Ijnyamato Wi

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  • 8/22/2019 Ijnyamato Wi


    -l l. ,/V.

    U/.3*,;t J;,/,n,^

    I N T R O D U C T I O NE9UR. fu.mous_warshipsere ncludedn theJapaneseI ' Navy ' s1937F l ce tRep len i shn ren trog ran t : an ru r ( ) ,Musashi Shr, tkuku,nd-Zuikaku. hei r p"aral le lur . . r ,i l l u s r ra rehe r rans i r i onrom t he Q iggun ' t o he i i f f o " .as the ul t imarenavalweapon n the g+0s. The formerrh i p : y : f . . . \ he , l a rges t69 , 500t ons ) and m osrheav i l yg r rnncd . l r t t l esh i psn . t heh i s t o ry f t he t ypeand wereconceivedas the backboneof -rhe Impei ia l F lect . Infact. becauseof the -elLergence f th'e airplane, thelat terships, nrere" 25,67-5-tonners.ere he most nt -po l t an t . sh i psn t he i r. Navydu r . i nghe SecondWor l dWar. The carr iershad spectacular tareers,he bat t le-shipsdid not , though hei r war recordswere no morelack- luster han most bat t leships. he dest ruct ion fthe carr iersmarked the end oi the sr_rr faceorcesofthe Inrper ia lNavy as an important actor n the war.The spectacularest ruct ionf thebat t leships,y carr ierl . i rcraf t , .was nrerely^symbol icof an iccompl ishedchange n the nat r . r ref .navalwarfare,a change vhichhi rd i rstbeensignal led y thecr ippl ingof the powerfu lGernurnbrt t les-hip ist r . rarcky rhe .st r ingbag. la i rcra i io f t he Roya lNavy back n 1941 .

    D E S I G NThe Yatnutoclass hipswere o be suchan advancern bat t leship esign hat the Japanese avy, n spi teofJ l rpun ' sn f e r i o r ndus r r i a l ase .wou ld en loy a qua l i _tat ive.edge or several earsover i t s chief ' r iva l , GUni t .edStatesNavy. According o Japanese sr imates,t he a rges t h i ps he Am er i cans oL r l d ' bu i l dha t cou ldpass hrough-thc PanamaCanal were 63.000 tonnersr r r r r redv i t h 0 -16 " guns ndcapab le f 23 kno t s .W i t ht l r is n rn ind, .h,e apanese esigners roduced he f rrsto f a se r i es f p l answh i cheven iuu l l yu lm ina t edn t heYt t t t t a lo s .The. .var iousesign-sresentedl l contemplated mix_t u rc o l s t eamand d iese l ropu l s i on , u t ^p rob len t snot l i r : rd ieselp lants n the Navy forcecj bandonntentfth is dea n the f inaldesign.Most of the desiens f ferer lhad 46cm guns t hough" t wo ua +o . e - . * " i i ; ; , D ' ' ' " "

    Hull Desi{n: Generalln outwi rrd appearancc he yatnatos fo l lowed the_gcneralc leslgn at tern. f major- apanesc,varshipssetby . the-ight c. ru iser tbct r i nd hcj i rvy ruisers f theKako class. he undulat ing heer ine of Jl rpanese ar_s l t i ps . , vasunc t i ona l a t he r han t l r e rcsu l to f son rcqul int Or ienta l uperst i t ion.s.suggestcdt t imesdur ingthc rvrrr .The. generalguidel ines iven clesigners TJapunesci ,arships,v i th egar-do hi t t design, ouldbestateclhus: Frecbourciorward should be'c lctermincclby searvorth inessonsidcrat ions,hc stcrn was to bcrcducedas mucl . ras possib le.Guns and nrachineryrvhich cclLr i red deternt inableepthof hul l , laken o__get l icr '\ , i th . tabi l i ty equi renients,ieternt inedhe hul ldcpth anr idships.When these igureshacibccn calcu_l i l tcd. t l lcy werc connecteclv i lh stn l ight ct r curvccll i ncs g i v i ng rhe cha rac t e r i s t i c ' , Japan j i c "hu l l l i ncl * onc intportantcharactcr ist ic ,he l ,n, r r r l rs v ' r ieclf ror t r l re Japanese ract ice,o thzt tc jate: he cLl tawaylorcfoot.of ntcxt .Ja^panesearshipswas rejected or ubulbous orv.This feature ecreaseclu l I resistancee_t rveerr5Vo lnd 8.2Va.rThe shipshad four shaf tsand[ r ,o nrdders, ne ntainand one auxi l iary, he lat ter orccfurcchc possib i l i ty f a d isaster inr i lar o that whichrvcl r lc ivertakeheGerntan at t leship isrr tarr .k. lnact ,i n sc rv i . cche aux i l i a r y r rddc r , h i chwassm a l l c r h i t nrhe rt ra in uclder, xpe iencecl l i f f icu l tyn stopping he

  • 8/22/2019 Ijnyamato Wi


    No. 4 , 1975sh ip once t s t a r t ed t u rn . T l t c l o rcc l t s t l c r s q t r i t ebroad in accordancewi th the st lnclardsment iorredaboveandcontainedhe ackle or the wo bow zinchors.The sternwascut away n t he fashion l ' the cru isers ft he 1920 -1930 ra ,bu t becausef t he boa tha t rqa r ndai rcraf t hangar, he reduct ionof thc sternwas not soobvious.Since he Japanese sed elat ivclyhigh st renethDSs t ee l n t he i r wa rsh i p u l l cons t ruc t i on ,he accep t ab ledesiqnst ress evelswere sonlewhathighcr than theymight havebeenhad MS becn he type stcel rsed. hedes- igntandards iven i rpanesecsignersor bat t le hipsin fu l l load condi t ionwere:

    HOGGING CONDITIONAcceptab le Actua l (Yamato)

    ' f u r ; r ing Ci rc le* - - : ; . l s i e r - - - 1 Ii - ---'2'---:>:

    \-- - )- -----''( T a c r i c a l D i r n : t a r )

    Drauine reproduced ro m Design& Construct ionof Yamato

    Hull DesiEn: Torpedo Protect ion SystemThe genera l des ign s tandardsset for Japanesenava larch i tec ts in des ign ing bat t lesh ip pro tec i ion sys temswere:"Large heav i lyarmoredvesse ls :( l ) Wi th a l l the unprotec ted paces n the sh ip f loodedthe vo lume of the armored box above the damagewater l ine should s t i l l be f rom 20-2.57cof the to tavo lume of the armored box . Under th is cond i t ion o ff lood ing, the sh ip must have pos i t ive GM.(2) Wi th a l l the torpedoprotec t ion paces n one s ideo{the sh ip f fooded, s wel l as the unprorec ted nds of thesh ip , sheshouldhave pos i t iveCiM and not caps ize. "' I he cr i te r ia g iven the des ignersof Yanta to were evennrores t r ingent :"a . Wi th a l l unprotec teds t ruc ture f looded, the in tacarmored bo x ',vaso have suff icientbuoyancy or f lotat ionanc lsuf f ic ient tab i l i t y o impar t a range of s tab i l i t yo ll2 ' . The unprotec ted t ruc ture nc luc led o th cnds . a l lvo ids outboardof the s ide armor on both s idcsanr l thchu l l above he armored seconddeck .b . Wi th a l l ou tboardvo idson one s ide looded. hc sh inwas not to inc l ine more than 18" ( roughty , he angleatwhich the main deck on the low s ideentered he water . )c. Wi th e i therone or the o ther of the unprotec ted nccomple te ly looded, the h ip was not to p lunge by e i thcthe bow or the stern .d. w i th the three outboard f i re rooms. the outboareng ineroom nd the vo ids n way of these our spaccs none s ide looded, he sh ip was not to caps ize. "


    DTl0 t ps i

    KC8 tpsi DTl0 t ps i KC8 tpsiSAGGING CONDITIONAcceptable Ac t ua l Yam at o )KT

    8 . 5 t ps iNoter: DT - DeckTensionKC - KeelCompressionDC - DeckCompressionKT - KeelTensiontpsi tons ersquarench

    ln general , apanese arshipswere very cramped byWesternstandards. hei r designers onsidered hat aclear deck heightof 1.9 to 2.3 nreters hould be ade-qua t e 6 . 21 t o 7 . 4 f ee t ) p l a t i ng o p l a t i ng , hus vhenwire ways,vent i la t ion ucts,etc. were run, headroomof f ive feet o, lessbecamequi te common. Access othei r shipswasvery poor.Thei r hatches nd watert ightdoorswereverysmal l , ndgeneral ly f surpr is inglyightconst ruct ion. hey general l l ' id not have quick act inggang operateddogs, but rveresecuredby indiv idualrather ight dogs.Thei r ladderswere usual lysteepandnarrowand showed o indicat ion f uni formi tvn s lopeor width. Because f theseapparentproblems, hei rships ouldnot beput nto maximum ondi t ion f water-t ight ntegr i ty s quicklyas Americanand Br i t ishwar-shios. hei r crewswereberthed nd messedn thesamecompartment .ammocks eing he standardmethodofberth ing he enl istedpersonnel ,hough sonreenl is ledaviators vere ivenbunks.Thei r gal leyswere pr inr i t iveby American standards, nd the sani tary faci l i t ies"st r ippedto the essent ia ls" .a l t water showers n theweather eckswerea conlmonmethod or bathine hccrew, hough onreargershipshad bathtubs.

    The s tab i l i t ycharac ter is t icswere as follorvs:M e t acen t r i c e i g h t G M )M ax im um i g h t i n geve r G Z )Range f S tab i l i t yRol l per iod

    of the l ' r r r r r r r to lasssh ips

    2 . 7 m et e rs[ . 2 m e t e r s7 0"l 6 - 1 8s e c o n d s

    At 26 knots rvi th 35' rudder, he advancewould bc589 metersand tact ical iameter 40 rneters.

    DC8 tpsi

    KT9 tpsi DC7. 75 ps i

  • 8/22/2019 Ijnyamato Wi


    296ln theory, hese r i ter iawere met thoughU.S. invest i -gators e l t that the nclusion f al l of the volunieof thehul l up to the forecast le eck in compurat ion f thewatert ightenvelopewas "a dubiousprocedure t bestand one which undoubtedly aveopt imist ic esul ts. "In 1934, a ser iesof bal l is t ics ests nvolv ingrZ scalecaissons ereconductedor thedesign f the Yatnatos'torpedodefense ystem also he moderniz i t t ionf theNagutos' orpedo bulges). n 1939, urther resrswereconducted on full scale ntock-ups of Yamato whichwere at tackedwi th 400 kg charges.n these ests, hehold ingbulkheaddidn' t remainwatert ight , ut nci therdid i t spl i t complete ly. s a resul r , he f inatdesignwasredone to st rengthen he bot tom connect ion-of thehold ingbulkhead, nd he hicknessncreasedrom threeinchesoveral l o a var iable hicknessrom eisht nchesat the point of connect ionwi th the main armor bel t ,taper ing o three nchesat the bot tom connect ion.heent i resystembeingdesignedo wi thstand n at tack bya 400 kg charge i .e.a dest royerorpedowarhead. Thi rb iggestproblem with the change n design was themethod for connect ing he main armor bel t wi th thenewly designed ower torpedohold ing bulkhead.Thedecis ion was an unsat isfactorv ombromise eachedover he object ion f several f f icers i io fe l t a delav nconrplet ion f the shipswas warranted n view of - theproblems. pparent n the compromisedesign. Themethodchosen el ied upon the steelmakersabi l i ty toproduce he shapes in armor connect ions,ivets,etc. )requi redand the shear ing t rength f the r ivetsat thepoint of connect ion, i th l i t t le t ransverseupport (seeDrarving

    Warship Internationalthe top of the bu lge connec t ion at the armor ) and 25meters n length ,betwcen rames 5 l and 173,was pro_duced.Water looded nto the No. 3 ( tur re t )upp" . - igu-z ine f rom a smal l ho le in the long i tud ina lbu lkheadcausedby cav ing in o f water l inearmor . "

    Measures were taken to remedy th is ser ious des igndefec t , but both the Chie f o f the Des ign Bureau ar r 'het ime and U.S. inves t igarorsaf rer the war doubted theva lue of the smal l a l te ra t ion in the torpedo defenses y s t e n la nd a U . S . s t udy conc ludes :"a . A U.S. warhead wi th 600 poundsof to rpex wouldrupture Yonla to 'sorpedodefense ys tem. he amounto finboard f lood ingposs ib lymight vary wi th the depth ofthe h i t . Thus , f the po in t o f impac t was at or be low thejo in t between the armored sec t ions , nboard f lood ineprobablycou ld not be cont ro l led . f the po inr o f impac twas in way of the main s ide be l t , inboard f lood insmight be cont ro l lab le , u t a h i t i n such a locat ioncer lta in ly would be not iceab le rom wi th in the space.

    b. The angle of l ist from one torpedo hi t is of th e orderof 2 ' to 3" i f the sh ip be reasonably ear the upr ightcond i t ion and reasonably ntac t . "

    Armor belt connectiott Yamato clnss,

    2- itot_D acK 2LAN

    194) torpedo damage to yamato.

    The inboardbulkheadsacked he elast ic i ty esi rablein such systems, r incipal ly ecause f the lonnect ionmethodused, ncluding he use of heavy H-beams nthe f i reroomarea. n Shinano,vhen he hold inebulk-head col lapsedonto the inboard bulkheads, t re H-beants ying hese ulkheads roke hrough he nboardbulkheads,adding to the damage cont ro l problentsrather than cont r ibut ing o the defensesyi tenr. InDecember 1943, YanrcIo receiveda torpedo hi t f ronrU.S.S.Skn/e.The Japaneseeport of the damage squoted:"On 25 December 943, t 180naut icat i lesnorthofT ruk at La r i rude 0 " 5 ' N nd ong i t ude 50 . 32 , E , ,netorpedo i t was eceivedroma single nemy ubmarine.A holeabout meters epth, xtendingownwardrom

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    N o . 4 , 1 9 7 5Fo r the massiveweight allocated o the torpedodefensesvstem, t di d not measureup to what should havebeenexpected, hough t did makeup for it s deficiencieswith sheer brawn when comparedwith the systemsofthe capital ships of other navies.Unlike the USN and RN , th e IJN preferred o keepthe compartments n their torpedodefense.systemoid'They relied on counterfloodingo remove ist.Hull Desi{n: Armor

    Th e Yamatos were the most heavily armored war-ships in history. Wi th the except ion. f the steeingenfine compariment an d horizontai deck armor forean-d ft, the armor was restricted o the armoredbo x orcitadel.Th e following diagramsand tables llustrate heextentof thei r Protect ive rmor.Machinery spacesM a in 4 l c m ( 1 6 . 0 5 " ) t 20 ' s l o P e VCLower 200mm (7.9" ) apered o 75mm (2.95")20' CNCMagazinesM a in 4 l c m ( 1 6 . 0 5 " a t 2 0 ' s l o P e V CL o w e r 2 7 0 m m ( 1 0 . 4 5 " ) t a p e r e d o l 7 5 m m(6.9" ) 20" s loPe VCBot t om 80m m ( 3 . 1 5 " ) nd 50m m (1 . 965" )CN CDecksMachineryspaces-Magaz ines l9cm (7.5" ) NVNCArntoredBt lkheads 14" tapered o 10" VC

    297Bal l is t ics :a . Muzz leve loc i t y( A P ) : 7 8 0m / s e c 2 5 5 6 t l s e c . )b . Muzz leve loc i tY(Com m ) : 805 m / sec 2 6 4 0 t l s e c . )c. Max. borepressure l . 0-32kg/sq cm( 19. -20.4 tonssq/ n .d . P royec t i l c t . (AP ) : 1465kg ( 3 2 2 0 b )e. Pro jec t i lewt .(Com m ) 1360 g (3000 b)

    Conning owerSidesTopSteeringG ea rSidesTo pEnds

    Main BatteryTh e main armamentof the Yamato classbattleshipsis the most nteresting spectof their design.Th e basiccharacteristics f their bi g gunswere:

    20" VC8" VCt4.5"6.'7 "9"

    40cm/45 ca l iberType 9440cm (for security easons)4 6 c m 1 8 . 1 1 n c h e s )4 52 Ocni - - -839.5nchesWirewoundand rad ia l lY xPanded;Muzzle 4 layers;Breech5 laYersScrewNumber of Crooves-72Twist-Uniform; on e in 28 calibersGroovedepth-4 .6cm; (0.18 inches)Bore crosssection-1698 sq.cm.(263 . I 9s q " )1 7 . 5 9 m 5 7 . 7 1 f e e t )480 l i t e rs 29.29cu in)

    f . Cha rge t . : 330 g (728 b )g . I gn i t e r t . : 2 . 5kg (5 . 5 b )h. Maximum ange: 42,050m (45,960 ds)i . M ax im um l t i t ude :11 , 000 (13 , 200 ds )j . Approximatei fe: 200-250 erviceoundsLength f shel l :1.9515 eters76.9 nches)Japanesenterest n monstergunsbegan n the 1920s,wi th the designof the f f13 classbat t leships nd con-st ruct ion f two 48 cm ( 18.9") /45cal iber estweapons.On e of theseweaponswas destroyed n test iring whilethe other survived he SecondWorld Wa r an d wa s cap-turedby the U.S.Navy. They wereessent ia l lyxpandedversioniof the durableBr i t ish 15" 42 cal (as were he4l cm gunsof NagatoandMutsu).

    I8. l1"/45 caliber rrrrr ln proait tg grourrt l at Karnesti lntbi '

    Th e undersides f the magazines ere protectedby 50-80mm plate. The stack uptakeswere protected n tw o*ays. Th e main armor d-eckwas 380mm armor with180mm perforat ionso permi t he stackgases o passthrough. he stackwas sweptback and the eadingedgewas irmored with 50mm armor for the purpose ofexplodingany bombs which might strike it .

    Des ignat ion:Nomina l Cal iber :Ac tua l Cal iber :Length n Cal ibers :Lengthovera l l :Type Cons t ruc t ion:Type of Breech:Rif l ing:

    Travel of project i leChamber Volume:

    : 1^. .tx

  • 8/22/2019 Ijnyamato Wi



    18.11" gun, less balance ueight, shouine assembled breechmechanism,

    Warship International

    General uieut of trial rnount at Kamegahubi.

    Slr inano's turntables at uar 's end. Weight is almost t0 0 tons.A typhoon has nuept auay supports cttusinq it to tilt.

    This uieu of turntable shous trunnion brachets clearll.

    In 1934, he quest ion f largeguns was againcon-sidered n view of the needs f rhe newbattleships f theYamato class.The 48 cm guns were rejected,- ut theneed or a weaponmore powerfu l han the 4l cm gunsin the Nagaloclasswas urged,and he 46 cm catiber vasset t led pon. The design or the weaponswhich was anew design,was completedn 1939 by a team headedby E,ngineer . Hada (who died dur ing he war) andconst ruct ion onrntencedn 1939- 940. In al l . twentvsevenguns were built. Six complete mounts were in -stalled t Yannto an d Musashi.A trial ntount an d twoof Shinano'surntables, ne near lycomplete,werecap-turedby the Americans ogetherwi th the nineguns orShinano.Trvo of these uns, ogetherwi th cer in inkeyparts,wereshipped o the U.S.The balancc f thc eLrnsand tu. r ret . rachinerynd a largestoreof sparc i r r tswere dcmol ished t the si tesof thei r - apture,af ter asdetai leda studyas could be conducted hich he t ime,nunber of personnel nd equipment vai lable ouldal -low. .The lat ter problem was greater han might beimagined.The only heavy duty crane at the si-tewa sinoperable, nd much of the machinery ascratedandstacked; onsequent ly,he c lateswere imply torn openand the contents tudied s carefu l lyas th is 'unsat isfac-tory methodof invest igat ion ould al low.

    18.11" guns at Kamegakubi, bulance ueishts no t f it ted.

    This photo shows runnion brackets and gun pits.

  • 8/22/2019 Ijnyamato Wi


    / * '

    ''?E qcten*"Iffi,-. I \ru Ea:,sr .*_-+-a-.\r-l /- |

    No. 4 , 1975 299wa FreR

    L r ' , -E r l a u s r R ! tEI L

    ru?r.re -

    !.Ra glL! |+*,g

    ls E rye *Ers &n LJi l lq, *.{ _l .a; 'E Er a| 'ar cLh c. _-=_-_ __o:dc^rg B^a!q --j+--_;\-r(I ^ |

    UPPEE MaAZTIJEIr-I ; ut l .gr 14 -E bl lsQ{ - C o -- f '_- co r qt r :E 1

  • 8/22/2019 Ijnyamato Wi



    Cable Lead In. Si nce turrets are lree rotat ing structures i t isnecessory that their blast air and electrical supplies be fur-nished through flexible lines. The diagram illustrates th eYamatos' rystem zuhich a l loued up to )60" tra in.

    -t ,t-ur[e

    .#*L-e"#a*itA . CORDIT-E-tlel5r,

    Louter Shell Handling Room. Shells utere moued by "push.puII" gear along stouage shids C betuteen stozxage girders G.Th e trauersing ,notor moaed th e slrclls into ltosition to bemoaecl into tILe turret rotating slrrtcture,lrom uhence theshell utas traruferred to the shell hoists.

    Warship InternationalShell "push.pull" gear and shell handling roorn markingsA Upper or f ixedgate .When down keeps hel l n pos i t ion .When up she l ls an move.

    CLower or mov ing gate .Normal up. Could move n hor i -zonta I p lane thus mov ing she l l one space.Stowagesk ids . Twin she l ls s towed ver t ica l ly on thesesk ids .

    D & D-1 Hooks for mov ing she l ls om (pu l l ) a thwar tsh ipsbay or in to (push)she l l hors t .Thus "push-pu l l "gear .C i Gi rdersseparat ing ows of she l ls .

    X Break n g i rders or changeof d i rec t ionof movement fshe l ls .

    Shell "push-pull" searan d shell handling room.

    Unit of "push-pull" gear (trial d.esign)for handling room.

    q r Y e t 49 C r ! . { 6 C { CU t Y o r r ( t( t l lP^t ?rto l d 6LArl Au

    dtri Tu &irryp s-mirr

    Iot nrst I lsaulT

    7lrl9 ro! 07 *{f

    I8.II" mount, shell "push-pull" eear. (trial design)

  • 8/22/2019 Ijnyamato Wi


    No. 4 , 1975Shel lsweremoveddi rect ly nto he hoist threehoistsper turret ) ,whichwasa sintp le pusher"type, i rston a5" below hor izontal i l ted Dlat form. or t ransfer o thehoistproper.The hoist doi r c losedautontat ical ly y aspr ing oaded rank when he wcightof the shel lentcr-ing the hoist nrechanism as fel t , and the shel l wasseated n the hoist ,which rvas i t tedwi th a set of threel i f t ing and reta in ing awls,back and f ront respect ively.When the shel l reached hc top of the hoist , t wasca r r i ed n t o t he t i l t i ngbuckc t ,wh i ch was t i l t ed o 8 'above hehor izon gun oadangle3" ) , beingheld n thebucketby c l ips.When he shel lwi rs cady, t wls ntovedf rom the bucket nto the wai t ing ray before ts t r lns-fer nto heshel l oading ogie nd rammer,which wasavery unwieldy mechanism. he loading bogie movedforward on ra i ls. and as i t nroved forward. i t a lsolowered nto he oadposi t ion ' above hehor izon. heranlnrerwi ts i convent ionul hain r -antnrer ' .


    Gunhouse Shell Transfer X'Iecluotisttt. ef t uieu i.sa sideuieut. Right uieu is a rear uieru. Ilefer to the text for ex,pkmation ol operat ion.

    E!S!-pqa 7-ltwlwJ!9_ql!cnrEA

    Gun turret shell ramnter in gu n house,

    Gu r t l ro u s e s l rc l l b o e rc a r t t l s h e l l ra rn n te r , l tn a l d e s ig r t .E X P L A N A T I O NA - R e c e i v i n g t r a y .B -Fo r* ' a rd ro l l e r s to o .C -B re e c h th re a d p ro te c t io n t ra y .I ) - -Bu f ie r s to p to l i m i t fo rwa rd mo v e me n t o f b o g ie .E - -Su p p o r r b o l rs fo r b re e c h rh re a d p ro te c t rn s t r i v .F -B rc e c h fa c ' c a n t i - ro l l i n g g r ip s wh ic h u e re - o p c n e d wh e n re f , r l ) l i ) rra n rn r in g th u s f re e in g s h e l l fo r ra mmin [ .C -Ra m s l ro c k c ( . Th e r am is a n o rma l b ic y c lc c h a in J n d s p ro e k c t t y p era m. Th e s p ro c k c t s imp ly ro ta te s c lo c k w is e a n d th e c h a in r rn rn ic rd r i v e s th e s h e l l i o to th e g u n .H R a n r m e r c h a i n s u p p o r t b a r .

    3 0 1

    -*t 'Entrancehandling

    to shell hoist for center qu n in uplter corditeroont. ("Push-pull qear no t f l t ted).

    9lrclItransf rbosie.Guti l touse slte l l boeie antl shel l

    E X P L A N A T I O N

  • 8/22/2019 Ijnyamato Wi


    302 Warship Internationalpe r flash door freed the rammer control. Th e corditehoistwasa3' l " x 9 '5" f lasht ightrunk equippedo takeone cordite cage.

    ftar&N(L Frd(!aE&qaqqlllau!8!ils6

    B Cord i te Stowage , /6c h a r g e s l l l - 1 3 2 l b s ) .C-Cord i re Ro l le r Chure-1 , /6 charges oadedend to en d an dpushed o f lash l igh ts c u t t l eD .D Flash Tighr Scun le-Cou ld accommodates ix l /6 charges ant lwas power ro ta ted .Cou ld no t be ro ta tedunr i l cord i te t ransferbog ie (E ) wa s prop-er ly a l igned.f : -Cord i reTransfer BosreOperar ion f rheCold-it e Transfer Bog ie i sexp la ined n Figure .c4cpirl HoDtt (

    m{ftitrrrt^tH !

    Plan ol Nlaeazine and Upper Cort l i te Hand"I ine Room

    Gunhouse, shell bogie and shel l rdnnner, fnal design.(Forzuard quar te r u ieu) (Beam xieu)E X P L A N A T I O NA-Main body, rammer ao d opera t ing mechan ism.B - R e c e i v i n g r r a yC-P ivo t po in t fo r changeof ang le rom 8 degrees o I degrees.

    b. Magazine and Cordite Handling Room-Therewere wo cordite handling oomswhich differed n onerespect.Th e lower room ha d one transfer bogie a.ndhoistand servicedhemiddlegun,whi le he upper oomha d tw o bogiesand hoists or the outer guns. Corditewas racked (B) in 11 ; ha rges l 2 l -132 t b ) . I t wasremoved rom stowage annisters, assed hrough flashtight scuttles D) controlledby the corditeroller chute(C) into the turret rotat ing t ructure. ix chargeswerethen transferred o the corditehoist and hoist casesbvthe transferbogie pivoting tray. Each end of tni hoisihad an ant i - f lasl i oor whichwasoperated y a combi-nat ionof camsand hand evers. he opening f the up-

    Type 91 15 Caliber 16cmGun turret pouder haruI l ing gear.C--Cordite Roller Chute.D-Flasht igh t Scur t le .E*Corditg Transfer Bogie which_operated as follows: The transfer bogie(a s i l lust ra tedcar ry ing six l /6 charges) ro ta ted counterc lockwise ro mthe flashtighr scuttle after receiving th e charges Zr of the circle (ap-prox imate ly) ro p ivo t po in t F a long the f ixed gu ide ra i l G. A por t idnof the gu ide ra i l was no t f ixed bu r p ivored- ro m ooin t F 'and isdesignatedH. The gu ide wh_ee l t rave l led to the srop pu l led to i tsposi t ion by the p isron ro d L which wa s re tracted in io 'cy l inder M.Upon reach ing he stop as can be seen he cord i te t ransfer 'bos ie u ,asa l igned wi th the cord i te ho is t cage. K in the inse t s the tu r re r io ra t ingstructure .The cord i te rammer mechan ism moved rh e charges nt o th iho is t caaes.


    Lower cordite handlins room, trial design.


    (A ) Guide vent fo r cord i te ravers ing og ie(B ) Bo l ie ravers ing ack(C ) Roller path fo r vertical spring guid rollers(D) Controt levers for f lash doors, cordite rammer(E ) Be d p la tes or rammer(F ) Ra i l fo r p ivo t t ray rouer(G ) Anti-flash door(H ) Inspect ion

    (')\\ : i- [r.i,.wnh]\- - t { - . -h { : - :\\illl l*o6-13*1'^".

  • 8/22/2019 Ijnyamato Wi


    No. 4, 1975 303Ar+4Le+

    +4!H-_fntrl CriTAl!)trF


    a.*fi=D\ruER I Iso_rLEe | |4loii r ]L- |


    Cordite Cage (Left-upper, s ide u ieu; Right, recr u ieu; Left- louer, top u ieu)The corr l i te cage consistet l o f the parts i l lustrated and operated in the fo l lo t t t ing mrtnner: A, the f lashtight charge contuinetwith s ix t /5 charges uus cur r ied. at the top ol the cctge rameu'ork I l . The functiott o l the balance of th e caqe ntechatrtsntturrs o posit ion the cort l i te charqes f or ramminq uhen the hoist cage entered- the gunhorLse. The hoist cage rode up the hoiston uheels C and K uhich rode in quide ra i ls . For rarnminq the tage rotated about shalt D to a l ign zuith the breech of thequn. The shalt leuer E u ' i th ro l ler F motted on rai l J ut l tereupon cranh L actuated" hyclrauLic trcchanism NI. As the cuge antlromnrcr piaoted into position cam N tnoaetl in grooae P, forcing th e flashtight container into load position.

    -A$yr! jnrq_{ A9T_?r!o\q._ g)Eilr_e__FtA^a!lE_&

    GeneraL Vieu ol U pper and Louter Cordite Imt td l ingroom reuobing structure of tr ia l 18.1 " mount.

    (A ) Cord i te boSic gu ide ra i ls .(B ) Cord i te bog ie r ravers in ! : ack.(C ) Ro l lcr pa th for ver t ica l spr ing gu id ro l le rs(D ) Contro l levcrs o r f lash doors and cord i te rammer( E ) Be d p la tes or su ng ing rammcr .( F ) A n t i , f i a s h o o r ( r i g h tg u n c o r d i r eh o i s ( ) .(G ) Ant i - f lashdoor (en trance o center pu n cord i te ho is t ) .{ H ) Bo i lom of uppcr C. H. R. rcvo lv ing st ructure .( l ) B l a s tv e n t r u n k .ordite Rannner (Left-s ide u ieu, I l ight-rear uieu). Thellantmer uas a choin remrner. Note: There is a tentarkablesimilar i ty betueen Yamatos' cordite cage ond rantr ner mech'anism and the projectil e"poucler ram mechonism in IJSSNewlrort Nc* 's c lass CAs. See Pp . 170, )72, )87 W.I. No"/,1972, though the latter ships uere desisned belore the endof th e Second. World War.


    ArrF8 5ropl___

  • 8/22/2019 Ijnyamato Wi


    304 Warship International

    Add i t iona luieu'sol uppera ndIotttercorditehandlitryro o nts.

    Cordite bogie inhantl l inq roorn, t r ia l

    desien (r ight an d l-re lorv.) .

    E X P L A N A T I O NA-Carr iage.B-P ivo t t ray.C-Handwhee l ? gear ra in ( t ravers ingmechan ism)D-Contro l lever .E-P in ion .F-P in ion .

    P lar t t , ieu t o f upper cor t l i te hand l ing roont o l t r ia l n tour t tn{ote size of tnan.L E G E N DA-ten te , cord i te ho is t t runk showing f lash door (D ) a t lower C H. Rle e .B -Right cord i te ho is t t runk.C-Lef t cord i te ho is t t runk.D-Se (A) .E-Ho le for secur ing enter p ivo t .F-B last vent doors.

  • 8/22/2019 Ijnyamato Wi


    N o. 4 , 1 9 7 5 305?BgFrLE



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