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Economy blamed Economy blamed in Chelmsford votein Chelmsford votehttp://www.lowellsun.com/local/ci_13513257

By Rita Savard, [email protected]/08/2009

CHELMSFORD -- Despite a grim economy, two municipal building projects were promoted as a financial opportunity for taxpayers, with onehaving the potential to save $20 million.

But in the wake of Tuesday's failed debt exclusions for a $13 million Department of Public Works facility and a $12 million Center Fire Station,voters said that, ultimately, the economy steered the election.

"Here we are still in a recession, and we've closed a school and a fire station," Town Meeting Representative Debbie Derry said. "We've got 27kids in a classroom, the library has scaled back its hours, Town Hall closes earlier, we've laid off workers, and we're paying $200 for our kids toride the bus and $300 for them to enroll in an activity at the high school. On top of all this, they're asking for debt exclusions for two buildings,yet our operating budget is flat.

"People didn't vote for it because they feel they can't afford it."

Many voters, added Derry, worry that further cuts in state aid will soon lead to another Proposition 2 1/2 override, raising the tax levy perma-nently.

Last week, state officials announced a $243 million shortfall in revenue, which means communities will likely see a decrease in local aid.Townand school officials have already warned that further cuts will result in deeper reductions to town services.

"I really don't think it's a matter of people not recognizing a need for a better fire station or the deal to be had with the DPW, but none of usknows how long we're going to be in this recession," Derry said. "So how can we vote for something when there's no money to go around?"

Carole Hanley, who lives on Concord Road, said she has been out of work for nearly a year after being laid off from her marketing job.

"They told us our taxes wouldn't increase by all that much," Hanley said. "But a lot of people can't afford to open their wallets at all. If you payattention to what's going on, the unemployment rate is still rising in Massachusetts. It's not going down."

Tempers flared at some of the polls Tuesday, where firefighters were out holding signs that read "Vote yes on Question 2." Some witnessessaid a few voters made rude comments to firefighters following rumors that the Fire Department used the town's reverse-911 system for cam-paign purposes.

Town Manager Paul Cohen said firefighters did not use the town system, which can only be used for public-safety emergencies.

John Kivlan, president of the firefighters union, said union members used their own money to pay for signs, postage and two automated phonemessages from the Virginia-based Radius Campaigns to help get the word out.The campaign expense report is on file at the town clerk's of-fice.

Kivlan said yesterday he apologizes to residents for any confusion regarding the phone message.

While he didn't see any heated exchanges at the polls, Kivlan said firefighters, many of whom live in town, understand why taxpayers feel frus-trated.

"When you're talking about taxes and you're talking about people's money, these are things that people feel very passionate about," Kivlansaid. "Do we need a new fire station?Yes. But we don't want to dwell on the past. We need to move on and figure where we're going to go nowbecause our building is falling apart."

Cohen said a $600,000 article to replace the crumbling fire-station floor could end up on the warrant for spring Town Meeting. But officials, whosaid there was "no plan B" to fall back on, will have to begin mapping out the next step for both facilities, he added.

Dennis Ready, a former selectman and local real-estate agent, said that, historically, debt exclusions, which raise the tax levy only until thedebt is repaid, have needed to come to the table more than once before voters finally accept them. Renovating the Chelmsford library, headded, took four votes to pass.

"For the first time out, without a big campaign, I'd say both departments did pretty well," Ready said. "People just don't have the money at themoment."


"THIS IS THIS IS an important public-safety announcement.”Lowell Sun Sunday Oct. 11 2009

Political Columnsubmitted by Rita Savard

""THIS IS  THIS IS  an important public-safety announcement."an important public-safety announcement."

The int ro to a wave of automated cal ls that swept through Chelmsford before Tuesday's special referendum that hadThe int ro to a wave of automated cal ls that swept through Chelmsford before Tuesday's special referendum that hadmany voters up in arms that f iref ighters may have used the town's reverse 911 system for pol it ical purposes. The cal lsmany voters up in arms that f iref ighters may have used the town's reverse 911 system for pol it ical purposes. The cal lswere not generated through the town, but were paid for by f iref ighters and originated through Virginia-based Radiuswere not generated through the town, but were paid for by f iref ighters and originated through Virginia-based Radius


Firef ighter 's Union president John Kiv lan said all the funding for cal ls , mai lings and signs came from f iref ighters' ownFiref ighter 's Union president John Kiv lan said all the funding for cal ls, mai lings and signs came from f iref ighters' own

pockets. Campaign f inance repor ts availabe for v iewing at Town Hal l show that union members spent about $766 topockets. Campaign f inance repor ts availabe for v iewing at Town Hal l show that union members spent about $766 topromote a "yes" vote for Quest ion 2, inc luding $150 for the automated messages.promote a "yes" vote for Quest ion 2, inc luding $150 for the automated messages.

Firefighters sti ll have 30 days after the elect ion or up unt il Nov. 5, to account for any other campaign-rleated expensesFiref ighters sti ll have 30 days after the elect ion or up unt il Nov. 5, to account for any other campaign-rleated expensesand submi t them to the c lerk .and submi t them to the c lerk .

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Chairman to step down fromChairman to step down from

Permanent Building CommitteePermanent Building Committee

www.chelmsfordmassnews.comKevin Zimmerman/Staff Reporter 09.OCT.09

Permanent Building Committee Chairman Pat Maloney tendered his resignation this week.

"It's something I've wanted to do for quite awhile," said Maloney. "Regardless of the vote, it's something I needed to do."

Although the Department of Public Works and Center Fire Station questions failed at Tuesday's election, Maloney said hisdecision has nothing to do with the vote.

"Was I disappointed? Sure I was. We put a lot of work into it," said Maloney. "Do I have any regrets? No. It is what it is."

Maloney sent a letter to Town Manager Paul Cohen in which he thanked the town for the opportunity to serve, said Cohen.

"It will be effective Oct. 21," said Cohen. "He's going to go to the next (committee's) meeting and help with the transition."

After 10 years volunteering on various committees, Maloney said he needs to turn his attention back to his business, AEI.

"I wanted to see this vote through," said Maloney. "I'm not a disgruntled volunteer. I'll be back at some point."

**********************************YOU CAN’T GET THERE FROM HERE YOU CAN’T GET THERE FROM HERE 



It appears the “Westlands PlaceWestlands Place” 40B development has hit a snag of sorts,there seems to be a legal question as to whether the developer’s parcel has

the legal right of access to Arlington Street.

The public hearing was postponed from the October 5th Board of Selectmenmeeting and the selectmen voted to continue the Westlands Place LIP publichearing until November 9.

***********************************Westlands park a drug hangout???Westlands park a drug hangout???



The In-Town Repor t has got ten a heads up on a situat ion involv ingThe In-Town Repor t has got ten a heads up on a situat ion involv ingthe park and Gazebo behind the Westthe park and Gazebo behind the West--lands School.lands School.

Is the Westalnds park going the way ofIs the Westalnds park going the way ofthe school? Has it become a hang outthe school? Has it become a hang out

with drug and other activi ty? Is the onlywith drug and other activi ty? Is the only

solut ion really to pul l down the gazebosolut ion really to pul l down the gazeboand remove the park? Does Westlandsand remove the park? Does Westlands

really to want give up and lose this openreally to want give up and lose this open


What is really going on at the park?What is really going on at the park?


 yone fights to stop 40B projec

ts for open space but are they ready to fight to keep it?

-- Philip StanwayPhilip Stanway Lead steward of the Chelmsford Open Space Stewardship


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In-Town Report :

What progress has made made at Varney Park in North Chelmsford sincethe situation over there was brought to the attention of the the town a few months ago.

Town Manager Paul Cohen :

Town Manager Paul Cohen :

Town officials, members of the Varney Park Restoration Committee, and the Chelmsford Open Space Land

Stewards have worked together over the past few months to develop and implement improvements tothe condition of Varney Park. The Land Stewards have made sundry repair, painting, and maintenanceprojects. The Middlesex County Sheriff’s Community Work Program has removed graffiti from the VarneyField House and pressure washed the playground. The North Chelmsford Water District has providedgravel to fill in some of the erosion from drainage runoff. Old School Roofing has volunteered to install anew roof for the Varney Field House. The Chelmsford Police Department has increased patrols in the park area. The Town is preparing new signage for the park, repairing the exterior park lighting, and fundingother maintenance needs. All work should be completed by next summer’s enjoyment at the beach and

the other areas of the park.


What is the status of the underground wire project?

Are the residents still paying for it in their bills? Where is their money going?

P C :

P C :

Town officials met with Verizon and National Grid representatives earlier this week to review the status of the project. The design plans are essentially completed. The work for phase 1 of the project near theTown Common is scheduled to be bid this winter.

Construction on phase 1 is scheduled to begin in April. The utility surcharge remains in effect. All moniescollected from the surcharge remain with the project.

The Town’s home rule petition to obtain the authorization to suspend the National Grid surcharge has not

advanced at the State House.

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What is the status of the North Town Hall? Are there any groups interested in using it?

P C :

P C :

The Town Halls Utilization Study Committee presented a report at the October 5 Board of Selectmen

meeting. The Committee recommends that the North Town Hall be restored and used as a communitycenter.

The uses would include after school programs, community organization events, and private functions.Neighbors in the area are interested in serving on a volunteer advisory committee to help operate thecommunity center.

The next step is for the Town’s Permanent Building Committee to develop a cost estimate for the restora-tion of the building. Funding to develop this cost estimate will be requested from the Community Preser-vation Committee.


Concerning the Billboard articles at fall town meeting. Are you planing to issue a BillboardRFP(Request for Proposal) with a twenty year lease? if so, are you planning to incorporate anescalation clause into the final billboard contract, so that the amounts we receive will keeppace with inflation?

P C :

P C :

If Town Meeting votes to authorize a twenty year lease of municipal land for billboard use, the Town willissue an Invitation for Bids.

The RFP is expected to contain language that would increase the amount of the annual lease payments byinflation or another factor.


Concerning the center fire station and DPW facility.

What happens now? Where do we go from here?

P C :

P C :

I will be working with the DPW Director, Fire Chief, Permanent Building Committee and the Capital PlanCommittee to develop a multi-year plan to provide DPW and Fire Department operations from their exist-

ing locations.

For example, at the 2010 Spring Annual Town Meeting there may be requests to install a new floor in theCenter Fire Station and to construct a new salt storage shed on Richardson Road.

Additional capital projects to renovate the existing facilities would be brought forth in subsequent years.This will be a very challenging effort as the Town has other capital facility and equipment needs that ex-ceed the long-standing annual appropriation level of $2.5M for capital requirements.

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Tom ChristianoTom Christiano10/06/09

Topics discussed:Topics discussed:40B Repeal petition drive and 40B reform proposals 40B Repeal petition drive and 40B reform proposals 

$7.28 Million state reimbursement aid to$7.28 Million state reimbursement aid toChelmsford for McCarthy & Parker School projects.Chelmsford for McCarthy & Parker School projects.

Casinos in MACasinos in MA

Pens ion reform at the statehouse Pension reform at the statehouse 

Texting while driving in MATexting while driving in MA

Chapter 43D (redevelopment) in Chelmsford Chapter 43D (redevelopment) in Chelmsford 

Temporary appointment of our U.S. Senator by Governor Patrick Temporary appointment of our U.S. Senator by Governor Patrick State Budget & Local Aid State Budget & Local Aid 

Guest Panel includes:Guest Panel includes:

State Reps Tom Golden & Jim Arciero,State Reps Tom Golden & Jim Arciero,

Repeal 40B state coordinator John Belskis Repeal 40B state coordinator John Belskis 

& Planning Board member Colleen Stansfield & Planning Board member Colleen Stansfield 

CLICK HERE CLICK HERE for the show for the show 

Next on the October 20th P. I Show:Next on the October 20th P. I Show:

Eric DahlbergEric Dahlberg - Selectman & State Senate Candidate *** Pat WojtasPat Wojtas - Selectman

Kirk MarshallKirk Marshall - Town Meeting Rep, Precinct 4 **** Jesse FloydJesse Floyd - Editor, Chelmsford Independent


Reflections on the October 6th townwide vote *** Pat announcing if she's running again for selectman

Eric - talking about his run for State Senate *** The Fall Town Meeting review ***The 40B Law

***Casinos in MASS ***Health Insurance in MASS ***Taxes in MASS....are they too high, or too low?***Texting while driving


Tues & Weds 8:30 PM;Thurs 7:00 AMSundays 11:00 AM

Chelmsford Cable TVChannel 8

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T O 

O W 

W N 

N  T 




K  with Dennis Ready

Guest Clare Jeannotte(Chairman/Board of Selectmen) talks with Dennisabout the failure of the DPW and Fire Station at

October’s special election


Clare Jeannotte talks with Dennis about theOctober Town Meeting and the Billboard articles


*********************************************** *********************************************** 

Tech lowers assessments Tech lowers assessments http://www.wickedlocal.com/chelmsford/homepage/x576553877/Tech-lowers-assessments

GateHouse News ServiceOct 14, 2009

Chelmsford —

Tuesday night, the Nashoba Valley Technical High SchoolNashoba Valley Technical High School Committee unanimously voted to reduce the mem-ber communities' assessments in the amount of the $100,000 increase over the required minimum contribution.

Chelmsford's assessment will be reduced by $24,675.

******************************************************** ******************************************************** 

Canceled tour by Chelmsford schoolsCanceled tour by Chelmsford schools

irks Nashoba Tech irks Nashoba Tech 


By Rachel R. Briere, [email protected] Rachel R. Briere, [email protected]


CHELMSFORD -- It's a longstanding tradition. Hundreds of eighth-graders from seven communitiesCHELMSFORD -- It's a longstanding tradition. Hundreds of eighth-graders from seven communities

troop through classrooms and shops at Nashoba Valley Technical High School to get a taste of whattroop through classrooms and shops at Nashoba Valley Technical High School to get a taste of what

technical education has to offer.technical education has to offer.

For Chelmsford kids, maybe not this year.For Chelmsford kids, maybe not th is year.

Officials at the regional tech school in Westford were informed by the McCarthy and Parker middleOfficials at the regional tech school in Westford were informed by the McCarthy and Parker middleschools that they were canceling an Oct. 27 Nashoba Tech tour. A presentation by Nashoba represenschools that they were canceling an Oct. 27 Nashoba Tech tour. A presentation by Nashoba represen--

tatives to students at the McCarthy school, scheduled for Monday, was called off as well.tatives to students at the McCarthy school, scheduled for Monday, was called off as well.

Nashoba Tech Superintendent Judith Klimkiewicz said this is the first time in her 14 years at NashobaNashoba Tech Superintendent Judith Klimkiewicz said this is the first time in her 14 years at Nashoba

that any of the towns have balked at allowing the presentation or canceled the daylong tour.that any of the towns have balked at allowing the presentation or canceled the daylong tour.

Nashoba Tech serves Chelmsford, Groton, Littleton, Pepperell, Shir ley, Townsend and Westford.Nashoba Tech serves Chelmsford, Groton, Littleton, Pepperel l, Shir ley, Townsend and Westford.

Klimkiewicz said about 140 of Nashoba's 709 students are from Chelmsford, and that number hasKlimkiewicz said about 140 of Nashoba's 709 students are from Chelmsford, and that number has

been increasing in the last couple of years. The presentations and tours are important in letting stubeen increasing in the last couple of years. The presentations and tours are important in letting stu --

dents know what Nashoba has to offer, she said.dents know what Nashoba has to offer, she said.

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Chelmsford Superintendent of Schools Donald Yeoman says his staff asked at a meeting whether it isChelmsford Superintendent of Schools Donald Yeoman says his staff asked at a meeting whether it is

mandatory for the middle schools to both send the students to Nashoba Tech and host the hourlong inmandatory for the middle schools to both send the students to Nashoba Tech and host the hourlong in --formational sessions.formational sessions.

He said he would study the schools' options and decide by the end of October whether to proceed withHe said he would study the schools' options and decide by the end of October whether to proceed withboth activities or move forward with one or the other.both activities or move forward with one or the other.

Klimkiewicz says by the end of the month is too late, given that Nashoba holds its open house on Nov.Klimkiewicz says by the end of the month is too late, given that Nashoba holds its open house on Nov.4 and begins sending out acceptance letters in December.4 and begins sending out acceptance letters in December.

"My concern is that the presentation only introduces to the students the concept of what Nashoba Tech"My concern is that the presentation only introduces to the students the concept of what Nashoba Techdoes," Klimkiewicz said. "When the students come they explore all the areas we offer. It's very hands-does," Klimkiewicz said. "When the students come they explore all the areas we offer. It's very hands-


Yeoman says his issue with having both the recruitment presentation and the day-long tour of the highYeoman says his issue with having both the recruitment presentation and the day-long tour of the highschool is time. He said he is "leaning" toward allowing the presentation, which he believes is adequate.school is time. He said he is "leaning" toward allowing the presentation, which he believes is adequate.

He said he "can't justify" allowing both the tour and presentation.He said he "can't justify" allowing both the tour and presentation.

"To take 400 kids out of class all day long and only have 30 sign up for Nashoba ... to lose all that time."To take 400 kids out of class all day long and only have 30 sign up for Nashoba ... to lose all that time.I don't see how that is effective," Yeoman said.I don't see how that is effective," Yeoman sa id.

Jonathan Considine, a spokesman for the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and SecondaryJonathan Considine, a spokesman for the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and SecondaryEducation, said schools must provide information to middle-school students on vocational-technical edEducation, said schools must provide information to middle-school students on vocational-technical ed --ucation. One such option may be recruitment activities, but it is not required. The Massachusetts Reguucation. One such option may be recruitment activities, but it is not required. The Massachusetts Regu--

lations on Access to Equal Educational Opportunity ensures all students have "equal rights of accesslations on Access to Equal Educational Opportunity ensures all students have "equal rights of accessand equal enjoyment of the opportunities, advantages, privileges, and courses of study at publicand equal enjoyment of the opportunities, advantages, privileges, and courses of study at public

schools" in the state. Middle schools are also required to release student names and addresses to voschools" in the state. Middle schools are also required to release student names and addresses to vo --cational-technical high schools.cational-technical high schools.

Nashoba Tech School Committee member Sam Poulten, who represents Chelmsford, hopes the situaNashoba Tech School Committee member Sam Poulten, who represents Chelmsford, hopes the situa --

tion is a misunderstanding. He has been on the committee since 1992, and prior to that was a Chelmstion is a misunderstanding. He has been on the committee since 1992, and prior to that was a Chelms --ford School Committee member for a decade. He does not remember ever having a middle-school visitford School Committee member for a decade. He does not remember ever having a middle-school visit

to Nashoba Tech canceled.to Nashoba Tech canceled.

"We can't control how many kids sign up, how many students take an advanced-placement class, yet"We can't control how many kids sign up, how many students take an advanced-placement class, yetwe expose 100 percent of the kids," Poulten said. "We have college fairs, where Brandeis comes towe expose 100 percent of the kids," Poulten said. "We have college fairs, where Brandeis comes to

show what they have to offer, and what if only one kid applies? Do we not allow them to come?"show what they have to offer, and what if only one kid applies? Do we not allow them to come?"

He also said it was "bad timing" on Yeoman's par t due to the Nashoba Tech committee's vote on TuesHe also said it was "bad timing" on Yeoman's part due to the Nashoba Tech committee's vote on Tues--day to reduce member communities' assessments by $100,000 as promised. The move loweredday to reduce member communities' assessments by $100,000 as promised. The move lowered

Chelmsford's assessment by $24,675.Chelmsford's assessment by $24,675.

Chelmsford was the only community out of the district's seven member towns to reject Nashoba Tech'sChelmsford was the only community out of the district's seven member towns to reject Nashoba Tech's

budget increase for fiscal 2010. The high school had to raise the budget in all the towns due to inbudget increase for fiscal 2010. The high school had to raise the budget in all the towns due to in --creases in enrollment across the board, Klimkiewicz said.creases in enrollment across the board, Klimkiewicz said.

The number of Chelmsford students attending Nashoba saw the largest increase, rising from 117 toThe number of Chelmsford students attending Nashoba saw the largest increase, rising from 117 to133. But those who opposed the school's budget increase said the school could have dipped into $2133. But those who opposed the school's budget increase said the school could have dipped into $2

million in cash reserves to cover the $100,000 increase instead of placing the burden on cash-strappedmillion in cash reserves to cover the $100,000 increase instead of placing the burden on cash-strappedtowns.towns.

Klimkiewicz said she could not deplete the school's reserve account, which is for emergencies, butKlimkiewicz said she could not deplete the school's reserve account, which is for emergencies, but

pledged to reimburse member towns if the school received stimulus funds.pledged to reimburse member towns if the school received stimulus funds.

The Nashoba Tech committee has asked to be put on the agenda for the next Chelmsford School ComThe Nashoba Tech committee has asked to be put on the agenda for the next Chelmsford School Com --mittee meeting on Oct. 27.mittee meeting on Oct. 27.

Nashoba Tech School Committee Chairman Ray Riddick Jr. hopes Yeoman will approve both the tourNashoba Tech School Committee Chairman Ray Riddick Jr. hopes Yeoman wil l approve both the tour

and the presentation.and the presentation.

"It's an opportunity embraced by the state," he said. "All students should get an equal opportunity to"It's an opportunity embraced by the state," he said. "All students should get an equal opportunity toexperience a technical-vocational program. Nashoba Tech is a great alternative to the normal high-experience a technical-vocational program. Nashoba Tech is a great alternative to the normal high-

school experience."school experience."

Staff writer Rita Savard contributed to this report.Staff writer Rita Savard contributed to this report.

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Chelmsford shelters,Chelmsford shelters,

schools homeless childrenschools homeless childrenhttp://www.wickedlocal.com/chelmsford/news/education/x1325278719/Chelmsford-shelters-schools-homeless-children?popular=true

By Chloe Gotsis/ staff writerGateHouse News Service

Oct 15, 2009Chelmsford —

Most of the 508 students enrolled at Chelmsford’s Center Elementary School leave school at the end of theday for a home they call their own, with a closet full of clothes and maybe a yard to play in.

But each day about a dozen students climb off at the bus stop closest to the Best Western Chelmsford Innon Chelmsford Street, which they call home because their families have nowhere else to go.

As the economic recession worsened, the number of people forced from their homes by unemploymentand foreclosure jumped sharply. Many turned to the state’s Department of Housing and Community Devel-opment for help. When shelters fill up, the department shifts the families into motels and hotels across thestate.

Last month, 11 homeless children enrolled in the Chelmsford Public Schools. That number fluctuates aspeople are moved in and out of housing. Last year, Chelmsford schools welcomed about 50 students livingat the Best Western. Most attended either the Center Elementary or McCarthy Middle School.

Help from the townHelp from the town

The students come from as far off as Worcester, but that hasn’t stopped residents, school administratorsand town officials from welcoming them to town.

Some residents offer to provide rides for the families to go grocery shopping or attend doctor’s appoint-ments; others organize food drop-offs or clothing drives.

“I just think that’s typical of the town of Chelmsford,I just think that’s typical of the town of Chelmsford,” said Angelo Taranto, chairman of the SchoolCommittee. “Chelmsford people rallying again [to help out]. It just makes me proud that ourChelmsford people rallying again [to help out] . It just makes me proud that our

town does come to the support of others that need it.town does come to the support of others that need it. ”

When the Center School’s Parent Teacher Organization learned the school was taking on a majority of thechildren, the group immediately thought of ways to reach out and make the children feel welcome, saidPTO co-president Kirk Marshall.

“The PTO is definitely involved with helping the members of our community that need itThe PTO is definitely involved with helping the members of our community that need it,”

said Marshall. “Our main mission is to raise money for enrichment programs to help supportOur main mission is to raise money for enrichment programs to help supportthe curriculum, but with any mission along the way there are other things that need to bethe curriculum, but with any mission along the way there are other things that need to be

done as well.done as well.”

The PTO works with the school nurse to provide clean underwear and socks and, if needed, clothing suchas jeans, jackets, hats and mittens.

Around the holidays, the PTO organized an adopt-a-family drive, purchasing wish-list items for the familiesin need. Members also extended invitations to the families at the hotel for school events, providing ticketswhen needed.

“The PTO went out of their way to welcome the childrenThe PTO went out of their way to welcome the children,” said Taranto.

Superintendent Donald Yeoman said he set up a support network made up of principals, school nurses,secretaries, teachers at the Center and McCarthy schools and representatives from the hotel, churchesand temple in town, as well as the PTO.

“So if a child needed glasses then there is someone who identifies that for them and canSo if a child needed glasses then there is someone who identifies that for them and can

take them some place to have their eyes checkedtake them some place to have their eyes checked,” said Yeoman. “If people need to get medIf people need to get med--

ication or go to a Laundromat there are people can help.ication or go to a Laundromat there are people can help.”

According to Yeoman, once the district learns of a child moving into the Best Western, his secretary visitsthe family at the hotel and helps them fill out registration forms. Bob Cruickshank, the school business man-

ager, then arranges transportation for the children and enrolls them in the federal free lunch program, in ad-

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dition to finding free textbooks and supplies.

A statewide problemA statewide problem

According to Department of Housing and Community Development Spokesman Philip Hailer, about 1,000homeless families are housed in motels across the state.

“Our statewide shelter system of about 2,000 beds is running at capacity,” said Hailer in an e-mail. “By law,we are obligated to shelter those who qualify economically/categorically for those services. When sheltersare full, we use motels as a ‘waiting room’ for families in need of shelter.”

The state is working to find permanent housing and prevent homelessness through public and private part-nerships and a series of statewide agencies like the Community Teamwork, Inc. in Lowell.

Hailer said the families are moved as soon as an appropriate housing option is found. The length of themotel stay can vary from several days to as long as three months and the transition can prove difficult tofamilies.

Once a family is placed in a shelter or home by the state or private agency, the child can chose to continuetheir education at Chelmsford. Under federal law, Chelmsford is required to pay for the child’s transportation

to and from school, Yeoman said.“The main thing is that no matter what as a society we must ensure a child’s safety andThe main thing is that no matter what as a society we must ensure a child’s safety and

that a child gets food and clothing and that a child gets an education, no matter what thethat a child gets food and clothing and that a child gets an education, no matter what the

details are,details are,” said Yeoman. “So even though it’s not convenient and etcetera, we have to figSo even though it’s not convenient and etcetera, we have to fig --

ure out how to do it because the kids deserve food, safety and educationure out how to do it because the kids deserve food, safety and education.”

The decline in homeless children attending Chelmsford School System bucks the statewide trend, said EdCameron, associate executive director of housing and homeless services at Community Teamwork Inc.Community Teamwork Inc. offers housing opportunities and support services to low-income families.Cameron said the number of homeless families housed in hotels has multiplied in the past three years from30 to 1,000.

“While the numbers dropped in Chelmsford, the numbers statewide has really gone through the roof,” saidCameron. “While the system is so jammed up we wanted to make sure they weren’t stuck there. There wasa sense they were stagnating there.”

State and local agencies step inState and local agencies step in

Cameron said Community Teamwork Inc., along with the state is making a strong push to move the familiesaway from the hotel as quickly as possible, understanding the strain on families living in unstable environ-


“It’s a lot of transition and trauma on the kids lives,” he said. “We are really trying to push this along.

Community Teamwork Inc. is working with about 10 of the families housed at the Best Western and wassuccessful in moving some to shelters in Lowell within the last several weeks. Cameron said CTI employ-ees meet with the families to assess the best possible solution for them, whether it be moving them to ashelter or subsidized housing.

“We are trying to take it one step at a time,” said Cameron.

The state is hoping that the $44.5 million in federal stimulus funding it received for homeless preventionand re-housing efforts could help the problem, said Hailer.

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Plans for North Road office building filed Plans for North Road office building filed 

An artist rendering of the office building planned for North Road behind the fire station.


Kevin Zimmerman/Staff Reporter 13.OCT.09

Epsilon Group LLC’s engineer is slated to present plans for a two-story office building on land behind theNorth Road fire station during the Planning Board’s Oct. 28 meeting.

“The application is complete, comprehensive and thorough,” said Community Development DirectorEvan Belansky. “Currently it is being distributed for interdepartmental review and comment.”

Plans on file at the Community Development Office call for construction of a 15,494-square-foot structureto include legal, medical and dental office space.

The design also addresses the issues raised by a preservation restriction on the property.

In December 1979, the then Board of Selectmen, signed and accepted the preservation restriction. The re-striction includes references to the Emerson House, which is currently on the property, and to future devel-opment on the land.

“No other building shall be erected on said premises except barn-like structures and silo which shall gener-ally present the exterior appearance of farm buildings and barns,” states the covenant.

Adhering to the covenant is low on the developer’s agenda, according to Craig Chemaly of the SlowGrowth Initiative (SGI).

“When it (covenant) talks about a barn, it literally means a barn,” said Chemaly. “They are finding ways toget around the law.”

The proposal states the building’s design was created to reflect the character of the surrounding colonialbuildings.

As presented, the plan includes elements “reminiscent of New England barn structures and farmhouses,”including a copula and a vertical tower representing a silo.

Developers will seek four special permits: one to allow more than one structure on the lot, one to forego adedicated loading area, one to allow a parking lot dead-end aisle of more than five spaces and the last oneto forego some landscaping requirements.

Before last week’s election, SGI sent out a mailing in which it described Epsilon Group LLC’s plan to “builda high-rise office facility on the land which the Fire Station is now obstructing.”

Although land owner Michael Eliopoulos’ proposal is for a two-story building, Chemaly said the size of thestructure is less important than open space is being eyed for development.

“It’s a development on land that was never meant to be developed,” said Chemaly. “It’s against the very in-tent of the covenant. They’re not worried about that. They’re worried about how to get development ontothat land.”

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Board OKs using money for Parkhurst/Smith reconstruction Board OKs using money for Parkhurst/Smith reconstruction www.chelmsfordmassnews.comwww.chelmsfordmassnews.com

Kevin Zimmerman/Staff Reporter 15.OCT.09

The Planning Board agreed to spend up to $32,000 in an attempt to receive $1.7 million in federal stimulus moneyto reconstruct the intersection of Parkhurst Road and Smith Street.

Town Engineer Jim Pearson asked board members to consider using money from its Chapter 53G fund, which de-velopers pay into for traffic mitigation, to complete the design phase of the project.

As proposed, the project will alter Smith Street so it would now intersect with Parkhurst Road at a 90 degree angle.

Parkhurst will be widened about 3 feet and raised while Smith will be lowered.

“It will make them meet at the grade,” said Pearson.

A sidewalk along the Palm Manor side will be added creating a continuous walkway from North Road to the rear ofWal-Mart at the Drum Hill Shopping Center.

Another sidewalk will be installed along Smith Street from Parkhurst to Pleasant Street.

The plan will also create curb cuts into the nursing home’s parking lot, eliminating the current sea of asphalt thatruns to the roadway.

Although on tap for awhile, the reconstruction project languished as the state continue to push its start date back to 2011.

Pearson said he expects to use the money to complete the designs, which are about 75 percent complete, and putthe project out to bid next spring. He anticipates the project could be finished in one construction season.

Planning Board Chairman George Zaharoolis said it makes sense to get this project to the “shovel-ready” point inorder to go after stimulus money.

“I think this is a reasonable request by Jim to put this project forward,” said Zaharoolis.

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Chelmsford housing plan saved by federal money Chelmsford housing plan saved by federal money 

By Matt Murphy,[email protected] Matt Murphy,[email protected]

10/16/2009 10/16/2009 

BOSTON — An affordable-housing proposal in Chelmsford that is at risk of falling apart because of a lack of financing will receive BOSTON — An affordable-housing proposal in Chelmsford that is at risk of falling apart because of a lack of financing will receive 

a shot in the arm from federal stimulus funds earmarked by the governor to keep the project alive.a shot in the arm from federal stimulus funds earmarked by the governor to keep the project alive.

Gov. Deval Patrick announced yesterday a plan to use $50.3 million in recovery funds made available through the U.S. Depart Gov. Deval Patrick announced yesterday a plan to use $50.3 million in recovery funds made available through the U.S. Depart --

ment of the Treasury to jump-start a number of affordable-housing projects that have stalled due to tight credit markets.ment of the Treasury to jump-start a number of affordable-housing projects that have stalled due to tight credit markets.

The C HOICE Center at North Village has been tapped to receive $4.5 million from the pool of funding to ensure that development The CHOICE Center at North Village has been tapped to receive $4.5 million from the pool of funding to ensure that development 


The Treasury Department has agreed to provide the funding and allow states to convert tax credits previously available to these The Treasury Department has agreed to provide the funding and allow states to convert tax credits previously available to these 

low-income housing projects into grants.low-income housing projects into grants.

Officials said a lack of confidence in the credit markets have prevented projects like the one in Chelmsford from securing the fi Officials said a lack of confidence in the credit markets have prevented projects like the one in Chelmsford from securing the fi --

nancing needed to support construction costs.nancing needed to support construction costs.

The CHOICE Center will be an elderly-housing complex complete with support services for residents that offers 37 units to elders The CHOICE Center will be an elderly-housing complex complete with support services for residents that offers 37 units to elders 

earning less than 60 percent of the area median income, and four affordable units for seniors with incomes below 30 percent of earning less than 60 percent of the area median income, and four affordable units for seniors with incomes below 30 percent of 

the area median income.the area median income.

The project is being developed by the Chelmsford Housing Opportunities for Intergenerational and Community Endeavors, a nonThe project is being developed by the Chelmsford Housing Opportunities for Intergenerational and Community Endeavors, a non --

profit offshoot of the Chelmsford Housing Authority.profit offshoot of the Chelmsford Housing Authority.

“Realistically, we’re about nine months behind schedule, with the potential for this continuing to be delayed or stalled for another “Realistically, we’re about nine months behind schedule, with the potential for this continuing to be delayed or stalled for another 

year,” said David Hedison, director of the Chelmsford Housing Authority. “This completely saved this project.” year,” said David Hedison, director of the Chelmsford Housing Authority. “This completely saved this project.” 

Hedison said $4 million in financing that has been secured separately was at risk of disappearing if the authority could not get a Hedison said $4 million in financing that has been secured separately was at risk of disappearing if the authority could not get a 

loan for the rest of the project.loan for the rest of the project.

Upon hearing the news of the grant, Hedison said he spoke with the contractor on the project, Landmark Construction of Stone Upon hearing the news of the grant, Hedison said he spoke with the contractor on the project, Landmark Construction of Stone --


“It’s a done deal now,” Hedison said. “According to (Landmark), they’re warming up the bulldozers.” “It’s a done deal now,” Hedison said. “According to (Landmark), they’re warming up the bulldozers.” 

It could take about 45 days to close on a final financing package. Construction will begin shortly after,It could take about 45 days to close on a final financing package. Construction will begin shortly after,and Hedison said he hopes to complete as much work as possible before the ground freezes.and Hedison said he hopes to complete as much work as possible before the ground freezes.

“The significant investment that is being made in Chelmsford will help to create construction jobs while simultaneously improving “The significant investment that is being made in Chelmsford will help to create construction jobs while simultaneously improving 

living conditions for elderly residents,” U.S. Rep. Niki Tsongas said. “The impact of each dollar spent will multiply as workers de living conditions for elderly residents,” U.S. Rep. Niki Tsongas said. “The impact of each dollar spent will multiply as workers de --

mand local goods and service — strengthening our economy over time as the recovery package was intended to do.” mand local goods and service — strengthening our economy over time as the recovery package was intended to do.” 

The building permit for the CHOICE Center was due to expire on Jan. 1 if construction had not started.The building permit for the CHOICE Center was due to expire on Jan. 1 if construction had not started.

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A different takeon 40B and theeconomy fromState Representative

Tom Golden Tom Golden 

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Inspector General Sullivan on 40B Inspector General Sullivan on 40B Inspector General Greg Sullivan recentlyappeared as a guest on Monday Night Talk,the weekly radio show hosted bySen. Bob Hedlund on 95.9 WATD-FM.

He restated his claim that the problems he hasuncovered with Chapter 40B amount to thestate's worst financial scandal of the last 20 years,and criticized the state's slow response to fix theproblem.


*************************** *************************** Inspector general cites waste, fraud Inspector general cites waste, fraud 

and abuse in 40B and abuse in 40B http://www.wickedlocal.com/scituate/news/x366048201/Inspector-general-cites-waste-fraud-and-abuse-in-40B http://www.wickedlocal.com/scituate/news/x366048201/Inspector-general-cites-waste-fraud-and-abuse-in-40B 

By Micah Flores By Micah Flores 

GateHouse News Service GateHouse News Service 

Oct 09, 2009 Oct 09, 2009 

State Inspector General Gregory Sullivan believes that Massachusetts’ affordable housing proState Inspector General Gregory Sullivan believes that Massachusetts’ affordable housing pro--gram, Chapter 40B, started out in 1969 as a noble program.gram, Chapter 40B, started out in 1969 as a noble program.

“Instead of the government building projects of concentrated housing in neighborhoods, which then be-

came the bad part of town,” Sullivan said during a recent visit to Marshfield with Democratic state Rep. Jim

Cantwell, whose district includes precincts 1, 2, 4, 5 and 6 in Scituate. “Massachusetts passed a law to en-

courage private developers to build affordable and non-affordable housing in the same project.”

The program worked well for a lot of years and most of the developers who used it were not-for-profits, he said.

“But about 12 years ago, this little program came onto the radar screen of big-time developers, includingnational developers,” Sullivan said.

While the majority of these developers play by the rules, Sullivan said a select few saw Chapter 40B, and its al-lowances for developers to bypass local planning and zoning if the project was more than 25 percent affordableand the town had less than 10 percent affordable housing, as a “loophole you could drive a truck through.”

“It was a government-authorized law that was basically not being enforced. There was not anyIt was a government-authorized law that was basically not being enforced. There was not anyform of oversight at all,form of oversight at all,” Sullivan said.

Sullivan said his office, which was created to help investigate waste, fraud and abuse, has been dumbfounded

as to the extent in which the program as been allowed to operate without any checks and balances. This becameapparent, Sullivan said, when his office audited 10 40B cost certification projects.

Sullivan said he had approached the state agency that oversees the projects — the Department of Housing andCommunity Development, or DHCD — and asked to see a random sample of cost certifications.

“We went in, and in six of the 10 developments we identified, more than $7 million was owed to the citiesand towns,” he said.

While some of those cases have settled, Sullivan said others are still in the process.

Land Flip 101

Sullivan said an example of the basic methodology of what his office calls a fraud is as follows.

Sen. Bob HedlundSen. Bob Hedlund

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A developer buys a piece of land for $500,000, and then sells that land to itself for $10 million, creating a newcompany or entity in order to do so. Developers are allowed to make up to 20 percent of the project’s cost inprofit, and anything more than that is supposed to go back to the city or town, Sullivan said. However, in Chapter40B’s history, he said only $15,000 has ever been reported as going back to any town or city.

“Under any reasonable interpretation of the law, the expense that the developer should cite should be the$500,000,” he said.

In order to make the allowable profit off of the $10 million, developers, instead of building a handful of units, would

have to build upwards of 150 units, Sullivan said.

“This resulted in an explosion of highly concentrated, highly dense 40Bs being built that wouldThis resulted in an explosion of highly concentrated, highly dense 40Bs being built that wouldnever have been authorized had it not been for these ‘land flips,’ which we call ‘40B bumps’ innever have been authorized had it not been for these ‘land flips,’ which we call ‘40B bumps’ inour officeour office,’” Sullivan said.

“You can only recover the expenses that you paid,” Sullivan said. “There’s a bunch of issues: flippingThere’s a bunch of issues: flippingthe land, using their own appraisers by using artificial land transfers. They were able to artifithe land, using their own appraisers by using artificial land transfers. They were able to artifi --cially increase on paper only the value of the land and the expenses that allowed them to buildcially increase on paper only the value of the land and the expenses that allowed them to buildmany, many more units than they would have been able to build and pocket the money.”many, many more units than they would have been able to build and pocket the money.”

Despite his office’s findings, Sullivan said that when he asked the DHCD to hand over a list all the “200-some-

odd projects out there,” the agency declined.

“We were dumbfounded as to why the state could not give us a list. So we began to assemble our own, hesaid.

According to Sullivan, it soon became apparent that “three-quarters of all the projects that had ever beendone” had not even been cost-certified.

“It became a well-known fact, and it became subject to abuse,” he said.

Recent hearings in the state Legislature have aired the inspector general’s findings and what Sullivan said wasthe DHCD’s original reluctance to address 40B oversight.

According to Sullivan, one of the DHCD’s responses to the alleged waste, fraud and abuse wasAccording to Sullivan, one of the DHCD’s responses to the alleged waste, fraud and abuse wasthat the state allowed developers to “increase the allowable density,” adding that the state’sthat the state allowed developers to “increase the allowable density,” adding that the state’s

Supreme Judicial Court has since reversed that action.Supreme Judicial Court has since reversed that action.

“We were pointing out that the density was exceeding the maximum and they raised it,” he said. “What if Itold you there was a speeding problem on the Mass Pike and you raised the speed limit to 80 mph?”

Another difficulty, Sullivan said, is that towns do not have the authority to file actions.

“The bottom line is that since the beginning of the project until last year, no one has been preventingwindfall profits from this program,” he said. “If you took a dart and through it at a map of Massachusetts,

you would hit a community that has had a 40B project built that was built when their was basically no reg-ulation going on.”

Hedlund proposes reform

Republican state Sen. Robert Hedlund of Weymouth, whose district includes Scituate, has filed several bills de-signed to reform Chapter 40B. One, Senate Bill 646, would crack down on developers who try to pocket excessprofits, and another, Senate Bill 772, would cap project densities, he said.

“I kind of have emerged as leader in the Senate, if not the whole Legislature, on this matter,” Hedlund said.“I asked for the investigation by the inspector general and the (Senate) post audit committee and thoseinvestigations revealed significant information.”

A budget amendment filed in May by Hedlund, giving Sullivan the power to audit all 40B projects and go after allowed money, initially passed the Senate by a 37-1 vote, said Hedlund aide Rick Collins.

Cantwell, who has worked with and co-sponsored Hedlund’s 40B reform bills, said that codifying 40B reform iscritical to ensuring that future oversight occurs.

But whether or not the reform is passed is another issue.

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“I have learned since giving my maiden speech for reforming 40B, how very divided the Legislature is onalmost any 40B reform,” Cantwell stated in an e-mail. “The reps from the city believe that they have taken onthe disproportionate burden of affordable housing.”

Democratic state Rep. Garrett Bradley of Hingham, who represents precinct 3 in Scituate, said bills he supports,several of which he took over from former Democratic state Rep. Frank Hynes of Marshfield, aim to “give somegive some

level of local control back to the communities.level of local control back to the communities.”

Bradley said the inspector general’s work was critical, and that it ultimately “peeled back the layers of the onion toshow that people are taking this law and abusing it.”

Bradley indicated that he is optimistic about change and noted that there is bipartisan support for 40B reform.

“Hopefully we can get some movement and combine (the bills) all in a 40B package,” he said. “We’re nottrying to eradicate, but we’re trying to fix it.”

The bottom line, he said, is that DHCD should not be trusted to change on its own.

“They’ve been given every opportunity to fix it and they haven’t. We need to fix the legislationThey’ve been given every opportunity to fix it and they haven’t. We need to fix the legislation

— end of story— end of story,” Bradley said.

Hedlund said setting reform into stone still faces challenges.

“The Boston Globe had an editorial against my reforms,” he said, claiming that the paper made no mention ofthe inspector general’s findings. “You would have thought a paper of record would have picked up on that.”

Hedlund said it is unfortunate that the 40B debate has been reduced to either “you are for or you are againstaffordable housing.” In the last decade, he said less than 10 percent of affordable housing has been created by40B.

“According to different yardsticks, we rank 49th in the country as far as affordable housing. A rationalperson would say, ‘Well, maybe the law has not been affective and we should find a way to improve it,’ ” he

said, noting that the pendulum should swing back to the local domain so that it can have a little more control andsay as the way the law should function.

Hedlund called the inspector general’s work “absolutely phenomenal,” and said that it has restored his faith in“some aspects of government.”

“His testimony before the post audit committee was just unbelievable. It was an Earth-shattering critiqueof the laws and the DHCD’s handling and administering of it,” he said.

The reform bills filed will be addressed and voted on next spring.

“The committee has to make a decision to recommend as favorable, unfavorable or to put into study,” said Collins.

But if a bill is put into a study, Collins said it would likely not end up passing.

“It’s almost like a legislative Bermuda Triangle from which legislat ion does not emergeIt’s almost like a legislative Bermuda Triangle from which legislation does not emerge,”he said.



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Automated rubbish pickup weighed in Chelmsford Automated rubbish pickup weighed in Chelmsford http://www.lowellsun.com/local/ci_13533322

By Rita Savard, [email protected]/10/2009

CHELMSFORD -- The town is gearing up for a new trash-pickup service to reduce operating costs, boost recycling and improve theappearance of neighborhoods.

Like their neighbors in Billerica and Lowell, officials in Chelmsford are looking to save money by adopting an automated collectionprogram. According to a proposal from the town's Solid Waste and Recycling Task Force, the new trash service would provide every

single-family household with a 40-gallon container for automated solid waste pick-up, and offer single-stream weekly recycling withunlimited disposal of recyclable materials.

Some residents have voiced concerns over the plan to dole out 40-gallon containers when neighboring towns with automated collec-tion have received 64-gallon wheeled barrels. Town Meeting Representative Debby Derry said the smaller barrel would put too muchof a limit on trash disposal, especially for multi-family dwellings.

Town Manager Paul Cohen said that while those details are still being worked out, the idea behind the new service is ultimatelyabout saving money.

Billerica, Burlington, Tewksbury and Tyngsboro all adopted automated collection programs on July 1, with all four towns reporting asmooth conversion as well as a cost savings. Last month, Billerica Department of Public Works Director Abdul Alkhatib said the newtrash program had already saved taxpayers more than $30,000 just two months into the program.

**********************Chelmsford's Recycling/Solid Waste CoordinatorChelmsford's Recycling/Solid Waste Coordinator

Jennifer Almeida's presentation regarding options being consideredJennifer Almeida's presentation regarding options being considered

for a new solid waste and recycling contract.for a new solid waste and recycling contract.

• Where we are now and how we got here: Our trash tonnage in FY05 was 16,061. In Feb. ‘06 started WBE – the no visible recy-clables, mandatory recycling policy. Since then, Chelmsford residents have done a great job getting our trash down – this past FY ourtrash tonnage was down 21% compared to FY05.

• Town recently negotiated a new disposal contract, saving $7.50 per ton, but we still pay by the ton – currently we’re paying74.50 per ton, next year it will go down to $67 per ton under the new contract.

• Surrounding Towns - (Billerica, Tyngsboro and Lowell) have gone to trash limits using automated collection with town bags forexcess trash. Billerica and Lowell, in particular, will see significant reductions in trash and significant savings b/c they previously hadno trash limits and had low recycling participation and rates.

• Currently we’re seeing trash tonnage plateau in Chelmsford. Projecting our annual tonnage based on what we’ve seen so farthis year, our tonnage for the year could increase by about 4% - that would be our first annual increase in 5 years. The past twoyears, the recession has helped keep our trash tonnages down, so as the recession winds down, we can expect tonnages to in-crease unless we act to keep them low.

• Based on a review of what is working in other towns in light of what Chelmsford has already accomplished in reducing itswaste, we’re looking to request bids in this round for a new program:

1. Proposal is to provide every single- family household with curbside collection a ~40-gallon barrel for automated SW collection andincrease the ease and convenience of recycling by offering single-stream recycling and providing weekly recycling collection. (Wecurrently have DS-R – residents must keep paper/cardboard separate from each other as they are emptied into different parts of therecycling truck that are then emptied into different sections at the MRF). Residents will be able to re-purpose their current trash bar-rels into large SS-R containers. The town will provide stickers for the barrels.

2. Cost projections for the new program include an expectation that there’ll be a small increase in collection costs just due to the endof a long-term contract. We know that the haulers are pushing communities towards automated collection because they benefit fromthe savings in labor cost and insurance for workers compensation. We’ve taken into account the cost of automated collection, cost ofweekly recycling, cost of new barrels, savings from new lower tip fee, savings from expected tonnage reductions, some savings fromnot having to buy recycling bins, and a small amount of revenue from bag sales. Instead of what you might expect for a new programwith added convenience, the net impact is projected to save the Town $30-40,000.

This recycling program will be more frequent and convenient for residents; the trash system will make the town look clean and sharp

while encouraging us to do more recycling and waste reduction. Therefore we propose that the RFP request automated SW collec-tion and weekly single-stream collection of recycling.

SW – solid waste (trash)R- recyclingWBE –waste ban enforcementSS-R – single stream recycling(residents do not have to separate paper/cardboard from containers)DS-R – dual stream recyclingMRF – materials recovery facility (recycling processing facility)

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Photo collage of the recent"Barn Raising" at the Garrison Houseproperty in Chelmsford.

In the photos you'll see the barn

(actually, an equipment shed) beingbuilt by some hard working volunteers.

Also shown in the photos are the otherhistorical buildings on this property onGarrison Road, along with a few of thelocal visitors to the site.

Photos by Tom Christiano 

Tom Christiano 

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Open Space Steward: Garden closing Open Space Steward: Garden closing By Joanne Stanway

GateHouse News Servicehttp://www.wickedlocal.com/chelmsford/news/lifestyle/columnists/x1128411289/Open-Space-Steward-Garden-closing

Oct 14, 2009

Chelmsford —Another busy week ahead for the Chelmsford Open Space stewards, partners and volunteers. On Saturday, Old School Roofing here inChelmsford will be replacing the roof on the 1935 field house at Varney Park in North Chelmsford. This is an extremely generous donation oftime and roofing materials, as well as labor to install two replacement windows purchased by the town. This kind of donation helps to maximizefunds that are available for maintaining open space properties and their structures. The site around the field house will be closed from 7 to 9a.m., and help is welcome from neighbors and others around town to pick up old shingles and debris — again, stretching those resources.

Sunday is a clean up day at the Walter F. Lewis Community Garden at Sunny Meadow Farm. Use of a rototiller will be available from 8 to 10a.m., and if you are afraid you’ll cut your foot off, volunteers will be available to help. Gardeners can pick up two leaf bags at Jones Farm for gar-den debris – but NO potato or tomato plants can be composted due to the potential spread of the horrible blight we experienced this year. Therototiller will also be on hand next Sunday, Oct. 25, same time. To wrap up the year, gardeners will meet on Nov. 8 to review this past season,share experiences and lay claim on a plot for next year.

Also on Sunday, the Stewards are planning to drop in some pipe to help drain the lower area of the community garden where it was quitemuddy. The water tanks will be drained and pumps closed for the season as well.

The community gardeners have generously donated $250 toward the construction of the wheelchair accessible raised bed community gardenon the property. As mentioned before, an Eagle Scout candidate has taken on this ambitious project, and received some Community Preserva-

tion Committee funding.

If you ever see a sign about an Eagle Scout Pasta Supper, please go. Dinner of pasta, meatballs, salad, bread, dessert and beverages is only$5 and the money goes toward Eagle Scout projects. In the past four years, scouts have been tremendously supportive of the Chelmsford OpenSpace Stewardship and have helped to complete many valuable projects around town. Phil’s big date night surprise for me the other night wasan Eagle Scout Pasta Supper, and it was quite good.

Finally, I’m going to make a big push for volunteers to the program. The Chelmsford Open Space Stewardship has just about completed itsfourth year and in exchange for annual town funding of $200 per year, volunteers have donated easily 24,000 hours to the town to date. At a dir tcheap, conservative rate of $16 per hour, that’s $384,000 back to our community. There are about a dozen really active Stewards, but severalsites need people assigned to do weekly site checks that include walking the grounds (great exercise and fun), picking up trash (communityservice), reporting problems (great dinner table stories), and being involved with events (free family entertainment). It’s a fantastic group of peo-ple – men and women – who have a blast accomplishing things around town. Any one of them will say it is a great experience to be part of amodel program. Sure, I’ve been waiting for two years to get the house power-washed and I still have a small pile of mulch in the driveway, but

I’m really proud of this program. Call Phil Stanway at 978-273-1474 or e-mail him at [email protected] to sign up.

Boy Scout Troop 74 helped to clean updebris around the water tower at Free-man Lake in North Chelmsford on Sat-urday. Many bags of trash were hauledaway, including a foul smelling oldcouch that had been tossed in thewater. This huge effort was done inconjunction with the Chelmsford OpenSpace Stewardship. Left to right: JoshWalsh, Andrew Baker, Joe Sciaudone,Zach Shepherd, Tyler Carmolli, andRobbie Snider.

Both Heart Pond and Varney Park Beaches raked at no charge to town by

local contractor ‘ AVL & Company’


Open SpaceOpen Space

Site Stewards:Site Stewards:

Left to right:

Scott and Amy

Venier (George

BB Wright)

Phil Stanway

(Lime Quarry)Paul Reynolds



Bob Giunta

(Russell Mill)

Nipha Roberts(

Crooked Spring)

Jim Tribou

(Lime Quarry)

Steve Roberts



DPWaddsnewSurfaceto LimeQuarryParkinglot toaddressrunoffissues.

Photos by Phil StanwayPhotos by Phil Stanway

2009 Steward of the YearPaul Reynolds

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Seeking fairness Seeking fairness in Chelmsford's in Chelmsford's property taxes property taxes http://www.lowellsun.com/opinion/ci_13538636

By John Edward10/12/2009

During the last 20 years, the average single-family tax bill in Chelmsford has increased by 150 percent. My property taxes are up by140 percent. During the same period, the consumer-price index rose by only 65 percent.

Much of this big increase is due to state policies that shifted emphasis onto property taxes. However, the town of Chelmsford isalso to blame. It has allowed the burden to be shifted onto residential property. It is costing each homeowner hundreds of dollars

per year.

Every year the Board of Selectman decides the issue of tax classification. The question is: Should residential and commercial prop-erty pay the same rate?

According to the Chelmsford Business Association (CBA), maintaining equal rates is fair. It is a simple argument, and therefore ap-pealing, and the Board has been buying it.

However, there is nothing inherently fair about applying the same tax rate to different classes of property. Residential and commer-cial properties are legally and logically distinct. The Board of Assessors applies very different methods of assessment for the twotypes of property. A member of the CBA described it as comparing apples and oranges.

Different forms of income are often taxed at different rates. So too are different types of property.

The accepted approaches to assessing tax fairness are ability to pay, and benefits received. Chelmsford policy violates principlesof fairness based on both approaches.

Have residents become much more able to pay relative to businesses during the past 20 years? Actually, business profits have out-paced personal-income growth by a two-to-one margin during this period.The CBA may believe "Chelmsford businesses do not directly benefit from the school system." However, I do not think even itwould argue the benefits they receive have diminished relative to homeowners.

In fact, Chelmsford formed a subcommittee for the Development of Tax Policy to study tax classification. The subcommittee re-ported: "We feel that a disproportionate use of services by the commercial property class may be a reasonable basis for consider-ing classification."

Then how do we justify what is going on in Chelmsford? The CBA formed itself in 1990. That year, the business community paid 28percent of Chelmsford property taxes. In 2009, it paid only 19.5 percent!

The Chelmsford Board of Assessors will release the 2010 numbers later this month. The CBA likes to observe the "annual ebbsand flows." What they fail to acknowledge is the significant long-term shift in their favor.

This dramatic shift is no fault of the Board of Assessors. They are applying generally accepted principles of assessing two very dif-ferent types of property.

Real-estate market forces cause shifts like this. In recognition that such shifts can cause unfair tax burdens, the state allows citiesand towns to use tax classification to correct the problem. Out of 20 communities within a ten-mile radius of Chelmsford, 12 havechosen to do so.

You can be sure that if the tax burden had shifted in the other direction the business community would be seeking relief. You canalso be sure that they will drag out the old argument that increasing business taxes will be bad for the local economy.

Town officials should know better. Actually, they do know better, and I quote:

"Both Lowell and Billerica do have a differential between the business and residential rates. As a result, they have substantiallyhigher commercial tax rates. This would seem to provide Chelmsford with a distinct competitive advantage with these two abuttingcommunities in terms of business attraction. However, scholarly research in the field of economic development and business loca-tion does not bear this out. Local taxes are not usually near the top of the group of factors in which firms use to make a decision onbusiness location. Area workforce characteristics, infrastructure and availability of suitable property consistently rank as more im-portant factors." -- Town of Chelmsford Economic Development Profile.

This past June the Board of Selectmen honored four companies for their designation as being in the top 100 performing companiesin the state. Each of the companies expressed how much they like operating in Chelmsford. They cited convenient access to thehighway system, an educated workforce, available facilities, and "good karma" as advantages of the town. None mentioned taxes.

If you offer a business lower taxes, they will accept. Economic development planners from other communities have described to mehow companies will use taxes as a negotiating ploy.

You cannot fault business interests for protecting their tax breaks. They want to hang on to every cent of profit. That may be why somany Chelmsford businesses do not file their legally required income and expense statements.

It is the Board of Selectmen's job to protect Chelmsford residents. Homeowners need relief from a tax burden that has been shiftedonto them. Implementing tax classification would save homeowners hundreds of dollars -- money they might spend at Chelmsfordbusinesses. It would be the fair thing to do.

John Edward earned his master's degree at UMass Lowell and is an adjunct professor of economics at Bentley University.

He lives in Chelmsford.

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Boards split over Monday's billboard articleBoards split over Monday's billboard article

www.chelmsfordmassnews.comKevin Zimmerman/Staff Reporter 16.OCT.09

Bringing billboards to Chelmsford is an idea that continues to divide residents and officials as TownMeeting prepares to vote on the issue again Monday.

While the Board of Selectmen unanimously agreed to support an article to transfer land at the highschool for a billboard and a second article to allow officials to enter into 20-year leases, the FinanceCommittee failed to do the same.

A motion by Finance Committee member Jon Kurland to recommend the land transfer for a bill-board was rejected after three members voted for it and three voted against it.

Kurland, Finance Committee Chairman Mary Frantz and member Tim McIlvenna cast positivevotes, members Donald Van Dyne, Vincent Villano and Dwight Hayward voted against the motion.

Finance Committee member Dave Tourcy was not at the meeting when the vote took place.

Although Frantz said she did not want to see billboards brought to town, she didn’t think her per-sonal belief should play a role in the vote.

“Our job is to recommend articles on whether there is some finance benefit to theOur job is to recommend articles on whether there is some finance benefit to thetowntown,” said Frantz. “This obviously has a financial benefit to the townhis obviously has a financial benefit to the town.”

Villano agreed the appointed Finance Committee should consider finances when casting a vote on

Town Meeting articles, but he didn’t believe that should be the only factor.“I look at what are the other benefits to the town,I look at what are the other benefits to the town,” said Villano. “We don’t jump atWe don’t jump ateverything that promises money. Billboards do something to the town. I don’t seeeverything that promises money. Billboards do something to the town. I don’t seean overwhelming benefit to the town.an overwhelming benefit to the town.”

Because the motion failed to earn a majority vote it failed.

At the following meeting, Frantz declined to allow Tourcy to bring the issue up for reconsideration.She was not sure that under Roberts Rule of Order, an individual who was not present at the firstvote could bring the issue back for reconsideration.

The Finance Committee has scheduled a meeting for Monday prior to Town Meeting at the SeniorCenter.

If it takes another pass at the issue, it will probably pass by a 4-to-3 vote.

That would be the right decision for Kurland.

“Town Meeting has voted to approve billboards,Town Meeting has voted to approve billboards,” said Kurland. “This article sets in moThis article sets in mo--tion a process and how that plays out is beyond our control. We either move thetion a process and how that plays out is beyond our control. We either move theprocess along or we don’t.process along or we don’t.”

Lowell’s Rt. 3 BillboardLowell’s Rt. 3 Billboard

on the Chelmsford lineon the Chelmsford line

Tyngsboro’s Rt. 3 BillboardTyngsboro’s Rt. 3 Billboard

on the Chelmsford lineon the Chelmsford line

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Fall Town MeetingBy Chloe Gotsis/ staff writerGateHouse News Service

Oct 14, 2009

Chelmsford —

Town Meeting representatives are gearing up for Town Meeting on Monday, Oct. 19. This year’s warrant forFall Town Meeting is focused largely around financial matters.

Article 1 – Reports of Town officers and committees.

Article 2 – Appropriate Free Cash into the stabilization fund

Free Cash is estimated to be about $1.3 million. The town is awaiting free cash certification by the Depart-ment of Revenue. The stabilization fund can only be accessed be a 2/3-vote of Town Meeting.

Article 3 – E-rate reimbursement to the School Department

Town Manager Paul Cohen is asking the town to vote to transfer $32,668 from special revenue to theSchool Department funding E-Rate reimbursements. E-Rate reimbursements are generated when aschool or district pays up front for the full cost of their telecommunication services, and then are reim-

bursed for a percentage of the cost, based upon the E-Rate discount.

Article 4 – Community Action Program Funding

The Community Action Program, established at the spring Town Meeting in 1996, provides matching fundsto community improvement projects carried out by residents or organizations. Program recipients includethe Eagle Scouts, Girl Scouts, Chelmsford Coalition Against Drugs and the Varney Park Restoration Com-mittee.

Project examples – Camp Paul ADA compliant paths, Center School playground improvements, Carl Ols-son Memorial

The article will allow for $10,000 to be transferred. The fund balance is $926.87.

Article 5 – Amend fiscal 2010 operating budget

The article seeks to amend the previously amended fiscal 2010 operating budget by increasing municipaladministration and municipal facilities expenses and additional funding for excluded debt exclusion.

Municipal administration expense — Special State Election — $25,000.

Municipal facilities expenses — Repair for the collapse of the Chelmsford High School cafeteria ceiling —$25,000 and McCarthy School auditorium fire curtain — $50,000.

Excluded debt service —$361,111

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Article 6 – Chelmsford Forum scoreboard

The article seeks $30,000 from the Forum Special Revenue fund for the replacement of the center icescoreboard at the Chelmsford Forum. The current balance of the fund is more than $300,000.

Articles 7 and 8 — Community Preservation Fund

Article 7 is requesting Community Preservation funds for restoration of the Garrison House. Article 8 is re-questing CPA funds for the restoration of the exterior of the Fiske House.

Article 9 — Land swap with Chelmsford Water District

If approved:

The Chelmsford Water District would transfer the care and management of two parcels of land containingapproximately 4.43 acres to the town.

The town would transfer a 4.17-acre parcel of conservation land to the Chelmsford Water District.

The water district has maintained a water tower on the conservation land since 1985. The article will allowthe water district to secure the area housing the water tower.

Article 97 of the Massachusetts Constitution requires a 2/3-approval of Town Meeting and approval by theLegislature for any transfer of conservation land.

Article 10 – Transfer of Chelmsford High School land for billboard

If approved the article allows the School Committee to transfer the care, custody, control and managementof a portion of town-owned land to the Board of Selectmen.

Once the land is transferred the Board of Selectmen will authorize Town Manager Paul Coehen to enterinto a contract for a term not to exceed 20 years, for a lease for billboards, signs and other advertising on

the land.

The land is adjacent to the football field.

Article 11- Authorization to Lease Town-Owned Parcel for Billboards for up to 20 Years.

The article seeks the authorization for Town Manager Paul Cohen to enter into a lease agreement for up to

20 years for a billboard on a parcel of town-owned land in North Chelmsford.

The land parcel is located next to Route 3 near Route 40.

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E X 

X T 

T R 

R A 

A  E 

E X 

X T 

T R 

R A 

A S 

S Submitted by Laura Lee

Laura Lee - Town Meeting Representative Precinct 1Town Meeting Representative Precinct 1

Hi Roy,Hi Roy,Could you include this information in the next In-Town report? Cliff McGann of the Could you include this information in the next In-Town report? Cliff McGann of the 

Nova Scotia Celtic band Tri has put together a video so that everyone can get a Nova Scotia Celtic band Tri has put together a video so that everyone can get a 

glimpse of the musicia ns that will be performing at the glimpse of the musicians that will be performing at the Town Halls Benefi t Concer 

t Town Halls Benefi t Concer 

t ..

The link is: The link is:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=86h61zSlu24http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=86h61zSlu24


********************************************************* ********************************************************* Submitted by Lynn Horton

Lynn Horton

Chelmsford Schools Foundation and the Arts & Technology Education Fund Chelmsford Schools Foundation and the Arts & Technology Education Fund 

announce the announce the 4th Annual Spelling Bee, on Thursday, November 5, 2009 

4th Annual Spelling Bee, on Thursday, November 5, 2009 ..

This exciting event raises funds for educational grants awarded by CSF This exciting event raises funds for educational grants awarded by CSF and ATEF. CSF grants totalling over $36,000 have been awarded to the and ATEF. CSF grants totalling over $36,000 have been awarded to the 

individual Chelmsford Public Schools, and ATEF has awarded more thanindividual Chelmsford Public Schools, and ATEF has awarded more than

$55,000. All these grants go to provide educational programs and $55,000. All these grants go to provide educational programs and equipment that would not be possible without the support of these equipment that would not be possible without the support of these 

community funded organizations.community funded organizations.

 Join in the fun at the  Join in the fun at the  Radisson Hotel on November 5th at 7:00 pm

Radisson Hotel on November 5th at 7:00 pm --

register your 3-person adult spelling team today and register your 3-person adult spelling team today and BE a par 

t of the BEE! BE a par 

t of the BEE! 

Visit the Chelmsford Schools Foundatio n web site for registration forms and information.Visit the Chelmsford Schools Foundatio n web site for registration forms and information.www.chelmsfordschoolsfoundation.org www.chelmsfordschoolsfoundation.org 

The Chelmsford Schools Foundation is a community-based non-profit organization dedicated togenerating resources to support, promote and help fund the best learning environmentpossible for the

Chelmsford Public Schools.

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If you're looking for volunteer opportunities inand around Chelmsford, you've come to theright place.

This link This link  allows you to view upcoming

volunteer events or to search for organizationsthat need volunteers. If you have any questions

about these volunteer listings, please contactKathy Cryan-HicksKathy Cryan-Hicks in the Library's CommunityServices Department at [email protected] or

978-256-5521 x109978-256-5521 x109.

********************************************************* ********************************************************* Chelmsford Residents Only

Chelmsford Residents Only

2009 Seasonal Flu

2009 Seasonal Flu

and Pneumonia Vaccine Clinic:

and Pneumonia Vaccine Clinic:* Rescheduled *

* Rescheduled *Administered by the Chelmsford Board of HealthThis vaccine is for the regular yearly seasonal flu.The three viruses that it provides protection against are:A/Brisbane/59/2007, IVR-148A/Uruguay/716/2007, NYMC X-175CB/Brisbane/60/2008 like virus


Location: Chelmsford Senior Center

Location: Chelmsford Senior Center

Route 40, North Chelmsford

Route 40, North ChelmsfordDate and Time: Thursday, November 12, 2009

Date and Time: Thursday, November 12, 2009

2:00 p.m. until 4:30 p.m.

2:00 p.m. until 4:30 p.m.

(for all other Chelmsford residents ages 6 months +)For those ages 65 + Bring ALL of your HEALTH INSURANCE CARDS with you.If you have any questions you may call Sue Rosa, RN at the Chelmsford Board of Health (978) 250-5243

********************************************************* ********************************************************* Submit


ed by the School Department

the School Department

School Flu Update 

School Flu Update 10-13-09 

10-13-09 Hello. This is Superintendent of Schools Don Yeoman. Today three forms have been sent to all school fami-lies via our list serve regarding plans for the flu season. The first announces school-based influenza vaccineclinics for the regular flu vaccine at our middle schools and our high school and describes procedures andparent permissions necessary for the vaccinations. These vaccinations will be free of charge. The secondspecifies information you need to know as a parent about the vaccine and vaccinations. The third is theconsent form you must sign in order for your middle school and high school children to receive the vacci-nation. These forms will also be available on our website and on the Town’s website.

If the regular flu vaccine arrives on time, vaccinations will take place in our middle schools and our highschool for middle and high school students on October 22 during school hours. If not, vaccinations will

take place at a later date.Elementary children will not be vaccinated at school. It has been determined by our Department of Healththat it is better to vaccinate elementary children at their family physician’s office in the presence of theirparent.

I so appreciate the leadership of the Town of Chelmsford’s Health Director Richard Day, Manager of Health Care Services Sue Rossa, and Head School Nurse Dianne Reid as we plan for the flu season.Please remind your children to cover their coughs with a sleeve and to regularly wash their hands. Work-ing together we can better help everyone stay healthy.Enjoy the beautiful New England fall. See you soon.

Don Yeoman, Supt. of Schools

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Please join State Senate candidate Eric Dahlberg and his supportersPlease join State Senate candidate Eric Dahlberg and his supporters

for a Fall gathering at the best hang-out spot in townfor a Fall gathering at the best hang-out spot in town

The Java RoomThe Java Room

14 Littleton Road14 Littleton Road

Chelmsford MA 01824Chelmsford MA 01824

Saturday, October 24thSaturday, October 24th

3:00 PM - 5:00 PM3:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Refreshments will be served.Refreshments will be served.

Suggested contribution is $10 per person.Suggested contribution is $10 per person.

Checks may be made payable to the Dahlberg Committee.Checks may be made payable to the Dahlberg Committee.

Please RSVP to [email protected]@DahlbergforSenate.com

Host committee:Host committee:

Merle AdelmanMerle Adelman

Janet AskenburgJanet Askenburg

Nick DeSilvioNick DeSilvio

Rick MahoneyRick Mahoney

Dick and Martha McClureDick and Martha McClure

David MoreyDavid MoreyLaurie MyersLaurie Myers

Donna ParleeDonna Parlee

Steve and Nipha RobertsSteve and Nipha Roberts

Lou TavaresLou Tavares

Stuart WeisfeldtStuart Weisfeldt

The Dahlberg CommitteePO Box 550067

North Waltham, MA 02455www.DahlbergforSenate.com

Working to elect Eric Dahlberg to the Massachusetts State Senate in 2010


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Submitted by State Representative Tom GoldenTom Golden


Golden Golden 


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QUOTE OF THE WEEK:Deep into the darkness peering,

Deep into the darkness peering,

long I stood there, wondering, fearing,

long I stood there, wondering, fearing,

Doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal

Doubting, dreaming dreams no mortalever dared to dream before.

ever dared to dream before.

- Edgar Allan Poe 

Edgar Allan Poe 

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In-Town Report NEWS LINKS

Lowell SunChelmsford Independent

Kevin Zimmerman’s Chelmsford Mass News

Town of Chelmsford Website

If you have friends,family or neighborswho you think would like to beadded to this news update list

 just have them drop us a line at

[email protected]@gmail.com

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For Back Issues off the In-Town Report

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