Mcq Exams Ent 3rd Edition الهيئة السعودية

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The interaural difference in wave V of ABR must not exceed :

SAUDI COMMISSIONFORHEALTH SPECIALITIESPROMETRICMCQ EXAMINATIONSEAR , NOSE AND THROAT2010By Dr. [email protected] interaural difference in wave V of ABR must not exceed :0.2 msec1 msec0.1 msec2.4 msec

Answer 1Feb. 20102Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQs2Korner's septum

Divides middle ear cavity into attic and tubal.Unequally divides the nasal cavity.Divides mastoid air cells into petrous and squamous.Congenital defect in external ear canal.Divides ethmoid air cells into anterior and posterior.

Answer 3Feb. 20103Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQs3Anatomy of tympanic cavity consists of :Anterior wall consists of Eustachian tube and tensor tympani muscle above it.Roof is related to temporal lobe of brain.Posterior wall is related to carotid artery.It's 1.5 distance from T.M. to promontory.

Answer 2Feb. 20104Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQs4Which of the following is MOST specific for otosclerosis:Hyperacusis WillichiiNormal tymponometry with lost reflexes.Carhart's notch.Schwart's sign.None of the above

Answer 4Feb. 20105Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQs5Ear compliance is measured by tympanometry using :Positive and negative pressure.Positive pressure only.Negative pressure only.Electromechanic ridge.Different types of continuous and interrupted sounds.Feb. 20106Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQs6About pterygomaxillary fissure :

Vascular compartment is anterior to neural compartment .Neural compartment is anterior to vascular compartment.Vascular compartment is lateral to neural compartment .Neural compartment is lateral to vascular compartment.

Feb. 20107Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQs7In transverse fractures of temporal bone ,all true except:High incidence of ossicular discontinuity.High incidence of tympanic membrane rupture.High incidence of facial nerve injury.High incidence of sensorineural hearing loss.Answer 2Feb. 20108Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQs83 years old child with sinusitis , you expect affected sinuses are :Frontal and maxillary.Frontal and ethmoidal.Sphenoidal and maxillaryMaxillary and ethmoidal.

Answer 4Feb. 20109Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQs9When examining a case of functional loss of voice , you ask the patient to :Say (A)Say (E)Expirate air.Cough Answer 4Feb. 201010Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQs10Vretical petrous part of internal carotid artery is :Lateral to middle meningeal artery.Lateral to cavernous sinus.Medial to optic chiasma.Medial to styloid base.Feb. 201011Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQs11Endolymphatic duct lies :In middle cranial fossa.Posterior to posterior S.C.C.Between dura.Below posterior S.C.C.Feb. 201012Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQs12Utricle is connected to saccule via:Endolymphatic duct.Crus communis.Cochlear aqueduct.Semicircular canals.Answer 1Feb. 201013Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQs13Patient with right complete facial paralysis is working in a noisy for 20 years,you can expect:Right ear hearing loss is less at 4kHz.Left ear hearing is worse than right.Both ears got equal hearing.Right ear hearing loss is more at 4kHz.

Answer 4Feb. 201014Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQs14As landmarks in the anatomy of the lateral nasal wall:Haller cells are present at the end of the uncinate plate.Onodi cells are the most posterior ethmoidal cells.Frontonasal recess opens anteriro to the infundibulum.2&3 are correct.Answer 4Feb. 201015Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQs15Optic foramen lies:In the greater wing of sphenoid bone.In the posterior part of frontal bone.Between the lesser and the greater wing of sphenoid bone.In the sphenoid body.

Answer 1Feb. 201016Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQs16Cochlear microphonics originate from:Cochlear nerve.Basilar membrane.Outer hair cells.Inner hair cells.Answer 3Feb. 201017Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQs17Bat ear is due to under development of:Helix.Anti helix.Postauricular muscles.Ear scapha.Answer 2Feb. 201018Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQs18Compoud action potential originates from:Auditory nerve.Basilar membrane.Outer hair cells.Inner hair cells.

Answer 1Feb. 201019Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQs19The endocochlear potential originates from:Basilar membrane.Outer hair cells.Stria vascularis.Inner hair cells.Answer 3Feb. 201020Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQs20About adenoids and tonsils:Both have the same antomy.Both have are lymphoid tissue with afferent an efferent lymphatics.Adenoids do have crypts.Adenoidal mucosa is pseudostratified columnar ciliated epitheluim.Answer 4Feb. 201021Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQs21The most specific answer about the primary site of noise induced SNHL:Outer hair cells.Inner hair cells.Stria vascularis.Rootlets that connect stereocilia to top of outer hair cells.None of the above is accurate.

Answer 4Feb. 201022Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQsFew minutes after exposure to noise, oedema of stria vascularis occurs.22Bony labyrinth develops from ossification of :12 centres.14 centres.6 centres.3 centres.Answer 2Feb. 201023Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQs23The 4th branchial arch nerve develops into:The glossopharyngeal nerve.Vagus nerve.Mandibular nerve.Superior laryngeal nerve.Answer 4Feb. 201024Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQs24Complete ossification of labyrinth occurs by:12 weeks.23 weeks.28 weeks.26 weeks.Answer 2Feb. 201025Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQs25Which of the following never undergo(es) calcification:Inferior border of thyroid cartilage.Superior border of thyroid catilage.Epiglottis and cricoid cartilage.Auricle.2&4.

Answer 5Feb. 201026Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQs26A 6 months old infant with cleft palate presented to your clinic,his parents are worried and asked you what is the suitable time to operate the baby:At one year old.After eruption of the first molar.2 years old.As soon as possible to prevent complications.Answer 2Feb. 201027Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQs27A new born with bilateral external canal atresia must be operated:As soon as possible for adequate intellectual development as the baby almost can't hear.At 2 years old and hearing aids are used till that.At 5 years old and hearing aids are used till that.At adult age.

Feb. 201028Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQs28In cancer larynx , vocal cord fixation is due to:Invation of internal laryngeal nerve.Invation of external laryngeal nerve.Invation of posterior crithyroid muscle.Invation of thyroarytenoid muscle.

Answer 4Feb. 201029Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQs29Fusion of intermaxillary suture forms:Torus palatine.Torus maxillaris.Nasion.Torus tuburous.Answer 1Feb. 201030Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQs30All of the following are components of the jugular foramen except:Sigmoid sinus.Spinal accessorynerve.Inferior petrosal sinus.None of the above.Answer 4Feb. 201031Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQs31About tympanosclerosisUsually due to high serum level of calcuim.Affects foot plate.Does not affect the inner mucosal layer of tympanic memebrane.Does not affect ossicles. Answer 2Feb. 201032Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQs32Cochlea is connected to saccule via:Crus communis.Endolymphatic duct.Ductus reunis.Lateral semicircular canal.

Answer 3Feb. 201033Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQs33Osteomeatal complex is formed of all except:Concha bullosa.Fovea ethmoidalis.Hiatus semilunaris.Bulla ethmoidalis.Uncinate plate.Answer 2Feb. 201034Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQs34Number of bones froming orbital fossa:4567Answer 4Feb. 201035Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQs35All of the following bones share in formation of orbit except:Ethmoid bonePalatine boneFrontal bone.Maxillary bone.None of the above.Answer 5Feb. 201036Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQs36Cell bodies of sympathetic nerves of head and neck are present in:Spinal root ganglion.Target organs.Cerebral cortex.Cervical sympathetic chain.Answer 1Feb. 201037Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQs37Following facial nerve trauma,peripheral end can be stimulated up to:10 days.3 days.5 days.14 days.Answer 2Feb. 201038Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQs38Facial nerve is not fully developped untill the age of:1 years.2 years.3 years.4 years.Answer 4Feb. 201039Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQs39Which of the following is used to predict facial function return,6-12 weeks before clinical evidences of recovery:Nerve excitability test.Maximum stimulation test.Electromyography.Electroneuronography.Answer 3Feb. 201040Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQs40Which of the following is the MOST useful test in early facial nerve injury:Nerve excitability test.Maximum stimulation test.Electromyography.Electroneuronography.

Answer 4Feb. 201041Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQs41Preganglionic sympathetic mediator is:Epinephrine.Noradrenaline.Adrenaline.Acetyl choline.Answer 4Feb. 201042Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQs42The chief muscle which opens eustachian tube:Palatopahryngeus.Salpingopharyngeus.Tensor palati.Levator palati.Answer 3Feb. 201043Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQs43The only abductor of vocal cord is:Cricoarytenoid.Interarytenoid.Posterior cricoarytenoid.Lateral cricoarytenoid.Answer 3Feb. 201044Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQs44First pharyngeal arch give rise to:Stapes.Incus.Styloid processs.Nasal bone.Answer 2Feb. 201045Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQs45Stones of salivary glands

Usually radiopaque.May reveal underlying sialectasis.Most commonly in parotid gland.

Feb. 201046Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQs46The narrowest area of infant larynx is at level of:Cricoid cartilage.True vocal cord.False vocal cords.Subglottic area.Answer 1Feb. 201047Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQs47Tonsills develop from:1st pharyngeal pouch.2nd pharyngeal pouch.1st pharyngeal arch.2nd pharyngeal arch.

Answer 2Feb. 201048Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQs48Eustachian tube is closed by the action of Tensor palati.Levator palati.Salpingopharyngeus.None of the above.Answer 4Feb. 201049Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQs49Histological characteristics of Wegner's granulomatosis:Vasculitis,non-granulomatous polymorphonuclear infiltration.Vasculitis, granulomatous polymorphonuclear infiltration.Vasculitis, granulomatous oesinophilic infiltration.Monomorphic infiltration.Answer 2Feb. 201050Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQs50The most common complication of FESS:Bleeding.Cranial complictions.Anosmia.Synaechia.Answer 4Feb. 201051Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQs51In trigeminal neuralgia:Pain is throbbing.Mastication is restricted.Facial sensation is dimineshed.Movement of the face may trigger the attack.Answer 4Feb. 201052Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQs52Sensory supply of ear lobule is carried through:Greater occipital nerve.Lesser occipital nerve.Auriculotemporal nerve.Facial nerve.Answer 2Feb. 201053Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQs53Cribriform plate is :Separate bone.Part of sphenoid bone.Part of frontal bone.Part of ethmoid bone.Answer 4Feb. 201054Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQs54As a surgical landmark in the lateral nasal bone :Haller cells at the end of uncinate process.Frontonasal recess opens anteriorly to infundibulum.Onodi cells are the most posterior ethmoid cells.2 & 3 .Feb. 201055Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQs55Pre-epiglottic space boundries include :Lateral glosso-epiglottic lig.,thyroid cart. & thyrohyoid membrane.Lateral glosso-epiglottic lig.,thyroid cart. & cricoid cart. .Median glosso-epiglottic lig.,hyoid bone & thyrohyoid memb. .Median glosso-epiglottic lig.,thyroid cart. & thyrohyoid membrane.

Feb. 201056Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQs56The MOST common route of spread of supraglottic carcinoma :Lymphatic.Blood spread.Anteriroly through fenestra of cartilage to pre-epiglottic space.Inferiorly to the lung.

Answe 3Feb. 201057Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQs57Structures passing through superior orbital fissure:III, IV , V2 , superior orbital vein.III, IV , V1 , orbital br. of middle meningeal artery.II, III ,IV ,V1.II, III , IV , V2.

Answer 2Feb. 201058Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQs58Functions of laryngeal saccule:Tension of vocal cords.Resonation of voice.Secretion of lubricant mucous.None of the above.Answer 3Feb. 201059Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQs59The best surgical approach for facial nerve trauma with good hearing ability:Transmastoid.Retrosigmoid.Translabyrinthine.Middle cranial fossa.Answer 4Feb. 201060Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQs60A physiological method for evaluation of eustachian tube function in a child with perforated T.M. is:Tympanometry.Valsalva's maneuvre.Politzarisation.Unproved.Answer 2? Feb. 201061Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQs61Blood supply of the parathyroid gland:Superior thyroid artery.Inferior thyroid artery.Inferior and superior thyroid artery.Thyroida ima.Answer 2Feb. 201062Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQs62Parathyroid hormone causes all of the following EXCEPT:Increases Ca absorption from intestine.Increses Ca resorption from kidney.Increses calcitonin.Increses bone calcification.

Feb. 201063Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQs63Acoustic reflexes are lost if the hearing loss is more than :40 dB.50 dB.55 dB.60 dB.Answer 60Feb. 201064Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQs64Pain sensitive structures in brain include all except:Circle of willis.Falx cerebri.Venous sinuses and tributaries.Basal dura.Answer 2Feb. 201065Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQs65Salivary gland oncocytoma arises from :Acinar cells.Excretory duct cells.Striated duct cells.Intercalated duct cells.Answer 3Feb. 201066Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQs66Patient with voice change,absent taste sensation from post. 1/3 of tongue and palatal paralysis, which cranial nerve affected:VII,X.VII,IX.IX,X.X,XI.Answer 3Feb. 201067Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQs67Point of meeting of internal laryngeal and reccurrent nerves is called:Berry's anstomosis.Kissellbash's anstomosis.Galen's anastomosis.

Feb. 201068Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQs68Chvostek's sign is present in:Hypomagnesaemia.Hypocalcaemia.Hypokalaemia.1 and 2 only.Answer 4Feb. 201069Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQs69Bilateral facial palsy is present in all of the following EXCEPT:Mobuis syndrome.Lyme disease.Sarcoidosis.Melkersson-Rosenthal syndrome.Answer 2Feb. 201070Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQs70The condition in which there is abberant innervation between facial nerve fibres after trauma is called:Frey's syndrome.Bogarad syndrome.Vernet syndrome.Rolet syndrome.Answer 2Feb. 201071Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQs71The most important landmark in identification of external laryngeal nerve:Descends posterior to the sternothyroid muscle.It crosses the superior thyroid vessels to pierce th cricothyroid muscle.It descends deep to superior thyroid vessels.At 1.5 cm medial to the inferior cornu of the inferior thyroid cartilage, it inserts in the cricothyroid muscle.Answer 4Feb. 201072Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQs72Normal flora of the mouth include all of the following except:Staph. Epidermitis.Bacteroids.Corynobacteruim.Streptococcus pneumonia.Answer 3Feb. 201073Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQs73A patient with anosmia will continue smelling :Alcohol.Amonia.Coffee.Garlic.Vanillia.Answer 2Feb. 201074Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQs74All are true about congenital syphilis EXCEPT:Perforation of the nasal septum.Saddle nose.Snuffles in the newborn.Atrophic rhinitis.Mucocutaneous lesions.Answer 5Feb. 201075Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQs75leprotic nasal septum perforation involves:Bony septum.Cartilagenous septum.Both bony and cartilagenous.Same as syphilis.1&4.Answer 3Feb. 201076Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQs76In concern to the ear, the 1st brachial arch contributes in the formation of:Tragus.Helix.Scapha.Lobule.1&23&4Answer 5Feb. 201077Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQsWhich of the following sinuses is found aerated at birth:Maxillary.Frontal.sphenoidal.2&3.None.Answer 1Feb. 201078Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQsAll of the following are derived from the 1st branchial arch except:Malleus.Stapes.Tensor tympani muscle.Incus.Answer 2Feb. 201079Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQsAbout the cochlea, which of the following is false:Bony labyrinth is formed from 12 centers of ossification.Complete ossification and adult size cochlea is reached by the 23rd weeks.At the 26th weeks it starts sending auditory informations.It is formed from th auditory placode.

Answer 1Feb. 201080Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQsThe nerve of the 4th branchial arch forms:Geniculate ganglion.Semilunar ganglion.Facial nerve.Glossopharyngeal nerve.Superior laryngeal nerve.Answer 5Feb. 201081Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQsThe artery of the left 4th branchila arch gives:Common carotid artery.Thyroida imma.Aorta .Ligamentum arteriosum.

Answer 3Feb. 201082Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQsThe cartilage bar of the 6th branchial arch give rise to all of the following except:Cricoid cartilage.Arytenoids.Corniculate.Thyroid cartilage.

Answer 4Feb. 201083Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQsAbout thyroid (ventral) diverticulum ,all is true except:It descends between the 1st and 2nd arches.It starts from the foramen caecum on the tongue between the tuberculum impar and the copula.It usually atrophies at the 6th week of gestation,if not a thyroglossal cyst is formed.It never contains thyroid tissueAnswer 4Feb. 201084Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQsThe artery of the 3rd branchial arch give rise to the :Aorta.Carotid artery.Superior thyroid artery.Inferior thyroid artery.Ligamentum arteriosum.

Answer 2Feb. 201085Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQsThe parathyroid glands arise from:Ventral aspect of 3rd pouch.Dorsal aspect of 1st and 2nd pouches.Ventral aspect of 2nd arch.None of the above.Answer 2Feb. 201086Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQsPost ganglionic sympathetic fibers mediators to smooth muscles is:Acetyl choline.Adrenaline.Noradrenaline.Prostigmine.Answer 3Feb. 201087Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQsPost ganglionic sympathetic fibers mediators to sweat glands is:Acetyl choline.Adrenaline.Noradrenaline.Prostigmine.Answer 1Feb. 201088Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQsOnly fibers to sweat glands got acetyl choline as a neurotransmitter for both pre and post ganglionic fibers.88The T.M and ossicular action increase hearing power by:10-15 dB.15-23 dB.24-29 dB.0-5 dB.Answer 3Feb. 201089Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQsA surgical landmark in the lateral nasal wall:Haller cells at the end of the uncinate plate.Fronto-nasal recess opens anterior to infundibulum.Onodi cells are the most postero-lateral ethmoidal cells.2&3Feb. 201090Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQsThe cribriform plate is :Separate bone.Part of the ethmoidal bone.Part of sphenoidal bone.Part of frontal bone.Answer 2Feb. 201091Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQsA patient with complete facial trauma with good hearing, you can best approach through :Transmastoid.Translabyrinthine.Retrosigmoid.Middle fossa aaproach.Infratemporal fossa approach.Answer 4?Feb. 201092Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQsAll of the following are normal commensal of the mouth except:Staphylococci epidermitis.Streptococci.Bacteroids.Corynobacteruim.Streptococcus viridans.

Answer 4Feb. 201093Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQsPatient suffering from voice changes, absent taste & sensory sensation from posterior 1/3 of tongue and palatal paralysis. Which of the following nerves you expect to be injured:IX & X.IX & XII.X & XI.V , IX & X.Answer 1Feb. 201094Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQsEar plugs can attenuate the noise presented to the ear by:10-20 dB. 20-40 dB.30-50 dB.40-60 dB.50-70 dB.Answer 2Feb. 201095Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQsRelation between vascular and neurological supply of the nose:Anterior.Lateral.Medial.Posterior.?Feb. 201096Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQsEarly signs of respiratory failure:Cyanosis.Tachypnea.Subcostal retraction.Biphasic stridor.Irritability and gasping.Answer 2Feb. 201097Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQsVasodilatation of nasal mucosa can occur after :Section of greater petrosal nerve.Stimulation of adrenal medulla.Section of vidian nerve.Stimulation of cervical sympathetic chain.Feb. 201098Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQsCavernous sinus contains all except:Oculomotor nerve.Trochlear nerve.Abducent nerve.Trigeminal nerve with it's 3 divisions.

Answer 4Feb. 201099Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQsOnly V1, V2.99All of the following can cause bilateral facial palsy except:Mobuis syndrome.Lyme disease.Sarcoidosis.Melkersson Rosenthal syndrome.Answer 2Feb. 2010100Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQsVidian neurectomy can be used to treat:Menier's disease.Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo.Vasomotor rhinitis.Releive symptoms of trigeminal neuralgia.Answer 3Feb. 2010101Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQsAfter excision of malignant thyroid tumour , the best index in follow up is:TSHT3T4Serum thyroglobulin.Answer 4Feb. 2010102Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQsSerum thyroglobulin is a tumour marker for recurrent and active thyroid tumours. 102All of the following are depressors of larynx except:Sternohyoid.Omohyoid.thyrohyoid,.Geniohyoid.Answer 4Feb. 2010103Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQsAll of the following are signs of orbital blow out except:Exophtalmous.Tear drop sign in X-ray.Diplopia.Bony step-off of orbital rim.Answer 1Feb. 2010104Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQsAlport syndrome is characterised by all except:Affects all males but not all females.Renal failure.Sensorineural hearing loss at birth.U-shaped audiogram.3 & 4.Answer 5Feb. 2010105Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQsSNHL starts at 10 years old105Osteoma is more common in :Maxillary sinus.Frontal sinus.Ethmoid sinus.Sphenoid sinus.Answer 2Feb. 2010106Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQsExostosis is characterised by all except:Multiple.Bilateral.Peduculated.Usually in cold water divers.Lamellated bone.Answer 3Feb. 2010107Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQsReinke' space is:The superficial lamina propria.The intermediate lamina propria.The deep lamina propria.The outer squamous epitheluim.Answer 1Feb. 2010108Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQsNerve supply of the stylopharyngeous muscle :XXIIXXIIAnswer 3Feb. 2010109Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQsStapedial fixation is confirmed in operative room by :Presence of stapedial reflex.Presence of round window reflex.Tympanometry.None of the above.Answer 2Feb. 2010110Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQsThe most common complication of stapedectomy is :Deafness.Injury to facial nerve.Perilymph fistula.Injury to the vestibular nerve.Answer 3Feb. 2010111Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQsThe mandibular nerve supplies all except:Tensor palati.Levator palati.Lateral pterygoid.Tensor tympani.Answer 2Feb. 2010112Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQsDysphagia lusoria is the condition in which there is:Spasm of lower oesophageal sphincter with dilatation of oesophagus.Spasm of lower 1/3 oesophagus.Encroachment on the oesophaagus by right subclavian artery.Encroachment on the oesophaagus by right bronchus.

Answer 3Feb. 2010113Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQsThe space defect between the cricopharyngeus muscle and circular muscles of oesophagus is called:Killian' space.Killian-Jamieson space.Lamier-Hachman space.Zenker's diverticulum.Answer 2Feb. 2010114Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQsZenker's diverticulum between the circular and longitudinal muscles of the oesophagus.Killians between cricopharyngeus and thyropharyngeus.114About lymph drainage of head and neck,which of the following is true:Lymphatic content is similar to that of thoracic duct.Right side of H&N drains with right side of the body in the right subclavian vein.Left side of H&N drains in the thoracic duct.The right and left side lymphatics drain in the thoracic duct.None of the above. Answer 5Feb. 2010115Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQs115In a patient with right paralytic labyrinth, which of the following is correct:Right beating nystagmus.Left beating nystagmus.Vertical nystagmus.Total hearing lossAnswer 2Feb. 2010Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQs116In acoustic neuroma, you can find:High frequency SNHL.Low frequency SNHL.Flat audiogram.Notch at 2 KHZ.Answer 1Feb. 2010Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQs117Patient complaining of conductive hearing loss, may have:Early otosclerosis.Paget's disease.Inner ear conductive hearing loss.Abnormal perilymph pressure.All of the above.Answer 5Feb. 2010Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQs118The muscle known as anterior pillar of the tonsil is innervated by:Same nerve supply of tongue through XII.Same nerve supply of palate through X.Glossopharyngeal nerve.Spinal accesory nerve.Answer 4Feb. 2010Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQs119Anterior pillar = palato-glossus, the only tongue related muscle not supplied by hypoglossal.119Ephedrine is not preffered locally in the nose because:Irritates nasal mucosa.Causes mucocilliary paralysis.May raise the blood pressure.Rapidly causes atrophy of nasal mucosa.Answer 2Feb. 2010Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQs120Keratosis obturans:Premalignant.Needs emergent surgery.Always associated with cholesteatoma.Collection of desquamated epitheluim occluding external canal.3 &4Answer 4Feb. 2010Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQs121In aminoglycoside induced deafness, which structure is affected:Inner hair cells.Outer hair cells.Tectorial membrane.Stria vascularis.Answer 2Feb. 2010Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQs122In kobrak test:Patient is sitting and head tilted 30 degrees bacwards.Patient is sitting and head tilted 60 degrees bacwards.Patient is supine and head tilted 30 degrees bacwards.Patient is supine and head tilted 60 degrees bacwards.Answer 2Feb. 2010Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQs123EBV is related to all of the following except:Infectious mononucleosis.Hodgkin's lymphoma.Wegner' granulomatosis.Burkit' lymphoma.AIDS.Nasopharyngeal carcinoma.Answer 5Feb. 2010Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQs124In modified radical neck dissection type I , which of the following will be preserved:Thoracic duct.Spinal accesory nerve.Internal jugular vein.Sternomastoid muscle.2 & 3.Answer 2Feb. 2010Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQs125The primary neuron cell body of clfactory nerve is located in:Olfactory bulb.Nasal mucosa.Cribriform plate.Prefrontal cortexAnswer 2Feb. 2010Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQs126Which one of the following will do best in olfactory identification test:38 year old man.40 year old woman.68 year old woman.67 year old man.5 year old girl.Answer 2Feb. 2010Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQs127Layers of the scalp from out inwards:Skin, connective tissue, loose areolar tissue, aponeurosis, pericranuim.Skin, connective tissue, aponeurosis, loose areolar tissue, pericranuim.Skin, aponeurosis, connective tissue, loose areolar tissue, pericranuim.Sclap proper, areolar tissue, pericranuim.2 & 4

Answer 5Feb. 2010Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQs128Rupture of the round window is though to cause:Increase endolymphatic pressure.Decrease endolymphatic pressure.No change in endolymphatic pressure.Bring endolymphatic pressure to zero.Answer 3Feb. 2010Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQs129Epiglottopexy is used to treat:Snoring.Severe cases of laryngomalacia.Laryngeal web.Lacalised vocal cord tumours.Answer 2Feb. 2010Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQs130A man went outdoor in a windy day, he got sneezing and rhinorhoea which are rapidly releived when he went indoor. After 6 hours, symptoms came back. This is due to :Kinines.Histamines.Leukotrienes.Prostaglandin D2.Chemotactic agents.Answer 4Feb. 2010Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQs131Abducent palsy can be caused in all of the following except:Gradenigo's syndrome.Apicitis.Sphenoidal sinusitis.None of the above.Answer 4Feb. 2010Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQs132Trotter' triad consisit of all of the following except:Bilateral conductive hearing loss.Otalgia and facial pain.Unilateral immobile soft palate.Unilateral ear effusion.Answer 1Feb. 2010Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQs133All is true about Boeck's triad except:Swelling below angle of mandible.Trismus.Tonsil is pushed medially.

Feb. 2010Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQs134Which of the following malignancies are most highly associated with HIV:Non-Hodgkin lymphoma.Kaposi's sarcoma.Hodgkin lymphoma.Squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck.

Answer 1Feb. 2010Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQs135Which specific nerve block will lead to the greatest morbidity after a misplaced injection:Maxillary nerve.Sphenopalatine ganglion.Mandibular nerve.Glossopharyngeal nerve.Stellate ganglion.Answer 4Feb. 2010Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQs136Glossopharyngeal nerve is near the carotid artery.136The relationship between the function of the upper and lower lateral cartilage in the majority of humans is

Interlocked scroll. Overlap. End-to-end contact. Opposed scroll.Answer 1Feb. 2010Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQs137The external nasal nerve is a branch of the _____________ nerve.

Supratrochlear Posterior ethmoid Sphenopalatine Anterior ethmoid

Answer 4Feb. 2010Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQs138Reflex lacrimal gland secretion is mediated by parasympathetic fibers of cranial nerve V. VII. III. IX.

Answer 2Feb. 2010Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQs139The sphenopalatine ganglion is

a special sensory afferent. sympathetic. parasympathetic. a somatic sensory afferent.

Answer 3Feb. 2010Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQs140The nasopalatine nerve supplies sensation to the mucosa of the

Anterior premaxillary palate. Soft palate. Lateral nasal passage. Anterior cheekAnswer 1Feb. 2010Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQs141The most commonly injured branch of the facial nerve in rhytidectomy is the Temporal.Marginal mandibular.Buccal.Cervical.Zygomatic.

Answe r 2Feb. 2010Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQs142Infection spread from the maxillary sinus intracranially most likely travels through the

Angular veins.Ophthalmic artery.Superior labial veins.Pterygoid plexus.

Answer 4Feb. 2010Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQs143The frontal sinus is fully developed by _____ year(s) of age.


Answer 5Feb. 2010Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQs144Innervation of the ethmoid air cells includes all but the _______ nerve.


Answer 5Feb. 2010Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQs145Frostbite of the auricle is most effectively managed by

Radiant heat. Rubbing with snow. Watchful waiting. Application of 40 c soaks. Alternating cool and warm soaks.

Answer 4Feb. 2010Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQs146The most important aspect of management of chrondritis of the auricle is

Injection of gentamicin subperichondrially. Systemic antibiotics. Topical antibiotics introduced through catheters. Early skin grafting. Protective pressure dressings.

Answer 3Feb. 2010Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQs147The hallmark of allergic fungal sinusitis is

Allergic mucin. Hyphal invasion through the epithelium. Mycetoma. Vascular invasion and proliferation by fungi.

Answer 1Feb. 2010Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQs148The first-echelon nodal drainage for tumors of the nasal space and maxillary sinus is the __________ node.

lateral retropharyngealFacialParotidJugulodigastric.Answer 1Feb. 2010Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQs149Ohngren's line is an important delineator of prognosis in the management of carcinoma of the maxillary sinus. This imaginary line drawn between what two structures?

Tip of the nose and tragus Medial canthus and angle of the jaw Nasal tip and angle of the jaw

Answer 2Feb. 2010Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQs150What are the anatomic landmarks that define the Frankfort horizontal line:Inferior wall of external auditory canal to the inferior orbital rim.Root of the superior helical ring to the infra orbital ring.Superior tragal root to nasojugal fold.Superior wall of the external auditory canal to infra orbital rim.Answer 4Feb. 2010Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQs151Attacks of giddiness in otosclerosis occur due to involvement of:Oval window.Roud window.Vestibular aqueduct.Cochlear aqueduct.Answer 3Feb. 2010Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQs152Perilymoh fistula should be suspected after stapedectomy if there is:Persistent conductive hearing loss.Fluctuating hearing loss.Absence of tinnitus.Absence of vertigo.Answer 2Feb. 2010Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQs153The tympanogram of an otosclerosis patient will show:Type A curve.Type Ad curve.Type As curve.Type B curve.Answer 3Feb. 2010Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQs154The tympanogram of an osteogenesis imperfecta patient will show:Presence of acoustic reflex with low compliance.Absence of acoustic reflex with high compliance.Presence of acoustic reflex with high compliance.Absence of acoustic reflex with high compliance.

Answer 2Feb. 2010Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQs155Which of the following immunoglobulins is most important in memory immune responses?


Answer 1Feb. 2010Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQs156Eosinophils produce all of the following except :Peroxidases.Neurotoxins.Proteins.Cytokines.Histamine.Answer 5Feb. 2010Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQs157In testing for nasal allergy, which drug does not affect skin test results?

Chlorpheniramine.Fexofenadine.Prednisone.Doxepin.Astemizole.Answer 3Feb. 2010Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQs158Which of the following are not removed in a radical neck dissection? Submental nodesJugular nodesSpinal accessory nodesThe tail of the parotid gland.All of the above are removed in radical neck dissection.Answer 5Feb. 2010Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQs159The first salivary gland to develop isSublingual salivary glandSubmandibular salivary glandAccessory salivary glandsParotid gland

Answer 4Feb. 2010Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQs160The point of bony and cartilagenous parts on the dorsum of the nose is called:Nasion.Rhinion.Ganion.Columella.Pogonion.Answer 2Feb. 2010Saudi Commission For Health Specialities -- E.N.T. -- MCQs161 -17.......