M Y R R H A Nama lain : Mira Tanaman asal : Species Commiphora antara lain Commiphora molmol. Keluarga : Burseraceae. Zat berkhasiat utama / Pers yarat kadar : 40 – 70 % gom ( galokto – siloaraban ), 25 – 45 % damar yang berisi fenol- fenol (Heraboresam, her


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Deskripsi tumbuhan dari keluarga Myrrha

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Nama lain:Mira

Tanaman asal:Species Commiphoraantara lainCommiphoramolmol.


Zat berkhasiatutama /Persyarat kadar:40 70 % gom ( galokto siloaraban ),25 45 % damar yang berisi fenol-fenol(Heraboresam,herabomirol, mirolol).Asam-asam damar 3 10 %, minyak atsiri (mirol dan mirenol) berisi pinen, limonen, herabolen, egenol, kresol, sinamilaldehid dan kuminaldehid; mineral, zat pahit, asam semut, asam cuka dan asam mirol.

Penggunaan:Untuk pembuatan dupa dan parfum.Tinctura mira untuk obat kumur.

Pemerian:Bau aromatik enak, rasa pahit dan getir. Jika digerus dengan air, terbentuk emulsa berwarna kuning.

Bagian yangdigunakan:Damar gom minyak yang diperoleh dari batang.

Cara panen:Batang-batang dilukai kulitnya, kulit ini berisi kelenjar schisogen yang mengandung damar (harsa) warna putih kekuningan.Pada pengeringan warna berubah menjadi coklat kekuningan sampai coklat kemerahan.Adapula yang keluar sendiri dari retakan-retakan kulit batang.

Jenis - jenis:Mira Somali (Mulmul) diperoleh dari C.Molmol.Mira Arab diperoleh C. abyssinica. Mira arab tidak searomatikMira Somali.

Sediaan:Tinctur myrrhae (FI) untukColutorium adstringens (Form.nas)

Penyimpanan:Dalam wadah tertutup baik

MorfologiDescription: C. myrrha is a shrub or small pachycaul tree (to about 5 m tall) remarkable for its rather succulent, usually distinct short trunk, with an exceptional ability to retain its water content and withstand drought for long periods. It is characterized by numerous spreading stiff spiny twigs sparsely covered with small, irregular leaves. C. myrrha is a very variable species. The different forms seem to merge so impercetibly that the recognition of infraspecific taxa is often difficult.Stem: The trunk is swollen, flaky, thick, hairless throughout, it has peeling silvery, whitish, reddish or bluish grey papery-bark, the under-bark is green and photosynthetic, it produces knotted spiny branches, and branchlets that stand out at right-angles, ending in a sharp spine. The stem exudate a hardly scented, viscid, translucent yellowish gum-resin. The wood is yellowish-whiteLeaves: Small and single, or often 3-foliolate (pinnately compound) and alternately arranged. They are chartaceous, greyish green or glaucous, very variable in shape and size, sometimes very minute, they may be found on both short and long petioles (1-10 mm long). They may be elliptic, spathulate or lanceolate, attenuate, cuneate, rounded or truncate at the base, rounded or acute apically, 6-44 mm long, 3-20 mm wide, with 3-4 rather weak main veins somewhat tooth-letted at the apex, the lateral smooth, sometime with two tiny leaflets at the base of the main leaflet. The tree sheds its leaves in autumn; the leaves turn yellow before falling off..Flowers: Tiny and inconspicuous, borne in more or less clustered panicles. All Commiphora species are dioecious. Male flowers usually precocious, 3-4 mm long Fruit: Ovate, smooth, brown, 2-4 mm long, surrounded at base by a 4-toothed calyx, and supported on a very short stalkSeed: Smooth with gentle swellings.

USES: Myrrh is a constituent of perfumes and incense, and was highly prized in ancient times. It is referred in the Bible as an ingredient in the holy oil of the Jews. Myrrh was used as a wine preservative in the ancient world. It was used by Egyptians in embalming mixtures (Kyphi). It was also used as an aromatic for perfumes, funerals, and insect repellents. Ancient Greek and Roman physicians used it to treat wounds, and prescribed it internally as a digestive aid and menstruation promoter. It was also used as a remedy for numerous infections, including leprosy and syphilis. Myrrh was an important trade item in ancient times. It is used today as an aid to repel tooth decay and gum disease.

The oleo-gum resin exudes from fissures or incisions in the bark as a pale yellow liquid, which dries into reddish-brown irregular masses or clumps of the size of a walnut. The commercial myrrh is said to be extracted from at least 10 different Commiphora species.


LUBAN(Boswellia carteri, Boswellia serrata)

Komposisi KimiawiManfaat MedisPenyebaran

Esens1. Obat bronchitis2. Obat demam3. Luban salep untuk mengobati penyakit luka memar, bisul, borok, dan keseleo1. Arab selatan2. Afrika Timur3. India

This species of Boswellia is a small deciduous tree, which reaches a height of 2 to 8m (6ft 7in to 26ft 3in), with one or more trunks. Its bark has the texture of paper and can be removed easily. It has compound leaves and an odd number of leaflets, which grow opposite to one another along its branches. Its tiny flowers, a yellowish white, are gathered in axillary clusters composed of five petals, ten stamens and a cup with five teeth. The fruit is a capsule about 1cm (0.39in) long. The new leaves are covered with a fine down.Individual trees growing on steep slopes tend to develop some buttressing that extends from the roots up into the base of the stem. This forms a sort of cushion that adheres to the rock and ensures a certain stability.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boswellia_sacra