La France Et Le Francais

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  • 7/30/2019 La France Et Le Francais


    La France , en forme longue la Rpublique franaise, est

    unerpubliqueconstitutionnelleunitairedont la majeure partie du territoire (la France mtropolitaine)

    et de la population est situe enEurope occidentale, mais qui comprend galementplusieurs rgions

    et territoiresrpartis dans lesAmriques, locan Indienet lePacifique. Elle a pour capitaleParis,pourlangue officiellelefranaiset pour monnaie leuro. Sa devise estLibert, galit, Fraternit,

    etson drapeauest constitu de trois bandes verticales respectivementbleue,blancheetrouge. Son

    hymne estLa Marseillaise.

    Pays ancien form auHaut Moyen ge, la France joue un rle important dans lhistoire mondiale par

    linfluence de sacultureet de ses valeursdmocratiquesetrpublicaines, par lacolonisationquelle a

    mene enAmrique, enAsie, enOcanieet enAfrique, et par son rle pionnier dans laconstruction

    de lUnion europenne. Elle est unepuissance nuclaire, et lun des cinq membres permanents

    duConseil de scurit des Nations unies.

    Peuple de 65 millions dhabitants (janvier2011), la France est en 2010 lacinquime puissance

    conomique mondialeaux taux de change du march et possde letroisime plus grand budget

    militaireau monde.Son conomie, de typecapitalisteavec uneintervention tatiqueassez forte, fait

    delle un des leaders mondiaux dans les secteurs de lagroalimentaire, de laronautique, de

    lautomobile, desproduits de luxe, dutourismeet dunuclaire.,_%C3%89galit%C3%A9,_Fraternit%C3%A9,_%C3%89galit%C3%A9,_Fraternit%C3%A9,_%C3%89galit%C3%A9,_Fraternit%C3%A9,_%C3%89galit%C3%A9,_Fraternit%C3%A9
  • 7/30/2019 La France Et Le Francais


    French (franais, IPA:[fs]) is aRomance languagespoken as a first language inFrance, French-

    speakingSwitzerland,WalloniaandBrusselsinBelgium,Monaco, the regions

    ofQuebecandAcadiainCanada, and by various communities elsewhere. Second-language

    speakers of French are distributed throughout many parts of the world, the largest numbers of which

    reside inFrancophone Africa.[5]In Africa, French is most commonly spoken inGabon(where 80%

    reports fluency)[5]Mauritius(78%),Algeria(75%) andCte d'Ivoire(70%). French is estimated as

    having between 70 million[1]and 110 million[6]native speakers and 190 million second language

    speakers.[3]French is the second-most studied foreign language in the world, afterEnglish.[7][8]

    French is a descendant of the spokenLatinlanguage of theRoman Empire, as are languages such

    asItalian,Portuguese,Spanish,Romanian,SardinianandCatalan. Its closest relatives however are

    the otherlangues d'olandFrench-based creole languages. Its development was also influenced by

    the nativeCeltic languagesof RomanGauland by the (Germanic)Frankishlanguage of the post-


    It is anofficial languagein29 countries, most of which form what is called, in

    French, LaFrancophonie, the community of French-speaking countries. It is an official language of

    allUnited Nationsagencies and alarge number of international organizations. According to

    theEuropean Union, 129 million, or twenty-six percent of the Union's total population speak French,

    of whom 65 million are native speakers and 69 million are second-language or foreign language

    speakers, thus making French the third language in the European Union that people state they are

    most able to speak, afterEnglishandGerman. Twenty-percent of non-Francophone Europeans know

    how to speak French, totaling roughly 145.6 million people in Europe, alone.[9]

    From the 17th century to the mid-20th century, French served as the pre-eminent international

    language of diplomacy and international affairs, as well as alingua francaamong the educated

    classes of Europe. The dominant position of the French language has only recently been

    overshadowed by English.[3]As a result of extensive colonial ambitions ofFranceandBelgium(at that

    time governed by a French-speaking elite), between the 17th and 20th centuries, French was

    introduced to the Americas, Africa, Polynesia, Southeast Asia, and the Caribbean.

    According to a demographic projection led by theUniversit Lavaland theRseau Dmographie de

    l'Agence universitaire de la francophonie, French will be represented by approximately 500 million

    people in 2025 and by 650 million people, or approximately seven-percent of the world's population in
