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uno due tre quattro cinque sei sette otto nove 10 cento mille giorno mese fuoco acqua albero oro terra sopra sotto sinistra destra grande mezzo piccolo mano piede occhio orecchio bocca persona bambino donna uomo nome anno montagna fiume bosco foresta risiera cielo pioggia paradiso sentimento sera fiore erba bamboo cane insetto frutti di mare pietra re palla potere filo macchina suono studio scuola precedente vita lettera scrittura libro villaggio villaggio rosso bianco blu yen corretto presto entrare uscire alzarsi riposarsi guardare primavera estate autunno inverno raggio vento mettere in ordine nuvola neve mattina mezzogiorno notte mezzogiorno luminoso stella terreno terreno roccia valle mare stagno publico giardino est ovest sud nord orario minuto settimana giorno della settimana ora origine intervallo genitore padre madre fratello maggiore fratello minore sorella maggiore sorella minore se stesso amico corpo capelli testa faccia collo voce heart pensare pensare genio dire copiare parlare scrivere leggere sentire nazione lingua calcolare numero ragione sezione compagnia associazione disegno quadro mestiere fare piacere canzone quadro colore foglio giallo nero forma punto cerchio linea dritto angolo adatto misura cosa risposta elettricita' insegnare sapere dieci mila ogni -volte meta' hit turn association cross pass through road place ground direction capital city village house Buddhist temple store gates room door pedestal steam boat bow (for archery) arrow sword cow horse fish bird chirp feather meat rice wheat tea eat active use in front behind inside outside far near many few old new thick thin strong weak long tall wide same walk run go come returning home stop sell buy pull cut bad cheap dark medicine committee idea nurture member institution drink carry swim station center side shop warm change luggage world open floor of a building cold feeling China public building beach wake up period of time guest research hurry rank Shinto shrine ball leave bridge business musical composition office silver ward suffer tool you person in charge light blood decide sharpen prefecture warehouse lake over there happiness harbor number root celebrate dish do death use begin finger tooth poem next abstract thing hold style truth copy someone master protect take alcoholic drink accept state pick up end learn collect dwelling heavy inn place hot help shining extinguish sell chapter win ride plant say body god(s) true deep advance world put in order long ago whole mutual send concept breath fast tribe other hit opposite wait substitute ordinal number prefix topic charcoal short discuss wear pour pillar "street account book investigate follow decide garden flute iron revolve metropolis degrees throw beans island hot water climb class move juvenile farming wave distribute double box (vegetable) garden departure anti- slope board skin sad beauty nose writing brush ice express second (of time) sick article lose part clothes luck thing flat return endeavor release flavor fate face question service medicine reason oil have play in advance sheep ocean leaf sunshine formal title fall stream trip both green thanks row practic road peace love plan since clothes rank surround stomach mark England prosperity salt hundred million add fruit freight section bud reformation machine harm street each memorize perfect government official pipe related observe request hope seasons chronicle rejoice national flag container machine deliberation request cry salvation salary raise fishing together cooperation mirror emulate poles instruction army county diameter model scenery art lack tie build healthy