Intensive care for ischemic stroke 神經內科 洪國華

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  • Intensive care for

    ischemic stroke

    神經內科 洪國華

  • Content Treatment of acute ischemic stroke


    IV rt-PA for ischemic stroke in MMH-TT

    Guidelines in Taiwan Vs America

    Specific treatment of various stroke syndrome

    Large hemispheric infarction

    Acute occlusion of basilar artery

    Cerebellar infarction

  • 腦中風的主要分類

  • 缺血性中風的致病機轉

    Source: G. W. Albers, etc Antithrombotic and thrombolytic therapy for ischemic stroke: the Seventh

    ACCP Conference on Antithrombotic and Thrombolytic Therapy. Chest 2004; 126 (3 suppl.): 483S–512S





  • 怎麼辦ㄟ?

  • 請告訴我抗血栓藥物分幾類? Antiplatelets







    LMW heparin


    Dabigatran (Pradaxa)

    Rivaroxaban (Xarelto)


  • 斑塊破裂之發展史

  • Red clot

  • 時間


    Benign Oligemia


    血流量 不可逆腦損傷


  • 把握黃金三小時

  • 把握黃金60分鐘

  • 腦中風急診病患處置流程三重點




    急診護理師 □ 通知 Neuro

    □ Vital signs

    □ IV (N/S)抽血

    □ EKG

    神經內科醫師 □ NIHSS

    □ 適用 iv tPA

    □ 不適用 iv tPA

    神經外科醫師 □ 手術

    □ 不手術

    急診醫師 □ Brain CT

    □ 顱內出血?

    □ iv tPA禁忌症?

    檢傷護理師 □ FAST (

  • 1.臨床懷疑是急性缺血性腦中風,中風時間明確在3小時內




  • ……罹患腦中風的病人只有不到三分之一的機會,可恢復到正常的功能。您若使用這種血栓溶解劑將會增加百分之三十三復原的機會…





  • • 曾有顱內出血病史

    • 過去對本藥之主成份Actilyse或賦型劑過敏者

    • 最近3個月內有中風病史

    • 最近3個月內有嚴重性頭部創傷

    • 最近3個月內發生過急性心肌梗塞

    • 最近21天內曾有胃腸道或泌尿系統出血

    • 最近14天內曾動過大手術或有嚴重創傷

    • 過去10天內曾對無法壓制之部位施行血管穿刺


    排除條件 1:過去病史(必須均為“否”)

  • Diagnosis of ischemic stroke causing measurable

    neurological deficit

    Onset of symptoms

  • Significant head trauma or prior stroke in previous 3 months

    Symptoms suggest subarachnoid hemorrhage

    Arterial puncture at noncompressible site in previous 7 days

    History of previous intracranial hemorrhage

    Intracranial neoplasm, arteriovenous malformation, or aneurysm

    Recent intracranial or intraspinal surgery

    Elevated blood pressure (systolic >185 mm Hg or diastolic >110 mm Hg)

    Active internal bleeding

    Acute bleeding diathesis, including but not limited to platelet 1.7 or PT >15 seconds

    Current use of direct thrombin inhibitors or direct factor Xa inhibitors with elevated sensitive laboratory tests (such as aPTT, INR, platelet count, and ECT; TT; or appropriate factor Xa activity assays)

    Blood glucose concentration 1/3 cerebral hemisphere)

    Exclusion criteria for Patients With Ischemic Stroke Who Could Be

    Treated With IV rtPA Within 3 Hours From Symptom Onset

  • Inclusion criteria

    Diagnosis of ischemic stroke causing measurable neurological deficit

    Onset of symptoms within 3 to 4.5 hours before beginning treatment

    Relative exclusion criteria

    Aged >80 years

    Severe stroke (NIHSS>25)

    Taking an oral anticoagulant regardless of INR

    History of both diabetes and prior ischemic stroke

    Acute Ischemic Stroke Who Could Be Treated

    With IV rtPA Within 3 to 4.5 Hours

    From Symptom Onset

    () Class I; Level of Evidence B

    (+) Class IIb; Level of Evidence C


    好處 >>>壞處


    好處 >>壞處


    好處 ≥壞處


    好處 <壞處


  • Inclusion criteria

    Diagnosis of ischemic stroke causing measurable neurological deficit

    Onset of symptoms within 3 to 4.5 hours before beginning treatment

    Relative exclusion criteria

    Aged >80 years

    Severe stroke (NIHSS>25)

    Taking an oral anticoagulant regardless of INR

    History of both diabetes and prior ischemic stroke

    Acute Ischemic Stroke Who Could Be Treated

    With IV rtPA Within 3 to 4.5 Hours

    From Symptom Onset

    () Class I; Level of Evidence B

    (+) Class IIb; Level of Evidence C

  • Only minor or rapidly improving stroke symptoms (clearing



    Seizure at onset with postictal residual neurological impairments

    Major surgery or serious trauma within previous 14 days

    Recent gastrointestinal or urinary tract hemorrhage (within

    previous 21 days)

    Recent myocardial infarction (within previous 3 months)

    Relative exclusion criteriapatients may receive fibrinolytic therapy despite 1 or more

    relative contraindications (Class IIb)

    “Caution” instead of “contraindication”

  • • 曾有顱內出血病史

    • 過去對本藥之主成份Actilyse或賦型劑過敏者

    • 最近3個月內有中風病史

    • 最近3個月內有嚴重性頭部創傷

    • 最近3個月內發生過急性心肌梗塞

    • 最近21天內曾有胃腸道或泌尿系統出血

    • 最近14天內曾動過大手術或有嚴重創傷

    • 過去10天內曾對無法壓制之部位施行血管穿刺


    排除條件 1:過去病史(必須均為“否”)

    “Caution” instead of “contraindication”

    “Caution” instead of “contraindication”

    “Caution” instead of “contraindication”

  • • 發作的時間已超過3小時或症狀發作時間不明

    • 症狀已迅速改善或症狀輕微(例如NIHSS<4分)

    • 嚴重之中風(例如NIHSS>25)

    • 中風發作時併發癲癇(影像檢查能確定為缺血性中風則不在此限)

    • 收縮壓>185 mmHg

    • 舒張壓>110 mmHg


    “Caution” instead of “contraindication”

    “Caution” instead of “contraindication”

    “Caution” if 3 hours < onset < 4.5 hours

  • NIH Stroke Scale




    0 No stroke symptom

    1~4 Minor stroke

    5~15 Moderate stroke

    6~20 Moderate-to-severe stroke

    21~42 Severe stroke

  • 1. 清醒程度 0~3是否可以回答問題 0~2是否可以執行命令做動作 0~2

    2. 眼球運動 0~23. 視野 0~34. 顔面麻痹 0~35. 左上肢運動 0~4

    右上肢運動 0~46. 左下肢運動 0~4

    右下肢運動 0~47. 肢體動作協調 0~28. 感覺障礙(痛覺、觸覺或空間感覺) 0~29. 言語障礙 0~310. 構音障礙 0~211. 感覺忽略 0~2

    NIH Stroke Scale

  • • 顱內腫瘤、動靜脈畸形或血管瘤

    • 出血性視網膜病變,如糖尿病性(視覺障礙可能為出血性視網膜病變的指標)或其他出血性眼疾

    • 細菌性心內膜炎,心包炎

    • 有懷疑主動脈剝離之證據


  • • 嚴重肝病,包括肝衰竭、肝硬化、肝門脈高壓(食道靜脈曲張)及急性肝炎

    • 急性胰臟炎

    • 身體任何部位有活動性內出血

    • 其他(例如在排除條件未提到但會增加出血危險的狀況,如活動性肺結核、洗腎患者、嚴重心衰竭、身體太衰弱者或其他)


  • • 發作前48小時內使用heparin且aPTT過高

    • 病人正接受口服抗凝血劑且INR>1.7

    • 血小板<100,000 / mm3

    • 血糖<50mg/dl或>400mg/dl(血糖>200mg/dl即須非常小心)

    排除條件 3:生化所見(必須均為“否”)

  • • 影像評估為嚴重之中風(電腦斷層大於1/3中大腦動脈灌流區之低密度變化,或中線偏移)

    排除條件 4:影像所見(必須均為“否”)

  • • 過去10天內分娩

    • 控制不良之糖尿病

    排除條件 5:其他(因風險增加,施打與否需與病患與家屬做充分溝通)

  • 6















    Favorable outcome

    台東馬偕醫院急性腦梗塞病人靜脈溶栓治療之成果from July 2006 to June 2011

    At 3 month follow-up

  • Modified Rankin Scale

  • Emergency Evaluation & Diagnosis of

    Acute Ischemic Stroke

  • 台東馬偕醫院急性腦梗塞病人靜脈溶栓治療之成果

  • 缺血性中風經血栓溶解劑治療前24 小時的照顧原則(i)


    在用藥後24 小時內不要給抗凝血劑或抗血小板劑。若24 小時後有需要併用這些藥物時,需先做電腦斷層檢查,確定未有腦出血後再施予併用藥物。

    除藥物外,禁食24 小時,24 小時內避免插鼻胃管。

    24 小時內絕對臥床。

    以N/S 500 cc keep IV route ,給2 l/min O2(需要時), EKG monitor,紀錄I/O。

    給藥後30 分鐘內儘量避免插尿管導尿,6 小時無解小便且膀胱腫漲厲害時,則需考慮單導或留置尿管。

  • Aspirin (initial dose is 325 mg) within 24 to 48 hours after stroke

    (Class I; Level of Evidence A).

    The usefulness of clopidogrel is not well established (Class IIb;

    Level of Evidence C). Further research testing is required.

    The efficacy of intravenous tirofiban and eptifibatide is not well

    established (Class IIb; Level of Evidence C).

    The administration of other intravenous antiplatelet agents that

    inhibit the glycoprotein IIb/IIIa receptor (Abciximab) is not

    recommended (Class III; Level of Evidence B).

    Antiplatelet Agents 抗血小板藥物

  • Urgent anticoagulation, with the goal of preventing early

    recurrent stroke, halting neurological worsening, or

    improving outcomes after acute ischemic stroke, is not

    recommended for treatment of patients with acute

    ischemic stroke.

    Urgent anticoagulation for the management of

    noncerebrovascular conditions is not recommended for

    patients with moderate-to-severe strokes because of an

    increased risk of serious intracranial hemorrhagic


    Anticoagulants 抗凝血劑(Class III; Level of Evidence A)

  • The usefulness of argatroban or other thrombin inhibitors

    for treatment of patients with acute ischemic stroke is

    not well established (Class IIb; Level of Evidence B). These

    agents should be used in the setting of clinical trials.

    The usefulness of urgent anticoagulation in patients with

    severe stenosis of an internal carotid artery ipsilateral to

    an ischemic stroke is not well established (Class IIb; Level

    of Evidence B).

    Anticoagulants 抗凝血劑New recommendations

  • 缺血性中風經血栓溶解劑治療前24 小時的照顧原則(i)


    在用藥後24 小時內不要給抗凝血劑或抗血小板劑。若24 小時後有需要併用這些藥物時,需先做電腦斷層檢查,確定未有腦出血後再施予併用藥物。

    除藥物外,禁食24 小時,24 小時內避免插鼻胃管。

    24 小時內絕對臥床。

    以N/S 500 cc keep IV route ,給2 l/min O2(需要時), EKG monitor,紀錄I/O。

    給藥後30 分鐘內儘量避免插尿管導尿,6 小時無解小便且膀胱腫漲厲害時,則需考慮單導或留置尿管。

  • 缺血性中風經血栓溶解劑治療前24 小時的照顧原則(ii)

    測量生命跡象(血壓、心跳、呼吸),每15 分鐘紀錄一次,持續2 小時,爾後每30 分鐘一次,持續6 小時,以後每60 分鐘一次,持續16 小時。

    用藥完後2 小時及24 小時追蹤神經學檢查(包括NIHSS)。

    注意有無出血傾向,尤其檢查穿刺處有無出血或血腫、在淤青處做範圍記號、檢查尿液有無出血。若血壓高於180/105mmHg 以上時,即需做處理,控制高血壓期間,需每15 分鐘監測一次血壓至血壓穩定。

    若發現神經學功能惡化(NIHSS 增加4 分以上),懷疑有腦出血時,需立即做電腦斷層檢查,同時檢測CBC、PT(INR)、APTT,並準備4 單位的packed RBC或6 單位的cryoprecipitate、 2單位的FFP、1 單位的platelet。

  • Hemorrhagic Transformation of Cerebral Infarction

    Hemorrhagic infarction (HI)

    HI1 (small petechiae)

    HI2 (confluent petechiae)

    Parenchymal Hemorrhage (PH)

    PH1 (≦ 30% of infarct)PH2 (> 30% of infarct)

  • General Principles of Neurologic Critical Care Clinical Examinations

    Temperature management

    Pulmonary Function and Mechanical Ventilation

    Sedation and Analgesia

    Fluid and Electrolyte Balance


    Blood pressure control

    Management of blood glucose

    Be aware of deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism

    Treatment of IICP

    Invasive monitor procedures

  • Specific Treatment of Various Stroke


    Acute large hemispheric infarction

    Acute basilar artery occlusion

    Massive cerebellar infarction

  • Acute Large

    MCA Stroke

  • Acute Large Middle Cerebral Artery


    Cardiac monitoring should be performed for at least the

    first 24 hours (Class I; Level of Evidence B).

    Supplemental oxygen should be provided to maintain

    oxygen saturation >94% (Class I; Level of Evidence C).

    Blood pressure management

    In patients with BP > 220/120, a reasonable goal is to lower blood

    pressure by 15% during the first 24 hours after onset of stroke.

    (Class I; Level of Evidence C).

  • Autoregulation

  • Acute Large Middle Cerebral Artery


    IICP is a reliable prognostic sign

    ≈ 20 mmHg at the onset of deterioration

    subsequently rise over next 24~48 hours

    IICP > 30 mmHg is usually fatal

    Moderate hypothermia reduce brain edemaa

    Reduction of brain edema and control of ICP

    Decompressive hemicraniostomy and duraplasty

  • Cerebral compliance

  • 1. Decompressive surgical evacuation of a space-occupying

    cerebellar infarction (Level of Evidence B)

    2. Placement of a ventricular drain is useful in patients

    with acute hydrocephalus secondary to ischemic stroke

    (Level of Evidence C)

    3. Decompressive surgery for malignant edema of the

    cerebral hemisphere is effective and potentially

    lifesaving (Level of Evidence B). Advanced patient age

    and patient/family valuations of achievable outcome

    states may affect decisions regarding surgery.

    Class I recommendations for

    surgical treatments

  • Hemicraniectomy & Duraplasty For Large

    Hemispheric Infarction Or Malignant MCA Infarction

    Should be held within 48 hours

    after onset of stroke

  • 5 Randomized Trials of Hemicraniectomy

    & Duraplasty for Malignant MCA Infarction


    HeMMI (Philippines)

    HAMLET (Netherlands)

    DECIMAL (France)

    DESTINY (Germany)

  • Hemicraniectomy & Duraplasty for Malignant MCA Infarction

    Inclusion criteria

    • Age 18–60 years

    • MCA infarction, including at least 2/3 of the territory and including at least part of the basal ganglia, with or without additionalipsilateral infarction of the ACA or PCA

    • NIHSS score > 18 for lesions of the nondominant and > 20 for lesions of the dominant hemisphere

    • Consciousness: drowsy or obtunded

    • Onset of symptoms < 36 hours

    • Start treatment/surgery within 6 hours

  • • Prestroke mRS score ≧ 2

    • Prestroke score on the Barthel Index < 95

    • Score on the Glasgow Coma Scale < 6

    • Both pupils fixed and dilated

    • Any other coincidental brain lesion that might affect outcome

    • Space-occupying hemorrhagic transformation of the infarct

    • Life expectancy < 3 years

    • Other serious illness that might affect outcome

    Hemicraniectomy & Duraplasty for Malignant MCA Infarction

    exclusion criteria

  • 5 patients will escape death and at 1 year

    Mild disability = 1

    Moderate disability = 1

    Moderate-to-severe disability = 3 (unable to walk


    For Every 10 Hemicraniectomies for

    MCA Infarction

  • Acute Basilar

    Artery Occlusion

  • Acute Basilar Artery Occlusion

    2006 meta-analysis

    Without recanalization, likelihood of good outcome= 2%

    IA vs Iv thrombolysis

    Recanalization rate= 65% vs 53%

    Survival rate= 76% vs 78%

    Good outcome= 24% vs 22%

    Time window for recanalization < 6 or 12 hours?

    May try bridging thrombolysis in combination of IV platelet GP IIb/IIIa antagonist tirofiban

  • a 44-year-old right-handed male,

    5.5 h post onset of slurred speech, drowsiness, and left


    R.G. Gonzalez, J.A. Hirsch, W.J.Koroshetz,M.H.Lev, P. Schaefer:

    Acute Ischemic Stroke: Imaging and Intervention p49

    A clot in distal

    basilar artery

    Detection of Large Vessel Thrombus

    CT Angiography

  • 1. IV thrombolysis


    2. IA thrombolysis

    rtPA, pro-urokinase, urokinase

    3. Mechanical thrombectomy

    Merci retriever

    Penumbra aspiration system

    Solitaire FR revascularization device

    Trevor pro retriever

    Recanalization strategies for acute ischemic stroke

  • Intravenous Fibrinolysissuccess rates of IV alteplase in recanalization

    Alexandrov, A. V. (2010b). Current and future recanalisation strategies for acute ischemic

    stroke (Review). J. Intern. Med. 267, 209–219.


    Basilar artery: 30% [7]

    Terminal part of the ICA: 6%[9]

    M1 part of the MCA: 30% [4]

    M2 part of the MCA: 44% [3]

    Tandem ICA and MCA occlusion: 27%[5+6]

  • Atherosclerotic Plaque


    Hansson et al. Nature Reviews Immunology 6, 508-519 (July 2006) | doi:10.1038/nri1882

    纖維帽(fibrous cap)

    富含脂肪的核心(lipid core)

  • 破裂的斑塊

  • Merci Retriever

  • Interventional Management of Stroke III (IMS III) trial

    Phase III randomized multicenter open-label clinical trial

    IV rt-PA initiated within 3 h of stroke onset

    Stopped after 656 of the intended 900 patients were enrolled for

    there was a very low likelihood of finding a 10% difference in

    favorable clinical outcome at 90 days (modified Rankin Scale score

    of 0~2) in combined treatment arm

    Endovascular Interventions

  • EKOs micro-infusion catheterprovides concurrent low-intensity ultrasound energy

  • Penumbra Aspiration System

  • Solitaire FR Revascularization Device

  • Trevo® Pro Retriever

  • The usefulness of emergent intracranial angioplasty and/or stenting is not well established. These procedures should be used in the setting of clinical trials (Class IIb; Level of Evidence C).

    The usefulness of emergent angioplasty and/or stenting of the extracranial carotid or vertebral arteries in unselected patients is not well established (Class IIb; Level of Evidence C). Use of these techniques may be considered in certain circumstances, such as in the treatment of acute ischemic stroke resulting from cervical atherosclerosis or dissection (Class IIb; Level of Evidence C).

    Endovascular InterventionsRecommendation

  • 小腦梗塞可能造成阻塞性水腦症

  • 小腦梗塞可能致使腦幹受壓迫

  • Cerebellar infarction

    Neurologic deterioration growing mass effect of infarcted


    Deterioration can occur within minutes

    maximally on the 3rd day

    can be any time within the 1st 2 weeks

    Brainstem compression? Occlusive hydrocephalus? Concurrent brainstem stroke?

    Decompressive surgery of post. fossa +/- removal of infarcted tissue 優於ventriculostomy (may promote ascending herniation)

    Monitoring tools: BAEP and SSEP (Osmotherapeutics or decompressive surgery)

  • Take-home message

    Treatment of acute ischemic stroke


    IV rt-PA for ischemic stroke in MMH-TT

    Guidelines in Taiwan Vs America

    Specific treatment of various stroke syndrome

    Large hemispheric infarction

    Acute occlusion of basilar artery

    Cerebellar infarction

  • Bye-bye!