55/2015 'l\n! r butr! and 1, mi.ut-"s l The (ord tdnh isoigrnated r.oD thelangra(e.i : (A) rtlrran (B) English (c) Lar. (D) cre.l 2. Th. bankins Ombudsman scleme was lirst introduced in Indiannr l 1A) 1990 (u) 1e92 (c) 1995 (D) 1994 3. {'}icb ofthe lollowing Ls d nsgotirbl. inst.unentl (A) ?romissory not€ (B) tsillorexchrnge (c) cheque (D) Ali or thosc 4, Thc runber ofschedules rn the R'lan@ Sheer ofa bank. (A) 16 €) r2 (c) 13 (D) rr 5- In &nhingLBS EfeN to: (A) Lal Bahadu. Sastri (C) L€ad Bank Schene (B) I?ndine Renk sc}eme 6. Two basic conrradiclo.y ondiii.nd thai a banter has io tecp r : (A) ]iquidity and Secudtr (Ir) LiquLdiiy and ProaLrrLlliiy (C) Sscuriir and convertab iry -.D) AI ofihese ?, I ndian Doncdlic C ard sche ne Rupay' conceive d r nd lau.ched by , Q\) Rcscrrc Banh ol tndia (ts) lndidn corernn nt (C) Naiional Finafte Corporation ol Indra (D) N.rion.l Payment Co|Doration of Indla IP.r.o.t

Lar. - Amazon S3 · 2019. 10. 15. · 8. Kerlla Gramin Banl sponso€d bYl (A) Syndicaie Bank G) Canda Bank (O Inaiar Banl< (D) NABARD There is resi.ictions Egading the nunber and

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  • 55/2015

    'l\n! r butr! and 1, mi.ut-"s

    l The (ord tdnh isoigrnated r.oD thelangra(e.i :(A) rtlrran (B) English(c) Lar. (D) cre.l

    2. Th. bankins Ombudsman scleme was lirst introduced in Indiannr l1A) 1990 (u) 1e92(c) 1995 (D) 1994

    3. {'}icb ofthe lollowing Ls d nsgotirbl. inst.unentl(A) ?romissory not€ (B) tsillorexchrnge(c) cheque (D) Ali or thosc

    4, Thc runber ofschedules rn the R'lan@ Sheer ofa bank.(A) 16 €) r2(c) 13 (D) rr

    5- In &nhingLBS EfeN to:(A) Lal Bahadu. Sastri(C) L€ad Bank Schene

    (B) I?ndine Renk sc}eme

    6. Two basic conrradiclo.y ondiii.nd thai a banter has io tecp r :(A) ]iquidity and Secudtr (Ir) LiquLdiiy and ProaLrrLlliiy(C) Sscuriir and convertab iry -.D) AI ofihese

    ?, I ndian Doncdlic C ard sche ne Rupay' conceive d r nd lau.ched by ,Q\) Rcscrrc Banh ol tndia(ts) lndidn corernn nt(C) Naiional Finafte Corporation ol Indra(D) N.rion.l Payment Co|Doration of Indla


  • 8. Kerlla Gramin Banl sponso€d bYl

    (A) Syndicaie Bank G) Canda Bank(O Inaiar Banl< (D) NABARD

    There is resi.ictions Egading the nunber and amount of viurdMwals in a siEn period in

    r0. The banl st up with Ure ain of giving bmet to the eul4/3 export and inpolt :(A) AXIS bnL (B) Foreign ben!(C) EXIMlant (D) CitY bank

    Tle headquart€re ofRBI is at:G) Delli

    r2. ?rincip,l FiDncial Institution for the prodolian finalcins Md dev€topne.t ol SnaI S@le



    (A) IDBI (B)(q rFc (D)

    r8. Sratu@ry Liqudit) ra'o ofRDI rs ra" on Jul] 201,1) 6(,A) 20pt 4'l(q 24% @)

    (A) Assabted hou*6iC) Clearing hou*s

    15. Fir6i excl$iv€ gold ba.king outlet ofsBl b:(A) Swq.uranLlr, N€w Delhi(C) Sweanandir, Nev Delhi

    1,t. The iDstitution organi*d by the tueciated baDks to unpltlt and lacilitate d,nv .achance ofitens anil settleneDt of baia.ces :

    (B) cnanM Char, MuDba(D) Sona Gha., Hyde.dbdd


  • 16. N.gotiable Instfum.ni,\ci(rB |.sscdin :(B) 1330

    r7. The hoadqurrrers oflNrr. Ls tDcsied ar(,\) lvashi.gton (B) r.ndon(c) Newyork (D) P3rh

    13, lust.toi.r siocli llanl in lndie :

    ( ) Drawer andDfurcs(C) P!tuipalandAcent

    (A) Ri[ lor colc.iion Esrster(c) Demand dmli resistcr

    (B) Bxn[ olHindusr]En

    (8) LL.cnsorrndLi.ensco(D) T.ust€e and !.nericirly

    (.\) Bankor&nsal(c) Banh olCalcutta

    19- Covern,nsbodl lor urepension s.]tm!:(\) SEBI

    ,0. R.lationship ofbanker with pxJoe ofe drlii

    21. The p.a.uce yhsre r bormwer pledges collatcral secu.itr ro secuM dsbiis:(A) Cua.ante. (B) Hrpothecation(C) Raihtq (D) Ax of these

    22. Scleduledbadls atu *hich:(,\) Ca.ry.n b.nhins busrness in Indir(B) tThich larc pard up capitd and Eserc of!n aggreeaie value of nor le* than 6ve

    lalhrrpscs(c) \rhicn sahsfr the RBI tlst $eir allairs are not berns conducted in a nanner

    dehincniat to rhe inteEst ofrher depGitors(D) Allofurese

    23. subsidiao ledses of banlinsconpanieeconsists


  • 2.1. -AlphanDneic codc tbat identifcs a bank branch parlicipating in lha int€rbank el'chonrc

    (B) I|SC(D) NF'T

    (B) 1960(D) 1965

    (c) NnrT

    25. tDlllesiablis}cdin:

    (c) 196.1


    Chlirnan ofNAldtD is appoi.ted bY(A) Covemncntoflndia(C) RBI

    Lrd Xrishda Ban* was nerged with :(A) Centurion Bank ol Punjsb

    l,argesf Public Se.tor Brnh in lndia

    (A) Bank of Ba.oda(c) Ceniml Ba.k

    The C.snercjal BanL *hich has adoptedhave be€n tdkcn io tlansfofn tho vilage as

    (Al Syndicate Bank(C) camra Banli

    (B) state Bank of Indis(D) Indian Bdnk

    a vilage in Thrisur Disfict and several stepsa nodel village in India :

    (B) FedeEr Btnk(D) south Indian B$L

    (B) Pulab Natioml Bank(D) Souih lndian Banr.

    (D r$00) rs36





    ReseNe Bank of India estsbGhed in ihe yeer l

    (c) 1935

    Wlich snong the folowi.s is a d.funct ba.k?

    (A) t rd Iinshns Banl

    The le adqua.ters of SIDBI is at:


  • 33. Wbi.h blnk haB goi sold slould for exceLlence in financLal r0o|ting in ile Privaie Brn]caregory 2011 l2from Insiiluieof Chrrte.edA.counls.f lrdis!

    (A) CaihoLc SJian Bank (B) EDlcbank(C) ,r"\ls bank (D) None of ihese

    34, SDI agso.iarebanls *erc n.tronrhscdon(A) 195e G) 1969(c) 1964 (Ir) 1949

    35. Cooplajnt redlessal sr'stem laDnched byStiRIjs:

    36. Acmunrs are allo*ed to be operated by cheque i. respect of:(A) Rotb sryings bank 3/c and 6xed deposit dc(B) Both $vi.gs bank a/c a.d curronl j/c(C) Both 3ainBd bmk a/c and loan a/c(D) Borhsavlnesbank a/c andcasl.rc

    37. Capacityofure benk to produc€ cash on demdnd:(A) S}iftabiliiy(C) Liquidiry

    t8- Earliesl Connenirl Banks were knoun as :( ) Tradins hou*s (B) Bankinshouses(C) Servi€Luses (D) Agcncy houses

    39- 1,1 najor conmelcial baDl

  • (c)

    The docunent used by the custbm€is lbr

    (A) Pay in slip(C) Specinenslip

    Seri@s prowided by banks under E.Banlinc is

    (A) EFr(C) Autonaied TeUer Machine

    ai whic! ReseNe Bankt then directly agaimt

    G) POS

    re.discouni pspeB presented by Comne.cidl Bdnk or nalre

    (B) R€Ese R€po R.t€(D) C.R.R.

    (B) 1949(D) 19,rO

    depositing cash in ro bank :

    (D) May 3d 2014

    (B) Real Tine Cross Settlenent

    4'1. Bs.Line R€Euldtion Aci passd in :(A) 1943(o 1950

    45, Which otthe ioUowi.g is not a ba.kins ted?


    to Inilia by Honourdble Pr*id€nl of Inilia, Pranab Mukhelj€e .t

    (B) O.D.(D) N.P.A

    was set up to bodt t[e orerall rural il€velopnent in

    (B) NA3-ARD(D) SIDBI

    th€ foUowing organisation


    The Rupay' cail iledicatedRashtr4athi Bhavd on :

    (A) Apil4d 2014(C) Apd 1062014

    48, In E.Banking RTOS stqnds for :(A) Rate Tine Grcss Seitlen€nt(C) R€ disconnf Tine Gap seftren€nt


  • 50. The Prine Ntintier's scheme BarL accou.r for Atl, is trnowr as :(A) Jan DhanYojna (B) Dhanyornr(c) vikas Yojm (D) Jan yojna



    ''The banter to every lndiln" is thc sto$n ofl(A) Canara Bsnk(c) Federal Bank

    (B) Indian Ove$eas Ban!(D) State Bank oflndia

    (B) 1962(D) 1964

    (B) Rltionins ol credit

    (c) r9?0

    Qualtative crcdit control he|lod of RBI is(A) Liquidily.stio

    Ove. dEll fa.iliiy is slowed in rcspect of:

    (C) Fixed doposit

    Bants p.ovide fnanci6r aid to indusr.ies, h*!'J'(A) SIDBI(c) coDmercial banLs

    The plastic noney card whi.h alow ilg

    The Et€ ar which RBI lends ro the banls(A) Reve.se Repo Rate

    EolidaF src declarcd to banls uniler(A) Rerne Banl of Indis Act(c) I.dia. Cionrract Acr

    turnkey prcFcts and loreicn t.ade

    CB) Specidrised banks

    holder to nake purhase *ithour holding cssh in

    unde. riquidiiy adjusrne.r faciliy i3

    (D) Cesl R€mrye Rario

    (B) Bankins R.cubtio. Aci(D) Negotiable lnsirune.t Act


  • ta, India s la.sesi public sectot genersl lnsumn€(A) N€w Inda Assurance conpanY(O [email protected]

    Chairnan of Stete BenL of India.

    (C) AJundhatiBattacharya

    (B) Nalional Insu.a.ce conpanY

    60. There has been a con€rted elfori by the poli.t malieE in re.orieniing bankrng t wddsachieving social objectives. As a result of ilis, class ba.&inc is shilted to :


    (A) Ruralbanting(C) Developnentbanlinc

    61. Th€ ceilit ins!runent nsed as dost convenient(A) Ltter ofc€di!(c) cleque

    (D) Innovative ballinc

    snil ine*peftive nediun of .khang€.

    62, Whch ot the fo[o!'nAs the functron ofrn3urdne?(A) Ri8! beding(c) Prowide ce|t intr

    6r. Bank show provision for In@ne Td :(A) Unile. the head bortuwing(B) Uniler fhe head olhd liabilities and p.ovisios(O Und€r riabilities and tax autloriti€B

    61t. Tn€ pnci!3 policy of 6iing higher pri@ ai ihe initial siage anil reduina Lai€r sbp bv step i3 :

    (A) PenetratiDg (B) Ma.ci$l(C) Skinni.g (D) cdi cd€ring

    55. Wlat is ASBA in E invesi?(A) fuplications Supp.rted by Blocled ADountG) AI Scheduled Bank Assaiaiion(C) AI India Stare Bank Assooarion(D) All Savings Banh A/c Eorderg



    A$j!t in capit€l tomaiio!

    55t2016 l0

  • (A) Resulatory authoriiy(c) Botb (A) end (B)

    AJt ollroiectinsi.fornalion by imnsfornLng ii

    (c) crypstogmphy

    in to an unrad$lo fonat is:

    (B) Slatut .y autho.iiy

    A non'bankine assei is :

    (A) Fixed aset puhasd fron ihe nulel (B)(O Money at call and shori noiiG (D)

    69. Banking Onbudsnm day Fj€ct the snllaint.(4) Irred',@l] q erreerpl (E)(c) After headng both palties (D)

    Any tust acquired fron the debtors

    70. Which ol the folownc is ihe reshLct d funchon of RBI?(!') Bank Note issue (B) Credi! con!rcI(c) I€.ding b b,.ks @) cbd.ghouses

    71, Cohnerial paperi3:(A) A slorttem promissory not€

    ?2. T}e pr@ss by whicl physical ohare cediEcates(A) Die1tarisatio.(c) El€ct.onbation

    ?3. The $@t! of the benk which dm8 not senerab any rndne :(A) D€ad dseis (B) NPA(C) Frcznas* (D) ln$ naling asst

    74, Organieation which set up with the objectiv€ of snootleninc the sho.t - tern liquidityinb,lances and inie$aiing various *gment of noney Da.tet.

    (A) Over tbe count€f eichance of India (B) SEBI(C) DGcount and ffnan@ house ol lndia (D) RBI


    (B) Has fixed naturity peiod

    aE conveded in t an el€ctronic form

    (D) Denaienalsarion


  • ?5. Tle banl which has NoD theMobfity TechnoloBy tu Banling

    (A) Coryoration BanL(c) EDFC

    ?6. In lldia Treasury bills are issued by :(A) RBI(O Treasury

    8r. lvhere aid catrdliji 6nr rry S,rhyseraha in(A) Bardori{C) Sabdnatid

    32. Gddha Partr wa6 fomea by :

    IBA Bankrn8 T..hnolosr atrard 2012 13 lor 8er. use oi

    (B) ICICI(D) SBl

    (B) Co,ehneni of rndia



    The d@neni isued by the shippins 6npaw or it3 agEft an€r |he ddrgo i. rolded on tlF 6}ip{A) IDspection bill (B) Cerijndte oforigin(C) .Bill ofladinc (D) Pa&insiirt

    Which dnole the fouowing is noi a Publi. Secior bank?(A) AnuEBad{ (B) Jannu and IGshmn Be.t(O Syndi@i6 Bd.L (D) Ca.e.q Bank

    79. Whicl among the foloti4 is a .egative pMess?(A) Selecrion @) R€@lrment(C) Perfttuo@ appmisal @) Norc ofrh€de

    80. FiDancial ltutrments that derire it3 vahe non ile unde yins a$er.(A) Pronbsorr not€ (B) Bill olEtuhanse(C) Derivatiws (D) Ceii6cat€ ofDepGir

    (D) Kheda

    (c) wc.56r'2016

    Ift lian Independelce l,ague?

    (B) Subhash ChddE Boe

    (B) C.& D.3(D) Subhash Caddra BM


  • 3.1. $lio ofihe lollosing is.onsidered as rh. proFber otlndian NriionalLsnl!\) S\r.hvnel3.rnda (Lr) Rljrrln Mohrn R.r.(al) ssami Dayrnandr sa..sw.rhy (D) clFahkrnhni atol{h!]e

    35. O. whft. rccomDendairon w3s the conshtuent ABsemuy lrornedt(A) cabi.et Mission Plan lR) I,lount Batienltan(C) Coye.n'nenr ollndia Act r935 (n) CrndhiJiirp.cl

    36. \!no N linolvn as lndidn Bismrrk?

    a?. The.all.f cohcktotlcVedas waseivcn by:(A) Swrni !'ilekanandd (B) sirmiDayanandr S.r.srrthi(C) Sarkaracharre (D) siRenakrishna pa.rmahansrf

    33. Tne sr'sied olDJrrchy was introdu@d i. hdian undof the India Corc.nmeniA.r ot:(A) 1e09 (ll) rgrs(c) rs35 (D) 1921

    89, Thc Am3Iraihy Se*ion ot indieD Nahonal Cons.ess in 139? was p.esjde.l b:i :( ) Jawaha.lal Nehru (B) s3niuN.Ldu(C) DadibaiNavrroji (D) Si.. c.Srnrraran Nair

    (A) subhash Chand.s BoseiC) srrduv3ll.bhai|!tel

    w,s ihl hcroine nf rle Qur lndis M.\cnenr.

    (D) BaLa Cansrd}era Tnr[

    91. Nin.ithi Panchd{an'$as writicn by(A) Uxmr G) valathol(C) Ezhurhschsn (D) Srec Nemy,na curu

    92. \ll]' cl organiz. don en.ourage d Misrabnojanan" seeinsr ih6 caste sysbD?(A) Sahodarasanshan (B) SNDP(c) NSs (D) Yos*shena Sabhr



  • 94, $hicn social reiorne. of }talabar Nas thc .ontenporarv of Sri Nsravana Cufu?

    93, lvho callcd Ilunaranasrn as'Viplwatbinb(A) Vayalsr Rdnavarna(C) Jopph Mundasseri

    (A) B.rhnanandaSivayosi

    ile owne. ol Swadessbhina.i" press?

    Renalrishna Pild (B)C.V. I(un]riuna. (D)

    96, wlr,,h bctrd tslorncr b.onnccred \ 'h Atmardrrtg(B)


    (B) chrttanbi Swsnilal(D) (1. (esava Moton

    (c) vathon Adbul rhader Moulavi

    (A) IC KelapPan(C) Vacbhaddn,nda

    97. The plae where Dr Palpu *as born

    (c) Aruvi}kara (D) Chenpazhanthi

    dippresFd classes in 190.! id:


    whe€ Atfantrali starled

    Salhyacraha ss started


    100. The najor (Merence betwe€n the1907 qas regardins l

    (A) Sdthyasraha(c) Edu@tio!




