maglione uomo

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  • 8/8/2019 maglione uomo





    Chest 37 (40, 44, 46, 50)/95 (101.5, 111.5,

    117, 127)cm

    Length 27 (27, 28, 28, 29)/70 (70.5,

    71.5, 72.5, 73.

    Upper arm 17 (18, 19, 20, 21)/43 (45.5, 48, 51,



    SWTC Yin (medium-weight yarn); 60% wool,

    20% silk, 20% bamboo; 164yd/150m; 1oz/50g

    Color #815 burgundy: 17 (19, 21, 22, 24

    ) oz/500 (550, 600, 650, 700)g; 1540 (1694,

    1848, 2002, 2156)yd/1400 (1540, 1680, 1820,


    Sizes 4 and 6 (3.5 and 4mm) needles; size 6

    (4mm) circular needle, 24/60cm long


    Garter st K every row.

    Textured pat Work according to chart, beg chart

    pat with selvage st before double arrow A; rep sts

    bet double arrow A and B; end with selvage st af-

    ter double arrow B. Rep chart rows


    Stitch symbol key for chart+ = selvage

    = k1

    = p1

    St stin the rnd K every rnd.

    Full-fashioned decs (RS) On right edge,

    work SKP 1 st in from edge; on left edge,

    work k2tog 1 st in from edge.


    23 sts and 38 rows = 4/10cm in tex-

    tured pat on larger needles.


    With smaller needles, cast on 110 (119,

    128, 137, 146) sts. Work in garter st for 4

    rows (about /1cm). Change to larger

    needles and work in textured pat until piece mea-

    sures 17/43cm. Shape armholes as foll: Bind off

    5 sts at beg of next 2 rows. Working full-fashioned

    decs, dec 1 st at beg and end of every RS row 4

    times92 (101, 110, 119, 128) sts. When armhole

    measures 9 (10, 10, 10, 11)/24.5 (25.5,

    26.5, 27.5, 28.5)cm, shape neck as foll: Work to

    center 18 (19, 22, 25, 28) sts, join another ball of

    yarn, bind off center 18 (19, 22, 25, 28) sts, work

    to end. Working both sides at once, bind off 3 sts

    at each neck edge once, then 2 sts twice. When

    armhole measures 10 (10, 11, 11,

    12)/26.5 (27.5, 28.5, 29, 30.5) cm, bind off rem

    30 (34, 37, 40, 43) sts for each shoulder.


    Work same as back until armhole measures

    /1cm. Shape neck as foll: Work to center 2 (1, 2,

    1, 2) sts, join another ball of yarn, work center 2 (1,

    2, 1, 2) sts and place on holder, work to end. Work-

    ing both sides at once, dec 1 st at each neck edge

    every 4th and 6th row 15 (16, 17, 19, 20) times.

    When front measures same as back, bind off rem

    30 (34, 37, 40, 43) sts for each shoulder.


    With smaller needles, cast on 61 sts. Work in garte

    st for 4 rows (about /1cm). Change to larger

    needles and work in textured pat according to

    chart as foll: Selvage st; work sts bet arrow b and

    double arrow B once; rep sts bet double arrow A

    and B 5 times; work sts bet double arrow A and

    arrow a once; selvage st. Work even for 6 rows.

    Keeping pat correct, inc 1 st at beg and end of

    next RS row; then every foll 8th row 15 (6, 0, 0, 0)

    times; then every foll 6th row 3 (15, 23, 18, 17)

    times; then every foll 4th row 0 (0, 1, 9, 13) times

    99 (105, 111, 117, 123) sts. When piece measures

    17 (17, 18, 18, 18)/44 (44, 45.5, 46.5,

    47.5) cm, beg cap shaping as foll: Bind off 4 (5, 6)

    sts at beg of next 2 rows; then 3 sts at beg of foll

    4 rows; then 2 sts at beg of foll 10 rows; then 3 sts

    at beg of foll 4 rows; then 4 sts at beg of foll 2

    rows; then 5 (5, 6) sts at beg of foll 2 rows. Bind

    off rem 31 (35, 39, 41, 45) sts.


    Block pieces to measurements. Sew shoulder

    seams. Neck edging With RS facing and circular

    needle, pick up 176 (180, 190, 198, 208) sts

    evenly around neck edge and work in St st for 12

    rnds. Bind off all sts knitwise. Sew in sleeves. Sew

    side and sleeve seams.

    12 (2, 3, 3, 3)









    8 (9, 9, 10, 10)

    3 (4, 4, 5, 5)

    59 (10,11,11,12)"






    5 (6, 6, 7, 7)



    ForIntrepid Muffler(F08-P36), shown in photo,

    visit Verena Pattern Shop online, Accessories Patterns