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Process of dismissalBased on the substance that released, process of dismissal in the human classified to: -Defecation: dismissl of resuade substance of digestive product ( feces )-Excretion: dismissal of resuade substance of metabolism [product] ( CO2, sweat, and urine )-Secretion: dismissal of juice that still useful for body (enzyme and hormon)Excretion system-Is system that release residue substance of metabolism tahat have no function for body, from the inside of the body like:-Release co2 gas when we breath -Sweat -Pee (urine)Tools of excretionTools of excretion in human body consist of :-Kidney-Liver-Skin-LungKidney ( ren )-Human has pair of kidney that locataed in front of te left side and the right spine part of waistStructure of kidney-corteks-glomerulus-Capillaries-Renal artery-Renal vein-Ureter-Channel carrier results filtering-Kidney marrow-Kidney skin( corteks ), on the cortex has many nefron or filter. Each nefron consist of malpigi body and tubulus glomerulus.glomerulus is plait capiler blood vessels. Glomerulus wrapped by kapsula bowman.-Kidney marrow (medula).kidney marrow consist of bulus konturtus. -kidney cavity(pelvis renalis). In kidney cavity empty into blood vessel.-From each cavity come out ureter.-Ureter is used to channel urine to urine sac.Function of kidney-Filter the blood urine-Throw away dangerous substances for body( urea & uric acid)-Throw away copious substances from the body(sugar degree)-Maintain the osmotic pressure of extracellular fluid-Mempertahankan keseimbangan asam dan basa.

Urine formation-blood in the glomerular filtration produce glomerular filtrate (primary urine)-The primary urine reabsorption in the proximal tubule konturtus to absorb substances that are still useful for the body. Resulting filtrate tubulus (secondary urine).-Secondary urine in augmentation in the distal tubule konturtus produce urine.-Under normal circumstances the urine contains water, urea, ammonia, mineral salts, bile dye, vitamins, drugs and hormones.Liver-Is the largest gland inte human body (2kg) which is located on the right side of the abdominal cavity beneath the diaphragm.Liver function-The liver produces bile (bilus) containing substances eritrosit rest of reshuffle in the spleen Liver function :-Regulated blood sugar levels-Place the formation of urea from ammonia-Offers poison-Form vitamin A from provitamin A-Place the formation of prothombin fibrinogen.Process in the liver-red blood cells that are old (histiosta) are broken down in the liver

Hb Fe Liver Marrow BoneSkin ( integument)-Is the outmost layer of the human body and an inner protective body.Skin function-Skin serves as :1. Sweat2. Protect the inside of the body of friction, bacteria, radiation, heat and chemicals.3. Regulate body temperature4. Receive stimuli from the outside5. Reduce water lossLungs (pulmonary)-Humans have a pair of lung are located in the chest cavity-Lung function as respiratory organs which absorb oxygen and emit CO2 + water vapor.-Water vapor and CO2 diffuses in the alveoli and then removed.Disorders and diseasesAlbuminuria-Sign : urine contains a lot of albumin.-Cause : protein deficiency , kidney and liver disease-Effect : body albumin deficiency thet prevents the liquid does not come out of the blood.

Hematuria-Signs : urine contains blood-Cause : inflamation of the kidney, kidney stones and baladder cancerNephrolithisais-Signs : urine tough it out because clogged kidney stones, kidney or bladder channel.-Cause : teh elements calcium concentration is too high and accelerated with infectin and obstruction of the ureter.-Result : trouble removing urine, urine mixed with blood.Nephritis-Symptoms : inflammation of te kidney nephron section that begins glomelular inflammation.Kidney failure-Symptoms : Increased leaves of urea in the blood -Cause : Nephritis ( kidney inflammation )-Effect :Substans thet should be removed by the kidneys accumulate in the blood.-Treatment : regular dialysis or kidney transplant.Diabetes insipidus-Signs : increasing the amount of urine ( 20-30 fold ).-Cause : shortage of antidiuretic hormone ( ADH ).-Result : frequent passing of urine.-Treatment : synthetic ADH administration.Diabetes militus-Signs : blood glocose levels than normal.-Cause : insulin deficiency.-Effect : healing wounds.-Treatment : the children were given insulin regularly and in adults performed routine diet, exercise and administration of blood glocose lowering drugs.Hepatitis-Signs : white discoloration of the skin and eyes turn yellow, urine becomes brown like tea water.-Cause : a virus.-Result : an inflamed liver and heart work undisturbed.-Prevention : keep the environment, aviding direct contact or use of the goods together with patients with hepatitis, use of disposable syringers.Cirrhosis of the liver-Signs :scarring and damage to the liver cells.-Cause : alcoholic beverangars, drug poisoning , bacterial infection , liver complication.-Effect : distrubance of consciousness, coma,death.-Treatment : according to the cause, recovery o liver function anf liver transplatation.Gangrene -Signs : the death of the soft tissue in the feet or hands begins with bluish skin and feels could to the touch , then blackened and stink.-Cause : the tissue blood flow disorders. Common in patients with diabetes mellitus and atherosclerosis.- Result : if it not be cured with antibiotics, the affected part ganrene to be amputated.

Urinary stone -Signs : difficult to dispose of urine.-Cause : the deposition of calcium in the kidneys.-Treatment : surgery, dugs and shooting with laser light.Excretion in plans 1. Plant produce relatively smaller amount of waste produce compared with animal because plant from organnic molecules which they actually need.2. Animal cat foot rich in protein and some of the animo acids are not needded by the animal. These amino acids are converted to urea for excretion.3. Plants are less active than animal so they accumulate waste more slowy.4. Plants do not have specialised axcretory organs to eliminate their axcretory products.5. Certain excretory products are converted into insoluble crystals an stored in leaves, flower and fruit which are leter lost from the plant.6. Some other complex waste products of plans include latex,resin and gum. These substances are stored in plants and are released when the plans die and decay.7. Some waste products of plants are use ful to humans. Latex from the rubber trees are used in the manufacture of tyres, gloves and shoes. Resins play an important role in the paint indrustry.

The main waste products in plants Excretory ProductSourceMethod of excretion

Caron dioxideRespiration-Removed from tissues by diffusion through intercellular spaces in the leaves, stems and roots during the night.-In leaves, the gas escapes through the stomata and in roots, carbon dioxide is constantly diffusing out into the air spaces of the soil.

OxygenPhotosynthesis-During the day, oxygen is lost from the leaves by diffusing throught the stomata

WaterPhotosynthesis-Water is lost throught transpiration

Calcium oxalateMetabolism-Deposited in the form of crystals in leaves and stems. They are removed from the plants when the leaves fall

TannisMetabolism-Stored in leaves and fruits, and are therefore removed when these are shed from the plants

Test yourselfQ1. ( A ) List two excretory products of plants. ( b ) Describe the ways in which plants eliminate the excretory products mentioned in ( a )Q2. Give resons why excretory is less important to plents than to animals.Answer :Q1.(a) Carbon dioxide and oxygen (b) Carbon dioxideis the product of respiration and is released in the dark. Oxygen is the product of photosynthesis and is released in the presence of light. Both gases diffuse out of the leaves throught the stomata.

Sensory system in humanThe ear : the ear has function as hearing sense. Inside that ear auditory nerves that are sensitive to sound vibration (voice).Parts of the earThe ear can be divided into 3 parts, they are external ear, middle part ear, and inner ear1. The external External ear has function to catch stimuli of voice vibration. The outer part of ear consist of auricle, earlobe, and eardrum membrane.2. Middle earThe middle part of ear is a cavity that contains air and inside there are auditory ossicleThere kinds of auditory ossicles are malleus, incus, and stopes. Those three bones have function to continue voice vibration from Ear drum to oval window.auditory canal is connected to nasopharynx by eustchian tube the eusthachian tube has function to keep air pressure inside and outside ear cavity equal.3. Inner earThe inner part of ear has function to receive stimuli of voice vibration. Inner part of ear consists of several ducts, they are oval window, round window, three semicircular ducts, and cochlea. Three semicircular ducts inside are found endolymph fluid. This duct has function as balancing organ.Cochelea contains lymph fluid. Inside it there are eads auditory nerves that go to the centre af auditory nerve in the brain.1. Hearding processSound is the product of vibration of a body. But a vibration does not always produce sound that we can hear. Frequency is the number of vibration for each second. The sound frequency that can be heard by our ear rangers between 20-20,000 Hz and is called audiosonic. If there is sound vibration whose it is frequency is between 20-20,000 Hz,it will caught by external ear, enter and vibrate the eardrum membrane, and continued by auditory ossicles that lie in middle inner ear. In the inner aer the vibration is caught by oval window and around window so it cause lymph fluid inside cochelea follows to vibrate. The vibration of lymph fluid gives stimuli to the ends of auditory nerve the then is sent to the brain. Inthe brain, the stimuli is processed an recognized so we can hear voice ( sound )2. Distuebance in the ear Commonly, distrubance in the ear that causes problem of hearing is caused by blockage of auditory duct, thickening (broken) of cardium membrane, sclerosis on audotory ossicles, and damage in audotory neve. Several examples of distrubance in the ear are as follows.1. The distubance of sound conductorDistrubance of teh sound conductor may be cause by thr piling od dirt in external ear or because there is alient thing and tumor in the external ear on middle ear2. Otosclerosis Otosclerosis is dissorder in stapes that is marked by the appearance of ringing sympony in the ar during chlidhood.

3. Otitis Otitis is distrubance in the ear that is 4. PresbycusisPresbycusis is the damage of nerve cell in the ear because of eag factor ( old people ) or because of hearinf very loud voice that destructurs auditory receptor in the inner ear.