Issue 5 - 1 December 2013 - Visitation to Elizabeth

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  • 7/22/2019 Issue 5 - 1 December 2013 - Visitation to Elizabeth


    Visitation to Elizabethisitation to ElizabethIn those days Mary set out and went

    with haste to a Judean town in the hill

    country, where she entered the house

    of Zechariah and greeted Elizabeth.

    When Elizabeth heard Marys greeng,

    the child leaped in her womb. And

    Elizabeth was lled with the Holy Spiritand exclaimed with a loud cry, Blessed

    are you among women, and blessed is

    the fruit of your womb. And why has

    this happened to me? That the mother

    of my Lord comes to me? For as soon

    as I heard the sound of your greeng,

    the child in my womb leaped for joy.

    And blessed is she who believed that

    there would be a fulllment of whatwas spoken to her by the Lord.

    Luke 1: 39 -45

    Brothers and sisters, Paul, an apostle ofChrist Jesus by the will of God, To the saintswho are in Ephesus and are faithful inChrist Jesus: Grace to you and peace fromGod our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.Blessed be the God and Father of our LordJesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christwith every spiritual blessing in the heavenlyplaces, just as he chose us in Christ beforethe foundaon of the world to be holy and

    blameless before him in love. He desnedus for adopon as his children throughJesus Christ, according to the good pleasureof his will, to the praise of his glorious gracethat he freely bestowed on us in theBeloved. In him we have redemponthrough his blood, the forgiveness of ourtrespasses, according to the riches of hisgrace that he lavished on us. With allwisdom and insight he has made known tous the mystery of his will, according to hisgood pleasure that he set forth in Christ, asa plan for the fullness of me, to gather up

    all things in him, things in heaven and thingson earth.In Christ we have also obtained aninheritance, having been desnedaccording to the purpose of him whoaccomplishes all things according to hiscounsel and will, so that we, who were therst to set our hope on Christ, might live forthe praise of his glory. In him you also,when you had heard the word of truth, thegospel of your salvaon, and had believedin him, were marked with the seal of thepromised Holy Spirit; this is the pledge ofour inheritance toward redempon as

    Gods own people, to the praise of hisglory. Eph 1: 1-14

    Parish Contact Numbers:Office: 9689 2899 Fax: 9689 2068. Email: [email protected] Msgr Shora Maree P.P. 0418 969 844. A.P.s Fr Pierre 0411 735 258.

    Fr Tony 0433 211 248. Fr Raphael 0401 627 777. Fr Sam, Fr Antoun 9689 2899. Fr Paul 0414 900 016. Fr Bernard 0411 811 807. Fr Claude 0422 819 277.

    Next Sundays ReadingsGal 4 : 21 -5 : 1

    Lk 1 : 57 -66

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    God asks everything of us, yet at the same timeHe offers everything to us. Pope Francis


    SUNDAY HOLY LITURGIES(Masses)OLOL Church -Harris Pk 8am (Arabic), 9:30am (English Family), 11am (Ar/Eng), 5pm (Ar/Eng), 7pm (English Youth)

    Mass Centres 11am St. Joseph the Worker, Auburn (Ar/Eng) / 6pm St Patricks, Guildford (Ar/Eng)

    WEEKDAY HOLY LITURGIES (Masses)Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri 7am, 9am & 6pm. Wed 7am, 9am & 5:30pm; 7pm (English Youth) Sat 7:30am & 6pm (Ar/Eng)

    CONFESSIONSBefore and during Saturday 6pm and Sunday Masses or by appointment on weekdays

    WEEKDAY DEVOTIONSRosary / Divine Mercy: Mon, Tues 8pm, Wed 6:30pm, Thurs 7:30pm Sun 6:30pm Fri 7:30pm

    Adoraon Hour:Thursdays 8pm 9pm 42 Hour Adoraon:Friday 6th December 9:30am -Sat 7:30am

    O Word Incarnate,Whilst in the womb of Mary who is blessed amongst all women yousll choose to visit us. May our hearts welcome You with the same zealand faith in which Elizabeth greeted You and Your mother and may wealso leap for joy, just as John did. Through Your incarnaon, You gave usthe gi of life and salvaon and as we prepare for Your glorious birth,may our joy be more focused on this gracious gi and less on the joy ofmaterialism and secularisaon. Amen Dory Zaouk


    Sunday 1 December 2013 Issue 5

    TheheGood NewsGood News fromromYourYour ParisharishThe Gospel The pistle


    Carols by

    CandlelightWed 18 Dec


    Prince of Peacefor the World

    with live Navity and

    Parish Choirs

  • 7/22/2019 Issue 5 - 1 December 2013 - Visitation to Elizabeth





    As we enter December we are greeted with the Gospel of theVisitaon to Elizabeth. In the Roman Catholic Rite, theycommence the Advent Season in preparaon for Christmas.In our Maronite Catholic Church, our preparaon began backin November.Our Reading is taken from the Leer to theEphesians. It is a dierent style to the other leers and manyscholars believe that it was not a leer wrien by Paul butone of his later disciples, but it sll contains themes

    associated with Paul.

    The Leer opens with praise and thanksgiving towards Godwho has given much. We are people whose sins are forgiven,

    who are children of God, who will aain salvaon and will inherit the kingdom. Youcould say this Sunday Reading aptly ts our Sunday theme.Our Gospel today tells of the Visitaon and it captures the joy and ancipaon ofgreat things to happen. The Leer to the Ephesians outlines what these greathappenings are. Our joy is in Christ who has done so much for us.When we meet one another, as Mary and Elizabeth did, or as Paul did with hisconverts, what praises do we sing? Do we recognise every spiritual blessingv3 Godhas given us? Let us list a few here and add to them over the week as we becomemore aenve to God ever gied in our lives. So the spiritual blessings we praiseGod for today Inner peace

    Deep joy

    Hope beyond this lifeFaith in a God that love usKnowing we are beloved children of God

    Sr Margaret Ghosn mshf


    Shepherds ornerhepherds orner

    Barbara lived in the 4thcentury and was brought up asa heathen. A tyrannical father,Dioscorus, had kept her

    jealously secluded in a lonelytower which he had built forthat purpose. Here, in herforced solitude, she gaveherself to prayer and study,and contrived to receiveinstrucon and Bapsm insecret by a Chrisan priest.Barbara resisted her father'swish that she marry. Then on

    one occasion, during herfather's absence, Barbara hadthree windows inserted into abathhouse her father wasconstrucng. Her purpose wasthereby to honor the Trinity.Dioscorus was enraged by heracon and by her conversion.So he himself denounced herbefore the civil tribunal. Shewas horribly tortured, and atlast was beheaded. Her own

    father, merciless to the last,acted as her execuoner. God,however, speedily punishedher persecutors. While hersoul was being borne byangels to Paradise, a ash oflightning struck Dioscorus, andhe was hurried before the

    judgment seat of God.The life of St. Barbara is a vividreminder that there can bemuch anger in our world and

    in our lives. Being in touchwith God's presence in a veryspecial way can do muchtoward relieving ourselves ofour tendency to allow anger tocontrol us.

    St Barbarat Barbara4 DecemberDecember

    Dear Parishioners,THE JOY OF THE GOSPEL lls the hearts and lives of all who encounter Jesus.Those who accept his oer of salvaon are set free from sin, sorrow, innerempness and loneliness. With Christ joy is constantly born anew.

    The Holy Father, Pope Francis, in his rst Apostolic Exhortaon EvangeliiGaudium opens his First full Exhortaon saying how central is true Joy in thelife of the Chrisan and the mission of the Church and he wishes to encouragethe Chrisan faithful, namely all of us, to embark upon a new chapter ofevangelizaon marked by the Joy of the Gospel.

    On this beauful Sunday of our Liturgical Year, with the joy-lled Visitaon ofMary to Elizabeth, it is a wonderful message for us to take in our week and therest of our lives in our Marriages, family Parish and work places.

    The Holy Father connues: I invite all Chrisans, everywhere, at this verymoment, to a renewed personal encounter with Jesus Christ, or at least anopenness to leng him encounter them; I ask all of you to do this unfailinglyeach day. No one should think that this invitaon is not meant for him or her,since no one is excluded from the joy brought by the Lord. The Lord does not

    disappoint those who take this risk; whenever we take a step towards Jesus, wecome to realize that he is already there, waing for us with open arms.

    The Holy Fathers Apostolic Exhortaon while long is very easy to read and hasso much that we can meditate on. You should readfor yourself and you can via the following or simp-ly by googling Evangelii Gaudiumhp://

    I look forward, with all the Priests and our Sta,volunteers and all parishioners in carrying out ourMission of evangelising with the Joy, as the Holy

    Father reminds us, in all that we do over thisSacred Season preparing for the Birth of the Lord.You can see how the Youth and other Groups inthe Parish have commenced with this Joy in ParishCamera on page 4. Barbara, at the Youth Dress-upChristmas Dinner, made a good start showing

    joyfully we all need to see the gi God calls us tobe to each other. Mons Shora Maree,d.dGI&psig=AFQjCNG_X_acSDoL2rcX
  • 7/22/2019 Issue 5 - 1 December 2013 - Visitation to Elizabeth


    On 6 December we commemorate the feast of St Nicholas the Wonderworker. The idea ofSanta Claus developed from the life of St Nicholas. The current worldview of Santa Claus isoen blurred by commercializaon and the promoon and selling of products. The reallessons of charity and giving that we can learn from St Nicholas are oen lost. So what canwe tell our children about the real Santa Claus?We know from Syriac Church history that St Nicholas lived in the third and fourth centuries.His parents were devout and had been childless. When St Nicholas was born they gavethanks and dedicated him to God.

    From his childhood he focused on studies of the Scripture when he grew up he chose to be apriest. He quickly gained fame for his kind-heartedness towards the ock and those who

    were aicted. He distributed all his inheritance to the poor. Eventually he was selected asBishop of Myra. As Bishop he connued to be an image of gentleness, kindness and love to-wards people. He sowed the word of Truth, and worked to heal those who had fallen astray.

    One of his most popular acts of Charity related to a poor man who was unable to provide dowries for his threedaughters to marry them. The man was considering selling his daughters into prostuon so they would not dieof hunger. In order to avoid the family falling into sin, St Nicholas secretly tossed a bag of gold through the poormans window on three separate occasions. The third me the man was watching and he found out it was thekind bishop St. Nicholas. The man bowed down at St Nicholass feet and thanked him because he had saved hisdaughters from poverty and from a life of sin. St Nicholas refused to accept any thanks and asked them to thankthe Lord who had put the thought in his heart.

    St Nicholass act of giving saved the family from spiritual destrucon. That is what the true spirit of Chrisan

    giving is about. Instead of judging the father, St Nicholas worked to understand the reasons why he might fallinto sin and worked to help him and his daughters avoid sin.

    This Christmas, which Santa Claus are we going to teach our children about? The modern secular Santa Clauswhich is oen about excess, waste and commercializaon? Or the real Santa Claus, St Nicholas, who through hisworks and giving helped heal the sinners and the sick, welcomed and helped the poor, but most importantly didnot simply judge others but gave so that others might avoid sin.

    Theresa Simon

    Family Corner / Saint of the Weekamily Corner / Saint of the WeekUnderstanding the Real Santa Claus St Nicholas the Wonderworker

    Article of the Weekrticle of the WeekIn this weeks Gospel St Luke narrates Mary's visit to her relave Elizabeth. Pope Emeritus Benedict tells us that

    "this episode is not merely a simple gesture of courtesy, but rather depicts with great simplicity the encounter

    between the Old and New Testaments. The two women, both expectant mothers, incarnate both expectaon

    and the expected One. The older Elizabeth symbolises Israel, whereas the younger Mary carries within her the

    fullment of expectaon, to the benet of all humanity".

    The Pope goes on to proclaim that "Elizabeth, welcoming Mary, recognises that God's promise to humanity isbeing realised and exclaims: Blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb! How is it

    that the mother of my Lord should come to me? John's leap for joy recalls David's dance when he accompanied

    the entrance of the Ark of the Covenant into Jerusalem. The soon-to-be-born John exults with joy before Mary,

    the Ark of the New Covenant, who bears Jesus in her womb, the Son of God made man.

    The scene of the Visitaon expresses the beauty and splendour of hospitality. It is in this hospitality that we nd

    a shared welcome, empathec listening, genuineness and accepng of the other. It is in this hospitality that we

    nd the true presence of God and the joy that is transcended from Him. If we reect on this Hospitality and the

    joy that it brings with it we can ask ourselves the following quesons: Are we vising those who are facing great

    struggles in their lives? Are we vising the sick, the prisoners, the elderly and the poor? When we greet each

    other do we greet each other with joy and love or do we greet each other with pride and arrogance? Somemes

    we get so taken up in our work (be it employment or parish work) and in our own selshness that we forget to

    greet or even acknowledge the other. Somemes a simple good morning with a smile is all it takes to make

    someone happier. Let us like Elizabeth always welcome each other as if we were welcoming God Himself and let

    us like John exult with joy when we greet each other because it through each other that we truly greet and

    welcome God.

    By Danny Nouh based on Pope Benedicts Angelus Homily on 23th December 2012 in St Peters Square Vacan City

    The Splendour of ospitality

  • 7/22/2019 Issue 5 - 1 December 2013 - Visitation to Elizabeth


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    Our Lady of Lebanon Parish LoansCYPC Building Loan $5,610,092 Units Loan $1,669,363 Property Loan $224,305

    Fr Claude leading the Annual Sodality (Akhawiye) Retreat on Saturday preparing for next Sundays Feast Day

    Stewardship CommitteeMembers Meeting with

    Mons Shora & Fr Tonycontinuing in their roles as

    their term comes towards anend and they prepare to

    hand over to a new team tobe appointed by the Bishop

    Tribute Concert to honour the late Wadih ElSafi following Mass celebrated by the Bishop

    Over 200 Youth at their Dress-up Christmas Dinner on Friday

    Stewardship Committee
  • 7/22/2019 Issue 5 - 1 December 2013 - Visitation to Elizabeth



    Sunday 1 December: Visitation to Elizabeth 11:00am 1 Yr Boutros Maroun Gerges from Karm ElMoher3:30pm Saydeh Mtanious Elias from Deir Jenine (died in Lebanon)5:00pm 1 Yr Alice Costantine Ghalleb Moujalli from Mazraat ElNaher

    Friday 6 December:6:00pmGeorgette George Salim Fahed from Kferyashit(died in Lebanon)

    Saturday 7 December:

    6:00pm 40 Day Marguerite Maroun Shamshoum from Mizyara

    Sunday 8 December: Birth of John the Baptist - Immaculate Conception

    9:30am 1 Yr Raymond Chahid Bazouni from Hadchit

    11:00am 1 Yr Wadih Moussa Tannous from Bkaakafra5:00pm 40 Day Rosa Tony El Saydeh Taouk from Becharee

    St Patrick-Guildford 6:00pm1 Yr Tony Youssef Jabbour from Jouret Termos -Keserwan

    :777-77 .077-:7777


    :7 02:7 . 74048066:

    Womens Well-being OfficeLeila: 0423 207 905Natural Fertility Services This Service has been operating for

    over 25 years at Our Lady of Lebanon Church.MNF Services offers a method of Natural Family Planning suitable

    for all stages of your Married-fertile life and is in line with theChurchs Teaching. Prepare yourself for pregnancy, to space out

    your children, for breastfeeding and for menopause.We offer daytime and evening appointments.

    For further info., please contact Leila Jessimer on 0423-207-905.

    Ladies Fitness & Wellbeing conact Abir 0410122999

    Childrens Playgroup Tues & Wed 9:30am - 11:30am in CPYC

    Marriage Preparation Sessions book 8 months before wedding: 9642 0211

    Youth Services & Facilities

    Youth Drop in Recreation Room &Library & Study Centre open 10qm10pmfor Youth 18 & over

    Under 18s only with adult supervisionHomework Help for Students K-10 Tues 3:30pm - 6pm

    Bookings essential call Anthony Chidiac 0417 426 103

    Counselling Services (English/ Arabic)

    Nada Coorey Psychology for confidential counselling at Centre orat Westmead. Areas of Specialisation include Depression and

    Anxiety/Panic Attacks, Relationship difficulties and Family/Parenting.Contact Details : Mobile: 0434642509 or PH: 88981526

    MaroniteCareYouth and Family Counselling Serviceis a free and condenal service for young people

    from 12-18 years of age and their families.Call Debbie Draybi: 0433 217 063 or 8898 1518

    Email: [email protected]

    Marriage Counselling (Arabic) Sr Rose Therese: 0421 283 899

    Parish Groups and Committees MaroniteCareServices

    Arabic Classes: Sat 9:30am-12:30pm call Antoinette: 0414819663ChildrensPlaygroup Tues & Wed 9:30am - 11:00am in CPYCFersan Al-Adras St Barbaras Dress Up Dinner Party

    Sat 7 Dec. from 7.00pm - till late. Adults $20 & Children $10. Prize

    forbest costume. CYPC lvl 1. Buffet dinner, entertainment &raffle. Matthew 0430210891 - Josette 0447777703.

    Family of the Divine Word, Bible Discussion: Tues @ 7:30pmAdult Arabic Course: Sat 9:30am Mon 7pm to call 9689 2899

    Pastoral Council Meeting:Tues 4 February 2014

    Family & Adults

    People with DisabilityFaith & Light Movement: 3rd Thurs of the month 7:30pm


    Children's Events

    Blood Donation Mon 2 December @ 5:45pm, Joanne 0427503008Nursing Home Christmas Visit Sun 22 Dec, Josette 0447777703Monthly Youth Meeting: TBC

    OLOL St Vincent De Paul Conference call Kim Moussa 0424658190

    Spiritual Day An Adult Christ for ChristmasSun 8 Dec. 10-3pm @ Centre for Christian Spirituality

    14 Frances St., Randwick. Book with Sr Margaret 0412588045

    General Notices cont...



    Maronites Connected (for over 28s)

    Registrations for First Holy Communion for 2014 being takencontact Parish office 9689 2899


    Q&AThe Church, the State and the PeopleSame sex marriage and abortion

    Sun 1 Dec 2013 @ 8:30pm Church HalFor more detail contact Charbel: 0405 905 706

    Teens Faith Discussion Saturdays 3-6pmincl Indoor Soccer CompChristmas Social Dinner

    Sat 14 Dec, $40p/p includes dinner and entertainment. 7-11pmContact: Tony Mattar 0401 364 335 Fully supervised


    ::1)( 0116611)( 7

    611 -80:1

    11 011


    General Notices

    iWitness Fri 13 December

    O come let us adore Him... : Christmas Adoration : Thursday 19 December @ 8pm, in the Church

    Seniors Mass & LuncheonMon 9 Dec @ 11am Mass followed by Lunch in Hall

    Returning to Our Roots : Lebanese Heritage Expo.Fridays & Saturdays 11am-1pm, 5pm-9pm & Sunday all day

    Maronites on Mission Fundraising DinnerFri 13 Dec, 7pm, at The Sapphire Lounge, Punchbowl

    Tickets $75 incl. Dinner, drinks and entertainmentAll funds go to the International Medical Mission to the Philippines.

    Christmas Carols & BBQ for Youth at the ChanceryBishop Tarabay invites all Maronite Youth for a joyful night

    of Christmas Carols & a BBQ SupperWed 11 Dec from 7pm at Beit Maroun in Strathfield. Free.

  • 7/22/2019 Issue 5 - 1 December 2013 - Visitation to Elizabeth



    Lord, may all the faithful departed whom we entrust to Your care, be held securely in Your Loving embrace forall eternity especially those we Pray for:

    (A) Fr Elias Ayoub, Raymond Anjoul, Joseph Boutros Ashkar Antoine Azar & family, Said Azizi, Ziolet Azizi (B) Milia Bou Radain, Raymond, Annie Bazouni & their son CharbelBazouni, (C) Maroun Chediac, Mary Chediac, Mona Chediac, Antonious Chediac, & John Chediac, (D) Hanna & Wadad Daaboul, Morkos Morkos Douiehy, (E)Hanane, Wahi-beh, Mounir, El Bazouni, Raymond Eid (G) Collen Madeline George, Helen George, Majid George Tannous & Kalimeh Gittany & Family, Touma Gerges (H) Anis Haddad, Mau-rice Jamil Haddad, Madeline & Paul Haddad, Joseph Paul Haddad, Youssef and Amina Halal and children, Chafika, Sara, George Hawi, Tansa, Diby, Diab Hawi. Wadiaa,Youssef Hady (K) Bishop Abdo Khalife, Mikhayel Badwi Khoury & wife Hanneh, Afifeh Khoury, Bassam & Charbel Khoury, George Naim Khattar (L) Boulous Laoulach, LichaaFamily (M) Lichaa Youssef Malkoun, Anthony Mamah Moses & Moses family, Elias Barbar Moussa, John Toufic Merhi, Youssef Maroun & wife Ghesoun (N) Badwi JamilNdaira, Adel Massih Naoum, George Nader (R) Jamil & Labibi Roumanus, Raymond & Etour Romanos & son Joseph, Roumanous Family, Rouhana & Elaine Rahme, (S),

    Boutros Koushaya Sasine, John Sleiman, Souls in Purgatory, (T)Leila Touma (W) Jamil Wehbe & Barbara Wehbe (Z) Maroun John Zaouk and all the faithful departed of the Zaouk family,Fadel Zahoul wife Hawa & son Tony



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    Bible Study Course on the Gospel of Matthew @ OLOLStarting Tues 3 Sept - Tues 8 Oct. Six week course, 2 hours per night,

    cost $120. Bookings Andrew 0449574527

