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Lifi (CSE 132)

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Course: CSE132 (Electrical Circuits)Course Teacher: Mr. Shuvo Das Section: P Group: A Depertment: CSE(43 Batch)Group Members: 01.Md. Ashaf Uddaula (161-15-7473)02. Alamin Hossain (161-15-7483)03. Md. Khasrur Rahman (161-15-7214)04. Md. Eram Talukder (161-15-7485)05. Ijaz Ahmed Utsa (161-15-7180)

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Going To Tell About…..• Introduction

• History of Li-Fi

• How Li-Fi Works

• Architecture of Li-Fi

• Li-Fi v/s Wi-Fi

• Application of Li-Fi

• Advantages of Li-Fi

• Limitation of Li-Fi

• Conclusion

• Question Answering from Audience

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Introduction….• What is Li-Fi (Light Fidelity Technology)?Delivering Data Through LightSensitivity is more than faster than Human Eye can followFast Cheap Wireless Communication System which is optical version

of Wi-Fi

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History of Li-Fi…… Professor Harald Haas, from the Univers i ty Of

Edinburgh in the U.K , is widely recognized as the org inal founder of L i -F i .

The Term was first used in th is context by Harald Haas in 2011 TED Global Ta lk on v is ib le L ight Communication.

But, the technology was tru ly began during the 1990’s in countr ies l ike Germany,Korea & Japan, where they d iscovered LED’s could be retrofitted to send information.

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How Li-Fi Works….. Operational Procedure is very simple, if the LED

is on , then your device transmit a digit ‘1’ & if it is off ,then your device transmit a digit ‘0’.

The LED can be switched on & off very quickly, which gives nice opportunities for transmitting data.

Hence, all that required is some LEDS & a controller that code data into those LEDS.

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Li-Fi vs Wi-Fi……

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Application of Li-Fi…….Vehicles & TransportationUnderwater CommunicationAviationLocation Based

Services(LBS)Hospital & Health CareMobile ConnectivitySmart LightingRF Spectrum ReliefHazardous Environments

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Advantages of Li-Fi………It not impossible to achieve more

than 10 Gbps , theoretrically allowing a high definition film to be download in 30 second.

Mostly powered by LEDS so it is cost efficient.

Transmission of data is fast & easy.Not easy to Hackable.Its main advantages is it’s Bandwidth

is 10,000 times than the radio waves.

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Limitation of Li-Fi…..

Li-Fi doesn’t work in the dark.Li-Fi can’t pass through the

solid object like wall.To connect with Li-Fi , your

device must be stayed under the LED light which is connected with Li-Fi.

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> Conclusion < Thus ,if Li-Fi technology can be put into practical use every bulb can be used as an alternative to Wi-Fi & Hot spots. It provides simple , faster & efficient wireless data communication . Li-Fi will make us to proceed towards the cleaner, greener , safer & brighter future.

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