradul superlative absolute stau totdeauna

inaintea adjectivelor sau adverbelor.

Ex : very well, uite right

Adverbul enough este singurul adverb care sta dupa adjective si verbe.

Ex : She sings beautifully enough.

a. Locul adverbelor de timp

Afterwards – I saw them afterward

Again – I saw him again

Always – I am always at home on Mondays

Before – I had read the book before

Ever- Do you ever go to see them ?

Never – I have never tried

Often – I often go to see them

Rarely – I rarely agree with them.

Sometimes – Sometimes she makes good decisions.

b. Locul adverbelor de mod

He has walking fast, not slowly.

He spoke about it briefly.

The letter must be written very carefully.

You must learn to speak English fluently.

I love this country very musch/

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This lesson can be easily learned.

He almost always makes mistakes.

It is almost time we started to play tennis.

Almost no one can believe such a thing.

They were fully satisfied.

Our trip look fully satisfied.

Quite- It is quite so.

Really – I want to tell you what I really think about it.

Din exemplele de mai sus se vede ca adverbele de mod fully, hardly, nearly, quite,etc isi

au locul in general inaintea cuvantului pe care il determina.

c. Locul adverbelor de loc

We’ll be waiting inside, not outside.

I found the book where I have put it.

I saw john in the park.

They walked past my car.

He was left well behind.

We shall find the book somewhere.

The book may be anywhere.

We may walk everywhere.

d. Propozitii cu mai multe adverbe

I must give this book to your friend today at six o’clock.

It will be written by john later this week, perhaps on Saturday afternoon.

They are requested to be quiet between twelve and five o’clock every day.

My friends are living in the country somewhere near Sibiu.

It will be hard for her to live on her small pension from now on.

We all are to meet them at the station tomorrow at a quarter past twelve.

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8. PREPOZITIA – the preposition

Prepozitia este partea de vorbire care uneste diferite unitati sintactice in cadrul unei

propozitii , realizand relatii de timp, loc, etc.

Ex : The book is on the table.

Prepozitiile sunt :

- simple : about, on, under, etc

- compuse : into, within, without, etc

- complexe : beacouse of, instead of, etc

- locutiuni prepozitionale : by means of, in the middle of, etc.

Prepozitia OF este cea cu care se formeaza genitivul prepositional \ analytic, iar

prepozitia TO este aceea a dativului prepositional.

In limba engleza prepozitia sta fie inaintea substantivului sau a altui cuvant cu care este

in relatie , fie la sfarsitul unei propozitii.

Ex : What is he talking about ?

Whom is the talking to ? – about whom is he talking ?

Whom friend are you talking about ? – About whose friend are you talking ?

What are you looking at ? – At what are you looking?

Prepozitiile in limba engleza pot aparea in post – pozitie in :

- intrebari care incep cu who, what, which

- in subordonatele attributive

- in unele exclamatii – What trouble they’ve got intro!

- in unele constructii passive – He is looked for by us.

- in propozitii infinitivaleThey are impossible to talk to.

- in fraze affirmative care incep cu who, what, which

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Cele mai importante prepozitii in limba engleza sunt:

- about =despre

- above = deasupra

- across = de-a curmezisul

- along = de-a lungul

- alongside = alaturi

- among = intre

- around = imprejur

- at = la

- before = inainte

- below = dedesubt

- beneath = sub, mai jos de

- besides = in afara de

- beyond = dincolo de

- by = de, prin

- for = pentru

- in = in

- inside = inauntru

- into = in

- near = langa

- of = de

- on = pe

- opposite = peste drum de

- over = peste

- past = e langa

- round = iin jurul

- since = de, de la

- throughout = prin

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- under = sub, peste, dupa

- up = in susul

- within = inlauntrul, in

- without = fara

Expresii idiomatice cu prepozitii, adverbe sau cu adjective

About the town = prin oras

A journey around the world = o calatorie prin lume

It is about two o’clock = este in jurul orei doua

To have money about one self = a avea bani asupra sa

A plane above the clouds = un avion deasupra norilor

Above my head = deasupra capului meu

A bridge across the Danube = un pod peste dunare

To sail across the ocean = a naviga peste ocean

To walk across the street = a traversa strada

After breakfast = dupamicul dejun

Day after day = zi dupa zi

They came two days after = ei au venit la doua zile dupa aceea

Soon after = in curand dupa aceea

Against the enemy = impotriva inamicului

Against the laws = impotriva legilor

A race against time = o cursa impotriva timpului

To walk along the road – a merge pe drum

Among his friends = intre prietenii lui

A trip around the country = a calatorie in jurul tarii

Put a coat around the baby = pune o haina pe copil

Is an island a land with water all around = este insula un uscat inconjurat de ape

At noon = la pranz

At the time = la vremea aceea

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At random = la inramplare

To be at school = a fi la scoala

Since before the war = inca dinaintea razboiului

Before long = curand

To hide behind a tree = a te ascunde in spatele unui copac

Verbe cu prepozitii obligatorii:

To accuse = a acuza

To agree on = a fi de accord cu

To approve = a aproba

To ask = a intreba

To be angry with = a fi nervos pe

To be concerned with = a fi preocupat de

To be crazy about = a fi nebun dupa

To be dependent on = a fi dependent de

To agree with = a fi de accord cu cineva

To apologize for = a cere iertare pentru

To arrive at = a ajunge la

To be afraid of = a se teme de

To be aware of = a fi constient de

To be close to = a fi aproape de

To be confident of = a fi increzator in

To be cruel to = a fi crud cu

To be deprived of = a fi deposedat de

To be different from = a fi diferit de

To be good at = a fi bun la

To be grateful to = a fi recunoscator fata de

To be of opinion that = a fi de opinie ca

To be on the move = a fi in miscare

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To be intend to = a fi absorbit de

To be jealos of = a fi gelos pe

To be polite to = a fi politicos cu

To be proud of = a fi mandru de

To be sorry for = a-I parea rau pentru

To be seized with = a fi prins de

To be surprised at = a fi surprins de

To beg for = a implora

To boast of= a se lauda

To begin with = a incepe cu

To call at a place = a trece printr=un loc

9. CONJUNCTIA – the conjunction

Partea de vorbire care leaga in propozitii cuvinte cu aceeasi functie sintactica , sau

propozitii in fraza se numeste conjunctie.

Conjunctiile sunt :

- simple – and, after, but

- compuse – however, unless

- correlative – either…or, neither…nor, both…and, as if, in order to

a. Conjunctii coordonatoare – coordonating conjunctions

Leaga parti de propozitie cu aceeasi valoare sintactica sau propozitii de acelasi fel.

b. Conjunctii copulative – copulative conjunctions

And – I see a boy and a girl.

As well as – He speaks English as well as german.

Both .. and – I like both English and german.

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Not only … but also – I like not only English but also german.

c. Conjunctii disjunctive – disjunctive conjunctions

Either … or – He can speak either English or german.

Neither … nor – I see neither him nor her.

Otherwise – The book is expensive otherwise it is very useful.

Else – Hurry up or else you will loose the train.

d. Conjunctii adversative – adversative conjunctions

Aceste conjunctii exprima contrastul.

But – We want to buy a house but we don’t have the money.

However – I didn’t want to do it, however I did it.

Nevertheless – Math is difficult nevertheless I like it.

Still – It is expensive still I will buy it.

While – Your motorcar is old while mine is new.

Yet – These goods are expensive, yet people buy them.

e. Conjunctii conclusive – illative conjunctions

Exprima o concluzie.

Accordingly – I found the book I needed and accordingly I bought it.

Consequently – I found the book interesting , consequently I bought it.

So – I considered the book interesting so I bought it.

Therefore – I didn’t find them in the park , therefore I came home.

f. Conjunctii cauzale – causal conjunction

For – it is very hot for it is august.

Sunt rare cazurile cand se intalnesc in limba engleza astfel de exemple cu FOR causal.

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g. Conjunctii de loc – conjunctions of place

Where – You must come here where I live.

Wherever – we’ll live wherever it is possible.

As far as – I shall go as far as I need.

Whence – I am going there whence you are coming.

h. Conjunctii de timp – conjunctions of time

After – I came after you had left.

Before – I must note you number before I forget it.

The first time – I saw he was a serious man the first time I saw him.

All the time – we are laughing all the time we were watching he play.

As long as – a man must learn as long as he lives.

As soon as – I must find out the truth as soon as I arrive.

Since – I haven’t seen him since he was a student.

Ever since – I realized he was a good man ever since I met him.

Till, until – you must wait till they come.

When – I shall tell you everything when they come.

While – while there is a life there is hope.

The moment – I recognized him the moment I saw him.

The very moment – I understood the real state of things the moment I entered their


i. Conjunctii de mod – conjunctions of manner

Introduc subordonatele modale.

As – he talks as he thinks

As if – he open his mouth as if to say something.

Not so …as – your house is not so big as I thought.

As…as – she sang the song as beautyully as she could.

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So much as – I do not like tennis so much as he does.

So far as – you will buy the house so far as you can afford it.

j. Conjunctii de cauza – conjunctions of cause

Introduc subordonatele cauzale.

Because – I bought the ball because it was cheap.

Seeing that – seeing that it was raining I entered the house.

Since – since it is raining I must take my umbrella.

Now that – now that I have come I shall drink a cup of coffee.

k. Conjunctii de scop – conjunctions of purpose

Introduc subordonatele finale.

In order to – we have come to school in order to learn.

Lest – turn on the lights lest you will knock your head against smth.

So that – turn on the light so that I can see better.

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Subiectul este partea propozitiei care poate fi uneori autorul actiunii alteori obiect al

actiunii savarsite de altcineva.

Subiectul poate fi cineva\ceva despre care se comunica ceva in propozitie.

Raspunde la intrebarile WHO ? si What ? (cine, ce)

Ex : The boy learns – cuvantul THE BOY este subiect iar cuvantul learns este predicat.


Este partea de propozitie prin care se comunica ceva despre subiect sau ce anume face

subiectul. Subiectul si predicatul sunt parti principale ale unei propozitii. Se poate vorbi

uneori despre propozitii cu mai multe subiecte sau subiect multiplu.

In momentul in care intr-o comunicare apare predicat multiplu , comunicarea respectiva

nu mai este propozitie ci fraza.

Predicatul unei propozitii este reprezentat printr-un verb la unul din cele patru moduri

personale ale verbului : indicative, conditional, subjunctiv si imperativ.

Predicatele sunt :

- Verbale – reprezentate printr-un verb principal.

Ex : He studies chemistry.

They will come back by coach.

He had seen the monastery.

- Nominale – consta dintr-un verb copulativ si un nume predicativ

Iata cateva verbe copulative : to be, to become, to continue, to get, to grow, to seem.

Ex : everybody grows old.

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I must go to church.

He is clever.

Roses smell great.

3. ATRIBUTUL – the attribute

Atributul determina un substantiv si isi are locul inaintea lui.

Sh is singing a beautyfull song.

He is my friend.

John is my best friend.

They were the last to come.

You can ask the man in the street.

The book read by me is interesting.

4. COMPLEMENTUL – the object

a. Complementul direct – the direct object

Este partea de propozitie asupra careia se orienteaza actiunea subiectului. Se exprima

prin substantive \ pronume in cazul acuzativ.

Ex : I am reading a book.

What am I reading ?

Who is raeding a book ?

Locul complementului direct in propozitie este dupa verbul sau. Exista si un complement

intern care sta intre verbul tranzitiv si complementul direct propriu zis.

b. Complementul indirect – the indirect object

Este cel asupra caruia actiunea subiectului se rasfrange indirect si este exprimat prin

substantive sau pronume in cazul dativ.

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Ex : I shall buy a book for you.

He bought the boy a book.

Complementul indirect raspunde la intrebari ca : to whom ? for whom ? about whom ?

with whom ? without whom ?

c. Complementul circumstantial de loc

Se exprima printr-un adverb de loc.

Ex : We are at home.

English is spoken all over the world.

Raspunde la intrebarile where ? (unde), from where ?, how far ?

d. Complementul circumstantial de timp

Se exprima printr-un adverb de timp.

Raspunde la intrebarea : when ? (cand)

Ex : I was at home yesterday.

I have never seen him there.

We have lived in Sibiu for 35 years.

e. Complementul circumstantial de mod

Se exprima prin adverbe de mod.

Raspunde la intrebarile : how ?, how much ?, in what way ? , how many times ?

Ex : The children were playing happily.

Alice sings beautifully.

f. Complementul circumstantial de cauza

Exprima cauza actiunii savarsite de subiect si exprimata prin predicat.

Raspunde la intrebarile : why?, for what reason ?, on what account ? , on whose account


Ex : I couldn’t come because of the rain.

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We arrived late on my account.

g. Complementul circumstantial de scop / final

Reprezinta materializarea scopului subiectului propozitiei in care se afla.

Raspunde la intrebarile : for what purpose ? , for what ? , what for ?

Ex : He only works for money.

This device is used for various purposes.

h. Complementul circumstantial concesiv

Raspunde la intrebarile : in spite of whom / what ?

Ex : They have come in spite of the bad wather.

They have played tennis in spite of my refusal not to play.

i. Complementul de agent

Complementul de agent sau subiectul logic este folosit numai la diateza pasiva.

Raspunde la intrebarile : by whom ?, whom by ?, by what ?

Ex : the book was ready by the student.

Se vede clar ca autorul actiunii este studentul. Cartea este subiectul grammatical.

5. Sintaxa frazei

Fraza este o comunicare alcatuita din mai multe propozitii aflate intre ele fie in raporturi

de coordonare fie de subordonare.

In cazul coordonarii , partile de propozitie in propozitie si propozitiile in fraza sunt

independente una de alta. Se pot lega intre ele prin conjunctii coordonatoare sau


Subordonare inseamna raport syntactic de dependenta a unei parti de propozitie sau de

alta parte de propozitie sau a unei propozitii de alta propozitie.

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Elemental subordonat depinde de termenul sau regent iar propozitia subordonata

depinde de regenta sa. Elemental subordonat este deci termenul dependent iar cel

regent este cel este cel care guverneaza in cadrul relatiei respective.

Propozitia regenta este aceea care depinde semantic o alta propozitie in cadrul aceleiasi


Propozitia subordonata se poate adresa unui singur cuvant din regenta sa iar acest

cuvant , care se numeste termen regent , determina felul subordonatei respective.

a. Propozitia subiectiva – the subject clause

Functioneaza ca subiect al predicatului din regenta si intregeste intelesul regentei.

Se intalneste dupa expresii ca :

- it is advisable that

- it is better that

- it is certain that

- it is desirable that

- it is meet and proper that

- it is inevitabl that

- it is necesay that I came

- it is important that

Ex: Why they didn’t come is still a secret.

How to write a book is not known by anybody.

b. Propozitia predicativa – the predicative / complement clause

Implineste functia de nume predicative al verbului din regenta sa si se introduce in

maniera in care se introduce si subiectivele.

Ex : Why he has come is the question.

Why he has come – subiectiva

Is the question – preducativa.

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c. Propozitia atributiva – the attributive clause

Este un atribut al unui substantiv din regenta sa.

Ex : Every man , who knows him, appreciates him verry much.

Every man appreciates him verry much.– regenta

who knows him – atributiva.

Termenul regent al atributivei de mai sus este substantivul man.

d. Propozitia completiva directa – the object clause

Este complemetul direct al verbului tranzitiv din regenta.

Ex : I did not ask him wheter he has thirsty.

I told you whom he gave the books.

He said that he could come later on.

e. Propozitia subordonata temporala – the adverbial clause of time

Este in fraza complementul circumstantial de timp pe langa un verb sau adverb din

regenta sa.

Ex : I shall read this book when I have time.

Termenul regent este vebul read.

I shall read this book before you come home.

I shall give you the money as soon as I meet you.

She is happy when she is with her family.

You may stay until your cousin arrives.

f. Propozitia circumstantiala de loc – the adverbial clause of place

Este complementul circumstantial de loc al unui verb sau adverb din regenta sa de care

se leaga prin adverbe relative ca : where, wherever.

Ex : You cannot live where they live.

We may spend our holydays wherever we want.

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g. Subordonata de proportie

Este o varianta a subordonatei de mod.

Ex : the more we are the better it is.

As time went on, so she began to type more quiqly.

The harder you work, the more money you make.

h. Subordonata preferentiala – the clause of preference.

Se traduce prin subordonata opozitionala.

Ex : Rather then play football I’d prefer to swim.

Rather then play football you had better learn.

I would play football rather then learn.

i. Propozitia circumstantiala de mod si comparative – the adverbial clause of manner

and comparison.

Joaca rolul de complement circumstantial de mod pe langa un verb sau un adverb din

regenta sa.

Ex : Mary sings as beautifully as her sister does.

My friend is older than you friend.

Tomorrow we shall work more than we worked yesterday.

j. Propozitia subordonata cauzala – the adverbial clause of reason

Este in fraza respective un complement circumstantial de cauza pe langa termenul sau

regent care este un verb sau un adverb din regenta sa.

Ex : I didn’t meet them there because I was late.

Se leaga de regenta sa prin conjunctii sau adverbe relative ca : because, for the reason

that, seeing that, on the ground that, owing to the fact that, since, on account that.

Raspunde la intrebari ca : why? , on what account ? , for what reason ? ,

Ex : Seeing that they did not come I went home.

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I did not come owing to the fact that it was too late.

k. Propozitia subordonata finala – the adverbial clause of purpose

Corespunde in fraza respective unui complement circumstantial de cauza pe langa un

verb sau adverb din regenta sa , respectiv pe langa termenul sau regent.

Subordonata finala se leaga de regenta sa prin conjunctiile si adverbele relative : in

order that, so that, that, lest, for fear that, on porpose to.

Ex : You must get up earlier so that you can meet him at the station.

He must turn on the light lest he should knock himself against something in the


I shall go to England so that I can learn English well.

We go to church to pray.

l. Subordonata concesiva – the adverbial clause of concession

Se introduce prin conjunctiile : though, although, however, whoever, in spite of, no

matter who, no matter by whom, no matter why, no matter when.

Ex : Though it is late we shall sit and watch he football match.

We shall watch the football match altought it is late.

Late as it is we shall watch the football match.

You should have been waiting for him even if it were late.

I buy it however expensive it is.

m. Propozitia consecutiva – the adverbial clause of result

Exprima rezultatul / urmarea / consecinta actiunii din propozitia regenta.

Ex : Alice was so beautiful that everybody was admiring her.

His explanation was so clear that each of us understood it.

He never go to the seaside but spend a lot of money.

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n. Propozitia subordonata conditionala – the adverbial clause of condition

Reprezinta conditia infaptuirii actiunii din regenta sa. Se leaga de regenta sa cu ajutorul

conjunctiilor conditionale: if, on condition that, providing/ provided that, suppose/

supposing that, unless, whether… or not, as soon as, as long as, in case.

Exista trei tipuri de conditionale , clasificare facuta in raport cu posibilitatea realizarii /

indeplinirii actiunii din regenta respectiva.

1. subordonata conditionala de tip I – conditie reala si posibilia , iar verbul din regenta sa

este la viitor. Locul lor in fraza se poate schimba.

Ex : If I have time I shall read this book.

I shall read this book if I have time.

I shall not read this book unless I have time.

I shall read this book on the condition that I have time.

2. subordonata conditionala tip II – conditie ireala si improbabila darn u imposibila.

Ex : I should read this book if I have time.

Se observa ca verbul este la modul conditional timpul present iar in regenta verbul este

modul subjonctiv timpul present. In aceasta siuatie conditia devine probabila. In acest

caz, actiunea din regenta pare sa fie in contradictie cu realitatea ori faptele ascunse.

Ex : He would buy this palace if he had money.

If he were to go on a journey round the world he would be very happy.

He would be very happy if he were to go on a journey round the world.

3. subordonata conditionala de tip III – conditie imposibila

In aceasta situatie verbul din regenta este la modul conditional perfect iar cel din

regenta este la modul subjonctiv perfect. Conditiile sutn trecute, sunt deci imposibil de


Ex : If I had had time I should have read the book.

I should have read the book if I had had time.

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o. Subordonata conditional concesiva – the alternative conditional concessive clause

ex : He will pay for everything , wheter he likes it or not.

Wherever you live, you have to work hard.

Wherever you lived, you’d have to work hard.

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6. Concordanta timpurilor – the sequence of tenses

Este acordul obligatoriu al timpului verbului din subordonata cu timpul verbului din

regenta sa. In limba engleza timpul verbului din subordonata trebuie sa se subordoneze

timpului verbului din regenta. Cu alte cuvinte, timpurile verbelor din regente dicteaza

folosirea anumitor timpuri in subordonatele lor.

Exista in acest sens trei reguli de cunoscut si de aplicat :

Regula I – daca in regenta verbul este la present tense sau present perfect tense in

subordonata se poate folosi orice timp.

Regula II – daca in regenta verbul este la trecut in subordonata el trebuie sa fie la unul

din cele trei timpuri trecute ale limbii engleze : the past perfect, the past tense, the

future in the past.

Regula III – daca verbul din regenta este la viitor in subordonatele conditionale si

temporale el trebuie sa fie la present tense sau present perfect tense, iar daca

subordonata este completive directa verbul va fi la viitor.


I. Verbul este la present Verbul poate fi la orice timp

We all know that He had come

He came

He will come

He would come

He would have come

II. Verbul este la trecut Verbul trebuie sa fie la trecut

He did not know that She had come

She came

She would come

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III. Verbul este la viitor A. verbul sa fie la present sau present

perfect in subordonatele conditionale sau


I shall tell you the truth if/when You give / have given me the book

B. Verbul va fi la orice timp in subordonata

completive directa.

I shall see what I shall do.

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Lista verbelor neregulate

Present infinitive Past tense Past participle Present


To arise arose Arisen Arising

To awake Awoke Awaked Awaking

To be Was/were Been Being

To beat Beat Beaten Beating

To become Became Become Becoming

To begin Began Begun Beginning

To bite Bit Bit/ bitten Biting

To bless Blessed Blessed Blessing

To blow To blew Blown Blowing

To break Broke Broken Breaking

To bring Brought Brought Bringing

To broadcast Broadcast Broadcast Broadcasting

To build Built Built Building

To burn Burned Burnt Burning

To burst Burst Burst Bursting

To buy Bought Bought Buying

To cast Cast Cast Casting

To catch Caught Caught Catching

To choose Chose Chosen Choosing

To cling Clung Clung Clinging

To come Came Come Coming

To cost Cost Cost Costing

To crow Crew Crowed Crowing

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To cut Cut Cut Cutting

To do Did Done Doing

To draw Drew Drawn Drawing

To dream Dreamt Dreamed Dreaming

To drink Drank Drunk Drinking

To drive Drove Driven Driving

To eat Ate Eaten Eating

To fall Fell Fallen Falling

To feed Fed Fed Feeding

To feel Felt Felt Feeling

To fight Fought Fought Fighting

To find Found Found Finding

To fly Flew Flown Flying

To forget `forgot Forgotten Forgetting

To forgive Forgave Forgiven Forgiving

To get Got Gotton Getting

To give Gave Given Giving

To go Went Gone Going

To grow Grew Grown Growing

To hang Hung Hanged Hanging

To have Had Had Having

To hear Heard Heard Hearing

To hide Hid Hidden Hiding

To hit Hit Hit Hitting

To hold Held Held Holding

To hurt Hurt Hurt Hurting

To keep Kept Kept Keeping

To know Knew Known Knowing

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To lay Laid Laid Laying

To lead Led Led Leading

To learn Learned Learned Learning

To leave Left Left Leaving

To let Let Let Letting

To lie Lay Lain Laying

To lose Lost Lost Losing

To make Made Made Making

To mean Meant Meant Meaning

To meet Met Met Meeting

To melt Melted Molten Melting

To pay Paid Paid Paying

To put Put Put Putting

To read Read Read Reading

To ride Rode Ridden Riding

To ring Rang Rung Ringing

To rise Rose Risen Rising

To run Ran Run Running

To say Said Said Saying

To see Saw Seen Seeing

To sell Sold Sold Selling

To send Sent Sent Sending

To set Set Set Setting

To show Showed Shown Showing

To shut Shut Shut Shutting

To sing Sang Sung Singing

So sit Sat Sat Sitting

To speak Spoke Spoken Speaking

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To spread Spread Spread Spreading

To steal; Stole Stolen Stealing

To swim Swam Swum Swimming

To take Took Taken Taking

To teach Taught Taught Teaching

To tell Told Told Telling

To think Thought Thought Thinking

To understand Understood Understood Understanding

To upset Upset Upset Upsetting

To wake Woke Woken Waking

To win Won Won Winning

To write Wrote Written Writing

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