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  • 7/27/2019 jurnal rh



    Intramuscular versus Intravenous Benzodiazepines for

    Prehospital Treatment of Status Epilepticus


    Rahmat Hidayat


    Pembimbing :

    dr. Herlina Sari, Sp.S






  • 7/27/2019 jurnal rh


    Intramuscular versus Intravenous Benzodiazepines for

    Prehospital Treatment of Status Epilepticus

    Acute seizures account for 1% of adult and 2% of pediatric emergency

    department visits, at an annual cost of $1 billion (in U.S. dollars).1 When seizures

    are prolonged or repetitive without recovery between episodes, the condition is

    termed status epilepticus, and it occurs in approximately 6% of visits to the

    emergency department for seizures. The cost for inpatient care of patients in status

    epilepticus has been estimated to be $4 billion (in U.S. dollars) annually.2

    Although the term prolonged was previously used to refer to seizures lasting 30

    minutes or longer, this interval has been shortened to 5 to 10 minutes in recent

    studies. This change occurred for several reasons. First, almost all convulsive

    seizures in adults cease in less than 5 minutes without treatment; seizures lasting

    longer than this are more likely to be self-sustained and to require intervention.3,4

    Second, the longer seizures persist, the harder they are to terminate



    Third, outcome tends to correlate with seizure duration evenafter one controls for other factors. Mortality among patients who present in status

    epilepticus is 15 to 22%; among those who survive, functional ability will decline

    in 25% of cases.6

    A little more than half the cases of epilepsy have an acute, symptomatic

    cause (e.g., acute brain injury, metabolic dysfunction, or ethanol withdrawal).7

    About 25% of patients in status epilepticus will not respond to initial treatments.

    After convulsive movements cease, seizure activity will continue to appear on

    electroencephalography over the subsequent 24 hours in 48% of patients.8 Thus,

    if patients do not wake up shortly after their convulsive movements cease,

    nonconvulsive seizures should be considered, and an electroencephalogram

    should be obtained as soon as possible.7

    The first-line treatment for convulsive status epilepticus is a

    benzodiazepine, typically intravenous lorazepam, a choice based largely on the

    results of the 1998 Veterans Affairs Cooperative Status Epilepticus Study.9 In

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    2001, a landmark study on prehospital treatment of status epilepticus was

    published in which patients were randomly assigned to treatment with lorazepam,diazepam, or placebo administered intravenously while they were en route to the

    hospital.10 Successful termination was much more common in the two groups that

    received benzodiazepines (59% with lorazepam, 43% with diazepam, and 21%

    with placebo). Since respiratory distress was twice as common in the group given

    placebo as in either of the groups given a benzodiazepine, the best way to avoid

    the need for intubation is to stop seizure activity.

    In this issue of the Journal, Silbergleit et al. present the results of the

    RAMPART (Rapid Anticonvulsant Medications Prior to Arrival Trial).11 This

    study involved 79 hospitals and more than 4000 paramedics, as well as the use of

    intramuscular autoinjectors and automatic time-stamped voice recorders, and the

    subjects were excepted from informed consent. Ultimately, 893 subjects with

    convulsive seizures lasting longer than 5 minutes were randomly assigned to

    either intravenous lorazepam plus intramuscular placebo or intravenous placebo

    plus intramuscular midazolam. Success was defined as cessation of clinical

    seizure activity and lack of additional rescue medication before arrival in the

    emergency department. The goal was to show oninferiority of intramuscular

    midazolam. Results showed that intramuscular midazolam not only was

    oninferior but was superior to intravenous lorazepam, with successful ter-mination

    of seizures in 73.4% subjects in the intramuscular-midazolam group versus 63.4%

    in the intravenous-lorazepam group (P

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    hospitalization was lower in the intramuscular-midazolam group, as compared

    with the intravenous-lorazepam group (57.6%, vs. 65.6%; relative risk, 0.88).Other trials have shown a more rapid response with nonintravenous

    administration of benzodiazepines than with intravenous administration. In a

    small trial of children with prolonged motor seizures, cessation was achieved

    more quickly with intramuscular midazolam than with intravenous diazepam (8

    minutes vs. 11 minutes, P = 0.047).12 Multiple studies have shown that nasal or

    buccal midazolam stops seizures faster than rectal or intravenous diazepam13 and

    is absorbed faster than intramuscular midazolam.13-15 However, there may be

    issues with reliable and consistent delivery or absorption with the buccal and nasal

    routes, as compared with the intramuscular route. For this reason the

    intramuscular route was chosen for RAMPART, in addition to paramedics

    familiarity with the use of intramuscular medication.

    Whats next in this field? Home treatment with nasal or buccal

    benzodiazepines will soon be widely available and may help prevent status

    epilepticus and visits to the emergency department for patients who are at risk for

    prolonged or repetitive seizures (clusters). A comparison between the

    intramuscular and nasal or buccal routes for administering midazolam is needed,

    as is more research to determine the next step when first-line treatment fails,

    including the possible usefulness of combinations of medications and

    neuroprotective agents. Finally, seizure anticipation or warning systems are under

    devel-development that may allow abortive treatment-perhaps in an automated

    manner-even before clinical seizure activity occurs. Thus, the future of care for

    seizure emergencies is quite bright. The study reported by Silbergleit and

    colleagues is an important step in this direction. As soon as a practical

    intramuscular autoinjector for midazolam becomes widely available, the findings

    in this study should lead to a systematic change in the way patients in status

    epilepticus are treated en route to the hospital.

    The New England Journal of Medicine N Engl J Med 366;7 nejm.orgFebruary 16, 2012

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    1. Martindale JL, Goldstein JN, Pallin DJ. Emergency department seizure

    epidemiology. Emerg Med Clin North Am 2011; 29:15-27.

    2. Penberthy LT, Towne A, Garnett LK, Perlin JB, DeLorenzo RJ. Estimating

    the economic burden of status epilepticus to the health care system. Seizure


    3. Jenssen S, Gracely EJ, Sperling MR. How long do most seizures last? A

    systematic comparison of seizures recorded in the epilepsy monitoring unit.Epilepsia 2006;47:1499-503.

    4. Theodore WH, Porter RJ, Albert P, et al. The secondarily generalized tonic-

    clonic seizure: a videotape analysis. Neurology 1994;44:1403-7.

    5. Mazarati AM, Baldwin RA, Sankar R, Wasterlain CG. Timedependent

    decrease in the effectiveness of antiepileptic drugs during the course of self-

    sustaining status epilepticus. Brain Res 1998;814:179-85.

    6. Claassen J, Lokin JK, Fitzsimmons BF, Mendelsohn FA, Mayer SA.

    Predictors of functional disability and mortality after status epilepticus.

    Neurology 2002;58:139-42.

    7. Foreman B, Hirsch LJ. Epilepsy emergencies: diagnosis and management.

    Neurol Clin 2012;30:11-41.

    8. DeLorenzo RJ, Waterhouse EJ, Towne AR, et al. Persistent nonconvulsive

    status epilepticus after the control of convulsive status epilepticus. Epilepsia


    9. Treiman DM, Meyers PD, Walton NY, et al. A comparison of four treatments

    for generalized convulsive status epilepticus. N Engl J Med 1998;339:792-8.

    10. Alldredge BK, Gelb AM, Isaacs SM, et al. A comparison of lorazepam,

    diazepam, and placebo for the treatment of out-ofhospital status epilepticus. N

    Engl J Med 2001;345:631-7. [Erratum, N Engl J Med 2001;345:1860.]

    11. Silbergleit R, Durkalski V, Lowenstein D, et al. Intramuscular versus

    intravenous therapy for prehospital status epilepticus. N Engl J Med


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    12. Chamberlain JM, Altieri MA, Futterman C, Young GM, Ochsenschlager DW,

    Waisman Y. A prospective, randomized study comparing intramuscularmidazolam with intravenous diazepam for the treatment of seizures in

    children. Pediatr Emerg Care 1997;13:92-4.

    13. Wermeling DP. Intranasal delivery of antiepileptic medications for treatment

    of seizures. Neurotherapeutics 2009;6:352-8.

    14. ORegan ME, Brown JK, Clarke M. Nasal rather than rectal benzodiazepines

    in the management of acute childhood seizures? Dev Med Child Neurol


    15. Reichard DW, Atkinson AJ, Hong SP, Burback BL, Corwin MJ, Johnson JD.

    Human safety and pharmacokinetic study of intramuscular midazolam

    administered by autoinjector. J Clin Pharmacol 2010;50:1128-35.

  • 7/27/2019 jurnal rh


    Benzodiazepin Intramuscular dibandingkan intravena

    untuk Perawatan pra-rumah sakit dari status epileptikusKejang akut terjadi kira-kira pada 1% orang dewasa dan 2% dari

    kunjungan gawat darurat pediatrik, dan menghabiskan biaya sebesar $ 1 milyar

    (dolar AS) pertahun.1 Ketika kejang berkepanjangan atau berulang tanpa

    pemulihan antara episode, kondisi ini disebut status epileptikus, dan itu terjadi

    pada sekitar 6% dari kunjungan ke gawat darurat untuk kejang. Biaya untuk rawat

    inap pasien dalam status epileptikus telah diperkirakan $ (dolar

    AS) per tahun.2

    Meskipun Istilah "berkepanjangan" sebelumnya digunakan untuk

    merujuk pada kejang yang berlangsung 30 menit atau lebih, interval ini telah

    diperpendek menjadi 5 sampai 10 menit pada penelitian terbaru. Perubahan ini

    terjadi karena beberapa

    alasan. Pertama, hampir semua kejang pada dewasa berhenti dalam waktu kurang

    dari 5 menit tanpa pengobatan; kejang yang berlangsung lebih lama, mungkin

    lebih mandiri dan memerlukan intervensi.3,4 Kedua, kejang yang semakin lama

    bertahan, sulit untuk mengakhiri pengobatannya.


    Ketiga, hasilnya cenderung berkorelasi dengan kejang durasi, bahkan setelah

    seseorang mengontrol faktor-faktor lain. Kematian di antara pasien yang hadir

    dalam status epileptikus adalah 15 sampai 22%, di antara mereka yang bertahan

    hidup, kemampuan fungsionalnya akan menurun pada 25% kasus.6

    Lebih dari setengah kasus epilepsi memiliki gejala akut, gejala penyebab

    (misalnya, cedera otak akut, disfungsi metabolik, atau etanol withdrawal).7 Sekitar

    25% dari pasien dalam status epileptikus tidak akan merespon pengobatan awal.

    Sekitar 48% dari pasien, setelah gerakan kejang berhenti, aktivitas kejang akan

    terus muncul di electroencephalography selama 24 jam berikutnya.8 Jadi, jika

    pasien tidak bangun dalam waktu lama setelah kejang gerakan gencatan mereka,

    kejang nonconvulsive harus diwaspadai.7

    Lini pertama pengobatan status kejang epileptikus adalah benzodiazepin,

    biasanya intravena lorazepam.9 Pada tahun 2001, studi tentang pengobatan

    prarumah sakit status epileptikus diterbitkan dimana pasien secara acak diberikan

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    pengobatan dengan lorazepam, diazepam, atau plasebo intravena ketika mereka

    sedang dalam perjalanan ke rumah sakit.


    Sukses terminasi jauh lebih umumpada kedua kelompok yang menerima benzodiazepin (59% dengan lorazepam,

    43% dengan diazepam, dan

    21% dengan plasebo). Karena gangguan pernapasan dua kali lebih umum pada

    kelompok yang diberikan plasebo sebagai salah satu dari kelompok yang

    diberikan benzodiazepin, cara terbaik untuk menghindari kebutuhan untuk

    intubasi adalah untuk menghentikan aktivitas kejang.

    Dalam edisi Jurnal ini, Silbergleit dkk. mempresentasikan hasil penelitian

    tersebut (Obat antikonvulsan prarumah sakit).11 Penelitian ini melibatkan 79

    rumah sakit dan lebih dari 4000 paramedis, serta penggunaan intramuskular

    autoinjektor dan otomatis waktu dicap perekam suara, dan subjek dikecualikan

    dari inform consent. Pada akhirnya, 893 subyek dengan kejang yang berlangsung

    lebih dari 5 menit secara acak diberikan intravena lorazepam ditambah plasebo

    intramuskular atau plasebo intravena ditambah intramuskular midazolam.

    Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa midazolam intramuskular tidak

    hanya noninferior tapi unggul untuk lorazepam intravena, dengan sukses ter-

    diskriminasi kejang sekitar 73,4% subyek dalam kelompok intramuskular

    midazolam dibandingkan 63,4% pada kelompok intravena lorazepam. Intubasi

    yang diperlukan dalam 14% kedua kelompok, dan efek samping lainnya juga

    serupa. Tingkat rawat inap lebih rendah pada kelompok-intramuskular

    midazolam, dibandingkan dengan kelompok intravena-lorazepam.

    Percobaan lain telah menunjukkan respon yang lebih cepat dengan

    pemberian nonintravena benzodiazepin dibandingkan dengan pemberian secara

    intravena. Dalam sebuah percobaan kecil anak-anak dengan ambang kejang yang

    berkepanjangan, penghentian dicapai lebih cepat dengan intramuskular

    midazolam dibandingkan dengan intravena diazepam

    Selanjutnya perawatan di rumah dengan benzodiazepin tersedia secara luas

    dan dapat membantu mencegah status epileptikus dan kunjungan ke gawat darurat

    untuk pasien yang beresiko kejang berkepanjangan atau kejang berulang

    ("cluster"). Penelitian lebih lanjut untuk menentukan langkah berikutnya ketika

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    pengobatan lini pertama gagal, termasuk mungkin kegunaan dari kombinasi obat

    dan agen saraf. Akhirnya, kejang antisipasi atau sistem peringatan yang sedangdikembangkan yang dapat memungkinkan pengobatan gagal, mungkin secara

    otomatis bahkan sebelum aktivitas kejang klinis terjadi. Dengan demikian, masa

    depan perawatan untuk keadaan kejang darurat cukup cerah.

    Penelitian yang dilaporkan oleh Silbergleit dan rekannya merupakan langkah

    penting ke arah ini.