Islamophobia by Heidi Bang, Dylan Keel and Dylan Boughton

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By Dylan Keel, Heidi Bang and Dylan Boughton

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Page 1: Islamophobia (1)


by Heidi Bang, Dylan Keel and Dylan Boughton

Page 2: Islamophobia (1)

An Introduction to Islamophobia

✭ The dislike of or prejudice against Islam or Muslims

The Issues:

-Individual Intolerance

-Legal Injustice

-Physical Violence

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● Limitations of Traditional/Religious dress

○ burqa, burqini, hijab and niqab bans in schools and public places

- A lady in France was asked to remove her “thing” referring to her hijab and once she refused she was asked to leave the classroom

Prejudice in the Workplace

- Discrimination towards muslims on job applications.

- According to a study conducted, “In more Republican-leaning states, only 2 percent of applications by the Muslim candidate received interview invitations compared to 17 percent for the Christian candidate.”

Individual Intolerance

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● In 2010, France passed legislation that made it illegal for Muslims to wear their burqa, i.e. full veil, in public places.

● There have been approximately 100 anti-Sharia bills that have been brought to the attention of over 30 state legislatures. Which is the law based on teachings of the Quran.

Legal Injustice

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Examples of Physical Violence ● In 2015 The FBI issued an intelligence bulletin, due to the violence occurring from islamophobia that warned

people of threats that had been made by ‘militia extremists’.

● Not long after ISIS was blamed for the Paris attacks, islamophobic driven violence occurred at an alarming rate. There had already been over sixty reported attacks just a week after what had happened in Paris.

● Shortly after the Paris attacks, two women were spit on by a Brooklyn man simply for wearing their Hijabs.

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Religious Persecution

1st Amendment: guarantees freedom of religion yet Islamophobia promotes prejudiced behavior towards Muslims simply because of their religious beliefs

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Before and After September 11

Concept began in the 1990s but since 9/11, fear & hatred has risen

“Research shows that the U.S. identified more than 160 Muslim-American terrorist suspects and perpetrators in the decade since 9/11, just a percentage of the thousands of acts of violence that occur in the United States each year”

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Information can quickly spread in the media, biased or not

It can be misinterpreted, spread irrational fear, classify a whole group of people based on the actions of a few

Donald Trump, popular figure, proposed ban on Muslims

→ Huge following accepts everything

he says, despite inaccuracies in his


Media Involvement

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Lack of education on the matter

People associate Islam as being negative because of the term “Islamophobia,” unaware that Muslims practice Islam

Usage of term aiding in spreading fear

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Islamophobia Protects this Country?

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Muslim Terrorists killed nearly 3,000 people on 9/11/2001

The “Patriot Act” (2001) legalized the mass storage of phone and email records of Muslims and Non-Muslims, as well as the ability of the U.S. government to detain “enemy combatants” without respecting constitutional rights.

Some say this has prevented more attacks...


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Fear of Islamic Terrorism

Fed by U.S. Politicians

“total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on.” - Donald Trump Campaign platform

I would not advocate that we put a Muslim in charge of this nation. I absolutely would not agree with that. -Ben Carson

Muslim-Americans who subscribe to Islam are just as bad as ISIS -Oklahoma St. Representative John Bennet

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TodayThere is some violence from radical “Muslim” terrorists

San Bernardino Shootings

ISIS threats

But, Islamic extremists make up only 6% of terrorist attacks on U.S. soil.

And still, forty-seven percent of Americans believe Islam is incompatible with American values (Brookings).

Fear has resulted in the attempt to limit refugees from Syria, because of their potential links to terrorist groups.

Figure created from data available on (“others” often = extreme right wing groups) https://www.fbi.gov/stats-services/publications/terrorism-2002-2005

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What does the prophet Muhammad actually teach?

“O you who do not believe! I worship not what you worship, and you are not worshipping what I

worship; nor is one worshipping what you wor ship; neither art you worshipping what I worship.

Therefore, to you your religion; and to me my religion!” (The Prophet Muhammad, chap. 109)

What is the actual effect of Islamophobia in this country?

More than half of all Muslims under the age of 30 (in the U.S.A.) report being the victims of

religious intolerance in the last year (Pew).

Muslims experience physical and legal violence.

A more divided and segregated community.

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Works CitedAALDEF, and CLEAR. Mapping Muslims: NYPD Spying and Its Impact on American Muslims. Comp. MACLC. Long Island City, NY: Muslim American Civil

Liberties Coalition (MACLC), 2013. Mapping Muslims: NYPD Spying and It's Impact on American Muslims. 2013. Web. 4 Dec. 2015. http://www.law.cuny.edu/academics/clinics/immigration/clear/Mapping-Muslims.pdf

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"Anti-Islam Prejudice in New Hampshire and Alabama." 2014 Election Report. Council on American-Islamic Relations, 31 Mar. 2015. Web. 09 Dec. 2015. http://www.islamophobia.org/143-reports/2014-election-report/156-2014-election-report.html

Awan, Imran. "Opinion: Why Islamophobia Is so Dangerous - CNN.com." CNN. Cable News Network, 03 Dec. 2014. Web. 10 Dec. 2015. http://www.cnn.com/2014/12/03/opinion/islamophobia-opinion/

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Hudhayfa, Abu. "ISLAMOPHOBE CAUGHT ON CAMERA SPITTING ON TWO MUSLIM MOTHERS IN HIJABS." Documenting Oppression Against Muslims. N.p., 26 Nov. 2015. Web. 4 Dec. 2015. http://www.doamuslims.org/?p=5485

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Work Cited (cont.) "Nationwide Anti-Mosque Activity.” American Civil Liberties Union, n.d. Web. 09 Dec. 2015. https://www.aclu.org/map/nationwide-anti-mosque-activity

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Rashid, Qasim. "5 Facts Islamophobia Deniers Just Don't Get." The Huffington Post. TheHuffingtonPost.com, 02 May 2014. Web. 10 Dec. 2015. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/qasim-rashid/the-5-facts-islamophobia-_b_5253423.html

Sheridan, Lorraine. "Islamophobia Pre-and-Post September 11th, 2001." Journal of Interpersonal Violence (n.d.): n. pag. Web. 06 Dec. 2015. http://jiv.sagepub.com/content/21/3/317.short

Stone, Jon. "Firebombs and Pigs Heads Thrown into Mosques as Anti-Muslim Attacks Increase after Paris Shootings." Independent.co. N.p., 14 Jan. 2015. Web. 9 Dec. 2015. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/firebombs-and-pigs-heads-thrown-into-mosques-as-anti-muslim-attacks-increase-after-paris-shootings-9977423.html

Taeb, Yasmine. "Connecting The Dots: The North Carolina Murders And Anti-Muslim Hysteria." ThinkProgress RSS. N.p., 13 Feb. 2015. Web. 10 Dec. 2015. http://thinkprogress.org/world/2015/02/13/3623222/connecting-dots-north-carolina-murders-anti-muslim-hysteria/

"2013 Anti-Islam Legislation - Islamophobia." 2013 Anti-Islam Legislation - Islamophobia. N.p., Sept. 2014. Web. 04 Dec. 2015. http://www.islamophobia.org/15-reports/137-2013-anti-islam-legislation.html


