Adjective (kata sifat) memberikan informasi tentang kata benda. Contoh: She’s an excellent dancer. I’ve got a new apartment. Adverb (kata keterangan) merubah kata kerja, yakni kata keterangan menjelaskan bagaimana sesuatu dilakukan. Contoh: - She learns quickly. - You can speak English well. Adjective (kata sifat) Adjective bisa ditempatkan sebelum kata benda. Contoh: This is a beautiful bird. “This is a bird beautiful.” tidak benar. Kata sifat memberikan informasi seperti ukuran (kecil, besar), bentuk (bulat, persegi), warna (kuning, hijau), kebangsaan (Cina, Polandia), dan opini (baik, buruk). Adjective tidak mengalami perubahan yang tergantung pada jumlah (tunggal atau jamak). Contoh: She has a cute puppy. She has three cute puppies. Perhatikan bahwa adjective (cute) tidak mengalami perubahan baik dalam bentuk tunggal (puppy) maupun jamak (puppies). Adjective juga bisa ditempatkan setelah kata kerja tertentu seperti be, feel, look, dan taste. Contoh: I’m really happy today. She’s got a new job so she feels great. You look wonderful! This chicken tastes delicious. Adverb (kata keterangan)

Kata Sifat

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Page 1: Kata Sifat

Adjective (kata sifat) memberikan informasi tentang kata benda. Contoh:

She’s an excellent dancer. I’ve got a new apartment.

Adverb (kata keterangan) merubah kata kerja, yakni kata keterangan menjelaskan bagaimana sesuatu dilakukan. Contoh:

- She learns quickly.- You can speak English well.

Adjective (kata sifat)

Adjective bisa ditempatkan sebelum kata benda. Contoh:

This is a beautiful bird. “This is a bird beautiful.” tidak benar.

Kata sifat memberikan informasi seperti ukuran (kecil, besar), bentuk (bulat, persegi), warna (kuning, hijau), kebangsaan (Cina, Polandia), dan opini (baik, buruk).

Adjective tidak mengalami perubahan yang tergantung pada jumlah (tunggal atau jamak). Contoh:

She has a cute puppy. She has three cute puppies.

Perhatikan bahwa adjective (cute) tidak mengalami perubahan baik dalam bentuk tunggal (puppy) maupun jamak (puppies).

Adjective juga bisa ditempatkan setelah kata kerja tertentu seperti be, feel, look, dan taste. Contoh:

I’m really happy today. She’s got a new job so she feels great. You look wonderful! This chicken tastes delicious.

Adverb (kata keterangan)

Adverb sering dibentuk dengan menambahkan -ly di belakang adjective. Contoh:

quick (adjective) - He’s quick at learning new things. quickly (adverb) - He learns quickly. bad (adjective) - He didn’t get a bad test score. badly (adverb) - He didn’t do badly in his test.

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Untuk adverb yang terbentuk dari adjective yang berakhiran dengan huruf “-y” ganti “-y” dengan “-i” dan tambahkan “-ly“. Contoh:

easy (adjective) - He thinks math is easy. easily (adverb) - He can do math easily. happy (adjective) - He’s a happy man. happily (adverb) - He works happily every day.

Untuk adverb yang terbentuk dari adjective yang berakhiran dengan huruf “-le” ganti “-le” dengan “-ly“. Contoh:

simple (adjective) - The teacher makes difficult things simple. simply (adverb) - He teaches simply and clearly.

Beberapa adverb sama dengan adjective. Contoh:

He runs fast (adverb) - He’s a fast runner. (adjective) He studies hard. (adverb) - It’s a hard life. (adjective)

Adverb untuk “good” adalah “well“. Contoh:

She’s a good pianist. She plays the piano well.

Adverb juga bisa mengubah adjective dan adverb-adverb lainnya. Contoh:

That’s a good book. That’s a very good book. She’s a talented girl. She’s an incredibly talented girl. You’re right! You’re absolutely right!

kata sifat (adjectives) adalah kata yang digunakan untuk memberi sifat pada benda, atau kata yang memberi kekuatan dan untuk membatasi dalam pemakaian kata benda (noun). kata sifat juga digunakan untuk memperjelas atau mempersempit kata benda dan kata ganti.

penulisan adjectives biasanya :- di depan noun- sesudah to be (am, is, are, was dll)- sesudah obyek

8 macam adjectives diantaranya : 1. Adjective of Quality

2. Adjective of Quantity3. Adjective of Numeral4. Demonstrative Adjective

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5. Proper Adjective6. Interrogative Adjective7. Possessive Adjective8. Distributive Adjective

contoh adjective dalam kalimat :- he is a small boy (dia seorang anak laki-laki kecil)- I bought a little sugar (saya membeli sedikit gula)

List of Adjectives Daftar Adjektiva

Click here for a list of over 1,100 adjectives. Klik di sini untuk daftar lebih dari 1.100 kata sifat.

The list of adjectives is something of wonder. Daftar kata sifat adalah sesuatu yang mengherankan. Behold the modest adjective . Lihatlah kata sifat sederhana. It can leap tall buildings in a single bound. Hal ini dapat melompat gedung tinggi di terikat tunggal. It makes the average citizen smarter and kinder. Hal ini membuat warga rata-rata lebih cerdas dan ramah. It keeps you in the cleanest car on the block. Itu membuat Anda dalam mobil bersih di blok. Such potent words should be used wisely. Kata-kata ampuh tersebut harus digunakan secara bijak. Read on and learn how to use your adjective powers for good. Baca terus dan belajar bagaimana menggunakan kata sifat Anda kekuatan untuk selamanya.

An adjective's job is to modify a noun or pronoun . Sebuah kata sifat menjadi tugas adalah untuk mengubah kata benda atau kata ganti . They are always near the noun or pronoun they are describing. Mereka selalu dekat kata benda atau kata ganti mereka menggambarkan. Be careful how you use adjectives such as interesting, beautiful, great, wonderful, or exciting. Berhati-hatilah bagaimana Anda menggunakan kata sifat seperti menarik, indah, besar, indah, atau menarik. Many adjectives like these are overused and add little definition to a sentence. Banyak kata sifat seperti ini terlalu sering digunakan dan tambahkan sedikit definisi kalimat. Instead, show your reader or listener what you are talking about by using verbs and nouns creatively. Sebaliknya, menunjukkan pembaca atau pendengar apa yang Anda bicarakan dengan menggunakan kata kerja dan kata benda kreatif. Sprinkle fewer well-chosen adjectives for interest. Taburkan yang dipilih dengan baik adjektiva lebih sedikit untuk kepentingan.

Adjectives are often used to describe the degree of modification. Kata sifat sering digunakan untuk menggambarkan derajat modifikasi.

The adjective forms are positive, comparative, and superlative. Bentuk kata sifat positif, komparatif, dan superlatif.

This tree is tall. Pohon ini tinggi. (positive) (Positif) That tree is taller. Pohon itu lebih tinggi. (comparative) (Perbandingan) The last tree in the row is the tallest. Pohon pada barisan terakhir adalah yang tertinggi. (superlative) (Superlatif)

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A handful of adjectives have irregular forms of positive, comparative, and superlative usage. Sejumlah kata sifat memiliki bentuk tidak beraturan penggunaan positif, komparatif, dan superlatif.

These include good/better/best, bad/worse/worst, little/less/least, much-many-some/more/most, far/further/furthest. Ini termasuk baik / lebih baik / terbaik, buruk / buruk / buruk, sedikit / kurang / sedikit, much-many-some/more/most, jauh / lebih lanjut / jauh.

My lunch was good, hers was better, and yours was the best. makan siang saya adalah baik, miliknya lebih baik, dan Anda adalah yang terbaik.

Proper adjectives are derived from proper nouns. kata sifat yang tepat berasal dari kata benda. They commonly describe something in terms of nationality, religious affiliation, or culture. Mereka umumnya menggambarkan sesuatu dalam hal kebangsaan, agama, atau budaya. Like proper nouns, proper adjectives have their first letter capitalized. Seperti kata benda, kata sifat yang tepat memiliki huruf pertama mereka dikapitalisasi. Some examples of proper adjectives include: Beberapa contoh kata sifat yang tepat meliputi:

American Amerika French Prancis Japanese Jepang Latino Latino Asian Asia Australian Australia Catholic Katolik Lutheran Lutheran Jewish Yahudi

The following lists are just a sampling of adjectives in the English language. Daftar berikut ini hanya berisi contoh dari kata sifat dalam bahasa Inggris. They are categorized by the type of attribute they describe. Mereka dikategorikan jenis atribut mereka menggambarkan. Use your dictionary or thesaurus to add to each list or use the complete list below this one. Gunakan kamus atau thesaurus untuk ditambahkan ke daftar masing-masing atau gunakan daftar lengkap di bawah ini satu.

Appearance Adjectives Penampilan Adjektiva

adorable manis sekali beautiful indah clean bersih drab menjemukan elegant anggun fancy indah

Color Adjectives Warna Adjektiva

red merah orange jeruk yellow kuning green hijau blue biru purple ungu

Condition Adjectives Kondisi Adjektiva

alive hidup better lebih baik careful hati-hati clever pintar dead mati

Feelings (Bad) Adjectives Perasaan (Bad) Adjektiva

angry marah bewildered limbung clumsy kikuk defeated dikalahkan embarrassed malu fierce sengit

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glamorous cantik handsome tampan long panjang magnificent indah old-fashioned kuno plain polos quaint aneh sparkling gemerlap ugliest paling jelek unsightly menyakitkan mata wide-eyed dgn mata terbelalak

gray abu-abu black hitam white putih

easy mudah famous terkenal gifted berbakat helpful membantu

important penting

inexpensive murah mushy lembek odd aneh powerful kuat rich kaya shy pemalu tender lembut uninterested tertarik vast luas wrong. salah.

grumpy pemarah helpless tak berdaya itchy gatal jealous cemburu lazy malas mysterious gaib nervous gugup obnoxious buruk panicky panik repulsive menjijikkan

scary mengerikan thoughtless dipikirkan uptight tegang worried cemas

Feelings (Good) Adjectives Perasaan (Baik) Adjektiva

agreeable ramah brave berani calm tenang delightful menyenangkan eager bersemangat faithful setia gentle lemah lembut happy bahagia jolly ria kind jenis lively lincah nice bagus obedient patuh proud bangga relieved lega silly bodoh thankful berterimakasih

Shape Adjectives Bentuk Adjektiva

broad luas chubby gemuk crooked bengkok curved lengkung deep mendalam flat datar high tinggi hollow berongga low rendah narrow sempit round bulat shallow dangkal skinny kurus square persegi steep curam straight lurus wide. lebar.

Size Adjectives Ukuran Adjektiva

big besar colossal kolosal fat lemak gigantic raksasa great besar huge besar immense besar sekali large besar little sedikit mammoth hebat massive besar-besaran miniature miniatur petite kecil mungil puny kecil scrawny kurus kering

Sound Adjectives Sound Adjektiva

cooing berdekut deafening yg memekakkan faint redup hissing desis loud keras melodic merdu noisy berisik purring mendengkur quiet tenang raspy serak screeching melengking thundering gemuruh voiceless tak bersuara

whispering bisikan

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victorious jaya witty jenaka zealous tekun

short pendek small kecil tall tinggi teeny amat kecil teeny-tiny teeny-tiny tiny mungil

Time Adjectives Waktu Adjektiva

ancient kuno brief singkat early awal fast cepat late terlambat long panjang modern modern old tua old-fashioned kuno quick cepat rapid cepat short pendek slow lambat swift cepat young muda

Taste/Touch Adjectives Rasa / Touch Adjektiva

bitter pahit delicious lezat fresh segar greasy berminyak

juicy berair hot panas icy dingin loose longgar melted dicairkan nutritious bergizi prickly berduri rainy hujan rotten busuk salty asin sticky lengket strong kuat sweet manis tart pelacur tasteless hambar uneven tidak merata weak lemah wet basah wooden kayu yummy lezat

Touch Adjectives Touch Adjektiva

boiling mendidih breeze angin sepoi-sepoi broken rusak bumpy bergelombang chilly dingin cold dingin cool dingin creepy menyeramkan crooked bengkok cuddly yg suka diemong curly keriting damaged rusak damp lembab dirty kotor dry kering dusty berdebu filthy kotor flaky keripik fluffy halus freezing pembekuan hot panas warm hangat wet basah

Quantity Adjectives Kuantitas Adjektiva

abundant melimpah empty kosong few beberapa full penuh heavy berat light cahaya many banyak numerous banyak sparse jarang substantial besar

Why do you need a list of adjectives ? Adjectives can turn the ordinary in to the extraordinary. Mengapa Anda butuh daftar kata sifat dapat? Adjektiva mengubah biasa ke yang luar biasa.

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When used properly, they can add vivid interest to your conversation or written communication. Ketika digunakan dengan benar, mereka dapat menambah bunga hidup untuk percakapan atau komunikasi tertulis. However, there can be too much of a good thing. Namun, ada bisa terlalu banyak hal yang baik. Please keep your adjectives effective by choosing them wisely. Harap simpan kata sifat Anda efektif dengan memilih mereka bijaksana.

Comprehensive List of Adjectives Daftar Komprehensif Adjektiva


aback kaget abaft abaft abandoned ditinggalkan abashed malu aberrant yg menyimpang dr kebiasaan abhorrent mengerikan abiding kekal abject hina ablaze terang benderang able mampu abnormal abnormal aboard kapal aboriginal asli abortive gagal abounding berlimpah abrasive kasar abrupt mendadak absent absen absorbed terserap

absorbing menyerap abstracted


bad buruk barbarous biadab bashful malu-malu bawdy mesum beautiful indah befitting cocok belligerent berperang beneficial bermanfaat bent bengkok berserk amuk best terbaik better lebih baik bewildered limbung big besar billowy bergelombang bite-sized gigitan berukuran bitter pahit bizarre aneh black hitam black-and-white hitam-dan-


cagey cerdik calculating menghitung callous kapalan calm tenang capable mampu capricious plin-plan careful hati-hati

careless ceroboh caring peduli cautious berhati-hati ceaseless tak henti-hentinya certain tertentu

changeable berubah charming menawan cheap murah cheerful riang chemical kimia chief kepala childlike kekanak-


daffy Daffy daily harian damaged rusak damaging merusak damp lembab dangerous berbahaya dapper rapi dark gelap dashing gagah dazzling yg melinglungkan dead mati deadpan roman muka yg tdk bergerak deafening yg memekakkan dear sayang debonair ramah decisive menentukan decorous terhormat deep mendalam

deeply dalam defeated dikalahkan


eager bersemangat early awal earsplitting memekakkan telinga earthy bersahaja

easy mudah eatable yg dpt dimakan economic ekonomi educated berpendidikan efficacious manjur efficient efisien eight delapan elastic elastis elated gembira elderly tua electric listrik elegant anggun elfin seperti peri elite elite embarrassed malu eminent unggul empty kosong

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disarikan absurd konyol abundant melimpah abusive kasar acceptable diterima accessible diakses accidental kebetulan accurate akurat acid asam acidic asam acoustic akustik acrid tajam actually sebenarnya ad hoc ad hoc adamant teguh adaptable beradaptasi addicted kecanduan adhesive perekat adjoining berdampingan adorable manis sekali adventurous petualangan afraid takut aggressive agresif agonizing menyiksa agreeable ramah ahead di depan ajar terbuka sedikit alcoholic alkohol alert waspada

putih bloody berdarah blue biru blue-eyed bermata biru blushing memerah boiling mendidih boorish tdk sopan bored bosan boring membosankan bouncy goyang boundless tak terbatas brainy cerdas brash kurang ajar brave berani brawny berotot breakable mudah patah breezy semilir brief singkat bright cerah bright cerah broad luas broken rusak brown coklat bumpy bergelombang burly gagah perkasa bustling kesibukan busy sibuk

kanakan chilly dingin chivalrous sangat sopan chubby gemuk chunky chunky clammy basah classy mentereng clean bersih clear jelas clever pintar cloistered tertutup cloudy berawan closed tertutup

clumsy kikuk cluttered berantakan coherent koheren cold dingin colorful warna-warni colossal kolosal

combative agresif comfortable nyaman common umum complete lengkap complex kompleks concerned prihatin

defective cacat defiant pemberontak delicate halus delicious lezat delightful menyenangkan demonic jahat delirious mengigau dependent tergantung depressed murung deranged gila descriptive deskriptif deserted sepi detailed terperinci determined ditentukan devilish jahat didactic bersifat mendidik different berbeda difficult sulit diligent rajin direful mendahsyatkan dirty kotor disagreeable tak enak disastrous bencana discreet bijaksana disgusted jijik disgusting

enchanted terpesona enchanting memikat encouraging mendorong endurable yg dpt diterima energetic giat enormous besar entertaining menghibur enthusiastic antusias envious iri equable tenang equal sama erect tegak erratic tak menentu ethereal sangat halus evanescent cepat berlalu dr ingatan evasive mengelak-elak even bahkan excellent unggul excited gembira exciting menarik

exclusive eksklusif exotic eksotik expensive mahal

extra-large ekstra besar extra-small

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alike sama alive hidup alleged dugaan alluring menarik aloof tersendiri amazing menakjubkan ambiguous dwimakna ambitious ambisius amuck amuk amused geli amusing lucu ancient kuno angry marah animated animasi annoyed kesal annoying mengganggu anxious cemas apathetic apatis aquatic air aromatic aromatik

arrogant sombong

ashamed malu aspiring bercita-cita tinggi assorted bermacam-macam astonishing mengherankan attractive menarik

auspicious penuh harapan automatic

condemned terkutuk confused bingung conscious sadar

cooing berdekut cool dingin cooperative koperasi coordinated terkoordinasi courageous berani cowardly bacul crabby pemarah craven pengecut crazy gila creepy menyeramkan crooked bengkok crowded ramai cruel kejam cuddly yg suka diemong cultured beradab cumbersome bagong curious ingin tahu curly keriting curved lengkung curvy curvy cut memotong

menjijikkan disillusioned dikecewakan dispensable yg tdk diperlukan distinct berbeda

disturbed terganggu divergent berbeda dizzy pusing domineering bersifat menguasai dgn keras sekali doubtful ragu-ragu drab menjemukan draconian kejam

dramatic dramatis dreary suram drunk mabuk dry kering dull membosankan dusty berdebu dusty berdebu dynamic dinamis dysfunctional disfungsional

ekstra-kecil exuberant riang exultant gembira

Page 10: Kata Sifat

otomatis available tersedia average rata-rata awake bangun aware sadar awesome awesome awful mengerikan axiomatic aksiomatis

cute lucu cute lucu cynical sinis


fabulous menakjubkan faded luntur faint redup fair wajar faithful setia fallacious keliru false palsu familiar akrab famous terkenal fanatical fanatik fancy indah fantastic fantastis far jauh far-flung luas sekali fascinated kagum fast cepat fat lemak faulty salah fearful takut fearless tak kenal takut feeble lemah feigned pura-pura female


gabby temberang gainful berlaba gamy gagah gaping menganga garrulous cerewet gaudy terlalu menyolok general umum gentle lemah lembut giant raksasa giddy pusing gifted berbakat gigantic raksasa glamorous cantik gleaming kemilau glib fasih glistening berkilau glorious mulia glossy


habitual biasa half setengah hallowed suci halting terputus-putus handsome tampan handsomely mahal handy berguna hanging gantung hapless malang

happy bahagia hard keras hard-to-find sulit menemukan harmonious harmonis harsh kasar hateful penuh benci heady keras healthy sehat

I Aku

icky sentimentil icy dingin idiotic tolol ignorant bodoh ill sakit illegal liar ill-fated bernasib buruk ill-informed kurang informasi illustrious termasyhur imaginary imajiner immense besar sekali imminent dekat impartial netral imperfect sempurna impolite kasar important penting imported impor impossible


jaded letih jagged bergerigi jazzy menyolok jealous cemburu

jittery gelisah jobless yg menganggur jolly ria joyous riang gembira judicious bijaksana juicy berair jumbled bercampur aduk

jumpy gelisah juvenile remaja

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perempuan fertile subur festive bergembira few beberapa fierce sengit filthy kotor fine halus finicky rewel first pertama five lima fixed tetap flagrant menyolok

flaky keripik flashy menyolok flat datar flawless sempurna

flimsy tipis flippant sembrono

flowery muluk fluffy halus fluttering berkibar

foamy berbusa foolish bodoh foregoing sebelumnya forgetful pelupa fortunate beruntung four empat frail rapuh fragile rapuh frantic gila-gilaan free gratis freezing pembekuan

mengkilap godly saleh good baik goofy bodoh gorgeous cantik

graceful anggun

grandiose muluk-muluk grateful berterimakasih gratis gratis gray abu-abu greasy berminyak great besar greedy serakah green hijau grey abu-abu grieving berduka groovy manis grotesque fantastis grouchy yg menggerutu grubby kotor gruesome mengerikan grumpy pemarah guarded dijaga guiltless tanpa dosa gullible mudah tertipu gusty berangin ribut guttural tekak

heartbreaking menyayat hati heavenly surgawi heavy berat hellish kejam helpful membantu helpless tak berdaya hesitant ragu-ragu hideous mengerikan high tinggi highfalutin muluk high-pitched nyaring hilarious riang hissing desis historical historis holistic holistik hollow berongga homeless tuna wisma homely sederhana honorable terhormat horrible mengerikan hospitable ramah hot panas huge besar hulking bagur humdrum

mustahil incandescent pijar incompetent konyol inconclusive meyakinkan industrious rajin

incredible luar biasa inexpensive murah infamous hina innate asli innocent bersalah inquisitive ingin tahu insidious tersembunyi dan membahayakan instinctive naluriah intelligent cerdas interesting menarik internal internal invincible tak terkalahkan irate marah irritating menjengkelkan itchy gatal

Page 12: Kata Sifat

frequent sering fresh segar fretful rewel friendly ramah frightened ketakutan frightening menakutkan full penuh fumbling meraba-raba functional fungsional funny lucu furry berbulu furtive sembunyi future masa depan futuristic futuristik

fuzzy kabur

membosankan humorous lucu hungry lapar hurried terburu-buru hurt sakit hushed berbisik

husky serak hypnotic hipnotis hysterical histeris


kaput kaput keen tajam kind jenis kindhearted baik hati kindly ramah knotty rumit knowing pengetahuan knowledgeable berpengetahuan luas known dikenal


labored sulit lackadaisical lesu lacking kurang lame timpang lamentable yg disesalkan languid lesu large besar last terakhir late terlambat laughable yg menggelikan lavish mewah lazy malas lean kurus


macabre mengerikan macho macho maddening yg menjengkelkan madly mabuk magenta magenta magical gaib magnificent indah majestic megah

makeshift sementara male laki-laki


naive naif nappy popok narrow sempit nasty buruk natural alam naughty nakal nauseating luah near dekat neat rapi nebulous samar-samar necessary diperlukan needless tidak perlu needy miskin


oafish agak bodoh obedient patuh obeisant obeisant obese gendut obnoxious buruk

obscene cabul obsequious patuh observant taat obsolete usang obtainable diperoleh oceanic kelautan

Page 13: Kata Sifat

learned terpelajar left kiri legal hukum lethal letal level tingkat lewd cabul light cahaya like seperti likeable yg menyenangkan limping rekat literate terpelajar little sedikit lively lincah lively lincah living hidup lonely kesepian long panjang longing rindu long-term jangka panjang loose longgar lopsided miring loud keras loutish jelek lovely indah loving penuh kasih low rendah lowly rendah lucky beruntung

ludicrous lucu lumpy kental lush subur luxuriant subur lying bohong lyrical liris

malicious jahat mammoth hebat maniacal gila many banyak marked ditandai massive besar-besaran married menikah marvelous menakjubkan material bahan materialistic materialistis mature dewasa

mean berarti measly sangat sedikit meaty berisi medical medis meek penurut mellow lembut melodic merdu melted dicairkan merciful belas kasihan mere belaka messy kacau mighty kuat military militer milky seperti susu mindless tak ada artinya miniature miniatur

neighborly ramah tamah nervous gugup new baru next selanjutnya

nice bagus nifty bagus nimble gesit nine sembilan nippy lincah noiseless tak bersuara noisy berisik nonchalant acuh tak acuh nondescript yg tak dpt digolongkan nonstop nonstop normal normal nostalgic rindu nosy yg ingin tahu noxious berbahaya null batal numberless banyaknya numerous banyak nutritious bergizi nutty pedas

odd aneh offbeat offbeat old tua old-fashioned kuno omniscient mahatahu one satu onerous berat open terbuka opposite lawan optimal optimal orange jeruk ordinary biasa organic organik ossified ossified outgoing keluar outrageous memalukan outstanding beredar oval lonjong overconfident terlalu percaya overjoyed gembira overrated berlebihan overt terbuka overwrought kecapaian

Page 14: Kata Sifat

minor kecil miscreant bajingan misty berkabut mixed bercampur moaning merintih modern modern moldy apak momentous sangat penting motionless diam mountainous bergunung-gunung muddled karut mundane duniawi murky suram mushy lembek mute bisu mysterious gaib


painful menyakitkan painstaking telaten pale pucat paltry remeh panicky panik panoramic panorama parallel paralel parched kering parsimonious pelit


quack dukun quaint aneh quarrelsome cerewet questionable dipertanyakan quick cepat quickest tercepat quiet tenang quirky aneh quixotic


rabid fanatik racial rasial ragged compang-camping rainy hujan rambunctious ribut rampant yg merajalela rapid cepat rare langka


sable warna hitam sad sedih safe aman salty asin same sama sassy lancang satisfying memuaskan savory gurih scandalous memalukan


taboo tabu tacit diam-diam tacky rekat talented berbakat tall tinggi tame jinak tan tan tangible nyata tangy yg tajam rasanya tart pelacur

Page 15: Kata Sifat

past masa lalu pastoral pastoral pathetic menyedihkan peaceful tenang penitent yg menyesal perfect sempurna periodic berkala permissible diizinkan perpetual abadi petite kecil mungil

petite kecil mungil

phobic fobia physical fisik picayune remeh-temeh pink warna merah muda piquant yg mengasyikkan placid tenang plain polos plant tanaman plastic plastik plausible masuk akal pleasant nyaman plucky gagah pointless tak berarti poised siap polite sopan political politik poor miskin possessive posesif

pemurah quizzical aneh

raspy serak ratty marah ready siap real nyata rebel pemberontak receptive reseptif recondite terpendam red merah redundant mubazir reflective termenung regular reguler relieved lega remarkable luar biasa reminiscent mengingatkan repulsive menjijikkan resolute tegas resonant resonan responsible bertanggung jawab rhetorical retoris rich kaya right kanan righteous adil rightful sah rigid kaku ripe matang ritzy Ritzy roasted panggang

scarce langka scared takut scary mengerikan scattered tersebar scientific ilmiah scintillating gemilang scrawny kurus kering screeching melengking second kedua second-hand kedua-tangan secret rahasia secretive diam-diam sedate tenang seemly pantas selective selektif

selfish egois separate terpisah serious serius shaggy brewok shaky goyah shallow dangkal sharp tajam shiny berkilau shivering gemetaran shocking mengejutkan short pendek shrill melengking shut menutup

tasteful enak tasteless hambar tasty lezat tawdry menyolok mata tearful berkesan

tedious membosankan teeny amat kecil

teeny-tiny teeny-tiny telling menceritakan temporary sementara ten sepuluh tender lembut tense tegang tense tegang tenuous lemah terrible mengerikan terrific hebat tested diuji testy mudah tersinggung thankful berterimakasih therapeutic terapeutik thick tebal thin tipis thinkable masuk akal third ketiga thirsty haus thirsty haus

Page 16: Kata Sifat

possible mungkin powerful kuat precious berharga

premium premi present hadir pretty cantik previous sebelumnya pricey mahal prickly berduri private swasta probable mungkin

productive produktif profuse sebesar-besarnya protective pelindung proud bangga psychedelic psychedelic psychotic gila public publik puffy bengkak pumped dipompa puny kecil purple ungu purring mendengkur pushy ambisius puzzled bingung puzzling membingungkan

robust kuat romantic romantis roomy lapang rotten busuk rough kasar round bulat royal kerajaan ruddy memerah rude kasar rural pedesaan rustic pedesaan

ruthless kejam

shy pemalu sick sakit silent diam silent diam silky sedap silly bodoh simple sederhana simplistic sederhana sincere tulus six enam skillful trampil skinny kurus sleepy sepi slim ramping slimy berlendir slippery licin sloppy ceroboh slow lambat small kecil smart cerdas smelly berbau smiling tersenyum smoggy penuh asbut smooth halus sneaky licik snobbish tinggi hati snotty kurang ajar soft lembut soggy basah solid padat somber muram sophisticated mutakhir sordid kotor

thoughtful bijaksana thoughtless dipikirkan threatening mengancam three tiga thundering gemuruh tidy rapi tight ketat tightfisted tightfisted tiny mungil tired lelah tiresome melelahkan toothsome yg menggiurkan torpid tumpul tough sulit towering tinggi tranquil tenang trashy tak bermutu tremendous dahsyat tricky rumit trite basi troubled bermasalah truculent garang

true benar truthful jujur two dua typical khas

Page 17: Kata Sifat

sore sakit sore sakit sour asam sparkling gemerlap special khusus spectacular spektakuler spicy pedas spiffy keren spiky runcing spiritual rohani spiteful iri splendid hebat spooky dahsyat spotless bersih spotted tutul spotty rintik spurious palsu squalid jorok square persegi squealing cengking squeamish mudah tersinggung staking mengintai stale basi standing berdiri statuesque seperti patung steadfast tabah steady mantap steep curam stereotyped stereotip sticky lengket stiff kaku stimulating

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merangsang stingy pelit stormy ribut straight lurus strange aneh striped bergaris strong kuat stupendous menakjubkan stupid bodoh sturdy kukuh subdued takluk subsequent berikut substantial besar successful sukses succinct ringkas sudden tiba-tiba

sulky murung super super superb hebat superficial dangkal supreme tertinggi swanky megah sweet manis sweltering panas terik swift cepat symptomatic gejala synonymous sama artinya

Page 19: Kata Sifat


ubiquitous mana-mana ugliest paling jelek

ugly jelek ultra ultra unable tidak unaccountable tidak bertanggung jawab unadvised tidak ditentukan unarmed tak bersenjata unbecoming tdk pantas unbiased tanpa prasangka uncovered terbongkar understood dipahami undesirable tidak diinginkan unequal tidak sama unequaled tiada bandingnya uneven tidak merata unhealthy sehat uninterested tertarik unique unik unkempt tdk rapi unknown tidak diketahui unnatural tidak


vacuous hampa vagabond gelandangan vague samar-samar valuable berharga various berbagai vast luas vengeful berdendam venomous berbisa verdant hijau versed berpengalaman victorious jaya vigorous kuat violent keras violet violet vivacious lincah voiceless tak bersuara volatile volatile voracious rakus vulgar vulgar


wacky edan waggish yg suka bersenda gurau waiting menunggu wakeful sulit tidur wandering mengembara wanting ingin warlike yg suka perang warm hangat wary waspada wasteful boros watery berair weak lemah wealthy kaya weary lelah well-groomed rapi well-made dibuat dengan baik well-off mampu

well-to-do baik-untuk-melakukan wet basah whimsical aneh

whispering bisikan white putih whole seluruh wholesale


yellow kuning yielding penurut

young muda youthful muda yummy lezat


zany amat lucu zealous tekun zesty zesty zippy bergairah zonked mabuk benar

Page 20: Kata Sifat

wajar unruly tegar unsightly menyakitkan mata

unsuitable tidak cocok untidy berantakan

unused tidak digunakan unusual luar biasa unwieldy berat unwritten tidak tertulis upbeat pukulan yg tdk keras uppity sombong upset bingung uptight tegang used digunakan useful berguna useless tak berguna utopian utopis utter mengucapkan uttermost sepenuh

borongan wicked jahat wide lebar wide-eyed dgn mata terbelalak

wiggly Wiggly wild liar willing rela windy berangin

wiry liat wise bijaksana wistful sayu witty jenaka woebegone sedih womanly seperti wanita wonderful hebat wooden kayu woozy pusing karena obat bius workable bisa diterapkan worried cemas worthless tak berguna wrathful murka

wretched malang wrong salah wry masam

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Daftar umum (dan tidak begitu umum!) Bahasa Inggris Adjektiva

An adjective, in English grammar , is a word that describes or modifies a noun or a pronoun . Sebuah kata sifat, dalam tata bahasa Inggris , adalah sebuah kata yang menggambarkan atau memodifikasi sebuah kata benda atau kata ganti . For more information and examples visit What is an Adjective? It covers kinds of adjectives, comparison of adjectives, "three questions", adjectives position, adjective links and more. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut dan kunjungi contoh Apa itu kata sifat? Ini mencakup jenis kata sifat, perbandingan kata sifat, "tiga pertanyaan", kata sifat posisi, link kata sifat dan banyak lagi.

Take Adjectives Spelling Test Ambil Adjektiva Spelling Test

Build your vocabulary with this list of frequently used English adjectives. Membangun kosakata Anda dengan daftar kata sifat bahasa Inggris yang sering digunakan.

There are Ada 732 adjectives in this list. kata sifat dalam daftar ini.

References Referensi Every word is clickable - select reference source and click on any word for translation or definition. Setiap kata dapat diklik - referensi sumber pilih dan klik pada setiap kata untuk terjemahan atau definisi.

Definitions Definisi

Translations Terjemahan

Usage Penggunaan


Spanish I

Page 23: Kata Sifat

A aback abaft abandoned abashed aberrant abhorrent abiding abject ablaze abnormal aboard aboriginal abortive abounding abrasive abrupt absent absorbed absorbing abstracted absurd abusive acceptable accessible accidental accurate acoustic acrid actually ad hoc adamant adaptable addicted adhesive adjoining adorable afraid agonizing ahead alcoholic alert alike alive alleged alluring aloof ambiguous ambitious amuck ancient animated apathetic aquatic aromatic aspiring assorted astonishing auspicious available average aware axiomatic

B bad barbarous bashful bawdy beautiful befitting belligerent berserk better big billowy bizarre black boiling boorish boring boundless brash brawny breezy brief bright broad broken bumpy burly

C cagey callous capable capricious ceaseless changeable cheerful childlike chilly chivalrous chubby chunky clammy classy cloistered cloudy clumsy coherent cold colossal combative comfortable cooing cool cooperative courageous cowardly crabby craven crazy credible creepy crooked cuddly cultured curly curved cynical

D daffy daily damaged damaging damp dapper dashing dazzling deadpan debonair decisive decorous deep deeply defective delightful demonic deranged deserted detailed determined devilish didactic diligent direful dirty disagreeable discreet disillusioned dispensable divergent dizzy domineering draconian dramatic drunk dry dull dusty dynamic dysfunctional

E eager early earsplitting earthy eatable economic educated efficacious efficient elated elderly elfin elite eminent empty enchanting encouraging endurable energetic entertaining enthusiastic equable erect erratic ethereal evanescent evasive evil excellent excited exclusive exotic expensive exuberant exultant

F fabulous faded fallacious fanatical fancy fantastic fascinated fast fat faulty fearless feigned fertile festive filthy finicky flagrant flashy flawless flippant flowery foamy foregoing forgetful fortunate frail fretful friendly functional funny furtive futuristic

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G gabby gainful gamy gaping garrulous gaudy gentle giant giddy gigantic glamorous gleaming glib glorious glossy godly good goofy gorgeous graceful grandiose gratis great greedy green groovy grotesque grouchy gruesome grumpy guarded guiltless gullible gusty guttural

H habitual half hallowed halting handsome handsomely hapless happy harmonious heady healthy heartbreaking heavenly heavy hellish helpful hesitant high highfalutin hilarious historical holistic hollow honorable horrible hospitable huge hulking humdrum humorous hungry hurried hurt hypnotic hysterical

I icky idiotic ignorant illegal illustrious imaginary immense imminent impartial imperfect imported incandescent incompetent inconclusive industrious innate instinctive internal invincible irate itchy

J jaded jagged jazzy jealous jittery jobless jolly joyous judicious jumbled jumpy juvenile

K kaput kind kindhearted knotty knowing knowledgeable known

L labored lackadaisical lacking lamentable languid large late laughable lavish lazy lean learned legal lethal level lewd light likeable literate little lively long longing lopsided loutish lovely loving low lowly lucky ludicrous lush luxuriant lying lyrical

M macabre macho maddening madly magenta magical magnificent majestic makeshift malicious mammoth maniacal many marked massive materialistic mature measly meek melodic merciful mere mighty mindless miniature minor miscreant moaning modern moldy momentous muddled mundane murky mushy mysterious

N naive nappy narrow nasty nauseating nebulous needless needy neighborly nervous new nice nifty noiseless noisy nonchalant nondescript nonstop nostalgic nosy noxious null numberless numerous nutritious

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O oafish obedient obeisant obscene obsequious observant obsolete obtainable oceanic odd offbeat old omniscient onerous optimal orange ordinary organic ossified oval overconfident overjoyed overrated overt overwrought

P painful painstaking panoramic parched parsimonious pastoral pathetic peaceful penitent perfect periodic permissible perpetual petite phobic picayune piquant placid plant plant plausible pleasant plucky pointless political possessive precious premium pretty prickly productive profuse protective proud psychedelic psychotic puffy pumped puny purple

Q quack quaint quarrelsome questionable quick quickest quiet quixotic quizzical

R rabid racial ragged rainy rambunctious rampant rare raspy ratty rebel receptive recondite red redundant reflective relieved reminiscent resolute resonant rhetorical righteous rightful ritzy roasted robust romantic roomy round royal ruddy rural rustic ruthless

S sable sad sassy satisfying savoy scandalous scarce scary scientific scintillating scrawny secretive sedate seemly selective shallow shocking short shrill silly sincere skillful skinny sloppy slow small smelly sneaky snobbish snotty soggy somber sordid spectacular spicy spiffy spiritual splendid spooky spurious squalid square squeamish staking standing statuesque steadfast stereotyped stimulating stingy strange subdued subsequent successful succinct sulky supreme swanky sweltering symptomatic synonymous

T taboo tacit tacky talented tall tame tan tangible tangy tart tasteful tawdry tearful telling temporary tender tenuous tested testy therapeutic thinkable threatening tight tightfisted tiny tiresome toothsome torpid tough towering tranquil trashy tricky trite truculent typical

U ubiquitous ugliest ugly ultra unable unaccountable unadvised unarmed unbecoming unbiased uncovered understood undesirable unequaled uneven unsightly unsuitable unusual upbeat uppity upset uptight used utopian utter uttermost

V vacuous vagabond vague various vast vengeful venomous verdant versed victorious vigorous vivacious voiceless volatile voracious vulgar

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W wacky waggish wakeful wanting warlike warm wary wasteful wasteful watchful watery weak wealthy weary wee wet whimsical whispering wholesale wicked wide willing wiry wise wistful woebegone womanly wonderful wooden woozy workable worried worthless wrathful wretched wry

X x-rated

Y yellow yielding young youthful yummy

Z zany zealous zippy zonked

Contoh kata sifat

Examples of the Basic Types of Adjectives Contoh Jenis Dasar Kata Sifat

Opinion Opini

An opinion adjective explains what you think about something (other people may not agree with you). Sebuah kata sifat pendapat menjelaskan apa yang Anda pikirkan tentang sesuatu (orang lain mungkin tidak setuju dengan Anda). Example of opinion adjective: silly, beautiful, horrible, difficult Contoh kata sifat berpendapat: konyol, cantik, mengerikan, sulit

Size Ukuran

A size adjective, of course, tells you how big or small something is. Sebuah kata sifat ukuran, tentu saja, memberitahu Anda bagaimana atau kecil sesuatu yang besar adalah. Example of size adjective: large, tiny, enormous, little Contoh kata sifat ukuran: besar, kecil, besar, kecil

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Age Umur

An age adjective tells you how young or old something or someone is. Sebuah kata sifat usia memberitahu Anda bagaimana atau sesuatu yang muda atau tua seseorang.

Examples: ancient, new, young, old Contoh: kuno, baru, muda, tua

Shape Bentuk

A shape adjective describes the shape of something. Sebuah kata sifat menggambarkan bentuk bentuk sesuatu. Examples: square, round, flat, rectangular

Contoh: kotak, bulat, datar, persegi panjang

Colour Warna

A colour adjective, of course, describes the colour of something. Sebuah kata sifat warna, tentu saja, menggambarkan warna sesuatu. Examples: blue, pink, reddish, grey Contoh: biru, pink, kemerahan, abu-abu

Origin Asal

An origin adjective describes where something comes from. Sebuah kata sifat asal menggambarkan di mana sesuatu yang berasal dari. Examples: French, lunar, American, eastern, Greek Contoh: Perancis, lunar, Amerika, timur, Yunani

Material Material

A material adjective describes what something is made from. Sebuah kata sifat materi menjelaskan apa sesuatu yang terbuat dari. Examples: wooden, metal, cotton, paper Contoh: kayu, logam, kapas, kertas

Purpose Tujuan

A purpose adjective describes what something is used for. Sebuah kata sifat menggambarkan tujuan apa sesuatu itu digunakan. These adjectives often end with "-ing". Kata sifat ini sering berakhir dengan "-ing". Examples: Contoh:

Page 28: Kata Sifat

sleeping (as in "sleeping bag"), roasting (as in "roasting tin") tidur (seperti dalam "sleeping bag"), dipanggang (seperti dalam "timah pemanggangan")


Hallys fixative Heidenhain fixative Hellys fixative


Rh-negative Rh-positive


abactinal abaxial abconical abiotic aboral abranchia abrasive abyssal abyssopelagic acaulescent acauline acellular acentric acephalic acerate acerose acerous acicular aciculate acoustoelectric acroauxic acrocarpic acrocentric acronematic

Page 29: Kata Sifat

acroscopic acrotrophic actinocytic actinoid acuminate adelocodonic adhesive admissable adventive aerotrophic agamic agamogenetic agonistic alary albic allogenic allopatric allosteric allotrphic ametamorphic amictic amphibiotic amphiblastic amphidelphic amphigonic amphipneustic amphoteric anakinetic anarobic anaschistic anceps anesthetic aneucentric aneusomatic anisocytic annellidic anomocytic antagonistic

a samb.

anthrophic anthropogenic antiinfective antimorphic antineuritic

Page 30: Kata Sifat

antrorse apetalous aphanitic apneustic apodous aposematic apterium apterous arboreal arrow headed aseptic assimilative assymetric autosphenotic autostylic autotrophic auxotrophic available axe shaped axenic


bacteriocinogenic bacteriostatic barbate barotropic barrel shaped basophilic bathypelagic bioclastic biotic biotrophic bipolar heterothalic boat shaped brachycephalic brachycyclic brittle


cambiogenetic catabiotic catakinetic catatropic cathartic

Page 31: Kata Sifat

chasmolithic chemoautotrophic chemonastic chemotactic chemotropic chiastic chitinophylic cholinergic chorioallantoic chromatin negative chromatin positive clastic cleidoic coelozoic coenocytic coisogenic concentric congeneric congenetic conspecific coprozoic crescent shaped

c samb.

crybaby cryogenic cryptozoic crystalomagnetic culinary cup shaped cushion shaped cyclocytic cytogenic cytopathic cytotoxic


deadly degenerative dendritic diabetogenic diacytic dicentric dichoptic

Page 32: Kata Sifat

diligent dimeric dimitic dimorphic diorchic diphyletic diplanetic diplobiontic diplozoic dispensable diuretic dome shaped dry dysgenic dystrophic


ectendotrophic ectotrophic edaphic electrostatic emmetropic endedaphic endobiotic endocyclic endocytic endolithic endophytic endotrophic endozoic enphytotic enteroblastic entomopathogenic entozoic enzootic eosinophilic epibiotic epidaphic epilithic epiotic epipelagic epiphytic epiphytotic epizoic epizootic

Page 33: Kata Sifat

ergastic eucarpic euchromatic eukaryotic eurybaric


eurybenthic eurychoric euryhygric eurytopic eustatic eutrophic eutropic exact exodemic extraembryonic


facultative fan shaped faunistic fiddle shaped film autophobic filose fungistatic fungitoxic funnel shaped


gamodesmic gamogenic gastro-epiploic generative genophyletic geocarpic germinable glucogenic glycogenic gnotobiotic goblet shaped greedy gymnopaedic

Page 34: Kata Sifat


hair shaped hairy halbert shaped halobiotic halogynic halolimnic halometabolic hapaxanthic haplobiontic haplocheilic haplomorphic haptotropic heavy heliotropic hematotoxic hemiblastic hemikaryotic hemimetabolic hermaphroditic heteroallelic heterogametic heterokaryotypic heteromastigotic heteromorphic heterophilic heteroplastic heterothallic heterotrophic hexacytic histic histozoic holandric holobenthic holocarpic holometabolic

h samb.

holonecrotic holozoic homeothermic homoallelic homoiothermic homoplasmic

Page 35: Kata Sifat

homothallic homothetic horseshoe shaped hydromegathermic hydromorphic hydrotrophic hygropetric hygroscopic hyoepiglottic hyperbenthic hyperopic hypersensitive hypertonic hypertoxic hypoactive hypobiotic hypolithic hypopneustic


impermeable impotent impriorable incombustible infrageneric infrasonic infraspecific interbiotic intergenic interphasic intrabiotic intracistronic intrathoracic invisible






Page 36: Kata Sifat

naughty nebulous


optimist optimistic oxidative oxybiontic


palaeogenetic paleomorphic panetric pantacroneatic parabiotic paracentric paracytic paramesonephric paratonic parthenogenetic partially miscible pear shaped pedogenic pelagic pelitic pericentric periodic periotic peripneustic permanent permeable

p samb.

phagotrophic phanerozoic phenetic photoautotrophic photonastic photosensitive phototactic phototoxic phototropic phylephebic

Page 37: Kata Sifat

phyletic phyllogenetic phylogerontic phyloneanic phytopathogenic phytotoxic pitcher shaped plagiotropic pleomorphic plerotic plesionecrotic pleuronematic poikilosmotic policentric polydelphic polygoneutic polyphyletic polysomic polystromatic polytopic polyxylic postdiastolic postmeiotic prepelvic prepubic previtellogenic prism shaped prokaryotic propneustic proprioceptive proteolytic protusible psychosomatic psychotropic puny pyogenic pyretic pyroclastic


recessive reversible rope shaped


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saccharolytic saddle shaped saprogenic sapropelic saprozoic sarcodimitic sarcotrimitic sarmentose saucer shaped sausage shaped scary scimitar shaped selective permeable shield shaped sickle shaped







