Minimum Personal Pilot Checklist Aviate–Navigate–Communicate Letalski Center Maribor – UL sekcija Stran 1/11 Vse informacije so informativne narave! Uporabljate jih izključno na lastno odgovornost ! Verzija Julij 2012 Piloti so dolžni pred vsako izvedbo poleta preveriti in pridobiti trenutno veljavne podatke iz uradnih javno dostopnih virov. SEKCIJA ULTRALAHKEGA LETENJA Minimum Personal Pilot Checklist Aviate – Navigate – Communicate Doma : 1) Letalska knjižica, licenca, zdravniško spričevalo 2) Veljavna VFR karta 3) Navigacijski načrt: pazi na višine – preveri celo ruto in si označi najvišje točke Izmeri si dolžino in čas letenja med posameznimi točkami (hitrost = 100kt) preračun porabe goriva na ruti + rezerva preveri in izpiši si frekvence ki jih boš potreboval na ruti določi si vstopne in izstopne točke iz CTR-jev in FIR točke za izhode in vhode v državo pripravi si karto odletnega in priletnega letališča NEPREDVIDENI POSTANKI - vkjuči v svoj časovni plan možnost nepredvidenih postankov. Pripravi si B in C varianto leta glede na napovedano vreme ! 4) Slušalke 5) Plastenka za vodo 6) Set z nujnim orodjem 7) Kapa, sončna očala 8) Ura, pisalo na vrvici 9) Mobitel – napolnjen ! 10) GPS, EFB (tujina) 11) Denar, EuroCard ( tujina ) Pred odhodom do hangarja : 1) Seznani vodjo letenja z nameni 2) Vpisi se v plan letenja + izpolni papirnati nalog za letneje (v primeru da zapustiš CTR LJMB oz. na maršruti) !!! 3) Preveri veljavne NOTAM-e na ruti 4) Preglej trenutno METEO situacije na planirani ruti METAR, TAF, GAFOR, ARSO, www.meteo.si, www.sat24.com 5) Zapiši si trenutni veter na predvideni ruti v navigacijski načrt ! 6) Preglej knjižico letala 7) Najavi let na ARO 8) Napolni plastenko z vodo

Minimum Personal Pilot Checklist – LCM Sekcija ULN (Pdf)

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Page 1: Minimum Personal Pilot Checklist – LCM Sekcija ULN (Pdf)

Minimum Personal Pilot Checklist Aviate–Navigate–Communicate

Letalski Center Maribor – UL sekcija Stran 1/11 Vse informacije so informativne narave! Uporabljate jih izključno na lastno odgovornost ! Verzija Julij 2012 Piloti so dolžni pred vsako izvedbo poleta preveriti in pridobiti trenutno veljavne podatke iz uradnih javno dostopnih virov.


Minimum Personal Pilot Checklist Aviate – Navigate – Communicate

Doma :

1) Letalska knjižica, licenca, zdravniško spričevalo 2) Veljavna VFR karta 3) Navigacijski načrt:

pazi na višine – preveri celo ruto in si označi najvišje točke Izmeri si dolžino in čas letenja med posameznimi točkami (hitrost = 100kt) preračun porabe goriva na ruti + rezerva preveri in izpiši si frekvence ki jih boš potreboval na ruti določi si vstopne in izstopne točke iz CTR-jev in FIR točke za izhode in vhode v državo pripravi si karto odletnega in priletnega letališča NEPREDVIDENI POSTANKI - vkjuči v svoj časovni plan možnost nepredvidenih

postankov. Pripravi si B in C varianto leta glede na napovedano vreme ! 4) Slušalke 5) Plastenka za vodo 6) Set z nujnim orodjem 7) Kapa, sončna očala 8) Ura, pisalo na vrvici 9) Mobitel – napolnjen ! 10) GPS, EFB (tujina) 11) Denar, EuroCard ( tujina )

Pred odhodom do hangarja :

1) Seznani vodjo letenja z nameni 2) Vpisi se v plan letenja + izpolni papirnati nalog za letneje (v primeru da

zapustiš CTR LJMB oz. na maršruti) !!! 3) Preveri veljavne NOTAM-e na ruti 4) Preglej trenutno METEO situacije na planirani ruti

METAR, TAF, GAFOR, ARSO, www.meteo.si, www.sat24.com 5) Zapiši si trenutni veter na predvideni ruti v navigacijski načrt ! 6) Preglej knjižico letala 7) Najavi let na ARO 8) Napolni plastenko z vodo

Page 2: Minimum Personal Pilot Checklist – LCM Sekcija ULN (Pdf)

Minimum Personal Pilot Checklist Aviate–Navigate–Communicate

Letalski Center Maribor – UL sekcija Stran 2/11 Vse informacije so informativne narave! Uporabljate jih izključno na lastno odgovornost ! Verzija Julij 2012 Piloti so dolžni pred vsako izvedbo poleta preveriti in pridobiti trenutno veljavne podatke iz uradnih javno dostopnih virov.

Pred letenjem :

1) Pripravi in preglej letalo v skladu z navodili o uporabi letala ! 2) Preveri če so v letalu vsi potrebni dokumenti (Spričevalo o plovnosti, vpis v

register, ARC, spričevalo o hrupu in dovoljenje za uporabo radijske postaje. Zavarovalna polica ni nujna, je pa dobrodošla, ker nekateri ponekod menijo, da mora biti)

3) Preveri olje (obvezno zavrti propeler da se motor odzrači !!!) 4) Preveri gorivo (upoštevaj vsaj 45min rezervo)! 5) Podpiši knjižico letala ! 6) Pripravi in namesti karte, navigacijski načrt, opremo (slušalke, mobitel, očala,

GPS, knee-board) 7) Pospravi vse ostalo v prostor za prtljago 8) Natančno izvedi check-listo letala – odločitev GO - NO GO !

Izvedba leta :

1. Upoštevaj pravilo - Aviate – Navigate – Communicate !

2. Upoštevaj VFR PRAVILA ! Pravila veljajo in so napisana z jasnim namenom za zagotavljanje varnosti letenja vseh udeležencev v zraku!

3. 4 koraki za pravilno in pravočano ukrepanje - Misli naprej – z glavo

bodi vedno 5min pred letalom : 1)PREDVIDEVAJ – 2)PREPOZNAJ – 3)UKREPAJ – 4)PREVERI UKREP

4. Če česar nisi razumel v komunikaciji s kontrolo letenja– zahtevaj ponovitev!

5. Ne boj se prositi ATC za pomoč – zato so tam! Prosi za pomoč takoj, ko ugotoviš, da jo rabiš, ne šele, ko je že pozno ali prepozno!

6. Nihče ni imun na napake - lahko se zgodi tudi tebi - zato raje 2x preveri !!!

7. Ne zganjaj frajerja ali mačota z letalom in v letalu.

8. Upoštevaj pravilo - visoko&počasi ali nizko&hitro.

9. Kadar se vidljivost oz. vreme poslabšata reagiraj hitro, NE ČAKAJ, saj se lahko vreme kvari še hitreje!

10. V vsakem primeru ostani v VMC, ne glede na FLP ali karkoli drugega!

11. Če izgubiš VMC pogoje, obrni v nasprotni kurs za 180°, zadrži horizontalni let dokler ne prideš nazaj v VMC.

12. Sporoči kontroli, da si v slabem vremenu in bi rad izvedel pristanek zaradi varnosti (“safety landing”) in zaprosi kontrolo letenja za pomoč in nasvet.

Page 3: Minimum Personal Pilot Checklist – LCM Sekcija ULN (Pdf)

Minimum Personal Pilot Checklist Aviate–Navigate–Communicate

Letalski Center Maribor – UL sekcija Stran 3/11 Vse informacije so informativne narave! Uporabljate jih izključno na lastno odgovornost ! Verzija Julij 2012 Piloti so dolžni pred vsako izvedbo poleta preveriti in pridobiti trenutno veljavne podatke iz uradnih javno dostopnih virov.

Po letenju :

1. Preveri gorivo! Če je v rezervoarjih manj kot ½ goriva obvezno dotoči !

2. Preveri da so izključeni vsi el.porabniki, MAGNETI OFF, gorivo zaprto, ključi letala in črpalke pa na svojem mestu. Pospravi vse osebne stvari in osebno opremo iz letala.

3. Obvezno očisti letalo zunaj in znotraj. Za čiščenje zunanjih površin letala uporabljaj čisto vodo ali vodo z dodatkom blagih tekočih detergentov. Za čiščenje prozornih površin vedno uporabljajte le čisto vodo. Vodo in/ali čistilno raztopino nanašaj z mehko krpo ali gobo. Prepričaj se da krpa ali goba nista MASTNI. Vse površine temeljito izperi in obvezno obriši z mehko krpo do suhega !!! Vsa potrebna oprema, čistila in orodje so v omari UL sekcije v hangarju.

4. Zaščiti propeler, pilotovo cev in namesti prevleko za kabino!

5. Zakleni letalo in ključe letala pospravi v torbico !

6. Pospravi letalo v hangar, ne puščaj letala na soncu !

7. Zaključi knjigo letala in vpiši kronometražo v računalnik.

8. Po potrebi obvesti Upravnika o stanju letala in opažanjih med letom

Page 4: Minimum Personal Pilot Checklist – LCM Sekcija ULN (Pdf)

Minimum Personal Pilot Checklist Aviate–Navigate–Communicate

Letalski Center Maribor – UL sekcija Stran 4/11 Vse informacije so informativne narave! Uporabljate jih izključno na lastno odgovornost ! Verzija Julij 2012 Piloti so dolžni pred vsako izvedbo poleta preveriti in pridobiti trenutno veljavne podatke iz uradnih javno dostopnih virov.

Nujne VFR frekvence EMERGENCY (EN) (SLO) H24

121.500 MHZ

VFR general 123.50 LJ INFORMATION (FIS Ljubljana) (EN) (SLO) 0700 – 1600 (0500 - 1900)*



118.000 / 135.275 MHZ 118.750 / 136.000 MHZ (Tel: +386 4 5951 447)

LJPZ TOWER/APP (EN) (SLO) MON - SUN: 0700 – 1500 (0630 - 1800)*

124.875 MHz ( Tel : +386 5 6175 500 )

LJMB TOWER / APP (EN) (SLO) MON - SUN: 0700 - 1900 (0600 - 1800)* LCM klubska frekvenca

119.20 (Tel: +386 2 62 91 169 )

134.30 122.50 (v primeru ko LJMB TWR ne dela)

ATIS LJLJ 128.175 112.70


124.40 MHZ 132.885 MHZ 132.600 MHZ, 128.700 MHZ


119.30 MHZ 126.125 MHZ 126.325 MHZ, 122.275 (local)


135.050 MHZ


124.375 MHZ


120.70 MHZ

RIJEKA 119.00 MHZ Če na posamezni frekvenci v SLO ne dobiš odgovora kontaktiraj: LJ INFO : 118.475 MHZ APP LJUBLJANA : 135.275 MHZ, 136.000 MHZ

Page 5: Minimum Personal Pilot Checklist – LCM Sekcija ULN (Pdf)

Minimum Personal Pilot Checklist Aviate–Navigate–Communicate

Letalski Center Maribor – UL sekcija Stran 5/11 Vse informacije so informativne narave! Uporabljate jih izključno na lastno odgovornost ! Verzija Julij 2012 Piloti so dolžni pred vsako izvedbo poleta preveriti in pridobiti trenutno veljavne podatke iz uradnih javno dostopnih virov.

Nujne transponder (squawk) code VFR General EU: 7000 Emergency code: 7500: Ugrabitev Emergency code: 7600: Okvara radijske zveze Emergency code: 7700: Splošna nevarnost – letalo v sili Nujne telefonske številke ARO LJUBLJANA (H24) +386 (0)4 5951 430/431

ARO MARIBOR +386 (0)2 6291 169


+386 (0)5 6175 500

LCM – Upravnik +386 41 757 331 LCM - inštruktor Policija 113 Splošna nujna številka (EU) 112 Nujne številke v tujini:

Austria Emergency 112 Ambulance: 144 Police: 133

Madžarska Emergency call centre: 112 Ambulance: 104 Police: 107

Hrvaška Emergency call centre: 112 Ambulance: 94 Police: 92 (when calling from abroad or by mobile phone, call +385 1 987)

Italia Carabinieri's service 112 Emergency Police Help 113

Domači telefoni: (vpiši domače številke)    


Page 6: Minimum Personal Pilot Checklist – LCM Sekcija ULN (Pdf)

Minimum Personal Pilot Checklist Aviate–Navigate–Communicate

Letalski Center Maribor – UL sekcija Stran 6/11 Vse informacije so informativne narave! Uporabljate jih izključno na lastno odgovornost ! Verzija Julij 2012 Piloti so dolžni pred vsako izvedbo poleta preveriti in pridobiti trenutno veljavne podatke iz uradnih javno dostopnih virov.

LETALIŠČA SLO Opis Oznaka Call SIGN Frekvence RWY Dimensions Elevation Open hours ( * -

summer) ARO METEO

ICAO ID of RWY ( m / ft ) PHONE

Letališče Maribor LJMB Maribor APP 119.20 134.30

14 / 32 ASPH 2500x45 267m / 876ft MON - SUN: 0700 - 1900 (0600 - 1800)*

Tel:+386 2 6291 169 Tel:+386 2 6296 871

Maribor TWR 119.20 134.30

14 / 32 Grass 1200x60 Fax:+386 2 6292 749 Fax:+386 2 6296 873

LJ-INFO 118.475

LCM 122.50

Letališče Jožeta Pučnika – Brnik

LJLJ Ljubljana APP 135.275 136.000

12 / 30 ASPH 3300x45 388m / 1273ft GAC – General Aviation Centre MON - FRI: 0500 - 1900 (0400 - 2000)* SAT, SUN and Holidays: 0700 - 1900 (0600 - 1800)* tel: +386 4 2061 492;

tel: +386 4 2061 609 Tel+386 4 2804 500

Ljubljana TWR 118.000 118.750

Fax: +386 4 2023 851 Fax: +386 4 2804 518

Ljubljana GND 121.625

LJ-INFO 118.475

Letališče Portorož LJPZ Portoroz APP 124.875 15 / 33 ASPH 1200x30 2m / 6.5ft MON-SUN: 0700 - 1500, (0630 - 1800)*

Tel:+386 5 6175 500 Tel:+386 5 6179 120

Portoroz TWR 124.875 Fax:+386 5 6722 520 Fax:+386 5 6179 124

LJ-INFO 118.475

Ljubljana APP 135.275, 136.000

Letališče Novo Mesto

LJNM Novo Mesto 123.50 05 / 23 Grass 1400x50 169m / 555ft MON-SUN: 0700 - 1700 +386 (7) 33 22 222

Letališče Celje LJCL Celje 128.80 11 / 29 Grass 900x100 244m / 801ft MON-SUN: 0700 - 1700 +386 3 547 2030

Letališče Ptuj LJPT Ptuj 122.50 11 / 29 Grass 2300x100 214m / 701ft MON-SUN: 0700 - 1700 +386(0) 2 74 08 302

Page 7: Minimum Personal Pilot Checklist – LCM Sekcija ULN (Pdf)

Minimum Personal Pilot Checklist Aviate–Navigate–Communicate

Letalski Center Maribor – UL sekcija Stran 7/11 Vse informacije so informativne narave! Uporabljate jih izključno na lastno odgovornost ! Verzija Julij 2012 Piloti so dolžni pred vsako izvedbo poleta preveriti in pridobiti trenutno veljavne podatke iz uradnih javno dostopnih virov.

Letališče Murska Sobota

LJMS Sobota 123.50 09 / 27 Grass 1200x80 184m / 604ft MON-SUN: 0700 - 1700 +386 2 523-10-80

01 / 19 Grass 900x55

Letališče Slovenj Gradec

LJSG Slovenj Gradec 123.50 14 / 32 ASPH 1200x23 500m / 1640ft MON-SUN: 0700 - 1700 +386 (2) 88 53 630

14 / 32 Grass 1200x40

Letališče Šoštanj LJSO Šoštanj 128.30 15 / 33 ASPH 700x18 380m / 1247ft +386 041/470-340

Letališče Lesce LJBL Lesce 123.50 14 / 32 ASPH 1130x23 504m / 1657ft MON-SUN: 0700 - 1700 Tel: +386 4 53 20 100

Letališče Postojna LJPO Postojna 123.50 02 / 20 Grass 750x60 530m / 1738ft Tel: +386 5 7264 151

Letališče Divača LJDI Divača 123.50 13 / 31 ASPH 800x18 431m / 1414ft Tel: +386 41 262 726

12 / 30 Grass 800x40 Fax:+386 1 5198 784

Letališče Bovec LJBO Bovec 123.50 07 / 25 Grass 900x40 434m / 1424ft +386 41 798 422

+386 41 604 854

Letališče Ajdovščina

LJAJ Ajdovščina 123.50 09 / 27 Grass 1200x60 117m / 384ft Tel: +386 5 7264 151

Letališče Cerklje LJCE Cerklje 127.750 118.550

09 / 27 ASPH 09 / 27 Grass

1200x45 1200x30

156m / 504ft Vojaško letališče , nujno preveri NOTAM-e


Izven delovanja AD

Page 8: Minimum Personal Pilot Checklist – LCM Sekcija ULN (Pdf)

Minimum Personal Pilot Checklist Aviate–Navigate–Communicate

Letalski Center Maribor – UL sekcija Stran 8/11 Vse informacije so informativne narave! Uporabljate jih izključno na lastno odgovornost ! Verzija Julij 2012 Piloti so dolžni pred vsako izvedbo poleta preveriti in pridobiti trenutno veljavne podatke iz uradnih javno dostopnih virov.

VZLETIŠČA SLO Opis Oznaka Call SIGN Frekvence RWY Dimensions Elevation Open hours ( * -

summer) ARO METEO

ICAO ID of RWY ( m / ft ) PHONE

Vzletišče Zagorje Ruardi

Zagorje 123.50 04 / 22 Grass 450x20 332m / 1090ft Obvezna najava na mobitel !!!


Vzletišče Sl.Konjice - LOČE

LJSK Loče 123.50 126.60

16 / 34 Grass 800x60 274m / 899ft 03 759 20 30

Vzletišče Libeliče Libeliče 123.50 04 / 22 Grass 350+300x18 440m / 1444ft 041 469 545

Mihalovec Dobova Dobova 123.50 15 / 33 Grass 450x20 142m / 466 ft +386 41 478525

Imeno Imeno 123.50 01 / 19 Grass 650x50 189m / 620 ft Bližina državne meje !!!

Nazarje – Zg.Pobrežje

Nazarje 123.50 09 / 27 Grass 370x30 372m / 1220 ft O41/624 771 – g. Stanko Kopušar

Veržej Veržej 123.50 04 / 22 Grass 1000x30 179m / 578 ft V smeri 04 pazi na daljnovod !

Priložje Priložje 123.50 04 / 22 Grass 520x30 168m / 551 ft Šolski krog je vedno severozahodni¸. Nikoli ne preleti reke Kolpe !!!

Šentvid Šentvid 123.50 14 / 32 Grass 560x30 314m / 1030 ft Vzletišče se nahaja v TMA Ljubljana! Preveri NOTAM!

Mostje – Lendava Lendava 123.50 14 / 32 Grass 450x30 161m / 528 ft

Cerkvenjak Cerkvenjak 123.50 16 / 32 Grass 700x15m 227m / 745 ft

Page 9: Minimum Personal Pilot Checklist – LCM Sekcija ULN (Pdf)

Minimum Personal Pilot Checklist Aviate–Navigate–Communicate

Letalski Center Maribor – UL sekcija Stran 9/11 Vse informacije so informativne narave! Uporabljate jih izključno na lastno odgovornost ! Verzija Julij 2012 Piloti so dolžni pred vsako izvedbo poleta preveriti in pridobiti trenutno veljavne podatke iz uradnih javno dostopnih virov.


Vir: VFR pomočnik 31MAY2012.pdf   http://www.sloveniacontrol.si/informacije/vfr‐pomocnik_2

Page 10: Minimum Personal Pilot Checklist – LCM Sekcija ULN (Pdf)

Minimum Personal Pilot Checklist Aviate–Navigate–Communicate

Letalski Center Maribor – UL sekcija Stran 10/11 Vse informacije so informativne narave! Uporabljate jih izključno na lastno odgovornost ! Verzija Julij 2012 Piloti so dolžni pred vsako izvedbo poleta preveriti in pridobiti trenutno veljavne podatke iz uradnih javno dostopnih virov.


1 Ambrož pod Krvavcem (AS 85) 031 712 318 2 Donacka gora pri Rogatcu (AS 94) 031 712 309 3 Gajševsko jezero pri Ljutomeru (AS 46) 031 787 795 4 Kobala pri Tolminu (AS 101) 041 646 319 5 Kobariški Stol nad Breginjem (AS 76) 041 646 324 6 Konjiška gora pri Slovenskih Konjicah (AS 91) 031 558 334 7 Kope nad Slovenj Gradcem (AS 38) 041 646 318 8 Kovk nad Ajdovščino (AS 142) 031 599 306 9 Krim nad Ljubljanskim barjem (AS 146) 031 411 480 10 Kriška gora nad Tržicem (AS 83) 051 215 914 11 Kuk pri Livku nad Kobaridom (AS 99) 031 704 901 12 Lisca nad Sevnico (AS 133) 031 704 903 13 Malic nad Laškim (AS 112) 031 704 906 14 Mariborsko Pohorje (AS 41) 031 712 308 15 Mrzlica nad Trbovljami (AS 111) 031 428 911 16 Porezen nad Cerknim (AS 102) 041 646 342 17 Ratitovec nad Sorico (AS 103) 031 712 306 18 Ravna gora pri Halozah - Hrvaška (AS 96) 00385 917 660 879 19 Slivnica nad Cerknico (AS 165) 031 787 798 20 Srednji vrh nad Ilirsko Bistrico(AS 198) 031 704 908 21 Uršlja gora (Plešivec) nad Slovenj Gradcem (AS 62) 041 646 344 22 Vogel nad Bohinjem (AS 79) 041 684 202 23 Žužem 031 264 955

Vir: http://www.sffa.org/index.php/meteo‐postaje   

Page 11: Minimum Personal Pilot Checklist – LCM Sekcija ULN (Pdf)

Minimum Personal Pilot Checklist Aviate–Navigate–Communicate

Letalski Center Maribor – UL sekcija Stran 11/11 Vse informacije so informativne narave! Uporabljate jih izključno na lastno odgovornost ! Verzija Julij 2012 Piloti so dolžni pred vsako izvedbo poleta preveriti in pridobiti trenutno veljavne podatke iz uradnih javno dostopnih virov.

Pretvorbe enot

1 NM = 1.852 km 1 km = 0.54 NM 1 m = 3.281 ft 1 ft = 0.3048m

1 ft/s = 0.3048 m/s 1 Knot (NM/h) = 1.852 km/h

1 NM = 1.151 SM 1 SM = 0.87 NM

1 m/s = 3,6 km/h 1 km/h = 0.278 m/s Celzija Fahrenheit Tc = (5/9)*(Tf-32)

Fahrenheit Celzija Tf = (9/5)*Tc+32 Na karti : 1 : 500.000 1 cm = 5 km / 2.7NM 1 min (90 KT)= 5.5mm 5 min (90 KT)= 27.8mm 1 min (100 KT)= 6.17mm 5 min ( 100 KT)= 30.9mm 1 : 250.000 1 cm= 2.5km / 1.35NM 1 min (90 KT)= 11.11mm 5 min (90 KT)= 55.6mm 1 min (100 KT)= 12.35mm 5 min ( 100 KT)= 61.7mm

TAS – IAS = Increase your indicated airspeed (IAS) by 2% per thousand feet of altitude to obtain the true airspeed (TAS).

Cu Baza (m)= (T-Tdew)*123

Page 12: Minimum Personal Pilot Checklist – LCM Sekcija ULN (Pdf)



















Page 13: Minimum Personal Pilot Checklist – LCM Sekcija ULN (Pdf)


Kandidat : ___________________________________ 1. MOTOR Moč motorja: 80 KM Max. obrati / priporočeni obrati: 5800 / 5500 RPM Kapaciteta rezervoarjev: 60 litrov Neuporabno gorivo v rezervoarjih: 3 litre

Min. pritisk olja: 0,2 bar CHT normalna: 110 EGT normalna: 650 - 800


Hitrost najboljšega planiranja: 59 Knt Hitrost najboljšega vzpenjanja: 70 Knt Najboljši kot vzpenjanja pri 48 Knt

Maneverska hitrost pri polni teži 73 Knt Max. Hitrost z II. Stopnjo flapov 59 Knt Max. hitrost bočne komp. Vetra: 15 kts

Višina, nad katero moramo upoštevati omejitev hitrosti glede na TAS? 3000 ft Minim. Hitrost z izvleč. Flapi (II.stop.): 34 Knt Max. hitrost: 130 Knt Minim. Hitrost (brez flapov): 39 Knt Max. dviganje: 6,2 m/s Max. hitrost za izvlačenje zrač. zavor: 86 Knt Max. finesa: 24 3. OPREMA ZA LETENJE IN POGOJI Minimalna oprema potrebna za letenje: brzinomer, višinomer, kompas, obratomer Poraba goriva: 10 litrov / uro Vrsta goriva: 95 okt. Dolžina vzletne steze (500 metrov QNH): 120 m Pod kakšnimi pogoji lahko leti UL Virus 912? Dnevno VFR letenje Datum: _________________________

Opravil : DA NE Pregledal:

Page 14: Minimum Personal Pilot Checklist – LCM Sekcija ULN (Pdf)

1. MOTOR Moč motorja: 100 KM Max. obrati v zraku/na zemlji: 5800 / 5500 RPM Temperatura olja: min 50ºC – max: 130 ºC Temp. glav cilindrov (CHT): min: 80 ºC - max: 150 ºC 2. GORIVO Vrsta goriva: 95 okt Kapaciteta rezervoarja: 110 l, od tega neuporabno gorivo: 3 l Poraba goriva v horiz. letu pribl.: 18 litrov / uro 3. HITROSTI IN ZMOGLJIVOSTI Min. hitrost brez flapov: 45 kts Min. hitrost z 2. Stopnjo flapov: 34 kts Max. hitrost: 165 kts Max. hitrost v turbulentni atmosferi: 119 kts Max. hitrost s I. stopnjo flapov: 75 kts Max. Hitrost z II. stopnjo flapov 65 kts Max. hitrost bočne komp. vetra: 6 kts Hitrost vzpenjanja po poletanju: 65 kts Hitrost v finalu: s 1.stopnjo flapov: 65 kts, z 2. stopnjo flapov: 55 kts Najboljša finesa: 1 : 15 Hitrost najboljše finese: 70 kts 4. TEŽA Max. skupna teža letala: 475 kg Min. teža posadke: 70 kg Max. obremenitev enega sedeža: 110 kg 5. OPREMA ZA LETENJE IN POGOJI Minimalna oprema potrebna za letenje: brzinomer, višinomer, obratomer, kompas


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Jurčičeva 8I, 2000 Maribor Športno društvo

1.) Prevle čen let – postopek izravnavanja!

- zmanjšati vpadni kot s potiskom kontrolne palice naprej - dodati polno moč motorja - vzpostaviti horizontalni let

2.) Izravnavanje letala iz kovita (zvrt, vrij)!

- Odvzemite popolnoma moč motorja. - Zaustavite vrtenje z nasprotnim pedalom. - Palico popustite naravnost naprej (ne je potisniti). - Ko se vrtenje ustavi, postavite pedala v nevtralni položaj. - Izravnati v vodoravni let.

3.) Odpoved motorja na poletanju!

- Zagotoviti hitrost (palica naprej) - pristajati v osi steze ob izogibanju morebitnim oviram. - zapreti ventile dotoka goriva. - Kontakt ključ na pozicijo “OFF”. - zavijamo max. 45 stopinj levo ali desno

4.) Odpoved motorja na varni višini!

- zagotovite hitrost plovilu. - izberite najboljši teren za pristajanje.

Če imate dovolj višine preverite: - kontakt ključavnica v položaju II. - stikali magnetov v položaju ON. - nivo goriva. - ventili dovodov goriva odprti. - poskusimo ponovno zagnati motor. - če motor še vedno ne deluje izvedemo izvenletališki pristanek

5.) Izvenletališki pristanek!

- Zaprite dovode goriva - Ključ v kontaktni ključavnici zavrtite v pozicijo OFF - Previdno pristanite in pri tem vzdržujte parametre hitrosti - Po pristanku zapustite letalo

6.) Požar motorja na zemlji!

- Zapreti oba ventila dovodov goriva - Zavreti letalo in dodati poln plin motorja - Odklopiti akumulator iz tokokroga (potegniti obroček pri stikalih na inst. plošči) - Kontakt ključ v poziciji “OFF” takoj po zaustavitvi motorja - Zapustiti letalo in začeti z gašenjem

Page 16: Minimum Personal Pilot Checklist – LCM Sekcija ULN (Pdf)

7.) Požar motorja med letom! - zapreti dovod goriva in izključiti magnete - dodati poln plin - Odklopiti akumulator iz tokokroga (potegniti obroček pri stikalih na inst. plošči) - ventilacija zaprta - bočno drsenje stran od ognja - pripraviti se za izvenletališki pristanek 8.) Dim v kabini!

- ključ glavnega stikala na srednjo pozicijo - odklopiti akumulator iz tokokroga (potegniti obroček pri stikalih na inst. plošči) - čimprej pristati. V primeru, da je dihanje oteženo in vidijivost iz kabine zelo poslabšana zaradi dima, odprite vrata kabine in jih pustite naj valovijo v zračnem toku.

9.) Zaledenitev vplinja čev!

- zmanjšamo višino - izvedemo postopek izvenletališkega pristanka.

10.) Pomen kod transponderja – 7500, 7600 in 7700!

7500 – Ugrabitev 7600 – Odpoved radijske postaje 7700 – Letalo v sili

11.) Odpoved radijske postaje izven CTR! Ne vstopamo v CTR, temveč izvedemo pristanek na drugem letališču.

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14 VIRUS www.pipistrel.siREV. 0

15VIRUSwww.pipistrel.siREV. 0

Operational velocities

Speed limits

Velocity TAS [km/h (kts)] Remarks

Vmax Maximum permitted horizontal speed 240 (130)

Never exceed this speed in horizontal flight. When flying close to the Vmax never use more than one third of controls' deflecions.

VNE Velocity never to be exceeded 249 (134)

Never exceed this speed. Should the VNE be exceeded, land as soon as possible and have the aircraft verified for airworthiness by authorised service personnel.

VRA Maximum safe velocity in rough air 141 (76)

Exceed this speed in calm air only and even then with great caution.

VA Manoeuvering velocity 141 (76) Do not use rough or full stick and rudder deflecions above this speed.

VFE Max. velocity flaps extended 130 (70)

Do not exceed this speed with flaps extended.

VAE Max. velocity of airbra-ke extention 160 (86)

Do not extend spoilers above this speed.

Airspeed indicator markings

MARKING TAS [km/h (kts)] Definition

white arc 64 -130(34 - 70)

Speed range where flaps may be extended. Lower end is defined as 110% of VS (stall speed in landing configuration at MTOM), upper end of speed range is limited by VFE (see above).

green arc 66 -141(36 - 76)

Speed range of normal operation. Lower end is defined as 110% of VS1 (stall speed at MTOM with flaps in neutral position), upper end is limited by VRA (see above).

yellow arc 141 - 240(76-130)

Manouvre the aircraft with great caution in calm air only.

red line 240 - 249 (130 - 134)

Maximum speed allowed.

blue line 130 (70) Best climb rate speed (VY)

Indicated airspeed (IAS) to true airspeed (TAS) relationAirspeed indicator measures the difference between total and static pressure (also called dynamic pressure), which does not only change as speed increases, but is also linked with altitude. Flying at high altitudes, where the air is getting thinner, results in misinterpreting airspeed which is being indicated. The indicated airspeed value is actually lower than the true airspeed to which the aircraft is exposed. The higher you fly, the bigger the

IntroductionThis chapter provides information about operational restrictions, instrument markings and basic knowledge on safe operation of aircraft, engine and on-board appliances.


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46 VIRUS www.pipistrel.siREV. 0

47VIRUSwww.pipistrel.siREV. 0

Additional technical dataVirus Model 912 stall speed (flaps extended) 64 km/h (34,5 kts)

stall speed (flaps retracted) 72 km/h (39 kts)

cruise speed (75% power) 225 km/h (122 kts)

max. speed with spoilers extended 160 km/h (86 kts)max. speed with flaps in 1st position 130 km/h (70 kts)

max. speed with flaps in 2nd position 110 km/h (59 kts)

manoeuvring velocity Va 141 km/h (76 kts)

max. permitted horizontal speed (Vmax) 240 km/h (130 kts)

VNE 249 km/h (134 kts)

best climb-over-distance ratio speed Vx 90 km/h (48 kts)

best climb rate speed Vy 130 km/h (70 kts)

max. climb rate at MTOM 6,2 m/s (1240 fpm)

climb rate at 140 km/h 5,9 m/s (1180 fpm)

minimum sink speed 96 km/h (52 kts)

minimum sink rate (BAM 2 prop.) 2,24 m/s (450 fpm)

minimum sink rate (VARIO prop.) 1,85 m/s (370 fpm)

max. sink rate with spoilers extended 5,8 m/s (1160 fpm)

best lift-over-drag ratio speed 110 km/h (59 kts)best lift-over-drag ratio (BAM 2 prop.) 1:21best lift-over-drag ratio (VARIO prop.) 1:24lift-over-drag ratio at 150 km/h (VARIO prop.) 1:14takeoff runway length at MTOM (VARIO prop.) 95 m (310 ft)

takeoff runway length at MTOM over 15 m obst. 172 m (565 ft)

service ceiling at MTOM 8100 m (26.500 ft)45° left to 45° right - bank to bank time 3,1 sendurance (incl. 10% reserve) 5,7hfuel flow at cruise speed 9,5 l/hrange at cruise speed 1100 kmmax. wing load factors +4 G -2 G

WARNING! Wing and propeller surfaces must be immaculately clean, dry and undamaged at all times. As all airfoils are laminar any impact spots, bumps and even a dirty (incl. water, snow...) surface may significantly lower flight performance. Stall speed, takeoff and landing runway length, sink rates and fuel consumption increase, while climb rates, ceiling, lift-over-drag ratio and endurance decrease. Some of the these are effected by as much as 30%!

Noise levelsNoise levels are measured from the ground. The aircraft at MTOM must fly over the microphone at a height of 150 meters (500 feet), exactly at VNE, with engine power needed to maintain horizontally rightened flight. All versions of Virus 912’ noise levels measured in such manner have been officially assessed to be below 65 dB.


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14 VIRUS www.pipistrel.siREV. 0

15VIRUSwww.pipistrel.siREV. 0Limitations

200 108

210 113

220 119

230 124

240 130

250 135

260 140

270 146

280 151

290 156

300 162

310 167

320 173

330 178

340 184

350 189

360 194

370 200

380 205

390 211

400 216

03000 6000 9000 12000 15000 18000 21000 24000 27000 30000

1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000km/h kts

pressure altitude


e A


ed (T


IAS=220 km/h (119 kts)

IAS=240 km/h (130 kts)


100 54

110 59

120 65

130 70

140 76

150 81

160 86

170 92

180 97

190 103

200 108

210 113

220 119

230 124

240 130

250 135

260 140

270 146

280 151

03000 6000 9000 12000 15000 18000 21000 24000 27000 30000

1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000km/h kts

pressure altitude



d A


ed (I



TAS=225 km/h (122 kts)

TAS=250 km/h (135 kts)

The graph below shows which indicated airspeed (IAS) must be maintained to keep the true air-speed (TAS) constant Note that true airspeed (TAS) is constant along the entire servicable altitude range! (VNE for Virus is 249 km/h (134 kts) TAS. Note how VNE decreases at higher altitudes!)

IAS & TAS graphs (standard ICAO atmosphere)

WARNING! Above pressure altitude of 1000 meters (3300 ft) all speed limits (see previous page) MUST be treated as True AirSpeed (TAS). Indicated AirSpeed (IAS) MUST be reduced accordingly (see graphs above)!!!

Hint: You can draw your own lines for other speeds on these graphs. At 0 meters (0 feet) start at the desired IAS (1st graph) or TAS (2nd graph) and follow the same line curvature.

The graph below shows how TAS changes in relation to pressure altitude. Note that the indicated air-speed (IAS) is constant along the entire servicable altitude range! (Vmax for Virus is 240 km/h (130 kts) TAS)

difference between IAS and TAS. Be aware of this effect especially when flying at high altitude at high speeds, not to exceed VNE unawarely. Bear in mind this can happen even with the indicator still pointing within the yellow arc! However, for flight planning purposes TAS is the most accurate speed, which then can be corrected by eventual tail/head wind component to obtain the aircraft’s ground speed (GS).

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16 VIRUS www.pipistrel.siREV. 0

17VIRUSwww.pipistrel.siREV. 0Limitations

Engine, fuel, oilEngine manufacturer: ROTAXEngine type: ROTAX 912 UL

The engine

TEMPERATURE °C / ROTAX ENGINE 912 ULcylinder head temp. (CHT); minimum, working, highest 80; 110; 150max. CHT difference /exhaust gas tempetarure (EGT); normal, max. 650-800; 900max. EGT difference 30air intake temperature (AIR); highest 40cooling fluids temperature (WATER); minimum, highest 50; 110oils temperature (OIL TEMP); minimum, normal, highest 50; 90-110; 140

RPM, PRESSURE 912 ULoil pressure (OIL PRESS); lowest, highest 0,2; 6,0engine revolutions (RPM); on ground recommended 5500RPM on ground; max. allowable 5800magneto check at (RPM) 4000max. single magneto drop (RPM) 300

Fuel and oil

ROTAX ENGINE 912 ULrecommended fuel unleaded super

fuel to be discouraged from usingleaded* or


recommended oilAPI SJ SAE


*Engine life is reduced. Should you be forced to used this kind of fuel, change of engine oil every 50 flight hours is crucial. Please consult the manufacturer on which type of oil to use.

IMPORTANT!Four-stroke engines should only be powered by unleaded fuel, for lead sedimentation inside the en-gine shortens its life. Provided you are unable to use unleaded fuel, make sure engine oil and the oil filter are replaced every 50 flight hours.

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T L - 2000 Sting Carbon s/n 07 ST 233

Page 11 of 45

• Measure the distance of axle of the main undercarriage from the axle of the front wheel Lb in millimeters

• Measure the distance of leading edge of the wing with a plum bob from the axle of the main undercarriage La in millimeters

• Measure the vertical distance of the point of balance from the axle of main undercarriage Lt by the formula: Lt=Go*Lb/Gvzl

• Measure the distance of the point of balance from the leading edge of the wing Xt by the formula: Xt=La-Lt

• Calculate the front center of gravity in percents by the formula X%=Xt/SAT*100

1.4.2. Weighing the airplane for the backmost center of gravity

Pilot’s seat and the seat next to the pilot must be occupied with maximum weight of the crew, also the fuel tank must be full and the useful load must have the maximum weight.

The procedure of measuring and weighing is the same as detecting the front center of gravity

2. Operating restrictions

2.1. Flight operation speeds and position fault of the Air Speed Indicator Presented speeds of the flight apply to the maximum take off weight of 450kg and at the conditions of the sea level by the MSA. The speeds are presented in kilometers per hour and Knots.

Take off speed

Climb speed


Accession landing (approach)

The speed of bearing the surface (landing)

Maximum speed of horizontal flight

Never never-exceed speed Vne

Maximum speed at turbulence

Stalling speed with no flaps

Stalling speed with flaps 35degrees - 2nd grade flap

Maximum speed for extending the 1st grade flaps Vfe

Maximum speed for extending the 2nd grade flaps Vfe



























Vne is the never-exceed speed, which the airplane cannot be flown over

Vfe is the maximum speed for extending the flaps; there are the same speed restrictions for the flight with extended flaps as for their extension.

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Stari hangar













L: Maribor approach, S5-PDG, dober dan T: SDG, dober dan, go ahead L: SDG on delta, request taxi for traffic patterns T: SDG, QNH…, line up for 15, wind…, (requested altitude…), report ready for departure L: QNH…, lining up 15, wilco, SDG

L: SDG ready for departure T: SDG, cleared for take off RWY 15, wind…, after departure turn left, altitude 1000 feet, report down wind L: Cleared for take off, after departure turn left, wilco, SDG

Horizont. let, plin 22 inch., zakrilca -1, trimaj

L: SDG left down wind for 15, request touch and go T: SDG continue, report before left base ali: SDG, extend down wind, report before left base L: continue down wind, wilco, SDG ali: extending down wind, wilco, SDG

Po vzletu rahlo popusti palico, plin 27 inch, 60 kts, zakrilca 0

Zakrilca 1, v 3-4 sek. poln plin, vzlet

Odvzemi plin, zmanjšaj hitrost pod 73 kts, zakrilca 0, hitrost 60 kts

L: SDG before left base for 15 T: SDG, cleared for touch and go, wind... ali: SDG, continue, report final ali: extend down wind, due to... L: cleared for touch and go, SDG ali: continuing down wind, wilco, SDG ali: extending down wind, traffic in sight, SDG

Popusti palico, zakrilca 1, 60 kts

Zavore, palica naprej, 60 kts, zračne zavore

L: final for 15, SDG T: SDG, cleared for touch and go, RWY 15, wind... L: cleared for touch and go, RWY 15, SDG

LJMB - levi (vzhodni) šolski krog za stezo 15

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Stari hangar















P: Maribor approach, S5-PEC, dober dan T: S-EC, dober dan, go ahead P: S-EC on delta, request taxi for traffic patterns T: S-EC, QNH…, line up RWY 15, SQ 3331, report ready for departure P: QNH…, lining up 15, wilco, S-EC

P: SEC ready for departure T: SEC, cleared for take off RWY 15, after departure turn left, report before left base P: Cleared for take off, after departure turn left, willco, SEC

Horizont. let, plin 25 inch, korak 4600 obratov, trimaj

P: S-EC left down wind for 15, request touch and go T: S-EC continue, report before left base ali: S-EC, extend down wind, report before left base P: continue down wind, wilco, S-EC ali: extending down wind, wilco, S-EC

Po vzletu rahlo popusti palico, 65 kts, zmanjšaj plin na 26 inch,, zakrilca 0, 4900 rpm,

Zakrilca 1, v 3-4 sek. poln plin, dvigni sprednje kolo pri 40 kt

Zmanjšaj polnjenje 15 inch, zmanjšuj hitrost na 85 kt, nastavi mali korak, proračun, plin po potrebi

P: S-EC before left base for 15 T: S-EC, cleared for touch and go, wind... ali: S-EC, continue, report final ali: extend down wind, due to... P: cleared for touch and go, S-EC ali: continuing down wind, wilco, S-EC ali: extending down wind, traffic in sight, S-EC

Hitrost - zakrilca, I. stopnja

Zakrilca II. stopnja, hitrost 62 kts, odvzemi plin, pazi na zavore!

P: SEC final for 15 T: SEC, cleared for touch and go, RWY 15, wind... P: cleared for touch and go, RWY 15, S-EC

LJMB - levi (vzhodni) šolski krog za stezo 15

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METAR and TAF are concise textual formats used for transmitting weather reports and forecasts for aviation purposes. The codes are not very complex, butthey contain elements which may be hard to decipher for a layman. The following is intended as an unofficial reference for reading the codes. I initially wrotethis page for myself as an aid for learning METAR decoding. The information has been collected from various web sites around the Internet.

METAR is a report describing the current weather conditions at a location. A METAR message consists of several space-separated groups of alphanumericalcharacters, describing various aspects of the present weather: wind, visibility, temperature etc. Here is what a METAR looks like:

UEEE 072000Z 00000MPS 0150 R23L/0500 FG VV003 M50/M53 Q1028

This rather extreme example is an actual observation made at the airport of the Siberian city of Yakutsk on 2004-12-07 at 20:00 UTC. After having learnedhow to decode METARs, you will probably agree that Yakutsk is one of the coldest cities on Earth! See Wx-Now for current extreme temperatures aroundthe world.

The following table describes the components of a METAR message, group by group. A minimal METAR contains information about wind, visibility, clouds,temperature and pressure in addition to observing location and issuing time. Other phenomena are reported when needed.

Group Format Explanation ExampleStationIdentifier

CCCC CCCC: the four-letter ICAO code for the observing location EFHK

Date and Time YYGGggZ

YY: day of monthGGgg: hours (00–23) and minutes (00–59), in UTCZ: Denotes UTC time.




AUTO: The report was made automatically without human intervention orsupervision.COR: The report was corrected.



ddd: Wind direction (true heading), rounded to nearest ten degrees and alwaysexpressed as three digits. Direction can be given as VRB if wind direction isvariable and wind speed is at most 3 knots.ff: Average wind speed of last 10 minutes in knots.fmfm: Maximum gust wind speed in knots.


METAR and TAF decoding http://stoivane.iki.fi/metar/

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Group Format Explanation Example

If it is calm, the wind is given as 00000KT.

In addition to knots, wind speed may also be indicated in meters per second or kilometersper hour. In that case, MPS or KMH will be used instead of KT.

Variable WindDirection


dndndn: The left extreme of wind direction.dxdxdx: The right extreme of wind direction.

This field is used if the total variation of wind direction during the last 10 minutes is 60° ormore and wind speed is more than 3 knots. The direction extrema are given in clockwiseorder.





VVVV: The minimum horizontal visibility in meters. If the visibility is better than10 km, 9999 is used. 9999 means a minimum visibility of 50 m or less.VxVxVxVx: The maximum horizontal visibility in meters.Dv: In case of marked directional variation in visibility, the approximate directionof minimum and maximum visibility is given as one of eight compass points (N,SW, …)

Usually, only the minimum visibility is reported. If the minimum is less than 1500 m andthe maximum is over 5000 m, the maximum visibility and its direction are indicated by asecond visibility group following the minimum visibility.

In the United States, visibility is given in statutes miles and fractions. In that case, formatVVVVVSM is used.


Runway VisualRange



DRDR: Runway designator. Parallel runways are distinguished by appending L, Cor R to runway designator.VRVRVRVR: Runway visibility in meters. If the visibility varies significantly, bothminimum and maximum values are specified, separated by V. Prefixes P (plus)and M (minus) indicate the actual value being greater or smaller than themaximum or minimum measurable value.i: The tendency of visibility change can be indicated by D (down), U (up) or N(no change).




w′w′: Description of a weather phenomenon, consisting of following components:Qualifier, either - (light), + (heavy) or VC (in vicinity, i.e. not onlocation but within 8000 m)


METAR and TAF decoding http://stoivane.iki.fi/metar/

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Group Format Explanation ExampleDescriptor

MI: ShallowBC: PatchesPR: PartialDR: DriftingBL: BlowingSH: ShowersTS: ThunderstormFZ: Freezing

PrecipitationDZ: DrizzleRA: RainSN: SnowSG: Snow grainsIC: Ice crystalsPL: Ice pelletsGR: HailGS: Small hail / snow pelletsUP: Unknown

ObscurationBR: Mist (visibility > 1000 m)FG: Fog (visibility < 1000 m)FU: SmokeVA: Volcanic ashDU: Widespread dustSA: SandHZ: HazePY: Spray

OtherPO: Well developed dust/sand whirlsSQ: SquallFC: Funnel cloud+FC: Tornado / water spoutSS: SandstormDS: Dust storm


NsNsNs: Cloud amount. One of the following:FEW: Few (1/8–2/8)



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Group Format Explanation Example


SCT: Scattered (3/8–4/8)BKN: Broken (5/8–7/8)OVC: Overcast (8/8)

VV: The sky is obscured.hshshs: Height of cloud base or the extent of vertical visibility (VV) in hundredsof feet above field elevation. If height was not measured, /// is used instead.SKC: Sky clear.NSC: No significant clouds. There are no clouds below 1500 m and noCumulonimbus at any height.CLR: No clouds below 3600 m (used in automatic observations).

If a cloud layer consists of Cumulonimbus or towering Cumulus, CB or TCU is appendedafter cloud base height.


Short for “Ceiling and visibility OK”. The visibility, weather and cloud groups can bereplaced by CAVOK if the following conditions are fulfilled:

Visibility is 10 km or betterNo clouds below 5000 ftNo Cumulonimbus at any altitudeNo significant weather phenomena (see Present Weather above).


Temperatureand Dew Point


T′T′: The temperature rounded to nearest whole degree Celsius.T′dT′d: The dew point rounded to nearest whole degree Celsius.

Negative temperature or dew point is indicated by prefix M.04/M02


PHPHPHPH: The mean sea level pressure (“QNH”) in hectopascals (hPa). In somecountries like United States and Canada, pressure is given in inches andhundredths. In such reports, prefix Q is replaced by A.



REw′w′ w′w′: Weather phenomenon code (see Present Weather above) RETSRA


DRDR: Runway designator, see Runway Visual Range. WS RWY11L

TrendConsists of following keywords andother METAR components.

BECMG: BecomingTEMPO: Temporarily



METAR and TAF decoding http://stoivane.iki.fi/metar/

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Group Format Explanation ExampleNOSIG: No significant change expected in 2 hoursAT: AtFM: FromTL: Until


RemarksRMK followed by METARcomponents and miscellaneousabbreviations.


29015 KT

METAR Runway Report

METAR reports may include runway reports which contain information about snow/water coverage and friction coefficient. A runway report consists ofeight digits in five groups (RRRRERCReReRBRBR) with the following interpretation:


Runway designator. Thenumerical identifier of therunway in question. 88 means allrunways, 99 indicates repetitionof previous report.

If there are two parallel runways,the right one is indicated byadding 50 to its number. Forexample, runway 04L (or 04) isdenoted by 04, whereas 54 meansrunway 04R.

Type of deposit on runway.

0: Clear and dry1: Damp2: Wet or puddles3: Frost4: Dry snow5: Wet snow6: Slush7: Ice8: Compacted snow9: Frozen ridges/: Not reported

Extent of deposit.

1: 1–10 %2: 11–25 %5: 26–50 %9: 51–100 %

Depth of deposit.

00: Less than 1 mm01…90: The depth inmillimeters92: 10 cm93: 15 cm94: 20 cm95: 25 cm96: 30 cm97: 35 cm98: 40 cm99: Runway not in use

Friction coefficient or brakingaction

01…90: Frictioncoefficient times 100.For example, 37indicates a frictioncoefficient of 0.37.91: Poor brakingaction92: Poor/mediumbraking action93: Medium brakingaction94: Medium/goodbraking action95: Good brakingaction99: Unreliablemeasurement//: Not given

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Note: CLRD may replace elements t, e and dd if the runway has been cleared of deposits. For example, 54CLRD95 means runway 04R cleared, braking actiongood.

Whereas METAR describes the current weather conditions, a TAF message contains forecast information. Many of the elements are similar to those used inMETARs. An example of a (short) TAF message:

EFHK 171627Z 180018 33004KT 9999 FEW040 TX22/12Z TN10/02Z

The first two groups (EFHK 171627Z) are identical to METAR groups: location identifier and issuing day & time.

The third group (180018) tells the period for which the forecast is given. The first two numbers denote day of month. The next four numbers give the validityhours. In this example, the forecast is valid from midnight to 18:00. After these code groups, a description of the forecast weather phenomena follows.

The following table contains keywords characteristic for TAF messages. Remember that in TAFs and METARs all times are given in UTC.

Group ExplanationBECMG aabb A gradual change in weather between aa and bb hours.

TEMPO aabb Temporary (less than 60 min) changes in weather between aa and bb hours.

FMhhmm A quick (in less than 60 min) change in weather occurring at hh hours and mm minutes.

TLhhmm A change in weather by hh hours and mm minutes.

AThhmm A change in weather occurring at hh hours and mm minutes.

PROB pp Following weather will take place with a probability of pp percent.

NSW No significant weather.

Ttt/hhZ The temperature is predicted to be tt degrees Celsius at hh hours.

TXtt/hhZ The maximum temperature is predicted to be tt degrees Celsius at hh hours.

TNtt/hhZ The minimum temperature is predicted to be tt degrees Celsius at hh hours.

Other TAF groups are similar to those found in METARs.

The U.S. National Weather Service provides access to METAR and TAF reports at their Aviation Digital Data Service site.

METAR and TAF decoding http://stoivane.iki.fi/metar/

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Conversion tables

kilometers per hour (km/h) - knots (kts) - metres per sec. (m/s)

km/h kts m/s km/h kts m/s km/h kts m/s

1,853 1 0,37 63,00 34 18,34 124,16 67 36,15

3,706 2 1,07 64,86 35 18,88 126,01 68 36,69

5,560 3 1,61 66,71 36 19,42 127,87 69 37,23

7,413 4 2,15 68,56 37 19,96 129,72 70 37,77

9,266 5 2,69 70,42 38 20,50 131,57 71 38,31

11,11 6 3,23 72,27 39 21,04 133,43 72 38,86

12,97 7 3,77 74,12 40 21,58 135,28 73 39,39

14,82 8 4,31 75,98 41 22,12 137,13 74 39,93

16,67 9 4,85 77,83 42 22,66 198,99 75 40,47

18,53 10 5,39 79,68 43 23,20 140,84 76 41,01

20,38 11 5,93 81,54 44 23,74 142,69 77 41,54

22,23 12 6,47 83,39 45 24,28 144,55 78 42,08

24,09 13 7,01 85,24 46 24,82 146,40 79 42,62

25,94 14 7,55 87,10 47 25,36 148,25 80 43,16

27,79 15 8,09 88,95 48 25,90 150,10 51 43,70

29,65 16 8,63 90,80 49 26,44 151,96 82 44,24

31,50 17 9,17 92,66 50 26,98 153,81 83 44,78

33,35 18 9,71 94,51 51 27,52 155,66 84 45,32

35,21 19 10,25 96,36 52 28,05 157,52 85 45,86

37,06 20 10,79 98,22 53 28,59 159,37 86 46,40

38,91 21 11,33 100,07 54 29,13 161,22 87 46,94

40,77 22 11,81 101,92 55 29,67 163.08 88 47,48

42,62 23 12,41 103,77 56 30,21 164,93 89 48,02

44,47 24 12,95 105,63 57 30,75 166,78 90 48,56

46,33 25 13,49 107,48 58 31,29 168,64 91 49,10

48,18 26 14,03 109,33 59 31,83 170,49 92 49,64

50,03 27 14,56 111,19 60 32,37 172,34 93 50,18

51,80 28 15,10 113,04 61 32,91 174,20 94 50,12

53,74 29 15,64 114,89 62 33,45 176,05 95 51,26

55,59 30 16,18 116,75 63 33,99 177,90 96 51,80

57,44 31 16,72 118,60 64 34,53 179,76 97 52,34

59,30 32 17,26 120,45 65 35,07 181,61 98 52,88

61,15 33 17,80 122,31 66 35,61 183,46 99 53,42


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knots (kts) - metres per second (m/s)

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 90 0 0,51 1,02 1,54 2,05 2,57 3.08 3,60 4,11 4,6310 0,51 5,65 6,17 6,66 7,20 7,71 8,23 8,74 9,26 9,7720 10,28 10,80 11,31 11,83 12,34 12,86 13,37 13,89 14,40 14,9130 25,43 15,94 16,46 16,97 17,49 18,00 18,52 19,03 19,54 20,0640 20,57 21,09 21,60 22,12 22,63 23,15 23,66 24,17 24,69 25,2050 25,72 26,23 26,75 27,26 27,76 28,29 28,80 29,32 29,83 30,3560 30,86 31,38 31,89 32,41 32,92 33,43 33,95 34,46 34,98 35,4970 36,00 36,52 37,04 37,55 38,06 38,58 39,09 39,61 40,12 40,6480 41,15 41,67 42,18 42,69 43,21 43,72 44,24 44,75 45,27 45,7890 46,30 46,81 47,32 47,84 48,35 48,87 49,38 49,90 50,41 50,90

metres per second (m/s) - feet per minute (100 ft/min)



100 ft/min



0,50 1 1,96 10,66 21 41,33 20,82 41 80,70

1,01 2 3,93 11,17 22 43,30 21,33 42 82,67

1,52 3 5,90 11,68 23 45,27 21,84 43 84,64

2,03 4 7,87 12,19 24 47,24 22,35 44 86,61

2,54 5 9,84 12,75 25 49,21 22,86 45 88,58

3,04 6 11,81 13,20 26 51,18 23,36 46 90,53

3,55 7 13,78 13,71 27 53,15 23,87 47 92,52

4,06 8 15,74 14,22 28 55,11 24,38 48 94,48

4,57 9 17,71 14,73 29 57,08 24,89 49 96,45

5,08 10 19,68 15,24 30 59,05 25,45 50 98,42

5,58 11 21,65 15,74 31 61,02 25,90 51 100,4

6.09 12 23,62 16,25 32 62,92 26,41 52 102,3

6,60 13 25,51 16.76 33 64,96 26,92 53 104,3

7,11 14 27,55 17,27 34 66,92 27,43 54 106,2

7,62 15 29,52 17,78 35 68,89 27,94 55 108,2

8,12 16 31,49 18,28 36 70,86 28,44 56 110,2

8,63 17 33,46 18,79 37 72,83 28,95 57 112,2

9,14 18 35,43 19,30 38 74,80 29,46 58 114,1

9,65 19 37,40 19,81 39 76,77 29,97 59 116,1

10,16 20 39,37 20,32 40 78,74 30,48 60 118,1


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ICAN (international comitee for air navigation) temperatures, relative pressure, relative density and CAS to TAS correction factors as related to altitude

Altitude Temperature Relative pressure

Relative density

Cor. factorsfeet metres °C °F

-2.000 -610 18,96 66,13 1,074 1,059 0,971

-1 -305 16,98 62,56 1,036 1,029 0,985

0 0 15 59 1 1 1

1.000 305 13,01 55,43 0,964 0,971 1,014

2.000 610 11,03 51,86 0,929 0,942 1,029

3.000 914 9,056 48,30 0,896 0,915 1,045

4.000 1219 7,075 44,73 0,863 0,888 1,061

5.000 1524 5,094 41,16 0,832 0,861 1,077

6.000 1829 3,113 37,60 0,801 0,835 1,090

1.000 2134 1,132 34,03 0,771 0,810 1,110

8.000 2438 -0,850 30,47 0,742 0,785 1,128

9.000 2743 -2,831 26,90 0,714 0,761 1,145

10.000 3090 -4,812 23,33 0,687 0,738 1,163

11.000 3353 -6,793 19,77 0,661 0,715 1,182

12.000 3658 -8,774 16,20 0,635 0,693 1,201

13.000 3916 -10,75 12,64 0,611 0,671 1,220

14.000 4267 -12,73 9,074 0,587 0,649 1,240

15.000 4572 -14,71 5,507 0,564 0,629 1,260

16.000 4877 -16,69 1,941 0,541 0,608 1,281

17.000 5182 -18,68 -1,625 0,520 0,589 1,302


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metres (m) to feet (ft) conversion table



metres (m)

feet (ft)



0,304 1 3,280 10,36 34 111,5 20,42 67 219,81

0,609 2 6,562 10,66 35 114,8 20,72 68 223,09

0,914 3 9,843 10,97 36 118,1 21,03 69 226,37

1,219 4 13,12 11,27 37 121,3 21,33 70 229,65

1,524 5 16,40 11,58 38 124,6 21,64 71 232,94

1,828 6 19,68 11,88 39 127,9 21,91 72 236,22

2,133 7 22,96 12,19 40 131,2 22,25 73 239,50

2,438 8 26,24 12,49 41 134,5 22,55 74 242,78

2,743 9 29,52 12,80 42 137,7 22,86 75 246,06

3,048 10 32,80 13,10 43 141,1 23,16 76 249,34

3,352 11 36,08 13,41 44 144,3 23,46 77 252,62

3,657 12 39,37 13,71 45 147,6 23,77 78 255,90

3,962 13 42,65 14,02 46 150,9 24,07 79 259,18

4,267 14 45,93 14,32 47 154,1 24,38 80 262,46

4,572 15 49,21 14,63 48 157,4 24,68 81 265,74

4,876 16 52,49 14,93 49 160,7 24,99 82 269,02

5,181 17 55,77 15,24 50 164,1 25,29 83 272,31

5,48 18 59,05 15,54 51 167,3 25,60 84 275,59

5,791 19 62,33 15,84 52 170,6 25,90 85 278,87

6,096 20 65,61 16,15 53 173,8 26,21 86 282,15

6,400 21 68,89 16,45 54 177,1 26,51 87 285,43

6,705 22 72,17 16,76 55 180,4 26,82 88 288,71

7,010 23 75,45 17,06 56 183,7 27,12 89 291,99

7,310 24 78,74 17,37 57 187,0 27,43 90 295,27

7,620 25 82,02 17,67 58 190,2 27,73 91 298,55

7,948 26 85,30 17,98 59 193,5 28,04 92 301,83

8,220 27 88,58 18,28 60 196,8 28,34 93 305,11

8,530 28 91,86 18,59 61 200,1 28,65 94 308,39

8,830 29 95,14 18,89 62 203,4 28,90 95 311,68

9,144 30 98,42 19,20 63 206,6 29,26 96 314,96

9,448 31 101,7 19,50 64 209,9 29,56 97 318,24

9,750 32 104,9 19,81 65 213,2 29,87 98 321,52

10,05 33 108,2 20,12 66 216,5 30,17 99 324,80

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air pressure as related to altitude

altitude (m) pressure (hPa)

pressure (inch Hg)

altitude (m) pressure (hPa)

pressure (inch Hg)

-1000 1139,3 33,6 1300 866,5 25,6

-950 1132,8 33,5 1350 861,2 25,4

-900 1126,2 33,3 1400 855,9 25,3

-850 1119,7 33,1 1450 850,7 25,1

-800 1113,2 32,9 1500 845,5 25,0

-750 1106,7 32,7 1550 840,3 24,8

-700 1100,3 32,5 1600 835,2 24,7

-650 1093,8 32,3 1650 830 24,5

-600 1087,5 32,1 1700 824,9 24,4

-550 1081,1 31,9 1750 819,9 24,2

-500 1074,3 31,7 1800 814,8 24,1

-450 1068,5 31,6 1850 809,8 23,9

-400 1062,3 31,4 1900 804,8 23,8

-350 1056,0 31,2 1950 799,8 23,6

-300 1049,8 31,0 2000 794,9 23,5

-250 1043,7 30,8 2050 790,0 23,3

-200 1037,5 30,6 2100 785,1 23,2

-150 1031,4 30,5 2150 780,2 23,0

-100 1025,3 30,3 2200 775,3 22,9

-50 1019,3 30,1 2250 770,5 22,8

0 1013,3 29,9 2300 165,7 22,6

50 1007,3 29,7 2350 760,9 22,5

100 1001,3 29,6 2400 756,2 22,3

150 995,4 29,4 2450 751,4 22,2

200 989,4 29,2 2500 746,7 22,1

250 983,6 29,0 2550 742,1 21,9

300 977,7 28,9 2600 737,4 21,8

350 971,9 28,7 2650 732,8 21,6

400 966,1 28,5 2700 728,2 21,5

450 960,3 28,4 2750 723,6 21,4

500 954,6 28,2 2800 719 21,2

550 948,9 28,0 2850 714,5 21,1

600 943,2 27,9 2900 709,9 21,0

650 937,5 27,7 2950 705,5 20,8

700 931,9 27,5 3000 701,0 20,7

750 926,3 27,4 3050 696,5 20,6

800 920,0 27,2 3100 692,1 20,4

850 915,2 27,0 3150 687,7 20,3

900 909,0 26,9 3200 683,3 20,2

950 904,2 26,7 3250 679,0 20,1

1000 898,7 26,5 3300 674,6 19,9

1050 893,3 26,4 3350 670,3 19,8

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ICAO standard atmosphere










d 1/S d Vsn*106 (m2/s)

-1000 -3281 21,5 294,5 1,022 854,6 11619 1,124 0,137 1,347 1,099 0,957 344,2 13,4

-900 -2953 20,8 293,8 1,020 844,7 11484 1,111 0,136 1,335 1,089 0,958 343,9 13,5

-800 -2625 20,2 293,2 1,018 835 11351 1,098 0,134 1,322 1,079 0,962 343,5 13,6

-700 -2297 19,5 292,5 1,015 825,3 11220 1,085 0,133 1,310 1,069 0,967 343,1 13,7

-600 -1969 18,9 291,9 1,013 815,7 11090 1,073 0,132 1,297 1,058 0,971 342,7 13,8

-500 -1640 18,2 291,2 1,011 806,2 10960 1,060 0,131 1,285 1,048 0,976 342,4 13,9

400 -1312 17,6 290,6 1,009 796,8 10832 1,048 0,129 1,273 1,039 0,981 342 14,0

300 -984 16,9 289,9 1,006 787,4 10705 1,036 0,128 1,261 1,029 0,985 341,6 14,1

200 -656 16,3 289,3 1,004 779,2 10580 1,024 0,127 1,249 1,019 0,990 341,2 14,3

100 -328 15,6 288,6 1,002 769,1 10455 1,011 0,126 1,237 1,009 0,995 340,9 14,4

0 0 15 288 1 760 10332 1 0,125 1,225 1 1 340,5 14,5

100 328 14,3 287,3 0,997 751,0 10210 0,988 0,123 1,213 0,990 1,004 340,1 14,6

200 656 13,7 286,7 0,995 742,2 10089 0,976 0,122 1,202 0,980 1,009 339,7 14,7

300 984 13,0 286,0 0,993 133,4 9970 0,964 0,121 -1,191 0,971 1,014 339,3 14,8

400 1312 12,4 285,4 0,991 724,6 9852 0,953 0,120 1,179 0,962 1,019 338,9 14,9

500 1640 11,1 284,7 0,988 716,0 9734 0,942 0,119 1,167 0,952 1,024 338,5 15,1

600 1969 11,1 284,1 0,986 707,4 9617 0,930 0,117 1,156 0,943 1,029 338,1 15,2

700 2297 10,4 283,4 0,984 699,0 9503 0,919 0,116 1,145 0,934 1,034 337,8 15,3

800 2625 9,8 282,8 0,981 690,6 9389 0,908 0,115 1,134 0,925 1,039 337,4 15,4

900 2953 9,1 282,1 0,979 682,3 9276 0,897 0,114 1,123 0,916 1,044 337 15,5

1000 3281 8,5 281,5 0,977 674,1 9165 0,887 0,113 1,112 0,907 1,049 336,6 15,7

1100 3609 7,8 280,8 0,975 665,9 9053 0,876 0,112 1,101 0,898 1,055 336,2 15,8

1200 3937 7,2 280,2 0,972 657,9 8944 0,865 0,111 1,090 0,889 1,060 335,8 15,9

1300 4265 6,5 279,5 0,970 649,9 8835 0,855 0,110 1,079 0,880 1,065 335,4 16,0

1400 4593 5,9 278,9 0,968 642,0 8728 0,844 0,109 1,069 0,872 1,070 335 16,2

1500 4921 5,2 278,2 0,966 634,2 8621 0,834 0,107 1,058 0,863 1,076 334,7 16,3

1600 5249 4,6 277,6 0,963 626,4 8516 0,824 0,106 1,048 0,855 1,081 334,3 16,4

1700 5577 3,9 276,9 0,961 618,7 8412 0,814 0,106 1,037 0,846 1,086 333,9 16,6

1800 5905 3,3 276,3 0,959 611,2 8309 0,804 0,104 1,027 0,838 1,092 333,5 16,7

1900 6234 2,6 275,6 0,957 603,7 8207 0,794 0,103 1,017 0,829 1,097 333,1 16,9

2000 6562 2 275 0,954 596,2 8106 0,784 0,102 1,006 0,821 1,103 332,7 17,0

2100 6890 1,3 274,3 0,952 588,8 8005 0,774 0,101 0,996 0,813 1,108 332,3 17,1

2200 7218 0,7 273,7 0,950 581,5 7906 0,765 0,100 0,986 0,805 1,114 331,9 17,3

2300 7546 0,0 273,0 0,948 574,3 7808 0,755 0,099 0,976 0,797 1,120 331,5 17,4

2400 7874 -0,6 272,4 0,945 576,2 7710 0,746 0,098 0,967 0,789 1,125 331,1 17,6

2500 8202 -1,2 271,7 0,943 560,1 7614 0,736 0,097 0,957 0,781 1,131 330,7 17,7

2600 8530 -1,9 271,1 0,941 553,1 7519 0,727 0,096 0,947 0,773 1,137 330,3 17,9

2700 8858 -2,5 270,4 0,939 546,1 7425 0,718 0,095 0,937 0,765 1,143 329,9 18,0

2800 9186 -3,2 269,8 0,936 539,3 7332 0,709 0,094 0,928 0,757 1,149 329,6 18,2

2900 9514 -3,8 269,1 0,934 532,5 7239 0,700 0,093 0,918 0,749 1,154 329,2 18,3


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Getting StartedDisplay

Getting Started

This guide describes the operation of the SL40 VHF Communication Transceiver.

DisplayThe 1-line by 16-character display is composed of 5x7 dot matrix alphanumeric high

intensity LEDs. A photocell is located in the top left corner of the front panel display. The photocell automatically controls the intensity of the display from low brightness at night to high brightness during daylight operation. Brightness levels may also be controlled manually.

SL40 Display and Control Description

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Detailed OperationSystem Functions

System Functions

The SL40 includes a number of System Functions that give you more information about your com-munication equipment. Press and hold the MON button for about three seconds to reach the System Function. Turn the Large, outer knob to display the available functions. Adjustments are made with the Small, inner knob. Press the MON button again to exit the System Functions.

Software VersionThe Software version is available for reference when you contact Technical Support. SW VER x.xx

Software Version

System Function Summary

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Getting StartedDetailed Operation

RFLvl 123

RF Level

RF LevelThe RF Level function shows the relative signal strength of the frequency you are listening to. The

range displayed is between 0 and 255. The value will constantly change as you are viewing it as signal conditions change.

System Functions

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Detailed Operation

Noise LevelThe Noise Level function shows the relative received noise level of the frequency you are listening

to. The range displayed is between 0 and 255. The value will constantly change as you are viewing it as signal conditions change.

Headphone LevelThe Headphone Level function allows you to adjust the headphone audio level. Turn the Small knob

to change the value. Setting the value to 0 slaves the headphone audio level to the volume control knob. The range is from 0 to 255.

Mic Squelch 1 and 2The input level required to break squelch by the microphone is set from this page. Lower numbers

indicate a higher input level necessary to break squelch. Turn the Small knob to change the value. The range is from 0 to 127.

Transmit MicThe Transmit Microphone page allows you to control which microphone is permitted to transmit. You

may choose Mic 1, 2, or both. To adjust the Transmit Mic control: 1. Press and hold the MON button for about two seconds. This will access the System Functions mode.2. Rotate the Large knob to display the Transmit Mic page. 3. Rotate the Small knob to select MIC1, MIC2, or MIC1+MIC2. 4. Press any key to exit the Setup Functions mode. 5. Select an appropriate frequency, key the transmitter, and talk into the microphones to check for the

intended operation.


Noise Level

Hdphone Lvl 100

Noise Level

Mic1 Sqlch 100

Mic Squelch Level

Transmit Mic 1

Transmit Mic Selection

System Functions

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Intcom Lvl 100

Intercom Level

Sidton Lvl 100

Sidetone Level

Lo Dsp Lvl 0

Low and High Display Levels

Hi Dsp Lvl 50

Intercom LevelThis function adjusts the Intercom Audio Level. Turn the Small knob to change the value. The range

is from 0 to 255. Setting the value to 0 slaves the sidetone level to the volume control knob.

Sidetone LevelThis function displays and adjusts the sidetone audio level. Turn the Small knob to change the value.

The range is from 0 to 255. Setting the value to 0 slaves the sidetone level to the volume control knob.

Display BrightnessAs it arrives from the factory, the SL40 automatically adjusts its display brightness for the current

lighting conditions. A small sensor at the upper left of the display is used for this function. There are two adjustments available for controlling the brightness level of the display. The first controls the lower brightness level in the automatic adjustment range (Lo Dsp Lvl). This is the brightness used when in total darkness. The second adjusts the upper limit of this range (Hi Dsp Lvl). This is used when bright light is shining on the display.

The factory settings for these are at the limits of the range, 0 (Lo Dsp Lvl) and 50 (Hi Dsp Lvl). The range can be reduced if desired using the inner knob to adjust the two values.

Some users may wish to disable the automatic dimming function. This can be accomplished by set-ting the high display level to zero. Now the low level adjustment will set the brightness of the display directly with no automatic adjustment made based on ambient light.

System Functions

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Mode Selection Keys

OFF Powers off the GTX 327. Pressing STBY, ON, or ALT key powers on the transponder displaying the last active identification code.

STBY Selects the standby mode. When in standby mode, the transponder will not reply to any interrogations.

ON Selects Mode A. In this mode, the transponder replies to interrogations, as indicated by the Reply Symbol ( ). Replies do not include altitude information.

ALT Selects Mode A and Mode C. In ALT mode, the transponder replies to identification and altitude interrogations as indicated by the Reply Symbol ( ). Replies to altitude interrogations include the standard pressure altitude received from an external altitude source, which is not adjusted for barometric pressure. The ALT mode may be selected in aircraft not equipped with an optional altitude encoder; however, the reply signal will not include altitude information.

Any time the function ON or ALT is selected the transponder becomes an active part of the Air Traffic Control Radar Beacon System (ATCRBS). The transponder also responds to interrogations from TCAS equipped aircraft.

Code Selection

Code selection is done with eight keys (0 – 7) providing 4,096 active identification codes. Pushing one of these keys begins the code selection sequence. Digits that are not yet entered appear as dashes. The new code is activated when the fourth digit is entered. Pressing the CLR key moves the cursor back to the previous digit. Pressing the CLR key when the cursor is on the first digit of the code, or pressing the CRSR key during code entry, removes the cursor and cancels data entry, restoring the previous code. The CLR key may be pressed up to five seconds after code entry is complete to return the cursor to the fourth digit. The numbers 8 and 9 are not used for code entry, only for entering a Count Down time and for adjusting contrast and display brightness.

The GTX 327 transponder is powered on by pressing the STBY, ALT, or ON keys, or by a remote avionics master switch (if applicable). After power on, a start-up page is displayed while the unit performs a self test. If the unit detects an internal failure, the screen displays SELF TEST FAILED.

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Keys for Other GTX 327 Functions

IDENT Pressing the IDENT key activates the Special Position Identification (SPI) Pulse for 18 seconds, identifying your transponder return from others on the air traffic controller’s screen. The word IDENT will appear in the upper left corner of the display during this time.

VFR Sets the transponder code to the pre-programmed VFR code selected during installation configuration (this is set to 1200 at the factory). Pressing the VFR key again restores the previous identification code. If the VFR key is pressed when disabled (dependent upon installation configuration) a VFR Key Disabled message appears, to indicate that no operation took place.

FUNC Changes the page shown on the right side of the display. Display includes Pressure Altitude, Flight Time, Count Up, and Count Down timers.

START/STOP Starts and stops the Count Up, Count Down, and Flight timers.

CRSR Initiates starting time entry for the Count Down timer and cancels transponder code entry.

CLR Resets the Count Up, Count Down, and Flight timers. Cancels the previous keypress during code selection and Count Down entry. Returns cursor to the fourth code digit within five seconds after entry.

8 Reduces Contrast and Display Brightness when the respective fields are displayed (dependent upon installation configuration) and enters the number eight into the Count Down timer.

9 Increases Contrast and Display Brightness when the respective fields are displayed (dependent upon installation configuration) and enters the number nine into the Count Down timer.

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NOTE: Transponder options are normally set at time of installation. For changes to the GTX 327 parameters, contact your Garmin authorized service center.

PRESSURE ALT: Displays the altitude data supplied to the GTX 327 in feet, hundreds of feet (i.e., flight level), or meters, dependent upon installation configuration.

FLIGHT TIME: Displays the Flight Time, configured during installation as MANUAL, CLEAR, or ACCUMULATE (see Timer Operation for details). Timer is controlled by the START/STOP and CLR keys when configured as Manual.

COUNT UP TIMER: Controlled by START/STOP and CLR keys.

COUNT DOWN TIMER: Controlled by START/STOP, CLR, and CRSR keys. The initial Count Down time is entered with the 0 – 9 keys.

CONTRAST: This page is only displayed if manual contrast mode is selected during installation configuration. Contrast is controlled by the 8 and 9 keys.

DISPLAY: This page is only displayed if manual backlighting mode is selected.during installation configuration. Backlighting is controlled by the 8 and 9 keys.

Function Display

Altitude Trend IndicatorWhen the PRESSURE ALT page is displayed, an arrow may be displayed to the right of

the altitude, indicating that the altitude is increasing or decreasing. One of two sizes of arrows may be displayed depending on the vertical speed rate. The sensitivity of these arrows is set during transponder installation.

Automatic ALT/STBY Mode SwitchingIf the GTX 327 is configured with Automated Airborne Determination, ALT mode

selection occurs when lift-off is sensed. When the aircraft is on the ground, the transponder automatically selects and displays STBY. The transponder does not respond to ATCRBS interrogations when STBY is annunciated. When a delay time is set (dependent upon installation configuration), the GTX 327 waits the specified length of time after landing before changing to STBY mode.

ADS-B Control (GDL 90)Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) technology improves situational

awareness and flight safety. With ADS-B capabilities, position, velocity, and heading information are automatically transmitted to other aircraft and ground stations. The GTX 327 provides mode control for the optional GDL 90 Universal Access Transceiver (UAT) datalink. The GDL 90 provides ADS-B capabilities.

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Timer Operation

To operate the Flight Timer:

1. Press the FUNC key until FLIGHT TIME is displayed.

2. If the GTX 327 Flight Timer is configured as ACCUMULATE or CLEAR, the timer will begin automatically when the unit senses that the aircraft has become airborne. The timer may be reset to zero at every liftoff (CLEAR), continue accumulating time at liftoff (ACCUMULATE), or may be controlled manually (MANUAL).

3. If desired, press START/STOP to pause or restart the timer.

4. Press CLR to reset the timer to zero.

5. If the timer is configured to start automatically it will pause when the Automated Airborne Determination senses that the aircraft is on the ground.

To operate the Count Up timer:

1. Press the FUNC key until COUNT UP is displayed.

2. If necessary, press CLR to reset the Count Up timer to zero.

3. Press START/STOP to begin counting up.

4. Press START/STOP again to pause the timer.

5. Press CLR to reset the timer to zero.

To operate the Count Down timer:

1. Press the FUNC key until COUNT DOWN is displayed.

2. Press CRSR and use the 0 - 9 keys to set the initial time. All digits must be entered (use the 0 key to enter leading zeros).

3. Press START/STOP begin to counting down.

4. Press START/STOP again to pause the timer.

5. When the Count Down timer expires, the COUNT DOWN banner is replaced with a flashing EXPIRED, and the time begins counting up.

6. Press CLR to reset the timer to the initial time value.

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Kratka navodila

Uporaba Dynon D100 in D120 instrumentov

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1. Izhodišča Dynon D100 (EFIS) je digitalni instrument za prikaz letalnih informacij. Prikazuje lahko: Airspeed (IAS, TAS), Attitude, Altitude, Turn Coordinator, Gyro Stabilized Compass (DG+), Vertical Speed, Voltmeter, Altitude Encoder, Remote Compass, G-meter, HSI, Checklists, Data Logging, Heading and Altitude Bugs, Clock, Timers, OAT, TAS (Density Altitude), Altitude Alerts, Multi Pages (via EMS) Opcijsko: GPS Derived Data (Ground track, wind vector), Angle of Attack , Autopilot, Glide Slope (with appropriate radio), Battery Backup Dynon D120 (EMS) je digitalni instrument za prikaz informacij o stanju motorja in ostalih tipal. Prikazuje lahko informacije iz naslednjih senzorjev: 6xEGT, 6xCHT, 4xFuel Level, RPM, MAP, Oil TEMP, OIL Pres, Fuel Pres, Fuel Flow, Amps, Volts, OAT, Coolant TEMP, Coolant PRES, Carburetor TEMP, 2xContact Input, Flaps Indicator, Trim Indicator Vsebujeta še računalnik porabe goriva, snemanje parametrov leta in motorja (Data Logging) in sistem alarmov. Vsak zase ima svoje senzorje (EFIS:tlačne,giro ter EMS:motorne), obdelavo poda-tkov in prikaz na svojem zaslonu. V kolikor sta med sabo povezana preko DSAB (Dynon Smart Avionics Bus) vodila imasta možno prikazati svoje informacije na drugem zaslonu in obratno. 2. Vklop & izklop Vklop:

a) Prižgite motor po predpisani proceduri b) S stiklom AVIONICS vključite oba instrumenta c) Takoj preverite pritisk olja d) Potrdite morebitne alarme

Izklop: a) S stiklom AVIONICS izključite oba instrumenta b) Ugasnite motor po predpisani proceduri c) V kolikor je še (opcija) vgrajena BACKUP baterija, dokončno potrdite izklop

instrumenta Opozorilo: - nastavitev instrumentov pustite za sabo v stanju, ki je predpisan s strani LCM

(osnovne dogovorjene nastavitve) in - nikakor se ne »igrajte« z instrumenti ob neprižganem motorju, ker se vam

zna zgoditi, da boste nehote izpraznili skromen Virusov akumulator .

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3. Standardni, prvi zaslon, navigiranje med zasloni Prvi zaslon, po vključitvi instrumenta: LEVI:EFIS D100 – 2/3 prikazuje EFIS podatke, 1/3 EMS podatke DESNI:EMS D120 – prikazuje le EMS podatke

S tipkami (1) in (6) na vsakem instrumenti nastavljamo vnaprej nastavljene zaslone.

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V naprej nastavljeni zasloni (obstaja možnost spremembe): D100-EFIS:

a) 2/3 EFIS informacije, 1/3 EMS b) Le EFIS informacije c) Le EMS informacije d) 2/3 EFIS informacije, 1/3 HSI


a) Le EMS informacije b) 1/3 EFIS informacije, 2/3 EMS c) Le EFIS informacije d) 2/3 EMS informacije, 1/3 Časi ali FUEL computer

Primer ostalih zaslonov:

Ob pritisku tipk (2) do (5) vsaka tipka pridobi na izbran MENU svoj pomen:

Izhod iz menija je tipka EXIT.

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4. Nastavitev tlaka Z eno izmed tipk (2) in (5) pridete do EFIS menija. Nato:

- izberete tipko BARO - na zaslonu se prikaže trenutno nastavljen tlak

- s tipko UNITS izberite enoto med IN HG ter mb (milibari) - s tipkama DEC– in INC+ zmanjšujete ali povečujete nastavitev tlaka - s tipko 29.92 (ali 1013) lahko izberete takojšnjo nastavitev za standardni tlak - s tipko BACK izberete izhod iz menija (in potrdite nastavitev)

5. Pomembne informacije D100 EFIS 5.1 LEVI STOLPIČ: Airspeed tape, digital readout, and trend The airspeed tape scrolls beneath the airspeed digital readout and arrow. The digital readout’s digits scroll up and down, simulating an analog airspeed indicator and giving a sense of the increase or decrease in speed. The EFIS-D100 is factory-calibrated to be accurate for airspeeds between 15 and 325 knots (17 to 374 mph). As airspeed increases from 0 knots, the indicator becomes active at 20 knots. The indicator remains active until airspeed drops below 15 knots. The EFIS-D100 may display airspeeds above 325 knots, but it is not guato be accurate. 5.2 SREDINA zaslona: Horizon line, pitch and roll indicators Bounded on the top by blue, and on the bottom by brown, the horizon line behaves in much the same way as a traditional gyro-based artificial horizon. Unlike a mechanical artificial horizon, the EFIS-D100’s horizon has no roll or pitch limitation. The roll scale has tic marks at 10, 20, 30, 45, 60, and 90 degrees of roll.

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5.3 DESNO: Altitude tape & VSI Thousands of feet are displayed using large numbers while hundreds of feet are displayed in smaller numbers. The EFISD100 accurately displays altitudes from -1200 to 30,000 ft (-365 to 9144 m). The graphical Vertical Speed Indicator is located next to the altitude tape. The numbers on the scale represent thousands of feet per minute. 5.4 ZGORAJ: Stabilized heading tape , Turn rate indicator Located at the top of the EFIS page, the heading indicator functions much like a standard slaved directional gyro. Roza kurs: GPS ground track indicator Zelen kurz: kurz iz drugega NAV vira (npr. SL30) 5.5. SPODAJ DESNO: Winds aloft arrow Located in the lower right corner of the EFIS page, the winds aloft arrow indicates the wind direction relative to your current direction of flight. The number indicates the current absolute wind speed in the current airspeed units. If the EFIS-D100 cannot make an accurate winds aloft calculation, the arrow is not displayed and the numbers are replaced by dashes. The display of winds aloft requires an active GPS connection and an OAT probe. 5.6 CDI/Glideslope Indicators When the EFIS-D100 is receiving CDI or glideslope information from a GPS or NAV radio, they can be displayed on the main EFIS display as well as the on the full HSI page 5.7 Bugs (markerji) Bugs may be set to mark a desired heading, airspeed, or altitude.

5.8 Slip/skid ball (kroglica)

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5.9 Dodatne informacije na zaslonu Nastavitev v meniju INFO:

Nastavitve za LEVO:

Na zaslonu izgleda: Voltmeter: The voltmeter displays 3 rows of information corresponding to the three power inputs on the EFIS-D100. The first row, labeled M, displays the Master Switch voltage. The second row, labeled E, displays your optional external backup voltage. The third row, labeled I, displays the EFIS-D100 internal battery voltage. If any of the 3 voltage inputs are not present, 00.0V is displayed for the respective voltage values. The letter V follows all three values, denotin being displayed. The EFIS-D100 alerts you when the internal battery is low by displaying a low battery alert. OAT in TAS: The OAT info item displays 3 lines of text, containing outside air temperature, density altitude, and true airspeed. To use the TAS/DA calculator without an OAT installed, manually enter the outside air temperature in the EFIS > OATSET menu. When a temperature is manually input via the OATSET menu, a box is displayed around the temperature in the info item, as shown in the image above. G-meter: VSI (feet/min):

Primer osnovne uporabe EFISa D100 in EMSa D120: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tNMCRj0jbs8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zxEbvKqxGf8&feature=related

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Integra Operation Screen description of complete EFIS

Description of EFIS screen

Bore Sight Digital Speed Indicator Accelerometer Pitch ladder Airspeed Strip HITS

Heading Tape

Turn Rate Indicator

Roll scale

Digital Altitude Indicator

Vertical Speed Indicator (VSI)

The Water Line

Altitude Strip

Reference Pressure

Slip Indicator

AOA Navigation Source Indicator


Roll indicator


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Integra Operation Description of Function - EFIS

Description of function – EFIS

Bore Sight The position of the Arrow indicator or Bore Sight Indicator can be controlled by turning the left knob. If the Arrow turns yellow for few seconds, that indicates the Arrow is in the centre position.

Digital speed indicator Shows you actual speed.

Accelerometer Vertical Acceleration Indicator.

Pitch ladder Is shown by white horizontal lines with a 10 degree scale.


Highway in the sky or Path-In-The-Sky provides situation awareness. The projected path of the aircraft is depicted in a perspective view. The Center point of the HITS display is determined by set altitude and heading bugs in GPS mode. If a navigation source is selected from the GARMIN SL30 the INTEGRA switches to this source of either APR or VOR/LOC as the HITS center point.

Navigation Source Indicator Shows you actual source of navigation.

AOA Angle of Attack Indicator.

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Integra Operation Description of Function - EFIS

Airspeed strip

Indicates the airspeed - To define the airspeed limits, see Setup Menu - The lower green-white border – indicates VS = Stall Speed - The upper green-white border – indicates maximum speed for flaps

extension VFE - The yellow-green border – indicates maximum structural cruising speed

VNO - The red-yellow border – indicates never exceed speed VNE

The speed is also displayed numerically in the numerical airspeed indicator. The units display knots, kilometres, miles – as determined by the user.

Slip Indicator The slip/skid ball works much like a standard mechanical gauge. It is a visual representation of lateral acceleration. If the ball is within the two vertical lines, then you are in coordinated flight.

Reference pressure There is the reference pressure box underneath the altitude strip in milibar, torr or inHg. Rotate the Right Knob to set the value then confirm by pressing the Knob to Set Press.

The Water Line Is indicated by two silver oblong bars.

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Page 30

Integra Operation Description of Function - EFIS

Altitude Strip

Indicates the aircraft altitude based on static air pressure. There are three colours on the altitude strip these colours match the colours displayed by 3D terrain.

Green - parallel to the barrel pointer indicates that the aircraft is 100 meters or

more over terrain.

Yellow - indicates that within a 5km range there is terrain within 100m below the aircraft.

Red - indicates that within a 5km range there is terrain that is higher than

the aircraft’s flight level. The pilot must alter aircraft altitude to avoid collision.

The altitude strip scrolls beside the numerical readout and arrow. The digital simulation of an numerical altimeter scroll up and down giving an indication of of direction and movement. Thousands of feet/meters are displayed using large numbers to the left while hundreds of ft/m are shown in smaller numbers to the right.

� NOTE: The altitude strip only has a 5km range in front of the aircraft.

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Integra Operation Description of Function - EFIS

3D Terrain Colour display

This picture is a logical scheme of the colour configuration of the 3D terrain map in comparison to aircraft altitude.

� NOTE: This information will only be shown with the installation of 3D Terrain.

Vertical Speed Indicator The VSI scale is at the right hand side of the screen next to the altimeter strip Vertical speed in m/s or ft/min (as determined by user). – and is indicated by a Grey Vertical Flag.

Digital Altitude Indicator Shows you actual altitude.

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Integra Operation Description of Function - EFIS

Roll scale 120 degrees of roll, each line indicates 15 degrees variation

Turn Rate Indicator


Omni-Bearing Selector. When using VOR/LOC as source navigation the OBS Omni-bearing selector is shown as a gray ball on the Heading Tape corresponding with the color of the Navigation Source. The OBS indicator appears green when using APR (Approach) as a Navigation Source. When GPS is used as a source the ball is blue and indicates BTW (BEARING TO WAYPOINT). This BTW also determines the centre of the HITS (Highway In The Sky) displayed on the EFIS screen.


Stabilized heading tape and digital readout. Located at the top of the EFIS page, the heading indicator functions much like a standard slaved directional gyro. North, East, South, and West directions are labelled on the tape, “N,” “E,” “S,” and “W,” respectively. The digital readout displays your current heading, while the surrounding tape scrolls beneath its arrow. You may set a magenta bug on this tape as a heading reminder. Like a conventional gyro-stabilized magnetic compass, magnetic heading reacts immediately to turn rate so that heading changes are reflected immediately.

Roll indicator Two little arrows in the middle of the Roll Scale.

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Navigation Section Description of GPS

Description of GPS

Waypoint identifier

Bearing To Waypoint (BTW) indicator

Distance to waypoint this can be expressed in Knots, miles or kilometers –see Set Up Mode


Ground speed

This field shows the value for the Heading bug set by the pilot

Course Deviation Indicator (CDI). When a flight plan is active in the GPS, the CDI indicates how far to the left or right of your selected ground course you are.).

Direction marker

Indicator TO - FROM

Track indicator. This indicates your direction over the ground as reported by the GPS

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BUGS Bugs are a little helping signpost, which indicated parameters of ALT, IAS and HDG as you wish. You can look that the label “TWR” in default menu is changed at “OFF”. If you press this button, you get the default menu without any changes. The value of ALT and SPEED you destine of rotary of left knob. HDG in this menu you can only turn on or turn off, because value of heading is set in default menu. (Described below).


ALT Altitude indicator - the bug setting box will appear in the bottom right hand corner of the display. Set the altitude bug by rotating the

right knob. To set ALT bug push the right knob. To hide the bug indicator depress button with exit/off prompt. The magenta bug indicator will appear on the altitude strip.



Figure 8 - BUGS settings

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HDG Set headings is doing in default menu. Just twist with left knob and a Heading table is displayed on screen.

BUG is set on 180 km/h

BUG is set on 250 deg

BUG is set on 1300 m

Figure 9 - EFIS screen with BUGS

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AIRAC AMDT 009/10 APR 2008

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Športno letališče LC Maribor Letališka cesta 30, 2204 Skoke Tel.: 02 629 62 06, faks: 02 629 62 07 e-pošta: [email protected] Osnovni podatki: Pozicija: 46 28 47.50 N; 015 41 10.07 E Referenčna višina: 267m / 876ft Frekvenca LJMB TWR (APP): 119.2 MHz Klubska frekvenca LC Maribor: 122.50 MHz ( izven operativnih ur LJMB TWR ! ) Asfaltna steza RWY 14/32 2500x45m Travnata steza RWY 14/32 1200x60m

Pomembne tel. številke na športnem letališču: Upravnik LC Maribor: GSM 041 757 331 Vodja servisa LC Maribor: 041 782 598 ARO LJMB: +386 2 6291 169 METEO LJMB: +386 2 6296 871

Vsi podatki so sami informativni ! Piloti so dolžni pred poletom podatke o letališču preveriti v Zborniku letalskih informacij ki ga izdaja Kontrola zračnega prometa Slovenije !

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AIRAC AMDT 011/25 SEP 2008









1. When PSN A is occupied with ACFT wing span over 12M, PSN G1 and G4 are not available and PSN G8 is used as taxilane



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NASLOV / ADRESS AEROKLUB ZAGORJE, Cesta 9. Avgusta 108, 1430 Zagorje

INFO tel: 041-341-464 (0386-41-341-464)


Vzletišče je namenjeno za športna in turistična letala (skupne mase do 2000kg). Letala iz tujine morajo najprej pristati na enem od mednarodnih letališč in po carinjenju in z najavo in dovoljenjem nadaljujejo proti ZAGORJU.

Landing on airstrip permitted for sport and tourist ACFT only (weight up to 2000 kg). Pilot flying to ZAGORJE from abroad are obliged to land first on an international AD for customs and permission before they continue the flight to ZAGORJE.




46008'32'' N 15000'20'' E

VPS RWY 0400-2200

VPS RWY 450 m X 30 m

TODA 450 m

LDA 450 m


Trava Grass


ELEVATION 332 m 1090 ft



FIO LJLJ 04-206-16-09

METEO METEO LJLJ 04-280-45-00




46011'11'' N 14051'58'' E



46007'33'' N 14054'37'' E




46005'38'' N 14057'29'' E

Vas RENKE Village


46004'18'' N 15002'13'' E



46009'19'' N 15003'07'' E



46011'02'' N 15003'48'' E



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OVIRE: V finalu 04 je 250 m pred pragom daljnovod, ki se nahaja pod ravnino steze. 10 m pred pragom steze je cesta. V finalu 22 je 115m pred pragom smrekov gozdiček, katerega vrhovi segajo do ravnine steze. 10m pred pragom je industrijska tovorna cesta, ki vodi do odlagališča na desni strani. OBSTACLES: 250m before threshold in final for 04 there are high tension lines, which are situated below the plane of the airstrip. 115m before the 22 threshold there is a small forest. Peaks of the trees are as high as the surface of the airstrip. 10m before the 22 threshold there is a industrial road which trucks use when off-loading material in the construction site on the right.




ODPIRALNI ČAS glede na predhodni dogovor OPENING HOURS according to advance agreement

BELEŽKE / NOTES • Po deževju se nabirajo luže v prvih petdesetih metrih VPS 04. Informacije o stanji steze bodo posredovane

med telefonsko najavo. • Zaradi naklona steze, ki proti pragu steze 22 pada (povprečni naklon 1,35%) se za pristajanje navadno

uporablja steza 22, kjer je tudi označena točka dotika T (na kateri je pristanek obvezen!) in vizuelne oznake pragu steze, saj je steza višje od terena pred pragom. Za vzletanje se uporablja steza 04. (Uporaba steze 22 za vzletanje je smiselna le pri čelnem vetru nad 10 vozlov).

• Brez predhodne najave uporaba vzletišča STROGO PREPOVEDNA! Karte risane po predlogah Interaktivnega Naravovarstvenega atlasa v skladu z navedenimi Pogoji uporabe. Fotografije: © Zlatko Rizvič